
NCommanderfinally got mono installed00:05
NCommanderBuilding evo-sharp00:07
NCommanderhttps://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/mono/+bug/247782 - FATALITY!00:14
ubottuLaunchpad bug 247782 in mono "Ubuntu mono patch dont_check_proc_self_exe causes random segfaults in mono" [Undecided,In progress]00:14
NCommandershould I change it from In Progress to Fix COmmited?00:15
directhexConfirmed, IMHO00:16
NCommanderdirecthex, the debdiff is there if you wish to add it to your backports repo ;-)00:16
NCommanderScottK, ping00:17
emgenthello there00:21
taconehow to know which version format use for a watch file ?00:24
taconein the changelog shall I put my email or motu's ?00:35
NCommandertacone, yours00:37
emgenttacone: use export. and than dch00:38
emgentexport DEBFULLNAME='Emanuele Gentili'00:38
emgentexport DEBEMAIL='emgent@ubuntu.com'00:38
taconeemgent: we set that together. I was just unsure.00:39
NCommanderI gtg00:39
NCommanderSO its the CPU fan01:25
NCommanderdamn it01:25
NCommanderScottK, ping01:26
NCommanderFIgures the 14 day return policy is one day over01:31
NCommanderAt least I kept an image of the Vista this thing came with so I can send it Sony at some point01:31
NCommanderemgent, BTW, I'm curious, whatever happened to Grumpy Groundhog, it seems to have never properly materialized01:33
NCommanderw00t, I just figured out what kernel driver was causing suspend to not work01:47
CyberCodNCommander, you ever get that wishlist bug posted?  I'm curious what it looks like01:50
NCommanderI knew I forgot to do something01:51
bahadunnhow is syncing from debian to ubuntu usually done?02:19
RAOFbahadunn: By someone running the 'please sync this package from $REPOSITORY' script.  Someone with datacenter access, I think.02:20
bahadunnoh okay02:20
bahadunnso it is only something that core devs do?02:20
RAOFArchive admins.02:21
bahadunnI see02:21
bahadunnthanks for the info02:21
RAOFBut anyone can file a sync bug, if appropriate.02:21
RAOFIt's just that only archive admins can act on it.02:21
RAOFAlso, if you wouldn't have permission to upload the package, you'll need to get an appropriate sponsor - subscribe whichever of "ubuntu-universe-sponsors" or "ubuntu-main-sponsors" is appropriate.02:22
=== _boto2 is now known as _boto
RAOFYou probably want to look at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment/Merging if you haven't already.02:23
bahadunnI have read so many docs in the last few days I am not sure if I read that one or not so I will check it02:23
ScottKNCommander: Pong.03:01
NCommanderScottK, can you sponsor mono for me?03:03
* NCommander is having perpahs the weird sleep suspend issue03:04
ScottKNCommander: I'm seriously not touching Mono.  If it broked, people'd think I did it on purpose.  ubuntu-main-sponsors usually has a pretty short wait.03:04
NCommanderIt's already broke ;-)03:05
NCommanderbut I completely understand03:05
ScottKNCommander: You're doing good work.  Don't let some waiting get you down.  Just subscribe u-m-s and move on....03:05
NCommanderI did03:05
ScottKOK.  Great.03:05
NCommanderRight now, I'm going to fight suspend on my laptop03:05
NCommanderI got it working03:05
NCommanderBut now the moment the wifi card connects to a network, I loose the keyboard03:05
NCommanderUntil I disconnect the wifi card with the mouse o_o;03:06
NCommanderI can't decide if this is progress or not03:06
NCommanderScottK, so  on average its 1-2 months before I should even consider applying for contributing developer (which, if the wiki is to believed, required to do syncs/merges)03:11
ScottKNCommander: Contributing developer is a community thing, not really a technical thing.  Anyone can file bugs with debdiffs for merges or sync requests and ask to have them sponsored.03:12
ScottKBeing a contributing developer doesn't affect that.03:12
NCommanderThe wiki lists that under contrib devel03:12
ScottKIt's the same until you're MOTU and can upload the merge/ask for the sync directly.03:12
NCommanderI did know I could get things sponosered03:12
ScottKContributors still need sponsorship.03:13
ScottKI suspect that was an attempt to stear beginners away from sync/merge as knowing what bits of diff between Ubuntu and Debian is not, IMO, a beginner task.03:13
NCommanderI tried to do some merges03:13
NCommanderBut they were all assigned to developers already03:14
ScottKNCommander: Even though you're new here, clearly you aren't a beginner.03:14
copprospeaking of which, is anyone here up for REVUing a package?03:14
NCommanderScottK, one of the perks on working on Debian ;-)03:14
ScottKNCommander: Do the newt merge and I'll sponsor it.03:14
NCommanderHold on03:15
NCommanderThe ubuntu machine currently having a siezure03:15
NCommanderI think I got modprobe stuck in an infinite lop03:15
NCommanderWell, now I have working suspend, wifi, and keyboard!03:16
NCommanderI can work on packages!03:16
copproyou have working suspend?03:17
NCommanderJust got it working03:17
ScottKMine works too.03:17
NCommanderSony SZ CGN-660N03:17
=== bmk789__ is now known as bmk789
NCommandercoppro, does your laptop use an intel wireless card?03:18
copprodunno, I don't have it right now.03:18
ScottKMine does.03:18
NCommandercoppro, does it fail to go to sleep03:18
NCommander(like does it get stuck at a flashing prompt?)03:18
copprohibernation usually is the problem03:19
copprostandby usually works03:19
NCommanderHibernation is a freaking pain to get working03:19
NCommanderBut it might now work on this machine03:19
NCommanderScottK, do you mean libnewt?03:20
copprohibernation seems to be jargon for "hold down power button for <manufacturer-defined-constant> seconds"03:20
ScottKNCommander: Newt.  http://merges.ubuntu.com/n/newt/REPORT03:20
NCommanderIt merged cleanly, so just need to see if the ubuntu packages are still needed, and if it builds cleanly03:25
NCommanderScottK, is there anything beyond that I need to do; I listed the remaining changes int he changelog, and I'm making sure it builds03:28
ScottKMake sure the changes are sensible and all documented.  Then file a merge bug (remember to close it in debian/changelog) and attach a debdiff from the current Debian release to the bug.03:29
NCommanderwhich changes, the ones from debian, or the ones from ubuntu?03:29
ScottKGiven Joey Hess did the NMU, I'm going to guess it's probably a good one.03:29
NCommanderIt's pretty clear on what he added as a patch03:30
NCommanderMy changelog simply lists the ubuntu specific changes which is what its suspose to be, right?03:30
ScottKYes.  If you use the grab-merge script it'll give you a new debian/changelog entry in the right format.03:31
NCommanderTHat's extactly what I did03:31
ScottKDon't forget you want the entire Ubuntu change history in debian/changelog, not just add one entry on top of the Debian one.03:31
ScottKShould be good then.03:31
NCommanderScottK, http://paste.ubuntu.com/27891/ - that look right? THe debian change is right below it03:33
ScottKYou'll want to close the merge bug you haven't filed yet, but other than that, yes.03:33
NCommanderRight, I can't close I bug I haven't filed yet ;-)03:33
NCommanderScottK, well, this is a unique bug03:38
NCommanderfirefox seems to freeze up when I try to attach the patch03:38
ScottKNCommander: Use a proper web browser like Konqueror then.03:40
* NCommander installs opera03:40
ScottKNCommander: You know Canonical has packages for Opera in their 'partner' repo, right?03:41
NCommanderNow I do ;-)03:41
NCommanderIt's in non-free on Debian03:41
ScottKIf you're going to use it you might as well use the one that's built for Ubuntu.03:41
NCommanderWHo's bright idea was it to have a beta go for a LTS03:41
ScottKNCommander: Really had no choice.03:41
ScottKUpstream support for 2.0 dies out in a year.03:42
NCommanderI'm suprised canonical simply doesn't make an exception to backport firefox03:42
ScottKSo it was either go with the beta for release and try to get as many plugins updated as possible or suck up the pain later.03:42
ScottKIf it was just Firefox, they probably would have, but it's got a whole ecosystem of packages around it.03:42
NCommanderNo, I realize that03:43
NCommanderBut B5 -> 3.0 should be straightforward03:43
ScottKThey did or will shortly update it.03:43
ScottKI think it's updated already.03:43
NCommandermcasadevall@blacksteel:~/.mozilla$ firefox --version03:43
NCommanderMozilla Firefox 3.0, Copyright (c) 1998 - 2008 mozilla.org03:43
NCommanderI dont' remember seeing the update03:43
NCommanderTHis really has to be a first03:44
NCommanderfirefox is broken03:44
ScottKIt's the final in the repos.03:44
NCommanderor ... not03:45
NCommanderX11 seems to be stuck03:45
* ScottK hasn't been much of a fan since 1.5 released.03:45
NCommandersScottK, back03:50
ubottuLaunchpad bug 249290 in newt "Request for merge (debdiff attached)" [Undecided,New]03:50
NCommandersGot anymore for me?03:51
* ScottK looks03:51
ScottKHow about libnet-dns-perl03:51
NCommandersjust tell me first to make sure I did the last one right ;-)03:52
ScottKNCommanders: Did you look at the open newt bugs and see if you could fix any of them?03:54
NCommandersNo, I didn't >.<;03:55
NCommandersProbably should have03:55
NCommanderslibnet-dns-perl should simply be synced03:55
NCommandersUpstream merged our patches03:55
ScottKNCommanders: Agreed.  You want to practice with requestsnyc -s?03:56
NCommandersI already had started that ;-)03:56
