
igchi lifeless00:00
igcpython figures for you lifeless: 346.5MB -> 181.4MB00:00
igcOOo and mysql still going00:01
mwhudsonoh man, i which this was deterministic00:01
lifelessmwhudson: which was?00:07
ubottuLaunchpad bug 249256 in bzr "bzr get fails in tree building ... sometimes" [Undecided,New]00:07
mwhudsoni'm getting somewhere now00:07
lifelessigc: this is consistent; I am sure it can drop another 50% via the ordering work I had hoped to get done today00:07
lifelessbut sprinting on other more face2face things00:08
ChristopheTHi.  I am struggling to write some tests (in tests_http.py) with redirected web servers.  For 2 web servers it is done, but I'd like to test with 10 redirections.  Any pointers?00:09
mwhudsonlifeless: bzrdir.py00:09
mwhudsonline 102100:09
mwhudsontree_format = repository._format._matchingbzrdir.workingtree_format00:09
mwhudson'repository._format._matchingbzrdir' is the _class_ object00:09
mwhudsonand so 'repository._format._matchingbzrdir.workingtree_format' is the _property_ object00:09
mwhudsonhilarity ensues00:10
lifelessmwhudson: sweet00:11
mwhudsonlifeless: i think (a) this is priority 0, (b) i'm not the best person to fix it00:12
mwhudsoni guess it's getting late for you though?00:12
taconesorry, how to get the last revision (with no .bzr files or stuff like that) ?00:12
lifelesstacone: bzr export00:13
taconeand without having to branch millions of revisions ?00:13
mwhudsonlifeless: so i guess you're not the best person to fix it either00:13
* mwhudson pokes poolie, spiv 00:13
taconelifeless: bzr export works only when I have already branched, right ?00:13
bob2tacone: export can take a remote branch url00:13
lifelessmwhudson: have you merged zr-search loggerhead ?00:13
lifelesstacone: no, ou can export any branch00:13
mwhudsonlifeless: no, i reviewed it and had comments and then ... someone we know ... screwed up beuno's life :)00:14
lifelessmwhudson: a certain celebrity?00:14
taconebzr export lp:~encompass/memaker/trunk --format=tgz gives: bzr: ERROR: Not a branch: "/var/www/aaaa/httpdocs/"00:14
mwhudsonlifeless: yeah00:14
tacone /var/www/... is my current directory00:14
lifelessmwhudson: ergh00:14
lifelesstacone: bzr export foo.tar.gz lp:~encompass/memaker/trunk00:15
mwhudsoni can probably make the fixes i requested myself, but it would definitely be quicker easier for beuno00:15
lifeless(bzr help export should help you)00:15
lifelessmwhudson: pls don't let it bitrot; thumper confirmed you have work time available at your discretion for this00:15
mwhudsonlifeless: it looks like today is a loggerhead day00:16
mwhudson(when i can stop worrying about bzr.dev being broken anyway)00:16
beunomwhudson, lifeless, I'll try and get to those changes today or tomorrow00:17
lifelessI have to halt()00:17
mwhudsonbeuno: if you can just tell me which parts of the code need to change to do them, that'll probably be enough of a hint for me to be able to do them00:17
lifelessI'll be doing gc stuff tomorrow; mail me if you have things for my attention, otherwise its headphones on and code away00:18
beunomwhudson, I'm wrapping some things up, if I don't fix them, I'll send you the hints00:19
mwhudsonbeuno: cool beans00:20
beunoand sorry for the lag00:21
* mwhudson changes location00:29
taconeThanks lifeless, works :-). good night00:31
thumperI have a switch question00:36
thumperanyone know that area well?00:36
thumperThere is a shared repo at ~/gnome-bzr/repos/metacity with some branches under it: "devel" and "some-other"00:37
thumperin ~/gnome-bzr/src/metacity there is a lightweight checkout of ~/gnome-bzr/repos/metacity/devel00:38
thumperif we are in the ~/gnome-bzr/src/metacity directory, I was told that `bzr switch some-other` would work00:38
thumperbut instead an error is returned: bzr: ERROR: Not a branch: "[stripped/home/tthurman/gnome-bzr/src/metacity/vectacity/".00:39
bob2it should switch to the sibling 'some-other' of the currently bound branch00:40
mwhudsonyeah, i thought that worked00:40
thumperI was trying to nicely strip the home dir out00:40
mwhudsonnew enough client bzr?00:40
thumperI've asked the user00:40
thumperha, he is on 1.3.100:40
thumpernewer bzr needed?00:41
mwhudsonhardy was released too early00:41
mwhudsoni don't exactly know, but it's a fairly new feature00:41
thumperbob2: thanks00:43
* mwhudson pokes poolie, spiv again00:52
spivmwhudson: hi01:12
mwhudsonspiv: https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/bzr/+bug/249256 is critical01:13
ubottuLaunchpad bug 249256 in bzr "bzr get fails in tree building ... sometimes" [Undecided,New]01:13
mwhudsonspiv: please fix :)01:13
igcping markh01:25
markhigc: hi ian01:26
igcmarkh: re your cog.py patch, why the 'del sys.argv[0]' line?01:26
markhIIRC, the new script is sys.argv[0]01:26
markhso nuking that puts cog.py back in [0]01:26
markhie, so cog.py sees the same argv it would without the wrapper script01:27
igcmarkh: so python magically self-repairs that dict?01:27
igcyes, list01:27
igcignore that01:28
igcok - brain working again :-)01:28
igcthanks markh :-)01:28
markhnp - thanks for looking at the patch :)01:28
markhI actually screwed up the patch to the .cog itself, which I need to email about01:29
markhie, I used "out1" instead of "outl" in some cases - trailing "number one" versus "letter l" :(01:29
igcmarkh: I'll approve and merge the cog.py patch now01:30
markhas usual, a bit of a mad rush to clean up the patch before sending it off, then only testing one of the main "branches"01:30
markhgreat, thanks.  I've got yet more to come soon, now that I've worked out how to include QBzr in the installer and have tortoise re-use that - but I'm still trying to get my life back into order since europython.01:31
igcmarkh: now is a good time to clean things up. 1.6rc1 is pending01:31
markhigc: were you in dubai?01:31
igcmarkh: no. I can't travel just at the moment - health problems unfortunately01:32
markhbugger - anyting too serious?01:32
igcmarkh: how did your Bazaar talk go btw?01:32
markhwell - I think Steve was happy because Chris Withers said that due to my talk he would investigate bzr (I believe Chris and Steve are personal friends?)01:33
igcmarkh: things could be better. See http://ianclatworthy.wordpress.com/2008/06/26/how-can-i-help/01:33
igcmarkh: did you like steve's talk? it was partly based on a paper of mine01:34
markhyes, I did alot and I saw reference to your paper which I'm yet to read.  I think its very interesting.01:34
markha nice "post xp" methodology01:34
markhneo-xp? :)01:34
chadmillermwhudson: Thanks for filing that bug, #249256 .01:34
markhpost-modernism-in-xp? ;)01:35
mwhudsonchadmiller: i'm trying to encourage someone to figure out how to fix it properly :)01:35
markhigc: damn - very sorry to hear about your health :(01:35
igcmarkh: I doubt my paper will change the world as much as Kent Beck's paper on XP did but one can only hope!01:35
igcmarkh: yeah - it's a bummer :-)01:36
chadmillermwhudson: I could normally sit on my hands, but a patch from this afternoon is essential for my team.  Grr.01:36
chadmiller^patch^patch to bzr01:36
mwhudsonchadmiller: the --weave thing?01:36
mwhudsonchadmiller: let me see if i can hack01:36
mwhudsonhm, maybe it just takes 2 characters :)01:38
mwhudsonchadmiller: this seems to fix it for me: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/27879/01:45
mwhudsonpoolie: ^^01:48
igcmarkh: so confirming, you're planning to resubmit your patch on 'optionally install tbzr ...'?01:51
markhigc: yes01:51
igcmarkh: I'm mark it as resubmit01:51
mwhudsonoh ffs01:53
mwhudsonmy repo on people.ubuntu.com is knits01:53
mwhudsoni thought pushing was taking a while01:53
mwhudsonpoolie: http://people.ubuntu.com/~mwh/repos/bzr/create-tree-from-remote-branch-bug-249256/ contains the fix and some changes to the test setup02:03
mwhudsonpoolie: but test_selftest fails02:03
mwhudsonchadmiller: any luck?02:05
chadmillermwhudson: I haven't tested it.  Sorry -- brain fried.  Need rest now.  G'night.02:06
mwhudsonchadmiller: ok02:07
chadmillerI mailed my co-worker, who should be waking in not too long.02:07
chadmillermwhudson: Thank you!02:07
mwhudsonchadmiller: hope it helps!02:07
mwhudsonthanks for bringing it up!02:07
* mwhudson lunches, biab02:11
pooliemwhudson: i'm merging that not02:55
pooliei mean for review, not yet to trun02:56
mwhudsonoh good :)02:56
pooliedid you upgrade it?02:56
mwhudsonwell, moved my old repo away and made a new one02:56
mwhudsonso yeah, it's packs now02:56
mwhudsonpoolie: i guess the getting of bzrdir format from the tree/repo should be pushed down another layer02:58
mwhudson(and possibly given a more official sounding name than '_matchingbzrdirformat')02:58
mwhudsonoh and something equivalent should be on branches02:58
rick_h_lifeless: ping02:59
poolieand does that branch now pass everything but test_selftest?02:59
mwhudsonpoolie: yep03:00
pooliethat patch looks reasonable03:00
pooliewould you like me to look at the selftest failures?03:01
mwhudsonyes, i'm not really sure how to fix them03:02
mwhudsonwell, i can see a couple of ways03:02
pooliei guess it's good this method is specifically tested03:03
pooliemwhudson: so to state the obvious we need to pass it format descriptions in the form it expects03:07
pooliei think passing strings to a function-under-test that is meant to get a different type of object03:08
pooliebecause it just happens to pass through the current duck-typed implementation is a bit gross03:08
mwhudsonpoolie: yes03:08
poolieor at least, confusing to someone reading the test03:08
