
cpk1its greedy?00:01
DannilionSounds right :P Anyway I can tell it to stop? :P00:03
DannilionIt's now up to 528MB...00:03
XJmanAnyone know why I am loosing recognization of my wireless card at random times?00:08
crazy6has anyone here installed kubuntu on an imac (and retained OS X) ?00:09
justs0mewhen i do "su -" in terminal to use superuser it says authentication failure, i put in the right pw and its right... wth00:16
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justs0methough while i do sudo apt-get install somthing i put the pw in and it works?????00:17
justs0meis there a way to have konsole be in the box when i right click the desktop (like in fedora)'00:27
zabbadappDannilion: are you using compiz?00:27
justs0mewhere is a good post install tutural for like nvidia and wireless?00:28
Githzeraijusts0me: ubuntu has no root password so logicaly su doesn't work00:28
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Githzeraijusts0me: if u want superuser password type sudo passwd (sudo uses your user password, if that's what you're wondering about ;) )00:29
justs0mein adept manager to the left of status there are kubuntu icons sometimes what does this mean ?00:30
Githzeraijusts0me: It means that those packages are from main repository, and officialy supported00:30
minhaaji can't get my programs to stay on system tray. when i close the window it minmizes but i can't access it again. i have to kill process and restart it00:31
minhaajany help ?00:31
_CrashMaster_!info zoneminder00:38
ubottuzoneminder (source: zoneminder): Linux video camera security and surveillance solution. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.22.3-10 (hardy), package size 1303 kB, installed size 4584 kB00:38
_CrashMaster_Yeah yeah, but how do I START it?00:38
[pyro]did you check init scripts?00:39
_CrashMaster_Biggest pain in the ass I have with Linux is how to FIND and START a program I installed.00:39
cpk1what about "zoneminder"?00:39
_CrashMaster_Command Not Found. I've tried the obvious stff :P00:39
[pyro]cd /etc/init.d/ and have a look in ther?00:40
[pyro]not sure if it runs as a daemon or not..00:40
_CrashMaster_Its got a listing. In green, whatever that signifies.00:40
cpk1man zoneminder?00:41
[pyro]./zoneminder start00:41
[pyro]from that dir00:41
daemon3I must part, my dear friends!00:41
_CrashMaster_of COURSE it wants to throw errors. I havent configured it yet. I downloaded something called MythZoneMinder (allegedly a front end) and I cant bloody find THAT one either! :P00:42
[pyro]did you install these as deb packages?00:42
_CrashMaster_got em from adept00:43
[pyro]ok, you can type #dpkg -L <packagename> and that will list all files owned by said package00:44
[pyro]you will see what it has installed where00:44
[pyro]the other thing you can do is go into Adept Manager and navigate to said package and check the details of it, you will see there what files it has installed too.00:44
[pyro]i suggest the first thing you check are the documentation files for each package, as that will give you more info on how to get it all up and running.00:45
daemon3I must part, my dear friends!00:47
daemon3Did you miss me?00:47
justs0meanyone try SELinux in kubuntu?00:49
Dannilionsorry zabbadapp- I'd gone AFK. No, I'm not using compiz- just Kwin01:00
dilipgargHello. I am looking to setup a proxy server so that I can surf online without getting my real IP broadcasted for free. Does proxy server has this ability?01:07
dilipgargJust now I was chatting in a Java based chat room and the someone pops up asking the weather about my city!01:09
Githzeraidilipgarg: google for anonymous proxy01:10
dilipgargGith: Do you mean simple http proxy setup in firefox?01:11
greegcan someone check out my web server to verify if it's reachable ?
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dilipgarggreeg: yes, it is up and running01:13
greegcool thanx01:13
dilipgargGithzerai: If you mean http proxy setup in firefox, that doesnt let me enter into Java based chat rooms01:14
walkbossCan someone give me a hand getting the resolution correct on my second monitor?01:14
dilipgarggreeg: you are welcome01:14
Githzeraidilipgarg: why not use regular chat then ? ;)01:16
dilipgargGith: I just asked about the proxy server features. Do you if it can conceal my IP address?01:17
dilipgargDo you know^01:17
dilipgargprobably you dont!01:18
Githzeraidilipgarg: It is a point of anonymous proxy01:19
dilipgargGith: That much i knew without googling anything. I am obviously looking for some informartion about setting it up01:20
dilipgarganyways. I'll try to find my way01:20
dilipgargGithzerai: a word of advice though, don't try to joke/sell about anything that the other person isnt looking for!01:21
Githzeraidilipgarg: You're tying to hide your IP adress. I say use anonymous proxy.  Weather u will listen or not, it's up to you.01:22
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WalkbossCan someone give me a hand configuring my external monitor with nvidia-settings?01:31
WalkbossUhm... The only problem I have is setting the correct resolution01:32
Walkbossnvidia-settings won't list resolutions any higher than 640x480.01:33
GithzeraiWalkboss: Try with monitror and display config in systemsetting ?01:34
louie_can anyone help me?01:34
spiel_mit_feueri think im going to wipe out /.. and reinstall the entire kubuntu desktop.. not just kde-core01:34
WalkbossGithzerai: sys settings is saying something weird.. I'll be right back. Resetting X01:36
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WalkbossThe 2nd monitor can't be detected in System Settings. It could be in the past, but I couldn't set it to anything.01:37
lesergihi all01:38
WalkbossThe 2nd monitor works fine, but it's just displaying a cloned 640x48001:38
cadoolouie_: just say what your problem is01:38
Guest31577Hello. What should change in the menu.lst to make the windows xp the default? Cause i've just installed the kubuntu 8.04 for a newbie user.01:38
lesergiI just upgraded my hardy to intrepid, but I can't set KDE4 in my language01:39
spiel_mit_feuerheh.. kde4.. headache01:39
lesergiI installed language-pack-kde-es and kde-l10n-es and I set it in systemsettings, but nothing..01:39
spiel_mit_feuer582mb is all kde4 takes up?01:39
GithzeraiWalkboss: in syssettings, first u need to setup seceond monitor just the same as fist one.... chose model type etc...01:39
spiel_mit_feuerseems like it would suck more HDD than that01:39
spiel_mit_feuerany idea how much an ubuntu command-line install takes up?01:40
cadoospiel_mit_feuer: i think ubuntu server is ~30001:41
spiel_mit_feuerfull kde4.. and ubuntu command-line is only 1gb total01:41
spiel_mit_feuerthats not much at all01:41
spiel_mit_feuervista is 15gb alone01:41
spiel_mit_feuerhowever.. i think i will have to leave you guys soon01:42
spiel_mit_feuerif you dont know what youre doing and being stuck with kde4.. why are you going with an unstable testing distro?01:43
spiel_mit_feuerkde is starting to feel a bit too much like windows for me01:44
* dr_Willis has never seen much logic to such statements.01:45
spiel_mit_feuerprobably because i set it up to look pretty similar01:45
spiel_mit_feuermy fault though01:45
spiel_mit_feuerwhats that thing i see like a taskbar on top of some desktops.. but holds a list of application icons?01:46
spiel_mit_feuerhe.. brb01:48
spiel_mit_feuersome of my mesochistic tendencies are taking control.. and i just installed kde4 because im in the mood to torture myself01:48
spiel_mit_feuerim back for now...01:55
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crazy6?? does kubuntu not have the automagic flash installer anymore?02:24
ubottuBluesKaj: Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)02:25
ubottuTo install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash (a recent version for !Dapper is available in !backports) - See also !Restricted and !Gnash02:26
Githzerai!info flashplugin-nonfree02:26
ubottuflashplugin-nonfree (source: flashplugin-nonfree): Adobe Flash Player plugin installer. In component multiverse, is optional. Version (hardy), package size 18 kB, installed size 164 kB (Only available for i386 amd64 lpia)02:26
ubottumedibuntu is a repository of packages that cannot be included into the Ubuntu distribution for legal reasons - See http://www.medibuntu.org02:26
crazy6aw sound doesn't work on my imac02:30
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peterjordan1977morning all02:33
dwidmannnight all02:35
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crazy6gah I installed flashplugin-nonfree and firefox hasn't magically picke dit up02:37
peterjordan1977flash player 9?02:39
eagles051387crazy6: ff3 or 202:39
KondaI am having difficulty with youtube on Ku8.04 - 64bit02:40
BluesKajpeterjordan1977,  flashplugin-nonfree02:41
Kondasame issue probably02:41
crazy6ah, the downloads window was hiding there02:41
crazy6ok, restarted it and it's ok now02:41
crazy6but still no sound systmewide :(02:41
KondaI haven't restarted yet02:41
eagles051387Konda: flash nonfree version 10 is having some issues in x64 hardy i have been having the same problems with getting it to play any flash related movies02:42
BluesKajKonda,  dunno if the 64 bit flash prob is fixed on 8.04 ...you may need to install ia3202:43
justs0mewhere are soem goog tuturials for nvidia and wireless for 8.04?02:43
Kondaah.... medibuntu02:43
KondaI haven't even read this yet, but apparently, this is supposed to help02:44
Konda.....why not?02:44
fulat2khi folks, any idea why i can't change cpu frequency policy via kpowersave?  i've always been able to do so.  did some update break it?02:45
Kondaso it's either dynamic powersave or performance now, right?02:46
Kondamy screen just went bright all the way02:46
eagles051387has anyone tried the new upgrade method cdless upgrade using internet02:47
fulat2kKonda: you mean the Active Scheme?02:47
Githzeraieagles051387: What exactly do you mean? Like apt-get dist-upgrade or ?02:48
BluesKajeagles051387, yes but only for the the official release , not for any alphas or beta RCs02:48
eagles051387upgrade from gutsy to hardy02:48
Kondawell they're just the options in the power manager02:48
eagles051387im doing it right now using my net connection im just wondering what the new method is like if there have been any issues02:48
BluesKajworked fine for my upgrade ...at first02:49
Githzeraieagles051387: that's it : sudo apt-get dist-upgrade ;) I used it all the way from dapper ;)02:49
fulat2kKonda: under which section?  CPU Frequency Policy?02:49
peterjordan1977is that any different then apt-get upgrade?02:49
eagles051387the new method involves a new upgrade tool that automatically checks for new pkgs upgradeable ones and ones that need to be removed02:49
Kondayes, CPU frequency scaling policy02:50
eagles051387when i used to upgrade by updating the sources list i used to break my entire installation02:50
Githzeraipeterjordan1977: Yes, upgrades whole distro02:50
fulat2kKonda: heh.. it's now "not supported" :(02:50
Githzeraieagles051387: I never upadated sources list, just clicked on icon in adept as new version arrived...02:51
Githzeraiadept recognised new version, and notified me about it....02:52
Kondathat's why my laptop is so hot all the time02:52
peterjordan1977whats the tool called?02:52
eagles051387Githzerai: i started with edgy and i used to update my source list02:52
Kondawoah I just got it!!! weird?!?!02:54
Kondaholy kuuuu02:54
eagles051387Konda: what kinda proc02:54
KondaTurion X202:54
KondaAcer Aspire02:55
eagles051387same with mine mines a tl58 in an hp tablet and that thing is hot and it runs vista02:55
KondaKu8.04-x64 installed02:55
eagles051387lucky my new laptop had loads of toruble with gutsy and reluctant to try hardy02:55
Kondaeagles: you use 32 or 64 bit02:55
eagles051387on my laptop ultimate 64bit02:55
eagles051387and on this desktop and my old laptop running 64bit linux02:56
KondaI was trying to get youtube to play, and it wouldn't and wouldn't02:56
Kondaand then I clicked another link after trying to play a video, and then clicked back to the video, and all of a sudden it played02:56
peterjordan1977have you tryed installing the flash plugin from there website that works fine for me02:56
Kondathat's BS man02:56
peterjordan1977i watch bbc iplayer everynight02:57
Kondaiplayer huh02:57
Kondayeah - why does it work when I click *back* to the page... why did it not work the first time? bizarre.02:57
peterjordan1977did you restart x02:57
Kondanope. I sure didn't02:58
KondaDidn't restart the machine since *any* of the restricted-install stuff I've been doing02:58
KondaI just want it all to work on the fly.  :-)02:58
dr_WillisHmm.. I got a 'dvd video archive' my brother made. it contains a video_ts directory, do i burn THat directory to a dvd. (so the root of the dvd has 1 dir, video_ts) or do i burn the contents of the video_ts direcory to the dvd root, so the root directory has a lot of files?02:58
KondaInstantaneous gratification darn it!02:59
peterjordan1977well dont we all02:59
Kondaok next video...02:59
peterjordan1977the only problem i have had so far is moonlight for itv ctch up02:59
Kondaand I click on it, and it doesn't play02:59
Kondaand I go forward, and back, and it does!03:00
Kondawell, at least I found the workaround.03:00
peterjordan1977i dont know mate all i say is try the flash9 plugin from adobe that worked fine for me03:00
hibreadhey guys! Im extremely new to the [k]ubuntu world (Gentoo before). Im having issues with installing nvidia drivers. KdeMenu -> System -> Hardware Drivers Manager seems to contain nothing. I have the GTX 280 if maybe thats a problem?03:00
Kondahmmm.... gtx 28003:01
Kondachris curtis where are you03:01
hibreadSystem Settings -> Monitor & Display -> Hardware doesn't seem to have anything post Geforce 803:02
peterjordan1977apt-get update apt-get upgtade then try again ? with hardware driver manager03:02
peterjordan1977or if you have the update icon by the clock then run the updates from there03:03
mr---t-hibread: that is for proprietary drivers or what was called restricted drivers in ubuntu03:03
hibreadIm a little confused about where im supposed to install from.. im used to having 'nvidia-settings' control all my hardware settings (multi monitor resolutions etc)03:03
Kondaupgtade? ah that's specifically for GT family I take it03:03
peterjordan1977ok typo03:03
dr_Willishibread,  you can install the 'nvidia-settings' tool if you wish to use it. (i normally do)03:03
Kondaoh ok03:03
hibreaddr_Willis: thats a manual install?03:04
hibreadmr---t-: nvidia only have proprietry drivers dont they?03:04
peterjordan1977has anyone had anyluck with moonlight (novels open source silverlight)03:04
dr_Willishibread,  its in the package manager.03:05
ubottuFor Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto03:05
hibreadpeterjordan1977: was that message up further directed at me?03:05
hibreaddr_Willis: cheers ill check it out. Do i need to do anything to force nvidia-settings to override any kde/kubuntu graphics setup (resolutions etc)03:05
dr_Willisnvidia-settings configures the xorg.conf file. about all i ever have to do is isntall the proper nvidia drivers, and tweak with nvidia-settings03:06
hibreadubottu: yep i checked that out and all it says is "Go to KMenu->System->Hardware Drivers Manager and check the box to enable the restricted drivers for your nVidia card if the option is provided."03:07
ubottuhibread: Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)03:07
peterjordan1977yes sorry i shouldnt but in03:07
hibreadi see03:07
hibreadmr---t- then :)03:07
peterjordan1977just in my experience03:07
mr---t-sorry  :-)03:07
peterjordan1977i used had to do apt-get update then apt-get update then run hardware drivers manager then it worked fine03:08
peterjordan1977upgrade lol03:08
peterjordan1977im tired03:08
peterjordan1977and i installed nvidia-settings to tweek03:09
hibreadpeterjordan1977: apt-get update && apt-get upgrade ?03:09
peterjordan1977sudo apt-get update03:09
dr_WillisHmm.. ANyone noticed when burning a cd/dvd with k3b. using the Verify data option,  that k3b ejects the cd/dvd? ya got to push the tray back in, to get it to actually start verifying?03:09
peterjordan1977then sudo apt-get upgrade03:09
Kondaack! click on too many videos, and back, firefox closes! not cool!03:10
sgallingerhow do I get digikam to work with my kodak camera, I added the camera, but it sais failed to load camera when I try to get the pictures off it03:10
hibreadwhy do i have to use the sudo gear? a root user would be nice03:10
mr---t-dr_Willis: no mine worked fine03:10
dr_Willismr---t-,  yea.  one pc is doing this eject thing.. other machines are not.. (other is a laptop) if that matters...03:10
KondaI just quizzed on what song david bowie and mick jagger sing together03:10
hibreadive got nvidia-glx-new installed.. should i have nvidia-glx aswell/instead ?03:12
mr---t-!root | hibread03:12
ubottuhibread: Do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo03:12
KroooksI have a 1TB external harddrive I put together. I don't know what filesystem should I use. Using a journaled system will waste a lot of reserved space and I don't know if thats worth it. I have narrowed down my choices to Fat32, NTFS, or ext3. Anyone has any advise ?03:12
peterjordan1977just the new driver03:12
hibreadok good03:13
dr_Williswaste a lot of reserved space? if its reserved.. isent it allready gone? :)03:13
hibreadthanks for ay help guys.. ill see how i go!03:13
dr_WillisI imagine the best Filesystem would depend on the job the drive is doing. and the main OS thats accessing it.03:13
Kondawell ext3 is journaled, is it not?03:13
peterjordan1977For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto (hibread) thats a good [;ase if alls not good03:14
Kroooksext3 is journaled03:14
KroooksIts just to keep files like, documents, movies and music03:14
dr_WillisIm sort of confused as to the whole statement. :)  about journaled 'wasteing' space. :)03:14
eagles051387i think alot of linux file formats are journaled03:14
eagles051387the journal is only 512bytes or kb03:14
dr_Willisthere is 'reserved' space. and theres the 'journel' also...03:15
peterjordan1977i use ext3 it seems to work fine03:15
mr---t-terabyte is alot of space03:15
Kondaext2 is not journaled, I believe03:15
Kroooksdr_Willis: I mean it reserves a part of the hard disk for the journal, thus less space for other stuffs.03:15
peterjordan1977how much does it reserve?03:15
Kroookspeterjordan1977: Cause my 500gb harddisk formated with ext3 became like 430gb03:16
dr_WillisYou can set the reserved space % also03:16
Kroooksext3 also reserce 5% for root user03:17
dr_Willisthat 5% is customizeable.03:17
peterjordan1977hmmm not sure03:17
dr_Willisyou could set it to 0% if you wanted.03:17
Kroooksdr_Willis: you sure of this ?03:18
peterjordan1977For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto (hibread) thats the best info03:18
