
alexruddIs this the right place to ask about bugs in hardy-proposed?03:02
RAOFalexrudd: The best place to mention bugs in hardy-proposed would be on the launchpad bug regarding the proposed package.03:03
alexruddROAF: I'm a little confused by the reorganization of linux/linux-image/linux-image-xxx (meta)packages right now.03:05
alexruddROAF: update-initramfs is failing for "boot/initrd.img-2.6-rc7-custom", because there are no modules for it.  That sounds like a packaging bug, so where do I file it?03:06
RAOFThere is no 2.6-rc7-custom package in hardy-proposed :)03:06
alexruddRAOF: I just upgraded today, and it killed all apt-based apps because it wants me to run dpkg --configure -a03:08
RAOFSo, there may well be some bug somewhere, but by building and using a custom kernel we assume you can handle the fallout.03:08
alexruddRAOF: And upon doing so, update-initramfs tries to generate something for 2.6.25-rc7-custom03:09
alexruddRAOF: Err, the thing is I *didn't* build a custom kernel03:09
RAOFThat's somewhat odd, then :)03:09
alexruddIs that a file I can just ignore and delete?03:10
alexrudd*delete and ignore03:11
RAOFProbably; but I don't know where that comes from.03:11
RAOFI don't suppose you've got that kernel in your grub menu.lst?03:12
alexruddnope, checked that03:12
RAOFYou could try 'sudo update-initramfs -d -k 2.6.25-rc7-custom'03:16
alexrudddoesn't exist03:16
RAOFThat's the kernel dpkg --configure -a is dying on?03:17
* RAOF has seen someone else with this, too. I suspect someone's uploaded something with a fragment of their own config.03:18
RAOFWhat package is it that is failing to configure?  You could check the preinst script to see what's happening.03:19
alexrudderr, I'm not sure any more.  It's a deferred trigger or something03:19
alexruddguess there are logs somewhere?  not sure where03:19
RAOF /var/log/dpkg.log, most likely.03:19
alexruddlooks like initramfs-tools itself?03:21
alexruddhmm, no that must be when I ran dpkg03:22
alexruddany idea on how to find what set the trigger?  "trigproc" appears to be when it's processed03:23
RAOFI believe it says "$SOMETHING deferred"03:24
alexruddnothing found :(03:25
alexruddhmm, right after "status installed ntfs3g" it says "status triggers-pending initramfs-tools"03:27
RAOFThat's going to be too late.03:29
alexruddAha.  https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/initramfs-tools/+bug/15275603:30
ubottuLaunchpad bug 152756 in initramfs-tools "stale files in /var/lib/initramfs-tools after removing kernel" [Undecided,New]03:30
alexruddRemoving the file made my dpkg happy again.  Anything I should do for the bug report?03:32
RAOFYou've never ever installed a 2.6.25-rc7-custom kernel?03:33
alexruddErr, not successfully.  I may have tried a long time ago, and I've upgraded kernels several times since then03:34
RAOFAnd it's only now come up?  Odd.03:35
alexruddUh, huh03:36
alexruddAnyway, I guess I'll just mark it off as the dangers of trying to roll your own03:36
alexruddconfirm the bug report I guess03:37
alexruddThanks for all you help.03:37
jonpackardCould anyone with an NVidia card please help me confirm this bug? It affects Alpha1 and Alpha2 using the nv driver. Bug 245383.03:38
ubottuLaunchpad bug 245383 in xserver-xorg-video-nv "Screen flickers when loading applications" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/24538303:38
RAOFI can anti-confirm your bug on nouveau and nv4x :)03:40
jonpackardRAOF: what's nv4x?03:41
Awsoonnoh powerful irc, will someone set 'triaged' to Bug 23826303:42
ubottuLaunchpad bug 238263 in xorg "screen size wrong while using kvm switch" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/23826303:42
jonpackardRAOF: You helped me install nouveau a while back.. it didn't seem to fix the issue. Could be user error on my part on that one though. =)03:43
jonpackardRAOF: heh just remembered.. nv4x is a nvidia chipset03:44
RAOFRight.  Geforce 7.03:44
jonpackardRAOF: thought it was a new version of nv driver for a sec there =X03:45
RAOFIt's possible that it's nv5x specific.03:45
jonpackardbtw I was able to install nvidia driver in alpha2 and it works just dandy.. all the drivers work fine in hardy03:45
jonpackardcan't wait till nouveau rocks my 8600GT.. gotta have my 3D desktop =p03:46
