
=== JontheEchidna is now known as jtechidna
=== jtechidna is now known as echidnaman
=== echidnaman is now known as JontheEchidna
vorianJontheEchidna: plasmoid-wifi reviewed01:14
JontheEchidnavorian: plasmoid-wifi reuploaded01:28
vorianthanks JontheEchidna :)01:29
vorianJontheEchidna: i want you to write that 100 time01:30
vorianand previewer01:31
JontheEchidnaOh, I was told by another motu that it was better just to license the package under the "GPL" so that it wouldn't have to be re-done when another version came around01:32
vorianJontheEchidna: nice work on plasmoid-weather01:39
vorianJontheEchidna: there is a readable source for a watch file with plasmoid-wifi01:41
JontheEchidnawhat's a watch file?01:41
vorianJontheEchidna: http://paste.ubuntu.com/27185/01:44
JontheEchidnaOk, I reuploaded plasmoid-am4rok01:46
JontheEchidnaoh, hasn't hit revu yet01:46
vorianstill needs the copying file from upstream01:46
JontheEchidnaah, that one too? damn01:47
JontheEchidnavorian: Would something like this be good:01:58
JontheEchidnaI am packaging the plasma-am4rok plasmoid for Kubuntu so that it can be installed in the next release, Kubuntu 8.10 codename Intrepid Ibex. To package this (K)Ubuntu and Debian require the upstream project to include a copy of the GPL that the software is licensed under. (The GPL-2 in this case.) This is usually in the form of a file in the root of the source tree simply called "COPYING".01:58
JontheEchidnaI am attaching a copy of the COPYING file for your convenience.01:58
JontheEchidnaThank you, and we look forward to seeing plasma-am4rok in the next Kubuntu release. (Love the plasmoid, btw. It's very handy ;))01:58
JontheEchidnameant that to be a pastebin link01:58
voriansounds great :)01:59
JontheEchidnagood, cuz I already sent it. :P01:59
vorianare those the only plasmoids not in kubuntu already?02:00
JontheEchidnaI think the only plasmoids we have are the ones included in kdebase and kdeplasmoids02:00
JontheEchidnawhich was renamed to kdeplasma-addons02:00
vorianwow, there's a blue million on kde-look02:00
JontheEchidnamost of the cool ones aren't 4.1 api'd yet. (emailnotify, toggle-compositing, coremoid)02:01
voriani like previewer, that's gonna come in handy02:01
JontheEchidnaok, I just need to re-up plasmoid-wifi with the watch file02:02
vorianexcellent :)02:02
vorianoh, does quicklaunch work?02:03
* vorian checks02:03
JontheEchidnapretty much anything after the euro 2008 league table update-wise shouldn't work afaik02:04
DaskreeChvorian: What's a blue million?02:05
vorianjust some hick slang02:05
JontheEchidna"fscking big amount" of plasmids02:06
vorianfor a lot02:06
vorianor that ^.^02:06
DaskreeChHas the plasmoids API been locked down yet?02:09
JontheEchidnaDaskreeCh: Pretty much02:10
JontheEchidnaI think any more changes will be small changes/new API functions02:10
JontheEchidnaMight want to ask #plasma on that to be sure though02:11
JontheEchidnaOnce the plasmoids get uploaded to Intrepid can we backport them to the kde4-members ppa?02:11
DaskreeChWill the Notify plasmoid ship?02:12
DaskreeChEveryone keeps telling me to use that one :-)02:12
JontheEchidnaI think it's still in playground... :(02:13
JontheEchidnaSo is the cia.vc applet :(02:13
JontheEchidnaThat was the one I really wanted to see for 4.102:13
JontheEchidnavorian: plasmoid-wifi is reuploaded02:15
* vorian is secretly building system-status02:16
DaskreeChWill they be allowed to move for a 4.1.x update?02:16
JontheEchidnakil8n.thatlanguagewhichdankeisin(you're welcome)02:17
JontheEchidnade, I'm guessing?02:17
vorianfrom what i've gathered02:17
DaskreeChdanke is nl isn't it?02:18
JontheEchidnathankstr = kil8n.nl("you're welcome") <- proper python02:19
vorianoooh, shiny02:34
* JontheEchidna packages quick access02:40
JontheEchidnaoh cool, tar.gz and correct directory naming conventions02:43
JontheEchidnavorian: Are we going with a plasmoid- prefix or a -plasmoid suffix?02:46
vorianI used a prefix02:46
vorianfor system-whatchamacallit02:46
JontheEchidnaoh, because the bug description on the dupe checker had -plasmoid at the end02:47
vorianthen, someone can just apt-get install plasmoid-*02:47
DaskreeChAre we going to have virtual packages that group them ?02:47
vorian+1, we should02:48
vorianor something of the like02:48
JontheEchidnawe should bring this up at the next meeting02:48
* JontheEchidna has already marked plasma discussion on the agenda02:48
JontheEchidnaAre we going to go beyond the kdebase plasmoids for a base install of kubuntu?02:49
JontheEchidna'cuz it would be nice if we could offer a few extra ones02:49
JontheEchidnamaybe the best from kdeplasmoids and the best from kubuntu-plasma-extras or whatever02:50
JontheEchidnaheh, I guess we should discuss that at the meeting too02:50
DaskreeChThe default Plasmoids?02:51
JontheEchidnayeah, default ones that would come with a base Kubuntu install02:52
JontheEchidnaMaybe at least we could put a tip in the release announcement recommending that people install kdeplasmoids and the kubuntu-extra-plasma module03:01
* DaskreeCh chuckles03:02
DaskreeChyou mean install a plasmoid-not-found :)03:02
flaccid in the KubuntuIntrepidDefaults it has "In System Settings, move the Advanced items to the bottom of the main page, and remove the tabs. Use smaller text and enable word wrap. " <-- what is the benefit/point of this?03:03
JontheEchidna:o shiny!03:04
DaskreeChWord wrap is awesome what are you talking about?03:04
JontheEchidnaomg <3 quickaccess03:04
flaccidi actually talking about the removal of the advanced tab part03:05
vorianJontheEchidna: it's nice eh?03:05
JontheEchidnashiny! plus animate-y!03:06
vorianis that pirate speak!03:06
flaccidjust that in the blue print it was not to modify something kde unless it has a benefit. i don't see what benefit removing advanced tab could do03:06
JontheEchidnawhat's that command that finds missing depends?03:07
vorianthe apt-command?03:09
vorianapt-get build-dep03:09
JontheEchidnaoh damn, that would only work for existing packages03:09
* JontheEchidna mutters03:10
vorianthere's also get-build-deps in ubuntu-dev-tools03:10
JontheEchidnahmm, that seems to only help if you know all the build-deps03:11
DaskreeChflaccid: That's actually on the books to be done?03:12
JontheEchidnaapt-file to the rescue!03:13
vorianJontheEchidna: what are you looking at?03:13
JontheEchidnavorian: need to package quickaccess, needs some extra build-deps03:13
