
affluxAmaranth: DAMN. I have no idea how I got this, but I definetly found the problem. "drwx------ 23 root root 4096 Jul  6 00:14 /"00:05
affluxpuh... that took some time :/ thanks for your help!00:07
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darthanubishow to I set gcc to 4,2 to recompile my nvidia kernel04:04
blind1mm where is 8.04.1?05:36
hyperairwrong channel imo05:43
darthanubisthe latest II kernel does not bring me to login06:56
darthanubisonly cursor at upper left of screen06:56
hyperairII kernelL?06:57
AtomicSparkmy kernal is best. kernal VI.06:58
AtomicSparkyou should upgrade ;)06:58
hyperairwhat are you talking about? O_o06:59
AtomicSparkdarthanubis: are you selecting the first option when booting your machine? highest kernel number?07:00
darthanubisyes that kernel07:00
* hyperair feels ignored07:00
darthanubisI upgraded from Hardy07:00
darthanubisI did not use a cd07:00
darthanubisI'm using Hardy's kernel now07:01
AtomicSparkdarthanubis: upgrades have never been a good idea in my experince. i always had problem. nothing like yours though.07:01
AtomicSpark(mostly from unneccessary packages)07:01
darthanubistrying to get my nvidia driver running in full glx07:01
darthanubisI always have problems as well07:02
darthanubisnothing I don't overcome07:02
darthanubisI don't believe in starting from scratch every release07:02
AtomicSparkdarthanubis: just to make sure, you know intrepid is uberalpha and lots of things are broken correct?07:02
darthanubisI work through the problems07:02
AtomicSparkmeh. i break too many things by trying to add non-repo software. :p starting over works best.07:03
AtomicSparktis what backups are for.07:03
hyperairdarthanubis: nvidia-glx isn't working yet is it07:04
darthanubisthis is my 10th or 12th I stopped counting year running linux. Been with Ubuntu since the begining. I undesratnd what an alpha is:)07:04
darthanubishyperair, not that I can tell07:04
AtomicSparkdarthanubis: just making sure. have some whiners in here once in awhile. :P07:04
hyperairyeah figures07:04
darthanubisI usually compile my own module from Nvdia's script07:04
hyperairi see07:05
darthanubisbut I have to set the correct gcc version for the kernel07:05
hyperairwhich nvidia driver do you use?07:05
hyperairnew, legacy or uberlegacy?07:05
darthanubisthe beta07:05
hyperairhow nice07:05
hyperairi can't use any of the new drivers07:05
AtomicSparkyou're just a betamaster!07:05
hyperaironly the legacy07:05
darthanubisI like to bleed;)07:05
AtomicSparkheh. well my experince with betas and my laptop have never been good. i was actully scared of hardy working on my laptop. :\07:06
darthanubisHardy worked for me07:06
darthanubisbut was not as good as the rest07:06
AtomicSparkvirtual machines seemed to be better. havent gotten the alpha past the installer though.07:07
darthanubisI should have skipped Hardy, but oh well07:07
* AtomicSpark rubs nose07:07
darthanubisI still have it on my other box07:07
darthanubisI thought I try II on my mythbox before I wipe it and install Debian Lenny on this box07:07
AtomicSparkoh i get it. II = intrepid ibix. haha. -_-07:08
AtomicSparkwow its late. well i wish you luck. i've never been good at getting propietary drivers to work.07:08
* AtomicSpark caughs ati07:09
AtomicSparkat least it works without envy now :)07:09
DaemonikHow does Ubuntu make Xorg go about detecting my monitor settings and what graphics chip I'm using? What is the feature called?08:21
RAOFFor the former (monitor settings): any non-broken monitor for the past decade has reported those values via a mechanism called DDC.08:23
RAOFThis gives fun stuff like physical size, supported resolutions, refresh rates, etc.08:24
RAOF(There are plenty of broken monitors out there, though, which is annoying).08:24
RAOFFor the latter: PCIID matching, I believe.  Each driver has a list of the PCIIDs of the chips that it can drive, and X uses this to load the appropriate driver.08:25
DanaGHere's something odd:08:26
DanaGI plugged a monitor into a Voodoo3 PCI card, and the xorg log showed it getting the right EDID...... yet, Xorg only let it use up to 800x600.08:26
DanaGEven if I set it to 16-bit color, even.08:27
DaemonikROAF Thank you.08:27
DanaGToo bad synaptics still isn't supported or configurable with input-hotplug.08:28
RAOFDaemonik: No problem.08:28
RAOFDanaG: I believe that it's either getting fixed (to not need SHMConfig) or we're going to patch it.08:29
RAOFDanaG: I seem to recall that Fedora 9 handled synaptics-but-no-xorg.conf fine.08:29
DanaGMy xorg.conf has all sorts of tweaks that currently can't be done any other way.08:32
