
newclimbdo you know how to translate my mozilla-firefox to pt?03:56
* asac from london calling09:05
=== jt1 is now known as jtv
=== jt1 is now known as jtv
jtvasac: moin moin!10:32
gnomefreakis today over yet?10:48
gnomefreakasac: you pushed 3.0.1 already to Hardy?10:55
asacgnomefreak: to -proposed11:10
asacjtv: ht11:10
jtvasac: hi11:11
jtvasac: have a question about merging XPI templates into XPI translation exports.11:11
jtvasac: given that we don't "do" translation of html and such in Launchpad,11:11
* asac tries to imagine what that means11:11
jtvdoes it make sense to copy files other than DTD and properties into an export XPI?11:12
asacjtv: if you dont want those to be translated then yes. however, but how about treating them as a translatable entity?11:12
asace.g. key: chrome://path/to/somefile.xhtml11:13
asacso one key per file11:13
asacgnomefreak: do you experience issues with that?11:14
jtvasac: Doesn't that just invite translators to give translated versions of those files different chrome paths than the originals?  Does Mozilla even support that?11:15
asacjtv: sorry. why would translators be able to change the path?11:17
asacmy idea is to import the whole file as a single entity and export the translated one as every other file11:18
jtvasac: OIC11:18
jtvasac: don't think it would be very comfortable though, translating entire files as single messages.11:18
asacjtv: right. but thats the same when doing upstream translations as well11:19
asacexcept that a textarea would be nice ;)11:19
asac(instead of a single line text field)11:19
jtvasac: what I mean is, a textarea is still pretty damn uncomfortable for a thing like that.11:20
jtvasac: the single-line text fields happen only if the msgid and all suggestions are single-line.11:20
jtvasac: you can expand them to textareas, but I wouldn't recommend that for your average HTML file.  :)11:21
jtvasac: so maybe only the template should have these files, and for the rest, translators should probably just merge in their own translations of those after they export.11:21
asacjtv: well. thats not really feasible for the ubuntu case11:24
asacjtv: we want to export and just use that without doing additional merging from not-known sources11:24
asacjtv: i think we can mitigate the editor problem if we manage that translations can be imported (e.g. edited outside)11:25
jtvasac: well, for your specific case, you would probably be doing the merging.11:25
asacjtv: maybe to sync up on what you mean by merging: do you mean: merge locally and then upload that as translation to launchpad so the next export will just export it?11:25
jtvasac: alas, no11:25
jtvasac: I mean that you can export a translation XPI from Launchpad, then:11:26
jtvunzip it11:26
jtvcopy in your own translated images, HTML files etc. where they belong11:26
jtvUse as translation.11:26
jtvasac: right now, Launchpad doesn't let you store arbitrary files as part of a translation.11:28
jtvThat's something we may do later, but we do need to take it one step at a time.11:28
asacjtv: i dont like that. its ok as an intermediate solution but from what i see its an editor issue in launchpad11:28
asacso we should still keep in mind that the right solution is to handle them as single entities11:28
asacjtv: right. for now its ok to copy the template files imo11:29
asacmost use cases dont use such files11:29
asacso we wont miss a lot of translations in real life11:29
jtvasac: OK, then worst case for this intermediate step is, you export your translation, unzip, edit or replace the files you can't translate in LP, re-zip, and then you have a usable translation.11:30
jtvasac: further in the future, yes, adding arbitrary files may be needed.  I believe XLIFF supports that as well, f'rinstance.  For now, I'm just trying to get another feature across the usability threshold!11:33
asacjtv: :)11:36
asacjtv: ok. but the exports will contain the template files by default, right?11:36
jtvasac: that depends entirely on what you request.  Not if you request a single translation, for example.11:37
asacjtv: why are results different dependent on what you request?11:37
jtvasac: if you request translations for the full package or product release series, then the template will be included.11:37
