
RhamphoryncusOh hey, it is done scanning :D00:01
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mptScottK, I'm glad you like Launchpad without CSS, I went to quite a bit of trouble to make that nicer :-)00:21
ScottKmpt: Now if you could just get Bug #59510 taken care of we'd be in business.00:57
ubottuLaunchpad bug 59510 in launchpad "Can't log in with w3m due to bad cookies" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/5951000:57
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HobbseeRinchen: and when will this miniumal UI actually get implemented?02:20
Hobbseegeser: you're not alone, re the quick searches.02:22
Hobbseegeser: some projects are listed as you, along with all other motu's, because some strange nitwit decided to subscribe/assign motu to some non-ubuntu bugs. 02:23
Hobbseeand while they got marked as invalid / unsubscribed, the damage is still done, and the projects will probably be there, unless the MOTU team dies, or you quit it02:27
HobbseeRinchen: there are a lot of things that are going to get implemented at some point.  But now we don't have a simple UI where people could find stuff, and get stuff done.02:27
LaserJockwell, I can find stuff and get stuff done02:29
LaserJockit could just be better02:29
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* Hobbsee is so utterly damned confused now07:12
Hobbseehow do i get where i want to go?07:12
spivHobbsee: you sound a little... on edge.07:12
spiv(ba-dum tish!)07:13
Hobbseespiv: yeah, i'm attempting to use the bug page.07:13
* Hobbsee wonders why assigned to is smaller than the section for milestone07:13
Hobbseespiv: even production won't be safe in a couple of days :(07:14
* Hobbsee gets lost among all the tabs and breadcrums, to the point of finding how to go back to the bug list, from a particular bug, is hard. :(07:16
LaserJockHobbsee: what you don't have the URL memorized? :-)07:17
HobbseeLaserJock: i didn't bother using my shortcut, no.07:17
HobbseeLaserJock: the new 'features' of that page tend to throw all logic otu the window, leaving a remaining small cry of "i should know how to use this.  i feel stupid.  but it's so confusing"07:18
LaserJockdo we need a Launchpad support group?07:19
Hobbseedepends how bad the UI gets...07:19
LaserJock"hi, my name is Jordan and I'm confused by Launchpad, it's been 5 months since I last knew how to use the UI" ;p07:19
Hobbseeheirachy is really hard, when some of it is breadcrumbs, which is left justified, and some of it is tabs, which is center.07:20
Hobbseei can't tell which is more important anymore07:20
nycerinepersonally I think the tabs take too much space (if we're into them at the moment)07:20
Hobbseei'm just finding the same things in multiple places - or at least, i think they are, but everything keeps changing so much that i don't know what's right and wrong to click anymore, and i can't use a sense of logic, as that would tell me that the functions would all be in a list on the page somewhere - but they're not - they're randomly around the page.  07:22
HobbseeSo i'm really just going mad.07:22
LaserJockwe knew that already ... ;-)07:23
Hobbseeyeah well.  mad faster, then.07:23
nycerinecould it be an idea to change the appearance of the tabs?07:23
thekornIn my opinion the biggest problem is that all pages lost a lot of contrast,07:26
thekornthere is no clear difference between content and functionality07:26
nycerinecontact details should be on the right of the "most active", "latest memberships" and "bragging rights"07:35
nycerineit takes up so much space07:35
capiscuas1982hi everybody, in my launchpad project only the admin can upload files into the project, how to let the drivers also upload?07:38
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jameshcapiscuas1982: try changing ownership of the project to a team that you can add other LP users to07:46
capiscuas1982james: i'm afraid that giving the ownership of a whole team i'll be giving people right to change the ownership again and kick us out :-)07:54
jameshcapiscuas1982: well, if you don't trust the people to help you run the project, why would you trust them to add files for download?07:57
