
Saniokhi to all00:08
Saniokhow can I fix sudoers error?00:09
nonewmsgswhy can00:22
nonewmsgswhy can't i burn more than one cd at the same time?  i have multiple dvd burners and i would like to burn different images at the same time, but i can't seem to in windows or linux00:23
andre__hi @ all00:26
White_Pelicanare there any programs out there that can extract the audio from a you-tube (flash video) and convert it into a music file?00:29
Pici!es | Squall00:33
ubottuSquall: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.00:33
ubottuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats00:36
lucas_hi there does anybody knows on hardy heron which package provides utf8 support for latex ?00:38
White_Pelicanis anyone going to answer my question?00:39
lucas_which question ?00:43
White_Pelicanare there any programs out there that can extract the audio from a you-tube (flash video) and convert it into a music file?00:44
lucas_hey I would do that in two steps00:46
lucas_first try to extract the video00:46
lucas_once you hae it use avidemux00:46
White_PelicanI already downoladed the video00:46
lucas_the extraction is made by some firefox plugins or so00:46
lucas_ha ok so you only need avidemux00:47
White_Pelicanoh lord I can't type ;)00:47
lucas_it's a video editor00:47
White_Pelicanbut you can extract audio from the file in avidemux?00:47
lucas_with it you can easily extract the audio track00:47
White_PelicanI guess that was my question00:47
White_Pelicanthank you so much00:48
lucas_at least I remember doing it once, cheers00:48
White_PelicanI'll try that00:48
lucas_100% sure it works00:48
White_Pelicannow I just need to find a draw poker game for kde since kpoker is not being ported to the 4x branch00:49
lucas_I remember of pok3d00:51
lucas_or poker3d00:51
lucas_which was quite nice00:51
White_Pelicanfreeware for linux?00:52
lucas_yes it is00:52
White_Pelicancalled poker3d?00:52
lucas_you can play for free00:52
lucas_yes something like this00:53
White_Pelicanonline poker?00:53
lucas_online poker00:53
lucas_but free00:53
White_Pelicanoh never mind but thanks anyway00:53
lucas_you can play with fake money00:53
lucas_and real cash00:53
White_Pelicanthanks for the help00:54
Richie086quick question - when i type startx from my terminal, gnome is the default gui, what file do i edit to make it so KDE runs instead of gnome when i start x?01:24
pc_Hello I was hoping someone can help me get an idea how I install "Vmware Server for linux" Binary (tar.gz)  and "Vmware Server Linux Client Package" ?  Which do I load first and what steps do I take basically? I am going to load it on Kubuntu 8.04 on a amd 64bit machine.. And eventually will use Win 98SE on the Virtual desktop. I appreciate any tips you can give.01:39
histoare the menus still all jacked up in gnome after installing kubuntu-desktop?01:41
histoOr have they fixed it now were they keep some of the apps seperate?01:41
=== Ermenegild is now known as Ermenguer
ubottuKDE 4.0.5 is the latest major release of the K Desktop Environment. Packages can be found at http://kubuntu.org/announcements/kde-4.0.5.php - Support in #kubuntu-kde401:44
ubottuVMWare Player is in Ubuntu's !Multiverse repository (package "vmware-player", only for Feisty and Edgy), and http://www.easyvmx.com/easyvmx.shtml can create VMs for it. Instructions can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VMware - See also !virtualizers01:48
=== steinar is now known as Tina
=== Tina is now known as Tina_gurl
=== gerry_ is now known as seattlegaucho
HamledHi, I just installed amarok on the standard gnome-based version of Ubuntu, and it required kdelibs. I'm getting an error about KDE not being able to access DBUS or HAL when trying to autodetect media players... Is there another package I can install to fix this, or is it only available when running on amarok in KDE?02:10
fulat2khi folks, kubuntu sometimes doesn't display the device icons for usb devices plugged in.  is there any daemon i can restart to get the functionality back instead of doing a system restart?02:12
javimansillahi there. Can I get some help for configuring a composite manager in kubuntu 7.10 ?02:27
eskoSorry.  Not up to speed on that.  Trying to figure out how to enable effects with via chrome902:29
kraplaxhi there02:41
kraplaxis there anyone here who uses more than only english keyboard layout?02:41
histoOkay i'm a gnome user. I just install kubuntu-kde4-desktop meta package. Wanted to checkout kubuntu.  However i've noticed a lot of artwork etc.. is missing. Should I also install the kubuntu-desktop package?02:43
ixenakisBonjour à tous :-)02:44
kraplaxhisto: i guess no - some artwork is still WIP02:44
Jucatohisto: kubuntu-desktop would install KDE 3. for KDE 4 questions, please ask in #kubuntu-kde402:44
kraplaxhisto: but that depends on what kind of missing parts do you encounter02:44
histokraplax: gotcha02:44
histoWell how about removal?02:45
kraplaxhisto: what removal?02:45
histoI want to remove kubuntu-kde4-desktop and install kubuntu-desktop now02:46
kraplaxhm.. i'm not sure. maybe just uninstall that first package and install the second one?02:47
histolet me try something brb have to switch to gnome02:47
histoalright yeah thats not working. Anyone have a clue how to remove this garbage?02:51
kraplaxyou mean GNOME?02:52
kraplaxor KDE4?02:52
histoI installed via apt-get the kubuntu-kde4-desktop meta package02:53
kraplaxthen lauch your adept and uninstall that package02:54
kraplaxor try apt-get --help to see what command do you need to uninstall it02:55
histoNo you don't understand its a meta package03:00
crimsaqHi, I'm running kubuntu 8.04 and have a GeForce 6200oc pci, I am trying to use the s-video out on my card, but it doesnt seem to be working, any help would be excellent03:08
dwidmanncrimsaq: you might have good luck with it if you use the nvidia-settings utilit03:12
crimsaqI actually just found it in there03:13
crimsaqthank you03:13
crimsaqbut the tv display is b&w, any ideas why?03:13
dwidmannNo idea whatsoever03:14
dwidmannhi lampe03:15
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lampehi dwidmann03:19
flaccidcrimsaq: wrong type. its probably on nts03:22
crimsaqkubuntu 8.04, "NVidia X Server Settings" app not saving settings after X restarts, any ideas?03:22
crimsaqeverything goes back to defaults03:22
flaccidapp not saving settings? what does that mean03:22
lampeit dont save the costume settings03:23
crimsaqwhen I change the settings in nvidia-settings, it doesnt keep them when i restart X03:23
lampetry to update?03:23
crimsaqI was thinking more along the lines of having to use sudo somehow?03:23
flaccidwhat settings are not kept exactly?03:23
crimsaqmy screen resolutions, and enabling the s-video port03:24
lampesry i got the intel x3100 no driver problems :)03:24
lampedo you know where the file is where this all i saved ?03:24
lampetry to edit the file maybe ?03:24
lampesry but iam no linux pro03:25
dwidmanncrimsaq: you need to be root03:25
crimsaqI just ran sudo nvidia-settings03:25
crimsaqit seemed to take the changes, I'm gonna restart X and see03:26
flaccidi belive thats because nvidia-settings is dynamic. it can save to ~/.nvidia-settings-rc and then that can be loaded manually again.03:26
flaccidim reading http://linux.die.net/man/1/nvidia-settings03:27
dwidmannflaccid: I think per default if you save the settings it saves them to the xorg.conf03:27
flacciddwidmann: thats what http://linux.die.net/man/1/nvidia-xconfig is for :)03:27
flaccidwell at least i think thats the case03:28
crimsaqok, that worked. but I still have a black and white display on the tv, is there any way to change the output/input to pal or ntsc, whatever it needs to be?03:29
dwidmannflaccid: with regards to monitor-related settings, I'm pretty sure it saves those to xorg.conf, everything else no, but that yes.  Everything else is indeed user-specific03:29
crimsaqor is that tv side?03:29
flacciddwidmann: im just iterating what the man pages say...03:29
dwidmannflaccid: and I'm playing with the app to see what it'll do :)03:29
dwidmanncrimsaq: does nvidia-settings have any color depth options that you can play with?03:30
flaccidwell xorg.conf is not mentioned in man nvidia-settings ..03:30
flaccidcrimsaq: http://linux.die.net/man/1/nvidia-xconfig03:30
* flaccid googles the black and white thing03:31
=== kraplax_ is now known as |Kraplax|
flacciddoes crimsun != crimsaq ?03:38
flaccidseems there is a couple of crims03:38
=== |Kraplax| is now known as kraplax
kraplaxhow do i install DjVu reader?03:42
alaQkraplax: look up the pakage 'djview' in adept.  Should be able to do it for you.03:44
kraplaxok, thank you03:45
rxhi guys. ive install kubuntu 8.04 it seems to not take into account xorg.conf's Monitor/DisplaySize03:50
rxfonts are like huge03:50
rxrealllly huge03:50
flaccidrx: pastebin xorg.conf and /var/log/Xorg.0.log03:50
rxhold on03:50
kcma1i have a laptop from 2000 possibly 2001 bottom line is it was fitting to run xp you know how winderz is well i currently have ubuntu on it but i have no 3d rendering and the experts tell me that i never will the machine is far to old. is there a set of drivers for my system with kubuntu the laptop is a sony vaio model PCG-FXA5303:51
flaccidkcma1: what is your lspci | grep VGA ?03:52
kcma1flaccid one sec i had forgotten the command so thanks now i can give you that info03:53
kcma1flaccid 01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: ATI Technologies Inc Rage Mobility P/M AGP 2x (rev 64)03:54
flaccidah a rage card. yeah they could be right. lets see03:54
flaccidkcma1: are you running hardy?03:54
rxlog: http://pastebin.com/m1840af3503:55
kcma1flaccid yes i am right now but i am willing to switch if it means 3d rendering03:55
flaccidkcma1: goto kdesudo jockey-kde . does hardware drivers manager offer you anything there?03:56
rxconf: http://pastebin.com/m24ffe2dc03:56
rxive been using these DisplaySize values since forever03:57
kcma1flaccid do i go there in terminal?03:57
kcma1flaccid or is that a web page?03:57
flaccidkcma1: or just alt+f2 (run command)03:57
kcma1flaccid cool will do that now wait 1 plz03:57
flaccidi have to go to the bathroom. i'll be back in a few mins people03:58
rxok ty03:58
kcma1flaccid do i put everything from the "goto" in the command cause both ways it does not work i just get an error?03:58
Viper550Okay, I'm running Kubuntu Gutsy KDE4, I need qmake03:59
Viper550nm, got it going03:59
kcma1flaccid terminal says without the "goto" that kdesudo is not installed and that i can install it with "kdesudo", any thoughts04:00
alaQkcma1: are you currently in kubuntu or ubuntu?04:03
kcma1alaQ i am currently running ubuntu but i will switch if it means 3d rendering04:04
alaQok - kdesudo is a program for the kubuntu side.  what you'll want to use is (in the run dialog) gksu jockey-gtk04:05
alaQkcma1: a lot of the tools in ubuntu are gtk-based.  Kubuntu builds similar tools, that are based in Qt, hence the difference.04:06
geniiUm jockey-kde I believe04:06
alaQgenii: he's running ubuntu currently. :)04:06
geniinvm just caught it :)04:06
kcma1well the gksu brings up my hardware drivers list the ones that require support from other than ubuntu drivers and my video card is not on that list04:07
alaQkcma1: all right.  one second.04:07
kcma1i went as far as downloading EnvyNG and selecting manual and auto detect and neither one of the ati options worked because my card is EOL for the vender so that is where i am right now guys04:08
flaccidkubuntu won't help in terms of the video driver etc. ubuntu and kubuntu are the same system, just a different desktop. they use the same drivers and repos etc.04:08
flaccidkcma1: there is lots on google04:08
flaccidrx: log?04:08
kcma1yeah of people who got it to work using extreme methods but i am still learning to navigate terminal04:09
rxlog: http://pastebin.com/m1840af3504:11
flaccidkcma1: yeah looks like you have to compile mach64 driver04:11
rxconf: http://pastebin.com/m24ffe2dc04:11
alaQkcma1: from what I can tell, the card that you have uses a DRI driver (direct rendering support) that isn't included in the standard set, so it needs to be built separately.  see http://tinyurl.com/6nhuxo04:12
flaccidhow do i zoom in and out in konqueror with mouse/scroll?04:13
alaQctrl + scroll wheel04:13
kcma1alaQ so i have to build the driver on my own and then set the conf in the shell using crtl+alt+F2 am i close?04:14
flaccidrx: you are using vmware or something04:14
flaccidalaQ: does nothing04:15
rxvmware video driver04:15
rxlike usual04:15
rxas* usual04:15
alaQflaccid: hmm.. it's working over here.  are you 3.x or 4.x?04:15
rxthere's no reason for it to not work04:15
flaccidi've never worked with that before rx. however there is (WW) VMWARE(0): Unable to estimate virtual size in log and DisplaySize     435 275 in xorg.conf ..04:16
flaccidthere is always a reason, otherwise it would be working04:16
flaccidalaQ: both04:16
rxthats why i set it by hand04:16
rxi will fuck with it again tomorrow04:17
alaQkcma1: more or less.  I'm looking around for docs on how to install it.04:17
flaccid!language | rx04:17
ubotturx: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.04:17
rxok :|04:18
kcma1alaQ the one link that you sent me seems do able or i am just feeling like i can do what that file asks of me.04:18
flaccidkcma1: not sure what you mean there but yeah thats what you have to do..04:19
kcma1well someone here lol sent me this link https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xserver-xorg-video-ati/+bug/34590 and the bottom of the page seems do able without having to enter in the shell commands i will just need some help with the conf part04:20
ubottuLaunchpad bug 34590 in xserver-xorg-video-ati "[mach64] DRI not Automatically Enabled for ATI Rage Mobility P/M" [Wishlist,Confirmed]04:20
kcma1flaccid you know i mean without having to kill the windows04:20
flaccidi still don't understand sorry04:20
flaccidyou mean using a package instead?04:22
alaQkcma1: a little easier - check out http://www.bakarasse.de/mach64-howto.html04:23
charlie5hi guys ... does anyone know what UTS_RELEASE is about ? ... i'm trying to build sl-modem-source, and it fails since this symbol isn't defined04:23
kcma1alaQ so just copy and paste instructions into my terminal and then i should be good to go right?04:25
alaQkcma1: I'd recommend using the packages instead.  less messy.04:26
kcma1alaQ well yeah i am all about that part, that was why i was choosing to switch os if i had to, i figure one of the coding gods here in linux would have figured out a way to make this easy for dummies like me04:26
flaccid!info xserver-xorg-video-mach64 intrepid | kcma104:26
ubottukcma1: xserver-xorg-video-mach64 (source: xserver-xorg-video-mach64): X.Org X server -- ATI Mach64 display driver. In component main, is optional. Version 6.8.0-1build1 (intrepid), package size 209 kB, installed size 400 kB04:26
alaQcharlie5: look at http://tinyurl.com/5mq4cd - see if that will help you at all.04:27
flaccidkcma1: 1. no need to switch os 2. linux gods have made a package 3. you can just d/l it manuall and install with dpkg -i ./filename.deb04:27
kcma1flaccid is that a how to or a package?04:27
charlie5thanks alaQ !04:27
flaccidkcma1: tat is a package04:27
kcma1flaccid wow man04:28
flaccidkcma1: you can d/l it from here: http://packages.ubuntu.com/intrepid/xserver-xorg-video-mach6404:28
kcma1flaccid i have too LMAO on the number 2 comment04:28
flaccidkcma1: yeah. i just hope that the xserver core requirement is ok in terms of versions (the dependency)04:29
alaQflaccid: good call - I forgot release +1. :)04:29
kcma1flaccid now you see you lost me on that one04:29
flaccidyeah its not in hardy so i hope its easily installed04:29
alaQkcma1: if that doesn't work, http://www.bakarasse.de/linux/ubuntu/hardy/ has a package that is built for 8.04.04:30
kcma1no offence flaccid i cant seem to find the package to dl on the link that you sent me04:31
flaccidkcma1: if you are running x86 click on the i386 link04:32
kcma1flaccid oic04:32
flaccidthen select a mirror close to you04:32
kcma1flaccid so should i use yours or the one for 8.0404:32
flaccidkcma1: try this one first and let us know error if you get one. then can advise if you need to use the 3rd party one04:33
kcma1flaccid ok trying your link first04:33
flaccidi have to reboot brb04:35
kcma1flaccid ok got deb form link you sent me flaccid and then double clicked it and got error Dependency is not satisfiable: xserver-xorg-core04:36
alaQkcma1: flaccid will be back -  he had to reboot.04:36
alaQthat package is not going to work with your install though.04:36
kcma1yeah i saw him say that and was hoping that you too could see the message04:36
kcma1that is what i thought04:37
kcma1so what now boss?04:37
alaQkcma1: if you use the 8.04 one, make sure you match the kernel version:  do a 'uname -r' in a console window to check.04:37
kcma1alaQ roger04:37
kcma1alaQ well i matched with the uname -r command and it is installing right now04:40
kcma1alaQ rebooting i will brb04:41
flaccidalaQ: the intrepid pkg installed ok?04:41
alaQhad to use the hardy one.04:42
flaccidxorg core version was too old in dep ?04:42
flaccidi dislike how the version is cut off from dpkg -l04:42
alaQapt-cache show. :)04:43
alaQprobably one of my favorite commands.04:44
flaccidah nah i misread. 2:1.4.1 and dep being >= 2:
kraplaxdoes anyone know how to setup the kb layout switching?04:46
flaccidkraplax: system settings | regional and language | keyboard layout04:46
kraplaxthat does't work :(04:46
flaccid!doesntwork | kraplax04:47
ubottukraplax: Doesn't work is a strong statement. Does it sit on the couch all day? Does it want more money? Is it on IRC all the time? Please be specific! Examples of what doesn't work tend to help too.04:47
kraplaxnor did it in Mandriva since 200704:47
spiel_mit_feuerhey.. does anyone know anything about media streaming on linux?04:47
kcmanalaQ i am rendering now thank you04:47
flaccidkraplax: submit a bug then04:47
alaQkcman: good to hear. :)04:47
flaccidkcman: nice. sorry about the intrepid thing.. i misread the dep version04:47
alaQkraplax: what layout are you trying to use?04:47
kcmannope prob flaccid you two made it farther in an hour than all the other helpers that help me for two days straight04:48
kcmanyou two rock04:48
kraplaxok, i set up everything as on Windows - Alt+Shift and flash ScrollLock light to signal me04:48
kraplaxthe same settings in the xorg04:48
kraplaxin /etc/xorg.conf04:48
kraplaxit's Ubuntu 8.0404:48
flaccid!enter | kraplax04:49
ubottukraplax: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!04:49
kraplaxand it obnly works if i press the kb switcher in systray04:49
flaccid!bugs | kraplax04:49
ubottukraplax: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug report at: http://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu  -  Bugs in/wishes for the bots can be filed at http://launchpad.net/ubuntu-bots04:49
alaQif you use the systray switcher, it will work?04:49
kraplaxubottu: sorry, i forgot it04:49
ubottukraplax: Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)04:49
kraplaxok, i did managed to resolve that problem at my home system, which is Mandriva. But i had to set it to CapsLock04:51
kraplaxiirc there should be some entry in kdeglobals for setting kb layout switching, right\?04:51
AshexAt some point about a month ago, I'm prompted to enter my password to mount a removable drive04:53
AshexDoes anyone know how to disable this? has something to do with security policy04:53
alaQkraplax: not sure.  I use a dvorak layout, but I'm still staying in english.  I used the system settings layout manager.04:53
Ashexbut I can't find any documentation for it04:53
kraplaxalaQ: hm.. and what do you have about it in kdeglobals? could you look for it for me?04:54
