
PengPaste's CLF-like log lines don't go in the log file either.00:15
PengI should just use 'tee'.00:20
PengThat actually worked.00:20
lifelesstee is love00:38
lifelessabentley: around?00:45
lifelessabentley: I think that what I'm proposing can be done using 'mpdiff' at least in part; if the accumulation of A,->B,->C etc is done without including the diff instructions - just including the new lines00:46
lifelessthen I can hold  basis line #->(parent #, line #), and output mpdiff instructions; reconstruction will only ask for the lines included in that set so we can avoid creating intermediary objects beyond creating a ParentText object that has a view on the aggregate basis lines.00:48
lifelessthis will mean that one of the incremental deltas is a well formed mpdiff delta, and we can grab it own its own and reconstitute it locally (the first in such a chain we'd need to do scatter-gather IO to put together its base texts, but after that we'd be laughing)00:49
lifelessthe only problem is that the parents list will grow, so I wouldn't really want to include it per se with each diff, I'd want to have it at the front of some region00:50
* Peng replaces sys.stdout and sys.stderr with a file. Beat that, Paste!00:57
mwhudsonPeng: os.write(1, ...) ?00:59
mwhudsonPeng: which log lines are you complaining about?01:00
mwhudson(oh, and you're using some prehistoric paste anyway, right?)01:00
Pengmwhudson: The ones formatted like an Apache log file.01:00
Pengmwhudson: Probably.01:00
mwhudsonPeng: they should go to the 'wsgi' logger by default01:00
PengI'm using Ubuntu Hardy's Paste 1.6-2.01:00
mwhudsonno then really01:00
PengShould I upgrade?01:01
blueyed_I was just using bzr-builddeb (from trunk; with bzr 1.5.0) and did "merge-upstream". This caused a "ConflictsInTree" error (basically because of a wrong, empty upstream file). So, I did "bzr revert" to get back to the old state, but this reverted the tree back to revision 1! (I just had committed r8 before).01:06
lifelessjames_w: ^01:07
mkanatIsn't there some idiom for "copy this file"?01:08
blueyed_"bzr info -v" says "8 revisions" in "Repository", but only "1 revision" in "Branch history"01:09
lifelessmkanat: we don't support copies-with-history yet01:09
mkanatlifeless: Ah, okay.01:09
=== blueyed_ is now known as blueyed
mkanatI was thinking of svn, which has the reverse idiom (one for mv).01:09
lifelessmkanat: so 'cp + bzr add'01:09
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mkanatlifeless: Fair 'nuf.01:09
lifelessmkanat: unless its between branches, then we can treat it as a mv after all ;)01:10
mwhudsonPeng: no, the messages should go to the 'wsgi' logger01:16
Pengmwhudson: What about exceptions?01:17
mwhudsonPeng: dunno, sorry01:18
mwhudsonutsl? :)01:18
mwhudsonlook at what start-loggerhead.py does for one approach01:21
* mwhudson is no longer here01:21
* lifeless pokes mwhudson 01:22
Pengmwhudson: Thanks for the help.01:26
blueyedlifeless, james_w: I've filed bug 245718 about the issue above01:27
ubottuLaunchpad bug 245718 in bzr-builddeb ""merge-upstream" + ConflictsInTree + "bzr revert" reverted to r1" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/24571801:27
* blueyed should not use "bzr revert" anymore.. ;/01:28
blueyedAny chance that the data can be restored (from the "8 revisions" mentioned for the repository)?01:29
lifelessbzr heads01:29
lifelessits a plugin01:29
blueyeddisplays nothing01:29
lifelesstry -a01:29
lifelesserm --all01:30
blueyed..this displays the revision, which I've committed last.01:30
lifelessI have to go catch a plane01:31
lifelesswhat you need is 'bzr pull -r revid:XXXX --overwrite .' - this will reset you to an arbitrary revision id01:32
lifelessyou just need to figure out what that id is01:32
blueyedlifeless: thx, bye.01:32
blueyedI guess the revid would be the one displayed by "heads --all"?01:33
blueyedyes, it worked. phew.01:34
* Peng crosses his fingers.01:53
nnutterCan anyone link a (graphical) benchmark comparison of recent versions of bzr and hg? Everything I'm finding seems to be pretty ancient.05:05
nnutterWell, thanks anyway. Bye.05:19
=== Tank|Away is now known as Linnk
awilkins_damn_, bzr is faster on Linux09:25
beuno*way* faster  :)09:26
* awilkins goes to try out the 34,000 file tree that is usually quite sluggish on Windows09:26
awilkinsHmm, that seems to be slightly more challenging for it09:27
awilkinsI suppose it was off a USB stick09:29
awilkinsWhee, cold status, 4 seconds, hot status, 0.909:29
awilkinsI almost feel like going in on Monday and claiming that Windows has a fatal data corruption error in it09:30
