
tolunHi guys...00:04
tolunI want to know that how can I install egd on ubuntu server...00:05
uvirtbotNew bug: #247750 in bind9 (main) "package bind9-host 1:9.4.2-10 failed to install/upgrade: subprocess dpkg-deb --control returned error exit status 2" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/24775001:26
CppIsWeirdi cant find the package libapache-mod-dav? apt-cache search returns nothing, as well as searchs for apache-mod and apache2-mod, none of which return a dav module01:48
darthanubiswhats the difference in the "generic" and "server" kernels?02:47
jetolecan anyone recommend a good method for syslog from windows to syslog-ng, lots of methods mentioned on the net, basically want to know what any of you use that works02:51
HellMindHello, which is the cmd to configure modules? (I want to load a mod for my nic)03:41
HellMindAnd I need a tool like prime95 to stress the cpu03:42
hadsI've no idea what prime95 is but you could try cpuburn which is a package in universe.03:49
nijabaHellMind: modprobe is a usefull comand for modules03:58
HellMindi will try cpuburn04:00
HellMindbut i dont know the name of the module :(04:00
nijabadarthanubis: http://www.ubuntu.com/products/whatisubuntu/serveredition/features/kernel should give you a good idea04:01
HellMindthen i should do insmod -i04:01
nijabaHellMind: mmh if you do not know the module, and it is not loaded automatically, you may have to do so search on the net to find it out in the first place04:03
nijabaHellMind: http://people.ubuntu.com/~kirkland/search.html might help filtering your search04:03
kirklandnijaba: light night?04:04
kirklandnijaba: or early morning?04:04
nijabakirkland: preparing for jetlag04:04
kirklandnijaba: ah, you must have traveled over the pond before :-)04:04
nijabakirkland: a few hundred times I think04:05
kirklandnijaba: :-P04:05
nijabaerr...  no, more like below a hundred04:05
nijababut by not much04:05
nijabafunny how you get highlighted when I point someone to your search engine04:06
kirklandnijaba: thanks for the advertisement ;-)04:09
kirklandnijaba: i point a lot of newbies to it04:09
kirklandnijaba: and, actually developers too04:09
kirklandnijaba: newz2000 still hasn't turned on search.ubuntu.com, sadly04:10
nijabait is very useful04:10
kirklandnijaba: you mess with the manpage repo any?04:10
nijabakirkland: we have to accept that things take time04:10
kirklandnijaba: i use that one allday, everyday04:10
sommerhey all04:10
nijabakirkland: not yet, haven't had time to look at the access details :(04:11
nijabahey sommer04:11
kirklandnijaba: it's just ubuntu.dustinkirkland.com04:11
kirklandsommer: howdy04:11
sommernijaba kirkland yo... anyone know about doc.u.c?04:11
nijabakirkland: thanks, bookmarked.  I'll drop comments if I have any04:11
kirklandnijaba: thanks04:11
nijabasommer: know what?04:11
kirklandsommer: never seen it before04:12
sommermdke hasn't been around for awhile, and the site is dated... at least the serverguide04:12
nijabahmm really?04:12
nijabawe should talk with elmo about that04:12
kirklandsommer: have you raised it on the doc mailing list?04:12
sommerya, and there's some good samba stuff in there04:12
sommerkirkland: nope... was kind of waiting to see if he'd show up04:13
kirklandsommer: ah04:13
sommerI know he's updated it in the past04:13
kirklandsommer: yeah, it's funny how little traffic there is in #ubuntu-doc04:13
sommerkirkland: it picks up closer to release time04:14
nijabaok, past 11pm in Boston, I can go to bed :)04:14
kirklandnijaba: see ya Sunday04:14
sommerlater on nijaba04:15
nijabakirkland: definitely.  I may be around tomorrow with some fun at finishing my limesurvey package.  emmet did raise a few issue.  As you will soon know, the first one it tough.04:16
kirklandbrb, grabbing 'nother beer ;-)04:16
* sommer has a great italian wine :)04:16
* sommer dolcetto... yay!04:16
* nijaba has a lot of french wine but drinks coke04:17
* hads continues recovering from last night04:17
emgenthello there :)04:17
