
Mezno problems... was just wondering00:00
Myrttiompaul: mind changing them back ;-)00:00
MezI already did Myrtti00:00
MyrttiMez: you should've poked ompaul though00:00
Mez* Mez has changed the topic to:  Your router is buggy 1) Please follow these instructions: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixDCCExploit to FIX it (yes, it can be fixed),  when you have carried out those instructions please type « test me » If that doesn't work then please « /join #ubuntu-ops » and ask to be tested there by the operators00:00
MezMyrtti, didnt know if he'd be around00:01
ompaulMyrtti, I is well poked00:01
* Myrtti looks up00:01
Myrttiisn't he *always* around ;-)00:02
MezMyrtti, just the first letter of his nick00:03
MyrttiSirBob1701: so can we help you any further now that you've joined #ubuntu?00:15
* Myrtti wiggles her toes around00:16
* ompaul was just given this: http://www.whateverittakes.org/gallery/leaderdetail2.php?id=05900:17
* Mez pinches Myrtti's toes00:18
Myrtti!idle | SirBob170100:20
ubottuSirBob1701: Please keep in mind that this channel is for operator/abuse questions only, and we ask you to part when you have no further business here, in order to keep track of users with pending inquiries.00:20
ompaulSirBob1701, please remove yourself from here before you are removed thanks00:23
Myrttispoil sport00:23
ompaullag a howya00:24
MyrttiI was going to remove him in a minute00:24
Myrttifive min marginal00:24
ompaulI is downloading upstream on 4 dvds00:25
ompaulI have a plan00:25
ompaulit is evil00:25
Myrttiaren't they all?00:25
* ompaul just does evil00:25
ompaulheres one for you to find00:26
ompaulumuntu ngumunt ngabanye abantu ... ubuntu00:27
PriceChildMez: behind you00:28
Mez!en | ompaul00:28
ubottuompaul: The #ubuntu, #kubuntu and #xubuntu channels are english only. For a complete list of channels in other languages, please visit http://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat00:28
MezPriceChild, ?00:28
* ompaul glares at Mez 00:28
Myrttino glaring00:29
ompaulMez, at the risk of getting removed by PriceChild Google it ;-)00:29
Myrttigoogle gave nothing00:29
MezDid you mean: umuntu ngumuntu ngabantu abantu00:30
Myrttiexcept with hackery00:30
MyrttiUbuntu ungamntu ngabanye abantu00:30
ompaulthe u from  ngumunt was omitted it is seperate00:32
ompaulI missed it on my mug00:32
ompaulanyway I welcome you all to my 46th year on planet earth today00:32
mneptokmany happy returns of the day to you, sir00:33
* Myrtti huggles ompaul 00:33
Mezhttp://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/magazine/5388182.stm <-- damn, tht looked so promising00:33
* ompaul looks at mneptok 00:33
* mneptok goes back to setting his eyes on fire.00:33
mneptoki mean ... editing training documents.00:34
Mezmneptok, arent they the same00:34
mneptokamen, bruddah.00:34
Myrttiompaul: paljon onnea vaan, paljon onnea vaan, paljon onnea PAAAAUUUULLLL, paljon onnea vaan00:34
ompaulI can translate that very simple00:35
Mez!en | Myrtti00:35
ubottuMyrtti: The #ubuntu, #kubuntu and #xubuntu channels are english only. For a complete list of channels in other languages, please visit http://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat00:35
MyrttiMez: oos ny HILIJAA00:35
* Mez gets the spanking stick00:36
* Myrtti hides00:36
MezI cant do it! ::(00:36
Meznot in public anyway ;)00:37
mneptoki'd do it, but then Myrtti's unquiet spirit would try to scare me when i'm trying to p00p. leaping out from the shower and what-not. no thanks.00:37
ompaulone emp cannon etc00:37
MyrttiMoaning Myrtle the bathroom ghost00:37