alaQkraplax: sorry, kdeglobals only defines shortcuts for me.04:57
kraplaxok, found it04:57
kraplaxit defines me Ctrl+Alt+K and it's default04:57
kraplaxi need to logout ot try out the new setting04:57
jeremiahhello all05:07
jeremiahcan u use konversation for yahoo messenger?05:07
cadooi think you're looking for kopete05:08
geniijeremiah: No.konversation is IRC protocol only.05:10
geniijeremiah: As cadoo said, kopete. Or else pidgin.05:10
=== martijn is now known as martijn81
CostaRicanQuakerhey, what alternatives to open 0ffice are there for kubuntu?05:18
genii!info koffice05:18
ubottukoffice (source: koffice): KDE Office Suite. In component main, is optional. Version 1:1.6.3-4ubuntu7 (hardy), package size 18 kB, installed size 60 kB05:18
CostaRicanQuakeris it better than open office?05:19
CostaRicanQuakerok brb, i gotta switch to kde i'm xfce05:19
CostaRicanQuakeris koffice better than open office.org?05:23
flaccidprobably not but each to their own..05:24
CostaRicanQuakerhow do i set my clock to am pm format, i dont see an option in clock configuration05:24
=== puskom is now known as puskom__
CostaRicanQuakerwhat is the most effiecient, least memory expenseive, more versatile, office suite for ubuntu systems?05:24
alaQabiword and gnumeric.05:24
flaccidCostaRicanQuaker: right click clock - date and time format05:25
geniiActually emacs. However I despise it05:25
alaQno, emacs is a good os, it just needs a decent text editor. :)05:25
CostaRicanQuakerok abiword and gnumeric are already there but how about...powepoint05:25
flaccidi like using joe as my text editor in cli05:26
flaccidCostaRicanQuaker: koffice or Ooo for presentations05:26
CostaRicanQuakerbascially i want to switch the people at the peace centre from windows xp to kubuntu05:27
CostaRicanQuakerso i have found ocmplaints about open office in the past and that its poerpoint is not as good05:27
ubottuIntegrated office suite for KDE, including word processing, spreadsheet, flow charting, image manipulation. For more info see: http://koffice.kde.org. Upgraded Kubuntu !Dapper packs at http://kubuntu.org/announcements/koffice-16.php05:27
ubottua free and open source office suite, including word processor, spreadsheet, presentation, vector drawing and database components.  To install: "sudo apt-get install openoffice.org". User help available in #users.openoffice.org05:27
flaccidCostaRicanQuaker: well its fine. thats usually because they are used to m$ way and havnt used it before so may not know how to use it properly. alternatives are not meant to be the same05:28
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about texpower05:28
CostaRicanQuakeri know that bt i want it to be smooth for them05:28
flaccidCostaRicanQuaker: stop expecting it to be. instead spend time educating/training them on the new software05:28
CostaRicanQuakerflaccid: it didnt change the time, does the configuration change become active after reboot?05:28
flaccidCostaRicanQuaker: yeah i think you have to log out and back in05:29
CostaRicanQuakeryes, i want to write a guide file, that will be simple enough as in, for text doc files, use writer, for pde etc and set it on the desktop05:29
puskom__v    lugggui05:29
geniipuskom__: Please stop05:29
* CostaRicanQuaker downloads koffice05:30
geniipuskom__: Thank you05:30
CostaRicanQuakeri did download emacs but i stillhavent figured it out05:31
CostaRicanQuakeri think i like it better though, from the little i could understand after downloading  it05:31
flaccidthere are tutorials on emacs and other text editors on google05:31
CostaRicanQuakerok, so the office should be covered by installing the whole x-k-ubuntu desktops altogether plus koffice05:32
CostaRicanQuakerand the kpdf seems to work just fine05:32
geniiCostaRicanQuaker: emacs is extremely powerful and has a crapload of addons for it. Like someone said earlier: "[00:25] <alaQ> no, emacs is a good os, it just needs a decent text editor. :)"05:32
spiel_mit_feuerhey, does anyone know which multi media players support sharing of media folders over a network?05:32
=== puskom__ is now known as cha2-cute
CostaRicanQuakernow, my next question is05:32
flaccidspiel_mit_feuer: kaffeine can play files over smb05:32
cha2-cute         jn kj05:33
spiel_mit_feueri need a media player that can share files that i can access outside of linux05:33
CostaRicanQuakershould there be accounts for several users or a single user? ive never isntalled: kubuntu in spanish(which i think i'll have to do) nor several accounts05:33
flaccidspiel_mit_feuer: media players do not share files...05:33
geniicha2-cute: Changing your name doesn't make what you're doing any less annoying05:33
flaccidCostaRicanQuaker: 1 user account per physical user05:33
spiel_mit_feueri need a reliable way of sharing my music with my xbox05:34
CostaRicanQuakercan someone from personal experience recomend wether it should be a single account and only staff have access to the admin passwords for sudo05:34
flaccid!samba | spiel_mit_feuer05:34
ubottuspiel_mit_feuer: Samba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT.05:34
CostaRicanQuakeror several accounts for every person of staff?05:34
flaccidCostaRicanQuaker: 1 account per user. and add admins to the admin group05:34
spiel_mit_feuersamba isnt going to work for sharing to an xbox 360.. atleast i dont think so05:34
CostaRicanQuakercan you link to some sort of tutorial on how to do that?05:34
CostaRicanQuakerive never had several users on kubuntu because ive only installed on my own05:35
flaccidspiel_mit_feuer: why wouldn't it? what protocols does xbox 360 support?05:35
flaccidCostaRicanQuaker: just user management in system settings or use kuser05:35
cha2-cuteyou my long05:35
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about kuser05:35
cha2-cutekuser is kusir05:36
flaccid!info kuser05:36
ubottukuser (source: kdeadmin): KDE user/group administration tool. In component universe, is optional. Version 4:3.5.9-0ubuntu5 (hardy), package size 233 kB, installed size 800 kB05:36
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about kusir05:36
alaQspiel_mit_feuer: http://ushare.geexbox.org/05:37
CostaRicanQuakerso what is the noun after sudo aptitude install05:37
cha2-cutekusir is about horse05:39
genii!id | cha2-cute05:40
ubottucha2-cute: join ke #ubuntu-id untuk membahas ubuntu dalam bahasa Indonesia05:40
CostaRicanQuakeris there some extra knowledge necessary to set a wireless conexion or it will detect itself just like ithappened when i installed kubuntu?05:41
CostaRicanQuakerthey have a sys router at the peace centre05:41
flaccidCostaRicanQuaker: negative. you just right click knetworkmanager05:42
geniiCostaRicanQuaker: Most wireless adapters set up ok automatically. There are a few problemmatic types however. Realtek 8185-8199 series and Intel 3945 for instance05:42
CostaRicanQuakershould work05:42
CostaRicanQuakerflaccid: once again, eventhough i already copied and pasted what you told me about security, what is the network security rebuttal to ubuntu reluctance?05:43
flaccidCostaRicanQuaker: i have no idea what you are talking about05:44
flaccidoh there are no open ports for ubuntu out of box so no firewall needed?05:44
CostaRicanQuakerand how does it send emails then? and i heard it comes with an installed previously config firewall05:44
flaccidCostaRicanQuaker: iptables is built in but no rules configured. an MTA is not installed by default and smtp is outgoing, it is not a server listening..05:45
geniiIt comes with iptables but it's not exactly configured in what you might call a firewall sort of setup out of box.05:45
flaccidactually i think it does come with Exim these days for mta but anyway05:46
flaccidif you have a look at sudo iptables -L there is likely no rules there05:46
spiel_mit_feuerjust about finished building a chroot jail05:48
geniispiel_mit_feuer: Cool. Then you can make an ssh login for it to trap unwitting would-be-hackers while you trace their IPs05:49
CostaRicanQuakerso what is the noun after sudo aptitude install for kuser that is06:01
* genii takes a wild stab06:02
geniikuser ?06:02
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about kuser06:02
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about kusir06:02
genii!info kuser06:02
ubottukuser (source: kdeadmin): KDE user/group administration tool. In component universe, is optional. Version 4:3.5.9-0ubuntu5 (hardy), package size 233 kB, installed size 800 kB06:02
flaccidsudo aptitude install kuser ?06:02
oobeall my /var/log/messages and syslog are empty06:02
CostaRicanQuaker^that, i'm already getting it06:02
geniiSince it's the name of a package....06:02
flaccid(even though User Management should be suffice)06:02
oobedoes anyone have any idea why this could happen06:02
geniioobe: You accidentally deleted them?06:03
CostaRicanQuakeri've another question i download gtk gnutella but it doesnt work, it says that hte version i downloaded which i diid from the terminal is very much outdated, i dont know how to get a program if its not in the repos or not listed in adept06:03
oobegenii, no06:03
CostaRicanQuakeri believe it involves something claled compiling so how do i do it06:03
flaccidCostaRicanQuaker: maybe try frostwire instead06:03
geniioobe: The /var was on some partition that couldn't get mounted?06:03
CostaRicanQuakerwhat was the command to uninstall? remove alone?06:03
CostaRicanQuakerflaccid: frostwire good for mp3s/music06:04
flaccidhmm frostwire aint in repos either. frostwire is gnutella client just like the one mentioned06:04
flaccid!build | CostaRicanQuaker06:04
ubottuCostaRicanQuaker: Compiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first)06:05
flaccidCostaRicanQuaker: frostwire is also available in package format from http://www.frostwire.com/?id=downloads06:09
CostaRicanQuakerflaccid: thank you06:09
spiel_mit_feuerhaha.. i did it06:14
spiel_mit_feueri made a chroot jail and install firefox 32-bit :-D06:14
spiel_mit_feueri have youtube back :D06:14
dick-richardsonanyone know of a good media extender that supports nfs?06:15
spiel_mit_feuerare you trying to stream music to the xbox?06:16
dick-richardsonno, to an a/v receiver06:16
flaccidwhat is a media extender?06:18
flaccidwhat connectivity is the a/v reciever?06:18
spiel_mit_feuerushare is a upnp streaming program06:19
spiel_mit_feuershould work06:19
dick-richardsonthe a/v receiver has stereo rca up to hdmi06:20
dick-richardsonthe media extender would see the music shared on my nfs volume and stream it to my home theater upstairs06:20
dick-richardson...assuming I can find one06:20
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flaccidim confused because streaming is digital and the other connectivity is analog..06:20
flaccidare you guys saying that xbox can't play files from smb? thats a bit crazy considering smb is what microsoft invented and uses with windows..06:21
dick-richardsonI'm raising a new question...apologies06:21
flaccidspiel_mit_feuer: this might help http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=632428 . doesn't look like it does samba. m$ are pathetic.06:25
flaccidhttp://www.videora.com/en-us/Converter/Xbox360/video.html  <--- shows how crap the product is :(06:27
jjjkwhere are the packages stored?06:27
flaccid!hi | jjjk06:27
ubottujjjk: Hi! Welcome to #kubuntu!06:27
flaccid!repos | jjjk06:27
ubottujjjk: The packages in Kubuntu are divided into various sections. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories/Kubuntu - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecommendedSources for the recommended way to set up your repositories06:27
jjjkno, inside the computer06:27
geniijjjk: If you mean where on your computer after they are downloaded from the repository and installed, then /var/cache/apt/archives06:28
jjjkwhere do the deb packages go06:28
geniiSee above06:28
filosoficCRQuaker:  try kpackage06:31
grendal_primehey i set up compiz on this machine, I cant get the rotating cube...seems like nothing in the advanced desktops settings manager works.  I mean i can see that compiz is running.but...well the changes i make are not being reflected.06:45
flaccid!compiz-fusion | grendal_prime06:46
ubottugrendal_prime: Kubuntu is not shipping with compiz installed or enabled by default. You can still install it and have your eyecandy goodness from KMenu -> System -> Desktop Effects - further help in #compiz-fusion06:46
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Jucato!rootirc | root__07:15
ubotturoot__: It's not technically our business, but we'd like to tell you that IRC'ing as root is a Very Bad Idea (tm). After all, doing anything as root when root is not needed is bad, and especially bad with software that connects to the Internet.07:15
emonshi whatz alternative for gksudo if gksu is not installed? what is another command that does the same?07:17
Jucatoemons: KDE/Kubuntu, use kdesu or kdesudo07:17
geniiemons: gksu is standrard with gnome install. If kde install then kdesu07:17
JucatoGNOME/Ubuntu, gksu is always there07:17
emonsalright thx07:18
gnomefreakJucato: they still may be broken well kdesudo was07:18
gnomefreakin kde407:18
emonsso instead of gksudo kate fstab --> kdesu kate fstab ?07:18
geniiJucato: I've noticed a weirdness in that if you have both Gnome and KDE and then from for instance gnome-terminal do: kdesu kdeapp     it don't work. Same applies to running gksu gnomeapp    from Konsole. Odd, eh?07:19
gnomefreakemons: i think its more like /etc/fstab07:19
geniiemons: Yes07:19
gnomefreakbut its been a while07:19
geniiemons: However full path of file.   /etc/fstab07:19
emonsalright thx07:19
gnomefreakyay i was right ;)07:19
genii!helpersnack | gnomefreak07:20
ubottugnomefreak: Wow! You're such a great helper, you deserve a cookie!07:20
geniignomefreak: For a guy with a nick like yours you sure spend enough time in #kubuntu .... ;)07:20
Jucatogenii: wth? you don't know who gnomefreak is?!?! O.o07:21
geniiA freaky gnome?07:22
emonsyesterday i was trying to install kmyfirewall to set up iptables but kmyfirewall has incompatibility issues... any idea how to fix these issues? or any suggestions about any ohter graphical interface for iptables that runs on kubuntu without problems?07:22
Jucatognomefreak: you've been gone far too long :P07:22
geniiJucato: I guess I'm blissfully ignorant07:22
gnomefreakJucato: yeah i spead just mornings normally now sice theheat of day raises heat in this room but rest of house has great cool air07:23
* genii sips his decaf 07:24
emonsno ideas?07:25
genii!info guarddog07:26
ubottuguarddog (source: guarddog): firewall configuration utility for KDE. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.6.0-1ubuntu1 (hardy), package size 506 kB, installed size 1564 kB07:26
* genii sips07:26
bob3213243anyone know of any sites that have themes and icons for girls?07:28
emonsyes but here it says http://pastebin.com/m478e5de2 and i dunno what that means... i mean do i have to change anything? do i have to get back to the older version as it says? help07:28
emonsyes but here it says http://pastebin.com/m478e5de2 and i dunno what that means... i mean do i have to change anything? do i have to get back to the older version as it says? help07:31
geniiemons: Don't know exactly. But it doesn't say you need to use some older version or so on, just that it now configures differently than before07:32
flaccidemons: n need to repeat07:33
geniiemons: If you didn't have any rules you wanted to import I wouldn't worry much over it07:33
flaccidemons: doesn't look like you took my advice yesterday which is to use guarddog instead or learn iptables07:33
emonsno flaccid i am using guard dog now but it doesn't let u configure precisely, it just seems to be an average configuration tool, and i dont like it07:35
flaccidemons: thats why its a good idea to learn iptables itself07:35
emons_i meant script that runs itself at the startup07:41
=== emons_ is now known as emons
flaccidemons: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo#Configuration on startup  <-- its in one file07:43
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efnxhey, there any programmers in here?07:51
geniiefnx: #ubuntu-devel #ubuntu-motu #ubuntu+1 has a fair number of them. Also #bash but prepare to be derided in there07:54
geniiBah he laft already07:54
* genii contemplates sleep as his typos increase07:54
efnxhey, thanks08:01
adredhello have a couple of questions. how do i install the latest build of kde 4.1 in my hardy heron box?will it get updated from time to time if a new release comes out?08:02
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jussi01!kde4 | adred08:03
ubottuadred: KDE 4.0.5 is the latest major release of the K Desktop Environment. Packages can be found at http://kubuntu.org/announcements/kde-4.0.5.php - Support in #kubuntu-kde408:03
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emonsi installed mplayer and it crashes "fatal error initializing the selected video"08:05
eloquencehow do I fix this problem: CMake Error: your CXX compiler: "CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER-NOTFOUND" was not found.   Please set CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER to a valid compilerpath or name.08:21
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HasNicktirTürk var mý?09:39
HasNicktiryok mu?09:40
=== eloquence is now known as elo_
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ksalhow can I make my scanner work with kubuntu09:57
ksali have both sane and xsane installed09:57
ksalbut my system doesn't see a device. i need drivers, yes?09:58
flaccidi'd say s09:58
ksalcan you help somehow?09:59
ksalit's medion scanner09:59
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ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about ventrilo10:22
CrypTomhi all, what process is responsible for periodically updating the available packages (executing apt-get update or similar)? On my personal laptop and on an server with graphical user interface this happens, on other servers without GUI this does not happen automatically·10:25
sjovanihello everybody10:35
sjovaniI'm doing a script that needs know what architecture of distribution is running10:35
sjovaniis there any command or file?10:36
flaccidsjovani: uname -m10:38
sjovanii686 -> i386, x86_64 -> amd64 or what?10:39
flaccidthat doesn't make sense, sjovani10:39
sjovanifor 64bits distribution, what output for uname -m?10:39
flaccidnot sure, i've never un 64bit. probably x86_64 or amd64 not sure.10:43
system366Hio all!10:45
system366Could sum1 direct me to the "Coompiz-Fusion" channel please?10:45
flaccid!compiz-fusion | system36610:46
ubottusystem366: Kubuntu is not shipping with compiz installed or enabled by default. You can still install it and have your eyecandy goodness from KMenu -> System -> Desktop Effects - further help in #compiz-fusion10:46
system366ah ha, ty very much flaccid :)10:46
system366ooo i remember u :P10:46
system366do u remember me? :D10:47
flaccidnp. probably not10:47
system366lols oh wells :P10:48
flaccidyeah :)10:48
ubottuHi! I'm #kubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://tinyurl.com/5zfb6t - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots10:50
snsWell quick question. I got a LCD TV with 720p resolution that I am going to use as main monitor for a pc with a nvidia video card. I can't set the right resolution. Using VGA connector10:50
snsTried using the nvidia-settings utility. Problem is that it seems to do nothing10:51
snsAny help is greatly appreciated10:51
pagsns, adding desired resolution in /etc/X11/xorg.conf usually helps10:53
snspag, yeah I know that. But I am a bit puzzled at how I can do that. Got any sites I can read?10:53
pagsns, I can paste my xorg.conf for reference, if you want10:54