capiscuas1982jamesh: thanks, i've added those that i trust the most in a mantainer group, anyway I wish that launchpad has an option to just control who can upload files without the need of giving full privileges08:10
bca_hi there,08:51
bca_i have got a problem with my launchpad account, when I try to log in, it tells me that "This account08:53
bca_cannot be used". When I got to my project page and click on my username, it tells me that "bertrand.cachet does not use Launchpad".08:53
bca_I really don't know how to solve this issue,08:53
bca_I have found no information on google except a web page on ubuntu forum that tells that if we encounters this problem, we should go to IRC to ask for some help08:53
* wgrant prefers the short-lived logo favicon.09:30
bca_hi, does somebody have information about my problem: I have got the message "This account cannot be used" when I try to login10:39
wgrantbca_: You need a Launchpad person to fix your account. I'm not sure that anybody who can fix it is around right now.10:44
intellectronicabca_: what's your launchpad username?10:44
Pengbca_: Did you change your email address? That's one cause.10:44
PengHas that been fixed yet?10:44
bca_i have this problem for 3 weeks no10:45
bca_i have readen on ubuntu forums that this problem sometimes appear and disappear10:45
bca_so i have waited a little bit10:45
* wgrant wonders why all of the accounts weren't fixed at once.10:45
bca_but now, it is a bit long with no changement10:46
bca_that's why i ask for some help10:46
intellectronicabca_: are you sure? i mean that thing that appears at the end of launchpad.net/~yourusername10:46
bca_have a try if you want10:46
intellectronicabca_: ah right, found it, it appears with a hyphen in the url10:47
intellectronicabca_: this has been a recurring problem lately and we're working on fixing it. i'll make sure that someone fixes your account soon10:47
bca_thanks a lot intellectronica10:48
intellectronicabca_: np. sorry for the inconvenience10:48
bca_i have added a comment onto the bug https://bugs.launchpad.net/launchpad/+bug/24558410:48
ubottuLaunchpad bug 245584 in launchpad "This account cannot be used - sporadic issue for a number of accounts" [Undecided,Fix committed] 10:48
bca_because it is more or less the same10:48
stubbca_: It is the same, and I've fixed it for you in the database.10:55
stubThere is a code fix already made allowing people to reclaim accounts in this state, but I don't think it is available on the main site yet.10:56
bca_stub: perfect10:58
bca_i can now loggin10:58
bca_thanks a lot10:58
LaserJockstub: is there no way to spot the problem in the database and fix it automatically?10:59
stubIIRC it isn't a problem, rather than a fix. These are accounts that have been flagged as unwanted, and now we are paying much more attention to that flag. If the accounts where flagged incorrectly, I have no way of telling them apart from the genuine ones.11:02
wgrantI thought there was some bogus email address change handling which resulted in them being deactivated...11:04
stubMaybe - I haven't been following in detail.11:04
wgrantOr is this not bug #244499 which sinzui was talking about with you?11:05
ubottuLaunchpad bug 244499 in launchpad "can't login anymore on launchpad after switching several mail addresses" [Critical,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/24449911:05
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Laibschwe are trying to evaluate Rosetta for gnucash translations12:14
LaibschThank you for the support so far12:14
LaibschI am not well-versed in the management of translations at all12:15
LaibschI have gotten a question from the current technical maintainer relating to pot, po and the source code itself12:15
LaibschCan somebody please point me to some information where I can quickly understand how those three entities relate?12:16
LaibschMy current understanding: pot equates to a collection of translation tasks12:16
intellectronicajtv or danilos should be able to help12:16
Laibschpo is the results where the tasks are finished12:16
Laibschhow does the source code play into this?12:17
Laibschintellectronica: thanks for the pointer to the right people12:17
Laibschping jtv and danilos12:17
* Laibsch is reading http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gettext12:21