JontheEchidnakonq_operations.h <- apt-file should fine the package that that's in03:13
flaccidDaskreeCh: https://wiki.kubuntu.org/KubuntuIntrepidDefaults03:14
JontheEchidnawill have to do tomorrow though, bbl03:16
Jucatoflaccid: imho it should have never been there in the first place... but usability takes precedence over me :)03:16
DaskreeChflaccid: A folderview for desktop by default :)03:17
flaccidJucato: hehe yeah. the fact is that advanced gives context and only more and more things are going to be added to system settings, so yeah you are right its a useability thing03:17
flaccidwhere do these decisions come from?03:17
DaskreeChMeetings i would suspect03:17
DaskreeChI think that I don't really care about the basic Vs advanced stuff03:18
DaskreeChI just want search fixed03:18
flaccidi think its important to specify reasons in blue prints especially when you say "Keep close to KDE 4, only change when a definite benefit."03:18
DaskreeChWhen I search show me hits from both tabs03:18
flaccidah dang03:18
JucatoDaskreeCh: without showing how many hits in which tab right? (KDE 4.1 I presume)03:19
Jucatoflaccid: I'm sure it's TBH still. be present in the next meeting and raise it up or put it in the agenda03:21
* DaskreeCh shrugs. I've offered lots of suggestions for System settings03:21
* Jucato gets his acronyms kmixed up03:21
JucatoDaskreeCh: sure.. but suggestions are nothing if no one's there to do the dirty work :)03:21
DaskreeChJucato: well not really if suggestions get a good idea or thumbs up then that's better than I dunno putting tabs on a movie player or soemthing03:22
DaskreeChflaccid: TBD03:22
JucatoDaskreeCh: sarcasm :)03:22
DaskreeChJucato: :)03:22
DaskreeChYeah but most of my suggestions instantly start two camps03:23
Jucatoflaccid: To Be Discussed03:23
DaskreeChThe Search thing I haven't found anyone to speak against you03:23
JucatoDaskreeCh: any suggestion always starts 2 camps: the "yes" and the "no"03:23
DaskreeChI mean it03:23
vorianNCommander: see topic (todo)03:38
NCommandermind readers03:38
vorianhiya imbrandon03:39
imbrandonheya vorian , hows it goin03:39
voriangood good03:39
voriantrying to justify setting the thermostat at 7003:40
NCommandervorian, your teams package doesn't seem so hot :-/03:42
NCommanderI'd be glad to work on syncing/merging/FTBFS's03:42
Jucatowhoa! hello imbrandon! :)03:44
imbrandonheya Jucato03:44
vorianNCommander: great :)03:44
Jucatoimbrandon: how's it going? haven't seen you in quite a while (again) :)03:44
NCommandervorian, point me to your package lists ;-)03:45
imbrandoni'm arround and such, i just grow tired of IRC at times03:45
Jucatowho doesn't? :)03:45
Jucatoum.. maybe those who go to IRC to find dates :)03:45
vorianthey are with the list you've already been working with :)03:45
imbrandonNCommander, baby steps :)03:45
NCommanderaka the general FTBFS list?03:45
vorianyes, if you like fixing the FTBFS (which is awesome)03:46
NCommanderI love fixing FTBFS03:46
NCommander<-- *m68k Debian porter*03:46
NCommanderI'm trying to figure out why kdepim FTBFS03:46
imbrandonahh the m68k, patients too , lol03:47
NCommanderimbrandon, not really. I overclocked the hardware, dropped ccache and distcc under the hood03:47
NCommanderIs anyone actively working on the kdepim FTBFS03:49
imbrandonlikely not, esp if its ubuntu specific03:50
imbrandonnot debian also03:50
NCommanderWell, assuming its not a buildd specific issue03:50
NCommanderIt looks like the rules file is buggered up03:51
NCommandervorian, if you can point me to someone who has sparc/ia64 hardware and is willing to give a non-MOTU SSH access, I can also work on the other kde failures on those architectures03:52
imbrandonNCommander, about sparc you might speak with sirtart , we have a sparc box in the ubuntuwire network but i'm not sure about non-motu access , are you a dd?03:53
NCommanderimbrandon, working on becoming on03:53
NCommanderMy application stuck in limbo03:53
imbrandonahh well chances are slim as we use LP to auth but you can ask03:54
NCommandernah, its alright03:54
NCommanderQEMU has sparc support03:54
NCommanderIt's probably painful, but I can probably use its user-emulation to run a sparc chroot03:55
imbrandontry scratchbox03:56
imbrandonits nice for things like that03:56
imbrandonit uses qemu to compile/run cross env's03:56
NCommanderDoesn't support sparc03:57
imbrandonmostly ARM cenetered but will work for anything gcc supports03:57
imbrandoni use it for mipsel and ppc03:58
NCommanderI know there is a way to hook qemu right into the linux kernel03:58
NCommanderSO sparc binaries can just be run03:58
NCommanderhence I can just debootstrap the sparc port03:59
imbrandonyea, binfmt, thats what scratchbox does, it just takes alot of the config care of for you03:59
NCommanderDOes it handle the creation of the sparc toolchain04:00
NCommanderOr do I need to build that my self04:00
imbrandonit has some of it strapped i tihnk but then you likely need to rebuild sdome of it04:01
imbrandoni did for ppc04:01
NCommanderit seems their APT repo is broken04:02
NCommanderyeah, KDE and sparc don't have any love ATM04:03
DaskreeChDidn't Sparc GIVE KDE a server04:04
DaskreeChcause of love and to get some love? :)04:05
NCommanderSPeaking of scratchbox04:05
NCommanderIt doesn't appear to support AMD64 as a host ;.;04:05
flaccidwhere is the meeting schedule?04:06
imbrandonNCommander, huh ?04:06
imbrandonquote "SB2 is totally distribution neutral. I develop it currently on Fedora 8 using Debian/sid as a build tool distribution. It's known to work at least on Debian, Ubuntu, Gentoo and Fedora. Both x86 and amd64 architectures are supported. PPC host support is possible, but not planned. Mac OS X is a potential platform as well, if you're interested in hacking on that, please contact lle at rahina dot org."04:06
vorianflaccid: https://wiki.kubuntu.org/Kubuntu/Meetings04:07
NCommanderSo not the current release which is still 1.x04:07
flaccidthat system settings advanced thing is in the Todo04:07
flaccidthanks vorian. and congrats on motu04:07
imbrandonNCommander, 1.x is dead, been so for ages, use 2.x04:07
vorianthanks :)04:07
imbrandonNCommander, kinda funny, wanna use new hardware ( amd64 ) with old software ( 1.x ) heh04:08
NCommanderwell, right now, I'm building kdepim04:08
flaccidnext meeting seems to have already passed04:09
NCommanderI think I see a quick fix for getting it to build, but its probably not the right one, then I'll attack it working on lintian issues04:09