snsthat would be great10:54
pagsns, http://paste.ubuntu.com/27966/10:55
_dennisteranyone know what to do when the hardy upgrade hangs forever at locale-gen? it seems to be a new and very recent bug10:55
snspag, thank you. I shall be trying and brb10:55
_dennisteri had to stop the process, despite the warning, and now can't get it or any installation process (with any medium) to work10:56
_dennisterthe failed upgrade has locked the system, can't even do a dpkg --configure -a10:57
kghello, have anybody tried the stuff mentioned here: http://techbase.kde.org/User:Lemma/GPU-Performance10:57
_dennisterkg: i probably can't help you, but if ur serious about getting help, you might want to actually tell people what the problem is, instead of expecting others to follow your links just to understand10:59
kgoh right - i was trying out the new intrepid with a 8XXX nvidia card11:00
kgseems to be working fine, except for the known nvidia problems11:01
kgi tried the workarounds to imporve the performance suggested by kde, but it made X crash between 5 secs and 5 mins of logging in11:02
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kgso i was curious if anyone else tried doing what i did11:02
_dennisterkg: not me, i'm just trying to get some help with this failed version upgrade :(11:03
kgfrom hardy to intrepid?11:03
_dennisterfrom gutsy to hardy11:04
_dennisteralways hangs at 81%...the locales11:04
kgwhile downloading, or after?11:04
_dennisterafter downloading...at the installation part11:05
_dennisterwhich is why the upgrade is 81% done :P11:05
kgare you using any other languages other than the default (which i assume is english)?11:05
_dennisternope...yesterday tried using canada as the locale, but had to reinstall gutsy, tried again using US, and same result11:06
kgsorry, i have nothing too11:08
_dennisterand of course the version upgrade has completely locked the whole system...no other installation method will work because it can't get a lock...as I was stopping the version upgrade i was strongly warned to resume it, but how to resume?11:08
_dennisterwould have been nice to be given a clue as to HOW to resume it, lol11:08
kghaha yeah... but i'm surprised dkpg --configure -a doesn't work11:08
_dennisteryeah, same here, but it doesn't11:09
_dennisteri did a version upgrade yesterday morning on my home theatre pc...worked without a hitch, but not with this pc i've rebuilt for a friend11:10
_dennisterand i've had really bad experiences with clean installs using hardy...always bad xorg and mixing up of optical drives11:11
kghmm, o11:11
kg*i'm guessing the differences between the 2 PCs are huge?11:12
_dennisteroh yeah....the home theatre pc is only 2 years old...dual core system; this one's a p3 compaq11:12
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kgit's odd that hardware differences can affect the installation at the "locale" bit though11:13
_dennisteri'[ve also done other p3 gutsy-hardy version upgrades recently though, and didn't have these problems.,..my hobby is to refurbish pc's with linux11:13
kgwas it a fresh gutsy install each time?11:14
* djwisdom thinks could it possibly be bad memory chip that corrupts the installation? 11:14
vandenoeveri'm trying to run ccmake in heron, but it's not there even though i installed cmake11:15
_dennisteri think it's an extremely recent bug: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/langpack-locales/+bug/249340https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/langpack-locales/+bug/24934011:15
ubottuLaunchpad bug 249340 in langpack-locales "Gutsy->Hardy upgrade hangs in localedef" [Undecided,New]11:15
kgwell at least you're not alone in this11:15
djwisdommy sympathy _dennister, kg is correct. you're in good company.11:16
_dennisterdjwisdom: i've tested the memory...and everything else...i was experiencing very severee problems, and finally swapped the mobo's daughterboard that had the power suppoy and ide controllers...and everything since then has been a breeze....except the locales-gen with the hardy version upgrade11:16
_dennisterthe earlier hardware issues had to do with a failing primary ide controller on daughtercard11:17
kgwow you're right, it IS a very new issue11:18
_dennisterwell having company in my troubles doesn't help when I've gotta now figure out what to do...start from scratch again? reinstall gutsy and leave hardy alone?11:19
kgnow with 8.04.1, do you think you might have less problems with clean hardy installs?11:19
MalicHi! How can i convert jpeg files into eps ?11:19
_dennister....have you heard any feedback about 8.04.1? does it actually work now?11:19
_dennisterMalic: have u tried gimp?11:20
Malic_dennister: its too complicated.. isnt there a program for terminal?11:21
kgno, i have no idea actually, but seeing how you plan to do fresh installs anyway, might as well give it a try - if it works it might actually save you time11:21
_dennisterhmmm a graphics guy who's afraid of "complicated"...lol11:22
Malicit takes too log to do that with gimp.. i need that for latex11:22
_dennisterkg...yeah...don't much like the idea of spending 2 hours to install gutsy, then another 2 hours for upgrade to hardy11:22
kghmm malic, when i was a student, i made a script to automatically convert images to eps... but i've forgotten how now11:23
_dennisteri'll do some research first on the relative successes with 8.04.1...a clean install could save me time, or could fail, too, and force me back to gutsy clean install11:24
_dennisteri may be stubborn, and have worked on this pc for 3 days now, but i do have my limits...could always install gutsy and leave it like that11:25
kgyeah, gutsy and hardy aren't that much different11:25
kgit's only intrepid that no longer uses kde3 which is a hige leap11:25
kgmalic: i'll look things up a bit, if i find something i'll tell you11:26
_dennistergutsy worked, heheheh, i like some things about hardy, like better samba networking, but judy's machine i'm working on won't be networked11:26
Malicthank you very much!11:26
kgare you trying to automate the process by any chance malic?11:27
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makdaknifeMalic: what kind of images... there's png2eps11:27
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Moià tus11:28
Moiil y a qqn ?????????????11:29
_dennisterMoi: english channel here11:30
Malici will use pdflatex, then i can include non eps- pictures11:30
ubottuCe canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr11:30
Malicso the problem is solved! thx!11:30
Malicand cya11:30
kgyes, that's a much better solution11:31
Moiyes french11:31
MoiU speak french ?*11:31
_dennisterMoi: no i don't, and most users in this channel won't either, so i was directing you to the french kubuntu channel11:32
snsno go. changing xorg.conf doesn't do anything11:33
Moiwhere is french chnnel ?11:33
kgdo we have a channel for every locale?11:33
_dennisterMoi:  the bot gave you the blue link above ^^^^^^11:33
_dennisterkg: have no idea, but the main languages are supported as far as i know11:34
kgimpressive... this could be a good way to learn new languages11:34
_dennisterlol...ur not a linux newbie r u?11:35
snsI need 1080i output on vga with newest kubuntu... it's for my main monitor. Tried adding the resolutions to xorg.conf with no luck11:35
=== clementchene is now known as clement
kgdepends on the definition - i've never bothered looking at the actual architecture of linux, but i've been using various linux distros for awhile11:36
_dennisterkg: ur very welcome if u are a newb, it just sounded like u knew what u were doing already11:36
_dennisterkg: that's what i'd assumed11:36
snsflaccid: 1366x76811:36
kgprobably most people here are that hey11:36
flaccidsns: pastebin your xorg.conf and /var/log/Xorg.0.log11:37
_dennisterflaccid: do u have any idea what to do about this broken version upgrade i've got on my hands now?11:37
level1I have a very stubborn window that doesn't have a titlebar and won't respond to alt-f3.  How do I get the special window settings dialog for this window?11:37
_dennisteralways hangs at 81%...very new bug with locales-gen11:37
flaccid_dennister: pastebin the whole output ?11:37
flaccid_dennister: do it from konsole and see the prblem11:37
_dennisterflaccid: can't pastebin try resuming from konsole and all i get is that dpkg can't get a lock on the system11:38
snsflaccid: paste.ubuntu.com/2797211:38
flaccid!adeptfix | _dennister11:39
ubottu_dennister: If an APT front-end crashed and your database is locked, try this in a !terminal: « sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a »11:39
kgwow the bot knows every bugfix there is??11:40
flaccidsns: the resolution you want is not in there. this is single display right?11:40
flaccidkg: negative.11:40
snsit's single display yes11:40
kglol well it's still pretty cool :P11:40
another_lifehi, i am using kubuntu 7.10 and when I insert a dvd or cd it doesnot auto open and there is nothing in /media/cdrom0 or /media/cdrom1  (i have 2 drives).11:41
flaccidsns: ok. is 1366x768 the native/max resolution of the monitor?11:41
snsI only get 640x480 and 800x600 as alternatives11:42
flaccidsns: have you tried with no resolutions in xorg.conf?11:42
flaccidsns: still waiting to see your log pastebin..11:42
snsI updated the post with it11:42
flaccidsns: whats the new URI?11:43
snswhat is a uri? sorry11:43
snsflaccid: paste.ubuntu.com/2797311:43
_dennisterflaccid: thx...after issuing the command i was told i'd have to restart the system, but it'll probably be too unstable to be usable for awhile...11:44
_dennisterbut to heck with what the gui message said about restarting...konsole is still working11:45
_dennisteri'm going out for a cig11:45
flaccid_dennister: what exactly asked to restart?11:45
flaccidsns: which version of ubuntu?11:46
_dennisterflaccid: after i issued your command, i got a message (not in Konsole) that told me to restart my system...but i'm going to wait to do that until konsole finishes and i get my prompt back11:46
flaccidi can't remember advising a command _dennister11:47
_dennisterflaccid: i'm not sure "what" asked me to restart...just a white text box popped up...11:47
flaccidsns: run kdesudo jockey-kde and let me know what it says11:47
flaccid_dennister: i don't know what you did or what popped up..11:48
_dennisterflaccid: sorry...it was the bot you hailed11:48
snsoops. I am running ubuntu not kubuntu11:48
snsso command not found. very sorry about this11:48
snsI will ask for help in ubuntu11:49
flaccid_dennister: oh. well just keep in mind that you can only run 1 program (package manager) that access dpkg at 1 single time11:49
_dennisterflaccid: ^^^^11:49
_dennisteru called on !adeptfix11:49
_dennisterflaccid: and yes, i know, but still haven't committed to memory yet on how to stop one adept process (quite a few methods) to allow another process to start11:50
flaccidsns: your xorg.conf is using the vesa driver and not the nvidia one. if you have it installed properly then update xorg.conf to use Driver "nvidia"11:50
_dennisteri wrote down the bot's recommendation, so may have committed this one to memory now11:50
flaccid_dennister: im totally confused now. if you do not have a process running for pkg management. then do a sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade to finish it off11:51
_dennisterflaccid: ok, never mind the backtracking (sorry); it seems konsole is taking forever with Setting up language-support-translations-en (1:8.04+20080407) ...11:52
_dennisterit may have hung, too, but i'll give it a chance while i go have a cig11:53
flaccid_dennister: that might be normal. wait for it all to finish and then issue the above command to make sure its complete11:53
_dennisterwill do11:53
emonshi flaccid i mounted my hard disks setting mount automatically and modifying the fstab, now after reboot two of those are access denied... how do i fix that?11:53
flaccidemons: you probably have incorrect fstab which is why its good to use disks & filesystems in system settings. how are you getting the access denied, what are you doing etc.?11:54
emonsjust traying to open it with click and it says access denied11:55
flaccidopen what with a click where?11:55
emonshow do i open fstab from terminal? ksedu kate /etc/fstab ?11:55
flaccidemons: kate /etc/fstab11:55
emonswasnt there somthing before?11:55
flaccidemons: you can run it under kdesudo if you want to write to it11:56
emonslike gksudo (for gnome) what is it for kde11:56
emonsah alright11:56
emonsno cuz im thinking i may wrote sdd1 instead of sdc1 when i type the hard disks ill check on fstab in one sec11:56
flaccidyes. but you might want to show us your fstab with pastebin and tell which fs etc. you are trying to mount and what exactly you are clicking on etc. you are too ambiguous11:56
flaccidanother reason why you let disks & filesystems do it all for you :)11:57
kgspeaking of kdesudo - what does kde 4.1 use? it's absent in my system11:58
emonshow do i see how kubuntu called the hard disks i mean where do i see sdb1 sdd1 etc?11:58
emonsone sec11:59
flaccidkg: wrong channel, try #kubuntu-kde412:00
kgwow we have a channel for everything12:00
flaccidemons: sudo fdisk -l or disks & filesystems in system settings12:00
emonsalright as i thought when i typed sd1 next to the name of the disk and sc1 next to the other name etc (ivegot 4 disks) i typed them worng now i re-put the right sd1 sc1 etc i reboot and see if it let me open em12:01
_dennisterback, and konsole is still stuck at setting up language-support-translations-en12:02
flaccid_dennister: check top in another konsole tab or something12:02
jos_I must fart:P12:02
flaccidjos_: wrong channel for that12:03
_dennisterflaccid: ok, top output is changing, but localedef pid is remaining at the very top12:04
flaccid_dennister: whats the cpu useage? and what processor do you have?12:04
_dennisterflaccid: cpu usage varies from 90% to 98%...its a p3 450 or 500 mhz12:05
flaccid_dennister: in that case it kind of looks overloaded. but i would give it 25mins then if its still stuck on that pkg, ctrl+c it and try again12:06
flaccidupgrade process can take quite a while12:07
_dennisterok, it recently went to 99.1%, but is now in the 48.7 percent range for awhile12:07
emonshey flaccid it didnt work can u help?12:07
flaccidemons: im always here to help12:08
kgam i the only one impressed by flaccid here??12:08
flaccid_dennister: p3 is decent but could still take longer. i have some p2 servers and they take ages12:08
flaccidkg: come back on a good day :)12:08
snskg, he's probably just reading up stuff from a support script :p12:09
snsj/k, of course. I'm impressed too12:09
flaccidi would only read a script if i was getting paid :O12:09
_dennisterwhen i started the version upgrade last night, using the adept-generated gui, it got stuck on same package (locale-gen) installing it, at 81%, and i went to sleep...5 hours later it was still stuck on it...new bug12:10
_dennisterkg: no, flaccid's one of the best in this channel12:10
flaccid_dennister: ok issue/bug there for sure then12:10
snsTalking about getting paid. If I just could fix resolution on this computer I'd be so much closer to actually cashing out this project12:10
flaccidsns: i've been trying to help you but you aint been very responsive12:11
snsflaccid: I know. Not saying you haven't been helpful. Been trying different things. Working on two different computers as the one I have problems with is at another location12:11
snsSorry about that12:11
_dennisterflaccid: problem is; ctrl-c doesn't work to kill this process12:12
flaccidsns: just do this. take out all your resolutions from xorg.conf then change driver in xorg.conf to nvidia (if you have nvidia driver installed properly) then restart X then show me the log then we will know the problem with your monitor or config etc.12:12
flaccid_dennister: that could be because of the overload. this is in konsole right with apt-get ?12:12
emonsalright can u help me in mounting my hard disks which i cant open now cuz of access denied?12:14
_dennisterflaccid: ctrl-c worked with top shell; ctrl-c doesn't work with the other shell that's trying to set up language-support-translations...also doesn't work when u try to use the adept-generated gui to do version upgrade12:14
flaccidemons: i helped you before. still waiting for pastebin of /etc/fstab12:15
emonso sorry man12:15
emonsone sec12:15
CostaRicanQuakerflaccid: so after i type in sudo apt-get install automake and the other compiling command package to download12:15
CostaRicanQuakeri only download whatever i want and clickon the file12:15
CostaRicanQuakerand it installs itself automaticallly12:15
CostaRicanQuakerlñike it would on windows?12:15
flaccid_dennister: um i don't know why 2 shells are going or what the adept generated gui thing is. maybe do a restart and then simply issue sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade in konsole?12:15
flaccidCostaRicanQuaker: i don't know what you are trying to achieve12:16
CostaRicanQuakerflaccid: you gave me this link  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware12:16
CostaRicanQuakerit shows two commands to download some packages12:16
CostaRicanQuakeronce ive got them, i just download the frostwire file and open it and it installs itself12:16
_dennisterflaccid: i will try, but when the version upgrade hangs so close to the end, rebooting results in an unusuable, unstable system12:16
CostaRicanQuakerlike if it was a windows program?12:16
flaccidCostaRicanQuaker: no sorry i don't think you understand it12:17
_dennistercya later12:17
flaccidCostaRicanQuaker: frostwire is available in .deb package format so you do not need to build/compile at all12:17
CostaRicanQuakerwhat do you do? just download it and open the file?12:17
CostaRicanQuakerand it installs itself?12:17
flaccid_dennister: kill all your processes and whatever else. then start a new konsole and issue the command and see where it gets up to. (start fresh without a reboot)12:18
flaccidCostaRicanQuaker: should do, otherwise you can install a .deb with dpkg command12:18
CostaRicanQuakerflaccid: http://www.frostwire.com/?id=downloads you gaveme this link i already downloaded it, so let me try what oyu said12:18
flaccidCostaRicanQuaker: yeah so to install: sudo dpkg -i /path/to/the/file/you/downloaded.deb12:19
CostaRicanQuakerit opened through some application called Gdebi package instaler12:19
flaccidCostaRicanQuaker: yeah that thing will install it for you without need for cli12:19
CostaRicanQuakerflaccid: thankyou12:19
CostaRicanQuakerit's 5:19 am here in costa rica12:19
kggood morning12:20
flaccidCostaRicanQuaker: so a .deb is a package which is compiled. when you can't get a package from repos or internet then you have to compile which is not very often12:20
emonshere it is my fstab12:20
flaccidthanks emons12:22
emonsif can help i know the "names" of each disk and also how kubuntu calls them (ex: Archive sda1))12:23
flaccidemons: which device is the problem?12:23
emonsi have 4 hard disks, one is where theres kubuntu installed (the only one i can open) the other three i cannot open them it just says permission denied12:23
flaccidemons: how are you trying to mount them?, with what?12:24
emonsim not i only check "mount automatically" in each of the hard disks properties12:25
flaccidemons: where is this?12:25
emonsstorage media12:25
flaccidemons: in konqueror?12:25
emonsusually i could access the disks also from /media/ with doplhin, not konqueror12:25
flaccidemons: please pastebin sudo fdisk -l and i'll ammend fdisk for you12:26
flaccidi mean ammend fstab12:26
emonsthank you one sec12:26
snshttp://paste.ubuntu.com/27982 http://paste.ubuntu.com/2798312:27
emonshere it is12:27
snsthat was for flaccid12:28
kgSFS? i've never heard of that FS12:29
