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SalaneAnyone here?07:04
MadsRHIn witch folder can I find the system sounds???08:23
MadsRHDoes anyone know if Gcursor works under Hardy? I can't get any response from the app!08:50
MadsRHNothing happens when I click the "Install theme" button08:51
jollyr0ger_hi to all you!14:07
jollyr0ger_I want to contribuite to improve the newhuman theme14:07
jollyr0ger_I've found some issues14:07
jollyr0ger_and I want to show you what they are14:07
jollyr0ger_there's somebody witch want to know these issues?14:08
kwwiijollyr0ger_: sure, shoot14:16
jollyr0ger_oh great14:16
jollyr0ger_first, just a simply clarification14:16
kwwiidid you look at the wiki page with known problems?14:16
jollyr0ger_I've adjusted the newhuman them to be less brown but more gray14:17
jollyr0ger_i've shotted other issues14:17
jollyr0ger_found on my everyday use14:17
jollyr0ger_I can send you an archive with them?14:17
kwwiiyou can add them directly to that page :-)14:18
kwwiior we discuss it now14:18
kwwiihow many issues are we talking about?14:18
kwwiiand what type of issues?14:18
jollyr0ger_I've found 7 issues14:19
jollyr0ger_them are like phrases that are hard to read 'cause are in the wrong color14:19
jollyr0ger_or are some icon that have a wrong contrast14:20
kwwiithe best thing would be to add them to that wiki page so that they don't get lost14:20
jollyr0ger_ok, I move to add them now14:21
jollyr0ger_after I'll signal them to you again14:21
jollyr0ger_and we can discuss about them14:21
jollyr0ger_I've wrote the issues that I've found on the wiki14:55
jollyr0ger_if you go to read them14:55
jollyr0ger_we can discuss about14:55
jollyr0ger_look up at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/NewHumanTesting15:00
kwwiiI see your point in pretty much all of them15:04
kwwiigedit was mentioned already (we'll use a normal light bg instead)15:05
kwwiiyour version of the theme seems a bit darker than the original, that makes the icon contrast problems worse15:06
kwwiithe blue link color is also a known issue with several apps15:06
kwwiiall in all, good work :-)15:06
jollyr0ger_there are other way to contribute to improve the theme?15:07
kwwiiyou can certainly suggest any fixes if you understand gtk15:07
kwwiiin the end I am pretty sure that we will have to use a light colored theme but I want to get this dark one working as well as possible so that we can also include it15:08
jollyr0ger_i think it's great this dark them15:09
jollyr0ger_but I don't know if it can be used by everybody15:09
jollyr0ger_because is not so easy to use for the perso who have visual problem15:10
jollyr0ger_bu i've seen some mokup that are great15:10
jollyr0ger_a question15:10
jollyr0ger_talking about mokup seen on the net15:11
jollyr0ger_about the new hardy, after intrepid, theme15:11
jollyr0ger_some graphics have made great works building images15:11
jollyr0ger_but is possible realize them?15:11
jollyr0ger_like this15:12
jollyr0ger_or is not possible to realize them15:13
kwwiianything is possible but doing that would be a lot of work15:14
kwwiiand as it changes the way the whole desktop works you would have to be sure to convince every gnome desktop developer out there :-)15:15
jollyr0ger_I think that is too hard :d15:16
jollyr0ger_do you know if the artwork team is working on intrepid to make more uniform the process of bootup a linux station?15:19
jollyr0ger_I mean a graphics cover that mask15:19
jollyr0ger_all the init process from the boot until the login window?15:19
jollyr0ger_like os x15:19
kwwiiwell, the usplash stuff is only the domain of the art team as far as ideas and artwork go, the functionality of it would need to come from a more technically based team15:30
jollyr0ger_thanks to answer to all my questions. now I leave you. good work15:35
jollyr0ger_ciao ciao15:35
* kwwii -> store16:19
pwnguinis there any overlap between the artwork team and the font team?17:38
pwnguinthe ubuntu title font kinda sucks17:41
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kooldudeim fresh new at this so can someone give me a jumpstart22:13
kooldudei have icons22:20
psyke83kwwii: take a look at the tabs in this screenshot - http://connogriofa.googlepages.com/twf-contrast.png23:16
psyke83oh - and hi ;)23:16
kwwiipsyke83: hi23:18
kwwiithey are a bit lighter, or?23:18
kwwiiI was going to talk to you about that :-)23:18
kwwiigood thing that you brought it up!23:18
psyke83nope, the contrast is increased23:18
kwwiiperhaps we should make the bg color to the unfocused tabs a bit lighter?23:19
psyke83sure... I'm gonna mess with the theme a bit and see if anything can be improved23:19
psyke83the key to the tabs is contrast, to see the dividing borders23:19
psyke83I mean the "contrast" engine parameter23:19
kwwiithere was a screenshot on the wiki testing page which showed the tab problems23:20
Cimitabs should be redesigned in murrine23:20
kwwiiyes, the lines need to be apparent for the unfocused tabs but the text also somewhat readable23:20
Cimialso the lightborderratio should be reduced for insensitive widgets23:20
Cimithere's still a lot of work23:20
kwwiiin general the overall contrast of the unfocused tab bg seems too much to me23:20
psyke83Cimi: yes I want to reduce the lightborder ratio, but don't know how to isolate the insensitive widgets23:20
Cimithere isn't23:21
Cimijust a change in the code can do it23:21
psyke83kwwii, in that screenshot I set a high contrast just to show how to make the tabs more visibly distinct23:21
kwwiipsyke83: excellent, thanks23:21
kwwiisend me the code and I'll put it in23:22
kwwiia patch is fine, if you want23:22
kwwiihowever is easy for you23:22
psyke83kwwii, do you want the global contrast increased? It makes the buttons more distinct from the background23:23