Laibschbzr-svn does not save the location to pull from for an import via "bzr get $URI"?10:37
james_wblueyed_: yeah, sorry, it's the result of a silly decision in the past.10:54
savvasHow do I change file permissions in bazaar? I've changed the file permissions from -rwxr-xr-x to -rwxr--r--, tried to remove and re-add the file, but the file is still there with the 755 permission. Is there another way to do it?11:47
jelmerLaibsch: Not in earlier versions11:49
awilkinssavvas: AFAIK it tracks the x bit but not the other permissions11:57
awilkinssavvas: And not group permissions, from the look of things11:59
savvashmm thanks11:59
awilkinssavvas: If you remove the public "r" access, then I presume they can't execute it?12:00
savvasawilkins: so if I remove the file, commit, (wait a bit), re-add and commit, it won't change it?12:08
savvaslet me try it again, doesn't hurt heh12:09
awilkinssavvas: I think the permissions are the default ones for your folder, except the x bit, which is either set or unset for all three groups or12:09
awilkinssavvas: It's not entirely unreasonable behaviour ; if you can read the file, you can copy it to a location where you have permission to set the x bit, and run it there, so it possibly doesn't make it very much more secure12:10
awilkins.. to be able to set the x bit on a per-group basis12:12
savvasok thanks12:13
savvasawilkins: so if I got it right, I can add or remove the x bit, but not group-specific? either the file is executable for all groups or it's not, correct?12:27
savvaswell.. I tried removing the file and re-added it with no x bit12:34
savvasbetter this way, at least during development :)12:34
savvasthanks a lot for your help!12:35
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vgeddesis anyone having problems with `bzr log bzr+ssh://...' with bazaar 1.5?15:53
vgeddesbazaar terminates with a lot of debug messages after I run that command15:54
vgeddeshere's the error: http://paste.debian.net/9426/15:55
PengAll I can say is that it WFM with bzr.dev.15:56
pygiworks for me15:57
pygitried 1.6b2?15:58
vgeddesno, i haven't15:59
pygitry it :)15:59
vgeddeshmm, is it stable enough?16:00
PengThe Bazaar developers do a very good job of making sure it always works.16:01
* pygi is using it :)16:01
Peng"WFM" isn't widely-known, but I just got lazy, and it's not like I make sense anyway. ;P16:01
vgeddesyup, 1.6 works for me :)16:12
pygivgeddes, great16:24
taconehello, wha't's the best way for a 1-time import of a svn repo into bzr ?16:27
lifelesstacone: bzr-svn has a svn-import command tat works well16:30
taconeI am manually installing right now, the repo version doesn't supporto bzr 1.50 and seems not to be present in bzr ppa16:31
taconeUnable to load plugin 'svn' from '/home/tacone/.bazaar/plugins'16:33
taconemh, pysvn bindings :-)16:34
lifelesstacone: I'm told that 0.4 is the right branch of bzr-svn to use; it has its own bindings and is faster and less problematic16:40
lifelesstacone: jelmer here is the author, and the FAQ has info16:40
lifelessI have to catch the next leg of my flight; ciao :)16:41
taconeI'll check the faq16:41
taconeI am using 0.4.1016:41
taconefrom the tar.gz which is likely to be the problem16:42
taconeI'll try to check out from the branch. thanks16:42
leo2007hi folks, I am trying to migrate from tortoisesvn to bazaar. One nice feature of tortoisesvn is that it can diff .doc files. any similar feature for bzr?17:18
ScottK-laptopI am trying to push local changes back to launchpad using bzr and get this error: "bzr: ERROR: Cannot lock LockDir(http://bazaar.launchpad.net/%7Ekubuntu-members/guidance/powermanager-ubuntu/.bzr/branch/lock): Transport operation not possible: http does not support mkdir()".17:47
taconeScottK-laptop: looks like you need authentication17:48
ScottK-laptopWould someone please point me in the right direction for how I do this?17:48
ScottK-laptopOK. That makes sense.17:48
taconehave you registered an ssh key for that laptop ?17:48
taconeotherwise no https, so fallback to http happens and bla bla bla17:48
ScottK-laptopNo.  Are there alternative methods?17:48
taconewith launchpad, not to my knowledge, but I asked the same question here some day ago :-)17:49
* ScottK-laptop marks bzr + lp off as still to hard and figures maybe next year.17:50
Stavroshow can i check which revision my WC is in?18:40
taconebzr revno ?18:41
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mathrickword on the street is that bzr-git is back from the dead23:21
mathrickis that true?23:21
PengI heard that too.23:21
* mathrick hopes it is23:22
=== Linnk is now known as Tank|Away

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