[01:33] oops. [01:34] I accidentally issued sync on ubottu, I was looking for the sync factoid in a query window... hope it didnt do anything bad, it errored out. [03:18] * mneptok vomits erotically [03:20] you should stay away from passion fruit, mneptok [03:21] nickrud: why do you think i'm vomitting?! [03:21] ;) [03:48] hrm.. [03:48] Are legal drugs concidered o4o if alcohol isnt? [03:49] context, abuse is abuse [06:28] J-_ called the ops in #ubuntu-offtopic (lovetron) [06:29] dealt with [06:46] Flannel called the ops in #ubuntu (Big) [06:47] sorted. [06:48] * Madpilot +1s Flannel for op-dom. It's long overdue... [06:48] * Flannel realises he's idling in -ops. After triggering himself. [06:48] haha [06:48] * bazhang seconds the motion [06:55] it'll take a pronouncement from on high to get flannel to accept [06:59] nickrud, apparently I count as "on high"? Who knew? Flannel just indicated in PM that he'd be glad to accept op. [06:59] This is, of course, evidence of insanity... :) [06:59] haha [07:00] yup, you must be, that's proof positive. He's turned it down more than once [07:00] I've been bugging him to accept for ages, off and on. [07:00] is he drunk? [07:00] * nickrud bows before Madpilot [07:01] nalioth, if that's a pre-req for op, I need to hit the gin a lot more :) [07:01] I think he just had a momentary lapse of reason [07:05] I have to admit I've almost entirely lost track of who's actually running Ubuntu IRCland recently [07:05] * bazhang points to nickrud [07:05] who's actually confirming new ops/on the IRC council/etc? [07:05] oh that [07:06] Madpilot: the irc council [07:06] supposedly [07:06] but they're also supposed to have 5 members, and hold regular meetings, so.... [07:06] what's left of it [07:06] confirming; not so much [07:07] lol bazhang I'm in #ubuntu and that's it, there are many more people doing far more work than I [07:07] but you are the calming presence nickrud :) [07:08] * nickrud gestures obscenely at bazhang in a mneptokian way [07:08] hehe [07:08] so... do we even currently *have* a procedure for new ops and other access list modifications? [07:09] i dobut it [07:09] mneptokian... some things should never be verbed... [07:10] the ubuntu irc operator pages hasnt been updated since forever, if that equals confirmed [07:11] +1 for flannel as op. [07:11] now you just need to get pricey and elky to agree, and there's your majority of 5 [07:11] :) [07:17] xavura [07:42] morning [08:13] WHAT, FLANNEL ISN'T OPS??! [08:14] * Myrtti reads her backlog [08:14] * Myrtti giggles [08:28] phew [08:43] !test [08:43] Failed! [09:12] I hate this type of issue [09:12] a guy comes in says wtf [09:13] asked not to, he says he's tired, so his concentration slipped [09:13] then come back when your not that tired [09:13] I'm awake I'm awake [09:14] the excuse backfires and then it changes to "I've got medical conditions" [09:14] my brother has medical conditions is next [09:15] ha ha [09:15] genuinly laughing, nice come back [09:15] thanks :) [09:16] hehe [09:16] must be full moon [09:18] that would explain yesterday [09:18] :) [09:18] I swear to Gaia, I've not seen that much idiocy in air for a looooong time [09:19] twas epic [09:19] It's summer, the trolls are not working. [09:20] windowsxp (name) was my favorite [09:21] http://myrtti.jaiku.com/presence/39982183 [09:22] did you have a fun night last night ? [09:25] you could say that [09:25] it was all quiet when I looked in before going out [09:25] count your blessings [09:25] its always quiet before you leave. [09:26] * ikonia has the gift [09:26] the one moment you turn away though... [09:27] Yep. [11:25] * Myrtti yawns [11:26] anything intresting going on? [11:26] Myrtti: I was just thinking the same thing... [11:26] I've found a really interesting tool fedora developed that looks like it has some potential for ubuntu [11:26] I'm having a little play with that [11:26] thats "interesting" [11:26] I just had an intresting nap [11:26] while waiting for a debian netinst image to download [11:28] ikonia: what is it? [11:29] the cd respin utility [11:30] i thought there was already an ubuntu respin utility [11:30] * jussi01 thought so also... [11:30] there are ways, I'm just quite impressed at how this one works, very tidy [11:31] one of the things that this seems to have a little potential for is cross host/arch/media and even distro compatability [11:31] I'm only poking around as I think it's quite cleverly put together [11:32] im currently playing with a util called unetbootin, trying to get something resembling a livecd to boot off a usbkey so i can install in this damn eeepc [11:33] !usb | elkbuntu [11:33] elkbuntu: For information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent [11:33] :P:P:P [11:35] why do all that if this thing does it all for me? [11:38] * jussi01 laughs evilly [11:41] why is envy becoming the default for everyone [11:41] because we