kirklandemgent: howdy!04:17
nijabaemgent: hello! congratulations !04:17
kirklandsommer: super tuscan?04:17
kirklandemgent: i see you like folk music?04:18
sommerkirkland: not sure where exactly, but it's good04:18
emgentkirkland: sure.04:18
* kirkland pours himself a heffeweizen04:18
emgentnijaba: thanks :)04:18
sommerthat's a good one04:18
emgentkirkland: do you know "Modena City Remblers" ?04:18
kirklandemgent: a close friend of mine is a folk musician in Tuscany04:18
kirklandemgent: I don't...04:18
nijabaok, call of the hay...  good whatever guys!04:18
emgentargh :)04:19
kirklandemgent: i'll have to check them out04:19
emgentkirkland: http://it.youtube.com/watch?v=SqJIb3_4P0Q04:20
kirklandemgent: Irish Italian?04:21
kirklandemgent: http://www.vanessapeters.com/ontheroad.html  <- those are my friends04:21
emgentkirkland: http://www.ramblers.it/home/home_1.asp?idpag=17&lang=eng04:22
kirklandemgent: good stuff ;-)04:23
emgenthehehe :)04:23
emgentsomeone use moinmoin ?04:23
emgentkirkland: when you come back in italy mail me :)04:32
kirklandemgent: will do!04:32
kirklandemgent: i spent 2 weeks there, last year04:32
kirklandemgent: is that where you live?04:36
kirklandemgent: cool04:36
kirklandemgent: we spent a week in Castiglion Fiorentio, near Arezzo04:37
emgentoh cool04:37
emgent1 hour by car :P04:37
kirklandemgent: Assisi is in Umbria, right?04:39
emgentkirkland: but it`s a clerical city..04:44
emgentorvieto too :(04:44
kirklandemgent: "clerical"?  you mean, "religious"?04:45
kirklandah, right04:45
kirklandwell, we enjoyed it for what it was worth04:45
kirklandvery medieval too04:45
kirklandmy wife and i enjoy little old italian cities, inside the ancient walls and such04:46
helfireis there a RAID option that is not mirroring but just paridy so I dont need to have 2x the disk space for mirroring?04:46
emgentyes it`s true, but in italy  Vatican > *, and it`snt good.04:46
kirklandhelfire: are you looking for RAID5?04:47
helfirei belive so, is that a viable option for LVM+mdadm+RAID5?04:48
kirklandhelfire: i think you're mixing up your terms04:48
kirklandhelfire: you can certainly run an LVM on top of a RAID504:48
kirklandmdadm is just a command line tool used to administer RAIDs04:49
kirklandand yes, mdadm supports RAID504:49
helfireoh i thought mdadm was a software raid utility04:49
kirklandhelfire: well, it is a command line utility for setting up a software raid, yes04:49
kirklandhelfire: the linux kernel handles the low level details of the raid devices though04:50
helfireso i'd add physical disks to a software raid5 set, then create a LVM on top of it?04:50
kirklandhelfire: yup04:50
kirklandhelfire: and if you want to understand the different raid levels, make yourself a pot of tea and read http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/RAID04:50
helfireis expanding and failing as easy with RAID5 as RAID1?04:50
helfirei've been reading tutorials on lvm+raid, but they all focus on raid104:51
kirklandhelfire: mostly, yes04:51
kirklandhelfire: there's one kick, though, i'd say with raid504:51
kirklandwith raid1, at any time, you can take one of your hard drives and go play elsewhere04:51
kirklandhelfire: ie, you can take it out of one computer and put it somewhere else and have all your data04:52
kirklandhelfire: with raid5, you have to have at least 3 disks to start with04:52
kirklandhelfire: and any one of your disks only contains a subset of the total data04:52
kirklandhelfire: so no single disk itself has all of your data04:52
kirklandhelfire: i have a 4 disk RAID 5....  it has 4 x 500GB drives04:53
kirklandhelfire: for a total of about 1.5 TB of space04:53
kirklanda full disk is lost to parity04:53
kirklandbut with RAID5, that parity is striped across all 4 disks04:53
kirklandhelfire: I can lose any 1 of the 4 disks, without losing data04:54
kirklandhelfire: I cannot lose 2 disks, though04:54
hadsYou aren't required to do LVM with RAID either, unless you want to.04:54