DanaGFor example, there's no GUI for setting multi-finger tapping or scrolling.08:32
RAOFI'm not sure that you don't lie; ksynaptics or qsynaptics or whatever exposes many more options than gsynaptics.08:33
DanaGBut they don't work very well, and they aren't integrated.08:34
DanaGIt'd also be good to have a way to set the scrolling region, as in the Windows Synaptics control panel.08:34
RAOFCan you get two-finger-scroll on synaptics?  That'd be awesome.08:35
DanaGyay, the server's back up.08:35
DanaGI've also gone through and commented stuff.08:35
RAOFI note you're not using the One True Keymap ;)08:36
DanaGWhaddaya' mean?08:36
DanaGBut I do like my OSS keypad.08:37
DanaGI think I need to make my comments more visible.08:37
RAOFDvorak is the One True Keymap. :)08:37
RAOFAlso, cool.08:38
DanaG"thorn" is awesome for that smiley.08:43
DanaGI wish that "MDPS" driver would make it into the kernel.08:50
DanaGI'm surprised nobody else has suggested the time-changing wallpaper thingy on the wiki.08:56
* hyperair wonders if there's such a thing as a pygtk ide08:56
RAOFhyperair: Yes, there are a number.  Also allowing you to build the gui from objects and view it at the same time.08:57
* DanaG wonders when Nautilus will stop being MIA.08:57
hyperairRAOF: where can i get a listing of them? i dont' see any in a google search08:57
hyperairalso which would you recommend08:58
RAOFI've never used any of them, I just know of their existance.08:58
RAOFI'm sorry, I don't even think I'll be able to help you improve your google sauce.08:59
DanaGSpeaking of which...09:00
DanaGwhat exactly is this "SAUCE" I see in the Ubuntu kernel changelogs?09:00
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rogue_traderwhere can I download a recent build of intrepix ibex?10:55
gnomefreakrogue_trader: it will be added to the topic once its a bit more usable11:06
molgrumwhat's the status on nvidia drivers?11:07
gnomefreakmolgrum: what do you mean?11:07
molgrumthey aren't in the repos yet afaik11:08
gnomefreakmolgrum: yes they are11:09
gnomefreaknvidia-glx-new: Installed: 169.12+
molgrumhmm, i'll try to change xorg.conf again then11:10
gnomefreakmolgrum: however you may end up having to make it work11:10
molgrummake it work?11:10
gnomefreakmolgrum: nvidia has alot of issues. yes make it work if you want to use them11:10
gnomefreakhint: they have been broken since just after merges started.11:11
gnomefreakgedit is broken  well as alot of other default packages11:12
molgrumi'm running 2.6.26 here11:13
G_009.3 is out too11:14
gnomefreakmolgrum: yes they work with the .26 kernel but you have to MAKE THEM WORK11:15
gnomefreakmolgrum: a little hacking of xorg.conf and you should soon be running them11:15
gnomefreakmolgrum: but if you cant fix it dont install intrepid11:15
molgruma little late for that11:16
G_009am waiting til i can just run restricted driver applet and enable..11:16
* G_009 yawns sleepily11:16
molgrumsame here :P11:16
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vishalraohello, any idea if the "opengl gdm face browser" will be included with intrepid/gnome 2.24 ?15:17
gnomefreakafter august most likely or around the end of it please see gnomes release schedule15:19
Xand3rhi i uses now intrepid on my laptop15:21
Xand3ri cant scroll with the tuchpad15:21
Xand3rhow can i get it back15:22
Xand3ri the kde on intrepid dayly build?15:22
pheerorsys -> pref -> mouse?15:23
pheeroroh, in kde, who knows15:23
Xand3rsome funktions of the mous i cant explain with words, but can i get the behavior from hardy back?15:23
Xand3rits the question now, is the change from ubuntu or from kde15:23
hyperairsince when does sys/pref/mouse have touchpad scrolling opts?15:27
gnomefreakhyperair: it doesnt afaik but there is a menu item that should help with that. but normally set in xorg.conf IIRC15:28
pheerorhyperair: since you have laptop ? ;-)15:32
pheeroryou, in intrepid there is laptop tab in that gui utility, for sure15:34
hyperairpheeror: i don't have a laptop xD15:44
gnomefreakhyperair: than you wont need it15:47
hyperairi'm getting one soon15:47
zerwasDoes anybody know if there has been some work on making it easier to add sources.list entries?15:53
darthanubisok so I got the latest kernel to boot and run15:53
darthanubisbut its the -server model15:53
zerwasi know there has been an entry on planet.ubuntu.com about that but i don't remember who has written it15:53
darthanubisit's always like that for me with alpha buntus15:53
gnomefreakzerwas: easier than using system>admin>software sources?15:54
zerwasgnomefreak, sure15:54
