
mrooneyhuh. does anyone know why doing a fresh install of 8.04.1 on a macbook doesn't allow it to boot? it just goes to a white screen and flashes a question mark00:19
mrooneyI would have thought grub would take care of everything00:19
sn9mrooney: did you use bootcamp?00:24
mrooneysn9: nope, just booted from the CD, deleted all the partitions, and made new ones00:35
mrooneyfrom the hardy cd that is00:35
sn9mrooney: that's why00:35
mrooneyI think it is bug 22212600:36
ubottuLaunchpad bug 222126 in mactel-support "MBR Partition Table is cleared during install" [Critical,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/22212600:36
sn9EFI needs an EFI partition00:36
sn9you have to use bootcamp to create it, AIUI00:36
Flannelmrooney: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MacBookPro00:38
mrooneyFlannel: any particular section?00:39
mrooneyI don't see a section on just "installing ubuntu"00:40
mrooneywow this is really hard!00:53
mrooneyevery single guide I can find is dual or triple booting00:54
mrooneyI just want ubuntu!00:54
sn9if you can't figure out how to do that from the guides yourself, get someone else to install it for you00:54
Flannelmrooney: http://wiki.debian.org/MacBook#head-95cace70d21bfdc171ab9030459c118bfd99945000:55
Flannelmrooney: Debian vs Ubuntu vs arbitrary other linux doesn't matter.00:55
Flannelbasically, you install like normal. And the boot stuff does BIOS compatability, and everyone is happy00:56
mrooneyFlannel: ah okay, just I just do that and reinstall?00:57
Flannelmrooney: Yep00:58
mrooneyFlannel: thanks! let us see how this works01:05
mrooneyoh boy, new partition table, looks promising!01:06
mrooneywhat a nasty bug01:14
mrooneythough I am really glad to see an improved Wubi in 8.04.101:14
sn9it's not like wubi can get any worse01:14
mrooneyit worked alright except it messed up the menu.lst so it couldn't boot01:15
mrooneyalso it broke windows from booting01:15
mrooneybut I looked it up online and it was a known issue and just involved changing the menu.lst I think, anyone the new version worked like a charm on the same machine01:15
mrooneysn9: you aren't impressed with Wubi?01:16
sn9it sounds much more impressive than it is01:16
mrooneywell, what it does for ease of installation and trying for windows users is impressive, I think01:16
savvasit prevents people from loading the live cd, and asking how to do stuff like booting from a live cd :)01:17
mrooneyit takes a whole bunch of overwhelming steps (to 98% of the population) and throws them out the window01:17
savvasseriously, there's a whole bunch of them at ubuntuforums01:17
sn9they could have easily made it work with fat filesystems01:17
mrooneyit only works on ntfs?01:18
savvaswell it's a good marketing idea to steal users :p01:18
mrooneyFlannel: it's booting, hooray! thanks a thousand01:19
mrooneysavvas: yeah, it makes it trivial to give to my parents and say "here, try this"01:19
mrooneyI think it will allow users of ubuntu to get others to try it out much easier01:20
savvashaha, then after five minutes.. "where's my screen!!!"01:20
sn9it's less trivial to get your parents to like it01:20
mrooneyall fair points I guess01:20
savvasmy dad and I learned together dos from a book in greek01:20
savvasthat's how i got attached to computers as my hobby heh01:21
sn9i wish i had the chance to show ubuntu to my dad, but it didn't exist during his lifetime01:21
tritiumsn9: I do too01:43
sn9any release managers around?02:20
Hobbseesn9: yes, why?02:48
sn9sru been sitting around a couple of days...02:49
Hobbseebug 24683402:50
ubottuLaunchpad bug 246834 in xkeyboard-config "No support for for Mac-like keyboard layouts with extra characters" [Undecided,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/24683402:50
LaserJocksn9: man, you sure are persistent :-)02:54
sn9LaserJock: yep02:54
sn9it's how things get done02:55
LaserJocksomewhat, a balance is good02:55
LaserJocksomewhere between bringing it to people's attention and nagging them to death :-)02:56
sn9persistence balances neglect, so it's all good02:56
* Hobbsee isn't touching sru's, anyway02:57