nixternalyo yo04:19
Daskreechyo yo04:20
* imbrandon hides04:20
DaskreechI was calling you last night04:20
nixternalyou better hide!04:20
* Daskreech hides that hide04:20
nixternalI dropped my phone in the toilet :P04:20
imbrandonheya nix msg me04:20
Daskreechimbrandon: That's what I was goinna say!!04:20
voriannixternal: you dropped your brand-spanking-new iphone it the jon?04:23
* vorian runs04:23
NCommandervorian, mind if I ask you a packaging question04:29
NCommander(I'm not sure how best to handle this, so I need some advice)04:29
voriani'll give it a shot04:29
flaccidwhen is the next meeting?04:29
NCommandervorian, as you know dh_shlibdeps generated the dependencies via ${shlibs:Depends}04:30
NCommanderHow do you handle it that when you have a split package (like kdepim) that one of those shared libraries is built by the same source package, but a different binary package04:31
NCommander(aka, libkdepim is built, and then another binary package depends on it from the same source; its that issue that breaks dh_shlibdeps)04:31
* NCommander smells vorian's brain melting04:38
flaccidi got d/c. when is the next meeting?04:39
vorianNCommander: which binary is required for build-deps? i'm not seeing that in kdepim04:41
nixternalbuck cherry rocks!04:41
flaccidthere is no meeting date  yet?04:42
NCommanderkdepim-dev depends on libkdepim104:42
nixternalflaccid: not yet that I know of04:42
vorianflaccid: not that i know of04:42
flaccidno worries then04:42
NCommanderBoth are built from kdepim04:42
flaccidcan we set one?04:42
nixternalneed to ask the community manager's approval though04:42
NCommanderdh_shlibdeps seems to blow it up in this case04:42
flaccidnixternal: JR ?04:43
NCommander*blow up in this04:43
nixternalflaccid: no, me :P04:43
NCommandervorian, I could have it ignore the plugin shared library, and explicately set that dependnecy04:44
nixternalbut yes, we would need JR as well too see when he is avail04:44
flaccidhas artwork in default settings been talked about anywhere?04:44
nixternalNCommander: what is the issue you are seeing with kdepim now?04:44
nixternalto lazy to scroll up :)04:44
NCommandernixternal, FTBFS because dh_shlibdeps blows itself up04:45
NCommanderkdepim-dev depends on libkdepim104:45
vorianhttp://paste.ubuntu.com/27209/ build deps for kdepim source04:45
NCommanderboth are built from the same source package04:45
NCommanderIt seems dh_shlibsdep can't handle this properly04:45
nixternalwhat is the error that causes it to ftbfs?04:45
NCommanderdpkg-shlibdeps: failure: couldn't find library libkdepim.so.4 needed by debian/kdepim-dev/usr/lib/kde4/plugins/designer/kdepimwidgets.so (its RPATH is '').04:46
nixternalNCommander: that shouldn't be the issue, as a lot of things depends on others from the same package04:46
NCommanderWell, I'm going to try setting LD_LIBRARY_PATH via the command line option04:46
nixternalhrmm, thought we weren't using RPATH04:46
NCommanderbut the man page says that shouldn't be required04:46
NCommanderSo if that fails, I just want to have a backup plan on deck (I already figured out how to set the required flags through cdbs ;-), just a matter of updating the rules file, making sure it doesnt FTBFS with pbuilder, then nag vorian to sponsor)04:47
vorianI can't sponsor packages in main, sorry04:48
* vorian is just a little tike04:48
NCommanderWHos' teh KDE main guru?04:48
yuriyyou want THE guru?04:49
vorianwhen you have a fix, subscribe ubuntu-main-sponsors04:49
NCommanderI find finding sponsors on IRC much more effective ;-)04:49
vorianI bet they don't see it that way ^.^04:50
* NCommander is smited04:50
* nixternal agrees with vorian :)04:52
vorianNCommander: the work-flow is really much more efficient on lp04:54
NCommanderwell, I'll have it soon04:54
NCommanderIt'll be my second package getting patched in main04:54
vorianexcellent :)04:54
* nixternal wonders why kdepim is failing now and hasn't before with that config04:55
* nixternal wonders if everything has been pushed to main04:55
nixternalkdepim and libkdepim-dev aren't from the same package04:56
nixternallibkdepim-dev should be in the kdepimlibs package04:57
nixternalthat has to be in main, because kdebase relies on it as well04:57
* NCommander is lost04:57
NCommandernixternal, libkdepim4 is built from the intrepid kdepim source package04:59
nixternalI would think that was in the kdepimlibs package04:59
NCommanderI don't even see a kdepimlibs pacakge05:01
nixternal!info kdepimlibs intrepid05:01
ubottuPackage kdepimlibs does not exist in intrepid05:01
nixternal!info kde4pimlibs intrepid05:01
ubottuPackage kde4pimlibs does not exist in intrepid05:01
* NCommander runs apt-get update on nixternal's brain05:01
nixternal!info kdepimlibs5 intrepid05:01
ubottukdepimlibs5 (source: kdepimlibs): core libraries for KDE PIM 4 applications. In component main, is optional. Version 4:4.0.83-0ubuntu1 (intrepid), package size 2401 kB, installed size 6892 kB05:01
nixternalthere it is05:01
NCommander"is optional"05:02
nixternalya, but everything kde* pretty much build-deps on it05:02
vorianNCommander is correct, libkdepim4 is a binary in kdepim05:02
nixternaloptional as in it doesn't need to be installed on the system for typical use05:02
NCommandernixternal, this library still being built out of kdepim05:04
NCommander(at least, the build logs tell me that)05:05
NCommanderSo very strange05:05
nixternalya, haven't looked at it in a while05:06
nixternalmight be forgetting something05:07
nixternalbut I built kdepim just recently and had no problems05:07
nixternalcould be a cmake issue, who knows05:07
NCommanderit builds fine on amd6405:07
nixternalw/o building it I wouldn't know05:07
NCommandernixternal, it builds fine without issue05:07
NCommanderIts debhelper thats causing the FTBFS05:07
nixternalwhy is debhelper causing it?05:08
NCommanderIt runs dh_shlibsdep to determine shlibs dependencies05:08
NCommanderBut it doesn't setup LD_LIBRARY_PATH via the proper option to let it find libkdepim05:08
yuriyHug day Tuesday! https://wiki.kubuntu.org/UbuntuBugDay/2008071505:35
=== kewark is now known as krawek
=== yuriy changed the topic of #kubuntu-devel to: Welcome to the Kubuntu developers channel | https://wiki.kubuntu.org/Kubuntu/Todo | https://wiki.kubuntu.org/Kubuntu/Teams | 8.04.1 released | Hug Day Tuesday! https://wiki.kubuntu.org/UbuntuBugDay/20080715 | Congratulations vorian! our newest MOTU member!!!