asaci would expect that any es.xpi is simlilar11:38
asacjtv: sorry. i think we are talking about two things here11:38
asacjtv: i mean: will the .xhtml friles from the template be included in the translated .xpi?11:38
jtvasac: no, only if your request includes the en-US "translation."11:39
asacif we cannot translate them in launchpad we should at least include them (thought that was the idea you presented initially above)11:39
asacjtv: he? so requesting to include en-US will punch the .xhtml files into es.xpi ?11:40
jtvasac: I have the basic merging working (phew).  Just not in the right places yet.11:40
jtvasac: what you'll have is really an "en-US + es" XPI, and then, yes.11:40
jtvasac: Now, I can repeat those files for every language pack you export.  Just takes a bit of extra figuring out if the string "en-US" is not in their path anywhere.11:41
asacjtv: please do that.11:41
asaci dont care so much about the files being translated. but we definitly need them in the translated .xpi11:41
asacotherwise the .xpi is not usable11:41
asacor might break the application.11:41
asacso a good workflow for translaters would be: download es.xpi ... search for non-properties/.dtd files in it and replace those files with translated ones (optional)11:42
jtvasac: there may be some pain from people uploading translations and thinking that we'll store their other files, but no helping that I suppose.11:43
asacjtv: well. i'd consider that a small problem. top-prio should be to export complete .xpi's .... even though they might not be 100% translated11:43
asacfrom there we can fix that translators can really upload their translations that way (even before fixing the UI)11:44
jtvasac: Understood.11:47
asacjtv: cool. let me know when i should review/test .xpis ;)11:47
jtvasac: right now the problem is that the DTD/properties files are still generated in my simple canonicalized directory layout, but the files copied from the template are kept in their original locations.11:48
jtvasac: so two things I need to implement are the "path mapping" to get that right, and the "include entities."11:49
jtvasac: the heart of both is parsing the XPI template on export, and that part is working in prototype.11:49
jtvasac: of course "prototype" also means that now that I can see what can be done, I need to codify it in tests etc.11:50
asacjtv: right. i dont expect this to land next week ;)11:50
jtvasac: phew  :-)11:51
asacis there anything i should do?11:51
asac(in my non-existing time ;))11:51
jtvasac: well there is one thing...11:54
jtvasac: could you come up with a really solid (and yet, preferably, easily implemented) scheme of how to lay out the copied xhtml (or whatever) files in the XPI if there are multiple languages but there was no "en-US" code in their original path that I can replace with the applicable language code?11:55
* asac thinks11:56
asacjtv: you just use the same path or just omit this file11:56
asacI'd say you should just use the same path11:56
jtvasac: that means that if the en-US.xpi has, say, "/index.html" in its root directory, you'll only get one copy of that file even if you export a full translation.  Fine by me, but is it what you want?11:58
asacjtv: i dont understand why you differentiate between full and partly translation12:40
asacthey should all be the same and contain all the files12:40
asacso yes. its not a problem if there are two files with the same chrome:// path afaict12:41
asacfirefox will just use one12:41
jtvasac: I mean, "even if you export *the* full translation" (for a package or product release series etc.)12:41
jtvasac: so if you export an XPI with all translations for midbrowser, for example, there would be only a single /index.xhtml, but if it had been en-US.jar!/index.xhtml, you'd be getting a copy for each language that was in the XPI.12:42
asacjtv: ok now i see12:47
asacjtv: so yes, if you would override a file just keep the template file12:48
jtvasac: OK12:48
gnomefreakanyone having trouble signing in to gmail using tbird? it works on gmail site but not in tbird12:56
gnomefreakasac: using tbird when you click get mail it only grabs mail for default account as i recall this is a feature not a bug. Is this accurate?13:12
gnomefreakmozilla bug 4571513:17
