
llama_superfirelord42 @00:00
superfirelord42llama_: tmake -o Makefile qpitch.pro00:00
superfirelord42llama_: i belive that is the command00:00
nano_does anybody here have powernowd disabled because of system stability issues?00:00
amenadom0rpheus-> thats okay to use 169.254.x as those are reserved for microsoft multicast,00:00
lenswipeCan i loadbalance with apache???00:00
Agent_bobanyone know cli code to activate gnome's menu ?00:00
unopnopper,  not sure that will do any good.  does this return anything?   find /var/lib/dpkg -iname "*system-config-printer*"00:01
lenswipecan i load balance with apache?00:01
lenswipecan i load balance with apache?00:01
etherealityThe Help documentation for Ubuntu 7.10 says, "Double-click on the Computer icon from the desktop." There is no Computer icon on the desktop. What's going on? Did I remove it? Should it be there? How do I get a Computer icon?00:01
llama_superfirelord42, it made a makefile, but make gave me lots of errors.00:01
lenswipecan i load balance with apache?00:01
FloodBot1lenswipe: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.00:01
legend2440Agent_bob: alacarte00:01
lenswipecan i load balance with apache?00:01
noahare ubuntu packages in a source repo somewhere?00:01
unoplenswipe, stop that now00:01
Amaranthlegend2440: that's not CLI00:01
amenadoAgent_bob-> is you dont know, you can try to launch via the gui and then do a ps -aux  and look at the highest pid near the end of the list to indicate such gui00:01
superfirelord42llama_: yeah, i think i misread the man pages.. but either way, the makefile has hte programs output, we can look at it to figure out what it said00:01
superfirelord42llama_: can you pastebin the Makefile, then delete it...00:02
lenswipeunop: :O im just asking a question, i was always told to repeat if i dont get an answer00:02
AmaranthAgent_bob: What are you trying to do?00:02
unoplenswipe, once is enough .. please ask your question in #apache00:02
m0rpheusamenado, from windows, there's a connection okay, so... but I need to route the internet stream into the server's gateway, don't know how00:02
unoplenswipe, you were told wrong, what you are doing is spamming the room00:02
ubottuLAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+)00:02
lenswipeunop: sorry00:02
Agent_bobAmaranth just customizing a gnome session00:02
Jack_Sparrowlenswipe You know better than repeat every 5 seconds00:02
nopperwith my method works but00:02
Agent_boblegend2440 failed00:02
AmaranthAgent_bob: ah, then you probably want alacarte anyway00:02
noppernew errors come :D00:02
nopperof the same type00:02
AmaranthAgent_bob: it's not cli though, it's a gui00:02
nopperi think the cache dir is corrupted :D00:03
nopperbecouse list files are replaced with dir00:03
unopnopper, put those errors up on a pastebin00:03
amenadom0rpheus-> route the internet stream?  both ends are connected to the internet right? and it is secured by the vpn? so which internet access are you refering to?00:03
Agent_bobAmaranth is there no cli code to activate a gnome menu ?00:03
llama_superfirelord42, http://paste.ubuntu.com/28137/00:03
etherealityThe Help documentation for Ubuntu 7.10 says, "Double-click on the Computer icon from the desktop." There is no Computer icon on the desktop. What's going on? Did I remove it? Should it be there? How do I get a Computer icon?00:03
unopAgent_bob, no00:03
superfirelord42llama_: ok, reading it... hold on...00:03
Agent_bobunop ;/00:03
AmaranthAgent_bob: nope00:04
simardI can't find package mono-extras version 1.9.1 for ubuntu, does anyone have a repository for this ?00:04
Agent_bobthat kinda sux00:04
superfirelord42llama_: thats funny, that is your makefile...00:04
AmaranthAgent_bob: if you want to "activate" it as in launch the program you can do `gnome-open /usr/share/applications/foo.desktop`00:04
llama_superfirelord42, kio?00:04
superfirelord42llama_: yeah, do tmake -o Makefile qpitch.pro again00:04
superfirelord42llama_: pastebin the make output...00:04
raheemethereality: which part exactly ? what u r trying to do .. please explain00:04
m0rpheusamenado, I mean I want to use the windows internet connection, with my ubuntu00:04
Agent_bobAmaranth k i'll give that a shot   ty00:05
llama_superfirelord42, pastebin the output of what?00:05
resskinethereality It's a little while since I used 7.10 but I think it's the same as 8.04 inasmuch as there's no desktop icon for My Computer - at least in Gnome00:05
superfirelord42llama_: when you execute make on the makefile...00:05
amenadom0rpheus-> you have not confirmed what I asked, both ends are connected to the internet?00:05
resskinYou can get to the files from the places menu00:06
m0rpheusamenado, yes00:06
m0rpheusvpn over internet00:06
amenadom0rpheus-> right, so what other internet connection are you referring to?00:06
llama_@ superfirelord4200:06
ZynaCan somebody help me with my ltsp problem? The client just wont connect... TFTP ERROR: file not found00:06
superfirelord42llama_: reading... hold on..00:06
CppIsWeirdunop, how do any one of those utilities give me a total count of files?00:07
etherealitynever mind, raheem, resskin: I'm looking at the Help thing, the section under "# Introduction to the Desktop # Working with Files # Using Removable Media", and i think maybe the icon would appear if i connected some removable media that didn't automatically mount.00:07
m0rpheusamenado:   Ubuntu => windows => google.com00:07
nopperto remove a package without deps check?00:07
superfirelord42llama_: what happens when you run ls /usr/include/qt ? do you get an error?00:08
resskinethereality I wonder if the My Computer Ref is for KDE00:08
Agent_bobAmaranth ummm something isn't quite right there.   gnome-open $path/alacarte.desktop   opens it in gedit ???00:08
amenadom0rpheus-> you can not get directly to the internet from ubuntu (in addition to the vpn established with windows) ?00:08
resskinI have afeeling it does have such an icon00:08
llama_superfirelord42, no such file or dir00:08
m0rpheusamenado, nop i have some limitations00:08
crazy6has anyone here installed ubuntu on an imac (and retained os x) ?00:08
AmaranthAgent_bob: oh bleh, i guess that doesn't work anymore00:08
superfirelord42llama_: i thought so, it doenst know where qt is installed... hold on...00:08
etherealityresskin, i dunno.... could be an oversight.00:08
fooHm, I have a dell laptop. When I shut my lid, the screen turns off... but the laptop is still on. is there some type of standby or something?00:09
amenadom0rpheus-> well you have to ask #windows people to tell you how windows would allow two accesses to the internet then00:09
Agent_bobAmaranth heh.  i'm using dapper   anymore would be pre 2006 ?00:09
belkinhelp2help...i cant get hddtemp to work00:09
belkinhelp2/dev/harddisk: open: No such file or directory00:09
AmaranthAgent_bob: oh, i dunno00:09
raheemfoo: adjust the power management preferences00:09
belkinhelp2is it in another directory?00:10
The-Kernelwhat's a good application for controlling my wireless connections?00:10
AmaranthAgent_bob: i swear that worked at one point, maybe it works now and didn't then, i'm on OS X right now so can't test00:10
Odd-rationalefoo: that is normal, however, you can set it to standby whenever you close the lid. System --> pref --> power managerment00:10
legend2440ethereality: if you want Computer icon on desktop then in terminal tyoe   gconf-editor then browse to   /apps/nautilus/desktop/volumes_visible  and check the box for computer icon00:10
Agent_bobwell i'll find something i can use for now.  thanks just the same.00:10
m0rpheusamenado, the server is properly configured: when I use a windows vpn client, I see the server's ip on "my-ip.com" web sites00:10
fooraheem / Odd-rationale: thank you! I'm in fluxbox, hmm, this is ubuntu server. Any way to do it on the CLI?00:10
p00zeranyone here use xampp phpmyadmin00:10
legend2440ethereality: if you want Computer icon on desktop then in terminal type   gconf-editor then browse to   /apps/nautilus/desktop/volumes_visible  and check the box for computer icon00:10
Odd-rationalefoo: do you have gnome-power-manager installed?00:10
XJmanAnyone have any ideas what would cause me to randomly lose my wireless card recognization?00:10
m0rpheusamenado, but when I'm using a Ubuntu, the IP is still the client's one00:11
llama_XJman, deleting random files would do it.00:11
amenadom0rpheus-> which server ip is that? and from where are you making that query from?00:11
etherealityoh er, thanks, legend2440, i'll check into it .....00:11
fooOdd-rationale: hmm, nope00:11
Odd-rationalefoo: well, you will need it installed to use it... sudo apt-get install gnome-power-manager00:11
llama_superfirelord42, still working on it?00:11
XJmanThats whats confusing me, I'm not deleting anything, changing packages, just surfing online and listening to music and I totally lost the card,00:12
fooOdd-rationale: and that will work with fluxbox, correct?00:12
superfirelord42llama_: think i found it...00:12
Odd-rationalefoo: corrct00:12
superfirelord42llama_: just found it... apt-get install libqt4-dev00:12
fooOdd-rationale: alright, thanks, I'll try that00:12
superfirelord42llama_: that installs the include files you where needing00:12
m0rpheusamenado, I configured my windows server to share is internet connection, so... is internet ip00:12
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XJmanThen after a few minutes ubuntu finds it again and all is good.00:12
resskinXJman I read about a specific issue with some HP laptops in Micromart recently00:12
TomatixHm, my installer says "122%". The HDD light is on and my dvd rom has no activity. I am trying to reinstall 8.04 on my laptop, can someone tell my why the percentage are so high?00:13
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superfirelord42llama_: and before we make again, do an ls /usr/X11R6/include00:13
Odd-rationalefoo: after you install it, you can set the preferences by starting "gnome-power-preferences". also, you might want to add "gnome-power-manager &" to you ~/.fluxbox/startup so that is starts up every time you start fluxbox.00:13
m0rpheusamenado, you don't know how to route the stream ?00:13
etherealityha, thanks, legend2440 ... well, that link does go to Places -> Computer ...00:13
fooOdd-rationale: great, thanks! Waiting for apt00:13
The-Kernelis there a wireless indicator thing for the panel that I can install?00:13
Odd-rationalefoo: k. i gtg. good luck00:14
amenadom0rpheus-> its not how to route the  stream, I may be mis-understanding what you are saying,00:14
m0rpheusamenado, it must be "route add -host" or something like thtat00:14
unopCppIsWeird,  FILES=(/path/to/*); echo ${#FILES[@]}00:14
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about at76c50x00:14
fooOdd-rationale: ahh, ok, thanks00:14
amenadom0rpheus-> you have a connectivity between your ubuntu host and the windows server, that is not good enuff?00:15
glitsj16The_Kernel: there's a pretty extensive thread on managing wireless connections at http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=587010 .. basically you seem to have people that favor either Network Manager or WCID ..00:15
chuy_maxanyone knows how to enable at76c50x monitor mode?, I get MONITOR MODE NOT SUPPORTED running airmon-ng in feisty, but according to some website, the chipset supports monitor mode00:15
belkinhelp2ok...this is odd.  I dont have an "hda" in my /dev folder00:15
belkinhelp2what happened?00:15
Geitekontoops :S00:15
belkinhelp2im trying hddtemp and get the file or directory not found error00:16
m0rpheusamenado, windows client => windows server => www.ip-adress.com = server's ip (what I want)00:16
amenadom0rpheus-> you seem to get confused on what you are trying to achieve ...both ends can already talk to each other right?00:16
llama_superfirelord42, ls /usr/X11R6/include no such file or dir00:16
belkinhelp2where would Ubuntu put "hda"?00:16
m0rpheusamenado, ubuntu client => windows server => www.ip-adress.com = client's ip (what I don't want)00:16
superfirelord42llama_: apt-get install xlibs-static-dev00:16
=== chao1 is now known as digi_josh
amenadom0rpheus-> its there already, perhaps its the command you are typing that you are mis-interpreting the address you see00:17
digi_joshdoes anyone know how to print a pdf from command line?00:17
llama_superfirelord42, and then what.00:17
amenadom0rpheus-> as I have asked earlier, where are you typing the command from? on the ubuntu (client) or from the windows side?00:17
superfirelord42llama_: then we run make...00:17
llama_a lot less errors. but still errors.00:18
m0rpheusamenado, windows side is ok, I use the Kvpnc graphic tool on Ubuntu00:18
llama_Qapplication was not declated in this scopre00:18
superfirelord42llama_: pastebin them please...00:18
dssuncindoes anybody know how to install libdvdcss?00:19
amenadom0rpheus-> let me paraphrase my question, what command do you type in the ubuntu host to get that ip address?00:19
m0rpheusamenado, connection is okay, but route to the net is not complete00:19
resskinm0rpheus I didn't really understand you problem. Are you saying you can't access the Ubuntu share from windows but it's alright the other way around?00:19
amenadom0rpheus-> it is complete, you are using the internet already as you have said many times and you are using the VPN to secure the link in between00:19
superfirelord42one sec....00:19
m0rpheusresskin, I have a working VPN server, on a windows box, would like to use the server's internet connection from my Ubuntu's box00:20
superfirelord42llama_: we are still missing stuff...00:21
ghostlineswhat's the name of the add/remove programs app in gnome?00:21
dssuncindoes anyone know how to install libdvdcss getting errors right now00:21
ghostlinesi want to install it cuz i installed gnome seperatly and it isn't there00:21
resskinghostlines synaptic or adept depending on the version00:22
m0rpheusamenado, my client's internet connection is limited, so I need to use my server's internet connection00:22
etherealityUbuntu keeps stalling -- it freezes momentarily for a second at a time. Do you know why?00:23
amenadom0rpheus-> let me back up to the beginning ...both sides have internet connection? and then you used the VPN to secure the internet connection between them?00:23
m0rpheuswith a "route add -host <server_ip> gw <gateway...>" maybe *-)00:23
shamussuselin, thank you very much00:23
m0rpheusamenado yes00:23
sgodsellethereality, what does your dmesg say?00:23
sgodsellethereality, any messages in there00:24
dssuncinanyone help installing libdvdcss00:24
etherealitysgodsell, no: it just acts like ... like windows does when it's thinking really hard00:24
amenadom0rpheus-> okay you just claimed both sides have internet connections, and you have used the VPN to secure the link.  Now you want an additional internet access?00:24