darthanubisnow if I can get this opengl working I'd be satisfied, for now15:54
gnomefreaki dont see how you can get any easier15:54
zerwasgnomefreak, directly from Firefox -> with a click15:54
gnomefreakdarthanubis: fat chance opengl was borked last week not sure if fixed yet15:54
darthanubissound is broken, yikes15:55
gnomefreakzerwas: that would be on my plate than. i will ping the other mozilla maintainers to see what we are doing there15:55
gnomefreakdarthanubis: sound works after 3 commands15:55
gnomefreakdarthanubis: look for hobbsee's latest post on ubuntuforums15:55
gnomefreaki think i lost the link15:56
darthanubiswhen I went to sound prefs, I got the test tones for alsa15:56
gnomefreakdarthanubis: than it works15:56
darthanubisbut when my highlighted xchat messages and gnome startup occurs, I get low scratching15:56
zerwasgnomefreak, woah, thank you very much!15:57
gnomefreakdarthanubis: that fits under http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=845844&page=215:57
gnomefreaksorry its http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=84584415:58
darthanubisgnomefreak, sweet!15:58
zerwasgnomefreak, will you tell me if there are efforts to make this possible after you speaked to the maintainers?15:59
gnomefreakzerwas: please show me that post.15:59
gnomefreakzerwas: im highly doubting it since it will require root access and running firefox as root will screw up your system16:00
gnomefreaki would really like to see this post16:00
zerwashaha no. type this in your adress bar in firefox: apt://ubuntu-restricted-extras16:00
gnomefreakzerwas: and i just asked asac but hes away16:00
gnomefreakzerwas: oh good its not firefox than :)16:01
gnomefreakzerwas: firefox doesnt have anything to do with that16:02
zerwasgnomefreak, mh ... but e.g. apt-links don't work with epiphany. so it must have to do something with Fx, not?!16:03
gnomefreakzerwas: its not firefox that is doing it firefox is informing another app of it16:03
zerwasgnomefreak, sure. but it must be able to do so16:03
gnomefreakIIRC this is part of ubufox but i will find out16:03
darthanubisgnomefreak, in that link I don't see a hobbes guy?16:05
zerwasgnomefreak, there is also http://brainstorm.ubuntu.com/idea/6960/ ;-)16:05
gnomefreakdarthanubis: the second link first post is hobbsee and shes a woman16:06
darthanubisoh, I missed the second link16:06
gnomefreakzerwas: its apturl that does that.16:15
darthanubismusic streaming and such is perfect16:15
zerwasgnomefreak, i know16:16
gnomefreakubufox and apturl walk hand in hand16:16
darthanubisbut esound events via gnome are still scratch noise16:16
gnomefreakthats why epiphany doesnt do it16:16
zerwasgnomefreak, ok16:16
gnomefreakdarthanubis: than check bug reports that is the only sound issue in intrepid at this time that i am aware of16:16
zerwasgnomefreak, i simply was wondering if anybody in here knows of work being done to be able to add repos easier16:16
gnomefreakits implemented16:17
zerwasgnomefreak, really, for a beginner it is not as easy as it looks like to do these 6 clicks and copy and paste those lines16:17
zerwasgnomefreak, huh?16:17
zerwasgnomefreak, how? where? what? ;)16:17
gnomefreakzerwas: you want easier than that16:17
gnomefreakzerwas: it works just fine (from what i can tell) what exactly are you looking for?16:18
zerwasgnomefreak, having a webpage saying "click here to install the software and receive updates automatically"16:19
gnomefreakzerwas: if you cant do it that way or any of the 300 other ways than i think its time to rethink the OS you  use16:19
zerwas*click* and it adds the lines automatically to the sources.list16:19
gnomefreakzerwas: cant do that16:19
zerwasgnomefreak, it's not that *I* am not able to do it ;-) ... i just want to see Ubuntu being easier to use :(16:20
gnomefreakzerwas: the way it is now is the closest you can come unless root + firefox is rethought16:20
gnomefreakcant open sources.list without being root to beable to add to it16:20
zerwasgnomefreak, but you can get from Fx to root with apturl right now. why should it be a problem with sources.list?16:20
gnomefreakzerwas: because you are talkinhg about viewing than editing and its not a great idea to mix the 2 like that it should either open 1 page in total or none since you want it to be on screen16:21
gnomefreakzerwas: hint if it was the same thing than you wouldnt be asking about it16:22
gnomefreakor it is already the easist you can think of16:22
zerwashm ... i don't understand.16:23
gnomefreakIMHO this apturl thing now isnt such a great idea16:23
gnomefreakzerwas: you said that using firefox to open list as root would be the same as it is with apturl16:24