ScottKThis is, BTW, a happy ending of a story that started with an Ubuntu archive-admin noticing the debian/copyright problem when reviewing for inclusion in Main and me filing a bug with a patch in Debian.03:57
NCommandersThe environment variable DEBEMAIL needs to be set to make use of this script.03:57
NCommandersSomething went wrong. No sync request filed.03:57
ScottKIt uses DEBEMAIL to figure out what email address to use for GPG signing.03:58
NCommandersI shouldn't be running that in the chroot then03:58
ScottKYou probably have to configure something to use an MTA you have relay access for.03:59
NCommanderswhat package is requestsync in?03:59
ScottKEmail bug filing in LP needs to be GPG signed.03:59
* NCommanders figures now is a good time to get his MTA to smarthost to gmail03:59
ScottKUse Gmail as an outbound relay for if you don't have a static IP and don't want your mail rejected.04:02
NCommandersScottK, yeah, that's how I did it in the past04:03
NCommandersI just been lazy and hadn't set it up04:03
NCommandersand now I have working outgoing email ;-)04:03
NCommandersok, lets try this again04:04
ScottKNCommanders: Your debdiff looks good.04:05
ScottKAssuming my test build works, I'll upload it.04:05
NCommandersrequestsync ran04:05
ScottKNote: I test build everything - don't take it personally.04:05
NCommandersI do the same when I did checking of hurd patches04:05
NCommandersSo its not taken personally04:05
NCommandersScottK, why do I get the weird feeling you were testing me though (since you already knew that this merge could be removed and replaced with a sync)04:06
ScottKNCommanders: Probably because I was testing you.04:07
NCommandersoh good, its not me04:07
NCommandersI don't think my firefox failure was your fault though04:07
NCommandersIt's just Ubuntu getting back at me for actually fixing sleep suspend, then running the machine through 20 said cycles04:07
NCommandersand when did I become plural O_O;04:08
=== NCommanders is now known as NCommander
ScottKStrictly speaking it's not even Ubuntu's fault.  Due to Mozilla corp Trademark policy, we need permission to patch stuff.04:08
NCommanderScottK, I'm well aware of Iceweasel/Icecat/etc. ;-)04:08
ScottKJust making sure the finger gets pointed in the right direction.04:09
Ademanstupid quick question, how come e17 isn't in the repos?04:09
ScottKAlso that wasn't just for your benifit.04:09
NCommanderThe only thing I think that can be changed with firefox pretty much out of the box is some of the defaults, and some of the default SSL certs, otherwise you need explicate permission to use the firefox logo, and use --enable-branding ;-)04:09
ScottKAdeman: What is e17?04:09
ScottKYes and yet somehow they want to be considered Free software.04:09
NCommanderSOmeone should sync iceweasel04:10
AdemanScottK: enlightenment window manager, their newest version, i believe it's being developed in parallel with e16 (which *is* in the repos)04:10
* NCommander dives for cover04:10
RAOFAdeman: Is that actually released yet?  It was in a semi-permanent svn checkout status last time I checked (which was a while ago)04:10
AdemanRAOF: oh really? that may be, i just know it's been around *forever* and i kinda just assumed there was a release04:11
NCommanderI'm actually suprised iceweasel isn't synced; and kept up to date for FF3; it could be the testing ground for patches until they can be cleared through Mozilla Corperation04:11
ScottKNCommander: Thank you for your contribution to Ubuntu.  Newt uploaded.04:11
AdemanRAOF: i only bothered asking because i got brave and tried it out through elbuntu's repositories, and it seemed quite stable, and really nice...04:11
* NCommander always finds that statement funny for some reason04:11
RAOFAdeman: Nope.  svn snapshots of e17 have been around *forever*.  This may give some indication of the release strategy.04:12
NCommanderhow long does it take for an email based bug report to appear on launchpad?04:12
vorian5 min or so04:14
* NCommander grumbles04:14
NCommanderThat's the same reason I detest BTS04:15
ubottuLaunchpad bug 249300 in libnet-dns-perl "Please sync libnet-dns-perl 0.63-2 (main) from Debian unstable (main)." [Wishlist,New]04:15
* ScottK goes afk for a while. I'll ack it tomorrow if not tonight. Thanks.04:15
* NCommander looks at vorian 04:16
vorianNCommander: it's in main, sorry :(04:16
vorianyou might want to subscribe ubuntu-main-sponsors04:17
NCommanderit did automatically ;-)04:17
NCommanderI keep thinking your a core-dev for some reason04:17
vorianare you sure it didn't subscribe ubuntu-archive?04:17
NCommanderProbably because you remember me of the vorian from Debian04:17
NCommander"Ubuntu Sponsors for main"04:17
* NCommander keeps wondering who else he knows called vorian 04:24
NCommanderI know the DD vorian04:24
NCommanderbut I have that weird feeling I know more then one (and since they all wear encounter suits, you can't tell if its the same one ;-))04:24
NCommanderare you Kosh?04:26
vorianare you sure it's not vorlon?04:26
NCommanderPerpahs I'm not caffinated enough04:26
NCommanderYes ... yes ... oh look, ... something exciting!04:26
* NCommander runs away while vorian is distracted04:26
vorianI would never accuse you of not having enough caffine04:27
* NCommander looks at his desk04:28
NCommanderfive cans and two bottles04:28
NCommanderNope, not enough04:28
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ScottKNCommander: Ack'ed  Thanks.04:45
NCommanderI'm working right now on packaging adeona04:45
NCommanderBut I hit a GPL linking snag, so I'm hoping upstream can resolve04:45
NCommanderI'd also like to package codeblocks, but Debian is allergic to wxWidgets 2.804:45
NCommanderso I never took a stab at it04:46
copprohttp://revu.ubuntuwire.com/details.py?package=libmk4 <- please REVU04:46
NCommanderUbuntu has wxWidgets 2.8, but we need wxGTK, and I'm not sure if I should package it, or ask the wx guys too04:46
NCommanderI'm no MOTU, but I'll look it over04:46
ScottKActually, I think 2.8 is in Sid now too.04:47
NCommanderDo you need the .dirs? dh_install should automatically create any /usr/* dir needed. the dirs file is only really needed if its a non-standard place last time I looked04:47
NCommander(that was for coppro)04:47
copprowell, the script put it there04:48
copproso I just modified it04:48
copproI probably don't need it04:48
NCommanderI recommend replacing the install line with a dh_install based solution. It's not strictly necessary, but it keeps the rules file mostly clutter free04:49
ScottKIt's a good suggestion.04:49
NCommanderChangelog should close the needs-packaging bug04:49
NCommander(here's irony, me saying that)04:49
copprothink I forgot to make one lol04:50
NCommanderStandards-Version should be 3.8.0 (I guess revu must be using lintian from hardy)04:50
NCommanderyour copyright file looks good04:51
coppro(I am using lintian from hardy)04:51
coppro(which explains the Standards-Version)04:51
NCommanderUse intrepid's04:51
NCommanderjust a handy tip04:52
copproshould I be making a chroot at this point?04:52
NCommanderUnless your doing a backport, I recommend doing all packaging work in a intrepid chroot04:52
copprocan someone please walk me through this? I04:52
coppro*I have gotten lost before04:52
NCommanderFor instance, when I (re)packaged , it worked fine on hardy, and FTBFS on intrepid ;-)04:52
NCommanderOk, ever work with chroots before?04:53
copproI know how they work and how to set one up with debbootstrap, but apparently there's some pbuilder stuff or something04:53
NCommanderoh, your pbuilder chroot is not working?04:53
NCommanderI've never tried making an intrepid chroot from hardy in pbuilder04:54
NCommanderI simply run pbuilder in my intrepid chroot04:54
NCommanderYou should package the files in doc/*04:54
copprono, I don't know how to use pbuilder04:54
NCommanderEither add them to the dev package, or add a new doc package04:54
NCommander(the doc package is arch all)04:54
NCommanderWell, its easy04:54
NCommanderinstall pbuilder04:55
NCommanderpbuilder create --distribution intrepid04:55
copprofrom inside the chroot?04:55
NCommanderNah, you can do it in hardy04:55
NCommanderpbuilder creates its own chroot for building packages04:55
NCommanderI also recommend installing the lintian backport if its available04:56
copproI have backports in my sources.list04:56
NCommander^and you don't want to do your packaging in a intrepid chroot04:56
copprowhere does pbuilder create the chroot?04:56
NCommanderwell, when packaging, you have a pbuilder chroot; which is used solely by pbuilder for building a package. Pbuilder is a simple way to replicate the conditions your package will be built in04:57
NCommanderBut you can't actually do any packaging work in it (pbuilder creates the chroot on the fly from a base.tgz file it generates)04:57
copprook so pbuilder just stashes it someplace I don't need to care about it?04:57
NCommanderpretty much04:57
NCommander(I use both pbuilder and sbuild, but sbuild can be a pain to work with, so only use it if your trying to figure out why a package is going boom on a buildd)04:58
copproso does that mean I nead a pbuilder chroot and a regular variety? or should I just be running lintian more recently than when the hardy one was available04:58
ScottKsiretart_: Reading, http://news.launchpad.net/cool-new-stuff/launchpads-new-look it seems clear that Launchpad is not at all concerned about concerns of experienced users.04:58
