
xivulonshort status report on wubi 8.04.113:03
xivulonthere is 1 regression (LP 246201), and still some segfault report13:04
xivulonfor the rest the number of support requests has collapsed, which I take as a good sign13:04
xivulonthe above though is very annoying (inability to uninstall if drive is non-C) and certainly requires an SRU13:05
xivulonmy fault for not thinking that the uninstaller had to be copied/extracted to a different folder...13:05
xivulonevand ^13:06
evandxivulon: It's not possible to spin new CDs at this point.  Please make sure slangasek is aware of this bug, though.13:59
evandThe documentation will need to be updated.14:00
xivulonevand I am aware of that, I was thinking of updating the standalone though14:31
xivulonI am quite sure that the uninstall.exe generated by 8.04 can clean up an 8.04.1 installation so we can upload that (at least in the wubiguide)14:32
xivulondavmor2 ping :)14:32
davmor2xivulon: pong14:32
xivulondavmor2 when you have a few more minutes would you mind testing the wubi uninstaller?14:33
xivulonlooks like it does not work properly if wubi is installed on a non C: drive14:33
davmor2xivulon: seemed to uninstalling fine I did it several times why14:34
xivulonin C: it does, did you try D: installations?14:34
davmor2okay I'll give it a bash latter and ping you back14:34
xivulonI also tested on C: unfortunately14:34
xivulonone thing to also try is to copy the uninstaller generated by 8.04 and use that to uninstall 8.04.114:35
davmor2xivulon: be about 30 mins plus is that okay ?14:37
xivulonabsolutely fine14:37
xivulonyou might want to install 8.04 first so that you can save the uninstaller and reuse it in 8.04.114:37
xivulonevand, can you please produce a build with the following change http://paste.ubuntu.com/25683/14:55
xivulonand upload so that davmor2 can test that too14:55
evandwill do14:56
evandxivulon: davmor2: http://people.ubuntu.com/~evand/wubi/Wubi-8.04.1-rev506.exe15:17
xivulonevand thx, davmor2, please do this: try first rev506 installing/uninstalling on D:15:30
xivulonsave the uninstaller15:30
xivulonthen try the same thing with rev505 (8.04.1)  using 505 uninstaller, since I expect the uninstaller to fail, try the 506 uninstaller saved at the previous stage on the 505 installation15:31
xivulondavmor2 of course there is no need to go through the linux-side installation15:32
xivulonevand maybe try ^ too15:32
xivulonevand if 506 works please upload the 506 uninstaller and add a link to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WubiGuide#head-7cd5a1eda23f1e9960c28ef3a2f4e8645c5ea87d15:35
evandwill do15:40
=== cjwatson_ is now known as cjwatson
davmor2can not find wubi.exe15:53
xivulondavmor2, evand, 506 should be the standard version not the selfextracting one15:54
davmor2hang on wrong version that's why D'oh15:57
evandmy mistake16:00
evandthere, should be fixed16:01
davmor2evand: same version number16:05
davmor2trying again :)16:34
davmor2now it seems to of stalled 1/3 in :(16:41
davmor2that's better xp hadn't detected the drive change about 15 minutes and I should know16:48
davmor2evand: xivulon: right that seems to work done it a couple of times17:06
evandwiki updated17:16
markhello, for some reason my normally working preseeded installs are failing in hardy when installing apt-mirror-setup17:20
markand it doesn't give any useful error message17:20
markhow can I try to install it in the shell?17:20
markknowing where the .udeb is stored would already be helpful...17:23
evandIs this with 8.04.1?17:23
markI don't think so, stock 8.0417:23
marknot entirely sure though17:23
evandCan you please try with 8.04.117:23
evandIf it still fails, please stick your syslog on pastebin.ubuntu.com17:24
mark~ # cat /var/log/lsb-release17:25
markDISTRIB_DESCRIPTION="Ubuntu 8.04.1"17:25
markif the netboot image on the tftpserver hasn't changed, I may well be using 8.04.1, it's using public mirrors afterwards17:26
xivulondavmor2 is the bug in 505 confirmed? I didn't actually test it, just read the code17:26
xivulonhmm kubuntu metalinks are wrong...17:27
xivulonevand, thanks a lot, I notified slangasek on #release17:33
markevand: given above and the fact that netboot.tar.gz hasn't changed since april 22, I am using 8.04.1 I guess17:33
evandhrm, anna's output in this situation is surprisingly unhelpful.17:34
markindeed :(17:34
markis there any way I can manually install the udeb?17:34
markI've done succesful hardy installs in other datacenters, not sure why this one is different17:35
markthe setup -should- be exactly the same...17:35
markok, where can I find the .udeb in the fs?17:35
evandyou shouldn't need to.  anna-install <package>17:35
markhmm... it moves the cursor for a bit on a blank screen, and then nothing...17:36
markback in the menu the installer is now going on as if nothing happened, grr17:38
* mark reboots17:38
mark"Failed to load installer component\n\nLoading apt-mirror-setup failed for unknown reasons. Aborting." is the error message in the installer17:43
markbut it doesn't appear to be the mirror, I tried multiple17:44
evandtry stracing it?17:49