etherealityeverything just freezes for an instant -- no, i mean, the cursor and input does00:24
etherealitythe music in rhythmbox keeps playing, though.00:24
sgodsellethereality, what does uptime say.   Or have you tried top00:24
ZikeyHi, how is ubuntu server (LAMP) for 64bits ? does it need some tweaking or does it work out of the box ?00:25
etherealitysgodsell, i don't know what you mean, sorry.00:25
m0rpheusamenado, i want my Ubuntu's internet access pass through my window's internet access00:25
resskin28-ghostlines- I think that's right yeah00:25
mneptokethereality: disable Compiz00:25
superfirelord42llama_: still looking00:25
resskinI have Synaptic00:25
LordMetroidHey all, I am running Ubuntu 6.10 and it feels like it is a need for an update of the whole chibang00:26
sgodsellethereality, uptime will tell you what the cpu is currently at, and top will show you which processes if any are eating the cpu00:26
m0rpheusamenado don't understand ? lol00:26
LordMetroidPartly because the package manager only gets 404 returned00:26
LordMetroidWhat does the LTS prefix mean?00:26
sgodsellwhat speed is your system ethereality ?00:26
StarnestommyLordMetroid: long term support00:26
superfirelord42llama_: i have heard we may want to redo the tmake so it finds the new libs...00:26
LordMetroidOhh, I don't need any LTS00:26
superfirelord42llama_: tmake -o Makefile gpitch.pro00:26
amenadom0rpheus-> then you have to ask the #windows people to allow your windows server a second route to the internet, and it should distinguishe traffic going towards your ubuntu host and the windows host and the other host within the windows private lan00:26
llama_superfirelord42, doing.00:27
belkinhelp2anyone here familiar with lm-sensors?00:27
Zikeyany one running ubuntu in 64bits ?00:27
belkinhelp2i have three readings00:27
LordMetroidCan I upgrade without any burned CDs?00:27
llama_superfirelord42, same list of errors.00:27
m0rpheusamenado, windows server allow it, i've try from a window client, it's okay00:27
belkinhelp2what is the third temp reading represent?00:27
resskin28-ghostlines- well Gnome has at least three ways of package managing - Synaptic, Add and Remove, Aptitude and Apt-Get00:27
glitsj16dssuncin: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Medibuntu explains how to get libdvdcss00:27
etherealitymneptok, Compiz is under Appearances, for the special effects?00:27
m0rpheusamenado, it's the ubuntu client wich is misconfigured00:27
resskinThat's more than three I can't count :)00:27
amenadom0rpheus-> you are not paying attention, the windows client you are referring to is logged on to the windows server right?00:27
markl__what is the best way to reduce power consumption on my sony laptop (apart from turning it off of course)00:28
resskin28-ghostlines- you can use whatver suits you00:28
dssuncinglitsj16 I am getting errors in the package manager00:28
etherealitysorry; a lot going on00:28
mariecpuhttp://paste.ubuntu.com/27889/ - can anyone help me sort out this compile error?00:28
etherealityi turned off the Visual Effects: should i wait to see if the system "freezes" again?00:28
amenadom0rpheus-> once a client is logged on to the windows server, the situation is as if you were then sitting in the server and not at the client, therefore any host or network reacheable from the server can be seen..you follow?00:28
mariecpufor bluez-utils00:28
superfirelord42llama_: hmm.... im running out of ways... we know qt4 is missing some headers, but its not in hte package00:28
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Amerikanerhey guys, question, is there any difference between installing the ubuntu ISO on a DVD rather than a CD?00:29
glitsj16dssuncin: what do you get ? (did you add the medibuntu repo to your sources.list ?)00:29
llama_superfirelord42, what the heck is going on?!?00:29
llama_Why all the difficulty?00:29
_xyzhelp: trying to install X-Fi Beta drivers for ALSA but kernel compiling settings screen looks different that this one: http://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=4823915&postcount=67500:29
etherealitysorry, sgodsell; uptime and top are commands in Terminal? is that right?00:29
amenadom0rpheus-> therefore, on the ubuntu client, you also must log on to the server so you will get same access or see same things as the previous windows client.00:29
resskin28-ghostlines- I prefer Aptitude cos it's quicker but it's cli not gui00:29
sgodsellethereality, what is your systems specs to begin with?00:29
_xyzthan this one: http://intranet.etin.nl/images/alsa2.gif00:29
superfirelord42llama_: basicly, you are missing some includes...00:29
sgodsellethereality, yes00:29
superfirelord42llama_: they are missing from the package00:29
LordMetroidCould someone please point me to the new packet repository00:30
m0rpheusamenado, yes00:30
etherealitysgodsell, 2 GB RAM, 1.7 GHz00:30
_xyzanyone here had to compile the kernel?00:30
Amerikanerhey guys, question, is there any difference between installing the ubuntu ISO on a DVD rather than a CD?00:30
llama_superfirelord42, what are 'includes'?00:30
_xyzamerikaner: no00:30
krissAmaranth, you're gonna just waste some space if you're able to do it I guess00:30
dssuncinglitsj16 let me post the error00:30
Amaranthkriss: ?00:30
Amerikaneralright thanks _xyz00:30
Amaranthoh, Amerikaner00:30
glitsj16dssuncin: ok00:31
holmserHi all... I'm trying to switch my mother over to ubuntu on her laptop and we are running into a snag getting it to recognize her sony memory stick00:31
shwanAmerikaner: If mean burning to cd or dvd , no there is no difference00:31
superfirelord42llama_: yeah... they allow the program to use functions in them00:31
krissAmaranth, heh sorry00:31
AmaranthAmerikaner: the DVD has more packages from main that you can install without internet access00:31
m0rpheusamenado, so i logged on the server, with ubuntu's client... and there not the same network00:31
vitaHey what is the differnce between the nvidia-glx-new and teh nvidia-glx-new-envy drivers?00:31
_xyzAnyone here ever had to compile the Kernel?00:31
dssuncinglits heres the error '“deb' is not known on line 41 in source list /etc/apt/sources.list00:31
dssuncinE: The list of sources could not be read.00:31
AmaranthAmerikaner: otherwise if you have good access where you're installing I would say get the CD00:31
ubottuThe core of the Ubuntu Operating System is the Linux kernel: see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel - You shouldn't have to compile your own, but if you're convinced you do, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel/Compile - See also: /msg ubottu stages00:31
resskinAmerikaner well in one way - the DVD seems to support more hardware, so you can install from the DVD on some systems where the CD doesn't have those obscure drivers00:31
Amerikanerim asking cause i dont have any blank cd's w/ me00:31
holmserher card reader will read my MMC and SD cards, just not her memory stick00:31
Amaranthresskin: who says?00:31
AmaranthAmerikaner: you can burn the CD iso on a DVD00:32
amenadom0rpheus-> yes you log on to the windows server from the ubuntu..then you will see exact same things as if you were using a windows client that logged on to same server00:32
kcmancan anyone tell me if there are some steps missing from this how to i found for making scripts to mount and umount iso? http://www.ubuntugeek.com/mount-isos-easely-in-gnome-nautilus.html00:32
_xyzAmaranth: i need to recompile the kernel to get my my X-Fi sound card drivers to work, but one of the pre-compile screens looks different than the one in this guide: http://intranet.etin.nl/images/alsa2.gif00:32
dssuncinI was trying to install libdvdcss online and man I don00:32
resskinAmaranth I'm basing that on trial - (specifically an old compaq)00:32
Amerikanerbut theres really no need to get a DVD iso?00:32
m0rpheusamenado, excepting the sharing of the internet connection00:32
dssuncinknow what the hell I am doing00:32
m0rpheusthe bridge00:32
moDumasshey all, quite possibly a big problem but hopefully i can just delete this key, i created an encryption key, and cant remember the password, now i have nothing that is encrypted yet, but how do i delete the key?00:32
superfirelord42llama_: normally, a compile is hte best route for an app like this... this time however, the compile is lacking some important files...00:33
_xyzAmerikaner: it offers a little more convenience in that you'll have to download fewer updates, other than that, no00:33
glitsj16dssuncin: might be a spelling error there, double-check with the correct entree for medibuntu repo on that page00:33
Amaranthresskin: I haven't built my own kernel since Ubuntu came out, I don't really remember any of that, sorry.00:33
resskinAmerikaner not unless you're very unlucky no00:33
moDumassalso does that make sense to anyone00:33
etherealitydinner -- bbl00:33
amenadoAmaranth-> you can burn the same cd iso to dvd?  you possibly can burn it, but i doubt it if you can boot the same.. eltorito is only for cdrom and not for dvd rom (but i stand corrected if am wrong)00:33
m0rpheusamenado, i've seen some tutorial about that, before, but the situation was not really the same, and all of them was talkin about "route add" cmd00:33
kcmananyone see my scripting issue?00:33
Amerikaneralrighty, thx guys00:33
dssuncinhmmm ok hang on gonna see what I can do00:33
vitaHey what is the differnce between the nvidia-glx-new and teh nvidia-glx-new-envy drivers?00:33
holmserany ideas on how to mount her memory stick?00:33
ggDhello~ i want to know how many GNU project's software in my Linux.00:34
amenadom0rpheus-> then you have to understand what route are you adding and to which router or host are you adding it to.00:34
Amaranthamenado: I've done it, works fine.00:34
superfirelord42llama_: i wonder, dpkg -i thefileyouhadearlier.deb00:34
llama_holmser, what exactly is the problem? any stuff you can offer to help people as far as diagnostics? is it just not being found, or being misidentified, etc? any interesting dmesg output?00:34
m0rpheusamenado, to route intertnet traffic into eth0->ppp0, not eth0 only00:34
ggDanyone know how to?00:34
ubiliciosHi guys having a heck of a time with an install.  I am getting emask errors and not sure why.  I have tried a different CD player and 2 different CD Roms00:34
shwanvita: envy is a driver manager i guess00:34
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m0rpheusamenado, yep, that's why I m here :p00:35
vitashwan: are they better drivers00:35
amenadom0rpheus-> there are more things to it, not just a mere add of a route to a table, you ever wonder how it can distinguish where the packets should land or handed off to?00:35
dssuncinglits same error  Type '“deb' is not known on line 41 in source list /etc/apt/sources.list00:35
LordMetroidCould I get a new Ubuntu repository, maybe I can upgrade then...00:35
shwanvita: that one can be managed from inside of envy, better dont ehink so , ubuntu have a driver manager so use that , it will upgrade better i think00:36
llama_nope, segmentation fault superfirelord4200:36
amenadom0rpheus-> you are here, but this is for linux and not for #windows..i dont know what windows uses for route policy00:36
dssuncinfollowed the instructions on the link same error00:36
unopggD, why do you want to know that? almost all software on an out-of-the-box install is released under a GNU GPL compatible license00:36
kcmancan anyone help me i am trying to do the steps on this page http://www.ubuntugeek.com/mount-isos-easely-in-gnome-nautilus.html and i cant seem to get the chmod to work any thoughts?00:36
SourcePowerHow do I know if I using 32 or 66 bits ubuntu ?00:36
SourcePower64 I meen00:36
glitsj16dssuncin: can you put your sources.list up at paste.ubuntu.com or a pasteservice you use please, hard to tell what exactly went wrong there00:36
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about chomd00:36
definitelyis there any way to replace NAUTILUS WITH KONQUEROR ?00:36
cpk1SourcePower: either you downloaded the 32 bit iso or the 64bit iso00:36
dssuncinglits I tried to install automatix earlier and followed some commands online and now getting this error00:37
amenadom0rpheus-> i hope you are understanding what i just described..route policy and such..00:37
resskindefinitely there must be I replaced it with Thunar00:37
resskinI found a howto00:37
shwanSourcePower: try uname --help , or just look in you /boot directory you should see00:37
resskinHang on I'll look00:37
m0rpheusamenado, if i follow U, route policy, on linux station is useless, if the server side is window ? that's it ?00:38
dssuncinhow can I put my sources list up?00:38
definitelyresskin: Ok00:38
ggD<unop>,yeah, but licensed under GPL mean it is GNU's software?00:38
superfirelord42llama_: i am out of ideas, i just dont know how to make it work at this point... maybe someone else can step in and give you a hand... maybe someone who knows hte rest of the libraries possibly00:39
amenadom0rpheus-> correct, route policy on linux applies only on linux routers and host,  your windows side server has its own way of routing/handling/forwarding/filtering packets00:39
Amerikanerwhy doesnt the offical ubuntu page have a dvd iso image download?00:39
glitsj16dssuncin: never touched automatix .. go to paste.ubuntu.com , copy your /etc/apt/sources.list.d/medibuntu.list into that and give us the link so we can take a look at it00:39
llama_superfirelord42, thanks for all your help anyways. Sorry it didn't work.00:39
superfirelord42llama_: i recommend you go ahead and ask your question for help again... if you apsolutly cannot get it to work..00:39
superfirelord42llama_: you may be able to get the windows version to work on wine00:40
_xyzAnyone know my kernel pre-compile configuration screen doesn't have all the options pertaining to ALSA?00:40
unopggD, licensed under the GPL means it can contribute to the GNU system - and GNU (or GNU/Linux) is technically what you use, not linux00:40
llama_superfirelord42, what exactly should I be asking? There's a KDE version it is based off of, maybe I can just run that...00:40
shwanAmerikaner: why should be any there ? you can just burn cd iso into dvd00:40
superfirelord42llama_: you can try that00:40
superfirelord42llama_: it will pull down some kde libraries...00:40
llama_superfirelord42, what exactly am I running in to though?00:40
resskindefinitely you could look at this http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=532142500:40
stage3kcman,  what is your problem?00:40
FarmCretinim trying to make write a simple bash script to automate converting MKV file to xbox360 compatible MP4s and ive got it except for 1 thing: i need a hexeditor with CLI options. all the video file need the same address changed to 29. hexedit, as far as i know, doesnt do this. any ideas?00:40
