
vipexanyone knoiw how i can install the quake 3 arena demo ? sudo ____?00:01
joakimsorry, damn i've got a blackout...but how do I get my on-running programs only on the workspace startip menu? dum nut I can't find it just now.....00:08
joakimbtw runnung kubuntu hardy00:09
Chrysaliswhats the name of that launcher thingy 'ctrl+tab' i think? and what package is it part of?00:10
NyadHi. Is there any disadvantage to running ubuntu instead of debian? what difference is there?00:10
NyadChrysalis: not Katapult?00:11
ChrysalisNyad: right!00:12
vipexomg this is hard...im tryinng install quake 3 arena demo for my brother but it dosnt work00:16
bucketheadGah. I'm trying to make a right click menu in dolphin. For some reason its not showing up. Did they change the path away from /home/[user]/.kde/share/apps/d3lphin/servicemenus/00:16
vipexi have tryed  everything sudo , adpt mnager..00:16
vipexany1 know's tht  game  O_o00:17
vipexis it possible to install on kubuntu:O00:18
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jimmy51_homewill a "creative zen stone plus" work well with linux?00:26
jimmy51_homeas in easily mount and drag and drop00:26
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powertool08Does anyone know which config file has info on programs which autostart with kde because they were running in the last saved session?00:41
powertool08anyone here?00:53
zabbadappno idea, but via k-menu -> system settings -> advanced -> session manager you should be able to get rid of any saved session by turning it off00:58
donsdlI just installed StoreBackup by using Adept.  Shouldn't it show up somewhere under the "K" menu?01:01
powertool08zabbadapp: I need to disable compiz, when I log in it crashes and restarts X, so I can't go the gui route01:04
F-u-z-z-Y_1I need to install a software for my printer, I'll download the .tar.bz2 file and extacted it to my desktop, now what?01:13
powertool08F-u-z-z-Y_1: cd to where you extracted it and type "./configure"01:22
powertool08F-u-z-z-Y_1: actually do ./configure && make01:23
powertool08F-u-z-z-Y_1: the && means do not run command make unless command ./configure succeeded without errors01:23
powertool08F-u-z-z-Y_1: then if both commands finish, sudo make install01:24
F-u-z-z-Y_1i'm getting bash: ./configure: No such file or directory01:25
powertool08F-u-z-z-Y_1: are you in the directory you extracted to?01:25
powertool08F-u-z-z-Y_1: what is in that directory?01:25
F-u-z-z-Y_1folder called cdroot and a file called autorun01:26
F-u-z-z-Y_1no sorry01:27
F-u-z-z-Y_1its just a folder called CDroot01:27
powertool08F-u-z-z-Y_1: are they're any sh files? they might be hidden01:27
F-u-z-z-Y_1in that folder there is a folder called Linux and autorun01:27
F-u-z-z-Y_1inside the linux folder there is an install.sh01:27
powertool08F-u-z-z-Y_1: ok make sure its executable, if not chmod +x install.sh, then sudo install.sh01:28
F-u-z-z-Y_1if i run install.sh nothing happens01:29
powertool08F-u-z-z-Y_1: and it was executable?01:29
F-u-z-z-Y_1nothing happened. I just did sudo install.sh and got this... sudo: install.sh: command not found01:30
powertool08powertool08: I don't know, you can try asking in #ubuntu, or #bash01:33
codyt07Hello, some how I managed on my KDE bar at the bottom I moved all the icons that where on the right to right beside the "K Start button is' how can I move those icons back to the right where they should be? I cannot see minimalized apps now01:42
codyt07kde  4 by the way01:43
ubottuSamba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT.01:50
ubottunfs is the network file system. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SettingUpNFSHowTo for information on installing and configuring NFS.01:50
ubottuSamba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT.01:51
kalelci sono italiani?01:58
dr_WillisNo Hoblo. :)01:59
dr_Willisheh heh.01:59
ubottuVai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie!01:59
kaleli try to speak english01:59
kalelwhere are you from dr_Willis?02:00
dr_WillisI am in Indiana.02:00
kalelwhat is?02:01
kalelWhat is Indiana?02:01
dr_WillisIts where i am from. :)02:01
BluesKaja state in the USA , kalel02:01
dr_WillisSouth of Lake Michigan. North from  Tenessee02:01
BluesKajamercans are self geographically centric02:02
kaleli speak with americans02:02
kaleli'm italian02:02
BluesKajeverybody knows where indiana is02:02
dr_WillisIndianapolis 500 :)02:03
dr_WillisHe dident ask where.. he asked what. :P02:03
kaleli'm italian02:03
kaleli love america02:03
dr_WillisSo does my French Brother In law. :) he hates to even go back to france.02:04
kalelè stato bello parlare con voi. ora vado a dormire02:04
kaleltranslation: i go to bed02:05
kalelgood night02:06
BluesKajresponse ,: good night02:06
atari2600atrying to get kubuntu-desktop installed & instead of installing all dependancies, it gives me an error message saying it needs dependencies that aren't going to be installed?02:06
atari2600aoh using apt-get BTW02:06
BluesKaj!dependency hell02:06
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about dependency hell02:06
atari2600aI mean I can fuffill the dependancies myself but something tells me something's wrong with the package itself or something02:07
BluesKajatari2600a:  you could use synaptic to fix broken packages ..it might work02:07
dr_Willisatari2600a,  have you 'apt-get update'  recently? try updating, upgrading, then try installing.02:07
atari2600aI already tried sudo apt-get check & sudo apt-get -f, both didn't do anything02:07
atari2600aooh, update, I didn't do that today02:08
* atari2600a updates the lists :P02:08
dr_Williswhen in doubt.. always update,02:08
atari2600ahey what KDE comes default in kubuntu-desktop?02:08
dr_Williskde3 at this time02:08
DragnslcrShould be 3.5.902:08
dr_Williskde4 is available on the remix cd , or installablable.. so phhht to your ewww.02:09
atari2600aany way I can easily get KDE 4 on thar?02:09
ubottuKDE 4.0.5 is the latest major release of the K Desktop Environment. Packages can be found at http://kubuntu.org/announcements/kde-4.0.5.php - Support in #kubuntu-kde402:09
DragnslcrSure, you can install kubuntu-kde4-desktop02:09
atari2600aDragnslcr: thanks02:10
atari2600aI'm also doing that one script thing where .desktop's are left in gnome & .lnk's are left in KDE :P02:11
BluesKajI reverted to gutsy ...the last hardy/kernel upgrade crapped out my setup badly02:11
atari2600awhatever desktop naming KDE uses02:11
atari2600aisn't it lnk?02:11
=== root is now known as Guest5391
Guest5391HI'! somebody can help me?02:12
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)02:12
Guest5391i need to install some codecs, but i don't know how :S02:13
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about w3202:13
Guest5391it's my first time in kubuntu02:13
ubottumedibuntu is a repository of packages that cannot be included into the Ubuntu distribution for legal reasons - See http://www.medibuntu.org02:13
dr_WillisGuest5391,  for what task? the w32codecs pack from medibuntu is normally needed to play most videos.02:13
dr_Willisthe kubuntu-restricted-extras package. installs some often-needed stuff as well.02:13
Guest5391ok, i just have to download it?02:14
dr_Willisfor w32codecs you will want to enable the medibuntu repository, and use the package manager to install it.02:15
Guest5391 !w32codecs -> where do i have to put it?, sorry, i don't know :S02:15
ubottuwhere, please see my private message02:15
dr_Willisyou do not normally 'just download' things. :) you use the package manager to install the proper packages. In this case the package names are 'w32codecs' and 'kubuntu-restricted-extras'02:15
dr_Willis!bot | Guest539102:15
ubottuGuest5391: Hi! I'm #kubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://tinyurl.com/5zfb6t - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots02:15
dr_Willis! commands are for the bot. :) to make the bot spit out specific factoids02:15
ubottudr_Willis: Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)02:15
dr_Willis! is Not a command for you. :) tis a command for the bot.02:16
ubottudr_Willis: Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)02:16
=== root is now known as Guest84401
ubottuDo not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo02:18
=== dasu is now known as dasu__
RozenHey guys, I need some help, When ever i try to install Kubuntu When it reaches 87% My computer just turns it self off. :/02:29
RozenI think it has to do with the BIOS but i have no clue how to do it. I think it has to do with my the Temp of my computer but i don't know how to cool it down.02:30
lampepress esc02:31
lampeand tell us what he is doing02:32
dr_WillisRozen,  Hmm... weirdness.. You may want to open up the case and give it a good dusting and check that all the fans are working.02:34
Rozenmm, All righty02:37
RozenIf it doesn't work, I'll be back :P02:37
orvv_hi I am on gutsy how should upgrade to hardy?02:39
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about upgade02:40
ubottuFor upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes02:40
lampehow can i change from gnome to kde ?02:41
orvv_is there a straight kde4 upgrade?02:42
dr_Willislampe,  you can insatll both kde and gnome, and select what one to use from the gdm/kdm login screen sessions menu.02:42
Schuenemannlampe, install kubuntu-desktop02:43
lampebut i am runing now ubuntu02:43
Schuenemannlampe, that is a package02:43
Schuenemann!info kubuntu-desktop02:43
ubottukubuntu-desktop (source: kubuntu-meta): Kubuntu desktop system. In component main, is optional. Version 1.75 (hardy), package size 18 kB, installed size 44 kB02:43
lampeinstalling KDE402:44
orvv_what about kde4? is it possible a clean kde4 upgrade?02:45
lampewe will see ^02:45
lampeits downloading02:45
lampeand i hope it will work for me02:45
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orvv_lampe: which one are u doing?02:46
lampei installed ubuntu and add software i searched for kde402:47
orvv_which command are u using?02:47
lampeno command02:47
lampei got UBUNTU with GNOME02:47
lampethere is a programm called add/delet02:48
lampeand there i can search for KDE and press install and he do :P02:48
lampeso now must restart see yaa :D02:48
TEA-TOOrestart in linux?02:49
orvv_I am using apt-get, I got rid off all kde related packages and x11 as well as non-system packages02:50
orvv_so now from a fresh cd install I only have 75 upgrades02:51
orvv_many related to avahi, I wonder whether it is safe to remove avahi02:52
orvv_can somenone tell me if I can remove avahi stuff?02:52
orvv_I still got to cancel the upgrade02:53
dr_WillisI would just let the system update and upgrade....02:54
lampedid not work ...02:54
lampeit loaded the login screen02:54
dr_Willislampe,  it pays to be verbose and concise as to what your exact problem is. :)02:54
lampebut then it loaded gnome not kde02:54
dr_Willislampe,  and did you select kde from the sessions menu?02:54
lampei want to install KDE on a Ubuntu02:55
lampethere where no selecttion02:55
dr_Willislampe,  you normally install the 'kubuntu-desktop' package. and the gdm screen has a 'sessions' menu item you use to select what desktop to use when you login02:55
lampei will look02:56
* dr_Willis waits and waits.. and thinks about changeing his nick to confuse lampe.02:57
lampethere is the session menu02:58
lampenow iam runing kde402:58
orvv_is it possible to use a more specific kernel other than generic? for a p403:03
dr_WillisI doubt if there is one more optmized for it.03:04
orvv_I think having seen i68603:05
dr_WillisInstall it and see if you can tell the differance then i guess.03:05
orvv_would I have to change the profile or somthing?03:05
dr_Willisprofile? Hmm.. it should just a new entry to the grub menus03:06
dr_Willisnot sure whatyou mean by profile03:06
orvv_arch profile03:06
lampeiam back :D03:14
lampenow iam runing xfce03:14
lampehello ?03:15
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=== bibek is now known as bibstha
bibsthahi my harddisk makes certain sound03:23
bibsthaat random interval03:23
bibsthaim worried03:23