helfireya, i want to maximize space with the ability to expand (LVM)04:54
helfireand the ability to repair if needed04:54
kirklandhelfire: well, technically, RAID5 is expandible now too04:54
hadsYou can expand a RAID5 array04:55
helfireoh interesting04:55
kirklandlvm has been able to do that for a long time04:55
kirklandbut somewhere around 2.6.20 (???) roughly, it became possible to expand raid504:55
hadsSo if that's the only reason you want LVM it may not be nessecary (although you may want it for other reasons).04:55
hadskirkland: Sounds about the right timeline to me04:56
helfirecould i have raid5 with say 2x250GB, 2x500gb and then add maybe 2x1TB04:56
kirklandhads: i know it was just after RHEL5, which was 2.6.1804:56
helfiresee i keep buying big HD's when they're cheap but my files are just all over, i want one file server with a huge repository04:56
kirklandhelfire: you sound like a classic case for a raid5 ;-)04:57
helfireit doesnt matter that they're a bunch of different sizes? I can just keep extending?04:57
kirklandhelfire: now you cannot do that04:58
hadsRAID5 is designed for same size disks04:58
kirklandhelfire: with raid5, you have to have identically sized disks04:58
helfirebut i could get around that with making say 500GB LVM "partitions"04:58
kirklandhelfire: or, rather, if you have a 300, 400, 500, 600 G disks, you'd have 4 x 300G raid5 devices04:58
helfirei'm confusing myself on what is the lowest layer RAID or LVM04:59
kirklandhelfire: you'd put RAID below LVM05:00
kirklandhelfire: the stack looks something like this....05:00
kirklandhelfire: disks are /dev/hda, /dev/hdb, /dev/sda, /dev/sdb05:00
kirklandhelfire: you'd partition a disk into partitions, /dev/hda1, /dev/hdb1, /dev/hdc105:01
kirklandhelfire: you'd mark those partitions as type 0xfd, which is Linux software raid05:01
kirklandhelfire: you'd construct a raid device, /dev/md0, out of a set of raid partitions, say /dev/sd[a-d]105:02
kirklandhelfire: you could then format /dev/md0 as a filesystem itself05:02
kirklandhelfire: or use that as a physical volume for lvm05:02
helfirehmm i see05:03
kirklandhelfire: good luck, i'm signing off05:04
helfirealright, thanks for the info05:04
runeswill adduser.conf run bash commands?05:12
helfirecould try to put a command in there like `touch /tmp/itworks`05:16
helfirebut man adduser.conf says it just reads in variables, but it does look very similar to bash05:16
runesok.  The challenge is that I am trying to figure out how to get adduser to create an sql user account at the same time it creted the linux account05:19
runesso I'm not sure where to put the commands to get it to run them or how to get it to call an external bash script05:20
runesit's a pita to have to first create the user then go into mysql create the user there then create the mail user...05:21
hadsWhy not a wrapper around adduser05:28
runeshads can you explain?05:33
runesI'm still quite new at linux05:35
runesBut I ahve no problem looking things up05:35
helfiremake your own shell script that calls both adduser and the mysql command to add a user05:36
runesok I was thinkign that i twas goign to be something like that05:36
runesI guess the good thing about creating the bash script is that I can reuse it for multiple account creations05:37
runesthanx helfire05:38
helfireya, you can add as much initial setup as you want to it05:38
helfirewhen i was managing users, i had a 700 line perl script to do everything for me05:38
runesYou knwo I started using ubuntu a year ago...the last few months I started to take the learning more seriously and have figured out virtual hosting a bit of php and some MySQL but in truth the most important things like how to create backups, shell scripting etc I overlooked.. so now I'm forcing myself to use shell commands05:41
runesit reminds me of the old dos days only a lot more exciting05:41
helfireyou can do anything with shell scripts, I couldnt live without em05:42