gnomefreakzerwas: than apturl is what you are looking for. firefox to open sources.list isnt a good idea just to use apturl it gives people reasons to run it as root16:24
gnomefreakyou know the new users you talk about16:24
zerwasgnomefreak, hehe ... but i give support on an ubuntu forum often with things like: "click here to solve your problem and to install foobar." ... if i would say: "Install the package foobar through your package manager" many people even don't know what i am talking about because all they know is adding software through "Applications -> Add/Remove"16:25
gnomefreakthe ones that dont know any better?16:25
gnomefreakzerwas: you can click here in add/remove apps synaptic adept smartpm isnt that enough or would you like all apps to be the same?16:25
gnomefreakthere are more apps i can come up with that do the same but that is example16:26
gnomefreakits a good idea to keep package manager tasks away from other apps that root isnt needed to run or people will try to run apps as root and we all know what happens there16:27
zerwasok. then from your point of view apturl is a bad idea and you won't understand why i would like to see an easy way of adding a repository16:29
hyperairapturl ftw16:30
gnomefreakzerwas: i didnt say apturl is bad. apturl makes alot of things easier but you want everything to do it because the way we have are not easy enough16:31
zerwashyperair, ... banshee ftw ;-)16:32
hyperairzerwas: yeaaa =D16:37
zerwashyperair, what do you think of my idea?16:37
hyperairwhat idea?16:38
hyperairthere's a huge wall of text that i'm lazy to read16:38
hyperairso please summarize =D16:38
zerwashyperair, nah i'm lazy too. and i know you would committed to it ^^16:42
hyperairdamn you16:46
hyperairzerwas: are you talking about merging apturl and ubufox?16:46
hyperairor something?16:46
zerwashyperair, no i would like to see an easy way for beginners to add a repo with a click out of firefox16:46
hyperairbut apturl would do the job wouldn't it?16:47
hyperairso apturl oob should be fine?16:47
zerwasapturl can only use DEB packages that are already in the database16:48
gnomefreakzerwas: smartpm does rpms as well we dont really encourage users to look outside our sources since we cant support nor promise the work that was done on the package.16:49
gnomefreakzerwas: easiest way to get it started is to file a blueprint on LP and write a wiki using the template for new ideas16:50
gnomefreakthan mvo can look at it and decide16:50
zerwasgnomefreak, ye i will be thinking of it16:50
zerwasthanks :)16:50
hyperairzerwas: so you want apturl to be able to add stuff to /etc/apt/sources.list.d?16:51
gnomefreakzerwas: example https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/firefox-distro-addon-support16:51
zerwasgnomefreak, thanks!16:52
* hyperair wonders what apturl has to do with banshee16:53
gnomefreakhyperair: nothing thankfully16:53
hyperairwhy "thankfully"?16:53
zerwashyperair, i mean in order to install 1.0 people have to add a repo16:53
zerwasgnomefreak, ah so the idea already exists: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/AptFirefoxFileHandler16:54
hyperairi see16:54
gnomefreakhyperair: what would apturl do with banshee to help it? other than make it more buggy16:54
gnomefreakthe more you link apps the more bugs you will find/introduce16:55
hyperairgnomefreak: banshee isn't very buggy16:55
hyperairgnomefreak: 1.0.0 was pretty stable16:56
gnomefreakhyperair: add other apps to it and that will change16:56
hyperairzerwas was talking about the installation process for banshee 1.0 on hardy16:56
gnomefreak1 app works fine by self add another and you will find conflicts16:56
hyperairsee that16:56
gnomefreakzerwas: that is exactly the apturl that has been impletment16:56
hyperairhe wants a one click install16:57
hyperairsimilar to opensuse's16:57
hyperairlike instead of posting the wall of text i posted on that page,16:57
hyperairjust a link16:57
hyperairclick here to add the repo and install it16:57
hyperairstuff like that16:57
hyperairubuntu is a newbie's distro. stuff like this should be as simple as possible16:57
hyperairthe ubuntu i'd like to see is _the_ distro for the newcomers to linux.16:58
gnomefreakImplementation:   Beta Available16:58
gnomefreakit is what you already showed16:58
hyperairthe distro that surpasses windows and macintosh in every aspect of usability16:58
gnomefreaklook at blueprint on LP16:58
