
Laptop125I installed the Governor applet three times trying to get it to show in the panel .. how do I remove them when I can't see them ?00:00
cody-somervilleLaptop125, you can't see them?00:02
cody-somervilleHave you confirmed they're running?00:03
Laptop125No I can't see them .. the panels.xml shows three of them so I'm guessing they are running.00:05
cody-somervilleLaptop125, can you pastebin your process list?00:06
Laptop125cody-somerville, how do I get the proccess list?00:09
cody-somervilleLaptop125, Easiest way would be to type the following at the terminal: ps ux00:10
Laptop125cody-somerville, Pasted it00:15
Laptop125Guess you need this .. http://paste.ubuntu.com/26773/00:16
cody-somervilleLaptop125, what exactly did you type and as what user?00:23
cody-somervilleLaptop125, also, what version of Xubuntu are you running?00:24
Laptop125ps -A as the defualt user .. ps ux asked fr switches .. you want i again as sudo ?? .. xubunu 8.04 cody-somerville00:27
Laptop125Sorry .. some of my keys don't always work :-(00:28
cody-somerville"ps ux" should work fine00:28
cody-somervillecan you try again?00:28
Laptop125cody-somerville, I did ps us he first time :-/ .. here ya go .. http://paste.ubuntu.com/26775/00:32
cody-somervilleOkay, I need you to do it one more time00:33
cody-somervilleThis time, run: ps ux | cat00:33
Laptop125cody-somerville, http://paste.ubuntu.com/26776/00:35
cody-somervilleLaptop125, Does Xubuntu ever freeze on login for you?00:35
Laptop125No it doesn't cody-somerville  .. I have it setup for auto login and it always works.00:37
cody-somervilleLaptop125, Sorry to take a tangent here but can you post me the contents of this file?: /etc/apt/sources.list00:38
Laptop125cody-somerville, http://paste.ubuntu.com/26778/00:41
cody-somervilleLaptop125, if you do: sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get upgrade; what does it say?00:42
Laptop125cody-somerville, 0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded.00:44
cody-somervilleLaptop125, whats the contents of ~/.dmrc ?00:46
cody-somervilleand can you pastebin the output of this command?: apt-cache policy xfce4-utils00:47
Laptop125cody-somerville,  [Desktop]     Session=default00:48
cody-somervilleCan you give me the output of ~/.xsession-errors ?00:48
Laptop125cody-somerville, first one .. http://paste.ubuntu.com/26780/00:50
Laptop125cody-somerville, second one .. http://paste.ubuntu.com/26782/00:51
cody-somervilleThis might not be related but it appears you're suffering from bug #22089900:53
Laptop125I don't use the power manager so thats not a problem for me.00:53
ubottuLaunchpad bug 220899 in xubuntu-default-settings "[Hardy] Xfce4 xinitrc script not executed on login" [High,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/22089900:53
cody-somervilleLaptop125, try the work around as described in the bug and try again - lets see if that fixes it00:53
cody-somervilleActually.. hold on a second Laptop12500:54
cody-somervilleIf you would, please enable the -proposed pocket and install the new version of xubuntu-default-settings00:55
Laptop125cody-somerville, what's a proposed pocket ?00:58
cody-somervilleLaptop125, you know how we have -updates and -security?00:59
Laptop125cody-somerville, like the update manager does ? .. if so I did those yesterday.01:00
cody-somervilleLaptop125, those are different "pockets"01:01
cody-somerville-proposed is a pocket containing proposed updates01:01
cody-somervilleOnce the updates in -proposed get tested, they get moved to -updates01:01
Laptop125I can set synaptic to get those right ???01:02
cody-somervilleI've uploaded a fix for that bug to -proposed and I need someone to verify it before it can be moved over to -updates for everyone01:02
cody-somervilleSo I'd like you to click Applications > System > Software Sources01:03
cody-somervilleand in there, you'll want to enable -proposed01:03
cody-somervilleOnce you've done that, it'll say there are more updates available but I want you to only install the new xubuntu-default-settings package.01:03
Laptop125ok .. hold on01:03
Laptop125cody-somerville,  would that be the same as pre-release updates ?01:06
cody-somervilleLaptop125, Basically, for a developer to update a package in a stable release, we need to upload it first to -proposed for testing and verify it works w/o regressions before it gets moved to -updates for everyone to get.01:07
cody-somervilleSo you may not want to leave -proposed enabled after we're done here and only upgrade xubuntu-default-settings01:07
Laptop125Unfortunatly cody-somerville my software sourses doesn't show a proposed option.01:10
cody-somervilleOn the "Updates" tab, it is the "pre-release updates".01:11
Laptop125Ok .. got that ..01:11
cody-somervilleOk, so close it and it should ask you to reload your package info01:12
Laptop125Sorry I'm on a slow computer so things take a while.01:12
cody-somervilleno problem01:13
cody-somervilleThanks for all your help btw.01:13