dont curse it anymore [11:42] "I'm having issues with nvidia" first thing everyone jumps on is "envy" [11:45] it's a hard habit to break [11:45] im glad we're hearing much less of ax now though [11:45] ax ? [11:45] automatix [11:45] ooh yes [11:45] thats gone away properly, very pleased with that [11:46] autobreakix [11:46] I'm glad the "war" has stopped too [11:46] that was the killing part of it [11:46] yeha [11:46] there are never any winners in wars [11:46] nope, everyone lost [11:46] yup [11:47] it's about who lost least [11:47] well....it's gone and I see that as a positive thing [11:47] there's a good churchhill quote to the tune of the above [11:49] at least i think it's churchill [11:57] oh you are f...... someone just found -au-chat [11:57] by 'just i mean about 20 minutes ago, and by -au-chat i mean both it and -au [11:58] elkbuntu: ? [11:58] someone? [11:58] whut? [11:58] jussi01, yes. a certain someone. [12:03] hmm, she actually found it this afternoon [12:06] erh. [12:06] dmseg at ot [12:09] what the hell is he up to [12:12] I wonder how the audit is going ;) [12:23] what site is dmesg on about ? [12:24] http://rohan.ueuo.com/ - his own [12:24] oh, he's pushed that a few times in ubuntu [12:24] for god sake [12:24] I think we have the key [12:24] [quote] I am 14-years old [/quote] [12:25] that makes sense now [12:25] WHERE IS THAT?? [12:25] on his site [12:25] on the site [12:25] now it make sense [12:25] read the paragraph on the site and rofl [12:25] (not that being 14 year old is bad) but his mannerisms [12:26] are quite stereotypically accurate [12:26] okies. [12:26] that *would* explain things. [12:27] Pedo mellon a minno. [12:27] ok, I need to actually see that someone reads my blog... anybody care to make a few nice! comments? [12:27] jussi01: url [12:28] hmm [12:28] jussi01.com [12:28] now he is trying @btlogin? [12:28] o.O [12:28] sigh... [12:28] jussi01: Where? [12:28] * Pici sighs @ #kubuntu [12:29] that works ;) [12:29] jussi01: I've read that before [12:29] comments then!! [12:29] commented already [12:29] jpds: you stole my thunder!! [12:29] ok ok [12:29] jussi01: Oh mein Gott. [12:30] jussi01: I've just put a link on my site to yours, hows that for commitment :) [12:31] ikonia: great :D [12:31] ikonia: what is your site? [12:32] * jpds wonders what dmesg did here: http://rohan.ueuo.com/index2.htm [12:32] down at this second as the box is running a fedora upgrade [12:32] jussi01: give it 25 mins and it will be back [12:32] jpds: catted some binary file [12:32] I was thinking the same thing [12:33] Myrtti: Aww, I wanted his boot to be messed up.. [12:33] `reset` would have fixed it [12:36] what the devil is this guy on about ? [12:38] someone shoot im already... [12:40] we dont actually have grounds to atm [12:40] * Pici thinks we should lay off him [12:40] or at least give him a little slack, maybe he'd focus his energy to something more constructive. [12:41] like auditing us out of the blue? [12:41] I'm not on him, I just don't understand what he's trying to acomplish, and why he's name dropping people he appears to have never had a public conversation with [12:41] for crying out loud [12:42] no CC meeting? [12:42] its on fridge for today [12:42] Maybe there was a translation error for 'auditing', because tht makes no sense. [12:42] apparantly not [12:43] Pici, you werent around the other day? [12:43] elkbuntu: I wasnt... [12:44] * dmseg (n=luke@unaffiliated/dmseg) has joined #ubuntu-ops [12:44] hello, auditing will start now at 6:02PM IST (non-freenode) time every conversation will be loged and displayed on public boards for auditing thankyou [12:45] and the point of it is? [12:45] elkbuntu: well... maybe not a translation error, but that still doesnt make sense... [12:45] * Pici facedesks [12:45] Pici: it does for the most part [12:45] gnomefreak: 'why'? [12:46] Pici: why? auditing without looking it up is observing/logging than commenting/criticing [12:46] maybe poor choice of words [12:46] but its used nomrally when someone breaks laws/rules [12:47] they look into it [12:47] gnomefreak: No. I understand what auiditing is. [12:47] I wonder if any of the guys he name dropped are actually aware of him ? [12:47] Pici: what part doesnt make sense? [12:47] ikonia, they're probably aware of something gnawing at their ankles [12:47] gnomefreak: having joe random come in here and do it. [12:47] or at least long enough to kick it off [12:48] we can remove whomever and for whatever reason [12:48] elkbuntu: What day was that? I want to check the published logs [12:48] i want to know what the content will be used for and why is he going to atttempt to do this [12:48] 12th about midday sometime [12:49] saterday [12:49] gnomefreak: he told me the feedback was "positive" [12:49] ?? [12:49] gnomefreak, you have missed so much, m'dear [12:49] gnomefreak, we've entered a new phase of opping where we're chastised for