gnomefreakAdd a mimetype or protocol hanlder to firefox to allow adding repositories to the system and to install/removal applications. The adding of repositories is important for PPAs in launchpad. The install capability will allow to build community oriented sites similar to gnomefiles.org to allow one-click installs.16:59
gnomefreakthat is what apturl is already doing in intrepid16:59
zerwaswoah, cool :D16:59
gnomefreakits not refined but its there16:59
hyperairwoo hoo16:59
gnomefreakhence the question what more do you want17:00
hyperairask zerwas17:00
zerwasgnomefreak, nothing :-P17:00
zerwasdidn't know it's in the works for intrepid17:00
gnomefreaki asked that an hour ago and you kept going like it wasnt already there17:00
gnomefreakzerwas: you told me about it17:00
zerwasgnomefreak, then i didn't understand you right. sorry, my english is really bad17:00
zerwasgnomefreak, i told about a post i read on planet ubuntu and you asked me to search for it, yeah ;)17:01
gnomefreakapt://ubuntu-restricted-extras is it since ubuntu-restricted-extras is a package17:01
hyperairyeah like that i think17:01
gnomefreakadd that line to ff and install that package17:01
gnomefreaksame thing17:01
gnomefreakubuntu-restricted-extras is an app17:01
zerwasi was talking about repos17:01
gnomefreakzerwas: it is going to be more refined but may alloow repos reason repos is bad idea we cant support them so package by package would work best17:02
gnomefreak1 package wont void support (only for that one maybe up to 3 packages where as a repo can viod a supported system17:03
gnomefreakvoid even17:03
gnomefreakif michael can do it he will if he finds that it should be dine by repos and it can be but how safe to make it17:04
gnomefreakif you notice we dont support packages people get from say PPA's or outside repos17:05
hyperairimo the files that should be dumped in /etc/apt/sources.list.d should be gpg signed, then the signature stripped and it dumped into the directroy.17:05
gnomefreakjust because people package apps doesnt mean they are safe17:06
hyperairalso, a clear warning that it may void your warranty to add a repo may be nice17:06
gnomefreakor free of bugs17:06
hyperairso that you provide choice17:06
hyperairi simply couldn't care about warranty17:06
hyperairwhen it comes to ubuntu anyway17:06
gnomefreakhyperair: your not a user right out of box either17:06
gnomefreakhyperair: you have been a user for a while17:06
gnomefreaknew user will care when they join #ubuntu and are told we cant help you17:07
hyperairbut it's us "users for a while" who should make ubuntu better for "users right out of the box"17:07
hyperairi never cared about ubuntu's warranty from day one.17:07
gnomefreakthey wont know why and get pissed and dump ubuntu all because someone made it easy to add outside repo17:07
hyperaireven when i first used it17:07
hyperairdapper drake17:07
hyperairi just googled my way through17:07
hyperairi broke X three times and formatted each time becaues i couldn't figur eout how to fix it17:07
* gnomefreak all for making things easy but too easy and you are asking for trouble17:08
hyperairgnomefreak: that is why a WARNING is good17:08
hyperairwarning, friend. warning17:08
hyperairwarning warning warning17:08
hyperairgot that in yet?17:08
gnomefreakyeah i will ask Michael about one17:08
hyperaira warning like how we warn people in gdebi-gtk17:08
gnomefreakhyperair: did get it a long time ago17:08
gnomefreakhyperair: when was the last time a warning made you think twice about something?17:09
gnomefreaknotice sudo rm -rf /etc/X11/xorg.conf doesnt warn you17:09
gnomefreakand for you users that dont know what it will do dont run it17:10
gnomefreakhell dont run it anyway17:10
hyperairgnomefreak: the warning is there for a reason.17:10
* gnomefreak never used gdebi i dont think17:10
jonpackardif you're typing in sudo the system assumes you know what you're doing :)17:10
hyperairgnomefreak: ignoring the warning means signing consent to voiding your warranty17:11
gnomefreakjonpackard: bad bad assumtion17:11
gnomefreakjonpackard: new users dont know17:11
gnomefreakthats why the affectiveness of a warning ;)17:11
hyperairgnomefreak: put a warning into sudo and us "users for some time" will never forgive the debs17:11
gnomefreakhyperair: i agree but we need a way to get people to read them IMHO17:12
hyperairwait. linux mint had an interesting way to do it17:12
jonpackardthis is true.. but they can't have a warning for every harmful command a user might run as root17:12
hyperairthere was a warning for sudo in linux mint17:12
hyperairif i'm not mistaken17:12
hyperairthe first time you use sudo?17:12
hyperairor something?17:12
gnomefreakjonpackard: your right in the sence that it has to be separate17:12