cody-somervilleGreatly appreciated.01:13
Laptop125no problem .. so now do an apt-get install xubuntu-default-settings .. ?01:14
Laptop125Okie dokie it's installed cody-somerville01:17
cody-somervilleOkay. Can you logout and then log back in? After you do that, please paste ~/.dmrc and ~/.xsession-errors again please.01:19
Laptop125ok .. brb01:19
Laptop125cody-somerville, here's both of them .. http://paste.ubuntu.com/26787/01:24
cody-somervilleLaptop125, Okay, can you do delete ~/.dmrc and then do that again?01:25
Laptop125ok .. brb01:26
Laptop125cody-somerville, .drmc is empty .. here's the other file .. http://paste.ubuntu.com/26788/01:31
cody-somervilleLaptop125, Can you please create a new user, logout, login as the new user, pastebin their ~/.dmrc and ~/.xsession-errors and then come back :)01:32
Laptop125okie dokie .. brb01:34
mindslantHowdy, heres a new one.  What would I have to do and redirect to load some programs onto a properly formatted removable flash drive?01:35
cody-somervillemindslant, I'm not sure I understand your question.01:41
mindslantI have an EEE with about 1.5 gigs left on the HD.  I have an empty 4 gig "camera" flash card.  can I install some programs onto the flash card?01:42
mindslantand run them from there01:43
rand0manyone know any recording programs other than audacity ?01:43
test125cody-somerville, http://paste.ubuntu.com/26790/01:43
cody-somervilletest125, what is the outpout of apt-cache policy xubuntu-default-settings ?01:44
=== SoylentGrun is now known as gaurdro
test125cody-somerville, http://paste.ubuntu.com/26791/01:46
cody-somervilleCan you pastebin etc/xdg/xubuntu/gdm/gdm.conf ?01:47
test125cody-somerville, http://paste.ubuntu.com/26792/01:49
cody-somervilleDoh. I think I know what the problem is.01:53
cody-somervilletest125, Can you reboot please (or just restart x server completely so that gdm is killed)01:53
cody-somervilletest125, gdm is still using old config :)01:53
cody-somervillexaer0, hello01:54
test125I'll reboot .. brb01:54
xaer0GDM was throwing me errors... after i installed Kubuntu01:56
xaer0first was Ubuntu 8.04, then put Xubuntu 8, and then Kubuntu 8.04 ... then added KDE4 and then it wouldnt load to XServer... i had to put "GDM &" in some text file01:58
xaer0even tried to "sudo dpkg-reconfigure gdm" and that didnt work01:59
xaer0after adding that "gdm &" in that txt file it runs fine01:59
cody-somervillexaer0, did you report the bug?02:01
cody-somervilleLaptop125, welcome back02:01
Laptop125cody-somerville, .dmrc is still empty for my default user .. I deleted it before rebooting02:01
xaer0ya i think i found it in a bug report somewere02:02
cody-somervilleLaptop125, Empty you mean the file exists and nothing is in it?02:02
Laptop125cody-somerville, yup02:02
xaer0i cant remember.. but i got Xubuntu running like a champ on this 1.6ghz sempron and on a P@ 350Mhz :-D02:02
cody-somervilleLaptop125, and you deleted the file? So the file was recreated?02:02
Laptop125cody-somerville, yup again lol02:03
Laptop125Wasn't much in it to begin with.02:04
xaer0so you got a loop on a file?02:05
cody-somervilleLaptop125, Okay. So, lets try creating a new user again02:05
xaer0what program is creating that?02:05
cody-somervilleLaptop125, and then logout, login as them, and paste ~/.dmrc and ~/.xsession-errors02:05
cody-somervillexaer0, gdm02:05
cody-somervillexaer0, what do you mean by a loop on a file?02:05
Laptop125cody-somerville, ok .. brb02:06
xaer0loop.... like recreation or recreated02:06
xaer0so he is trying to create new users?02:06
cody-somervillexaer0, no02:07
cody-somervillexaer0, I'm trying to verify that my fix for bug #220899 works02:08
ubottuLaunchpad bug 220899 in xubuntu-default-settings "[Hardy] Xfce4 xinitrc script not executed on login" [High,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/22089902:08
xaer0oh okay02:08
xaer0im still new to this :-D02:08
xaer0ive been using *buntu for about 3 years now02:08
xaer0well Linux in general.. Puppy, SUSE, Fedora, DSL, *buntu, GoblinX02:09
xaer0Xubuntu is were i started and cant find anything like it :)02:09
cody-somervilleYou enjoy using Xubuntu?02:09
xaer0well GoblinX and Puppy is up there for low system requirements02:09
xaer0ya i like Xubuntu.. thought about making some Backgrounds and Icons for the project :-D02:10
cody-somervilleThat would be pretty cool.02:10
cody-somervilleIf you're interested in contributing, feel free to hang out in #xubuntu-devel02:10
xaer0right now i have openSUSE 11.0, XP SP3, and U/X/Kubuntu on here :-D02:10
=== cody-somerville changed the topic of #xubuntu to: Official Xubuntu Support Channel | Xubuntu 8.04 Released: http://xubuntu.org/news/hardy/release | FAQ: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CommonQuestions | Support options: http://www.ubuntu.com/support | IRC info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRCResourcePage | Pastes to http://paste.ubuntu.com | Intrepid Alpha 2 brewing! Help test it!
