[08:32] Hello, can I apply for a ubuntu cloak ? [08:36] AnAnt, Ubuntu cloaks are for approved Ubuntu members only [08:37] AnAnt, rather you can ask freenode staff for an unaffiliated cloak [08:37] techno_freak: what's a Ubuntu member ? [08:37] techno_freak: I mean, if I am on launchpad, does that make me a member ? [08:37] AnAnt, http://www.ubuntu.com/community/processes/newmember [08:39] techno_freak: I see, thanks === Alb3rts is now known as Alberts === Alberts is now known as Alb3rts [11:23] Alb3rts: may I ask you to change/hide a not so nice hostname of yours? [11:25] ynf. === Ekushey- is now known as Ekushey === dantalizing_ is now known as dantalizing_work [17:10] anybody around who can point me to directions on how to get the bug bot into a channel? [17:19] LaserJock: for which channel? [17:19] for #ubuntu-qa [17:19] shoot [17:19] for #ubuntu-quality rather [17:20] jussi01: ^^ [17:20] ubottu: join #ubuntu-quality [17:20] jussi01: Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :) [17:20] :) [17:20] jussi01: will it stay there then? [17:20] LaserJock: yes [17:20] awesome, thanks [17:20] LaserJock: I own the bot :) [17:21] awesome [17:32] 'Allo. [17:32] Who maintains the schedule bot? [17:35] nicknamed exactly what? [17:45] cody-somerville: What schedule bot? [17:45] The ubottu [17:45] It pulls the schedules off the Fridge [17:46] jussi0-1 and stdin maintain the code though [17:50] cody-somerville: can I help somehow? [17:50] jussi01, are you the maintainer? :) [17:51] WOW... someone tried to not ping me for once... [17:51] cody-somerville: I own it... [17:51] jussi01, Wonderful. How does it pull the info? iCal? [17:51] cody-somerville: stdin does most of the work on it though [17:51] @list [17:51] jussi01: Admin, Bantracker, Bugtracker, Channel, Config, Encyclopedia, IRCLogin, Lart, Mess, Misc, Owner, Reply, Services, User, Utilities, and Webcal [17:51] cody-somerville: webcal iirc [17:52] Yes, I believe it pulls it through ical [17:52] Perfect. So it wouldn't be difficult to change it. Awesome. Thanks. [17:53] cody-somerville: you are most welcome [17:53] cody-somerville: The project is on LP as ubuntu-bots, the 'tweak' branch is the most up to date [18:16] Pici: last modified: "7 weeks ago". I don't think so. [18:17] jpds: the most up to date out of the choices? [18:17] That, yes. [19:07] jussi01, does ubottu actually check the events are in #ubuntu-meeting? [19:08] cody-somerville: Im not sure, youll need to find stdin for that. If you have time, go check out the code [19:08] cody-somerville: just a thought, how would it do it? [19:08] cody-somerville: grep logs? [19:09] Myrtti, no [19:09] Myrtti, we have a location field for events [20:56] hello can you help me with real player install [20:58] hello [20:59] hellllo /???????? [21:00] ???????????? [21:00] support is at #ubuntu [21:00] user___: this isnt a help channel [21:01] sorry then