kwwiipsyke83: one thing that mark mentioned to me is that he really likes the look of the 3D elements in the theme, it might be nice to add a bit of contrast, yes23:25
kwwiithe things he wants to change are the progress bars and the scrollbars mainly23:25
kwwiilooking at human it is pretty clear that it has a unique style for those elements23:26
psyke83kwwii, ok... well the separator items look awful with a higher contrast, I need to isolate them in the gtkrc. I've isolated the window seperators, but still have to change menu and toolbar ones23:26
kwwiiI think that he wants something unique like that for ubuntu23:26
kwwiipsyke83: also, I think that the 3D-ness of the menu highlight is somehow too much23:26
psyke83kwwii, well there is a lot of flexibility in Cimi's new engine to change the gradient pattern, gimme a minute and I'll give an example23:26
kwwiipsyke83: cool, take all the time in the world23:27
psyke83ok, I'll reduce that23:27
psyke83kwwii: really rough, just to give an example: http://connogriofa.googlepages.com/Screenshot-TheWidgetFactory.png23:28
kwwiipsyke83: hrm, maybe with a slightly different highlight color that would work well23:29
psyke83kwwii: I was just showing that the highlight can be changed, I gave it a rather extreme value23:30
kwwiipsyke83: how are you changing this? is it one variable or are you defining a gradient?23:30
kwwiiright, I imagine something with less effect in the saturation would be better23:32
kwwiialthough maybe just a tick darker would be enough23:32
kwwiihard to say when it comes to the fine points23:33
kwwiipsyke83: funky question, what do you do all day? (ie for a living)23:33
psyke83kwwii, looking for a short-term job right now23:34
psyke83in a couple of months, I'll be heading (back) to Brazil to continue teaching23:34
kwwiiwow, brazil23:35
psyke83try this combination: {1.20,1.05,1.20,1.02}23:36
psyke83could use some tweaking, but it looks nice to me23:36
kwwiiI assumed from your name that you were Irish or such23:36
psyke83I'm looking just at the buttons for now, other widgets can be different23:36
psyke83I am Irish :)23:37
kwwiiwhat leads you to brazil then?23:37
kwwiiand what in the world are you teaching? and why in the heck are do you know so much about gtkrc's?23:37
kwwiithe questions never end :-)23:38
psyke83I've got a Brazilian girlfriend there, heh. We've been alternating between Ireland and Brazil, it's my turn to go there23:38
kwwiiwhere does that combination go?23:38
psyke83I was/will be teaching English in companies and in private classes23:38
psyke83and... it has nothing to do with gtkrcs, heh23:39
psyke83I got an urge to see how difficult theming could be, so I did some poking around... that's it23:40
kwwiihehe, and I am an American in Germany (for 12 years) because of my wife (then girlfriend) ...who actually teaches english at a private company23:40
psyke83nice, where in Germany?23:40
kwwiiBamberg, which is in Oberfranken which is in Franken which is in Northern Bavaria23:41
psyke83Bavaria is beautiful, I've been there before23:41
kwwiilook for the middle of Germany and a little to the south-east23:41
kwwiiI live directly on the Main river in a small village outside of Bamberg23:41
kwwiiquite nice23:41
kwwiilittle crime and such compared to where I came from in America :-)23:42
psyke83what state in America?23:42
kwwiigood place to raise my son23:42
kwwiiSt. Louis, Missouri and Phoenix, Arizona...back and forth between my parents23:43
psyke83nice... I've never been to the U.S. yet (funny that I'd see South America before North, heh)23:44
kwwiiprobably better that way :-)23:44
kwwiianyway, time for sleep here23:44
psyke83ok, we'll talk later23:44
kwwiicool, send me anything you think is worthy and we can test it out23:44
psyke83sure thing23:45
kwwiiI'll be leaving on vacation on August 2 until the 23 so I won't have to have things nailed down until shortly before I leave23:45
kwwiihave you seen the testing page on the wiki?23:46
kwwiipretty good response I think23:46
psyke83yep, there's some good feedback there23:46
kwwiiin the end, we need to push some of this back upstream somehow23:47
kwwiiat least talk to the people responsible for the apps and ask them if they see some way to fix this stuff23:47
psyke83yep, I'll see about filing some bugs soon23:48
kwwiiin the end the dark theme will not be default so it is not really our problem but getting this stuff fixed would really mean a lot to everyone I think23:48
psyke83sure, and NewHuman can continue evolving as an alternate theme, I suppose23:48
psyke83what will be default? Ubuntulooks again?23:48
kwwiiif you want to start filing bugs, I think it might be nice to look at things in a broader perspective and also try to open a discussion with some of the app-devs23:49
kwwiii really, really hope that we will use a version of murrine which has the small tweaks that mark wants23:50
kwwii*wink* at Cimi on this one, we'll see what happens23:50
kwwiialone, I cannot learn to write gtk engine code without giving up all the other things I do23:50
psyke83you'll have to tell me another day what tweaks they are, I must have missed the chat23:50
kwwiimark is generally not happy with the look of the progress bars, doesn't like the stripe and thinks they look to boring...the scrollbars also are too hard to find and miss the extra touch when you find them23:52
kwwiiie, look at the ubuntulooks theme and think, how can we something very much like this, only different23:52
kwwii...can we *do* something...23:54
kwwiianyway, time for sleep23:54
kwwiiagain and again I say that23:54
kwwiimy mantra23:55
psyke83nite nite23:55
kwwiisee you soon, I hope23:55
psyke83sure, I'll be around23:56

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