xaer0i just joined both of your newsgroups02:11
xaer0checking out the last one... got me thinking about my next computer Purchase02:12
xaer0a IBook G3 :-D02:12
xaer0use that Power PC :_D02:12
xaer0my first experances with a Unix like OS was BeOS 4 back in 1999 :)02:12
xaer0ya BeOS too me was very fun when i started with Alternative OSes02:13
xaer0i hardly ever use Windows.. at my work, Sears, I got 2-3 people in the electronics dept. to jump on the *buntu bandwagon :)02:14
=== adam is now known as maxamillion
xaer0oh i noticed something.. Xubuntu is the only Buntu distro were you cant order a free cd with right02:15
xaer0i got to thinking... how about we try this for a bit02:16
me125cody-somerville, http://paste.ubuntu.com/26794/02:17
xaer0something like this for Xubuntu :)02:17
cody-somervilleme125, woot :)02:17
cody-somervilleme125, Do you notice much of a difference?02:18
cody-somervilleme125, can you pastebin "ps ux" for me?02:18
me125cody-somerville, difference in what way ?02:18
cody-somervilleme125, It had Session=Default before02:19
cody-somervilleit now reads: Session=xfce402:19
xaer0that would speed it up wouldnt it?02:19
whileimhereHi. Is there an easy way to install ICON sets like GNOME or is it harder in XFCE? If so where can I get the install icon instructions please?02:20
cody-somervilleAlso, you see that startxfce4 is used where as it wasn't before? So xfce4 is now starting correctly where it may not have been before.02:20
ubottuTo install icons, unpack them to ~/.icons/ - Visit http://www.xfce-look.org/ for all kinds of eyecandy for your Xfce4 desktop! - See also !themes for other GNOME theme sites02:20
me125cody-somerville, http://paste.ubuntu.com/26795/02:20
cody-somervilleme125, "ps ux | cat" please02:21
genelykdownloading alpha2 ....02:22
me125cody-somerville, http://paste.ubuntu.com/26796/02:23
me125I suspect I can just copy this .dmrc over to my normal user without problems.02:25
genelykFedora Lite???02:25
xaer0... fedora 9. kde4 what a broken POS IMO02:26
cody-somervilleme125, what is the output of  ls -l /etc/alternatives/x-session-manager ?02:27
me125cody-somerville, lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 22 2008-07-09 16:01 /etc/alternatives/x-session-manager -> /usr/bin/xfce4-session02:27
cody-somervilleme125, It appears that the biggest difference in your case is that plugging in a printer now will mean it "automatically" works.02:30
whileimhereIs there a version of ubuntustudio for XFCE or is it all the same?02:30
me125Just added that Governor plugin as this new user .. still doesn't show in the panel .. ;-)02:30
xaer0well download studio.. then install xubuntu02:31
whileimhereme125 I have issues with the volume control showing up in the panel02:31
xaer0i was using Ubuntu Studio.. but then switched to Xubuntu :)02:31
me125cody-somerville, I'm running at 700mhz with 128 megs of ram .. don't think I'll be printing .. :-)02:31
cody-somervilleIt also looks like network manager applet started too02:32
cody-somervilleDid you notice that as new?02:32
whileimhereI am using xubuntu I just figured rather than install the apps one by one to install ubuntu studio but I dont want to install GNOME with it02:32
me125NM was already working for me02:33
xaer0there is really nothing like that that i know of02:33
whileimhereill do it one at a time02:33
xaer0i would just install Studio .. then apt-get xubuntu-desktop02:33
me125whileimhere, volume control is showing here.02:34
whileimhereme125 do you have to install a package to get it to show up?02:34
me125cody-somerville, I should mention this was an upgrade from 7.10 fyi02:34
whileimhereI find that I end up using XFCE as the desktop and then K3B, Scribus, and digikam for the most part02:35
me125whileimhere, no .. just right click the panel and add new item02:35
whileimhereYeah I have done that before it just never shows up me12502:35
xaer0well.. i use Nero Linux 3, Gimp, and digikam mostly02:35
xaer0K3B has ruined over 4 disc for me02:36
whileimhereLet me clarify that me125 it wont show up on the upper panel but will show up on the lower panel. I end up just moving it up to the top panel.02:36
acalbazahow does one set up for wake on lan?02:36
xaer0i lost all my Naruto Shippuden episodes.. not fun02:36
whileimherexaer0 I use it mostly to backup photos and small videos I ilm02:36
whileimhereilm = film02:36
me125whileimhere, k .. I only use a bottom panel.02:37
xaer0im probrobly going to do screencast and making some video game reviews with Xvid02:37
whileimhereoh I also use it to play my advanced mame02:37
xaer0MAME... on linux...02:38
xaer0i dont like it02:38
whileimhereOh Advanced MAME works great !02:38
xaer0its all command line isnt?02:38
xaer0i need a MAME with a GUI02:39
xaer0mostly i play SHMUPS and Fighters.. long live King of Fighters. Also WINE with video game emulation kicks ass02:39
whileimherexaer0 are you ready for a shameless plug? There is a program I give feedback on its called Wah!Cade and it does MAME, ZSNES, GFCEU and most of the other emulators really well. Its just a front-end but man it sure makes it more like selecting a game in the arcade.02:39
xaer0i was playing Paper Mario with Wine and Project 64.. ran like a champ02:39
xaer0windows is only installed here for the gaming LOL02:40