ubottugnomefreak: Error: Could not parse XML returned by Mozilla: timed out (http://bugzilla.mozilla.org/xml.cgi?id=45715)13:17
gnomefreakis there a spam tool for tbird other than spamassin?13:24
asacgnomefreak: i think you have to enable it13:48
asacgnomefreak: spam assassin doesnt work together with tbird13:48
asactbird has only its bayes filter thing13:48
gnomefreakno other tool works?13:48
gnomefreakthat sucks13:48
gnomefreaktraining its filter with 4449 emails in one box is a pian13:49
gnomefreakoh and IMAP support in Tbird sucks there are alot of problems13:50
asacgnomefreak: you can preprocess your email with spamassasing if you have your own mail server13:50
asacand then make tbird sort them depending on the spam assassin headers13:50
asacor any other headers from other spam tools13:50
asacbut you need your own mai server setup i guess13:51
asacmaybe there is an extension available to use spamassassin and friends?13:51
gnomefreakyeah thats too much work to do that just for spamassin13:51
gnomefreakhmmmm might look for one, never thought of extensions13:51
gnomefreakasac: thanks ill look for one soon13:53
gnomefreakand you said i had to enable getmail to get mail from all accounts? if so where do i do this13:54
asacgnomefreak: if there is something reasonable available we mihgt wanna packageit i guess ;)13:54
gnomefreakill look at it and into it to see if it works than all other info needed for table13:55
* gnomefreak suprised i think i found one ;)14:11
gnomefreakbug 23513514:17
ubottuLaunchpad bug 235135 in flashplugin-nonfree "[MASTER] Please backport flashplugin-nonfree version 10 beta and asound-plugins from Intrepid so we can drop libflashsupport and the crashes it causes" [Undecided,Invalid] https://launchpad.net/bugs/23513514:17
gnomefreakther eis really something wrong with tbird+LP14:18
gnomefreakbug 24009314:20
ubottuLaunchpad bug 240093 in mozilla-thunderbird "Get Mail only retrieves one message at a time" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/24009314:20
gnomefreakasac: is there a way of changing the way tbird uses reply. it seems that it doesnt add everything as a reply and i think that is causing the submit failures (atleast that is what i was told last week)14:46
gnomefreakanyone here using tbird that can check a setting for me14:55
gnomefreakasac: i think the reply is using wrapper and the second line isnt seen as a reply. (2nd line after the reply line) so 2nd line being the wrapped line isnt seen as reply14:56
gnomefreakhmmmm i think i fixed tbirds reply failure ;)15:20
gnomefreakok done playing with tbird until i can find out if the extension adds something called spampal in the account settings15:21
gnomefreaki have a few errands to run than cook breakfast/lunch depending on what i fee like15:22
gnomefreakbug 23957515:29
ubottuLaunchpad bug 239575 in ubuntu "Zotero (Firefox extension)" [Wishlist,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/23957515:29
asacgnomefreak: what error do you get in the sbumit-error ppa16:09
gnomefreakasac: i dont get errors when pushing to PPA16:15
gnomefreaki get error when replying to bugs from email16:16
gnomefreakand i cant get a response from lp guys either16:17
gnomefreakasac: isnt 3.0.1 first point release in the 3.0 series?16:20
gnomefreaklike 2.0.0.*16:20
[reed]asac: need an answer from you in mozilla bug 41589016:21
ubottuMozilla bug 415890 in Mail Window Front End "Help -> Release Notes points to an invalid address for custom builds" [Trivial,Assigned] http://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=41589016:21
Volansgnomefreak, asac news on the meeting schedule? I don't have see any reply in Mailing List16:32
asac[reed]: done. not sure whatelse to clarify16:32
gnomefreakVolans: sorry ive been waiting for people to reply to my email i only got 1 reply16:33
gnomefreakbug 24009316:33
ubottuLaunchpad bug 240093 in mozilla-thunderbird "Get Mail only retrieves one message at a time" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/24009316:33
asacVolans: gnomefreak: no reply indicates consent16:33
gnomefreakVolans: once i get confirmtion to it i will set it up16:34
gnomefreakasac: no reply to me means you didnt read it16:34
gnomefreakill look for times and dates (just re did my email) and i will set it up today16:34
