
* nalioth thinks nickrud is asking to be poster child for "how to set a banforward to ##fix_your_connection"00:08
Jack_SparrowI had to make a service call this am...  they could not get the network up..  The cleaning crew's vacuum had eaten the cat5's when they decided to clean behind the server00:11
Jack_Sparrowthey then pulled the pieces from the vacuum, and threw them back behind the box00:12
FlannelJack_Sparrow: at least they gave them back01:16
mneptok"your network's down? that sucks."01:16
nickrudif anyones around, please highlight me02:04
naliothnickrud: nickrud: nickrud: nickrud: nickrud:02:09
nickrudnalioth thanks. But I got it tested, when someone highlights me, whatever key I'm holding down rrrrrrrrrrrrrepeats02:10
nickrudloverly bug ;)02:11
naliothnickrud: nickrud: nickrud: nickrud: nickrud:02:13
naliothnickrud: nickrud: nickrud: nickrud: nickrud:02:13
* nickrud goes off to troubleshoot02:13
Myrttiat the airport \o/02:26
nickrudhave an overpriced drink on you :)02:27
Myrttithey dont serve alcohol yet, so having coffee, oj and a croissant02:29
Myrttithat was worth every penny... Nom.02:33
nickrudI think so to. It's hard to find a fresh flakey croissant here.02:34
nickrudthey are SOGGY02:34
* jussi01 wakes up07:51
Flannelompaul: When you joined #ubuntu, did you get a query from CrakdUp?07:59
* ompaul pokes ikonia in the ribs07:59
* ompaul grins07:59
ompaulFlannel, not as yet08:00
ompaulstill lagged08:00
ompaul!staff | CrakdUp> i found it on @ http://www.ComedySearchEngine.com08:04
ubottui, please see my private message08:04
FlannelLook at ompaul, acting all fancy and making me look bad08:04
ompaul!staff | CrakdUp --  i found it on @ http://www.ComedySearchEngine.com08:04
ubottuCrakdUp --  i found it on @ http://www.ComedySearchEngine.com: Hey nalioth, jenda, rob, SportChick, seanw, Dave2, Christel, tomaw, Gary or PriceChild, I could  use a bit of your time :)08:04
ompaulthat was an onjoin spam and they were not in channel have fun :)08:05
Flannelompaul: They were in the channel when you joined08:05
ompaullovely I am lagged08:05
Flannelisn't myrttis bot supposed to take care of that?  Or is it just a honeypot?08:07
ompaulnot much point in having it notify the world it is the killer :)08:07
* ompaul looks at time08:14
ompaulok I am going to do my saturday morning clear out this morning like it was saturday morning08:20
ompaulI overcooked it and hit sunday as well arrrr08:24
* ompaul repremands self08:24
Flannelompaul: stop talking jibberish08:24
ompaulFlannel, you have no idea what you are facing here - that is my native tongue08:26
Flannelompaul: From what I hear, English as a Second Language has come a long way08:27
ompaulFlannel, you don't say08:27
Flannelompaul: There may be hope for you yet08:27
ompaulFlannel, Bob Hope, or no hope?08:28
* ompaul chuckles08:28
Flannelcould become a contributing member of society even.08:28
ompaulright I am out of here back Sunday08:28
Flannelompaul: Yes, Bob Hope08:28
ompaulFlannel, NEVAAAAAAAA08:28
* ompaul bzip2s society and removes the source directory08:29
ompaulno more contribs there I tell ya08:29
ompaulas I said see ye sunday08:29
FlannelHave fun08:29
ompaulyou bed I lrl ....08:29
ompaulyou bet I will at lrl08:29
* ompaul removes fingers from keyboard and uses mouse08:30
ubottuemgent called the ops in #launchpad ()08:59
ubottuwgrant called the ops in #launchpad ()09:00
ubottuemgent called the ops in #launchpad (troll here.)09:00
wgrantWe'll need staff, I suspect.09:00
wgrantOr not.09:01
gnomefreakjpds: are you a fridge.ubuntu editor?09:55
dmseghello, i hope pricechild has told you about why iam here10:29
jussi01dmseg: perhaps you care to enlighten us?10:38
dmsegjussi01: i wanted to join the ubuntu irc team i contacted pricechild so he told me he talked to you about me being an op in one of the ubuntu irc channels10:39
jpdsgnomefreak: No, I am not.10:41
jpdsgnomefreak: However, I complete list of Fridge editors may be found here: https://edge.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-fridge10:42
gnomefreakjpds: thanks10:44
gnomefreakcody decided not to add my meetings so i figured i would find someone else :)10:44
jpdsgnomefreak: You could try mailing ubuntu-news-team@l.u.c or poke nix-ternal.10:45
gnomefreakyeah i was thinking nix-ternal but i havent seen him in a few days (ive been offline gue to afternoon heat it raises the temp in here to be unbearable at times10:46
gnomefreaknixternal: whne you get here can you please ping me.10:46
jpdsgnomefreak: /query?10:47
