
Chriz21is there anyway to get this on my eeepc?04:07
persiaChriz21: Not so easily.  You'd need to use an i386 kernel and lpia userspace.04:08
Chriz21any tutorials?04:09
Chriz21persia ya there?04:13
persiaWhile several people have talked about it, I don't know that anyone wrote a tutorial.04:13
persialpia is "Low Power Intel Architecture" as is another architecture in the archive.  It's somewhat like i386 vs. amd64, except for different reasons.04:14
Chriz21so it will not just work outta da box?04:15
Chriz21persia is there anyway to do something like apt-get install mobile-desktop from an eeexubuntu install?04:16
persiaChriz21: You can do that, but it won't generate the right environment.04:18
persiaThere are currently too many lpia-specific changes to the source packages.04:19
persiaYeah, it's not ideal :(04:19
Chriz21so how would you go about putting the MID on the eeepc?04:19
Chriz21persia btw what platform would i use?04:21
persiaThat kernel won't boot (assuming you've a C7-M Eee).  You'd need to build a custom image.04:21
Chriz21if i reboot into my ubuntu install can you help me do that?04:22
persiaNot easily: I'm not that familiar with mixing architectures.  You probably have to do some fairly low-level hacking (and I don't have an Eee)04:23
=== DannyZ_ is now known as DannyZ
ogralool, persia, do you guys think it makes sense to create ubuntu-netbook a a team in LP ? (i dont want to clash with the remix guys, they dont seem to claim that namespace though (everything tehy do is using *-netbook-remix))11:22
loologra: What would it be for?11:23
persiaogra: If you think there is value in a team: I'm increasingly of the opinion that LP teams only make sense when there is code to commit.11:23
persia(or some other permission)11:23
ogralool, well, the netbook community indeed11:24
persiaogra: Would you imagine such a team managing a collection of seeds?11:24
ograhmm, seed management should probably be under ubuntu-mobile11:24
ograand -netbook should be a subteam11:25
loolIf we have no immediate need for a new netbook team, I don't think we should create one11:25
ograi just fear someone grabbing the name :)11:25
persiaIf seed management is done by the Mobile team, what LP permission requires a netbook team?11:25
loolIf there's aneed such as coworking on a particular project, hosting code and packages etc. then I'm for it11:25
persiaNamespace probably won't be an issue: if someone else created such a team, I can't imagine they would want to exclude you.11:26
ograthats not what i fear :) but i suspect we'll have subpages for Netbook on the mobile wiki pages as well ...11:27
ograwas just a thought about consistency11:27
persiaWill we?  I think of the two as very distinct use cases.11:27
persiaMobile is what I'd like to have on my Zaurus (not that it is powerful enough).11:28
ograi think they will be very close though ...11:28
ograwe'll surely use the same basic system seeds etc11:28
persiaNetbook is more for something like my SR8, which is too small to be good for -desktop, but on which -mobile looks terrible.11:28
ograand only differ in the desktop package set11:28
persia]That would be different seeds.11:28
ograon the toplevel11:29
ograoh, you dont differentiate that in -mobile ? 11:29
ogra(-standard, -minimal, etc)11:29
persiaWell, both are likely to inherit the core seeds, but I didn't think the mobile seeds resembled an onion, really.11:29
persiaOh, that's all likely to completely change.11:30
persiaSo, the future:11:30
ograah, i didnt know11:30
persiaThere will be a single group of all seeds.11:30
persiaDifferent LP teams will manage different seeds for different flavours.11:30
ograwell, thats the current situation already 11:31
persiaWhere there is overlap, there may be additional seeds (e.g. the "platform" seed, which may become the "core" seed).11:31
ografor the top level ones at least11:31
ograah, k11:31
persiaPackages referenced by a given seed then become maintained by the team coordinating that seed (after archive-admin review for any changes).11:31
ograbut this platform seed might differ massivley on mobile and netbook platforms vs stadard desktops11:31
persiaCurrently, there's only 7 approved seed collections: any further would require TB approval.11:32
ogra(do you want compilers and headers on mobile for example ?)11:32