kgsns, what does booting with that xorg.conf do?12:31
kgoh nvm12:32
kgi just spotted the second link12:32
flaccidok give me a few mins12:33
emonsalright thank u mate12:34
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flaccidok i'll do emons then sns brb12:34
flaccidemons: are these for mount on boot and are all local hard disks?12:35
emonsthey are all hard disks of this computer and i'd like them to be for boot (i mean automatically mounted)12:37
flaccidemons: where did you create these filesystems. the part types are SFS which i havnt heard of? is that vista or something?12:37
snsisn't SFS squashfs?12:38
emonsnope it was xp but i read on a guide that sometimes kubuntu reads NTFS as SFS should be normal12:38
flaccidyeah must just be the part type12:38
emonsi guess so12:38
emonsflaccid i have to do something really important would u excuse me for 5 minutes? i'll be right back thank you12:39
flaccidemons: can you finally just paste ls -l /media please12:39
flaccidnp emons12:39
emonsill do that first12:39
=== fwest is now known as incorrect
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emonshere it is see you in 5mins12:40
incorrectshould i use envy to install the nvida driver or should i just use the hardware tool?12:40
flaccidemons: the mount points don't exist which is probably the reason12:40
kgwhat version of kubuntu are you using?12:41
flaccidincorrect: hardware drivers manager (tool) yes12:41
dennisterflaccid: it's amazing, but rebooting allows me to get into x, anyway, although there are seemingly severe  issues12:41
flacciddennister: is your system up to date yet?12:41
dennisterno...still trying to get sudo priviledges to get the network going12:41
dennistersome of the severe issues are hal not working (1st error message at startup), and then kcontrol won't let me change anything...doesn't even ask me for password12:42
dennistertrying to remember how to change sudoers file at the moment12:43
flacciddennister: hmm fair enough. the file is /etc/sudoers12:43
flaccidemons: pings us when back. i should have a solution12:44
mooperI just deleted my trash folder :(12:44
mooperwhy did it let me do that>12:44
incorrecti noticed the nvidia driver has had funny font rendering, fonts seem to be misscaled12:44
dennisteryes, opened it already :)12:44
dennisterjust want to verify i've done it riht...using google12:44
flaccidincorrect: thats irregular12:45
sirakoswow. lots of people.12:45
=== sirakos is now known as hellohector
hellohectorwhat is the difference between kubuntu and ubuntu12:47
hellohectori'm newbie12:47
snskubuntu is focused on kde desktop and ubuntu on gnome desktop12:48
hellohectorwhich desktop is faster?12:48
flaccidneither. thats a very debatable topic.12:49
hellohectorto get kubuntu do i need to reinstall everything again? or is it just a 'session' ?12:49
flaccidyep session12:49
flaccid!info kubuntu-desktop12:49
ubottukubuntu-desktop (source: kubuntu-meta): Kubuntu desktop system. In component main, is optional. Version 1.75 (hardy), package size 18 kB, installed size 44 kB12:49
hellohectoris there a way to install it from command line ?12:50
hellohectorlinux is new to me too12:50
hellohectori'm loving it though !12:50
flaccidhellohector: sudo aptitude install kubuntu-desktop12:51
hellohectoryou're my hero12:51
hellohectorthank you12:51
hellohectornow i just have to figure out how the hell to get flash working on opera12:51
dennisterflaccid: rebooted again into recovery mode, selected "fix broken packages" and locales are being generated :)12:51
flaccidhellohector: join ##Opera and i'll show you12:52
dennisterlot better than trying to fix everything (like sudoers file) one by one12:52
flacciddennister: crazy bug good!12:52
hellohectorok. next issue for me.. whenever i try to install something i get "Seting up java-common (0.29ubuntu3) ... "12:53
hellohectorand it freezes tehre12:53
hellohectorany ideas?12:53
multifreqinstall java12:53
flaccidhellohector:  sudo dpkg --purge java-common (and then reinstall java)12:53
hellohectoroh ok12:54
flaccidactually i take that back. depends what java you want...12:54
emonsalright flaccid here i am12:54
hellohectorum. i dont know what java i want. i just want my installing software thing to stop freezing12:54
hellohectorwhen i try to install software12:54
flaccidhellohector: try this first. sudo apt-get install --reinstall java-common12:54
flaccidhellohector: for flash use this for 9.2 http://my.opera.com/remcolanting/blog/2008/04/14/opera-and-flash-on-linux and as for 9.51 the normal flashplugin-nonfree works fine12:56
hellohectorit wont let me12:56
hellohectorbecause my install thing is still running12:56
flaccidhellohector: specify error please12:56
hellohectorand frozen12:56
hellohectorE: Could not get lock /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (11 Resource temporarily unavailable)12:56
hellohectorE: Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), is another process using it?12:56
flaccidhellohector: ctrl + c out of it12:56
mooperHi, I accidentally deleted my trash can in dolphin and now I cant get it back!!!!!!!12:57
emonsflaccid ?12:57
flaccidemons: yes?12:58
emonssorry what should i do?12:58
flaccidsorry let me just see12:58
hellohectorwow this flaccid guy is really helpful12:58
hellohectordeserves a medal12:58
flaccidemons: ok i give you command 1 second12:59
kglol hellohector you have no idea12:59
emonsah ak12:59
flaccidhellohector: totally appreciate your compliment12:59
hellohectoryou're welcome. you should set up a paypal dude!12:59
hellohectortake donations12:59
flaccidemons: backup your /etc/fstab and then replace it with this : http://pastebin.com/d105f757c12:59
flaccidhehe that would be wrong but not a bad idea12:59
kgmooper: not sure if anyone helped you yet13:00
snsflaccid: gotten any time to look at my problem?13:00
kgbut you can get it back by clicking on the icon next to the address bar13:00
flaccidemons: once you have done that, do this command: sudo mkdir /media/chronicle; sudo mkdir /media/Archive; sudo mkdir /media/storage; sudo mount -a13:00
flaccidsns: getting there13:00
snsthanks flaccid13:00
flaccidemons: let us know when done13:01
mooperkg, no it seems to be well and truly gone13:01
kgin that case, you need to navigate manually to the trash folder13:01
mooperwhich would be?13:02
mooper~/.trash I though13:02
flaccidsns: looking at log now13:02
emonsalright flaccid where do i sign the petition to make 'em pay you? :D13:02
kgfrom dolphin, edit the address bar manually13:03
kgand type in "trash:"13:03
emonsthanks for your help again now it all works, so i assume now the hard disks are gonna be mounted automatically after next reboot right?13:03
mooperkg, the location trash: is invalid13:03
flaccidemons: hehe. don't thank me until it works :)13:03
kgyou really DID delete it13:03
emonsso u mean i should wait next reboot?13:04
flaccidoh it works. emons yeah its auto13:04
mooperkg, it was all too easy13:04
emonsah alright u didn read that13:04
emonsthank u mate13:04
mooperkg: Im a bit scared13:04
emonssee you in the future (for sure eheheh)13:04
flaccidemons: pleasure. just use 'you' instead of 'u' and its all good!13:04
kglol mooper don't panic13:04
flaccidsns: you are next. this problem has been reported a bit13:05
snsflaccid: great. reported?13:05
kgi'm sure you can restore it easily - how did you delete the trash folder btw?13:05
flaccidyeah reported here in this channel, not sure where else. sns what is your lspci | grep VGA ?13:06
mooperkg: panic! I have passed in to the grim world of ultimate doom. How am I to be productive without a trash can?13:06
dennisterflaccid: locale-gen finished, then ran into problem because it can't resolve us.archive.ubuntu.com ...of course it's having difficulty because network isn't starting at boot yet...how do i dhcp networking to start  in cli?13:06
dennisteroops, wait13:06
kgmooper: lol13:06
flacciddennister: sudo dhclient eth0 (for example, when no other dhclient running) or edit /etc/network/interfaces and restart network...13:07
flaccidsns: ah. what model nvidia is it?13:09
flaccidsns as in the nvidia chipset/gpu13:11
kgmooper: try going to "~/.local/share"13:13
kgmooper and recreate a folder called "13:14
mooperaha, yes there is a folder there called trash13:14
kgso it's there? what's inside it?13:14
moopertrash things13:14
kgweird, so it's a dolphin issue?13:14
snsflaccid: NVIDIA GeForce 715013:15
flaccidyeah thought so. thats a new card i think and isn't in the db13:16
snsthis means I am screwed?...13:16
mooperkg, yeh I think so13:16
flaccidsns: no it means we need to find the best solution13:17
kgmooper, how did you delete the trash folder anyway? by removing the shortcut to it from dolphin's "places13:17
snsflaccid: Your optimism is greatly appreciated13:17
flaccidsns: give me a few minutes to research13:18
snsthank you13:18
mooperyeh, Im not sure exactly. I think it was an unwise right click13:18
dennistflaccid: got my network going, in kde as root (know this is bad, but have reasons) and am still struggling to finish this upgrade13:19
flaccidsounds like fun13:20
dennistapt-get update is telling me i have to use dpkg --configure -a, and that command is giving me tother dependency errors issues13:21
kgdennist, you must had real bad experiences with clean hardy installs to be willing to go through what you just went though13:21
dennistkg: yep13:21
dennisti'm gonna have to completely redo my database server soon...that was a clean install13:22
dennistfirst error message i'm getting is dbus...saying home dir /var/run/dbus can't be accessed because there's no such file or directory, but the user messagebus already exists, so it exists13:24
dennistoope *so it exits13:24
mooperwhat does the hive mind think is a good size for a 8.04 installation?13:24
waylandbillI have three systems with pretty much the same packages installed. Is there an easy way to use the apt cache from one as a source of packages for the others so the packages only have to be downloaded once?13:25
waylandbillmooper: you mean as a partition size for / (assuming seperate /home) ? 10GB is more than plenty13:26
flaccidsns: won't be long now13:27
dennistbut i really don't want to struggle with burning yet another cd to try again with an 8.04 dektop install...i do however have the 8.04 server install cd13:27
dennister...thought i did...case is now empty13:28
mooperwaylandbill: I am very short on space and yes seperate /home13:28
mooperyou think I could get away with less?13:28
snsflaccid: are you some sort of linux super man? knowing answers to everything :)13:28
flaccidsns: negative13:29
flaccidif i was i'd give you response straight away. but im merely googling things atm13:29
kgmooper: if you still haven't got the "trash" shortcut back onto dolphin, would you mind try typing "dolphin trash:/" in a terminal?13:29
waylandbillmooper: I have several packages for doing python development installed over and above the default ones and I'm only using 3.4GB. You could go with 4 or 5 depending on how much you're planning on installing13:30
snsflaccid: it is highly appreciated13:30
flaccidsns: at this point the first and best thing to do is nvidia beta drivers13:31
snsflaccid: alright. Where do I get them?13:33
flaccidsns: http://www.nvidia.com/Download/Find.aspx?lang=en-us13:34
mooperkg, that took me to the trash folder13:34
ocs__hi. i want to buy a laptop wich has unfortunately windows vista. now: without removing vista, wich is the best way to install kubuntu together?13:34
kglol that's good - now just right click anywhere in that folder and choose "add to places"13:34
yao_ziyuanhow do i add a Quick Launch toolbar to KDE4's panel?13:35
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mooperkg, I dont see add to places :(13:35
mooperkg, I recon a reboot will fix it13:35
kgnot the last time my sister tried it :P13:36
kgbut give it a go anyway13:36
kgocs: assuming you're experienced in installing linux, you can manually set the partitions during install and resize vista's ntfs to give room to linux13:40
yakuzii've an annoying problem: if i start amarok or kaffeine my pc freezes or reboots, if it freezes, the only thing that works is hit the reset button. soundcard: creative soundblaster audigy 4, graphic card: ati radeon 9600pro, cpu: amd athlon XP 3000+, 1GB ram (512 + 256 + 256) motherboard: Soltek SL-75FRN2-RL (NForce 2 chipset)13:40
kgyakuzi: does "ctrl-alt-backspace" (not delete) work?13:41
ocs__kg: resizing vista ntfs is not safe; correct me if I'm wrong13:42
yakuzinope no reaction13:42
kgi mean when it freezes13:42
kgocs: you're right, it's not safe, but without touching windows vista in a laptop, it's the only way13:42
kgocs: i take it back13:42
kgocs: i just remembered you now have something that installs linux on an ntfs partition13:43
yakuzithe system seems to be completely dead, no reaction on mouse or keyboard, no visible hdd action or whatever, it happens when i start amarok, even without doing anything else, if i just elt it start, it freezes as soon as it is loaded13:43
ocs__kg, how can i backup vista, in order to restore it if necessary ? They don't give me the installation cd....13:43
kgocs: does it at least have a recovery partition?13:44
yakuzi*let it start, if i start a movie directly by opening the file, system freezes or reboot (all data files on ntfs partition, so movies also)13:45
ocs__kg: i dunno13:45
kgocs: look up "wubi"13:47
kgocs: sorry, should have given you the link :P http://wubi-installer.org/13:47
snswow this is frustrating13:48
snsxserver that just won't DIE13:48
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kgyakuzi: you in kubuntu 8.04 kde3?13:52
sbucatsns: ?13:52
snssbucat: nothing13:53
flaccidsns: ctrl+alt+bkspc13:53
snsflaccid: for install of nvidia. I figured it out anyway13:53
flaccidif it won't logout13:53
snsbut Nvidia drivers want me to install something for compiling kernel13:53
snslibc something13:53
flaccidsns: yeah you cannot install the drivers in X, it must be from a tty/no X running13:53
snsdoing that now13:53
snsbut I got that libc stuff problem13:53
flaccidsns: yeah say yes to doing it from the net or whatever it says13:53
snsit doesn't want to do anything over net13:54
flaccidis internet connected?13:54
flaccidwhat is the exact error13:54
kgthe libc stuff is because you need to install a few packages first13:54
kgi had that earlier today lol13:54
dennisternow get aloada this issue: can't even download mini.iso or alternatecd...other pc starts downloads, then stops....constantly13:54
flaccidthere are many libc messages13:54
dennisteri'm pulling my hair out here :(13:55
snsNo matcing precompiled kernel interface was found on the NVIDIA ftp site; this means that the installer will need to compile a kernel interface for your kernel.13:55
flaccidsns: say yes to that iirc13:56
flaccidexcuse me because im stuck on ati hardware so its hard to remember13:56
snsERROR: You do not appear to have libc header files installed on your system. PLease install your distribution's libc development package13:56
flaccidsns: ok 1sec13:57
kgsns: could it be "linux-libc-dev"?13:57
snsmaybe don't ask me haha13:57
snsI installed that but same error. removed it13:58
dwidmannYou'll also need linux-headers-`uname -r` sns13:58
flaccidsns: ok the only thing needed should be the package build-essential so you can build it13:58
dwidmannsns: also instead build-essential maybe13:58
flaccidsns: install that package then try again13:58
flaccidsee https://answers.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+question/35810 for further detail13:59
snsso I need linux-libc-dev linux-headers-'uname-r', build-essentials ?13:59
flaccidsns: just install build essential which is a meta package to install the build suite13:59
flaccidbuild-essential sorry13:59
dwidmannand you also need to tell ubuntu not to use its drivers instead ... by modifying a l-r-m conf file of some sort, lets see, where is it13:59
flaccid!info build-essential14:00
ubottubuild-essential (source: build-essential): informational list of build-essential packages. In component main, is optional. Version 11.3ubuntu1 (hardy), package size 6 kB, installed size 48 kB14:00
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dwidmannsns: /etc/default/linux-restri<TAB> ... where it says 'DISABLED_MODULES=""' put 'nv'.14:01
snsdwidmann thanks14:01
snsinstalling build-essentials did the trick14:01
snsrestarting now after installing the nvidia driver14:01
kgsns: btw, what linux kernel version are you using? i can't be too sure, but i think the latest beta driver isn't compatible with 2.6.2414:02
snsjust a sec booting into kde now14:03
flaccidit will build the mod against the kernel14:03
snsI use
flacciddespite being closed source14:03
dennistthat does it; i'm installing gutsy clean (again!) and simply telling the user NOT to upgrade to hardy14:05
snswhy am I disabling nv driver?14:05
flacciddennist: do hardy clean?14:05
dwidmannYou're disabling ubuntu's nvidia drivers, I forget the specifics, but it prevents some sort of problems14:05
snswell I did that and rebooting now14:05
flaccidsns: nv is the open driver by xorg which does not support direct rendering/3d. your card is also not recognised by either xorg or debian so the reason for beta drivers14:05
kgsns: because nv is the open source driver, where else nvidia is the closed source driver14:06
dwidmannsns: restarting X should be all you need to do14:06
snsfunny thing is that the bios is able to output higher resolution than linux14:06
dwidmannflaccid: I do believe that also disables the "nvidia" driver if you installed it with the package14:06
flaccidsns: its not funny when your card is not recognised at all..14:06
flacciddwidmann: user is installing nvidia beta drivers..14:06
snsI get that "Ubuntu is running in low graphic mode" thing when x server starts up14:06
flaccidlikely because your card is 'unknown'14:07
dwidmannflaccid: exactly, and I don't know if you've ever played with it, but the ubuntu installed ones can get in the way of the ones installed with the nvidia installerk, I'm pretty sure that conf is what prevents you from having to reinstall the module everytime you restart the computer.14:07
dwidmannWhich even with a shell script to automate would be tedious and a bad idea14:07
flacciddwidmann: yeah but even if you have a glx package installed the beta driver will overwrite it14:08
dwidmannnot exactly ... it gets ... confused14:08
flacciddefine confused14:09
snsthis is pretty difficult14:09
flaccidthere can only be one nvidia.ko or whatever it is..14:09
dwidmannI forget the exact error message it will spit at you, but it has something to do with it finding an uncompatible something rather and not being able to load14:09
kgsns: what is?14:09
dwidmannIt's a really fun error, but that one little entry seems to prevent it flaccid14:09
snskg, making this work14:10
dwidmannflaccid:thus why it's in the ubuntu wiki for how to manually install with the installer from nvidia :)14:10
dwidmannOkay, naptime for me ... I have no idea why I'm so tired after slowly partaking in that much caffeine, but I'm flat out dead now.  ... maybe because it's 9am14:11
flaccidwe are talking the beta drivers which is the same installer but anyway doesn't matter14:12
kgsns: it's still not working? you can't change the resolution?14:12
* flaccid waits report14:12
nowshiningwhen I created the trash icon on the desktop - the icon doesn't update, for example it shows the same icon when trash is full or not? any suggs? the panel trash worked fine... - I'm using Kubuntu 3.5.9, is this a bug?14:12
snskg, still same thing. I am a bit unsure how xorg.conf should be as it's just a default one now14:13
snsI just want it to use the nvidia driver, and to have resolution at 1366x76814:13