Amerikaneryeah but the dvd image has all the packages and i dont have any blank cd's so why not put the blank dvd to more use?00:40
m0rpheusamenado, so I can't use any windows box as a gateway ?00:41
gordonjcpllama_: What exactly are you trying to do?00:41
definitelyThnx resskin alot , i hope it works00:41
amenadom0rpheus-> you can, but ask the #windows people please, this is ubuntu not windows00:41
_xyzAnyone know why my kernel pre-compile configuration screen doesn't have all the options pertaining to ALSA?00:41
superfirelord42llama_: you have run into an application whos binaries are old and segfault, and when compiling, you run into misisng include files00:41
sysop1972Anybody here know samba quite well?00:41
asmcodedi just installed ubuntu00:41
asmcodedim loving it00:41
daemon3I must part, my dear friends!00:41
gizmome 2 :)00:42
superfirelord42gordonjcp: llama_ is trying to install qpitch...00:42
Odd-rationaleasmcoded: glad to hear.!00:42
shwansysop1972: why ?00:42
Amerikanerso no official dvd iso image download link?00:42
gordonjcpsuperfirelord42: ah ok00:42
resskindefinitely I hope so I couldn't find the script I used, but in any case it was only for Thunar00:42
asmcodedi use to use slackware 7.0 i was really into linux long ago today i felt in the mode for something new Odd-rationale is this like the best distribution?00:42
m0rpheusamenado, okay let's pay 4$ hotline call00:42
dssuncinglits new to the linux commands give it to me step by step00:42
superfirelord42gordonjcp: basicly the problem is, the package is for gusty00:42
gordonjcpllama_: it's not qpitch but I've had reasonable results from fmit00:43
superfirelord42gordonjcp: and is segfauling00:43
ggD<unop>, understand, i am thinking how to call my system, and maybe i have to call it GNU/Linux00:43
m0rpheusthanks, i will search out there :)00:43
gordonjcpsuperfirelord42: probably worth taking it to #lad00:43
amenadom0rpheus-> good luck00:43
Odd-rationaleasmcoded: "best" is subjective. ubuntu id quite good. it is what i started on...00:43
_xyzAmerikaner: http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/releases/hardy/release/00:44
asmcodedim just so use to linux being just text based... all this graphic stuff is wierd00:44
superfirelord42gordonjcp: never even heard of that before... llama_, if you want to prusue this further, you may have help in #lad00:44
gordonjcpamenado: glad to hear you're enjoying yourself00:44
gordonjcpasmcoded: Linux has had a GUI for a long time00:44
iowaboyhow would I get a .deb file of vlc? I need to install vlc on a computer that doesn't have a network card00:44
Amerikaner_xyz, ur the man now dawg, thanks00:44
gordonjcpamenado: sorry, mis-tab00:44
amenadogordonjcp-> i am too, a cup of latte is good :P00:44
asmcodedyes but back when i used it x11 it was very horrible so it was all text i guess the standard now is this graphical stuff right?00:45
llama_gordonjcp, that app looks perfect, thanks.00:45
sysop1972shwan : I am strggling...  I am trying to setup buntu as a file server for about 6 windows stations.  There are 5 shareed folders and I need to give certain users access to certain folders.  I have created a user accound called smbuser without a shell and placed all the shared folders in there.  I have created linux and ssamba accounts for all the windows sers with matching passwords.  I can access the shared folders bt cannot w00:45
sysop1972rite to them.00:45
ubottuCe canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr00:45
justs0meanyone try SELinux for ubuntu ?00:45
justs0meany problems ifso00:45
unopggD, technically it would be wrong to call it linux as linux is just the kernel, one component in a bigger system -- the right term is GNU but GNU can use many other kernels such as freeBSD, opensolaris, hurd, even the win32 kernel - so if you use GNU with a linux kernel, you call it GNU/Linux (or GNU with Linux)00:45
resskiniowaboy I think it's on the Videolan site isn't it?00:45
gizmoanyone know any workarounds for an ATI radeon mobility 7500C other than generic "try flgrx" etc??  Dell & Tower work fine - VAIO not00:45
glitsj16dssuncin: ok no problem .. open mousepad, open the file /etc/apt/sources.list.d/medibuntu.list, select all and copy the content into your clipboard, navigate to paste.ubuntu.com and paste it into the box .. hit the 'paste' button and provide the link you get in your browser's urlbar here00:45
gordonjcpamenado: I would but I'm off to bed and it would keep me awake00:46
iowaboyresskin, yeah, i just found it. Now I feel silly00:46
amenadogordonjcp have a good evening to you..its only nearly 5PM my time..00:46
dssuncinwheres mousepad at under applications?00:46
_xyzAnyone know why my kernel pre-compile configuration screen doesn't have all the options pertaining to ALSA unlike this screenshot: http://intranet.etin.nl/images/alsa2.gif ?00:46
daemon3I must part, my dear friends!00:47
socialevilhi i have a /home partition which is 90gb.. can i resize it to be like 50gb and the rest 40gb to use to install windows00:47
daemon3Did you miss me?00:47
glitsj16dssuncin: correct, keep it open while doing the copy/paste00:47
kcmanis there an update for hardy to make your firefox 3.0?00:47
Odd-rationaleasmcoded: most distro come with a gui. you can still find minimalist-type ones though...00:47
dssuncinI must be blind I dont see it00:48
amenado_xyz-> you can get the configs of the running kernel if you edit the /boot/config-generic ?00:48
gizmosocialevil: look into gparted - i think will do it without wiping...careful tho..00:48
psicobrahi all any one know how to make a module auto load on startup?00:48
dssuncinglits have kubuntu whereabouts is it at00:48
Odd-rationalepsicobra: /etc/modprobe.conf00:49
kcmanis there a good site and or page to show me how to write damons? i think that is what they are called...00:49
resskinOdd-rationale in fact the netinstall Debian CD has the option of whether to install a Desktop or not00:49
sysop1972shwan : Think you can help?00:49
shwanyou can do int if you share them usin nautilus , if you want to edit /etc/samba/smb.conf you should have this line in global or each share  writeable = yes and I do have  create mask = 0771 too.00:49
meg1psicobra: system > preferences > sessions00:49
psicobraOdd-rationale, thanks i want it to auto load ssb so what do i type?00:49
amenadosocialevil-> save a copy of the files for your /home before repartitioning00:49
resskinOdd-rationale course some would say Debian is minimalist :)00:49
ggD<unop>,yeah, i understand this before, i just don't understand the diff between software released under GNU-(L)GPL AND GNU project's software00:49
Odd-rationalepsicobra: add ssb to the list on it's own line...00:49
Odd-rationaleresskin: well, so does the alt. cd of ubuntu ;)00:50
glitsj16dssuncin: no idea really in kubuntu, you can use any editor you are used to though00:50
amenadokcman-> you have to google for c programming and daemon00:50
meg1can anyone point me to an easy solution to the nVidia "black windows" bug?00:50
gizmosocialevil: "resize" is what you want00:50
kcmanamenado and that will tell me how to write like little macros for my start up?00:50
sysop1972shwan : I do not want certain users to have access to certain shared folders though.00:50
amenadokcman-> macros is not a daemon..startup? you meant scripts during startup?00:51
kcmanamenado yeah00:51
dssuncinname me a editor glits and I'll use alt f200:51
resskinOdd-rationale I did go Desk-topless for a while but I got a bit fed up with it00:51
resskinObviously not old skool enough00:51
amenadokcman then look for a tutorial on scripts00:51
glitsj16dssuncin: don't know if you will have gedit, but try that00:51
dssuncingedit let me check00:52
Odd-rationalepsicobra: i'm sorry. i was wrong. it is /etc/modules00:52
gizmosocialevil: yeah - resize-move button - but still backup criticals - i think I have had luck resizing NTFS partitions with it too - just don't move the partition...00:52
Odd-rationalepsicobra: pleas undo everything you did to /etc/modprobe.conf ... sorry my bad... :(00:52
superfirelord42Reaby: did the person ever get back online?00:52
gizmosoc: (if you can avoid)00:53
chriswranyone know if theres a way to change the looks of a folder?00:53
socialevilgizmo, i have / and /home.. and i cant umont the /home because im using it :) haha can i log with root accaunt and then umount /home00:53
resskinI'm off to bed nite00:53
dssuncinok glits  got a unamed document what next?00:53
InnopeorHi, someone know an alternative to gtkradiant?00:53
gizmoboot ubuntu live cd.00:53
Stormx2Uhg. I'd like to get Adobe Flash to use ALSA for output. I'm sick of watching a youtube video only to find my media player won't work until I shutdown firefox. I've tried alsa-oss, I've tried libflash-mozplugin. They did nothing. Any suggestions?00:53
xhadowhello, guys how can i configure the network to use an specific DNS i tryed in the network, DNS TAB deleted and change it to and still the connection uses the Router defaults, anyone could help?00:54
glitsj16dssuncin: there should be 4 lines in that file .. copy those and paste them into the box at paste.ubuntu.com ..00:54
amenadoxhadow-> static or dhcp ?00:54
xhadowamenado: dhcp00:54
luisjbbHello freinds, i need help about how a i can install "cyborg" in ubuntu ?00:55
LamentitHello, all. I'm having problems playing DVDs on 8.04 AMD64. There anyone that can help?00:55
Odd-rationalexhadow: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/StaticDnsWithDhcp00:55
chriswrwhats GDM stand for?00:55
luisjbbPlease help, becouse i'm a novatus00:55
amenadoxhadow you can try  having  prepend nameserver x.x.x.x  in  your dhclient.conf  so it goes first before what your dhcp doles out?00:55
Odd-rationalechriswr: gnome display manager00:55
EnMasse187hey guys i was looking for an irc client similar to mirc that has a list of servers in it already...unlike Konversation...00:56
amenadoxhadow rather prepend domain-name-server00:56
jbroomeEnMasse187: xchat does00:56
Odd-rationaleamenado: i gave link above ^ :)00:56
amenadoxhadow rather prepend domain-name-servers x.x.x.x;00:56
xhadowamenado: ill try that thanks00:56
gordonjcpamenado: heh, 1am here, and I have to drive to the middle of England tomorr... no, today00:56
EnMasse187x chat?00:56
devo@enmasse: XChat00:56
superfirelord42EnMasse187: xchat00:56
xhadowOdd-rationale: thanks for the information :)00:57
EnMasse187okay thanks00:57
superfirelord42EnMasse187: for windows or linux?00:57
EnMasse187ill get xchat00:57
aviscould someone help me troubleshoot my laserjet 1018 printer in ubuntu ?  i've just replaced the toner in it, and it wont print no matter what i try.  i removed the fold out sheet and the plastic thing your supposed to pull out, still doesn't print00:57
FloodBot1EnMasse187: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.00:57
amenadogordonjcp-> take some nap, you deserve a rest..00:57
luisjbbWho can help me with cyborg and linux-ubuntu00:57
superfirelord42EnMasse187: yeah, definatly xchat...00:57
EnMasse187floodbot you stfu -___-00:57
luisjbbplease any body can helpe me with ubuntu and cyborg00:58
chriswri just installed GDM , how do i get it to open up?00:59
gordonjcpchriswr: gdm is the thing that you type your password into when you log on00:59
Odd-rationalechriswr: sudo /etc/init.d/gdm start00:59
superfirelord42luisjbb: cyborg?00:59
luisjbbYes superfirelord42 !01:00
linxehchriswr: sudo invoke-rc.d gdm start01:00
chriswrgordonjcp: yea i know that much about it but im trying to install one01:00
superfirelord42luisjbb: what does it do?01:00
glitsj16dssuncin: any luck yet ?01:01
Sonderbladeis it just me, or has apt-get got much slower in the last six months or so?01:01
linxehchriswr: ubuntu installs gdm by default, and sets it to run01:01
linxehSonderblade: maybe your isp got worse01:01
linxehSonderblade: or maybe you need to use a different mirror01:01
updhi, im looking for mysql vulnerability  scanner but i didn't found nothing can someone help me ?01:01
superfirelord42luisjbb: i see cyborg as in controllers, and all sorts of stuff...01:01
Sonderbladelinxeh: my isp is fast, but apt-get seem to do much more disk activity now adays than before01:01
chriswrlinxeh: were would i put the files that i download from gnome-look.org then?01:02
linxehchriswr: oh, you mean you are trying to change the greeter theme ?01:02
superfirelord42luisjbb: or do you mean cyborg as in the cafe orginizer?01:02
yangerwhen i installed ubuntu on another pc, i was required to use a proxy to install. now that it's off the proxy, whenever i do apt-get update, proxy gets in the way.. where is this stored in the /etc?01:02
chriswrlinxeh: i guess , im trying to make it look different , if thats what you mean by greater theme01:03
yangeroooh.. found it.. /etc/apt/apt.conf was the answer01:03
meg1any advice for fixing the nVidia black windows bug?01:03
AzMooHey guys, I'm trying to install apache2-prefork-dev but it's telling me it has unmet dependencies. I followed the chain down and it tells me that it's trying to install the wrong version of libldap. What can I do about that?01:04
glitsj16yanger: don't know the exact file location, but open synaptic's preferences and check the network tab to change proxy settings will have the same effect01:04
meg1I just disabled the proprietary driver that Hardy auto-installed with the Hardware Drivers menu...01:04
linxehchriswr: yes thats what the greeter themes are (your question made it sound like you were trying to install gdm, not a theme)01:04
* Lamentit is ignored. Oh well.01:04
chriswrlinxeh: oh sry , i meant the theme01:04
=== john__ is now known as johnrhodes
linxehchriswr: /usr/share/gdm/themes01:05
linxehI think :)01:05
jjinco33_mac and cheese with frozen corn ftw!!!!!!!111111one01:05
dssunci1sorry glits stupid dialup I feel like a dinosaur01:05
chriswrlinxeh: just delete whatever is in there and put the new one in?01:05
glitsj16Lamentit: do you have the libdvdcss installed ? or what issues are you experiencing exactly with DVD playback ?01:05
LamentitUm. I'm not sure.01:05
LamentitIf I had to install that manually, I probably don't have it.01:06
dssunci1the unsaved folder for gedit has nothing it01:06
Odd-rationalechriswr: or "gksudo gdmsetup" then go under Local tab, click add. and browse to the tarball you downladed from gnome-look01:06
LamentitI get the message: "An error occurred / Could not read from resource." with Totem.01:06
Lamentit>VLC gives me: Unable to open 'x-nautilus-desktop:///BOURNE_SUPREMACY.volume'01:06
meg1well, nevermind, I'll go it alone.01:07
chriswrok , thnx odd-rationale01:07
glitsj16Lamentit: you would know if you installed that one, take a look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Medibuntu for instructions on how to add the medibuntu repo, libdvdcss is not in the regular ubuntu repo's01:07
Guest75075can anyone help me get my windows wireless drivers to work on 8.0.41?01:07