Myrttiyup yup00:38
mneptok"There's moooooooold on the shooooooower cuuuuurtain!"00:38
Myrtti"YOOOUUU leeeeftttt theeee seeeeaaattt riiimmm  uuuuppppp"00:38
* Myrtti makes screeching noises00:39
* Mez growls00:39
Mezwe dont b**ch when women leave it down...00:39
mneptokLouder than tanks on the highway. Louder than bombers in flight. Louder than noises of hatred. Dancing us from darkest night is the rhythm of love powered on the the beating of hearts.00:41
PriceChild10 brownie points for sneaking that into your training documents.00:42
Mezwe need an ubuntu qdb00:43
PriceChildWe have one.00:43
PriceChildMez: http://ubuntubash.org/00:44
Mezwe do?00:44
PriceChildMez: yes we do, http://ubuntubash.org/00:44
MezI got sidetracked00:44
* Mez carrys on with installing wiki from 2 hours ago00:44
* Mez also reports bug in terminator00:44
PriceChildThere don't seem to be many entries.00:45
Myrttinope, because 0.9 was released on Sunday00:45
MezMyrtti, I think he means ubuntubash00:47
Myrttisnuxoll has been collecting some quotes on his ircwall thingie00:47
Myrttipoke him about it00:48
Mez v'5/;[#vb'[/p00:51
Mezsorry, was squishing a moth00:51
Hobbseejpds: epic fail.  run, before The Stick gets used on you01:53
ubottuGnea called the ops in #ubuntu (Man)03:21
Amaranthi feel dirty03:23
Amaranthi had to do that all manually03:23
* Hobbsee blinks04:12
Hobbseeoh, riddell, you are a goose.04:13
tonyyarussogrey duck!04:20
mneptokBAWK BAWK04:22
ubottuIn ubottu, kevatron said: !foo is foobar05:43
DrDerekJust stopping by, JarrettGreen -- seems to be trolling a bit.06:07
DrDerekin Offtopic06:07
nickrudhe's drunk. Was in #ubuntu, and tipsy. Seems to be worse now06:09
ubottuIn #ubuntu, Iggie said: !ops | Guest882 is being a knob06:58
gnomefreakanyone other than me here ops in #ubuntu?07:00
gnomefreakkeep eye on the names that start with Guest###### replace # with number i think its anon and he has always been a pain07:01
gnomefreakif you scroll up maybe 10-20 lines you will see he was saying some really really bad things07:02
bazhangGuest33983 (n=anon@ has joined #ubuntu this guy?07:07
gnomefreakyeah but when he said what he did he was using Guest884 or something like that, although he didnt use anon as ident. so im not positive but best guess. now he keeps changing nicks he is now bloodboy07:15
bazhangcdoublej bears watching imo07:17
nickrudgahh. I walk away for a few minutes and the crap flows out of the walls07:17
* Myrtti yawns07:26
jussi01huomenta Myrtti07:29
* Myrtti gnarls at her computer again07:30
* Tm_T hugs Myrtti 07:32
* Myrtti sighs07:54
Tm_Twhy sigh?07:54
MyrttiI hate allergies, I hate being helpdesk, I hate the mess my apartment is, I hate how far away important things are, I hate my X still for trashing that picture yesterday07:56
Tm_TBeatles - All You Need Is Love07:57
* Tm_T hides07:57
Myrttijussi01: I hate you.08:01
jussi01bazhang: i just talked to her on the phone. ;)08:02
Myrtti*ringring Jussi Schultnik ringring Jussi Schultnik* "Yes?" "Get up and clean"08:02
jussi01Myrtti: please remember to spell my name correctly...08:02
Myrttinot my fault the phone muggles it up08:02
* Myrtti hides08:02
MyrttiOY, need mah glasses08:03
jussi01youd better...08:03
bazhangjussi01, haha08:04
Myrttia big brother I never had </308:05
* Myrtti glares at jussi0108:05
Myrtti"yes, I'll clean my room before mom gets here"08:05
* jussi01 hugs Myrtti08:05
Myrttiyou got plenty anyway08:06
Tm_Tyes, he's my son08:06
* jussi01 runs... all these people claiming Im family...08:07
Tm_Twe adopted you08:07
MyrttiI thought we were one big Ubuntu Family?!08:08
