
beunoRinchen, https://help.launchpad.net/FAQ00:27
beunonow, I'm off to bed  :)00:27
LarstiQbeuno: sleep well :)00:30
Rinchenbeuno, thanks. Fixed as best I could00:42
bbyeveris there a problem with staging.lp.net?00:51
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bbyeveralso, how can i register a project under a team?00:53
Rinchenbbyever, looking now00:58
bbyeverthanks, Rinchen00:58
Rinchenhas been offline for a bit. thought it might have been the normal update but it's taking a bit longer than it should be00:58
Rinchenbbyever, you can register a project and then change the owner to a team00:59
bbyeverah ok00:59
Rinchenbbyever, not quite sure what's going on there.  It's not a production machine (hence staging) so I can't wake up a sysadmin to look at it.01:02
Rinchenbbyever, the box is alive but it's possible the application server on it has died for some reason.  Will be interesting to see why01:02
Rinchenbbyever, well, one of our sysadmins who doesn't sleep just kicked it and it's back01:04
bbyevergreat, thanks!01:04
bbyeveri have another question. What is the best license that LP offers at project registration for things that are not software, like documentation and such?01:05
Rinchenbbyever, I'm not a lawyer...but a lot of folks use CC or GFDL01:05
bbyeverbut CC doesnt appear at the project registration page... 01:06
bbyeverRinchen, unless its under some other name... Im not very experienced with this...01:08
* LarstiQ would try to stay away from the GFDL.01:08
LarstiQbbyever: if you don't care at all, I'd probably pick the GPL.01:08
LarstiQor well, if you don't care what people do with it, BSD or PD.01:09
Rinchenbbyever, then the best thing to do is email feedback@launchpad.net, mention you talked to me and I recommended email the feedback email.  We'll have someone in that area get back to you with guidance.01:09
LarstiQor listen to Rinchen 01:09
Rinchenhehe. You can modify your license too, so you're not fixed01:09
bbyeverRinchen: thanks i'll do that.01:09
bbyeverLarstiQ: I'll pick the GPL for now, i guess you can change it afterwards , right?01:10
RinchenLarstiQ had another good suggestion with BSD. I have seen that a bit as well.01:10
LarstiQbbyever: Rinchen said so, I trust him :)01:10
Rinchenbest thing bbyever is to review the available choices and then look at the licenses themselves.01:10
Rinchenyeah +edit allows you to change it.  If for some reason you cannot, then you ask a question (see the channel topic) and a LP admin can do it for you01:12
bbyeverok, thanks for your time!01:12
Rinchenyou bet01:12
Rinchenoff to a late dinner01:12
Rinchenhave a good evening01:12
idnarhow do I rename a project on Launchpad?01:19
LarstiQidnar: +edit?01:20
idnarmy project is http://launchpad.net/$NAME01:21
idnar$NAME is what I want to change, which I can't seem to do via that interface01:21
LarstiQah hmm01:22
idnarI thought about deleting it and creating a new one (I only created it about a week ago), but I can't see a way to delete it either01:23
LarstiQif you'd been here 10 minutes earlier Rinchen would still have been able to answer.01:24
LarstiQidnar: as is, I don't really know, other than asking an admin to do it.01:25
idnarshould I just hang around and wait for an admin to show up?01:25
persiaOr you could post a question at answers.launchpad.net and one of them will see it later.01:25
LarstiQidnar: https://answers.edge.launchpad.net/launchpad/+addquestion01:26
idnarokay, did that01:28
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Rafikany Launchpad admin please ? ^^01:45
LarstiQRafik: I don't know if any are awake, but what is your problem?01:46
Rafikhi LarstiQ 01:46
RafikI wanted to know if it's possible to get an old inactive nickname 01:47
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LarstiQRafik: owned by someone else?01:47
Rafik.... does not use Launchpad. This page was created on 2005-06-15. 01:47
LarstiQRafik: if you already own it, you should be able to merge it with your current one yourself01:47
RafikIm not the owner01:48
LarstiQdoes indeed seem like an admin request.01:48
Rafikyes :)01:48
RafikI sent an email a week ago with no answer yet01:49
RafikSince it's my real name, my IRC nickname... I really want it :)01:49
Drk_GuyHi guys!01:51
LarstiQRafik: have you considered asking a question via Launchpad's Answers section? https://answers.launchpad.net/launchpad/+addquestion01:51
Drk_GuyMy PPA register no packages, and it is http 40401:51
RafikLarstiQ, No. I just sent an email.01:51
RafikYou advise me to add a question ?01:52
Rafikhello Drk_Guy 01:52
Drk_GuyHi Rafik 01:52
LarstiQRafik: I think that is the proces, yes. (A quick check turns up someone else asking for the same thing (different name though :))01:52
LarstiQDrk_Guy: could you give a little more context?01:53
RafikLarstiQ, Thank you.01:53
Drk_GuyLarstiQ, I uploaded a src package like 4 hours back, and it is not up still01:53
Drk_GuyI've signed CoC, accepted policy, everything01:54
Drk_GuyBut it won't work01:54
Drk_GuyThis is supposed to be my PPA: http://ppa.launchpad.net/drk-red/ubuntu01:54
Drk_GuyLarstiQ, Any ideas?01:55
Drk_GuyRafik, 01:56
RAOFDrk_Guy: That URL is broken.01:56
RAOFDrk_Guy: You actually meant https://edge.launchpad.net/~drk-red/+archive01:56
Drk_GuyRAOF, That's what Launchpad gave me01:57
RAOFOh, right.  Yes.  That'd be the url for the repository, yes.01:57
RAOFBut you haven't uploaded anything yet :)01:57
RafikDrk_Guy, I'm sorry. I can't help with your issue.01:57
LarstiQDrk_Guy: no mail with a build failure or anything?01:58
Drk_GuyRAOF, I've uploaded a special wine package like 4 hours ago01:58
RAOFNot to that PPA you didn't.01:58
RAOFDid you get the "accepted" mail back?01:58
LarstiQDrk_Guy: how did you upload it?01:59
Drk_GuyLarstiQ, dput01:59
Drk_GuyLarstiQ, My changes were rejected01:59
Drk_GuyIt's my PPa, i can upload what i want01:59
RAOFThat's true.  But you need to format them the correct way :)01:59
LarstiQDrk_Guy: well, within limits of course. You can't upload the Lord of the Rings :)01:59
RAOFYou'd want to pastebin the reject email if you want more help :)02:00
Drk_GuyLarstiQ, I'm uploading a special verson of wine, with 3DMark02:00
LarstiQDrk_Guy: I don't have PPA experience, but I have some dput experience. One issue that can trip you up is if you don't specify which host to put to, it picks the default one.02:00
Drk_GuyLarstiQ, I followed the PPA guide02:01
LarstiQCould not find person 'drk-red'02:01
LarstiQI don't know why that is raised, but that seems the critical problem.02:01
LarstiQif you can figure that out, you're a step closer to fixing the problem.02:02
RAOFYou'd want to pastebin your dput.cf :)02:02
LarstiQok, I'm off to catch a ride to the airport.02:02
RAOFHave aviatronic fun!02:02
LarstiQheh, thanks :)02:02
Drk_GuyRAOF, http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/26559/02:03
Drk_GuyLarstiQ, Good luck02:03
RAOFDrk_Guy: That looks OK.  Try uploading the source package again?  Maybe it was a transient error.02:04
Drk_GuyRAOF, Already uploaded02:05
RAOFYou need to pass -f to dput, because it normally won't upload twice.02:06
Drk_GuyRAOF, Nopey02:07
Drk_Guy-f won't work02:07
RAOFA more useful response would be to paste(bin, if necessary) the output of the failed attempt.  dput -f my-ppa foo.changes most assuredly will work :)02:08