dssunci1so frustrating when you know nothing about these commands on linux01:07
Odd-rationaledssunci1: a good place to learn is http://www.linuxcommand.org01:08
=== gardar`afk is now known as gardar
glitsj16dssunci1: let's try another route .. open /etc/apt/sources.list.d/medibuntu.list in your browser and paste it to paste.ubuntu.com in another tab01:08
dssunci1glits let me im my email to you and send me some info on libdvdcss I have to be leaving sorry man01:09
chriswrlinxeh: you know if theres a way to change the way a folder looks?01:09
Odd-rationalechriswr: install an icon theme...01:09
Guest75075hey can anyone help get internet workin on ubuntu??01:09
glitsj16dssunci1: no problem, bookmark the medibuntu site and try again later01:09
chriswrok , thnx again odd-rationale01:09
=== Guest75075 is now known as oops
=== alesan^^ is now known as alesan
=== oops is now known as HELPMEPLZ
dssunci1glits did you get my im01:11
glitsj16dssunci1: nope01:11
dssunci1hang on01:11
HELPMEPLZhey can anyone help me01:11
chriswrodd-rationale: umm , after i started talking in here , my firefox wont even load gnome-look.org , i can load all the other web pages that i go to but just that one is messing up , you know why this would happen?01:11
Odd-rationaleHELPMEPLZ: please avoid asking a question and then changing you nick. it makes it difficule to keep track of who asked the question...01:11
HELPMEPLZyeah i know, i thought "guest" was too amibuous01:12
Odd-rationalechriswr: maybe slow site?01:12
Lamentitglitsj16: that worked like a charm! Thanks a lot!01:12
noahwhat's the deal with this message?01:12
noahWARNING: The following packages cannot be authenticated!01:12
noah  systemconfigurator systemimager-boot-i386-standard systemimager-initrd-template-i386 systemimager-server systemimager-client systemimager-common systemimager-doc01:12
noahInstall these packages without verification [y/N]?01:12
glitsj16Lamentit: you're welcome01:12
FloodBot1noah: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.01:12
Odd-rationaleHELPMEPLZ: what chipset do you have?01:12
crazy6so am I supposed to disable "install bootloader" or what?01:13
chriswrodd-rationale: it was loading in a few seconds just a few minutes ago01:13
zoreauhello i am trying to mount a .bin file  'sudo mount -o loop /location /media/cdrom' it asks me to specify the filetype, using 'bin' instead of 'loop' it tells me 'maybe use -loop instead?'  is there a different filesystem name for .bin, or is it not supported??01:13
HELPMEPLZchipset? like processor?01:13
Odd-rationalechriswr: idk... try clearing your cookies...01:13
Odd-rationalechico: wireless make and model...01:13
HELPMEPLZim just having wireless connection issues.. i need to get working drivers01:14
Odd-rationaleHELPMEPLZ: : wireless make and model...01:14
chriswrodd-rationale: still not working01:14
nick123Can some one help me? im looking for full intel 845 support at 1600x1200 i dont care what distro just i need that support!01:14
chriswrodd-rationale: maybe under matenance check?01:14
thiago__good evening everyone01:14
Odd-rationalechriswr: yeah. i can't get it either. you can themes at art.gnome.org as well...01:14
chriswrok thnx01:15
Odd-rationalenick123: maybe... windows? :P (jk)01:15
nick123lol no01:15
thiago__I wonder if anybody can help me, I'm having a sound problem with ubuntu, it doesn't play multthread sounds01:15
thiago__does anybody knoe anything about it01:16
nick123Odd-rationale:  i just need some easy support im new to linux.01:16
zoreauanyone know how to mount a .bin file? it asks me to specify filesystem type, i usually use '-o loop', and using '-o bin' doesnt work (tells me to use loop instead)01:16
Odd-rationalenick123: what resolution do you have now?01:16
DOPER78il y a des FR01:16
unopzoreau, not all .bin files are mountable01:16
Odd-rationalenick123: what drivers are you using?01:17
nick123whatevers stock01:17
unopwhat does   file -s  file.bin  give you? zoreau01:17
HELPMEPLZhey Odd-rationale: i have a Q about the Synaptic pack manager01:17
Odd-rationaleHELPMEPLZ: sure just ask...01:18
Odd-rationalelots of people help in here...01:18
HELPMEPLZon the Ubuntu Help it says to open a program called "ndisgtk"01:18
HELPMEPLZi think it is the NDISWRapper01:18
HELPMEPLZbut it is not on the list01:19
zoreauunop: -2 doesnt seem to work, it doesnt look like a valid parameter (-s)01:19
Odd-rationalenick123: can you pastebin you xorg.conf file?01:19
ASULutzyHELPMEPLZ: yea, ndisgtk is a graphical front end for ndiswrapper, you can install it by typing sudo apt-get install ndisgtk into a command prompt01:19
lapi got a question01:19
ASULutzy!ask | lap01:19
ubottulap: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)01:19
HELPMEPLZoh wow thanks man01:19
lapit is better to merge the new xorg with the old one with nvidia-settings or not ?01:19
nick123Odd-rationale:  can i pm you? this is all so fast and im new to linux lol01:19
lapwhen it ask for ?01:19
ASULutzyHELPMEPLZ: After you install it that way, you can click system -> administration -> windows wireless drivers01:19
chriswrodd-rationale: whats the best place for high resolution animated skydomes?01:19
Odd-rationalenick123: sure.01:20
unop!info ndisgtk | HELPMEPLZ01:20
ubottuhelpmeplz: ndisgtk (source: ndisgtk): graphical frontend for ndiswrapper (installation of Windows WiFi drivers). In component main, is optional. Version 0.8.3-1 (hardy), package size 20 kB, installed size 344 kB (Only available for i386 amd64)01:20
DOPER78il y a des fr01:20
Odd-rationalechriswr: animated skydomes?01:20
zoreaunvm it is a valid parameter but it just displays the correct usages for mount when I use -s bin01:20
unopzoreau,  are you sure you got the command right?01:20
HELPMEPLZok thanks i will try it01:20
ASULutzychriswr: I don't know if there's a good centralized place for them, I googled once and got a really nice one of that famous deep space photo... Forget the name01:20
persian_xI removed PulseAudio from Gutsy, but now there is conflict with ALSA (specially Alsamixer) ... can anyone help?01:20
unopzoreau, file -s file.bin01:20
lapso ?01:20
unopzoreau, not mount .. file  :)01:21
Veg1I'm trying to bring my screen resolution up to 1280x1024, but the Screen Resolution feature will only let me bring it up to 800x600.  I'm certain my monitor and graphics card can support 1280x1024.  How do I set it higher?01:21
Odd-rationalechriswr: i just use panaroma photo. not animated though..01:21
m0rpheusamenado, just is to say : with helper like you, no need to help  :)01:21
chriswrasulutzy: thats the one im using right now01:21
unopzoreau, we're trying to find out what type of .bin file this is01:21
ASULutzychriswr: heh, I can't imagine finding something better ;)01:21
m0rpheusamenado, it was not a windows pb, as i said01:21
noahanybody know what's up with "WARNING: The following packages cannot be authenticated:" from "sudo apt-get upgrade"?01:21
lapwow, so much help here.01:21
persian_xI removed PulseAudio from Gutsy, but now there is conflict with ALSA (specially Alsamixer) ... can anyone help?01:21
chriswrasulutzy: true ,it was hard enough finding this one01:21
m0rpheusamenado, you just wana say "go to #windows" lol01:22
unopzoreau, as i said earlier, not all .bin files are mountable, in other words, they are not always images of filesystems - some are executable programs, some are binary data, etc01:22
DOPERfr ??01:22
ASULutzyWhoops, meant to rm .Xauthority on the server, not on this machine... need to relog, brb ;)01:22
chriswrodd-rationale: i guess i could just look for high resolution photos and use them , i could probably animate them if theyre big enough01:22
m0rpheusdoper, oui01:22
zoreauunop: it returned "data"  XD not ery informative01:22
zoreauyeah I think I will try usin daemontools thru wine01:23
unopzoreau, where did you get this file from?01:23
lapit is better to merge the new xorg with the old one with nvidia-settings or not ?01:23
m0rpheusmais je v pas t'etre d'une grande aide je pense lol01:23
Odd-rationalechriswr: i don't remember where i found them... just google... ;)01:23
zoreautorrent, its an old Diablo disc01:23
lapwhen i want to save to xorg config file01:23
AzMooHey guys, I'm trying to install apache2-prefork-dev but it's telling me it has unmet dependencies. I followed the chain down and it tells me that it's trying to install the wrong version of libldap. What can I do about that?01:23
DOPERtu debut01:23
lapit ask me this01:23
m0rpheusDOPER, en tout cas un conseil, ne demande rien a amenado lool01:23
Odd-rationalenoah: it means that some packages did not/could not be verified witht he md5sum...01:23
zoreauis file -s file.bin supposed to tell me the filesystem tye, if there is one??01:23
unopm0rpheus, seulement anglais dans cet channel, svp01:24
m0rpheusno pb01:24
noahOdd-rationale: how do i figure out where the problem is?01:24
ubiliciou1Hey guys I am get sata emask errors on a fresh install and I don't even use SATA01:24
ubiliciou1Any ideas?01:24
unopzoreau, it won't tell you the filesystem -- but it could give you something more informative, but as you saw, not always01:24
noahOdd-rationale: google gives some solutions that don't solve anything01:24
Odd-rationalenoah: some repos don't provide the authentification... but if you are using the standard repos, sudo apt-get update should work...01:25
HELPMEPLZQ: I entered the command to install ndisgtk, but it said "couldn't find package ndisgtk"01:25
noahOdd-rationale: the packages it can't authenticate look important --   systemconfigurator systemimager-boot-i386-standard systemimager-initrd-template-i386 systemimager-server  systemimager-client systemimager-common systemimager-doc01:25
unopHELPMEPLZ, make sure you have all the ubuntu repositories enabled01:25
lapit is better to merge the new xorg with the old one with nvidia-settings or not ?01:25
m0rpheusunop, seriously, there's some people who prefere says "I know" without knowing, and ridiculize themselves with some "go to #windows"01:25
lapwhen i want to save to xorg config file01:25
shandog :)01:25
lapit ask me this01:25
HELPMEPLZhow do i do that01:25
HELPMEPLZsorry im a real noob01:25
unopm0rpheus, you are going offtopic there01:26
unopnoah, try reinstalling the ubuntu-keyring package.   sudo aptitude reinstall ubuntu-keyring01:26
zoreauHELPMEPLZ: you could manually download the ndisgtk package, ust make sure you have the one for your version of ubuntu (gutsy, hardy, etc)01:26
unopzoreau, so where did you get this file from?01:27
HELPMEPLZo ok, why would it not come with the installation01:27
Odd-rationaleHELPMEPLZ: try System --> Administration --> Software Sources. and enbale all the repos you need... (you may not need packports or unsupported.)01:27
jbroome!info ndisgtk01:27
ubottundisgtk (source: ndisgtk): graphical frontend for ndiswrapper (installation of Windows WiFi drivers). In component main, is optional. Version 0.8.3-1 (hardy), package size 20 kB, installed size 344 kB (Only available for i386 amd64)01:27
noahunop: done, still get the same message01:27
m0rpheusunop, yep, but i was about to lost a couple of hours, with his "help", so i'm a little angry :)01:27
zoreauunop: Torrent from TPB I believe, there is also a .cue with it01:27
jbroomeit's in main, no need to enable repos01:27
m0rpheus"go to #windows" pfff that's a real out of topic01:28
jbroomeHELPMEPLZ: what command did you enter to try to install?01:28
RosenEvening people =)01:28
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unopzoreau, http://www.ubuntusky.com/2007/04/16/how-to-mount-or-burn-a-bin-image/ maybe this helps01:29
zoreauokey thanks01:29
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zoreauheh it just wants me to convert to iso, how primitive01:30
zoreauill try though01:30
RosenI have been running hoary for a while now and the only thing I need for it to work perfectly is 3d accelleration to work.. But I have been trying for so long that I have run out of ideas on how to fix it, and as a gamer that is the one thing that can keep me using windows wich I really dont wanna do :P01:31
amenadom0rpheus-> you are unhappy?  you want your windows server to do what now?01:31
Rosendoes anyone have the patience and time to give me a hand ?01:31
m0rpheusamenado, go to "#linux-for-dummies"  :)01:31
shandogany chicks here01:31
unopzoreau, did you try mounting with the -t iso9660 option?01:31
amenadom0rpheus-> you want windows then go there01:31
zoreauunop: before or after conerting to iso?01:32
m0rpheusamenado, a couple of line in my routing table, and it was ok01:32
unopzoreau, before -- and not relating to converting the iso01:32
unopzoreau,  sudo mount -t iso9660 file.bin /path/to/mountpoint01:32
amenadom0rpheus-> and which routing table was that?01:32
m0rpheusso your "go to #windows" , was pretty dummie01:32
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!01:32
rafaelscjhi all01:33
BubalooshiI need help..... ubuntu will not let me set my resolution to 800x60001:33
unopthis windows chat is seriously offtopic01:33
BubalooshiSorry 1280x102401:33
Rosenand no response as usual .... I guess microsoft will earn more of my money then.....01:33
FlannelRosen: you're running Hoary?01:33
unopBubalooshi, does your setup support this resolution. use xrandr at a terminal to find out01:33
chriswrodd-rationale: can you give me that command line to get the gdm manager?01:34
superfirelord42anyone know where cgi-bin is on ubuntu when we install hte package for apache?01:34
Odd-rationalechriswr: gksudo gdmsetup01:34
unopsuperfirelord42, /var/www/cgi-bin perhaps01:34
chriswrodd-rationale: thnx , i forgot what it whas , lol01:34
BubalooshiThank you, I'll try that.01:34
Starnestommysuperfirelord42: /usr/lib/cgi-bin/, I think01:34
zoreauunop: -t iso9660 reports 'is not a block device'01:34
superfirelord42unop: thats what i thought01:34
m0rpheusamenado, route del current default gw + route add -host <server_extern_ip> gw <my_local_gw> + route add default gw <server_local_ip>01:35
Flannelsuperfirelord42: /usr/lib/cgi-bin/ by default.  You set it in the config for your virtual hosts01:35
superfirelord42Flannel: Starnestommy thanks01:35
unopsuperfirelord42, but simply installing apache does not necessarily create that directory, and cgi-bin could be at another location - check your site's config file01:35
RosenFlannel: yeah but its on a labtop so its hard for me to find a driver that works, since the gfxcard is non-ati and non-nvidia (atleast non of the drivers work)01:35
zoreaustupid msttcorefonts /rage01:35
chriswrodd-rationale: what did you say the folder was to put it in01:35
unopzoreau, hmm, not sure then, the file could be damaged/corrupted -- but try converting it to an ISO01:36
m0rpheusamenado, juste says it when you don't know, don't let people pay for you ego trip01:36
Odd-rationalechriswr: just go to the local tab, and select add01:36