* Myrtti is in shock08:08
Tm_Tno, Kekkonen family08:08
* Tm_T hides08:08
* Myrtti rofls08:08
Tm_Tfamily as in mafia?08:08
Myrttiyes, Famiglia Finlandese08:08
Myrttiinstead of horses heads, we use reindeer08:08
Myrtti#ubuntu-offtopic is crowded with uncles and aunts and cousins08:09
Myrttiand adoptive sons (/me looks at SNuxoll)08:10
Tm_TI'm your "big ol' daddy"08:11
bazhangwhat is with all the 'I compiled/upgrade to devel' problems? arg08:11
Myrttijussi01: http://code.google.com/p/amora/08:12
bazhangyao_ziyuan (n=yaoziyua@ has left #ubuntu08:12
jussi01thank god...08:14
bazhanggnome-freak will be happy08:14
jussi01he often is in #kubuntu/-devel complaining about east asian language support08:15
bazhangoh I know, he is always saying how scim/skim is sooo broken08:15
bazhangprophetic words in this case08:16
sajesPretty racist discussion against Americans going on in -offtopic.08:25
gnomefreaki must be really tired i didnt see racist comments but i only scrolled like 30 or so lines09:00
Myrttithere, congratulated with two languages09:06
bazhangheads up on best buy cd guy09:06
ikoniaany good deals ?09:09
Moniker42hi, is there an ubuntu arabic channel?09:51
ubottuFor the Arabic language or Saudi Arabia you are invited to join للغة العربية رجاء انظم #ubuntu-sa09:51
Moniker42s/ubuntu arabic/arabic ubuntu/09:51
bazhangthere is an egypt one as well Moniker42 ; best place to hang out is #ubuntu-irc for that (ie not here--> see /topic)09:52
Moniker42it's not for me09:53
bazhangright, but idling is frowned upon here Moniker4209:53
ompaulMoniker42, then !sa is for you09:53
Moniker42i've been here less than three minutes... i would hardly call that idling but i suppose if the rules are that str09:54
ompaulMoniker42, is there anything else we can help you with?09:54
ompaulanyways breaking the fast09:54
jussi01Moniker42 is a regular in#ubuntuforums for anybody interested..10:02
bazhangwas that seanw?10:02
bazhangthe strange name threw me10:03
* bazhang is confused about who can idle10:03
jussi01no, that was not seanw...10:04
bazhangstill not clear about who can/cannot idle10:06
ikoniajussi01: he's been in #ubuntu a fair few times10:06
* bazhang tries to pierce the opacity that is can/cant idle protocol10:07
jussi01bazhang: unless you are a special case - you need a voice to idle - but we have a few "others" that can...10:07
jussi01bazhang: dont try...10:07
bazhangjussi01, the ones I see now I know; there were a few others I recall that are not here now though10:08
bazhangjussi01, sorry if I wrongly hurried moniker42 out of here; simple ignorance on my part10:09
Myrttiall are kosher10:09
ikoniashady in #ubuntu borked his machine using fake raid, raid0 root and "fdisk" to resize his partition, now claims someone "told him to do it", no-one in the logs told him to do it, 2 people told him "not to do it", really pathetic how people can't put their hands up10:09
jussi01ikonia: sounds...err...shady?10:11
ubottuHey nalioth, jenda, rob, SportChick, seanw, Dave2, Christel, tomaw, Gary or PriceChild, I could  use a bit of your time :)10:18
ikoniadoing debian now10:18
ikonia!staff | sheri spam bot flooding multiple channels with urls10:18
ubottusheri spam bot flooding multiple channels with urls: Hey nalioth, jenda, rob, SportChick, seanw, Dave2, Christel, tomaw, Gary or PriceChild, I could  use a bit of your time :)10:18
tomawlet me poke it10:19
ikoniaughhh flooding like mad in mysql now10:20
tomawit wasn't flooding like mad in #mysql at all10:21
ikoniaI've got text10:21
tomawFri 10:19:57 [!] sheri [n=kedikema@] has joined #mysql10:21