pooliei've updated the formats_to_scenarios docstring a bit too03:08
poolieor ints even03:09
mwhudsonalternatively you could say that it's a feature of the adapters that they treat the arguments as black boxes03:09
mwhudsonthough, pff, that's a bit bogus i think03:10
mwhudsonpoolie: i think a stronger argument is that if bazaar is changing so that the bzrdir format is derived from other inputs rather than supplied separately03:11
mwhudsonthe test suite should change to reflect that too03:11
mwhudsonthe problems of trying to fix bugs on release day :)03:11
igcspiv: can you take a look at http://bundlebuggy.aaronbentley.com/project/bzr/request/%3C4877E9ED.7020503@gmail.com%3E please? Would to be nice to get this into 1.6 if you're happy with it.03:12
* igc lunch03:13
pooliemwhudson: i guess it's nice for python interfaces to not be over-particular about the interfaces of objects passed to them03:13
pooliebut the tests should actually adhere to whatever the code under test expects03:13
pooliemwhudson: i'm going to change it to pass actual formats anyhow03:14
poolieand see how that looks03:14
mwhudsonpoolie: okidoke03:14
spivigc: I'll take a look03:15
=== sm_ is now known as sm
pooliemwhudson: something like this...03:32
mwhudsonpoolie: that does make the tests look more realistic03:33
poolieit is a little longer to write but fortunately the format objects do already have __eq__ methods03:34
poolieso with the vfs03:34
poolieso with the vfs_scenarios similarly changed that one test passes03:34
pooliemwhudson: ok they're all fixed, i'll send it to the list04:06
pooliemaybe you could read it there?04:06
mwhudsonpoolie: okidoke04:07
mwhudsonwow, tcp being useful -- my laptop was asleep in my bag for about 10 minutes there04:08
pooliesadly many protocols on top or nat devices now have shorter timeouts04:08
pooliemwhudson: so do you know what value of "sometimes" causes it to fail?04:09
mwhudsonpoolie: no, i'm totally baffled by that04:09
mwhudsonpoolie: i can only imagine i wasn't running the code i thought i was04:09
pooliemwhudson: so i'm just writing the cover letter04:11
poolieand can you explain to me _why_ you want to change the format list passed to these multipliers04:12
pooliein some ways passing the bzrdir separately is cleaner04:12
mwhudsonwell, because it was passing it separately that allowed the bug to land04:13
mwhudsonand if _every_ callsite is like "(f, f._matchingbzrdirformat)" that seems redundant04:14
pooliei agree04:14
mwhudsonthat's all04:15
pooliespiv, could you read my submission of mwh's fix?04:17
poolieor igc04:17
beunomwhudson, updating search04:55
mwhudsonbeuno: awesome04:55
beunoshould address all your comments, except the last two "optional" ones04:55
beunowhich, well, I promise I'll get to them soon04:55
beunoNot allowed here04:56
beunoSorry, you don't have permission to access this page.04:56
beunoYou are logged in as Martin Albisetti.04:56
mwhudsonthat's ok04:56
beunowhen trying to request another merge from that branch04:56
mwhudsonwhere's that?04:56
mwhudsonoh ffs04:56
spivpoolie: ok04:56
mwhudsonbeuno: oh, that's a known bug04:57
mwhudsonbeuno: try again, i sneakily changed daniel.bueltmann's subscription04:58
beunomwhudson, I replied and approved it instead of requesting another review04:59
mwhudsonheh ok04:59
beunoI still can't understand the merge request UI04:59
mwhudsonbeuno: ah uh05:02
mwhudsonthe onblur handling means you can't click on the suggestion :)05:02
mwhudsonbecause the focus leaves the box, the div disappears, then the click is processed05:03
beunodamn, I knew it wasn't that easy05:03
mwhudson(it seems, anyway)05:03
mwhudsoni guess hide the div a few tenths after the onblur?05:03
beunomwhudson, good idea, let's try that05:05
mwhudsonthe other changes all look fine05:05
mwhudsonbeuno: hm, the look if there are no suggestions is maybe a little odd05:06
beunomwhudson, right, it should probably say "no results"05:07
beunomwhudson, pushed05:12
beunoI wonder why we hide the users email, if it gets exposed in the revid anyway...05:15
mwhudsonbeuno: the loading div still has different vertical padding to the suggestions05:16
mwhudsonbeuno: but i'm not sure i care05:16
mwhudsonbeuno: merge and push away!05:17
beunomwhudson, thanks  :)05:17
beunoI promise I'll go back and give the UI some love05:17
beunoI want it to look more polished05:17
beunoI'm just a bit exhausted these days05:17
mwhudsonit's definitely good enough to land now05:18
beunomwhudson, does LH take some time to update in LP?05:22
beunohm, it took a bit under a minute to update my push05:22
mwhudsonbeuno: it has to wait for the branch to be mirrored, which can take a minute yes05:23
beunolifeless, http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~loggerhead-team/loggerhead/trunk/revision/18205:23
mwhudsonthe scanner seems busticated, we're looking at that now05:23
beunomwhudson, so you're not doing http anymore?05:23
beunomwhudson, accessing branches through http05:24
mwhudsonthat only requires the puller run05:24
mwhudsoner, and something else05:24
beunooh, and those need mirroring too?05:24
mwhudsonbut not the scanner05:24
mwhudsonpossibly our guts are slightly too visible :/05:24
beunoright, the scanner I can understand. LH is what I have a hard time understanding why it takes a minute05:24
mwhudsonbecause when you push over bzr+ssh you're not writing files to the same area accessing them over http reads05:25
beunoaaaah, ok05:26
beunothat's something I didn't know  :)05:26
beunoI'm off to bed05:30
beunothanks for the review mwhudson05:30
mwhudsong'night & np05:30
spivpoolie: I've reviewed (and approved) that fix05:55
pooliethanks spiv06:19
jkakarHow do I upgrade a knits repository to packs?  I've just tried running bzr upgrade but it's not happy.06:47
bob2pastebin the error - 'bzr upgrade' should upgrade you to the default, which is packs06:48
bob2unless your repository contains branches from svn06:48
jkakarbob2: http://paste.ubuntu.com/27920/06:48
jkakarRunning bzr upgrade in the repository root results in: http://paste.ubuntu.com/27921/06:49
jkakarAlso, there are no branches from SVN.06:49
poolieit's a pretty poor message06:50
bob2'branch' is trying to branch from a rich-root-pack repository into your regular pack repository, and giving you a crappy error message06:51
jkakarAh, okay.06:51
jkakarSo I need to upgrade to rich-root packs?06:51
jkakarIs there any reason I might not want to do that?06:51
bob2(or branch that jelmer's branch to another repository or standalone branch)06:52
jkakarRight, thanks.06:53
PengHmmm. Merge conflicts.06:56
PengOhh. I previously merged this branch, backed it out, and then backed out the backout, so that probably has everything confused.06:57
igcpoolie: so I'm good to merge the stacking user doc as is?06:58
pooliei'm merging it, with the comments on the list06:59
pooliei'm trying to work out what to do about the thing i replied with06:59
igcpoolie: thanks07:05
poolieigc, there are two tricky situations at the moment, kind of related to each other07:05
poolie- branching from a stacked branch07:05
poolieeither within a single repository, or to a new locaiton07:05
poolieto a new repository07:06
igcspiv: thanks for reviewing and merging that patch of Adrian's07:06
pooliespiv/igc, could you have a look at the incremental patch i just posted to the StackableBranch thread?07:26
igcpoolie: sure07:27
=== abentley1 is now known as abentley
poolieabentley: if that message indicates you're awake you could look at it too...07:34
spivpoolie: the argument list of assertRevisionInRepository seems backwards, although that's not new in your branch.07:41
spivpoolie: but it is highlighted by assertRevisionsInBranchRepository, which is the way round that you'd expect :)07:41
pooliei can fix that then07:42
spivpoolie: that patch looks ok to me, although it's the first stacking-related patch I've reviewed :)07:45
pooliewhat do you think of the logic of the change, and aaron's comment earlier in the thread07:46
* Talden thinks... Man, with the list of stuff in NEWS already and more stacking, a new indexing model, compression, Win32 FindFirst, ... The next few releases are going to be huge leaps forward.07:47
spivI agree that we don't want to create a stacked branch unless the user explicitly said --stacked.07:48
jmlor they push somewhere with a stacking policy07:50
pooliedoes python have a system facility to tell you of illegal characters?07:51
spivillegal in what sense?  Not encodable to some encoding?07:54
poolie<>*,;:/|\ that kind of thing07:56
poolieon windows07:56
spivOh, right.  Illegal in filenames.07:58
spivNo, there's no good way I know of.07:58
pooliemy question was kindof ambiguous07:59
spivDoes modern windows still have issues with filenames like "CON:"?07:59
jmlpoolie: it's also a little bit more complex on windows07:59
jmlspiv: yes.07:59
pooliei don't know if it's still true but at one point even con.doc caused problems07:59
poolieprobably fixed now07:59
jmlI think it's just 'CON', without a colon.08:01
poolielifeless: ping?08:01
poolielifeless: i have a patch up that changes branch so that branching from a stacked branch will not implicitly give you another stacked branch08:02
spivSee also http://bugs.python.org/issue48117108:03
spivWhich I filed in 2001 :)08:03
lifelesspoolie: h. was it doing that? sprout, used by branch, would have needed explicit instructions to preserve stacking08:04
pooliespiv, what is ASX:PRN?  porn.com.au?08:04
poolielifeless: it was doing that, and there was even a test for it08:05