xaer0i noticed that Linux lacks a good Turbografx-16 emulator02:41
cody-somervilleme125, Weird. It is working for me. It is probably segfaulting. Up for trying to debug it? :)02:41
whileimherexaer0 I just need to learn how to create DEB files to release Advanced MAME for most users.02:41
xaer0it needs a GUI! thats all i can say LOL02:42
whileimhereWah!Cade comes in deb, rpm, and source02:42
whileimherexaer0 there is a great emulator for the TG 16 called HUGO02:42
me125cody-somerville, I'd just like to remove it .. since I added it three times and can't see it .. Don't think I really need it.02:43
xaer0not as compatible as the Magic PC Engine emulator02:43
cody-somervilleme125, You can modify the xml files in ~/.config/02:43
xaer0or less of a system hog.. maybe i should give HuGo a try again...02:43
cody-somervilleme125, but from your process list, the actual plugins aren't running02:43
xaer0i dont like any emulator with out a gui02:44
whileimherexaer0 I know that the developer or HUGO once sent me the updated version because the version he had posted on his site was for an older compiler. It worked great on my old p2 128meg.02:44
xaer0well i give it a whirl again02:45
whileimherexaer0 I know what you mean. That why I WAH!CADE!02:45
me125cody-somerville, I tried that .. but it that panels.xml shows it back in there when I login again.02:45
cody-somervilleme125, try editing it while not logged in02:46
me125OK .. brb02:46
whileimhereSadly enough I cannot upgrade from 7.10 my USB CDRW drive dies and my wireless goes nuts02:47
xaer0that sucks02:47
mindslantI had asked earlier how one could choose to keep only certain programs on a removable flash drive and a friend told me, "Compile from source with statically linked libraries, copy the resulting binaries to flash drive. "...I get compile from source.  translation?02:49
cody-somervilleIf you statically link a lib then it actually includes the code of the lib in the executable02:50
whileimhereWhat does anyone think of the Xara Extreme prog?02:51
mindslantthis is kind of like star trek for me.  I hear the words and it seems like it would make sense, but I'm not sure exactly how to configure it.02:51
mindslantHow does one statically link?02:51
cody-somervillemindslant, what are you trying to do exactly?02:52
whileimhereUse the force? (sorry I could not resist)02:52
mindslantOn my little eee I got 1.5 gigs left which I'd like to leave open just in case.  I'd like to keep the bulk of network utility programs on a removable flash drive. ^ funny, I would if it worked02:53
mindslantI know it's odd02:53
mindslantmaybe not really possible but it seems like it should be02:53
cody-somervilleI understand you.02:54
whileimhereAnd I have no clue02:54
mindslantmaking some headway.02:54
whileimhereIn fact I tried to once buy a clue but I am still clueless here.02:55
Laptop125cody-somerville, thanks .. it's gone .. :-)02:55
cody-somervilleYou can download the source for the program and recompile it and install it to the removable flash drive02:55
cody-somervilleLaptop125, :)02:55
cody-somervilleIf you try to re-add it, does it still bork?02:55
Laptop125Lets see02:55
mindslantI assume I'll have to manually create the menu launchers02:56
Laptop125cody-somerville,  yup .. still doesn't show in the panel02:56
cody-somervillemindslant, yes02:56
mindslantokay.  I'm willing to call this a path to victory02:57
mindslantthank you02:57
Laptop125Now I have to go get rid of it again .. ;-) .. thank god for midnight commander.02:58
whileimhereI expect to hear superman themes playing02:58
mindslantuh, what was all the statically linked talk about?  I'm not going to end up having to do that I assume02:58
cody-somervilleLaptop125, Are you interested in figuring out why it isn't working or have I abused you already too much tonight? haha02:59
Laptop125Go for it cody-somerville02:59
whileimhereIs there a wet trout involved in this smacking around?03:01
whileimhereYou know when I pop in a cd into the USB CDRW it shows up on the desktop. When I am done I can right click on the icon and ask it to eject. Is there a way to get that icon on the desktop to open and close the CDRW no matter if it has a cd in it or not?03:02
cody-somervillewhileimhere, not w/o modifying source code :P03:02
Laptop125cody-somerville, maybe the icon for it is just missing .. :-)03:03
cody-somervilleLaptop125, I'm looking at the packaging and it doesn't look like it was done correctly.... what makes you think that?03:03
whileimherecody-somerville thanks03:03
Laptop125I can't see it i the panel so I was just making a guess cody-somerville .03:04
cody-somervilleLaptop125, What is the output of the following?: ls -l /usr/lib/xfce4-governor-plugin/xfce4/panel-plugins/xfce4-governor-plugin03:05
Laptop125I need the link to pasterbin again03:06
Laptop125cody-somerville, -rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 15368 2007-08-07 07:13 /usr/lib/xfce4-governor-plugin/xfce4/panel-plugins/xfce4-governor-plugin03:07
Laptop125nm I gt the link03:08
whileimhereEach time I see the word link I hear the zelda themesong!03:09
cody-somervilleLaptop125, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingProgramCrash03:12
Laptop125Ummmm you want me to do this cody-somerville ?03:14
cody-somervilleLaptop125, lol, well... yes :P03:14