amenadom0rpheus-> and which routing table was that? <-- you have not answered this01:36
zoreauyep about to do that01:36
m0rpheusI have01:36
unopm0rpheus, amenado, please take this to #ubuntu-offtopic01:36
amenadom0rpheus-> which routing table? you have a windows server, an ubuntu host, what else?01:36
chriswrk , i did that , and checked it , now when i restart it should show it?01:36
Odd-rationalechriswr: btw, you can use tab to autocomplete nicks... e.g. odd-<tab>01:37
Odd-rationalechriswr: yes, when yo log out..01:37
amenadounop there are just some jerks that do know how to answer a simple question and likes to blame people who are trying to help them :)01:37
m0rpheusamenado, diff interface, different gw, different ip, you just have to link in the well order01:37
chriswrodd-rationale: whats autocomplete nicks?01:37
Menz4xzHey, I want to download all .doc files from a website..  I don't actually see the links, but want to just rip all files within that subfolder that has the extension .doc, is this possible? For instance. www.site.com/files/paper.doc .. I tried wget www.site.com/files/*.doc  and that does not work..01:38
Odd-rationalechriswr: try it. just in your irc client, type the first few letters of the a nick then press tab01:38
FlannelRosen: You should upgrade to something newer.  Try Hardy or Dapper01:38
Odd-rationaleMenz4xz: the is a DownloadThemAll plugin for FireFox01:38
chriswrOdd-rationale: ooooh ok , that helps a lot01:39
chriswrOdd-rationale: lol01:39
Odd-rationalechriswr: yeah, especially with nicks like mine... ;)01:39
m0rpheusI can say "i don't know, i'm a noob", you the same, but went to an egotrip lol01:39
frappe79Hi all, Can anybody please assist me in setting up my PCMCIA D-link wireless card?01:39
m0rpheusso unop, gn01:39
m0rpheussorry for the disturb01:39
Veg1Hello.  I need help setting my monitor resolution to 1280x1024, can anyone tell me how to do this?01:39
zoreauunop: Thanks for the help, I got it! converted to an iso, then used -o loop01:39
unopzoreau, cool01:40
Odd-rationaleVeg1: what resolution do you have now?01:40
Veg1I am certain my monitor and graphics card both support 1280x1024.01:40
RosenFlannel: hehe it was upgraded to dapper, I just didnt realize it because my room-mate did it ... doh01:40
ScuniziVeg1: have you enabled the restricted drivers yet?01:40
Odd-rationaleVeg1: what video drivers are you using?01:40
Veg1I do not know how to enable restricted drivers.01:40
Odd-rationaleVeg1: System --> admin --> restricted drivers01:41
fwaokdaanyone ever get a external hdd to work with winxp in qemu? is there some parameter I have to include in the boot cmd line?01:41
m0rpheusamenado, gn in your own #dummy-in-routes chan :)01:41
FlannelRosen: Well, that's better.  You should try upgrading to Hardy.  One nice thing is that you can go straight from Dapper to Hardy with a single upgrade (hooray for LTS)01:41
amenadounop can you kick m0rpheus please, he is harrasing folks here01:41
Menz4xzOdd-rationale: will that work in my case?01:41
Odd-rationaleMenz4xz: what is your case?01:42
frappe79Hi all, Can anybody please assist me in setting up my PCMCIA D-link wireless card?01:42
Veg1So System -> Admin -> Hardware Drivers, and then install the drivers shown there?\01:42
Odd-rationaleVeg1: yes, the reboot when prompted.01:42
Veg1When I attempt to install that file, it gives me a 404 error.01:42
Veg1I'm using an nVidia graphics card, by the way.01:43
RosenFlannel: yeah its very easy :) will do it now... shouldnt take long with my new 24Mb cable <301:43
Odd-rationaleVeg1: is that machine connected to the net?01:43
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Veg1Yes, it's the one I'm talking to you on.01:43
HELPMEPLZQ:if i download a ubuntu app using windows, how can i retrieve it?01:44
ZikeyHi, anyone using ubuntu with ICH10R raid 1 ? (i got 2 drives raid 1 and ubuntu sees them both instead of only 1)01:44
Odd-rationaleHELPMEPLZ: download the .deb file. then double-click it to install in ubuntu...01:45
amenadoHELPMEPLZ-> it is a .deb file?01:45
BubalooshiIm back, I need help with my rwsolution01:45
HELPMEPLZyes it is a DEB file, i just dont know know how to find it in the explorer01:45
HELPMEPLZit's on my desktop in windows01:45
Odd-rationaleVeg1: so you can not install the nvidia drivers?01:45
Veg1That is correct.01:45
lavalabahi people01:45
wingsiti have trouble installing ubuntu01:45
wingsitcan anyone help01:46
MatthewVHELPMEPLZ, your windows files are usually accessable if you look in Places --> Computer (the desktop is in a different place depending on the version of windows)01:46
BubalooshiI ran xrandr and I get minimum 480x600 and max 800x60001:46
Odd-rationaleVeg1: what type of nvdia card?01:46
LabThuganyone know whether the 64-bit kernel will run on a 32-bit machine?01:46
HELPMEPLZit's vista, but i will look01:46
Veg1It's a geforce 795001:46
glitsj16LabThug: no01:46
BubalooshiHow do I get 1280x1024?01:46
MatthewVwingsit, just ask the specific question or problem that you have and someone might be able to help you :)01:46
lavalabai wanna ask u somethin ! i have a dvd player in my car with all function tft monitor and kinda things i would like to try to put in linux ubuntu u guys think i can install it there or i need some special thing for it ?01:46
mouseclone_hello everyone01:46
MatthewVBubalooshi, does !resolution help at all?01:46
LabThugglitsj16, so, therefore if it runs on a machine, that machine is 64-bit, right?01:47
mouseclone_anyone mind checking to see if godaddy.com is down or if it is just me01:47
wingsiti am trying to install ubuntu. I get all the installation done but cannot get into X. I am using nvidia 980001:47
MatthewVlavalaba, you want to install linux on your DVD player, if I understand you right?01:47
LabThugmouseclone_, it's loading for me01:47
LabThugslow, but loading01:47
frappe79Hi all, Can anybody please assist me in setting up my PCMCIA D-link wireless card?01:47
glitsj16LabThug: yes01:47
Odd-rationaleVeg1: try apt-geting the appropriate nvidia-glx package. if it is a rather new card, get nvidia-glx-new01:48
LabThugfrappe79, I don't have the PCMCIA version, but they work fine once you install madwifi01:48
lavalabamatthew thats right but as i said dvd player has everything dvbt receiver blutooth function navi tuner dvd player dual zone ipod settings sm vard reader01:48
wingsiti dont have internat on that machine01:48
Veg1And how do I find the appropriate package?01:48
lavalabau think its can function01:48
bkidCan someone help with gob2 and/or .gob files?01:48
mattgmanis there a command that i can type in the alt+f2 window to show my desktop?  such as, i play Eve Online full screen and cannot minimize it01:48
MatthewVlavalaba, what does it run at the moment? a lot of those multi function things run windows ce iirc..?01:48
HELPMEPLZQ: i have found my other windows files, but where can i find items on the desktop?01:49
Odd-rationaleVeg1:  it is a recent card get -new, if old, get -legacy...01:49
mouseclone_wingsit:  use wget http://us.download.nvidia.com/XFree86/Linux-x86/177.13/NVIDIA-Linux-x86-177.13-pkg1.run01:49
lavalabai dont know what he run at the moment i m just listenin music and lookin movie with it01:49
mouseclone_wingsit: that is the driver from nvidia01:49
bonhofferanyone know how i can change my default text-editor in ubuntu01:49
Odd-rationaleVeg1: actually, just try "sudo apt-get install nvidia-glx"01:49
MatthewVmattgman, you can usually set up a keyboard shortcut to show desktop (try checking !ccsm)01:50
lavalababonhoffer just on desktop right click01:50
wingsitk i will give it a try01:50
lavalabasettings thats all01:50
mattgmanthanks matthewv01:50
bonhofferlavalaba, only have command shell (server)01:50
mouseclone_bonhoffer: perfered applications?01:50
MatthewVlavalaba, well if it's running windows ce, you might be able to google putting linux on those sort of devices, otherwise, i have no idea01:50
bonhoffernot vi or whatever it is now01:50
Veg1It gives the following error:01:51
Veg1E: Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), is another process using it?01:51
lavalabamatthew thanks01:51
bonhoffernano maybe?01:51
Veg1Actually now that I notice, my hardware drivers window has locked up01:51
Flannelbonhoffer: nano should be default01:51
Odd-rationaleVeg1: make sure you close all other apt process (synpatics, hardware drivers amnager, etc)01:51
Veg1And it won't let me close it =(01:51
Veg1Maybe I should reboot01:51
mouseclone_bonhoffer: you can also - right click -> Properties -> Open with(tab)01:51
bonhoffermouseclone_, i don't have gnome01:51
bonhoffercommand shell01:51
bonhofferemacs preferred01:52
bonhofferso when i type something like crontab -e it opens emacs01:52
mouseclone_i just use vi... and alway just do vi file01:52
wingsitmouseclone_ i dont wired network setup on that machine01:52
Flannelbonhoffer: You want to change it to emacs?  install emacs, then update-alternatives, then export EDITOR=emacs in .bashrc01:52
bkidQ: can anyone help with gob2 or gob files?01:52
HELPMEPLZQ: does anyone know how to access files on the windows desktop (vista) from the explorer? i have found the other windows files/folders..01:52
bonhofferFlannel, thanks!01:52
bonhofferso modify .bashrc01:52
lavalabahow can i see my xp on ubuntu?01:52
mouseclone_wingsit: are you using nv or nvidia in your xorg.conf?01:53
lavalabaor let me ask u like that how can i work with my xp system on my ubuntu?01:53
Shujahlavalaba, dude you meanxp on other pc or the one in dual boot?01:53
lavalabadual boot01:53
wingsitlet me check01:53
Flannelbonhoffer: the update-alternatives probably isn't necessary.  But that'll change sensible-editor, and then the editor export will change "edit" which is what gets called by crontab, visudo, etc.01:54
HELPMEPLZanyone? anyone know how to open a file saved to the windows desktop in ubuntu?01:54
Shujahlavalaba, C:\ can be accessed by default if you wanna access the partition.01:54
Odd-rationalelavalaba: just mount the windows partition, you should find it in places --> computer01:54
lavalabaok thanks people01:54
mouseclone_helpmeplz: you need to mount the ntfs partition01:54
Flannelbonhoffer: yeah.  Just scroll down to the end and add "export EDITOR=emacs"  or even just echo "export EDITOR=emacs" >> ~/.bashrc01:54
Veg1Okay, what was that command again?  sudo apt-get install nvidia-what?01:54
Veg1glx, okay =)01:55
bonhofferFlannel, great!01:55
Veg1Again, it gives a 404.01:55
bonhofferwhen i try to save from cron -e -- nano wants to save the file as /tmp/crontab.T6iqyN/crontab01:55
bonhofferwhat is up with that?01:55
bonhofferjust seems wrong to me01:55
elikHi, I am a Debian Lenny user and recently switched over to Ubuntu (Kubuntu actually) Hardy Heron. I am a little disappointed to see that the version of some programs I used is more outdated that on Debian, and I am considering upgrading to Ubuntu I... I... How stable is it compared to Lenny?01:56
wingsitmouseclone_ I dont see anything under /etc/X1101:56
mattgmanfound it!  CTRL+ALT+D hides everything so you can see your desktop.  SHAWEETNESS!01:56
Odd-rationaleVeg1: hmm. do "sudo apt-get update"01:56
mouseclone_helpmeplz: mount -t nfs /dev/device /folder/where/you/want/it/mounted01:57
bonhofferit just seems that  /tmp/crontab.T6iqyN/crontab01:57
bonhoffer is a crappy name for my crontab01:57
Flannelbonhoffer: `sudo update-alternatives --config editor` is the command to change "editor".  I misspoke when I said sensible-editor uses alternatives, it actually uses EDITOR like edit01:57
Veg1Okay, that's installing a bunch of packages.01:57
ace_suareshi there, anyone I know here? I want to test something in private.01:57
mouseclone_wingsil: you do not have a /etc/X11/xorg.conf?01:57
unopelik, it's not fair comparing a debian unstable (and prerelease) version to a ubuntu stable version - and lenny is not stable01:57
HELPMEPLZmouseclone: how do i mount the NTFS partition?01:57
Odd-rationaleVeg1: no, it is updating your package list...01:57
wingsitmouseclone_ no... but i have a mess on my computer new. net me check further01:57
elikunop, I know, I wanted to compare Ubuntu unstable to Debian unstable01:57
Veg1Oh I see.  Anyway, it is done now, so now what?01:57
unopelik, but hardy (assuming that is what you are running now) is quite relatively stable01:57
elikunop, testing actually01:58
mattgmanHELPMEPLZ: do an add-remove and find the NTFS Configuration Tool01:58
Odd-rationaleVeg1: sudo apt-get install nvidia-glx01:58
mouseclone_wingsil:  do - sudo updatedb01:58
elikunop, isn't hardy released?01:58
mouseclone_wingsil: then do - locate xorg.conf01:58
Flannelelik: Intrepid isn't the same as "unstable" either.  They can answer more questions re intrepid in #ubuntu+1 though.01:58
unopelik, it is01:58
wingsitmouseclone_ i dont have network access01:58
Veg1And now its working =)01:58
HELPMEPLZwill this allow to me open files i have saved under windows?01:58
Odd-rationaleVeg1: good.01:58
Veg1There's no way I could get by without this chat.01:58
Veg1Thanks a lot =)01:58
elikthx Flannel01:59
mattgmanHELPMEPLZ: where are the files saved under windows?01:59
bonhofferFlannel, hmm i have emacs installed but not coming up as an alternative for my editor01:59
ShujahHELPMEPLZ, go to menu > places > removabale media01:59
HELPMEPLZthey're on the desktop01:59
Odd-rationaleVeg1: np01:59
mouseclone_wingsil: no the updatedb will index your files on the computer01:59
mouseclone_wingsil: and locate filename will find the files and give you the path01:59
mattgmanHELPMEPLZ: you should be able to access them unless you made your documents private in windows02:00
Veg1I'll probably be back in about 30 seconds with a new problem.02:00
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HELPMEPLZyeah i see the rest of my windows documents, i just dont know where the dektop..folder? is02:00
ShujahHELPMEPLZ, from c:\ > documents and settings > user name > desktop02:00
wingsitmouseclone_ I found xorg.conf,02:00
bonhofferbigger deal -- why does crontab -e generate /tmp/crontab.T6iqyN/crontab02:00
bonhoffertmp and T6i... seems odd02:00
HELPMEPLZyeah i know to open it in windows..02:00
mouseclone_helpmeplz: if you mount the drive you should be able to save back to the drive.  You will need to worry about NTFS security a little.. I can't remember all of the work arounds as I don't mount my windows console any more02:00
mattgmanHELPMEPLZ: should be in your C:/Users/My Documents/Desktop?  idk what the windows path is...cause winblows and i will never use it in my life02:01
mouseclone_wingsil: what is the location of the file?02:01
wingsitmouseclone_ i am using nv02:01
bonhofferlike shouldn't there be something in cron.daily -- not /tmp/crontab.T6iqyN/crontab02:01
bonhofferwhat is looking in /tmp02:01
mouseclone_wingsil: that is the basic driver for nvidia02:01