poolieit might not have been your codeof course08:05
spivpoolie: heh08:06
spivI can't remember why I encountered that bug, come to think of it.08:06
spivBut it probably was something to do with ASX:PRN :)08:07
poolieyou say so in the bug08:07
pooliea junior miner apparently08:07
spivOh, right.08:07
spivApparently I can't read my own bug reports :)08:07
pooliethough in 2001 they could well have been both a junior miner and a dot com :)08:07
poolieglad to see you did take tim's advice and get a real OS :)08:08
lifelesspoolie: oh it was preserving with a test that it did? hmmm08:09
lifelessI think perhaps I thought 'bzr branch traunk --stacked local; bzr branch local morelocal08:09
pooliethat cause raises some serious questions08:10
pooliewell, some of which i wrote about08:10
lifelessI can look at that when I hit the office if you like08:19
lifelessthumper: lol; irony08:23
pygilifeless, poke08:36
pygilifeless, you have a moment for pm?08:37
thumperlifeless: I fixed the problems with the pqm queue-abstraction branch08:39
thumperlifeless: and merged that into queue-abstraction-208:39
thumperlifeless: the second one will most likely conflict with any other branches08:40
thumperlifeless: as it moves all the code around08:40
* thumper is away for dinner now08:40
thumperhave fun08:40
lifelessthumper: well the first conflicted hugely; thats why I put up a branch that resolved it08:41
thumperlifeless: yeah, but I didn't look at yours as you said the tests were failing :)08:41
thumpermine works :)08:41
thumpernow I'm really gone08:41
lifelessthumper: nope, I said tests were passing in mine08:41
lifelessththey were failing on yours :). have fun08:41
lifelessI'll cross-compare the two branches today08:42
poolielifeless: i'd like to do another beta or rc before i finish today08:43
lifelesspoolie: sounds good08:43
pooliemaybe  i should just merge this08:43
lifelessthis being ?08:46
pooliethe --stacking patch08:47
lifelessroght, well I'll have it revied for you in < 1 hour; heading to do teeth then walk over now08:47
pooliealso, i need to automatically pick a new format08:47
poolieso that should give you time to do your stuff08:48
* igc dinner09:16
jmllifeless: Please take a look at https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~jml/bzr-loom/switch-aliases when you get the chance09:39
jmlI'd request a review, but there's a bug in Launchpad stopping me (which I'm fixing now)09:39
pooliejml, 1.6b3 is up with stacking inside09:39
jmlpoolie: sweet.09:39
poolie:) yum dogfood09:39
pooliei'm going to log off for a bit09:39
jmlpoolie: I won't be able to land the bzr upgrade for a day or so.09:40
jmlpoolie: but will do it asap09:40
lifelessjames_w: jelmer: Odd_Bloke: I'm in bouvet09:43
lifelessjml: the merge proposal mail should say 'lp:~jml..' don't you think?10:03
jmllifeless: I didn't get the email I think.10:04
jmllifeless: I got an exception when I hit submit. Please forward me the email so I can triage appropriately.10:05
lifelessjml: done10:05
awilkinsjam: Has that fast walkdirs thing been merged into dev?10:15
* awilkins looks10:15
awilkinsApparently not. I could benefit from that that, I have some monstrous trees here (34,000 files in one)10:17
awilkinsAnyone want a win32 installer of 1.6b3?10:17
PengThat fast walkdirs thing is for Win32; what's the situation on other OSes?10:28
PengAre they already very fast or do they not offer the same APIs or what?10:29
awilkinsPeng: I'd imagine it's already v.fast on Linux ; the 34,000 files tree I spoke of returns a status in less than a second on Linux10:32
PengSo..this optimization is only necessary on Windows? Ok.10:33
awilkinsPeng: The win32 API is most definitely not the same as Linux VFS10:33
awilkinsPeng: Filesystem performance on Win32 in general is much slower than Linux10:33
awilkinsPeng: But obviously, a lot of the time they are comparing apples to oranges ; code that's performance tuned for Linux vs... the same code on Windows10:34
PengThanks. :)10:37
PengStill, are there any opportunities for similar optimizations on other OSes?10:37
awilkinsPeng: I presume you mean "OS/X" ?10:37
PengI'm a Linux user.10:37
awilkinsI'm not sure ; I don't know how "close to the metal" the Python implementation of walkdirs is10:38
lifelessawilkins: its posixish - e.g. slow :)10:41
lifelessPeng: there is room to improve linux and mac os X yes10:42
Penglifeless: Is anyone going to do it, or is it "good enough"?10:42
lifelessPeng: I hope to be focusing purely on performance and the odd killer-feature over the next 6 monthsw10:43
awilkinsIs there an "eradicated test errors on win32" effort anymore?10:44
fullermdDoes that include the bit-o-both that "new inventory stuff so log {-v,$FILE} doesn't make me want to kill myself"?10:44
lifelessjam is running on win3210:44
jelmerbeuno, ping10:45
awilkinsWell, clearly he's not optimizing win32 for jollies10:45
Pengbeuno: This is unrelated to the ping you just got, but now that LH's bzr-search_integration branch has been merged into the trunk, is it done? Should I stop pulling it?10:46
mwhudsonlifeless: bzr-search_integration got merged10:55
lifelessmwhudson: awesome10:56
mwhudsonwell, maybe10:58
mwhudsoni told beuno to merge it, don't know if he did10:58
mwhudsonyeah, he did10:58
Pengmwhudson: See the question I just asked beuno?11:00
igcawilkins: the fast walkdirs isn't in bzr.dev yet because it's not fully approved11:03
igcawilkins: one pyrex file stills needs a review. Do you know pyrex by any chance?11:04
igcI'd certainly love to see that change make it into 1.6, even though it missed 1.6rc111:05
awilkinsigc: Alas, I don't really know Pyrex very well. I can confirm it builds on windows though ;-)11:06
igcawilkins: are you or markh doing the windows 1.6rc1 installer?11:07
igcI guess we could always consider including it in there if that file gets reviewed in the next few hours11:08
=== Peng changed the topic of #bzr to: Bazaar version control system | http://bazaar-vcs.org | please test 1.6beta3 | http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ | http://planet.bazaar-vcs.org/ | http://blogs.mysql.com/kaj/2008/06/19/version-control-thanks-bitkeeper-welcome-bazaar/
Peng(1.6b2 -> 1.6b3)11:08
awilkinsjam: Which toolchain are you building that pyx on (mingw or msvc?)11:11
igcyep, I meant 1.6b3, not 1.6rc1 sorry11:12
igcawilkins: I believe he is using mingw11:12
awilkinsHmm, I think there are good reasons to use msvc11:12
awilkins1) Python is built with MSVC11:13
jelmer'morning igc, Peng, awilkins11:13
awilkinsI suppose it doesn't matter too much depending on how many what your deps are built on11:13
igchi jelmer11:14
jelmerigc, thanks for the review11:14
awilkinsFor example, bzr-svn pretty much has to be built on msvc for win32 because it has deps that are msvc flavoured11:14
Pengjam: With the push-and-update plugin and bzr.dev, as of a few days ago, the "This transport does not update the working tree" message no longer gets swallowed.11:14
Pengjelmer: Good morning. :)11:14
jelmerhi Peng (-:11:15
igcjelmer: np - sorry it took so long. Been less than healthy so my reviewing has been on hold lately11:15
lifelessPeng: I think future bzr-search loggerhead foo will be microbranches off trunk11:16
Penglifeless: Okay. :)11:17
lifelessabentley: so, what do you need info wise for the squid instance of bb11:18
awilkinsigc: If you trust me, you can have a 1.6b3 installer (with/without fast walk)11:22
igcawilkins: I trust you. The main issue is coordinating with markh. I know he's been making changes to the installer so that TortoiseBzr is an optional install. It would be nice to have that IMO.11:25
* markh 's ears prick up :)11:25
igcI also know those installer changes didn't make it into bzr.dev11:25
igcmarkh: hello!!11:25
igcmarkh: poolie has released 1.6b3 tonight11:26
markhI'm yet to catch up on your discussion, but it seems likely I will build the 1.6 binary for windows11:26
markhdamn poolie - hasn't he anything better to do ;)11:26
markhawilkins: I agree msvc should be used11:27
igcawilkins was offering to do the windows installer. He and I are interested in including jam's fast walkdirs patch in the windows installer but it still needs a bit more review by someone familiar with pyrex11:27
markhI believe many of the developers would like to ensure the binaries can be built with cygwin though, even if just for their own personal use11:28
awilkinsmarkh: I have a 7.1 build environment (using the MS 2003 C++ toolkit, which had the optimizing compiler - they've since pulled it of the web)11:28
markhI believe poolie is keen to get the current state of tbzr out too11:28
markhI'm using the full retail version of that compiler11:28
pooliehello markh11:28
poolieyes i am :)11:28
lifelessmarkh: I don't care about cygwin per se; I do care that a completely free toolchain works11:28
igcmarkh: *lots* of us are keen for that!11:28
awilkinsmarkh: It's more the case that some things that gcc 4 series allows, MSVC (even 9.0) can't cope with11:28
markhhi poolie :)11:28
poolielifeless: bb was performing ok for me a while ago11:29
pooliehm but apparently not now11:29
awilkinsmarkh: And also some of dependencies are built with msvc 7.1 ; in the case of bzr-svn you just can't link to them if you build using mingw11:29
lifelessI clicked on merge requests, 15 seconds to dispaly :{11:29
awilkinsmarkh: Also, mingw is still on gcc 3.4 which can't cope with some of the C99 isms anyway11:29
markhawilkins: so these things msvc doesn't support - do we really care?11:30