disciplining trolls if they scream loud enough [12:49] i notice but noone can really answer my question so it doesnt look like many/any understand why he is attempting it [12:49] gnomefreak, because nobody has a clue wth he's doing [12:50] whos idea was this, this happened whil ei was gone from jan > may [12:50] idea == new op procedures? [12:50] certain annoying people who perceive that they got their way with the cc [12:51] dmes doesnt bother me to much (topic says or said we have the right to remove people ect... [12:51] elkbuntu: that would be emma and the other 2 people [12:51] names escape me [12:52] kahrytan being the second, not sure who you're thinking of other than that [12:52] none of that has anything to do with logging the channel though so they cant use that as excuse to set us up (us being anyone/everyone [12:52] probably emma's co-conspiritor. [12:53] nah, he's just a young guy trying to get involved with $something [12:53] mind you, merely talking about them now risks them barging in to tell us off for merely communicating [12:53] there was someone that nick started with a b but he wasnt on agenda but decided to speak interupting the meeting [12:53] heavens forbid you be kept in the loop and all, in a public channel since we're supposed to stay transparent and a private channel would not be one hence we cannot have one. [12:54] ikonia: I know how people like that can be sometimes.. [12:54] haha [12:54] one of Hobbsee and emmas friend/aquantence pmed me during the meeting because he didnt know how to take it ( i have learned to not give info to people every if personal agenda behide it [12:55] im not sure hobbsee and emma have any mutual friends [12:55] jpds: exactly, youthful exuberence [12:55] now dmesg is doing something that can be taken as a hostile action, logging/auditing channel to log everything an op does so if ops says "insert user is a troll" he can go to CC and bark [12:55] elkbuntu: they do did from what he said [12:56] let me see if i can find his nick [12:56] he could well be inventing friendship somehow [12:56] oh, what fun do we have here now? [12:57] dont see his nick anywhere [12:57] out out damned spot [12:57] elkbuntu: very possible [12:57] Pici, you sound like you're quoting mcbeth [12:57] or, lady mcbeth [12:57] elkbuntu: I was indeed. [12:57] everything seems so... dark [12:58] almost... black. [12:58] Why? I dont know, it just popped into my head. [12:58] yes... bllllaack. [12:58] MUST PAINT THE BLACK OUT! [12:58] * Mez hugs Myrtti [12:58] more like the stones [12:58] * Myrtti hugs back [12:58] black == sleep but i cant for atleast 13 more hours [12:59] though I do think the Fast Show - Babylon 5 crossover jokes were the best [12:59] elkbuntu: me either. [13:00] its lunch time in berlin right? [13:01] Kosh exits his cabin: "This season I 'ave been mosely wearin' my encounter suit!" [13:01] * Pici never watched B5 [13:02] three psycore cops sitting by a desk. after a while: copper 3: "I'll get me coat" [13:02] just talking to an op in ##linux-ops he's nothing to do with the channel [13:02] he asked about mirrors, they rejected it as no-one wanted it, he asked about bots, they didn't want one [13:02] and still he's pushing [13:03] apprantly he's a bit of a thorn in their side trying to help out but doesn't have any skills they want [13:10] Can someone tell me what https://www.cacert.org/index.php?id=1 gives them? [13:10] jpds: The same thing that it gave the last time I looked at it and laughed [13:11] * gnomefreak looks [13:11] Pici: Thought so. [13:11] jpds: (Error code: sec_error_unknown_issuer) [13:11] www.cacert.org uses an invalid security certificate. [13:11] yeah new feature [13:11] you can get it anyway [13:11] just add exception [13:12] It may have been complaining about it being self signed the last time I looked, but it was definitly giving me a security error [13:13] its not really an error its just firefox cant confirm the cert. due to it being self signed [13:14] it sounded alot better before it was implented [13:35] ... [13:35] limcore [13:37] Pici: what about him? [13:37] ugh [13:37] Hobbsee: in #ubuntu, complaining. * LimCore bitchslaps someone for making applications start silently and connect to inet without question... what is this, windows? [13:38] kmail doesn't. [13:38] staight away "why the F" [13:38] Pici: point out to him that kde saves sessions by default. [13:38] he's had enough language warnings and knows the deal [13:38] indeed. [13:39] he had a project (allegedly) called stfu [13:39] tell him he knows where he can get support instead [13:39] he knows about the 'premier ubuntu channel' [13:40] Hobbsee: oooh, there's one of those too? [13:40] Tm_T: dude, have you been living under a rock for the past....like...6 months? [13:41] it has a certain female mentioned here earlier running it. [13:42] Hobbsee: yeah, I have been less observing lately [13:43] * Tm_T is an