geniiIs kdesudo currently broken in 4.1 ?09:09
pasal103why rss plasmoid is not included in intrepid?09:22
pasal103where can i find one?09:22
pasal103and I can't find dictionary plasmoid as well09:25
pasal103i believe those 2 used to be default plasmoids09:26
=== jr_ is now known as Riddell
Riddellmorning all09:29
Riddellwhat did I miss?09:29
Tm_TRiddell: you did miss me ;)09:32
=== hunger_t is now known as hunger
Riddellapachelogger: did you package anything from 4.0.98?09:41
geniipong is an old atari game. It's what used to be considered "fun"!10:08
=== jr_ is now known as Riddelll
Riddelllhow do people ever manage without a screen session?10:10
=== Riddelll is now known as Riddell
HobbseeRiddell: they use an irc proxy.10:14
RiddellI guess a working network manager would help10:16
=== jords__ is now known as jords
jussio1Riddell: Quassel!11:01
Jucato(what's the topic?)11:03
jussio1Jucato: [07/14/08 12:09:35] < Riddelll> how do people ever manage without a screen session?11:03
Jucatoah well.. Konvi!!11:03
JucatoKonvi + Miau :P11:03
apacheloggerArby, JontheEchidna: if you want to join the rc1 hardy backport fun, please poke Riddell11:07
ArbyI might be able to do some this evening. at work right now.11:08
Riddellapachelogger: you renamed kdeplasma-applets back to kdeplasmoids?11:15
apacheloggerRiddell: yes11:15
apacheloggershould I rename it?11:16
Riddellwe should follow upstream, who seems to have changed to kdeplasma-applets11:16
apacheloggerRiddell: binary packages as well?11:16
Riddellyeah, guess so11:17
* Riddell finds http://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=16645111:18
ubottuKDE bug 166451 in general "kdeplasmoids was renamed to kdeplasma-addons" [Normal,Resolved: fixed]11:18
Riddellapachelogger: I'll upload kde4libs and kdepimlibs to intrepid now11:19
Riddellhi Xand3r, a whole bunch of new extragear tars are available if you're in a packaging mood :)11:23
Xand3rRiddell: thx, but i am in the mood of sleeping11:25
voriani can get some tonight11:27
RiddellXand3r: go snooze!11:28
Riddellvorian: groovy, poke me when you want them11:28
vorianRiddell: go ahead and give some to me :)11:28
voriani need to upload k9copy too11:30
apacheloggerRiddell: kdeplasma-addons available11:30
Riddellthanks apachelogger11:30
apacheloggeroh gosh, kdebindings doesn't build again :|11:31
vorianif revu get's back online today, JontheEchidna has a few plasmoids that can prolly be uploaded11:32
vorianRiddell: do you want to me add 'Replaces: *-kde4' on the affected packages?11:50
Riddellvorian: yes, although I'd expect it to already be there for most12:01
Riddelloh, we have a new website12:09
Riddellwhen did that happen ryanakca?12:09
davmor2Riddell: please play catchup it was in the UWN for crying out loud ;)12:11
jpdsRiddell: Yesterday or the day before that (I think)12:16
RiddellI wonder how I edit it12:16
jpdsWith the account you had on the test server?12:17
=== jtechidna is now known as JontheEchidna
JontheEchidnagood morning12:37
JontheEchidnaMore plasma goodness, revu pls: http://revu.tauware.de/details.py?package=plasmoid-quickaccess12:56
apacheloggernew website13:29
apacheloggerwe defenitely should work on our promotion :S13:29
Riddellapachelogger: how do you mean?13:29
apacheloggerRiddell: launching a new website is a perfect reason to push out some intrepid progress promotion13:30
apacheloggerand vorian being motu13:30
apacheloggerstuff like that13:30
apacheloggerRiddell: kdebindings uploaded13:32
apacheloggerstill only providing python13:32
Riddelldid you try others?13:32
apacheloggersmoke is still breaking13:32
ScottKSpeaking of promotion, someone really ought to do the MIR for guidance-power-manager.13:33
Riddelloh well, I hear they're all at a meeting this week13:33
Riddellit isn't in main already ScottK?13:33
Riddellit shouldn't need a MIR, it's a port of code already in main13:33
RiddellFilename: pool/main/g/guidance-power-manager/guidance-power-manager_4.0.83-0ubuntu3_all.deb13:33
Riddelllooks main to me13:34
ScottKNevermind then.13:34
ScottKI think we just need to change the maintainer on the next upload then.13:34
apacheloggerRiddell: btw, I created a script for l10n updates http://aplg.kollide.net/kubuntu/updatel10n.rb13:36
Riddellapachelogger: what's it do?13:36
apacheloggerapt-get source the current language pack13:37
apacheloggercopies the debian dir into the new source13:37
apacheloggeradd changelog entry13:37
apachelogger+ updates standards-version13:37
apacheloggerdebuild -S -sa13:37
apacheloggermoves diff, dsc, orig and changes to seperate upload directory13:37
Xand3rapachelogger: thats sound nice13:41
Xand3rin ruby?13:41
apacheloggerof course13:41
Xand3rmaybe i will learn that13:41
apacheloggeris there anything other than ruby? ;-)13:41
Xand3rapachelogger: python13:43
apacheloggersounds dangerous13:46
ScottKThere is everything other than Ruby.13:47
* JontheEchidna hasn't gotten his motu-reviewers digest for 2 days now :/13:51
Hobbseehas anyone actually done any reviews?13:53
Xand3rapachelogger: looks nice the script, so far i can say that, some times i know what you have written sometimes i have to guess13:53
apacheloggerHobbsee: vorian did some yesterday13:54
apacheloggerXand3r: hm, where do you have to guess ... for example?13:55
Xand3rapachelogger: lFile.split("-")[2]   the  "[2]"13:57
apachelogger.split creates an array [2] access the 3rd value of that array13:57
apacheloggersplit("-") on foo-bar-1.0 would create an array of ["foo","bar","1.0"]13:58
apachelogger[2] access the "1.0"13:58
Xand3rapachelogger: dont got it14:03
apacheloggerXand3r: what?14:03
Xand3ri have no clue what you wanna tell me14:03
apacheloggerXand3r: what the [2] does :P14:04
Xand3ri only see foo bar som singns14:04
Xand3rand dont understand what you say14:04
apacheloggerI guess you don't know what an array is, right?14:04
Xand3rapachelogger: for example and som logikal problems14:28
ryanakcaRiddell: I don't know, I was gone last week and I came back to a new website... it was before Friday14:33
ryanakcaRiddell: Everything has been running smoothly from what I can tell, a couple bugs have appeared but they've been fixed or are in the process of being fixed (we never had the old rss feed redirect to the new one and someone was complaining that Russia shouldn't be under Asia for downloads)14:34
Xand3rapachelogger: could you comment your script? for a realy noob. maybe then i understand it14:35
ryanakcaRiddell: I also modified the contact page... people can now file the bugs on launchpad and if they have comments / other issues, they can email us14:35
=== jjesse_ is now known as jjesse
* ryanakca waves14:42
* jjesse waves back14:42
jjessewow haven't updated my intrepid VM in a long tim... 598 packages need upgraded14:45
jjesseand 85 are newly installed14:46
hungerjjesse: VMs are for wimps:-)14:51
jjessehunger: i live in vms... currenlty running 414:54