dr_WillisKroooks,  tune2fs --help03:18
peterjordan1977oh god it never ends03:18
dr_Willis[-m reserved_blocks_percen03:18
peterjordan1977love kubuntu tho03:18
dr_WillisNote that the % does not actually change - i think. till the fileystem gets remounted.03:19
hibreadpeterjordan1977: it hardly says i thing there! :)03:19
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alucard_tempi am haveing trouble installing firefox 3  can anyone help me out03:27
dr_Willissudo apt-get install firefox03:28
dr_Willisis giving some errors?03:28
alucard_tempno that installs firefox 203:28
dr_Willis!info firefox03:28
ubottufirefox (source: firefox-3.0): meta package for the popular mozilla web browser. In component main, is optional. Version 3.0+nobinonly-0ubuntu0.8.04.1 (hardy), package size 64 kB, installed size 120 kB03:28
dr_Willisit should install firefox-303:29
dr_Willis!info firefox-203:29
ubottufirefox-2 (source: firefox): lightweight web browser based on Mozilla. In component universe, is optional. Version (hardy), package size 8985 kB, installed size 26064 kB03:29
Jucatomaybe pre-hardy03:29
alucard_tempwhen i did sudo apt-get install firefox-3.0 it said that it installed but i cant use it03:29
dr_WillisYep.. gotta love playing 20 questions to get to the actual question/problem...03:29
alucard_tempill try it again mabey i will get different results03:30
intelikeyanyone know a command to activate the "gnome menu" ?   i would ask in #ubuntu but i'm banned from that channel.03:31
dr_Willisoh.. I recall an issue if you installed firefox2/3 when you had firefox3/2 running... :)   at least during beta. its like the 'firefox' command ran the wrong one till  you rebooted/loggedout..03:31
Jucatointelikey: try Alt+F1? not sure if that works in Gnome as will03:32
alucard_tempill try rebooting03:32
intelikeyJucato that's it,  thanks.03:33
intelikeyhmmm Jucato hmm doesn't work if gnome-panel is not running.03:36
Jucatointelikey: of course :)03:36
Jucatothe menu is part of gnome-panel03:37
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intelikeyany alternative ?03:37
Jucatoautohide the panel?03:37
intelikeydoesn't work with an empty panel03:37
intelikeycan't move or hide it.03:37
intelikeyi guess i could put something on it and hide it.    i would rather just remove it tho03:38
* dr_Willis knows better then to even ask what this gnome haxoring song and dance is about. :P03:40
dr_WillisBack to tweaking jwm and rox.... :)03:41
intelikeyoh just trying to configure/customize the gnome session on one lappy.   if i'm going to show several different DE's i want them to all have their own unique approach dr_Willis :)03:42
dr_Williscustomize it by removing the heart of it. :)03:42
ubottuKDE 4.0.5 is the latest major release of the K Desktop Environment. Packages can be found at http://kubuntu.org/announcements/kde-4.0.5.php - Support in #kubuntu-kde403:42
dr_WillisBe sure to toss on Matchbox! and Jwm + rox03:43
* intelikey thought metacity was the heart of gnome03:43
dr_Willisif you install the openbox package, it will add in 'gnome/openbox' and 'kde/openbox' to the sessions menu. i noticed the other day03:43
dr_WillisWhich is sort of nice.. if you like openbox.. but  it does sort of clutter things.03:43
intelikeyopetions != clutter03:44
intelikeyredundancy of options   now that might constitute clutter03:44
dr_Willisso what if every window manager added 3 entries to the sessions menu...03:44
dr_Willissilly jwm dosent even add a entry to the sessions.. so it goes the other extreme.03:45
dr_Willislast i tried 'matchbox' its entry to the sessions menu dident work. :) it ran the window manager,, and that was it.. so you  had no way to run a terminal, or doing anything.03:46
dr_WillisI wonder iof thats been fixed.03:46
dr_Willisbrb. :) testing out some other desktops. (Look what you started now!)03:47
CPrgmSwR2how can I fix the icons on my start menu in kde 403:48
CPrgmSwR2they all show up with a ? on them03:49
ubottuKDE 4.0.5 is the latest major release of the K Desktop Environment. Packages can be found at http://kubuntu.org/announcements/kde-4.0.5.php - Support in #kubuntu-kde403:49
intelikeyshorthand for idk03:49
dr_Willisidk what idk means...03:51
intelikeydr_Willis you use ssh a lot as i recall.   do you set a special prompt for ssh sessions ?    i have added this line to all my .bash_bashrc files.03:51
intelikey[ ! -z "$SSH_CONNECTION" ] && export PS1='\[\033[01;37m\]\l [\u@\h:\w]\[\033[00m\] ' || export PS1='\l [\u@\h.\w]03:51
dr_WillisI normally just ssh from one local box to another. Nothing real fancy.03:52
intelikeyactually.  the colour is different on different boxen03:53
juniorssh? how to user?03:53
dr_Williswillis@mint:~/bin(34.995 Mb)$   <--- My standard prompt. :)03:53
juniori don speak english03:53
Jucato!br | junior03:53
ubottujunior: Por favor use #ubuntu-br ou #ubuntu-pt para ajuda em português. Obrigado.03:53
dr_Willisit auto ads up the file sizes in the current dir. which is handy at times03:53
intelikeydr_Willis i got tired of working on things on the wrong local box tho  ;/03:54
dr_WillisI wonder if theres a way to get the konsole tabs to auto rename if one sshs to another box.03:54
MacAnthonyis kde-apps.org down?03:54
intelikeydr_Willis i'm sure there is.03:54
JucatoMacAnthony: looks like it03:55
kgMacAnthony: so is kde-look.org03:55
Jucatokg: naturally :)03:55
MacAnthonyk, thanks03:55
dr_WillisI know one can set Xterm titles and stuff with prompt/escape commands. :)03:55
MacAnthonyjust wanted to make sure it wasn't my network03:55
juniorthe book is on the table03:55
dr_WillisMy whole internet seems laggy tonight03:55
Jucato*gasp* the internet must be broken!! file a bug report!03:55
intelikeyi've got a full pipe atm03:56
MacAnthonyit can be a problem when you are looking for a file, Jucato03:56
JucatoMacAnthony: kde-apps? try to see if a Google cache for the exact page exists03:56
intelikeyJucato :)))    did you crash the internet ?03:56
dr_WillisI hate it when these kids crash my internets!03:56
Jucatointelikey: nope. somebody beat me to it...03:56
MacAnthonytoo much porn and internet gambling plugging the intertubes tonight03:57
* intelikey posts on bash.org "Jucato hacked the internet again"03:57
dr_Willis:) True boredom - looking for your own nick on bash.org04:00
Jucatotrue boredom - offtopic in an on-topic channel ;)04:01
intelikeydr_Willis no fair posting links with & in them.   you know that will fork console04:01
intelikeyand yes i know to quote them...  just didn't catch that one in time.04:02
dr_Willisnever noticed that problem here.04:02
robertoHi, I just installed Kubuntu 8.04 with Kde 4.0. My resolution peaks out at 800x600. I know with the previous version of Kubuntu, I had to specify my monitor. It's an Optiquest Q70. It doesn't pick it out properly. How do I change my monitor type in Kde 404:04
dr_WillisNight all.04:05
intelikeyJucato that one is on topic.  and down your ally04:05
* mr---t- wonders if third person comments count as off topic04:06
MacAnthonyJucato: that was a good idea about google cache, unfortunately the link from the cached page doesn't lead to a cached page and the search results don't list the file download url04:06
MacAnthonyso, close but no cigar04:06
Jucatoroberto: #kubuntu-kde4 please04:07
JucatoMacAnthony: oh.. too bad :(04:07
robertook, I'll go to Kde Kubuntu, take care and thanks04:08
eagles0513875under identities how do i set it up to auto log my name in on here04:08
MacAnthonyeagles0513875: I think you just put in the nickserv (if it's not there) and your nick password04:13
MacAnthonyMine works, but I don't recall the specific steps I took04:14
intelikeyjonathan you first need to register with nickserv   (if you havent)   and then you set it to message nickserv when you logon04:14
intelikeyeagles0513875 very good.04:18
eagles0513875woooh hitting 42fps with wow in window mode04:19
dilipgargI am going to setup Squid on my hardy heron distro. Can i install Squid (as a server) and use for the same computer as a client also? Or do I need a dedicated system for Squid?04:21
dilipgargI'll be using squid just for my home use and perhaps two users04:22
=== alucardr2mero is now known as alucardromero
intelikeyyou know.  squid is one server i have never played with...04:23
dilipgargwhat proxy server do you use then04:24
intelikeyi don't04:24
intelikeyunless you are using the word proxy to refer to a gateway04:24
dilipgarguh oh. well, i have seen what happens when you chat on java based chat rooms with none of these anonymous proxy settings.. people just get all the details about your ip address, location.. and what not04:25
dilipgargso i am seriously considering methods to sort of anonymize myself during browing online04:26
intelikeydilipgarg tor ?04:26
ubottuTOR is a project aiming to provide anonymous connections via specialized !proxies - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/TOR for information and help - Note that TOR is blocked on most Ubuntu IRC channels, please see !hostmask and !tor-gpg04:26
dilipgarglooks good. i am reading its FAQ04:28
ubottuMany Ubuntu IRC channels prohibit access from !proxies such as !TOR due to a high level of abuse. You can however obtain a hostmask cloak: see http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#cloaks04:28
dilipgargPici, intelikey: Does that mean looking for cloaks is a better option? though I dont use IRC channels at all apart from the kubuntu chat..04:31
Picidilipgarg: Well the cloak is only valid on freenode, so its up to you.04:31
dilipgargfreenode.. pls explain04:31
intelikeydilipgarg probably not for "when you chat on java based chat rooms" <<<  irc is not generally java based.04:31
ubottufreenode is the IRC network that you're on! See http://freenode.net/faq.shtml04:32
PiciAnyway, I'm supposed to be asleep04:32
intelikeyPici go to sleep.04:32
dilipgargah.. then its entirely not helpful to me :)04:32
dilipgarggood night Pici04:32
dilipgargintelikey: tor still works for anonymizing my internet traffic.. right04:33
intelikeydilipgarg what he was pointing out is that some irc servers ban it all togather, while some allow it but specific channels in the system may ban it's use.   so it's not the best aproach for irc in most cases.   however you were not asking about irc in particular so i sujested tor.04:35
=== robert__ is now known as Guest62255
=== ndookie is now known as Nigel
dilipgargyes, I got that intelikey :)04:36
Nigelhi goodnight04:36
dilipgargthanks again for the explanation04:36
intelikeyyou bet.04:36
NigelI have a problem with my installation of mysql and apache , can anyone help ?04:36
intelikeyNigel i can point at the wiki  but that's about it.04:38
ubottuLAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+)04:38
NigelI think a more pertinent issue is that..04:38
NigelI think I've messed things up.. is there any way I can just get everything out and start over..04:38
intelikeyapt-get remove --purge04:39
Nigeli've done that..04:39
Nigelbut now that i re install04:39
Nigelapt-get install mysql apache204:39
NigelThere isn't /etc/init.d/apache2 or mysql..04:40
intelikeyNigel did the setup process error out ?     sudo dpkg --configure -a04:40
Alucard_Hellsingk i still cant install firefox 304:41
Nigelnope , no errors..04:41
Alucard_Hellsingwhen i  sudo apt-get install firefox i get    Setting up firefox (
intelikeyNigel   dpkg -l | grep apache204:42
NigelI've done it...04:42
NigelBut what does that do ?04:42
intelikeylists package state04:43
intelikeyif they start with    ii  you are ok.04:43
Nigelwould you like to see the output ?04:43
intelikeydo they all start with   ii   ?04:43
Nigelthey all start with ii04:44
intelikeythen no.04:44
intelikeyok have a look at this one.     dpkg -L apache2-common | grep init.d04:44
Nigelwell..its executed , but there's no output04:45
intelikeyNigel ok.   there was an    apache2-common   in the previous list.04:45
intelikeythere was apache2-common in the first list though ?04:46
Nigelapache2.2 common04:46
intelikeyok use that package name in the second command04:47
intelikeymine is not 2.2 so...  ;/04:47
Nigelstill no output04:47
Nigelfor the command04:48
intelikeywell there is the problem.  apache*-common is supposed to install the init script04:48
Nigeldpkg -l apache2.2-common | grep init.d04:48
intelikey   ^04:48
intelikeynot -l   -L04:48
intelikeycase sensitive04:48
Nigeloh ..there's an output now...04:49
intelikeyshows the init svript ?04:49
Nigeland its04:49
Nigelcan I do the same I've done here for mysql ?04:49
intelikeyok.  you can use force reinstall to get it to extract that script from the package.04:49
intelikeyyes you can04:49
dilipgargduh. after installing tor my internet traffic is anonymous but i cant logon to that java based chat room at all..04:50
dilipgargaccess denied :)04:50
Nigelhow do I force re-install ?04:50
intelikeyNigel   sudo apt-get install --reinstall apache2.2-common     and see if the init script doesn't appear in /etc/init.d/04:50
intelikeydilipgarg they may block tor ?04:51
Nigellemme check for it now04:51
dilipgargintelikey: yea, it could be the case04:51
intelikeydilipgarg or you may have not configured something right ?04:51
* intelikey ducks04:51
Nigelintelikey , the file is not there..04:52
dilipgargnopes, my ip address has changed from 66.. to 88..04:52
intelikeyNigel ok.  that would be a bug in the package.04:52
Nigeli see..04:53
intelikeyNigel i would sujest opening that package and manually extracting the init script as a work around.04:53
Nigelwhere are the packages stored after they are downloaded ?04:53
intelikeyNigel do you use "mc" ?    it's really handy for things like that04:53
NigelI don't.. what is it ?04:53
intelikeyNigel /var/cache/apt/archives/04:53
intelikey!info mc04:54
ubottumc (source: mc): midnight commander - a powerful file manager. In component universe, is optional. Version 1:4.6.1-8ubuntu1 (hardy), package size 2059 kB, installed size 5944 kB04:54
dilipgargintelikey: just checked. i can still log on to the other java based chat room.. but not the first one. I guess all of the people there are super duper hackers!04:54
Nigelsudo apt-get install mc ?04:54
intelikeycli based file manager with builtin features for handling many file types04:54
intelikeyNigel i would.04:54
Nigelintelikey , I've installed it...04:55
intelikeyespecally useful for copying out a single file from a .deb04:55
intelikeyNigel   sudo mc    navigate to the package  and to /etc/init.d in the other tab  then get the script out of the package by decending into it as if it was just a dir.04:56
Nigelk , lemme try that04:57
fulat2keekk... now my usb devices aren't detected...04:57
fulat2kany idea what's wrong?04:57
fulat2ki can't see from /var/log/messages it's detected by the kernel.  somehow kde's daemon isn't automounting it04:57
NigelIts in apache2.2-common right ?04:58
intelikeyNigel yep04:59
Nigelits worked !05:00
intelikeyNigel of course.    now please file a bug report on that package.05:00
ubottuIf you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug report at: http://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu  -  Bugs in/wishes for the bots can be filed at http://launchpad.net/ubuntu-bots05:00
intelikeycause it needs fixed.05:00
NigelI will..05:01
Nigelbut I have more problems I believe..05:01
Nigelforemost , how am I going to wake up in 2 hours...05:01
Nigeland more importantly..05:01
NigelI forgot my password for mysql..05:02
NigelWill uninstalling with a -purge then installing again allow me to reset my password ?05:02
silviaHey guys. Can anyone help me? I'm following the steps on the wifidocs how-to to get my broadcom wireless working under the ndiswrapper. One of the steps involves checking /etc/iftab but my distro (ubuntu hardy with kde) doesn't seem to have it. Am I missing something?05:03
MacAnthonyNigel: http://mirror.yandex.ru/mirrors/ftp.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.0/en/resetting-permissions.html#resetting-permissions-unix05:04
dilipgargsilvia: isnt there an alternative for kde version of kubuntu, for that instruction specifically?05:04
Nigeland what about phpmyadmin05:04
Nigellast but not least..05:05
MacAnthonywhat about it?05:05
MacAnthonyto install it?05:05
silviaIf there is it's not mentioned... I hoped someone could tell me one :-)05:05
NigelI installed it05:05
Nigeland I found the folder where it was..05:05
silviaI'm supposed to be checking for the existence of an entry for wlan005:05
Nigeland then i moved it to /var/www/05:05
Nigeland it worked..05:05
Nigelbut i never got in to check to see if its working..05:05
dilipgargsilvia: checking05:06
Nigelis what I done there right ?05:06
MacAnthonyso you connect to localhost/<phpMyAdminDir>05:06
MacAnthonynot sure if you have to change the phpMyAdmin config as I have never installed the package from the ubuntu .deb05:07
* intelikey takes a much needed break "FOOD"05:07
MacAnthonywhat happens when you run phpMyAdmin?05:08
Nigeleverything starts as it should..05:08
Nigelbut I haven't been able to get in..05:08
Nigel(lost password)05:08
Nigelto see if it really works05:08
MacAnthonyok, follow the link I sent before05:08
NigelAlready there..05:09
MacAnthonyby default, I don't think it uses a password though05:10
MacAnthonynot sure05:10
MacAnthonymine has a password05:10
dilipgargsilvia: it's here /etc/udev/rules.d/70-persistent-net.rules05:12
MacAnthonywhat broadcom driver? I just installed bcm43xx-fwcutter package to get mine to work05:13
silviaMacAnthony: I used to use fwcutter, but I got very frustrated over many issues (abysmal connection speed, frequent drops, disconnecting and not reconnecting...) so I decided to 'downgrade' it to a ndiswrapper solution05:18
silviadilipgarg: Thanks! I'll try it"05:19
dilipgargyou are welcome05:19
HaSHhello all. im having issues with setting up wpa2 on kubuntu 8.0405:21
HaSHunder systemsettings>network> there is no option to set a wpa key only wep....05:21
ubottuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs05:22
MacAnthonyWiCD supports wpa05:22
HaSHi have the knetwork manager installed...but i dont have any wireless options in there05:23
HaSHwhat is WiCD MacAnthony05:23
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about wicd05:23
MacAnthonywicd is an alternative network manager05:24
HaSHi JUST installed kubuntu.....wpa worked flawlessly on mandriva 2008.105:24
intelikey!info wicd05:24
ubottuPackage wicd does not exist in hardy05:24
MacAnthonyI started using it a while ago since in Fiesty, I couldn't get knetwork manager to list available wireless networks05:24
HaSHE: Couldn't find package wircd05:25
MacAnthonythere is a repository you can add from there05:25
ubottuCompiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first)05:25
HaSHoh bah. i dont want to compile and install it!05:25
MacAnthonyyou don't have to compile it05:25
HaSHi wonder why wpa support is so bad in kubuntu.....05:25
HaSHwpa is?.05:26
HaSHor wpa2 to be exact05:26
intelikeyso i hear05:26