awilkinsmarkh: But I agree, completely free toolkit compatibility is not an optional feature11:30
jelmerabentley, ping11:30
awilkinsmarkh: Had to patch a load of that stuff out of the new svn bindings in bzr-svn11:30
markhI think it prudent to build everything using the official compiler for the python version we allow11:30
markhs/allow/release with/11:31
awilkinsmarkh: In that case it was just sugar - convenient struct initializers11:31
markhI've been meaning to look at the svn plugin for the binary release - still finishing qbzr at the moment.  So the problem is that msvc is struggling with the svn plugin?11:32
awilkinsmarkh: Not anymore.. but jelmer would have to tell you how well it works, I've been sending him test logs but not really using it11:33
markhso what are we discussing? ;)11:33
awilkinsWhich compiler to build releases with ?  :-)11:33
markhI'm happy for someone else to build binaries, but that will require a little pain to bet tbzr working11:33
jelmerawilkins, Any chance you can rerun that btw?11:33
jelmerawilkins, There should be a fair number of errors fixed now11:34
awilkinsjelmer: Sure, I was just gearing up for it :-)11:34
markhbut that was due to it appearing I would be building things de-facto11:34
markhum - my assuming I would build the binaries was due to that...11:34
awilkinsI've not got bzr.exe building yet because I don't use it11:38
awilkinsWhat are the deps for tbzr?11:38
markhawilkins: so you have the svn plugin building as part of the binary build process, or you have a binary version of the svn plugin installed that you pick up?11:38
awilkinsmarkh: I build the bzr-svn pyd extensions myself11:38
markhnot much in the way of external deps - pywin32 is about all - but a number of patches to the build process that aren't yet in bzr.dev11:38
markhand py2exe just finds and packages the plugin for you?11:39
awilkinsmarkh: Ahahahahaa11:39
awilkinsmarkh: Hang on... no, I'm not using py2exe11:39
awilkinsmarkh: I'm building python_installers11:39
markhbut you are talking about making binaries?11:40
markhok, I'm with you!11:40
markhI'm talking about stand-alone binaries11:40
igcnight all. have fun packaging 1.6b3 . It's looking like 1.6 is going to be a pretty impressive release!11:40
markhyou are talking about distutils installers?11:40
markh'night ian!11:40
markhawilkins: bdist_wininst?11:41
awilkinsmarkh: I'm talking about 1) binary extensions (pyd) for bzr-svn 2) The win32 installers are (I presume) distutils ones - the ones that are a small exe / zip archive11:41
markhright - how do you build that exe?11:41
jelmerToyKeeper, ping11:41
awilkinsmarkh: "make python-installer"11:42
markhahh - I didn't know about that target ;)  lemme look...11:42
awilkinsmarkh: The tricksy bits were configuring distutils to use the correct compiler environment for the pyd extensions11:42
markhyeah - bdist_wininst!11:43
markhso cool, we are talking about different things and not overlapping at all.11:43
markhbut we appear to have a terminology issue ;)11:43
awilkinsI'm not building the the installer that installs bzr.exe because I don't use it (wanting to use bzr-gtk n'all)11:43
markhyup - that is what I'm talking about - but will be bundling qbar instead of bzr-gtk it would seem :)11:44
awilkinsDoes that use qt4?11:44
markhlooks slick too11:45
awilkinsI think tbzr should be working to rip off as much as possible as of the TSVN UI11:45
awilkinsBecause it's very mature and frankly, very good11:45
markhnot quite as advanced as bzr-gtk yet, but tons of potential ;)11:45
markhyes, I agree tsvn has real world experience we can't even start to try and re-invent11:46
awilkinsA generic "TortoiseVCS" shell would be great for bzr, git, monotone, anything ; you need some new idioms for _D_VCS but other than that, it's great11:46
markhyeah - that would be perfect - but I need to ensure we don't get distracted from ensuring the no 1 priority is tbzr.  But I'd love for the other vcs people to leech off the work I'm doing ;)11:48
markhI plan on leaching off the qbzr project as much as possible - the more we steal, the more we all win ;)11:48
markhthat's why I love this industry ;)11:48
markh(with their approval and support of course ;)11:50
awilkinsAgreed, it's nice working for a .gov.uk as well ; I have no worries about stupid commercial lawyer crap11:50
ToyKeeperjelmer: ?11:51
awilkinsMy current project has been fertile ground for OSS projects ; I've submitted patches to three or four on the back of it.11:51
jelmerToyKeeper, Never mind, just sent review feedback to your bzr viz diff panel patch11:51
markhawilkins: nice :)11:53
fullermdjelmer: By the way, when/why did viz stop letting me resize the columns?11:53
ToyKeeperfullermd: IIRC, around r500 or r49011:53
ToyKeeperThat's one other thing I was thinking of fixing.11:54
jelmerfullermd: Not sure, I don't think that was an intentional change11:54
fullermdMmm.  496.2.1, looks like.11:54
ToyKeeperjelmer: BTW, I discovered the bitlbee-otr branch today.  Any idea if that's something which might get merged into trunk?11:55
jelmerToyKeeper: I don't think that's likely to be merged into trunk11:56
jelmerToyKeeper, it was pretty intrusive iirc11:56
ToyKeeperIt seems like an easier and more complete encryption solution than doing each protocol individually, but I don't know the details.11:57
ToyKeeperThe US is a scary place to talk unencrypted lately.11:58
markhawilkins: do you happen to use bzr with password protected ssh keys?11:58
jelmerToyKeeper: That sort of thing should rather be done as a plugin, but I'll defer for wilmer for the decision on that11:58
ToyKeeperjelmer: Okay, just curious.  I only discovered it today, and it was definitely not a trivial merge.11:59
awilkinsmarkh: Yes, I do11:59
awilkinsmarkh: I use pageant to hold onto them11:59
markhawilkins: do you need to set BZR_SSH?11:59
markhand do you have ssh.exe on your path?11:59
markh(I understand you don't use ssh.exe - but it may still exist)12:00
awilkinsmarkh: If you install paramiko 1.7.3 it works without ; setting BZR_SSH to "plink" also works if you have plink on your path12:00
markhyes - I'm particularly interested if you *do* have a copy of ssh.exe on your path as well though12:00
awilkinsmarkh: "ssh" appears to be an alias of plink on this machine (never tried that before)12:00
markhright - damn :(12:00
markhno problem - it just means I need to do more testing ;)12:01
awilkinsI think it's because darcs for win32 rips plink off and renames it ssh.exe12:01
jelmerToyKeeper, reading the attached bugreport, it seems the general opinion is that otr should be in your irc client rather than bitlbee12:01
jelmersince bitlbee may be on a remote host, etc12:01
markhI *think* that if you have a regular (eg, cygwin) ssh.exe on your path, things may not work as desired, even with paramiko, without setting BZR_SSH12:01
markhas I *think* ssh will end up preferred, and therefore not use pageant12:02
ToyKeeperjelmer: For public servers, yes.  But for private ones it's not a problem.12:02
awilkinsmarkh: AFAIK cygwin do not recommend plopping the cywin bin on the path12:02
markh(paramika does pageant even without plink)12:02
awilkinsmarkh: I use gnuwin32 for my *ix satisfaction (but I also have cygwin installed)12:02
jelmerToyKeeper: Still, it seems sensible to have that support in the IRC client rather than in the proxy12:02
markhI have it set at my terminal sessions, not globally12:02
ToyKeeperHaving OTR in the client would make logging on the server pretty much impossible, if I understand correctly.12:03
markhmy global path I keep clean, and just have a "dev" environment in the dos boxes12:03
markh(well, thats not strictly true, but the intent ;)12:03
awilkinsmarkh: You're tidier than me then :-)12:03
markhI always answer "no" when someone offers to set my global environment - even the MS dev tools ;)12:04
awilkinsThey come with a perfectly good ENV batch file12:04
ToyKeeperEvery bitlbee user I've talked to runs their own instance, and generally connects to it via openvpn or ssh.12:04
markhexactly :)12:04
awilkinsmarkh: Besides, once you've gone through the pain of setting it up once, you forget less easily12:05
ToyKeeperAnyway, off topic.  :)12:05
jelmerToyKeeper, Yes, but BitlBee doesn't log anyway12:12
abentleyjelmer: pong12:12
jelmerabentley, I've updated my BundleBuggy but now it's broken :-)12:13
jelmerabentley, Missing table "project"12:13
ToyKeeperAh, but dirproxy/bip/etc do, and they'd be logging encrypted junk.12:13
abentleyjelmer, downgrade.12:13
abentleyI haven't written an SQLite migration yet.12:13
jelmerabentley: hmmok12:14
jelmerabentley, I was actually thinking - if it was possible to do that migration, I could take my instance offline altogether12:14
jelmerabentley: (migration of voters)12:14
abentleyjelmer: I already gave you the ability to create voters.12:14
jelmerabentley: I wasn't aware of that, sorry12:15
uwsThe .bzr/repository/obsolete-packs directory uses a lot of space in my repo12:15
uwswhat use is it?12:16
abentleyjelmer: seejhttp://bundlebuggy.aaronbentley.com/project/bzr-gtk12:16
abentleyThat should have a "add voter" link12:17
abentleyjelmer: You previously said that the ability for you to add voters was a prerequisite for switching.12:18
jelmerabentley: Ah, thanks12:18
jelmerabentley, Yep12:18
jelmerabentley, I wasn't aware it'd been added in the mean time12:18
jelmerNow I just need to figure out if there's no merge requests that're missing from your bundlebuggy12:19
abentleyYeah, I was going to announce it, but I've been busy and sick.12:19