Laptop125Okie dokie .. hold on .. ;-)03:15
Laptop125cody-somerville, dpkg -l yelp isn't giving me the info I need03:20
cody-somervilleYou don't want the debug symbols for yelp ;]03:21
Laptop125well is this line correct then cody-somerville  .. sudo apt-get install yelp-dbgsym=2.22.1-0ubuntu2.8.04.103:22
cody-somervilleYou don't want the debug symbols for yelp03:22
cody-somervilleYou want the debug symbols for the xfce4-governor-plugin package03:23
Laptop125Oh .. I was just going step by step .. so somewhere i this page it tells me how to get that Hmmm03:24
Laptop125Maybe I should email you my computer.03:25
cody-somervilleyelp is an example03:25
cody-somervilleYou want to install xfce4-governor-plugin-dbgsym03:26
stevenhey cody!03:27
cody-somervilleHi steven :)03:27
stevendoes anyone know how to change the cpu-graph-panel-plugin?03:27
stevenit has three colors03:27
steventhe first two you can change03:28
Laptop125ok cody-somerville  installed03:28
steventhe third stays blue03:28
stevenhow do i change?03:28
steveni have temp net mem swap03:28
stevenall color coded03:28
stevenany thoughts?03:28
cody-somervillesteven, I think I remember reading a bug report about that03:29
stevenoh yes?03:29
stevenyou would know03:29
steveni am glad youy03:29
stevenyou're on03:29
cody-somervillehmm... I don't see anything in launchpad03:31
steveni didn't03:32
steventhought maybe you had super-secret access03:32
cody-somervillesteven, Can you file a bug :)? https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xfce4-cpugraph-plugin/+filebug03:32
stevennot exactly aure how...03:32
stevenwilling to learn03:32
stevenas i have been03:32
cody-somervillesteven, when I click the third colour, it is almost as if the button is disabled. Is this the same behaviour for you?03:33
stevenyes exactly03:33
steveni don't like blue03:33
stevenit's all red and yellow03:33
stevenexcept for that one03:33
cody-somervilleLaptop125, now we need to create a wrapper script that will start the plugin process within gdb so that we  can obtain a backtrace03:34
Laptop125I don't know if I like that word "we" .. ok .. show me you magic !03:35
cody-somervilleLaptop125, At the bottom of https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Backtrace there is a script that we'll use to automate the collection. Just download that and save it somewhere convenient. You'll need to make sure it has executable permissions (chmod +x)03:36
stevencody must be french what with all the oui03:36
stevencody, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xfce4-cpugraph-plugin/+bug/24776903:37
stevengood enough?03:37
ubottuLaunchpad bug 247769 in xfce4-cpugraph-plugin "xfce4-cpugraph-plugin third color unchangeable" [Undecided,New]03:37
cody-somervillesteven, thank you muchly :)03:38
stevenno prob03:38
steventhat was painless!03:38
stevennow i can file bugs!03:38
stevenhonestly the only problem i have03:38
stevenother than being able to change the background color for the IM windows in pidgin03:39
steven::sheepishly grins::03:39
stevenany thoughts?03:40
Laptop125I named it script .. so .. chmod +x script     ???03:40
steveni am using xfce-dusk or whatever it's official name is03:40
cody-somervilleLaptop125, yes03:40
Laptop125K done03:40
stevenand pidgin is black and i can't read black text unless mine is white and then my friends can't read it!03:40
cody-somervillesteven, pidgin allows you to tweak gtk stuff03:41
steveni can't seem to find it03:41
cody-somervilleI think it is one of the plugins03:41
cody-somervilleSo you need to enable it03:41
steveni'm a newbuntero03:41
cody-somervilleLaptop125, Okay, now we're getting into something a bit more trickier.03:41
Laptop125OK ;-/03:41
cody-somervilleLaptop125, type this: sudo mv /usr/lib/xfce4-governor-plugin/xfce4/panel-plugins/xfce4-governor-plugin /usr/lib/xfce4-governor-plugin/xfce4/panel-plugins/xfce4-governor-plugin.real03:42
stevenoh my other teensy whine03:42
stevenwhy won't my mouse stay uniform?03:42
stevensome apps, white03:42
stevenothers black and on panels a plain default03:43
stevensorry for the whines03:43
cody-somervilleLaptop125, then I want you to create the file then type: sudo nano /usr/lib/xfce4-governor-plugin/xfce4/panel-plugins/xfce4-governor-plugin and put this in it:03:43
Laptop125First one ..  No such file or directory03:43
cody-somervilleLaptop125, what is the output of /usr/lib/xfce4-governor-plugin/xfce4/panel-plugins/ ?03:44
Laptop125bash: /usr/lib/xfce4-governor-plugin/xfce4/panel-plugins/: is a directory03:45
cody-somervillels  /usr/lib/xfce4-governor-plugin/xfce4/panel-plugins/03:45
cody-somervilleLaptop125, I have to head home (it is gettting late and I'm still at the office!) but I'll be on when I get home which will be in 30 mins or so03:46
cody-somervilleLaptop125, so the first one worked :)03:46
cody-somervilleLaptop125,  http://paste.ubuntu.com/26814/03:47
steventhx cody03:47
* cody-somerville waves.03:47
Laptop125Maybe we can tackle this tomrrow .. cody-somerville  .. I'm getting tired of standing ..lol03:47
cody-somervilleLaptop125, okay03:47
Laptop125Thanks cody-somerville03:48
Genelykinstalling xubuntu alpha2 ....03:58
Genelyktotal time of instalation  1 hour 18 min  8.10 alpha 204:19
Genelykfirts  login = crashing04:21
Genelyk1 hub problem04:22