HaSHwpa2 is WAY more secure then wep05:26
jack48more secure05:26
HaSHso without using 3rd party repos or compiling from source...im out of luck?...05:27
HaSHknetwork manager only has options for wired. not wireless05:27
jack48then use term05:27
jack48iwconfig iwlist etc05:28
intelikeyHaSH i think there is a native solution,   but i don't know it.   did you visit the wifi page ?05:28
HaSHyea. ive looked it over...it only says to use knetwork manager05:28
HaSHnot trying to flame....but on mandriva 2008.1....it was very simple...all i had to do was select wpa/wpa2 from a drop down menu and enter my key.....05:29
bob3213243_Hey, for some reason my mute button on my laptop stopped working. It pops up and says it muted but it doesn't adjust the volume settings at all. I can go to the mixer and mute it or turn it down. So I'm thinking there is a disconnect between the volume button software and the actual volume.05:30
HaSHand i figured since kubuntu is such a user friendly distro...it would be just as easy...if not more.05:30
intelikeyHaSH http://hostap.epitest.fi/wpa_supplicant   ???05:32
HaSHill look it over05:35
HaSHi still cant get this wpa to work :(05:41
NigelMacAnthony , I've gone through the entire instruction..and hte passwords haven't changed05:44
z0d14kI earlier versions of kubuntu, I used ksynaptic, but can't find it in Hardy.  Is it out there or is there a replacement for it now?05:44
z0d14kI want to stop the accidental clicks and drags on my touchpad.05:45
z0d14kI found drag sensitivity in the settings, but it would be pretty convenient if I could stop the accidental clicks.05:46
gkffjcshi all, If I am in a bash prompt and quickly want to find out what the free/total space is on the partiton that the current directory is on how do I do that?05:54
HaSHgkffjcs: df05:54
HaSHdf -h is what i normally use05:55
gkffjcswhat about if I want to know how large a directory is? essentially the total size for all the files in it and it's subdirs combined?05:58
intelikeyif all you want is the pwd    du -sh05:59
gkffjcsthanks. df didn't work for ftpfs so Ille have to use the du trick insted i guess.06:01
=== Blah is now known as HaSH
intelikeydf -ha      maybe06:02
intelikeynote  df == disk free      du == disk usage06:02
gkffjcsah, thanks!06:03
gkffjcsno, that didn't work right, it says I have 1000 gig and 7.5T which is retarded.06:03
HaSHbah. wpa and kubuntu have HORRIBLE support.06:04
gkffjcsone of the ftp volumes is the h drive for my university, I have a limit of 50mb but it's possible that the actual drive is 7.5T is there a way to get my current disk quota?06:05
intelikeygkffjcs umm yeah.   but i don't know it.06:06
gkffjcsallright, no biggie.06:06
Kraplaxhi guys06:07
Kraplaxi installed qtparted and tried to launch it, but it only complains about "qtparted: cannot connect to X server :0.0"06:07
KraplaxKubuntu 8.04 KDE3.5.906:08
Kraplaxwhat should i do?06:08
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=== sea is now known as sea4ever
gkffjcscan you hard link a directory on ext3? I keep getting hard link not allowed for directory. This link is on the same fs so that shouldn't be the problem.06:16
intelikeygkffjcs hardlinking dirs in general is not a good idea06:17
intelikeyyou can symlink them06:17
gkffjcswhat I want to do is mount a second file system over a dir and then still gain access to it via the hard link with I have read should be possible.06:18
intelikeygkffjcs short answer "no."    long answer is "it's very complicated but is possable"06:18
intelikeygkffjcs why not use unionfs ?06:18
intelikeyyo can mount on a dir and still access it's inodes as well as the newly mounted fs06:19
=== |Blah| is now known as Kernel
Kernelhmm i now have wireless options in knetwork manager..but its not letting me set a static ip06:19
gkffjcswhat is unionfs? sounds like it might be helpful06:19
intelikey!info unionfs-utils06:20
ubottuPackage unionfs-utils does not exist in hardy06:20
intelikey!find unionfs06:20
ubottuFound: funionfs, unionfs-source, unionfs-tools06:20
intelikey!info unionfs-tools06:21
ubottuunionfs-tools (source: unionfs): Tools to manage unionfs filesystems. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.4+debian-7 (hardy), package size 67 kB, installed size 152 kB06:21
gkffjcsnice! thanks!06:21
gkffjcsunionfs -h06:23
intelikeyheh.   /exec unionfs -h     "might" have worked   :)))06:25
intelikeyalthough gkffjcs it's generally a better idea to use    man <command>     than ramdomly testing the -h switch on things youre not familear with.     -h  is  --help in some things  but it's not in all thing.06:27
intelikeyhehhe    for q in /*bin/* ;do $q -h ;done      :S06:28
gkffjcsyeah, but it's garanteed in any fuse file system though, so safe bet06:28
Barvinokhow to enter Administrator Mode for System Settings applet in KDE4? There's no such button as per documentation.06:29
intelikeyBarvinok might be better to ask in the kde4 support channel.06:29
Barvinokok, thanks06:30
ubottuKDE 4.0.5 is the latest major release of the K Desktop Environment. Packages can be found at http://kubuntu.org/announcements/kde-4.0.5.php - Support in #kubuntu-kde406:30
|Blah|well i cannot figure out how to do wpa + knetworkmanager + static ip...so for now i guess i can have my router give me the ip using thismac addy.06:31
intelikeyhmmm is the count right ?    24951 packages in hardy now ?06:32
intelikey!find .*06:33
ubottuFound: abiword-common, abiword-gnome, abiword-help, abiword-plugins, abiword-plugins-gnome (and 24946 others)06:33
intelikeyguess it is....06:33
silviaSo.. I've been fiddling with ndiswrapper but I can't seem to get it working... it absolutely refuses to recognize my hardware even though the driver is already installed... I'm at a loss at what to do. Anyone has experience in it? By the way... it's a broadcom (surprise, surprise...)06:34
* intelikey wonders if he can even get his atheros wifi card working in dapper...06:35
silviaintelikey: I've ssen stuff on atheros cards including dapper... I'm pretty sure but I can't quote off the top of my head where I saw it... I've been swimming through wireless how-tos like mad this past week06:38
intelikeysilvia ah  thanks for the heads up.       i may go see what i can find.    i have not yet ever tried to get it to work.   no wireless network here.06:41
=== Greenery_ is now known as Greenery
ZeroOPso i have a question, how do i make konqueror go away?06:45
ZeroOPi've tried the Add/Remove Programs thing06:45
ZeroOPbut it's still popping up O.006:46
intelikeysudo apt-get remove konqueror06:46
ZeroOPahh right, thanks06:46
ZeroOP<--- new to Linux/Ubuntu/Kubuntu06:46
* intelikey whaches his kde-core go with it....06:46
ZeroOPi'm in that process of debating between KDE and Gnome06:48
intelikeyZeroOP one good idea,   sudo apt-get install xterm twm    first.   so if you happen to take down the wrong package you should still have a gui    "of sorts"   to fix it from06:48
ZeroOPhmm, intresting06:49
ZeroOPkk <306:49
ZeroOPi have no idea what yer talking about but it's a good idea to have a backup06:49
ZeroOP<--- Linux Noob.06:50
ZeroOPi've lived on windows my whole life06:50
intelikeythere are many desktop environments avalable in linux   you are not limited to "kde and gnome"06:50
ZeroOPthe last thing i want right now is to be confused06:50
kgZeroOP: you can install both gnome and KDE onto the same linux setup, and try them both at the same time06:51
chipbuddyi've had some really bad experiences with the ati restricted drivers. so i don't want to turn them on. But my interface is really sluggish... is there any way i can get my gui to run smoother? this is all without desktop effects06:51
kgZeroOP: you know, being in the *K*ubuntu channel of course you'll get people encouraging you to use KDE :P06:51
intelikeyblackbox fluxbox icewm icewm95 openbox windowmaker jwm twm fvwm xfce4 enlightenment#   just to name a few of them.06:51
chipbuddyintelikey: was that for me?06:52
intelikeychipbuddy no.  @ ZeroOP06:52
ZeroOPi know06:52
ZeroOPi'm running Gnome also06:52
ZeroOPin this install06:53
intelikeychipbuddy using the vesa driver ?06:53
ZeroOPi'm in the #ubuntu channel too ;)06:53
intelikey!enter | ZeroOP especally in the other channel06:53
ubottuZeroOP especally in the other channel: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!06:53
kgZeroOP: lol good luck deciding06:54
chipbuddyintelikey: i don't think so, how do i tell?06:54
ZeroOPthank you06:54
intelikeychipbuddy   grep vesa /etc/X11/xorg.*06:54
ZeroOPi'm trying not to, i have a bad habbit of many short lines06:54
kgZeroOP: i would say one thing - KDE is very configurable - you can make it behave like windows, or macs, or like gnome06:54
chipbuddyintelikey nothing06:55
intelikeychipbuddy then you probably arent.06:55
ZeroOPi'm noticing that, i'm also seeing it defaults to look at like vista ;)06:55
chipbuddyintelikey: hmm... synaptic says i have xserver-xorg-video-vesa and vga installed06:56
intelikeychipbuddy you might try it.  but i'm not sure it will help you any.      i only have one ati vidio and it doesn't like    well anything really.  not the propritary nor the free drivers...06:56
intelikeychipbuddy yeah installed != in use tho06:56
chipbuddyintelikey: so what do you do? just live with slow and choppy windows?06:56
kgZeroOP: the more fancy looks is more for KDE 4 -- but for stability purposes, i still recommend KDE 306:56
intelikeychipbuddy heh i use the console  lol06:56
kgZeroOP: but of course, if you want to be adventurous, i highly recommend you play around with KDE 4.1 when it gets released end of this month. it's pretty cool06:57
chipbuddyintelikey i never quite got that... how do you use the internet?06:57
chipbuddyintelikey for example read fark06:57
intelikeychipbuddy those that know me know that i go many days without even starting a gui.     like on this box right now.   no gui.06:57
justin_im back06:58
ZeroOPi'm on whatever it downloaded when i did apt-get kubuntu-desktop06:58
ZeroOPwhich is what someone on the other channel told me to do when i said i wanted kde.06:58
chipbuddyintelikey: i'm jealous. i'm not quite at that point yet.06:58
ZeroOPone thing i liked about gnome was the control-alt-arrow changed desktops.06:59
Kernelhello all...am i crazy or is xmms not availible anymore?06:59
Kernelxmms does not exist..and xmms2 doesnt seem to be xmms...06:59
JucatoKernel: you're not crazy. xmms is no longer developed06:59
Kerneli know06:59
Jucatoso yes, it's not available in the repos anymore07:00
Kernelbut it should still be availible to me07:00
Kernelthat sucks.07:00
chipbuddywhy are there such problems with graphics cards? because the vendors won't open the drivers?07:00
Kernelxmms is my fav..and im aware of ALL the other players.07:00
intelikeyZeroOP that is the most common advice.   "install the *buntu-desktop package"   but there are other meta packages that are often more what the costumor wants.    both  gnome and kde meta packages give a more pure "gnome" or pure "kde" experance than the *buntu-desktop that gets sujested.07:00
Kernelbut ive been using xmms for 5 freaking years and would like to continue too07:00
kgZeroOP: if you're on 8.04, you should be on KDE 3... you can configure hot keys in KDE 3 too, but that's up to you to decide if it's worth the trouble :)07:00
kgZeroOP: actually, i believe KDE 3 have their own keystrokes to switch desktops07:01
intelikeyKernel when that happens in linux   normally the person picks up the source and "forks" it.07:01
ZeroOPi know mouse wheel on empty desktop does it07:01
ZeroOPbut i'm never at empty dekstop07:01
Kernelyea. i know....but ive never seen a distro just drop it.07:02
Kernelthey still over it....07:02
JucatoZeroOP: you can add a keyboard shortcut like that in KDE07:02
Kernelthis is a huge disapointment for me07:02
intelikeyKernel also of note.   an older .deb of xmms would probably install and work on your newer system.   if you want to go there.07:03
Kerneli do!07:03
ZeroOPthanks all for the help07:03
ZeroOPi'm goning to be playing around with KDE/Gnome for a couple days :)   but now it's bed time07:04
intelikeyit's not "recommended"   so you are on your own with it.   but  think it will work ok07:04
Kernelintelikey: where could i even find a old deb for it?07:04
ubottuYou can browse and search for Ubuntu packages using !Synaptic, !Adept, "apt-cache search <keywords or regex>", the "apt:/" URL in KDE, or online at http://packages.ubuntu.com - Ubuntu has about 20000 packages available, so please *search* for an official package before installing things in awkward ways!07:04
intelikeycheck the link   ^07:04
kgZeroOP: you're welcome - i hope you find the one you like the most07:04
ZeroOPthank you!07:04
ZeroOPgood night!07:04
Kernelall i see is xmms2 stuff07:04
intelikeyyou are in hardy.  go to edgy07:05
Kernelah duhhh...07:05
Kernelmy bad07:05
intelikeyor even older07:05
Kernelis there a good reason why xmms has been abolished?07:06
intelikeyone other thing i might point out.   you may have to mark that package as "hold" to keep the updates from removing it for you.07:06
Kernelie....lots of known vulns07:06
Kernelyea. im a die hard xmms fan lol.......none of the other players feel right ;)07:07
intelikeythat i don't know.    but not developed   i.e. no support at all. not even if it does have bugs/security holes...07:07
Kernelanyways...if i am getting up for work in the am i need to goto bed07:08
Kernelthanks for the helps guys07:08
silviaFolks... using ndiswrapper -a (device number) should force ndiswrapper to recognize it as the hardware and, therefore, make it show up in ndiswrapper -l, right? or not?07:08
spiel_mit_feuerthere we go07:11
spiel_mit_feuergot my name back07:11
intelikeyif i have a system that is mounted "nosuid" and the root account is locked, how can i gain root access ?07:18
robertoalguien sabe como entrar al canal del mirc ????????????07:21
intelikey/join <blah>07:22
=== kg is now known as kg-away
silviaFolks... using ndiswrapper -a (device number) should force ndiswrapper to recognize it as the hardware and, therefore, make it show up in ndiswrapper -l, right? or not?07:25
=== jjm is now known as gukkels
gukkelsHi! Can anyone give me link on something like "STEP-BY-STEP HOWTO - how to tranfer existing ubuntu on new larger drive"? I suspect it is trivial task, but I found nothing on google.07:43
jussi01gukkels: you just want to do a straight copy across?07:49
jussi01gukkels: something like this? http://encodable.com/tech/blog/2006/10/30/Ubuntu_Linux_Hard_Drive_Upgrade07:50
gukkelsI partitioned new disk, and made the copy of my old hard. But it seems that there are some tricks need to be done. After I boot from new HD my root fs become r/o.07:50
jussi01gukkels: have a look at the link I gave you :)07:51
intelikeymake a linux filesystem  on the disk     mke2fs -Cj /dev/sdb1      mount the disk    mount /dev/sdb1 /mnt    copy the data over      tar --one-file-system -cf - / | tar -xf - -C /mnt        edit your fstab accordingly  and reinstall grub for the new system.07:51
intelikeyshort example    ^07:52
* jussi01 hugs intelikey07:52
gukkelsYes, it looks so.07:52
gukkelsintelikey, yes, also I changed uuids in fstab, edited grub's config, but root fs remains r/o. It confuses me.07:53
intelikeydid you reinstall grub ?07:53
gukkelsintelikey, sure.07:53
intelikeyyou may even need to rebuild the initramfs image07:54
intelikeyi think i have ran into that too07:54
gukkelsintelikey, Oh. Where I can read about this?07:54
intelikeygukkels simple fix for working with the new system    mount -o remount,rw /          and as to your Q  man mkinitramfs07:55
intelikeybut you probably need to make sure that / is the new disk and not the old one.07:55
intelikeycat /proc/mounts   should help there07:56
intelikeygukkels also if your copy process was successful   you can just mount the new root over the old one for working on it.07:57
intelikeybetter populate /dev first tho07:57
intelikeythat was kind of an after thought... word to the wise.07:58
intelikey           hey   nice bug   OSF.875907:58
gukkelsThanks to all, gone read docs and make experiments07:59
* gukkels gone read docs and make experiments07:59
intelikeyfrom the official ubuntu docs   "If you are going to trade files in a Windows world, you'll need to scan those fies for viruses. You won't get infected, but you may help infect someone else."     excuse me.  when i used windows it was my responsability to check what i put on it and keep virii out.   so why is it now my responsability to keep other peoples boxen clean.   let them progect their own OS like i was told to!08:09
intelikeyprotect even08:09
sea4everDoes Wine naturally have low FPS?08:11
intelikeysource   https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Linuxvirus08:11
baudthiefsea4ever: runs fine for me08:12
sea4everhrm. Maybe Wine needs something08:12
intelikeyferment ?08:12
intelikeybad joke.08:12
baudthiefintelikey: you're fired :p08:13
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baudthiefsea4ever: you're also fired :P08:14
* baudthief fucks off appropriately08:15
sea4everAh,found the problem. I think.08:23
dsmith_superkaramba is a crap package08:25
dsmith_intelikey fired? The horror08:25
dsmith_0309:22 good point!08:26
=== fred_ is now known as fred80
silvia_Hey folks... I could still use a hand. After fighting an epic battle with ndiswrapper I finally got it recognizing my hardware (or so I think...) but now iwconfig shows no wlan0... therefore I can't really use it... any ideas or tips? Btw... I'm trying to use ndis because fwcutter isn't really an option it's slow to a halt and drops frequently.08:47
zxy_64what about wpa_supplicant08:48
silvia_zxy_64: that was to me?08:52
silvia_guess not...08:59
=== fwest is now known as incorrect
incorrecthello,  I am trying to locate how i can configure which apps are loaded at session start09:12
silvia_Hey folks... I could still use a hand. After fighting an epic battle with ndiswrapper I finally got it recognizing my hardware (or so I think...) but now iwconfig shows no wlan0... therefore I can't really use it... any ideas or tips? Btw... I'm trying to use ndis because fwcutter isn't really an option it's slow to a halt and drops frequently.09:15
jussi01!autostart | incorrect09:15
ubottuincorrect: To make programs autostart with your KDE session, you can make a link to it in ~/.kde/Autostart. The package 'kcontrol-autostart' makes a kcontrol item for handling items in that directory. For a complete guide, see http://jucato.org/kde/kde-autostart.html09:15
XenThraLHi, I'm having trouble installing my nvidia driver09:17
XenThraLhow do I get the restricted drivers manager to do it for me?09:17
ubottuFor Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto09:17
kg-awaythat might help :) if you still have questions just ask09:17
XenThraLit doesnt appear on the list09:19
kg-awayyour card?09:19
XenThraLthis is very odd, everything was fine until a few days ago09:19