abentleylifeless: I'm not sure what kind of info you mean.12:19
jelmerabentley, Anyway, thanks for that. I'll keep mine down then.12:19
ToyKeeperI wonder why hasattr swallows exceptions.12:23
markhI'm not yet familiar with the release processes - but I don't understand why I can't see a lp:bzr/1.6?  Where does 1.6b3 live?12:24
awilkins1.6b3 is a revision of trunk12:25
awilkinsIs it tagged?12:25
* awilkins goes and looks12:25
awilkinsHah, no tags at all12:25
markhToyKeeper: it kinda means "would getattr() work?"12:26
fullermdIt's usually around -rc1 that a branch gets created for a release.12:26
markhnot that I'm justifying the behaviour ;)  I think later version of Python only hide BaseExceptions, or something like that...12:26
awilkinsHow do you chaps know which revision you tarballed up as b2 b3 etc ?12:26
* fullermd thinks "we don't" is the answer.12:27
ToyKeepermarkh: I always figured it reduced to something like "return (name in obj.__dict__)", but apparently not.12:28
markhproblem is the types have a C implemented "slot" for getattr - so it is closer to "return ob->tp_getattr(ob, name)==0;"12:29
markhobviously that is an incredible over-simplification ;)12:30
Odd_Blokeabentley: http://bundlebuggy.aaronbentley.com/project/pqm/request/%3C20080717114939.35d304df@lapbert%3E should have Superseded http://bundlebuggy.aaronbentley.com/project/pqm/request/%3C20080717112642.32820ec6@lapbert%3E (I believe).  The problem seems to have been caused by sending the second one before BB had received the first.12:30
markhin so many ways12:30
markh__dict__ is just what a number of those type slots use as implementation12:31
LarstiQmarkh: hmm, betas are new to me, I only ever did rcs12:34
LarstiQ(release process wise)12:34
markhhi LarstiQ!  How was the fesitval?12:37
lifelessabentley: I hope you are feeling better12:37
lifelessabentley: I mean, 'is it ready to roll if people send bundles'12:37
lifelessuws: it helps in the presence of unreliable file systems12:38
abentleylifeless: It's ready to accept bundles, but for now, only registered voters can vote.12:38
lifelessuws: and it will be auto-cleaned as you make commits etc12:38
abentleylifeless: I've set you up as the project admin, so you can add voters if you like.12:38
lifelessabentley: cool thanks12:38
abentleyI've done the DB patch to enable random people to vote, but I haven't written the code yet.12:39
markhso from a process POV, awilkins and I should just continue to use bzr.dev to build binaries?12:39
* markh prepares to show more ignorance...12:42
markhso - does lp:bzr/1.5 have a formal relationship to bzr.dev?  "bzr info" doesn't seem to show one12:44
markhand why can't I see tags for any older versions in bzr.dev?12:44
Pengmarkh: For whatever reason, there aren't any tags.12:45
Pengmarkh: And, release branches are branched off of bzr.dev, and usually merged back in a bit later.12:45
markhbut the branches don't show a relationship?12:46
markhor am I not asking the right question? :)12:46
Pengmarkh: Release branches are branched off of bzr.dev -- they're totally related.12:47
fullermdHe means in the stored branch locations.12:48
fullermdThere wouldn't be; they get push'd up there, never manipulated directly.12:48
LarstiQmarkh: great! Although I slep through parts of it, the location is rather incredible and I saw some really good acts.12:52
markhPeng: so how do I get bzr to tell me about that relationship?12:52
markhLarstiQ: anyone I would have heard of?  I quite like electronic music12:53
uwslifeless: Ah, so the wasted space will be freed when I start working on this code?12:57
lifelessuws: yes12:58
uwsOk, thanks.12:58
uwsHow do I change a repository from "create trees by default" to "create no trees by default" ?12:59
lifelessowplease file a bug on bzr saying reconfigure should allow this13:00
lifelessalso, touch .bzr/repository/no-working-trees13:00
LarstiQmarkh: http://konemetsa.net/?c=2 is the full list13:00
awilkinsofftopic : MOo!  https://bugs.launchpad.net/launchpad/+bug/5612513:01
ubottuLaunchpad bug 56125 in apt "apt-get moo doesnt look like a cow" [Wishlist,Confirmed]13:01
LarstiQmarkh: I'll recommend a couple of those later when I have more cycles13:01
abentleyjelmer: If you try with Vincent again, it shouldn't prompt you for a username or password.13:02
jelmerabentley: I was using a different email addres from him, that's why it was prompting me for a username+password13:04
awilkinsmarkh: I've not been using bzr.dev, I've been using release tarballs13:05
jelmerabentley, or are you saying it should be fied now?13:05
abentleyjelmer: I know.  I've associated that email with his user now.13:05
jelmerabentley, ah, ok13:05
ToyKeeperjelmer: Okay, the diff can be put at the bottom now.  Let me know if you like it.13:09
markhLarstiQ: bugger, only DCOM rings a bell, but I'm pretty sure that isn't a band I'm thinking of :)13:15
markha couple of pointers would be nice though!13:15
markhawilkins: that should work for me once the build changes to bzr.dev land and stabilize13:17
* awilkins has his first cup of tea of the day, finally13:21
lifelessjam: good morning13:34
jamhi lifeless, good afternoon to you13:53
jamI'm trying to investigate further, but it would appear that 'bzr status' time has regressed in bzr.dev13:53
jamthen again, maybe its just because I'm off wall power right now13:54
awilkinsjam: Yeah, those crazy processorons need high voltage to accelerate them properly.13:57
awilkinsjam: I've seen misconfigured SpeedStep slow machines down even though they were plugged in.13:58
jamWell, changing my laptop from "Performance Optimized" to "Max Power" changes the "bzr status" time13:59
jamfrom 12s13:59
jamdown to 4s13:59
jamAnd with my changes from 2s => 0.8s14:00
awilkinsDid you repeat with Perf op again?14:00
jamSo about 2-3x in 'bzr status' time14:00
jamawilkins: yeah, it is reproducible14:00
jamI just switched back to not kill the battery14:00
jamI don't know whether it is CPU or disk, but yeah, big difference there14:00
awilkinsDisk should be the same14:01
awilkinsI'm not aware of anything that changes spin speed and seek times on different power settings14:01
awilkinsThe difference surprises me14:01
lifelessI've seen it too14:02
awilkinsIt's larger than I would expect, I would expect a linear scaling and I've never seen power management drop CPU speed to less than half, let alone less than 1/414:02
lifelesson linux at least its latency involved in some manner14:02
jamreal    0m1.226s14:02
jamuser    0m0.000s14:02
jamsys     0m0.045s14:02
jamNot a lot of cpu there14:02
jamThere is a "Power Usage" field14:03
jam"Performance, System Temp, Fan Sound, Power Usage" are the individual tweak14:03
awilkinsActually, do your changes reduce the number of Disk IOs?14:03
jamawilkins: Well, my changes switch from calling FindFirstFile() on *every* file in the filesystem, to just iterating over each directory.14:04
jamIt wouldn't *have* to hit disk for it14:04
jambut I don't know whether it does or not14:04
jamAnyway, lifeless, no regression :)14:04
awilkinsI suspect that once it's read the MFT once it wont bother14:04
awilkinsjam: Your walk_files won't work on win98, but who cares....14:07
awilkinsjam: You have a comment # Some reserved stuff here   - don't you need to declare those fields, or does Pyrex take care of that?14:08
Odd_Blokethumper: Do you have any more work building on your queue-abstraction-2 branch?14:14
jelmerawilkins, thanks for the updated log14:19
jelmerI've fixed the issue with the separator being wrong in ignores14:19
awilkinsjelmer: You're welcome14:19
* awilkins pulls14:20
jelmerOne sec, haven't pushed yet :-)14:20
jelmerI'm not quite sure what's going on with the "file already versioned" errors14:20
PengBTW, you guys all rock, and are doing an amazing job on Bazaar, bzr-svn, Launchpad, Loggerhead, and everything else.14:21
* Peng goes to bed.14:21
lifelessnight Peng14:21
awilkinsjelmer: Hmm, maybe I'll have a look at that then, being closer to the platens as it were14:21
awilkinsjelmer: I know all these "can't delete the temp folder" errors are annoying14:22
jelmerabentley, Any chance you can add "lp:bzr-gtk" to the list of valid branch urls for bzr-gtk?14:25
=== siretart_ is now known as siretart
jelmerhi philn14:25
philni upgraded bzr to 1.6 beta 3 this morning and bzr visualize doesn't work anymore14:25
jelmerawilkins: Any clue as to why those "file already versioned" errors are occurring would help a lot I think14:25
jelmerphiln: What error do you get?14:25
jelmerphiln, and what version of bzr-gtk are you using?14:25
abentleyjelmer: okay, but I think it's better to use the real URL.14:26
jelmerit's quite nice to be able to use "bzr send lp:bzr-gtk"14:26
philnhttp://pastebin.com/m5e375dc4 bzr-gtk 0.93.0-114:26
jelmerphiln, you'll need the trunk of bzr-gtk probably14:26
pickscrapeWe're imminently going to be migrating from svk to bzr, and a colleague just asked me a question that I can't properly answer myself14:26
lifelesspickscrape: shoot14:27
pickscrapeWhen checking out a working tree, he's under the impression that it will build up all files using the diffs from the bugingging of time, which to me sounds a little off :)14:27
jelmerabentley, Any particular reason lp:bzr-gtk should be considered bad?14:27
abentleyjelmer: It's not a real url.14:27
lifelesspickscrape: no, we dontdo that :)14:27
jelmerphiln, yeah, you need to run bzr-gtk trunk14:27
philnjelmer: lp:... ?14:27
lifelesspickscrape: it would scale hrribly :)14:27
jelmerphiln, yeah, lp:bzr-gtk14:27