carbuntuanybody familiar with any fix to keep google earth from crashing upon initialization i would appreciate... seems to be some prob associated with graphics card driver, but i have not been able to correct the driver problem04:47
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ecai set .pls files to be opened with gmplayer in firefox, it needs the -playlist option with it, how do i add that? in preferences-applications nothing shows up05:56
j1mchi hacksilber06:21
hacksilberknow anything about networking?06:22
hacksilberrather configuring in ubuntu?06:22
j1mca little06:23
j1mcwhat is your question?06:23
hacksilberwell my network was just fine until i installed xen-server and rebooted06:24
hacksilberi originally only had lo and eth0 when i did ifconfig06:24
hacksilbernow i have eth0 lo and peth0  and i can't ping my router06:24
j1mchacksilber: sorry, i think that one's a little beyond me.  have you checked any of the wiki networking guide.06:34
hacksilberyeah i've been searching around and i'm wondering if this kernel doesn't pick up on my nic06:34
hacksilberi'm gonna try rebooting into my old kernel06:34
j1mcok.  sorry i can't be of more help.06:36
hacksilberno worries06:38
hacksilberwell it seems to be a kernel issue06:38
hacksilbergonna see if i can find a patched kernel set06:38
owen1can my bluetooth work with skype?06:39
hacksilberdoes skype read your bluetooth device?06:40
owen1hacksilber: i never used bluetooth...06:46
hacksilberhmm nor have i06:47
hacksilbertry asking in #ubuntu06:48
owen1hacksilber: ok. thanks06:48
=== adam is now known as maxamillion
owen1enouf: installed bluez-utils and run idd --search07:34
=== hacksilber is now known as hack^sleep
rand0mdo i need to do anything in order to transfer music to my ipod nano in xubuntu aside from just plug it in ?08:16
ere4sirand0m: this is helpful - http://www.linuxjournal.com/article/926608:18
rand0mnice, thanks08:19
rand0muhmm.. i plugged in my ipod and my optical USB mouse stopped working08:27
ere4sirand0m: try plugging it into a diff usb port08:28
rand0mno dice08:28
rand0mi have 4 ports, none work with the mouse now08:29
ere4sihmmm , if it is the system taking time to sync the ipod you might have to wait a couple of min...08:30
rand0mi already ejected & unplugged it08:30
rand0mbecause it wouldn´t recognize in amarok08:31
ere4siit should do - I'd open amorak after the ipod is connected and see08:31
rand0mfor the moment, i´m more concerned with getting my mouse working again08:32
ere4siwith the ipod out it isn't working?08:33
rand0mred light isn't even on08:34
ere4sidmesg | tail 20 might give more clues08:36
ggDi am a Archlinux user and i have a question09:27
ggDcould someone help me?09:28
ere4siif you ask the question probably :)09:29
ggDi just wan't to know the default xubuntu theme09:29
ggDit looks very nice09:29
ggDSetting >> User Interface Setting09:30
ere4sixubuntu looks good in blue - I'm not on my xubuntu box atm and don't know offhand - give me a min09:30
cody-somervilleMurrina Dark Storm Cloud09:33
ere4sithere you go ggD  ^^09:33
ggDthanks, and please tell me Setting >> WIndow Manager Settings09:34
ggD<cody-somerville>: coud you  tell me Setting >> Window Manager Settings, too09:37
cody-somervilleXfwm-4.5-svn is mine09:38
ggDwell, still thank you ^^09:39
N3tst0rmhi community, i downloaded xubuntu iso via http://xubuntu.org/ and burned it to CD. I started my old laptop with this ISO and choose install in the menu. The PC started from the CD, but the XFCE-Desktop doesn t start. Now I am on console. How can i start installation manually?10:06
ere4siN3tst0rm: what happened when you chose install from the menu?10:08
Rev_hello ppl11:25
Rev_any idea how to edit the shortcuts side pane in Thunar? i want to remove trash and filesystem and add my NTFS partition but i cant find how to edit it11:25
cody-somervilleYou just drag and drop11:28
ere4siand there is the right click options yes?11:28
Rev_the right click option doesnt work11:33
Rev_it's grey11:33
Rev_you cant edit it11:33
Rev_oh, maybe as root?11:33
cody-somervilleYou can't remove the the stuff above the horizontal break11:33
Rev_yeah, thats exactly what i want to remove11:36
Rev_thats a pity11:36
Rev_anyway, cody-somerville , do you know a good VNC client on xubuntu?11:36
ere4siRev_: apt cache search vnc will give you the choices11:39
Rev_okidoki ere4si11:39
ere4sinp :)11:39
eustasHi all. I experience some sound problems. It is crackly when applications (games) use 3D rendering. However distiv11:59
eustasdistinct 3d tests show well performance11:59
eustasmoreover - the strength of distortion depends on window size - larger window - stronger distortion12:00
ere4siis your mic on?12:03
eustasTwo examples - NWN linux client - all good in 640x480, very bad on 1024x768. Diablo II in wine - all good with DirectDraw, distorted music on D3d12:03
eustasmicrophone is off12:03
ere4siif you type   alsamixer   in a terminal you can change settings for diff sound elements - try turning some down as a start12:05
eustasalready tried12:05
ere4siis pcm the master?12:07
eustashow can i see it? in alsamixer there is master, then pcm, then front, etc.12:08
ere4sido you have the mixer plugin for volume control - a right click on that will tell12:09
ere4siit's on the panel if it's there12:09