hungerjjesse: I am currently in the process of upgrading my main machine to intrepid:-)14:55
* hunger is on vacation and has time to fix the fallout;-)14:55
jjesseah my main machine is my work machine14:55
jjesseso don't have time to screw with it14:55
hungerThe only annoyance (so far) is that cmake is broken, so I needed to build a version from source.14:56
hungerThat is broken, too, but since I am lucky it still works for me, even though the debian rules file has broken build dependencies.14:58
jjessemorning Nightrose15:01
jjessemorning nixternal15:01
nixternalyou just called me a girly :P15:02
jjesseyou are girly15:03
nixternalreduced fat turkey-bacon sammich from starbucks is the best!15:03
jjessesounds gross15:03
jjesseyou know they don't make anything fresh, just unfreeze it15:03
* Hobbsee should edit !nixternal?15:11
nixternaloh no, to what?15:12
jjessereduced fat turkey-backon sammich from strbucks is the best15:12
ubottuOh no!  The pointy-clicky Vista lover has arrived!  He's rumoured to be giving out free money, too!15:12
Xand3rScottK: hi, i thought you hade backported screenie-qt?15:12
Hobbseeadding the girly bit in there15:12
ScottKXand3r: I've asked for it, but an archive admin has to excute the actual backport.15:12
Xand3rScottK: hmm an archive admin? where are there, dont hide^^15:13
ScottKXand3r: It's generally considered polite just to wait for them to get to it unless it's particularly urgent.15:14
* hunger finds it pretty hard to update kde from hardy to intrepid:-|15:14
=== akonadi is now known as nihui
ScottKThe Tuesday archive admin is usually pretty good about doing backports.15:14
ScottK** Riddell **15:14
Xand3rScottK: ah thought Riddell were only for main and univers, but archive admin means about all archive?15:16
seeleugh.. the first day back from vacation always sucks15:17
Riddellseele: I'm feeling your pain15:18
* hunger wonders why he needs mysql-server-5.0 for kdesdk in intrepid.15:18
Riddellhunger: akonadi I expect15:18
hungerRiddell: That is using imap AFAIK.15:19
* seele shares a mutual hug with Riddell 15:19
seeleugh.. there goes the phone15:20
hungerRiddell: You are right though: Akonadi-server depends on mysql-server-5.015:20
hungerHmm... how do I get aptitude to actually update kdebase to intrepid?15:23
hungerWhenever I hit "go" it informs me that it had to resolve conflicts and cancels my selections:-/15:24
apacheloggerhunger: he conflicts would be interesting really ;-)15:25
hungerapachelogger: It does something now... insists on deinstalling digikam and koffice though.15:26
hunger... and it can not install khelpcenter4 either:-|15:27
apacheloggerhunger: you could use apt-get15:27
hungerI'll just update and see what I can do to get digikam and koffice back and what I can do about khelpcenter4.15:27
rdieterRiddell: ping (question: where to submit guidance-power-manager bugs?)  my issue; it fails to start when on battery (if on A/C, fine).15:56
Riddellhmm, good question15:57
apacheloggerXand3r: commented15:59
Riddellrdieter: I've added a guidance-power-manager product to bugs.kde.org, see if you can report it there15:59
Xand3rapachelogger: what?15:59
rdieterRiddell: gotcha15:59
apacheloggerXand3r: the script15:59
Xand3rapachelogger you are great, where i can join your fan club16:00
Riddellooh ooh, I'll join16:00
* apachelogger is flattered16:01
Xand3rmaybe i misuse launchpad for it16:02
rdieterRiddell: I only found guidance - System Tools (or maybe I needed to wait?)16:03
Xand3rapachelogger: still confusing^^16:09
apacheloggerXand3r: I am not going to explain programming basics :P16:09
Riddellrdieter: try now16:11
Riddellseems I have to add a component16:11
Xand3rapachelogger: hmm ok, it could also be the headache avoid thinking16:11
Xand3rapachelogger:  what makes FileUtils.mv(gzTarball, origFile)16:14
apacheloggerXand3r: rename according to debian naming scheme16:15
Xand3rapachelogger: cool16:15
Xand3rapachelogger: make it easyer for you^^16:15
rdieterRiddell: good to go16:16
apacheloggerXand3r: hm?16:16
Xand3rapachelogger: maybe in german in the query?16:17
Jucatoryanakca: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=5383749 your first critic :)16:25
ryanakcaJucato: hurra16:33
ryanakcaTm_T: ping, about the website in Konqueror?16:33
Tm_Tryanakca: hi :)16:33
Tm_Tryanakca: yes, I noticed some small render issues with Konqueror, known?16:33
ryanakcaTm_T: about the purple lines on the side stopping and then resuming?16:34
Tm_Tryanakca: mmm, stopping totally here I think16:35
ryanakcaJucato: nice reply, thanks :) *wonders if he should ask they guy how he would have phrased it*16:35
apacheloggerryanakca: http://www.kubuntu.org/support akademy pic b0rked16:35
Jucatoryanakca: I just woke up when I read that... sort of went "wtf?!? O.o" :)16:35
ryanakcaTm_T: Mind sticking a screenshot somewhere? (Possibly filing the first new bug for the new kubuntu.org, kubuntu-website project on LP?) :D16:36
Xand3rRiddell: https://launchpad.net/~we-love-harald16:36
ryanakcaapachelogger: thanks16:37
Xand3rNightrose: https://launchpad.net/~we-love-harald16:37
NightroseXand3r: haha16:37
* ryanakca scratches his head16:37
Tm_Tryanakca: hmm, no, there is the edgelining in bottom I notice now, but in longer pages it stops at some point16:40
Tm_Tryanakca: anyway: http://www.tm-travolta.net/shots/kubuntu-org_01.png and 0216:40
ryanakcaapachelogger: looks like the picture got lost in the move...16:41
ryanakcaRiddell: would you have a copy of the Akademy 2005 picture laying around or can I cut it out of the page?16:41
Riddellryanakca: it can go16:42
Xand3ri want for launchpad filterd html in the "hompage" field16:43
ryanakcaTm_T: ouch, imho, 01 has a higher priority than 02?16:44
Tm_Tryanakca: yes I think16:44
Tm_Tryanakca: 02 is just cosmetic, I think16:45
Tm_T01 can be more in some cases16:45
apacheloggerXand3r: haha16:50
apacheloggergroupies ftw16:50
Xand3rapachelogger :D16:50
Xand3rJontheEchidna: got the link? join us16:51
yuriyJucato: 2nd at least after me16:52
apacheloggerRiddell: l10n available ... however sr@latin is not packaged yet16:52
Jucatoyuriy: heheh.. I meant "critic" in an insulting way :)16:52
* apachelogger just hopes that kfm didn't eat some of the uploads ^_^16:53
JontheEchidnaanybody know what the deadubuntu team is?16:53
Riddellapachelogger: why's that?16:53
* JontheEchidna is an indirect member and he doesnt' know why16:54
apacheloggerRiddell: that sr@latin is not packaged?16:55
Riddellapachelogger: yes16:55
apacheloggerRiddell: new language16:55
Riddellmm, is it?16:56
apacheloggerwell, not yet in the archives at least16:56
apacheloggerplus, apparently it's only desktop file stuff16:56
apacheloggerthe other stuff is in sr itself16:56
apacheloggerwhich makes me wonder about the purpose of sr@latin really16:56
nixternalRiddell: who is in charge of JeOS?16:56
apacheloggeranyway, gotta go16:56
Riddellso it is16:56
