
jamspiv: Yeah, trying to clear out my inbox generally has good results for others :)00:03
jamabentley: BB doesn't seem to be noticing my reviews, nor is it giving me the automatic :approve for patches from me? Can you tell why?00:13
abentleyjam: The mail queue is pretty deep: http://bundlebuggy.aaronbentley.com/mail00:14
jamah, ok00:14
jamI guess me landing 5 patches in bzr.dev doesn't help00:14
jamAccording to your earlier comments00:14
jamabentley: also, some of them are pretty old: Tue Jul 15 04:50:37 200800:15
jamThat is about 2 days?00:15
jamah, maybe that is 'frozen'00:15
abentleyThe ones in the 'frozen' list will not be processed without my intervention.00:16
colbracJelmers bb:approve messages on the bzr-gtk list today are also not coming through00:18
abentleyjam: I've tweaked the branch scanner to run set membership tests to find out whether a request was merged, as you suggested.  Much faster!00:30
FallenPegasusis there a way to configure bzr to say something like "warning: you are about to push with uncommitted changes"00:43
jelmerFallenPegasus, not at the moment afaik00:44
jelmerif you think that is a useful feature, please file a bug00:44
colbracjelmer: Any idea how to fix that push PushResult problem?00:46
jelmercolbrac, this appears to be a bug in bzr itself00:48
jelmercolbrac, I see one implementation of pull() that doesn't return a PullResult00:48
jelmerwhile the API clearly states that it should00:48
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jelmerSorry, my bad - it's actually inside of a try so I missed it00:50
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jelmerI'm not quite sure what causes it then00:51
jelmerthough it seems like a bad idea to work around unexpected behaviour while it's unknown what's causing that unexpected behaviour00:52
colbracWhich one of those BrzBranch#'s in bzrlib/branch.py is used you think?00:54
colbracLP page of the branch says format 6.. so I'd assume BzrBranch6 :P00:55
colbrachum.. I give up.. way too much abstractions for this time of night00:57
jelmercolbrac, shouldn't be too hard to figure out if you use pdb01:03
colbracjelmer: you mean, after I learn to use pdb? :)01:04
colbracjelmer: That will be for another day. The dialogs took more time than I expected already.01:04
jelmercolbrac, k01:05
jelmercolbrac, thanks for those changes, btw. I'm really happy to see that happen01:05
colbracjelmer: The main window GUI will be more like removing a bandaid though... :o)01:05
colbracjelmer: One quick big pull01:06
colbracchanging way too many lines in __init__01:06
colbracjelmer: But I'll wait till I have some comments on the changes I made to the locationbar location and the Bookmarks appearance01:07
colbracjelmer: One more thing before I go: There were some approved merges on the vernstok BB that are not in the new BB. Will you merge them or must they first be resend to this BB?01:12
jelmercolbrac, please resend them01:17
colbracjelmer: Tomorrow.. or like.. after some sleep :o) G'night all01:18
* igc lunch03:15
PengOn Ubuntu with the PPA 1.6b3, bzrbashprompt.sh is running and making my shell slow, even though I'm not using it.03:16
jamPeng: It seems the debian system auto installs everything in contrib/bash to /etc/bash....d/03:27
jamyou can rm the one file03:27
jamand I think the packaging is going to be updated.03:27
PengIf I rm it, it will be reinstalled next time I upgrade bzr, right?03:27
PengI replaced it with an empty file. All is right in the world now. :)03:28
jamPeng: well, the next bzr version should *not* install that file anymore.03:38
jamWe didn't intend it to be installed, but didn't realize the installer said "install contrib/bash/*"03:38
jamwhich used to just install a path-completion stuff03:38
Pengjam: Ah.03:48
GrantbowI'm getting the feeling that instead of using the CVS $Id:$ trick I have to do something like bzr version-info --python and check it in - am I getting warm?04:10
mwhudsonthis doesn't look very happy: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/28180/ :(04:10
mwhudsonbzr log --short over the hpss is broken?04:12
GaryvdMIs it possible to add an option to a builtin command from a plugin?04:28
GaryvdMI want to fix Bug 24188904:29
ubottuLaunchpad bug 241889 in qbzr "show merge --preview in qdiff window?" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/24188904:29
GaryvdMbzr merge --qpreview04:29
mwhudsonGaryvdM: yes04:31
mwhudsonunfortunately i don't really know the best way how...04:31
GaryvdMDo you know of some where else that it has been done?04:32
ubottuLaunchpad bug 249690 in bzr "bzr log --short broken over hpss" [Undecided,New]04:34
VerterokGaryvdM: xmloutput (0.4 series) adds --xml option to status, etc. It's not the best way to do it, but it seems to work ok.04:34
mwhudsonGaryvdM: i did this once: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/28183/04:35
GaryvdMOk - that would work04:35
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GaryvdMThanks mwhudson. I was able to do it.05:01
mwhudsonGaryvdM: cool05:01
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jmlpoolie: I've encountered an issue with the stacking stuff.06:28
jmlpoolie: can I call you about it?06:28
* spiv ducks out for an hour06:34
lifelesspoolie: ping06:39
pooliejml, sure06:49
poolielifeless: pong06:49
pooliei fall off irc and everyone wants me :)06:51
jmlwe always want you poolie06:51
igcGrantBow: yes06:52
jmlpoolie: skype or pots?06:52