persiaOf course, that's not fully approved yet.11:32
persiaWell, mobile will need anything not core on which mobile packages build-depend.11:32
ograin the install ??11:32
persiahttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/ArchiveReorganisation is the current proposal.11:32
persiaRight.  There's still (roughly) install, ship, and supported.  I don't expect a compiler is appropriate for -mobile by default.11:33
* ogra surely doesnt want to waste his very limited diskspace on gcc or linux-headers for netbook11:33
ogracurrently the standard or minimal seed depends on them 11:34
ogra(not sure which one from the top of my head)11:34
ograand its likely that the desktop platform seed will do so in the future11:34
ograso i assume for mobile there will be a stripped version of this ... which i would use for -netbook as well11:35
persiaogra: Yes, but a hypothetical -netbook seed doesn't need to inherit from that: germinate will help create the build-depends, depends/recommends, etc. lists.11:35
persiaIdeally, one lists the top-level packages one needs.  Everything else gets populated by germinate.11:36
ograi dont see that working like that, but we'll see11:36
persiaActually, that page doesn't do such a good job of describing it :(11:37
persiahttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/Germinate does better.11:38
persiaogra: What do you see missing from that model?11:39
ograbut that still uses the same required and minimal seed all over the place11:39
ograi see missing a mobile-minimal or required seed that is stipped down11:40
ograi'm sure tere are many apps we dont want from the minimal set 11:40
persiaThen we just don't depend on minimal.  I don't see the issue.11:42
persiaRemember, there's no reason one needs to specify certain dependencies in STRUCTURE, as long as one generates a consistent system.11:42
persiaogra: I don't see anything from aptitude show ubuntu-minimal that I'd encourage dropping.  Which app?11:48
ogratsaksel ... 11:52
ograin the cmpc image i was requested to remove aptitude 11:52
ograwhich tasksel depends on11:52
ograas an example11:52
persiaI suppose if I had to choose, we might drop aptitude, less, netcat, python (keeping python-minimal), tasksel, and vim-tiny, but that's trimming *really* tight.11:53
persiaIf tasksel depends on aptitude, aptitude shouldn't also be in the seed.11:53
ograwell, the aptitude removal (which pulls some extra packages as well) gained me about 5M11:53
ograits just an example11:53
ograindeed i cant predict the future ...11:54
ograbut if every byte counts we will likely have a completely different set of low level seeds11:54
persiaogra: If every byte counts, we probably don't want any seed dependencies.11:54
persiaOn the other hand, not using the required seed might make it a bit tricky, as policy doesn't mandate Depends: on required.11:55
persiaogra: Watching -devel: are you planning to push imagewriter again this weekend, or can we look at it together next week?11:58
ograi want the package in 12:01
ograwe can change it next week indeed12:01
ograi'm not pushing, pitti is just processing NEW from my last upload12:01
persiaogra: OK.  I've just still a bit of backlog I want to clear today, but have a short list of fixes for it that I'd be happy to add (e.g. licensing, packaging, etc.)12:02
ograoh, then i'll wait for your fixes and dont fiddle myself :)12:03
ogramake sure to have synced to the last upstream branch though .... i added gettext-isation12:03
ograand pushed the pot to LP already12:03
persiaogra: As long as you don't mind waiting for a few days (e.g. Monday or Tuesday).  Let's you concentrate on the knotty dd issue :)12:04
ograpersia, right :)12:12
ograthast what i meant with you have a solution pending :P12:12
persiaogra: Ah, my solution being that I'll do all the busywork packaging so you can fix dd :)12:13
ograha :)12:14
ograwell, thats a solution :)12:14
persiaThe only other thing I thought of was doing a call-out from inside python, rather than calling a script.12:15
persiaThe trick is getting the status counter back for the progress bar.12:16
persiaThe ugly way is to send USR1 every pulse and parse the output.  I'm sure there's something more elegant.12:17
ogranot for dd12:18
ograit doesnt output without sending USR112:18