tomawFri 10:20:22 < ~sheri> hi10:21
tomawFri 10:20:54 < ~sheri> what is knol? http://www.knoldictionary.org/member/10:21
tomawFri 10:20:59 [!] sheri [n=kedikema@] has quit [K-lined]10:21
tomawso have I10:21
ikoniayour right, it looks like irssi is lagging between screens10:22
ikoniarefresh the screen and it re-draws10:22
ikoniais that a known issue with irssi ?10:22
ikoniaI've got about 20 channels open ?10:23
tomawthere are some redraw issues but none that shuold confuse you enough to believe there's more spam than there really is10:23
tomawand afaik it only happens when there are coloured messages in one of the related windows10:23
ikoniaI've swapped from debian to mysql and it still had part of debian text in it10:23
ikoniaI've just done it again from ubuntu to here10:23
ikoniaand I had a few lines of ubuntu in here10:24
tomawwhich version of irssi are you using?10:24
ikoniaI wonder if screen has any issue as I've been lagging for a few days now10:24
tomawit could just be ssh lag if it's remote10:25
ikoniait is remote, but it's on my local network so it's super quick10:25
jussi01quassel ftw!!10:25
ikoniathe session in general has lagges10:25
ikonialagged though10:25
ikoniamaybe a restart of screen/irssi is in order10:25
ikoniaand this box has recently been upgraded OS level, so maybe a prod around a bug DB is in order10:26
tomawworth a short10:28
tomawdoing /upgrade will restart most of irssi without disconnecting you10:28
tomawyou'll lose all scrollback though10:28
ikoniaI didn't know that, thats quite handy10:29
ikoniaI can live without scrollback for the moment10:29
ikoniaalthough it's swapping channels quick now10:29
bazhangdelano was on #ubuntu yesterday claiming that wubi broke his windows install (as delano and dm1) just a fyi10:39
ikoniabazhang: ahhh was that him10:42
ikoniabazhang: thank you, he was a pain10:42
bazhangikonia, yeah, and might suspicious10:42
bazhangerr mighty10:42
Myrttijussi01: http://www.flickr.com/photos/myrtti/2658322970/11:11
jussi01Myrtti: Nice :D11:14
ikoniayay my new guitar arrived11:18
Tm_TI'm sinking in to spaghetti code, hjälp11:19
ikoniawhat's up ?11:21
Tm_Twork stuff, terrible python11:21
* jussi01 slaps Tm_T11:21
Tm_Tjust hold my hand that I don't sink alone11:21
Tm_Tjussi01: thanks11:21
ikoniaI'll drown with you11:22
jussi01back to work my Pleb :D11:22
ikoniawe can be like thelma and louise11:22
ikoniaI won't leave you11:22
Tm_TI don't play dogs11:22
* Tm_T hides11:22
ubottuDJones called the ops in #ubuntu (eloquence (Random chatter/spam)!ops | eloquence (Random chatter/spam))11:29
ubottuTomcat_ called the ops in #ubuntu-offtopic (eloquence)11:36
jussi01hrm, eloquence is now in -kde4 ...11:42
Myrttihe seems to be nice enough not to rejoin after remove11:42
Myrttithough I'm not convinced yet it's not a bot11:42
jussi01or silly enough to think he has been banned...11:43
ikoniahe's quiet in #ubuntu11:43
Myrttiseven days, three hours and 30 minutes!11:47
ompaulMyrtti, shhhhh11:48
ompaulI want to be surprised when I wake up next Friday11:49
ompaulI have very plain plane tickets11:49
jussi01ompaul: flying ryanscare?11:51
ompauljussi01, yeah for less than an hour11:51
Tm_TI'm heading to home soon :))11:52
* Myrtti notes flights to Dublin are around 20€ish with Ryanscare11:59
ompaulyou can get to dublin cheaper than you can get a full meal out in the evening with a couple of beers/wine etc12:00
ompaulyou can get to dublin cheaper than you can get a taxi for 18k,12:01
ompaulbut then there are the taxes on the ryanscare flight12:01