lifelesspoolie: we have about 50 tshirts left; how do you feel about us giving them out at LRL06:53
poolielifeless: go crazy06:53
lifelesserm wtf http://bazaar-vcs.org/ZoomQuiet06:55
lifelessit doesn't seem quite spam06:55
lifelessbut its surely not topical06:55
lifelesspoolie: also, any feedback on the RFC: review support and partial commits would be nice06:56
lifeless(doesn't have to be deep feedback)06:56
lifelessZoomQuiet is also doing japanese translations of bzr wiki pages. *blink*06:57
pooliejml, let me reply to vila first06:57
jmlpoolie: ok06:57
pooliejml, call me? pots?07:23
jmlpoolie: sure.07:23
kiorkyjelmer (and others): hello, i have strange segfault error on bzr-svn and i cant figure out why it comes. (li. 675 in ra.c seems to be problematic for me (where the segfault seems to appen). But i run in a special env. (all underlying libraries are compiled with prefix) and i want t be sure that it is not the env rather than bzr which is in fault. How can i debug efficiently that ? With gdb (then how?)07:30
kiorkyjelmer: what i want to do is just "import pdb;pdb.set_trace()", C way07:31
kiorkyjelmer: http://www.friendpaste.com/xjJTVvNv i get that as a start, must go out to work, seeya.07:36
lifelesskiorky: hi, jelmer will be around in an hour or two; its early morning here in the UK08:10
kiorkylifeless: one hour less from me :p (france)08:22
kiorky   /B 2908:49
poolielifeless: ping08:59
poolielifeless: do stacking branches still actually require supports_external_lookups in the repository?08:59
pooliei'm guessing yes, so that check knows it's ok for them to have outward-pointing references?08:59
lifelesspoolie: yes08:59
poolieso to make stacking a non-development feature, we need a non-development repository format too09:00
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pooliewith that set09:00
lifelesspoolie: yes, branch and repo format both09:15
lifelessyou can just take the development one and rename/tweak it if you want the shortest path. Ideally though you'd add another format, marked stable, and leave the devleopment one as is until 1.7 when it can be removed09:16
lifelesspoolie: did you see the rfc on review support in bzr?09:16
fullermdIs there a reason not to pull the rich-root switch at the same time?  I thought that was targetted to 1.6 originally anyway...09:16
lifelessfullermd: aaron said to me last week there were about 2 bugs remaining09:17
fullermdAh.  That's a good reason   :)09:17
lifeless-> checkout09:18
poolielifeless: i did09:19
pooliewhen i read it last night i was a bit averse to putting it in the core09:19
pooliebut, i guess it depends on whether you mean 'shipped with bzr' or 'getting its fingers in everywhere'09:20
lifelessputting implementation aside09:20
lifelessdid it sound nice, would you use it09:20
poolieit seems like it would integrate in an interesting way with content filtering, doesn't it?09:20
lifelesswould it be easy to use09:20
poolieso 'the convenient form of this file has these extra hunks but pretend you can't see them'09:21
poolieit does sound pretty nice09:21
pooliei had a case for this just the other day with the pdb stuff in selftest09:21
pooliei guess i could have made it into a loom thread09:21
pooliei agree with you that the git index is interesting but the wrong way around imo09:21
lifelessback after I checkout09:22
lifelesspoolie: so I want to preserve the 'what diff shows you is what is committed' assertion09:44
lifelessI don't know that content transformation is a good fit with hunk marking09:45
awilkinsI see win32 became a first-class beta citizen09:54
awilkinsA shame that configuring it to compile those extensions is such a PITA09:55
jelmerhi awilkins09:57
awilkinsjelmer: So, bzr-svn ; my thoughts are that 1) Update is redundant, because switch also works within a branch as well as across branches ; 2) Replay is probably easier once you get the path remapping working09:57
awilkinsBUt you've probably got my mail already :-)09:57
jelmerawilkins: replay can only be used if the server has svn >= 1.409:58
awilkinsjelmer: True, I wonder how many servers have not been upgraded. I think svn has been at 1.4 for some time.09:59
awilkinsjelmer: I suppose getting switch to work well and then implementing replay stops you ignoring bugs in the switch implementation :-|10:00
jelmerawilkins: There's quite some out there10:03
awilkinsI suppose the last 1.3 release was only last June10:03
awilkinsI upgraded specifically for replay ; the bosses wanted a redundant backup server, so it mirrors to a second box using svnsync after every commit.10:04
jelmeryeah, that's not something we can rely on unfortunately10:05
awilkinsPhhoey. Anyway, dis you test my patch? Does it produce a similar dramatic drop in bug count on Linux?10:05
jelmerawilkins: No, that patch isn't required on Linux10:05
jelmerI also couldn't find any indication that that was necessary in the Subversion headers10:05
awilkinsjelmer: This svn 1.5 or 1.4.6?10:05
jelmerso I suspect there's something else going wrong10:06
awilkinsOk, I'll shelve it and maybe we'll find something else wrong.10:07
uwsWhat is the fastest bzr repository format? rich-root-pack is deemed the smallest, but is it also the fastest?10:16
lifelesswell, gc-plain is the smallest, but its alpha today10:16
uwsRebasing 3 revisions I have (3 minor patches) on top 4 newly added ones in the upstream tree takes like a few minutes10:17
lifelessit should end up being the fastest too ;)10:17
lifelessuws: please file bugs on performance things; generally you souldn't need to worry about formats.10:17