gnomefreakeagles0513875: ?16:34
eagles0513875the xulrunner and the new addons that were released for patch i think broke firefox i could be wrong16:35
asacgnomefreak: i read every mail that gets to mozilla ML16:35
gnomefreakasac: oh16:35
eagles0513875gnash is still borked not loading anything16:35
gnomefreakeagles0513875: i doubt it, my ff still works unless you mean 3.0.116:35
eagles0513875dunno i think 0.116:35
asacgnomefreak: if i dont reply its either consent or lack of time ... for instance i have 3 mails in my "work to do" folder from you atm16:35
gnomefreakfrom me?16:36
gnomefreakeagles0513875: apt-cache policy firefox will tell you what version you have16:36
gnomefreakok i found the times and dates i will ping someone about setting them up16:39
* gnomefreak wonders what i sent you to work on :(16:39
armin76on the itv page thing :P16:39
gnomefreakmy brain died :( how do you spell schedule16:41
gnomefreakis that it?16:41
eagles0513875si senor16:41
gnomefreakim getting so fucking sick of gedit crashing and they wont even look at the damn bug16:42
gnomefreakVolans: meeting should be set up sometime today16:42
Volansgnomefreak: ok, we should update also the wiki apge16:43
gnomefreakVolans: i will16:43
asacso when is the next meeting ;)?16:43
gnomefreakwill only add one meeting at a time so people dont get confused16:43
gnomefreakaugust 8th16:43
gnomefreak1800 UTC16:43
asacVolans: is the auto-mail still enabled?16:43
Volansgnomefreak: 8????16:44
VolansI have 03-08-2008 18:00 UTC16:44
* gnomefreak likes sunbird with fridge ical16:44
gnomefreakVolans: thats what it says16:44
gnomefreakoh sorry 3rd16:44
gnomefreakaugust 3rd at 1800UTC16:44
asacis that a sunday?16:44
Volansok :D16:44
gnomefreakasac: first sunday of august16:45
asacok i should be back by then16:45
gnomefreakthis is why i sent the email out ;)16:45
gnomefreakjust incase16:45
asacill remember that easily i guess ;O)16:45
Volansasac: I will login in the scheduled mail system16:45
Volansbut I think every is already setup16:46
gnomefreakdid someone happen to subscibe google calendar assuming you want it to post to mailing list16:46
gnomefreakand what email does it use to send out messages16:46
Volansgnomefreak: for the ML alert all il already done, I have found a web service that will do that automatically from now to january 2009 without any manual adjust16:47
Volansasac has subscribe to it so the emails will be sent from asac's account16:48
gnomefreakVolans: but its not allowed to post to mailing list without us allowing it, did you allow it on the mailing list side of things?16:48
gnomefreakVolans: ah ok16:48
Volansand asac the first email is scheduled for july 20, so on july 17th you will receive an alert that the automatic email will be sent on 2016:49
gnomefreakthats 3 weeks ahead of time16:49
asacgnomefreak: we sent a testmail to the ML ... it worked16:49
gnomefreakdoes it remind you again closer to meeting date16:49
* gnomefreak didnt get it16:49
Volansthe only problem is to alert the team members that hare not subscribed to the ML, LP doesn't have yet a system to do this16:50
Volansin particular for those people with no public email address on LP16:50
Volansgnomefreak: 3 alerts as asac says in the meeting: 2 weeks before, 1 week before and 24h before16:51
gnomefreaki suggest telling them to subscribe to the list. its very low volume and its not our fault if they dont subscribe16:51
asacVolans: gnomefreak: i dont know. but if there is no way for us to contact our team members that cant be right16:51
gnomefreakah ok16:51
asacso if there is no way to get in touch with a team member through launchpad we should make it a requirement to have a public/or well known email16:52
asacin order to join a team16:52
gnomefreakcan send emails to everyone but it takes too long and im not doing it more than once so if they want to show up they need to add it to agenda page or show up in here and type /topic16:52
Volanssee also these bugs: bug 66105 and bug 24602216:53
asacgnomefreak: how do you know the mail address of team members that dont have a public address there?16:53
ubottuLaunchpad bug 66105 in launchpad "Team admin can't contact prospective member who hides e-mail addresses" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/6610516:53
