
RainCTgood night00:05
crimsunbeDrung: application-specific keycode error?00:06
beDrungcrimsun: means: When typing I'lI get no spaces nor some letters00:08
crimsunbeDrung: and only in FF?00:19
beDrungcrimsun: I only asked because I could not read his description. but after adding spaces to it, I can understand it. ff is affected at least. we should ask him00:22
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emgenti go to sleep, night.01:57
null_vectorI'm adding a manpage to a package but the version is 0.7.6-8build1.  What should the new version be?03:15
dusharawhat should be recorded in the Changelog for a new Ubuntu package? (There's an existing debian changelog with many entries)03:17
crimsunnull_vector: s/build/ubuntu/03:17
null_vectorthanks. forgot to mention previous build was a fake-sync hence the weird version03:32
crimsunthat's ok. :)03:32
crimsunfakesync/rebuild-only, whatev03:32
Ash-Foxhttp://ash-fox.quickfox.org/temp/glfrontierlsb - The weird problems one runs into when trying to make LSB binaries. I hate getting stuck on issues like this, looks like a problem with libc and gcc :<04:38
thrindguys, i am ready to give up control of the wordpress-cli theme09:05
thrindit currently resides at code.google.com/p/wordpress-cli09:06
thrindor should I be trying elsewhere, hints are appreciated09:07
thrindseriously, I am giving this code to you for free, just tell me how to give it to you. I don't want it anymore.09:19
RAOFthrind: This isn't really a particularly likely chanel to want your code.09:20
lagamaybe talk to the wordpress guys if they want it? not sure why ubuntu-motu should maintain your code :)09:20
RAOFAt least, we're not actually (or necessarily) _coders_.  We don't (have to) write software, just package it.09:21
thrindThanks, I'm just asking. Thanks for responding. I'll ask WP, but they had an initial interest followed by a lot of packaging stuff. But thatnks09:22
RAOFA saturday evening isn't likely to be a particularly responsive time on #ubuntu-motu :).09:23
RAOFIf all else fails, you can just leave it with some sufficiently permissive license; if anyone wants it, they can pick it up.09:24
thrindHeh, I tried that; the GPL is included. I figured that someone would at least fork it, but no luck. the kids keep coming back whenever Safari changes09:26
RAOFRight.  The only other thing you can do is have a prominent "I've abandoned this; feel free to contact me if you'd like to work on it, but I'm not going to fix it!" sign :)09:29
thrindNot really. I have supported it for three years but have never had any input, so I thought I'd ask. Sorry for disturbing your eminence there, RAOF. Of course I wanted to be part of the ongoing effort.09:41
thrindbah, upom rereading i was a bit hasty to the affront. Sorry.09:48
RAOFThat's OK.09:49
RAOFIntent can be difficult to read on IRC.  I didn't really notice your affront, for example :)09:50
thrindsince it seems a bit slow here anyway... basically I had made this theme for wordpress (example: http://thrind.xamai.ca). Lots of people have used it, with varying success. Wordpress itself flirted with the idea of offering it as one of their standard templates. But it was not to happen. There is a fan base. The fan base is what I deal with mostly on email these days.09:57
\shthrind: so write on your homepage where you offer your themes, that you don't have any time nor interest to work further more on this, and that it's free for adoption by someone...the fanbase will step up or not ..09:59
\shif not, just leave it on the code.google.com page and let it rot09:59
\shthat's the way of OSS10:00
thrindI guess. It's just that I get a lot of 12-year olds who yearn for a simpler time, I suppose. I can't debug their PHP installs. Maybe the best thing is to put up a big banner of some sort10:05
bliZZardzwhen creating the pbuilder env, is it necessary to specify the distro name(ubuntu-version)?10:06
bliZZardzas in.. what is the difference between "pbuilder create --debootstrapopts --variant=buildd" and "pbuilder create --distribution <ubuntu_version> --othermirror "deb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu <ubuntu_version> main restricted universe multiverse" ?10:07
bliZZardzpersia, ROAF : you around?10:09