RAOFAwsoonn: I'm not sure that's quite ready yet?  Could you _attach_ an xorg.conf, Xorg.0.log, and the various other outputs requested?03:47
AwsoonnI can attach them for him, sure03:48
RAOFjonpackard: It'll take some time before you'll get a 3D desktop with nouveau!03:50
jonpackardRAOF: i know.. perhaps I should try to get involved with the project =)03:53
RAOFIf you've got some spare time, gallium is an excellent timesync :)03:54
RAOFAlso, you should now have the very barest of bare-minimum 3d support on your 8600 with nouveau gallium.03:54
jonpackardRAOF: cool.. sounds awesome! http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gallium_3D03:57
jonpackardBug 245383 updated. Thanks for the help. =)04:29
ubottuLaunchpad bug 245383 in xserver-xorg-video-nv "Screen flickers when loading applications" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/24538304:29
kgoetzhi bugs people. (I'm here with my gNewSense-upstream relations hat on). Does ubuntu want bug reports on potential non-free files in the kernel/packages in the {main,universe}archive? if yes, how would you like them filed - one bug per problematic file, or one bug per package?04:36
LaserJockkgoetz: it might depend on what kind of non-free it is04:46
LaserJockbut I'd think if there were files inconsistent with the component policies then we'd definately want to know about it04:48
LaserJockand probably one bug/package04:48
kgoetzLaserJock: in the case of ubuntu-linux-modules (a special case, i know) its mainly firmware related. in the case of a random package, it would probably be licence04:49
LaserJockkgoetz: those may be better discussed on ubuntu-devel/ubuntu-devel-discuss04:51
kgoetzthe real bug with l-u-m of course is that its in main not restricted, but i suspect thats a discussion for another time.04:51
kgoetzLaserJock: hm04:51
LaserJocksince free vs non-free is quite difficult to define, it's not a clear-cut bug often times04:51
LaserJocksince our packages come mostly from Main we generally rely on Debian to filter first04:52
kgoetzsure. and by which definition of free ;)04:52
LaserJockand they usually do a pretty good job04:52
LaserJockbut packages we've done ourselves there could be some error04:53
LaserJockthough the archive admins usually do a very thorough job of checking freeness04:53
LaserJockcopyright/freeness are the #1 reason packages are rejected04:53
kgoetzanother question (which will probably be a 'ask on the list' answer) - if i/we disagree with a bugs closure (or why it was closed), where do we take that up?04:54
LaserJockI would first take it up in the bug report itself04:54
LaserJockif there's no resolution I'd ask ubuntu-devel/-discuss04:55
LaserJockor perhaps ubuntu-bugsquad if it's a triaging or general bug handling type question04:55
LaserJocksometimes people just make mistakes or fully don't understand the bug04:55
kgoetzits a disagreement over whether gpl firmware without source is free enough to be free (a nice hot topic ...)04:56
LaserJockkgoetz: bug # ?04:56
kgoetzLaserJock: er, give me a few min.04:57
LaserJockkgoetz: I think it's important to remember that when it comes to freeness/component issues the Archive Admins are authoritative04:58
kgoetzmuch the same as debians ftpmasters.04:59
LaserJockand in fact at one point they were basically the same thing ;-)05:00
LaserJockfor a long time elmo was both Debian ftpmaster and Ubuntu archive admin05:00
kgoetzwould have made it easy ;) "do i trust myself? why not"05:01
kgoetzLaserJock: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/20168005:02
ubottuLaunchpad bug 201680 in linux "2.6.24 contains non-free fore200e files" [High,Invalid]05:02
LaserJockkgoetz: I'd say if you want to pursue it to email ubuntu-devel or at least ubuntu-archive05:10
LaserJockI don't know if it'll change anything, but a kernel dev is not authoritative when it comes to package freeness05:11
pwnguinI've got a question about https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ttf-ubuntu-title/+bug/24701605:13
ubottuLaunchpad bug 247016 in ttf-ubuntu-title "g kinda sucks" [Undecided,Invalid]05:13
pwnguinIf a package is maintained in a team, is it really a good idea to mark a bug invalid?05:15
kgoetzLaserJock: is ubuntu-archive a list?05:15
LaserJockkgoetz: yes05:15