ubottuLaunchpad bug 246022 in launchpad "Cannot contact all members of a team at once" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/24602216:53
* gnomefreak wondering if i cant set up a team subscription for them only problem is ill end up with double or triple the emails16:53
gnomefreakasac: if they dont have one its their fault and i have noted it on LP pages16:53
Volansasac: we can contact him by IRC or other public address he have set16:53
gnomefreaki also sent out emails to the people that did have meails on LP page16:54
asacgnomefreak: ok thanks. so how do we deal with existing accounts that dont have a public email in launchpad or wiki?16:54
gnomefreakthe ones that dont need to figure it out them selves as we have no way to contact them. i did leave instructions to add themselves to ML and to come in here if otherwise not ML16:55
Volansasac: quite all the MED and MT members email is set in the webservice contact address list... but you have to tell them to change the maximum CC per email if you want to use that system16:56
gnomefreakok gave schedule to right person16:58
asacgnomefreak: fridge?16:59
asacrock. thansk17:00
gnomefreakcody is adding them atleast he took them im assuming hes adding them17:00
asacfine fine17:01
gnomefreakonce hes done he will ping me atleast he normally will17:01
* gnomefreak thinks about lunch17:01
jt1asac: ping17:02
=== jt1 is now known as jtv
gnomefreakok ill be back ill let you know  once its done :)17:02
Volansgood, I'm spoking with cody in #ubuntu-website for another thing17:06
asacjtv: still a cameleon?17:07
jtvasac: chameleon?17:07
jtvDon't _think_ so...17:07
gnomefreakok ill be back after lunch sometime17:08
gnomefreakits too late in day to think17:08
jtvasac: another question.  As part of the XPI export work, would you mind terribly if I changed the file references?17:08
jtvasac: instead of en-US.xpi/chrome/en-US.jar!/locale/foo.dtd, you could get jar:chrome/en-US.jar!/locale/foo.dtd17:09
jtvasac: I could still give you the original path, but I'm trying to standardize things a bit.17:11
jtvasac: this also simplifies the code.17:11
jtvasac: Oh, I should mention: this is for XPIPO exports, _before_ we get to actual XPI exports.17:11
asacjtv: sorry whats the difference there?17:12
jtvasac: two differences.17:12
asaca ok17:12
asacyou mean as a path in the comment17:12
jtvasac: one, I'd remove the 'en-US.xpi' at the beginning17:12
jtvasac: right17:12
jtvasac: two, you'd get a "jar:" prefix for a path that leads into a jar, just like in the manifest.17:13
jtvasac: I'm simplifying the tangle of different kinds of paths we have inside XPIs a bit.17:13
asacjtv: ok, but isnt that implicitly given by the jar! ?17:13
jtvasac: it is, but this at least conforms to an existing standard (as in manifests)17:14
asaci dont see any argument against that, except that it will resent all current translations i guess?17:14
asacreset i meant17:15
jtvasac: not reset, no.  The disadvantage is, this will happen only with newly uploaded messages.  So you'd have to handle both for a while.17:15
jtvasac: until we get native export, that is, which we'd also be bringing closer in this way.  :)17:16
asacjtv: ok. i think ill sleep a night over that. but i think that we can just replace jar: with en-US.xpi before sending the .po file to the transformer now?17:17
asace.g. pre-processing: s/jar:/en-US.xpi\//17:17
asacor even17:17
asacnevermind ;)17:17
asacno even ;)17:17
eagles0513875gnomefreak: btw im 3.0.117:18
jtvasac: with one complication: if an XPI file has translation files that are not inside jars.  :-)17:18
asacjtv: hmm ... so if there is no .jar! then just prepend en-US.xpi :)17:19
asacdoes that cover the case17:19
jtvasac: yup, I think so.17:19
jtvasac: you could even compare directly to manifest entries if you want, because those will match now.17:19
asacjtv: ok. if we do this, can we do this on staging/demo first, so i can prepare the transformer?17:20
asacjtv: or could we even do this for intrepid and beyond and keep the current logic hardy?17:20
asac(which would actually be the right way to deal with changes in translation logic like this imo)17:20
eagles0513875ha found a mem leak in ff3 for winblows17:21