kgsns: yeah, i see your point, you'14:13
kg*you're jumping through hoops to get that working14:14
dwidmannflaccid: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/NvidiaManual14:14
kgsns: what's your xorg.conf now by the way?14:14
snsI'm pretty much a dead man if I don't get it working... there are 15 other of the same hardware that all will do the same thing14:15
kgok now14:16
snsthought nvidia was a safe bet :p14:16
dwidmannsns: sudo nvidia-xconfig14:16
kgin "Device", add "Driver "nvidia"14:16
kgor that above :P14:16
snspaste.ubuntu.com/28013 is how it looks now14:17
snsrestart x?14:17
flaccidsns: show new log14:18
flacciddwidmann: that won't help. this gpu is not even in the db yet14:18
flaccidlet me have a look ok14:18
dwidmannflaccid: wow, it's too shiny for its own good then14:18
snsflaccid: what was the log file again14:18
nowshiningoh n/m14:19
flaccidsns: that xorg.conf is fine. yes please show us the log in pastebin now...14:19
nowshiningi fixed it14:19
snsflaccid: yes I will do that once I remember what file it was I was supposed to paste14:19
flaccidsns: /var/log/Xorg.0.log please14:20
flaccidkeep in mind the monitor may also not show up with its EDID14:20
flaccidthank you14:21
yakuziok it reboots when i try to play a movie, it freezes when i want to play music but: my audigy 4 is working, because i've sound at boot and i can test sound in the system settings14:21
flaccidsns: give me a few minutes please14:22
snsflaccid all good14:23
flaccidsns: please edit your xorg.conf and change driver to nvidia. its probably still set on vesa because of not recognised etc.14:23
yakuziis it possible it has something to do with the ati restricted drivers? (i've 8.47.3 but with a newer version i had the same problem (altough at that time i was trying to get dual head to work with different resolutions and refreshrates so maybe that caused it then))14:23
snsit says device0 on identifier and nvidia on driver14:24
kgsns: that should be right14:25
dwidmannsns: in the future, yes, nvidia is a good bet, but it's an even better bet if it's 6 months old14:25
=== ubuntu_ is now known as vErYiNsAnE
kgdwidmann: i thought nvidia was a good bet in the past, and now ATI is becoming a better bet14:26
Tm_Tkg: becoming, but isn't yet IIRC14:27
dwidmannkg: that's what I've heard too, it seems AMD is finally shaping them up to be linux friendly.14:27
kgsns: did you restart the X server after running the xconfig thing by the way?14:27
snskg, yep14:27
dwidmannkg: if they keep up their progress I know one extra sale they'll be getting :)14:27
=== ubuntu_ is now known as teh_marle
kgdwidmann: don't mean to rant, but it's been half a year since i had the 8800GT, and the 2d acceleration is still lacking... to top it off i keep hearing people telling me how ATI open sourced drivers rock in both 3d and 2d now lol14:29
flaccidsns: so let us know how you go once driver is set to nvidia in xorg.conf and you have restarted X14:29
snsit was already sat to nvidia14:29
flaccidkg: beta drivers :) i bought my housemate 9600GT and required beta drivers14:29
flaccidnot according to the log sns14:29
kgflaccid: i'm using beta drivers. it's still slow lol14:30
flaccidkg: there is a report about the low fps and why i can't remember what but14:30
kgflaccid: to top it off it's unstable with all the "suggested options" in the kde wiki page14:30
snsthat's what my xorg.conf file says14:30
dwidmannI'm getting at the least, pretty good, performance with my 8600gt14:30
flaccidgive me a few seconds14:30
kgflaccid: btw sns did change the xorg... i'm guessing because the links aren't highlighted you may have missed them (sns: add http:// next time :P)14:31
flaccidsns: you need to add  Driver      "nvidia"    to Section "Device" then restart X14:31
flaccidkg: im still seeing VESA in the pasted logs...14:32
snsflaccid: but ... it's there14:32
flaccidand the pastebin before that showed no driver in section device which would revert to vesa...14:32
kgflaccid: i know, me too, which is bizarre14:32
kgdwjdmann: that's because you're still using qt3 (or qt4 with no acceleration) :P14:33
flaccidcould be because of (--) PCI:*(0:16:0) nVidia Corporation unknown chipset (0x07e0) rev 162, Mem @ 0xfd000000/24, 0xd0000000/28, 0xfc000000/24, BIOS @ 0xfea40000/1714:33
flaccidsns: google nvidia 7150 ubuntu and see what other people have done14:33
flaccidalso reboot and try again if you didn't do that already14:34
snsflaccid: will reboot and google14:34
flaccidi have to entertain guests14:34
flaccidgood luck14:34
dwidmannkg: well, it ran quake4 acceptably, so I was happy?14:34
kgdwidmann: lol of course it'll run quake4 great - nvidia has still one of the best 3d drivers... i was referring to 2d acceleration, which is a completely different thing14:35
dwidmannand which I have considerably less interest in .... I actually get pretty good preformance when I set kwin to use xrender IIRC, then again, it has been a while, seeing as I can't productively use KDE4 due to multi-head issues14:36
kgdwidmann: good for you then ;) i'm just sad that my powerful 8800gt can't handle a window manager lol14:38
dwidmannkg: bugs whcih are quite likely being addressed, seeing as they're quite high profile lately14:39
flaccidbeta drivers can do 8600 and 88000 pretty good from what other users have reported14:39
flaccidmy housemate plays WoW on wine with 9600gt nvidia and the beta drivers14:40
kg*i'm using the 177 beta drivers now - it IS faster than before (thank god), but it's still not smooth as some of the older ATI cards i've seen14:40
kgplus remember that 3d accel and 2d accel are two different things - nvidia excels in 3d accel, but performs worse than most cards on 2d14:41
flaccidthats all arguable14:42
kgwhich bit, the ATI faster in 2d bit, or good 3d bad 2d bit?14:43
flaccidall of it14:43
kgwell, in that case i'm just saying on my system specifically, the latest nvidia drivers is still too jerky for my taste, especially considering it's a high-ish end card14:45
=== yakuzi_ is now known as yakuzi
yakuzianyone has any idea what can cause amarok to freeze the whole system and kaffeine make reboot it? because i've no idea anymore what i can do to solve it14:47
yakuziat first i tought it was due to the 2 soundcards in my pc: on board AC97 and an creative soundblaster audigy 4, so i disabled the ac97 in the BIOS, problem is still there14:48
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kgyakuzi: do other players give the same problem? i.e. vlc, or mplayer14:52
yakuzii just installed a tool for setting the default soundcard...there i've the choice between audigy 2 and uart, and i know the card is an audigy4, but, kinfocenter tells me i've an audigy 4 so maybe that is a part of the problem, i just installed mplayer know, i'll test and let you know14:54
snsI really am stuck. Google doesn't give me any good answers. Can't vesa driver give me the proper resolutions?14:55
kgsns: have you given envyng a go? it might help14:57
kgsns: i didn't realise nvidia's still producing new 7XXX series models... unless it's an old model which the kernel still hasn't supported?14:58
yakuzimplayer gives sound but no video (after some erros i couldn't read), kmplayer reboots the system, maybe i should install a newer ati driver? but how...i've the .run file but i can't run it14:59
snskg, it's a built in thing on a intel mobo14:59
kgsns: ouch, i feel you... google really yielded nothing? lemme try for a few mins15:00
snsnothing that I was able to use to help myself15:01
snstrying envyng15:02
kgsns: hmm that's weird, other people using nforce mobos don't have problems with xorg recognizing the card15:03
snsI am trying to use it with a hdtv15:03
snscan that cause problems?15:03
snsit's over vga port15:03
snsrestarting pc after envyng now15:03
kgi doubt that - it's not like it's using a different signal on vga15:03
snslet's see what the reboot does15:04
snswell this is new15:04
sns"out of range" it says on my screen now15:04
kgyakuzi: sorry, i don't have much experience in installing ATI drivers, but i believe there's lots of pages with detailed explanations on the forum - maybe someone here know the link?15:05
kgsns: do you have a standard computer monitor to try?15:05
amok47how to conect to german servers_15:06
snskg; nope. sorry :(15:06
Pici!de | amok4715:06
ubottuamok47: Deutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de15:06
kgsns: it sounds like it's trying to use a refresh rate unsupported by your hdtv15:06
flaccidsns: thats likely the EDID problem with your monitor15:06
snsflaccid: how do I solve an EDID problem with my monitor?15:06
=== nandan is now known as nandan_
Piciamok47: Just see what ubottu said.15:07
=== nandan_ is now known as nandan
nandaniam anew user15:07
nandanhow do i install tar.gz file15:08
kgsns: what's the model of your hdtv? i gotta feeling it involves you manually specifying refresh rates and resolutions in xorg.conf...15:08
snskg, it's a HANNspree 32" LCD-TV Xv32, 1366 x 768 HD-ready,HDMI,1000:1,8ms15:08
kgnandan: what's the nature of the item you're installing? is it a debian package, or a source code of a program, etc?15:09
snswell ... I'm reinstalling15:10
nandandebian package i think15:10
nandani downloaded firefox-3.015:10
gnummhow do i change the size of the kde4 panel?15:10
geniinandan: Firefox 3 is already in the repositories15:11
geniinandan: You can install it through Add/Remove programs15:11
flaccidsns: lots on google. sorry i can't help atm15:12
nandangenii:gimme a minute15:12
flaccidsns: googling with the actual errors from the log should help. iirc its extra directivesin xorg.conf to skip EDID detection15:12
snsflaccid: will do thanks15:13
nandangenii:how do i go to repositories15:13
kgsns: http://gentoo-wiki.com/HOWTO_Xorg_HDTV15:13
minhaajhow do you run .sh file for staroffice ?15:13
minhaaji am on hardy and downloaded staroffice 8 and it won't run15:13
minhaaji have changed permissions and made the file executable15:13
kgsns: just curious, what driver version did envyng install in the end?15:14
flaccidminhaaj: cd to the directory where it is in konsole and run sh ./staroffice.sh15:14
snsthe one with the highest number15:14
minhaajfile has a long name it isn't staroffice.sh15:14
snsI am reinstalling now to avoid all the small things we tried15:14
kgsns: it's either 177, 173, or 169 :P15:14
flaccidminhaaj: run it with sh or chmod +x on the script15:14
minhaajhm ok15:15
kgsns: depending on a couple of factors, the highest number could be either one of them15:15
flaccidsns: reinstalling won't help considering it was never in the db15:15
geniinandan: K-button ... Add/Remove Programs...   put in then the usual password for your user. Then type in the Search window there "firefox web browser"15:15
snsflaccid: I know that. Just reinstalling because I lost overview in all changes here and there that people suggested me to do15:15
snskg, 17715:16
yakuzihah, mplayer works now (after some preference changes like sounddriver and video device)15:17
kgyakuzi: lol well done - sorry i wasn't much help15:17
yakuziwell, i'm sure amarok is still freezing :p15:17
kgyakuzi: maybe you need to play around with the audio backends as well to get it working?15:18
kgyakuzi: i.e. amarok's settings15:18
yakuziit freezes before i can click anything, as soon as it's started it freezes the system15:18
minhaajThe download file appears to be corrupted.  Please refer15:19
minhaajto the Troubleshooting section of the Installation15:19
minhaajInstructions on the download page for more information.15:19
minhaajPlease do not attempt to install this archive file.15:19
minhaajthats what i got flaccid15:19
flaccid!pastebin | minhaaj15:19
ubottuminhaaj: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #kubuntu channel topic)15:19
minhaajok sorry next time15:20
flaccidminhaaj: maybe it didn't d/l properly or something15:20
minhaajit did15:20
minhaajit completed. i tried to run it before too. it went somewhere in /var/tmp/unpack15:20
flaccidsee startoffice support i guess minhaaj15:20
minhaajif its the case, do i have to go to that directory and run the file ?15:20
nandan_my adept manager is not workin15:20
kgyakuzi: are you using a fresh install of 8.04 by the way? it seems like hardy really doesn't like your hardware combination15:20
yakuziyup fresh install15:21
nandan_can ne 1 help15:21
snsMaybe nv driver will help? instead of official nvidia. Don't need 3d or anything of that15:21
kgsns: it would help *IF* it was in the database :P15:21
flaccidsns: won't help because of the detection15:21
flaccidlet me look on google15:22
kgsns: hey, did you try that EDID thing flaccid suggested?15:22
nandan_kg:tell me how can i access the repositories15:22
snskg, nope, I am reinstalling as we speak15:22
kgnandan: what happens when you launch adept?15:22
flaccidreinstall won't help15:23
jussi01someone remind me how to start the xrandr tray program?15:23
snsflaccid: I know. But at least it will remove any errors that can happen because of previous attempts of fixing it15:23
nandan_kg:the APT Database could not be opened! This may be caused by incorrect APT configuration or some similar problem. Try running apt-setup and apt-get update in terminal and see if it helps to resolve the problem.15:23
kgsns: ahh i see, no wonder... well when you're done, you'll still need to go through the envyng step again, then make your xorg.conf look like http://gentoo-wiki.com/HOWTO_Xorg_HDTV15:23
kaminixIf kaffeine 0.8.7 gives no hits in Ubuntu/Overiview on Launchpad, does that mean I should file a bug report if I want it packaged?15:23
flaccidsns: well unless you had other errors i didn't see any15:23
nandan_kg:it shows the above message15:24
flaccidsns: it could be as simple as adding Option "UseEDID" "False" to your driver section of xorg.conf15:24
snsflaccid: I'm optimistic to trying these things15:24
kgflaccid: i think sns wants the cleanest setup possible seeing how he's setting up a couple of computers for his employers/clients15:24
flaccidkg: xorg will revert to low resolution when it can't use the edid in detection..15:25
yakuziindeed, amarok keeps freezng my system, and mplayer isn't totaly ok...sometimes i still get an error (when i try to change to volume, but it's not always)15:25
flaccidie. the hdtv connected to port 015:25
snskg, you got the right idea. making a pretty simple kiosk setup... but the client is a bit "crazy" on the hardware side15:26
nandan_kg:any idea15:26
kgflaccid: i know you're busy, but that link i posted kinda does what you suggested :)15:27
flaccidkg: the problem is at the driver level thus disabling the EDID detection. see how it has       Option          "IgnoreEDID" to over-ride the default. this is the same concept but the monitor should still be plug and play and not require extra directives which is simpler from the URL you pasted15:28
kgnandan: have you tried running "apt-setup" and "apt-get update" in the terminal?15:28
kgflaccid: ohh, so without EDID the card can still detect the modes of the monitor automatically, i kinda assumed it has to be manually defined without EDID15:30
geniinandan: Was the computer online originally when you installed (k)ubuntu to it? If not then it has a blank list of repositories15:30
snswell I got that 3d stuff working15:33
nandan_kg: they do not work15:33
snsso that must mean that the drivers are ok?15:33
kgnandan: what was the error message?15:33
bipolarI need to write a udev rule for a sierra wireless USB GSM internet device. I need to link /dev/sierra to the first endpoint on the device. Anyone know how to do that?15:33
yakuzimaybe it's the xine engine i need to set to use alsa as output...but how do i configure xinee without having to open amarok as it freezes my system....15:33
nandan_kg:command not found15:33
kgsns: if opengl is running, then yes, nvidia drivers are working15:34
snswobbling windows equals working opengl?15:34
flaccidkg: yeah it should go to native resoultion, otherwise it will report a different error15:34
flaccidsns: yep15:35
kgsns: yes15:35
snsso this means I am one step closer to not getting fired? :p15:35
flaccidfired hmmm :o15:36
kgsns: well done by the way - that was a lot faster than before :P now do the EDID thing flaccid suggested15:36
flaccidyeah its heaps frequent with new nvidia15:36
snskg, if my boss has bought 10 terminals that aren't doing what they are supposed to do because I can't configure them, I do believe my job is at the line15:37
kgnandan: hmm it appears that there is no such thing as apt-setup - must have been renamed or something...15:37
kgnandan: you mind pasting the contents of your "/etc/apt/sources.list" into pastebin?15:38
flaccidsns: what is your glxinfo | grep -i render ?15:38
kgbtw can people who just joined the room see the earlier messages?15:39
snsedid thing did not do the trick15:40
ubottuOfficial channel logs can be found at http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ - For LoCo channels, http://logs.ubuntu-eu.org/freenode/15:40
flaccidsns: pastebin current Xorg log15:40
snsit's Geforce 7150 / Nvidia nForce 630i/PCI/SSE215:40
christianHi - anyone here that can answer a question about kdevelop documentation / toc files?15:41
trem_can someone tell me what the xorg.conf has been replaced with?15:41
trem_this is.. rather.. frustrating15:41
kgtrem: what do you mean exactly, replaced?15:42
gnummkg: lokk int he xorg.conf, you will see ;)15:42
trem_my xorg.conf seems to be useless now15:42
christianmy xorg.conf looks normal15:42
trem_and google suggests xrand is being used15:42
trem_christian:  are you using 8.04?15:43
flaccidsns: please pastebin xrandr -q15:43
gnummthe xorg.conf is shorter now15:43
flaccidsns: actually xrandr -q | cat /etc/X11/xorg.conf15:43
christianrest is autoconfig15:43
trem_so.. how do i go about putting in modes that it wasn't able to detect?15:43
christianlike ever before: man xorg.conf ;-)15:44
christianwhat mode?15:44
trem_different resolutions15:44
christianwhich ones?15:44
trem_i've gote mode "1920x1440"15:44
snsbrb sorry15:44
trem_added to the  subsuction "display" ... ..   just like it has always been.. this is actually an old config from 7.1015:45
trem_older ...15:46
christiantrem_: http://paste.ubuntu.com/28032/15:46
trem_christian:pretty much identical15:47
christianwhich driver? nvidia?ati?15:47
trem_its dropping to 1600x1200 everytime, kcontrol peripheral  says 1600x1200 max ... nvidia does bump it up but it doesn't stick15:48
christianso you have nvidia15:48
trem_no i have ati15:48
PiciWhy are you using nvidia-settings then?15:49
christianmaybe this helps you:15:49
christianAunt google...15:49
christianoooops - ati sorry.15:50
araceliquestion please15:55
Tm_Taraceli: was?15:56
mooperhi, where can I get help for dolphin?15:56
Tm_Tmooper: depends what help you need15:57
mooperkg, reboot didnt fix it :(15:57
yakuzikaffeine works now too...because i changed the xine engine to use alsa instead of something else, now, maybe that works too for amarok, if i can configure xine to use alsa without having to start amarok15:57
Tm_T!helpme | mooper15:57
ubottumooper: Avoid your questions being followed by a trail of "Please, help me", "Can nobody help me?", "I really need this!", and so on. This just contributes to making the channel unreadable. If you are not answered, ask again later; but see also !repeat and !patience15:57
=== fwest is now known as incorrect
mooperTm_T: I have managed to delete trash from dolphin15:57
mooper!bugger off | Tm_T!!!!!!!15:57
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about bugger off15:57
incorrecthello, how can i set firefox to be the default browser?15:57
Tm_Tmooper: nownow15:58
=== charlie is now known as Guest9876
pagmooper, you mean the link to the trashfolder?15:58
Tm_Tmooper: you mean you deleted trash icon?15:58