LaserJockpwnguin: I think really the point is that it's not a packging issue, but should be rather discussed with the authors of ubuntu-title05:15
LaserJockpwnguin: though it's sort of odd triaging ;-)05:15
pwnguinwe are the authors05:16
kgoetzLaserJock: thanks. i might send them an email later on (i'm at work atm... strictly speaking). (afk a while, thanks for your help)05:16
pwnguinthe ubuntu-title project on LP has no bug thingy05:16
LaserJockpwnguin: who is "we"?05:16
LaserJockpwnguin: umm, *I* didn't create it I know that ;-)05:17
pwnguinthe ubuntu title font is maintained by the font team, a subteam of the art team05:18
LaserJockok, then they need to know about it05:18
pwnguinit seems like subscribing them would be the better course of action, generally05:18
pwnguini guess i was wrong about the tracker05:20
pwnguinbut I do get a nice message saying that i should file the against the package05:22
pwnguinubuntutitle does not use Launchpad as its bug tracker.05:22
pwnguinAre you sure this bug is in upstream ubuntutitle?05:22
pwnguin    * If you are using a package installed by your Linux distribution, the bug should be reported in that distribution, instead. Launchpad knows that ubuntutitle is present in the following distribution packages:05:22
pwnguin          o Ubuntu ttf-ubuntu-title05:22
pwnguin      You can report bugs by visiting the package's page.05:22
pwnguinso yea. there is no bug tracker, and LP tells me to use the packaging bug page05:25
pwnguinim writing a mail to ubunu-art right now about it, but I must say it amazes me how many reasons triagers find to mark a bug invalid05:26
kgoetzpwnguin: its easier then marking it confirmed ;)05:32
pwnguinis it05:33
kgoetzi'd say so (but it could just be me...)05:34
pwnguinwell, im glad the common answer to a hard problem is more laziness ;)05:34
LaserJockpwnguin: well, of course people want to lower the bug count :-)05:44
LaserJockpwnguin: I think that stock response is for feature requests05:45
LaserJockand I'd say that bug is sort of borderline, and unless the art team is subscribed to that package, the right people aren't going to get it05:46
pwnguinive been reading the art team mailing list archives and its not encouraging05:53
Awsoonnhey guys, what do you think about a hug day for bugs set for experation?05:58
LaserJockAwsoonn: seems like a good idea06:03
* Awsoonn nods and makes it so.06:07
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Hobbseeemma: i'd guess that's a kernel-type thing, and you may find asking in #ubuntu-kernel helpful.08:09
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bdmurraypedro_: http://people.ubuntu.com/~brian/reports/database/unlinked-bugwatch.html10:03
bdmurraythat's the report I was talking about regarding the "unlinked" bug watches10:03
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thekornhello bugsquad!12:11
bdmurraythekorn: hi!12:17
thekornbdmurray: hi, you are around early today!12:28
bdmurraythekorn: I'm in London so it isn't that early. ;)12:28
thekornbdmurray: aha, okay, enjoy london and good old europe12:29
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savvashaha "Don't subscribe me again to any bug or I'll have your head cut off by a bunch of crazy colombian guerrilleros."15:01
savvasthe best answer I got for a wrong action :)15:01
savvasnote to self - don't touch the motu :p15:03
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CarlFKscrollkeeper_extended_cl.xml:1: parser error : Document is empty   http://dpaste.com/64773/16:10
CarlFKis that something I should post to lp?16:10
Hewbug #209084 - someone has attached a debdiff that should fix the bug. As a triager, what should I do? Subscribe ubuntu-universe-sponsors?16:37
ubottuLaunchpad bug 209084 in wireshark "debian/control must Recommends menu to run with elevated privileges in hardy" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/20908416:38
affluxHew: I think that's correect16:39
Hewafflux: thanks for your help16:40
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Evergeteciao a tutti da qualche giorno ho il seguente problema: avviando skype, la mia connessione wireless smette di funzionare, ovvero dice di essere sempre collegata all'access point, ma non passa più traffico. richiudendo skype tutto torna a funzionare regolarmente. utilizzo skype dai repo medibuntu17:52