* gnomefreak wonderws if i shoudl just join the team10:47
* dmseg is still wating for jussi01to respond10:49
gnomefreaka story, if i wanted to write stories i would be writing books :(10:51
jussi01dmseg: hesaidto talk to us? or me in particular?10:51
Flannelgnomefreak: So, you make a point to not ping him, and then purposefully ping him one line later?10:52
jussi01Flannel: rofl10:52
gnomefreakFlannel: thought about it afterwards10:53
gnomefreakits early10:53
gnomefreakjussi01: run10:53
gnomefreaksave yourself10:53
dmsegjussi01: perhaps anyone avialble might be able to tell me10:53
jussi01gnomefreak: from?10:53
gnomefreakone line up ;)10:53
dmseggnomefreak: you know the rules dont paste like that10:53
jussi01dmseg: in my experience, those who ask for ops are usually the last to be considered for it10:54
gnomefreakdmseg: what?10:54
dmsegjussi01: heh bye woosh!!!10:54
* gnomefreak doesnt paste often and i know the rules alot better than most people10:54
gnomefreakmainly him10:54
jussi01right then...10:54
* Flannel doesn't understand the last five lines.10:54
Flannelor, half of them, at least.10:54
gnomefreakanyone care to explain WTH he thinks he is doing?10:55
jussi01gnomefreak: who? dmseg?10:55
Flannelgnomefreak: He thinks he's becoming an operator.10:55
gnomefreakyes dms10:55
jussi01gnomefreak: he wants to be an op - he is 14 and well...10:55
gnomefreakseeing as he is pushing it i would say no but im not on the IRCC10:55
Flannelgnomefreak: Have you not heard of him before?10:56
jussi01gnomefreak: its a long story - you kind of needed to see it...10:56
Flannels/heard of/interacted with/10:56
gnomefreaksomeone needs to burst his bubble. give me permissions and i will be glad to :)10:56
gnomefreaklast i heard with him was auditing10:56
jussi01Flannel: what is your tz?10:56
Flanneljussi01: its 3am for me right now.  P(D|S)T10:56
jussi01Flannel:hrm, americas somewhere then?10:57
FlannelAye.  California10:57
* jussi01 thinks we have well enough ops already in most channels10:57
jussi01just some aussie timezone ones could help i guess10:58
Flannelwell, depending on the day, I'm practically an aussie TZ-er10:58
Flannelif you believe in xkcd that is10:58
jussi01ok, well im off for a bit then, bye all10:59
gnomefreakjussi01: i see most of the au girls/maybe a guy or 2 when i get up but im not sure hos here over night (night here)11:03
gnomefreakis there a such package to convert money > money? like pounds to $ and so on11:04
jpdsOh Lord.11:04
jpdsjussi01: ...11:05
jpdsjussi01: http://paste.ubuntu.com/28242/11:05
gnomefreak0.90 i was thinking that is like half of a pount11:05
gnomefreakhes not staff11:05
gnomefreaknor op11:05
jpdsI'm op there tho.11:06
gnomefreakdmesg looks like hes impersonating a staffer (last i checked that is a big no no11:07
Flannelgnomefreak: indeed it is.11:08
* jpds wonders if it would be worth it talking to him in private.11:08
gnomefreaki would say let someone from staff see that and let them know. although they dont remove k-line people for minor infractions but i feel its a bit worse. Let him no he keeps it up gnomefreak will start banning his butt11:08
Flannelgnomefreak: there's "units" but I don't think that does money (because theyre not really fixed)11:08
Flanneljpds: Probably the best course f action.  Even if nothing comes out of it, you can show you tried when later it escilates.11:09
gnomefreaksave that pastebin page incase we end up in front of CC again11:09
Flannelgnomefreak: yeah, in units you can define your own, but those'll be obsolete in X (where X is probably not longenough to be worth while)11:10
gnomefreakim leaning towards he is a <word we cant use anymore> :(11:10
Flannelgnomefreak: google's convert works fine though.11:11
gnomefreakFlannel: i can use google11:11
gnomefreakget out of my head ;)11:11
gnomefreakbe back need smoke and to  think11:11
Flannelgnomefreak: "1 british pound to dollars" for instance.11:11
jpdsHmm, I live my mail for a few days and all these mailing lists go haywire.11:12
Flannelgnomefreak: See this channel log on 7/03 for some talk (both as dmseg and dmesg): http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/2008/07/03/%23ubuntu-ops.txt11:14
* Flannel knows there was more than that.11:16
Tm_TFlannel: time?11:20
Flannelgnomefreak: ah.  The 11th and 12th are good ones as well.11:20
gnomefreakTm_T: 11:50ish11:20
gnomefreakis the start11:20
Flannelactually, that's not really an issue (just only had half the month in my logs).  Let me compile a list11:21