jelmerabentley, bzr send could expand it (-:14:28
pickscrapelifeless: yeah, I didn't think so. How does it work then? I know that svn store shole versions occasionally, but I'd imagine this is even more clever14:28
philnthen, can it run uninstalled?14:28
jelmerphiln, yes14:28
jelmerthough I guess directory services need public/private url support for thats first14:28
lifelesspickscrape: we have a delta compression layer14:28
lifelesspickscrape: in packs and knits this is just forward deltas, with a snapshot every time the delta chain sums to the size of the full text14:29
lifelesspickscrape: so its capped at reading a total of the size of each file uncompressed14:29
abentleyjelmer: Yes.  That would probably be best.14:29
abentleyjelmer: Well, if bzr send expanded it for you, it would expand to bzr+ssh...14:30
pickscrapeGah, compiz just threw my #bzr window off the screen in a wobbly fit :(14:30
abentleyAnd that's not a publically-accessible url.14:30
pickscrapeI'll wait for the logs to catch up to see what I missed.14:31
jelmerabentley, Yeah - directory services would need public/private url support for thats first14:32
philnjelmer: cool, works14:32
philnthx, new bzr-gtk looks nice14:32
marshi all.  I just upgraded to bzr1.6b3, and I noticed that is goofed up my $PS1 prompt.14:32
lifelessmars: hi, wop14:33
marsit activated /etc/bash_completion/bzrbashprompt.sh, and now $PS1=\u@\h:$(__prompt_bzr)\W\$14:33
lifelesselisa - http://elisa.fluendo.com/download/14:35
lifelesslp:elisa <- :)14:35
marslifeless, the neat trick is that it overriding what I have in .bashrc.  A new terminal gets the messed up prompt.14:36
lifelessmars: yeah, I've marked our bug critical14:36
lifelessnow we need someone that knows bash prompt foo to fix it14:36
marslifeless, cool, thanks14:37
lifelessmars: did you install the deb ?14:44
lifelessmars: or get the tarball ?14:44
marslifeless, deb14:44
Odd_Blokeabentley: BB doesn't seem to be processing requests.  The final email in http://thread.gmane.org/gmane.comp.version-control.bazaar-ng.general/43992 doesn't seem to have been picked up.15:03
abentleyOdd_Bloke: A look at the mail queue suggests it's waiting to be processed: http://bundlebuggy.aaronbentley.com/mail/queued/msg.G5fC15:06
Odd_Blokeabentley: Ah, didn't realise that you could look at the queue.  Thanks. :)15:08
pickscrapeWhat is the correct way to remove a working tree from a branch?15:08
jamawilkins: So.. the Pyrex cdef stuff is just to let pyrex know that there are some members that you can address, and what type they are so it can do the conversion. It doesn't actually declare a struct in the C code, it assumes that it is declared in the included header.15:09
jamawilkins: so no, you don't need to declare the reserved fields15:09
jamAnd yeah, I thought about win98, and was going to point that out to bialix15:09
jamDo you know if FindFirstFileA exists on Win98?15:09
Odd_Blokepickscrape: bzr remove-tree15:10
lifelessjam: I believe it is\15:11
pickscrapeOdd_Bloke: excellent, thanks15:12
jamlifeless: though probably as a plain "FindFirstFiles" I would guess... and not something *I'm* willing to code15:12
jambut if someone wants to do it, I can point them in that direction15:12
jamMy big thought was to just make the code fall back to non-optimized if it isn't available.15:12
lifelessjam: yes15:13
jammwhudson: Are you around? I just got an email saying I won a UK lottery, and I was wondering if you could pick it up for me15:14
jamOdd_Bloke: Maybe you could?15:14
jelmerI thought mwhudson was in .nz these days?15:14
Odd_Blokejam: Sure, but I'll need £200,000 of processing fees.15:14
Odd_BlokeWhich you'll need to deliver to my associates in Nigeria.15:15
lifelessjam: mwhudson is in NZ :)15:16
awilkinsjam: The docs I'm looking at now don't have a specific FindFirstFileW, but they do use TCHAR for strings (which equates to WCHAR on unicode platforms)15:16
jamlifeless: yeah, I forgot he moved again :(15:16
jamawilkins: If you look closer on the MSDN site, they start off by just talking about FindFirstFile and then later on say it will be FindFirstFileW for unicode15:17
* awilkins is in the UK, but I'd need a 2% processing fee to pick up your lottery win15:17
jamawilkins: 2% is a lot better than the  Â£200,000 Odd_Bloke wants :)15:17
Odd_Blokeawilkins: Whereabouts in the UK are you?15:17
jamheh, I guess it is the same15:18
jamapparently I won 1M15:18
awilkinsWestern suburbs of manchester15:18
jamContact Mr. Pinkett for the claim of £1,000,000 pounds which youhave won in UK NATIONAL LOTTERY. Provide your Names, Address,Age,Occupation,Tel,Country Send: claimsoffice1@btinternet.com15:18
jamLike... who would actually *believe* that? There isn't even any colored HTML to make be believe they come from a real scammer15:18
jam*cough* lottery15:18
awilkinsAnyone who believes that a lottery hands out prizes to people without tickets is a bit dim, to be honest15:19
awilkinsBut then again, they are only a little worse than the lottery itself15:20
awilkinsBoth exploiting the same disease, just with different degrees of virulence15:21
jamawilkins:  And state approval15:22
jamAt least in the US, most lotteries have to be state sanctioned15:22
awilkinsSo do tobacco sales15:23
awilkinsThe UK National Lottery does of course, give large amounts of it's profits to charity.15:24
awilkinsBut it's telling that one of our better-liked tycoons offered to run the whole thing on a non-profit basis and was turned down.15:24
jamawilkins: Well, I was always told that the lottery is just an extra tax on people that are bad at math15:27
jamAs I understand it, most state lotteries do make a decent amount of extra money15:27
jamwhether that goes to charity, etc.15:27
awilkinsjam: Yeah, I detest gambling ; I'm always amazed that people don't drive into Vegas, take a look around, say "hang on, how do they pay for all this glitz?" and then promptly drive out again15:28
jamIt depends on the level of gambling. I don't do it much, but when I do, I basically go in expecting to spend my $XX and be entertained for a while.15:31
jamIf you look at it as a simple entertainment expense, rather than a "I could win big $$" then it is a lot more manageable15:31
awilkinsjam: I can see the attraction from that sort of perspective ; I do enjoy it when I do it. But that supports the side of it that takes more than disposable income15:33
jamyeah, the cyclical trap of "if I can just get back to even" ...15:34
awilkinsPLaying poker with buddies is probably fine. Playing with casinos is not, because the casino has no incentive to stop - presumably your buddies will stop taking your money if they suspect you can't afford it15:34
jamawilkins: depends on your buddies :)15:34
awilkinsWell, a casino doesn't want you destitute either ; but that's so you can come back and lose some more15:34
jamBut yeah, playing in a semi-controlled environment15:34
Odd_BlokeAlso your buddies aren't systematically taking the money of people who can't afford it.15:34
Odd_BlokeI hope.15:35
awilkinsLoius Theroux did a very good Vegas documentary15:35
awilkinsThey have these guys who are just there to make high rollers feel welcome15:35
awilkinsWatching the guy on the phone negotiating to get this guy $3,000 on a casino gift card was astounding.15:37
awilkinsPresumably, that's $3,000 _value_ and not cost15:37
awilkinsAnd the man was a few tens of thousands down.15:37
jamMy wife visited vegas with a friend from out of the country who had some $$ to spend15:38
jamAnd they really treat you well when you are willing to lose :)15:38
jamComplementary meals, lodging, all kinds of stuff15:38
awilkinsYeah, this guy was staying in a suite with more floor area than my house15:39
awilkinsAnd all on the casino15:39
awilkinsThe real estate must have been very cheap in the beginning ; just a patch of desert15:39
awilkinsMaintaining it must cost a ton ; water, AC, pretty lights, etc.15:40
awilkinsSomeone should work out how environmentally unfriendly Vegas is15:40
lifelessit is the city of sin15:41
Odd_BlokeWhere's Al Gore when you need him?15:41
awilkinsOuch. So, that's 20 MWh of electric per resident, whereas 'mercans use 10MWh per HOUSE on average.15:45
awilkins(hotel resident)15:46
awilkinsOr maybe residential residents15:46
uwsCan I remove files in .bzr/repository/obsolete_packs, lifeless?15:46
uwsThey seem not to get removed after committing15:46
uwsalmost 1G15:46
pickscrapeA colleague is getting this error when trying to checkout: "org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.Spawn.ExecFailed: Failed to execute  dbus-launch to autolaunch D-Bus session". Anyhting obvious I should be looking at?15:53
uwspickscrape: the bzr-dbus plugin perhaps15:53
uwspickscrape: try unsetting DBUS_SESSION_BUS_ADDRESS or DISPLAY and see if it persists15:54
james_wpickscrape: if they are on Debian or Ubuntu then installing dbus-x11 might help.15:55
pickscrapejames_w: thanks, I'll ask him to try that15:55
lifelessuws: the first autopack will trigger removal16:00
beunoabentley, http://paste.ubuntu.com/28043/16:10
abentleybeuno: What were you voting on?16:13
awilkinsbzr viz16:13
beunoabentley, http://bundlebuggy.aaronbentley.com/vote/%3C20080717133839.GA30741@vernstok.nl%3E16:14
abentleybeuno: The error message looks accurate to me.  You're not a voter on the Bazaar project, and that merge request is for the Bazaar project.16:15
abentleyIf you change the request to be a bzr-gtk merge request, then you can vote on it.16:16
beunoabentley, that fixed, thanks16:17