bibsthaits a laptop i just iayyesterdnstalled kubuntu03:23
zabbadappis it spinning down and up again?03:24
bibsthawell its not the sound of spin03:24
zabbadappwhat did it run before? did it make noise then? or is it a brand new laptop?03:25
bibsthaits a brand new03:25
bibsthawithout any os,03:25
bibsthajust installed kubuntu03:26
BluesKajyeah, just replaced wife's hdd , was grinding so time for a new ..itwas 10 yrsold after all :)03:26
bibsthawell i installed / in the end of the harddisk, does that make any difference?03:26
bibsthathe end portion of hd is supposed to be fast?03:27
zabbadappi was once told by computer parts reseller that disks can make funny grinding sounds to begin with, because they are calibrating for temperature ... i.e. some feedback loop detects that the head needs adjustments ...03:28
bibsthahumm, been running it for 2hrs now03:29
bibsthastill weird noises03:29
zabbadappis it several seconds apart or continous?03:30
bibsthazabbadapp: ya03:32
zabbadappi don't think it's kubuntus fault anyway ... but i know little about laptops ... try asking again (i'm going to bed)03:34
bibsthazabbadapp: :) thanks03:34
bibsthasome more googling then03:34
daspopeive been idle for a long time03:37
bibsthasudo hdparm -B 254 /dev/sda03:39
bibsthashould work for sata as well right?03:40
jeismaim on gnome-look.org and im tryin to download one of the themes under gtk 1.x03:40
jeismahow do i install it?03:40
jeismacan i do this on kubuntu?03:40
jeismaanyone know?03:41
jeismaand does gtk cover login, splash screen, background, everything?03:41
orvv_isn't it on the repos?03:41
jeismawhat is?03:41
ravhello. Is there a way to make Firefox the default web browser?03:44
BluesKajrav: sudo update-alternatives --config x-www-browser03:44
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rad_isnt there a way to see a list of the rooms?03:46
rad_like mybe joining anougher chatroom03:47
rad_lol nm ppl03:48
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ravBluesKaj: thanks. also, firefox asked me for the application to open mailto links, should i just use kmail? are there any parameters that need to be passed?03:50
BluesKajrav, you may want to set up default browser in system settings/default apps as well03:51
BluesKajkmail will, take it's cue from there , so you don't need to config the browser for email links03:52
BluesKajkmail is a fime email prog ...I use it and like it03:52
ravBluesKaj: i do too, just want mailto links in firefox to open kmail composer windows.03:53
BluesKajyes, as long as you have kmail as the default in syatem settings/default apps03:54
dthacker!hello | jason__04:01
ubottujason__: Hi! Welcome to #kubuntu!04:01
jason__hello to u all04:02
jason__I'm new to linux. i'm working on networking between Windows XP and Kubuntu. On different PCs of course.04:02
jeismahow do i install a whole new theme from kde-look.org?04:04
jeismai downloaded the tar file, but now what?04:04
ubottuFind your themes at: http://www.gnome-look.org - http://art.gnome.org - http://www.kde-look.org - http://kubuntu-art.org - http://themes.freshmeat.net/browse/58/ - http://www.guistyles.com - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/ - Also see !changethemes and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuEyeCandy04:04
ubottuTo change gnome themes: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuEyeCandy.  Kubuntu themes: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CustomizeKubuntu. Xubuntu users should /msg ubottu xfce-themes04:04
jeismadthacker is there a way to change a theme all together isntead of doing it piece by piece like the website you gave?04:06
jeismai just downloaded an entire theme, is there a way to install it all at one time?04:06
K350I've installed kde-core xorg and kdm on a command-lien system, it works great. It's jus t that it's not in my language. what shall I download to get it in my langauge?04:07
ubottuTo change gnome themes: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuEyeCandy.  Kubuntu themes: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CustomizeKubuntu. Xubuntu users should /msg ubottu xfce-themes04:07
sea4everWhat's the name of the package with the C dev files?04:07
sea4everI know it's some combination of 'dev' and 'C' or 'C++' or something.04:08
dthackerjeisma: untar it and look for a README04:09
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about untar04:09
* dthacker hugs ubottu04:09
sea4ever"tar -x" I think.04:09
jason__I'm advanced in The Windows Command Line, but not this... Terminal...04:10
sea4everBut the terminal is fun,pipes are great.04:11
orvv_what,s better skype static or the normal one?04:12
orvv_from medibuntu04:13
jason__How can i make kubuntu join a windows network. And ideas?04:13
jason__Any ideas?04:13
orvv_use cifs04:14
jason__Whats that? A program? a command line? what?04:15
sea4everlibc6-dev apparently, and build-essential. Is there any way to download these packages manually? Like from another OS?04:15
orvv_is openwengo the qt counter part to pidgin?04:15
jason__i have the two compuers networked via crossover.04:15
orvv_I think pidgin is coded in mono04:16
jason__orvv... r u talking to me?04:16
K350I can onl yselect US-Englisn on my kubuntu..what packages can I download ot get more languages?04:17
orvv_ to anyone knwoleadgeabale with kubuntu04:17
dthacker!samba | jason__04:19
ubottujason__: Samba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT.04:19
orvv_he left04:19
dthackerorvv: what are you looking for?04:19
orvv_by the way a share folder with virtualbox works fine04:20
orvv_a kde pidgin equivalent04:20
dthackerI don't think he was ready for that.04:20
dthackerkopete, kvirc are irc clients that favor kde04:21
orvv_he was running them in crossover...04:21
orvv_that massochist04:21
dthackeryes, he was.  poor sod04:21
geekorvv_: how about kopete?04:22
geekfor the latter04:22
CanageekProblem: I'm trying to connect to my unencrypted wiresless network, at my computer can see it, and the logs show the computer attempting to connect a bunch of times in a row, but it can't connect. Does anyone have any ideas?04:22
CanageekYou missed Konversation04:22
orvv_geek: in kde4?04:22
CanageekNo, didn't feel like  living on the edge...04:23
geekorvv_: i believe there may be a port already04:23
dthackerCanageek: do the logs have an error message?04:23
geekCanageek: he said pidgin. pidgin is a multiplatform client ;p04:23
CanageekLets see04:23
orvv_since there seems the geeks are back I'll ask this again04:23
jeismawhy is it when i install new theme under theme manager, it does nothing?04:24
jeismaand i have kth file to install to04:24
jeismait adds the theme to the list04:24
jeismabut it changes nothing04:24
orvv_is possible to have a kernel that's not generic for a p4 processor?04:24
smitthelp me with kde4, hi04:24
smittwhere shell i go?04:24
dthackerdefine "not generic"04:25
sea4everdthacker: specific.04:25
* dthacker buries sea4ever under a pile of perl books04:25
jeismaanyone know why nothing changes swhen i install my new theme?04:26
orvv_the arch04:26
CanageekOk, I'm trying to cennet to it now04:26
CanageekNo error msgs04:26
Canageekjust "Jul/10/2008 22:25:28 Wireless PC connected" and then my MAC adress04:26
dthackerjeisma: http://www.kubuntuforums.net/forums/index.php?topic=3093308 may be useful04:27
dthackerCanageek: is that the router log?04:28
jeismadthacker: thanks04:28
CanageekOh, and that message is there 7 times04:28
Canageekwith times stamps a few seconds appart04:28
Canageekall from my wireless cards mac adress04:29
dthackerIs your wireless nic set to dhcp or a static address04:29
CanageekI belive04:29
jeismadthacker: didn't help04:29
jeismahow do i figure out what version of kubuntu i have?04:29
dthackerjeisma: lsb_release -a, I think04:29
jeismaim on gutsy 7.1... how far behind am i?04:30
dthackerCanageek, is your wireless card at eth0 or eth1?04:30
geekone version04:30
geekcurrent is hardy 8.0404:31
jeismahow do i upgrade to that version?04:31
jeismai did full upgrade in adept04:31
jeismait did nothing04:31
Canageekmy wired connection is eth0 so I'm guessing eth104:32
dthackerCanageek: please pastebin the contents of /etc/network/interfaces04:33
ubottupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #kubuntu channel topic)04:34
ybitthe font in my tty screens is WAY too large, how can i adjust it? also, when booting up, it doesn't show anything, just a blank screen and it takes forever to load as opposed to when i select recovery mode in the grub menu.04:34
ybitin grub.lst, i've removed quiet, so i don't know why it goes blank when booting up04:35
Canageekdthacker: http://paste.ubuntu.com/26580/04:35
Canageekybit: did you also remove splash?04:35
dthackerCanageek: that's all?04:36
ybitCanageek: nope04:36
CanageekI just copied cat /etc/network/interfaces into there04:36
ybitthirdly and probably lastly, i've connected a second standard monitor to this computer, but i can't get it out of clone mode. i selected the dual screen option, rebooted X server and Xserver wouldn't startup, so i rebooted and the same result, it wouldn't boot into anything. finally had to remove the monitor and to get it to boot into kdm04:36
CanageekI'm using KNetworkManager to connect to my wired network right now04:37
dthackerCanageek: there are no interfaces defined.  why don't you re-define your wireless, make sure you see it in /etc/network/interfaces, and restart your network?04:38
Canageekdthacker: I really wish I knew how to do that....04:39
=== lavender is now known as kiwis
CanageekWell, I need to sleep now, I'll be back latter04:43
crazy_bushas anyone here ever compiled koffice on kubuntu?04:43
dthackerCanageek: !wireless04:44
ubottuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs04:44
Canageekah, thank you04:44
dthackercrazy_bus: nah, I stick to packages04:44
CanageekI may not be bakc04:44
crazy_busit's just that krita-kde is broken and 5 alpha release behind and I'm having difficulty compiling it04:45
dthackerI like krita.   KDE4 or 3?04:45
DarkriftX<DarkriftX> how do i tell zip to add everyting in subfolders?04:46
DarkriftX<DarkriftX> zip zipname.zip * just gives all files and empty folders04:46
crazy_busyes I meant krita-kde4.  I really want to try out the natural color mixing04:46
dthackercrazy_bus: sorry, still on KDE3.04:46
=== Apple_cat is now known as Apple_cat_
smittKDE4 - is very very very bad now... it is just for siting and looking on it, but if you mouse is moving every secind you take a error04:48
kiwisim having a problem upgrading, when i type sudo apt-get upgrade i get ... E: Some index files failed to download, they have been ignored, or old ones used instead.04:48
kiwisany help greatly appreciated04:48
dthackerDarkriftX: zip -r "travels the directory path recursively" from the man page04:50
DarkriftXzip --h and --help gave errors :S04:50
DarkriftXalways forget to man04:51
=== ubuntu is now known as ubuntu_
=== ubuntu_ is now known as ubuntu__
dthackerkiwis: take a look at this http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-606941.html your error may not be serious04:53
* dthacker prepares to wander away in 5 mins04:56
kiwisdthacker: i tried the code but i dnt get any upgrades and i cant download anything niether04:58
dthackerhmmmm. what does lsb_release -a say?04:59
atari2600aI'm using KDE4 right now05:00
dthackerthats a deep subject05:00
atari2600a& I have to say05:00
atari2600ait's a very dissappointing experience05:00
atari2600athen again I've barely touched any config settinggs05:01
* dthacker has to go for now. bbl05:02
mefistofelekde4 isn't really ready for mass consumption05:11
mefistofeleI say this, of course, while having used it as my primary DE since January05:11
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rocko_ I have problem with bootup messages not showing up when I change the default vga size in menu.lst which it worked in older kubuntu releases do any of you guys or ladies have an idea of what I need to do to fix this?05:48
ironman_hi rocko could b more specific ?05:54
rocko_hello ironman_05:55
ironman_didmt get the loding mss from kernel?05:56