XenThraLno on the 'hardware drivers' list09:19
XenThraLtheres nothing09:19
kg-awaywhat card are you using?09:20
mcw I am trying to setup a home studio does anyone know a reasonably priced audio interface thas supports asio09:20
XenThraLquadro fx 140009:21
mcwI am using ubuntu studio09:21
jussi01mcw: m-audio stuff is good09:21
mcwis e-mu any good09:21
mcwthey seem comparable09:21
mcwbut on there home page it doesnt look like they support asio09:22
XenThraLI managed to get it working with the nvidia-glx-new-envy driver09:22
jussi01mcw: Id suggest asking the ubuntu studio mailing list - they will know and give good recomendations09:22
XenThraLexcept that every single 3D program segfaulted when it exited09:22
mcwhammerfall is too expensive but I know they work09:23
zxy_64silvia_: yes, that was to you09:24
XenThraLkg-away: any ideas why its not on the list?09:24
kg-awayXenThraL: you're sure that you're using the nvidia drivers? can you use compiz etc?09:25
XenThraLwell at the moment I'm using 'nv'09:25
XenThraLcause nvidia-xgl-new just crashes on boot09:26
XenThraLand nvidia-xgl-new-envy crashes with 3D programs09:26
kg-awayXenThraL: that would be why - you need to change that to "nvidia", because nv is the open source driver without 3D09:26
silvia_zxy_64: oh... tell me more.09:26
XenThraLI just changed it back to nv, from nvidia09:26
kg-awayXenThraL: ohh i see i just got it lol sorry09:26
XenThraLany idea why it doesn't appear on the restricted drivers list?09:26
silvia_zxy_64: because ubuntu defaulted to using fwcutter which was disastrous... the only alternative I knew was ndis... and I think I actually got around it...09:27
kg-awayXenThraL: no idea - but the closed-source driver does support your card - it's on NVidia's website09:27
silvia_zxy_64: only problem is something is still off...09:27
silvia_zxy_64: for instance... wlan0 isn't showing in iwconfig09:28
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silvia_zxy_64: and I'm not savvy enough to hammer it back into working... right now I'm bridging my other laptop's wireless connection to use it wired in this one.09:29
kg-awayXenThraL: pastebin your xorg.conf and the log of xorg the next time you boot into 'nvidia'... i dunno if I can help, but i'm willing to try09:29
XenThraLgoing to restart X then09:29
XenThraLoh just quick question09:29
XenThraLwhich driver should I install anyways - the one with 'envy' on the name or just glx-new ?09:29
kg-awayXenThraL: i have no idea - it really depends on your system. usually though, i depend on the envyng utility to choose for me09:31
kg-awayXenThraL: but even so I've even seen envyng mess up before (though much rarer)09:31
XenThraLunsure what envyng is?09:32
XenThraLthe restricted driver thingy?09:32
kg-awayXenThraL: it's a tool that helps you install proprietry graphics driver09:32
XenThraLyeah just saw it in the package list09:32
XenThraLhell gonna give that a try09:32
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kg-awayXenThraL: ok - tell me how it goes09:32
XenThraLyeah it picked the envy ones09:34
mcwhow do you make pages go up in flames when you close them09:38
zxy_64silvia_: my wireless card didnt work with anything else but wpa_supplicant did it immediately,   try to find some howto on the net09:38
=== rjb is now known as drbobb
ubottuKDE 4.0.5 is the latest major release of the K Desktop Environment. Packages can be found at http://kubuntu.org/announcements/kde-4.0.5.php - Support in #kubuntu-kde409:41
=== kg-away is now known as kg
silvia_Well... now that I've broken my interfaces... how can I repair them? I mean... getting it back to it's pristine original state so that I can try to wreck them some more? :-)09:59
schumbieasiest way is to rename .kde  but than all other settings are gone too10:01
silvia_Oh... sorry... I mean network interfaces... particularly wireless... thanks though :-)10:02
schumbisilvia_: :-) are you using the knetworkmanager?10:04
silvia_well.. it's running but I'm using the console to do my damage :-)10:08
schumbiperhaps you may try ifdown to shut down and ifup to start it again   or did you use iconfig to change the hardare parameters?10:13
schumbisilvia_: hardware10:13
silvia_schumbi: I think I might have used it during one of the howtos........ :-)10:14
silvia_schumbi: any way to revert it considering I have no idea what I did 26 hours ago when I started the trip into ndiswrapper land?10:15
=== charlie is now known as Guest88998
schumbisilvia_: are you connected to an ap and is transmission possible? perhaps something like ping ?10:18
silvia_schumbi: not really. I'm indirectly connected to an ap, so it doesn't really count. I'm connected through my wired, to another laptop which is bridging it's wireless connection.10:19
schumbisilvia_: i would try to set all parameters to "auto" eg. iwconfig ath0 auto10:20
schumbisilvia_: sounds funny ;-)10:20
silvia_schumbi: It was a desperate idea... hehe... Actually right now kdenetworkmanager doesn't really see my wireless interface right now. I'll try the iwconfig auto right now.10:21
schumbisilvia_: perhaps your network essid is hidden?10:22
jamalhi all10:22
schumbisilvia_: i configred my wireless while i opend my ap    means, no encryption, no hidding of the essid and no mac filtering10:23
schumbihi eagles051387510:23
silvia_schumbi: iwconfig gave me an unknown command error. The essid isn't really hidden, that much I'm sure, the other laptop can see it fine. The problem really is that knm doesn't really see anything wireless wise10:23
schumbisilvia_: you are sure that your essid isn't hidden? your other laptop may know what it should look after10:25
schumbisilvia_: with iwlist  you are able to determine your parameters10:25
silvia_schumbi: only kind of blocking I have is WPA encryption... but if we get that far I can disable it :-) Nope... it isn't hidden, I'm pretty sure... and anyway, there are about 5 other network aps around here that come on and off frequently in the radar and none of them are showing right now.10:26
schumbisilvia_: that aounds some kind of strange to me10:26
silvia_schumbi: I can assure you it's all kinds of strange... that's why I wanted something that resetted interfaces to their original settings.10:28
schumbisilvia_: have you tried to reinstall knm?10:28
silvia_schumbi: don't really think that will help... see iwconfig doesn't even list a wlan0... I really think it's deeper down... but if you think it will help10:29
schumbisilvia_: perhaps it is named ath0 or so?10:30
silvia_schumbi: nope, I got eht0 and lo... both not registering anything10:32
schumbisilvia_: it sounds that there is no driver, your kernel doesn't know how to work with your card10:33
schumbisilvia_: whats the name of your wireless chip?10:34
silvia_it's a broadcom bcm94311 and yes... I've blacklisted every possible driver ubuntu would throw at me. I needed it in order to get ndiswrapper working...10:35
silvia_schumbi: thing is... it only recognized the hardware now... and still not working :-P10:35
schumbisilvia_: what das iwconfig show you?10:36
silvia_schumbi: I sent it pvt not to flood the channel10:37
schumbiwell thanks :-)10:37
silvia_schumbi: no problema! =)10:38
eagles0513875im having issues with flash nonfree version 9 lol10:46
eagles0513875can anyone help me with some flash issues im having10:54
sns I want to create the default look on KDE and then use kiosktool or something similar to lock it down so that user can't change it anymore. This is KDE 3. Can anyone help?10:57
schumbiwell i should work  bye11:00
snsAnyone experienced with making default profiles for KDE? I need help doing a real simple profile where all modifications are - remove everything from taskbar except firefox icon, set screensaver, set a desktop icon11:07
=== pascalFR is now known as PascalFR
snsHow can I disable right click in KDE? I want it disabled completely to deny user access to right click menus11:15
kgsns: wow what kind of users is your client expecting? you're locking to system to browsing-only?11:17
snskg, it's getting locked down to browsing only11:18
snsand we've got no idea what might be using this. it's public terminals11:18
=== fwest is now known as incorrect
snsI would just use some "surf only" live cd thing if it wasn't for other custom requirements11:19
snssuch as printing11:19
kgsns: i see - i haven't used kde 3 in ages, so i doubt i can help you here11:19
snscan it be done in x?11:19
snsI tried using kiosk-tools... but it didn't stop right clicking and was too difficult for me to customize and then lock down. So I realized that I just need to disable right click11:20
snsand I'm good to go11:20
kgsns: ever considered just getting single-click mice, like the apple ones?11:20
snsSince I will be customizing the panel to only having a clock and the firefox icon on beforehand. also adding in screensaver and stuff like that11:20
snskg, There is no time for that right now I am afraid11:21
tictricsns: I never cared for something like that but I'd look at xorg.conf11:21
snsI am to have this ready by 15 and then on the plane to clone computers in the city they are being deployed11:21
kgsns: the launch is soon?11:21
snsyeah I got less than 3 hours on me to make this ready. Just need this last detail and then I can clone the pc11:21
kgsns: i see - now i understand why you were so panicked last night with the hdtv issues lol11:22
XenThraLkg: tried a lot of things11:22
XenThraLsaw some posts that dealt with the issue of segmentation fault in opengl11:23
snskg, long story short. I got the "pilot pc" at me here in the office, and there are 9 others at locations in a different city. I am to be going there by plane, leaving here at 15. Then this weekend I will make all other ones the same on location11:23
XenThraLseems like its ubuntu's fault11:23
snstictric: I don't dare to touch xorg.conf anymore unless I am certain it will work haha11:23
snslong story short - I got burnt badly many times yesterday11:23
snskg, I would have been starting working on this way way earlier. Problem was that the company who sold us the hardware wasn't able to deliver before yesterday11:25
kgsns: apparently the kiosk admin tool was meant to do what you want - including disable right click11:26
ubuntu_hi guys. i want to upgrade my kubuntu from 7.10 to 8.04. is there an option to do this ?11:26
ubuntu_or i have to install from scratch ?11:26
snskg, problem with kiosk admin tool is that it takes the default KDE profile and does it's magic from that. So my customisations are gone and users have access to more than my "right click" trick will give them11:26
snsI applied every single option in the kiosk admin tool and could still right click11:27
tictricsns either you google yourself or you try this one http://gentoo-wiki.com/HOWTO_Advanced_Mouse#Button_Remapping11:27
kgsns: that's real weird - i'll take a look at the xorg.conf thing tictric suggested then11:28
snskg, tictric, I am looking at it too. Just a bit scared of messing with xorg.conf right now11:28
tictricsns: I already looked xorg.conf is the wrong place11:28
snsHm. So if I tell xorg.conf that mouse only have one button11:30
snsit should be good to go?11:30
tictriccp -a xorg.conf xorg.conf.bak and  happy trying11:30
snsI'm frightened11:31
tictricthen you bit more than you can chew11:31
snstictric, tell me about it11:33
snsxorg.conf does only have generic mouse stuff11:33
kglol tictric, were you here last night to watch sns tearing apart xorg.conf just to get his display working? :P11:33
kgOption "ButtonMapping" "1 2 3 8 9 10 11"11:34
kgthat's the default - i wonder what happens when you only have 1 :)11:34
snslet's try11:34
snsnot much happened11:36
tictrickg: no. Just as I said, I never cared for it before and said where I'd start looking11:36
tictricBut X is definitely the way to go11:36
tictricman mouse could also give a clue11:37
snsI need to brb in a hurry.11:37
kgsns: nothing much happened doesn't say anything... i'm guessing your mouse is still a normal mouse?11:37
tictricthere's even a frontend or so to remap mouse buttons. Just can't remember the name of it11:38
kgsns: there's also this option:   Option      "Buttons" "5"11:40
kgsns: maybe changing that to '1' can help11:40
tictricxmodmap -e 'pointer= 1'11:41
tictricsee what happens, but keep the fireman at hand :)11:42
tictricyou need to be su, obviously11:42
kglol don't be such a drama queen tictric... i reckon a fire extinguisher would be enough11:43
tictrickg that always depends on the flame thrower :)11:43
tictricon the other hand, if you do #xmodmap -e 'pointer= 3 2 1' you could them into insanity sns :P11:45
snsit's still a normal mouse11:46
kgtictric: lol that would definitely drive people crazy11:46
alebocohi guys, i opened a bug that is completely wrong, how can i adjust it?11:48
tayfunhello room11:49
snshey I was able to disable right click menu on desktop11:49
snsnow I just need to do it on panel and I'm good11:49
tayfunis there anyone from turkey or germany?11:49
bolo<--- germany11:49
tayfunbolo wie gehst11:49
boloyo passt scho^^ und dir ? :D11:50
tayfundanke danke11:50
bolohey kannst mir mal kurz helfen? need icq auf ubuntu11:50
pag!de | tayfun, bolo11:50
ubottutayfun, bolo: Deutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de11:50
kgsns: just remove the panel and stick a firefox icon on the desktop11:50
snskg, stupid question. how do I remove panel?11:51
kgsns: in kde3? i forgot actually... you can manually kill it by "killall kicker" if you want horrible last resort solutions lol11:52
snskg, but it won't be gone after a reboot haha11:52
kgsns: i don't have kde 3 installed anywhere, so i really have no idea - you sure you can't just "right click" and remove?11:52
snsyep tried that it doesn't give me the option11:53
user__hi all11:53
snswhat if I did "apt-get remove kicker"11:53
kgsns: LOL don't you dare11:53
snsnah that would remove kde completely11:54
kgsns: if you're thinking THAT desperately, you can actually tell KDE which programs to launch at startup i believe11:54
snsI was thinking of making kicker no execute11:54
Amarilisi'm trying to upgrade my kubuntu from 7.04 to 8.04. how can i do that ?11:55
kgsns: lol you poor thing... calm down, we'll find a slightly better solution :P11:55
Amarilisi tried this command: kdesu "sh /cdrom/cdromupgrade" but nothing happend11:55
Jucatosns: http://wiki.kde.org/tiki-index.php?page=Hidden%20configuration11:55
=== JanMalte_ is now known as JanMalte
Amarilisi even tried to upgrade using adept manager, but it's trying to upgrade to 7.1011:56
snsJucato: thanks. trying11:57
kgsns: hey that link has exactly what you want!11:57
tayfunsomethin is wrong with my keyboard when i m writin he stop and suddenly he writtttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttes like that whats is it?11:57
Amarilis to upgrade from 7.04 to 8.04 do i need to upgrade first from 7.04 to 7.10 and then to 8.04 ?12:00
snskg, yep it sure did :) now I only have one last problem12:01
kgsns: lol man, you sure are full of problems :P so what's left?12:03
snsCan still right click on firefox icon hmm is there any way I can make this icon the god of all icons that can not and will not be removed by users12:03
kgsns: just change the permissions of the link12:03
kgsns: so that it's non-writeable12:03
kgsns: but still readable and executable12:04
snsdid that but it's still able to being moved to trash12:05
kgoh also, you need to change the Desktop folder so that it's non-writeable, because the unix filesystem is unique such that if the directory's filesystem is writeable, you can still move the file12:05
kgsns: i wasn't making sense ^ was i? neways, can you still move the file to trash after making the Desktop folder non-writeable?12:08
snskg, yep12:08
kgthat's weird... show me the ls -l of the Desktop folder with the icon please12:09
Jucatojust make the icon owned by root but executable by others...12:11
Jucatothat way you won't have to mess with the ~/Desktop folder itself12:11
snsI am restarting kde as it might be some cache thing12:11
snsdid make root owner12:11
snsI can still delete it but it messed up icons12:12
kgsns it's still writeable by the owner12:13
kgyou want to make make it executeable and readable, but not writeable by everyone12:13
kga+rx & a-w12:13
snsahh of course12:14
=== sysadmin__ is now known as Arcanis
snscan still move to trash12:15
kgjucato: interestingly, as long as the Desktop folder is writeable, you can move any of its files to any other folder you have write access to12:15
=== Arcanis is now known as Arkon
kgwhat about the Desktop folder sns... ls -l in home dir12:15
snsand now it's just x x x x12:15
=== Arkon is now known as Arakken
kgthe Desktop folder as well?12:15
snsdesktop still has a lot of permissions12:15
snsyou want it to be just -r ?12:15
kgno, a-r12:15
kgsns: a-w12:16
kgsns: it needs executable and read, otherwise you won't be able to enter the directory12:16
snsis that correct?12:16
kgyeah, try now12:16
snshaaha sweet it's working12:16
kgso you're all set? :)12:17
snsjust need to back this up12:17
snsstill got a bit more than an hour12:17
kghaha ok - have you remembered all the steps needed yet?12:17
kgi highly suggest you make a script for it - will make your life easier in your other 9 computers12:17
snskg, fresh install of ubuntu, unpack tar archive with all info12:17
Jucatokg: um.. right...12:18
kgsns oh right - since it's identical machines, you can just untar hey12:18
tictrickg, by the looks of it you're having the time of your life?12:19
kgsns: anyway, can you really launch firefox even though the icon is not readable?12:20
snsnope looking at it now12:20
kgtictric: i so badly need a job hey. lol12:20
snskg, I just made it readable and that did the trick12:20
snscan't delete it now12:20
kgsns: isn't that what you wanted??12:22
snsyes that's why I am happy12:22
kglol that's good... must feel good, especially when you have free time12:23
snsnow just another issue I'm having and I should be allll good12:23
boloanybody german here?12:24
kgsns: lol another "one last issue"? how many of those do you have?? ;)12:24
snskg, I think this is the last one actually12:24
snsit's pretty simple12:24
Jucato!de | bolo12:24
ubottubolo: Deutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de12:24
snsI need firefox to open pdf files in the browser12:24
Jucatosns: http://gentoo-wiki.com/HOWTO_Integrate_Firefox_with_KDE#PDF:_KPDF12:25
kgsns: by the way, did you disable the shortcut to katapult?12:28
snskg, I think so. where is it and what is it?12:29
snsthese computers will only have a mouse12:29
JucatoAlt+Space <-- no mouse :)12:29
snsno keyboard <-- no Alt+Space12:30
kgsns: yep, as jucato said... you'll be able to launch any application with katapult12:30
kgsns: no keyboard??12:30
Jucato(or Alt+F2... but that only gets nice in 4.1)12:30
snskg, yes12:30
looongerwill kde4.1 be the default kde in the next kubuntu release?12:30
Jucatolooonger: that's the plan. yes12:31