MyrttiFares include taxes, fees & charges12:02
ompauland hairdryer time12:03
ompaultoo dear12:03
ompaulas in not cheap12:03
* ompaul gets out some serious botten anna type stuff12:04
ompaulserious techno ... wow12:04
Myrttiompaul: you never cease to surprise me12:04
Myrttibut then again...12:04
Myrttiyou're only six years older than my sister.12:04
Myrttiand I'm... ... I'm having my age crisis again.12:05
* Myrtti facepalms12:05
ompaulMyrtti, drop those thoughts12:05
Tm_Tjust remember kids, you are never as old as me, so don't worry12:05
ompaulTm_T, hehe12:06
ompaulwe are playing catch up12:06
ompaulall the time12:06
ompaulin europe during the "black death", which we assume to be form of plague the average age of people who died natural deaths was early thirties12:08
ompaul50 was extreme12:08
Tm_Twell, I'm 112 years old so...12:10
ompaulTm_T, ;-)12:10
* ompaul rumbles12:10
Tm_Tactually, 113 soon ];=12:11
ompaulTm_T, actually you are what you is12:15
PiciI'm a yam.12:15
ompaul</frank zappa>12:15
ompaulPici, get back in the factoid factory, it will fail if you do not put marshmallows on the cogs12:16
* ompaul rumbles12:16
ompauland then where would we be on our IRC12:16
* ompaul wonders12:16
PiciHrm.  How long have the server kernels had restricted drivers?12:25
ompaulPici, since forever as some of them have strange network cards12:28
ompaulremember you only load what you need12:28
ompaulbut if you need that gig card from intel then you better get yourself blacklisting12:28
Piciompaul: I could have sworn I had issues with video drivers on the server kernel at some point in time12:28
ompaulPici, I do on a big ibm but I am not worried about what it has / does12:29
ompaulI can live with 800x60012:30
ompaulwhen the services are exported they work to the local video card which is sweet12:30
PiciI'm curious for when I suggest the server kernel for people who have large amounts of ram, but don't want 64bit12:30
ompaulPici, actually yeah that might help me12:31
* ompaul thinks for a min or two12:31
ompaulbzip2 time12:31
ompaulyeap it would12:31
* Pici makes note12:32
ompaulit is the ram thing12:34
ikoniaPici: it's the only thing you can really do12:36
Piciikonia: I know all about PAE, just never realized that we had restricted modules for the server kernel...12:37
ikoniaPici: it's not all of them is it though12:37
ikoniathe restriced modules ins't complete12:37
ikoniaunless something has changed recently12:37
Piciikonia: thats what I thought12:38
ikoniaPici: who suggested it had changed12:38
ikoniaif anyone did12:38
* ompaul kinda 12:38
ompaulor not12:38
PiciNo one did, I just was wondering, I didn't remember seeing the package at all before, although I might just be forgetting.12:38
ompaulikonia, you are to ignore my ramblings12:39
ompaultoday I make less sense than usual12:39
PiciI usually do12:39
ikoniaoh, ok12:39
bazhangdmseg, how may we assist you14:28
dmsegi need to know about domain names14:29
dmsegsrry ill brb14:29
Picidmseg: This isnt a support channel, do you have a ...14:29
ikoniathat was the guy looking for pricechild yesterday14:30
bazhangon irc two weeks claims to be on two years guy?14:30
PiciHes the fellow who keeps asking to be an operator I believe.14:31
bazhangbetter make him and wols ops soon :)14:31
Tm_Thi kids14:33
* Pici signs14:33
Piciand sighs14:33
thomas1I got banned from the big ubuntu chat room, I was only in there for 5 minutes and I just asked a simple question... I don't understand that. : /14:53
Myrttiwhich channel and when?14:55
thomas1the big ubuntu channel that has like 1200 people in it, I guess I was in there about a week ago.14:56