Riddellnixternal: server team16:57
Xand3rRiddell: you said you would join a apachelogger fan club, now here is your chance^^ https://launchpad.net/~we-love-harald16:59
nixternaloh lord16:59
yuriyplease test patches for bug 241916 and bug 24368316:59
ubottuLaunchpad bug 241916 in kdebase "Kde help index creation fails due to dash incompatability" [Medium,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/24191616:59
ubottuLaunchpad bug 243683 in kde4libs "paste function inserts double text" [Medium,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/24368316:59
=== jr_ is now known as Riddell
Riddellyuriy: people don't tend to test patches unless the compiled .debs are supplied17:40
Riddellyuriy: you could upload to your PPA to test?17:40
Artemis_Fowlseele: ping17:44
seeleArtemis_Fowl: pong17:45
seeleArtemis_Fowl: i missed you by a minute on saturday17:45
Artemis_Fowly. I noticed it afterwards in the logs17:45
Artemis_Fowlso, you are back from holidays, right?17:46
seeleyep, finally17:47
seele8 days was too long to be with the future inlaws17:47
seelei thought i was going to jump overboard on day 317:47
Jucatowhoa hi seele! long time :)17:48
seeleJucato: hihi.. it was only a week!17:48
seelemaybe 10 days because of the flight.. hmm17:48
seelei havent blogged in a while either17:48
seeleArtemis_Fowl: anyway, how goes the config tool?17:48
Artemis_Fowlseele: I haven't done much since you were gone either. but I have made a small to-ask-seele note17:49
Artemis_Fowlseele: I will ask you some questions then17:50
Jucatoseele: that's just how much I missed you :P17:50
Artemis_Fowlconcerning the last document you sent me17:50
Artemis_Fowli changed the label for the entries screen to17:52
seeleArtemis_Fowl: ok.. what are your questions17:52
Artemis_Fowlumm..GRUB Operating Systems17:52
seeleok, that´s fine17:52
Artemis_Fowlactually GRUB Operating Systems List17:53
seeleEntries just didn´t make sense and describe what was on the page very well17:53
Artemis_Fowlnext up17:53
Artemis_Fowlyou mention in the next slide to provide more info about automagic but only if it is being used.17:53
Artemis_Fowlhow am I supposed to do this?17:54
Riddellapachelogger: ug, multiple mouse themes in kdebase-workspace, the artists should rediscover kdeartwork in my opinion17:55
seeleyou mean the information in the UI or the check itself?17:55
seeleArtemis_Fowl: i remember some UIs using conditional messages which show errors or extra information in certain cases.. maybe a short message in italics if you notice the Automagic tags in the config file?  Otherwise put no information?17:56
seelei dont know how hard that would be17:56
seeledoes that make sense?17:57
Artemis_Fowly sure17:58
Artemis_FowlI am just not sure how to provide this "message in italics"17:58
Artemis_Fowlusing a message box?17:58
seeleuhm.. i dont know what the class names are unfortunately17:58
Artemis_FowlI mean a simple modal dialog with the info?17:59
seeleno not a dialog.. on the window itself17:59
seelelet me see if i can find an example17:59
seelei´m in kde3 now, dunno if it´s the same in kde4, but look at System Settings -> Appearance -> Font Installer18:00
seelesee how it has a note in the window after the pane title18:00
seelelike that, except there shouldnt be a border there18:01
=== blizzzek is now known as blizzz
* seele probably needs to finish the system setting review at some point18:01
=== blizzz is now known as blizzzek
Artemis_Fowlim on KDE 4.1 beta right now. could you provide a screenshot?18:02
=== blizzzek is now known as blizzz
JontheEchidnaooh, new upstream release of kde-style-polyester18:08
seeleArtemis_Fowl: yeah, one minute18:09
seelesigh.. imageshack is so slow18:09
Riddellyuriy: top graphage on planet18:13
seeleArtemis_Fowl: imageshack is taking too long, i emailed your af gmail account18:14
Artemis_Fowlgot it18:14
Artemis_Fowlproviding some info this way would be very simple actually. but where could it fit? above the entry list?18:16
seelebelow the bold text18:18
Artemis_Fowlok then. I'll do it someday soon. appended to my TODO list for this release18:20
|Artemis_Fowl|seele: I have modifed the Automagic behaviour18:25
|Artemis_Fowl|seele: internal movement in the Automagic list is allowed18:25
seeleok good18:25
|Artemis_Fowl|seele: and the buttons turn grey when trying to move an automagic entry out of the list18:25
|Artemis_Fowl|seele: plus the y show a tooltip which currently contains dummy text just to see if it is working18:26
seeleok.  i think that is probably our best option at the moment, but i'll be interested to see how user's do with it18:26
|Artemis_Fowl|what text should the disabled buttons contain approximately?18:27
|Artemis_Fowl|This entry can't be moved because it belongs to the Automagic List?18:27
|Artemis_Fowl|something like this?18:27
seeleyes, that should be fine for now18:28
seeleit could be better, but it's something18:28
Riddellguid nicht all18:29
|Artemis_Fowl|ok. in another slide you mention if it is possible to have a separator in the entry list18:30
Riddellapachelogger: I uploaded some stuff to kubuntu-members-kde4 but without versioned build-deps so it might need giving back if you happen to notice it18:30
* Riddell out18:30
seele'night Riddell18:30
|Artemis_Fowl|guid nicht Riddell :)18:30
|Artemis_Fowl|seele: the separator is somewhat difficult. I would have to do lots of custom stuff and I really dont think it would be worth that much effort18:31
seele|Artemis_Fowl|: ok, we wont worry about it for now.. but i think it is worth looking in to for after the first release18:32
seelei think it will help illustrate the differences in the list18:33
|Artemis_Fowl|next up is the entry summary. you had some objections about emty checkboxes and alignment issues and I didnt really like the summary thing so I used the details widget used in the entry list ("Show Details") to show a summary of the entry18:36
|Artemis_Fowl|-screenshot coming-18:36
=== |Artemis_Fowl| is now known as Artemis_Fowl
seeleArtemis_Fowl: yes, that is fine18:40
seelethat is similar to the ubiquity summary18:40
seeleeek, phone.. keep on typing and i'll get to it eventually18:40
Artemis_Fowljust a couple of things more18:41
Artemis_Fowlif an entry is the first or last in the list18:41
Artemis_Fowlthe corresponding move arrow gets disabled. should I provide a tooltip there saying something like18:42
Artemis_Fowlthis is the top entry you obviously cannot move it?18:42
Artemis_Fowlplus, you wanted a better makeactive description but I have no idea what to provide there other than the description I already provide18:43
Artemis_FowlI actually have no idea when makeactive should be used18:44
gnomefreakwhy would i need dist-upgrade to update kdelibs5?18:44
Arbyapachelogger: what were you saying this morning about backports needed doing?18:47