uwslifeless: but can I remove the contents of that directory manually? I need the disk space. now! :)16:20
=== mw is now known as mw|brb
lifelessuws: yes, leave the dir behind though16:40
pickscrapeuws: That fixed the problem for him, thanks! I'll document accordingly...16:41
GaryvdMHi luks17:00
GaryvdMI've got qdiff to load 1 diff at a time, and update the ui.17:00
beunolifeless, is bzr in LP extremely slow for you too by any chance?17:01
GaryvdMI'm now trying to move the loading to a thread.17:01
GaryvdMI copied the ProxyToMainEvent class and to_main method from mb picard.17:02
luksGaryvdM: please don't, threads will not help in python at all17:02
GaryvdMBut I can't get the event to call.17:02
GaryvdMMy code is at lp:~garyvdm/qbzr/diff-images17:03
luksit will run only in one thread at a time, and since bzrlib is all python it will use all the cpu anyway17:03
luksthe beauty of python's gil :(17:03
GaryvdMI'm hoping you can help me out.17:03
luksI can take a look, but I'd really rather not see threads there17:04
lukscan't see anything obvioust from the diffs, I'll try it later17:08
GaryvdMThe reason I wanted to us a thread is that I can't call QtCore.QCoreApplication.processEvents() in the middle of loading a large file. so the ui locks.17:13
luksGaryvdM: but using threads will not help that much17:14
luksdue to the GIL it will keep switching between the GUI thread and the loading thread17:15
lukswhich will result in blocking as well17:15
lamalex_2hey guys, I have two branches that do not have a common ancestor, is there a way to merge them? they contain many of the same files, One is an upstream project we forked17:16
GaryvdMMaybe we don't need it.17:18
GaryvdMOk - no thread...17:19
awilkinsjelmer: Ping?17:24
GaryvdMluks: I think rather leave it. Scrolling is a bit slow when loading a large diff - but not bad...17:28
GaryvdMI call QtCore.QCoreApplication.processEvents() after each file...17:28
luksGaryvdM: I'll try it, but I don't think a thread will help with that17:29
=== mw|brb is now known as mw
LeoNerdbzr diff | diffstat   <== any way I can use my .bazaar/bazaar.conf  to automate that?17:34
james_wI think there is a diffstat plugin17:36
james_wyou could also use a shell alias17:36
james_wbut no, there's no way to do that with bazaar.conf17:37
GaryvdMluks: I agree now  - threads won't help much - so I have dropped that idea17:42
GaryvdMI've push a working version that does not use thread to lp:~garyvdm/qbzr/diff-images .17:44
lifelessbeuno: seems fine17:44
GaryvdMI want to squash some regressions and then look at merging to trunk.17:44
beunolifeless, it seemed to be something else locally, thanks  (bzr 1.6rc in PPA screwed my shell)17:45
GaryvdMRegressions are: no line under file info, and no interline diffs.17:46
luksyep, on my todo list17:46
luksthe lines seem to be tricky17:47
GaryvdMHow were they done before? in the paint event?17:48
luksbut I wanted to move that to the document, to make copy/paste work on file info17:50
GaryvdMI think I found a way.17:52
bkorjelmer: are you sure you mean bug 242787 ? there is no info in that bugreport17:56
ubottuLaunchpad bug 242787 in buglog-data "[testbug] auto-created by python-launchpad-bugs" [Undecided,Invalid] https://launchpad.net/bugs/24278717:56
beunojelmer, BB keeps insisting that your patches are for bazaar and not bzr-gtk17:58
beunosee: http://bundlebuggy.aaronbentley.com/request/%3C20080717121324.GD1834%40vernstok.nl%3E17:58
=== abentley1 is now known as abentley
pickscrapeThe work done on bzr-gtk looks very interesting. When is a release expected, or does that depend on 1.6?17:59
strkhow do I create a branch w/out working tree again ?18:02
strkbzr help branch doesn't say18:03
lifelessstrk: is controlled by the repository; if you want to do it manually you can by 'bzr init foo; bzr remove-tree foo; bzr pull -d foo SOURCE'18:03
* HarryR wonders if bzr-svn supports 1.6 yet :/18:03
strklifeless: what's 'foo' and what's 'SOURCE' ?18:04
lifelessfoo is the branch to create; SOURCE is the branch to make it from18:04
lifelessstrk: but the answer you had in #gnash is already correct :)18:05
abentleyjam: around?18:05
* strk continues on #gnash :)18:05
* HarryR downgrades to bzr 1.5 instead18:09
lifelessabentley: ping18:10
abentleylifeless: pong18:10
lifelessHarryR: yes bzr-svn does, but there is no build of it in the ppa18:10
lifelessabentley: BB - did it notice my woo 2 test ?18:10
abentleylifeless: Yes: http://bundlebuggy.aaronbentley.com/project/squid/request/<1216300191.2781.110.camel@lifeless-64>18:11
abentleyGod, do I hate these "friendly" urls.18:11
abentleylifeless: A reply was sent by Bundle Buggy, but it's being held for moderation.18:12
lifelessabentley: Ah, I missed that it was from me so noone else could see it :)18:12
abentleyI tried to set up bundlebuggy@aaronbentley.com as a subscriber, but that apparently didn't take.18:13
abentleylifeless: I really don't like using email for things like that.18:13
lifeless<things like that> ?18:13
abentleymanipulating mailing list subscriptions.18:15
abentleyI can has web UI?18:16
abentleyhas been 3 days since I confirmed that I wanted that address added.  No response yet.18:17
awilkinsjelmer: Looks like it's trying to add a file - it starts with SVN:r1 but when it gets to SVN:r2 it thinks it's a brand new file (even though it's a modify), and gives it a new file_id18:18
jelmerawilkins: but earlier on in that function it deletes the file from the inventory18:20
jelmerso I wonder why that's failing18:20
awilkinsjelmer: Meh? this is in the middle of a sprout18:21
jelmerawilkins: it's being raised from the close() function in fetch.py, right?18:22
awilkinsjelmer: Looking at the log of the svn repo, the operation it's trying to do is the edit of hosts in r218:22
lifelessabentley: meh, suqid dev list mgmt is a bit silly IMO18:22
awilkinsjelmer: Yes, the first such error in the log18:22
awilkinsjelmer: The error is occurrring on r2 in trunk, not r6 in the branch18:24
awilkinsjelmer: The extensions are calling add_file instead of open_file and then apply_textdelta (I think)18:26
jelmerawilkins: that's kinda weird18:32
awilkinsjelmer: I presume it doesn't do this on your OS?18:33
jelmerawilkins: in the case of that particular case it does18:34
awilkinsYou can stack dump the proper trace by inserting "assert file_id != '2@6f95bc5c-e18d-4021-aca8-49ed51dbcb75:trunk:hosts'" at line 314 of fetch.py18:34
awilkinsThat revid should never exist, there is never a new file called hosts at r218:35
awilkinsNot screwed up the order of svn_delta_editor_t or something have I?18:39
awilkinsHmph, looks fine18:43
HarryRyay finally, `bzr branch` on a svn tree works after downgrading bzr, subversion & neon18:44
jelmerawilkins: there is - there is a replace action happening at that point, no?18:44
awilkinsjelmer: No, this is revision 2 of the repository18:47
awilkinsjelmer: It's a modify18:47
awilkinsjelmer: The replace is in revision 618:47
awilkinsjelmer: I'm looking at the repo log - because of the windows tempfile bug, the repo is still there18:48
jelmerawilkins: ah, you're right18:51
jelmerit doing an add there is definitely wrong18:51
thumperOdd_Bloke: the queue-abstraction-2 branch on LP is as far as I have got right now19:00
jamabentley: sorry I missed your ping, what's up?19:01
abentleyI think you're moving PlanMergeVersionedFile in the wrong direction.  It was turning into a VersionedFiles implementation, and you seem to be turning it back into a VersionedFile implementation.19:02
jamabentley: for which part?19:03
jamthe add_rev stuff in the test suite?19:03
jamThat is just because it is *far* easier to do19:03
jamI don't believe I touched get_parent_Map19:03
jamabentley: I'm curious for more info. The problem *I* ran into is that most of PMVF uses tuple keys19:04
jambut self.get_lines() uses plain revision ids19:04
abentleyWell, I got a conflict there the first time.19:05
abentleyMaybe I misinterpreted why.19:05
abentleyjam: I agree that get_lines is annoying.  Our merge code should move to using the VersionedFiles API anyhow, though.19:07
jamabentley: Is it because of Jelmer's VirtualVersioned files code?19:07
jamPVMF.get_parent_map() certainly looks like it is using keys19:07
jamThe only question is the NULL_REVISION issue19:08
jamIs this correct:19:08
jamif parents == ():19:08
jam    result[key] = (revision.NULL_REVISION,)19:08
jamOr is it supposed to be:19:08
jamif parents == ():19:08
jam    result[key] = revision.NULL_REVISION19:08
awilkinsjelmer: Are the parameters in ra.c:992  right?19:08
jamCertainly there is confusion earlier:19:08
jamif revision.NULL_REVISION in keys:19:08
jam    keys.remove(revision.NULL_REVISION)19:08
jam    result[revision.NULL_REVISION] = ()19:08
awilkinsjelmer: Stabbing in the dark a bit :-(19:08
abentleyI'm in the middle of overhauling get_parent_map so the answer is always (('null:',),)19:09
* jam no likey our current NULL_REVISION issues19:09
abentleyjam: I'm starting to think that it would be a good idea to record that in the indices.19:11
jamabentley: well, it would lead to less friction19:12
jambut it makes me sort of wonder why we add it to the graph anyway19:12
abentleyjam: That would give us a way to distinguish between "no parents" and "I don't know what the parents are".19:12
jamabentley: I thought we never had a "I don't know what the parents are" case19:12
jambecause we just didn't record the node if we didn't know19:12
abentleyjam: reconcile.19:12
abentleyjam: We've had the NULL_REVISION as a concept for a very long time.  Instead of sometimes having it and sometimes not, I think it makes sense to have it all the time.19:17