rocko_the init messages don't come up any more when I change the vga in menu.lst05:57
rocko_but in older releases and in debian 4 it works05:57
rocko_the reason why I want to change them is because they are big05:58
ironman_chk the refresh rate of ur monitor. I don have experienci with debian but in Kubuntu this problem i got when i change the refresh rate05:58
rocko_what did you change the refresh rate to?05:59
ironman_when using a generic driver for the monitor05:59
ironman_to get more pixels06:00
ironman_sorry im a little sick and i dont think fast06:01
rocko_thats ok06:01
ironman_wich release r u working with?06:01
ironman_r ur monitor work with the specific driver?06:02
rocko_I have had this problem with all the ubuntu based distros since after 7.0.4 release06:03
rocko_yes my card is supported06:03
ironman_nop ur monitor06:03
dsmith_8.04 locksup after I am away from it for sometime06:03
dsmith_like if I am in a rdp session when I come back to it say after 20-30 mins06:03
ironman_monitor model?06:04
rocko_it's a laptop06:04
ironman_not an HP?06:05
gkffjcs_hey guys, is there a way to create extensions for konqueror, and are there extensions out there?06:05
rocko_it's a generic montior 1280x76806:05
rocko_it is hp the compaq model06:05
rocko_compaq presario v200006:05
ironman_if u r nor hurry i could have an answer for u tomorrow, iḿ not sure but i got a cliente with this problem nut im not quite sure this moment i could foind out tomorrow with the lab technicians06:07
ironman_we got  some problems with HP screens and web cams06:08
dsmith_has anyone had issues with kubuntu freezing up on them?06:08
ironman_u have a dual installation ?06:09
rocko_me no06:09
rocko_no windows06:09
ironman_me no either06:09
dsmith_ironman yes06:09
dsmith_kubuntu will hang if I am away from it for sometime06:09
dsmith_like an RDP session06:10
dsmith_or screensaver and then come back to it06:10
flaccidmaybe the problem is acpi06:10
dsmith_the mouse will move but everyting is lagger for like a few mins06:10
dsmith_then it comes back to lifwe06:10
flaccidtry to keep response on 1 line please dsmith_06:10
dsmith_flaccid: I know.. :)06:11
flaccidyou do?06:11
dsmith_I do it out of habit..06:11
dsmith_<---- no excuse06:11
flaccidyeah im the same but im trying to minimise06:11
dsmith_I'm so use to saying blahh blah, and oh, blah blah..06:12
dsmith_I'm leaning to it being a hardware issue at most06:12
ironman_kind of machine u have dsmith?06:14
vitrengo problemas con mi msn06:15
ironman_hola vit06:15
dsmith_ironman_: I have HP zd7000 alptop06:16
vitde donde eres iroman06:16
ironman_dsmoth u have to try a couple of things first06:16
ironman_Ecuador vit q problema tienes?06:17
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ironman_disabe all the screensavers06:17
vitcuando entro al amsn y quiero abri la badeja de ni correo06:18
rocko_free as in freedom06:18
ironman_dame un min vit06:18
ubottuThe #ubuntu, #kubuntu and #xubuntu channels are English only. For a complete list of channels in other languages, please visit http://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat06:18
ironman_and also dsmith de battery saver06:18
dsmith_ok screensaver off06:19
ironman_so ur lap r going to works always then u try to get again the problem06:19
dsmith_battery saver, you mean powermanager?06:19
ironman_disable it06:19
dsmith_is there a way to remove it?06:20
ironman_no u dont have to remove just disable06:20
dsmith_ok I looked in adpet and have ~10 power packages installed06:21
ironman_u could tis from the BIOS and the start up sequence os via system settings06:21
ironman_ok via adept unistalled them06:21
ironman_u could reinstall it later06:22
ironman_always try to choose just one progrma to be instaled per funtion06:23
ironman_vit solucionaste tu problema?06:23
ironman_yes dsmith06:23
ironman_remember dsmith the power manager problems have a low priority in execution06:24
dsmith_I just removed powertop and it says removing kubuntu-desktop06:25
ironman_for any OS is a good practice to have the computer our of trsh06:26
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about pastebin'06:26
ubottupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #kubuntu channel topic)06:26
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ironman_i gotta go c u tomorrow06:28
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yao_ziyuanwhen trying to dist-upgrade, i ruined my package system06:50
yao_ziyuansome critical packages are removed06:50
Agent_bobwhy did you tell it "Yes; do as I say!"   ???06:51
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geniiYou could try the old    sudo dpkg --configure -a           to make it finish configuring stuff06:52
ishbalek wats a good program to extract .img files06:52
Agent_bobishbale mount it.06:53
geniiAgent_bob: Hi BTW :)06:53
Agent_bobishbale   sudo mount -o loop file.img /dir   # translate file.img and dir06:54
Agent_bobgenii shalom06:54
rtroianoanyone here have exp /w getting cedega working properly on kubutu (64bit)?  i cant get it to detect my Nvidia GeForce 7600 drivers06:54
mr---t-shabat shalom Agent_bob06:55
geniirtroiano: They might know more about it in #cedega channel06:55
ishbaleim confused06:56
ishbaleits in my desktop06:56
ishbalewhere would i iclude that i it06:57
ishbalein it06:57
=== rtroiano is now known as Richie086
Agent_bobyou mean where would you mount it ?     try   mkdir -p ~/disk ;sudo mount -o loop ~/Desktop/file.img ~/disk06:58
geniiAgent_bob: Beat me to it. Althugh I had him making the mount folder on desktop06:58
Agent_boblocation is kinda irelivant.06:59
geniiWell, if on desktop then easy tospot :)06:59
genii..and mount06:59
Agent_bobonly preferance i know.  but i don't like anything in ~/Desktop07:00
geniiDoes get cluttered07:00
* Agent_bob views those icons that are there by default as "grafiti" and removes them.07:03
orvv_anyone know how to re-build the initr image? it has the wrong resolution settings07:03
Agent_bobi don't think so.07:03
Agent_bobyou set size sith  vga=   in grub's  menu.lst07:04
Agent_bobor if you mean the rez. for xorg, it has nothing to do with either.07:04
Agent_boborvv_ but to answer your origenal Q,  mkinitramfs  is the command   man it for the args07:06
geniiYou'd also need initramfs-tools07:06
Agent_bobinstalled by default ?07:06
orvv_Agent_bob: I don't know, neither the framebuffer nor X is showing up07:07
Agent_bobyou have to be able to build an initramfs image, to be able to update the kernel genii07:07
Agent_boborvv_ ati chip ?07:07
Agent_bobreally?    hmmm07:08
geniiAgent_bob: PErhaps it installs it as a dependency when a kernel update is required. But base install does not put it by default.07:08
Agent_bobwell try this.   set the kernel line in the menu.lst to "nosplash vga=normal"  and try it.07:09
Agent_bobgenii if it's not installed by default, then it's not needed to build an initramfs.img   </shrugs>07:09
orvv_why not defoptions=vga=79107:10
Agent_bobcause you have a kernel installed and guess what it did when it unpacked it...  it made an initramfs image for it....07:10
Agent_boborvv_ cause you want to be able to see something   :)07:11
orvv_oh I can by alt f107:11
Agent_bobpfft, then what did you mean by "<orvv_> Agent_bob: I don't know, neither the framebuffer nor X is showing up" <<< framebuffer is ?07:12
Agent_bobmaybe the init scripts are resetting to textmode ... but anyway.    if your only problem is xorg (for now)  then fix it.07:13
yao_ziyuanthere are some broken packages in my system. when i try to remove them, they require almost all packages on my systems be removed too (including those critical core packages). i've already let this removal go halfway. how can i restore my system?07:15
Agent_boblet it finish and install the ubuntu-base package07:16
orvv_Agent_bob: ok with ur option the framebuffer is ok, but X still blakc07:17
Agent_bobof course xorg is still the same.  it's not affected by anything in the kernel/initramfs boot sequence07:18
Agent_bobor at least "shouldn't be" affected by them.07:18
Agent_bobif you had ati chips i would have to correct that...07:19
Agent_bobgenii hardy is not useing the old initrd-tools is it ?07:25
Agent_bob!info initrd-tools07:25
ubottuPackage initrd-tools does not exist in hardy07:25
Agent_bobok that answers that07:25
genii!info initramfs-tools07:25
ubottuinitramfs-tools (source: initramfs-tools): tools for generating an initramfs. In component main, is important. Version 0.85eubuntu39.1 (hardy), package size 65 kB, installed size 372 kB07:25
Agent_bobis important ^07:26
Agent_bobmeans installed by default.07:26
geniiInteresting. I recall having to manually install it for some reason07:26
Agent_bobgenii that was back on breezy maybe ?07:27
geniiWell I have a dapper server could be it was on that07:27
Agent_bobi think the transition form initrd to initramfs wan in dapper... so if you upgraded to dapper then prolly07:27
geniiI needed a hardware raid driver to be loaded in kernel so had to do it that way07:28
Agent_bobright.   but could have used the old initrd stuff.  just probably didn't have a good doc for it...07:29
Agent_bobi think the two can both be installed at one time...  i'll look07:30
Agent_bobyep you can have both.07:30
Agent_bobcause i now do..07:31
HPDV2000Does anyone help me with mounting iso file to linux?07:31
ubottuTo mount an ISO disc image, type « sudo mount -o loop <ISO-filename> <mountpoint> » - There is a list of useful cd image conversion tools at http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/CD_Image_Conversion - Always verify the ISO using !MD5 before !burning.07:31
HPDV2000However, if the iso image is suppose to be run  by windows os07:31
HPDV2000would it work properly?07:32
geniiHPDV2000: Linux won't "autorun" a cd for Windows. But you will be able to look at whatever files are on it by the loopmount way the bot describes07:32
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Agent_bobalso wine could prolly auto"run" it07:33
HPDV2000genii,  perfect07:33
HPDV2000let me try agent bob07:33
Agent_bobHPDV2000 not that it would help you any.  i was just saying.07:33
HPDV2000don't need it to auto run07:35
HPDV2000I have a game iso image07:35
HPDV2000would like to try to run it on my laptop07:35
ubottuThe Wine Application DB is a database of applications and help for !Windows programs that run under !WINE: http://appdb.winehq.org07:36
HPDV2000now, do i need to download any some sort of package for the mounting process or it is embedded in my kubuntu07:36
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geniiHPDV2000: Both sudo and mount commands should be available to you.07:37
HPDV2000so ... what should the mount point be?07:37
HPDV2000sudo mount -o loop name.iso ( this part )07:38
Agent_bobloop back device mounting is embeded in the kernel    sort of.    it's a module.07:38
Agent_bobHPDV2000 where ever you would like to access it.07:38
HPDV2000give me an example...07:38
HPDV2000can I put d:07:38
geniiHPDV2000: You create a directory for it to attach to. The directory should be somewhere in your home directory if you want to find it easily in file browser07:39
Agent_bobbut don't mount on something that you need to access already07:39
HPDV2000give me an example please07:39
Agent_bobHPDV2000 sure you can.    mkdir -p 'd:'07:39
HPDV2000If the game requires the cd-rom to be in certain drive07:39
HPDV2000never mind i'll try that right now :)07:39
Agent_bobyou'll have to remember to quote it.   cause  :  is a command in linux07:40
HPDV2000yes i did quote it but07:40
HPDV2000it didn't go through hold on07:40
HPDV2000ok let me give you my command and please fix it if theres a problem07:41
HPDV2000sudo mount -o loop sioas.iso mkdir -p 'd:'07:41
geniiHmm. Where to start07:41
Agent_bobmkdir -p 'd:' ;sudo mount -o loop blah.iso 'd:'07:41
HPDV2000I wish theres a gui version of this.. :S07:41
Agent_bobcould have back tic'd it i guess genii  ;/07:42
geniiAgent_bob: heh07:42
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Agent_bobsudo mount -o loop sioas.iso `mkdir -p 'd:'` 'd:'     :)))07:42
HPDV2000:) ok let me try that one bob07:43