wingsiti was in a wrong pattion with only command line02:01
zoreauanyone gotten Diablo 1 to work in wine? it tells me 'unable to properly initialize your graphics card using directx' i have the files for DX9 i my /drive_c/windows/system32 folder and I have gotten Diablo 2 to work.02:01
mattgmanHELPMEPLZ: you could always go back into windows and burn them to dvd or put them...somewhere else on that drive02:01
wingsitmouseclone_: how do i get the latest driver02:02
HELPMEPLZyeah vista blows chunks, that's why im trying set up ubuntu, but it's proving to be more difficult than originally anticipated02:02
Light-zoreau: try telling it to use directdraw instead of directx?02:02
mouseclone_wingsil: you will need a connection to the net02:02
ShujahHELPMEPLZ, make a fat32 partition it can be accessed by both win & nix02:02
mattgmanHELPMEPLZ: what seems to be the deal?  i got in here too late to see any original messages02:02
HELPMEPLZtyeah matt i'm just gonna move the file, that wou;dve beena  lot faster ol02:02
LSD|NinjaShujah: mkfs.vfat from the dosfstools or whatever it's ccalled02:02
wingsitmouseclone_ is there a way to configure the wireless network in command line02:02
mouseclone_wingsil: or download from the computer your own now and use a cd or thumb drive02:02
Johnnyhow do i install firefox 3 from bz2?02:02
Dr_willis_Windoes can access ext2 filesystems with some add on tools..02:03
Jme_FezI Want to be able to ssh into my box from work..  when I open port 22, do I set TCP, UDP, or both?02:03
Dr_willis_but it can be a bit risky02:03
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mouseclone_wingsil: over my head wireless on cli02:03
LSD|NinjaJme_Fez: TCP02:03
wingsitmouseclone_ hw would i do that02:03
mattgmanno risk at all :p02:03
HELPMEPLZshujah: will i have to do this in order to get all my old files (i.e. music etc)?02:03
bonhoffero.k. if crontab -e generated /tmp/crontab.T6iqyN/crontab automatically -- how do i test to see if that works?02:03
LSD|Ninjawingsit: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=20283402:03
Odd-rationaleJohnny: you don't like the one in the repos?02:03
Johnnyit crashes every 3 seconds02:04
mouseclone_wingsil: do what? wireless from CLI?02:04
wingsitmouseclone_: yeah i am pretty clueless with wireless02:04
Johnnyand its telling me i have version 2. something and it wont let me update Odd-rationale02:05
ShujahHELPMEPLZ, you can get all your files in the present setup too - making a fat32 is good because linux & win both can access them without any hiccups02:05
mouseclone_wingsil: so am I.  I do not run wireless.02:05
Odd-rationalewingsit: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=68449502:05
HELPMEPLZoh okay, thanks02:05
CyberCodwhat do you need to do with the wireless?02:05
ShujahHELPMEPLZ, usually media files go into fat32 (might call it a storage partition) where they can be accessed by both os02:05
Odd-rationaleJohnny: what version of ubuntu?02:05
wingsitwell i need driver ffrom Nvidia02:05
mouseclone_helpmeplz: Shujah is right on that.  There is no security on fat3202:05
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mouseclone_wingsil: is this a new install?02:06
Odd-rationaleJohnny: ah, you need hardy for ff3...02:06
CyberCodmouseclone_: is your wireless card detected properly?02:06
Johnnyi dont want to dist-upgrade02:06
Odd-rationaleJohnny: time to upgrade :)02:06
wingsitthe entire computer is new02:06
Johnnyeverytime i do it fucks up02:06
HELPMEPLZthat's a good idea, should've done that earlier02:06
Odd-rationaleJohnny: then reinstall ... ;)02:06
mouseclone_CyberCod: I don't use wireless.  I'm wired though a switch to my modem02:06
LSD|Ninjawingsit: you can install the nVidia drivers using the hardware drivers panel in System -> Administration02:06
Johnnydont have hardy cd's02:06
ubottuPlease watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.02:06
ubottuLAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+)02:07
CyberCodmouseclone_: ok... I just heard them saying they couldn't help with it, I thought I'd offer my help02:07
mouseclone_wingsil: I would attempt a reinstall, and take all defaults02:07
Odd-rationaleJohnny: download one, or order one from shipit...02:07
wingsitLSD: I cannot get into X02:07
wingsitmouseclone_ I try installing with 5 different CD alreayd02:07
Johnnyand i dont have my home on a different partition so i'll lose everything02:07
mouseclone_CyberCod: wingsil is the one that needs help with wireless from CLI02:07
CyberCodwingsit: do you know if the wireless card is detected?02:07
fwaokdaCan someone help me get a usb hard drive to work in QEMU? I tried in their channel but its kinda unactive :(  ????02:08
bobertdosJohnny: Well, it's not a huge deal to make them. If we can't convince you to get Hardy, then I guess we'll just tell you what you want to know. All you basically have to do is extract the bz2 to the /opt directory.02:08
wingsitI dont need wireless if I can get my X working02:08
bonhofferstill wondering why crontab -e generates the file /tmp/crontab.T6iqyN/crontab <-- why such a random location???02:08
CyberCodwingsit: what kind of errors are you getting?02:08
mouseclone_CyberCod: thanks for looking out02:08
glitsj16Johnny: firefox 3 is in the gutsy back-ports repo02:08
Johnnyk bobertdos thanks02:08
Johnnyhow do i get it glitsj1602:08
nickrudbonhoffer that's only a temporary one, when you save its placed in /var/spool/cron/crontabs02:09
* mouseclone_ wishes godaddy would load02:09
wingsitmouseclone_ I have the package downloaded from NVIDIA on this computer02:09
bobertdosJohnny: I would of course recommend uninstalling the distro version ahead of time.02:09
owneri need some one to explain to me in lay mans terms how to install ubuntu using netboot or PXE02:09
bonhoffernickrud, thanks02:09
CyberCodwingsit: you need to run envy02:09
bonhofferthat makes sense02:09
glitsj16Johnny: open synaptic, go to settings > repositories > sofware sources and tick the gutsy-backport entree under 'updates'02:10
CyberCodwingsit: what is your current version?02:10
Johnnyalready have glitsj1602:10
bonhoffernickrud, hmm crontab -e didn't put it there, just in /tmp/crontab.T6iqyN/crontab02:10
wingsittrying to d/l 8.04 but takes time02:10
ZikeyHi, does ubuntu work fine with AHCI or do I have to force IDE ?02:10
mouseclone_wingsit: why not 8.04?02:10
ownerPlease I need some one to explain to me in lay mans terms how to install ubuntu using netboot or PXE02:10
MTecknologyok.... I'm kinda frustrated that that extra option in the effects tab of the appearance applet is gone.....  It used to be that if you installed compizconfig-settings-manager, an extra option would show up for the custom settings you created....02:11
glitsj16Johnny: then you should be able to sudo apt-get firefox-3.0 .. doesn't that work ?02:11
mouseclone_wingsit: ha.. bittorrent or http download?02:11
MTecknologyany ideas how to get it back?02:11
wingsithttp download02:11
bonhoffernickrud, wait -- i can't find it there but crontab -l works02:11
CyberCodenvy is an auto installer for the nvidia and ati drivers... takes the work out of it... you have connectivity? or is this why you needed the wireless?02:11
wingsitwell it just done...02:11
Johnnysays its already newest version glitsj1602:11
Johnnybut its 2 something02:11
bonhoffernickrud, wait -- is there02:11
nickrudbonhoffer try saving it. and that dir is root read onllllllly02:11
Johnnyi'll try it through synaptic02:11
Sergeant_Ponyhow can I free up some space in ubuntu? it's using almost the whole hd (22gig)02:11
bonhofferin a file named root02:11
bonhoffernickrud, any way to test it02:11
mouseclone_wingsit: did you say that 8.04 just finished?02:11
nickrudsudo crontab -e would do that I think02:11
wingsitmouseclone_ i am burning it02:12
ownerAny Help PPL Please02:12
glitsj16Johnny: odd indeed, iguess you can visit packages.ubuntu.com and download the .deb from there02:12
CyberCodSergeant_Pony: probably by getting rid of downloaded packages by cleaning out the /var/cache/apt/archives folder of all the .deb packages you've installed02:12
mouseclone_wingsit: ok.  I think that you will have better luck considering your hardware is newer than a year ago02:12
wingsitmouseclone_ I will give a try on that02:12
nickrudbonhoffer if you want to edit the main crontab, it's at /etc/crontab . Best way to test it is to set it to go off a minute or two after you save02:12
wingsitmouseclone_ thank you very much02:12
CyberCodwingsit: if you type in iwconfig what does it tell you? anything like wlan0?02:12
brrrrrradicaltell me ... does anyone else's disk usage analyser say they have a 141gb hard disk when they only have an 80gb ?02:13
nickrudSergeant_Pony you can run baobab , it's a nice gui showing where your space is used02:13
wingsitIEEE 802.11g essid:""02:13
Odd-rationalebrrrrrradical: do you have other disk mounted?02:13
mouseclone_cybercod:  iwconfig?  interface wireless? and ifconfig is interface fastethernet?02:13
brrrrrradicaltheres only one lol02:13
Odd-rationalebrrrrrradical: no external drives, usb, etc?02:14
bonhoffernickrud, thanks02:14
wingsitmouseclone_ early i could use wubi to install, but i cannot apt-get anything and says that nvidia-glk was corrupted02:14
mouseclone_cybercod: sweet never knew that.  I'm still picking up on things myself02:14
AMDpenguinhow long will it take to resize EXT3 to 500GB from 20GB?02:14
brrrrrradicaleven if there was ... it says i have 99 gb free .. i have nothing that bih02:14
CyberCodiwconfig will let you know if any of your network interfaces have wireless extensions02:14
IndyGunFreakAMDpenguin: have you ever read War and Peace?02:14
CyberCodyou can even turn on your wireless with that command if the card is supported/installed properly02:14
IndyGunFreakmight be a good time to pick it up...02:14
IndyGunFreakor maybe Moby Dick02:15
brrrrrradicalunless my 1gb flash drive transformed :O02:15
Sergeant_Ponynickrud: disk usage analyzer say's / is 100%02:15
__yy__AMDpenguin: it depends pretty much entierly on how much data needs to be moved02:15
HELPMEPLZhey wingsit02:15
IndyGunFreakAMDpenguin: it probably woudln't be that bad.. how much of that is free space?02:15
mouseclone_cybercod: like ifconfig etho up, you would do iwconfig eth1 up, if eth1 was wireless?02:15
AMDpenguin10GB expanding to the right02:15
HELPMEPLZit sounds like you're having (had) the same problems i do02:15
bonhofferone last thing, why doesn't tab completion work for my shell script ./myscript (i try to tab on the ./my)02:15
wingsithelpmeplz what was your problem exactly?02:16
crazy6aw amarok won't play this mp302:16
__yy__bonhoffer: is it executable?02:16
HELPMEPLZdid you find drivers for your wireless?02:16
nickrudSergeant_Pony df? Yes, but baobab shows by dir, lets you identify what is bulking up.  sudo apt-get clean will give you around a half gig back02:16
CyberCodi think with iwconfig it is something like       sudo iwconfig wlan0 essid <something> mode managed    but I might be missing something02:16
bonhoffer__yy__, yes 70002:16
AMDpenguingparted does all this bull crap with resizing it reads the whole partition twice02:16
wingsitHELPMEPLZ: My major problem is i dont have driver for nvidia....02:16
Odd-rationalebonhoffer: are you in the dir of myscript?02:16
mateusWhy the w32codecs package was abolished?02:16
CyberCodwingsit, you'll have much better luck with hardy02:16
mouseclone_cybercod: I will have to look at the man pages for that.  when I run into it02:16
d3vlabswhat can i use in Ubuntu to work with flash animation?02:16
Johnnyglitsj16, i just upgraded to 3.0 and it still says im using 2.0.5 in the about02:17
bonhofferOdd-rationale, yes -- but i just learned 700 requires sudo . . . :)02:17
CyberCodyeah, its a handy thing.02:17
wingsitHELPMEPLZ I would setup wireless if i can get into X02:17
Pixeltimeowner: http://wiki.koeln.ccc.de/index.php/Ubuntu_PXE_Install02:17
AMDpenguinwhen will ubuntu requrie wat vista needs for ram?02:17
CyberCodd3vlabs: nothing that i'm aware of... I heard someone complaining the other day... but supposedly it is being worked on02:17
mouseclone_d3vlabs: you can try Codeweavers Crossover.  I think that they support for Flash MX02:17
BubalooshiI have a question regarding my screen's resolution02:17
glitsj16Johnny: how did you start the newly installed firefox 3 ?02:18
Sergeant_Ponynickrud: just cleaned up 688 meg so far02:18
IndyGunFreakAMDpenguin: i think thats  awhile off.. ubuntu gets by fine on 512mb.02:18
unopmateus, they weren't - they aren't open-source and thus have to be distributed seperately02:18
unop!w32codecs | mateus02:18
ubottumateus: medibuntu is a repository of packages that cannot be included into the Ubuntu distribution for legal reasons - See http://www.medibuntu.org02:18
Blaqlightanyone here know the difference between lenny and sid?02:18
BubalooshiI cannot set my resolution to 1280x1024, it is stuck at 800x60002:18
Johnnyfrom the panel02:18
brrrrrradicalguys do u reckon that my disk usage analyser is combing my hdd and my ipod even though my pod isnt plugged in?02:18
CyberCodwingsit:  try     sudo iwconfig wlan0 essid <yournetwork> mode managed02:18
CyberCodwingsit: and then put in     sudo dhclient wlan002:19
AMDpenguinfor me to use ubuntu all i got to do is shrink my 400GB ntfs partition down to around 60-80GB02:19
mouseclone_bubalooshi: wrong driver for monitor or video in xorg.conf02:19
wingsiti am installing 8.04 again now.02:19
glitsj16Johnny: try starting it from terminal manually, firefox-3 i think, your panel still points to ff202:19
crazy6gah why won't amarok install mp3 support?!?02:19
unopBlaqlight, wrong channel to be asking that in -- but lenny is the unstable version of debian (next release) while sid is purely for testing new packages and/or new versions of packages02:19
BlaqlightAMDpenguin, just uninstall windows.02:19
BubalooshiShould I type in xorg.conf?02:19
wingsitseems fine so far. be back 30 mins02:19
mouseclone_bubalooshi: you can try forcing the settings in xorg.conf though and seeings if that works.  just add the rezolution02:19
BubalooshiHow do I do this?02:20
unopBlaqlight, more on that in #debian -- or http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Debian#Releases02:20
mouseclone_budalooshi: xorg.conf is locate @ /etc/X11/xorg.conf02:20
AMDpenguinno i still play games like warrock and sims 2. (although i am starting to get sick of the sims 2)02:20
mouseclone_use vi or nano or emacs02:20
mouseclone_AMDpenguin: what type of AMD do you have?02:21
BlaqlightAMDpenguin, petentially they might work in wine.02:21
MTecknologyI seriously can't figure out how to show/hide screenlets....02:21
mouseclone_wingsit: i love a 30 min install02:21
Blaqlightunop, I was just curious nothing more, sometimes I run into those two terms.02:21
rebeccaanyone here know how to make dvd's play in ubuntu?02:21