gnomefreakcrimsun: did you already upload flash 10 to Hardy? I have a bug on backporting them not hasnt been pushed since there are questions on how to support it (push asound-plugins or libflashsupport) -plugins is best idea but either way you are closing bugs on flash fixed in flash10 in Hardy so im confused.10:38
gnomefreakcrimsun: i dont have access to a Hardy box yet due to hard drive failed.10:39
lagahas flash 10 been released already?10:40
gnomefreaklaga: beta 210:41
lagayeah, i saw that. with full screen pop-ups. yay :)10:42
LaibschI am trying a pdebuild, but the dependencies can never be fulfilled apparently because the packages are virtual?11:54
Laibschwhat's even stranger is that http://packages.ubuntu.com/hardy/libaqbanking20-dev is apparently not a virtual package at all11:55
wgrantLaibsch: Ensure that universe is enabled in your pbuilder.11:57
LaibschThat is probably it11:57
gnomefreakhow do i tell if PA is default what command is it?13:10
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zoli2kMay I post PPA related questions on this channel?15:14
devfilzoli2k: you should post it on #launchpad chan15:15
devfilI think15:15
Laibschwgrant: I enabled universe for pbuilder, updated it, but the result is still the same, I believe -> http://rafb.net/p/YHuTNm79.html15:42
geserLaibsch: "pbuilder login" and check /etc/apt/sources.list if universe is really enabled15:46
IulianIf I have a package with this version: pkg-0.1.0.alpha1.* how it should be in the debian/changelog file?15:48
IulianIs 0.1.0.alpha1-0ubuntu1 correct?15:49
geserwill there by later a version 0.1.0?15:50
geserif yes, then something liek 0.1.0~alpha1-0ubuntu1 might be better15:51
rockstarWhere might I find a list of packages that are no longer in apt?15:54
Iuliangeser: Yes, there will be.15:54
Iuliangeser: By the way, is this mentioned in the policy?15:55
geserrockstar: you mean packages that you have installed but aren't in any repository anymore?16:44
rockstargeser, well, it looks like the package I'm looking for has never been in the repos, even though I thought that at some point they were.16:45
geserrockstar: aptitude and synaptic can show you a list of "obsolete" packages16:48
emgenthello there16:48
Chipzzanyone familiar with packaging php extensions here?16:54
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Laibschrockstar: http://blog.leggewie.org/?p=2417:25
LaibschMaybe that can help you locate it17:26
ScottK-laptopAny bzr fanboys around?  I have a problem and could use some help ...17:33
geserScottK-laptop: I use bzr, but I don't know if that's enough to help you, iirc #bzr is the channel for bzr17:34
ScottK-laptopI got a branch using bzr get lp:...  I think bzr push is the right way to commit my changes, but I get "Transport operation not possible: http does not support mkdir()"17:37
ScottK-laptopIs bzr push right and if so, how to I commit something that makes a new directory?17:37
Adri2000ScottK-laptop: bzr add your new directory, bzr commit, and bzr push?17:40
anteayahow do i submit a bug for hardy?17:40
ScottK-laptopI missed the bzr commit.17:40
anteayais there a bug reporting site?  If so I haven't been able to find it so far.17:41
ScottK-laptopAdri2000: Same error.17:43
ScottK-laptopanteaya: launchpad.net has the bug tracker for Ubuntu.17:43
anteayaScottK-laptop, thank you for the keyword, i will use it in my search17:44
ScottK-laptopanteaya: Just go to launchpad.net and click on Ubuntu (there's link off the main page).17:45
ScottK-laptopIt's under featured projects17:45
anteayafound it thanks17:45
anteayanow i just have to figure out what somebody else would call this bug so that i can search for it17:46
anteayathanks for the direction, ScottK-laptop17:46
* ScottK-laptop asks in #bzr17:46
ScottK-laptopCan't do it without an SSH key registered on Launchpad.17:51
anteayasorry ScottK-laptop, was that last comment directed to me?17:53
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ScottK-laptopanteaya: No, my previous troubles with bzr.17:55
anteayaScottK-laptop, beg pardon17:56
ScottK-laptopNo.  It wasn't directed at you.17:56
IulianUhmm, when I update my apt-file I get: "Can't get http://gb.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/hardy-updates/Contents-i386.gz"18:13
IulianAm I missing something?18:13
IulianWell, it cannot get anything.18:13
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geserIulian: looks like there is only Contents for hardy but not hardy-updates18:25
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Iuliangeser: Any idea how to change that?18:44