Agent_bobconfusing as all get out though.07:43
Agent_bobHPDV2000 it does the same thing07:43
HPDV2000I can't access the d: drive.. hrm...07:43
HPDV2000linux is so hard to take a first step.. :S07:44
HPDV2000i see how it works now!07:44
HPDV2000it makes a directory itself and than mounts iso right there07:44
* genii watches the light bulb go on07:44
HPDV2000problem is... the iso is mounted into the folder (sorta like iso unzipping)07:45
HPDV2000what if I want it to be mounted as a cd-rom like daemon tools\07:45
Agent_bobHPDV2000 crash course in cli linux.    the  ;  &&  ||  and &   are all command seporators     secondly the back tic's   ``   will execute anything within them before the rest of the line executes, inserting any output from the back tic'd command/s into the command string.07:46
geniiHPDV2000: It didn't actually extract anything, just uses the iso file on the fly07:46
Agent_bobnote that   $()  is prefered over  ``   because of "nesting" issues with ``07:46
Agent_bobi tell you that in the hopes that you will be warry of running things with back tic'd or $() commands in them,  specally if you don't understand them and don't know the people you get them from....07:48
HPDV2000now how would I be able to unmount?07:48
geniiHPDV2000: See http://www.winehq.org/site/docs/wineusr-guide/config-wine-main#AEN288 for configuring wine as to what drives it sees07:48
geniiHPDV2000: sudo umount 'd:'07:49
* Agent_bob could own HPDV2000's box right now. seeing he was wiling to drop anything in a cli 07:49
Agent_bobhey it's just common sense.  if you don't know the person nor the command,  don't run it.    i'm trying to help you see the danger in doing that,  not scare you into thinking i already did something stupid.07:50
HPDV2000I would sense that07:51
HPDV2000but since I got a help from you bob b4 with the wireless problem07:51
HPDV2000rememberrrrr?  :)07:52
Agent_bobi could have said    echo "what means `sudo rm -r /`"    <<< and if you had executed that, it would have deleted all files on your system...      please don't try it.07:52
HPDV2000i will try it right now sir07:53
Agent_bobHPDV2000 actually no.   i  see so many new names in here that i don't even try to keep up with whom i have talked to before.07:53
Agent_bobfor you it's one set of names that helped you.   to us it's thousands of people we helped...07:53
ubottuDO NOT RUN THAT COMMAND That particular command is DANGEROUS and shouldn't be uttered here. REST OF YOU: DANGER, WILL ROBINSON, DANGER! Do not use the command or utter it here thank you!07:54
geniiJust for anyone thinking of eperimenting needlessly07:54
Agent_bobhehhe  yeah.07:54
HPDV2000so there is no easier way to mount iso image to cd-rom (linux)07:55
Tm_TAgent_bob: you should NOT even mention that thing here07:55
HPDV2000so that it shows up as CdRom07:55
Agent_bobgenii you know even the fellow that has been using linux long enough to understand both sudo and rm well enough to see the danger in combining them can get fooled into thinking that within an echo quote it would be ok.   and that was my point there really.07:56
geniiHPDV2000: There's no cd/dvd emulator built in to linux like daemon tools if thats what you mean. Although there is something on sourceforge like that07:56
Agent_bobHPDV2000 mkdir -p CdRom ;sudo mount -o loop,umask=000 sioas.iso CdRom07:57
HPDV2000no thats making a dir named 'cdrom'07:57
Agent_boboh wait. i misread you.07:57
Agent_bobyes you are correct.07:58
HPDV2000:( i wish that code will do what I actually wanted07:58
Agent_bobbut is what you want, to configure wine to look at the mountpoint as if it was the cdrom device ?07:58
HPDV2000now what does umask=000 do?07:58
HPDV2000correct bob07:59
geniiHPDV2000: The wine documentation page I pointed you to... you can set for instance the mounted directory be something like drive_e to it that way07:59
Agent_bobHPDV2000 that makes it accessable to all users07:59
HPDV2000yes genil i looked at the page you gave me07:59
HPDV2000too many infos so must read few more times..07:59
* Agent_bob isn't much of a wine drinker07:59
Agent_bobgenii am i mistaken or can't that be done with a symlink in ~/.wine/  ???08:01
HPDV2000why didn't you guys tell me I can configure the cdrom at winecfg... :( ................ (GUI)08:01
Agent_bobHPDV2000 cause you didn't ask... ?08:01
geniiHPDV2000: You didn't say you wanted wine to see something as a cd08:02
geniiAgent_bob: Yes, thats the general idea, make symlink in there to the dir the iso is mounted to08:02
HPDV2000HPDV2000: so there is no easier way to mount iso image to cd-rom (linux)08:02
HPDV2000(02:41:50 AM) HPDV2000: oh08:02
HPDV2000(02:41:53 AM) ubunturos left the room.08:02
HPDV2000(02:41:57 AM) HPDV2000: I wish theres a gui version of this.. :S08:02
HPDV2000However, you guys must missed it.. :S08:03
keepouthello evewhere08:03
HPDV2000anyways thank you for helping me :) I coudln't of done this without your help08:03
genii"[02:31] <HPDV2000> Does anyone help me with mounting iso file to linux?"08:03
Agent_bobHPDV2000 you can put the instructions for mounting the image in your fstab and have it mounted at boot time,  if that's what you mean?08:04
HPDV2000no sir08:04
geniiHello keepout08:04
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* Agent_bob writes a script that will do anything.08:05
Agent_bobecho '"$@"' > my_script.sh08:06
geniiI'd like to see a script like that08:06
Agent_bob          ^08:06
geniiHmm. Smartass08:06
* Agent_bob stops laughing long enough to breath... </side hurts>08:07
HPDV2000wine says 'out of memory' when I run setup.exe...08:07
ubottuWINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine for more information, and see !AppDB for application compatibility.08:09
Agent_bobthere is a wine channel here on freenode too08:09
HPDV2000perfecttttttt is it #wine?08:10
geniiYes, #winehq08:10
HPDV2000thank you :)08:10
geniiAlthough I've found if you're not running latest version they tell you to go install it08:10
genii(before they will think about helping)08:10
Agent_bobshould i pastebin my_script.sh  you think ?08:12
geniiI think they post stuff like that on bash.org08:13
Agent_bobgenii actually here's a little script i wrote the other day.   http://ubuntu.pastebin.us/?show=d46c6ebe3   doesn't do everything like the one i just wrote for you... but it gets close.08:14
* genii twitches08:14
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Agent_bobugly aint it ?08:15
geniiI've seen worse08:15
geniiPretty large08:16
Agent_bobyeah.   it's got about half a gig of data files that go with it.08:17
* genii sips his coffee and thinks about theology08:18
Agent_bobwhat i actually did there is reinvent the square wheel.08:19
Agent_bobbut it fits well on my modular 28 peace tricycle08:20
geniiYou've got me wondering what I did with my old ugly rsync-ing scripts08:20
Agent_bobyou should see the first stab at that monster, back when i was fresh out of "4dos"  ugly is not the word...08:21
geniiYeah I understand08:21
Agent_bobheh i actually still have an 0.2 version of it.   http://ubuntu.pastebin.us/?show=d487b55f0    reader beware !08:22
* genii twitches some more08:23
Tm_Thmm, remember the topic? ;)08:23
Agent_bobTm_T topic ???08:24
Agent_boboh that....   ;/08:24
geniiWell, it's a bit quiet08:24
Agent_bobpm @ Tm_T08:25
* genii makes another pot of coffee and waits for support questions08:26
* Agent_bob will get tired of waiting for support and leave in about 5 minutes...08:26
Agent_bob*questions*  ^08:27
geniiAgent_bob: Ah. I was going to ask what your support problem was ;)08:27
tuxwulfgenii: Nice one in #kubuntu-kde408:27
geniituxwulf: I'm still currently despising kde408:27
Agent_bobtuxwulf what is it ?08:27
tuxwulf"anyone know how to re-build the initr image? it has the wrong resolution settings"08:28
Agent_bobwe did that already08:28
geniiDeja vu08:28
tuxwulfgenii > I got over my despiseent when I found out I can use KDE4 with kicker rather than plasma08:28
tuxwulfI despie plasma, you see08:28
Agent_bobit's not the initramfs that is the issue.  it's his xorg08:28
geniieg: "[02:03] <orvv_> anyone know how to re-build the initr image? it has the wrong resolution settings"08:28
geniiAn hour and a half ago08:29
Agent_bobi also told him how to rebuild the initramfs.img     so...08:29
tuxwulfOh I did not see that ...08:30
tuxwulfThat's really cool.. I may askl you later too, when I got time to play with it...08:31
Agent_bobwell i didn't go into detail, because it's not his problem.  but i told him   that   mkinitramfs   was the command and to man it for the details.08:31
tuxwulfHello lfzcy08:32
genii!ja | lfzcy08:33
ubottulfzcy: 日本語の場合は #ubuntu-jp または #kubuntu-jp を参照して下さい08:33
ubottuFor Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw  或者 #ubuntu-hk08:34
Agent_bobtuxwulf the short and long of it is.    sudo mkinitramfs -o initramfs.image.file `uname -r`      or any other installed kernel version.08:34
geniilfzcy: 不必客气08:35
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* genii hugs Babelfish08:36
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Agent_bobtuxwulf the dirs involved are /etc/mkinitramfs  and /usr/share/initramfs-tools     without any specifics on what you have in mind that's as specific as i can be.08:38
tuxwulfAgent_bob: eh... Yes. I have to define the specifics for myself and that may be a few days..08:38
tuxwulfAgent_bob: For now I copied yoru lines in my "clever stuff" diary08:40
Agent_bobi had to learn how to rebuild them because my "waky" setup required it.   so if you have later Q's just ping me.08:40
* Agent_bob wonders why he ever decided to use partitionless/nosuid/obfuscated_everything/intelikey setup in the first place...08:42
geniiSecurity through obscurity? ;)08:45
Agent_bobthat coupuled with some real security   yeah.08:45
Agent_bobtripwire tiger chkrootkit harden john and so forth08:47
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adredhi..im currently pissed off by the dolphin bug (malformed URL media). the version i am using is 1.9.2. will it be fixed if i upgrade to the latest one. i just known there a new version availble in the repo.08:47
Agent_bobadred i have no clue.  but you can ask in #kubuntu-kde4  they "should" know08:49
Agent_bobgenii i also like iftop for a quick look at traffic  although it's not unbreachable by any means08:51
geniiSadly nothing is impervious08:53
Agent_bobcorrect.   that's where the obscurity came in.08:53
Agent_bobhehhe   02:43> Checking for altered or out of date binaries...   <<< that one always fails.08:56
Agent_bobi wonder why...    d-----x--x  4 root root    4096 Dec  7  1941 /bin    :)))08:57
geniiWhen things were slow I made a pseudo root login on one of our boxes to trap hackers in. Was a jail with it's own fake binaries etc etc08:59
Agent_bobgenii :)    ever have anyone in it ?08:59
geniiYeah a couple attacks from same range originating in S Korea09:00
Agent_bobhmmm nice.   all the hits i've had were from fellow irc'ers09:00
Agent_bobnot from the "hackslab" site were they ?09:01
geniiNot sure but I eventually banned the entire range they were using to be sure09:02
Agent_bobi've seen a few use that for a mirror.09:02
geniiThe abuse@theirispname     address didn't work right09:02
Agent_bobhehhe  of course not.09:03
Agent_bobbut you know, that is a good test for honest isp's and very few people even check it.09:04
geniiWell, thats our Standard Operating Procedure here. Make sure logs are  GMT referenced and email them to the abuse email listed for a whois and so on09:04
geniiThe bounced emails get the whole range auto-banned09:04
adredAgent_bob: i don't know if this will solve my problem but could you do me a favor? the bug appears after i changed the path of dolphin in the Kmenu to "dophin /media/Storage". i forgot what's the default patha and there's no revert to defaults option availalble. could you please take a look at your default path and tell what it is?09:05
geniiI'm pretty sure it's in /usr/bin09:06
Agent_bobadred it's something like /usr/lib/kde4/09:06
Agent_bobgenii kde4  ^09:06
geniiAh, right forgot kde409:06
adredAgent_bob i thougth you were using kde3 :)09:07