BubalooshiI feel like such a n00b, I cannot find the /etc folder for xorg.config02:22
Odd-rationale!dvd | rebecca02:22
ubotturebecca: For playing DVD, see http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/video.html - "libdvdcss2" can be found at !Medibuntu or (for Feisty and earlier) http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages - Try k9copy (available in !Universe) for backing up DVDs02:22
AMDpenguinWho cares if c2d adds 3-4 extra FPS02:22
mouseclone_AMDpenguin: nice.. I built a spider platform box a few months back02:22
rebeccai dont know how to install anything02:22
BubalooshiI found it02:22
nibsa1242bIs there a way to make pulse audio not distort my music. Every time I've listened to something since I've enabled it, it sounds distorted, almost staticity in a way, and the bass is messed up.02:22
AMDpenguinOH i didnt build this computer i bought it for 300$02:22
mouseclone_Bubalooshi:  do - sudo nano /etc/X11/xorg.conf02:22
Sergeant_Ponynickrud: any other ideas for freeing up space?02:23
Dr_willis_!dvd  | rebecca02:23
ubotturebecca: For playing DVD, see http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/video.html - "libdvdcss2" can be found at !Medibuntu or (for Feisty and earlier) http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages - Try k9copy (available in !Universe) for backing up DVDs02:23
nickrudSergeant_Pony have you run baobab yet?02:23
AMDpenguinUpgraded the shitty sempron to an x2 and added a 500Gig Harddisk to replace a puny 80GB02:23
Sergeant_Ponynickrud: yes I did02:23
Odd-rationalerebecca: basically, you should add the Medibuntu repo (ses /msg ubottu medibuntu). install libdvdcss2, then it is recoomended that youreplace totem-gstreamer with totem-xine02:23
nickrudSergeant_Pony it probably said most of your stuff was in your home dir?02:23
Johnnyi just got ff3 working02:23
BubalooshiHow do I upgrade everything to 1280x1024? I am in xorg.config02:23
Johnnyits even slower than 202:23
IndyGunFreakBubalooshi: what video device do you have?02:24
mouseclone_AMDpenguin: is spent about 900 for vid, cpu, mb, ps, mem02:24
AMDpenguinOnly pain is dual booting ubuntu and windows02:24
BubalooshiAs in monito or videocard?02:24
IndyGunFreakas in videocard Bubalooshi02:24
BubalooshiI'm no complely su, it's in my mothebord-VIA Unichrome AGP Pro S3 omething02:24
AMDpenguinwow its scary seeing ubuntu 11.0402:25
IndyGunFreakBubalooshi: hm, never heard o that one...02:25
IndyGunFreakAMDpenguin: why is that scary?02:25
mouseclone_bubalooshi: would you like to see my xorg.conf?02:25
BubalooshiYes, please.02:25
AMDpenguini will be 20 that year02:25
Odd-rationaleafter they changed the format of the xorg.conf file in Ubuntu hardy, i find it very difficule to troubleshoot resolution issues... :(02:25
IndyGunFreakAMDpenguin: lol, wel i guess thast one reason to be afraid02:25
AMDpenguinand i bet microsoft will be planning windows 1002:26
ZikeyHi, what is the command to view the menu where you are able to select startup packages ? (BIND/APACHE/POSTFIX/MYSQL/...) ?02:26
nickrudSergeant_Pony the system generally only puts a bunch of stuff in /usr, /share , and /var. My install (fairly full) runs to about 7 gb of system, everything else belongs to me and is in my $HOME02:27
mouseclone_Odd-rationale: I have found for both AMD and nVidia it is best to use the drivers from them.  They have auto configs.  Every time my video messes up from an update I just rerun the AMD installer, and everythign is fised again.02:28
unopZikey, services-admin or sysv-rc-conf02:28
nickrudZikey bum and sysv-rc-conf are both nice02:28
unop!startup | Zikey02:28
ubottuZikey: To add programs to start up when you log into your Gnome session go to System>Preferences>Sessions and use the Startup Programs tab. For more information, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AddingProgramToSessionStartup - See !boot for starting non-interactive programs at boot02:28
nickrudyou're! too fast unop ;)02:29
Sergeant_Ponynickrud: home has 15 gig and / has 19 gig02:29
nickrudSergeant_Pony and / is full !!??02:30
unopnickrud, heh, wish i could up this 62 WPS to about 3x that :)02:30
Sergeant_Ponynickrud 100%02:30
AMDpenguinubuntu can detect my cpu temps but Windoze cant02:30
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Sergeant_Ponynickrud: 22.7 gig has 3.6 gig free02:31
nickrudSergeant_Pony that is very strange. if you like, you can do   du / --max-depth=1 | sort , and put the output on a pastebin02:31
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nickrudno answer02:32
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unopit's been a while since i have done anything like this - does anyone know of a versatile tool to help tag my music collection using online databases, update album-art, organize files, etc? - basically i want a winamp clone but ...02:33
nickrudunop I've used easytag, but someone told me exfalso is much better02:33
IndyGunFreakunop: easytag should do the trick i think02:34
Kernelhello all. i just noticed that the 8.04 ubuntu is lts..where as the kubuntu 8.04 is not...how does this work? if i use the ubuntu and install kde in it......will i have to worry about old vulnerable kde programs once the kubuntu8.04 is dropped?02:34
unopIndyGunFreak, nickrud, easytag has this habit of frustrating me :) whenever i try selecting a few files, it seems to want to select them all02:34
Johnnyff3 is worse than ff202:35
IndyGunFreakunop: lol..02:35
mouseclone_wingis: how is that install coming?02:35
wingsiti dont know02:35
wingsitjust came back from shower, but everything runs now02:35
mouseclone_Johnny: that is ok, Opera keeps crashing on me02:35
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about lst02:35
ubottuLTS means Long Term Support. LTS versions of Ubuntu will be supported for 3 years on the desktop, and 5 years on the server.02:35
mouseclone_wingsit: so gnome is all good?02:35
unopnickrud, exfalso is good -- only thing is it doesn't have a tag retrieval tool for my badly organised collection02:36
nickrudunop easytag sucks at adding album art in my experience (or I never figured it out right)02:36
nickrudnow easytag is great at that02:36
FlannelKernel: The KDE stuff won't be supported past 18 months02:36
wingsitmouseclone_ i will see in 5 mins02:36
echosystmhay guise!02:36
echosystmim looking to make a HTPC for my parents02:36
hmullerAnyone familiar with Dosemu / FreeDOS?02:36
echosystmbut since they are complete noobs02:36
wingsitmouseclone_ yes it is working02:36
FlannelKernel: Similarly to how having a Dapper Desktop will work after 3 years.  The Desktop stuffs won't get updated, by the server stuffs will still02:36
echosystmi would like the OS to be read only02:36
echosystmdoes anyone know of a way to achieve this?02:36
nibsa1242bDoes anyone else have a problem with Pluse audio where enabling it makes the bass part of music muffled like its coming out of a cell phone?02:36
KernelFlannel: yea....so all the kde related apps will become stale and possilbe exploitable?02:37
unopnickrud, you mean easytag can retrieve tags online?02:37
SeaPhor!enter | echosystm02:37
ubottuechosystm: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!02:37
mouseclone_wingsit: grats02:37
wingsitmouseclone_ I am connecting to see if I can get online02:37
nickrudunop oh, on line. No, I was thinking poorly there, sorry02:37
FlannelKernel: In 15 months, yes.02:37
Odd-rationaleechosystm: can you just give them an unprivileged account?02:37
Kerneland why dont they do both kde and gnome? not enough kde users?02:37
FlannelKernel: It had to do with the 3.5 and 4 split02:38
Sergeant_Ponynickrud: that command is taking a long time to run02:38
unopnickrud, ohh yea, it does - i forgot about that for an instant -- but i think it only helps if you have complete albums - not random files02:38
FlannelKernel: nothing to do with userbase, they just were splitting their efforts between the two, and decided to drop the LTS because of it02:38
nickrudSergeant_Pony yeah, it scans every directory and adds up the files to give you a total size02:38
FlannelKernel: https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/kubuntu-devel/2007-December/002066.html02:39
r0oterdoes anybody knows how can I make my terminal transperant to my background desktop and not to an application?02:39
KernelFlannel: ah ok. i was hoping there would be lts for kde too.....i use alot of kde apps..02:39
nickrudSergeant_Pony we'll get back all the root level directory totals, get an idea of where the space is used. baobab does it in a nice gui, du is slower and less intuitive02:39
noriyukiHow can I change my password using the terminal?02:40
MTecknologynoriyuki, passwd02:40
nickrudechosystm if they don't have sudo privs (default for any new account) the system is read only to them02:40
Sergeant_Ponynickrud: http://pastebin.ca/107493502:40
r0oterany clues?02:40
craig_In a command line, I can do an iwlist scan, iwconfig eth1 essid "networkname", ans dhclient eth1.  This will get me on the wireless network here.  However, I can't do it with wifi-radar (the GUI app)  How come?02:41
Kernelhmm will they do a lts of kubuntu for the next release..after they get all the new kde stuff sorted out?02:41
nickrudSergeant_Pony /opt is where most of your space is taken up on the / partition02:41
nickrudSergeant_Pony strike that, poor reading02:41
MTecknologyr0oter, I used to know how to do that, but i can't remember what terminal emulator i used or how i did it - sorry02:42
Sergeant_Ponynickrud: ok?02:42
FlannelKernel: That's yet to be seen.  And probably isn't likely, because it would mean they'd have to support all the non-KDE stuff for a year on their own (after Intrepid support runs out, there'll be a year between that and 10.04 LTS)02:42
noriyukihow can i change to a password that is "too simple"02:42
craigbass1976Oops, I didn't knwo I was in twice...  The iwconfig blurb is mine.  Anyone know why the command line works and the gui doesn't?02:42
Kernelah ok. thanks for the help Flannel :002:43
r0oterMTecknology: do we need to do it throughout another app?02:43
wingsitmouseclone_ The installl is fine, I will play with it for a while. Thank you02:43
Flannelnoriyuki: Why do you want to do that?02:43
r0oterMTecknology: or do we just config something?02:43
MTecknologyr0oter, i think it depends on whether compiz is enabled or not....02:43
noriyukiI had a password that I used to like which is not very simple02:43
fwaokdawhen I go to change icons for certain... icons ha - I don't know what folder they're in.  where can I find icons to choose from on my ubuntu hardy install?02:43
noriyukibut is shorter02:43
nickrudSergeant_Pony nothing there looks out of place. 15gb on /home, 20gb total, and about 5gb in / . Something else is wrong02:43
mouseclone_wingsit: glad the install of 8.04 worked02:43
noriyukiFlannel: The one I have now is very large02:44
nickrudSergeant_Pony so I'd say you have to move some stuff out of /home02:44
Flannelnoriyuki: I don't understand what you're asking02:44
r0oterMTecknology: yeah I did disabled it and then my terminal turned out all black, no transperancy.02:44
Sergeant_Ponynickrud: ok....02:44
Johnnyim seriously f'ing sick of firefox crashing02:45
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Johnnyis this a flash conflict or what02:45
Johnnyhow do i fix it02:45
wingsitbtw does any one know how i can speed up the wireless speed02:45
MTecknologyr0oter, interesting... sorry i can't help ya any more02:45
nickrudSergeant_Pony the / total is the total in the whole file system. subtract /home from that to see what's in the system.02:45
wingsiti have two computer sit side by side one is downloading much faster02:45
noriyukiFlannel: I want to change my password "passwd" is there a way to make the ccomputer to change it to anything no matter how simple it is02:46
justs0mewhich 3rd party repo is recommended/02:46
nickrudSergeant_Pony do you expect to have /home on a separate partition?02:46
LSD|Ninjajusts0me: what do you need that isn't in the normal repos?02:46
noriyukiFlannel: I want to change my password "passwd" is there a way to make the ccomputer to change it to anything no matter how simple it is02:46
Flannelnoriyuki: What are you trying to accomplish?  Auto log in?  Or you just really enjoy security issues?02:46
justs0medunno, sorry im used to fedora02:47
Sergeant_Ponynickrud: when I set this up02:47
mertheranyone had success with using wine for the new iTunes 7.7?02:47
Flanneljusts0me: What are you looking for?02:47
noriyukiFlannel: the password I have is too large. So I want to change it to a simpler one....02:47
Sergeant_Ponynickrud: when I set this up on my laptop I did all defaults02:47
Flannelnoriyuki: Yes, passwd will do that.02:47
justs0mei need nvidia driver, but i dunno which one i nedd02:47
LSD|Ninjajusts0me: use the Hardware Divers panel for that02:47
Bam_BamHow / can I use my creative x-fi soundcard in Ubuntu? http://opensource.creative.com/soundcard.html02:47
Flanneljusts0me: You don't need a third party.  Just go to .. yeah, what LSD|Ninja said.02:48
Sergeant_Ponynickrud: this is a dual boot laptop. winxp and ubuntu 8.0402:48
noriyukiFlannel: but it says that the pass is too simple. Is there a way to makeubuntu to change it no matter how simple02:48
justs0meand just click enable and it will dl the driver?02:48
nickrudSergeant_Pony ah, then the standard doesn't use a separate home partition. It's all in one partition.    if you put the contents of /etc/fstab   and sudo fdisk -l I could tell you more02:48
LSD|Ninjajusts0me: yep02:48
justs0menot used to this simple stuff02:48
nickrudBam_Bam from what I hear, the best use for those cards is as doorstops.02:48
nickrudBam_Bam I'm a jokester, someone else may have some real help for you02:49
wingsitanyone know how to speed up wireless speed?02:49
Flannelnoriyuki: Again, if its complaining about simplicity, the password is probably not a good idea. What are you trying to accomplish with such a diminuitive password?02:49
Bam_Bamnickrud, I haven't had much luck so far... so I might actually agree with you02:49
[pq]i experience problem with gnome keyboard layout selector and compiz: i use 2 keyboard layout, say "usa" (default) and "usa-dvorak" (secondary). Whenever a new windows is being created, and desktop effects are active, keyboard layout is resetted to default (usa). Someone knows such issue?02:49
lenswipeThis line of text is made possible by cowbell02:49
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lenswipeTHIS sentence IS made POSSIBLE by COWBELL02:50
noriyukiI had that password before formating alright? And I put another one when I formatted. I want the other one... I just want a answer my friend can you help me?02:50
lenswipe*DANG* *DANG*02:50
nickrudlenswipe please don't spam the channel02:50
lenswipenickrud: even for the sake of cowbell :(02:50
