
gnomefreakasac: did you push 3.0.1 to Hardy yet?08:46
gnomefreak!info nspluginwrapper intrepid08:57
ubottuPackage nspluginwrapper does not exist in intrepid08:58
gnomefreakasac: did we drop nspluginwrapper? its not showing up with apt-cache policy or search in intrepid and as you see bot cant find it either08:59
gnomefreakbug 24760110:15
ubottuLaunchpad bug 247601 in flashplugin-nonfree "Adobe Flash not visible." [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/24760110:15
gnomefreakbug 24768210:54
ubottuLaunchpad bug 247682 in flashplugin-nonfree "beta flash/ firefox crash " [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/24768210:54
gnomefreakthis tbird bullshit needs to get fixed soon10:54
gnomefreakcant send damn email to Lp bugs because tbird doesnt make the reply correctly (changes it after hitting reply) not sure if this is just IMAP) can someone please test with tbird and POP3.10:57
gnomefreakit seems that new nvidia drivers nvidia-glx-173 builds  its own moduless as if you installed from the .run package on nvidia site, and why after building modules does the log in sound play :(11:04
eagles0513875hey all i was told in other channel11:16
eagles0513875and told that there was a fix that was going to be released for gnash spawning multiple processes11:16
gnomefreakasac: i told eagles0513875 to see you before pushing a gnash fix since i saw you and someone else working on it yesterday (friday the 11th)11:19
asacgnash fix?11:19
eagles0513875it keeps spawning multiple processes for me bogging down my system11:19
gnomefreakasac: too many processes are being spawned11:20
asacwhats the fix?11:20
eagles0513875asac: gnome told me you guys were working on a gnash fix11:20
gnomefreakdamn he is here11:20
asaceagles0513875: no. we are working on updating it  to 0.8.311:20
gnomefreakfix/merge/sometheing else cant remember what the last one in / / / was11:21
eagles0513875has that been tested for spawning too many processes11:21
eagles0513875if you would like i can try gnash again11:22
ubottuAn open source flash replacement.  It is still beta software. For current status or for more info http://www.gnu.org/software/gnash/11:23
asaceagles0513875: try the builds that are in gnash PPA11:24
gnomefreaki need a package to install (any package i dont alreeady have)11:24
eagles0513875asac: whats the link to the ppa11:24
asacLaunchpad -> Gnash Team -> PPA ;)11:25
gnomefreakyou started a gnash team?11:26
asacbut i never heard of a gnash problem like that11:26
asacgnomefreak: long time ago ;)11:26
asac(with upstream developers)11:26
gnomefreakoh cool11:26
eagles0513875asac: i dont know if it might be me being on 64bit hardy11:26
gnomefreakiirc asac uses 6411:27
gnomefreakor did11:27
asaci am using it11:27
* gnomefreak needs a mac11:28
eagles0513875asac: using what11:30
asac1 week ago i upgraded to intrepid11:31
asacbefore that hardy11:31
eagles0513875ahhhh gotcha11:32
eagles0513875asac: u haveing any issues with gnash and intrepd11:32
asaceagles0513875: in hardy it worked great11:32
eagles0513875were u on 32 or 6411:32
asaceagles0513875: in intrepid it works, except that video is busted11:32
asac(due to gstreamer)11:32
asaceagles0513875: like i said above ... 64bit11:33
asacanyway ... got to run11:33
eagles0513875interesting u never had the ff3 issue wher eit spawns multiple processes11:33
gnomefreakasac: have fun11:35
gnomefreakeagles0513875: me neither11:35
gnomefreakbut im on 3211:35
gnomefreaki need a package to install :(11:36
gnomefreakoh hell ill look when i get back from smoke11:36
eagles0513875what package11:36
gnomefreaki want to see if Processing triggers for libc6 ...11:44
gnomefreakldconfig deferred processing now taking place11:44
gnomefreakProcessing triggers for menu ...11:44
gnomefreakis causing login sound to play11:44
eagles0513875gnash still isnt working for me even klash isnt working11:49
gnomefreakeagles0513875: throw the harddrive out the window and get a new one than it will work ;)11:50
eagles0513875is gnash for gnome and klash for kde11:51
gnomefreakbut as i remember you can use gnash on kde11:52
gnomefreaki think klash is for konq. and gnash is for gtk11:52
eagles0513875cuz there is a serious problem with gnash somewhere11:53