Flannel10th at 11ish, 11th at 1420 and 1630, 12th at 1300+11:22
gnomefreakmight i suggest he doesnt get ops11:22
Flanneland the rest are all references to those, mostly.11:22
Flannelgnomefreak: I'm fairly certain you won't need to worry11:23
jpdsgnomefreak: Way ahead of you. :)11:23
gnomefreakjust saying no isnt gonna be enough he is still gonna be trolling and annoying as hell11:24
gnomefreakqoute me on that when the time comes11:24
gnomefreakwe really ant use that log for much of anything11:25
FlannelI believe his original request was for ops in #ubuntu-in (his LoCo channel)11:26
gnomefreakit was11:26
gnomefreakwho is contact?11:26
jpdsGOSUB according to ChanServ11:27
Flannelg0sub according to the wiki11:28
gnomefreakill be back soon. breakfast than cut grass11:31
bazhangdmesg again? saw him saying 'hi, I am new to ubuntu' earlier13:56
bazhangalthough this could have been dmseg (confuse the two at times)13:57
PiciNo, it was dmseg14:06
* Pici sighs14:07
Davieydoes anyone have ompauls mobile number?14:27
PiciNot I/14:28
* Mez is at Wolverhampton14:35
Mezas is Myrtti14:42
PiciHi Mez! Hi Myrtti!14:43
MezMyrttis down in her room though14:43
PiciSay hi to her for me then!14:43
Mezup in her room 814:43
Picidown or up? Which is it?14:43
Mezshes on 3rd floor14:43
MezIm on second14:43
ubottuIdleOne called the ops in #ubuntu (FatJoe had a onjoin /notice in here)14:43
MezI have a view of a wall, she has a view of the venue14:44
* Mez has a free breakfast tomorrow though14:44
Mezam dealing14:44
Mezyou should have forwarded him here imo14:45
PiciI did14:45
Mezoh, sory14:46
* Mez slaps forehead14:46
PiciHes doing it in #django too14:51
PiciI notified one of the ops there of it14:52
Piciand #gentoo14:56
* Tm_T slaps Myrtti 14:59
MezTm_T, she gets you a job and you godamn slap her?15:14
Myrttidon't slap me15:16
Tm_Tit was gentle one?15:19
* Tm_T hides15:19
Mezrun for your life15:19
Tm_Tdoing it atm :(15:20
Tm_Thug me?15:33
* Myrtti hugs Tm_T 15:33
* Tm_T hugs Myrtti <315:33
ubottuDear $DEITY, Give me strength to understand and work with users who question my logic, the rules, netiquette and common sense. Give me resilience to teach them the basics of Linux, Ubuntu, Community Guidelines and IRC. Allow me not to stray to nitpicking, argument, foul language or leisure op abuse. Deliver me my daily xkcd, User Friendly, LWN, /. and Planet Ubuntu, and guard over my encrypted drives. Let it be so.16:43
ubottuFTP clients: !Nautilus, !gFTP (for !GNOME) - !Konqueror, !Kasablanca, !KFTPGrabber (for !KDE) - See also !FTPd16:51
ubottuping yourself ;-) really the diodes all down my left side are sore17:41
=== Pici` is now known as Pici
* PriceChild waves18:46
* Pici waves to PriceChild 18:46
Seeker`PriceChild hows the job?18:47
PriceChildGood, has been a great first week :)18:48
PriceChildAnd the travelling there and back isn't too bad either18:48
PriceChildSeeker`: off to lrl?19:12
GaryPriceChild: you have a new job?19:28
Piciwow, gary said something19:28
* Gary nibbles Pici 19:28
PiciGazzak ;)19:28
PriceChildGary!! :) Where've you been? And where will you be this weekend?20:47
Garyworking and at home recovering (and at a relations party on sunday)20:49
Garycannot make lrl20:49
PriceChildGary: silly you :)20:49
PriceChildGary: Yup, I have a great new job :)20:49
Garycool, you could come up to Nottingham to come see me?20:50
PriceChildOr you could come down to Wolvo to see us? :P20:50
GaryI'm in Essex this weekend20:51
PriceChildUp to anything fun?20:51
Garywell, thats not for this channel :p20:53
PriceChildtut tut20:54
Seeker`PriceChild: nope, i'm not going to lrl21:11
* Seeker` bbl21:11
ubottuSlart called the ops in #ubuntu ()21:40
PriceChildHmm so what happenned with the bots then.21:40
FlannelThey were sleeping21:41
PriceChildI think things should be fixed now.21:41
PriceChildI 'think' one of them thought there were still splits going on.21:41
GaryI only did a nickname ban21:41
* nalioth hates to see rooted boxen21:42
Garycheers nal21:42
Garyhehe - 21:40 -!- Irssi: Starting query in Freenode with etahax0r21:43
Gary21:40 <etahax0r> DICKTITS21:43
PriceChildFlannel: things ok?22:21
FlannelPriceChild: Er... is this a check up? or are you saying they shouldn't be?22:21
PriceChildjust checking22:21
FlannelYep.  Things are good22:22
* jussi01 walks in22:55
* mneptok walks into the floor lamp23:12
jussi01mneptok: you ok?23:27
jussi01did you hit your head?23:27
* jussi01 hands mneptok an icepack23:28
* jussi01 goes to bed23:36

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