ubottuAlpha Software: Intrepid Ibex is the code name for K/ubuntu 8.10, due October 2008 - #ubuntu+1 for discussion. Kubuntu Intrepid will have KDE 4 as the default Desktop Environment - see  https://wiki.kubuntu.org/KubuntuIntrepidVersion | Warning lots of breaking software between now and October!12:31
kgsns: lol ok then, you're safe :P12:31
ubunturoswhen I log on to kubuntu 8.04.1 compiz crashes or the window decorator crashes12:32
ubunturosthis happens, when I login for the first time. After I log out and log in again, it restores to normal12:32
ubunturosdoes anyone here face the same problem?12:32
snskg, is there any way where I can make kpdf's config files read only so that people can't mess with it?12:34
kgsns: no idea - i don't have a kde3 machine to mess around with - maybe you can try it out and see what happens?12:35
lks i have a file in /var/backup but is not longer need and takes up too much space so i would like to delete that though it says i have no permission...how do i go about deleting it? thx12:35
snskg, I'd just need a plugin that stays inside firefox12:38
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ckdi test the brandnew Kubuntu 8.10, i have no splashy only red/white screen, how can i anable splasy12:40
kgsns: have you tried the link jucato provided??12:40
lkshow to enable permission to delete a file12:41
snskg, yes, it opens in a new window12:41
ckdsudo chmod 777 filename12:41
snsprogram opens12:41
ckd@ kg12:41
snswell I have to just live with this12:43
kgckd: huh?12:43
snsthanks for your help12:44
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ckdhow to enable permission to delete a file -> sudo chmod 777 filename12:44
kgsns: sorry man, if i had a kde 3 machine i could have come up with something better12:44
snsit's no worries. limitations on how much people can fuck with it12:44
lksckd cheers12:44
kgckd: 700 is enough, as long as you own the file12:44
kgckd: oh lol it wasn't meant for me was it?12:45
hannhis there a fix for no sound after hibernate12:45
snsnow I just need autologin and take backup12:48
snsstill got 1 hour and ten mins12:48
hannhyes/no/maybe so?12:49
kgsns: autologin can be achieved in "system settings" i believe12:49
snskg yep :)12:50
hannhfix for no sound after hibernate?12:52
hannhor are we just taking it without lube on a release AGAIn..12:53
hannhman ubuntu is worse then googles android sdk12:53
snswooo now just backup12:55
snsthank you guys so much12:55
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kgsns: lol you're welcome... makes me wish i have a job too :)13:00
kgsns: about the pdf thing... did you try mozplugger ( net-www/mozplugger ) from the wiki Jucato provided?13:03
snskg, yes13:04
kgsns: did that actually work?? i might actually do the same for my own setup in the future13:05
snskg, it didn't. but I have to live with it13:07
snstaking backups now13:07
snsagain: thanks a million. I have to go. be well13:07
Jucatokg: there's a 2nd way mentioned, without using the plugin I think13:08
kgJucato: yeah, i'll prolly keep that page bookmarked for future reference, when i install a kde3 machine13:10
JucatoI think there's a similar page in https://help.ubuntu.com/community13:10
Amarilisguys, how do i upgrade from 7.10 to 804 from cd?13:13
Amarilisi tried kdesu "sh /cdrom/cdromupgrade" but nothing happend13:14
ubottuFor upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes13:15
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kg-awaygotta run - bbl :)13:18
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kushouis someone french here ?13:31
ubunturos!fr | kushou:13:31
ubottukushou:: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr13:31
kushouubottu: thanks13:32
ubottuYou're welcome! But keep in mind I'm just a bot ;-)13:32
kushouubunturos: thanks13:32
testiI have an intel centrino notebook and just plugged in a monitor, but i don't know how to activate it (clone or13:33
testiextend desktop)13:33
laskkhey is any method to downgrade from php5 to php 513:33
laskki mean php 413:33
ubunturoskushou: bienvenir13:36
kushouubunturos: i don't know if you want to tell me welcome in french, but what you say mean nothing (like my english i think)13:39
ubunturoskushou: I wanted to say 'welcome' in french.13:40
ubunturoskushou: correct me, if I was wrong13:40
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kushou^^, it is "bienvenue"13:42
ubunturoskushou: thanks. I'll note that13:42
kushousomeone can help me ?13:44
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kushoui have a problem with Adept13:44
ubunturoskushou: you can describe your problem, if someone has a solution, he/she'll reply13:45
kushou(sorry if my english is not correct)13:45
ubunturoskushou: go ahead, as long as people understand the context / the problem, they'll reply13:46
ckdeverybody install new ati driver witch kubuntu 8.10 ?13:46
ubunturoskushou: I assume, the french channel, isn't very active, currently13:46
kushouI wanna install Qt 4.413:46
kushouto program in C++13:47
coreymon77hi everybody13:48
coreymon77miss me?13:48
ubunturoskushou: what error does adept report, when you try to do that?13:50
kushoujust a minut13:50
kushouit's difficult for me to explain this in english13:50
ubunturoskushou: ok13:51
kushoudepots mean something for you ?13:51
ubunturoskushou: no, I don't know what depots is.13:51
ubunturoskushou: Are you comfortable using the command line?13:51
kushoudepots backports etc ...13:51
ubunturoskushou: you mean, repos backports?13:51
kushoui can use it (konsole)13:52
kushoui want to activate backports in adept13:52
ckdhelp, cant install fglrx-driver with kubuntu 8.1013:52
ubunturoskushou: start konsole and type 'kdesu kate /etc/apt/sources.list13:53
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ubunturoskushou: you can then, remove the '#' beside the backports URL13:53
=== EclipseDev is now known as Akimon
* ubunturos is assuming, kushou, has the URL already listed, but in comments13:54
kushouit's already done13:55
ubunturoskushou: hmm, but you aren't able to get qt4 listed in the list of software packages, is it so?13:55
kushouin "repos" (i think it's the translation of depots) it's the Qt 4.3.413:56
kushouwith backports, normaly, it's the 4.413:56
ubunturoskushou: ok, and you want Qt 4.4 instead of that?13:56
ubunturoskushou: ok.13:57
kushouIt's twice i install this13:57
kushou'QT 4.4413:57
kushou*Qt 4.413:57
kushouyesterday, i have uninstall Qt 4.4 but i wouldn't13:59
kushouhow to explain13:59
ubunturoskushou: I assume, then, you may have to download the tarball (.tar.gz) file and do a fresh install.14:00
Avenhawkhi @ all^14:00
ubunturoskushou: But I'm not good at helping you with that, since, I don't know much about it14:00
ubunturoskushou: there's another channel called, #qt, where you can post this query, may be even in french, and get solutions14:00
kushouyes, i wanna explain14:01
* Jucato is having a hard time understanding too...14:01
Jucatokushou: if you ask in #qt, they will just probably tell you to ask in your distribution14:01
kushoujust a question14:01
kushoucan you go in adept14:01
Jucatonot right now. I'm not on Kubuntu14:02
Jucatokushou: no one is answering you in #kubuntu-fr ?14:03
kushouno one help14:03
kushouevery body ask questions14:03
Jucatojust need a bit of patience :)14:03
Jucatokushou: you need Qt (it's Qt, not QT) for programming?14:04
kushouQt 4.414:04
Jucatoyes, but for programming? not just running Qt apps?14:04
kushouI participate in a competition14:04
kushoufor programming14:05
ubottuQt is the Qt (pronounced "cute") toolkit, which forms the base of KDE and is used by many applications to provide a !GUI. Install the libqt3-mt-dev package to compile Qt 3 applications or libqt4-dev for Qt 4 applications. Qt 4.4 is available from hardy-backports14:05
Jucatokushou: I think you need to install libqt4-dev14:05
kushoubut it's 4.3.414:05
kushoui need 4.4.014:05
kushouit's in backports14:06
Jucato!info libqt4-dev hardy-backports14:06
ubottulibqt4-dev (source: qt4-x11): Qt 4 development files. In component main, is optional. Version 4.4.0-1ubuntu5~hardy1 (hardy-backports), package size 5619 kB, installed size 27928 kB14:06
kushoubut i haven't the update to 4.414:06
Jucatoif you have hardy-backports, you will have 4.4.014:06
Jucatoyes, enable hardy backports, then update and upgrade14:06
kushouhardy-bachports are enabled14:07
slobad23can i run kubuntu 64 bit on a 32 bit machine?14:07
kushoui will update and upgrade again14:07
slobad23but i can run 32 bit on  a 64 bit machine?14:07
kushoucan you tell me command line for this ?14:08
ubunturoskushou: sudo apt-get update14:08
Avenhawki had something to say i am an old windowsuser and before amiga but Kubuntu (Linux) is awesome so many features and things to configure its like my old basics on C64 =))14:09
ubunturosso, that updates to meta data of packages in the backports are obtained14:09
kushouand for upgrade ?14:09
ubunturoskushou: then, you could search for it using apt-cache search qt* (or qt-* or libqt*)14:09
ubunturoskushou: for upgrade, sudo apt-get upgrade14:09
kushou0 mis à jour, 0 nouvellement installés, 0 à enlever et 0 non mis à jour.14:10
Jucatokushou: when you change something in the repositories, you have to "Fetch Updates" (in Adept) or run "sudo apt-get update" first to get a list of updates, then "sudo apt-get upgrade" to actually upgrade those packages14:10
kushouit's the result of sudo apt-get upgrade14:11
kushou0 upadtes14:11
Avenhawkis there only english kubuntuchannel or a german too ?? dont think i dont like english , i love it but i am german its easier for me to question or answer in german ? so is a german channel and who can tell me the channel ? =))) it want be very nice from you guys14:12
Jucato!de | Avenhawk14:12
ubottuAvenhawk: Deutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de14:12
Avenhawkthx !!!!14:12
byteme_hey guys14:13
erosswhat's a good fax program to use14:13
byteme_my sister just did an upgrade to kde and now she cant get into kde after a reboot14:15
byteme_what can i tell her to do?14:15
kushouthe last time i do update 4.3.4 > 4.4.0, i just enable backports, update apt-get and i have the updates, but now i haven't14:15
kushouthat is te exact problem14:15
byteme_she is at the command prompt14:16
Avenhawkstart kdm or only kdm ?? have you tried it14:17
byteme_ahh, no I told her to type kde14:17
byteme_ok I will try that14:17
byteme_ok, that didnt work either14:19
Avenhawkhmm did you tried it for , make default session or restart x manager , or try do uninstall kde in other windowmanager and reinstall it =)14:20
byteme_wow yeah, it just told her that kde is not installed14:21
Avenhawkah , ok ...now install it and it works14:21
kushouOk, i will try to solve my probleme on french forum, thanks to ubunturos and Jucato14:21
ubunturoskushou: welcome.14:22
byteme_now she gets another message14:22
Avenhawkwhat kind of14:23
byteme_E:dpkg was interupted14:23
byteme_you must manually run "dpkg --configure -a" to correct the problem14:24
Avenhawkok that is an defect package you have to download again it , it broken or something in thw way to you , download again and reinstall all what you have done before14:24
byteme_how do I do that?14:25
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byteme_we are newbies,      sorry14:25
Avenhawkhehe me too , sry i dont can you help in this range i am only now somethnig of that on Redhat with RPM =) sry something else may help you in this question14:26
byteme_ahh, ok well thank you14:26
Jucato<byteme_> you must manually run "dpkg --configure -a" to correct the problem <-- run "sudo dpkg --configure -a" :)14:26
byteme_lol   dud, gotcha14:27
Avenhawknp , i only know that you can use apt-get remove package-name.dkp or apt-get install pakacge-name for install thats the only thing i know from dkp14:27
Avenhawkah he get it ok than greetz14:28
byteme_ok, it did it and it says "done"14:29
Avenhawkyes i think so14:30
Avenhawkbecause it have to reconfigure and restart is always good =)14:30
byteme_does she type in restart? or just hit reset on the computer?14:31
Avenhawkno restart14:31
Avenhawkonly restart14:32
Avenhawkwhen you push the reset button you can , damage your hdd because its an interrupt to your hdd like a headcrash of a little kind of14:33
byteme_wow ok14:33
Avenhawkwhen you can restart normal only use the normal way , when nothing is gone so that the pc is broken down systen with the os is the reset butten the only last chance ^ try it only in the last way =)14:34
byteme_its working now14:35
Avenhawknice one , greetings14:35
Avenhawki mean gratulations14:35
Avenhawklol my english is so bad14:35
byteme_lol, oh wait.14:35
byteme_(your fine)14:36
Avenhawkthx...i try my best14:36
byteme_"no command arguments supplied! Capital usage :KDEsudo[-u<runas>]"14:37
dilipgargHello. Any Japanese fellows here? Just wanted to know what kind of download speeds do you guys get over KTorrent?14:38
byteme_<command>KDESudo will now exit...14:38
Avenhawkwow , ok ...hmmm seems a little bigger problem to be, i think...doesnt see this massage14:38
Avenhawkbefore..i mean14:38
Jucato!jp | dilipgarg14:38
ubottudilipgarg: 日本語の場合は #ubuntu-jp または #kubuntu-jp を参照して下さい14:38
Jucatobyteme_: what command are you running?14:38
dilipgargJucato: ty14:39
byteme_just the one you gave me and then restarted PC with the reboot command14:39
Jucatoah you already restarted?14:39
Jucatoare you back in KDE? or still dumps you in the command line?14:40
byteme_all that came up in a dialog box and wants her to click OK14:40
byteme_(I'm typing for me sis)14:41
Jucatohm.. weird...14:41
Jucatoafter clicking OK, is everying ok?14:41
byteme_scared to click it14:41
byteme_ok clicked14:41
byteme_ok everything seems ok14:41
BluesKajgood day14:42
Jucatosounds like a problem with some app that autostarts or with kdesudo...14:42
byteme_But everytime she updates this happends14:43
byteme_any ideas?14:45
byteme_should she try again?14:47
ubottuHi! Welcome to #kubuntu!14:47
hibreadwhich package contains gcc?14:47
dilipgarg!hello | hibread14:47
ubottuhibread: please see above14:48
mauihy guys can u help me in mounting my hard disks and modifying my fstab file? when i try to open em it says permission denied i cant open em14:48
byteme_Should she try and update again? Jucato14:48
pagmaui, alt+f2 -> kdesudo kate /etc/fstab14:49
mauido i have to paste it?14:49
mauido i have to paste it here?14:49
hibreadubottu: errr the FAQ?14:50
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about errr the faq?14:50
Avenhawkhoi @ peg welcome back =)14:50
ubottupastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)14:50
hibreadi see again14:50
mauii no about pastebine just wanted to ask if i had to paste here14:50
Avenhawkoh pag with a not e =) sry my fault14:50
mauihttp://pastebin.com/m2fbad4ff here it is thank u14:51
pagAvenhawk, don't worry, you're not the only one who made that mistake ;)14:51
hibreadthe Add/Remove programs app... is that the only package manager for ubuntu/kubuntu?14:51
pagmaui, erm.. and what to you want to modify?14:51
mauii dunno u tell me i just would like to be able to open my 3 hard disks without it telling me "permission denied"14:52
Shaba2Hell folk14:52
paghibread, alt+f2 -> kdesudo adept_manager  brings up more andvanced one, and then there's of course the commandline tools14:53
mauiif u can modify it and tell me what do i have to do to mount them rightly and have em automatically mounted at each boot i'll thank u14:53
hibreadpag:  ahuh!14:53
pagmaui, could you also pastebin the output of " sudo fdisk -l "?14:53
mauiyes i will in a sec14:54
Shaba2I know that viruses in the linux world are very rare but I am volunteering to do soe work for a noon profit whose IT Manager insist on every machine have anti virus and anti spyware software. Can someone reccomend a good FREE one.14:54
Shaba2I use AVG and AdAware on all my windows machines14:54
mauihttp://pastebin.com/m778d1387 here it is mate14:55
david_ Is it reccomended that I use a firewall and virus protection in Kubuntu?14:56
dilipgargI second that question too david_14:56
byteme_Jucato: sorry, but do I try and update again? Seems to do this everytime an update is done14:56
byteme_every time!14:57
Shaba2I third it dilipgarg and david14:57
david_I know there is a thing called firestarter for linux which is free but is it neccessary?14:58
dilipgargAvenhawk, pag: do any of you guys use antivirus, internet protection suites?14:59
david_wheres a good linux guru when you need one?14:59
Shaba2busy programming I suspect14:59
david_Playing with windows?15:00
mauipag? are you there?15:00
Avenhawkin linux ???15:00
david_Just kidding15:00
pagmaui, http://pastebin.com/dcc7a95b this should work as long as you have directories /media/sdXY mentioned in file and your user name is maui15:00
pagdilipgarg, never used AV in linux, and probably never will :-)15:00
mauiand after i copy this in fstab how do i mount the disks?15:01
Shaba2How do you ctrl-alt-delete to kill a runaway process in linux15:01
dilipgargpag: just wanted to hear that :) how about firewall, have you configured it for your kubuntu15:01
Avenhawkthe problem is when the antivirusprog is not configured rightly you can have more problem also without a firewall or antivirusprog =) i dosent use anything in moment of them15:01
pagmaui, well, first of all do the following in the command line: sudo mkdir /media/sda1 && sudo mkdir /media/sda5 && sudo mkdir /media/sdb515:02
Shaba2I know sudo kill all , but that kills everything correct?15:02
pagdilipgarg, nope. I use default settings (and TBH have no idea what they are :P)15:02
dilipgargpag, very much delighted to hear that. pls carry on15:03
Avenhawkwindows = use firewall and antivirusprog an feel secure ( i dont think so ) , LINUX = use linux without a firewall or antivirprog an you secures more than windows =) because its LINUX15:03
mauiive modified the fstab and done the commands you gave15:03
pagmaui, sudo mount -a15:03
david_yay! for linux15:03
david_a new day is here for linux!15:04
mauipag after last command it said "watch out there's not a new paragraph at the end of /etc/fstab/"15:05
david_windows is falling and Ubuntu/Kubuntu is rising this shows in pc mag15:05
dilipgargi agree totally to that, Avenhawk. I had never used linux in my entire life but in the recent months, after upgrading to Windows Vista Ultimate edition and miliions of viruses/spywares/malwares, I had to reformat my drives 9 times in 6 months! So I became frustrated and decided to clean install Kubuntu Hardy Heron and with all good documentation/support its flying on my laptop!! :)15:06
Shaba2In which issur15:06
pagmaui, fstab likes beauty in formatting, but it shouldn't affect how it works15:06
mauiso now everything should work?15:07
Pigeon``where is my dvd player? like what directory?15:07
pagmaui, it *should*, but I'd like to hear if it really works15:07
mauiyes it does mate thanks a lot15:08
pagyw :-)15:08
mauithe only thing is in "root/media/" now there are 4 hard disks instead of 315:08