Myrttiand what nick did you use?14:57
thomas1I mean, I'm totally a newbie, but I was polite and just asked a simple question.14:57
thomas1thomas1 I believe.14:57
Myrttithe thing is, you don't show up in the bantracker14:57
thomas1that's weird, maybe it's cause I'm using Java instead of MIRC?  I dunno.14:58
Myrttiand you're not on the bans list either14:58
thomas1werid, ok, well I have some other stuff to do, but I'll come back or something if it continues to be a problem after I set up MIRC and stuff later.14:59
MyrttiI think I might have an idea why you can't join now14:59
thomas1what's that?14:59
Myrttino, that isn't valid either14:59
Myrttiompaul: ideas?14:59
ompaulthomas1, are you on a java client right now?15:01
ompauljava proxy engines can be banned15:01
ompaulif it is some web stuff15:02
thomas1ok, that was an idea I was toying with... I'll definetly come back tho, if its still a problem after I set up MIRC15:02
thomas1sound good?15:02
thomas1er, I mean, I was just thinking it might have something to do with the fact I was using java... I didn't think much deeper than that... lol15:05
Myrttiompaul: but I can't find anything in bans list15:05
PriceChildJava is banned.15:05
ompaulMyrtti, if the domain is known by cs15:05
PriceChildMyrtti: see +d15:05
ompaulbye bye15:05
Myrttiall /lastlog catches from the bans list is  43 - #ubuntu: ban *!n=javabot@* [by reynolds.freenode.net, 9852787 secs ago]15:06
thomas1OK guys, well thank you, I'll come back if I'm still banned when I'm not using java ;)15:07
dmsegpricechild: are you free at this time?16:29
bazhangdmseg, how may we assist you?16:29
dmsegbazhang> dmseg, how may we assist you16:30
dmseg (earlier) (are you a bot?)16:30
bazhangdmseg, see the /topic16:30
dmsegi need to talk to pricechild16:30
bazhangjoin #ubuntu-irc (no idling here)16:31
Myrttidmseg: there's this nifty feature in IRC called notify16:31
Myrttiyou can set your client to notify you when PriceChild is not idling or away16:31
dmsegbazhang: iam here because i had requsted to join the ops team i have to talk to procechild (he wanted to do so)16:32
dmsegMyrtti: iam on x-chat i go offline now and then so not so possible16:33
bazhangdmseg, please read the /topic16:33
dmsegbazhang: sorry i will leave (alltough i will join later to audit this launchpad team)16:34
* Myrtti raises an eyebrow16:34
dmsegbazhang: thankyou very nice organised channel16:36
ubottuOli``` called the ops in #ubuntu ()16:51
ubottugordonjcp called the ops in #ubuntu (irc_admin flooding)16:52
* Mez sighs17:06
PiciHe keeps coming by.17:22
bazhangnever in #ubuntu though.17:23
PiciI've seen him maybe once.17:23
PiciAnd that was when I was grepping my logs for him.17:23
PriceChildI'm wondering what he actually wants to talk about.17:25
bazhangbecoming a channel operator17:26
bazhangsaid you requested it PriceChild17:26
PriceChildNo I really didn't...17:26
PiciDid you perhaps decline him on LP?17:26
ompaulwho irc_admin?17:27
PriceChildI declined his membership, saying why he didn't met requirements, and politely mentioned we could discuss it on irc if he has any questions.17:27
Picino, dmseg17:27
bazhangugh ballsac17:33
ikoniaPici: check out his IP17:33
ikoniaI've seen that username before17:33
Piciikonia: I grepped my logs for ballsac, seems to have quite a history17:34
ikoniaI've certainly seen that user, never the nick though17:34
ompaulI have seen him before17:35
bazhang<OEks> Hi guys, i really don't think you should be telling people to install openoffice, it's pirated software from Microsoft made to work with Linux and be free.17:36