uwslifeless: I wouldn't know what to say10:17
lifelessuws: rich-root-pack is the best format to be using _today_ for bzr-svn branches10:17
lifelessuws: 'I rebased and it was slow'10:17
lifelessuws: :) - givint the branch url for what you rebased would help, and the command you ran10:18
uwslifeless: I'm using bzr-svn branches indeed. pulling from svn is quite slow as well, but rebasing is bzr only right?10:18
lifelessuws: I don't know if it is or isn't bzr only :)10:18
uwsthe bzr-svn branch I'm using is NOT online :(10:18
uwsI've mirrored WebKit trunk10:18
uwsand launchpad doesn't have it in the vcs-mirror10:18
lifelessuws: ah, thats ok. Just filing a bug is sufficient to start with10:19
uwsit took me a few days to build this branch10:19
uwsI'll happily share it with launchpad if they want to10:19
uwsI can upload/bzr push, pas de probleme10:19
lifelessuws: you could just push it to the bzr playground, or launchpad or ..10:19
uwsyeah, but having the "official" webkit mirror seems better10:19
uwsbut the conversion hasn't been trivial :)10:20
lifelessis webkit in gnome svn?10:20
uwslifeless: can I push my ~1GB .bzr to launchpad? :s10:20
uwslifeless: No, webkit svn10:20
lifelessuws: sure10:20
* AfC recalls the 2 days it took to build the initial gtk+ branch...10:20
lifelessuws: what was the command you ran? 'bzr rebase ... ...' ?10:21
uwslifeless: "bzr rebase" ;)10:21
proppyHi, is there a way to convert a mercurial repository to bzr10:21
uwslifeless: I'll explain my setup10:21
uwsrepo  in webkit/10:21
proppy(one way for importing the code to launchpad)10:21
uwsthe .bzr/ dir in there is ~1GB10:21
lifelessproppy: I think there is an hg fastexport frontend10:21
uws2 branches:   webkit.trunk  (without tree, parent is upstream svn+http url, I use this to pull upstream)10:21
lifelessproppy: so the bzr fastimport plugin is the best way to do a one-shot conversion10:21
uwsother branch is webkit.uws, which is branch of the webkit.trunk branch10:22
uwsI have 3 small patches in webkit.uws. when I update webkit.trunk, I run "bzr rebase" in webkit.uws to stack my own patches on top of the upstream trunk version10:22
proppylifeless: ho just noticed there is also an hg convert to GNU arch10:22
uwsgnu arch is dead, proppy ;)10:23
proppygoogling for fastimport10:23
AfCFor what it's worth: I ran some experiments with rebase a few weeks ago. While it "works", the form of the command line UI seems to be very different than the rest of the code bzr commands. I kept getting tripped up as to what would happen to which branch.10:23
AfC(and instead settled on good old `bzr merge -r X..Y` for cherry picks)10:24
uwsAfC: I think of "rebase" as a "shelve away all my own commits, then pull the other branch, and unshelve all my own commits"10:24
AfCuws: yeah, I sorta got that at the end.10:24
uwsI want my patches to be on top of upstream, so that I can keep then in sync (and attach to bugzilla blah blah)10:25
AfCuws: I think matters were complicated by the fact that I was also trying to cherry pick selected revisions at the same time. It made a loud splat noise.10:25
lifelessuws: so, leaving aside the philosophical 'why rebase at all' discussion :) -10:25
uwsnot sure what happens once they commit one of my patches upstream10:25
AfClifeless: :)10:25
lifelessuws: all you run is 'bzr rebase', no arguments at all ?10:25
uwslifeless: (I rebase because my patches need to be on top of trunk to keep them clean for upstream submission)10:25
lifelessuws: you don't need to rebase to achieve that :)10:26
lifelessuws: is http://svn.webkit.org/repository/webkit/trunk the url you bzr-svn'd ?10:26
AfCJust merging trunk into your branch and then `bzr diff -r branch:../trunk` (?) should do it, no?10:26
lifelessAfC: its the loom use case really, one thread per patch, serial merges10:27
lifelessAfC: with a flatten operation at the final commit to trunk, for folk that want that10:27
AfClifeless: you say so :)10:27
uwslifeless: Yes, that's the url.10:27
lifelessAfC: I do!10:27
lifelessuws: how many files do your patches change?10:28
uwslifeless: all three of them just touch 1 file (3 different files in total).10:28
proppylifeless: what is bzr fastimport frontend for mercurial10:28
uwsall <5 line changes10:28
proppyfront-end | bzr fast-import -10:28
lifelessproppy: yes; http://modular.math.washington.edu/home/mhansen/fast-export/hg-fast-export.txt has some stuff about hg-fast-export10:29
lifelessproppy: fast-export is a standard for exporting and importing between many different VCS systems10:29
proppy These front-ends are bundled in the exporters/ directory of bzr-fastimport.10:30
proppy../bzr-fastimport/exporters/hg-fast-export.py -r ../protobuf-test/ | bzr fast-import -10:32
proppydone thanks :)10:32
AfCThere are two possibilities, then: either the one shipping with bzr-fastimport is tweaked and fixed, being specific to Bazaar, or the one available from [someone in the] Mercurial [community] is newer and better, being from the foreign system who perhaps know their own system better.10:32
lifelessuws: I have filed a bug10:35
uwslifeless: CC me please, uws+launchpad@xs4all.nl10:36
uwslifeless: I'm currently trying to push my webkit.trunk mirror to lp:~uws/webkit-open-source/webkit.trunk10:37
uwswonder whether it'll work, and how long it'll take ;)10:37
uwsat least I'm on 100MBit for the rest of the day :)10:37
uwsI created the branch in launchpad using the web page, and I had to supply --use-existing-dir to bzr push10:38