Agent_bobadred i'm not using any gui09:07
Agent_bobconsole dude09:07
adredAgent_bob :), i see your a geek :)09:07
Agent_bobthat's g33k to you son   </military>09:08
* genii rolls eyes09:09
adredi don't know, i guess..09:09
Agent_bob</joke>    :)09:09
Agent_bobso much for speaking geek...09:12
* genii pokes Agent_bob to make sure he's actually here09:12
Agent_bobhe is.09:13
Agent_bobbut that reset was a little out of the ordenair09:13
Agent_bobmaybe i better look at logs.09:13
geniiProbably :)09:13
Agent_bobi think it was just a hickup.  but better be sure ;/09:14
Agent_bobi did get a server notice that irc was bumpy today09:14
geniiThey had some netsplts here earlier. But just now it was only you09:14
Agent_bobgenii but normally if it's client side i find my spook still here...09:16
Agent_bobyou didn't see any Agent_bob nick collision stuff did you ?09:16
Agent_boboh   ok.09:16
genii"[04:11] <-- Agent_bob has left this server (Nick collision from services.)."09:16
Agent_bobhappened so fast i missed it.09:16
Agent_bobthat's it.09:17
Agent_boballs well09:17
Agent_bobi bet it was magical09:18
Agent_bobhe prolly did it.09:18
geniiIf anyone the guy who arrived just before it happened09:19
* genii eyes some users suspiciously09:19
Agent_bobnaw too obvious.   anyone sharp enough to do that,  will usually lurk for a little bit to dismiss suspicion09:20
Agent_bobgenii you can hang out in efnet #blackhats  for a little while and they'll check your irc client for security holes      for free  :)))09:22
geniiI believe it. Probably in #whitehats too09:22
geniiI don't think I'm going to venture there anytime soon however :)09:23
Agent_bobyeah.   i was going to mention both but decieded that would be redundant,  cause most of the nicks show up in both...09:23
Agent_bobah  come on,  where's your sense of adventure ?09:24
* Agent_bob is not there right now either.09:24
geniiMaybe from the company machine. But i wouldn't risk it on my laptop. Too much valuable pr0n on it09:24
Agent_bobarky ?09:25
Agent_boban arky ?09:26
geniiIt's a puzzler09:28
Agent_bobdon't ya hate it when all the interesting names wont talk back09:30
geniiI sometimes think maybe most of the users here are just data-collection things09:33
* genii thinks about Life, the Universe and Everything09:41
* Agent_bob thinks about thinking09:42
* Agent_bob gives up on it. "too late in life to start thinking now."09:43
geniiAgent_bob: I do my best thinking usually just before I'm dozing off09:43
Agent_bobhmmm  ya know. i never stayed awake to see if i did or not.09:44
Agent_bobbut yeah i know what you mean.   you can kinda turn the world off and let your mind wonder09:45
* luca_b is not "a data collection thing", just idling09:46
Agent_bobluca_b is not a bot   </gasp>09:47
geniiHi luca_b :)09:47
luca_bI did not go to work this morning (got sick) so I thought I'd just stay on IRC09:48
Agent_bobbashohII:  well we're glad to have you.     or we hate to here it,   or what ever applies.09:49
Agent_bobthat's   oh;  ^09:49
Agent_bobstupid nick completion.09:50
* genii smacks !tab around a bit09:50
Agent_bobi said i was going to turn that off....   haven't done it yet09:50
Agent_bobgenii the client defaults to  : as a completion char09:50
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Agent_boband i can't think of a better one.  but i don't like that one either.09:51
luca_bOh, that's why I didn't see konversation flashing09:51
Agent_bobhey jon__09:51
genii@time toronto09:52
ubottugenii: Current time in America/Toronto: July 11 2008, 04:52:55 - Current meeting: Bugs for Hugs Day09:52
geniiHmm. Maybe i should start to sleep sometime before the sun comes up09:53
* genii makes some decaf instant coffee09:55
Agent_bobgenii heh what's sleep ?09:56
geniiAgent_bob: At least right now I can afford to hang out late into the morning, still on vacation until 16th09:57
geniiWordays I usually try to sleep before 1am09:57
Agent_bobactually,  i sleep rather well,  and some times quite long.  but my schedual is one of those revolving things...09:58
luca_bgenii: Lucky, I have 2-3 weeks more before I can have some holidays09:58
geniiluca_b: Remember to turn off your cellphone. I forgot to on mine and it was like i was still at work :/09:59
luca_bgenii: the people I work with know that I'm rather quick in just turning the thing off if I see a call off-hours10:00
* genii imagines Agent_bob on the swing-shift10:01
Agent_bobapt-cache search harden10:04
geniisudo apt-get install bastille10:05
luca_bsudo aptitude install shorewall10:05
Agent_boband tripwire10:05
luca_b(should we go on further?)10:05
geniiTheres just so many nice tools10:06
Agent_bobshorewall is only an FE  iptables is already there10:06
Agent_bob"hunt" hint hint10:06
luca_bAgent_bob: a quite good front endactually10:06
luca_blast time I used bastille it hosed half of my systsem (admittedly it was at the time of Mandrake/Mandriva 8.1 if I recall)10:07
Agent_bobluca_b depends entirely on what you are trying to do... it couldn't do what i needed done when i tried it10:07
Agent_bobmdk8  yeah that's about the time bastille came out wasn't it10:08
luca_bAgent_bob: well I had a simple setup, net and lan, nothing fancy10:08
Agent_bobyes that's what shorewall/guarddog are for   "nothing fancy"10:08
Agent_boband work well for that.10:10
luca_bAgent_bob: still a huge leap than usping iptables manually (tried to in my early linux days)10:10
Agent_bobluca_b yeah it's not your common cli app10:10
luca_bAgent_bob: especially when migrating from ipchains to iptables I spent a while before I could figure out how to do port forwading10:11
geniiAFK rain started pouring, closing windows doors rescuing cat etc10:11
Agent_bobis the weather all tweeked like an intelikey box  over there too genii ?10:13
luca_bActually do you know who one needs to contact to add some stuff to the channel topic? the #kubuntu-kde4 one could use a link to my own (shameless plug) Plasma FAQ10:14
geniiI dunno what one of those is, but it's thunderstorming out pretty darn good10:14
Agent_boblets just say "very unusual"  and leave it at that.10:15
niels_ubottu: fix adept crash10:21
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about fix adept crash10:21
ubottuIf an APT front-end crashed and your database is locked, try this in a !terminal: « sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a »10:21
* genii sips10:22
niels_genii: thanks10:22
geniiniels_: np10:22
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incorrectis there a c++ IDE that can do object method completion drop downs for me?10:32
emilsedghincorrect: kdevelop does it i think10:35
isenthola a todos10:37
isentbuenos dias10:37
orvv_I have an issue11:08
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orvv_how to change x11 settings?11:09
rysiekorvv_: you mean like reolution, color depth, screen configuration etc?11:10
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orvv_rysiek: yes, I changed in xorg.conf but nothing happenet11:10
rysiekorvv_: you should try playing in KMenu -> System Settings -> Display settings11:12
rysiekorvv_: (or something named similarily, I use a different language version ;) )11:12
orvv_he he... that's not even showing11:12
rysiekwhat isn't even showing11:13
orvv_but it ded before11:13
orvv_xorg log looks fine11:17
geniisudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg11:17
moopergo down to the "features!11:22
rysiekorvv_: sory, I was AFK11:25
rysiekorvv_: yeah, sudo dpkf-reconfigure xservr-xorg should help11:25
funcrushwhat is kde control center?11:33
orvv_thanks, the first wasnt doing anything11:34
orvv_o wait. is the same one11:35
orvv_didn,t work11:35
incorrectkdevelop is pretty pretty good11:44
emilsedghincorrect: you must see KDevelop4 then! its awesome!11:45
emilsedghi think that would be released with 4.211:45
incorrectemilsedgh: i will once kde 4.x is usable11:45
incorrecti am not convinced with kde4 right now11:46
emilsedghtrunk/ is awesome atm11:46
incorrecti will wait11:46
incorrectwhen someone says, i've been using kde4 for a few weeks and its truely awesome, and i didnt spend all day getting it right11:50
mitsarionashi... does anyone know about this sound on flash issue?11:54
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powertool08anyone here use devilspie to get an embedded terminal?12:04
rysiekincorrect: erm, are you compiling it yourself under kubuntu? I'd love to use trunk/, but I don't want to b0rk my kde3 install (settings, etc)12:05
incorrectwhen i can apt-get install ...12:05
incorrectis kivio 4 much improved?12:07
incorrectwould be nice to have a visio tool in linux12:08
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kylepragerI am running Kubuntu 8.04 Desktop 2.6.24-19-generic kernel install, intel xeon x3220 quad core and BFG NVidia 8800GTS graphics card.  The OS keeps locking up on me.  The mouse gets stuck, i cant switch to virtual consoles and all keyboard shortcuts to reboot don't work.  I've looked through dmesg and /var/log/kern.log  and all i've found is "ACPI: Looking for DSDT in initramfs... error, file /DSDT.aml not found."  Can someone suggest 12:16
jonathan_i am new here it it seems to be dead. maybe i dont undersatnd what to do, cant see a single note.12:22
kylepragerHi everybody - I am running Kubuntu 8.04 Desktop 2.6.24-19-generic kernel install, intel xeon x3220 quad core and BFG NVidia 8800GTS graphics card.  The OS keeps locking up on me.  The mouse gets stuck, i cant switch to virtual consoles and all keyboard shortcuts to reboot don't work.  I've looked through dmesg and /var/log/kern.log  and all i've found is "ACPI: Looking for DSDT in initramfs... error, file /DSDT.aml not found."  Can s12:23
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powertool08kyleprager: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=629707&page=2 might help12:29
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x_как в Кубунту убрать КДЕ, и поставить Гном?13:12
Pici!ru | x_13:12
ubottux_: Пожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke13:12
lintelhi, is KDE4 meanwhile stable enough to use it?13:20
Jucato!kde4 | lintel13:22
ubottulintel: KDE 4.0.5 is the latest major release of the K Desktop Environment. Packages can be found at http://kubuntu.org/announcements/kde-4.0.5.php - Support in #kubuntu-kde413:22
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Jucato(stable? quite. features enough for your needs? you will have to decide yourself. and ask in #kubuntu-kde4)13:22
lintelJucato, ubottu, how is your personal experience?13:23
Jucatolintel: ubottu's a bot.. it won't have personal experience :)13:23
Jucatolintel: I find what will be KDE 4.1 quite usable. but I'm not your average user so...13:23
lintelJucato, KDE4.1 is the reason why I consider to shift. Does Kubuntu also use NetworkManager?13:25
mnoirwhen I right click an icon on the desktop I get a menu that includes open cut copy renamr etc.  Where in kde-land do I change this menu?.13:29
mnoirrenamr=rename :)13:30
Dr_willisnever noticed a simple way (or any way) to change it. What do you want to change?13:30
mnoiradd a non-annoying delete, remove move to trash13:31
mnoirI thought previously I had this and I cannot find it :(13:31
Dr_willisI do recall a option to add a 'Delete'  somewhere.13:31
Dr_willisor you hold down shift I think.13:31
Dr_willisor use shift-delete13:31
Dr_willisFirst tab in 'confgure konqueror'13:33
Dr_willis'show delete context menu which bypass's the trashcan'13:33
mnoirDr_willis: konq controls this? hmm - brb13:33
Jucato"the file manager controls this"13:34
Jucato(though you can set it in kcontrol too)13:34
Dr_willisNow if you are using Dolphin - Not sure. :)13:35
mnoiryep - the konq change worked - looks like what I used to have.  I decided to do 8.04 clean since I have been upgrading since about 5.0413:35
Jucatoyou shouldn't be using D3lphin :)13:35
mnoirand I wanted to wipe all the old unhealthy customized settings just to see how things work now13:35
Jucatobut in KDE 4,it's the same. "the file manager controls this" :)13:36
mnoirJucato: pray tell - why not (cite references)?13:36
