
levanderAm I the only one who isn't getting any guide data in mythweb, but it works fine through mythfrontend?00:38
bodomhello there02:05
bodomi got a problem installing mythubuntu02:06
bodomthe CD boot but when I choose "Mythbuntu live environment" or any other item nothing happens02:07
bodommay somebody help me?02:08
tgm4883_laptopbodom, what do you mean nothing happens02:42
superm1_try safe graphics mode bodom02:43
superm1_levander, check your time zone02:43
bodomsuperm1_, fir of all, ty for your reply02:45
bodomI've tried your suggestion but doesn't work02:45
superm1_do you have a monitor or a tv hooked up?02:45
bodomi can't boot no options02:46
superm1_(which one is what i am asking)02:46
bodomeven "test memory" and "check CD" does nothing02:46
bodomonly boot from HD works02:46
superm1_can you try the cd on a different computer?02:46
bodomsure, just a moment02:46
superm1_can you reburn you cd then?02:48
superm1_at a slower speed hopefully02:48
superm1_to rule out errors with that02:48
superm1_and check the md5sum of your download02:48
superm1_the md5sum's are on hte website02:48
bodommhhh sounds strage, the CD was burned at 4x speed. I'm going to check md5sums anyway02:49
bodomwill tell you how it will go02:49
bodomThe requested URL /mythbuntu-8.04.1-desktop-i386.iso.md5sum was not found on this server.02:50
superm1_on the md5?02:50
superm1_tgm4883_laptop, ^02:50
superm1_try it again, that should load balance to a different mirror02:51
superm1_hopefully its just one mirror out of hte loop02:51
tgm4883_laptopwhat mirror?02:51
superm1_us-ca 404'ed on me02:51
superm1_but mirrror.internode.on.net was okay02:51
tgm4883_laptopjust the md5sum?02:52
superm1_i dunno02:52
superm1_no the iso too02:53
bodomohhh, the md5sum doesn't match my downloaded iso02:53
superm1_well that's probably not a good thing (tm) :)02:53
bodomseems you quckly found the problem, thank you02:53
bodomI'm goin' to download it again02:53
superm1_yup np02:53
superm1_hopefully that's all02:53
bodomlet's hope :D02:54
tgm4883_laptopif i had to recommend, i'd say use the torrent02:55
tgm4883_laptopsince it verifies it for you02:55
bodomtgm4883_laptop, ty for your hint, but my mldonkey got serious problems on these days :)02:56
samubuntuhelp first time setup of mythtv03:28
samubuntufirst time setup i get "cannot login into database" and "no UPnP backend found" error03:28
cmugOK I ordered a set with satelco easyview for cable and a CI module and a conax CAM socket. My frontend will be different from my backend, decoding pay tv with the backend will still allow me to watch it over network on the frontend right?04:29
iamjcshey all, anyone available to lend a hand?04:35
iamjcsi am trying to install mythbuntu on top of ubuntu, i get the following when i try to run sudo dpkg-reconfigure mythtv-database:[sudo] password for jae:04:39
iamjcs * Starting MySQL database server mysqld                                 [ OK ]04:39
iamjcsFailed to connect to database: Access denied for user 'root'@'localhost' (using password: NO) at -e line 5, <> line 1.04:39
iamjcsFailed to create database (incorrect admin username/password?)04:39
iamjcsIt's also possible that mysql-server wasn't running.  After install04:39
iamjcsis completed, you will need to make sure mysql-server is running04:39
iamjcsand that you supplied correct information. Try:04:39
iamjcssudo dpkg-reconfigure mythtv-database04:39
levandersuperm1_: Where do I check my time zone at?04:44
levandersuperm1_: The time on the mythweb home page and the time reported by the 'date' command on that machine are both the same if that's what you mean.04:51
levanderI bet this is my problem: http://www.mail-archive.com/mythtv-users@mythtv.org/msg23934.html05:05
levanderI know I changed which channel lineup I'm using.  I've got some old channels in the database that aren't being used anywhere.05:05
iamjcsnm, and for the record... i am an idiot05:05
=== superm1_ is now known as superm1
=== croppa_ is now known as croppa
bodomsuperm1, it works now (downloaded a new ISO with correct md5sum), ty13:27
bodomsee you13:27
snowmazehi guys, does anybody know about mythbuntu and the nova-s remote-control?16:53
thedarkonehas anyone used pcsx2 emu with myth?16:55
joshman09needing help set up my first mythtv17:14
joshman09can anybody help me walk through this setup17:14
joshman09i'm getting two errors17:14
ZinnPlease don't ask if anyone is around or if it is alright to ask a question.  Many people check back periodically and may answer your question when they see it.  IRC is not normally an instant fix so check back often for an answer.17:20
dArKhello all17:36
ErhappWhat should i do to make my frontend start up my backend server?17:48
jphillipErhapp the backend should always be running, kinda deafeats the point if it isn't18:17
Erhappjphillip: I want the backend to start when i start the frontend system18:23
Erhappthe backend can start itself via the BIOS for recordings18:24
jphillipwake on lan or something?18:27
Erhappjphillip: Indeed WOL. But how would I go about it. How do I make de frontend send the WOL command upon booting18:31
ErhappIs it a setting in Mythtv? Or do I have to do it directly in Linux?18:31
whoDat_sometimes when i change channels the audio goes high pitched/scratchy/over modulated. if i change channels again, it goes back to normal. dont see anything in the front end logs. any ideas? this is through the svideo/audio out of my stb.18:33
gregLgoogle mythtv mailing list then search for wake on lan18:33
gregLlots of info there.18:33
ErhappgrepL: Can you provide me with an URL for the mythtv mailing list?18:37
jphillip!support | Erhapp18:54
ZinnErhapp: http://www.mythbuntu.com/support18:54
jphilliplink in there18:54
sebrockanyone having trouble with imon pad after a suspend to ram? for me it doesnt work in frontend anymore, but outside (irw etc.) is fine20:23
zagibuhey guys, I have bought and installed a terratec cinergy C pci (it's a dvb-c card) and now I'd like to check it's functionality with some simple tools...any suggestions?20:24
zagibui have already compiled the proper drivers for it (it's recognized in mythtv). but I'm not really sure what I have to set for transponder frequency, symbol rate, etc.20:25
zagibuI'd just like some simple tools that scan all frequencies for a signal, so that I can see if the card works at all20:25
zagibuI've read about w_scan, but it was not included in the dvb-utils package20:26
zagibuand "scan" doesn't seem to be able to do a full scan without any information20:26
sebrocksuperm1, you helped me with setting up the lirc_imon driver for suspend-to-RAM. However when waking up the remote does not work within the frontend anymore, only outside such as irw20:59
sebrockso the remote actually works... just not in frontend :(20:59
sebrockany suggestions?20:59
jphillipsuperm1 is at work21:08
jphilliptry back later21:08
jphillipor hope someone else might know21:08
sebrockalright thankyou21:09
sebrockanyone is free to suggest anythgin :D21:09
tafrynIs it possible to turn off commflagging for the liveTV recording group?22:25
darthanubisof course22:58
darthanubisin the backend setup22:58

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