* NCommander was a gforge maintainer, and they didn't care either04:58
NCommanderSavannah is about the only one who does04:58
NCommandercoppro, well, here's how I have it setup04:58
NCommanderI have a pbuilder intrepid chroot (created via pbuilder create)04:59
copprook, doing that as we speak04:59
ScottKNCommander: They keep pretending their part of the FOSS community, but clearly they aren't.04:59
NCommanderI have a /chroot folder, in which I have chroot-intrepid, chroot-intrepid-i386, chroot-intrepid-lpia, and chroot-intrepid-powerpc, and chroot-intrepid-sparc04:59
NCommanderFor your needs, that's a little overkill04:59
copprono kidding04:59
NCommander(I also have a sid and hardy one in there too)05:00
copprobut the question is, do I need any of that?05:00
NCommander(and another intrepid one in /home/buildd/chroot/chroot-intrepid if I actually have to use sbuild)05:00
NCommanderYOu should have a standalone intrepid chroot created via debootstrap05:00
copproill make that05:00
copproafter this one finishes05:00
NCommanderYOu can package on hardy, and usually get away with it05:00
NCommanderBut you can get weird failures, especially because of the new glibc in intrepid05:01
NCommander(I've currently been working on resolving as many as I can, but I'ms tarting to think ipv6's API is completely broken in 2.8)05:01
StevenKDon't tell Ulrich Drepper05:01
NCommandercoppro, are you running i386, or amd64?05:01
StevenKBecause oh-mi-god, libc is never broken05:02
NCommanderStevenK, I told him extactly what I think of glibc ;-)05:02
ScottKAnd if you pay him, he'll explain why.05:02
StevenKIf you pay him enough, the explaination might even make sense05:02
NCommandercoppro, ok, if you were on amd64, I would recommend having an i386 chroot around, but since you don't need to worry about it05:02
ScottKStevenK: I wouldn't go that far.05:03
StevenKI run amd64, and I have an i386 chroot just to build stuff05:03
copprojust out of curiosity, what good is a chroot for a different processor?05:03
StevenKScottK: Okay, it will make sense to him05:03
NCommandercoppro, amd64 can run i386 and lpia natively05:03
copprooh, okk05:03
copprothat makes sense05:03
ScottKThat I'll buy.05:03
StevenKSince they're all x8605:03
NCommanderwith qemu, it can also run powerpc, and I've heard it can make it run sparc05:03
StevenKNCommander: And arm05:03
eboyjrHey, I made a GNOME applet that I would like packaged, yet I don't know much about packaging. I know what files need to be in place. The Ubuntu Wiki says that I need a link to the software's homepage, but there is none.05:03
NCommanderI still haven't had success with sparc ;-)05:03
* coppro was confusing amd64 and ppc05:03
NCommanderno ubuntu-arm (yet)05:03
NCommanderBut I do have an actual arm box for that05:04
* coppro hits himself over the head multiple times05:04
NCommanderdon't worry05:04
NCommanderWhen I was new, I knew what you were going through05:04
ScottKeboyjr: There needs to be an upstream location for it.05:04
ScottKeboyjr: You can always set up a Launchpad project to host it.05:04
eboyjrScottK: Okay, thanks!05:05
NCommanderScottK, unless you want to do what I do, and resolve FTBFS, a native chroot is all you do05:05
copprook, how do I submit a needs-packaging bug?05:05
NCommandercoppro, I assume you know what a FTBFS is?05:05
eboyjrScottK: Even for a Gnome applet, though?05:05
copprofail to build something something?05:05
NCommandercoppro, reportbug script, or just file a bug against ubuntu on launchpad, with needs-packaging as the tag05:06
NCommandercoppro, Failure/Fails to build from source05:06
ScottKeboyjr: It's non-native software, so yes.05:06
copproi've heard that before, just couldn't remember05:06
NCommandereboyjr, I've seen debian packages, that if the upstream handles debian/, use debian native versioning05:06
NCommanderTHat's allowed under policy05:06
NCommanderer, that was for ScottK05:06
NCommanderof course, that doesn't apply for Ubuntu (since we'd use 0ubuntuX)05:07
ScottKNCommander: It is allowed, but personally I think it's a bad idea.05:07
ScottKWe can use that in native versioning too.05:07
NCommanderI didn't say it was a good idea ;-)05:08
NCommanderhaving it as a native package prevents NMUs05:08
NCommander^from working sanely05:08
ScottKAlso it forces a new upstream every time you have a packaging change.  For non-Debian users it gets painful.05:08
NCommandercoppro, did you catch what I said about packaging the documents?05:08
NCommanderScottK, not like they care about us (much)05:08
coppronope, missed it05:09
ScottKIf you want to be a good upstream ....05:09
ScottKOf course some people don't.05:09
copproI know there ought to be a docs package, I just haven't gotten to it05:09
NCommandercoppro, Package the stuff in the /doc folders, either shove it in the -dev package, or add a seperate doc (remember that the doc should be arch all)05:10
NCommanderif its just a few pages, I usually just stick it in the -dev package05:10
NCommanderBut that's just me05:10
copproI'll put it in separately05:10
NCommanderThe rules file looks good, but I'd remove some of the dh_make comments (again, not necessary, but it makes your package more shiny ;-))05:10
NCommanderand I recommend a get-orig-source: target05:11
copprohow does one do that?05:11
NCommanderIt's (usually) just a simple wget to the upstream tarball05:11
NCommanderso something like this05:12
RAOFIf you've got a watch file, it's easy to get uscan to do the heavy lifting for you.05:12
NCommandercd .. && wget *url to upstream tarball*05:12
NCommanderOooh, RAOF I completely forgot about that05:12
RAOFAnd you should have a watch file :)05:12
StevenKRAOF: I have a stupid question about Do.05:12
* coppro apparently doesn't have a watchfile :(05:12
copprodon't tell me, I can do this05:13
RAOFStevenK: Go ahead!05:13
StevenKRAOF: I have put gnome-do in my session. But then that means that I get Do popping up when I log in.05:13
RAOFStevenK: pass --quiet to gnome-do in your session thingy.05:13
StevenKAh, sweet05:14
RAOFman gnome-do actually exists, and describes this option :)05:14
StevenKSo I see. :-)05:14
copprook, I have a watch file, so I just do get-orig-source: uscan?05:14
RAOFNot quite, there's a bit of magic required.05:15
RAOFYou can do get-orig-source :05:16
RAOFuscan --download --package <yourpackagename> --destdir=$(CURDIR) --no-symlink --upstream-version 0 --watchfile=$(dir $(_))/watch05:16
copproI'm gonna trust you on this one lol05:17
RAOFBasically the only piece of magic there is the $(_) make variable; I haven't found that documented, but it's the path to the Makefile being executed.05:17
RAOF(in this case, it's the path to your rules file)05:18
copproah. Can't we assume that we are in the project root directory and that uscan will Do The Right Thing?05:19
RAOFIf you read Debian policy, get-orig-source is explicitly described as being able to be called from any directory.05:20
coppronope you are wrong05:21
coppro$(_) appears to be the path to the make instance05:22
copprobecause it's looking for /usr/bin/watch05:22
RAOFHm.  This is why my rules files have a big comment above that get-orig-source target :)05:22
RAOFOn the other hand, that works for me.05:22
RAOFJust confirmed by running "Packaging/Debian/GNOME-Do/trunk/debian/rules get-orig-source"05:23
copproecho $(_) gives "/usr/bin/make"05:25
RAOFhttp://cooperteam.net/foo <- running ./foo bar results in "/home/raof/./foo"05:27
copproi get it05:28
copprook ty05:28
* NCommander feels like packaging something05:28
NCommanderScottK, Can you see any issues with wxGTK+ getting packaged?05:28
eboyjrWhat license should my applet be released under?05:29
ScottKAh, it starts with a G?05:29
* NCommander whacks ScottK 05:29
NCommanderScottK, you can't directly sync libnet-dns-perl?05:30
ScottKCool.  The LP drop downs are gone.  Now it takes even more clicks to get stuff done.05:30
ScottKNCommander: Archive admins are supposed to execute syncs.05:30
copprowxGTK isn't packaged?05:30
NCommandercoppro, only 2.6 is05:31
NCommanderI can't access the wxWidgets page05:31
NCommanderScottK, so why were you testing me? Any specific reason?05:32
copproI have a package called libwxgtk-2.8-0 on my system05:32
NCommandercoppro, did you install codeblocks?05:32
NCommanderI'll be damned05:32
NCommanderTHere it is05:32
NCommanderpackaged.u.c is being glitchy again05:32
NCommanderit only showed the 2.8 version05:32
* NCommander grabs codeblocks and begins packaging05:33
copprowhy does uscan think my upstream version is 0?05:34
ScottKNCommander: I figure you'll want to be a MOTU and I want to know how I'm going to react to your application.05:34
NCommanderI think its a little early to consider me for MOTU05:34
ScottKNCommander: Agreed.  Just planning ahead.05:35
NCommanderI suspect my DD application will have been processed and rejected because I really doubt I'm going to get accepted on the grounds of being a "m68k/hurd porter"05:35
RAOFcoppro: Becuase you told it to compare against 0?05:35
copproprobably a good reason05:35
RAOFBecause it's a fair bet that any upstream version will be > 0 :)05:35
NCommanderScottK, codeblocks already has a debian folder, I assume I should just amend its changelog, and clear lintian, and shove it in revu?05:36
ScottKNCommander: Make it a good package.  Depending on upstream it may or may not take a lot of additional work.05:36
NCommanderIt looks good so far05:37
NCommanderIts not using checkinstall for one ;-)05:37