Laibschand understands much better now12:21
LaibschI guess the question is, can rosetta be told to run xgettext to create the .pot file itself?12:22
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zethHello, is it possible to checkout code from a launchpad project using subversion? 12:32
intellectronicazeth: no, you'll have to use bzr12:33
intellectronicait should be very easy to adjust, though12:34
zethwell its not that, I like bzr12:34
zethit is just that I have a project I want to host12:34
zethand it has a few dependencies from else where that are checked out via svn12:35
zethso it is nicer if the whole thing works using one client12:35
zethalso, bzr requires Python 2.412:35
intellectronicazeth: maybe import those projects into launchpad?12:36
zethDjango and docutils?12:36
intellectronicazeth: why not. it would be good to have those projects in lp. they are both quite popular so i bet many people would benefit from that12:36
zethmaking people require Python 2.4 is still a bit much12:37
intellectronicazeth: also, there's a bzr plugin to work with subversion repositories. i don't know how good it is, though12:37
zethanyhow, I have written a website generation tool12:37
intellectronicazeth: python 2.4 is nearly 4 years old. what system is that which doesn't have it yet?12:37
zethOS X Tiger12:38
intellectronicareally? they don't ship with python 2.4? and is it not possible to upgrade?12:38
zethI would like to support as many systems as possible with the lease work for the user as possible12:38
zethOS X Leopard ( the latest) comes with 2.5.something12:38
zethbut OS.X Tiger is not that ols12:38
intellectronicaanyway, nothing much that can be done about this. LP only hosts bzr branches. but you can host subversion or cvs branches elsewhere and have them imported automatically12:40
zethSo basically, my website generation tool should be usable by less technically saavy users, not just hardcore geeks12:41
zethlaunchpad is nice looking project site, but I don't want to increase the system requirements of my potential users12:42
wgrantPython 2.4 can't be an increase in requirements on any sane system...12:42
zethif bzr allowed one to check out svn by default, that would be more compelling12:42
wgrantIt has been available on everything for years and years!12:42
zethwgrant: OS X Tiger is a sane system12:42
wgrantzeth: The bzr-svn allows you to do that excellently.12:43
wgrantzeth: Not if it doesn't have Python.12:43
zetha lot of Red hat servers also still also have Python 2.312:43
zethOS X Tiger (10.4) came with Python 2.312:43
zethOS X Leopard (10.5) came with Python 2.512:43
wgrantBut RHEL is implicitly prehistoric... can its Subversion read your repository?12:43
zethwgrant: good point12:44
zethno idea12:44
intellectronicaon _some_ operating systems, you get upgraded to the latest version of those tools no matter when you first installed it ;)12:44
zethMy tool is currently on my hard drive and no where else12:44
zethyeah on decent OS12:44
zethbu on Apple, you get what Apple gives12:44
wgrantOr you install trivially from python.org...12:45
zethand they sadly don't push Python updates down the upgrade tool12:45
zethyou and I can12:45
zethbut my website generation tool is aimed at wider audience12:45
intellectronicazeth: python being free software, you can always bundle it with your app. it's not very big, considering the sizes of downloads people are accustomed to these days12:46
wgrantIf they're building a website and using Subversion (why would they be using a VCS rather than downloading a release?), they can probably install Python too.12:46
zethintellectronica: that is true actually12:46
zethwgrant: well my manual tells them what commands to paste in12:47
zethI was interested in using Launchpad because it is the only open source project hosting site I have seen so far that does not look butt ugly12:48
intellectronicazeth: hopefully you'll also find it to be powerful and easy to use. give it a try - if you absolutely have to use subversion, you can always host the code elsewhere and have it imported automatically into launchpad12:50
zethwell, I actually use bzr at the moment for development, but I just want to be able to export the code somehow via subversion12:51