dilipgargPigeon: try /root/cdrom15:08
BluesKajPigeon``, usually it's /dev/hdc15:08
david_I have a phone called magicjack and it only works in windows and mac.. It plugs into the usb port and then I can call anywhere in the US free.. Is there a way to get this to work in Kubuntu?15:09
Avenhawk<----had windows vista too on desktop PC but no i am LINUXuser , and i am to happy , performance is godlike an you can configure the whole entire system its awesome i really loved , it sends me back in to the future where basic written on Commodore C64 and AMiga i am happy of Kubuntu ^15:09
mauicuz 3 are sda1 sdb5 sda5 and another one called maupe which is a repetion of one of those 315:09
mauithe only thing is in "root/media/" now there are 4 hard disks instead of 315:09
mauicuz 3 are sda1 sdb5 sda5 and another one called maupe which is a repetion of one of those 315:09
maui(sorry to repeat)15:09
pagmaui, might be a leftover from older config – if it's not an issue, then you can just let it be there15:09
pagmaui, it's not defined in fstab, so it might (or might not) dissappear after a reboot15:10
mauiso now after reboot the hard disks are gonna be automatically mounted right?15:10
mauithank allot mate cu15:12
BluesKajPigeon``,  place a disk in the dvd-rom , then open a terminal and use this command , sudo mount /dev/hdc15:13
Avenhawkcan somebody tells me , is the meter from the command " top " who shows the RAM usage correct ???15:14
Avenhawkhi cg15:15
cg_what's new?15:15
pagAvenhawk, it's correct, but notice that most of your memory goes to buffers15:15
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makdaknifeAvenhawk: yes... it should be... you can check this by looking at `cat /proc/meminfo`15:16
Avenhawksomething like in Vista the Superfetching ?? pag ?15:16
makdaknifeAvenhawk: and if you use top.. try installing htop... its a lot more friendly15:16
pagAvenhawk, kind of, I guess.15:16
Avenhawkah ok thy pag , and thanks too makdaknfie nice command...i dont knew it before15:17
cg_who can tell me how to install messenger yahoo in ubuntu linux?15:17
=== Shaba2 is now known as Shaba1
pagcg_, doesn't yahoo work from Kopete too?15:18
makdaknifecg_: try using one of the many IM applications... Kopete, Pidgin etc15:18
Shaba1can anyone here answer a question about Konversation?15:19
cg_I used pidgin but when I want to login in yahoo mess it's not connecting15:19
Shaba1specifically is is possible to use tiled windows instead of tabs15:19
Tm_TShaba1: no15:21
cg_<pag> i have pidgin15:21
pagcg_, it should support Yahoo too?15:21
Shaba1Thanks Tm_T mIRC has that feature and it makes it more convient15:21
cg_yes I can create my account in pidgin but it's not connecting15:22
Tm_TShaba1: there is many other irc clients out there15:22
Avenhawkare your name correct and your PW ??? cg_ i had a same prob in the beginning with pidgin but now it works fine15:23
pagShaba1, iirc kvirc has similiar looks to mIRC – maybe they share the feature too?15:23
cg_<Avenhawk>what have you done?15:24
Avenhawkonly check the name or password it can be wrong typed in15:24
=== Deviance is now known as TimS
Avenhawkand dont forget the service u want to use install the right way at the top button15:25
cg_<Avenhawk> yes I configured my account in pidgin but not working15:27
Avenhawkbut for what you want to configure ??? AIM , ICQ or something you must have the right one an the right number or name and pw15:28
HazaAfternoon folks. Can anyone recommend some good video editing software for Kubuntu?15:28
Shaba1thanks pag15:29
Shaba1ok next quesition15:29
cg_<Avenhawk> for AIM15:29
Shaba1how do I install "khelpcenter15:29
Avenhawkhmm ...are u sure you have the right entries pw and username ?15:30
Shaba1every time I go to the help tab on an app I get a dialog that says service khelpcenter is not availible or something to that effect15:30
pagShaba1, isn't it there by default? :O15:30
cg_yes I do15:30
Shaba1apparently not for me15:30
ubottuInformation on Ubuntu Local Community Teams is at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LoCoTeams15:31
makdaknifedamn... does anyone else have problems with strigi chewing up disk space?15:33
pagmakdaknife, I had.. then I removed strigi, and hadn't had problems ever since :P15:34
makdaknifepag: ha ha... what do you use as a replacement?15:36
pagmakdaknife, I organise my files so they can be found without any extra help (though I don't have so many files, that I would get lost)15:37
makdaknifepag: its a bit more difficult when you work with a ton of CVS repositories15:38
Avenhawkoh man kdelook.org is so slow is it only from my side or hat anyone else the same prob ???15:38
pagmakdaknife, yup.. the other alternative would be Beagle, but I don't know if it's any easier on disk usage15:39
pagAvenhawk, seems relatively fast to me15:41
Avenhawkreally ???15:41
makdaknifepag: eah... I think I'll go back to beagle15:41
cg_<Avenhawk>ok thanks for informations,shall try again,hope so will working15:41
Avenhawki tried to download something but i wait and wait and wait i mean i had a connectspeed from my provider from 20mbit^ i dont think its from my side pag15:42
Avenhawkother sites no problem fullspeed but kdelook.org is slow as some....15:43
pagAvenhawk, not all files downloadable from kde-look are located on their servers15:43
_CrashMaster_What does your tracert to kdelook.org look like/15:43
cg_how can I download movies in ubuntu?15:44
Avenhawkyeah i know but the entire site or server is slow for me but i dont know wh15:44
Avenhawkwhat kind of movies cg_ ?15:44
cg_<Avenhawk>i am interest what can I using for download movies like The Mummy15:45
pag!piracy | cg_15:46
ubottucg_: piracy discussion and other questionably legal practices are not welcome in the Ubuntu channels. Please take this discussion elsewhere or abstain from it altogether. This includes linking to pirated software, music and video. Also see !guidelines and !o4o15:46
david_My f-spot program does not start anyone know why this might be?15:46
pagdavid_, start it fron the terminal and see for error messages15:46
david_just type in f-spot?15:47
pagdavid_, I can't remember if it's f-spot or fspot - it should be either15:47
david_but type nothing else?15:47
kyle0016I'm having problems with installing windows decorations15:48
Vermuxwho can help me with this error:15:48
pagkyle0016, could you please be more specific?15:48
cg_<ubottu>ok sorry15:49
david_pag it says it cannot find dbus15:49
Shaba1Oh how do I keep power management from putting my laptop into stand by15:49
cg_<ubottu>but it's not about pirate,15:49
pagdavid_, my only guess would be: sudo /etc/init.d/dbus restart15:49
Shaba1actually I do not know if its stand by or just a screen saver15:50
pagcg_, ubottu is just a bot ;)15:50
Shaba1it just gets a bunch of wierd lines on it if I do not press a key or move the mouse within a certian amout of time15:50
Shaba1it looks like tv static15:50
pagVermux, could you pastebin the file in question?15:50
cg_<pag>thanks but I am new here I don't know many things15:51
pagcg_, sure no problem :-)15:51
cg_<pag> :)15:51
Vermuxpag: I cant, it is a private chat history (using kopete). I tried to save it to Documents, but it gives me the error, and dont even let me click on the file15:52
pagcg_, in case you're looking for torrent client: the one in Kubuntu is called ktorrent and in Ubuntu Transmission15:52
pagVermux, I meant /usr/share/apps/d3lphin/servicemenus/amarok_addaspodcast.desktop  it doesn't seem to be a chat history15:52
cg_<pag>thank you a lot15:53
pagVermux, and btw.: when does the error occur15:53
pagVermux, oh, nevermind - I should really learn to read :P15:54
Vermuxpag: 10 seconds after I click on documents folder and move the pointer to try and open the file15:54
david_pag: well that did not work but what did was when I put this in terminal "dbus-launch f-spot"  That started the program with no problem but it still does not start from the icon.15:54
pagVermux, try the following: sudo mv /usr/share/apps/d3lphin/servicemenus/amarok_addaspodcast.desktop ~/amarok_addaspodcast.desktop  it should fix the error15:55
pagdavid_, well you could change the icon's command to "dbus-launch f-spot"..15:56
david_ah good idea I was almost thinking that15:57
Avenhawkhaha its getting faster peg =) kdelook...15:58
* pag considers changing his nick – apparantly 'peg' is easier to remember/type :D15:58
mauihi guys i downloaded and installed guarddog, set it up as well but it just doesn't work: i allowed irc chat and msn chat and a couple of other things but it just blocks em anyway even if i allowed them, is there anything else i have to allowed to permit (e.g.) these two? i dunno some other application/program?15:58
Avenhawkrofl pag sry i mean peg15:58
pagAvenhawk, type p and press tab, it should get my nick automatically ;) (works for other nicks too, as well as commands at commandline)15:59
david_pag that works great I just learned something15:59
Avenhawkpag: ok16:00
cg_when I try to open add/remove program I have this message:another process uses database  system,but I don't have another open16:00
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about dbus16:00
pag!aptfix | cg_16:00
ubottucg_: If an APT front-end crashed and your database is locked, try this in a !terminal: « sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a »16:00
Vermuxpag: thanks, it solved the problem. so what u did is to copy the file that was in the error message to the home directory?16:01
Avenhawkpag: i dont use irc before to chat i only know skype =)16:01
pagVermux, well I've actually moved it, so it wouldn't affect the dolphin's work ;)16:01
Vermuxpag: ok, what filr is it?16:02
pagVermux, apparantly you can right click on some file and add it to amarok as podcast with it (pretty useless I'd say)16:03
mauihi guys i downloaded and installed guarddog, set it up as well but it just doesn't work: i allowed irc chat and msn chat and a couple of other things but it just blocks em anyway even if i allowed them, is there anything else i have to allowed to permit (e.g.) these two? i dunno some other application/program?16:03
Vermuxpag: what is podcast? is it the movies, tv shows ofipod format?16:03
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Avenhawkpag: how i can install a kde theme ...=)) ??? on gnome i know it but here where is the window for it16:04
mauipag? no-one can help?16:04
pagVermux, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Podcast WP explains much better than I could ;)16:04
pagmaui, I never bothered myself with firewall, so I have no idea how they work16:05
pagAvenhawk, which theme are you trying to install (link would be great)16:05
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about guardog16:06
BluesKaj!guard dog16:06
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about guard dog16:06
ubottuUbuntu, like any other linux distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'iptables' command (see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo), or GUI applications such as Firestarter (Gnome) or Guarddog (KDE).16:06
mauii already read it but it says nuttin16:06
Avenhawkpag: ok mom16:07
BluesKajwhy do you think you need it...this is not windows?16:07
Avenhawkpag: http://www.kde-look.org/content/show.php/Luna?content=15516:07
ubottuFor information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent16:08
pagAvenhawk, well there is install.sh in the directory – running it might have some effect16:09
Avenhawkpag: ah ok thanks than i know what i have to do16:10
pagAvenhawk, that theme is so old though, that some aspects might'e changed, so I have no ide wether it will work16:10
Avenhawkpag: i try it , when its done i tell you of working or not =)16:11
pagok :-)16:11
david_pag: why is it that Kubuntu sometimes recognizes the usb port and sometimes it doesn't?16:11
pagdavid_, I don't know.. I once had issues with *buntu not recognising usb port at all; I had to use usb-handoff bootoption for kernel. try using it, and see wether the problem remains?16:14
cg_bye all must going out16:14
david_pag: what does that mean "usb-handoff bootoption for kernel" ? Do I enter that in terminal?16:16
Avenhawkpag: it worked not rightly its installed he shows me but it doesnt work =(16:16
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pagdavid_, kdesudo kate /boot/grub/menu.lst -> find the line (at quite end of file) with newest kernel, and add usb-handoff right after "splash quiet " (or whatever options there are)16:18
pagAvenhawk, try looking for nice themes in repositories – my favourites are Serenity and QtCurve (and if you're mac-o-holic, then also Baghira ;)16:19
pagdavid_, remember to be careful with that file – errors in it might cause your system to become unbootable16:20
Avenhawkpag: ah ok thanks for the info ill try it16:20
avik42hiya, I just installed Kubuntu Intrepid Alpha 2 .. I can sudo just fine but when I try to use Hardware Driver Manager it says I need to give root password.. what is the root password?  I didn't have a dialog to set it at install time and it's not the same as my sudo password .. thanks16:24
Piciavik42: Intrepid support in #ubuntu+1 please16:25
avik42thank you16:25
dilipgargWhen I watch DivX videos on firefox using mplayer there're no controls for fast forwarding and such.. how should I configure 'em16:26
Avenhawkpag: yeah i get the serenity matrix theme muhaah it looked like in the film =)) nice one16:27
david_pag: I think maybe I will wait on the fix.. I think I will ruin everything.. The card is recognized in gnome but not in kde.. So I will just swithc back and forth till the fix actually comes.. thanks anyway it seems to risky..16:28
david_  thanks so much for your help16:29
david_no colors allowed what does that mean do I see descrimination?16:32
pagdavid_, IRC colors - the ones you can make your text to appear as red/blu/yellow/etc.16:33
david_but my name can have color?16:33
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pagdavid_, usually nickcolors are set locally by client – for example you appear for me as blue16:34
david_yes I am blue I just set it.. but I see alot of peoples text as blue and red.. your words look red to me16:35
pagdavid_, not sure about blue one (probably font setting) but red is highlight colour which is triggered when your nick is menitioned16:36
david_oh I see all your lines as red I geuss that is because it is directed to me..16:37
pagwell I type your nick in front of all most my lines (exept this, of course ;)16:38
david_yes now you are black I see thanks for the clarification16:38
pagnp :)16:38
SHAMOgot a question am a newbi ....if you donwl and install software.....in what folder O_Õ) will it go ....??16:41
eduardoplSHAMO: /var/apt/cache/archives i guess16:42
pagSHAMO, the package itself will go to /var/apt/archive/ or similiar – the content will go to apropriate direcories all over your system16:42
eduardoplit's /var/cache/apt/archives actually16:42
SHAMOokey...i though wat pag said.....all over your system...-_-!!)...16:43
geniiSHAMO: What pag says is true when you use packages or the built in package manager. If you are downloading outside apps they download to wherever your browser defaults puting them, then the binary files after making the application goes wherever it's instructions tell it to put them. Usually in places like /bin /sbin for executable files and places like /etc for configuration files16:44
SHAMOahh okey..thnx..16:45
dilipgargWhen I watch DivX videos on firefox using mplayer there're no controls for fast forwarding and such.. how should I configure 'em16:50
Avenhawkbye @ all16:51
incorrectin gnome i can install a .deb directly from getdeb for example, can i do this with kde without having to save the file locally?16:51
BluesKajbiab..reboot the router16:53
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geniiincorrect: Try downloading one and see if it gives you an option in browser window to open it with a package handler16:55
incorrecti get the option to open it in a viewer, there doesn't appear to be a kdebi16:56
incorrecti see it16:56
geniiincorrect:  :)16:56
incorrectlol i thought the g was gnome16:57
incorrecthmm, better firefox support in kde is needed :(16:58
geniiWell, it's natively a GTK app16:59
geniiSo it could said that better kde support is needed in firefox instead16:59
mkultrasopera is nice enough to tell you that its hotkeys conflict with kde on first startup, i thought that was nice of them17:00
incorrectmaybe i mean, better support for firefox in kubuntu is needed17:00
dilipgargwrong chat17:13
SHAMOdoes anybody has a nvidia geforce 8500 gt   videocard....o_Õ) what driver did you use ...for it ....i cant change the resolution17:16
Shaba2How does one determine what process id is associated with what window on the desktop.17:16
pagShaba2, 'xkill' removes the need for that17:17
Shaba2yes pag17:17
Shaba2 but I do not want to kill the desktop or konversation?17:17
Shaba2that is why I want to know the process id17:17
JucatoShaba2: Ctrl+Esc17:18
Shaba2Juanto in a terminal window?17:18
Jucatopag: btw, in KDE, Ctrl+Alt+Esc = xkill17:18
JucatoShaba2: oh, nope.17:18
Jucatoin KDE, that would bring up the Process Table (like the Task Manager in Windows)17:19
Shaba2see what I mean about specificity17:19
Shaba2ok Jucato how does one do that?17:19
JucatoShaba2: "ps aux" will give you a list of running process.17:19
pagJucato, yup, I know. though lately so many Gnome folks have stopped by here, that I prefer to give universal instructions whenever possible ;)17:20
Jucato"ps aux | grep -i <search term>" would let you filter it down17:20
ResistolHelp!  After I login, my screen goes black except for the mouse pointer... the last thing I did was check "enable desktop effects"17:20
JucatoResistol: KDE 4?17:21
ResistolYes Jucato i just installed it, I'm a newbie17:21
Shaba2You were right Jucato xkill just allowed me to choose he window17:22
Shaba2I like that17:22
JucatoResistol: you might want to ask in #kubuntu-kde4 how to disable desktop effects17:22
XenThraLHi, I seem to be getting segmentation faults when running opengl programs, can anyone tell me how I can simply remove all traces of older nvidia drives from ubuntu?17:22
JucatoShaba2: that's what pag meant :)17:22
XenThraLread in a post that apparently its ubuntu's fault, that removing the driver packages still leaves some stuff behind...17:23
eramax_hello ;17:23
eramax_i have been installed KDE 4.1 RC1 on my Ubuntu 8.0417:23
eramax_But i have some problems :-17:23
eramax_1-how can i create a launcher to application or a folder or a file in my desktop17:23
eramax_i can not make that yet ;17:23
pageramax_, #kubuntu-kde4 for KDE4 support please17:23
JucatoI.. already told him that :)17:24
* pag is getting slow17:24
eramax_what  mean i talk about kde 4.117:24
Jucatonah, I told him that in #kde :)17:24
Jucatoeramax_: yes. #kubuntu-kde4 for KDE 4 (4.0 or 4.1)17:25
XenThraLwould really hate having to wipe my install :|17:25