eagles0513875or its just vista17:21
jtvasac: we could do it on staging, but that would mean that in essence you accept the change and if there's anything wrong with it, you file a separate bug report.17:22
eagles0513875my vista is on the fritz17:28
jtvasac: another thing we could do, though it takes more time, is update the existing ones in the database.  I'd hate to have to do that though!17:31
jtvasac: or I could "fake" the old format, but it seems like something we'll want to phase out at some point anyway.17:31
jtveagles0513875: are you okay..?17:35
eagles0513875ya im fine vista pisses me off though17:35
eagles0513875been remotly connecting to the machine trying to play WoW right now and it just causing my machine to hang cuz not enough memory17:35
eagles0513875now it should be fine after restart17:35
eagles0513875i have been using www.logmein.com to connect remotly to it lol17:36
asacjtv: ok. day ends soon. ill thi nk a bit about the options and lets talk tomorrow, ok?17:36
jtvasac: ok, thanks!17:37
gnomefreakeagles0513875: sorry im not using 3.0.1 at this time18:26
* gnomefreak has to go out and would like an answer beofre i go :(18:27
gnomefreakmeeting at 7am tomorrow :(18:30
asacgnomefreak: what do you need?18:33
asaci am about to leave the office too ;)18:33
gnomefreakasac: cody to add meetings to fridge18:33
asacah ok.18:33
asacgnomefreak: maybe ping him once more and then leavae and hope he does his job ;)18:34
gnomefreakVolans: have you talked to cody recently?18:34
* asac off18:34
asaccu tomorrow18:34
asac(or later tonight)18:34
gnomefreakasac: have a good night18:34
Volansbye asac18:34
Volansgnomefreak: last sentence of cody in ubuntu-website 10 minutes ago18:34
Volanshe was speaking about some fridge calendar imporvements18:35
gnomefreaki guess ill wait for updates to finish than ill ask him again18:35
Volansin the channel, not specifically with me18:35
gnomefreakVolans: oh18:35
gnomefreakthats gonna put a hold on it18:35
gnomefreakwhen i speak to him before i leave ill ask him to ping you when done or if more info is needed18:36
gnomefreaki gave him the dates times and agenda page18:36
Volansok as you prefer18:36
* gnomefreak gonna miss meeting tomorrow i bet18:36
gnomefreakVolans: ok i gave him heads up18:39
Volansgnomefreak: to ping me when done or to add the scheduled meetings on the fridge?18:40
gnomefreakVolans: he has all info about adding them just to ping you if any issues or when done if im not around18:41
Volansok, perfect18:42
gnomefreakthats odd why would i need dist-upgrade for kdelibs5 :(18:44
* Volans dinner, come back later bye19:55
=== asac_ is now known as asac
asacback for a whil21:57
armin76mozilla now does xulrunner tarballs :D22:03
=== Double_D is now known as Sergeant_POny
Sergeant_POnyHow can I reset my TB profile so I can start it over?22:10
armin76rm -rf ~/.thunderbird22:11
armin76you'll lose everything, though22:11
Sergeant_POnyfor some reason as soon as it starts it freezes22:11
Sergeant_POnywhat would make it do that? I even disabled the calendar first and it still did it.22:12
armin76no clue, sorry22:12
Sergeant_POnywill I lose my add ons as well?22:12
armin76if you installed them manually, yes22:13
asacarmin76: they released xul yes22:32
asacor did they even update that to .1?22:32
asacSergeant_POny: try to compact your folders22:32
asacor remove your .msf files in your profile22:33
asacboth should do more or less the same and usually cures strange c22:33
asacthat cause crashes and all kind of other nasty things22:33
Sergeant_POnyHi asac22:34
Sergeant_POnyI guess... last night I got the other error that it couldn't copy sent email to my sent foleder22:35
asacSergeant_POny: yeah try what i said22:35
Sergeant_POnyasac: ok I will.22:44
Sergeant_POnyasac: still freezing on startup.23:04
Sergeant_POnyit happenes when I access a remote calendar23:50
asacSergeant_POny: hmm ... so its a lightning issue?23:51
Sergeant_POnynot sure yet... doing some testing now...23:52
asacSergeant_POny: did it just start recently? or are you using a new mailserver now?23:52
Sergeant_POnystarted today.... nothing new with my setup23:53
asacso you removed .msf files? or compacted folders?23:55
asacor both?23:55

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