old hermit [13:43] Tm_T: it's the place that many people were getting recruited to [13:43] aaah, that one [13:43] I think I remember the thing now [13:55] ikonia: heh, nice call [13:55] enough is enough [13:55] he does this on a regular basis [13:55] it adds no value and just serves to cause a row [13:56] he's not interested in fixing any issues, just ranting about what a failure ubuntu is [13:56] holarious quality? [13:57] ikonia: Who, where? [13:57] he's not native english, can't call him on that [13:57] jpds: limcore in #ubuntu [14:04] pity. i can't blame it on his binary driver. [14:05] I don't doubt he has valid bugs, it's how he goes about it [14:05] oh, sure [14:05] "ubuntu is rubbish, total failure ubuntu should make everything work" [14:05] yeah, well. [14:05] it's regular as clock work [14:05] i'm surprised that he's the only one who's found that bug though. [14:05] it's not a common used application, although I'm surprised it got through test [14:05] assuming he's using the repo versions [14:06] it probably wasn't tested. [14:06] at least, not since the later version of X [14:06] which repo is it in ? [14:06] ours [14:06] I mean multi/uni/core [14:06] smackdown. [14:07] universe [14:07] smackdown ? [14:07] oh [14:07] oh, there's a later version of it [14:08] the fun thing is that half the stuff he comes up with wouldnt happen in windows or mac either [14:11] bedtime mydearies. dont let the trolls bite too hard [14:11] heh [14:11] well, intrepid has the working version, so... [14:11] if you must feed them, remember the chainmail glove [14:11] as to why it's taken this long for anyone, especially him, to do anything constructive about it, i don't know. [14:12] huh? [14:12] uh, boltclock...wasn't he in here for that quit message? [14:13] Hobbsee: good call [14:13] where is he ? [14:13] I keep missing him and he's not responded to a pm [14:13] he just quit #ubuntu [14:13] rats [14:13] [23:12] <-- BoltClock has left this channel ("Remember: don't use `sudo rm -rf /`!"). [14:14] yeah, he's still got that [14:14] I sent him a pm but looks like he's not changed it, [14:14] banforward him here [14:14] by orders of a councillor. [14:14] and memo him and pray he figures how to see it [14:14] it seemed a bit harsh as he's not at fault, but because he keeps being missed I guess we'll have to [14:15] try a memo first then if you're unsure [14:15] but nobody says 'dont press the red button' without expecting people to try press said red button [14:15] ok, I'll leave a memo and see if I can catch him online as few people pickup memoserv [14:15] but failing that I guess ban forward him [14:15] I know, thats why it seems sensible to change it [14:16] and why he has no excuse not to [14:16] got him [14:16] he's online [14:16] cool [14:17] i'm going to bed since my washing has finished and my left eye has closed for the night already [14:17] no, it's my right eye [14:17] good night, [14:17] im going to bed since i cant tell my left from my right [14:20] night elkbuntu [14:21] i'm pleased to see that he's gone silent, once there is actually a fix [14:21] it's changed [14:21] and, it's actually the fault of the upstream guys, as they didnt' fix their broken software quickly enough [14:22] nicley fixed [14:22] and that we didn't pick it up [14:43] any idea what unavailable in #ubuntu is really after, he's being very dubious about what he's actually asking for === gnomefre1k is now known as gnomefreak [17:05] FloodBot2 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (exploit) [17:05] FloodBot3 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (exploit) [17:05] FloodBot1 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (exploit) [17:06] oh yummy [17:06] darn, I need to make that hilight do the whole line [17:07] gordonjcp called the ops in #ubuntu () [17:08] hello [17:08] lol as ident and heh as realname [17:08] really assuring... [17:08] When I installed Linux it asked me for my credit card number. Two days later I got a call from Wachovia asking me if I had purchased $400 worth of Totino's pizza rolls and Mountain Dew (I hadn't). Let this be a warning to all of you out there in the Internet. [17:09] RobertBopkins: are you attempting to waste peoples time ? [17:09] jussi01: did you mean to forward this here? [17:09] do you think this is a joke? [17:09] i installed ubuntu the other day, and it asked me for my creditcard [17:10] i will not stand for ubuntu scamming people [17:10] like this [17:10] RobertBopkins: where did you get the CD from ? [17:10] the internet [17:10] RobertBopkins: where on the internet [17:11] www.ubuntufree.on.nimp.org [17:11] ahh so thats just spam [17:11] can we stick a ban on him [17:11] right then [17:11] what is that url? [17:11] done [17:12] noted that the most recent exploiter had also given that url on #ubuntu [17:12] exploit [17:12] surly thats kline ? [17:12] then it might be time to poke s t ff [17:12] Myrtti: anything that is something.nimp.org or something.pasteplace.net is a shocksite-java-browsercrash-etc-badthing site [17:12] ah [17:12] * Pici pokes stuff [17:13] Pici: Hmm, you hilighted me. [17:13] Pici: "ha ha" [17:13] jpds: yay [17:16] Pici: was that an automatic kick or did you do it by hand? [17:17] strying to get hold of staff in #freenode now [17:17] may have to summon them as thats not a cool thing to post [17:17] !staff [17:17] Hey nalioth, jenda, rob, SportChick, seanw, Dave2, Christel, tomaw, Gary or PriceChild, I could use a bit of your time :) [17:19] Pici: thanks for sorting that [17:19] jussi01: np [17:23] quite a clever way to launch an exploit through flash [17:25] Myrtti: anything 'on . ni mp . org' should be an autokickban [17:25] good to know [17:25] why do hosts allow that ? [17:25] someone must have setup ubuntuisfree dns entry [17:26] uh, oh, the !rosetta factoid has wrong url [17:26] !rosetta [17:26] rosetta is a Web-based system for translating open source software into any language. See https://launchpad.net/rosetta/+about [17:26] and what should it have? [17:26] looking for it now [17:26] nalioth: "can I please have an autokick on someone mentioning the word whore?" [17:27] Myrtti: the word ' [17:27] whore' doesn't damage folks' systems or deliver malware [17:27] nalioth: note quotes [17:27] :-P [17:28] Myrtti: maybe https://translations.launchpad.net/ ? [17:28] or just https://launchpad.net/rosetta [17:32] !rosetta ~= /https:\/\/launchpad.net\/rosetta\/+about/https:\/\/launchpad.net\/rosetta/ [17:32] Too many (or not enough) delimiters [17:32] ho-hum. [17:34] !no, rosetta is rosetta is a Web-based system for translating open source software into any language. See https://launchpad.net/rosetta [17:34] I'll remember that jussi01 [17:35] !rosetta [17:35] rosetta is a Web-based system for translating open source software into any language. See https://launchpad.net/rosetta [17:35] :) [17:35] jussi01: thanks [17:43] TheSheep: no probs [17:55] jussi01: lol, see what ubottu did just on -ot [17:55] Its good no one else is in my office right no, they all would have been staring at me laughing [17:55] s/no/now [17:56] rofl [18:25] wols called the ops in #ubuntu (edeff) [18:26] He's gone. [18:29] y'all be sharp now, trouble may come knocking [18:47] Jack_Sparrow: Trouble be thy name? [18:48] I am usually in trouble for something, whats up [18:48] Nothing special [18:48] Nothing more than normal [18:48] Exactly [18:49] Hows things been here. I have been a bit busy [18:49] I have only checked the channel a few times here and there [18:49] Its been pretty busy here, just regular sort of junk. [18:50] Same network and video issues [18:50] There was a bad flash update that went out, but its been corrected. [18:51] THe occasional clown wanting to run game emulator under wine, in ubuntu installed via wubi and accessible to ntfs prgrams [18:51] :) [19:28] http://www.flickr.com/photos/myrtti/2671276351/ ♥ [20:21] I'm happy with Flannel being an op (+1) [20:24] +77 [20:28] jussi01, ping pong [20:29] ompaul: ding dong [20:29] I has too many confusers [20:29] * ompaul looks for something to grumble about [20:29] ahh jussi01 prepare for pm [20:29] oh noes it is an ompaul [20:30] * jussi01 runs [20:31] * ompaul still looks for something to grumble about [20:31] if jussi01 does do what was asked I will have work to do - and not have time to grumble ;-) [20:34] ompaul: Im in the middle of ixing my network connection atm - I dont have a dns :/ [20:35] can someone give me a public dns for now? [20:36] jussi01, just a sec [20:37] jussi01, this is what I use [20:37] ompaul: Thanks! [20:37] it is one of those ones funny ones if you get a wrong query on web traffic it sends you some adverts [20:37] harmless enough [20:37] [20:37] is their other one [20:39] !test [20:39] Failed! [20:39] jussi01, if they fail then you got serious problems [20:39] ompaul: nah, its working now :D [20:39] good [20:40] I was about to give the exact same ip's [20:40] copyMyrtti is not as funny as lolMyrtti [20:41] Now playing "Butterfly" by Rajaton. ♥ [20:41] ompaul: well I do know opendns.com too... [20:41] * ompaul is listening to Mr Bob The Dylan his sellllf [20:41] the video of that song by Rajaton has great scenery from Finland [20:42] ahhh [20:42] http://youtube.com/watch?v=oghj7y4hluU [20:42] and the lyrics are great too [20:43] not quite the basshunter [20:43] hehe [20:43] * ompaul runs [20:43] great scenery = wall of trees and mist [20:43] TheSheep: Finland ♥ [20:45] boring [20:45] hi DBO [20:45] DBO, helllllo [20:46] hello all [20:46] im looking for the Intrepid roadmap [20:46] need to get gnome-do 0.6 pushed out in time for feature freeze [20:46] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IntrepidReleaseSchedule [20:46] not that [20:47] that works [20:47] DBO: can we help you? [20:47] we got a month [20:47] hmmm [20:47] nalioth, you