kgmooper: try that "add to places" thing again15:58
kgmooper: you must have right-clicked on the wrong area15:58
mooperkg, I dont get that come up15:58
mooperI miss konqueror15:58
kgmooper: try it at various parts of dolphin... it should appear in one of the right clicks, i swear15:59
kgmooper: of course, you should do it with the trash open15:59
mooperkg, its not the same16:00
kgmooper: what isn't the same?16:01
mooperIt doesn't get the empty trash options16:01
mooperthe trash link was special, but its all so easy to delete it!16:01
kgmooper: now that's interesting... do you at least have the trash icon next to the address bar?16:01
mooperkg, yessum the drop down box with all the saves places in there16:02
kgmooper, "trash:/" is like a service - i don't think you can delete it that easily!16:02
mooperbecasue I put it there and set the icon to be a trash can16:02
mooperkg, sure, but the link to it and the functionality round it are so fragile16:03
kgmooper: hmm what version of kde are you using?16:03
mooperits a standard 8.04 install16:04
BluesKajthinking of an cheap Nvidia graphics card for my pc . Do I have to change the deafult onboard ati card in the BIOS peripherals to the new NVidia , like one needs to with pci soundcards ?16:04
mooperI think I may16:04
kgmooper: sorry i meant to ask if you updated it to the latest dolphin and stuff16:04
mooperhave got to the bottom16:05
kgmooper: if you tried opening "trash:/" in konqueror, do you have "empty trash can" and other things like that?16:05
mooperIt all works fine in konqueror16:06
geniiBluesKaj: Most bios allow for either onboard or first external card to be used as primary display16:06
kgmooper: yeah it's probably a dolphin thing - the kde4 version works fine16:08
kgmooper: bookmark it in konqueror and you'll be fine16:08
kgmooper: also, you should be able to add a Trash applet in your panel - just right click and choose "add applet"16:10
aracelihelp please16:10
kgmooper: if you want something on the desktop, you can right-click on the desktop and "create new link", where the link points to "trash:/"16:10
kgmooper: hopefully that's enough alternative for you? lol16:11
mooper:) TA DUDE16:11
mooperta dude16:11
kgaracelli: what's up? (next time just ask what help you need right away) ;)16:11
mooperIts not really a problem for me, but for less technically minded idiots16:12
david_It says in digicam that it has a flickr export plugin but I see no way of accessing it does anyone know how to do this?16:13
=== Czessi_ is now known as Czessi
BluesKajok thx genii, so I can just choose the default card to be first in the biossequence16:16
geniiUsually yeah16:16
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BluesKajgenii: cool :)16:20
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snsWell. Now opengl works. How do I set the correct resolution?16:26
kgsns: wasn't it working before?16:27
snskg, nope. it identified incorrectly, sort of a not in database deal16:28
snsnow I just need the resolution16:28
kgsns: tried the IDED thing?16:29
snskg, yep16:31
Tm_TGuest81530: hi16:31
kgsns: well if that didn't work, maybe you might want to incrementally try things at http://gentoo-wiki.com/HOWTO_Xorg_HDTV16:32
snsI will. thanks16:33
Jabopin cron, is there a way to execute a bash script without prepending sh to the command?16:33
kgsns: sorry i'm not as useful as flaccid... i have no experience with the IDED deal16:33
kg*EDID lol i guess i kinda proved the point16:33
snskg, that's okay. any help is good help :)16:33
kgdon't worry about the identifiers in all of the sections - only worry abuot the options16:34
kgany *name stuff doesn't affect anything as well16:35
yakuziHAH i got amarok working :) i had to change ~/.kde/config/amarokrc and add some lines so that audio engine is xine and xine has to use alsa...16:36
yakuzinow i've to find a way to make sure i always have 5.1 enabled....(kmix seems to forget it sometimes? or maybe with the defautl soundcard app...)16:36
kgyakuzi: wow, i've never had the need to edit amarokrc before - just curious, what's the combination of your soundcard hardware?16:40
yakuziwell i've an NForce2 motherboard with ac97 sound on board (i disabled it already but it didn't help) i mostly use a creative soundblaster audigy 4 with 5.1 speakers on it, but it seems i had to choose alsa in kcontrol aswell as in system settings, and then in kaffeine as well as in amarok i had to convince xine to use alsa16:42
yakuzinow the big work of adding all info to my music files can start :p16:42
kgyakuzi: that's the easy part - just tell amarok to look in a folder and go to sleep :P16:45
yakuzino...the extra info like artists etc...most of my files don't have album stuff etc bad habbit from in windows while using winamp16:46
kgyakuzi: ahhh... i hope you're not like my friend who has 60gigs of music!16:49
yakuzi17.9 :s16:49
yakuzibut, the good music is "only" 10.5 the rest is to be determind...16:50
klerfaytoh my I only got 8.716:51
yakuzii put many of my cd's on my pc...16:51
kgand i 16 gigs - akthough, the first and only time i did my "major reorganization of all my music" was when it was only 12 gigs16:52
kgthe time i've spent doing that was no joke16:52
kgso when my friend asked me about his 60 gigs of unorganised music, i told him to give himself a month :P16:53
klerfaytyeah it's easier if you got system thought out from the beginning16:53
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snsapt-get wife-back16:55
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kgsns: so, what's up? you gonna get to keep your job?16:59
snskg, I don't know yet. Working on trying the things in that link16:59
snsHave until tomorrow morning to have the base computer up and running haha so I'm a bit stressed16:59
kgsns: how many times have you restarted the x-server since you last tried it? lol17:00
kgsns: anyway, post your log from time to time17:00
snslike 10-1517:00
snswill do17:00
kgsns: what time issit there?17:00
Guest87037hi all17:02
kgsns: do you have the place the whole night till it's due? you know, just in case it's gonna end up an all-nighter17:02
Guest87037i can't find folderview17:03
snskg, yeah I have access all night17:03
Guest87037im using kde 4.1 rc117:03
KomiaPoikawhat apt source do i need to be able to apt-get install truecrypt? or should i install from source?17:04
ubottuTruecypt is a free open-source on-the-fly disk encryption software.  See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/TruecryptHiddenVolume17:04
KomiaPoikaDaisuke_Laptop: i can't even sudo apt-get install truecrypt... it can't be found in my sources17:07
Daisuke_Laptopso... go the the site and see what it says?  i haven't looked yet17:07
kgsns: i'm still waiting for the next log in pastebin :P17:07
pag!info truecrypt17:07
ubottuPackage truecrypt does not exist in hardy17:07
snshttp://paste.ubuntu.com/28058 that's my current status17:09
KomiaPoikaDaisuke_Laptop: it explains how to make a partition after you install the package... but i need a package source in the first place17:10
KomiaPoikapag: :( :(17:10
_CrashMaster_Only thing I can find in the repos is EasyCrypt, a gui front end for truecrypt17:10
KomiaPoikayes but it wont start because truecrypt won't install17:11
_CrashMaster_truecrypt.org has a prebuilt .deb file. Tried installing that?17:12
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kgsns: what does your hdtv show when you boot with that log file? (btw, can i see your xorg.conf too?)]17:13
snsit shows the desktop in 640x48017:15
KomiaPoika_CrashMaster_: no but let me17:16
kgsns: weird, line 421 of your log tried to use EDID, despite the option to NOT use it17:18
snsrather strange indeed :/17:18
gnumm#/join kubuntu-kde417:19
_CrashMaster_Why can I ping a box on my network by hostname in windows, but not in linux?17:20
pag_CrashMaster_, box's IP and hostname isn't in /etc/hosts ?17:21
_CrashMaster_pag: I have to map it? But what if it's dynamic/17:22
_CrashMaster_which is the point of a hostname anyway17:23
pag_CrashMaster_, thb I don't know – the only time I had to configure a network I also got to play with static IP's17:24
_CrashMaster_Eh, I just don't feel like dealing with static IP's on all these machines. Rather just reference them by their hostnames.17:24
_CrashMaster_Wonder if I need NetBIOS running on the linux machine or something17:25
kgsns: hey17:26
kgsns: i think i know what's the problem with your last xorg.conf, assuming you haven't fixed it17:26
kgsns: change you "Identifier" in "Monitor" back to "Configured Monitor"17:27
snskg, will do17:28
kgsns: identifier is like a label, and the "Screen" section tries to find the monitor with that identifier17:28
kgsns: so it usually doesn't matter what the identifier is, as long as it's consistent throughout the file17:28
emonshi ivegot amarok and it always crashes, any idea why? i run it and because ivegot smth like 30.000 songs it crashes and crashes how can i fix that? if fixable17:28
snswell that did something new17:29
kgsns: cool - what's the new log?17:29
snskind of difficult to get it out without messing up something17:29
snsx is now out of range17:30
kgsns: well i guess at least that means it's trying out the settings in the monitor17:30
snsyeah trying to restart x now17:31
snsgiving you log in a sec17:31
kgsns: maybe the log might help... but i'm hoping it means you only need to find the correct modes17:31
sns"out of range"17:35
came0hey guys... I have a dual monitor setup now, if I add a second video card will ubuntu support 4 monitors?17:36
kgsns: in the log, read line 400 - 420 - i think it will help you lots17:36
ncfi1013_how do i burn a regular dvd in k3b17:38
ncfi1013_but in regular dvd format, not video dvd or data dvd formats17:39
kgsns: this is a long shot, but maybe you want to change --Option "IgnoreEDID"-- to --Option "UseEDID" "FALSE"-- in the monitor section, and remove it from the device section17:43
snskg, I am going to read about modelines first. Because I think that is key17:43
kgsns: also, in device, add --Option "ConnectedMonitor" "DFP"--17:44
kgsns: lastly, in Screen section add the SubSection "Display" as shown in http://gentoo-wiki.com/HOWTO_Xorg_HDTV#Screen_Section17:44
snskg, trying17:45
kgsns: of course, i do think the modelines are important too... keep me posted once you've tried something17:45
kgbrb shower17:48
gnummwhen i remove packages with adept, does adept use the --purge option?17:48
emonshi guys how do i visualise hidden files?17:51
ncfi1013_where can i find tutorials to help me create a directory structure on a dvd that i would like to burn in k3b that is not a video/data dvd17:54
snskg, this file does something to my thing. Can you help me adjust it so that it becomes correct? http://wilsonet.com/mythtv/xorg.conf-HD.txt17:58
snshttp://paste.ubuntu.com/28068 current log18:02
kgsns: hey your latest log is using the failsafe file18:05
snskg, alright looking into it18:06
kgsns: can you post your xorg.conf as well?18:06
kgsns: btw, it may be 1900 there, but it's 0300 here :P so i might need to hit the sack soon18:09
snsthat's alright18:09
snsyou've been extremely helpful18:09
kgsns: lol well i'm not giving up yep - i'm just saying "hurry" lol18:10
katswaioI was looking on the apport home page https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Apport and it seems to be a pretty useful project.18:10
katswaiohowever I don't remember seeing the frontend on kubuntu when I get crashes18:10
katswaiodoes it work on kubuntu?18:11
snshttp://paste.ubuntu.com/28071 xorg.conf18:11
kgsns: still using the failsafe file - what's the current xorg.conf like?18:11
khajexyo, when i switch layouts, it changes the whole keyboard map, and i cant use my default key-bindings/shortcuts.. any idea how to resolve this?18:11
kgsns: lol thanks18:11
K350I want a good wordprocessor that's smaller then openoffice.org-write, any sugtgestions?18:12
kgsns: if your identifier in "Monitor" is "Monitor0", then you need to change it accordingly in "Screen"18:12
snsahh again18:13
kgsns: try this too http://paste.ubuntu.com/2807418:16
kgsns: whoops, i meant this: http://paste.ubuntu.com/28073/18:16
kgsns: aww shucks, wait a second before trying18:17
snsisn't it possible to just type 1366x768 @ 60 hertz or something?18:18
kgsns: http://paste.ubuntu.com/28075/18:19
kgsns: well, if it was possible, wouldn't it have worked much earlier on??18:19
snsI guess18:19
kgsns: it's not really a panasonic monitor issit? lol18:20
snsIt's a Hannspree one18:20
snssince we couldn't get hold off regular Samsung 32" monitors18:20
snsthey bought hdtvs18:20
kgsns: well don't worry about it - the name doesn't matter18:21
kgsns: 960x540p? i just noticed that - does your monitor really have that mode?18:21
snsIt's 1080i only in a different take18:22
snsIt's a regular 1080i HDTV. Just give me widescreen resolution and I'll be happy :'(18:22
snsStill haven't had time customizing this because I can't make the screen right haha18:23
snsAny 16:9 resolution will do for me at this point..18:24
katswaioanyone knows how to enable apport in kubuntu?18:24
kgsns: well, i believe "Screen>Display>Modes" must exist in "Monitor>Mode"... so you might still need to modify from http://paste.ubuntu.com/28075/ (providing you're trying it)18:25
snsI did try it18:26
kgsns: damn it's still using the failsafe -- can i see the xorg.conf again?18:29
emonsguys amarok doesn't let me copy any music on the ipod it says copying failed18:29
kgsns: do you have any idea why X keep using the failsafe file? are you booting into failsafe mode?18:31
snshttp://www.grabnotes.com/gentoo/xorg.html - kg - maybe this is helpful?18:31
snskg, not relly. I can reboot18:31
kgsns: please do - keep an eye open to find out why it refuses to read from xorg.conf... it doesn't even complain in the log18:32
snsthat's rather strange. rebooting now18:32
snshey now it's messing with me18:32
snsI think I was in failsafe mode. Sorry about that18:33
kgsns: LOL18:33
kgsns: well ok, at least we know now18:33
kgsns: so what's the new log?18:33
snsgive me a min18:34
snsLet's take this from scratch. If I can get a VESA resolution that is 16:9 I'd be more than happy18:34
snsI just need it to be the right resolution for the monitor18:34
kgin that case18:35
kggimme a sec while i compose an xorg.conf for it18:35
snsTime is an issue here and I just need something that looks halfway decent for my boss18:35
snsthen I can sneak around and try fixing it at a later time18:36
kgsns: in the end they still give us the modeline thing - you seen this yet? http://sh.nu/nvidia/gtf.php18:37
snskg, I've seen it but got no idea what to do with it18:37
kgwhat's your resolution again?18:38
danilo_no speak englis18:39
sns1366x768, but I'll be fine with any lower 16:9 resolution too18:39
kgrefresh @ 60?18:39
kgalright i got your modeline - gimme a sec18:40
katswaio!it | danilo_18:40
snsI don't understand how any blu ray player, xbox, ps3, upscaling dvd player, etc, can do this without any hassle. ... must be some sort of standard for HDTV's.18:40
ubottudanilo_: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie!18:40
=== nick__ is now known as nogden
kgyep, i'm guessing hdtvs and computer monitors speak different languages18:41
snsmost likely yeah18:42
dwidmannsns: try adding Option "DDC" "no" to the device section of your xorg.conf?18:43
bleakedi recently installed kubuntu on a friend's pc who lives out in the country where there is no network access.  i'm going out there today and would like to update his computer, specifically MP3 and other multimedia packages, as well as any necessary apps or package updates.  what would be the most elegant way to go about this?  (i have a cd/dvd burner, and a large external hd at my disposal)18:43
dwidmannthen restart X, log in, and see what you can change the res to in system setting sns18:44
snswill do. just installing something on the box right now18:44
trentonbleaked: I did something like that. But on two machines. one connected and one not.18:45
kgsns: dunno if it will change anything, but try this: http://paste.ubuntu.com/28083/18:45
trentonbleaked: google for the package archive and make a copy of that dir18:45
snskg, trying it in a sec18:46
trentoncopy that dir over to the not connected machine, and google how to create a local repo.18:46
trentonand bobs your uncle18:46
snswell that did mess up stuff18:47
snsnow caps and numlock is blinking on my keyboard O.o18:47
kgwow - log?18:47
snscan't get anywhere keyboard stopped working18:47
paolohi! something caused a bug when i changed screen resolution, now I can only see the screen if the resolution is set to 640x480 and when i try to set higher resolution I see a mess in the screen... what could I do? plz help me :) thnks18:48
amerigo! windows18:48
ubottuFor discussion on Microsoft Windows, or help with same, please visit ##windows. See http://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+bug/1 http://linux.oneandoneis2.org/LNW.htm and /msg ubottu equivalents18:48
kgdo you think there's a syntax error??18:48
snshm I guess me using that guys xorg file wasn't that smart18:48
kgwho's mine?18:49
snsI am using the nvidia dummy file and trying to add in the stuff from you in it18:49
snsnah the one I got panasonic from18:49
kgoh lol18:49
snsgive me a break it's doing it again18:49
kgsns: remember not to touch any of the "InputDevice" sections next time :P18:50
bleakedtrenton: hrm.. i kind of figured i would do something like that..but considering he doesn't need a browser or even most security updates (due to never being connected) it seems like a bit of overkill?  and what about the dozen or less packages i would want from the universe and multiverse.. seems like a lot of overhead..  the problem is that i would be fine with picking out the debs for apps i would want to install and update, but i18:50
bleakedwouldn't know what their dependencies would need to be..18:50
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trentonbleaked:take the whole lot, but only install what you need, dependancies will be drawn in.18:52
bleakedtrenton: but again, wouldn't the entire official repos, including multiverse and universe be numerous gigs, if not approaching a hundred or more?18:53
trentonbleaked: I have a fully updated machine with all the multimedia I need ~600mb in archive18:54
bleakedoh..well ok, not so bad18:54
trentonbleaked: you don't dl all the reapo just the soft you need.18:55
spiel_mit_feuerhey.. can anyone help me set up network folder sharing via samba? i have samba, yet when i right click on a folder i try to share it asks for root password, i enter it, then it does nothing18:55
sns:'( nothing is working18:56
amerigo# kubuntu.it18:57
amerigo! italiano18:57
ubottuVai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie!18:57
bleakedtrenton: hey check this out: http://aptoncd.sourceforge.net/18:58
eloCMake Error: your CXX compiler: "CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER-NOTFOUND" was not found.   Please set CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER to a valid compilerpath or name. <-- anybody know what i need to do to fix this?18:59
kgsns: what do you mean "nothing"?19:00
snskg: well now nvidia driver won't even load. I kind of "lost it" with the config and it's all a mess now so I started from scratch19:01
kgsns: have you tried using mine yet? it's actually very similar to the original one when nvidia was working19:02
spiel_mit_feuerfor some reason i cant get samba to let me share a folder19:02
snstrying it now19:03
bleakedtrenton: well thank you for your generous help and advice. :D19:03
trentonbleaked: pleasure:)19:03
spiel_mit_feuersamba doesnt like me19:04
snskg: paste.ubuntu.com/2808619:04
kgsns: failsafe mode again?19:05
ubottuSamba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT.19:05