eustaswannable maser: Master, 012:10
ere4sitry changing it to pcm12:10
eustasdoesn't help12:11
ere4siI'm sorry but that's the limit of my sound trouble shooting knowledge eustas12:14
eustasthanks for your help =)12:15
ere4siwasn't much help but... :)12:16
ere4siN3tst0rm: are you past the install yet?12:32
Rev_hello ppl13:54
Rev_any way to edit the shortcuts list in Thunar's side left pane?13:54
Rev_i mean, above the separator13:55
stevenunable to Rev_13:55
stevenas far as i know13:55
stevenunless you wanna man edit files13:55
steveni think13:55
stevenbut as far as i know you can't13:55
Rev_ok steven , thats a pity though13:57
stevenno prob13:57
steveni was bugged for a while13:57
stevenrev_ i remember seeing a workaround13:58
stevenyou could always use another file manager13:58
stevenyou're using thunar?13:58
stevencheap workaround13:58
Rev_indeed :p13:58
Rev_yeah, im using thunar, since its light and rather powerful13:58
Rev_but this is really annoying13:59
Rev_this, and the fact that it doesnt auto mount my winXP partition13:59
Rev_and even , when i manually mount it, it doesnt appear in the shortcuts in Thunar13:59
stevendoesn't automount you say13:59
stevenhmm i had this exact prob13:59
stevenfixed it on accident tho13:59
nikinhy how can i set xfwm to use the windows key insteaad of ALT for moving and resizeing windows?13:59
stevenlemme hop on my desktop see what i did13:59
stevennikin look for keyboard shortcuts14:00
stevenset your own?14:00
nikini didnt see it there14:00
stevenappls>settings>settings man>key shorts14:00
stevenyou can make your own14:00
Rev_sorry steven my X just died ;p14:02
Rev_it simply restarted withotu any reason14:02
cody-somervilleXubuntu meeting is now starting in #ubuntu-meeting - all are welcome to attend14:03
nikinit only lets me add commands...14:04
Rev_gotta go14:04
Rev_see ya all14:04
nikinits in setting man > window manager tweaks > accesiblity... but why?14:07
DiskdocAh, wonderful :) IRC:ing is always like returning home, somehow. Back in the day etc.14:07
DiskdocHaving some screensaver trouble with XUbuntu Hardy.. It doesn't switch on at all..14:07
stevenwhat is command for scrren lock?14:08
Diskdocctrl+alt+l I think14:08
stevenwhat do you use to engage?14:08
DiskdocJust a timer14:08
stevenno i mean terminal command14:08
stevensomething like that?14:08
DiskdocI'll check14:08
stevenare you using gnome-screensaver or x-screensaver14:08
DiskdocDon't have it..I'll check synaptic to see if I'm missing something14:09
steveni had some serious prob with that14:10
stevenhold on14:10
DiskdocCan't see any xfce-lock package..14:11
steventhere ya go!14:11
stevencody to the rescue\14:11
DiskdocFound a bugreport that advised users to log in using "xfce" session after upgrading to a proposed xubuntu-desktop-setting 0.39.1 But it didn't help14:11
DiskdocOk, xflock4 works14:12
Diskdoclocks the screen14:12
cody-somervilleDiskdoc, If that worked then the workaround worked14:12
DiskdocWell I still can't get the screensaver working using a timeout14:13
cody-somervilleDiskdoc, can you pastebin the output of this command? ps ux | cat14:14
cody-somervilleAnd also pastebin the contents of this file: ~/.xsession-errors14:14
stevenyou nkow14:15
stevennow that i thiking14:15
stevenhow do i remove xscreensaver and have on;y gnome?14:15
steveni liked their stuff better14:15
stevennot really14:15
stevenbut i need an onscreen keyboard for login14:15
cody-somervilleif you install gnome-screensaver then it'll use that14:15
steventablet user14:15
stevengnome-screensaver is already the newest version.14:16
stevenyou know what pastebin is?14:16
DiskdocDoes gnome-screensaver use more memories due to gnome libraries?14:17
DiskdocNo, never heard of pastebin before14:17
steveni think technically yes14:17
stevenoh a pastebin is an editable file you basically dump all the text and others can go read it14:17
Diskdoc(memory no memories..gawd I'm tired)14:17
DiskdocI can do that, but don't really have a good place to put the output to make it accessible14:18
steventhat's what the pastebin is14:18
stevenit's all the output14:18
stevenyou copy it and paste it14:19
steventhen others can go to the webpage and view it14:19
DiskdocCool, found it with Google14:19
DiskdocThat's ps ux14:21
* Diskdoc has a headache due to slightly excessive drinking last night14:28
DiskdocI'm at work too so I might be slow to answer when there's customers14:29
DiskdocThat's .xsession-errors14:36
DiskdocI'll try gnome-screensaver instead..14:49
cody-somervilleWhy did you run that as root?14:50
DiskdocJust happened to have a root terminal open14:51
cody-somervilleplease run it as your user14:52
Diskdocps ux? ok14:52
DiskdocOh of course..sorry. "u"=user :)14:52
iCEiferhello, in terms of performance will xubuntu 8.04 run the same as xubuntu 6.06.1 LTS? same system requirements?15:02
iCEiferit looks like ubuntu & kubuntu no longer have an older 6.x version for LTS and offer LTS for the latest 8.x version, is this going to happen with xubuntu soon as well?15:03
charlie-tcaUnless you want the latest in 3d (compiz), it seems to be real close15:03
iCEiferwith compiz does 6.06.1 run a lot faster?15:04
iCEiferor will it not even run on 6.0x?15:05
charlie-tcaIt's not faster15:05
charlie-tcaI think compiz slows my system down, it takes a lot of memory for video15:05