gnomefreakeagles0513875: other people seeing this?11:53
gnomefreakeagles0513875: anyone else having same problems as you with gnash?11:54
eagles0513875not that i know of11:54
* gnomefreak thinks it a local problem11:54
eagles0513875care to help me out gnomefreak11:54
gnomefreakeagles0513875: try new profiles ff3or whatever browser you use11:54
eagles0513875ff3 is default and how do i create a new profile11:55
eagles0513875gnomefreak: u saying rm -rf .firefox11:55
gnomefreakhold on ill get you the right way to do it11:55
gnomefreakeagles0513875: no11:55
gnomefreakand you shouldnt have ~/.firefox11:55
gnomefreakdamnit now my LP page moved to the left11:56
gnomefreakeagles0513875: firefox -ProfileManager in terminal11:56
gnomefreakeagles0513875: make a new one and use it to see if it gets fixed11:56
eagles0513875could it be an issue having ff3 installed and 211:57
gnomefreakeagles0513875: also how bad is it? runnig top should tell you the cpu and memory useage. is it only when on say youtube or any flash site11:57
gnomefreakeagles0513875: only if you use both11:58
gnomefreakwaswitching back and forth can really mess things up11:58
eagles0513875there is only one now11:58
gnomefreakbut if it already corrupted your profile it will stay that way11:59
eagles0513875but for instance i go to you tube its not noticing the plugin is installed11:59
gnomefreakeagles0513875: make sure ff3 is using it11:59
eagles0513875im restarting ff312:00
gnomefreakeagles0513875: make sure you set update-alternatives to use gnash. im looking for right one but cant find it but its gonna be an xulrunner-1.9-addons or something like that12:03
eagles0513875how do i do that12:03
gnomefreakmaybe xulrunner-addons-gnash12:03
eagles0513875i need to install that instead of gnash pkg12:04
gnomefreakeagles0513875: to set all system defaults use sudo update-alternatives --all (i use --all all the time i never use the set one way12:04
gnomefreakeagles0513875: you can try sudo update-alternatives xulrunner-addons-gnash12:04
gnomefreakeagles0513875: also look in /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins/ to see if gnash is in there12:07
gnomefreakim not using gnash at this time but it will be something like libgnash.so12:08
eagles0513875its not it says libflash.so12:08
eagles0513875should i remove libflsh.so12:08
gnomefreakeagles0513875: remove flash before using gnash12:08
eagles0513875so any flash related pkgs go12:09
gnomefreakIIRC there have been problems with having both on system12:09
gnomefreakeagles0513875: you can remove it from /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins/12:09
gnomefreakthan remove flashplugin-nonfree12:09
eagles0513875already done12:09
eagles0513875i removed all flash realted stuff except gnash12:10
eagles0513875now there is nothing in that flder12:10
gnomefreakthan remove gnash with sudo apt-get remove --purge gnash  than run sudo apt-get autoclean than install gnash again12:10
gnomefreakeagles0513875: because you switched between ff2 adn 3 at one time and it installed in firefox-2 plugins dir12:11
eagles0513875ahhhhhhhhhh gotcha12:11
eagles0513875should i remove ff212:11
gnomefreakinstall mozilla-plugin-gnash konqueror-plugin-gnash12:12
gnomefreakeagles0513875: you can, i really dont advice using both due to this problem12:12
gnomefreaki dont have 2 on my system12:12
gnomefreakif i need it its just a command away12:12
eagles0513875going to remove that12:12
eagles0513875there is still nothing showing up in that plugins folder12:13
gnomefreakeagles0513875: you installed the 2 packages i told you12:13
gnomefreakmaybe remove ff2 from ~/.mozilla/12:14
eagles0513875i have gnash installed whats the other pkg12:14
gnomefreak07:11 <      gnomefreak > install mozilla-plugin-gnash konqueror-plugin-gnash12:14
eagles0513875ok will do that now12:14
gnomefreakthose are the plugins the gnash package itself is stand alone12:15
eagles0513875wouldnt it be easier just to include them as dependencies when u install gnash12:15
eagles0513875im guessing restart ff12:17
gnomefreakeagles0513875: its the other way around12:18
gnomefreakinstalling the plugins installs gnash. for gnash you dont need browser plugins12:18
eagles0513875ahhhhhhh gotcha12:19