ograand even that output goes to stderr instead of stdout 12:19
persiaTrapping stderr from a call-out isn't impossible.  Are you sure we can't get anything with the right status= argument?12:19
ograther is sdd though ... but if we switch to that my stability point which was the reason to choose dd is moot and we can as well take py12:19
* persia isn't much of a dd expert.12:19
* ogra is a friend of using existing proven tools ... 12:20
persiaYes.  Always better to use the toolkit rather than writing new (surely buggy) code.12:20
ograi have seen to much weird code that i.e. modifies /etc/passwd instead of using adduser or useradd in my life :)12:20
persiaIsn't there a new one of those published every month or so?12:21
ograso my first shot is always to use the proven tool12:21
ograthose ??12:22
persiaNew code in cool-language-of-the-month with cool-interface-of-the-month to directly parse, modify, and break /etc/passwd.12:22
ograah, likely heh :)12:23
=== ogra_ is now known as ogra
=== asac_ is now known as asac
MeniShevitzhi all, anybody around?18:31
persiaMeniShevitz: Many people.18:34
MeniShevitzthat's good. can any of said people tell me how well ubuntu mobile runs on VIA machines yet?18:34
MeniShevitzvx700 chipset, c7m 1.2ghz cpu18:35
persiaMeniShevitz: The lpia kernel doesn't boot, and hardy ubuntu-mobile isn't complete.18:35
MeniShevitzoh. shame, i wanted free cool stuff :(18:36
persiaSupposedly, you ought be able to run an i386 kernel and lpia userspace, but none of the people I've mentioned this to have reported back that it works.18:36
MeniShevitzit's still a good chan to seek people with my model of umpc to bug for help right?18:37
ogralikely the best one for that :)18:38
MeniShevitzgreat :D18:38
MeniShevitzanybody 'round with a Gigabyte U60 (aka Medion RIM 1000)?18:38
MeniShevitzit's a sweet machine... if you're into developing your own drivers :P18:39
MeniShevitzor just using xp...18:39
ograwell, the plan is to develop something for 8.10 that runs on these little netbooks18:40
ogracurrently we only have a mobile specific image18:41
* ogra is trying to change that 18:41
* MeniShevitz noticed that, thought it ought to be a typo18:44
MeniShevitzthanks ogra... do you have a VIA machine too?18:46
ogranope, i'm currently having only the father of all subnotebooks in three HW versions ... 18:47
ograthe classmate PC18:47
GrueMasterdavidm: ping I hear you need psb video drivers for the next gen Ubuntu.18:47
ograindeed that has no via HW 18:48
MeniShevitzcool... i'm looking for a fellow via user to mooch some knowledge from :)18:48
davidmGrueMaster, yes, we need drivers for Linux 2.6.26 and X 1.518:50
GrueMasterI'll need some help creating a development environment if you aren't using MIC for this.18:50
ograMeniShevitz, what i plan to have is something thats generic enough to run on all x86 compatible netbooks (either as separate image or as ubuntu metapackage that you can install on top of a normal mobile install)18:51
MeniShevitzthat will be sweet... heck, i even got os x leopard to run on my little bugger :)18:52
MeniShevitzthough it was a pointless ride with no qe/ci and at 800x480 :P18:53
ograyou could try my classmate image, but that has lots and lots of hardcoded and machine specific stuff in it 18:53
MeniShevitznah, i'm not l33t enough18:53
ogradavidm, one critical bug solved, three to go btw ... just building an image with the fix18:54
davidmvery very cool18:54
GrueMasterOnce I get a dev environment, it should only take a few minutes to build the driver packages, assuming a clean compile.18:55
davidmby the by looking forward to catching up next week in Lexington.  Good to have everyone in one place18:55
pmcgowandavidm, the fridge is stocked19:00
davidmWay cool, thanks, looking forward to catching up with everyone.19:00
* ogra has so much to learn about the lexington way things work ...19:01
ograand i'm eager to :)19:01
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MeniShevitzanybody managed to install the Gigabyte U60 drivers under 8.04?19:24
MeniShevitzi've got some .ko files for the vga adapter from the official site, but they come with no instructions19:27
ograadding them to the kernel is like gambling ... unless you know they are exactly for the abi version used in the kernel you run19:28
MeniShevitzin other words - let the big boys get them in the cvs meni, right?19:29