trentonbleaked: http://aptoncd.sourceforge.net/ cool but seems unseported19:05
snskg, not afaik booted normally19:06
spiel_mit_feuercan anyone assist with samba19:07
moope1I keep getting this annoying thing with firefox opening some php files as a file for download19:08
moope1anyone else get this?19:08
trappistmoope1: it's the webserver's fault19:08
trappistmoope1: unless it happens with all .php urls, regardless of website19:08
moope1trappist: do you know how to slap the webserver?19:09
moope1(Im controlling that)19:09
trappistmoope1: you'll need a line like the following, unless this is ubuntu and you installed everything "correctly", in which case it would be done for you:19:11
trappistlap the webserver?19:11
trappistbleh, my copy/paste is busted.  you need an AddType directive19:12
trappistbut ubuntu should handle all that for you, if this is an ubuntu box.  if it's not, I recommend asking on the appropriate channel.19:12
snskg, trying that nvidia tool again to get back to basic at least19:12
snsxorg.conf doesn't do anything when I paste it19:12
ironman_Hi p@ople19:13
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kgsns: alright - once you get nvidia up again (be sure to check it's not loading the failsafe one), slowly add stuff from http://paste.ubuntu.com/28090/19:13
snskg, it does the keyboard thing again after I ran that utility19:17
kgsns: what's the new xorg.conf when it messes up?19:18
snsI don't have it here. Reinstalling. Don't have time to fix it. Reinstall and adding nvidia drivers seemed to solve the issue19:18
snsI'll paypal 50 dollars to anyone who can help me19:18
kglol this is kind of a job you need to be on site to fix19:19
snsI know19:19
=== dorins is now known as dorins_
justs0mewhy dont ubuntu use fedoras [OK] method to boot?19:22
snswhat is the name of that nvidia tool?19:22
justs0mewhere it goes through the major processes19:23
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XJmanAnyone here familiar with running an atheros wireless card19:23
kgnvidia-xconfig i believe19:23
snsnudo-ng something19:24
trentonjusts0me: it does but is hidden19:24
kgsns: were you looking for "sudo envyng -t"?19:25
snskg, yeah. I got that sorted out. Just making an overview of the issue as you are probably going to sleep19:25
snscan you paste me the modeline again?19:26
snswhat was the site for that again?19:26
kgtry each one of the modelines over there -- the wiki said modelines are a hit and miss19:26
XJmanMy wireless card randomly recognizes without any changes to my system.19:27
kgalso, in Device->Option->ConnectedMonitor, i had it as CRT-119:27
justs0metrenton: is there a way to unhide it ?19:27
kgbut it could also be just "CRT", or "CRT-0", so you'll need to try those two as well if the CRT-1 doesn't work (CRT basically says you're using the VGA port)19:28
spiel_mit_feueris it fine if i list my IP in the DMZ on my router?19:28
snskg, I understand19:28
trentonjusts0me: yes hold on looking19:28
XJmanAny idea why?19:28
snswhy is it so difficult to make it into a 16:9 resolution?19:28
chxhi. i am looking for a KDE RSS reader (really, just twitter would be enough) which can show popup windows like kopete does.19:29
kgsns: i have no idea why19:29
trentonjusts0me: sudo apr-get startupmanager19:29
justs0meah, thanks19:30
dr_Willisapt-get install    - you mean. :)19:30
trentonjusts0me: you change startup setting in there and fix you're resolution also.19:30
=== Guest75967 is now known as radius
pagchx, akregator (configure notifications -> show a popup when new feeds are fetched)19:30
trentonjusts0me: sorry, sudo apt-get startupmanager19:30
chxpag: ooooooooh! like kopete? they go away after a time, right?19:31
trentondr_Willis :)19:31
snsokay... start from scratch19:31
pagchx, should be - never bothered testing19:31
kgsns: weren't you already doing that?19:31
snsyeah and it's booted now19:32
kgsns: ohh i see, i hope nvidia's nicely loaded this time?19:32
chxpag: yes there is an option for "use a passive window that does not interrupt other work"19:33
snswe shall see real soon19:33
justs0mekubuntu dont come with a firewall?19:35
ubottuUbuntu, like any other linux distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'iptables' command (see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo), or GUI applications such as Firestarter (Gnome) or Guarddog (KDE).19:35
dr_Willisit has one, with no default rules19:35
justs0mewhen u say no default rules, that means its off?19:36
snskg: now I got nvidia drivers loaded and working19:38
snsbut 640x480 as resolution19:38
kgsns: great, now back at square 1 lol19:38
snsbetter to work from this I think19:38
snsI'll paste xorg.conf file for you19:38
jussi01sns: I assume you have followed the !fixres instructions ?19:38
kgsns: and the X log file if you will19:39
ubottuThe X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto19:39
snskg: paste.ubuntu.com/2809919:39
chxpag: thx19:39
snsjussi01: I have to admit that I haven't. Looking into it now19:42
kgsns: lol i just looked at it too... guess what - modelines too19:43
kgsns: i think it's the curse of having widescreens19:43
snskg yeah tell me about it... if it was up to me they'd have 9" toy screens19:43
snsdid you see my xorg.conf like it is now?19:44
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snsI guess all it needs is the modeline to work?19:44
kgsns: yeah i hope so19:44
snskg: paste.ubuntu.com/2809919:44
snskg: paste.ubuntu.com/28100 this is the log19:44
kgsns: thanks19:44
kgsns: it's CRT-0 lol19:46
kgsns: omg i can't believe i've been staring at that all these while and it hasn't clicked19:46
snskg Å?19:49
justs0mewhy is the version number 8.04.1 and ot just 8.04?19:49
kgsns: http://paste.ubuntu.com/28103/19:50
kgsns: hopefully this one won't cause nvidia to fail to load19:50
PolitikerALTjusts0me: Because it's Kubuntu "Service pack 1"19:51
senorpedrohi folks19:51
dilipgargHi. I am looking for "tested" set of instructions to configure my firefox to play embedded divx videos online.19:51
snswell hold your breath19:52
dilipgargAlso to enable Java/JRE on my firefox so that I can enter into Java based Chat rooms.19:52
snsYou did it!!!19:52
snskg is the greatest19:53
level1hi, I have an window that cannot be used with the edit window-specific settings... as if its in some blackhole and cannot be manager by the window manager19:53
dilipgargsns: for me??19:53
drifhow do I execute this "Hardware Drivers"-tool as sudo? it asked me to cross enabled but says to do it as root.. using ATI19:53
kgsns: lol really? omg i didn't actually expect that19:53
snsyou did it19:53
snsme happy19:53
snsand relieved19:53
sns... a lot19:53
kgsns: so the resolution and everything is accurate?19:54
snseverything is like it should be in the land of Set19:54
kgsns: try opening a couple of stuff... are the words too small or big?19:54
kgsns: lol congratulations!19:54
snseverything is perfect19:54
kgsns: woohoo! i wonder what was the problem before...19:55
snskg, thank you so much. if you pm me your paypal I will send you your salary19:55
araceliHELP PLEASE19:55
dilipgargHello. I am looking for "tested" set of instructions to configure my firefox to play embedded divx videos online and also to enable Java/JRE on my firefox so that I can enter into Java based Chat rooms.19:55
kgsns: lol no need - i was about to make the same setup when i get my own HDTV :P this is my practise run lol19:55
kgaraceli: it might be more helpful if you go straight into what you need help in :)19:56
snskg you truly saved my arse in all of this19:56
snsknow that19:56
snsIf there is anything I can do to help you .... :P let me know. not that I think you'd want my help after this19:57
dr_Willistested? hmmm..  I just install the mplayer plugin for firefox,. and the  sun java... Not sure how one would test. :)19:58
kgsns: lol well you'll never know ;)19:58
justs0mewhere do i find the release notes for 8.04.1 kubuntu ?19:59
dilipgargWills: there're endless set of tutorials online, I dont want to mess up reading one that doesnt "Work"19:59
dr_Willisdilipgarg,  never actually used any tutorials, I normally just install  mozilla-mplayer - MPlayer-Plugin for Mozilla20:00
dr_Willisand the 'kubuntu-restricted-extras'  I think that grabs java.. that maybe flash it gets.. heck it may be both..20:01
kganyway, time for me to crash... night!20:02
dr_WillisOne issue with java may be the fact theres  getting to be a few variants out. the sun java, and that icedtea java. (not sure how they are related) seen a fes sites/programs that need the actual sun java.20:02
dr_WillisIm using java-6-sun at the moment. got a url to the chat room? i can test it out real fast20:03
dilipgargWillis: I am currently installing mozilla_mplayer plugin..20:03
dilipgargWillis: www.quicksilverscreen.com/chat20:03
dr_Willisthat chat room is working here.20:04
dilipgargI have installed mplayer-mozilla plugin but i cant see it under all firefox plugins.20:05
dilipgargand more over http://beta.vreel.net/watch_17484.html this doesnt work20:05
dilipgargso it looks like a simple mplayer-mozilla didnt work20:06
dr_Willislooks like its loading/buffering here... lets see if it plays20:06
dr_WillisIts playing.20:07
dilipgargWillis: Can you see mplayer-mozilla plugin under the plugins tab20:07
senorpedroi'm trying to run rosegarden, but it has no sound...20:08
senorpedrodoes anybody know why?20:08
senorpedroi run jack with qjackctl and it seems to work fine20:08
senorpedrobut when i play something in rosegarden there is no sound20:08
senorpedromy system has sound normally, i have played lots of sound files20:08
senorpedromp3 mostly20:08
dr_Willisdilipgarg,  i see a 'DivX Browser Plugin-in' - mplayerplugin 3.50 Video Player Plugin for QT, Realplayer, and WMP streams ....20:09
dilipgargI dont have any of these20:09
dr_Willisand i also see 'mplayerplug-in 3.5' listed below it.20:09
dr_WillisYou are running firefox3 and not 2?20:10
dilipgargff3, yes20:10
dilipgargWillis: Do you remember the exact package names for all those plugins20:11
dr_WillisNot a clue. :)20:11
dr_WillisI have some scripts i made up that install several dozen+ packages for me on a new install.20:12
ubottuTo replicate your packages selection on another machine (or restore it if re-installing), you can type « dpkg --get-selections > ~/my-packages », move the file "my-packages" to the other machine, and there type « sudo dpkg --set-selections < my-packages && sudo apt-get dselect-upgrade » - See also !automate20:12
dr_WillisMy packages i got installed --------> dpkg --get-selections  | pastebinit20:12
dr_Willisand Yes.. this machine has all sorts of repos enabled and other weirdness. :)20:13
dr_Willisbut i dont recall ever having an issue watching stage6 videos on any of my linux machines20:13
dilipgargthats a long list there20:14
kde_is there anyway for me to get get konqueror to veiw yahoo's web page or not20:15
compilerwriterI have this old machine that I am using without much space on the hard drive.  I would like to try Ibex out, but I can't boot from usb.  If I were to get a usb drive hooked to the box would grub notice the drive and boot to it when it came into the picture?20:15
justs0mein ubuntu install, how do i install the boot loader in sdb (second sata drive) partition number 6?20:15
dr_WillisYou need to use the Alternative Installer cd - I belive to put the boot loader somewhere other then sda. (at least thats how it used to be)20:16
dr_Williscompilerwriter,  booting off a exteranal usb hard drive.. can be.. challanging. :)20:18
justs0methat is text based install20:18
justs0menever done that20:18
dr_Williscompilerwriter,  the pendrivelinux.com site has tutorials and info on doing it however.20:18
justs0methough in the gui install i have an option of where to install the grub, just dont know the sytax20:19
ubunturosjusts0me: if it is a USB Hard disk, and you have no data20:19
dr_Willisjusts0me,  it just asks the questions in a text dialog. is about it. :) i find it faster to use the alt-installer cd. then the desktop cd.20:19
ubunturosjusts0me: then, delete the partitions and follow the same steps as desktop install20:19
justs0meit internal sata drive20:19
ubunturosonly at the last step, click the advanced option20:19
ubunturosand change the bootloader installation to (hd1)20:20
justs0meim there20:20
compilerwriterUnfortunately my bios won't boot from a pen drive dr_Willis too damned old.  That is why I was wondering if grub could be coaxed into it or if I would have to get an internal drive.20:20
* ubunturos is using a Kubuntu booted off the USB Hard disk20:20
justs0mehow do i pick a partition ?20:20
dr_Williswith the proper grub menu.lst  - its possible.. :)  but may take some work.20:20
justs0meor i cant?20:20
dr_Williscompilerwriter,  but its also possible the machine wont even see the external disks till the os loads..  ive found wth older machines booting external drives can be very much a roll of the dice. :(20:21
ubunturosjusts0me: for a USB hard disk / usb pen drive, follow https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent20:22
justs0meubunturos: im not using a usb hd20:22
ubunturosjusts0me: oh, ok.20:23
justs0mei would like to install the boot loader on a sata internal drive to a selected partition20:24
spiel_mit_feuerhey.. in the linux command line, how do i access a directory with a space in the name?20:27
ubunturosspiel_mit_feuer: type part of the name of the directory and press a 'tab'20:28
spiel_mit_feuertab instead of a space?20:28
ubunturosspiel_mit_feuer: it should auto-complete and the name might appear as directory\ withspace20:28
ubunturosspiel_mit_feuer: yes!20:28
ubunturosso, you could type cd direc (and then press a 'tab')20:28
snsthis is sweet20:30
level1does anybody here use scim, or any other program to type in a foriegn langauge?20:33
level1I know thats a meta question, but I'm actually looking for people that do so I can ask them if they have had any trouble and have been able to fix it20:34
dleei use skim20:34
level1dlee: how do you like it?20:36
level1dlee: do you have a lot of trouble?20:36
dleei like skim a lot20:36
level1what language do you use it for?20:36
dleethere are small annoyances, but i would rather live with them rather than without skim at all20:36
dleekorean / chinese / japanese20:36
level1like what?20:37
level1do you use kde 4?20:37
dleeone annoyance is japanese / chinese candidate choices20:37
dleei can't explain to you unless you know japanese20:38
dleeanother annoyance is that you can't use the IM everywhere, only in text fields20:38
level1i do a little, but the problems I have don't have to do with input20:38
snsdlee maybe you should take this up with the developers?20:38
level1my problem are with program crashes, even when using english20:39
justs0mehow do i install a grub to my second hd on the 6th partition?    it had (hd0)  would i put hd1 or sdb since its a sata drive, also how do i add partition ?20:39
zaapielanyway to remove all of ubuntu to make my system all kubuntu?20:39
dleei also encounter problems in konsole where when i close a tab, i can't type in the next tab unless i switch focus away from konsole and back20:39
dleesns: which issue?20:39
level1konqueror/kde4 crashes on certian sites and the bug traces indict scim20:39
level1also, any text that is selected is deleted20:40
dleei don't use konqueror, so i wouldn't know20:40
ubottuHi! I'm #kubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://tinyurl.com/5zfb6t - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots20:40
zaapiel!search remove ubuntu20:40
ubottuFound: ops-#xubuntu-offtopic, gr, selinux, nickspoon-#ubuntu-offtopic, themes, ge, browsers, ot-#ubuntu-ops, moblock, ops-#ubuntu-motu20:40
level1so if I select text in a window, switch away and switch back, the text is deleted20:40
level1zaapiel: tired of ubuntu?20:41
dleelevel1: any text?20:41
dleethat seems like a konqueror bug to me...20:41
snssmall annoyances I mean20:41
level1zaapiel: what are you trying to replace it with20:41
zaapiellevel1: i just want to delete ubuntu and have kubuntu20:41
zaapielso all the gnomeness20:41
level1dlee: its not just in konqueror, its in all kde apps20:41
zaapielkde ftw20:41
dleelevel1: were you in the midst of typing a japanese phrase that hadn't finished choosing candidates?20:41
level1zaapiel: go into the package manager and remove ubuntu-desktop20:41
dleelevel1: i don't have problems like what you're saying20:41
level1dlee: no this problem appears while using english20:42
level1dlee: I don't use japanese that much20:42
minhaaji have a strange problem. i can change almost anything in my themes but it won't install new icons20:42
dleelevel1: that's very strange, i don't have that problem20:42
minhaaji have never been able to install icons. any idea whats wrong ?20:42
level1minhaaj: maybe just because kde3's kgethotnewstuff sucks20:43
level1minhaaj: kde 4 is... better20:43
zaapiellevel1: its a meta-package it didnt delete anything20:43
snsI've got a question20:43
dleei wonder when skim for kde4 will come out20:43
level1zaapiel: you should try out kde 4.1 rc 1... its really nice (except for this scim problems I'm having)20:43
minhaaji am on gnome20:43
dleei'm using the kde3 version of skim right now20:43
level1zaapiel: hmm... good point20:44
zaapielkde4 is vapoware20:44
minhaaji just installed mac4lin and its beautiful20:44
snsExcept for flashplugin-nonfree, msttcorefonts, java plugins, firefox, etc.. what more do I need to make a web experience as good as possible?20:44
minhaajits just i can't get to install icons20:44
snsCreating kiosk pcs using kubuntu20:44
minhaajseems to be some error20:44
level1minhaaj: then this is a problem that maybe you talk about on #ubuntu20:44
level1sns: good question20:44
eccohand me scim only on kde3 no find how to make work skim lol20:44
level1if its a gnome problem20:44
level1zaapiel: kde 4 is not vaporware, I'm using it right now20:45
snslevel1: using kde-kiosk-tools package to lock down kde and firefox plugins + hardware firewall to limit allowed websites20:45
eccohafter install cannot restart.....20:45
level1you can't spread FUD about a product if you don't even try it20:45
dr_Willisthere are some kiosk extenions for firefox. and i recall some other ways to lock it down.20:45
level1eccoh: yeah, every time I've used scim I've been very unhappy20:46
level1is there some other program for inputting japanese text?20:46
snsdr_Willis: Yeah. R-kiosk and some other one I can't remember the name of right now20:46
snsUsing them :)20:46
eccohfor me scim working well20:46
level1I don't care if its not that good, I just hate scim20:46
eccohbut skim nothing to do.....20:46
eccohon kde320:46
level1well, I have the same problems with scim20:46
eccohyou install it with apt-get??20:47
bipolarDoes anyone know a trick to getting pppd to update /etc/resolv.conf so that dns lookup works? pppd is putting the dns servers in /etc/ppp/resolv.conf, which doesn't work. :\20:47
level1eccoh: just because it allows you to input text doesn't mean its perfect20:48
eccohyes maybe also.....20:48
level1eccoh: I can do it too: これが 日本語 ですね?20:48
dr_Willisapt-get install input-perfect-text-plugin20:48
eccohi can't really say but it was for a friend and she not report me some problem....20:49
level1dr_Willis: wow, how did I miss that package20:49
snsbtw. congrats to *Ubuntu for being the choice for public tourist info terminals in a Norwegian city. The computers will be maintained and supported by IT crew of the local government20:49
level1lol, congrats on being the admin?20:50
snsI'm the solution designer ;)20:50
snsonce they are up and running I take my shit and run20:50
ncfi1013_where can i find tutorials to help me create a directory structure on a dvd that i would like to burn in k3b that is not a video/data dvd20:50