gnomefreaksince it is for downloaded videos not browser ones12:19
eagles0513875this is for browser ones im talking bout not downloaded ones12:19
gnomefreakeagles0513875: yep i know thats why i told you to install the 2 packages12:20
gnomefreakwhen i said gnash i meant the plugins but i should have used the names of them but they would install gnash anywya12:20
eagles0513875i understand12:20
gnomefreakthat should clean up your gnash problems now12:21
eagles0513875so i restart the browser now12:21
gnomefreakonce it starts back up go to /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins/ see if its there12:21
gnomefreaki get worried when someone running Intrepid asks if upgrade removing a few packages is safe :(12:22
eagles0513875lol i would be as well12:23
gnomefreaktold him he should be using hardy if he has to ask that12:23
gnomefreakbut looks like he wants me to run him through nvidia set up :(12:23
eagles0513875then again i dont think he should be on linux cuz what ever the release he will break something12:23
eagles0513875my browser is locked up right now12:24
eagles05138753 active gnash processes and 3 defunct according to top12:24
eagles0513875there is a simlink from flashplugin-alternative.so to somewhere else12:24
eagles0513875:( gnomefreak12:26
gnomefreakeagles0513875: restart pc since you cant drop memor12:26
gnomefreakdrop == dump12:26
eagles0513875i know12:27
gnomefreakill be back in a few12:29
gnomefreaki guess it worked12:58
gnomefreakbug 21028513:04
ubottuLaunchpad bug 210285 in nss "Firefox: Site times out when attempting to load." [Undecided,Invalid] https://launchpad.net/bugs/21028513:04
gnomefreakbug 24776113:04
ubottuLaunchpad bug 247761 in flashplugin-nonfree "Problems with flashplugin-nonfree version + ubuntu1 ~ hardy1 (hardy-backports), renewal of Ubuntu 8.04 LTS from 12.07.2008 (dup-of: 247682)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/24776113:05
ubottuLaunchpad bug 247682 in flashplugin-nonfree "beta flash/ firefox crash " [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/24768213:05
asacthe guy most likely sees crashes because of libflashsupport13:16
gnomefreakthere are alot of them13:21
gnomefreaki cant get it to crash here at all13:21
gnomefreakwell i got 1 site to crash13:21
asacgnomefreak: why did you enable libflashsuport in your backport?13:22
gnomefreakasac: i was told to13:23
asacgnomefreak: by whom?13:23
gnomefreakon the bug report crimson said to backport libflashsupport and he would work on PA for backports13:24
gnomefreakincluding Gutsy and Gutsy never had libflashsupport in repos13:24
asacgnomefreak: so was this uploaded yet or is it a PPA thing right now?13:24
gnomefreakasac: Hardy was uploaded to backports13:24
gnomefreakcan do anything with gutsy until crimsun gets PA stuff done13:25
gnomefreaklibflashsupport depends on libpulse013:26
gnomefreakand that is in package pulseaudio13:26
asacso now people in hardy get libflashsupport13:26
asacthat sucks13:26
gnomefreaki agree13:26
asacyou shouldnt have done that :(13:26
gnomefreaki didnt want to but i didnt have much choice13:26
asacyou dont need PA nor libflashsupport in gutsy-backports13:26
gnomefreakasac: not my choice. since i have to go through bug reports the backporters make the rules i just build and test13:27
gnomefreakasac: for sound you do13:27
gnomefreakdont need but PA fixed the sound problems13:27
asacno you dont. thats stupid. all this problem was introduced in hardy13:27
asacin gutsy it will work the same way it worked in flash 913:27
gnomefreakthe one wher eyou cant listen to more than one sound13:27
asacyes, but thats neglegtabke13:28
asacwe have the same bug in default hardy13:28
gnomefreaki agree13:28
asacwe should try to fix things in backports13:28
gnomefreaknot anymore in hardy13:28
asacwe intentionally moved libflashsupport away for hardy13:28
gnomefreakthats kind of the point of backports is to get version upgrade that doesnt meet SRU13:28
asacgnomefreak: well. version upgrade: yes. fixing other bugs: no.,13:29
gnomefreakasac: as in PA i guess you mean13:29
gnomefreaklet me see what they think im gonna ask on bug report if we can just push flash10 to gutsy13:29
asacfor hardy we decided that the crashes are worse than having no sonud13:30