do not remember dbo? [20:47] ompaul: i don't know who that is. [20:47] not unless you can hook me up with an artist, we are kinda doing a release sprint [20:48] well he could do with a cloak [20:48] hai, DBO :) [20:48] that help? [20:48] ompaul, hes just messing with me [20:48] i dont ident on this computer a lot [20:48] most likely [20:48] just like i mess with all folks who show their slip [20:48] hai nalioth =) [20:48] * ompaul wonders what dota is [20:49] some game of some sort iirc [20:49] who are all these idling people? [20:50] nalioth, clear [20:50] as in they are [20:50] i poke people on their lack of credentials, because i have no small experience with nick-thieves and social engineers [20:50] I says we kicks them all out... [20:50] leave juliu^^x alone thanks ;-) [20:51] ompaul: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Defense_of_the_Ancients [20:51] query their purposes and have at it [20:51] and I know others will speak for others [20:51] Myrtti, thanks [20:51] "Vi sitter i Ventrilo och spelar DotA" by Swedish musician Basshunter reached the European 2006 charts at #116 and cracked the top ten Singles Charts in Sweden [20:52] * ompaul is currently listening to it [20:53] !kirby [20:53] Sorry, I don't know anything about kirby [20:53] !kirby | public [20:53] some poor person [20:53] ohh well [20:54] !kirby-#ubuntu-offtopic | ompaul [20:54] ompaul: <(^.^<) <(^.^)> (>^.^)> [20:54] ack [20:56] please check lil-romeo in #u not sure [20:57] ompaul: Im sorry, Im real busy atm . Ill get you that stuff you asked for soon [20:58] jussi01, np after the weekend is good [20:58] most likely better [21:02] Has anyone seen stdin recently? [21:04] jussi01: Maybe he's getting ready for lugradio? or something.. [21:04] jpds: yeah, good point [21:05] talking of which, I should continue cleaning this place up [21:06] Myrtti, travellog [21:06] and travelling [21:06] or log the travelling [21:06] you think? [21:06] I refer to about 48 hours from now [21:07] no wrong [21:07] ohh well [21:07] hm, was thinking about that today [21:07] perhaps I should [21:07] ok we need supplies [21:07] and so it is I go to get same [21:07] later [21:08] tatah [21:11] * Myrtti sighs, goes to roll the rugs away [21:14] Myrtti: ompaul: whover_else: when are you getting here? Will you be at the social thing Friday night? [21:15] PriceChild: http://www.timeanddate.com/counters/customcounter.html?day=18&month=07&year=2008&hour=12&min=40&sec=&p0=136 [21:15] that's for my plane [21:15] Myrtti: ah so you get here about lunchtime [21:15] :-P [21:16] wasn't my way easier? :D [21:16] yeah, but I'll prolly have a nap and shower before doing anything social [21:16] yup [21:16] * PriceChild finds details of evening thing [21:17] http://lugradio.org/live/UK2008/travel#friday_night [21:17] I'm already scared ****less over traveling - haven't packed yet anything else than the tinned reindeer and this place is a mess - and I can't remember my credit card pin and cant print my eticket and am afraid of the travel part - staying awake... [21:17] I'm actually quite surprised how calmly I'm acting now [21:18] it is scary going abroad on own [21:18] well not so scary [21:18] but paranoia inducing [21:18] for me anyway :P [21:20] so yes, Myrtti has no excuse [21:20] excuse for what? :-P [21:21] for not being at Hogshead that evening? [21:22] mmhm [21:22] I guarantee nothing - remember I have to leave home about 12hrs before my plane arrives to UK [21:22] so I'll prolly stay awake the previous night [21:22] kids kids kids... [21:31] jpds: fyi, I texted him - his internet is screwed, [21:31] jussi01: Right. [21:38] Pici I did all updates on a gutsy box and still show the old Pidgin version. What should I look for. [21:53] !away > gardar`afk [21:53] gardar`afk, please see my private message [21:55] hi AfeRaTa [21:55] hui [21:55] horrible! [21:56] q [21:56] awful! [21:56] my === AfeRaTa is now known as darkuk [21:56] AfeRaTa: yes? [21:56] asl Myrtti [21:56] pyrti :) [21:56] darkuk, you are in a school in coventry [21:57] you proxy [21:57] you lamer the best :) [21:57] bad call [21:57] :) [21:57] you want to know what I think [21:57] darkuk: can we help you? [21:57] my nokia N95 8 gb :) [21:57] nalioth, he claims a proxy [21:57] i am Bulgari [21:57] Bg chackeR [21:57] :) [21:57] ompaul: no comprende [21:57] * Myrtti mails abuse@mailbox.thw.coventry.sch.uk, postmaster@mailbox.thw.coventry.sch.uk and webmaster@mailbox.thw.coventry.sch.uk [21:58] thats a good place to start [21:58] ho-HUM [21:58] bye bye :) [21:58] idiot [21:58] somehow I get a feeling that they might not know they've got a proxy running open like that [21:59] gah, what did I miss... [21:59] * nalioth has no idea [21:59] Myrtti, if they have an open proxy they will be banned from freenode [21:59] 99% of the time [22:00] http://www.thw.coventry.sch.uk/ [22:00] Email: enquiries@thw.coventry.sch.uk [22:05] is