ScottK-laptopslangasek: Would you be willing to New mercurial i386 in hardy-backports?  Because the arch-all bits are stuck in New mercurial is currently uninstallable on other archs if you have backports enabled.18:45
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tbielawaalo alll19:23
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geserIulian: I guess you would need to talk to the soyuz devs19:36
Iuliangeser: Ah, okay.19:37
IulianIs this version 0.1.0.alpha1-0ubuntu1 correct? Because if I use 0.1.0~alpha1-0ubuntu1 in the changelog file lintian complains about it.19:38
IulianThis is how it looks my orig tar: name-0.1.0.alpha1.orig.tar.gz19:39
cprovIulian: https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/soyuz/+bug/18131219:40
ubottuLaunchpad bug 181312 in soyuz "Please provide Contents-ARCH.gz for all pockets" [Medium,In progress]19:40
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cprovIulian: it will be fixed next week.19:40
Iuliancprov: Awesome - thanks.19:40
cprovIulian: np.19:41
bobboCan someone check if Bug #245828 needs to be fixed or not?20:07
ubottuLaunchpad bug 245828 in xournal "Please merge xournal (universe) from Debian unstable (main)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/24582820:07
ScottKbobbo: Did you subscrive ubuntu-universe-sponsors?20:14
bobboScottK: yes, a sponsor will decide when he/she looks at it?20:15
ScottKbobbo: Yes.  That's sufficient.20:16
bobboScottK: ok :)20:16
ScottKThat gets you in line and it's best to wait your turn.20:16
crimsunerr, I guess I'm a direct member of that team?  That doesn't make any sense.20:20
* crimsun fixes20:21
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kostmocould someone take a look at my pyrocket upload?  I have tested on intrepid, and I believe I fixed all the previous comments: http://revu.ubuntuwire.com/details.py?upid=270721:50
kostmohere is the launchpad bug: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/24291021:51
ubottuLaunchpad bug 242910 in ubuntu "[needs-packaging] pyrocket" [Wishlist,In progress]21:51
mouzOn https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PackagingGuide/Complete it says 'Verify that the package is not listed below as not needing a .desktop file'. I can not find such a list. Would anyone know where I can find it?21:54
RainCTargh.. poor LP what are you doing to it :P22:42
RainCTs/you/they ;)22:42
IulianI'm trying to build a package but I get some errors - http://pastebin.ca/1063260 (build log), http://pastebin.ca/1063263 (debian/rules file)22:57
IulianDoes anyone have any ideas how to fix it?22:57
KopfgeldjaegerIulian: Looks like the Makefile is looking for Makefile.config -- maybe you have to create it before making?23:12
IulianKopfgeldjaeger: I do have a Makefile.config.in file, even if I rename it to Makefile.config does not work.23:13
IulianKopfgeldjaeger: It seems that I have to ./configure first but pretty confused in this part.23:14
Kopfgeldjaegerhave a look at the README/INSTALL file23:14
IulianKopfgeldjaeger: I have to run autoconf first.23:15
IulianKopfgeldjaeger: Any ideas how to call it in the rules file?23:17
KopfgeldjaegerIulian: before $(MAKE)?23:17
IulianKopfgeldjaeger: Still doesn't work...23:21
geserIulian: where did you insert it (which target)?23:25
geserI guess you would need to add it to the configure-stamp target23:26
Iuliangeser: Same error - Makefile:1: Makefile.config: No such file or directory23:29
IulianWell, I think the problem is not autoconf, it's Makefile.23:31
* Iulian has to ./configure it before make23:34
IulianNo idea how to write that in the rules file.23:34
geserput it before "touch configure-stamp" into the configure-stamp target23:35
IulianSame crap...23:36
IulianThis is how it looks the debian/rules file now - http://pastebin.ca/106332323:40
IulianIt doesn't change anything...23:41
* Iulian is confused and asleep23:41
geserIulian: does it work when you do this steps manually?23:42
Iuliangeser: I tried that few days ago and it worked iirc. Let me try it again.23:42
Iuliangeser: Yea, it's working...23:44
geserand the same steps inside debian/rules don't work?23:45
Iuliangeser: Maybe I'm missing something but don't know what.23:46
geserme currently neither23:46
IulianWell, it's late here so I should really go to sleep.23:47
IulianGood night!23:49

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