gnomefreakmaybe even pull libflashsupport out of Hardy but i highly doubt it13:30
asacnow introducing the crashes to get sound in -backports is a no go13:30
asacthat doesnt make sense13:30
asacyeah. not your fault13:30
asacok, so who acks backports?13:32
asacwho gave green light for this backport in particular?13:32
asachmm the backports bug is not even documented in "auto backport" changelog ;)13:37
gnomefreakasac: the upload was done by pitti IIRC and Scottk just acked it since you only have to have 1 tester and from mostof the users that used my PPA packages removed libflashsupport and thier issues were gone13:45
gnomefreaki just added a very long post to that bug explaining what my thoughts were on this and libflash and asked for ideas on what is best way to handle this13:46
gnomefreaklong as in my wrist hurts now13:46
gnomefreakbe back13:49
* gnomefreak wonders why people run intrepid dont know what they are doing or what is safe and whats not adn want to build the kernel to include a module :(14:09
gnomefreakasac: btw thunderbird has a few bugs that im seeing and some are causing alot more trouble than its worth :( like using reply doesnt turn everything into a reply and due to that LP kicks back my reply14:12
gnomefreaki wish i knew if it was IMAP Thunderbird or LP lp says its my gpg key so i fixed that now they say its the way tbird handles reply14:14
asacgnomefreak: ok thanks14:15
asacwhats the bug id?14:15
gnomefreakasac: for tbird? there isnt one yet i am gonna test pop3 to see if it fixes things. oh tbird also hangs when closing it and asks to force or wait14:16
asacno for flash ;)14:16
gnomefreakhold on a sec14:17
ubottuLaunchpad bug 235135 in flashplugin-nonfree "[MASTER] Please backport flashplugin-nonfree version 10 beta and asound-plugins from Intrepid so we can drop libflashsupport and the crashes it causes" [Undecided,Invalid]14:18
gnomefreakit seems LP had an upload yesterday or today14:18
gnomefreakmy homepage shifted to the left and on top14:18
eagles0513875asac: u around bro14:33
eagles0513875can anyone help me with a gnash issue14:37
asaceagles0513875: whats the problem?14:39
eagles0513875asac: i have gnash installed and its loading the stuff but cant play back anything14:39
asacthats not "anything" ;)14:41
eagles0513875nothings loading14:41
eagles0513875it knows the plugin is there14:41
asacis it in about:plugins ?14:42
eagles0513875it shows up under addons and plugins14:42
asacwell ... is it in about:plugins ;)14:42
eagles0513875and it shows up there as well14:42
asacthats the important question14:42
asacmost likely an extension14:43
asacdisable all extensions ;)14:43
eagles0513875gnomefreak: sry for dragging u into that mess14:44
eagles0513875ok from addons14:44
gnomefreakeagles0513875: i dont care14:45
gnomefreakask asac if its bad habit14:45
eagles0513875asac: disabled all extensions14:46
eagles0513875whats next14:49
gnomefreakasac: taxbird - The first free Elster client (German Tax Declarations)  is that like turbo tax wher eyou file taxes online?14:50
gnomefreaknautilus-gksu << could be fun ;)14:52
asacgnomefreak: is that new?14:53
gnomefreaknot sure ive never seen it before14:53
asaci need that ;)14:53
asaclets see how well it works14:53
gnomefreakVersion: 2.0.0-5ubuntu314:53
gnomefreaki dont think so but it might be new to our repos14:54
eagles0513875ok thats interesting14:54
gnomefreakasac: how hard would it be to kill IMAP from tbird?14:54
eagles0513875we have a nun in other channel14:54
gnomefreakhard bad whatever it may be14:55
gnomefreaknuns are dangerous with rulers :(14:55
eagles0513875galathon or something shes a nun14:56
gnomefreakok here we go maybe ill hear the login sound and figure out when14:56
gnomefreakand why14:56
eagles0513875asac: do i reenable all the extensions now14:56
eagles0513875plugins i mean14:56
gnomefreakyou can if you want them did you find out what was was causing issues?14:57
eagles0513875i am starting to lean towards it being something in gnash14:57
gnomefreakmaybe add one at a time test than add another?14:57
eagles0513875all i have enabled is gnash14:57
eagles0513875the other 2 disabled14:58
gnomefreakit most likely is but gnash shouldnt spawn many processes if you are still having that issue14:58