jamabentley: I thought we introduced it because we had difficulties with representing ghosts, but I think we have that sorted out a bit better now, and I'm not sure what it really gives us.19:18
jamI agree it should be all or nothing though19:18
jamthe current apis cause me grief19:18
abentleyjam: The concept of a null revision was part of the Bazaar design from the very beginning.19:19
abentleyI think it's very useful.  It's a revision that all projects have as a common base.19:21
abentleyIt's a revision against which even your first commit can be a delta.19:21
abentleyjam: Spelling it 'null:' was more recent, and that let us use None for other things.19:24
jamabentley: I suppose. As long as we solve the ancillary issues19:26
jamLike is the parent of ('file-id', 'rev-id') => ('null:') or is it ('file-id', 'null:')19:26
jamAnd the current mismatch19:27
jamthat you can get a parent of XX19:27
jambut if you try to get the text for XX19:27
jamit fails19:27
awilkinsjelmer: Performing the same operation (switch from url@1 to url@2) on teh command line works.19:27
jamAnd that accessing the parent_map has to filter to translate between the disk form and the memory form19:27
jamAnyway, as it is a somewhat artificial construct19:27
jamit hasn't been clear how it should be propagated throughout our apis19:28
jamAlso, there is a small benefit to being able to loop until you get no more entries19:28
jamrather than looping until you hit NULL19:28
awilkinsSpecial class for the null: instance?19:28
jamLike Graph and tsort both assume the graphs end with an empty set19:28
jamwhich sort-of works with NULL, because *its* parents are empty19:29
awilkinsjelmer: You know you can simplify this code, switch works in all cases (I don't know if there are any performance problems with that)19:34
abentleyjam: The parents of ('file-id', 'rev-id') are (('null:',),)19:36
=== mw is now known as mw|food
jamabentley: so all revisions, inventories, file texts, and branches decend from the same object?19:52
jamThat doesn't sound quite right19:52
abentleyWell, I discussed it in #bzr, and that's what we came up with.19:53
abentleyAnd really, if the object represents nothing, and these things came from nothing, it doesn't seem far wrong to me.19:54
mtaylorbzr-svn: Depends: bzr (< 1.4~) but 1.6~beta3-1~bazaar1 is to be installed20:00
mtayloris there an up-to-date-with-current-bzr bzr-svn apt repo around?20:00
wingo-tpgood evening!20:05
wingo-tpmy bzr repository is corrupted: https://bugs.launchpad.net/bzr/+bug/239499 . i imagine other people that have imported from baz or arch might be in the same situation whenever it is that they upgrade repo formats. anyone want to poke that bug? :)20:06
ubottuLaunchpad bug 239499 in bzr "corrupt knit index on an old arch-imported bzr repo" [Medium,Confirmed]20:06
jammtaylor: not yet, unfortunately, jelmer hasn't had time to keep the archives up-to-date so it sort of lagged behind20:14
=== mw|food is now known as mw
abentleypoolie: ping20:48
mwhudsonabentley: pretty darn early for poolie20:48
abentleymwhudson: Yeah, though not for lifeless...20:49
mwhudsonlifeless is a special case20:49
mwhudsonin many ways :)20:49
lifelessmwhudson: thanks I think20:53
mwhudsonlifeless: in good ways, yes20:54
mwhudsonlifeless: did you manage any groupcompress hacking today?20:54
lifelesssadly no20:55
lifelessbut see my RFC20:55
awilkinsjelmer: Fixed that bug21:08
jamhttp://jam-bazaar.blogspot.com/2008/07/this-week-in-bazaar_17.html has been released21:09
awilkinsBut first I have to fetch a pint of milk to keep the wifelet happy.21:09
lifelessjam: errata : 20GB of data21:12
lifelessnight all21:17
jamlifeless: that is all?21:25
jamThere was a single pack file at 16GB21:25
poolieabentley: hi21:37
pooliehello lifeless and jam too21:38
abentleypoolie: Hi.  I had a question about some code you wrote.  Lemme just find it again.21:39
abentleypoolie: knit.py:2688 is that "if True" deliberate?21:40
=== LaserJock1 is now known as LaserJock
LaserJockif I install bzr from bzr.dev will it conflict with installed bzr packages?21:50
LaserJockdo I need to install bzr.dev to a different directory?21:50
wingo-tpif you have bzr.dev and want to keep the installed package, don't install bzr.dev21:51
wingo-tpjust run it from the source repo21:51
poolielifeless: are you still here21:51
pooliei guess not21:51
LaserJockI was wanting to install some related packages in Ubuntu, but they depend on bzr21:52
LaserJockso I wondering if there is a common solution for that kind of case21:53
poolieLaserJock: there is a way to tell dpkg 'pretend i have $foo installed'21:55
pooliei don't recall it off hand21:55
pooliealternatively, just install the system bzr and put your bzr into ~/bin or something21:55
LaserJockI think I need to maybe re-evaluate why I'm using bzr.dev in the first place :-)21:58
LaserJockI think perhaps I've gone down a rabbit trail I don't need to21:58
GaryvdMluks: I've fixed all qdiff regressions that I am aware of. Any objections to merging to trunk?22:00
LaserJockpoolie: why is bzr 1.6 beta in the bzr PPA?22:03
LaserJockpoolie: shouldn't it be in the bzr-beta PPA?22:03
poolieLaserJock: ah, because i mistyped :)22:03
poolieor really, because i mindlessly copied from the checklist22:04
poolieabentley, jam: i'm wondering if before 1.6 we should either22:04
pooliea- rename development1 to a supported format or22:04
LaserJockpoolie: so is it really 1.5?22:04
poolieb- make --stacked automatically give you this format22:05
pooliei feel a bit strange about doing b and not a22:05
poolieLaserJock: i don't understand22:05
LaserJockpoolie: the version in the bzr PPA says: 1.6~beta3-1~bazaar122:06
LaserJockis that really what it is or is it 1.5 mislabeled22:06
abentleypoolie: I think we should do "a".22:07
abentleyI'm not aware of any format considerations that would prevent it.22:07
abentleyI don't think we should make people use a "development" format to get advertised features.22:08
LaserJockso .... what's going to happen with the bzr PPA?22:12
pickscrapeDid I read somewhere a while back about per-file commit comments being added?22:13
radixWOO HOO22:15
poolieabentley: and then b?22:39
poolieradix: hi?22:39
pooliepickscrape: yes, but in a plugin iirc22:40
radixpoolie: I am celebrating the release of a version of bzr with stacked branches :)22:40
radixshould I switch back to the non-beta PPA?22:40
mwhudsonradix: it's only 1.6b3, no release yet22:40
radixwell yes22:40
radixwhatever it's called, there's something I can apt-get22:41
pickscrapepoolie: thanks, I was trying to figure out why I couldn't find it myself :)22:41
poolieno, i should put it in the right ppa22:44
abentleypoolie: Doing 'b' is fine with me, but 'a' is the one I really care about.22:46
pooliethen i guess we should do both22:54
pooliei was hoping to talk about it with robert22:54
pooliei think he said it's ok with him to make it a released format22:54
jampoolie: so... the only effect of the format right now is to enable stacking?23:05
pickscrapeDoes anyone know of an example command (core or plugin) that takes a subcommand?23:05
jamAs in, it doesn't introduce rich roots, or btree indexes, or really anything else?23:05
jampickscrape: 'bzr shelf ls'23:05
jamPlugin is bzrtools23:05
jampoolie: it seems a bit much to require 'bzr upgrade' and only get stacking, when we have so many other things in the queue23:06
jamThough I agree that it should probably be a fully supported format, just not a recommended upgrade until we get some more bits in.23:06
pickscrapejam: Ah, yes I'd completely forgotten that shelf does it. Thanks fort he reminder!23:06
libwilliamI was in here a week or so ago asking about this and someone helped me but I didn't implement it right away and forgot. So I am back for help. I am trying to test and see if a valid bug fixed argument is valid...23:18
libwilliamCurrent I am getting a TrackerRegistry instance then calling get_instance("lp", branch) on it and it keeps returning bzrlib.errors.UnknownBugTrackerAbbreviation: Cannot find registered bug tracker called launchpad on BzrBranch6('file:///home/will/bzr/bzrtest/')23:19
libwilliamwhoops, I mean bzrlib.errors.UnknownBugTrackerAbbreviation: Cannot find registered bug tracker called lp on BzrBranch6('file:///home/will/bzr/bzrtest/')23:20
libwilliamlp instead of launchpad.... the first one was a different test.23:20
libwilliamSo is this the right way to check and I am just not using the proper syntax or am I doing something completely wrong?23:20
pooliejam, i'll check that but i believe it's just stacking23:22
GaryvdMlibwilliam: i you can remember when it was, the irc logs are here: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/23:26
jamlibwilliam: I wonder if you need to do "import bzrlib.plugin; bzrlib.plugin.load_plugins()" before you do that23:28
libwilliamGaryvdm, jam: thanks, I am scrolling through the logs right now to see if I can find it. If not I am going to try the load_plugins()23:29
jamigc: good morning23:35
colbracIs there a method that returns the rev_no of a remote branch? (Like a branch on launchpad)23:50
bob2bzr revno url23:51
colbracno from a brzlib remote branch instance23:51
mwhudsonb.last_revision_info() ?23:52
bob2revno does Branch.open_containing(location)[0].revno()23:53
colbracyay .last_revision_info does the trick. :) Thanks!23:56
spivjam: thank you very much for the reviews!23:59

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