MeniShevitzthe wibrain drivers work btw, but they poop up the screen output19:30
persiaMeniShevitz: If you can find the VCS repo for the drivers, and file a bug, there's a chance the kernel team might merge them.19:31
MeniShevitzif i knew what a vcs is... >< you guys are making me feel dumb! ;)19:32
persiaVersion Control System: for drivers, probably a git repository.19:32
MeniShevitzoh thanks... not really, i guess one would have to contact Gigabyte for that19:33
persiaDepends on the manufacturer: some companies have public VCS, some don't.  When it's public, the kernel team is usually willing to handle the coordination.  When it's private, it's more complicated.19:34
MeniShevitzhmmm... will a link to the download site help, or is that just tossing work at unsuspecting folks?19:36
=== robr_ is now known as robr
MeniShevitzyeah, thought so...19:40
persiaLink to binary download isn't so useful, as it's hard to integrate.19:40
MeniShevitzhmmm... have'nt really seen anything else on the site19:41
MeniShevitzit's supposed to be for 7.10 though so i guess no go19:42
MeniShevitzi haven't even been able to get the touch screen working:/19:42
MeniShevitzis there a good guide on xorg.conf proper usage?19:43
* ogra would do mv /etc/X11/xorg.conf /etc/X11/xorg.conf.old and try if xorg cant detect it itself :)19:44
MeniShevitzoohhhhhhhh... thanks! doing it right now:)19:45
ograwith 80% of the drivers that works better than putting up an xorg.conf19:45
ograbut wont give you keyboard settings 19:45
GrueMasterSo what needs to happen for me to build an intrepid menlow development environment under Hardy?  Can I take a daily Hardy snapshot and just change the source.list* to point to intrepid and apt-get update?19:45
ograor touchscreen tweaks (claibration)19:45
MeniShevitzrestarting ex...19:46
MeniShevitzno go... and screen res is too low to use the calib util:/19:46
persiaGrueMaster: The images use unionfs, which may not track the development version well.19:48
persiaThere are two options: one is to do as you've described, although this will likely break at some point, and you'll have to refresh.19:49
GrueMasterpersia: ?   I know that the img files use unionfs.  What I'm asking is if I can use MIC to create an image or at least a Hardy image then update the repository.19:50
persiaThe other would be to do a debootstrap install of lpia, although the ubuntu-mobile meta images are likely still broken for intrepid.19:50
persiaGrueMaster: You ought be able to do so.19:50
ograMeniShevitz, well, was worth a try 19:51
GrueMasterLet me see what I can do and post back after lunch.19:51
persiaGrueMaster: If you do use MIC, I recommend changing sources.list in your project, adn updating there, rather than on the image.19:51
GrueMasterok.  That's where I do the builds anyways.19:52
GrueMasterAt the project level, not the target.19:52
persiaOh.  That works.19:52
MeniShevitzthanks ogra :)19:53
MeniShevitzout of default repos, what's the recommended unichrome flavor?19:54
MeniShevitzgonna try and force use the correct screen via xorg.conf19:55
ogranicely called via as driver in xorg.conf :) happy confusion19:57
MeniShevitzmeh... tried uni first. black screen:|19:58
MeniShevitzwow... i think i've found the problem... my xconf Device section:19:59
MeniShevitzSection "Device"19:59
MeniShevitzIdentifier "configured video device"19:59
MeniShevitzno via no nothing:|20:00
MeniShevitzwhat's the missing line?20:00
ograno, thats the default way in ubuntu now20:00
MeniShevitzdarn... VIA's so darn touchy20:01
ograso there is nothing missing ... but indeed you cn add lines as you like, they will then be used20:01
ograso whats xactly your prob ? only the resolution ? 20:02
ograif so, that might not be graphics driver related but rather be the display not reporting its capabilities20:04
MeniShevitzwell, using the wibrain driver the resolution is wrong20:05
MeniShevitzusing any driver from the repos gives me a black screen20:05
MeniShevitzi hear it all working20:05
MeniShevitzbut output goes to vga port20:05
MeniShevitzhow can i force output to lcd? if it's not too much20:05
ograxrandr wuld be an option, but you cant get the info you need for that without having X running20:06
MeniShevitzbrb, gonna hook it up to some screen and remove uni/openchrome20:06