Resistolthanks Jucato, I just saw a post on a forum stating that i could just remove the ~/.kde4 directory and it will recreate itself... think i'm going to give that a try17:25
JucatoResistol: if it's absolutely new. sure. just don't make it a habit17:26
Jucato.kde4 or .kde will usually contain personal settings or applicaton data. you don't want to lose those sometimes :)17:26
Resistolgot it17:26
Resistolby the way, what is the kubuntu text editor?  in ubuntu it was gedit17:26
jpdsResistol: kate17:27
pagResistol, kate and/or kwrite17:27
Resistolthanks jpds17:27
ResistolI'm off to fix my pooter!17:27
jpds..or vim.17:27
pagjpds, isn't there by default? nano is, but.. well it's nano :P17:27
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Jucatovim and nano are installed by default17:28
Jucato(or at least, vim(-tiny)17:28
yakuzii think nana is also by default because i can't remember installing it...but i used it already a lot to repair my xorg.conf when messing around with ati and dual screen ;-)17:33
yakuzimy conclusion after 2 reinstalls, infinite reboots and destroyed xorg.conf's...don't try dual screen with ati + 19" CRT + 20" TFT....17:37
SHAMOwere to find taht xorg.conf   file ????17:37
PiciSHAMO: /etc/X11/xorg.conf17:37
yakuzibut be aware17:37
yakuziif you mess something up you have a problem so make a back up first17:38
SHAMO^_^!!) thnx..have trouble with my resolution ..-_-!!)...i was reading about that xorg.conf file17:38
yakuzidoes anyone know some piece of software that makes it possible to sync kontact on desktop + laptop? (calendar, adressbook, to-do and stuff) If possible without the need of a server17:41
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sledgelibasound2-dev: Depends: libasound2 (= 1.0.15-3ubuntu4) but 1.0.16-0ubuntu0.1 is to be installed17:54
paoloHi *. How do I change the dpi on X? any doc? I couldn't find anything that would work17:55
daemon3_operaAre there any instructions for setting up an external monitor GUI-style.  I tried doing it, but I screwed it up.  Thank goodness Linux keeps backups of xorg.conf files. :P17:58
daemon3_operaAre there...monitor GUI-style? Grammatical correction there. :)17:58
engineerthank goodness windows has GUI config windows17:59
yakuzideamon3_opera : bad luck for you but dual screen isn't easy18:00
silvia_Alright... after about some 30 hours I managed to get my wireless board working with ndiswrapper... but it seems to be unable to connect WPA networks, even though it detects their encryption type and asks for it's key (well, at least knetworkmanager does). Anyone got a good idea?18:00
yakuziat least, if you don't have 2 identical monitors :p18:00
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daemon3_operasilvia_: You might want to try messing with the encryption if you haven't already.  I did for a WEP key.18:01
daemon3_operaThe Encryption dropdown menu, I mean.18:01
Nyad hello. I have a device naming issue. I've been running kubuntu on my sata drive sdb6. but now I plugged in an IDE HD as the primary slave. this has now named itself sda so my previous sdb6 with grub is now called sdc6 and so grub can't be found.18:02
Nyadwhy doesn't it get named sdc or something18:02
Nyadinstead of changing everything18:02
silvia_daemon3_opera: what do you mean by messing around? I already dropped all kinds of encryption and am connected right now encryptionless... this seems to be working but I really oughta have wpa working again.18:03
Shaba2anyone know a convient screen capture program that runs in the backgroud and works with a keystroke combination18:05
silvia_daemon3_opera: If I had to guess I'd say it's something with wpa_supplicant, but I spent the last 4 hours fixing some deep mess I made with the interfaces while trying to get ndis to work so I'm reluctant to mess with wpa_sup because it seemed to be working before.18:05
daemon3_operaRight click on the KDE Network icon in the system tray.  Select Connect to Othber Wireless Network.  Enter the name of the network.  Click on encryption, and play around with the type of encryption (enter the key, of course).  Then click connect.  If it doesn't work, try another type of encryption.18:07
silvia_daemon3_opera: Ok, thanks... that doesn't solve my problem though =) You see, I can configure my ap and I usually run it with wpa. right now knm won't connect using wpa for it's life so I had to drop encryption. this way it connected which allowed me to enjoy this chat. What I'm looking into is getting wpa working, get it? =)18:10
Koordingenii ?18:14
daemon3_operasilvia_: Sorry. :( Guess I don't know then.18:14
geniiKoordin ?18:15
Koordindo you remember me ? Babuto ? I had a problem with browsing18:15
Koordini could ping, but not browse18:15
geniiI do remember, yes.18:15
silvia_daemon3_opera: Hey, it's alright dude, thanks anyway! It's the thought that counts! =)18:16
KoordinI finally solved it18:16
Koordingenii:  I've added these three lines "net.ipv4.tcp_window_scaling=0 ; net.ipv4.tcp_rmem=4096 16384 524288 ; net.ipv4.tcp_wmem=4096 16384 524288" in /etc/sysctl.conf18:19
Koordinif you see the other one who helped me, can you tell him ?18:19
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geniiKoordin: Will do.18:19
geniiflaccid_: Hear that ? ;)18:19
fynheya ... anyone know what module i need to get the aes-cbc-essiv cipher in hardy heron?18:20
boloanybody german here?18:20
Jucato!de | bolo18:21
ubottubolo: Deutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de18:21
fynanyone have luks setup for encrypted homes in hardy heron?18:21
ngirardHi guys, sorry for this off-opic question but I didn't know where to ask: which free software would you use to shift all the subtitles in an srt file by, say 1 second ?18:22
Koordinopen office cannot do it ?18:23
ngirardKoordin: Hi, are you answering my question ?18:24
ngirardKoordin: Well,  actually I'm convinced there are more specific tools although I've never used any of them18:25
Koordini didn't understand what you are trying to do18:26
Koordinyou want to uppercase all the subtitles ?18:26
JucatoKoordin: make subtitles appear after a delay18:27
yakuziwhat he wants is to adjust the subtitles in an srt by 1 sec for instance backwards/forwards18:27
Jucatothe "shift" there doesn't mean "Shift key" :)18:27
Koordinoh sorry18:27
Koordinwith VLC, when you are watching a video, you can delay the subtitles using alt+h & alt+j18:28
ngirardJucato: Hi. You're right, that's what I need18:28
Koordinngirard: is that enough ?18:29
Koordinor you want to save a new .srt file with the new times ?18:29
ngirardKoordin: I want to save a new .srt file with the new times, exactly18:30
Koordinone second i have a friend who make a program espacially for this18:31
Koordinon which OS are you ?18:31
MachinatorSyvercould anyone help me get my microphone to work18:31
ngirardKoordin: I'm using linux18:31
daemon3_operaSo basically  adding an external monitory is not worth it, save education's sake? :)18:33
Koordinhe is making programs for windows ... i'll see what i can find for you18:33
ngirardKoordin: http://www.effe-elle.it/srt/srtshifter.aspx might fit my need, though I'm a little bit bothered with the idea of posting the whole stuff while a local script could do the same stuff18:34
yakuzidaemon3_opera: depends on your graphic card...18:34
yakuziif ati and 2 different monitors (like CRT and TFT) leave it, if NVidia, you can try but i don't know about it18:35
daemon3_operaWhat's worng, matthiasv?18:35
daemon3_operaNVIDIA and ENVision. :P18:36
Koordinbut what is the problem with this website ?18:36
yakuziwell i don't know ENVision :p18:36
ngirardKoordin: well, it's just that i'd prefer a local solution, the more so as I pretty sure it must exist18:37
ngirardI'm *18:37
MachinatorSyvercould anyone help me get my soundcard mic to work?18:38
cleatoni might be able and help18:39
Koordinngirard: have you tried subtitleworkshop ?18:39
cleatoni always have that problem when i install kubuntu, the mic is muted :/18:39
MachinatorSyverin KMix it says my mic is enabled18:39
Koordinngirard: nevermind, it's for windows. But maybe this will help : http://home.gna.org/gaupol/18:40
ngirardKoordin: yeah about subtitleworkshop i came to the same conclusion. I'm about to have a look to gaupol, and meanwhile i've found there seems to exist18:40
ngirardKoordin: such srttool script, which i'm gonna fetch & examine18:41
Shaba1Hello Jucato18:41
Koordinok : )18:41
Shaba1can someone suggest and irc client that allows one to arrange "tile" chat windows18:41
JucatoShaba1: hi18:41
Jucato(and bye...)18:41
Shaba1Konversation only allows you tabs18:42
Jucatokvirc is the only one I know18:42
parkin__konversation is really nice18:43
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Shaba1ok thanks Jucato18:43
Shaba1Is that a kde verision of Virc --- VISUal irc18:43
Shaba1I used that under windows years ago18:43
Jucatokvirc works on windows too18:44
Jucatodunno if it's from virc18:44
Jucato(never heard of that one)18:44
justs0mewill a B43 wireless driver for broadcom work with a BCM4312 [14e4:4312] (rev 01)  the site says bcm4311 rev 1 / bcm431218:45
ubottuHelp with Broadcom bcm43xx can be found at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WifiDocs/Driver/Broadcom43xx18:45
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ngirardKoordin: FYI I did sudo apt-get install subtitleripper to get srttool, which (according to its own help) seems to do the trick. Thanks very much for your feedback !18:48
Koordinngirard: Ok i hope this will work. ^^18:49
ubottuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs18:57
engineerhey slow-motion18:58
engineerwhat's up18:58
slow-motionhi engineer18:58
Seren__do you know any vector drawing running on kubuntu other than inkscape ?19:02
Seren__(found it : karbon14)19:07
justs0me on my laptop, i have stock external wireless switch. when i have the switch at the off postion my Knetworkmanager was able to scan networks, is somthing wrong?   also should i have the switch in the on postion when i installed the driver /19:14
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KirloskarI connected to the internet using wvdial, and konversation and kopete work, but neither konquerer nor firefox detect tthe connection.. Can anyone help?19:43
KirloskarIs anyone here?19:44
BluesKajKirloskar,  try KPPP19:45
Kirloskarah no19:45
Kirloskarits a usb modem19:45
Kirloskarfrom phone19:46
BluesKajdsl ?19:46
Kirloskargprs.. from mobile phone19:46
BluesKajKirloskar,  sorry, dunno about that stuff19:47
Kirloskarnp, thanks blueskaj :)19:47
SilentDistrying to get my wifi setup, `lshw -C network` shows the card, but it's listed without a driver and 'UNCLAIMED'.  The Wireless Troubleshooting Guide up on help.ubuntu.com does not have any information (lists it as a ToDo).  Any suggestions?19:49
BluesKaj!wireless | SilentDis19:50
ubottuSilentDis: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs19:50
SilentDisBluesKaj: yep, that's what i'm following, specifically the troubleshooting guide linked from there.  it lists it as a ToDo, as in no further information at the moment.19:51
Kirloskarfigured it out, thnx again BluesKaj19:51
Kirloskarone more thing, how do i create a shortcut to wvdial on desktop?19:51
BluesKajSilentDis,  I have toa sk the obvious ...have you googled for a driver ?19:52
BluesKajis there an icon in the panel , Kirloskar ?19:53
SilentDisBluesKaj: madwifi looks like what i need, their site lists that kubuntu 8.04 should have it in the linux-restricted-modules and madwifi-tools, both of which i have installed on the lappy19:53
KirloskarI ran everything throught the Konsole19:53
BluesKajSilentDis,  sounds like you're almost there, then :)19:54
SilentDisBluesKaj: still, the wireless does not work, it's not detected by kwifi, by network manager, etc etc.  the card isn't working, and i don't know what to do now :(19:55
SebNaitsabesYesterday I  was successful doing a VNC -listen with someone after following this and making sure it was listening on port 5500.  http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=299489  however today it did not work.  also by the sounds of it what we did there was not very secure.  what's the correct and secure way to do a vnc -listen?  also todays errors on the other persons end is:  http://pastebin.com/m7f12423719:56
SebNaitsabesyes this was all done on Ubuntu, but  this person will probably become a Kubuntu user once I can VNC again,  so you benefit off helping me :)19:57
BluesKajSilentDis,  try the manual configuration option in knetwork manager19:57
SilentDisBluesKaj: tried it, no wifi card detected19:57
SilentDisBluesKaj: the wifi card isn't even in the list.  there's no driver loaded for it, so i assume that's the problem.19:58
BluesKajyeah, that's prolly it , SilentDis19:58
SilentDisBluesKaj: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/WirelessTroubleShootingGuide - what i'm following.  I'm stuck at this part: "TODO: describe what it means when it shows *-network UNCLAIMED, and no configuration line is present."19:59
BluesKaj!ndiswarapper | SilentDis20:01
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about ndiswarapper20:01
BluesKaj!ndiswarpper | SilentDis20:01
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about ndiswarpper20:01
BluesKaj!ndiswrapper | SilentDis20:01
ubottuSilentDis: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs20:01
BluesKajit would help if i could spell20:02
emonshi guys how do i install adobe flash player or similar plugin to visualize things on the internet?20:04
ubottuTo install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash (a recent version for !Dapper is available in !backports) - See also !Restricted and !Gnash20:04
ubottusudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. For graphical applications see !gksu (Gnome), or !kdesu (KDE)20:05
SebNaitsabesemons:  kdesu  apt-get install flashplayer-nonfree should do it20:05
ubottuAPT is the Advanced Package Tool, which together with dpkg forms the basic Ubuntu package management toolkit. Short apt-get manual: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AptGetHowto - Also see !Synaptic (Gnome) or !Adept (KDE)20:06
emonsand how do i avoid konqueror to open links i only want ff3 and already set it as default but konqueror keeps open links (e.g. from here)20:06
SebNaitsabesemons: or open up Adept and get flash from that20:06
SebNaitsabesfind a .HTML file20:06
SebNaitsabesand if it's like Gnome KDE,  you should be able to do something like right click properties go to open with and choose Firefox20:07
SebNaitsabesor I supopouse Firefox can be set as your default browser in it's settings20:07
SebNaitsabesthat should do it20:07
emonsthank u ill try that20:07
BluesKajemons, in the konsole , sudo update-alternatives --config x-www-browser20:08
Kernelwhat are the suggested mp3 players nowadays?.....xmms is no longer in kubuntu......20:10
emonsi think i made it i changed it from default applications and file association in settings20:10
emonsnow ill take care about flash player and c how it goes20:10
Kernelamarok is kind of overkill for me.20:10
Kernelim looking for a player JUST like xmms....if there are any20:10
ubottuxmms is no longer being developed, see http://bugs.debian.org/461309 for more details.  Consider using audacious instead.20:10
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about music20:10
ubottuAudio (Ogg, MP3...) players: Audacious, Banshee, Beep Media Player, Listen, Quod Libet, Rhythmbox, Exaile, XMMS (GTK/Gnome based) and Amarok, JuK (Qt/KDE based).  Video players: Totem, Xine, MPlayer, VLC, Kaffeine - See also !codecs20:10
Kernelok thanks SebNaitsabes20:11
SebNaitsabesno problem20:11
emonsSebNaitsabes: it says Couldn't find package flashplayer-nonfree20:12
SebNaitsabesserach for Flash in your package manager20:12
emonsthere's not20:13
emonsi looked it up in my repository but theres not20:13
ubottuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats20:13
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about cairo20:13
ResistolHi Kubuntu newbie here, how do I edit the sounds in Kubuntu?  (login etc)20:13
emonsmmm help :D20:14
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BluesKajemons , Open adept package manager, On the menu of that screen you will want to click on Adept -> Manage Repositories, click the kubuntu software tab, check all the boxes "X",same goes for the third party software tab. Close,and then in the terminal "sudo apt-get update".Now you have more sources for applications other than the defaults that came with Kubuntu.20:15
=== radius is now known as Guest33073
KateKatjaHi. I am not able to view all types of DivX videos.20:18
emonsive done what u said but whei clicked on close before to type on the terminal it started to download stuff20:18
BluesKajKateKatja,  install ffmpeg20:18
KateKatjaBluesKaj: is that the package name?20:18
emonsalright ive done everything but still it says Couldn't find package flashplayer-nonfree20:20
BluesKajKateKatja,  yes20:20
emonsuff... stressing...20:20
Kerneli installed libxine1-ffmpeg and audacious but it wont play mp3s.....am i still missing something?20:20
BluesKajemons , now look for flashplugin-nonfree20:20
emonsi did and there's not20:21
KateKatjaBluesKaj, I have just finished installing it. Doesnt help me to play this one http://www.zezmo.com/divx.php?id=60520:21
emonsi also did kdesu apt-get flashplayer-nonfree20:21
emonsbut it says Couldn't find package flashplayer-nonfree20:21
emonsi looked it up in add/remove programs and theres not20:21
emonswhat do i do?20:21
KDaveI have a question for you experts20:21
ResistolDoes anyone know how to change system sounds?  Like maximize minimize20:22
BluesKajKateKatja,  also install libdvdcss2, if you have medibuntu repositories20:22
KDaveI loaded on Cairo-dock20:22
KateKatjaBluesKaj, its already installed20:22
KateKatjaBluesKaj, can you play the movie on the above url20:23
BluesKajemons it's flashplugin-nonfree ,NOT flashplyer20:23
KDaveBut it does not load it says I do not have a Glitz file but I do have it loaded what could be the problem?20:23
Kerneldoes anyone know how i can get audacious to play mp3s?20:23
emonsthanks mate20:23
KateKatjaBluesKaj, and on here http://beta.vreel.net/watch_10831.html, i only get the sound not the video20:24
BluesKajKateKatja, no , mplayer won't play it for me either :(20:24
KateKatjaboth of the links?20:24
ubottuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats20:25
Algyzmplayer played even .ape without plugins :O20:25
KateKatjaBluesKaj, I read somewhere that all those video/audio requests could be redirected to vlc player.. but i am not sure about vlc playing embedded divx videos in a browser20:26
BluesKajwell, it just downloads the buffer on my player20:26
BluesKajvlc player works ok on nonweb content20:26
BluesKajwebcontent not so great20:26
KateKatjayea.. i guessed that20:27
Resistolhow can i make firefox the default browser?20:27