DiskdocThere's ps ux15:05
iCEiferokay, thought so, thanks :)15:07
* charlie-tca :015:07
* charlie-tca :)15:08
DiskdocGnome-screensaver fails to start automatically as well..15:33
DiskdocI wonder if there's some kind of timer problem with this laptop?15:34
DiskdocTried "sleep 3" though and it worked fine15:34
DiskdocSo does the clock15:34
DiskdocStill no screensaver..16:15
DiskdocHmm.. I think I just figured out what stops the screensavers from activating16:28
DiskdocWill need help to fix it though16:28
cody-somervilleDiskdoc, what is it?16:29
DiskdocThe laptop here has a BIOS related problem - it keeps sending the key-event for sleep-mode although no key has been pressed.16:31
DiskdocI "fixed" it by renaming the sleep script that comes with ACPI-utils (I think it was..)16:32
DiskdocBut I think the event is still being sent and perhaps the screensavers pick up on that activity16:32
DiskdocCould be a tricky one to fix16:32
DiskdocNeed to find some way for the kernel to ignore a specific event16:44
CarouselbeastI recently installed Xubuntu 8.04 on my system, and I am now looking for a C++ editor and compilator. I have been using Bloodshed dev-cpp before, is there something like it for xubuntu ?17:48
cody-somervilleCarouselbeast, hi18:05
cody-somervilleCarouselbeast, Are you looking for just an editor or an entire IDE?18:06
CarouselbeastEntire IDE18:06
cody-somervilleAnjunta isn't bad18:07
Carouselbeastcody-somerville: Anjunta? I'll check it out, thanks18:07
cody-somervillenp :)18:07
Carouselbeastcody-somerville : Still there ?18:23
* cody-somerville nods.18:23
CarouselbeastThis might sound kind of stupid, but I'm not exactly sure on how to install things yet, with dependencies and so on18:24
CarouselbeastI downloaded Anjuta 2.4.2 from their website, and it's on my desktop in the form of a .tar.bz2 file18:25
CarouselbeastHow do I go on from here18:25
cody-somervilleStep 1:18:25
cody-somervilleDelete what you downloaded :)18:25
cody-somervilleStep 2:18:25
CarouselbeastOh right18:25
cody-somervilleClick applications > settings > add/remove18:25
cody-somervilleSearch for anjuta (you may have to select "All available applications" from the dropdown before it appears), check the box off, and click install18:26
CarouselbeastIs that it ?18:26
cody-somervilleYup :)18:26
CarouselbeastDo I find all the software I need with this ?18:26
CarouselbeastAlright, thank you18:26
cody-somervilleno problem :)18:29
jimbohello, good morning!!!18:37
jimboI have a probleme18:37
cody-somervillejimbo, tell us about it :)18:38
jimboI have install xubuntu 8.04 but the display is wrong18:38
cody-somervilletry: sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver -phigh18:38
jimbosorry but i dont speak very well english18:38
jimbothe display is only 800x600 and 640x48018:39
jimbomy screen is incomplete18:40
jimboanyone speack spanish18:42
ubottuEn la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.18:42
jimbocody-somerville: thank18:42
jimbobut thear no helpme18:42
cody-somervillejimbo, type this command in the terminal: sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver -phigh18:46
jimbocody-somerville: i dont have install xserver18:48
SharKiiDoes anyone have experience in creating a bootable usb install?:)19:21
PriceChild!install | SharKii19:43
ubottuSharKii: Ubuntu can be installed in a lot of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall. Don't want to use a CD? Try http://tinyurl.com/3exghs - See also !automate19:43
=== cody-somerville changed the topic of #xubuntu to: Official Xubuntu Support Channel | Xubuntu 8.04 Released: http://xubuntu.org/news/hardy/release | FAQ: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CommonQuestions | Support options: http://www.ubuntu.com/support | IRC info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRCResourcePage | Pastes to http://paste.ubuntu.com | Do not install flashplugin-nonfree update!! See bug #247682
Carouselbeastcody-somerville, another question ?20:01
CarouselbeastFirstly, do I need an external compiler ?20:03
CarouselbeastI mean, is there a compiler included in Anjuta20:03
CarouselbeastSecondly, it seems to be set to American Keyboard, can I change this ?20:05
cody-somervilleI don't think anjuta pulls in a compiler automatically (although it does recommend it)20:05
cody-somervilleI would install the build-essential package20:05
CarouselbeastUh... ok20:06
CarouselbeastDo I find that too in Add/Remove ?20:07
cody-somervilleProbably not20:11
cody-somervilleYou'll want to open up Applications > System > Synaptics20:11
CarouselbeastHow would you do to install the build-essential package ?20:12
cody-somervilleOpen the Synaptic package manager by clicking Applications > System > Synaptic Package Manager20:14
cody-somervilleSearch for build-essential20:14
cody-somervilleCheck off box and click install20:14
CarouselbeastAlright, thank you. I am still kind of lost in xubuntu20:15
CarouselbeastHow do I switch keyboard layouts in xubuntu ?20:19
CarouselbeastLike Shift-Alt in Windows20:19
cody-somervilleCarouselbeast, Right click panel, click add to panel20:29
cody-somervilleThere is a panel applet20:29
CarouselbeastThere is only one choice however21:08
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