
=== pep` is now known as pep
hubuntuI'm working with a professional photograåher and a post production business to make a Ubuntu commercial for the web (youtube, ubuntuvideo, etc...)13:04
hubuntunow I want to show that Ubuntu is not only used by hackers and geeks, but also children, grandpas, girlfriends.13:05
hubuntuSo the idea is to make a commercial that has nothing to do with ubuntu as a technology, but rather as something in the background while showing the "spirit" of Ubuntu13:06
hubuntushow in a MID, in a laptop, in a kiosk, in a computer, in a school lab13:06
pep`nice :)13:07
hubuntuIf anybody would be interested in giving concrete ideas for the script of the video or have any kind of input I would welcome it13:07
hubuntuWe are shooting in september, so there is time if anybody is interested13:08
hubuntuhey pep, I saw the emails13:09
pep`hubuntu: I'm writing another one 13:09
hubuntuI see Onno's point, but still I believe we can work on the design at this stage as long as it is not too detailed13:10
pep`hubuntu: I remember that I was really touched by this video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EwL0G9wK8j4&feature=related13:10
pep`I wrote that, the questions he asked don't keep desing thinking of happening, they don't interfere...13:10
hubuntuI know, I think we need to clarify this and we should send an email to the marketing list as well as the su list about the meeting., It seems people is not aware of it taking plavce13:12
pep`I was going to do that after this e-mail13:13
pep`I was really surprised btw when Onno asked what was happening saturday, because it was on the list13:13
pep`and it's not as if there was so much traffic :)13:13
pep`phew, big e-mail just sent13:17
hubuntuyou write your email and I write a meeting announcement to both lists.13:17
hubuntusaturday 19UTC?13:18
hubuntuis that a good time?13:18
pep`ĥang on13:19
pep`didn't we say 21 UC?13:19
pep`because I already said that to 3 persons in here, to Onno, and it's waht was on the lsit...13:20
=== pep` is now known as pep
hubuntu21UTC then (it's kind of late)13:30
pepbut all are not in our time zone I'm afraid13:30
pephubuntu: could you include a quick status report of the project in your meeting announcement for the marketing list?13:33
hubuntuok, status is as follows:13:34
hubuntudiy and SU projects in launchpad are assigned to us (the SU team) now13:34
hubuntuwe have a playground webserver by Houbsie to work with drupal13:35
hubuntuLeonov will be used as a start for SUgui and we will implement plug-ins for it so elements can be edited from within the app (+/- 1 years from now)13:36
pep(we've got to clarify how and in which extent we are going to use launchpad, I must say that I haven't completely seen through this... maybe you can make things clearer... I asked the question in my e-mail to the list...)13:37
hubuntu(I saw it, and the way I see it we have no choice, but we need to become better at it)13:39
pepat lp? :D13:39
pepI'm working on it :)13:40
pepthat's why io started the blueprint and the bazaar branch for the drupal template, to get the grips a bit more13:40
hubuntuLaunchpad will have the elements in their DVCS so we can track different versions and keep high quality versions of the material without killing our bandwidth or storage space13:40
pepyeah, good13:40
hubuntuthe site will have the latest copy of the elements as well as a database pointing to the original elements stored in LP13:41
pepdon't forget to write your thinking to the list so that it is kept up13:41
pepyes, for translation...13:41
hubuntuamong others13:41
hubuntuLP will be used for translations, request tracking13:42
pepOh, yeah i forgot al that in my e-mail!13:42
hubuntuI saw some disccusion on how that can be done practically in the marketing list13:42
hubuntuThere's a guy that know alot about this (Simon I think)13:43
pepah that makes me think of something.... promised to write an e-mail to our community manager about this13:44
pepok, done. Don't forget to get back to the list and/or wiki with your comments about LP and Leonov ;)13:59
hubuntuI'm writing the email15:32
hubuntuI will paste the content when I'm done so you can add/remove anything15:34
hubuntuis good to double check15:34
pepoh right, very well15:34
peplooking at it15:48
pepvery good, just some details: line 17> space needed between they_can, line 3> you might want to precise that it's in#ubuntu marketing at 21 utc ;)15:51
hubuntuI am making changes related to time and irc channel15:51
pepNo, it's ok15:51
pephang on, I'll show you what I wrote to jono15:51
pephubuntu: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/28035/15:52
pepI explained the project a little more, but that's not really necessary for the team15:52
pepyou might want to poitn out that we can use the help of someone familiar with launchpad and bzr, etc...15:54
pepbut it's not essential really, you said the most important15:54
hubuntuI added that now16:00
hubuntuI'm off16:00
hubuntusee ya later16:00
Flannelpep: those questions weren't designed to be answered right away, but instead at our get together thing on Sat.16:57

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