[00:02] what is the best wiki software? oO [00:02] depend on you needings [00:03] i prefer docuwiki [00:03] your* [00:03] is light but id hasn't a lot of features [00:06] hmm.. [00:06] going back to debian i think [00:10] nxvl: ok im currently looking at tikiwiki === nxvl_ is now known as nxvl_work === nxvl is now known as Guest68601 === nxvl_work is now known as nxvl [01:09] can some one help me setup a file server [01:19] anybody in here [01:19] can some one help me config samba for my file server? === freaky[t] is now known as fReAkY[t] [07:17] * delcoyote hi [07:57] hello the chan [08:49] hello all. is there a way to get ubuntu-server 8.04 cd-image (not version 8.04.1)? [08:51] ctx144k: How about this? http://mirror.csclub.uwaterloo.ca/ubuntu-releases/8.04/ [08:51] ctx144k: You can find other mirrors here: http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/downloadmirrors [08:52] erichammond, that is 8.04.1 ° [08:52] ! [08:52] ctx144k: Never mind. That's 8.04.1too [08:53] i need 8.04 image, cause i have kernel-prblems with 8.04.1 [08:54] while initialisaion of cdrom i get the follow messages: http://rafb.net/p/Gsj47698.html [08:54] after some minuts ill get the language-menu, the system cant find the cdrom [08:55] with ubuntu8.04 i havent any problems [08:58] how can I disable the sending of those everyday "Re-opening all log files" e-mails from my Ubuntu 8.04 box? [09:00] hello, I'm trying to debug LDAP authentication by SugarCRM, how can I know if there are ldap packets come to my LDAP server, iptables or sth ? [09:06] tcpdump? [09:51] when i put in this command gksudo gedit /etc/samba/smbusers i get (gksudo:4717): Gtk-WARNING **: cannot open display: [09:51] can someone tell me why [09:51] akuma5: What does this give you: echo $DISPLAY [09:52] akuma5: (probably nothing?) [09:52] nothing [09:52] akuma5: You are in a shell without a display. Is it local or remote? [09:52] putty [09:52] remote [09:53] akuma5: I doubt you'll be able to use X clients like gedit if you are on a Windows box. [09:53] oh [09:53] akuma5: but I'm not a Windows user, so I don't know if there is a way to do that. [09:54] it try it local that [09:54] akuma5: Alternatives might include using a terminal editor like "vi" or "pico" (the latter probably better for non-experts). [09:55] what about nano [09:56] akuma5: Sure. I'm an emacs and vi user so I'm not familiar with all the other options that have come out in the last couple decades :) [09:57] akuma5: Also, you would use "sudo" instead of "gksudo" so: sudo nano /etc/samba/smbusers [09:59] akuma5: Apparently on Ubuntu, pico is nano [09:59] nano and pico are essentially the same [09:59] one has less restrictive licensing than the other [10:00] similar to the way mpg123 and mpg321 provide essentially the same functionality and usage options, just one is "freer" than theo ther [10:02] nano work but its empty [10:02] http://ubuntuguide.org/wiki/Ubuntu:Feisty#How_to_install_Samba_Server_for_files.2Ffolders_sharing_service [10:03] im trying setup a file share server with samba [10:04] is there a way to do it around that command [10:04] Do you have /etc/samba/smbusers ? [10:05] no [10:05] i just checked with lynx [10:05] akuma5: I think it starts out empty. You add your users to it. [10:08] yeah it does sorry did not see when it said that in the tutor [10:45] what would be the command to mount sda1 [10:49] hello, do anybody used LDAP authentication in sugarCRM ? [10:49] akuma5: Hm, that sounds like a dangerous question :) What makes you think you need to "mount sda1" ? [10:52] i mean sda2 [10:53] sorry about that [11:00] I'm in the middle of an upgrade from 7.04 Feisty to 7.10 Gutsy (with the intent of getting to 8.04 Hardy) when the server got wedged. [11:00] Last message: Installing new version of config file /etc/init.d/glibc.sh ... [11:00] oh [11:01] I think I'm in serious trouble. [11:01] hope not [11:03] I'm going to try a reboot unless anybody can think of something better to try. I'm afraid it won't come up with a new libc and old everything else. === fReAkY[t] is now known as freaky[t] === pteague_work is now known as pteague_laptop [12:26] did you fix your problem [12:42] akuma5: The system can't complete a boot. I'm going to pick up a new drive in the morning, install Hardy on it, and restore from the old drive/backups. [12:49] oh [12:51] i am trying to mount sda1 and make it auto mount if i have to reboot do you know what i have to do [13:47] which little mail-server should i install? postfix is to big, i wanna only sending some mails out (status-mails, for example when crashing an application) [14:22] ctx144k_: mail? [14:22] !mail [14:22] ^mail [14:22] mralphabet: Error: "mail" is not a valid command. [14:22] mail is another medium to communicate. Ubuntu mailinglists can be found at http://lists.ubuntu.com [14:22] hmm [14:23] ^mta [14:23] mralphabet: Error: "mta" is not a valid command. [14:23] bah [14:27] ctx144k_: mailutils - includes mail which is a tiny mail sender [14:27] ctx144k_: Postfix by itself is not very big. [15:31] is there any home channel from tikiwiki? im going crazy i never find anything i want to enable. i enabled the polls module now i dont know where to put it on the right sidebar im going crazy this is the 3rd time now this thing is crazy [15:31] oh [15:32] i use crazy too often [15:32] im german sorry ;p [15:41] http://tikiwiki.org/ConnectingToIrc [15:42] thanks [15:42] :D [17:09] hey guys ! on asterisk-gui I always get: [17:09] For some reason, I could not grab scan.html, is the misdn-init tool installed? [17:09] which is installed [17:10] is this something different to install in Ubuntu ? [19:50] i just installed cacti for the first time. how do I setup my snmpd.conf file ? [20:07] should I be using snmp version 2 or 3 ? [20:19] hello [20:19] what is AppArmor? [20:37] how should I configure my /etc/snmp/snmpd.conf file? [22:03] Is there a good front-end for Apache2? [22:04] squid? :-) [22:05] ok [22:05] depends on what you mean by frontend really. [22:05] we might interpret that in the wrong way. [22:05] GUI front-end [22:06] ah. NOT squid ;-) [22:06] ok [22:06] do you know of anything? [22:06] anything good? [22:06] I don't use GUI if I can avoid it, sorry. [22:07] ok [22:31] hi [23:13] hello? [23:23] How do I teach my server to list itself in the avahi mdns zone? [23:23] hello? [23:24] anyone want to hear an idea that may develop into a project? [23:27] jasonmchristos: just say it === freaky[t] is now known as fReAkY[t] [23:34] ok hold on [23:34] I've been in another channel [23:34] its an idea for an ubuntu distro that uses peer to peer clustering out of box [23:34] simply put [23:52] can someone help me add a drive to samba [23:54] jasonmchristos: https://blueprints.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/server-flavors [23:55] jasonmchristos: take a look at it [23:57] what is this about?