copprohow do I specify that I close the needs-packaging bug05:37
ScottKThat's a start.05:37
NCommandercoppro, in the changelog, at the end of Inital release, add (LP: nnnn) where nnnn is the bug number05:37
copprook ty05:37
copprounrelated question: is there a way to tell diff to ignore all underscore-only changes?05:38
* NCommander works on clearing the lintian issues05:40
ScottKNCommander: (LP: #nnnnnn)05:42
ScottKcoppro: ^^05:42
ScottKThe regex doesn't actually look for the parens.  Those are just for style.05:42
coppro(yes it does)05:42
* ScottK declines to get in an argument.05:43
copproit does, because of the fact that for a couple of reasons, my regex, rather than libmk4-(.*)\.tar\.gz05:44
copprois libmk4-(2\.4.*)\.tar\.gz05:44
copproand when I only had the parens around the .*, it got confused05:45
* RAOF thinks coppro and ScottK are thinking of different regexs05:45
copproyeah, that would probably be it05:46
ScottKIf anyone wants some fun, they can probably file a removal bug for firefox.05:48
NCommanderfile for removal O_o?05:48
NCommanderHuh, what, why?05:48
NCommanderUnless Ubuntu going the Iceweasel route05:49
DarkMageZcause firefox-3.0 covers firefox :P05:49
NCommanderfirefox-3.0 has Provides firefox line in it?05:49
ScottKWe ship firefox 2 as firefox in Hardy for some transitional period.05:50
NCommanderIs there a wiki page on the specific way to do this05:50
NCommanderOr simply file the bug against firefox, add ubuntu-archive, and justify the reason05:50
ScottKThere is a spot on the wiki that describes it.05:51
ScottKGood night all.06:27
NCommanderkees, jdstrand ping07:25
NCommanderkees, jdstrand https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/gutsy/+source/clamav/+bug/24931607:36
ubottuLaunchpad bug 249316 in clamav "libclamav petite.c denial of sevice issue" [Medium,Confirmed]07:36
NCommanderer, wow07:37
huatsmorning everyone09:47
NCommandermorning huats10:01
huatsmorning NCommander10:01
huatshey jpds10:04
jpdshey huats10:04
NCommanderTHis conversation isn't going anywhere fast10:05
* NCommander returns to packaging codeblocks10:05
taconeomg, someone vandalized launchpad layout :-o10:07
NCommandertacone, just upgraded to the beta launchpad10:08
NCommanderOr did they just roll that out for all users10:08
taconeNCommander: n° 2.10:09
slangasekNCommander: yes, it's been rolled out today10:18
NCommanderI have mixed feeligns about the new UI10:19
NCommanderI think it looks nicer, but it also feels so slow in firefox10:19
NCommanderslangasek, I didn't know you were involved with Ubuntu. Amazing what you learn just being in #u-motu10:22
NCommanderslangasek, can you approve security updates?10:24
wgrantNCommander: Just subscribe ubuntu-security to the bug, mark it In Progress, and poke kees or jdstrand_ about it.10:25
slangasekyes, there are many things one can learn here. ;)10:25
slangasekno, I don't handle security updates.10:25
NCommanderwgrant, I did ;-), I was just curious if there was someone awake who could10:26
NCommanderslangasek, yeah, well, I learned more about dak and britney then most people ever would want to hanging out in #d-devel10:26
NCommanderso what are you up to this fine morning?10:30
wgrantNCommander: Patches unfortunately sit around for weeks.10:30
NCommanderwgrant, I'd hope security ones go a little faster ;-)10:31
wgrantNCommander: Not always.10:31
wgrantWe do have a bottleneck of two people.10:31
NCommanderI'm surprised there aren't more10:31
wgrantCanonical apparently doesn't feel the need.10:32
Syntuxany possible way to search this channel logs?10:32
NCommanderah, the "joy" of having corporate overlords.10:33
IulianSyntux: irclogs.ubuntu.com10:34
SyntuxIulian, looking for search-able one10:34
* NCommander hits his head on the desk a few thousand times10:41
huatsSyntux: hello10:42
Syntuxhey huats10:42
huatsSyntux: did you get my email ?10:42
Syntuxyes I did10:42
huatsdid you understand what I mean ?10:42
NCommanderI'm either going to have to give codeblocks' configure script a root canal, or do something crazy10:43
huatsSyntux: great10:43
slytherinSyntux: in what way do you want to search?10:54
Syntuxslytherin, channel logs.11:03
taconehello. running uscan as root inside my intrepid chroot gives: Can't exec "debian/orig-tar.sh": Permission denied at /usr/bin/uscan line 1296.12:01
lilgieshello I create my first debian package and I have this error : dpkg-buildpackage: failure: fakeroot debian/rules binary gave error exit status 212:31
devfillilgies: paste in pastebin.com all the output please12:31
huatsnorsetto !!!12:32
norsettohuats !!!12:32
taconehello, I am trying to debuild -S -sa the "grace" package in intrepid but I get this http://pastebin.com/m6c93e67d12:33
lilgiesdevfil: ok the output is here : http://pastebin.com/m572653a912:33
devfiltacone: have you installed quilt package?12:34
devfillilgies: #12:34
devfil/bin/bash ../../mkinstalldirs /usr/share/qtuneroid/pics/12:34
devfilmkdir -p -- /usr/share/qtuneroid/pics/12:34
devfilmkdir: cannot create directory `/usr/share/qtuneroid': Permission denied12:34
taconeno. I'll get a "quilt" tatoo on my arm to never forget that again12:35
ion_‘script; pastebinit -i typescript’ might be useful, btw.12:35
taconedevfil: works. thanks12:35
ion_The output is sent to pastebin after you exit (^D) from the shell launched by script.12:35
devfillilgies: your package try to install files in /usr/share/qtuneroid/pics/ instead of /tmp/buildd/qtuneroid-0.9/debian/qtuneroid/usr/share/qtuneroid/pics/12:37
jdstrandNCommander: re clamav> thanks! will process today12:40
Iulianapachelogger: Could you please have a look at gtkmm-utils on revu?12:49
aboganiHi MOTUs! Could Someone review my package on REVU please? The packages is rt-tests (http://revu.ubuntuwire.com/details.py?package=rt-tests): A set of programs that test and measure various components of "realtime" kernel behavior, such as timer latency, signal latency and the functioning of  priority-inheritance mutexes. Thanks in advance! Please be patient with me it's my first package! :-) Thanks in advance!12:50
aboganiTheMuso: ^12:50
TheMusoabogani: I will if I get some time this afternoon.12:51
aboganiThanks Luke.12:51
lilgiesthanks devfil12:52
emgentTheMuso: o/12:53
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lilgiesdevfil: how can I change the directory ?13:04
devfillilgies: where is the tarball of qtuneroid?13:06
norsettoHola RainCT13:06
lilgiesdevfil: he is in /home/nico/packaging/qtuneroid/qtuneroid_0.9.orig.tar.gz13:08
devfillilgies: a link to download it please13:09
lilgiesdevfil: http://cjoint.com/?hrojMwQoVz13:10
devfillilgies: can you paste your rules?13:21
lilgiesdevfil: http://pastebin.com/d59ad39e313:23
devfillilgies: I don't know but it is an error caused by mkinstalldirs script, so take a look a it13:28
lilgiesdevfil: ok thank you for your help13:29
lilgiesdevfil: I don't found the error :(13:46
lilgiessomeone else can it create the package?13:47
hefe_biaHi MOTUs, I need some (more experienced) help on bug 223812. It would be good if someone could take a look and say what's the best course of action. I could provide the debdiffs then. Several prior solutions didn't work out.13:56
ubottuLaunchpad bug 223812 in powernowd "[hardy] Regression: powernowd no longer works with some chipsets" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/22381213:56
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bddebianHeya gang15:39
ScottK-laptopHeya bddebian.15:41
ScottK-laptopSee you later.   Back to $WORK.15:42
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IulianHi bddebian16:25
bddebianHello Iulian16:25
IulianIf anyone has some spare time and would like to review a package, please have a look at http://revu.ubuntuwire.com/details.py?package=gtkmm-utils (C++ utility and widget library), needed by paperbox.16:37
geserHi bddebian16:39
bddebianHeya geser16:42
phyphorHi, I have a question that I think is best answered in here16:45
phyphorThere's a very, very old version of IDJC available through Synaptic16:46
phyphorThere are newer versions available, but I am not sure if they aren't available because of the mp3 licensing issue16:47
* phyphor can't make its way around the possible issues and figured coming and asking might be sensible16:47
kirklandzul: wanna sponsor an ecryptfs-utils merge?16:53
kirklandzul: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ecryptfs-utils/+bug/24950316:53
ubottuLaunchpad bug 249503 in ecryptfs-utils "please merge ecryptfs-utils-50-4" [Undecided,New]16:53
kirklandzul: not a rush16:53
kirklandzul: today would be nice :-)16:53
zulkirkland: poke me after lunch16:53
kirklandzul: k16:53
* phyphor wonders if, perhaps, this wasn't the most appropriate channel after all17:04
Amaranthphyphor: file a bug asking for a new version, i guess17:07
AmaranthI don't think we have any problems with mp3 stuff, it'd just go in multiverse17:07
phyphorI wasn't sure if the reason it wasn't upgraded was mp3 licensing, or if it just hadn't been done yet17:07
phyphorThanks Amaranth :)17:08
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RoAkSoAxnorsetto: to request a mentor should i write to motu-mentoring-reception at reponses.net or to to motu-mentors list?18:19
norsettoRoAkSoAx: motu-mentoring-reception at reponses.net18:20
RoAkSoAxnorsetto: thnks :)18:20
norsettoRoAkSoAx: wasn't clear in the wiki pages?18:20
RoAkSoAxnorsetto: it was but since a couple guys where writing to motu-mentors list...18:20