lifelessyes, I think this is ugly :)10:38
uwsHmmm. "copying inventory texts 2/5"10:39
awilkinsjelmer: I might be prepared to disagree with you on this "set_path" thing ; can you show me where the API says you _don't_ have to describe the revisions of every path?10:49
proppyimporting to lp done, thanks lifeless and AfC10:49
awilkinsjelmer: Of course, if the tests work on Linux, it's clear that something is behvaing differently ; but still, I can't find anything that says "if you don't pass any paths, it assumes that everything is revision N"10:50
lifelessproppy: cool10:57
lifelessuws: you are copied now11:01
uwslifeless: Hm?11:31
uwslifeless: ah, cc on the bug11:31
uwslifeless: I'm at "copying content texts 3/5" for my webkit.trunk push ;)11:31
uwsbut the repo is ~1GB ;)11:32
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LeoNerdIt's likely been asked a hundred times before, but... Why-oh-why do I have to give a 'push' URL the first time I push a branch..? Can it not default to the parent, the place I branched it from..?11:37
LeoNerdSimilar for missing/pull/update/etc...11:38
luksthat's not always the place you want to push to11:38
LeoNerdNot always, no. I suppose I could consider various other use-cases. But every time I've ever done it, that's what I've done. I imagine that's the most likely place.11:39
luksI think in most open source projects people branch over http11:39
LeoNerdOK... So just apply the default to the missing/pull/update case then...11:40
LeoNerdbzr branch http://foo/bar. ... wait a few days... bzr missing => "bzr missing: no URL specified"11:40
LeoNerdIt would be nice if it just filled that in by default... even if I had to do the push one myself11:40
fullermdDon't forget the location aliases abentley put in for 1.6...   very nice.  I just wish they were documented somewhere other than NEWS.11:41
jelmerbeuno, ping11:41
awilkinsjelmer: I'm trying to test bzr-svn on Linux and it just says "Aborted"11:57
jelmerawilkins, what version of python?11:58
jelmerhmm, not sure then11:58
thumperhi jelmer11:58
jelmerany chance you can run it inside a debugger to see what it is aborting on?11:58
jelmerthumper: Hi11:58
thumpercan bzr-svn import subtrees as branches?11:58
thumperjelmer: I'm thinking of kde11:58
jelmerthumper: yeah11:58
awilkinsjelmer: You'd have to give me a quick pointer as to how11:58
jelmerawilkins: "make gdb-check" should do that for you11:59
thumperjelmer: any idea on how it would perform with 750K revisions (kde has one big repo)11:59
thumperjelmer: any given subtree will only have a fraction of those11:59
jelmerthumper, apparently it does work - some people have used it, but the building of the cache takes a long time apparently12:00
jelmerthere has been work on allowing bzr-svn to not even look at the rest of the repository12:00
jelmerbut that's not finished yet12:00
thumperjelmer: how long will it take?12:00
thumperno pressure ;-)12:00
awilkinsjelmer: My installed bzr is not compatible with bzr-svn now, should I edit the makefile to point at my bzr.dev?12:00
jelmerthumper, Not sure, it's not one of the highest things on the list12:01
jelmerawilkins: yeah12:01
thumperjelmer: where's the list?12:01
* thumper waves the priority wand :)12:01
jelmerthumper, It's the bugs list in lp :-)12:01
jelmerawilkins: Or just export the BZR environment variable to point at your bzr.dev12:01
thumperjelmer: is the cache reusable across multiple subtree imports?12:02
thumperok, not so bad then12:02
jelmerIt's about 2 gig though, from what I've heard12:02
thumpermemory or disk?12:02
awilkinsjelmer: Yup, figured that ; I'm now at a (gdb) prompt12:03
jelmerawilkins, just run12:03
thumperjelmer: thanks, gotta go now12:03
thumperjelmer: I may well be in touch again later :)12:04
* awilkins pines for GUI debuggers12:04
jelmerthumper: ok12:04
awilkinsI think I may need to install some more symbols12:04
jelmerawilkins: There's a good GTK+ based one now I think12:04
* jelmer tries to remember the name12:04
awilkinslots of "no debugging symbols"12:05
lifelessLeoNerd: push is normally *not the place you branched from; at least IME12:05
awilkinsIt's stopped in libc.so.612:05
lifelessLeoNerd: its only the single-developer case that you *can* push back to the place you branch from12:05
awilkinsYes, doing these things "raw" makes you a real man... I'd rather be wimp with a cyborg exo-suit than a real man naked in the desert....12:06
awilkinsjelmer: Are you testing on x86_32 or x86_64 ?12:11
jelmerI'm on 32bit12:11
awilkinsI'm on 6412:12
awilkinsI'm also trying to find th right debug symbols12:13
* awilkins installs the debug python interpreter12:14
awilkinsWell, that seemed to remove all the "no symbols" errors12:16
awilkinsStill about as clear as mud12:16
* awilkins has been spoiled by working in environment where the debugger just shows you the code that's busted :-)12:16
* awilkins installs insight and ddd12:21
jelmerbug 12794512:29
ubottuLaunchpad bug 127945 in bzr-svn "Integrate creating new branch functionality into standard push/branch" [Low,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/12794512:29
jelmerlifeless, ^12:29
colbracjelmer: What are the chances of you merging the OliveGui? :)12:47
jelmercolbrac, I'd like to at least wait for phanatic to comment12:47
colbracjelmer: Ok.. at least it stills merges without conflict to the new trunk12:48
colbraccolbrac: The pending 'status for folders' and 'fix for broken symlink' will cause conflicts me thinks12:49
