
p2pits not a warning, its an error00:00
daekdroomDRI2 for ati?00:00
RAOFOk.  That harmless error is harmless, and is going away.00:00
* daekdroom jumps like a kid.00:00
RAOFdaekdroom: No.00:00
p2pbut X doesn't load anyway00:00
RAOFp2p: Then it's not the dri2 error that's causing it.00:00
daekdroomRAOF: I thought I was going to have decent videoboard support00:00
RAOFdaekdroom: No one has DRI2 in intrepid.00:01
RAOFBecause libdrm still haven't decided on a memory-manager, and DRI2 requires one.00:01
p2pI've got both errors00:02
p2pFailed to load module "dri2"00:02
p2pand RADEONHD AtomBIOS returned 12 Grey Levels00:03
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RAOFRight, the DRI2 error is normal, and I'm typing this from an X server which has spat the DRI2 error out.00:03
p2pand the 12 Grey Levels error?00:03
RAOFThe second doesn't exactly sound like an error.00:03
RAOFAlso, try ati rather than radeonhd00:03
RAOFPastebinning the whole Xorg.0.log might be a winner, but I'd start by trying the ati driver rather than radeonhd.00:05
p2pok, with ati works00:06
p2pbut I don't know why with this xorg intrepid version doesn't ends properly ati-propietary.sh00:06
p2pit doesn't ends with installation ok00:06
RAOFp2p: I'm not sure what you're actually saying.  But the answer may be that the fglrx driver doesn't work with xserver 1.5?00:07
daekdroomxserver 1.5?00:07
daekdroomWasn't it 1.4.1?00:07
daekdroomI'm pretty sure I read Alpha 1 had 1.4.100:08
RAOFIt might have.  We have 1.5 rc5 now.00:08
p2pyes RAOF00:09
p2pit doesn't get installed00:09
daekdroomWell. Maybe fglrx supports an older version of xserver, because I read at unnoficial wiki it had intrepid support00:09
p2phow can I downgrade xorg version? :S00:09
RAOFBy using Hardy.00:10
p2pthere is no way back, i'm on intrepid :S00:11
RAOFThen use ati until a package of fglrx is built for Intrepid :)00:12
p2pthat's what i'm going to have to do00:13
daekdroomGreat. Upgraded to Vbox 1.6 before installing intrepid in a VM and now I don't even have Vbox :p00:19
p2pthanks a lot RAOF00:19
jasperusi installed virtualbox00:19
jasperusand it is not in my menu00:19
daekdroomI installed Vbox from Sun's website.00:20
p2pi prefer new vmware 2.0 rc100:20
p2pit doesn't take as much of recurses like vbox-ose00:20
daekdroomI heard its performance is better than Vbox's00:20
p2pfor my single centrino works really better00:20
daekdroomI get an error. "A disk read error ocurried"00:21
daekdroomI think I might have lost my VM's HD.00:21
p2pI've also lost my wireless interface updating to intrepid00:28
p2peven using old kernel00:28
p2pI can't see my ath0 interface doing an iwconfig00:29
td123so where is alpha 2?00:35
daekdroomIts supposed to be out.00:35
daekdroomCD Image shows 404 but Wiki links to it.00:36
AmaranthEvery time you ask the release is delayed 2 hours00:36
td123Amaranth: so is it out yet? :P00:36
daekdroomLet's delay 6.10 for 2 months.00:36
daekdroomand push it to 6.1200:36
Amaranthhow do you delay edgy?00:36
daekdroomMy brain is not multitasking optimized00:37
td123you mean you STILL don't have pthreads?00:37
daekdroomyoutube + fixing a virtual machine + making jokes about ubuntu releases don't scale well.00:38
td123daekdroom: wiki links to alpha-2 image?00:42
daekdroomtd123, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IntrepidIbex/TechnicalOverview00:43
td123ahha, so it will come out soon, nice00:44
p2pi've lost my madwifi drivers even loading old kernel01:09
td123p2p: did you try reinstalling?01:17
p2preinstalling what?01:23
p2pi don't know why ath_pci kernel module doesn't have been installed01:23
p2pas with old kernel version01:23
p2pand also kwin messed up and wasn't installed01:24
td123p2p: have you tried reinstalling madwifi?01:37
p2pok, i've noticed atheros driver has changed it's name01:42
p2por reinstalling madwifi from tarball?01:44