MeniShevitzfor some reason apt-get remove unichrome openchrome din't work20:06
MeniShevitzguess super cow powers don't always cut it:)20:07
ograwell, even super cows need the right address to get somewhere20:09
ograxserver-xorg-video-openchrome and xserver-xorg-video-unichrome is what you want ;)20:10
MeniShevitzlol, figured so :)20:14
MeniShevitzdid it the hard way already though... downloading the wibrain driver now20:14
* MeniShevitz wonders atype how sweet it would be to have freelance driver dudes swarm the osx86 project20:15
MeniShevitzbtw, the wibrain drivers are from google code, so there shouldn't be much trouble incorporating 'em :)20:17
MeniShevitzthey're the best v700 drivers for 800x480 screens i found so far, i.e, only working ones i could cope with :)20:20
MeniShevitzbut they're preconfigured to work with a 1024x600 panel, which gives slight calibration errors on all resolutions20:21
ograsvn checkout http://wibrain-b1l.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/ wibrain-b1l-read-only20:21
ogra^^^ this is the VCS address persia was talking about20:21
MeniShevitzohhhhh cool :) where do i send it again?20:22
MeniShevitzwhom do i inform?20:22
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* MeniShevitz is too unix dumb to do the actual work himself20:22
persiaMeniShevitz: You'd file a bug asking for inclusion.  If it's userspace, and you need a new app, file it against "ubuntu", and add the "needs-packaging" tag.20:22
persiaif it7s kernelspace, file it against the "linux" source package (in ubuntu).20:23
* persia knows nothing about wiibrain, and is just giving generic advice20:23
ograMeniShevitz, ^^^^20:24
MeniShevitzthanks, i don't need more than generic advice i think20:25
=== robr_ is now known as robr
MeniShevitzok, now it's time to show how daft i really am... adding a tag is just writing "needs-packaging", right?20:26
persiaMeniShevitz: After you create the bug, there should be a link to "Edit Description/tags", and from there you can add the tag.20:27
persiaAlternately, if you use the complicated bug filing form, you can do it directly.20:27
MeniShevitzcool thanks... again, sorry for being a nag :)20:27
ogralaunchpad is not easy in the beginning20:28
ograso dont worry, we all were where you are atm ;)20:29
persiaNo worries.  We all have to start somewhere, and getting support for more devices is key to market domination :)20:29
ograand  market domination is key to world domination !!! 20:30
* persia doesn't want to rule the world: too much work. I only want root on all the computers in the world.20:30
ograi didnt say anything about rulig 20:31
ubottuLaunchpad bug 247700 in ubuntu "A display driver for v700 via umpcs" [Undecided,New] 20:34
persiaogra: If you're not going to rule it, what do you do with the world once you've taken it over?  Give it back and try again tomorrow night?20:35
ograpersia, i trust the people to be able t rule themselves :)20:37
ograthey just should make sure they dont mess it up ... i would only intervene here and there20:39
MeniShevitz## at line start ignores it right?20:39
MeniShevitzyou trust people... that's your problem right there:)20:40
ograone of them is enough20:40
stgraberpersia: get root on all computers ... all you need is to hardcode your pubkey in openssh and make it added to the minimal seed, doesn't sound that hard :)20:40
persiastgraber: Nah.  I just have to upload something in the minimal seed.  Then everyone executes my code.20:40
persiaopenssh can be defeated by firewalls.20:41
ograMeniShevitz, well, you either trust people or have to do the work yourself ... 20:41
ograi'm lazy thats why i'm a developer :)20:41
ogra(the lazyer you are the better you are suited to be a programmer ... if work annoys you you will start to write a program to do it for you ;) )20:42
MeniShevitz:) i'm lazy and distrustful... it's great to be me.20:42
stgraberogra: hmm, what would it be if you had to do all the work :) you already get only a few hours of sleep each day or two ... we'd need at least 50 hours days to do the work :)20:43
ograwell, world domination .... you could just declare 50h days :)20:44
persia42 fits better with other people's schedules, plus it means that after a two-day weekend, there's only two days left each week on which one need to focus one's laziness20:44