colbracjelmer: ^ (doh.. stop talking to myself :P)12:50
* colbrac needs more coffee: 'fix for broken symlink' is already merged. 12:53
colbracjelmer: Could the 'sort bookmarks by title bundle' be merged? I promise I will remove the code duplication (which is present already) after the merge of OliveGui.13:14
jelmercolbrac: You're yourself also free to merge changes into trunk (if they have been approved)13:14
colbracwow! Didn't know that about that. So you change your stance from resubmit to approve?13:15
jelmercolbrac: If I voted resubmit I'd like to see a new submission to the list :-)13:18
jelmertweak means I'm fine to see the bundle go in iff the indicated changes in my review are made (without the need for further review)13:18
jelmerI think I would actually like to see that one resubmitted13:18
colbracjelmer: Did you read my reply on the list about this? I still think adding another helper function now, while the whole duplication between _load_left / refresh_left will be removed soon is not really useful.13:20
jelmercolbrac: I guess I could live with it then13:27
colbrack thx :)13:28
jelmercolbrac, any chance you can review http://bundlebuggy.aaronbentley.com/project/bzr-gtk/request/%3C20080717123155.GA14537@vernstok.nl%3E?13:44
colbracjelmer: Will take a look at it, but it's unknown territory for me13:46
jelmerIt's a relatively trivial change13:49
colbracstill.. I can't even figure out how to open that 'Search revisions' dialog :P13:51
colbracor is it that list that opens on the history button in olive?13:51
jelmercolbrac, you need to have bzr-search installed13:55
jelmerand that, in turn, needs bzr.dev or one of the 1.6 betas13:55
jelmermvo, hi14:13
colbracjelmer: The dialog doesn't disappear for me :/14:35
colbracjelmer: add .destroy() somewhere14:37
matkorIs any transport faster thatn sftp: ??14:44
matkorit takes minutes do update checkout with few lines changes ...14:46
lifelessmatkor: what project?14:48
matkorlifeless: mine15:03
matkorjust I have big lattency link (crowded vpn)15:03
matkorbut it is still long time I think .. I wonder perhaps ssh+bzr: would be better choice ?15:03
mvohey jelmer! you pinged me earlier?15:12
jelmermvo: Yeah, I was trying to find some way to retrieve "Vcs-*" fields from the apt cache using python-apt15:13
jelmermvo: Is it correct that that's not possible atm?15:14
mvojelmer: give me a minute, I should be able to sent you a example15:14
lifelessmatkor: should be about the same usually; however latency hurts :(15:15
mvojelmer: you are right, its currently not accessable because there is no way to access the full record. let me add it to the python-apt source15:21
jelmermvo, Cool15:21
mvojelmer: I can put a new version into my ppa, do you need hardy or intrepid debs?15:25
jelmermvo: I'm actually on sid but I guess hardy is most useful for me at this point :-)15:25
jelmercolbrac, are you sure you meant resubmit rather than tweak?15:27
colbrac:) hum, yeah you are right.. I trust you can handle this without further review :o)15:28
jelmermvo, where is the main python-apt branch?15:36
mvojelmer: my development tree is at http://people.ubuntu.com/~mvo/bzr/python-apt/mvo/15:37
colbracI installed bzr 1.6b3 from the bzr-beta ppa but now I seem to have a bzr prompt as soon as I start a gnome-terminal for every folder I enter :/15:37
colbracthat's a nice *feature* people :P15:39
Odd_Blokecolbrac: I _believe_ that's an issue with the packaging.  Look in /etc/bash.d, perhaps.15:39
mvojelmer: I have a pbuilder sid environemnet here, I can build you a package if that is more convenient15:39
Odd_Blokeubottu: paste15:40
mvojelmer: I added a "Record" attribute to the PkgSrcRecord that gives you the full record15:40
ubottupastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)15:40
colbracthanks to etckeeper I know it's done in /etc/bash_completion.d/bzrbashprompt.sh15:40
jelmermvo: Thanks15:40
Odd_Blokeja1: I'm getting http://paste.ubuntu.com/28287/ when I attempt to send you mail.15:41
jelmermvo: A sid package would be quite nice if it's not too much trouble :-)15:41
=== ja1 is now known as jam
jamOdd_Bloke: odd.. can you try sending directly to john@mail.arbash-meinel.com?15:42
jamLove to put that in traceback ... ugh15:42
jamtry it15:42
jamOdd_Bloke: I know I have a greylist which requires messages to be re-sent the first time they come through15:44
jambut 550 doesn't look like the right error for that.15:44
jelmermvo: nevermind, bzr builddeb also seems happy with your branch15:44
Odd_Blokejam: I got http://paste.ubuntu.com/28288/ in my logs when I sent the email to john@mail.arbash-meinel.com.15:44
Odd_Blokejam: Though it's deferred (rather than bounced as previously) so I may have just hit the greylist for that.15:46
jamOdd_Bloke: sounds like.15:47
jamYou can send again in a couple minutes15:47
jamor just wait for it to retransmit15:47
Odd_Blokejam: I'll wait. :)  The initial error seems weird though.15:48
jamyeah the 550 you were getting seems bad15:49
jamI know I have a private mail server, and domainpeople just relay it to me15:49
jamas a backup15:49
jelmermvo, The Vcs-Bzr fields still appears to be missing15:54
jelmermvo:while it does contain other fields such as Maintainer and Homepage15:55
jelmermvo, e.g. Cache()["bzr"].installedRecord["Maintainer"] works but Cache()["bzr"].installedRecord["Vcs-Bzr"] doesn't15:56
