
okrjdhi 2 all08:33
okrjdis it possible ?08:33
okrjdis it possible to install ubuntuĀ§mobile on windows mobile phone ?08:34
okrjdto amke a dual boot ?08:35
MeniShevitznot quite yet.08:35
MeniShevitzcompletely different architecture then where this's headed i fear08:35
okrjdubuntu mobile is  it free ?08:35
MeniShevitzbut i heard gentoo might do the trick08:35
MeniShevitzyes it is08:36
okrjdtell me who know android ?08:36
okrjdis there anyone herer who try to install android on his windows mobile phone ?08:36
okrjdyes i know it is out of topic 08:41
okrjdu can answer 08:41
=== DannyZ_ is now known as DannyZ
okrjdich bien otu ufoz chizrerzdz 14:34
okrjdubuntu mobile ouedo oi eozuz ?14:35
okrjdubuntu mobile diigo otfi cuzeoz error kkud ??14:39
sergevncan i install MID on an eee pc ( i386)?19:07
MeniShevitzam i the first person in the world to have os x running on a ViA c7m?! :D19:08
MeniShevitzi need a stage to vent and the osx86 doesn't seem enthused :)19:09
MeniShevitz(i can relate, fat chance of a cx700 display driver for os x ;) )19:09
=== asac_ is now known as asac
matiass_there is someone here?22:27
matiass_wanted to know when is going to be released a laptop or pda with ubuntu mobile ?22:35

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