runesthe one thing I really don't understand is why there isin't an advanced backup utility for linux05:43
runesyes I know tar is the usual way to do things and from what I am reading to create nfs shares to dump to05:43
runesbut soem kind of util-tool with compression and encryption.05:44
runesoops....ok so there is one05:44
helfirewell it's simple to use something like rsync and other commands together to get compression and encryption etc that there's no reason to build a new utility05:45
runeswell back to the man pages I go05:45
helfirethe simplest just thinking off the top of my head todo remote backups would make a ssh tunnel from one server to the other and rsync over that, it'd give you compression over the network and encryption05:46
helfiresomeone probably has thought of better ways, google i'm sure would come up with some good examples05:47
runesone of the ways they mentioned is to tar the files and place them on a nfs mount (usually pointing to some kind of external drive tape or raid array)05:49
runesbut that makes me think of someone using winrar to back up a windows server only translated to linux05:49
runesnow in linux do you have to worry about locked files when you back them up05:50
helfiremaybe if your backing up like the active system partition, but if it's just user data I dont worry too much05:51
hadsrsync supports ssh natively05:51
runesso at least I can run it through a remote session05:52
helfiresee, i havent used rsync forever, my backup needs are so tiny i just do a full tar each time :)05:52
runesfor me it would be mainly for the /home  /etc and  mysql files05:53
hadshelfire: rsync foo host:/home/foo/05:53
runeshelfire, and the tar grabs everything? Including the boot sector?05:54
helfiretar i belive only can grab filesystem files05:55
helfirelike tar cvzf home.bak.tgz /home05:55
helfirewould create a compressed file of home05:56
helfirebedtime, i might wake up and try for an iphone tomorrow haha05:57
runesbah I'd wait have a good night!06:00
uvirtbotNew bug: #247795 in mysql-dfsg-5.0 (main) "package mysql-server 5.0.51a-3ubuntu5.2 failed to install/upgrade: Abhängigkeitsprobleme - lasse es unkonfiguriert" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/24779507:36
warchief_ryandoesn't samba use both CIFS and SMB? i'm confused  when there referred to separately as if you can choose to use one or the other with samba...08:20
uvirtbotNew bug: #247805 in munin (universe) "munin-node missing semi colon" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/24780508:52
uvirtbotNew bug: #247806 in munin (universe) "munin-node.postinst has a typo" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/24780609:11
chmacIs there an equivalent of ssh-add I can use in a terminal?09:33
chmacOr rather ssh-agent as ssh-add complains that it can't reach ssh-agent09:34
_rubenssh-agent and ssh-add can be used just fine in a terminal09:36
chmac_ruben: I was missing the eval $(ssh-add -s) part :)09:41
_rubenah :)09:41
=== freaky[t] is now known as fReAkY[t]
ctx144khello all11:57
ctx144ki need an easy mail-server for sending inform,ationmails to an admin-email-adress, and sending cron-nmessages localy11:58
nijabactx144k: what's easy?  to install?12:26
ctx144ki configured postfix. but... i have a problem with it12:26
ctx144kif i say ion /etc/mailname a really domain mails to foobar@lingox.de are comming in, but mails to locally adresses (from cron and so on) doesent doesent come in12:27
nijabactx144k: sudo tasksel install mail-server should install and do a basic working config12:27
ctx144kif i say in /etc/mailname localhost, i get locally emails, but mails to another server willbe bounced:12:29
nijabactx144k: bounced by whom?  what's the error?12:29
ctx144kthe another server is bouncing mails wich are from root@localhost12:30
ctx144kso i need there a correct name12:30
nijabaright, you need to have a correct domain name defined12:30
nijabactx144k: do you operate your own dns?12:30
ctx144kbut if i set there a correct name locally emails willnot comming on local pc12:30