TejasPPhi, is there any tutorial on how to write a plugin/hook? both user reference and user guide doesn't contain many information. they both say "look at the builtins.py". having a tutorial would be great16:01
NfNitLoopTejasPP: I think you just volunteered to write one?  ;)16:04
mvojelmer: right, the vcs-bzr information is only available in the source package record, that is slightly more work to extract16:04
TejasPPfirst I should figure it out! :D16:04
colbracexactly! :) That's what I did before I added info about giving back for bzr-gtk on the bzr wiki16:05
mvojelmer: http://paste.ubuntu.com/28291/ is a example, its rather primitive compared to the interface that works with binary packages16:06
TejasPPso, there is no documentation on this other than user guide/reference and writingplugins page16:11
jelmermvo, Ah, my bad16:11
colbracjelmer: If I was going to try to move some import statements to the top of files in bzr-gtk and I find licence-less py files (like window.py), should I add a licence?16:11
jelmermvo, Thanks, that seems to work16:11
jelmermvo, that returns the data from the latest known version?16:11
jelmersince Lookup() seems to return only a single object, rather than multiple16:12
mvojelmer: its a bad interface, you can run Lookup() multiple times and it will return multiple records (it will return false when there are no records left)16:13
mvojelmer: /usr/share/doc/python-apt/examples/sources.py is a example16:13
mvojelmer: on how to use it (this code predates my involvement with the project :)16:14
jelmermvo: Heh, ok16:14
jelmermvo, Thanks16:14
mvocheers! let me know if you need anything else16:15
jelmerI'm fine for now... "bzr branch deb:<package-name>" seems to work16:16
TejasPPdo you know any example plugin which is well commented and easy to understand? or which functions I should look in builtins.py16:17
jelmerTejasPP: any particular sort of plugin you're looking to implement16:19
jelmerTejasPP: New command, push hook, etc?16:20
TejasPPjelmer: actually I'm trying to write a hook to indent files before commit16:20
TejasPPbut it would be good opportinuty for me to learn writing plugins16:21
TejasPPjelmer: I'm reading docs and codes since last night and all I can is that: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/28293/16:23
TejasPP/all i can/all i can do16:25
jelmerTejasPP, If you would like to do it pre-commit, you may want to add a start-commit hook16:26
jelmerTejasPP, see http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/28294/16:26
mvojelmer: oh? that bzr branch deb:stuff is a plugin that looks for the vcs- header?16:29
mvojelmer: if so, where can I download the plugin :)16:30
jelmermvo: yeah - it works in a similar fashion to lp:16:30
mvo(or bzr get it) :)16:30
mvothat sounds *very* cool!16:30
jelmermvo: I've implemented it as patch to bzr-builddeb16:30
jelmermvo: ^16:31
* mvo bzr gets16:31
=== menesis1 is now known as menesis
mvojelmer: works for me, that is hot stuff :)16:37
jelmercool :-)16:37
TejasPPjelmer: I've wrote that: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/28297/16:41
TejasPPI think I need a list of files which is modified16:41
=== edcrypt1 is now known as edcrypt
* lamont has a randomly-strange use case... bzr update against a tree that has had an uncommit fails (for good reasons). I want to force it to do the uncommit here as well. is that doable short of rm -rf .bzr and re-branch?16:53
=== Pieter|Paris is now known as Pieter|Brussel
awilkinsThat fast-wak-win32 patch is awesome17:04
awilkinsStatus on a 28,469 element tree - 2 seconds17:04
lifelessbit slow17:06
awilkinsYeah, I'm doing this java thing that eats am XML model and spits ASP pages ... it's IO bound... well, it is on Windows17:07
awilkinsOn Linux it takes the same time whether you output to RAM disk or real disk17:07
awilkinsAnd 1:35 instead of 2:3017:07
lifelessjelmer: ping17:07
lifelessjam: ping17:09
awilkinsI don't think jam is even here17:09
lifelesslamont: for mirrors, don't use update; use a normal branch and pull --overwrite && bzr revert17:09
lamontlifeless: cool17:10
lifeless(I told Ng already)17:10
lamontfixing it is so much easier than teaching people to not use bzr uncommit on a published branch. :(17:11
lamontand do I really not have a way to have per-branch hook scripts?17:11
awilkinslamont: You could do a hook script that examines the revid of the first revision in the branch17:12
lamontawilkins: I want diff hook scripts for diff repos, and don't want to have to change the hook script each time...17:12
lamontI'd be more inclined to have a hook script that examined .bzr/$MUMBLE and ran it if it was there.17:13
lifelesslamont: exactly17:13
liw(interesting question on that reddit page, nothing interesting in the answers yet)17:13
lifelesslamont: for instance, bzr-email checks for a email_to configuration item17:13
lamontbecause lack of per-branch hook scripts is something that even clearcase didn't do.17:13
lamontlifeless: that's a good place to start17:13
lifelesslamont: which will pickup from  branch.conf or locations.conf or bazaar.conf automatically17:14
lifelessladon't conflate 'per branch' with 'code is instanlled locally'17:14
lifelessdamn, I mean globally. damn australian saturated email link fuckage17:14
lamontlifeless: what I really want is something to bolt into uncommit that says 'no, you already published this, you ninny'17:14
lamontlifeless: one of these days I'll take the time and corner the right people/docs to figure out how to get my use model in bzr:  one directory, lots of branches and switch between them when I want.  this one directory-per-branch thing offends my sensibilities.  (while I recognize that many people prefer that)(17:15