norsettoRoAkSoAx: ok, they were wrong ;-)18:21
RoAkSoAxnorsetto: i know that now :) it just made me doubt for a lil bit xD18:21
DarkAuditAre these two actually bugs, or me not knowing what I'm doing: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/apt-build18:30
DarkAuditI used the /etc/apt/preferences configuration as seen in the generally cited apt-build tutorial without success... or at least what I expected to have happen18:31
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NCommanderScottK, morning18:45
slytheringeser: Are we expected to file bugs to contrib java packages to Debian for the things we fix in Ubuntu?19:06
NCommanderslytherin, yeah, we are, its good to gert our changes back upstream if possible19:07
slytherinNCommander: I am not talking about upstream. I am tired of fixing build problems in Ubuntu that could easily be fixed if contrib packages were build on build servers. Sometime it looks like they are not even built in pbuilder.19:08
NCommanderyou mean the Debian source packages?19:10
geserslytherin: yes, that's a common problem for arch:all packages in Debian as they're build on the Debian buildds but by the DD uploading them19:11
slytheringeser: when?19:11
slytherinand how hard is it to check the package in builder before uploading them?19:12
NCommanderslytherin, You can avoid ever having a package built on one of the debian buildds by simply uploading all the architecture binaries19:13
NCommanderI personally disagree19:13
geserslytherin: it's up to the DD how much they test them. Ideally they should build them in a pbuilder.19:13
azeemNCommander: this is about Arch: all packages19:13
NCommanderI'm aware of that.19:13
slytheringeser: I was also referring to packager. How hard is it to him. I mean we strictly check packages on revu in pbuilder even before making any other comments.19:14
azeemslytherin: it's not unheard of that Ubuntu devs upload packages that FTBFS as well19:15
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slytherinazeem: I am not claiming that. I am specifically talking about the problems related to missing build dependencies. I once found a package which didn't have ant in build dependency even though the app was supposed to use ant for building.19:16
directhexstill waiting for debian ppa support19:18
lagadirecthex: that'd be great19:18
directhexlaga, currently, opensuse build service supports debian & ubuntu19:18
NCommanderI'm surprised there isn't a debian ppa tbh19:19
lagadoes the opensuse build service produce sensible debs?19:19
slytherindirecthex: But afaik, creating source packages is a bit tidious. I have not personally tried myself.19:19
mario_limoncielldo you give it source packages?19:19
directhexlaga, sure. i've filed a few bug reports, but it seems to be a sensible buildd19:19
directhexlaga, this is using dsc/diff, not trying to generate debs from a specfile19:19
mario_limoncielloh phew.19:19
directhexi think that's semi-supported (i.e. you can somehow use patches from a specfile in a debian package, in some undocumented manner19:20
lagaso you still need to give it separate source packages for each distro i guess19:20
NCommanderlaga, as an alternative, setting up a buildd isn't that difficult19:20
directhexlaga, depends how well-crafted your debian/control is ;)19:20
mario_limonciellmk-sbuild-lv sets up very nice buildd style builds for your own buildd19:21
lagaNCommander: i know. i think falcon has some support for that.. but i don't care enough about debian to do that - it'd just be nice to have the PPAs also produce debs for debian19:21
lagadirecthex: well, debian/control isn't going to work on suse.19:21
lagaNCommander: seveas' repository manager. very nice piece of software IMHO19:22
directhexlaga, no, but it'll use the same source package on any .deb distro19:22
slytheringeser: Can you help fix this FTBFS, some problem with ld - http://launchpadlibrarian.net/15969377/buildlog_ubuntu-intrepid-i386.libmatthew-java_0.7.1-1_FAILEDTOBUILD.txt.gz19:22
mario_limoncielllaga, did you sort out that FTBFS?19:22
NCommanderslytherin, Oh, this issue, I keep seeing it crop up all over the place19:23
NCommanderslytherin, I can kick out a fix for this19:23
slytherinNCommander: you mean that ld throws error about unrecognized options? What is the fix?19:23
lagamario_limonciell: i've just uploaded a fresh build without the firewire tester19:24
NCommanderslytherin, the fix is change LDFLAGS to remove the -Wl,19:25
* directhex tries some belgian beer19:25
slytherinNCommander: Ok. I will try that. But give me reason so that I can add to changelog.19:26
NCommander"Correcting incorrect LDFLAGS that pass -Wl to the linker"19:26
NCommander-Wl, is used when called by GCC, it shouldn't pass -WL,19:26
directhexlaga, example OBS package page: https://build.opensuse.org/package/show?package=Mono&project=home%3Aoerc19:27
NCommanderspeaking of mono19:27
mario_limoncielldirecthex, you need a login for that?19:27
NCommandermy patch is still stuck -_-;19:28
directhexurgh. possibly19:28
directhexwho's on sponsorship duty today?19:28
* NCommander is feeling the urge to code19:28
NCommanderMaybe I should setup a buildd service; upload a package, get it built for Ubuntu, and Debian19:29
lagaNCommander: just complain to the launchpad guys ;)19:29
NCommanderAll it needs is dak, some custom coding, and such19:29
NCommanderWould be a very interesting project19:29
mario_limonciellNCommander, urge to code eh?  fix some bugs with that urge i says :_)19:29
NCommandermario_limonciell, I already stomped out a rather nasty mono bug this week :-P19:30
slytherinNCommander: I can not find that flag set anywhere in rules file.19:30
directhexNCommander, a nasty ubuntu bug. not strictly speaking any mono dev's fault ;)19:30
NCommanderActually, "abusing" dak to support such builds would be rather cool ;-)19:32
NCommanderCodeblocks changes binary files in its source package when it builds19:34
NCommanderWTF, I type make distclean, and the package configures itself O_O;19:35
ion_If it *generates* them on build, simply remove them in clean rule.19:35
NCommanderion_, No, it shipped them in the source package19:35
RoAkSoAxnorsetto: is this a good request? http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/28096/19:36
NCommanderI'm not sure if they're cleanly regenerated or not yet19:36
ion_ncommander: http://sam.zoy.org/lectures/20050910-debian/img20.html19:37
ion_ncommander: I mean, if they are shipped in the source package but it builds the same whether they exist in the tree before build or not, just remove them in the clean rule.19:37
NCommanderYeah, I'm checking to see if that's the case19:38
NCommanderbut I need to remove them from the original source package because dpkg-source freaks out about it19:38
ion_There should be no need for that.19:38
ion_As long as you delete them in the clean rule, it should just ignore them when creating a diff.gz19:39
NCommanderworks for me19:39
NCommanderThank you for saving me some extremely anonying work ;-)19:39
NCommanderI'm probably going to have to lobotimize this package to make it move plugins into the lib folder vs. share19:40
DarkAuditcon someone take a look at https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/apt-build for a moment? The sources.list issue is probably a definite bug. The other one I can't get anyone to tell me one way or the other.19:42
* NCommander kicks his printer19:42
NCommanderBah, PC LOAD LEGAL my ass19:43
* ion_ loves his printer19:43
ion_Bought a non-sucky one recently.19:43
directhexanything other than PC LOAD A4 implies you need to be stabbed through the brain19:43
NCommanderI've had this LaserJet 4 for years19:43
NCommanderWorks great19:43
NCommanderI even have a Postscript module installed19:43
lagai've got a brother printer which is also a scanner and photo copier. the linux drivers are *slow*19:43
laganext thing will be a laser printer with postscript and network support.19:44
NCommandersure its just not the printer19:44
ion_It speaks Ethernet and Postscript, and is *really* fast. A used LaserJet 230019:44
NCommanderI have a LJ 230019:44
lagaNCommander: i hear it's faster in windows.19:44
NCommanderBut I perfer my 4 cause I can still use a font cart19:44
directhexwe have a networked brother at work with a nasty print driver bug19:44
directhexi think there's a LP bug open for it19:44
NCommanderBrother printers are in general a bug19:45
NCommanderI had one of those brother all in ones19:45
NCommanderIt was more reliably to have my laptop use the cell to fax it the printer to print something else then to print on it directly19:45
NCommanderDarkAudit, looks like a legit bug19:46
* NCommander fiddles with dak19:48
NCommanderAnyone else want to help create a PPA service ;-)19:48
NCommanderfalcon doesn't appear to build packages ...19:49
lagaNCommander: see file:///usr/share/doc/falcon/html/index.html ;)19:51
DarkAuditNCommander: I had concerns about the installing one, but soething else is up when long-accepted procedures don't make a difference, like my /etc/apt/preferences file being ignored.19:51
* NCommander is suprised that the PPA doesn't build on all Ubuntu ports platforms19:51
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StevenKNCommander: It has to do with how the PPA buildds builds packages versus how Ubuntu buildds build packages19:52
NCommanderCare to enlighten then ;-)19:52