zethis there someway of going bzr > launchpad > *somewhere* > subversion ?12:51
wgrantA more normal situation is to have users download a release, rather than checkout from the likely unstable VCS.12:51
intellectronicazeth: you can use the bzr svn plugin to do that12:51
wgrantBut intellectronica is correct - bzr-svn will let you push to a Subversion repository.12:52
zethwgrant: it would, but the deps change too much12:52
wgrantzeth: How does a VCS help that?12:52
zethwgrant: and i am lazy, I don't want to go and find out how to package for OS X and Windows12:52
zethwell, I get the users to have a project directory12:53
wgrantA tarball?12:53
wgrantNo worse than a VCS checkout.12:53
zethwhich has inside the deps and my app12:53
zeththey can just use svn up12:53
zethwgrant: maybe a tarball12:54
zethbut I don't want to distribute the deps12:54
zethI think my current approach is okay compromise12:54
zethso bzr-svn is pushing from my local computer to subversion repositry?12:56
zethnot from launchpad?12:56
intellectronicazeth: correct12:58
LarstiQzeth: hello :)12:58
mptGoooooooooooooooooooood afternoon Launchpadders!13:01
LarstiQzeth: I thought you might be the same person who asked for session chairs at EP, and indeed, I still only know 1 zeth so far ;)13:01
wgrantEvening mpt.13:02
emgentheya wgrant :)13:03
mptwgrant, how went the bug reporting?13:03
emgentsomeone know why some task opened and some nominated ?13:03
ubottuLaunchpad bug 248674 in ffmpeg "CVE-2008-3162 Stack-based buffer overflow" [Medium,Confirmed] 13:03
zethLarstiQ: same zeth13:04
zethI only know 1 zeth also13:04
wgrantemgent: You probably only have privileges over the Dapper and Feisty versions.13:04
wgrantIndeed, it is in main in Hardy and Gutsy.13:04
emgentwgrant: i'm motu.13:04
zethif one can actually know oneself13:04
\shemgent: IMHO ffmpeg is now main, and not universe/multiverse anymore13:04
wgrantSo you have no privilege.s13:04
zethLarstiQ: who are you, I can't guess from your username sorry13:05
emgentok nice.13:05
emgentand ffmpeg-free is in universe13:05
emgenttrue ?13:05
emgenti saw universe.13:06
LarstiQzeth: you asked on Sunday evening in the Reval lobby iirc, I was sitting at a table with Tommi Virtanen and Chris Scholz. Oh, and I declined chairing due to possible video recording and Guido's slide turning.13:06
\shintrepid  development  main  release  3:0.svn20080206-8ubuntu1    None defined   13:06
\shemgent: also main13:07
emgentok thanks \sh 13:07
\shemgent: talk to siretart :)13:07
wgrantemgent: Don't use packages.ubuntu.com - it's often out of date, wrong, or generally misleading.13:07
wgrantcprov: I don't like this new link to the .changes on PPAs...13:08
zethLarstiQ: ah yes, I remember13:08
carlosmpt: ping13:08
zethsome of the organisation was a bit just-in-time13:08
* Hobbsee waves13:08
Hobbseewgrant: is this the one i couldnt' find a few days ago?13:08
LarstiQzeth: quite :)13:09
wgrantHobbsee: It's the one that you shouldn't be able to find at all, lest horrible horrible things happen.13:09
geseremgent: check the source package and not a binary one, as source can be in main but the binary in universe13:09
zethlots of assumptions seem to have been made about who was organising what13:09
Hobbseewgrant: oh, lovely.  i wonder where it is now..13:09
zethI think people assumed the Lithuanians knew telepathically what had happened in previous years13:10
geserHi Hobbsee13:10
Hobbseeheya geser 13:10
zeththis was my first europython also13:10
emgentgeser: thanks 13:10
Hobbseewgrant: WOW.  classy on oh so many levels.13:10
zethnext year is different because it follows on from  UK events in the same venue13:10
Hobbseethat really is....spectacularly good.13:11
zethso everyone *should* know what to do hopefully13:11
wgrantIt's only for one's own uploads.13:11
wgrantBut still revealing.13:11
Hobbseewell it would be nice if they removed the typo, too13:11
Hobbseewell, 'changesfile' is usually spelt as 'changes file'13:12
wgrantThe absence of space is not just there - I presume it to be intentional.13:12
wgrant(it's on normal SPR pages as well)13:13
Hobbseeit's still a bug - launchpad really should be aiming for readable, and giving correct english.13:13