LaserJockif it's been uploaded the archive admins will get to it when they can02:58
sn9how big is the backlog?02:58
LaserJocksn9: here is the hardy queue: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/hardy/+queue?queue_state=1&queue_text=03:00
LaserJockthat's certainly not all they have to do03:00
Hobbseesn9: besides, if you hadn't noticed, people have been trying to get the next alpha of intrepid out, so sru's may fall down the totem pole.03:00
sn9well, at least it'll be in the alpha...03:01
sn9LaserJock: thanx!!03:02
Hobbseewow, that was only filed on wednesday03:09
sn9and it's already dead-center in the queue03:10
Hobbseesn9: fyi, as a general piece of advice, if you get a reputation as being very persistent, no matter how important whatever you want to be done is, people are likely to deprioritise your stuff, out of principle.03:13
Hobbseevarious people have found this.03:13
* sn9 grumbles03:14
LaserJockHobbsee: well, there is a difference between persistent and annoyingly persistent03:16
LaserJockit's just that that line isn't always clear at the beginning03:16
Hobbseeah, yes, that's what i meant.03:17
LaserJocksn9: from our perspective we see some SRUs taking more than a month often times03:17
LaserJocksn9: so going from filed to in -proposed in 3 days is actually rather fast03:18
Hobbseeand i'd also suggest that people actually test the prereleases, so people find such bugs quicker.03:18
sn9an sru for samba i could expect to last a year, but this one is tiny03:18
LaserJockwell, that might be true, but we've had "tiny" ones cause pretty bad problems before03:19
sn9that wouldn't be possible with this one -- it doesn't even affect any code, just data03:20
LaserJock... and it's getting processed very quickly03:21
sn9i'll be considerably less persistent with bug 246850 if it qualifies for an sru03:22
ubottuLaunchpad bug 246850 in libx11 "certain keyboard layouts irreparably broken in hardy; fix already in intrepid" [Unknown,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/24685003:22
Hobbseeno you won't.03:22
Hobbseeyou'll find another bug to be persistant about.03:22
LaserJockHobbsee: now now ;-)03:22
sn9not to this degree03:22
HobbseeLaserJock: true.  but it's obvious :)03:23
* RAOF goes to ammend that bug. It's title is really misleading.03:23
ubottuStable Release Update information is at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/StableReleaseUpdates03:35
sn9that i read03:35
Hobbseei was reading it.03:38
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pwnguinshould I be concerned that the gedit spellchecker doesn't recognize the word "ubuntu"?06:01
sn9i wondered that myself06:02
sn9meh, ultimately yet another manifestation of bug 106:03
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1 in ubuntu "Microsoft has a majority market share" [Critical,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/106:03
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Awsoonnoh mighty #ubuntu-bugs: Bug #231732 -> 'triaged' please08:58
ubottuLaunchpad bug 231732 in xorg "problems with hp dv6700 touchpad on hardy 8.04 32-bit" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/23173208:58
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thekornoh mighty Awsoonn: done :)09:03
* Awsoonn grabs the butter09:03
Awsoonnthanks thekorn09:03
Awsoonnthekorn, does it usually take long to be approved / denied for bug control?09:04
thekornAwsoonn, it depends on the workload of the involved people,09:06
thekornit is now release/testing time and some conferences,09:06
thekornso it might take some time09:06
thekornbut usualy within weeks and not years :)09:06
Awsoonnvery cool09:07
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bliZZardzWhat can be statuses for Breezy bugs? ;)10:54
gnomefreakjpds: you really dont want to unban AMarigot-102-111:16
gnomefreakyou are just askiung for problems if you do11:17
jpdsgnomefreak: Couldn't find him/her/it in the bantracker.11:17
gnomefreakjpds: dont go by bantracker as it has been having problems sicne new bot was active11:18
gnomefreakaround the time seveas left and took ubotu11:18