ompaulballsac .. break that into two words keep it out17:36
Piciompaul: duh?17:36
* ompaul is annoyed with the idiotic time wasters17:36
ompaulhang on17:36
* ompaul does the hand face thing and changes from angry to happy17:36
mneptokFreenode should have a policy of any nicks in UPPERCASE are required to have a realname of "validate me"17:37
mneptoksorry, not caffienated fully. grumpy.17:37
ompaulmneptok, you are right17:38
ompaulmneptok, and I would go further but .... (work it out)17:38
mneptokabout realnames, or grumpiness, or both?17:38
ompaulmneptok,  realnames, and or grumpiness17:39
PiciI'd tell you were right, but I don't want to encourage you17:39
mneptokPici: excellent choice17:39
ompaulPici, mneptok does not need to be encouraged, his is the place of the incorrigible17:40
ompaulwhich is great we need more of that17:41
ompaulmneptok, look at it this way17:42
ompaulit is Friday17:42
Piciikonia: what are 08 numbers?18:01
ikoniaUK phone numbers I think18:01
bazhangphone sex18:01
ikoniaI'm sure they are other things18:01
ikonianah, normally premium or free depending on the next number sets18:02
Piciah, like 1-800/900 numbers in the US18:05
ikoniayes, that sort of thing18:05
ikoniaI assume thats what he means18:05
bazhangand 900 numbers are used for...18:05
PiciUsually pay per minute numbers18:05
ikoniaPici: you seem to know a lot about these numbers ;)18:07
bazhangmenishevitz ugh18:30
bazhangtelling people to install windows software and 'rtfm'18:30
* jussi01 is now here18:50
* jussi01 just got back from the movies :)18:55
* Dave2 just got back from work. Far more exciting, clearly.18:57
* Nafallo is at work :-)18:58
naliothjussi01: what's showing?19:02
jussi01nalioth: Prince Caspian19:03
naliothdid you enjoy the experience, jussi01 ?19:03
jussi01nalioth: yes, it was quite good, but not awesome19:04
naliothwell, i'm glad you had a 'quite good but not awesome' time  :)19:07
jussi01how does one tell if a nick can be dropped?19:30
PriceChildbest way is to ask a staffer, it should be idle 60 days as a rough guide19:31
jussi01PriceChild: got a min for a pm?19:32
Myrttishould the banlist be cleaned here20:09
PiciShould I get a mop?20:17
Myrttiso GUADEC/aKademy is held in Gran Canaries next year20:17
MyrttiI feel somewhat disappointed20:17
* Pici sighs20:24
PiciMyrtti: thanks for putting a smile on my face, /me waves20:26
Myrttiand so we changed the subject and they forgot what they were talking about20:28
MezPici, she can always put a file on everyones face20:43
Mezshes the ubuntu ops cheerleader20:43
Myrttia file?20:44
* Myrtti pictures baking a file inside a cake20:44
Myrtti"now you can escape this prison#20:44
Myrtti"but I atez the cake"20:45
Myrtti"so now it's in your face"20:45
Myrtti-- nevermind20:46
Myrttisilly Finnish mixups20:46
Myrttiah-HA! I was right! A File!20:51
* Myrtti runs20:51
ompaulI eats and drinks my fill n o t file21:05
* Mez is full of icecream21:07
* Myrtti pokes Mez with The Pink Fluffy Pen of Poking™21:08
ompaulif you start me up I never stop - they only got the right to use it - they don't pwn it :)21:14
ompauloh -ops argh21:14
* ompaul goes to -ot for fun21:14
ubottuMyrtti: Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)21:16
Myrtti1sustainableresource is <reply> the only everlasting, sustainable resource is the human stupidity and ignorance21:16
Myrttioh noes, I didn't do the factoid right... </sarcasm>21:17
nickrudMyrtti, you were pretty close. Just left out avarice23:28

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