wgrantI'm never sure how to best phrase it. changes file? .changes? change file? Urgh.13:14
Hobbseechanges file, i'd expect.13:14
Hobbseeseeing as there are usually multiple changes13:14
wgrantI guess so.13:14
siretart\sh: ?13:22
\shsiretart: ffmpeg and security -> emgent :) 13:22
emgentsiretart: check your mail13:23
zethokay, so I provide bzr checkout through a launchpad site, and I use the bzr-svn thing to mirror the repo somewhere13:28
zethI think it would be better if launchpad exported in several formats, but the bzr svn thing should work13:31
mptHobbsee, there is no minimal UI planned13:43
mptbut we're publishing APIs to let people write their own clients13:43
Hobbseempt: why did Rinchen say there would be, then?13:43
mptand their own interfaces13:44
pepI'm just wondering if it is my browser that bugs or if there is no more drop down menu in the new UI... ?13:48
pepwhen you hover on the launchpad button on the left13:49
pepin edge13:49
andrea-bspep: this is the expected behavior13:49
pepthank you.13:49
wgrantHow does one navigate now?13:50
Hobbseeone memorises all the URL's?13:50
pepthen I wonder... how do you access /people, /projects, /sprints or /distros ?13:50
wgrantHow does one discover the URLs without checking the source or pre-1.0?13:50
wgrantpep: Magic, see.13:50
wgrantmpt: Any ideas?13:51
pepyou have to do a fake search or click on register to get the menu on the right as far as I found out ...13:51
Hobbseewhy are there no links back to launchpad.net, at all?13:51
pepwhich is not realy very handy when you're loking for a team, person or interested on sprints (as project search is on the front page)13:51
pepHobbsee: click on the top-left launchpad icon13:52
pepshould go back to launchpad.net13:52
Hobbseepep: i did.  it doesn't.13:52
wgrantHobbsee: Does it go to the application home?13:52
mptHobbsee, I'm fixing that today13:52
Hobbseeand why does https://edge.launchpad.net/projects/ get a "Projects" breadcrumb, yet the others don't?13:52
Hobbseempt: oh goody13:52
pepHobbsee: the others do here :/13:52
wgrantPillarNames stuffing up the context? How odd.13:53
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pephttps://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/launchpad/+bug/172727 this is the bug in question.13:57
ubottuLaunchpad bug 172727 in launchpad "People page (/people) is too hard to find" [Undecided,Confirmed] 13:57
pepand taht was with the drop-down menu...13:57
mptpep, I did a fix yesterday that provides access to /people13:58
pepOh right13:58
pepis it already in staging?13:58
mptpep, /sprints can be accessed from the Blueprints front page ("Show all sprints and meetings") -- that's not obvious, but it's about as obvious as the menu was13:58
mptCan you give an example of why you'd want to go to /projects or /distros that doesn't involve searching for one?13:59
pepwell /projects is ok, but when you search for a distro, what do you do?14:00
pepsearch for it in the projects search box?14:00
pepI actually had the problem when I wanted to search for a person/team14:01
pepbut you say it's fiwed so not a problem anymore14:02
pepI just thought if someone wants to search for a distro he'll have the same problem.14:02
mptpep, yes, for example <https://edge.launchpad.net/projects/?text=debian>14:03
pepok I see14:03
pepi suppose from a launchpad point of view a distro is a project14:04
pepthanks for the info14:05
mptpep, we do treat distributions specially (that's why it has a different icon in those search results), but we recognize that people shouldn't need to go to a different page before searching for them14:05
wgrantmpt: So to search for a distro, one can use the project search, but to add a distro bugtask one cannot use the project button?14:06
pepI suppose someone who is not familiar with the project will first search for it as a project so it's ok14:06
mptwgrant, nag your friendly local Launchpad Bugs developer to fix bug 133414:09
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1334 in malone ""Also affects:" "Project…" and "Distribution/Package…" links should be merged" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/133414:09
mptwgrant, but that that bug isn't fixed yet isn't a reason to make searching for distributions more difficult.14:09