Jucatomnoir: quite simple. D3lphin (the old KDE 3 version of the abandoned Dolphin) is incomplete, unmaintained, buggy, and just plain terrible. :)13:37
Dr_willisdolphin in kde3 - is one of the first things i disable. :)13:37
mnoirhmm - too bad - it's dual pane toggle is good13:37
Dr_willisYou can do dual panes in konqueror also13:38
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mnoirmore effort but I guess I will go back or install kommander13:38
Jucatomore effort? O.o13:38
mnoirI always found it more effort than kommander13:39
Dr_willis'this is linux, do what you like' (tm)13:40
mnoirsry - krusader, not kommander13:40
Jucatoyou can always save a Konqueror View Profile with dual pane set to specific URLs13:41
Jucatobut anyway13:41
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mnoirthanks to all - konq dual panel is just as tobbleable so I am all set!13:45
Dr_willisi recall some url on restoring the 'missing' profiles. to Konqueror. that Kubuntu decided to clean out.13:47
Dr_willishit F8 also to get a terminal at the boottom of the konqueror window. :)13:48
mnoirDr_willis: yeah - I recall that but just getting an icon that opens the stock filemanager with one tweek will be enough for me - so I just save a new profile and invoke that13:49
Sophistsomeone know the mathematica software?13:56
Sophisti have installed it with no errors, and now i get this message when i open it http://pastebin.com/m7d89badf13:57
Sophisti can see the windows but i cant touch anything, and the program get freezes13:57
Dr_willisWhy are you running it with sudo?13:57
Sophistthat was the last try13:57
Dr_willisand graphical apps are normally NOT ran with sudo, but kdesudo13:57
Sophistwith no sudo it is the same error13:57
Dr_willisSo the whole gist of the error message is --->   ' http://zardoz-technomage.es/blog/3d/187/13:58
Sophistis that my problem?14:00
Sophisti miss some packet14:00
=== FoxIII_out is now known as FoxIII
Dr_willisoops wrong pastebuffer..14:01
Sophistahm :)14:01
Dr_willisX Error: BadMatch (invalid parameter attributes) 814:01
Dr_willisExtension:    153 (RENDER)14:01
Sophistrender is related graphic driver right?14:02
Dr_willisYep. You got the full 3d drivers for your card installed? (im just guessing)14:02
Sophistit is a laptop and is not mine, probably thats the fault14:02
Sophistthanks for the clue, i go see it :)14:03
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Sophisti have installed the ati driver from ati.com14:10
Sophisti always used nvidia and i know nvidia autodriver is not quite good14:11
Sophistnow i clic n menus but kde gets freezy14:11
Sophistmust i change something in xorg conf?14:11
Dr_willisNever seen or heard of anyont with that issue befor Sophist14:12
Dr_williswhat video card are you usign exactly?14:12
Sophistati x60014:13
Sophistmay i ran too much14:13
AlexanderBcan someone tell me how to install creative audigy 2 zs under kubuntu?14:13
Sophisti started again and now is asking license and things14:13
Sophisthold onç14:13
Sophistwith no ç14:13
Qhestioncan anyone recommend an ftp server for quick'n'dirty filesharing in a lan environment?14:17
Dr_willisQhestion,  you may want to use scp/ssh  and winscp on the windows box's - makes it rather easy.14:18
Qhestionthough i'd prefer FTP14:19
khaleel5000hello, i have ubuntu hardy heron , i am in KDE, how do i change my screen resoultion form kde (a gui tool to change resolution?)14:21
Qhestioncontrol centre (KControl) -> Peripherals -> Monitor & Display14:22
khaleel5000Qhestion: there is no Monitor & display in the kontrol center,14:23
khaleel5000thats the problem14:23
Qhestionhit Alt-F2 and type "kcontrol"14:24
Qhestiondont know if that and what you got is the same program14:24
Qhestioni am using fluxbox, you know14:24
khaleel5000hlfshell: is there  a gui based ubuntu control center or something to configure screen resolution?14:25
ngirardHi all, I'm looking for tips to enhance the package upgrading workflow between my 2 ubuntu boxes, let's call them a and b. For now, what I've been performing is14:26
ngirard1) on machine a:14:27
ngirardcd /var/cache/apt/archives/ ; rename 's/%3a/:/' *.deb ; dpkg-scanpackages ./ /dev/null | gzip -9c > Packages.gz14:27
ngirard2) on machine b:14:27
ngirardcp /etc/apt/{sources.list.machineA,sources.list}14:27
ngirardapt-get update14:27
ngirardapt-get dist-upgrade14:27
ngirardcp /etc/apt/{sources.list.internet,sources.list}14:27
ngirardWhile that method works, the contents of /var/cache/apt/archives/ keeps growing, which is quite problematic.14:28
ngirardThen I need a script that would, either delete the packages in machineA:/var/cache/apt/archives/ after they've been installed in machineB, or scans through the contents of /var/cache/apt/archives/ and delete all but the most recent packages.14:28
ngirardWhat do you think ?14:28
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alexanderïîäñêàæèòå ïîæàëóéñòà ïðîãðàììêó äëÿ çàïèñèäè cd è dvd14:30
shaffydoes anyone know if the swap space has to be on a logical or primary partition?  i have mine currently in a primary partition, and i believe this setup is preventing my swap space from being used.  the system finds the space, but never uses it.14:33
AlexanderBhow can i install audigy 2 under ubuntu?14:33
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alexanderplease advise the program to record a cd and dvd discs14:39
ShyneXalexander: xcdroast14:42
AlexanderB 14:43
AlexanderB 14:43
drmarwathow can i download nvidia non free drivers for kubuntu 8.04?14:47
ShyneXcheck the nvidia website14:49
drmarwati have installed compiz and the nvidia driver from ubuntu repos doesnt look like to work for it14:49
coucoufhave you tries updating the driver with envy ?14:53
drmarwatcoucouf: i guess i didnt do that14:54
coucoufthe latest version available through envy is 173.14.09 and it will avoid you all the harassment on installing the driver by hand14:55
drmarwati looked for envy and i see many packages, should i just get the envy-core?14:56
coucoufenvy core, and there must be a qt-envy, envy-qt or the like for KDE14:57
drmarwatyes these two are there too14:58
coucoufenvyng-core and envyng-qt are what you need I guess14:59
drmarwatok im downloading these, it will take few minutes14:59
coucouftake your time ;)14:59
drmarwatcoucouf: thanks15:00
drmarwatdoes envy has a GUI or it works in shell only?15:00
drmarwatSchorfi: thanks15:01
drmarwati will wait till it is downloaded15:01
coucouffor what I remember, there is a console-only interface with envyng-core, and then either gnome or kde gui with the -gtk and -qt packages15:01
Sophistthere is a command to debug programs but i dont remember it15:04
Sophistsomeone can advice me?15:05
coucoufgdb can do this but you'll have to read the manual :)15:06
Sophisti will do15:07
Sophistthanks again15:07
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jimmy51how complex is it to create a PXE boot server under kubuntu?15:12
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maxmadhello to every one15:18
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=== atrox is now known as atrox3
atrox3wie kann ich einen symbolischen link entfernen?15:23
biophysicsrm <link>15:23
atrox3ich hab einen ordner verlinkt15:24
sledgeatrox3: rm -f <link>15:30
atrox3sledge: thx15:31
joe__does anyone know kubuntu?15:33
joe__does anyone know linux???15:34
Schorfiheard about it15:34
joe__well i need help with linux15:34
Sophistmathematica does not gives any error but i cant touch any menu and it get freezes after15:35
Sophisti have installed correctly the ati driver, so the render error is fixed15:35
Schorfiask your question, joe__, and maybe someone can help you15:35
Sophistnow i just dont know where to find15:35
joe__ok i'll give it a shot15:36
joe__i am new with useing Kubutnu aka linux and i do have NV5M64 [RIVA TNT2 Model 64/Model 64 Pro] but everytime i do enable it from the restricted drivers and i do restart it make's everything really really big.  how do i fix it so that it does work with my computer cuz my computer was make for windows 200 and i am dual booting i have Kubuntu on my 40 gig and windows onto my 80 gig15:39
joe__so can anyone help me out?15:40
joe__I'm a newbie when it come's to linux15:41
ngirardHi, I've been experiencing a blocking problem for 3 months now, which I've been reporting here : https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux-source-2.6.17/+bug/61380 ; and my posts have been simply ignored. What should I do ?15:41
ubottuLaunchpad bug 61380 in linux-source-2.6.17 "Netgear WG311T unrecognised after upgrade" [Undecided,Confirmed]15:41
=== FoxIII is now known as FoxIII_out
atrox3joe__: press on the left side the K than -->15:42
atrox3System Preferences15:42
atrox3than Display (or something like that)15:42
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joe__what do u want me to do?15:43
atrox3joe__: u must change your screen resolution15:44
OutoLumoSophist, you may find #mathematica more appropriate place for your questions...15:44
joe__i have tried that and it wont let me15:44
atrox3joe__: maybe u need root privileges15:45
=== GRRRRR is now known as _CrashMaster_
atrox3joe_press on the red button15:46
joe__and how do i do that?15:46
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atrox3u see it?15:46
atrox3np, press <Alt>+F215:47
atrox3write xterm15:47
joe__it shows run command15:48
atrox3y, write xterm15:48
laskkhey i want to turn off wireless form connecting automatically in network15:49
atrox3and press run/ok15:49
laskkhow can i do it15:49
joe__ok and nothing15:49
atrox3is a box open?15:49
laskkjoe_    help plse15:49
joe__should i run it in the terminal window?15:50
joe__ok a box did show up15:50
joe__now what?15:50
atrox3nice, write kdesudo systemsettings15:51
atrox3and press <enter>15:51
joe__ok now what?15:52
joe__it say's :kedcor &KProcess): WARNING: _attachPTY() 1115:53
atrox3thats strange15:53
joe__yeah i know15:53
joe__but anywayz15:53
atrox3which version do u use?15:54
joe__well i'm look'n @ my graphics card and it does detect RIVA TNT215:55
atrox3thats right?15:55
joe__yeah i guess15:56
=== GRRRRRR is now known as _CrashMaster_
SophistOutoLumo: thanks, i did not knew that channel exists15:56
drmarwati have 4 virtual desktops enabled but then panel shows none, how can i enable those?15:56
OutoLumoSophist, trial and error :-)15:57
joe__but i wanna be able to have it so that when i do enable it from the restricted drivers and when i do restart then it wont make everything so damn big on the screen15:57
coucoufngirard: maybe providing lspci -vv / -vvn and dmesg as requested, I think nobody put theirs so far15:57
laskkis anybody knows how to use airsnort efficiently15:57
joe__so can anyone help me out?15:57
atrox3joe__: i think ur screen resolution is too high15:58
joe__yeah i know but that's the problem i can't change that once i restart my computer cuz it wont let me15:58
coucoufngirard: can you also try the card on a different slot/motherboard or with an amd64 kernel ? The more information you give the more likely the bug will be looked at15:58
Sophisthehe, yes15:59
biophysicsjoe__: is there some reason u want to install restricted drivers. Is there same problem before installing restricted drivers ?15:59
joe__so i can have gadet's onto my desktop16:00
drmarwati know my question is pathetic but its really annoying not to have the virtual desktop in panel when they are enabled already16:00
biophysicsjoe__ do u know what is the correct resolution that u want (from XP)16:02
coucoufdrmarwat: right click/unlock your panel, right click/add an applet, and find the virtual destkop applet, I don't know the english name sorry...16:02
joe__but also i wanna be able to have really cool 3D graphics on the desktop16:03
drmarwatcoucouf: thanks, i appreciate it16:03
coucoufjoe__: I don't think you will get desktop effects with a TNT216:04
drmarwatcoucouf: it worked, thanks16:05
coucoufdrmarwat: great :)16:05
drmarwatenvy is installed too and i uninistalled the nvidia driver, now i will reboot and try installing the latest driver as it gave me an error16:06