BluesKajResistol, , in the konsole , sudo update-alternatives --config x-www-browser20:27
Kernelis it me or do the ubuntu repos suck?....they start out fast for about 10 seconds...then drop down to 1-3kb/s and stay that slow20:28
ResistolBluesKaj: should i copy that exactly, or am i replacing x-www-browser with firefox?20:28
Kerneli have to cancel the download and restart it about 5 times when installing things20:28
Kernel26% [1 sun-java6-bin 8991704/27.3MB 32%]                      5280B/s 1h18min12s20:29
BluesKajKateKatja, the webvideo can be streamed thru VLC but it's arcane to setup20:29
KateKatjaKernel, it looks like its just you20:29
rickestKernel: might try a different mirror20:29
Kernelive had this issue with ubuntu repos in the past20:29
Kernelim using the us. mirrors20:29
BluesKajResistol,  copy that exactly into the terminal , them choose the bowser20:29
KateKatjaBluesKaj, if that arcane setup does the work, i'll be happy to follow those instructions20:29
kdavidHi I need some help figuring something out20:30
engineerok kdavid20:30
BluesKajwell, I wish i could help you there KateKatja , there are some tutorials out there, good luck :)20:31
kdavidI just loaded Cairo on my Kubuntu and it does not start. It says I am missing a glitz file but I have it20:31
ResistolBluesKaj: bash responded "therei s only 1 program which provides x-www-browser"20:31
Kernelinstalled kubuntu-restricted-extras and audacious STILL wont play any mp3's20:31
KateKatjalooks sheepishly towards BluesKaj and smiles.. okay. :)20:31
BluesKajResistol,  have you installed firefox?20:31
BluesKajKateKatja,  I find it frustrating to fool around with those nonstd video codecs on the net20:33
ResistolBluesKaj: yes, it is listed as the only program when I type that command, but konqueror opens when I open a link/html file20:34
KateKatjaBluesKaj, DivX/XviD are one of the most popular vid codecs today. Cant just ignore the fact20:34
Kernelhmm when i click on a mp3 and select open with audacious....it opens a whole new audacious client...instead of opening it with the already open client. can i fix this?20:36
ubottuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats20:36
BluesKajKateKatja, sorry i forgot to mention [k]ubuntu-restricted-extras20:39
KateKatjaBluesKaj, I guess those were installed yday20:39
joe_i was woundering how can you put a avi file to a dvd so that someone can play & watch movies on there home dvd players???20:41
Shaba1Ok does anyone know how I can install the khelpcenter service under xfre20:42
Shaba1I use xubuntu20:42
joe_ ok i thought this was a place to get help with linux i guess i was wrong20:43
BluesKajjoe_,  one can convert with several apps , most use ffmpeg and mencoder20:43
FuriousGeorgehey all20:44
kdavidengineer: you still there?20:44
katsurouwhats the best? kde3 or 4?20:45
kdavidkde3 for now20:46
katsurouhum :D20:46
=== sfgasdgs is now known as engineer
kdavidnp :-)20:47
Viper550Are there kubuntu packages for Hardy of qtcurve for KDE4?20:47
joe_ i don't know what happend, it's like i got booted out or someth'n20:47
FuriousGeorgeim a little confused by user management.  i know im not root, but i see that im not in sudoers either.  so how do i create a user who isnt an administrator?20:47
FuriousGeorge*im not in sudo group20:48
joe_ but what where u say'n about that one and convert a avi to dvd again???20:48
FuriousGeorgei want to make a user who cant upgrade the system using their password20:48
joe_ can anyone tell me how to put avi to dvd so that one can play on home dvd player???20:50
BluesKajjoe_,  how old is the dvdplayer that you want to use ?20:50
joe_ i don't know20:50
BluesKajmost avi files will play on dvdplayers 3yrs old or less20:51
Viper550I'm having issues building KDE4 stuff on Kubuntu with cmake20:51
joe_ k than how can i convert avi to vob and then put it onto a dvd?20:51
FuriousGeorgei just want to create a user that doesnt get nagged by the installer20:54
FuriousGeorgeand judging by how my current user is set up, I know it has nothing to do with the 'sudo' group20:55
FuriousGeorgeahh, its the admin group20:55
MetaMorfoziShi all20:56
slow-motiongood night21:01
* ImperialJester has a question21:08
ImperialJesterWill the latest iTunes work with linux, under wine?21:08
mubasherkkhi to all21:08
mubasherkkI have a problem here21:09
mubasherkkcan anyone help me out21:09
engineermubasherkk just ask ffs21:12
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about apdb21:12
ubottuThe Wine Application DB is a database of applications and help for !Windows programs that run under !WINE: http://appdb.winehq.org21:12
mubasherkkI am in need of a help21:15
mubasherkkcan anyone help me21:15
engineer!ask | mubasherkk21:16
ubottumubasherkk: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)21:16
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about answer21:21
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about summers21:22
SHAMOwhat to do if they cant even reconize your videocard.....o_Õ) ??21:22
SHAMOeven manual cant install it o_Õ)??21:22
SHAMOdevice manager ..pci ...cant roconize my ...card..o_Õ)!?!?21:25
pabloalguien me puede decir algo21:36
pabloes la primera vez que veo esto21:36
tictricno porque hablamos ingles aqui :)21:36
tictric!es | pablo21:36
ubottupablo: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.21:36
=== heather is now known as ironfroggy2
Kerneldoes anyone know how to make dolphin stick to one view...i switch it to detailed and change dirs and it goes back to previews21:37
Kernelits very annoying21:37
tictricKernel, have you checked the remember folder view in preferences?21:38
tictricthough I don't know how exactly this option is named in english21:39
tictrics,translation,original, :-)21:39
Kerneltictric: i will look21:39
timboyhey how can i tell if ubuntu has my modem set up properly?21:42
timboytrying to set up dialup21:42
ubottuDeutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de21:42
yakuzii've a strange problem: i installed the libdvdcss thing but i still can't play dvd's with kaffeine someone has an idea?21:58
SHAMOxf86config  file ...O_O) i dont have that one is that a problem ??21:59
ubottuAudio (Ogg, MP3...) players: Audacious, Banshee, Beep Media Player, Listen, Quod Libet, Rhythmbox, Exaile, XMMS (GTK/Gnome based) and Amarok, JuK (Qt/KDE based).  Video players: Totem, Xine, MPlayer, VLC, Kaffeine - See also !codecs22:04
KernelLOL when trying to install banshee it says : Need to get 110MB of archives. After unpacking 471MB will be used22:05
Kernelisnt that a tad much for a mp3 player lol22:05
Kernelalmost half a gig for a mp3 player...22:06
dwidmann|sleepKernel:  it's the dependencies that are the issue22:08
Kernelyea...but THAT many?...22:08
dwidmann|sleepKernel: if you don't have the dependencies (probably gtk and gnome  and gstreamer), it will be a hefty download22:09
Kernelhalf a gig of dependencys is alot22:09
Kernelwell im having issues with audacious and wanted to try banshee....but thats way to many things to install just for a mp3 player.22:10
Kernelaudacious keeps opening a new audacious cleint for each mp3 i play...instead of opening in the current audacious which is open.22:10
GithzeraiKernel: banshee is a gtk/gnome app so quite logicaly needs many gtk/gnome packages to work. Try kde based players like noatun or juk22:10
Kernelso i listen to 5 mp3'a.....i have 5 diff audacious windows open22:10
Kernelwell i want a small easy to use player.....i really prefer xmms..but it is no longer availible... :(22:11
Kernelaudacious seemed like a good alternative....but its not working right.22:11
dwidmann|sleepKernel: noatun fits that description, it can't get any more simplistic than it22:11
dwidmann|sleepKernel: and look at the xmms2 package22:12
Kerneldwidmann|sleep: i did install xmms2....it does nothing22:12
dwidmann|sleepKernel: try it in a shell, you may have to install gui seperately with a different package22:13
Freddy2some time ago hardy has started to loose network connectivity "sometimes" at startup, with no hardware problem (the router is working fine, and i can go to windows having network working right)22:15
Freddy2i've tried to restart networking and/or hal, but no results.. in the end i have to reboot and pray for this working fine at next startup22:16
Freddy2how/where can i look for the problem?22:16
Freddy2in ifconfig i can see a lot of dropped packets22:17
dwidmann|sleepFreddy2: I'd check your logs in /var/log/ - particularly dmesg and maybe syslog22:17
=== matthias__ is now known as ares88
Kernelwhat do i need to istall for it to provide dbus-launch22:19
Kerneli asked the audacious guys how i can fix my problem. they pointed me to this : https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/dbus/+bug/20715722:20
ubottuLaunchpad bug 207157 in dbus "dbus does not start automatically in Hardy" [Undecided,Confirmed]22:20
Kernelwhich has this fix : http://launchpadlibrarian.net/13074891/15dbus22:20
Kernelany ideas?22:20
Freddy2well, i'll take a lot at dmseg next time i have the problem.. thx22:20
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about dbus22:20
Kernel*sigh* not sure kubuntu is currently what im looking for in a distro. im coming froma diff distro where everything just worked.22:21
eagles0513875!info dbus | Kernel22:21
ubottukernel: dbus (source: dbus): simple interprocess messaging system. In component main, is optional. Version 1.1.20-1ubuntu2 (hardy), package size 274 kB, installed size 804 kB22:21
Kernelits getting very annoying...all the little things22:21
eagles0513875Kernel: that what u looking for22:21
Freddy2at /var/log/syslog there's too much information.. XD22:22
Kerneleagles0513875: i dont think it is...as its already installed and NOT working22:22
eagles0513875!info dbus-launch22:22
ubottuPackage dbus-launch does not exist in hardy22:22
eagles0513875Freddy2: check dmesg see if that give you anything if you dont need so much info22:23
ares88any of you know why java applet's don't work in firefox3 in hardy?22:23
Freddy2eagles0513875: but dmesg only shows info about current "session", isn't it?22:24
Freddy2if you reboot you will have new data, right?22:24
Kerneli havent even started to fully install all the software i need......and its already been frustrating.....1st was crappy support for wpa...which i still dont have set up exactly how i need....its jerry rigged. now this issue...while both are not huge issues....just very annoying22:25
eagles0513875ares88: they work for me make sure u have the sun-java6-jre installed22:26
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about logrotate22:26
ares88I have22:26
eagles0513875ares88: try purging it then running apt-get autoclean then reinstalling22:26
eagles0513875that fixed my flash issue i was having22:26
ubottuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats22:26
ubuntu__greetings...somehow i got back to a a desktop...though i've been told i will have to reinstall22:27
ares88ii  sun-java6-bin                              6-06-0ubuntu1                                      Sun Java(TM) Runtime Environment (JRE) 6 (architecture22:27
ares88ii  sun-java6-jdk                              6-06-0ubuntu1                                      Sun Java(TM) Development Kit (JDK) 622:27
ares88ii  sun-java6-jre                              6-06-0ubuntu1                                      Sun Java(TM) Runtime Environment (JRE) 6 (architecture22:27
ares88ii  sun-java6-plugin                           6-06-0ubuntu1                                      The Java(TM) Plug-in, Java SE 622:27
=== cznakdcasklfnasd is now known as _CrashMaster_
ubuntu__so is someone available to help me either fix this install or recover files that *were* in my documents folder22:28
ubuntu__inik had been helping me...22:28
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about dvdcss222:31
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about nspluginviewer22:33
Freddy2eagles0513875: according to dmesg.1 everything seems to be fine.. both dmesg.0 and dmesg.1 have been created today, so the oldest one should show info about my previous reboot (when i was with no network)22:33
Freddy2it tells the interface is up, and the driver has been loaded22:34
Kernelwhat do i need to install for it to provide dbus-launch? i asked the audacious guys how i can fix my problem. they pointed me to this : https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/dbus/+bug/207157 ...which has this fix : http://launchpadlibrarian.net/13074891/15dbus ...but there is no dbus-launch command22:34
ubottuLaunchpad bug 207157 in dbus "dbus does not start automatically in Hardy" [Undecided,Confirmed]22:34
ubuntu__Is someone available to help me repair my install...or recover files?22:34
eagles0513875Freddy2: how u trying to connect to ur interneet22:35
Freddy2i'm connected directly via ethernet with a router.. when the problem is up i can't even ping it (while usually i can..)22:36
eagles0513875Freddy2: im on a wireless one had that issue22:37
eagles0513875have u reset the router22:37
Freddy2wasn't neccesary.. other computer was using it fine, and after rebooting my computer everything worked here too22:38
Freddy2besides, even updating my dns server list with the system settings tool every time i reboot the file /etc/resolv.conf keeps only the first entry, while i use to have 3 more22:38
eagles0513875Freddy2: have u restarted the networking on the machine22:40
Freddy2i've tried with /etc/init.d/networking restart, but no results22:41
=== Githzer4 is now known as Githzerai
yakuzihah dvdcss problem solved...by changing dvd source from /dev/dvd to /dev/scd1 and the use of some medibuntu stuff (but probably the medibuntu wasn't needed)22:47
weswh-for some reason, qt parted won't run for me. i have it installed, choose it from the menu launcher, it spins the icon for a while and then nothing happens...but, don't really have time for that right now :) i have a drive, sdd...USB drive that is formatted with mac fs. desperately need to format this thing ext2...is there an easy way to do that through the cli?22:50
weswh-just wipe the whole thing, ext2 the entire disk (it's 500 gig)22:51
timboyi need to have my modem autostart with ubuntu. the command is /home/tim/.modem/martian_modem /dev/modem1 how do I make this happen upon boot?22:56
ubottuTo make programs autostart with your KDE session, you can make a link to it in ~/.kde/Autostart. The package 'kcontrol-autostart' makes a kcontrol item for handling items in that directory. For a complete guide, see http://jucato.org/kde/kde-autostart.html22:56
timboyjussi01, has to be run as root22:57
ubottuBoot options: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions - To add/remove startup services, you can use the package 'bum', or update-rc.d - To add your own startup scripts, use /etc/rc.local - See also !grub and !dualboot - Making a boot floppy: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto/BootFloppy - Also see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SmartBootManagerHowto22:57
jussi01timboy: if its in /etc/rc.local it should be fine22:57
jussi01timboy: just make a little script22:58
timboyso just #!/bin/bash \ /home/tim/.modem/martian_modem /dev/modem1?22:59
Chrysalisdoes anyone nkow what is used in kubuntu for integrating wine... launching .exe's, the start menu integration etc?22:59
jussi01timboy: sounds about right23:00
=== root is now known as Guest49084
timboyjussi01, ok great thx23:07
Kernelwhen i right click i mp3 there is the options of open with....there are a few options in there...id like to remove them all except for audacious.....how can i do this?23:08
Kernelfor some reason audacious is the last option in the list23:08
Chrysalissettings>file associations23:11
Chrysalisx-mp3 is what you are looking for i think23:12
Chrysalisof you could just do 'open with' and save your choice23:13
Kernelah ok let me give that a shot Chrysalis23:13
timboyjussi01, do I need to put an & after my command in the script? because I rebooted and it's been sitting at your port is /dev/modem1 for about 2 mins now...23:14
Kerneli dont see any options for file settings23:14
Kernelim using...um that new file manager23:14
jussi01timboy: not sure - you could try...23:14
Kernelalso in dolphin....everytime i change dirs..i have to goto view>show hidden files....its VERY annoying.23:14
Kernelcan i make it auto show hidden files?23:15
Chrysalisi just use konqueror ;/23:15
Kernelhmm yea...i like konq way more.23:15
Kernelmabey ill use that instead of dolphin....23:16
Chrysalispull the navigation pannel out "F9" and save view profile in 'window'23:16
Chrysaliskonq rocks23:16
Kernelin konq or dolphin?23:17
Chrysalisit also has a media tab, to drop your mp3s in23:18
Kernelah i got it working good now in konq. thanks Chrysalis23:20
timboyjussi01, just wanted to give you an update added the & after the script and worked without a hitch. thx again23:20
ChrysalisKernel, play around with the different view profiles and the navigation pannel to get them how you like, there really isnt much you cant do in konq once you figure it out23:22
Chrysalisviewing man pages with 'man:/' is also really usefull23:23
Chrysalisin konq23:23
Kernelright. konq is what im used to using..been using it around 4-5 years....i just though that dolphin was supposed to be better and newer with cooler features...and seeing how i just switched distros..i figured now is a good time to give it a shot....but yuck..not liking it23:24
Kernelyea or smb:/23:24
Kernelbrowse local shares...23:24
KateKatjaHello. I am not able to view streaming divx content even after installing mplayer plugin and such. How should I configure my mplayer now?23:26
klerfaytis it normal to format usb memory stick to ext2 filesystem? can windows xp see it?23:28
AMDpenguinis every new kubuntu release just a new kde version and a new background??????/23:33
jussi01AMDpenguin: no.23:34
=== reckah__ is now known as Cyberterror
dwidmann|sleepI've got a question, if anyone has any idea. That horrible thing called flash, does anybody know if with the beta for version 10 if it won't hang my browser if there are too many instances of it (ie: lots of flash in lots of tabs)23:43
=== dwidmann|sleep is now known as dwidmann
Chrysalisis teh nswrapper or something like that thats eating yor resources23:53
dwidmannI don't think so ... Besides, it's quite the powerful machine, it would take quite a lot to fill 2GiB of memory23:54
Chrysalisill suggest trying 32bit flash23:55
dwidmannIt is 32-bit flash .... 64-bit browser, nspluginwrapper in use.23:57
dwidmannAlso, I already have ... solutions available, I was just making an inquiry about flash 1023:57
Chrysalisno idea, was just wondering what you were using cause i had the same problem on a few 64bit machines with nspluginwrapper, it doesnt close properly and hogs your machines... switching back to 32bit fixed it on all23:59

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