hyperairi sudo -rm -rf a long of things you know17:12
hyperairand i don't appreciate a big fat warning littering my terminal17:13
gnomefreakall sudo operations could carry same warning as apt already does when changing somet hings17:13
hyperaira first time warning would be good17:13
hyperairbut not more than that17:13
hyperairbut how would you implement that anyway?17:13
gnomefreakmaybe make a way to togglee it off17:13
gnomefreakwoudl be done in sudo most likely unless its a simple line in terminal than terminal might beable to output it17:14
gnomefreaknotice when you open terminal for first time it states what sudo is and how to use it17:14
gnomefreaksa,e concept17:15
hyperairit does?17:15
gnomefreakyes gnome-term does17:15
hyperairi can't remember, because i've used my home directory for ages17:15
hyperairi even use it in archlinux17:15
gnomefreakit started in feisty or gutsy dont remember for sure17:15
hyperairi don't remember either17:16
jonpackardIs anybody else having problems with the 2.6.26-3-generic kernel? I'm running an intrepid guest in virtualbox and when I upgraded to kernel 2.6.26-3-generic I get kernel panics on every boot.17:39
darthanubisI can't get a tty with this .26 kernel17:44
darthanubisand the static sound is coming from esound/esd17:44
gnomefreakdarthanubis: you didnt set it to alsa and see if it fixes it?17:49
gnomefreakand i dont have a problem getting a tty with .26-317:49
hyperairisn't it pulseaudio?17:49
darthanubispulse and alsa work17:49
darthanubisalsa the best17:49
hyperairhmm weird17:49
darthanubisI turned off system sound which seems determined to use esound17:50
darthanubisgnomefreak, which resolution are your ttys in?17:50
gnomefreakPA uses alsa i dont think ti will use anything else17:50
darthanubisI boot with 1024x74817:50
gnomefreakdarthanubis: they are big but i still ge ta tty17:50
gnomefreakget a17:50
gnomefreakyou said you dont get a tty17:51
darthanubisI just used startupmanager to set tty to 800x60017:51
darthanubisI oon't17:51
darthanubisthat does not mean I don't know what the resolution is set at17:51
gnomefreakdarthanubis: you dont get a tty but your ttys are set to 800x600?17:51
gnomefreaklast thing to worry about is res of something you dont get17:52
darthanubisI just set them to 800x600, and have yet to reboot to see if that allows me to get a tty17:52
gnomefreakwhy reboot just use alt+cntl+F1 than same with f7 to get back17:52
darthanubisbecause that will not ensure change of the tty's resolution?17:53
gnomefreakthis is assuming you have updated kernel and already rebooted into it17:53
darthanubisas above, I have yet to reboot17:53
gnomefreakdarthanubis: the res isnt why you would be missing it17:53
darthanubisnot my X res17:54
darthanubisthe boot tty res17:54
gnomefreakthe res shouldnt stop you from getting into it17:54
gnomefreakunless you arte getting an error and i highly doubt the res will affect you getting into a tty17:55
darthanubiswhat good is it to get into, and not be able to see text?17:55
pheerorkernel mode-setting ftw17:55
darthanubisall I get is a cursor in the upper left of the screen17:55
gnomefreakdarthanubis: if you are not able to get into it the res isnt your problem17:55
gnomefreakwho cares what size the res is if you cant open a tty it wouldnt matter if you cant se eit17:56
gnomefreakcursor doesnt mean you are in tty it should load to a login or atleast give you an error like a busybox error17:57
darthanubisI figured there is a tty there, I just can't see the text17:57
darthanubisnow why would I not be able to see the text?17:57
darthanubisthis has happened before17:57
darthanubisand changing the kernel video mode resolved the issue17:57
darthanubisI'm hoping it will this time as well17:58
gnomefreakdarthanubis: because you are not getting a tty. do none of the ttys work? f1-f6?17:58
gnomefreakwhen you say fixed it. what kernel was it?17:58
darthanubisback when Hardy was alpha17:59
gnomefreakoh good ok17:59
gnomefreaki thought you meant with intrepid17:59
gnomefreakdarthanubis: can you see if tty has processes open with ps aux17:59
darthanubisroot      6797  0.0  0.0   3940   592 tty1     Ss+  02:45   0:00 /sbin/getty 38418:00
darthanubisall 6 of em18:00
gnomefreakok darthanubis reboot them so it restarts them maybe you will get one18:00
gnomefreaksome how i doubt it but try it18:01
* gnomefreak going to assume he didnt check for errors in one of the log files like kernel, syslog, dmesg or boot log files18:06
gnomefreaksince they would give me errors for it i would think18:06
gnomefreakyou would also thing a bzr error would send you to #bzr not #launchpad18:07