snsor I'd rather say... once they are up and running I take the money and flee :P20:50
drmartins_kde4 sucks:)20:50
level1drmartins_: don't say that shit unless you have a reason why it sucks20:52
dleei like kde420:52
snskde4 is nice. But I get the feeling that I can't configure it as much as 320:52
dleei just wish it was a bit faster20:52
level1when did it become fashionable to say kde 4 sucks with no reason given20:52
drmartins_gnome rulezz=)20:52
level1drmartins_: 8/10: decent trolling.  Would rage again20:53
level1sns: I know what you mean... I have a version of kde's svn on my machine, and I've submitted some packages... so maybe you could mention to me what in particular you want to be able to configue20:54
snslevel1: Hm it's not really something I want to configure. I want to create a userspace where the only thing the user can do is view a website and print pages20:55
snsI believe KDE-kiosk+firefox with kiosk plugins would be able to do this?20:55
drmartins_i'm using gnome and ubuntu it's cool,and kde4 sucks=)kde3 rulezz20:55
level1I wouldn't know... I don't know what the state of kiosk is in kde 420:55
snsit's just tools for dumbing down kde I think20:55
snspackage is called kde-kiosk20:55
drmartins_russian rulezzz:)20:56
level1drmartins_: stop talking unless you have something productive to say... this isn't a forum for people to express vague opinions20:56
drmartins_ok,i'm not say well20:58
drmartins_fuck you level1,russian and gnome ruleezzz)kde4 sucks Russian win!21:01
snscute one21:02
snsanyone got experience in backing up and restoring an entire ubuntu system?21:03
Tm_Tsns: what you like to backup? only userdata or _whole_ system?21:03
Kernelhello all. i have a question about lvm. im currently running mandriva 2008.1 with lvm. im thinking of installing kubuntu 8.04 instead...but im brand new to using lvm and dont know if it will be easy to keep the way i have it....like during the install of kubuntu will kubuntu detect the lvm as a single partition? or how exactly will this work?21:04
snsTm_T: I got several identical computers (hardware wise) that I want to be cloned with entire system I got on this one21:04
=== kari is now known as Tippa
TippaHello all o/21:04
TippaWell, I have a problem with this Kubuntu.21:05
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)21:05
snsTippa: what seems to be the problem, son21:06
eccohsns <--- i restore mu kubuntu partition with partimage on the same system with manyother partition and no problem21:06
Kerneli have several hard disks and each hard disk is partitioned a few times....and the lvm is made up from random partitions from random drives...will i have to re set up lvm all over again? or will it know that partitions sda5 sdb7 sdc8 sdd12 are all belonging to the lvm named data?21:06
eccohand i think the same thing as you....21:06
eccohif i can copy my partition on other disk drive ???21:07
TippaWell, I should get this Radeon X1900 to work properly. I think, it should be quite common issue.21:07
Letzecan i post kde4 questions?21:08
Kernel!ask | Letze21:08
ubottuLetze: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)21:08
ncfi1013_how do i create that "straight line" symbol for the command line?21:08
Letzeok...i've installed kde4RC1 fom kubuntu debs...21:08
Letzethere is no folderview. plasmaoid21:08
Kernelncfi1013_: |||| that?21:09
snseccoh: Well. What I'd like to acheive is this. 1. I create a system with all configurations etc. 2. I do some backup voodoo on it today. 3. I install a fresh ubuntu on many other computers tomorrow. 4. I do voodoo backup on them and they are just like the one I've got here21:09
Kernelncfi1013_: on my keyboard i hold shit and hit the key right above enter21:09
Kernelit also has the \ on it21:09
snsI got a key of it's own for it on my keyboard21:09
snswhat is your locale ncfi1013_21:09
eccohwa very good thing to know21:10
ncfi1013_what is a locale21:10
snswhere are you located? :)21:10
Kernelncfi1013_: like american chinese21:10
snslocale is the settings on a computer that makes it behave like you expect it to in the country you are in21:10
Kerneldiff keyboard set ups ncfi1013_21:10
snswith keyboard and stuff21:10
eccohha yes good question and from france where i can find the key ???21:12
ncfi1013_oh...one of the millions of solar systems...earth...united states...texas...dallas...adleta blvd21:12
ncfi1013_do i find devede in the adept package manager21:14
WalzmynAnybody know when the Kontact for kde4 will be in the pools to try out?21:14
dleeWalzmyn: it's already out21:14
dleei'm using it21:14
Walzmynit's in the repos? I looked for it21:14
jussio1!info devede21:15
ubottudevede (source: devede): program to create video DVDs. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 3.6-0.0ubuntu1 (hardy), package size 1128 kB, installed size 2592 kB21:15
dleesome kdepim package, probably21:15
dleei'm also using ppa repo21:15
Walzmyndlee, thank you. I'll look21:18
jussi01Walzmyn: dlee kde4 support in #kubuntu-kde4 :)21:19
__Adam__help: i cant install update any package, i get this error  failed in buffer_read(fd): files list for package `language-pack-kde-pa-base':21:21
engineerupdate your sources21:23
__Adam__done apt-get update21:23
ncfi1013_thanx i dont really understand everything i was told but it sounds like it will be of help21:24
jalswhat's the easiest way to get windows video codecs working? wmv, mpeg etc?21:24
=== servidor is now known as servidor_
engineerapt-get install w32codecs21:24
engineer__Adam__ apt-get -f install21:25
__Adam__tried that too21:25
engineertry aptitude21:25
__Adam__and deleting /var/cache/apt/archives/21:26
engineerjals you brit?21:26
__Adam__aptitude is the same21:26
gnummdon't mix aptitude and apt-get21:26
gnummchoose one21:26
__Adam__both arnt working21:27
__Adam__same is for dkpg21:27
__Adam__i cant install, update or remove any package21:27
=== YeppBoy is now known as RaceDrv709
gnumm__Adam__: sudo apt-get clean, sudo apt-get update21:29
gnummdoes it work?21:29
RaceDrv709My password won't work in the terminal21:29
engineerwhat's up slow-motion21:29
slow-motionhi engineer21:29
__Adam__trying now gnumm21:29
engineerRaceDrv709 tried changing it?21:29
RaceDrv709I don't know how21:30
engineer__Adam__ have a look on that url21:30
gnumm__Adam__: http://exain.wordpress.com/2007/12/03/failed-in-buffer_readfd-on-ubuntu/21:30
engineerRaceDrv709 passwd21:30
RaceDrv709I don't understand what you told me21:31
engineerchange your password with: passwd21:32
RaceDrv709where do I do that?21:32
engineerin konsole21:32
gnummin the konsole21:32
RaceDrv709not getting input from keyboard21:33
gnummit's normal21:33
moope1Ive set up a line in the hosts file, "foo". Its working on the konsole no problem but firefox is boing a bugger and keeps going to www.foo.com21:33
engineerit's an unechoed input21:33
gnummwhen you type ypour password, it never shows stars21:33
gnummit shows nothing21:33
RaceDrv709I don't see the cursor move21:33
gnummit's normal!21:34
WalzmynRaceDrv709, it not supposed to21:34
WalzmynRaceDrv709, what are you trying to do?21:34
Dracariis there still PowerPC Mac ISO's being made for kubuntu?21:34
gnummi guess unofficial ppc isos exist21:35
jussi01Dracari: yes21:35
RaceDrv709Thanks, I'm new to linux as far as installing stuff like Opera which I've been trying to do for 2 weeks21:35
Dracarii havent been able to find the ISO downloads for it21:35
jussi01Dracari: I suggest joining #ubuntu-powerpc21:35
phannahey has anyone tried the kde 4.1 rc1 yet?21:35
engineerNote to PowerPC (PPC) users: The PowerPC platform of computers is not supported by the newest versions of Ubuntu. However Ubuntu 6.06 is still supported and available for your machine. Please use the link above to view the complete list of download locations to choose a location near you.21:35
jussi01phanna: yes - support in #kubuntu-kde421:35
engineerphanna yes21:35
phannaoh ok thanks21:35
Dracari6.06?  ty (no wonder i couldnt find it ^^;;21:36
engineeri still don't like it21:36
phannawhy not?21:36
phannastill too buggy?21:36
jussi01Dracari: here is ubuntu 8.04 ppc http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/ports/releases/8.04/release/21:36
engineerit lacks lots of features of kde 321:36
WalzmynWhat does PPA stand for?21:36
=== yet is now known as yet_
phannai see21:36
jussi01personal package archive21:37
Walzmynjussi01, thank you21:37
Dracarijussi ty ^.^21:37
engineeri don't like the way desktop icons are handled21:37
engineeri prefer the old way21:37
=== yet_ is now known as orges
engineerthe programs in the taskbar don't have edges21:38
engineerkonqueror wouldn't open, i had to log off an log in again21:38
jussi01Dracari: Walzmyn YW21:39
Dracarinow i can make use outta my old iMac G3 :321:39
WalzmynWhat is an ibex?21:40
WalzmynDracari, door stop?21:40
jussi01Walzmyn: go ask in #kubuntu-offtopic :)21:40
* engineer hands a wikipedia to Walzmyn21:41
WalzmynIt'd be a little big for a paper weight I think21:41
WalzmynHow can a question about the name of the next Kubuntu version be THAT far off topic?21:41
engineeryes RaceDrv70921:41
Dracariit can still be a DVD player XD (iMac G3 "DV+" )21:41
engineerRaceDrv709 i don't know if opera is in the repositories21:42
jussi01!info opera21:42
ubottuPackage opera does not exist in hardy21:42
RaceDrv709I tried to get opera installed for the umpteenth time and I got this in the terminal21:42
engineersince its not OS21:42
engineeri bet it isn't21:42
RaceDrv709dpkg: status database area is locked by another process21:42
engineerRaceDrv709 are you installing other stuff?21:42
jussi01RaceDrv709: do you have adept open?21:42
engineeror adept is open21:42
engineeror synaptic21:42
WalzmynRaceDrv709, only one app at a time can use the package database, close what you've got open21:43
RaceDrv709I don't have Synaptic and Adept is closed21:43
ubottuIf an APT front-end crashed and your database is locked, try this in a !terminal: « sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a »21:43
elogot an issue with CMake : http://paste.ubuntu.com/28091/21:43
engineerkillall apt-get21:43
__Adam__this is the package in  /var/cache/apt/archives/language-pack-kde-pa-base_1%3a8.04+20080527_all.deb21:45
RaceDrv709Who is the admin for Kubuntuforums.net?21:46
phannathat reminds...i still haven't gotten a activation email from kubuntuforums.net21:47
engineerdon't the ubuntu forums have a kde section?21:48
phannai registered with ubuntu forums just fine21:48
WalzmynI don't know, everytime I go to 'em all I find is articles that are 2 release cycles out of date21:48
engineeranyways, i'm 0xFF21:49
RaceDrv709registered, but no activation email in my box and I checked my junk box21:49
phannahah same as me then21:50
phannamust be something with their registration page21:50
__Adam__matt@Matts-laptop:/var/cache/apt/archives$ sudo dpkg -c /var/cache/apt/archives//language-pack-kde-pa-base_1%3a8.04+20080527_all.deb > /var/lib/dpkg/info/language-pack-kde-pa-base21:51
__Adam__bash: /var/lib/dpkg/info/language-pack-kde-pa-base: Permission denied21:51
__Adam__didnt work :(21:51
eloepic fail21:51
=== mike is now known as pulaski
__Adam__i cant install, update or remove any package21:54
__Adam__this is quite annoying21:56
=== mike is now known as pulaski
bipolarIve got knetworkmanager to start my pppd session, but telling it to hang up doesn't kill pppd21:58
bipolarany ideas about it?21:58
__Adam__arggghhh :(21:59
__Adam__what happens if i delete the file!?22:01
__Adam__dpkg: serious warning: files list file for package `language-pack-kde-pa-base' missing, assuming package has no files currently installed.22:05
shilling_mi aiutate a risolvere un problema di connessione22:07
BluesKaj!it | shilling_22:08
ubottushilling_: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie!22:08
shilling_i came from there :)22:09
shilling_they suggest me kubuntu chanel22:09
ch0mikgot a question, just wanted to download 'Kubuntu 8.04 KDE4 Remix' but further down it says that there's 'Community support only' for it22:10
ch0mikwhat dooes it mean?22:10
BluesKajshilling_,  ok can you explain your problem ?22:11
ch0mikis it like let say when kde4.1 is released it will not be included in that distribution?22:11
Williyhi can someone send me link have to install kubuntu? :D22:11
BluesKajWilliy, do you have a kubuntu version now , upgrade ?22:12
BluesKaj Williy , http://kubuntu.org/news/8.04-release22:13
__Adam__cheers guys :)22:14
Williythx! :)22:14
snsWhat is the difference between RAID 0 and RAID 1? In RAID 0, the zero stands for how many files you are going to get back if something goes wrong22:15
ch0mikguys, what does the 'comunity support only' mean in terms of further upgrades?22:16
BluesKajch0mik, i think it means ,whatever is in the default repsitories22:17
andyanyone know how to "repair" an intel pro/wireless 2915 for a toshiba satellite? it would be greatly appreciated!22:18
gnummwhen i install now arch linux on a little partition, will it find my kubuntu installation?22:19
gnummor when later i reinstall grub from the kubuntu livecd, will it find arch linux?22:19
ch0mikBluesKaj, so how is it different from kubuntu 8.04 not kde4 which have 'supported unitll October 2009'?22:20
gnummch0mik: normal guys like you and me will upload kde4 updates22:21
gnummch0mik: but they know what they do ;)22:22
ch0mikgnumm, ? .. how do i upload any updates22:23
gnummch0mik: you must become mainatiner22:23
ch0mikgnumm, tomorrow22:24
ch0mikok.. once again. will i be able to upgrade kde4.0 to 4.1 (when is out) installing 'Kubuntu 8.04 KDE4 Remix'?22:31
ch0mikor is it like we dont do hardy kde4.0 we do interpid only atm22:31
uweoh guys, can somone help me short? I inserted n sd card into my card reader and I want to delete some files but I can't22:37
gnummch0mik: you can update, yes22:37
uweas I tried it with the terminal, it says that the file system it in read-only modus, how can I change that?22:37
uweI believe I have to use chmod or?22:38
eagles051387hey all22:38
uweum hello?22:40
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ch0mikuwe, no you need to remount it with rw flags22:40
eagles051387uwe: what u trying to do22:40
ch0mikgnumm, are you sure about it... i'm installing it on my friends pc and dont want them to stuck with 4.022:40
ch0mikgnumm, but i do want them to experience kde4.x22:41
uweah ok, I have to remount... so unmount it first22:41
gnummch0mik: yes, you can update now to the 4.1rc1, they run pretty good, better than 4.022:42
gnummch0mik: http://www.kubuntu.org/news/kde-4.1rc122:42
eagles051387ch0mik: i have installed kde in conjunction with 422:42
ch0mikgnumm, yes but you need to mess with packet source.. as i said it's not my system and that person is 100% windows person22:43
ch0mikuwe, use -o remount,rw22:43
ch0mikuwe, with the mouont command22:43
minhaaji have my icons in ./icons but i dont seem to be able to use them through theme manager.22:45
minhaajany help ?22:45
eagles051387im drawing a blank all of a sudden on what file i need to edit to get rid of the kubuntu spalsh screen22:45
uweso it would be something like sudo mount disk-1 -o remount, rw22:45
uwech0mik: so it would be something like sudo mount disk-1 -o remount, rw?22:46
ch0mikuwe, try to use 'sudo rm /your_sd_card/yourfile' first22:47
cpk1uwe: no, it would be like sudo mount -o rw /dev/sd* /media/mysdcard22:47
cpk1and do not do sudo rm!!22:47
cpk1oh he wants to delete them22:47
uweuwe@uwe-desktop:/media/disk-1/Images$ rm fotoshoting\ und\ lichterfest\ 107.jpg22:48
uwerm: Entfernen von „fotoshoting und lichterfest 107.jpg“ nicht möglich: Read-only22:48
uweoh let me try thanks22:48
uweok I made sudo mount -o rw /dev/sda5 /media/disk-1 but same effect; I can't delete them still22:51
uweRead-only file system, still a Read-only file system22:51
uweI believe I'm doing it wrong22:53
eagles051387uwe: is this an ntfs partition22:54
uweit's a micro sd card22:54
uweso it must but fat I think22:54
silviaAnyone can give me a hand using my broadcom wireless with ndiswrapper instead of fwcutter?23:10
silviaI've been through some faqs and tutorials but still no luck. I'd say my foremost problem is that ndiswrapper dos not detect my wlan board... but I'm pretty sure it is compatible with the windows driver I'm feeding it23:13
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eagles051387silvia: you on hardy23:22
silviaYes I am23:23
AranelIs kio-sysinfo bugged on Hardy ?23:25
eagles051387Aranel: u might wanna try top if ur having doubts and compare the 223:26
eagles051387silvia: what model is ur broadcom23:26
eagles051387i have a 4306 and it works outa the box with the hardware manager didnt have to go through any of that23:26
eagles051387silvia: if ur not sure run lspci23:26
silvia Network controller: Broadcom Corporation BCM94311MCG wlan mini-PCI (rev 01)23:27
silviaI was running it ok with fwcutter, but the speed was abysmal and I got frequent disconnects...23:28
silviaSo I read in one of the howtos that I oughta try ndiswrapper23:28
eagles051387silvia: is anything showing up in the hardware manager for your card23:28
eagles051387silvia: used to do it that way and it was a nightmare to get working decently23:28
silviaBy hardware manager do you mean jockey?23:29
silviaBecause it doesn't show there anymore...23:29
silviaprobably because I blacklisted all the broadcom modules23:29
silviaas instructed in the how to23:30
eagles051387silvia: im on gutsy but i know on hardy which my otherlaptop is on has something called harware device manager and it pulls and sets up the driver for u23:31
victim[v]I have been experiencing lots of system freezes for the last 36 hours, var/log/messages has this line listed prior to each freeze23:33
victim[v]hda-intel: Invalid position buffer, using LPIB read method instead.23:33
victim[v]is this relevant? and if so how can I fix it?23:33
silviaOnly thing that came out of the box is hardware testing and hardware driver manager (jockey). The second one would use fwcutter to get my bc working23:33
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ubottuHelp with Broadcom bcm43xx can be found at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WifiDocs/Driver/Broadcom43xx23:34
eagles051387silvia: might be if im not mistaken ur card isnt supported yet23:35
eagles051387how old is the machine23:35
Ange|uswhats the difference beetween kubuntu and kubuntu remix other then one has kubuntu-desktop and the other has kubuntu-desktop-kde4 installed?23:36
eagles051387Ange|us: thats bout it23:36
silviaBought it this year... there seems to be specific documentation for it though in the wifidocs which was just pointed to me :-)23:36
eagles051387silvia: ok i know the drivers that are pkged for my 4306 are actually reverse engineered ones and they work fine i have issues though connecting to wifi though23:37
Ange|useagles051387 then what is this support thing? that one is supported for 18momths and the other by community only ? :S23:37
eagles051387Ange|us: long term support23:37
eagles051387lts for short23:37
Ange|usby who?23:37
eagles051387i think canonical23:37
eagles051387thats paid support from them23:37
eagles051387the community one is like people who are in this cahnnel23:38
Ange|usso if i use kde4 i will not have the same updates or something?23:38
eagles051387Ange|us: u will23:39
eagles051387the lts is for those who use it in offices and cant afford to waste time in irc23:39
GithzeraiAnge|us: LTS means that security paches and bugfixes for official ubuntu packages will be released during 5 years period .23:39
GithzeraiInstead of regular 18 months23:39
dragonesssee you all23:41
DannilionIs there any reason why Xorg should be taking 512MB of memory and forcing my other programs into swap?23:55

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