drmarwati will be right back16:06
oobefirefox keeps dieing unexpectedly running it from konsole i see the only out put is seg fault16:11
rickestoobe: installed any add-ons?16:12
oobejust foxmarks16:13
_CrashMaster_what file does grub use for its bootable disks list?16:13
rickestoobe: you might try renamed ~/.mozilla to ~/.mozilla.bak.  You'll (temporarily) loose all your settings but that will help determine if something went wrong in your config rather than the program itself16:13
rickest_CrashMaster_: /boot/grub/menu.lst16:14
oobeok rickest i will try that16:14
oobeyep it still crashes16:15
oobenow im getting some out put that i didnt see before16:16
oobe(firefox:11532): GLib-GObject-CRITICAL **: g_object_unref: assertion `G_IS_OBJECT (object)' failed16:16
rickestoobe: is it just one site or several?16:16
rickestthose assertions usually aren't critical16:16
oobejust one site as far as i can tell but i use it all the time16:17
rickestoobe: try surfing other sites for awhile.  it may be a bug with something that site is doing (and it still shouldn't crash) but at least then you'd know what it is16:17
oobeyeah i think thats what im gonna do16:18
oobeyou know what i think it might be it could be the flash plugin it updated tonight16:19
oobeit is the flashplugin16:22
TacticalFrostbithow do i change the screen resolution??16:23
ooberickest, i figured it out it was the new flash update i rolled back to old one in apt/cache16:24
rickestoobe: ahh, that's disappointing but not surprising  :)16:24
oobeits easy to fix probs if you can reproduce the errors16:25
oobei hate it when problems are intermittent16:25
rickestno doubt16:27
CostaRicanQuakercan one upgrade kubuntu with the latest cd and not lose any files?16:27
oobeis there anyway to tell adept no to prompt me to use that update16:27
oobebtw ty for you help believe it or not i probably wouldnt of figured it out with out some prompting16:28
ngirardcoucouf: Hi, and thanks for your feedback. Unfortunately the output of lspci would be useless, but I'll try to plug the card on another motherbord and see wether it works. Cheers16:32
rickestoobe: yes,   echo flashplugin hold | apt-get --set-selections          # where 'flashplugin' is the correct name of the package16:32
rickestwait, not apt-get, dpkg16:32
rickestecho pkgname hold | dpkg --set-selections16:33
oobeok will that stop future updates?16:33
oobei spose it doesnt matter16:33
oobeuntil later16:33
oobebut how do i reverse it16:33
PHaLaNX11hi, kubuntu hardy tells me that i didn't make a clear shutdown with my ntfs partition (winxp), so the storage media folders become empty, what can i do about it?16:33
rickestecho pkgname deinstall | dpkg --set-selections16:33
rickestthat doesn't really "uninstall" it, just releases the hold16:34
rickestyou can do 'dpkg --get-selections | grep hold' to see what's held back16:34
oobeok thanks i will save this to a txt file16:34
rickestoobe: don't forget to restore your ~/.mozilla dir if you don't want to have to set all your configs again16:35
oobeyeah i did already16:35
PHaLaNX11i can't mount my ntfs partitions, my question is above thanks...16:36
rickestPHaLaNX11: ntfsfix can probably fix it, or the safest most reliable way is to simply boot into Windows and shut it down properly.  google has about a gazillion results for this problem16:42
biophysicsPHaLaNX11   Open K-menu -> systemsettings -> advanced16:43
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Vermuxwhy when Im running adept_manager it doesnt give me administrator rights to install updates unless I rub sudo adept_manager?16:48
biophysicsVermux: r u running adept_manager in a konsole ?16:51
Vermuxbiophysics: no, in run command16:53
biophysicsVermux: what happens when u run adept manager from _start_K menu . is it is working OK16:54
biophysicsVermux: I would say it is by design. For security reasons u need to be admin. in run command. type: kdesu adept_manager you will get asked for a password16:56
Vermuxbiophysics: yes, when I type sudo adept_manager it's fine. but it used to be just fine when I typed just adept_manager in the past16:57
Vermuxbiophysics: I will tell  u if it's working from the k_menu in a moment16:58
PHaLaNX11rickest and biophysics thanks16:59
kilonuxhello, I would like to migrate from ubu to kubu , how to avoid uninstalling wicd?17:00
rickestwhat is wicd?17:01
kilonuxnetworkmanager replacment17:01
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rickestkilonux: I can only guess that wicd works under KDE, too?17:02
dan__hi @ll17:02
dan__anyone here work with some nifty service menus?17:02
Vermuxwhy when I open konsole, it opens another konsole window with the message kdecore (KProcess): WARNING: _attachPty() 1117:05
kilonuxrickest:  but  wicd must be uninstalled first because of networkmanager, which i don't want, om I could uninstall it and reinstall wicd later, but how stupid...17:05
kilonux^^ OR  i could17:05
rickestkilonux: if you install a metapkg, you get all the packages. or you can do them individually.  It's not only NOT stupid, it's the only way it could be done17:06
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rickestso 'apt-get install kubuntu-desktop', then (optionally) 'apt-get remove ubuntu-desktop'.  They're not mutually exclusive, though.  You can leave both installed if you want17:07
kilonuxrickest: there wouldn't be a 'apt-get install kubuntu-desktop "except networkmanager"  ´17:08
rickestkilonux: no, unfortunately 'kubuntu-desktop' is a metapackage which keeps you from having to 'apt-get' 692 times.  so install the meta-pkg, remove what you don't want/need17:10
kilonuxrickest: thanks,,17:11
kilonuxI do this to solve keyboard problem17:11
kilonuxand suspend17:11
rickestkilonux: even then some stuff you don't want will have to stay (avahi for example).  in those cases, you have to leave them installed but you can disable their use easily.17:12
oobeanyone here use ndiswrapper in *buntu17:12
rickestkilonux: just one of the disadvantages of 'heavy' desktops. the upside is you install one thing and it's all just there like it should be17:12
rickestit's a compromise17:12
kilonuxrickest:  I'll have to google avahi a bit......17:13
rickestkilonux: hate it, I disabled mine  :)17:14
rickestbut then my network settings are very finite so 'dynamic networking config' is just not something I need17:14
kilonuxwhat problems did you get (solved)?17:15
jalshow do i change the default action when i insert a cd?17:15
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biophysicsjals: do u see the CD icon in the right botton corner when u insert CD ?17:18
biophysicsjals: is it kubuntu hardy or gutsy ?17:19
biophysicsjals: right-click on the panel and add applet "storage media"17:20
biophysicsnow put a CD and it will appear in the right bottom corner. then right click on the CD-icon - properties and u can change it there17:20
jalsah ok, thanks17:20
biophysics(it should be possible to do the same in systemsettings)17:21
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Vermuxwhy when I run Konsole it opens another konsole with the message "kdecore (KProcess): WARNING: _attachPty() 11"??17:34
ubottuUbuntu can be installed in a lot of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall. Don't want to use a CD? Try http://tinyurl.com/3exghs - See also !automate17:42
Coggzhi carlos17:50
carloshi Coggz17:51
ubottuKDE (http://kde.org) is the !desktop environment used natively in !Kubuntu. To install from Ubuntu: « sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop », or see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/InstallingKDE . See http://kubuntu.org for more information. For more information on KDE 4, see !kde417:51
daemon3_operaIs there an application for KUbuntu that can guess song tags just from the track itself?17:57
carloscan anyone help me? im trying to install kde, i have ubuntu17:57
Coggzhi there carlos, try opening a terminal window from the gnome menu,17:58
daemon3_operacarlos: If you go to Synaptic>Package>Install By Task, youll see KUbuntu.  Check it.17:58
Coggzthx daemon3_opera17:58
daemon3_operacarlos: You'll probably be fine from there.17:58
Coggzdaemon3_opera: wht about login manager?17:59
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about kdm17:59
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about gdm17:59
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about display-manager17:59
daemon3_operaCoggz: It should be installed with the KUbuntu bundle.18:01
Coggzoh ,ok18:01
carloshow do i gt to18:06
carlossorry, ignore that18:07
carlosok, this, how do i get to this Synaptic>Package>Install?18:07
carlosok, thanks18:08
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YeppBoyHow do I install Opera in Kubuntu?18:11
YeppBoyI only started using it\ Yesterday18:12
ubottuopera is an advanced and free (only as in price) web browser.  Install it via Applications->Add/Remove..., making sure that "Show commercial applications" (dapper only) is checked. For more info on opera please see: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/OperaBrowser18:13
zanberdorunning kubuntu 8.04. I have configured my session manager to start with an empty session.  I have added a sym link to ~/.kde/Autostart to launch kmix.  When I log in kmix starts as expected, except that it starts with the mixer window open.  How can I configure kmix to launch without having it open to the mixer window?  I've checked /usr/share/kubuntu-default-settings/kde-profile/default/share/config/kmixrc to see if there18:15
zanberdowas something that might control this, but it doesn't appear to...18:15
sigma_12what happened to intrepid alpha 2?18:23
ravhello. i just noticed kubuntu is sorting files like this : http://paste.ubuntu.com/26710/ is this normal?18:25
Xcaliber009can you do an fsck of physical file systems from the live CD?18:25
stdinrav: that's how ls sorts it, yes18:26
ravstdin: ah. i'd never noticed18:28
sigma_12stdin: is intrepid alpha 2 out?18:29
snypermannI think I have a problem with sudo18:30
snypermannwoeps, this is for kubuntu18:31
stdinsigma_12: doesn't look like it18:31
snypermannah, so it will be: a fresh install: in terminal: sudo apt-get install ... (for ex. skype). answer: "sudo: timestamp too far in the future" what do i need to do to fix this problem?18:33
snypermannin ubuntu18:34
cyberponixHas anyone been able to get the sony walkman mp3 player to work with kubuntu18:36
Faust-Cwould anyone have some links/docs for a new user18:42
Faust-Ci have a friend im trying to get learn this18:42
sledgeFaust-C: The Ubuntu Book.18:43
Faust-Cwhich there are many18:43
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CostaRicanQuakerhow do i install emacs?19:17
ubottuText Editors: gedit (GNOME), Kate (KDE), mousepad (Xfce4) - Terminal-based: nano, vi/vim, emacs - For HTML/CSS editors, see !html - For programming editors and IDE, see !code19:20
jussi01sudo aptitude install emacs  ?19:20
_CrashMaster_sudo apt-get install emacs19:20
CostaRicanQuakeris vim better_19:21
ubottuUsually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.19:21
CostaRicanQuakeri didnt say best19:21
CostaRicanQuakeri said better19:21
jussi01CostaRicanQuaker: the point is, its not better or worse, just different19:21
jussi01CostaRicanQuaker: depends on what you like, try it and see19:22
CostaRicanQuakermore versatile, with more tools, etc19:22
jussi01CostaRicanQuaker: both have very different styles - the best answer I can give you is try them and see19:22
CostaRicanQuakercan i have both_19:23
jussi01yes, of course...19:23
jussi01hi ubuntu19:26
* CostaRicanQuaker waves at ubuntu19:27
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incorrectcan konversation create multiple network tabs?19:28
jon__ Solar10 howdy19:30
oobehi im having probs setting essid with iwconfig does anyone know what might be the problem assuming im using the correct syntax cause i am19:31
Solar10I'm getting quite a few fetch errors when I run apt-get update. thinking maybe my sources.list is stale or bloated. tried using System>Admin>Software Resources to rebuild it but still getting the errors.19:33