there any tuition on schools in UK at this time of year? [22:05] there can be [22:06] exchange students etc [22:06] ask PC for details [22:07] seems to be [22:07] that school is open until 18th July [22:07] looked at their schedule [22:07] yup [22:07] damn I would not like us to be the bad guys ;-) [22:07] woo would not be good for your network [22:07] we take you on official and unofficial programs [22:08] I find it somewhat disturbing that his host is what it was [22:08] and the ident [22:08] Myrtti: errr, wait a second... you arent??? [22:08] I had this years ago with a school [22:08] am I paranoid, writing this email? [22:09] Myrtti: no [22:09] wait until tomorrow when they are there and this person is not [22:09] or at least is otherwise occupied [22:09] and send a copy to attendance :) [22:09] under separate cover [22:10] /me is glad ompaul is on his side :D [22:10] hehe [22:16] +1 for flannel as op [22:17] * elkbuntu heads to the trains [22:18] AfeRaTa, ohh hi [22:18] ban avoidance really is against network aup [22:18] who is the bitch ? :) [22:19] nalioth, look who is back [22:19] hmm [22:19] but why I ask myself [22:20] well, well, well [22:20] I think you can do something with that I take it [22:20] :) [22:20] and here we go again [22:21] nalioth, that is three IPs I got for ya that are proxies :) [22:21] ahh [22:22] I would gladly let him in as someone else time and again [22:22] Myrtti, so now you know it is a proxy user :) [22:22] so would I [22:22] are you sure proxy, not cracked root account=? [22:22] "we outsourced our proxy scanning to bulgaria." [22:22] either way, they need sorting [22:23] would someone want to be in cc of this email? pm address [22:23] Myrtti: me please [22:23] you have my addy [22:25] anyone else? hitting [ Send ] in 15s [22:25] Myrtti: me at gmail.com [22:25] me being my nick [22:25] :) [22:25] Myrtti, if you can find me ;-) [22:32] I've written too many emails in my life. [22:33] what is bubbling in -ot? [22:34] * PriceChild throws Myrtti in head first [22:35] @btlogin [22:35] * ompaul does research [22:37] i guess i'm a geek when i recognize geekcode [22:41] There seem to be 3 +1s for Flannel from the council, who wants to poke him? [22:42] when did elky speak up? [22:43] 26 minutes ago [22:44] asked to get in here [22:44] you can has fun then [22:44] * ompaul is going to bed [22:44] He seems to be away atm anyway. [22:44] so you can call later [22:44] :) [22:44] he'll come back to a horrible surprise, won't he then? [22:44] PriceChild: we need to sort out this ubuntu studio thing [22:45] jussi01: yup [22:45] what is the problem / lack of a problem with it [22:45] mma has given me the resonsibility for getting it done [22:45] could you clarify on what it is to be done? [22:45] or is it letting us choose? [22:45] logtastic [22:45] * ompaul revs up [22:46] PriceChild: the latter - we would like a council proposal [22:46] jussi01: right ok. [22:46] PriceChild: Ive not been party to this process before, so I guess Im still learning [22:47] jussi01: but basically along the lines of "happy with the council overlooking the #ubuntustudio project on freenode" kinda thing? [22:47] PriceChild: exactly :) [22:47] jussi01: cool. [22:48] PriceChild: we want to be in line with normal ubuntu policy as possible :) [22:48] as per a normal official derivative [22:49] jussi01: well i guess that means we need to sort out a gcf, (after explaining what that entails to ubuntustudio) get them to approve it, make a little statement somewhere about it. [22:49] PriceChild: what is a gcf exactly? [22:49] group contact form [22:49] linky? [22:49] * Myrtti makes a mental note on 00:49 @,- TGD [n=gts@host86-137-118-255.range86-137.btcentralplus.com] has quit ["DSOrganize IRC"] [22:49] http://freenode.net/group_registration.shtml [22:50] PriceChild: ahh, ok - yes :) [22:50] jussi01: basically making freenode know that 'foo' is the 'bar project's spokesperson, and will liase between the two organisations. [22:50] well that's the most noticable bit anyway [22:51] PriceChild: so it doesnt come under the ubuntu hat? or? [22:52] jussi01: I would guess that we would refile our existing gcf, tacking the ubuntustudio bit on the end with kubuntu,xubuntu etc. but that's something for us to worry about. [22:52] And hopefully after all this, we'll never need to worry about it and everything will be the same as it was before. [22:52] PriceChild: ahh, ok. but we still need to do one? [22:53] It would be handy. [22:53] Because of the "Additional channel management capabilities." [22:54] ok, will do. - should I just get it filled out and submitted then? [22:54] nope [22:54] jussi01: patience is a virtue [22:54] language is a virus. [22:55] nalioth: hehe :D I know, just trying to make sure I dont screw it up :D [22:55] I'm disappearing in 5 mins [22:55] PriceChild: ahh - later then :) [23:09] watch out for Xavura - he quit now but I suspect