
=== Syntux_ is now known as Syntux
eyalevHello, does someone knows where can I change the translation of the page http://start.ubuntu.com/8.04/ ?15:41
eyalevI thought of sending an email about this to ubuntu-doc but I figured it might be helpful to check here first.15:43
charlie-tcaWhat do you mean, change it on your system?15:44
eyalevI'm on the Hebrew locale, and when I open this page it has a LOT of mistakes15:45
eyalevFor example: it says that the current version is Dapper.15:45
charlie-tcaOh, maybe you need to submit a bug report about it, then, so it can be fixed.15:46
eyalevThere is a bug report: https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ubuntu-docs/+bug/22078015:47
eyalevHow do I know if someone is working on it?15:47
charlie-tcaI'm checking now15:47
charlie-tcaI don't show it inwork yet, I will work on it and get the status changed.15:51
eyalevThanks a lot!15:52
charlie-tcaGlad to be able to help a little.15:52
intellectronicacharlie-tca: what does it normally take to get this done? i think either eyalev or myself can handle the translation itself in this or future cases, but i wasn't able to find any info on how to update it. is there a branch where these files are?15:53
=== charlie-tca_ is now known as charlie-tca

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