* NCommander would always love to know more about how launchad ticks19:53
lagathere is launchpad podcast. i don't like podcasts tho :(19:53
NCommanderI just wish Launchpad itself was properly open ...19:55
norsettoRoAkSoAx: looks good to me19:57
NCommanderat least launchpad isn't running as horrible as it was before19:58
DarkAuditapt-build install is meant, when properly configured, to install the package that was just built on the local system, right?20:00
NCommanderI don't use it so I don't really know20:02
DarkAuditNCommander: I'm trying to find out if apt's installing of the remote package instead is the result of a bug, or my not configuring something properly. I've yet to find what that "something" is, though.20:04
RoAkSoAxnorsetto: thanks :=)20:05
norsettoRoAkSoAx: de nada20:06
DarkAudithm.. when apt-build switches to the install part of the process, it's actually handed over to apt to complete the task?20:12
k0phi all.20:19
k0ppackage-installs-python-pyc <- ideas to solve this warning?20:19
ion_Prevent the inclusion of pyc files in the package.20:20
k0pion_, maybe adding a code in debian rules to delete these files?20:24
norsettocody-somerville: are you free to check a couple of sru?20:37
k0pnorsetto, hi20:38
cody-somervillenorsetto, not at this very moment but if you post the bugs #'s I'll take a look in a minute.20:38
norsettocody-somerville: I've got 4 pending, but one should be really easy to ack, its bug 249355, thx20:39
ubottuLaunchpad bug 249355 in ocamlsdl "ocamlsdl and lablgl conflict over Raw" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/24935520:39
k0pnorsetto, what version of lintian do you use?20:39
norsettok0p: lintian the superbitch edition20:39
k0pnorsetto, can you see if I silent warnings on umit?20:39
cody-somervillenorsetto, so it would just be a no source change rebuild?20:40
k0pI don't have lintian that show me this warnings..20:40
norsettocody-somerville: yep20:40
norsettok0p: what do you mean?20:40
cody-somervillenorsetto, Potential for regression?20:40
norsettocody-somerville: by rebuilding? I dunno, maybe we can cause a buildd to explode20:41
k0pnorsetto, well.. yesterday or before, you told me that umit have lot of warnings. I make a fix now and I would like if I can remove this warnings.20:41
cody-somervillenorsetto, have you rebuilt it yourself and confirmed it works all fine and dandy?20:41
k0pcan you take a look, please?20:41
norsettocody-somerville: well, I can't test that particular error conditions, I haven't got his source files20:42
cody-somervillenorsetto, It seems to me that it would be simple to reproduce. He says that any source file that uses both lablGL and Sdlgl will trigger the failure.20:43
norsettocody-somerville: yes, like ? I haven't got any source files which uses both lablGL and Sdlgl. All I can do is ask him for a simple test case that we can use to reproduce20:45
cody-somervillenorsetto, Okay. Let me know when you get a test case.20:46
norsettok0p: your lintian should be exactly like mine, I don't see why my lintian would pick up things that yours can't20:46
norsettocody-somerville: willco20:47
k0p:\ what exactly command that you do?20:47
norsettok0p: just lintian on the deb will do20:47
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norsettok0p: have you uploaded to REVU? If so, please post a link20:48
k0pnorsetto, yeah20:48
k0pon deb20:48
k0pnow I see.20:48
k0pnot yet, I need make more fixes :d thanks20:48
norsettok0p: ah, $deity bless lintian, no problem :-)20:49
cody-somervillenorsetto, I suppose you haven't been able to confirm it is fixed on Intrepid either, eh? :]20:49
norsettocody-somerville: what needs to be fixed? Can you not see that it is built with the right version of the library?20:51
cody-somervillenorsetto, I'm wondering why the Intrepid task is marked as confirmed.20:57
norsettocody-somerville: I haven't opened any intrepid task, just an hardy one20:57
cody-somervillenorsetto, If you look at bug, you'll notice there is two tasks. One for Ubuntu and then one specifically for Hardy.20:59
norsettocody-somerville: yes, and where is the intrepid task?20:59
cody-somervillenorsetto, If I understand correctly, the one for Ubuntu (the normal one) represents a task in the latest development version.20:59
norsettocody-somerville: nope, you have to explicitly open a task for that20:59
k0pI need help here with executable-not-elf-or-script warning.. what is the way to solve this?20:59
norsettok0p: chmod -x it21:00
cody-somervillenorsetto, If you do that, the one I'm talking about will say it is tracked in Intrepid. I'm pretty sure that tasks not targeted to a specific release are tasks in the latest development version (ie. Intrepid). So should the main one not be marked appropriately if it is not a problem?21:01
k0pnorsetto, don't have +x21:01
norsettocody-somerville: if I click on it it doesn't go to https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/intrepid/+source/ocamlsdl21:02
norsettocody-somerville: making that fix-released I think its pretty confusing, it would be better to open a specific intrepid task and mark that as fix-released21:03
cody-somervillenorsetto, so it sorta sounds like a bug/UI issue in launchpad then21:04
norsettocody-somerville:IMHO it definetively is21:04
mcasadevall_What's wrong with launchpad?21:04
mcasadevall_and ...21:04
IulianWhat's wrong with it?21:04
norsettomcasadevall_: whats not wrong with launchpad?21:04
=== mcasadevall_ is now known as NCommander
NCommandernorsetto, I was avoiding going there ...21:05
norsettoNCommander: why? When you see a bridge taht just begs to be crossed ...21:05
NCommanderStupid question21:05
NCommanderHow do I push a package to my PPA21:05
NCommanderI've never done it before21:05
NCommander(aka, where does it need to be uploaded to)21:05
IulianNCommander: https://help.launchpad.net/PPAQuickStart21:06
NCommanderJust found that21:06
NCommanderTHanks ;-)21:06
cody-somervillesiretart, ^^21:06
NCommanderAnyone care to play with my codeblocks WIP package?21:10
k0pnorsetto, almost fixed all warnings :D21:14
norsettok0p: cool21:14
Jazzvanorsetto: Thanks for the notice. I'll prepare the upgrade for gnome-mplayer and gecko-mediaplayer 0.6.3. I'll also check your packages from mentors.d.n21:15
jdstrandNCommander: hi! thanks for your work on clamav. I updated bug #249316 with some requested changes21:16
ubottuLaunchpad bug 249316 in clamav "libclamav petite.c denial of sevice issue" [Medium,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/24931621:16
norsettoJazzva: okki21:16
NCommanderjdstrand, ah, I see21:16
cody-somervilleNCommander, Ever thought about contributing to Xubuntu? :)21:16
norsettoporthose: I wish you would stop americaniZing my english ....21:16
NCommanderI apologize, I have never done security fixs21:16
NCommandercody-somerville, I use xubuntu on my other machine, its awesome ;-)21:17
siretartcody-somerville: ?21:17
cody-somervillesiretart, norsetto and I were just commenting on how it would probably be easier to understand to have the dev release automatically targeted when targeting a stable release21:17
NCommanderjdstrand, do you also want me to correct the hardy patch? (Scott Kitterman did that one, I did the others at his request)21:17
jdstrandNCommander: the versioning is fine in that one (though references is not where it's preferred-- but no need to respin for that)21:18
NCommanderjdstrand, I apologize for the mistake21:19
jdstrandNCommander: np. thanks for your work! :)21:19
siretartcody-somerville: I'm not sure if I understand that...21:19
siretartcody-somerville: what do you mean with 'targetting'?21:19
cody-somervillesiretart, nominating for release21:19
NCommanderjdstrand, I'm kinda confused though how to change the version, clamav in gutsy/feisty/dapper don't have a -XubuntuX on it21:20
NCommanderjdstrand, looking at the other entries in the change log, this is the next logical number for security uploads21:20
jdstrandNCommander: no, it was an oddball case where it went through -proposed21:20
jdstrandNCommander: since we are doing a regular upload, we can get the versioning back under control21:21
jdstrand(I admit the versioning is/was confusing)21:21
NCommanderOh, so you want an ubuntu style version number (1ubutuntu0.1), right?21:21
jdstrandNCommander: yes please21:22
NCommanderjdstrand, just to confirm, gutsy would become: 0.92.1~dfsg2-1.1ubuntu0.1~gutsy3 then21:22
NCommander(still kinda ugly)21:22
siretartcody-somerville: hm. you mean that it doesn't make sense to target a bug for a stable release, but not for the development release?21:22
NCommanderjdstrand, (I have the changes more or less done, as soon as you confirm I got the versioning right, I'll post debdiffs)21:23
cody-somervillesiretart, no, thats not what I'm saying. I'm saying the UI is confusing and it could be clarified by automatically targeting a bug for the development release if you target it for a stable release.21:23
cody-somervillesiretart, For example, look at https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ocamlsdl/+bug/24935521:24
ubottuLaunchpad bug 249355 in ocamlsdl "ocamlsdl and lablgl conflict over Raw" [Undecided,Confirmed]21:24
cody-somervillesiretart, There is two tasks open. One for Ubuntu (the primary task if you will) and a target for Hardy. Correct?21:24
jdstrandNCommander: 0.92.1~dfsg2-1.1~gutsy3.121:24
porthosenorsetto: np done :)21:24
NCommanderWow, I wasn't expecting that21:24
jdstrandNCommander: this is a weird case21:24