p2pi've tried but gives me an error when making make install01:46
p2pthis error td12301:53
td123p2p:  are you using a developement version of madwifi?01:57
p2pno .9.401:59
p2pi've installed sharutils, build-essential and bin8602:00
td123ya, well that error message doesn't mean there is something wrong with your tools02:01
p2pi'm going to try with subversion version02:01
td123p2p: that just means that __skb_append is defined after it is used.. the compiler doesn't know about that function yet02:02
p2pi'm going to try another version of madwifi package02:02
p2pok, with subversion at least compiles02:05
p2ptd123 now that I have compiled madwifi what should I do?02:05
td123well I don't know the correct procedure, normally make install to install it.. but you have to read the readme and docs that come with the drivers02:06
p2pyes, I've done make and make install02:07
p2pbut still don't localizing wireless mi wireless adaptator02:07
p2pi've modprobed ath_pci module...02:09
td123p2p: I really have never installed madwifi.. you have to help yourself from here :) I would just be doing the reading for you if I kept helping02:10
p2pok, thanks a lot anyway02:12
p2pmy interface now seems to be a wireless interface but doesn't scan02:12
gQuigsI recently upgraded and it worked for a while, but now many permissions errors have appeared02:14
gQuigsI can't seem to figure out where they came from02:14
gQuigsfor instance klogd doesn't start with permission errors02:14
gQuigsand I can't log in with my non-root account because it can't cd to my home directory02:15
gQuigsif anyone has any suggestions on what to check, it would be appreciated02:16
G_009try   sudo nautilus  (in a terminal)  on your 'non-root' accnt02:21
gQuigsI can't get into my non-root account02:22
gQuigssudo is also broken02:22
gQuigsOn another machine: -r--r----- 1 root root 655 2008-06-13 13:34 /etc/sudoers02:22
gQuigson broken one: -r--r----- 1 root root 470 2008-06-15 01:36 /etc/sudoers02:22
gQuigschanging that just gives me this: root@homer:/home# sudo02:23
gQuigssudo: /etc/sudoers is mode 0650, should be 044002:23
G_009!permissions | gQuigs02:24
ubottugQuigs: An explanation of what file permissions are and how they can be manipulated can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FilePermissions02:24
JprattHey Everyone, I have tried installin 8.10 several times everytime on boot it throws out a bunch of text and saying Kernel Panicked.02:28
=== DanaG1 is now known as DanaG
p2pI don't have konqueror on dolphin and even I had to install kwin when I upgraded to intrepid02:29
p2pwhat packages should I install?02:29
gQuigsoh.. ok... but it's still giving me a permission error02:30
Jprattp2p atleast you got it to boot >.>02:30
DanaGHeh, "security badge" doesn't make me think of "lock channel volumes together"02:31
DanaGI mean, what does audio balance have to do with security?02:31
JprattI cant even Boot it to install it02:31
JprattI tried installing in a VirtualBox same02:31
JprattAnd so i was like okay install hardy upgrade packages, all the same Crap >.>02:31
G_009try another disc and chksum it too02:31
JprattI have tried 2 disks an image and the actual thing02:32
JprattIt doesnt give me any menu just says "Kernel Panicked" along with a bunch of other Crap02:32
G_009you can check cd integrity from the installation menu. did you check there were no errors in it02:33
JprattI have tried 2 disks, an image and a CD (sorry just looked confusing to me so i changed it), It doesnt Get that far, The Only "Install i have been able to do is an upgrade02:34
JprattI would enjoy using it and Helping to make it better, Report Bugs and Stuff because I love Ubuntu02:35
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jonpackardAnybody know if Alpha2 is still coming today?03:02
td123jonpackard: looks like another bump in the road03:05