darthanubisno tty18:09
gnomefreakdarthanubis: did you happen to look for errors in any of the log files18:09
gnomefreakdarthanubis: syslog kernel dmesg or boot logs18:09
darthanubisand my iptables setting keep going back to some bogus policy that shuts me off from the web?18:09
hyperairtry serial cable and tty into it from there =p18:09
gnomefreakdarthanubis: try another way to set the iptables18:10
gnomefreakif doing it in term try using firestarter or vice versa18:10
gnomefreakassuming you are using root access of some kind18:11
darthanubisyeah I purged ufw and firestarter because I thought they were keeping old settings around18:12
darthanubisdunno why I have to keep setting them myself18:12
darthanubisI was ICS with my other box18:12
darthanubisI need a tty to try to compile my nvidia kernel18:13
hyperairwhat are your kernel options18:13
darthanubisnothing exotic or non-standard18:14
hyperairdoes it have a vga option?18:14
hyperairremove it18:14
darthanubislet me look18:14
darthanubis#/vmlinuz-2.6.26-3-server root=/dev/mapper/ubuntu-root ro splash vga=78818:15
darthanubisrm vga=788?18:16
hyperairjust ro splash18:17
hyperairwhy's it commented?18:17
darthanubisto allow it to be sent via irc?;)18:17
hyperairi'd just space it18:18
hyperair /lalala18:18
hyperairfor example18:18
* darthanubis rebooting18:20
* G_009 secures coffee pot.. no more for you hyperair 18:21
jonpackardanybody running kernel in virtualbox successfully?18:28
darthanubiswell I got tty back!18:30
darthanubiswill have to get this iptables garbage straightened out18:31
darthanubiswhat kind of policy DROPs everything?18:31
gnomefreakone that is not saving them18:31
gnomefreaki dont think ther eis any one that would cause that18:32
darthanubisgoing to see if I can get my nvidia driver working18:33
darthanubisI'm wireless so I have to start a gui seesion just so Networkmanager will get me online, then I can drop back to tty18:33
darthanubisthats annoying as well18:33
gnomefreaknetworkmanager isnt gui just the applet is18:34
* hyperair steals coffee pot from G_00918:34
hyperairwtf how did you know i'm a coffee addict!18:34
gnomefreaknetwork-manager is cli thats why you get the messages when shutting down (or atleast used to) now you get them from rebooting shutting down from cli18:35
G_009it's not mine18:35
hyperairbut you secured it18:36
hyperairnow i've secured it18:36
G_009that i did18:36
* hyperair <3 coffee18:37
* hyperair drinks coffee and goes hyper for the next 10 hours or so18:37
darthanubisgnomefreak: I have not found a network manager that is CLI18:37
darthanubisand my nvidia install failed18:37
gnomefreakdarthanubis: network-manager the app is cli not gui18:38
G_009i made this coffee thing mix and now am insomniac18:38
darthanubischecking to see if I have the kernel headers18:38
gnomefreakdarthanubis: just the applet is gui18:38
darthanubisI read that18:38
hyperairwoo hoo insomniaism (if there's such a word) for the win18:38
darthanubisand network-manager I guessI don't have installed because whatever I have is looking to start gui18:38
gnomefreakyou dont need the applet to run network-manager18:39
gnomefreakdarthanubis: the applet is most likely18:39
tetrismaster512How possible is it for 8.10 to make a different way of installing software?18:39
* gnomefreak thinks you are seeing something that is system wide wrong if this many things dont work18:39
gnomefreaktetrismaster512: anything is possible18:39
darthanubisI have network-config, and network-admin, but no "network-manager"18:40
G_009but my brain is looping thru a shutdown subprocess i cant kill-918:40
* G_009 zombies18:40
tetrismaster512I think that 8.10 needs to kill off softwre repos and make someting like PCBSD's .pbi installers18:40
gnomefreakgnomefreak@Development:~$ policy network-manager18:40
gnomefreaknetwork-manager: Installed: 0.6.6-0ubuntu718:40
darthanubisno "network-manager" command found.18:41
gnomefreaktetrismaster512: put it in a blueprint but it wont happen the repos are there for a reason and will stay there for a lont time18:41
gnomefreakdarthanubis: ah they changed it18:41
tetrismaster512It is hellish to install software on a no internet linux computer18:41
gnomefreakthey must have forked a cli based one18:41
gnomefreaktetrismaster512: its not hard but alot more work, hint its hard to install anything without a network since you cant download anything18:42
tetrismaster512If you have another computer with interent it isn't18:43
=== geser_ is now known as geser
tetrismaster512And I hate downloading .debs only to learn I missed one out of the dozens I had to get18:43