Drk_Guythe -f was on a different spot02:09
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LaserJockcan anybody elighten me as to what purpose the "Upstream Version" column in +source pages really is?02:56
HobbseeLaserJock: i think it's got something to do with being useful where upstream uses launchpad as well02:58
Hobbseeas in, to link the corresponding series02:58
Hobbseebut i've found next to no use for it in practice, probably because the upstreams of stuff i touch aren't on there02:59
persiaOr where someone bothered to define it: the "upstream series" can also link to other trackers.02:59
persiaThe main issue is that it requires 15,000 definitions every cycle, which nobody every does.02:59
LaserJockmy problem is that I'll set the upstream link one time in one release03:00
LaserJockbut since that all has to be updated by hand03:00
LaserJockold versions are still linked to "trunk"03:00
LaserJockand since vcsimports only support trunk I'm not sure how we're supposed to use it03:01
LaserJockso now I'm removing all the links I did back in gutsy or so03:02
LaserJockand why are the names/email addresses of people in some of the changelog entries on the +source page and some aren't03:03
LaserJockit's *very* frustrating to be looking at changes and not know *who* did them03:05
jmlwhat's an example page?03:09
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jmlI can't quite follow this conversation without an example03:10
persiajml: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/(anything)03:11
LaserJockjml: I'm looking at https://edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gcompris03:11
LaserJockand 6 of the entries don't have any person attached to them03:12
LaserJockand the publishing history doesn't have *anything* either03:13
persiaNote that we're also missing all the changelog entries between 8.3.2-1ubuntu2 and 8.4.2-1ubuntu1 (specifically at least 8.4.2-1)03:13
jmlso there's a changelog issue, plus the "upstream version" thing03:13
jmlbut they aren't necessarily directly related, right?03:13
LaserJockyeah, the upstream version thing I'm just giving up on03:13
persiajml: Yes, two separate things, on the same page.  No direct relation.03:13
LaserJockno, not at all related, I just saw it on the same page03:13
jmlLaserJock: why is only being able to import trunk an issue here?03:14
persiajml: If you look at e.g. https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gdebi03:14
LaserJockjml: because the packages don't *come* from trunk03:14
LaserJockjml: so it makes linking pointless03:14
persiaThere exist version of gdebi that would be suitable for adjustment for -updates in prior releases.  There's no means to either track those well or import them.03:15
persiajml: To put it another way, it would be nice if the upstream version link could actually link to the correct upstream version for each release.03:15
persiaAs it stands now, it might make sense to link a project to a source package, but on a per-release basis it's useless information, and requires 15,000 manual actions every six months.03:16
jmlpersia: when you say 15,000, you are referring to the number of packages, right?03:17
persia(Or not even useless information, but rather incorrect information)03:18
persiajml: Yep.03:18
LaserJockpersia: I think it's worse than that as it stands now03:19
persiaLaserJock: worse than incorrect information that requires massive manual action?  How?03:19
LaserJockbecause for vcsimports (which is the majority right now), you can only link to trunk03:19
LaserJockso you have no hope of getting correct information for even at one time03:19
persiaAh, which is exceedingly unlikely to have close relation to the source used in the source package.  I see what you mean.03:19
persiaTo look at a recent example that hit the archives: the libdrm 2.3.1 update (required for Xorg1.5) specifically discludes some contentious patches being tested in trunk, as these were determined to be insufficiently stable and tested for an upstream release.03:21
persiaNow, if imports were more flexible and were able to pull based on release tags for the upstream version identified in the version code, it might be rather useful.03:24
persiaWhere versions are messy (e.g. 0.1+dfsg-3), the watch file ought contain a dversionmangle option to help determine the correct upstream version.03:25
persiaThat depends on all upstreams properly tagging releases, but that's likely the sort of best practice we'd like to encourage anyway.03:25
persiaAs an additional benefit, such a system is largely automated, so distro developers don't have to manually link things: they just complain to upstream that the branches aren't tagged properly, and it all automagically works.03:26
jmlpersia: upstream might have different ideas about what "properly" means.03:27
jmlpersia: but I agree that such a feature would be useful.03:27
persiajml: Oh, certainly.  I still think there's likely the possibility of there being a best practice for each common VCS.03:27
jmlfor sure.03:28
persiaMuch as most upstreams now release a $(sourcepackage)-$(version).tar.gz, rather than the mishmash we used to get, defining some standards and prosletysing can be fairly powerful.03:28
persiaSome upstreams will not comply, but if we could automate even 60% of it, and have it be correct and useful, it would be a huge step towards any sort of VCS adoption for distro packagers:  without that VCS distro packaging is only interesting where 1) someone works with the same source regularly, or 2) a close team is making rapid changes to a single source package.03:29
* jml jots down a few notes03:31
persiaAnd without VCS distro packaging, there's really no point to linking to upstream VCS, as one generally wants to grab the distro source anyway.03:31
* persia wonders why "distro" ends in 'o' when it's short for distribution03:32
jmlpersia: I'd like to credit it to an Australian influence03:33
jmlpersia: but I'd just be making stuff up. :)03:33
persiaAwww..  I thought there was some historical standard of -oifying things in Australian slang :(03:34
RAOFOh, there is.03:35
RAOFWe're all about the oing of words.03:35
jmlpersia: well there is.03:35
jmlpersia: but I couldn't chart it into the world of Linux distributions03:35
persiaRAOF: So jml is creating truth from the same substance that binds Fenris?03:35
LaserJockok, so on the changelog thing ... Launchpad currently only has record of 32 out of 51 entries since the package was first introduced into Ubuntu03:36
jmlpersia: e.g. most Australians quickly find my given name, Jonathan, too cumbersome, and shorten it by default to Jono.03:36
LaserJockfor gcompris that is03:36
jmlLaserJock: yeah, that changelog thing is best filed as a bug.03:37
LaserJockand it only has 32 out of the whole 114 entries that are present in the current Intrepid package03:37
persiajml: One bug or two?  There's the missing entries (likely from overliteral parsing of .changes files rather than checking the source changelog), and the lack of attribution for some changes.03:38
LaserJockyeah, I can at least understand the first one03:38
LaserJockbecause it's just grabbing the changelog entries for the versions *in* Ubuntu03:38
LaserJockbut the lack of attribution is maddening03:39