wgrantAfter that long? I doubt it.14:09
wgrantAlthough I did see that bug #7 is targetted to 1.99..14:09
ubottuLaunchpad bug 7 in rosetta "Need help for novice translators" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/714:10
wgrantmpt: Gecko 1.9's zoom functionality introduces significant artifacts in the new LP header.14:10
wgrantThis is probably a bad thing.14:10
mptwgrant, also on my list for fixing today (it's worse in FF2)14:11
pepOh, and I had an unimportant question, just informative, how are projects selected to be in the "Featured projects" list on the main page? Just 17 most active/major projects?14:11
wgrantmpt: So I saw.14:11
wgrantmpt: The FF2 thing.14:11
mptWhen did you see it?14:12
wgrantYou filed a bug about it.14:12
mptwell, sure14:13
mptpep, I don't know the answer to that sorry. I know the choice is manual, though.14:13
pepOk, I guess it's just the most notorious projects.. only wondering :)14:14
Hobbseeaiee aiee aieee14:15
mptpep, and to answer your earlier question, no, the People fix is not on staging yet14:15
Hobbseempt: where do i nominate things for releases now?14:15
Hobbseecan i?14:15
* Hobbsee is attempting *not* to use the page find.14:16
mptHobbsee, erm, I'm pretty sure that hasn't changed at all14:16
wgrantHobbsee: Right underneath the task table.14:16
wgrantRight-hand link.14:16
Hobbseempt: i probalby haven't used it since it moved otu of the actions menu14:16
pepmpt: I am working on a website, a repository of marketing resources and artwork for ubuntu, via the marketing team, and I am very concerned about UI and usability... I just watched your Usability.odp and found it very interesting!14:26
pep:query linuxcrypt14:26
pepback, sorry about that.14:30
mptpep, heh, I'd forgotten about that14:31
mptThat was a quick talk I gave at UDS in Boston14:31
pepyes I liked it very much because I am precisely trying to make my point about this idea of simplicity14:31
pepin the development team that is14:31
pepphew, don't know what's wrong with my connection today...14:36
pepmpt: I know you're not into the subject, and probably don't have much time, but if you wish you can take a look at my design proposal here http://tinyurl.com/5kue58, it goes aside with the classification system proposal but that's not important... this is a "very quick" mockup http://dicidailleurs.houbsi.org/uploads/file/mockup.png just to show the idea... does it seem ok to you at first look? (it's the first draft)14:36
mptpep, just by glancing at it, I don't understand what it's for14:38
pepyeah, you've got to be into the subject I suppose :)14:38
mptA catalogue of marketing documents?14:38
pepsort of14:38
pepyou can upoad your documents, it is linked with launchpad for translation and review, etc... 14:39
pepand this is basically just what the end-user sees on the website, the idea as an upload and a download section only, with a filter search box... keeping it simple14:40
pepbut nevermind :)14:41
mptSo just a couple of quick suggestions14:41
mptYou have enough columns that you probably want to use the full page width, so try to get rid of the "Links" column14:42
mptand also consider whether some of the columns could be replaced by text in a secondary row for each item.14:42
pepI see yes, so not primary classification criteria14:43
pepyes, it's all a bit jammed up14:44
pepI am also wondering if we should do it in this typical ubuntu theme or in the same color scheme as launchpad, but that's not a real question now :) thanks14:46
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RinchenHobbsee, I didn't say there would be.  I said we're thinking about it.15:05
HobbseeRinchen: ah.  i must have misread, sorry.15:05
Rinchenwe've been thinking about it for a while actually.  I hope we do it.15:05
Hobbseei hope so too15:07
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cprovwgrant: why ?16:23
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jkakarI miss the 'Simon Says' favicon.  The new one is boring. :)17:48
jkakarAlso, I'm really enjoying the new user interface... there's a bit of adjustment time going on, as expect with these kinds of changes, but it really is better.17:48
pepI agree in both points :)17:56