lamontso yeah, what I really mean is "per repo" :-)17:15
lamontand _that_ is conflation at its finest17:16
lifelesslamont: so why should that *not* work on every branch? just check the public_ocation of the branch and if it is nothing cancel, otherwise try to connect and check17:16
lifelesslamont - or better yet, record the last revision pushed in a hook, and then you can check locally17:16
awilkinslamont: Make a no-trees repo, make a subfolder for the branches, put branches in it. Then make a checkout folder, and use `bzr switch` when you please17:17
lamontawilkins: concept understood.  about 20% of the words in that sentence obviously require recursion...  hence "sometime when I'm not at work" :)17:17
lifelesslamont: and yes, as awilkins says, we *totally* support lots of branches and switch17:17
lifelesslamont: it is :17:18
lifeless$bzr init-repo foo --no-trees17:18
lifelessbzr branch THING foo/branch117:18
lifelessbzr branch foo/branch1 foo/branch217:18
lifelessbzr checkout --lightweight foo/branch1 place-to-edit-source17:18
lifelesscd place-to-edit-source17:18
lifelessbzr commit17:18
lifelessbzr switch branch217:18
lamontah, and --no-trees means that it doesn't create a foo/branch1 directory mess under $CWD17:18
lifelessno-trees means that 'bzr branch' does not give you the source code to edit in the branch directoy17:19
lamontand can place-to-edit-source be "."?  (I expect not)17:19
awilkinsYou still have a branch1 directory but it has no sources in it17:19
lifelesslamont: yes it can be .17:19
lamontah, ok17:19
lamontI'll play later, and hug my scrollback17:20
lifelesslamont: (but I would tend not to use . because you wouldoften want several working trees with different CFLAG options etc17:20
lamontthose go in the exported source tree, which has .bzr nuked...17:20
lamontand then sbuild chroots into the right place and does the build for me17:20
lifelessright, well - give it a play17:21
lifelessfile bugs as appropriate17:21
lifelessyou'll prbably mneed to ignore foo if you have the checkout above it :)17:22
VSpikeIf I want to split a source file into two smaller parts, is there any way to tell bzr of this?17:26
liwthat reddit thread makes it pretty clear already that people using cvs and svn really hate branching and merging17:30
liw(news at 11)17:30
liwVSpike, I was going to suggest "bzr copy" but it doesn't seem to exist, hmm17:31
LarstiQlifeless: speaking about copy, how are path tokens or a replacement scheme doing?17:32
VSpikeliw: I can't see any commands that apply, but yeah copy would make sense if it existed17:36
Odd_Blokeliw: :D17:37
liwVSpike, yeah, I'm thinking you should just start a new file and "bzr add" that as if it were completely new17:37
liwVSpike, but you may want to wait a bit in case one of the people who actually know bzr wake up17:37
Odd_BlokeAFAIK, it's not possible ATM.17:40
Odd_BlokeThe things LarstiQ mentioned would be ways of making it possible.17:40
LarstiQlast time I paid attention there were concerns about troublesome copy semantics, but that was a while ago.17:42
liwOdd_Bloke, I see you on that thread!17:44
pickscrapeYesterday I accidentally upgraded to 1.6b3 because of it being accidentally uploaded to the wrong PPA, but now I can't get 1.5 to install again17:51
pickscrapeI uninstalled bzr, but reinstalling it just brings in the hardy version (1.3.1)17:51
pickscrapeI still have the PPA in my sources.list17:52
pickscrapeOh wait...17:52
pickscrape1.5 isn't in the PPA for hardy17:52
pickscrapeThat explains it. :) Anyone know when 1.5 for hardy will be uploaded to the PPA again?17:53
james_wpickscrape: you could check /var/cache/apt/archives/ to see if it has the 1.5 version17:53
james_wMartin seemed to hint that he was going to re-upload 1.5 to ~bzr and put 1.6b3 in ~bzr-beta-ppa17:54
pickscrapejames_w: unfortunately not :(17:54
pickscrapeWe're going to be migrating from svk to bzr within the next week. Scary.17:55
awilkinsTo be honest, I've used both and svk is much scarier than bzr17:56
pickscrapeOh, I don't mean that bzr is more scary than svk17:56
awilkinsNo, the conversion!17:56
* awilkins fears17:56
pickscrapeIt's just a big change, and most of our developers really don't care about version control at all.17:57
awilkinsI'm having to teach bzr to a team of business modellers who've only ever used MKS (which is a sort of eveil propritary hybrid CVS) but automated via a huge lump of Java17:57
awilkinsCurrently their tools sit still for 10 minutes every time you open them synching their files to MKS17:58
awilkinsContrast this to about 10 seconds doing a bzr pull and they start to care about version control17:58
awilkinsI mean, the other team I work for had been contemplating for 2 years whether to use VSS or CVS, so I converted them to SVN in my first two weeks of employment and was accused of "having made the single greatest contribution to production quality on the project"18:00
awilkinsTortoiseSVN taking most of the credit for making it understandable to mere mortals18:01
* awilkins is a bit of a VCS geek18:01
pickscrapeRight now I'm struggling to get everyone to even have a play with bzr using the demo migration I've already performed for them.18:01
pickscrapeno doubt when we actually bite the bullet they'll then complain that they don't know how to use it18:02
awilkinsAny like-minded "pathfinders" in the group?18:02