he'll be back [23:11] that guy rubs me the wrong way, too [23:11] prolly 'cause i'm old, and he's fighting puberty [23:19] meh [23:19] meh indeed [23:19] Myrtti I directed him here [23:19] 01:18 < dragon_> is there another chat I should be in for help with ubuntu 8.04? [23:19] 01:18 < SebNaitsabes> dragon [23:19] 01:18 < SebNaitsabes> you can try [23:19] 01:18 @,- kedde [n=kedde@563459f8.rev.stofanet.dk] has left #ubuntu ["Ex-Chat"] [23:19] 01:18 < SebNaitsabes> #club-ubuntu [23:19] [B[B[B[B [23:20] Why am I banned for saying hell? [23:20] you're not banned for saying only that [23:21] Sure, it's the rules, but it's pretty pathetic, considering it ISN'T a swear word [23:21] What am I banned for then? [23:21] Enlighten me. [23:22] Sure I haven't shown the most positive attitude, I'm in the worst of moods, I'm sorry I am not able to act all happy wappy in your presence and pretend like everything is all good [23:22] I'm sorry that I can't mask my frustration [23:22] but really [23:22] your ranting about things not working wasn't helping you or anyone else. You were told to stop as it was counterproductive and disturbing the normal flow of the channel [23:22] which you ignored [23:23] Well things weren't working, people told me to try things, things which I had tried already numerous times and they didn't work either [23:23] and everytime someone "helped" it created even MORE problems [23:23] I wouldn't call that productive, would you? [23:25] Xavura Paid professional support is available [23:25] actually, given their solutions should've worked (I've not followed them), yes [23:25] Oh yeah, that's cute. [23:26] well nothing seemed to work [23:26] we cannot guarantee the quality of help at #ubuntu to each and every user [23:26] everything created more problems that just kept building up and up [23:26] I know the support is voluntary [23:26] I know there are no guarantees [23:26] but still, it's not good is it [23:26] The solutions should have worked, unless something had been done previously that kept them from working [23:26] Something that had been suggested by someone, previously [23:27] THat is not the point. Your attitude is the point of this discussion [23:27] How would your attitude be after 14~ hours of trying to fix things, only to have more problems be created [23:28] well, given that there are 1300 people in #ubuntu, all volunteer, who've tried their best to help you [23:28] I *wouldn't* go ranting there [23:29] How long do these bans last? I kind of need my computer to work. [23:29] They last until we remove them. [23:30] Guh [23:30] and how is the time to remove them decided... [23:30] and that is dependant on you [23:31] I mean, not like it matters to you one bit, support is as previously mentioned voluntary... but how long do I have to be stuck without a working computer for? [23:32] you an always reinstall it [23:32] Again? No thanks [23:33] You say it's dependant on me, dependant on *what* exactly? [23:33] then it seems you "don't need your computer to worK" as you are letting on [23:33] Not enough to re-install no [23:33] I have data I will lose, data I can't back up [23:33] 18:27:19 THat is not the point. Your attitude is the point of this discussion [23:33] Xavura: the length of your ban is decided by the op placing the ban based on your personal behaviour and the "personal growth" and "attitude adjustment" you show [23:34] having said that, I see it's way too late for me to be practising procrastination of sleep with IRC [23:34] Well is my attittude still bad? If you think that then I may as well go back to Windows because right now I have no attitude at all, I went and vented for a few minutes and while I am not a happy chappy, I am not showing an attitude towards anyone here right now [23:34] and if you think I am, then you interpret what I say wrong [23:34] and I'll continue my personal growth in bed, nini all [23:35] byas Myrtti [23:35] If not then ok, but I have been accused of having an attitude before while enganging in normal conversation :\ [23:39] Could someone at least scroll up and find the paste that supposedly had my original xorg.conf in [23:39] So I have something to try... [23:47] omg, before I turn in for the night, found this. http://code.google.com/creative/radiohead/ [23:48] WHOA. [23:48] now, really going in bed. [23:56] How do I set my keyboard layout to en-GB [23:56] I can't log in without it [23:56] My password is full of symbols and en-US totally switches everything around [23:57] Someone already told me but it didn't work... [23:58] Please? I at least need to get into MY account even if everything is borked [23:58] Xavura: this is not a support channel. there are over 200 channels here that can help you with your X11 problem [23:59] I know it isn't but I am banned from \ubuntu and if I try any other channel I will be redirected to \ubuntu, no? [23:59] See what I mean about the symbols...