shirishhi all, any idea if I want to find a package to which a certain file/binary is part of, how do I find out that?03:07
shirishfor e.g. if I want to find about /usr/bin/ls  as to which .deb its part of03:07
Hobbseedpkg -S03:09
shirishHobbsee: I tried that, atleast for this one it doesn't work03:12
shirishHobbsee: shirish@Mugglewille:~$ dpkg -S /etc/X11/default-display-manager03:13
shirishdpkg: /etc/X11/default-display-manager not found.03:13
shirishHobbsee: while the file is there in /etc/X11/03:13
RAOFshirish: That means it's not in any installed package, or is possibly generated at install time.03:13
DanaGWhat is it that actually broke OpenGL?03:20
RAOFIn what way is it broken, incidentally?03:21
RAOFIt'll be a linear combination of new X and new mesa.03:21
DanaGglxinfo       ...         Error: glXCreateContext failed03:21
RAOFOooh, cool.03:21
DanaG......     X Error of failed request:  BadWindow (invalid Window parameter)03:21
DanaGAnd Locking assertion failure, with a backtrace starting in libxcb-xlib.03:22
RAOFMaybe something needs a rebuild.03:22
RAOFMaybe things are just messed up.03:22
DanaGWell, at least X itself is fine.03:22
DanaGOh yeah, and the transition from vesafb to uvesafb may throw people for a loop; luckily, I read (present and past tense both work) the change logs.03:23
DanaGI saw uvesafb, and remember having tried it (and the precursor vesafb-tng) before, so I knew what to do.03:23
wersis it just me or did ubuntulooks gtk got faster?03:29
RAOFI think it might be you.  Unless being built against a newer cairo makes a big difference.03:29
wersi think, it did make a big difference. I used to have a hard time with it before because of my jurassic specs03:31
DanaGHmm, are you actually using the ubuntulooks engine?03:31
wersDanaG, with the classic Human theme, yes03:32
DanaGMy theme: http://picpaste.com/screenshot-orange-nodoka.png03:33
wersDanaG, I used to use Nodoka to. IMO, it's one of the best engines03:33
DanaGIf I could get Murrine to look the same, I'd use it.03:34
DanaGAurora is pretty cool, too -- but the glossy progress bars clash with the non-glossy $EVERYTHING_ELSE in the theme.03:34
RAOFI don't like Aurora.  Maybe it's just that I haven't found a decent theme using it, but it's a bit too... big.03:35
wersDanaG, aurora's too heavy for me03:35
wersit's very good but it's not polished enough and it's a resource hog03:36
DanaGIt is bulky, compared to Nodoka and others.03:36
wersyeah. I'm waiting for improvements to the New Human theme03:37
wersi think, it has a nice future but they just really have to fix usability issues or else, it's not going to be nice03:37
td123does anyone know why alpha 2 is getting delayed?03:38
RAOFIs it getting delayed?03:38
cjbwell, alpha1 was delayed03:39
cjbit seems reasonable to delay alpha2 if you're trying to have the same amount of time between alpha releases03:39
td123RAOF: I think so, since alpha 2 was supposed to be released today but its already 10pm here @ illinois03:39
RAOFtd123: And in GMT+0, the timezone that counts, it's now 3AM03:40
td123RAOF: :P so it's officially delayed03:40
Hobbseenot enough testers03:40
* Hobbsee points at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Testing#head-23b21b368030f6c1c8d2dd33a06da8cef41e057303:42
DanaGHere;s the theme I use when in Windows: eminence03:42
td123DanaG: how much memory does your windows take up from fresh boot?03:44
DanaGI haven't checked my memory use, actually.04:10
p2pthats an xp DanaG ?04:20
DanaGThat's not a screenshot of my own desktop, but that theme does work with Windowblinds 6 under both XP and Vista.04:20
DanaGI've never found a theme I like more than that one.04:21
DanaGAnd I haven04:21
DanaGI haven't yet found a theme I like more than my orange Nodoka theme.04:21
DanaGOdd: I have two copies of "Blank DVD-ROM Disc" on my desktop.05:00
DanaGargh, and now brasero is unkillable.05:01