persiaLaserJock: I suspect both have the same cause: there are ways to create a .changes file without the signature line.03:39
LaserJockthere isn't any consistency to it that I can find03:39
jmlpersia: two.03:39
LaserJockpersia: hmm, well I wouldn't have though that I'd been changing how I've done .changes03:39
persiaLaserJock: Do you not sometimes pass -v and sometimes not?03:40
LaserJockor wait03:40
LaserJockthe ones that are missing are new upstream releases03:40
LaserJockso I'd have put -v in03:41
persiaAlso, I suspect some people pass -k even when they don't need to because they don't want to bother trying to get their changelog entry and key aligned, which might impact it.03:41
LaserJockI wouldn't have done that one I don't think03:41
LaserJockI suspect it'd be -v03:41
* persia suspects there are other ways to make .changes suspect, but doesn't want to research it now03:41
LaserJockwell, the plain fact of the matter is that it's rather stupid to not use the changelog for that kind of thing03:42
LaserJockthe whole reason I write changelog entries is for people to read them!!03:42
persiaWell, maybe just pragmatic: one has the .changes file in the upload, but has to parse the source package to get the changelog.03:43
LaserJockyes, but that's being done anyway for changelogs.ubuntu.com03:43
persiaWell, yes, but by a different subsystem.03:43
LaserJockit's just trying to cut corners IMO and getting it wrong even03:43
LaserJockhmmpf, another bug to look at03:47
LaserJockmaybe I'll get more done *not* being LP Liaison ;-)03:47
Hobbseei didn't think you were anymore?03:47
LaserJockthat's what I'm saying03:48
LaserJockI've just found at least 3 bugs to file :-)03:48
jmlLaserJock: I have to confess, I didn't realise there was such a thing until I heard you were leaving :)03:48
Hobbseeoh, right, maybe you'll get more done on *launchpad* when not being the liason03:48
LaserJockjml: yes yes, I certainly didn't do as thorough of a job as I probably should have03:48
jmlLaserJock: oh, that hadn't occurred to me :)03:49
LaserJockjml: however, since I was also an LP bug contact I saw a lot of what you guys were doing03:49
jmlLaserJock: it's just that most of the time I've got my head down in a pile of codehosting stuff :)03:49
LaserJockand frankly, not a ton of the bugs I did file got fixed03:49
LaserJockin fact, I'm not sure that *any* LP bug I've filed has every gotten fixed03:50
HobbseeLaserJock: oh, i'm sure maybe one did.  somewhere.  sometime.03:51
Hobbseeeither htat, or you don't file enough launchpad bugs.03:51
Hobbseeheck, even wgrant and i have managed to get a few bugs marked "critical" (many months after filing, but that's another gripe) each03:51
LaserJockwell, usually mine never make "critical", I just +1 you and wgrant's ;-)03:52
LaserJockand of course in trying to see if any of my bugs have been fixed I've run into another one03:52
Hobbseei try not to file them now though, tbh.03:52
Hobbseefor the reason you cited.03:52
LaserJockcan you really *not* do an advanced search on reporter?03:53
jmlLaserJock: https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/launchpad-project/+bugs?field.searchtext=&orderby=-importance&field.status%3Alist=FIXRELEASED&assignee_option=any&field.assignee=&field.bug_reporter=laserjock&field.bug_supervisor=&field.bug_commenter=&field.subscriber=&field.omit_dupes.used=&field.has_patch.used=&field.has_cve.used=&field.tag=&field.tags_combinator=ANY&search=Search03:53
Hobbseeor a search on a person at all?03:53
LaserJockah, I figured it out, you have to go to your personal bug page first and then do it03:53
jmlno you don't03:53
persiaLaserJock: Visit that person's page, and click on their reported bugs.03:53
LaserJockjml: that's not available from the advanced search is it?03:54
jmlLaserJock: that's where I found it.03:54
LaserJockI don't know I'm getting myself confused03:54
jmlLaserJock: https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/launchpad-project, "Advanced search"03:54
jmlLaserJock: "Reporter" is in the right column of "People"03:55
Hobbseejml: the idea would be to have the reported bugs from any project, no03:55
jmlHobbsee: the initial question was about Launchpad bugs, I thought03:55
LaserJockok, I'm totally lying though03:56
LaserJock4 out of 16 LP bugs I've files have been fixed03:56
Hobbseejml: i think it was, but i took [12:53] <LaserJock> can you really *not* do an advanced search on reporter? to be a separate thing :)03:56
HobbseeLaserJock: that's doing pretty well.03:56
HobbseeLaserJock: that's probably better than my and wgrant's ratio.03:56
Hobbseein fact, i'm sure ti is.03:56
LaserJockHobbsee: Fix-it-Friday's03:56
jmlHobbsee: oh.03:56
LaserJockI pick easy ones03:56
HobbseeLaserJock: heh.  some of my bugs that are easy, like adding a checkbox, still are waiting from gutsy development.03:57
LaserJockjml: it apears you can't do an advanced search on a report *from* the reporter's page03:57
Hobbseethey'll hit their 1 year aniversary in a few months03:57
jmlLaserJock: oh, right.03:57
jmlLaserJock: that sucks.03:57
LaserJockjml: it was smart enough to know that I was already there03:57
jmloh, that doesn't suck then :)03:57
Hobbseebut they're on a mostly-unused section, so it's understandable03:58
jmlfwiw, 56 / 139 for me03:58
Hobbseejml: well done!03:58
LaserJockmy oldest one is "High" and was filed 2007-03-2503:59
LaserJockoldest open one03:59
LaserJockthough I guess maybe the Bug Janitor needs to get it 'cause it's Incomplete04:00
* Hobbsee wonders if the stats are any better on launchpad questions now04:01
Hobbseespeaking of that rotten janitor.04:02
Hobbseehmm.  i'm sure i reported more than that.04:06
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Hobbsee14 not fixed, 1 invalid, 8 fixed.  23 total.04:07
Hobbsee1 high, 2 critical04:08
Hobbseeah, + 2 dupes04:09
LaserJockwell, I found changelog entries at /ubuntu/<release>/+source/<pkg>/+changelog04:10
LaserJockbut there's no /ubuntu/+source/<pkg>/+changelog which is sort of weird04:10
jmlHobbsee: I would have thought you'd reported more than that.04:11
persiaLaserJock: It's also not reliable, as changelogs aren't necessarily in series between releases (and actually may not be in series within a release, but that's not usually as important)04:11
persiaLaserJock: Unless you'd expect it to go to the current source package?04:12
Hobbseejml: yeah...04:12
LaserJockpersia: hmm, and apparently during syncs the sync requester get's the attribution for the Debian changelog entry :-)04:13
persiaLaserJock: Yep.  This is good for Ubuntu tracking purposes, but clearly wrong for changelog purposes.04:14
persiaWe could do better to differentiate "Changed-By", "Uploaded-By", and "Changelog-By", but it's confusing.04:15
persiaIf we rely entirely on the changelog, we lose track of who requested the sync.04:15
LaserJockbut I think it could be fairly reasonably worked out04:16
persiaAs it is, there's still some confusion as to whether it is supposed to be the requestor or the approver, and different archive-admins do it differently.04:16
LaserJockChangelog-By should get the credit for the upload04:16
persia(note that in many cases, the requestor and approver are the same party)04:16