pickscrapeYou mean people who actually care? :)18:02
pickscrapeThere are a few, yes18:03
awilkinsIt took me a few days to get my head round it, and I've been admin-ing SVN and VSS for years, but it was less painful than learning to merge in svk18:03
awilkinsConcentrate on the few, not the many. A choir sings better than a soloist18:03
pickscrapesvk has become unscalable for us. The depot size is now 12GB. pulling some branches is now impossible because it exhausts memory. Syncing some revisions also becomes a massive memory drain that people struggle to complete.18:04
awilkinssvk was a major improvement for me because I could take work home in a version-controlled way18:04
pickscrapeOur main draw to svk was for the merge tracking.18:04
awilkinsYes, I found that SVK really, really ate CPU for no discernible reason18:05
pickscrapeI even contributed to the SVK book a few years back.18:05
pickscrapeMy name's still on it I think18:05
pickscrapeIt just seems to have died though18:05
awilkinsI mean, it's pulling deltas from the server which it should be able to just shove back into your local depot raw ; why does it eat so much CPU?18:05
pickscrapeYes, that confuses me too. And it seems to have got much worse of late too, inexplicably.18:06
awilkinsEsp. the Linux builds which actually work when using replay API18:06
pickscrapeThe best thing though is that when you add, say, an image to trunk, that image gets duplicated every time you pull trunk to a branch18:06
awilkinsReplay doesn't save much though, it just means you don't have to report when you start a transaction18:06
pickscrapeOne of the reasons why our depot got to 12G :)18:06
awilkinsThat's... yuck18:07
pickscrapeCan you imagine the fun we have setting up a new developer? :)18:07
awilkinsHow big is your converted bzr repo?18:07
pickscrapeWe haven't imported history: too much chaff. the shared repo of the import of HEAD takes up about 79M, spread over a few separate repositories18:08
awilkinsI think my biggest repo is still under 2GB, but people are working on it, they keep checking in huge trees of XMLSpy documentation output and the like18:08
awilkinsIf I can get the tip of 0.4 working properly in windows, I'll convert it over using bzr-svn and see where it goes from there18:09
pickscrapefollowing over 40k revisions of doing it wrong, we figured we'd start afresh and do it right :)18:09
awilkinsAny ideas about why that problem is occurring, jelmer?18:10
awilkinspickscrape: Depends on how many branches you are supporting actively in the old depot I suppose18:10
pickscrapeawilkins: I think I need to migrate about 20 at the moment.18:11
=== edcrypt1 is now known as edcrypt
=== mw is now known as mw|food
PerceptHi, can anyone direct me to some information how to use bzr (or any other CVS for that matter) with webprojects which have a database like MySQL?20:22
Perceptsince the database is always located at another place then the folder with my files20:22
Perceptrealises this is prolly a stupid question)20:22
Odd_BlokePercept: Normally you would only keep your database schema in version control, with something else to take care of backing your database up.20:23
PerceptOdd_Bloke: ah so it's not common practice to have the DB with content in version control then?20:24
PerceptOdd_Bloke: doesn't sepperating the db-backup from vc make the whole thing less managable? I'm really new to VCS but I really need to learn20:25
PerceptI read the user guide ... seems easy enough just didn't get how to deal with databases20:27
Perceptgetting your database under VCS http://www.codinghorror.com/blog/archives/000743.html and http://www.martinfowler.com/articles/evodb.html20:46
jamPercept: well, that also sounds like it is someone selling a product :)20:51
jamI would generally always keep the schema under VCS20:51
jamIt sort of depends on how critical the *data* in the database is20:52
Perceptjam: the ccomments are interesting :)20:52
jamMost DB's I've seen the database itself should be backed up, but the actual *data* wasn't something I would version20:52
Perceptwhich referred me to the second lin20:52
jamJust like I would version the program I'm writing20:52
jambut I wouldn't version the generated output20:52
jamReading the comments, they seem to be saying approx the same thing20:53
Perceptjam ok sounds logic (now ... was really lost on how people managed their DB's)20:53
jamthat it is the *schema* that they care about20:53
jamThe DBs I worked with had everything written in .sql files, and some python scripts to load that into the DB, and take care of stuff like upgrading.20:54
jamI know Launchpad even has stricter rules for versioning. In that patches that make changes to the schema can only be landed at certain times, etc.20:55
=== mw|food is now known as mw
PerceptI read something about luanchpad in the user docs but I don't really kno what it is yet20:56
Perceptgotta start ith the basics first :)20:56
=== mark2 is now known as Guest60896
=== mw is now known as mw|out
LaserJockis there a way to branch a specific range of revisions?23:41
LaserJockI want to branch everything up to a certain revision23:41
cody-somervilleLaserJock, -r23:42
LaserJockthat only gets a specific revision23:42
beunoLaserJock, -r ..X?23:43
LaserJockwait no, cody was right23:43
LaserJockthe documentation messed me up23:44
TejasPPjelmer, recently I saw your shell-hooks plugin and it's great23:48

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