siretartcody-somerville: yes.21:24
jdstrandNCommander: I asked you to follow SecurityUpdateProcedures but then I changed that on you didn't I? :)21:25
NCommanderPretty much ;-)21:25
NCommanderjdstrand, any reason we're going to 3.1 vs 4 on the final number since all the security updates thus far have gone kinda weird21:25
norsettoporthose: okki, I just send a reminder to the list just in case somebody else wants to use Franc-English or English-tiliano ;-)21:25
siretartcody-somerville: ah, and now the problem with this bug is that there is no bugtask for 'intrepid', right?21:25
NCommanderI do know dak gets VERY picky about version numbers21:25
* NCommander is reminded of his own little nightmares with that piece of softare21:25
jdstrandNCommander: gutsy is already ubuntufied-- but the point is we really want the '.1'21:25
siretartcody-somerville: TBH, I have the feeling that this can only be properly solved by proper version tracking21:25
jdstrandNCommander: and by 'gutsy', I mean the '~gutsy...' part21:26
NCommanderDamn it, these packages are failing to debian/rules clean21:26
cody-somervillesiretart, I think that simply by adding a target for the dev release automatically would make it easier to understand in the interim, no?21:26
siretartcody-somerville: I'm not sure. I would also find it convincing if there was no way at all to 'target' a bug to the development release.21:26
jdstrandNCommander: since it's oddball, I can just fix dapper and feisty-- repost gutsy21:27
siretartcody-somerville: because you could argue that the 'default ubuntu' task is for the development release21:27
cody-somervillesiretart, I agree. Thats my opinion.21:27
cody-somervillesiretart, but it isn't clear.21:27
* jdstrand intended to help 'mentor' NCommander with SecurityUpdateProcedures, but seems to have failed miserably21:27
cody-somervillesiretart, and as you know, when you target the development release, the 'default ubuntu' task will change to say "tracked in intrepid".21:28
NCommanderjdstrand, It's ok, the ONE time I helped with Debian security update, the same thing happened ;-)21:28
siretartcody-somerville: okay, I'll make a note and see that I file a bug about this21:28
cody-somervilleOkay, thanks.21:28
jdstrandNCommander: hopefully this won't scare you off for future Ubuntu updates! :)21:29
NCommanderjdstrand, nah, I already have 12 FTBFS fixed, and an almost done codeblocks package :-)21:29
NCommander(and a few merges)21:29
* NCommander waits for pbuilder to finish21:29
norsettojdstrand: to scare off NCommander you would need at least a full-gear battalion of angry marines21:29
emgentnorsetto: o/21:29
NCommanderI'm a Debain hurd porter21:30
NCommanderI don't scare21:30
jdstrandwow, that's brave :)21:30
norsettoemgent: o/21:30
NCommanderjdstrand, I'm curious, does Ubuntu use dak, or something canonical built to handle archiving?21:30
NCommanderIf its dak, I feel your pain, I ran it for m68k to create a testing distribution21:31
jdstrandNCommander: currently we do use dak for -security, but that is supposed to change pretty soon to use soyuz (ie the regular buildd's as seen in Launchpad)21:31
NCommanderSounds like a general improvement21:31
jdstrandit should be, once all the corner cases are worked out21:32
NCommanderKeeping dak happy is like trying to get Microsoft to opensource Windows ;-)21:32
NCommanderok, it passes pbuilder, uploading gutsy21:32
jdstrandNCommander: thanks again21:32
NCommanderjdstrand, if there are any more security updates that need work, I'd glad to help21:33
NCommanderNow that I have a full set of Ubuntu, and Debian chroots for two architectures21:33
NCommander(and four for intrepid)21:33
NCommanderjdstrand, as soon as Launchpad decides to let me upload ...21:34
jdstrandNCommander: your help is most welcome. You can see what needs to be done by checking out https://code.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-security21:34
NCommanderjdstrand, Uploaded21:34
keesNCommander: and the cve tracker's output for universe is here: http://people.ubuntu.com/~ubuntu-security/cve/universe-all.html21:35
jdstrandNCommander: there's a bzr branch that tracks all our CVEs, and a good README file explaining the layout, scripts, how it's used, etc21:35
emgentNCommander: see also https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SecurityTeam21:35
cody-somervillesiretart, let me know what the bug number is. I made some screenshots to demonstrate.21:35
NCommanderjdstrand, wow, you look a little understaffed to fix all these CVEs ....21:35
jdstrandNCommander: it was originally inspired by Debian kernel-sec, but is tailored for our workflow21:36
NCommanderjdstrand, that's why this looks familar21:36
jdstrandNCommander: *sigh* yes, but that is slowly changing21:36
* NCommander mirrors the branch21:36
jdstrandNCommander: however, universe is community supported, which is a particularly important area that needs work21:36
NCommanderI'm no MOTU :-/21:37
jdstrandNCommander: though we accept debdiffs for main too :)21:37
NCommander(not yet anyway, but maybe someday)21:37
NCommanderman, Dapper is NOT happy21:37
cody-somervilleNCommander, You'll be a MOTU sooner rather then later.21:37
jdstrandDapper rarely is21:38
NCommanderhow long until that finally goes out of support21:38
jdstrand(it's getting a bit long in the tooth, which makes backporting hard)21:38
jdstrandNCommander: desktop 2009, and server 201121:38
NCommanderDamn it. That's a LONG time21:38
* jdstrand nods21:39
NCommanderI'll see if I can nail the dnsmasq security bug21:39
jdstrandas hard as it can be to support, it has been really great for user's that need that kind of stability21:39
NCommanderI just use it to bootstrap Ubuntu on my PPC21:39
NCommanderThat, or I have a hacked d-i install disk which grabs from the Ubuntu repos vs the Debian ones21:39
=== gaurdro_ is now known as gaurdro
jdstrandNCommander: be sure to coordinate with Koon on #ubuntu-server or #ubuntu-hardened wrt dnsmasq.  he has been in touch with upstream and they have been refining their patch21:40
NCommanderif its already being handled, I'll let it be21:41
NCommanderjdstrand, I'm just currently reading through the ubuntu-cvs-tracker21:41
jdstrandNCommander: I think he's only handling hardy21:41
jdstrand(it's the only version in main)21:41
k0pwhat's the better way to solve gk/kde sudo trouble?21:41
jdstrandthough he may backport...21:41
NCommanderI assume you try and port against the old codebase if it is at all possible21:42
jdstrandNCommander: absolutely-- the clamav thing is *very* rare21:42
jdstrandNCommander: but ScottK did an excellent job in with testing it and we were able to do a one-time MicroVersionUpdate for it21:43
NCommanderyeah, so you do it just like d-security21:43
NCommanderAlthough you see a little more open to help ;-)21:43
* jdstrand nods21:43
jdstrandalways :)21:43
NCommanderoooh, damn the scponly one is evil21:44
phyphorSorry to interrupt, but I'm trying to work out whether this is an appropriate channel to ask about a package that appears to be available in intrepid but not in hardy (which I sort of asked about earlier)21:45
phyphor(or should I wait to see if I can get an answer over in #ubuntu)21:45
NCommanderphyphor, intrepid is the development branch, any new packages will end up there unless someone backports it to gutsy-backports21:46
NCommanderjdstrand, with your permission, I'd like to work on fixing the scponly issue21:46
NCommander(I found the patch, looks easy enough to backport21:46
jdstrandNCommander: don't need my permission! :) basically, if something isn't Assigned, feel free to grab it. If something is Assigned, but doesn't seem to be going anywhere, just ping whoever is assigned21:47
* NCommander looks for the bug report21:48
jdstrandNCommander: you can assign yourself in LP if there is a bug, otherwise create one and assign it to yourself and subscribe the security team21:48
phyphorNCommander: The version of IDJC in Hardy is well out of date (and has various bugs raised against it), 0.7.8a is available from source (but won't build as it is looking for jack not jackd), but 0.7.7 is in intrepid - I was wondering what the recommended advice is for a user - do I raise a bug under hardy, work out how to build it from source somehow, or pin so I can get it from IDJC. I figured you guys would be able to tell me the right 21:48
NCommanderjdstrand, is there anything I should do in my local copy of the security branch that needs to be merged?21:48
NCommanderphyphor, probably the proper bet is to request it be backported21:48
jdstrandNCommander: if you plan to do a lot of triaging, then yes-- just ping kees or I and we can merge it in21:49
NCommanderYEah, I will, this is something I find quite interesting21:49
NCommanderANd its just like solving FTBFS ;-)21:49
NCommanderyeah, no security bug21:49
=== RoAk is now known as RoAkSoAx
jdstrandNCommander: for patching and the like, just make sure the ubuntu security team is subscribed to any bugs and upload your debdiffs, and we'll update ubuntu-cve-tracker. if some time goes by and nothing is happening, feel free to contact either me or kees21:51
NCommanderjdstrand, cool. Out of curosity, do you need to work at canonical to be an offical part of the security team, or do you recruit regular devs?21:52
jdstrandto be on ubuntu-security in LP, you need to be a canonical employee. however, there is motu-swat, which is the community security team21:53