jjessequestion just updated my intrepid vm and upon startup i'm seeting "no greeter widget plugin loaded.  Check the configuration"18:48
jjesseany ideas?18:48
jjessethere is an "OK" and when I click it, i'm dumped back to the text login18:49
Artemis_Fowlcheck kdm18:49
jjesseArtemis_Fowl: what am i looking for w/ kdm?18:50
jjesseArtemis_Fowl: is it kdm-kde4 or should it just be kdm? for intrepid18:53
jjesseArtemis_Fowl: what exactly should i be checking w/ KDM?18:54
jjesseand is it kdm-kde4 or kdm now ?18:54
JontheEchidnait should be kdm by now18:58
jjessehrm wonder if that was a problem, it was a dist-upgrade from hardy18:58
_Artemis_Fowl_check if kdm is installed18:59
jjessefailed to load wallpaper "/usr/lib/kde4/share/wallpapers/EOS/contents/images/1600x1200.jpg18:59
jjessesudo apt-get install kdm will remove kdm-kde419:00
_Artemis_Fowl_you have KDE4 installed, right?19:00
jjesseyeah it was an upgrade from hardy-remix19:00
_Artemis_Fowl_what's the state of kdm-kde4? installed?19:00
jjesseyes it was installed and is now removing when i install kdm19:01
_Artemis_Fowl_we need kdm-kde419:01
_Artemis_Fowl_i personally would just "sudo dpkg --reconfigure kdm-kde4"19:01
_Artemis_Fowl_but im no xpert19:02
jjessenow kdm-kde4 is now broken or not fully installed19:02
_Artemis_Fowl_seele: unfortunately I have to go. we'll talk about the above issues tomorrow19:07
apacheloggerArby: Riddell was starting to backport the packages for hardy earlier on19:28
apacheloggerI don't know how far he got though19:28
Arbyok, he's gone now so it'll have to wait19:28
Arbyanything else need doing?19:28
* JontheEchidna is also free for a bit19:29
apacheloggerArby: do you have anything up on revu?19:29
Arbyapachelogger: nope19:29
apacheloggerArby: you could revu JontheEchidna's plasmoid uploads19:30
Arbyapachelogger: how do I do a review?19:30
JontheEchidnaOoh, yeah. I packaged a new one this morning that still needs to be reviewed19:30
Arbyis it documented somewhere19:30
JontheEchidnaJust be sure to run kbuildsycoca4 after installing it so it shows up in the add widgets list19:31
apacheloggerArby: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment/CodeReviews19:31
apacheloggerhm, quite long description19:31
ArbyI thought reviews were only done by motu anyway?19:32
apacheloggerwell, only motus can advocate19:32
apacheloggerbut reviewing is now possible for everyone with revu account19:32
JontheEchidnaapachelogger: What happens after my packages get advocated?19:32
Arbybetter get one of those first then19:32
apacheloggerArby: did you ever upload to revu?19:33
Arbynever used it at all19:33
apacheloggerindeed then you first need an account :)19:33
apacheloggersee ubuntu wiki page about REVU19:33
Arbylooking now19:33
seeleArtemis: re: first item of a list doesn't need a tooltip19:34
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: 2 advocates are necessary, then a motu uploads the package ... which gets stuck in new queue, considering it s a new one, then an archive admins checks that licensing is ok (i.e. all necessary licenses are available and the source files have a proper license header, and of course whether it links against stuff it should link against ... e.g GPL software linked against openssl)19:35
seeleArtemis: should we just remove the makeactive option since we don't know what it does?  and just leave it as whatever default19:35
JontheEchidnaooh, lots happens once it gets advocated...19:35
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: if the archive admin is happy, they give their ok for publishing .. packages gets built19:35
apacheloggerif they are not - the package gets rejected and you have to take care that the issues get resolved19:36
apacheloggerthen everything starts from the beginning19:36
JontheEchidnaCurrently I'm waiting on two plasmoids for including the GPL19:36
JontheEchidnaI'v ehad good luck in the past with resolving licensing with plasmoids, so hopefully it shouldn't take long19:37
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: are they part of playgorund in svn?19:37
JontheEchidnaapachelogger: one of them might be19:37
JontheEchidnaI don't think the amarok controller one is19:38
* JontheEchidna checks19:39
JontheEchidnayup, previewer is in playground19:39
* apachelogger is actually wondering how they do releases from playground at all19:40
apacheloggerryanakca: http://www.kubuntu-tr.org/ ends up in the big commercial void19:40
Arbyapachelogger: question time19:41
Arbyapachelogger: 1. what is a Elgamal key?19:41
Arby2. it seems I can only get a password if I upload something, since I have nothing to upload this is a problem19:42
apacheloggerArby: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ElGamal_encryption19:42
apacheloggerArby: true19:42
Arbyis there a way around this?19:42
apacheloggerArby: you could talk to a revu admin19:42
apacheloggeror just give feedback on irc19:42
Arbythat I can do19:43
Daskreechhi taupter19:44
taupterDaskreech: Heya19:45
Arbyok having read the wiki pages I don't think I know enough to do reviews, sorry19:47
apacheloggerArby: you know how packaging works, right?19:54
jpdsArby: You require a revu admin?19:55
Arbyapachelogger: I know how to build them, but nothing about licensing and poilicy etc19:55
apacheloggerArby: well, revu what you feel able to revu ;-)19:55
Arbyjpds: no, apachelogger is trying to teach me how to do it19:55
* apachelogger hands jpds a cookie19:55
jpdsArby: Ah, you _have_ to upload a package to get an account and thus a password.19:56
* jpds takes apachelogger's cookie.19:56
Arbyjpds: so I've jsut discovered19:56
* apachelogger points out that Arby should grab some stuff from kde-apps an get packaging 19:56
apacheloggerArby: extragear updates are also on the todo actually19:57
jpdsArby: I thought you had packages on revu?19:57
Arbyapachelogger: most sensible thing you've said all night19:57
Arbyjpds: no, never used it19:57
JontheEchidna*-look and *app.org are down, btw19:57
* apachelogger rsyncs extragear for packaging19:58
Arbyapachelogger: where are the extragear things, I was looking earlier and didn't see them19:58
Arbyor I can do apps, whatever you think is more pressing19:58
jpdsArby: Join: https://edge.launchpad.net/~revu-uploaders if you wish to upload packages.19:59
jpds..to REVU19:59
Arbynext time I have something to upload I will20:00
jpdsOK, if you need the keyring synced, just leave me a message.20:02
apacheloggerjpds: you are revu admin nowadays?20:02
jpdsapachelogger: Have been for some time.20:02
Arbythat's handy to know20:02
* apachelogger is wondering where Riddell really uploaded the stuff to20:05
apacheloggerdefinitly not k-m-kde420:05
apacheloggervery strange20:06
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: btw, hoestly ... considering KDE renamed kdeplasmoid to kdeplasma-applets, we probably should name the plasmoid packages to plasma-applet-foobar ;-)20:08
apacheloggerjpds: that is getting a bit longish ;-)20:09