persiaLaserJock: For syncs?  Should Changed-By: be mangled?  If it is mangled, whose name goes there?  Anyway, I think it needs more general thought before launchpad can be expected to handle it sanely.04:17
LaserJockif Changelog-By != Changed-By or Uploaded-By then other fields should be filled in (Synced By: ? and Sponsored By:)04:17
LaserJockthe problem is that a simply attributing an entire package version to 1 person doesn't suffice04:18
LaserJockthat Changelog-By might not be the same as Change-By which might not be the same as Uploaded-By needs to be taken into account04:19
persiaWell, if you want to get complicated, what about team-maintained packages where Changes-By is different than Changelog-By is different than Changed-By, is different than Uploaded-By?04:20
LaserJockhmm, I'm not sure I follow that case04:21
LaserJockyou mean if there are multiple people in the changelog entry?04:21
LaserJockwell, that is a point04:22
persiae.g.: someone makes changes, a DD sponsors it, the changer makes a sync requests, a MOTU sponsors it, the archive admin pushes it, what does LP display?04:22
persiaThe point being that it's hard, so I'm very much unsure of what is correct behaviour.  That said, it's a bug if no name is displayed, and a bug if entries are missing.04:25
LaserJockI think Changelog-By = Debian changelog , Changed-By = sync requester, Uploaded-By = signer04:27
persiaHow about the multiple people who changed the package, none of whom may be the changelog author?04:29
LaserJockI personally don't think we need a sync approver field04:34
LaserJockin the case of a sync I think Uploaded-By could be blank, or perhaps be Archive Admin to show it was synced by them perhaps04:34
LaserJockwell, I think we can get very complicated with it04:35
LaserJocktracking Maintainer:, Uploaders:, etc. and getting out every person who touched the package at all04:35
LaserJockbut the essentials as I see it are attributing upstream, current "changer", and uploader04:37
jmlwow. tabs eh?05:49
=== wormsxulla___ is now known as wormsxulla
gnomefreakCan anyone give me a clue on what OOPS-922CEMAIL1 was caused by?06:30
mwhudsongnomefreak: Signature couldn't be verified: (7, 8, 'Bad signature')06:31
gnomefreakmwhudson: there isnt anything wrong with my key it works most of time and always has worked until sometime on the pre-release for 2.0 (i think thats next version06:32
gnomefreakits been only the last week or so that im getting failures06:33
gnomefreakthat bug listed one of my posts from email but wouldnt do this bug06:35
mwhudsongnomefreak: the signature is definitely bad06:35
mwhudsongnomefreak: i don't really know enough about gpg to say why06:35
gnomefreakmwhudson: than i shouldnt beable to sign any malone mail06:35
ubottuLaunchpad bug 246694 in firefox-3.0 "Can Not Uninstall Add-Ons" [Undecided,Incomplete] 06:35
gnomefreakthat has one from me the other one would be last one but you dont see it06:36
mwhudsongnomefreak: the mail looks a bit oddly wrapped, maybe tbird is screwing you over?06:36
gnomefreakwhat do you mean as oddly wrapped i knwo what it means but what do you say that makes you think that?06:36
mwhudsongnomefreak: that didn't make a lot of sense06:37
mwhudsonin the oops report, i have a link to your original mail06:37
mwhudsonif i download it, gpg refuses to verify it06:37
gnomefreakmwhudson: you said its oddly wrapped what makes you think its oddly wrapped06:37
mwhudsonand if i look at it, it looks like this:06:37
mwhudsonsharshabeeeel wrote:06:38
mwhudson> Thank you John but the flashplugin-nonfree has been previously removed06:38
mwhudsonusing Synaptic Package Manager.06:38
gnomefreakbeing on different lines shoudlnt matter its still able to be read and emailed and i know my signature is good since well you can see on bug report it let one go through but not this time06:39
mwhudsonwell i don't know06:39
mwhudsoni would guess that somehow the mail got mangled en-route06:40
mwhudsongnomefreak: and, heh, if i manually put the long lines back together, the signature is good06:41
gnomefreakthat makes me think its Tbird, Maybe i use tbird 3 once i get caught up 06:42
LaserJockholy cow, my edge just changed :-)06:49
LaserJockI just noticed the new tabs06:50
* Hobbsee pokes edge.06:51
Hobbseeyes, you do want to load06:51
* Hobbsee blinks06:51
Hobbsee\o/ the useful panel moved up06:52
Hobbseeand, uh, yay for cascading multiple horizontal menus...06:52
gnomefreaki just noticed that as well06:53
Hobbseeinteresting design decision...06:53
* gnomefreak can do without the right handed menu but i guess i have to get used to it06:53
LaserJockheh, that made me chuckle06:53
LaserJockoriginaly they were on the right, then they were moved to the left06:54
LaserJocknow they're back right06:54
PengOh, right, I forgot, devpad requires HTTP auth.07:27
PengWorking now, so never mind.07:27
pooliehello Hobbsee 07:32
poolieooh shiny07:33
* mwhudson off for the weekend07:34
Pengmwhudson: Have a nice weekend. :)07:35
PengHuh, in bug displays, the related branch has been moved below the summary.07:36
PengI don't like the new layout. It's a lot of white space with links and little icons and everything else all strewn about.07:37
RAOFHm.  I think I like the new tabs.07:44
pooliei like the look07:47
pooliei haven't tried it enough to know if it works well07:47
poolieis it just me or is the middle of the footer a weird place for the search field?07:48
pooliethat seems very odd07:48
RAOFNo, I think that's a strange place, too.  You're not alone.07:49
LaibschCan sombody please abort the import of https://code.launchpad.net/~vcs-imports/gnucash/trunk (the admin of the server is complaining about excessive use of bandwidth) and use http://wwwcip.informatik.uni-erlangen.de/~siretart/gnucash/svn-repo.tar.gz for the initial setup instead? mwhudson?08:04
PengLaibsch: mwhudson just left.08:06
* Peng leaves too.08:06
Laibschpeng anybody else you recommend?08:07
Laibschmwhudson not in London time zone?08:07
andrea-bsLaibsch: try with one of this people: https://launchpad.net/~vcs-imports/+members08:07
andrea-bsyou're welcome08:08
Laibschping lifeless, thumper, rockstar, jml about gnucash import six or seven lines above.  please abort the download and use the tarball instead08:10
jmlLaibsch: I've suspended the import.08:13
Laibschjml: thanks08:13
Laibschcan you also import from the tarball?08:13
jmlLaibsch: I can't kill the currently running job though08:13
jmlLaibsch: I personally can't.08:13
Laibschwhere should I file the request for that?08:14
jmlLaibsch: mwhudson may be able to, but it's dinnertime on a Friday night for him.08:14
jmlLaibsch: ask a question on Launchpad-Bazaar08:14
LaibschOh, asia?08:14
Laibschclose enough ;-)08:14
Laibschbtw, I think the wiki-link on https://launchpad.net/~vcs-imports should be fixed08:14
Laibschplus there should be a link to that page where you can request an import08:15
LaibschI always have a bitch of a time hunting that down08:15
jmlI think those are both good ideas.08:16
Laibschcan you do that?08:16
jmlnot right now :)08:16
LaibschI can't even file a bug or a question against vcs-imports08:16
jmlthat's because vcs-imports is a team08:17
LaibschI guess launchpad-bazaar will have to do, then08:17
jmlyou can't file a bug against a team08:17
Laibschwell, LP suggests it is possible ;-)08:17
LaibschLP can be pretty confusing there08:17