DanaGEven with -9.05:02
DanaGEven as root!05:02
DanaGsr 12:0:0:0: rejecting I/O to offline device05:02
RAOFEveryone loves D state!P05:03
RAOFKernel patches to un-unkillable such processes are incoming, I seem to recall.05:03
DanaGWe need a "PLEASE*******DIENOW" signal.05:03
DanaGAnd I need my firewire CD enclosure to work.... it doesn't.05:03
DanaGWorks fine in Windows.05:03
RAOFSIGKILL _is_ that signal.05:03
RAOFThe problem is that the program code isn't actually being executed at all, so there's no chance for it to even recieve signals.05:04
DanaGHow about a "remove process from memory" possibility?05:04
DanaGInstead of signaling it to die.... just make it cease to exist.05:04
HobbseeDanaG: isn't that called the power button?05:04
DanaGNope, that's ALL processes.05:04
DanaGAnd why is there still a "Blank DVD-ROM Disc" on my desktop even after I turn off the enclosure?05:06
DanaGFine, off I go to boot Windows.05:08
emmaDanaG: I wonder if this might be something you would be interested in --- http://www.ubuntu-unleashed.com/2008/05/howto-restart-ubuntu-safely-when-it-is.html05:12
=== DanaG1 is now known as DanaG
DanaGBetter idea: different enclosure.05:14
Hobbseeemma: it apperas that DanaG wants to kill one process, not all of them...05:15
ionstormwhy hasnt intrepid been released on time?05:53
ionstormis there some serious issues or something?05:53
RAOFYou mean the Alpha?05:55
* crdlb notes that it is not yet October05:55
ionstormalpha of course05:57
RAOFMy, the intrepid kernel _really_ doesn't like unpacking tarballs.06:00
* Hobbsee wonders why X didn't work.06:03
Hobbseei could switch to a vt, and just got a black screen06:03
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mouzHobbsee: using kvm?07:06
Hobbseemouz: nope07:08
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mouzHobbsee: anyway some mention it in bug 243677. That bug is about kvm, but the broken X could be non kvm. I do not have the issue (which is strange; I'm up-to-date). I wonder whether a bug should be filed or maybe that's one thing they are busy with anyway.07:16
ubottuLaunchpad bug 243677 in kvm "intrepid kernel 2.6.26-2-generic (amd64) won't boot as kvm guest" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/24367707:16
mouz(broken X mentions at the bottom)07:16
geek_inn2alpha 2 is where07:44
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laughtearHEY, I NEED ATTENTION!  please...08:38
laughteari want to talk to somebody who develops ubuntu (for now intrepid ibex). that's important for a user (a human being)08:39
laughtear(not that much, but it is for ubuntu)08:39
rskchek launchpad laughtear08:39
rskto get in contact08:40
laughtearrsk: how, where?08:40
rskon the internet08:40
laughtearain't there any in irc servers?08:41
rskim sure they are but not so much acticity here08:41
rskmight have to wait a while08:42
rskbest is to state what you are wondering08:42
rskso they can answear whenever they are cheking here08:42
laughtearrsk: i just woke up, yesterday nite i tried intrepid ibex, now it's what i'm using to talk here. everything looks fine (at least gonna be fine) but one thing i'm afraid going to be forgotten again...08:42
laughtearrsk: you and all people probably know that today we use a mouse that has at least 2 keys.. and we are used to drag and drop by these buttons, but in ubuntu this could be done only with one on the left. why?. is unix unable to?... i think not, it's been several years ubuntu is being used at home, and this is a foolish mistake.08:45
rskright-key is for alt + mouse208:46
rskto drag windows08:46
rsktry it08:46
rskit's one of the nicest things in gnome imho08:46
laughtearrsk: i know that buddy, and i'm not in the mood of being haved fun of (sorry for bad english, this is from istanbul)08:47
rskno problem08:47