Solar10ran Select Best Server as well.. no dice19:34
f3rr311i need help getting guild wars runningin kubuntu19:40
jussi01f3rr311: have you checked the appdb to see if it works in wine?19:42
jussi01or is it native?19:42
ubottuThe Wine Application DB is a database of applications and help for !Windows programs that run under !WINE: http://appdb.winehq.org19:42
f3rr311its there but having issues19:43
f3rr311wooo adept just released a updated ati drive maybe it might fix this shutdown issue19:45
f3rr311lol i cant logout is restart from kde menu19:46
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piquadratHi! Anybody knows the name of the executable that displays the battery tray symbol?19:57
stdinpiquadrat: guidance-power-manager19:58
piquadratstdin: ah, cool, thanks!19:58
JoshOvkithanks stdin :P19:58
JoshOvkiand thanks piquadrat for asking, i was woundering that a few days ago19:58
=== Firefishe is now known as Firefishe_away
Tophatis there a tool on the 8.04 LIVE cd that i can use to partition and setup my disks without installing?20:07
rickestparted, gparted, but I'd recommend the GParted LiveCD if you have time to grab/burn it20:08
kaminixHow do I mount a cue/bin file in Linux?20:08
rickestkaminix: assuming you have the proper file system support, '-o loop' is probably the only other thing that's missing from your mount command20:09
kaminixHow do I find out what fs it is?20:09
rickestkaminix: from wherever you got it?  Is it Mac?  maybe HPFS.  honestly, it doesn't sound like a mountable thing but I could easily be wrong20:10
kaminixIt's a PC CD-Rom I think.20:10
rickestkaminix: if that's correct (I'm still doubtful), mount -t iso9660 -o loop /path/to/file.bin /path/to/mount/point20:11
kaminixmount: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/loop020:12
rickestkaminix: I'd have thought KDE would automount on insert if it was something your system knew about20:12
rickester, bad comment, nm20:12
kaminixBut it's a cue/bin, not a CD.20:12
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rickestkaminix: google "linux mount cue bin file system". it appears to involve a little more work than normal20:14
rickestyou need bchunk apparently to convert it to .ISO first20:14
kaminixokay, thanks20:14
kaminixFound a site :)20:15
Tophatrickest - thank you!20:15
no1uknownewbie question, can someone tell me how to change the date via terminal?20:20
kaminixno1uknow: man date20:21
no1uknowkaminix: thx can't get the time zone to change however20:22
snirphi there, this one must be simple: how do I get the panel to sit at the bottom of my screen?20:22
kaminixno1uknow: Sorry, I just know the command exists. Never actually needed to use it. :/20:23
no1uknownp thx20:23
snirpanyone: the black panel with system tray and program launcher and stuff (wigdets, i know)20:24
snirpKDE 4.1 BTW20:24
snirphi there20:26
snirpanyone here using 4.1?20:26
ubuntulol....too old<(20:27
rocko_have problem with boot messages not coming up when I can the vga in menu.lst it worked in older releases does any body know of a fix?20:27
snirpjust want to move the panel from top to bottom.... must be dead simple right?20:28
kylepragerHi everyone - I am running Kubuntu 8.04 Desktop 2.6.24-19-generic kernel install, intel xeon x3220 quad core and BFG NVidia 8800GTS graphics card.  The OS keeps locking up on me.  The mouse gets stuck, i cant switch to virtual consoles and all keyboard shortcuts to reboot don't work.  I've looked through dmesg and /var/log/kern.log  and all i've found is "ACPI: Looking for DSDT in initramfs... error, file /DSDT.aml not found." which d20:28
kylepragerggest a way I could troubleshoot this issue?20:28
snirpn/m fixed it20:28
rocko_have problem with boot messages not coming up when I change the vga in menu.lst it worked in older releases does any body know of a fix?20:28
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kylepragercan someone help me troubleshoot my 8.04 Hardy install freezing up on me?20:34
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ali__someone PLEASE HELP ME with compiz like how to get it uninstalled COMPLETely and and REINSTALLEd so that the god damn tray icon shows up, so that compiz doesnt end every minute, so that my min/max/x dont go away/and so that i can finally use themes please help before i break my monitor...20:48
kyleprager can someone help me troubleshoot my 8.04 Hardy install freezing up on me?  anybody?...20:48
kyleprageri'm not retarded20:48
kylepragerBut my kubuntu install is really freezing on me, and windows didnt freeze and debian didnt freeze.  This is unique to Kubuntu20:49
kylepragerand I cant seem to get anything good from any logs20:50
kylepragerali - did you try to do an "aptitude purge <package-name>" already?20:51
ubottuFreeNX is advanced remote desktop technology. For more information and install instructions, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeNX20:54
juan_anybody know how the hell i install freenx on hardy?20:57
juan_is it better than ssh -XC ?20:57
oobedoes anyone know how i cant tell adept not to upgrade a specific package20:58
chemist109juan_: I use NX fairly frequently.  It's much better than plain X or VNC.  Hang on a second and I'll get the Hardy install instructions...20:59
juan_oobe: not sure in adept but its done at apt level (google) or install synaptic where its in the menus21:00
sourcemakerhow can I disable the martian source  kernel check???21:00
chemist109juan_: Here's the FreeNX install instructions using Marcelo Shima's repository:  http://www.drtek.ca/freenx-server-ubuntu-hardy21:00
oobejuan_, i have done it at an apt level apt-get upgrade holds it back but adept keeps prompting me to install it21:00
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kyleprager can someone help my trouble shoot my Hardy 8.04 install freezing up on me during normal use?21:12
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Vermuxhow do I turn on colors in vim?21:19
rickestand possibly :set filetype=perl  (or whatever)21:20
holahi guys i've have a problem with sudo21:20
Vermuxrickest: pattern not found21:21
rickestVermux: sounds like '/'?21:22
Vermuxrickest: I typed /syntax on, or /syntax. it says pattern not found21:23
rickestVermux: I said ":", not "/"21:24
snirphey there, a bit of an issue [kde 4.1]21:24
chemist109Vermux: To make it permanent, edit /etc/vim/vimrc and uncomment the line that says syntax: on21:24
Vermuxrickest: I also tried ":" . it says :"the command is not available in this version"21:24
snirpwhenever my system boots, i loose all the panels and plasmoids, leaving me with a blank desktop...21:24
rickestVermux: sounds like vim-minimal or something maybe, I'm not sure21:25
snirpthe panels and plasmoids can be added, only to be lost on reboot. No errors when booting21:25
emilsedghsnirp: haha, i remember it happenned in early plasma days.try updating and removing $KDEHOME21:25
rickestVermux: er, vim-tiny maybe?21:25
snirpkdehome package?21:26
snirpsorry, newbe\21:26
emilsedghsnirp: no no, your kde's configs directory21:26
emilsedghsnirp: first make sure there is nothing important there21:26
snirpsounds scary....21:26
snirpwhere is it at?21:26
emilsedghand then remove it21:26
emilsedghsnirp: open a konsole and type echo $KDEHOME21:26
snirpwhere to find it? sudo .....21:26
emilsedghsnirp: how you instaled kde 4.1?21:27
snirpfrom a resource i added to the some file... sorry21:27
snirpworked fine initially21:27
Vermuxchemist109: still gives an error21:27
snirponly after tempering with panel layout it started to fail21:28
chemist109Vermex: sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install vim       <-  You're probably using vim-minimal21:28
snirpecho $KDEHOME comes up empty21:28
emilsedghsnirp: probably it was an old repository or something like that.4.1 will be released in 20 days, so i'd like to suggest you to be patient :)21:28
sourcemakerhow can I disable the kernel martian source check... I can't use important applications within a vpn connection...???21:29
snirp<emilsedgh>: bit tiresome to redo my GUI every boot21:29
Vermuxrickest: sorry, I didnt know the minimal vim esists21:30
emilsedghsnirp: ..try updating or be patient for 4.1 release21:30
holahi guys i've have a problem with sudo21:30
rickestVermux: I didn't either until I got Kubuntu  :-)21:31
snirpemilsedgh: the following repository: deb http://ppa.launchpad.net/kubuntu-members-kde4/ubuntu hardy main21:31
Vermuxrickest: now it works21:31
emilsedghsnirp: better place to ask that it is #kubuntu-kde421:32
Vermuxchemist109: it works now21:32
snirpok, thx21:32
Vermuxif I want to cancell temporary colors I syntax off doesnt work@!21:32
rickestVermux: awesome, thanks for letting me know21:32
Vermuxok, it's good now21:32
Vermuxit is working21:33
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rocko_have problem with boot messages not coming up when I change the vga in menu.lst it worked in older releases does any body know of a fix?21:36
The_zodiacgood bye21:36
rocko_no spanish21:37
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ybit[Thu Jul 10 2008] [22:35:08] <ybit>the font in my tty screens is WAY too large, how can i adjust it?21:56
ybitstill wondering21:56
ybit[Thu Jul 10 2008] [22:37:06] <ybit>thirdly and probably lastly, i've connected a second standard monitor to this computer, but i can't get it out of clone mode. i selected the dual screen option, rebooted X server and Xserver wouldn't startup, so i rebooted and the same result, it wouldn't boot into anything. finally had to remove the monitor and to get it to boot into kdm21:57
ybitmight have better luck just presenting two problems :)21:57
holasomeone uses virtualbox?21:59
chemist109hola: I do...22:06
holachemist109: im not able to do work usd devices22:06
chemist109hola: This is a known problem.  You have to edit /etc/init.d/mountdevsubfs.sh  See here:http://www.ubuntu-unleashed.com/2008/04/howto-install-virtualbox-in-hardy-heron.html22:08
gata#kubuntu españa22:18
ubottuEn la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.22:18
oobewhat plugin do people use for apple trailers i have always used mplayerplugin but it doesnt seem to work are there any others22:19
rickestoobe: for .MOV?  I'm still using mplayerplug-in successfully afaik22:21
oobeok ty22:21
holachemist109: im using kubuntu22:21
chemist109hola: Should work the same as Ubuntu22:22
jussi01oobe: vlc here22:29
jussi01!info mozilla-plugin-vlc22:29
ubottumozilla-plugin-vlc (source: vlc): multimedia plugin for web browsers based on VLC. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 0.8.6.release.e+x264svn20071224+faad2.6.1-0ubuntu3 (hardy), package size 37 kB, installed size 144 kB22:29
bipolarcan anyone tell me where kdm stores the last user to login data?22:30
oobejussi01, i ended up using mplayer i tried vlc for a sec but it said no video and then mplayer worked22:32
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Sunbowanyone knows what is the name of the font of this watch, in this picture: http://www.kde-look.org/content/preview.php?preview=1&id=84403&file1=84403-1.jpg&file2=&file3=&name=Arezzo23:22
Chrysalislooks to me like bold arial or some such23:32
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grzesioczy są23:42
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garrett_hello I have a acer 3680 laptop with an Atheros Communications Inc. AR242x 802.11abg Wireless PCI Express Adapter, I cannot get it to work23:43
garrett_has anyone been able to get this to work??23:44
=== luis_ is now known as tigremx
frojndI can ping my local hosts, but I can't ping the www.internet.net Any ideas what could be missed in /etc/network/interfaces ? Anyone ? I'm not so familiar with ubntu server...23:49
rickestfrojnd: if you can ping your gateway but not past it then it's probably your gateway.  If you can't ping your gateway it's probably your 'gateway' setting or 'netmask'23:51
rickestfrojnd: also, be sure you're pinging IPs instead of hostnames so you don't have to worry about DNS failing23:52
=== markos_ is now known as mmarkoul

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