Laibschthe sheer existence of that page08:18
jmlLaibsch: I don't find that so confusing. I mean, I wouldn't think I could file a bug on https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/~r0lf08:20
Laibschwell, but the page at least has a meaning08:21
Laibschso, I would say the natural thing is to assume that the page has some meaning08:21
LaibschAll I am saying is it can be confusing08:21
LaibschIt confused me08:21
LaserJockI kind of agree with Laibsch 08:21
LaserJockthough I know you can't08:22
LaserJock1) I'd often like to file bugs against teams08:22
andrea-bshow about a message "This page is not to report a bug against this team/person" on the top of the page?08:22
jmlandrea-bs: maybe08:23
Laibschandrea-bs: why not eliminate that page for teams?08:23
LaserJock2) a team can be subscribed and assigned to bugs, seems logical to be able to file a bug against a team08:23
jmlandrea-bs: a thing with that style of solution is that there are many things that the page is not :)08:23
LaserJockLaibsch: what page?08:23
jmlLaibsch: because it's *useful*08:23
andrea-bsLaibsch: because it is useful to see which bugs are related to a team/person08:23
LaserJockLaibsch: those pages are useful08:23
LaserJockit's just you can file a bug against a team, but you can subscribe or assigne the team to a bug08:24
LaserJock*can't file08:24
jmlLaserJock: something along the lines of filing bugs against people or teams would be useful08:25
jmlLaserJock: except probably not actual defect reports08:25
andrea-bsjml: mh... maybe giving some buttons to report bugs to the related projects?08:25
jmlBug against jml: fails to buy new milk when the old carton runs out08:25
LaserJockit's especially useful if there isn't a related project08:25
jmlExpected: new milk to be bought08:25
jmlObserved: no new milk08:25
jmlSteps to reproduce bug: drink almost all the milk08:26
LaserJockhmm, I wonder if people appling for membership in a team could be treated as a bug08:26
jmlandrea-bs: yeah, I like that idea more.08:26
andrea-bsjml: should I file a bug?08:27
jmlandrea-bs: please do.08:27
LaserJockandrea-bs: how do you know what the related project is?08:27
andrea-bsLaserJock: when a team is linked to a project (e.g. is a bug supervisor)08:27
jmlLaserJock: "most active in" is another way of getting a short list08:28
LaserJockhmm, I don't particularly see the usefullness of that08:28
LaserJockI don't know that there's confusion between a team and it's corresponding project is there?08:28
jmlLaserJock: it's certainly not the most pressing issue on Launchpad08:29
LaserJockI thought the confusion was that it seemed like it should be possible to file a bug against a team08:29
LaserJockor have we gotten on a tangent :-)08:29
jmlLaserJock: we've gone on two tangents :)08:29
jmljust like that, yes.08:30
* jml makes a bad geometry / ascii-art pun08:30
jmltime to run away!08:30
jmlg'night folks.08:30
LaserJockthat was rather funny ;-)08:30
thekornhi, how is Security vulnerability been presented in a bugreport on stable these days?09:28
thekornas far as I remeber there was a big sign with an exclamation mark near the private icon some time ago,09:28
thekornbut it's gone now09:28
tzdhi. I've recently received emails regarding a thread I'm not subscribed to. I can't find it under subscribed bugs and I was hoping you could delete the subscription please?09:38
stgrabertzd: have a look at the bottom of the mail, there is the reason why you received that mail09:38
stgraber(for example, you may be in a team that's bug contact for a project/package)09:39
tzdstgraber: i see. Thanks!09:40
tzdstgraber: hmm can't find anything like that. I've got:  "You received this bug notification because you are a direct subscriber of the bug".09:41
stgraberhmm, maybe someone subscribed you to this bug ?09:42
stgraberin this case you can go to the bug page and unsubscribe from it09:42
tzdstgraber: yeah i tried that but i can't find that exact bug under "List subscribed bugs"... I only have 5 subscriptions and it's not under there09:45
stgraberthere is a link to the bug in the e-mail09:47
* beuno wonders why edge is more up to date then staging09:52
tzdstgraber: there usually is one but for this thread there's not a link. The only listed link there is to the actual bug itself09:52
wgrantbeuno: Because it has updated more recently, perhaps...09:52
wgranttzd: Go to the actual bug, and click unsubscribe there...09:52
beunowgrant, AFAIK, staging is updated first, then, if nothing goes terribly wrong, that moves on to edge09:52
beunoI may be wrong though09:53
wgrantbeuno: I believe they're unrelated.09:53
wgrantHow would wrongness detection work?09:53
tzdwgrant: ah found it now! Thanks to you and stgraber!09:53
beunowell, staging uses the actual full LP DB, so it's a good place to see if the changes made have problems on a larger scale09:54
wgrantbeuno: edge doesn't use the full LP DB?09:58
beunowgrant, it does, but the production DB09:59
beunoand, well, over 1000k users using it09:59
beunoas opposed to staging09:59
wgrantedge will only update when there are no DB changes yet, so there's likely no benefit it doing it on staging first.10:00
beunowell, I guess I just assumed it worked that way10:00
beunoI'll poke mpt about it when he gets here10:00
wgrantHardly anybody seems to use staging, and we get regressions on edge all the time, so it doesn't work well even if it is the case.10:01
beunowgrant, true10:02
mptGooooooooooooooooooooood morning Launchpadders!10:30
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thekornhi mpt, I think you are the right one to answer my question I ask about one hour ago10:37
thekornlet me quote it:10:37
thekorn10:28 < thekorn> hi, how is Security vulnerability been presented in a bugreport on stable these days?10:38
thekorn10:28 < thekorn> as far as I remeber there was a big sign with an exclamation mark near the private icon some time ago,10:38
thekorn hi, how is Security vulnerability been presented in a bugreport on stable these days?10:38
thekorn< thekorn> but it's gone now10:38
mptthekorn, it's not shown on launchpad.net currently, but it's shown on edge.launchpad.net, and launchpad.net will be fixed within a week.10:39
mptoh, snap10:40
* mpt didn't even notice you were pasting the question :-)10:40
mptI was reading scrollback10:40
thekornmpt: ok, thanks10:42
thekornand sorry for pasting it again, did not notic ou were 'away ' when I asked the question10:42
klausthornhi.   i can't login to https://launchpad.net/ubuntu. Anyone time to give an advice?10:52
klausthornsince I can't login to launchpad and nobody cared for my problem, where can I go next?11:08
beunoklausthorn, what's your LP username?11:10
mrevellklausthorn: Hey, yeah, if you could give us your username I'll take a look.11:11
mrevellklausthorn: Could you tell me what you mean by no one cared for the problem?11:11
klausthornI just know what email address I entered. Username is probably "Klaus Thorn". thanks11:11
klausthornemaila ddress would be klaus@trillke.net by the way11:11
beunomornin' mrevell 11:12
mrevellhowdy beuno. How's London today?11:12
mrevellklausthorn: I'll look up your account11:12
klausthornmrevell: I just meant that no one answered to my initial question ("cant login...anyone time to give advice?")11:12