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: I would suggest section kde for plasmoids20:10
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: and please use KDE 4 rather than KDE420:10
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: plasmoid-weather is missing the author's email address20:11
apacheloggerplease add it and change the other stuff stated above20:11
apacheloggerthen it's ready for upload20:11
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: better don't20:12
apacheloggervorian: are you around?20:12
apacheloggerapparently not20:12
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: I will do the changes, otherwise we have to wait for a 2nd ack again ;-)20:13
JontheEchidnaok, thanks20:14
* apachelogger is quite tired20:18
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: why is wifi not available on the server?20:20
apacheloggerNewest version on remote site is 0.3, local version is 0.5.20:20
JontheEchidnamy guess is that he stopped mirroring it there20:23
JontheEchidnaI grabbed the source from kde-look, then added the watch file later20:24
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: either get him to do it again, which is of course prefered... or remove the watch file20:24
* apachelogger needs food20:25
* JontheEchidna would rather just remove the watch file20:30
JontheEchidnaapachelogger: would it be possible for you to do that to avoid a reupload?20:31
nixternalI need a new job getting paid to work on Kubuntu and KDE all day20:46
nixternalthis working on CentOS crap and wasting all of my community time is draining on the soul :)20:47
JontheEchidnaapachelogger: what happened to the weather package? It disappeared from revu and the mailing list is busted.20:51
=== blizzzek is now known as blizzz
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: I archived it20:58
JontheEchidnaoh, ok20:58
* Arby curses broken chroots21:00
Arbyanybody got any idea what's going on here http://paste.ubuntu.com/27342/21:00
Arbydbus seems to be having a fit21:00
NCommandervorian, ping21:06
Arbygot it, failure to mount /var/run/dbus apparently21:07
Xand3rhey i go to bed, good night, and sleep well21:15
=== rdieter is now known as rdieter_away
yuriydebdiff attached to bug 18398922:06
ubottuLaunchpad bug 183989 in kdenetwork "Kopete freezes when previewing LaTeX" [Undecided,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/18398922:06
ryanakcaapachelogger: That's under support?22:09
apacheloggerryanakca: es22:11
JontheEchidnaapachelogger: So what do I need to do with the plasmoids now?22:13
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: mail upstream to push the tarballs to the server again22:13
Daskreechapachelogger: is there a difference between KDE 4 and KDE4 ?22:14
apacheloggeror wait util I don't almost fall asleep and let me upload without watch ;-)22:14
apacheloggerDaskreech: one is used in all the packages and the other is not22:14
* JontheEchidna considers putting a clock on his desktop with eurotime22:15
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: ask Nightrose she is like obsessed with clocks22:15
DaskreechPut a clock AS your desktop :)22:15
apacheloggerher whole desktop is filled up with them22:15
Nightrosedon't believe anything he says22:16
Nightroseit is only 5 clocks!22:16
apacheloggerit is an addiction22:16
JontheEchidnadang, it's impossible to find what country you want in the clock settings...22:16
JontheEchidnathey should just let you pick a goddamn timezone22:17
Daskreech5 >types< of clocks22:17
JontheEchidnaor at least let you filter22:17
JontheEchidnaor sort by columns22:17
NightroseDaskreech: nah - 5 times the same clock in different time zones22:18
Nightrosetwo for america, one for uk, one local and one australia22:18
JontheEchidnaNightrose: what city are you using for uk?22:18
JontheEchidnaHmm, they should really center the timezone name too22:21
* JontheEchidna thinks he'll open up a few bug reports at kde22:21
ryanakcaapachelogger: fixed :)22:26
apacheloggerryanakca: btw, love the new site22:26
* jpds wonders if he still has his powers on the site.22:28
ryanakcaapachelogger: thanks :)22:29
ryanakcajpds: no22:29
jpdsryanakca: I feel loved :(22:29
ryanakcajpds: and even if you did, the admin site is password protected22:30
jpdsryanakca: Smart.22:30
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vorianapachelogger: JontheEchidna pong!23:06
vorianhas anyone worked on extragear?23:06
Arbyvorian: just making a start23:07
Arbybeen fighting a troublesome chroot23:07
voriancoolio, which package?23:08
Arbyit's OK I won the fight :)23:08
vorianI don't want to duplicate work23:08
Arbyjust building kcoloredit now23:08
vorianArby: do you know if anyone esle has been working on them23:09
vorianlike JontheEchidna or xand3r?23:10
Arbynot that I'm aware of23:10
* vorian gets to work23:11
Arbyvorian: you're motu right, can you upload extragear packages?23:14
Arbyhmm, I'll have to file a bug to put the files up23:14
ArbyI really should get a server23:14
vorianArby: do you have your ppa set up?23:14
Arbyno, I tried and failed23:15
vorianon your dput.cf?23:15
Arbyit was a while ago now23:15
Arbyi got all sorts of issues with version clashes in the archive etc23:16
Arbyvorian: do you want a debdiff or the .dsc, .diff.gz etc?23:17
voriani'll need the debdiff & diff.gz for new upstream23:18
vorianor you can upload it to revu23:19
Arbythat's a good idea, I need to get a review account anyway23:19
* vorian needs to configure mutt23:19
vorianut oh23:20
vorianArby: just attatch them to your bug report23:20
Arbyvorian: I aways get this wrong, debdiff new.dsc old.dsc >file23:21
Arbyis that right?23:21
vorianold new23:21
vorianold new > new.diff23:22
vorianor debdiff rather23:22
ArbyI always get it the wrong way round :)23:22
voriannixternal: ping me when you are about, guidance-power-manager is done23:23
Arbyvorian: bug 24854223:28
ubottuLaunchpad bug 248542 in kcoloredit "update extragear/kcoloredit to 4.0.98" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/24854223:28
vorianthanks :)23:28
ArbyI'll do kfax next if you haven't started it23:28
voriango right ahead :)23:29
Arbyhmm, what does E: Could not open file /var/lib/apt/lists/archive.ubuntu.com_ubuntu_dists_intrepid_main_source_Sources - open (2 No such file or directory) mean?23:31
Arbyarchive is broken or sources.list is broken23:32
vorianupdate your pbuilder23:33
voriansudo pbuilder update23:33
Arbyvorian: kfax done, bug 24854723:47
ubottuLaunchpad bug 248547 in kfax "update extragear/kfax to 3.3.6-kde4.0.98" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/24854723:47
Arbythat's all I have time for right now23:48
ArbyI'll do some more tomorrow if there's any outstanding23:48
vorianThanks for your help arby :)23:49
JontheEchidnavorian: you called?23:57

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