laughtearrsk: for me, this is an issue that should be solved. and second, in both Mac osx and Windows there is an option to rename files by clicking and waiting on the file name. this is sometimes so much necessary for people who is dealing with bunches of files...08:49
laughtearrsk: here, the rite click is not enough for that...08:50
gnomefreaklaughtear: what do you need help with?08:50
laughtearrsk: do you and anybody hear?08:50
* gnomefreak cant hear you but i see you typing08:51
laughteargnomefreak: i need to be a developer but have a long way to learn stuff you know... for now i just say my opinions...08:52
laughteargnomefreak: ;)08:52
gnomefreaklaughtear: if you want help with becoming a dev please try asking in #ubuntu-motu but they will most likely giv eyou the links im about to08:53
ubottuThe packaging guide is at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/PackagingGuide - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment/NewPackages for information on getting a package integrated into Ubuntu - Other developer resources are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment - See also !backports08:53
gnomefreaklaughtear: those links will help you get started08:53
laughteargnomefreak: ok buddy, but please tell these everyone, i will too (at least as a ubuntu loving user).08:54
LSD|NinjaSo, is Alpha 2 late yet? o_O09:44
RAOFLSD|Ninja: No, because it's been delayed to Friday :)09:49
LSD|NinjaThe 12th is Saturday09:53
LSD|Ninjaeven in assbackwards america land09:54
RAOFQuite true.09:58
RAOFI may mean the 11th.09:58
LSD|NinjaIt's currently 16:58 on the 11th where I am which is why I'm wondering whether it's late or just being released on assbackwards americaland time09:59
RAOFCanonical _remains_ based in the UK, on GMT+0.  It's about 9am there.10:00
molgrumhow's nvidia going?10:11
molgrumyou mean it's done?10:14
Unksithat they are closed ;) there seems to be some new packages, so i guess they are going to be working soon10:18
molgrumah ok, nice10:19
RAOFI think they work right now.10:20
RAOFAs long as you're using new enough ones.10:20
LSD|NinjaWill my GF2MX be orhpaned in Intrepid? That would be... unfortunate10:21
molgrumRAOF: i have all sources checked, and security is added as third-party cause of a bug10:24
molgrumwhat package exactly is it that keeps nvidia from working?10:25
RAOFSecurity is empty, anyway.10:25
RAOFLSD|Ninja: Only if nvidia don't update their drivers.  Aren't proprietary drivers wonderful?10:25
LSD|NinjaRAOF: nVidia dropped support for GF2s ages ago, what I'm wondering is will nvidia-legacy survive into intrepid or not because I don't have anything to replace that card with and it's not strictly important that that machine run Linux so...10:27
RAOFLSD|Ninja: We've now got 4 drivers (nvidia dropped support for geforce 5 in their latest drivers)10:27
RAOFYour GF2MX will be supported by _something_ until the end of time.10:28
LSD|Ninjagood to know :)10:29
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yuriyhmm nvidia-glx-new still not installable15:18
yuriythough the .26 kernel now boots15:18
pheerornice, what error did you get before?15:19
daekdroomAlpha 2 isn't out yet.16:01
geek_inn2are we there yet18:42
td123does anyone know the ubuntu testing channel?19:06
jasperustd123 what do you mean?19:13
td123jasperus: nvm19:14
td123jasperus: it's #ubuntu-testing19:16
daekdroomAnyone else having kernel panics when running Intrepid under Vbox?20:47
nanddaekdroom: I used to, while loading the live CD20:48
nandstrangely, removing and reloading the CD on vbox fixed the pb.20:48
* nand is wondering if it is a vbox issue20:48
daekdroomI had them while loading the alternate CD, but it disappeared. during 2nd boot it happened again.20:49
nandyeah, in fact I was using the alternate CD too20:49
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molgrumnvidia drivers?23:59

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