mrevellklausthorn: Ah, sorry I didn't spot your original question.11:13
beunomrevell, no rain, so it's probably a great day  :)11:13
mrevellheh :)11:13
klausthornmrevell: no problem, I just didn't know what to do next11:13
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mrevellklausthorn: Hi - I'll ask one of my colleagues to take a look at your account. I'm sorry you've been unable to login. What error message does it give you?11:14
klausthornmrevell: unfortunately no error message. I get the page where I clicked on "Login/Register" again, still not logged in. (I also tried to give a false password which gives me a good error message.)11:16
mrevellklausthorn: Thanks.11:17
mrevellklausthorn: I'll get one of my colleagues to take a look and hopefully we should have you back up and running soon. It may be a couple of hours, though, I'm afraid.11:18
klausthornmrevell: thanks very much. I'll make notes to not forget what I wanted to enter into launchpad for the meantime.11:19
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mrevellklausthorn: Great, thanks and sorry again.11:20
intellectronicaklausthorn: do you have cookies enabled in your browser?11:20
klausthornintellectronica: thanks for this question. To my surprise - yes they are enabled to almost any site. And to my second surprise launchpad.net was in the list of blocked sites. You solved my problem. thanks11:23
mrevellah, intellectronica, thanks.11:23
klausthornmrevell: sorry for my request. But although I could have known better I did not check cookies. Nevertheless it could be helpfull to make launchpad a cookie-check and warning(if disabled) automatically.11:26
Rafik_Hi all,11:45
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mptbug 3067911:59
ubottuLaunchpad bug 30679 in launchpad "Login requires cookies, but does not say so" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/3067911:59
mptklausthorn, mrevell: ^12:00
mrevellthanks mpt!12:01
andrea-bsmpt: "Also affects distribution" should be "Also affects distribution/package" or something similar ;)12:24
mptandrea-bs, yeah, see bug 1334 and the other reports linked from there12:25
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1334 in malone ""Also affects:" "Project…" and "Distribution/Package…" links should be merged" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/133412:25
andrea-bsthanks, mpt12:25
* mpt knows that bug number by heart ;-)12:26
persiampt: Don't you know all the bug numbers by heart?12:26
mptnot any more12:27
persiaHmm.  I'm not sure if that's good or not.12:27
mptNot since I was told I was spending too much time dealing with new bug reports :-)12:27
persiampt: Yeah: balance of sanity vs. volume :)12:29
klausthornmpt: thanks. Always sad seeing bugs open for months though.12:30
mptThat one's actually kinda my fault, I should have designed a combined page12:32
klausthornbye and thanks for the help to all12:33
andrea-bsmpt: sorry, I don't remember a thing: will menus on the right sidebar be collapsible in the new UI?12:46
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mptandrea-bs, no12:52
andrea-bsmpt: ok, thanks12:53
wgrantmpt: Ermmmm.12:59
wgrantmpt: That is a fatal flaw.12:59
wgrantWith the current subscriber setup.13:00
wgrantYou will have people flying over just to attack you for that decision.13:00
andrea-bswgrant: I think that there will be a "More..." link when subscribers or tags are too much to be listed13:01
andrea-bswgrant: there's a bug about that, let me find it13:01
mptwgrant, first, the subscription links will very shortly be moving from the bottom to the top of the box13:02
gesergood to hear13:02
wgrantmpt: And what about the tags list which is dozens of screens long?13:02
mptwgrant, second, gmb is going to disappear the "Duplicates of this bug" box so that it's not above the Subscribers box13:02
wgrantWill it go somewhere sane like behind a 'This bug has N duplicates' link?13:03
mptwgrant, and third, in the unlikely event that BjornT doesn't fix bug 152878 in time, the source package details box will move above the Subscribers box.13:03
ubottuLaunchpad bug 152878 in malone "Source package details box hampers bug page context-independence" [Undecided,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/15287813:03
mptwgrant, exactly.13:03
wgrantmpt: Yay!13:03
wgrantWhat about the tag list?13:03
wgrantOr is that already gone?13:03
wgrantBecause it is gigantic in Ubuntu.13:03
mptThe tag list, that's still a problem.13:04
mptMaybe now someone will fix it. ;-)13:04
wgrantIt would be wonderful to not have tags exist forever...13:04
wgrantAnd to require privileges to create new tags...13:04
andrea-bswgrant: bug #5915413:04
ubottuLaunchpad bug 59154 in malone "Don't show all tags on the bug listing page" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/5915413:04
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Odd_BlokeThe new tabs on the Edge interface have a border at the left-most edge which ruins the rounded effect.13:23
beunoOdd_Bloke, I don't follow13:25
Odd_BlokeYeah, that's the least specific sentence ever.  The new tabs at the top of the interface (Overview, Bugs &c.) seem to have a straight border at the left of each tab, reaching down to the base of the button.13:27
Odd_BlokeI wonder if this is a rendering issue.13:27
beunoOdd_Bloke, what broswer are you using?13:27
mptOdd_Bloke, we're still not sure exactly which part you're talking about -- could you take a screenshot and draw a ring around the exact problem?13:28
Odd_BlokeSure, gimme a moment.13:29
Odd_Blokempt: ^13:31
wgrantOdd_Bloke: Which backend?13:32
Odd_BlokeI'm seeing it with Galeon and Iceweasel too.13:32
wgrantAs that's not Ubuntu.13:32
Odd_BlokeWell, the one that's shared with Galeon and Iceweasel, the name of which completely escapes me.13:32
Odd_BlokeIt's Debian (hence Iceweasel).13:32
Odd_Blokewgrant: Yup.13:32
wgrantEpiphany can do WebKit as well.13:32
Odd_BlokeYeah, I was going to say 'not WebKit', but didn't know if there were only two choices.13:33
wgrantWhich version of Gecko are you using?13:33
* andrea-bs uses Epiphany with Gecko too but doesn't have any problem13:33
wgrantWorks fine on Intrepid here.13:33
Odd_Bloke"Powered by gecko-1.9"13:33
Odd_BlokeFrom Epiphany's About.13:33
Odd_BlokeI'm afraid I have to run now.13:33
wgrantWhat does Iceweasel say?13:33
Odd_Bloke"Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US; rv:1.9) Gecko/2008062910 Iceweasel/3.0 (Debian-3.0~rc2-2)"13:34
Odd_BlokeAnyhow, *GONE*.13:34
mptI don't know what we can do about that13:35
mptPossibly it's a problem with the image library13:35
mptor a problem with the graphics card13:36
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HomeDawgany admins around that I can ask a quick question?15:42
persiaHomeDawg: You might ask the question anyway: sometimes other people also have the answer (but not always).15:44
HomeDawgwell, i'm looking to take control of the nubuntu project on launchpad15:46
HomeDawgtomb has been out of the question for years and is no longer around to move ownership to my accuont15:46
HomeDawgso, basically, what i was wondering is if there was any way to have that switched over so I can now manage the project15:47
beunoHomeDawg, file a questions requesting it with all the information15:47
beunoit has been done before15:48