MeniShevitzmetric days - like that wasn't tried before:P20:44
ograand in the end its even the answer t everything :)20:45
MeniShevitzbut wouldn't a day stay a day, just divided differently?20:45
ograjust a day with more dark moments ...20:47
MeniShevitzanyway i'm back at square one with the wiibrain driver20:47
ograopen a terminal in X and type in xrandr 20:48
ograit shouold drop you a list of devices and a list of modes for each of them20:48
MeniShevitzsweet, got the hang i think :)20:49
MeniShevitznow to force xorg.conf...20:49
ogralook what xrandr reports as modes ? 20:50
ograone of tehm should have a * next to it20:50
ograthats the current one20:50
MeniShevitzit shows 640*480 up to 1024*60020:50
ograwhich one is used ? 20:51
MeniShevitzthe one i need is 848*480, it ALMOST fits20:51
ogra848 ?20:51
MeniShevitzyups. 800 shows too low20:52
MeniShevitzleaves a 20% black bar at the top, and the bottom part won't show:/20:52
ograis 848 listed ?20:52
persia848!  Not 852?20:52
* persia hasn't heard of 848x480 before20:52
MeniShevitzit has both, but 852 is 4 more pixels i don't see :P20:54
ograso is any of the modes you want listed by xrandr ? 20:54
MeniShevitztrying to set Server Layout to Default Monitor instead of the costume wiibrain screen20:54
MeniShevitzit's listed, but when used it's miscalibrated20:54
ograrun vidtune :)20:55
ograit allows you to adjust the screen and will generate you a modeline for xorg.conf20:56
MeniShevitzone mo'... trying Default Screen first... :)20:56
MeniShevitzseems to be doing the trick...20:56
MeniShevitz(i'm talking noobspeech aren't i?:x)20:56
ograall fine, dont worry :)20:57
MeniShevitzYeeeeeeepeeeeeeee! :D20:58
MeniShevitzAcceleration seems to be working, video ain't as jittery :D20:58
MeniShevitznow to make it 1024x600 downscaled to 800x48020:58
ograthe keyboard of the device looks almost usably big20:58
MeniShevitzit's a sweet if weak machine...20:59
MeniShevitzguess xubuntu would've been the better choice but i picked "classic" :)20:59
MeniShevitzreal cheap too21:00
ogradoes it do GL ?21:00
MeniShevitznah... not with the wibrain driver21:01
MeniShevitzand with the via driver i get colored lines which slowly (within 4 seconds) cover the monitor rendering it white and scaring me with the feel it might break for good21:01
MeniShevitzbtw, have you checked my bug report? i'm kinda jittery about it, hoping i haven't cocked it :)21:02
MeniShevitzwhere can i find example xorg.confs? googling for it in the background21:04
ograprobably on the forums21:04
ograthough they might rather be for eeePCs or some such21:05
MeniShevitzif only i remembered my ubuntu forums pass :)21:05
MeniShevitzhmmm... hopefully it's an x-server thing and not driver dependent21:05
MeniShevitzdamn... i wasn't as bright as i thought21:09
MeniShevitzDefault Monitor pointed back to vesa driver:/21:09
MeniShevitzall unhatched chickens counted :P21:11
MeniShevitzwow...i think i heard x cry :|21:30
persiaMeniShevitz: You can usually quiet it by muting the inputs on your sound card :)21:31
MeniShevitzthe cry came from the very heart of x, it was not input insofar as it was pure emotion, kindled in the machine for the first time, in a machine for the first time, by my inane abuse21:36
ogracan you get it starting with the driver from google ? 21:36
MeniShevitzcould, and will be able to again soon, even if it means a reinstall :|21:38
ogrado that ... if its off xvidtune should help to kick it in place21:39
MeniShevitzyeah... only figured xvidtune had nothing to do with xvid when it was too late O_o21:40
MeniShevitzsooooo my bad21:40
MeniShevitzbtw, the wibrain driver is kinda messy in that that it adds modelines for any possible res21:40
MeniShevitzto xorg.conf21:41
MeniShevitzhmmm... xvidtune doesn't seem to really have any effect21:56
MeniShevitzcan i specify for which screen?21:56
MeniShevitzneed it run sudo?21:57
ograyou need to click the test button :)22:01
ograafter every change22:01
ogra(or apply, but test is safer, that reverts after some seconds)22:01
MeniShevitzi got it but test has no result:(22:06
ogradid you change any values ? 22:07
ograyou need to change values and then click test 22:07
MeniShevitzyeah of course22:15
* MeniShevitz dislikes VIA22:23

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