Evergetequa sembra che altri abbiano un problema simile; http://forum.skype.com/index.php?showtopic=130951 a qualcuno è già capitato?17:54
pedro_Evergete: maybe try asking in #ubuntu-it17:54
Evergeteops, sorry pedro_ worte on wrong channel17:55
pedro_is ok17:55
CarlFKhttps://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ntp/+bug/157536  bug I reported, never triaged but is now fixed.  should I change the status to 'fix released' ?18:10
ubottuLaunchpad bug 157536 in ntp "empty ntp.conf when ntp not instaleld. " [Low,Incomplete]18:10
Rocket2DMnseb128, RE: bug #248163 - keep on wishlist?18:10
ubottuLaunchpad bug 248163 in gnome-system-tools "Network menu item missing in Intrepid Alpha 2" [Wishlist,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/24816318:10
AwsoonnCarlFK if it is fixed, then yes :)18:11
seb128Rocket2DMn: yes, until network manager 0.7 is available, we might want to install network-admin meanwhile or something18:11
Rocket2DMnok thanks seb128 , Tim was right when he said the package was gnome-network-admin, tho you just run network-admin from terminal to manually launch18:12
CarlFKAwsoonn: thanks.18:14
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chrisccoulsoncould anyone tell me what we do with upgrade bugs from hardy -> intrepid?22:25
chrisccoulsontkae this one for example: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/24849722:25
ubottuLaunchpad bug 248497 in ubuntu "Distribution Upgrade 8.04 - 8.10 Fails" [Undecided,New]22:25
tat_i try to report a bug for flock on ubuntu, but on "https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/+filebug" i get the error 'There is no package name 'flock' published in Ubuntu', but i`M sure that there is a package called flock, any suggestions ?22:45
greg-gtat_: http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?suite=default&section=all&arch=any&searchon=names&keywords=flock22:49
greg-gtat_: I'm assuming that isn't the package you are looking for22:49
greg-gtat_: what package did you install and was it from the official ubuntu repositories or a 3rd party22:50
tat_it is the flock browser :22:50
tat_how can i find out what repository i got it from ?22:50
greg-gapt-cache policy <packagename>22:51
greg-greplace <packagename> what what pacakge you are looking for22:52
tat_  Installiert:1.1-1~getdeb122:53
tat_  Mögliche Pakete:1.1-1~getdeb122:53
tat_  Versions-Tabelle:22:53
tat_ *** 1.1-1~getdeb1 022:53
tat_        100 /var/lib/dpkg/status22:53
greg-gand to find which package flock came from, you can:22:53
tat_that is all i get, just the version string22:53
greg-gthat is a getdeb.com package, in otherwords, not supported by Ubuntu as it is a 3rd party22:53
greg-gyou probably installed it by downloading a .deb22:53
greg-gso, find out where you downloaded it from, and file a bug there22:53
tat_no i used apt22:53
greg-guse paste.ubuntu.com and show me your /etc/apt/sources.list file22:54
tat_there is just mediabuntu and canonical in there the rest is all ubuntu repositories22:56
LaserJocktat_: is there anything in /etc/apt/sources.list.d/ ?23:01
LaserJocktat_: you've apparently installed flock from getdeb.net23:03
tat_LaserJock : i think so too, but i cant remember having downloaded it, it is also in my synaptic23:08
LaserJocktat_: it will show up in synaptic because it was installed as a .deb23:09
tat_LaserJock : the weared thing is also that the newest versuion on getdeb.net is 1.2.2 but in my synaptic it is 1.1.1 also after updating package information23:10
tat_LaserJock : ahh , ok23:10
LaserJocktat_: well, that's because you don't actually have getdeb repos in sources.list23:11
tat_LaserJock , so i post the bugreport to getdeb.net ?23:11
LaserJocktat_: you probably just clicked on a link on getdeb.net and it installed it23:11
LaserJocktat_: yeah, there's not really anything we can do about it because Ubuntu proper doesn't have flock23:11
tat_i ges i write the bugreport to  Joao Pinto, the package maintainer, since the bug is realy just related to the way he packaed flock it is nothing flock people would have to deal with .23:14
LaserJocktat_: yeah, that makes sense23:15

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