HomeDawgany idea what i should submit that o?15:50
andrea-bsHomeDawg: https://answers.launchpad.net/launchpad15:50
HomeDawgandrea-bs: thank you :)15:50
andrea-bsHomeDawg: you're welcome15:51
zwnjhi there16:47
zwnji want to patch a package an upload to my PPA, but i forgot what should i do, after changes, to make the *_source.changes files16:48
NyadHi. I am working on a project which does calculations for dams and how much water they can yield. The project is for work and currently only calculates values based on my country's data. I have permission to release this as GPL from my boss. Does this allow it to be hosted on launchpad?16:48
andrea-bszwnj: https://help.launchpad.net/PPAQuickStart should be what are you looking for16:48
persiaIf you add all the right GPL headers, it's certainly OK to be hosted as GPL.16:49
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bbyeverwe in ubuntu-mx-marketing would like to have a mailing list, but when we try to activate it we get a "The application for this team's mailing list has been declined. Please contact a Launchpad administrator for further assistance" message 18:09
mario_limonciellHi guys, I was wondering about bug 134456.  How do I get added to the uploaders list for a package at this point?18:14
ubottuLaunchpad bug 134456 in soyuz "Soyuz needs package-specific uploaders" [Medium,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/13445618:14
mario_limonciellsince it appears that this fix is released now18:14
lagaoooh, nice18:18
mario_limonciellyeah it's kinda important too now, since the context of the example in the bug is the situation now18:20
persiamario_limonciell: There's currently neither a UI nor an approvals process.18:23
mario_limonciellpersia, yeah that's what i had thought was probably the case18:24
persiamario_limonciell: As I understand it, getting an approvals process for Ubuntu is currently waiting on TB review of the larger archive-reorg proposal.18:25
mario_limonciellpersia, so it's a bit too hopeful for this portion of it to be done sooner than i suppose :(18:26
parumihi, I requested a svn import which unfortunately failed (see https://code.launchpad.net/~vcs-imports/clam/trunk), which i guess needs to be manually reactivated. Yesterday I left a question about this (https://answers.launchpad.net/launchpad/+question/38806) but no answer so far.  Maybe asking here I'm more luky :-)18:27
persiamario_limonciell: I'm not sure.  I expect per-package to work sooner than per-seed, but in terms of policy, it's probably the same decision.18:28
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mario_limonciellpersia, any idea who particularly is driving this portion of it?18:29
persiamario_limonciell: Not really.  Colin drafted the proposal, but I don't know if it's been submitted to the TB.  It's not on the TB agenda (although I also don't see the next meeting on the fridge).18:29
mario_limonciellso maybe i'll ask colin in -devel then..18:30
bbyeveris there anything we could do to get a mailing list?18:35
mzjilaniHello, i have a question : How can i delete my Launchpad account ?18:36
persiamzjilani: Not easily: if you delete it, and do anything anywhere, it gets recreated anyway.18:37
mzjilanipersia : What do you mean by "do anything anywhere" ?18:37
persiamzjilani: Commit any code to any tracked project.  Submit any bug to any tracked bugtracker.  Comment on any said bug.  Send email to any tracked list.18:38
mzjilanipersia : Ok.18:39
bdmurrayintellectronica: ping18:43
Isotopp" Try reloading this page in a minute or two. If the problem persists, let us know in the #launchpad IRC channel on Freenode. " <- http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~lenz-mysql/18:44
beunoIsotopp, how did you land on that page?18:45
Isotoppvia the homepage of mylvmbackup (also gave that message) and then hitting "up" multiple times18:46
Isotoppall levels have that message18:46
beunoIsotopp, well, that's not a valid URL  :)18:47
Isotoppah, https://code.launchpad.net/~lenz-mysql/mylvmbackup/trunk is bacl18:47
Isotoppbut http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~lenz-mysql/mylvmbackup/trunk/changes now gives me that mesage18:48
beunoIsotopp, yes, that's a real problem18:48
beunomwhudson, ^18:49
beunoIsotopp, admins will take a look18:49
beunoI'd say trying again in a few minutes should fix it18:49
beunoif not, we can nag more people  :)18:49
IsotoppThe important thing is that I got my checkout.18:50
IsotoppThe rest is decoration...18:50
bigdo2is launchpad browse source down?18:51
bigdo2Please try again                    Sorry, there was a problem connecting to the Launchpad server.         18:51
bigdo2is the browser message I have been getting18:51
intellectronicabdmurray: hi19:01
bdmurrayintellectronica: Hi, I was looking at bug 191639 again and thought there might be a use case for date-left-closed or something like that19:02
ubottuLaunchpad bug 191639 in malone "Bug status transitions should be recorded" [Undecided,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/19163919:02
beunolifeless, LH in LP seems dead again19:03
intellectronicabdmurray: sure, if you think that you can use it, let's do it. it's quite cheap to implement19:04
bdmurrayintellectronica: I think it be useful to find bugs that were once closed - unless there is another way to track that...19:04
intellectronicabdmurray: well, we have bugactivity, but you know the limitation of that facility. it's quite difficult to search in it, since it's textual.19:05
bdmurrayintellectronica: right, I'll submit a new bug then19:05
intellectronicabdmurray: it's really quite easy to record date_left_closed, so go ahead and file a bug (feel free to subscribe me to it)19:06
bdmurrayintellectronica: I've reported it as bug 24767519:12
ubottuLaunchpad bug 247675 in malone "record date a closed bug is reopened" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/24767519:12
intellectronicabdmurray: thanks. i'll bring it up next week and make sure it gets scheduled soon19:13
intellectronicaoright, weekend time19:14
intellectronicahave a good one everyone19:14
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thekorncodebrowse on http://bazaar.launchpad.net seems to be down :(19:26
beunoRinchen, ^  (don't know who to ping)19:27
beunothanks elmo   :)19:30
thekornthanks, it's working again19:30
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LaibschCan somebody please abort the running import of https://code.launchpad.net/~vcs-imports/gnucash/trunk (the admin of the server is complaining about excessive use of bandwidth) and use http://wwwcip.informatik.uni-erlangen.de/~siretart/gnucash/svn-repo.tar.gz for the initial setup instead?21:02
RinchenLaibsch, someone suspended it for you21:36
Laibschbut the current import is still running21:37
Laibschplus, I'd like somebody to make the import from the tarball21:37
RinchenLaibsch, I have to defer to mwhudson on that.21:38
RinchenHe's not available currently.21:39
LaibschIs he the only one who can do the change?21:39
LaibschWill he be available on weekends?21:39
LaibschI understand he is based off NZ21:40
RinchenHe's the only one trained for it. I can invalidate the import but I can't import the tarball21:41
Laibschwell, that is one more step at least21:42
LaibschI'd be thankful21:42