nijabactx144k: for a given domain?12:31
ctx144kmy pc has no domain12:31
ctx144kits a client in internet. i need onmly sending administration emails to another server12:31
nijabactx144k: so you do not really need postfix12:32
nijabactx144k: or a real mail server12:32
ctx144ki installed exim4, but there i dont get mails too12:32
ctx144kwhat do i need?12:32
nijabactx144k: try a package like msmtp-mta12:32
ctx144ki need only a way getting locally mail from cron and so on, ans sending emails out12:33
nijabactx144k: which should allow you to send email to any destination, without having to deal with a full smtp server12:33
nijabahttp://ubuntu.dustinkirkland.com/manpages/hardy/man1/msmtp.html has some good config example that should be easy to follow12:38
ctx144knijaba, merci its running12:53
nijabactx144k: il n'y a pas de quoi, andre12:54
nijaba^^french for you ara welcome12:54
uvirtbotnijaba: Error: "^french" is not a valid command.12:54
* nijaba kicks uvirtbot12:55
nijabactx144k: sorry, your first name and your use of merci, made me thought you spoke french12:56
cropalatoSome one can help me? Where can i get more info about "NICs standby failover"?13:07
ctx144kno iam german :)13:17
ogranijaba, we germans are good pretenders ;)13:22
ctx144kbut another question, ghow can i disable sending mails in cron?13:54
ctx144kall cron-jopbs are sending mails to root13:54
=== fReAkY[t] is now known as freaky[t]
_rubencropalato: you're looking for info on redundant networking or what?14:41
cropalato_ruben, yes. redundat network, HA!14:45
_rubencropalato: what exactly do you want to know? the proper term in linux is "bonding" btw14:52
cropalato_ruben, i want the my server don't lose any connection if my wire or NIC stop.14:55
_rubencropalato: google will find lots of articles explaining how to configure nic bonding, like http://pmjdebruijn.blogspot.com/2006/04/ubuntu-bonding.html14:58
cropalato_ruben, thanks. bonding is the word.14:58
_rubencropalato: the details (like which bonding method to use), depends on your network. like redundant switches or not, or if you want to use both nics for increased bandwith when both nics are operational14:59
cropalato_ruben, ok. thanks15:00
=== Zyna is now known as OrangeButt
namzezamusing amazon ec2, what is your recommended ami for Ubuntu Server Edition with Nginx on ma.large  (64bit 7.5 GB RAM) ?16:26
=== OrangeButt is now known as Zyna
chmacAny suggestion on how to tell apt that otrs is already configured and no longer requires configuration?16:34
=== jjesse_ is now known as jjesse
dthackerI'm planning on converting my squid proxy to a transparent proxy.   I currently have a cable modem.-->fw/router--->6 pc's  Do I need to move the squid server between the cable modem and fw/router for it to receive all web requests?16:50
didymus7777I am running the new hardy server, with the webmin program (boss wants to see stuff) however when I set up the DHCP server with it (or with out it for that matter) even with the step by step fools way of setting it up I still get the error message- "starting DHCP server dhcpd3 ...fail!  I am not seeing what I am screwing up on, in fact I don't even really know were to look. yes I have ip-forwarding set up and the client computer with a stati17:50
sergevnnss_ldap: failed to bind to LDAP server ldap:// Invalid credentials17:52
sergevndoe anyone know what this error means.17:52
sergevnbesides invalid credentials ofcourse17:52
sergevnsure they are right17:52
sergevngetent passwd gives back the correct users17:53
sergevnto the connection to ldap works17:53
sergevnpulling my hair  out here :P17:53
dthackersergevn: looking at the error message. It expects to find an LDAP server on localhost, and is not finding one?17:58
sergevnit finds it18:09
sergevnbecause getent gives back the ldap users18:09
sergevndthacker: :)18:09
=== freaky[t] is now known as fReAkY[t]
=== fReAkY[t] is now known as freaky[t]

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