gnomefreaktetrismaster512: than what is your problem? complaining isnt a problem and needs to be moved to an -offtopic channel18:43
jonpackardthe fun part is when the net-enabled PC has dependencies installed that are needed by the program you want that are not installed on the no-net PC18:44
gnomefreakif you read the pages on packages.ubuntu.com it tells you what deps you need to install first18:44
tetrismaster512anyway, how unstable is Intrepid Alpha?18:44
gnomefreaktetrismaster512: very18:44
tetrismaster512ah, how often does it crash?18:45
gnomefreakdoes what crash? you do know linux doesnt crash right?18:45
G_009how about a gnometris 3D for ibex.. that'd be rad18:45
gnomefreaktetrismaster512: a package crashes18:45
gnomefreaka great many crash18:45
gnomefreakbut intrepid itself does not crash18:45
gnomefreakthat would be a kernel panic18:45
tetrismaster512oh, so it's just unstable sogtware?18:46
gnomefreaktetrismaster512: yes but if you cant fix it and installing apps on a no net pc bothers you than my advice would be not to try it. but all depends what you are looking for. there isnt anything really new in it but alot of apps are broken18:47
G_009kernel 2.6.26 got ninjas hidden in subroutines18:47
gnomefreakunstable has different meaning for everyone18:47
gnomefreakits not like debian unstable18:47
tetrismaster512I'll stick to mac os x18:47
gnomefreakhell debian testing is more stable than this18:48
tetrismaster512and for me unstable means not usable for everyday tasks18:48
gnomefreaktetrismaster512: thats what it is18:48
gnomefreaktetrismaster512: /topic says that already18:48
tetrismaster512okay, I might wait till beta18:49
tetrismaster512cause I use Fiesty fawn still18:49
gnomefreakhardy is stabel so is gutsy both are newer than feisty18:50
tetrismaster512I know, but my iMac rejects Hardy and I didn't want to waste mor CDs18:50
darthanubisanyone able to get the nvidia script installer to work?18:51
gnomefreakdarthanubis: installing nvidia and redoing my xorg.conf got mine working fine18:57
gnomefreakthe most of it was done fixing xorg18:57
darthanubisthe nvidia package in the repos works?19:08
cbr(EE) AIGLX error: dlopen of /usr/lib/dri/i965_dri.so failed (/usr/lib/dri/i965_dri.so: undefined symbol: _glapi_tls_Context)19:33
cbr(EE) AIGLX: reverting to software rendering19:33
cbrafter mesa upgrade19:33
cbrwhat to do?19:35
jonpackardreported bug 24606719:39
ubottuLaunchpad bug 246067 in linux "Kernel panic during boot after upgrading to kernel" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/24606719:39
cbrafter installing a new version of kde4 all settings went away...19:59
cbrplease advise20:00
penI hope intrepid would be better20:14
pheerori will20:14
pheerorjust because hardy sux :-D20:14
molgrumcould anyone tip me to get a 8800GTS working on intrepid x86_64?20:17
molgrumthe GLX i mean20:18
jonpackardcbr: have you tried deleting you .kde folders in your home directory? It will create new ones from /etc/skel - it should put everything back to defaults. You could alternativey create a temporary user and see if the problem is specific to your user or not.20:35
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jonpackardspeaking of KDE4.. has anybody tried installing it from synaptic? I get this error...20:48
jonpackard Depends: kdebase-kde4 (>=4:4.0.0) but it is not installable20:48
jonpackardit's like the package is just missing20:49
jacobanyone notice the lack of 3d in mesa, or might that be an -intel bug?21:12
jacobjonpackard: seems the latest kde4 updates are just not packaged yet21:15
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jonpackardjacob: Thanks! I was wondering if I was doing something wrong. =)21:29
jonpackardIt doesn't seem that the kde3 packages are there either.21:31
jonpackardlooking at the repo.. it seems that KDE4 will be the standard for the next Kubuntu. I can't seem to find any mention of KDE3.21:33
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molgrumgnash 0.8.3 planned for intrepid?23:06
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RAOFmolgrum: Planned - I don't think so.  I'll push to get it in, though, and it shouldn't be too hard to do so.23:14
molgrumafaik, it's way better than 0.8.2 regarding youtube and general flash applets23:15
the_fafawill the new or future installer be able to recognise a raid and to setup it?23:31
jonpackardthe_fafa: RAID is already supported in the alternate install and server CDs. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation23:37

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