markboy that is slow on 9600 bps hehe17:53
markit appears to have installed it just fine now17:55
markreminds me of when I had to strace the entire installer to debug some odd deadlocking problem only happening sometimes on certain servers17:56
markand of course it wouldn't occur when you straced it17:56
markbecause of different timing behaviour17:56
evandheh, fun17:58
markit didn't occur anymore in the next release ;)17:58
markI think it was edgy doing that, feisty fixed it or just didn't hit that edge condition17:59
markthese same servers btw, I wonder what's special about them.. :)18:02
davmor2xivulon: Sorry I was having tea what did you want to know about 505.  Before the 506 it would just fail to remove and not do anything.   How ever with 506 it removes perfectly and can then be reinstalled etc18:20
xivulondavmor2 good, did you try running the 506 uninstall-ubuntu.exe with a 505 installation?18:31
davmor2no it choked I had to re-load the partition18:32
xivulonevand in the guide, more than Wubi 506 we need uninstall-ubuntu.exe rev 506, that is because if Wubi is already installed running Wubi 506 will not help much, since that will run the local uninstaller (i.e. 505)18:32
xivulonto get that you need to run wubi 506 in windows then copy the uninstaller in c:\ubuntu\uninstall-ubuntu.exe18:33
xivulondavmor2, what you mean "it chocked?"18:34
xivuloncan you post the wubi log?18:34
davmor2I couldn't get wubi to remove with any option.   So in the end I just did the windows partition again from backup.18:39
xivulondavmor2, if you have wubi 505 installed, you didn't have to run wubi 506 BUT the wubi 506 uninstaller. And to get that you have first to install 506 then copy the uninstaller.18:40
xivulonIs that what you tried? because, as explained, running Wubi 506 when Wubi 505 is installed, will always trigger the local 505 uninstaller, which is expected to fail18:41
davmor2No I tried using the saved version from the original hardy cd and overwriting the wubi file.  So I think it is more likely me doing something wrong rather than a complete failure of wubi, if  that make sense.18:43
davmor2anyway I'm off now 506 works fine.18:45
xivulondavmor2: thanks a lot18:45
tgm4883_laptopI'm trying to get the partitioner portion of ubiquity to show custom partition recipes that the user can choose to partition their system (the recipes would partition a large chuck off for recordings as this is for Mythbuntu and we don't want to fill up root).  The documentation that I have read indicates that this functionality is already in partman and that I just need to drop the recipes into the d-i environment,19:27
tgm4883_laptop but I have tried that and can't seem to get ubiquity to show these extra choices.  Is there anyone that can shed some light on this issue?  cjwatson perhaps?19:27
evand(I've already tried to answer, but I cannot think of a way other than modifying both partman and ubiquity)19:29
cjwatsonmark: you need to use the image from dists/hardy-updates/ rather than that from dists/hardy/22:03
markdo you think it'll help with this problem?22:04
cjwatsonyes, I am certain22:04
cjwatsonthat was specifically one of the things we fixed22:04
markthanks :)22:04
marki'll update it now22:04
cjwatsonit's bug 23448622:05
cjwatsontgm4883_laptop: dropping the recipes into /lib/partman/recipes/ should be sufficient; perhaps you could put your recipe on a pastewbin22:05
cjwatsontgm4883_laptop: oh, er, not so much actually22:05
cjwatsontgm4883_laptop: ubiquity doesn't offer alternate recipes at the moment, so sorry, ignore my previous comment22:05
mario_limonciellcjwatson, just stepping in on this; both partman and ubiquity would need the improvements, or just ubiquity though?  Assuming the recipes were dropped into /lib/partman/recipes?  I haven't investigated this much myself as tgm4883_laptop was looking into it22:23
cjwatsonthe recipe question in d-i is a separate one only visible in expert mode, and ubiquity doesn't process it at the moment22:29
cjwatsonit would probably only need a change in ubiquity to do so, but you'd have to figure out how to make it not get in the way of normal operation22:29
cjwatsone.g. be something that's attached to a dialog box invoked by a button or something22:29
mario_limoncielljust checking for if an expert recipe was preseeded and adding it as a possible option in "normal" operation wouldn't do the trick then you don't think?22:34
cjwatsonsounds like an awful hack22:35
cjwatsonno, I don't like that idea much22:35
cjwatsonin any case what tgm4883_laptop is not expert recipes22:35
cjwatsonin any case what tgm4883_laptop is describing is not expert recipes22:35
xivulonhm cjwatson another issue, I noticed now that http://releases.ubuntu.com/8.04/ redirects to 8.04.122:41
xivulonwhich means that old versions of wubi will get the new iso22:41
cjwatsonyes, sorry, you lose :)22:42
xivulonthis _should_ work, but I haven't actually tested it22:42
cjwatsonreleases.ubuntu.com doesn't have space to keep copies22:42
xivulonI guess it's ok should have seen more turmoil by now...22:42

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