gnomefreakoh wtf14:58
* gnomefreak leaning towards going postal on kubuntu devs14:58
eagles0513875its not spawning manyy processes now14:58
eagles0513875its the playing issue now14:59
gnomefreakasac: gnash is comparable to what flash release 7?14:59
asacgnomefreak: no. most of flash 8 and 9 as well15:02
gnomefreakoh damn15:02
eagles0513875then why am i having this playback issue15:02
asaceagles0513875: no idea. i am sure it works. since you had wierd issues in the beginning i guess that its something unrelated15:03
gnomefreakthats not good :(15:07
eagles0513875u read my min15:07
eagles0513875thats the last thing i wanna do is haveto pull out my winblows laptop15:07
asaceagles0513875: i can only tell you to properly restart everything. uninstall extensions or start with a fresh profile ... check if the flashplugin-alternative.so is really setup correctly15:08
eagles0513875whats it supposed to be sym linked to15:09
eagles0513875what folder is it supposed to be in15:09
asaceagles0513875: use update-alternatives program to check where it points to15:09
asacthe alternative is named: xulrunner-addons-flashplugin15:10
eagles0513875seems like konq was set as default and i changed that to firefox15:11
gnomefreakasac: ah thats what i thought i just couldnt remember if it was right15:13
eagles0513875i ran locate and this is what it returned15:15
eagles0513875those correct15:15
asaceagles0513875: please read what i said ;)15:21
asacuse update-alternatives ;)15:21
eagles0513875didnt see anything listed there though15:21
asacsudo update-alternatives --auto xulrunner-addons-flashplugin15:22
asacupdate-alternatives --list xulrunner-addons-flashplugin15:22
asacand paste the output15:22
eagles0513875its /usr/lib/gnash/libgnashplugin.so15:22
asacafter the --auto?15:23
asacor before?15:23
asacif its after restart your X server and see if you can play more flash files15:23
eagles0513875after the auto15:23
eagles0513875auto didnt bring back anything15:23
asacrestart your X server then15:24
asacand star twith a fresh profile .... e.g. backup and then remove $HOME/.mozilla15:24
eagles0513875ok let me finish what im in the middle of really fast15:25
eagles0513875asac: i id what u said and it still isnt working15:55
asaceagles0513875: yeah. sorry, have no additional ideas. if you find the cause let us know.16:08
eagles0513875asac: will do16:08
eagles0513875when is the next version of gnash coming out16:08
eagles0513875im wondering if that will fix it16:08
asaceagles0513875: 0.8.3 is the next ;)16:08
asacits not gnash16:08
asacits your setup for sure16:08
eagles0513875im at some point going to have to do a total reinstall16:08
asaceagles0513875: a good thing is to not use backports16:09
eagles0513875im not16:09
eagles0513875or am i16:09
asacbut you tried flash 1016:10
asacthats from backport16:10
asacif not then i mixed things up16:10
eagles0513875flashplugin non free is multiverse16:11
asacbut not flash 10 ;)16:13
eagles0513875yes flash 10 in multiverse im looking in adept right now16:20
eagles0513875im wondering i removed kernel .18 could that be causing the issue16:21
eagles0513875when i still had that installed i wasnt having it16:21
asaceagles0513875: flash 10 is only in backports16:22
asacthis means you have backports enabled16:22
asacwhich means that the issues are most likely due to that ;)16:22
eagles0513875doh ok16:22
asaceagles0513875: not sure about kernel. unlikely i'd say that this changes a thing16:23
eagles0513875i uninstalled the nonfree plugin btw16:23
asacyes. but having -backports enabled will pull in other things16:23
asacanyway i cant tell. if alternative is setup correctly and flash is not disabled in addons->plugins then it works for everyone i heard of16:24
asacexcept if there are extensions like flashblock and stuff like that in between16:24
asacor cruft in the profile. but since you removed this already, there are not many other options left16:25
asaceagles0513875: try to install swfdec-mozilla16:26
asacif that doesnt work either then you are doomed :)16:26
asacif you are not using firefox 3 you might have other issues as well16:26
=== asac_ is now known as asac
=== Double_D is now known as SergeantPony2

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