pepmpt: I just re-made a mockup, taking care of your suggestions, I didn't take the time to put content in though, but it's not hard to imagine... if you've got a 20 seconds, please take a look and tell me if it's better or not like this: http://img254.imageshack.us/img254/692/mockup3ok0.png17:58
mptpep, +117:59
pepthanks ;)18:00
stgraberpep: the search field looks weird, why having it centered ?18:03
pepstgraber: why not18:03
stgraberdon't know, it's not where I'd look for it :)18:04
pepI put it on the right first, but that made a white gap in the middle, which didn't look nice.. then I thought that we want toimplement openID, so I put the openId on the right and the search in the center...18:04
pepstgraber: http://img225.imageshack.us/img225/3666/mockup4hr3.png I put it on the right here18:05
pep(and forgot openID I just noticed... not sure where I'd put it...)18:06
stgraberlooks better, I guess it's just the habit to see the search field on the top-right corner :)18:07
LaserJockhmm, I like them top left ...18:08
pepwell I can put the tabs on the right...18:08
pepthat gave me an idea :)18:09
pepLaserJock: http://img205.imageshack.us/img205/3948/mockup5ax5.png what do you think of this? search bar on the left... but white gap in the middle...18:14
LaserJockpep: I personally like that one the best, but it may be just me18:16
pepok, thanks for your opinion18:16
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oliver_g_is there a way to configure LP so that it by default also shows bugs that are marked as Invalid?19:01
LaserJockoliver_g_: not by default, you'll need to use the advanced search function19:09
oliver_g_LaserJock: ok, thanks19:09
=== \sh is now known as LeonovShuttle
=== LeonovShuttle is now known as \sh
newz2000hi, someone has contacted me about a problem with their launchpad details (they need to change their wiki page). What's the best way for them to ask for help with this?20:02
newz2000ah, just found it20:02
andrea-bsnewz2000: you may find help.launchpad.net/Feedback useful20:03
newz2000ok. Thanks.20:03
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=== salgado is now known as salgado-afk
=== Qball is now known as Dinges
=== herb__ is now known as herb
pygiany way to change appointed project and team name?23:08
pygi(from "cheezeburger" to "cheezburger" :)23:08
pygiand team from cheezeburger-devs to cheezburger-devs :P23:09
wgrantpygi: You can rename a team like any person, but projects must be done through the admins.23:09
pygioki, thanks wgrant, so gotta bug someone then :)23:10
LaserJockpygi: I can has one? :-)23:10
wgrantpygi: Ask a question at the answers.launchpad.net URL in the topic.23:10
pygithanks wgrant :)23:11
pygiLaserJock, hehe sure :D23:13
LaserJockmmmmm, chezburgers23:13
pygiit's actually a bzr serving magic =)23:15
spmpygi: that change has been done: https://launchpad.net/cheezburger23:24
pygispm, saw it already, that was fast :)23:24
pygithank you :)23:24
spmpygi: my pleasure!23:24
emgentedge.l.o graphic is final ?23:27
pentoTrying to look at a file in the mysql source on launchpad, it's coming up with an error to report it here. So, here I am. :) http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~mysql/mysql-server/mysql-5.1/revision/2512.68.1?filter_file_id=sp1f-mysqlslap.c-20051130000206-7t375hf5mtlqof5xd4nj76yckxvxykhv&file_id=sp1d-client-2kqe24jqdkerkil52x5pqhisz76wzwky23:37
mwhudsonoh yes, that kind of request is very very very slow with branches like mysql :(23:39
pentoHeh, alrighty. Is there a better way I can browse the source tree, then? Other than checking it out?23:40
mwhudsonwell, it'23:40
mwhudsons the 'revision touching the given file' that is slow23:40
mwhudsonbrowsing around normally should work23:41
pentoErm, I thought I was browsing normally? From https://code.launchpad.net/~mysql/mysql-server/mysql-5.1 , click on "Browse code", then click on the "Latest Rev" for any file.23:43
mwhudsonoh, that would be a bug23:44
DnaXI have a problem with pot template for traductions in launchpad (sorry for bad english)23:54
DnaXI upload it but in 5 days is deleted...23:55
DnaXwithout motive23:55
mwhudsoni'm afraid i don't know much about translations at all23:57
mwhudsondanilos: ping?23:57
DnaXmwhudson: ok ;)23:58

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