Rinchendo you want me to see if I can completely cancel the import?21:42
RinchenLaibsch, ^^21:43
RinchenI'm not sure I can cancel it completely without taking down the entire import machine, which I won't do.21:45
Rinchenbut I can attempt it.21:45
Rinchenlooks like it will run for another 30 hours before timing out21:47
Laibschyes, please cancel the current import if you can do so without collateral damage21:54
RinchenLaibsch, best I can do is mark it failing (which it is anyway).  :-(22:02
RinchenLaibsch, I'm going to email mwh and others and see if I can learn how to do this better in the future.22:03
Rinchenit seems to me we should have a means to cancel active jobs on the import worker but I don't see an option to do that, even with my admin privs.22:08
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sistpotyhi, does anyone know the answer to https://answers.launchpad.net/launchpad/+question/38935 ?23:23
sistpoty(in short: why do I have xserver-xorg-driver-ati installed, but the info on lp might tell me that it's nonexistant since dapper?)23:24
sistpoty(which is only a guess, from what the info about min12xxw tells me)23:24
Rinchensistpoty, I'd pose that one to the ubuntu folks actually23:27
Rinchensistpoty, looks like they are separate packages23:27
sistpotyRinchen: sure, the two are separate packages23:28
Rinchensistpoty, and they configure those packages inside LP, not the LP devs per se23:28
sistpotyRinchen: maybe I should rephrase the question to "how can I determine if a package has been removed from the archive"23:29
X-R3hello 23:29
Rinchenah! yes, that's a different question :-)23:29
sistpoty(or rather *when*)23:29
sistpotyRinchen: I'm quite puzzled by this, since slangasek told me that he believes that xserver-xorg-driver-ati would have been present still in 8.04 (which matches my broken upgrade path)23:30
Rinchensistpoty, unfortunately I know we can answer that but I cannot since I don't know enough about how that works23:30
Rinchensorry about that :-(23:31
sistpotyRinchen: anything I should add to make the question more clear? or would you like to clarify?23:31
Rinchensistpoty, no, I'll add something and point the soyuz guys at it. 23:32
sistpotyRinchen: ok, thanks a lot!23:32
beunosistpoty, maybe you have https://edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/hardy/+source/xserver-xorg-video-ati  ?23:32
sistpotybeuno: no, actually this package superseeds the -driver package, (but is missing a conflicts entry against it)23:34
sistpotybeuno: cf. bug #24768123:35
gesersistpoty: are you sure xserver-xorg-driver-ati is still in intrepid? because apt-cache showsrc doesn't return anything23:35
ubottuLaunchpad bug 247681 in xserver-xorg-video-r128 "missing conflict against xserver-xorg-driver-ati" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/24768123:35
beunosistpoty, and it's not possible you've been draggong it from dapper?23:35
Rinchenit could be if it's installed locally23:35
sistpotygeser: my first guess was that it was *not* in intrepid...23:35
sistpotybeuno: might be the case actually, but very unlikely, since then xserver-xorg-driver-all would have had an unmet dependency for hardy23:36
geserp.u.c lists the package only for dapper23:36
beunosistpoty, well, I can't find that package in the archive23:36
sistpoty(as told by slangasek)23:36
sistpotygeser: yes, and rmadison does as well23:37
X-R3Yaw burda türkce  bilen  bi allahin kulu yokmu 23:37
* beuno blinks23:38
=== X-R3 is now known as KuRDiSTaN
KuRDiSTaNBurda  Türkce Kürtce BiLen Yokmu 23:38
sistpotyhm... indeed I can confirm that xserver-xorg-driver-ati doesn't exist on gutsy... so it seems likely I dragged it in from dapper23:39
LaserJockhmm, would there be any way to tell people when they try to bzr branch that is failed that it isn't an up-to-date branch?23:39
Rinchenmerhaba I sakin düşünmek birisi -in bizi burada konuşmak Türk.23:39
Rinchenexcept KuRDiSTaN I guess :-)23:39
KuRDiSTaNRinchen  Sen  Türkce  biliyonmu23:40
beunoLaserJock, say what?23:40
beunobranch that is failed?23:40
LaserJockbeuno: yeah23:40
gesersistpoty: I see that xserver-xorg-video-ati 1:6.6.3-2ubuntu1 (feisty) had the conflicts but it isn't mentioned afterwards23:41
LaserJocklike right now if I bzr branch 3/4 vcsimports I've done they've failed and I get an outdated branch23:41
beunoLaserJock, ah, they should probably block that before the branch is successful. Sounds like a bug to me  :)23:41
LaserJockit would be interesting if bzr could tell me that when branching/pulling rather than hunting down why I haven't had any updates for a couple months :-)23:42
LaserJockbeuno: well, it's after the VCS has been running23:42
LaserJockso you I don't know that you can just stop serving that branch23:42
LaserJockor I guess that would at least give you an error so maybe it would be better23:43
sistpotygeser: it would make some sense, in case the xserver-xorg-video-all has an or'd dependency23:43
gesersistpoty: https://edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/hardy/i386/xserver-xorg-video-ati/1:6.8.0-1 lists the conflicts also for hardy. only intrepid doesn't have them23:43
beunoLaserJock, ah, that's an interesting use case. Probably falls on LP side, or a plugin for bzr23:43
sistpotygeser: though it still gives me the creeps that slangasek is wrong and I was right in the first place *g*23:43
LaserJockbeuno: well, for me it's a quite common use case ;-)23:44
LaserJockbeuno: apparently I only pick projects that kill bzr imports ;-)23:44
beunoLaserJock, the issue would be distringuishing between branches that just don't have anything new, and branches that have failed23:45
beunobzr doesn't have anything that can handle that, but LP could23:45
LaserJockbut maybe LP should stop serving imports that have failed23:45
beunoyes, after X days of failing, I think it should23:46
beunothat sounds like a better bug to file  :)23:46
LaserJockI have 1 that hasn't worked since Oct./Nov. 2007 :-)23:46
gesersistpoty: enjoy it, it won't happen again that fast23:46
LaserJockand it tries to import it twice a day :-)23:47
beunoah, the server must be quite annoyed23:48
LaserJockbut yeah, 3 out of 4 isn't a good rate at all :(23:48
beunono, although there's something to be said about your choice in branches  :)23:49
LaserJockwell, they don't do anything exotic that I know of23:49
LaserJockgit-svn/git-cvs work just fine on them ;-)23:50
LaserJockanother thing that would be a nice general workaround at least23:50
LaserJockwould be to be able to import from a specific revision on23:50
beunostacked branches23:51
LaserJockI really don't care too much about the old revisions that broke, I want to see the right now23:51
beunothat will land in 1.623:51
beunoso that'l work in a couple of weeks  :)23:51
LaserJockon Launchpad?23:51
beunoLP uses the latest and greates bzr23:52
LaserJockbut there probably wouldn't be an interface for it23:52
LaserJockwould the code hosting admins have to do it?23:52
beunoLaserJock, nope, you will be able to do it from the bzr UI23:54
LaserJockbeuno: how do you mean?23:54
beunoLaserJock, let me try and find you a link...23:55
beunoLaserJock, http://jam-bazaar.blogspot.com/2008/05/this-week-in-bazaar_29.html23:56
beunoanyway, I'm off to bed now23:58

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