jpdsgnomefreak: Well, if it goes that far back, I doubt they'll come back soon. :)11:20
gnomefreakjpds: i hope not he was really really bad <trolling> every #ubuntu-* channel. trolling for lack of a better word11:22
HobbseebliZZardz: invalid, if they don't occur in later releases11:58
savvascan someone paste the output of: ls -l /usr/share/python-apt/templates/Ubuntu.info13:36
Hobbsee-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 10684 2008-07-04 02:20 /usr/share/python-apt/templates/Ubuntu.info13:36
thekorn-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 10684 2008-07-03 18:25 /usr/share/python-apt/templates/Ubuntu.info13:37
savvasI wonder why they can't replace the file13:37
savvas(bug 244093)13:38
ubottuLaunchpad bug 244093 in python-apt "Checking security repository in Updates adds deb line to Third-Party Software" [Undecided,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/24409313:38
james_wthey were probably just not root13:43
savvasmm true13:48
savvascool, I have a greyed out firefox that works!13:49
IenorandHello, could somebody lend me a hand in triaging bug #242196, I'm suspecting erroneous drivers, any comments? (and yes, I've not done much triaging before)16:02
ubottuLaunchpad bug 242196 in ubuntu-meta "Ubuntu will not recognize Cell Phone storage devices to copy files" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/24219616:02
ograIenorand, request dmesg info as well ... since udev doesnt seem to see it its likely a kernel issue16:14
sn9ogra, Ienorand: upon reading the bug, it's clear that the kernel does see a device16:32
sn9i have a sneaking suspicion that the device simply isn't in storage mode16:33
IenorandWell, the phone thinks it is connected, thus I thought the error would not lie on that half.16:36
sn9oh, i misread16:36
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Ienorandbut it may be that the phone won't connect properly without its software suite.... by the way, how do you see that the kernel sees a device?16:39
sn9i misread "the phone will register that it is plugged into the computer" as "the phone will register when it is plugged into the computer"16:40
Ienorandah, right.16:42
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bliZZardzw.r.t bug 247916 : how do we ensure that dependant pkgs are always packages together. I stumbled on the same problem reported in this bug.17:12
ubottuLaunchpad bug 247916 in gettext "gettext should depend on cvs, not suggest" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/24791617:12
sn9wow, bug 75611 is hilarious! "Where's the F0 key?"18:25
ubottuLaunchpad bug 75611 in tilda "Bad default (None + F1)" [Low,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/7561118:25
bliZZardzsn9 : lol18:26
sn9i can't stop laughing18:26
sn9or rather, its duplicate, bug 22226918:28
ubottuLaunchpad bug 222269 in tilda "invalid default preferences (dup-of: 75611)" [Low,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/22226918:28
ubottuLaunchpad bug 75611 in tilda "Bad default (None + F1)" [Low,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/7561118:28
ubottuubuntulog is a logging bot run on various Ubuntu channels. You can read the logs at http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/18:46
ubottuHi! I'm #ubuntu-bugs's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://tinyurl.com/5zfb6t - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots18:46
chrisccoulsonhi, would somebody kindly set the status for the linux-source-2.6.17 task in this report to 'wont fix' please? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/6904619:45
ubottuLaunchpad bug 69046 in linux "Kernel panic at boot time on 64bit generic" [Undecided,Fix released]19:45
sn9it's not showing Won't Fix as an option19:50
chrisccoulsonyou need to be a member of ubuntu bug control to set that status;)19:51
hggdhchrisccoulson, let me have a look at it20:04
hggdhchrisccoulson, wont fix would not be the correct status, would it?20:05
chrisccoulsonit would be the correct status for the linux-source-2.6.17 task, as support for Edgy has expired20:05