jdstrandNCommander: motu-swat will soon be able to process universe updates once security-in-soyuz is in place, which will obviously help with bottlenecks21:54
NCommanderjdstrand, as an added note, how do I get it to show the progress for individual distrubution likes on the clamav note (I don't really use Launchpad's bug tracker that often, and I don't see anything obvious)21:54
phyphorNCommander: I fear I'm bordering on newbie questions here but I'm trying to find out how to request a backport and the pages I'm finding are all suggesting I should just be able to grab the 0.7.7 version from the intrepid repository. Any advice (even if it's to leave this channel for the masters)?21:55
jdstrandNCommander: for individual releases (dapper, feisty, etc), you use 'Nominate for release'21:55
NCommanderjdstrand, ok, the fix is in progress :-)21:56
jdstrandNCommander: for help with ubuntu security processes, feel free to contact me, kees or onyone in motu-swat21:56
=== geser_ is now known as geser
NCommanderjdstrand, you've got patches: https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/scponly/+bug/24959322:12
ubottuNCommander: Error: This bug is private22:12
cody-somervilleHow do I not have access to that bug? :/22:16
NCommandercody-somerville, it's marked private22:16
cody-somervilleNCommander, I can usually see private bugs.22:17
NCommandercody-somerville, your not on the security team I take it ;-)22:17
SyntuxAre we strict on .desktop file specs? even with warnings?22:24
norsettocody-somerville: feel free to ack when you have time, we can now verify22:25
amikropHello. My RSA public key, is the same as my GPG public key?22:25
cody-somervillenorsetto, I just attempted to run it but either his sample is faulty or I'm missing a dependency.22:26
norsettocody-somerville: I had to modify it22:26
norsettocody-somerville: just get rif of the loop, and substitute it with a Sdltimer.delay 2000;22:27
norsettocody-somerville: s/rif/rid22:27
norsettocody: also, for the linking, the command is ocamlc not ocaml22:27
norsettocody-somerville: Also, if you want to test it in intrepid, be careful that we have 3.10.2, not 3.10.022:28
Syntuxwhen fixing invalid .desktop file do we have to fix errors only or errors and warnings?22:31
=== gaurdro_ is now known as gaurdro
norsettoSyntux: are you using desktop-file-validate? If so, just get it right it, doing half of the work is not worth it, is it?22:33
Syntuxnorsetto, sure I'm using it and indeed it's amazing but I was wondering if I have to fix a warning like "deprecated value in Key category: Application" and if we have a list of registered categories.22:34
cody-somervillenorsetto, ACK22:35
norsettosyntux: just use the freedesktop spec, let me fetch a link for you22:35
Syntuxnorsetto, I'm already there.22:35
norsettocody-somerville: thanks22:36
cody-somervillenorsetto, np. It was fun to play with another programming language :)22:37
norsettoSyntux: than what is the problem? You have all categories in appendix A22:39
Syntuxnorsetto, ok, just wasn't sure if we follow freedesktop list strictly.22:41
norsettoSyntux: to the letter ;-)22:42
Syntuxdandy :-)22:42
norsettoSyntux: we also follow the Gnome HIG22:42
SyntuxI guess I'll have some interesting reads tonight.22:43
norsettoSyntux: just in case: http://library.gnome.org/devel/hig-book/stable/22:43
Syntuxalready there ;)22:43
huatsnorsetto: I haven't understand why you mention that "utilised" stuff :)22:44
norsettohuats: trying to make porthose angry, but he is resilient :-)22:46
* NCommander would like a sponsor for this: https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/nget/+bug/24672322:46
ubottuLaunchpad bug 246723 in nget "FTBFS in Intrepid. Needs limits.h" [Undecided,New]22:46
* norsetto hugs porthose22:46
* porthose hugs norsetto :)22:48
Syntuxhuats :-)22:48
* Syntux hugs huats 22:48
* NCommander hugs someone22:49
* Syntux announces MOTU free hugs day.22:49
* huats hugs Syntux back22:49
Laneyis that free as in beer?22:49
* NCommander pokes ScottK 22:49
* ion_ hugs self22:50
* NCommander hugs ion_ 22:51
Syntux__unicode__(self):  return self.hug22:51
NCommandertime to go get some food22:51
ion_That single line demonstrated many of the things that are ugly about Python. :-)22:51
Syntuxhuats, I was about to send you a .deb for testing.22:51
huatsSyntux: great22:52
huatscan you also provide me the debdiff please ?22:52
huatsand the entry of the changelog ?22:52
huatsthat would rock22:52
* ion_ ghci NCommander22:53
* huats uses some dholbach words since he is on holidays :)22:53
ion_ncommander: It’s an alternative to hugs.22:53
nedkopersia: i'm doing preview packages for upcoming lash-0.6.0, it is on revu, feedback is welcome, i've made some tweaks for pylash for example22:59
persianedko: Great news.  Do the current apps work against it, or does it need a recompile?23:01
nedkopersia: no need to rebuild apps23:01
nedkopersia: FYI this and some other packages (jack,laditools,patchage) are important for LADI project: http://nedko.arnaudov.name/wiki/moin.cgi/LADI23:03
persianedko: Even cooler.  I won't have a proper test environment until next week, but I'll take a look at the packaging if I can get a chance earlier.23:03
nedkopersia: there is no hurry at all, i have lot of packaging work to do and i'm packaging newbie so i do small and slow steps23:04
nedkopersia: also i've given up for intrepid anyway23:05
persianedko: That looks incredibly cool.  While I doubt we can get integration working in Ubuntu, we ought be able to get most of the necessary packages in, and be in a positin to discuss it sensibly in intrepid +123:07
nedkopersia: the main obstacle is that all software is not yet released as tarballs23:08
persianedko: Are you in touch with the relevant upstreams?  Do we expect release in the next month or so?23:09
Laneyvorian: Here?23:10
nedkopersia: i'm dev in all upstreams, except probably patchage (i'm close but not willing to fork it)23:10
norsettoporthose: Forgiven as long as you admit that warm stout suck and tea is for sissies ;-)23:11
nedkopersia: i'm not sure how close releases are, lash-0.6.0 should be probably ready in august/september because Jusso summercode ends in august23:11
huatsnorsetto: I like tea too..23:11
LaneyOr can anyone else re-ack bug #242826 - sync request with a new Debian revision since the previous ack23:11
ubottuLaunchpad bug 242826 in trac "please sync trac 0.11 (universe) from Debian unstable (main)" [Wishlist,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/24282623:11
norsettohuats: big sissi :-)23:12
vorianLaney: hi23:12
porthosebeer is good cold or warm23:12
vorianlemme see23:12
Laneyvorian: Hi, ^^^^23:12
LaneyIt b/i/r fine :)23:12
persianedko: Hmm.  I'm a little leery of prerelease if we're not confident of upstream release before distro release.23:13
nedkopersia: yup, i do agree, still i want preview packages in the ladi team ppa23:13
nedkopersia: so review is still welcome23:14
Laneyvorian: You might also be interested in acking bug #249610 as this will be broken with Trac 0.1123:14
ubottuLaunchpad bug 249610 in trac-git "Please sync trac-git 0.0.20080710-1 (universe) from Debian unstable (main)." [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/24961023:14
persianedko: That makes sense.  Would you mind also workig with Jusso to see if we can get a release?  The current lash is good, but not quite as much as we'd like.23:14
* persia will loose network connectivity in a couple minutes23:14
vorianLaney: sure, I'll look at them here in a bit23:15
Laneyvorian: Thanks a lot23:15
vorianthanks for the update23:15
* Laney nods23:15
LaneyI should have checked trac for an existing sync request before doing mine, whoops23:16
nedkopersia: probably we can get lash release before deadline, but i'm affraid to push it to ubuntu mainstream users23:16
persianedko: Depends on testing.  Might also check with the #ubuntustudio folk23:16
nedkopersia: it is major refactoring (lash is becoming 100% dbus), and thus somewhat risky, still i dont have regressions here23:17
nedkopersia: i'm there too ;)23:17
* k0p cdbs rocks! :D23:19
geserLaney: the archive admin will always sync the recent version from Debian23:21
geserthis can be sometimes a problem a problem after FF where one just want the last fixes from Debian and gets a newly uploaded new upstream version23:22
Laneygeser: Oh really? I can see why that would be a problem23:22
LaneyThis is why I thought a sync request was for a particular debian revision23:22
emgenthello there.23:24
geserLaney: the Debian archive contains only the version in unstable, testing and stable. If you wanted a specific version which isn't anymore in unstable you would need to fetch them snapshot.d.n23:25
LaneyEspecially as requesters/sponsors will only have tested the version at the time of request, you could end up causing more problems than the sync would have solved23:25
geserLaney: yes, it already happened once to me23:26
geserI wanted a version from testing fixing some bugs but got the a new upstream version from unstable and needed to file some UVF exceptions to get the whole stack in sync again23:27
lilgieshy someone can help me please ?23:37
lilgiesI create my first package and I have an error of directory23:38
kop__people my deb package is creating python-support/site-packages/ with nothing inside. how I fix this warning?23:58

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