chrisccoulsonas the guy claims the issue is fixed in later releases, I added a linux task and set it to fixed20:06
hggdhchrisccoulson, OK20:06
hggdhI added a blurb explaining why20:07
chrisccoulsonthanks for that. much appreciated"!20:08
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mad_goldfishCan I volunteer to help test #245122? What do I have to do?22:09
charlie-tcabug 24512222:24
ubottuLaunchpad bug 245122 in nss "libnspr4-0d missing conflicts+replaces libnspr4?" [Critical,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/24512222:24
charlie-tcaYou have to downgrade your version of the upgrades, then attempt the upgrade thru upgrade manager or22:31
charlie-tcausing apt-get update22:31
charlie-tcaThis only applies if you use the apps mentioned in the bug report22:32
mad_goldfishI haven't applied the fix yet, so I'm still getting the error, but I'm guessing the main repo hasn't had the fix applied yet22:32
charlie-tcaThat sounds right. did you test using https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Testing/EnableProposed ?22:34
mad_goldfishAh, that sounds like the link I've been looking for. I'll check it out and see it helps. Thanks22:38
charlie-tcaNo problem. Good luck and thanks for testing22:39
mad_goldfishI thought it was about time I gave some hours back to Ubuntu for all the time it's saved me :-) And it makes a change from programming other projects :-)22:41
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mad_goldfishI think I've got it setup to test buut it turns out there's been a lot happening on the repos recently so still waiting on apt-get to finish that...23:33
mad_goldfishIf I understand bug 245122 correctly, the fix is just in the package, so a successful install is a confirmed fix, correct?23:34
ubottuLaunchpad bug 245122 in nss "libnspr4-0d missing conflicts+replaces libnspr4?" [Critical,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/24512223:35
crimsunmad_goldfish: if you upgrade from hardy-updates's version to hardy-proposed's version successfully, yes, that can be considered confirmation of the fix23:38
LimCorehello fellow devels23:39
LimCoreanother day, another failures of ubuntu.23:39
LimCorehow to report general problems like  "network stops working"  or  "slow video playback (all players, xorg and xgl etc"  ?23:40
crimsunmad_goldfish: so, for nss, we're considering 1.9-0ubuntu0.8.04.1 ->, and for nspr, 4.7.1+1.9-0ubuntu0.8.04.1 -> 4.7.1+1.9-0ubuntu0.8.04.323:40
crimsunnss: ->
crimsunLimCore: you can just file them under Ubuntu, but those symptoms are much too vague to be useful.23:41
LimCorewell someone should fix it, unless we want ubuntu to remain a failure23:42
LimCoreis there some program like this? i.e. developer concentrates on given bug untill it is fixed?23:43
crimsunLimCore: sure, purchase support from Canonical23:43
crimsunor a vetted reseller of support, I suppose23:44
LimCorethen some real developer will concentrate on solving given ubuntu bug?23:44
crimsunwith respect to the symptoms that you mentioned, you can help by being more precise.23:44
LimCore(not just some support intern)23:44
LimCoresure I will23:44
LimCorebut will they fix it then23:44
crimsunyou'll need to contact Canonical in that regard.23:45
LimCoregood idea23:45
crimsunI am not a Canonical employee, and I do not intend to misstate their policies.23:45
mad_goldfishHmm.. That's odd, and slightly worrying, Aptitude wants to uninstall debhelper, samba, gcc and others. I'll have to fix that before I can test the bug.23:52
charlie-tcamad_goldfish: You didn't remove any repositories, did you?23:54
mad_goldfishNo. proposed was already in my repo list so I didn't have to change anything. I think it might be a hangover from a previous install. I'll set them to ignore for now23:55
mad_goldfishcharlie-tca, unless the /etc/apt/preferences file broke something23:58
mad_goldfish:-( Install from proposed didn't work. Same error. I'll post t to the bug23:58
charlie-tcaorry to hear that.23:59
charlie-tcaBut, each tester helps, I think.23:59

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