LSD|Ninjajusts0me: another thing you might want to do is install the ubuntu-restricted-extras package. That'll install a whole bunch of stuff like java, flash, additional codecs and whatnot that you need 3rd party repos for in Fedora. The only repo you might want to add is medibuntu: http://www.medibuntu.org/ that has stuff like DVD playback, Skype and Google Earth in it02:50
noriyukiFlannel: I had that password before formating alright? And I put another one when I formatted. I want the other one... I just want a answer my friend can you help me?02:51
nickrudlenswipe heh. Even for the sake of humor ;(02:51
lenswipenickrud: awwww02:51
narutohi anyone know any rooms for javascript help?02:51
[pq]i experience an issue with gnome keyboard layout selector and compiz: i use 2 keyboard layout, say "usa" (default) and "usa-dvorak" (secondary). Whenever a new windows is being created, and desktop effects are active, keyboard layout is resetted to default (usa). Someone knows such issue?02:51
justs0meLSD|Ninja: ah, thanks02:51
chriswrwhat is the best .txt program for linux???02:51
jbroomechriswr: cat02:51
Sergeant_Ponynickrud: http://pastebin.ca/107494902:51
wingsitchriswr_ Emacs02:51
justs0meboth repos installed will not conflict with anything/02:52
nickrudchriswr gedit for just quicky editing02:52
LSD|Ninjajusts0me: no, stuff is in medibuntu because it can't be distributed in the normal ubuntu repos02:52
noriyukiFlannel: Are you there?02:52
wingsitchriswr_ emacs for crazy editing02:52
chriswrim trying to copy a walktrough off gamefaq.com02:52
Flannelnoriyuki: Its probably a bad idea to have that password, but use this to get around it: sudo passwd [username] (where [username] is your user)02:52
chriswrif that helps02:52
noriyukiit doesnt work02:52
=== gardar`afk is now known as gardar
noriyukiFlannel: I tried that one and it doesnt change. I mean... It seems to be working but when I attempt to use it, the old one remains as the password02:53
echosystmhas anyone here used 802.11n?02:53
echosystmis it much better than G?02:54
nickrudSergeant_Pony ok, it all looks normal. ext3 reserves some space where only root can write (about 5%, helps protect the os from a truly full disk) and dead space in files would use up the other 1gb. Your disk is full. You have to move some stuff out of /home to make space02:54
matthias_Nhi, when the power saving is running i can after that not get back my screen no mather what key i hit i can only turn off the computer and start it all over to be able to access the computer02:54
matthias_Nechosystm: yes02:54
justs0meLSD|Ninja: i mean liek fedora has 2 3rd party repos and its highly recommened to only install one, this is not the case with the above mentioned?02:54
bpgoldsbIf a package (postfix) wants to run dpkg-reconfigure, is there a way to install it with a 'dont run dpkg-reconfigure' setting?02:54
LSD|Ninjaechosystm: not directly. I have the capability on my MacBook but without an n-capable access point it's only in g mode02:54
Flanneljusts0me: We do recommend medibuntu for the things it offers.  But if you're not going to use anything in it, there's no reason to add it.02:55
LSD|Ninjajusts0me: there's no overlap between the Ubuntu and Medibuntu repositories so it's safe to have both enabled02:55
Sergeant_Ponynickrud: how do I do that?02:55
NetTrollerhave a question about Konverstation...setting timestamp to am/pm instead of 24 hour..is there a room for questions like that ?02:55
nickrudjusts0me missed some of what you said, but I'd recommend sticking with the ubuntu repos only. On any machine I need to have work, that's what I do02:55
justs0meif i add medibuntu should i also as the 'ubuntu-restricted-extras?02:55
nickrudSergeant_Pony move some files to another partition (like the ntfs one)02:56
LSD|Ninjajusts0me: ubuntu-restricted-extras isn't a repo, it;s a metapackage that install stuff like java, and additional codecs02:56
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justs0meLSD|Ninja: dunno what a metapack is, but i assume i get it from mediubuntu ?02:57
matthias_Nanyone have solved the problem with power management ???, i can not enter the computer once the power saving is activated ...02:57
LSD|Ninjajusts0me: medibuntu exists because the packages with in (such as libdvdcss) can't be distributed in the normal Ubuntu repos for licencing or legal reasons02:57
teethdoodcan I enrypt an installed Ubuntu HD?02:58
LSD|Ninjajusts0me: a metapackage is a package that doesn't install anything itself but has dependencies for a whole bunch of other packages. It's basically for simplifying the installation of a group of packages02:58
jbroome!truecrypt | teethdood02:58
ubottuteethdood: Truecypt is a free open-source on-the-fly disk encryption software.  See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/TruecryptHiddenVolume02:58
matthias_Nechosystm:  what about 802.11n ???02:58
nickrudjusts0me metapackages are simply lists of packages to install. ubuntu-restricted-extras is a list of packages that provides good java, media playback etc, and it comes from the regular ubuntu repos.02:58
matthias_Ndoes the power aaving management work for everybody here ???02:59
justs0meeasy enought02:59
craigbass1976In a command line, I can do an iwlist scan, iwconfig eth1 essid "networkname", ans dhclient eth1.  This will get me on the wireless network here.  However, I can't do it with wifi-radar (the GUI app)  How come?02:59
LSD|Ninjajusts0me: heh, it seems like a lot to get your head around but at the end of the day it's a hell of a lot easier than getting all this stuff working in Fedora03:00
nickrudjusts0me there are two packages from medibuntu worth getting: libdvdcss2 , and w32codecs.  http://help.ubuntu.com/Medibuntu has a section on getting them manually, without actually adding the repo03:00
justs0meLSD|Ninja: lol im seeing that03:00
LSD|Ninjanickrud: adding the repo will make it easier for updates though03:01
nickrudLSD|Ninja how often do they get updated ;) Every two years or so?03:01
justs0menickrud: ah, thanks03:01
LSD|NinjaI could have sworn I saw an update to something in medibubtu just yesterday :P03:02
nickrudLSD|Ninja ffmpeg or something, maybe.03:02
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fwaokdahow do i find the path to my usb hdd?03:08
erosson gnome, how do i get my window list to show up on my panel? i have to alt-tab to get to a window03:08
mneptokfwaokda: df -h03:08
Bam_BamWhat does this mean? http://rafb.net/p/CeoPvo49.html03:08
nickrudwas beginning to think I was in #ubuntu+103:08
Bam_Bamor rather, how can I fix it03:08
Bam_BamI know what it means...03:08
nokheatdear, what the nmap output meant? All 1000 scanned ports on heatpowered.com ( are filtered03:09
jbroomenokheat: means they have a good firewall03:09
nickrudBam_Bam first guess, you're trying to run the installer from outside the dir the installer is in03:09
erossI found it, it's windowlist on add panel03:09
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Bam_Bamhmm, then how should I be running the installer?03:09
Bam_BamI'm really new to Ubuntu from windozer...03:10
IdleOneBam_Bam, cd to the directory of the installer03:10
nokheatfilter = closed?03:10
nokheatactually i want to get it open03:11
KroooksI have a 1TB external harddrive I put together. I don't know what filesystem should I use. Using a journaled system will waste a lot of reserved space and I don't know if thats worth it. I have narrowed down my choices to Fat32, NTFS, or ext3. Anyone has any advise ?03:11
LoCaLMaChIn1glits you there my connection died03:11
chriswrplz help , im trying to install a folder into my wine/steam folder (counter strike source to be specific) but when i try to put it in the folder that it needs to be in it says "Error while copying "wndw01_breakable_chunk_04.sw.vtx".     can somone tell me how to get past that plz?03:12
LoCaLMaChIn1glits you there still03:13
LoCaLMaChIn1haven't checked my email yet03:13
Bam_Bamso then this command I think? sudo cd /home/bryan/Desktop/XFiDrv_Linux_US-1.18/installer03:13
pepe_i need help on mount usb media03:13
nickrudKroooks you might want to look into using ext3 but customizing the journal size, the reservered space, etc03:13
nickrudBam_Bam no sudo with cd03:14
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Bam_Bamoh ok, as I said before I'm new xD03:14
nickrudBam_Bam but if that's the dir, that cd would do it :)03:14
narutoanyone here good with javascript?03:14
IdleOneBam_Bam, you are probably going to need to install build-essential also03:15
IdleOnenaruto, #java03:15
nickrudBam_Bam sudo is useful for running commands on things outside of /home/bryan , and sudo is never used with cd03:15
narutooh ok03:15
chriswrplz help , im trying to install a folder into my wine/steam folder (counter strike source to be specific) but when i try to put it in the folder that it needs to be in it says "Error while copying "wndw01_breakable_chunk_04.sw.vtx".     can somone tell me how to get past that plz?03:15
Bam_Bamwell that didn't work for me...03:15
nickrudIdleOne #java does javascript?03:15
EminXdoes compiz work on ubuntu 8.04, with mb ASRock ConRoe D66703:15
Bam_BamNot a directory03:15
__yy__Kroooks: you want a journaled file system. Fat32 is quite old and really shouldn't be used anymore. Go NTFS if you'll be using it with windows, or ext3 if you're using it with linux.03:15
nickrudBam_Bam then drop the installer portion, and try again03:15
IdleOnenickrud, hmm good question03:15
narutoyea i need help with javascript03:15
Dr4k3nsomeone there?03:16
theshadowOk simply said I borked something bad. I fixed most of it but I think my xorg.conf file got wiped and now I can't get my screen to recognize the resolution. Is there a way to rerun the audo detection and configuration?03:16
arvind_khadri!ask | Dr4k3n03:16
ubottuDr4k3n: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)03:16
arvind_khadriDr4k3n, hi03:16
Bam_BamOh I see what cd does now, it moves the directory03:16
IdleOne!fixres | theshadow03:17
ubottutheshadow: The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto03:17
Dr4k3nthanks ubottu03:17
__yy__chriswr: you'll have more luck with that question in a wine specific fourm03:17
EminXWho knows :does compiz work on ubuntu 8.04, with mb ASRock ConRoe D667?03:17
nickrudIdleOne bet they know where to send people ;)03:17
arvind_khadriDr4k3n, thats just a bot :P03:17
chriswr__yy__: ok , thnx03:17
IdleOnenickrud, lmao bet they do03:17
Kroooks__yy__ : ext3 reserve 5% for root user, right ?03:17
Bam_Bambut now... installer: command not found03:17
chriswr__yy__: i think i got i got it now though03:17
Dewentecan some one offer me a good administration book !!!03:17
d3vlabsim looking for dreamweaver like extension03:17
d3vlabsfor ubuntu03:17
FloodBot1d3vlabs: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.03:18
d3vlabsdeep undo is a must03:18
arvind_khadrid3vlabs, use komposer03:18
arvind_khadri!html | d3vlabs03:18
ubottud3vlabs: html is HyperText Markup Language, used to build web pages. WYSIWYG editors: KompoZer (was Nvu), Iceape Composer, Amaya - Development environments: Bluefish, Quanta+, Screem - For a howto on HTML coding, see: http://www.w3schools.com/03:18
nickrudBam_Bam now you need to do  ./installer . That directory you are in is not on the path (echo $PATH to see it) so you need to give it a path:  ./installer  (./ means current directory)03:18
Dr4k3nOk. i newbie in ubuntu i installed it about 48 hours ago.. my problem is that when is booting get freeze in the starting.. it don't show me any error and nothing only hang up, if i boot in recovery mode i can boot normally03:18
Dewentei need read a good text of administration03:18
mattgmaneverybody should play Eve Online :)03:18
__yy__Kroooks: I don't know the specifics of it, but it does reserve some space for itself03:18
arvind_khadriDewente, use ubuntu wiki :)03:19
nickrudDewente look for the rute book, it's pretty good for general admin. also look at tldp.org03:19
Bam_Bamok, too bad there is so much to learn moving from windows... Its a good thing I suppose, but more people would use it if that obstruction wasn't there...03:19
EminXWho knows :does compiz work on ubuntu 8.04, with mb ASRock ConRoe D667?03:19
nickrudBam_Bam you had to learn a lot to use windows well, too. You just forgot you did ;)03:19
Dewenterute book is a name ?03:19
Bam_BamI know, nickrud its just that I did so over so long that it was easy xD03:20
nickrudDewente yes.http://www.google.com/url?sa=t&ct=res&cd=1&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.tech-geeks.org%2Fcontrib%2Fmdrone%2FLinuxWorkshop%2Frute.pdf&ei=1P1_SLf0N5GqsAPniby3CQ&usg=AFQjCNFvSZjcsa86mMsABTNwmT6BuuBuRQ&sig2=-JldCZYKzz436WE495yz8g03:20
Dr4k3narvind_khadri:  could u help me?03:20
Bam_Bamand thank you03:20
Bam_Bamthat seems to have worked03:20
nickrudBam_Bam yw03:20
Dewenteis downloading03:21
JessiahGrub error 17, I installed yet another HDD and trying to still keep the current OS installation.. any ideas?03:21
arvind_khadriDr4k3n, check your ram... do a memtest03:21
arvind_khadri!grub | Jessiah03:21
Dr4k3ni did it everything fine03:21
ubottuJessiah: grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto03:21
Bam_Bamhmm at least its a different error this time...03:21
arvind_khadriJessiah, reinstall grub03:21
elechey guys, i want to upgrade to kernel 2.6.26 for better hardware support. do i need to follow this kernel compile guide on help.ubuntu.com or can i just do it the old fashion way?03:21
Dr4k3ni have 512mb ram ddr2 533mhz03:21
dr_WillisJessiah,  the  order/numbering of the drives may have changed. You may need to change the hd(0,0) or whatever. to the proper #'s03:22
nickrudJessiah swap the disks around I bet03:22
jprattHOw do i turn on Compiz-fusion03:22
justs0mewhen i try to install that restricted-extras it dont work, it gets to java for me accepted the licence but whne i click next the updater crashes03:22
Jessiahthe HDD is in the same location on the mobo.. and it is a linux only machine03:22
Dewentei gotta already buddy03:22
nickrudjpratt system->admin->hardware driver , start the restricted driver, reboot. It should start automatically03:22
soldats!compiz > justs0me03:22
ubottujusts0me, please see my private message03:22
arvind_khadriDr4k3n, no idea... as of now03:23
elec!kernel > elec03:23
ubottuelec, please see my private message03:23
EminXWho knows :does compiz work on ubuntu 8.04, with mb ASRock ConRoe D667?03:23
Jessiahor how would i just reinstall grub? from the ubuntu disc?03:23
Dr4k3nwell arvind_khadri tell me how can i see the booting log or errors?03:23
bobertdosjpratt: It's generally best to have restricted drivers enabled for full 3D support. You will then want to install compizconfig-settings-manager.03:23
Dewentenickrud, this book worked for u ?03:23
nickrudEminX it'll depend on your vga driver,   lspci | grep VGA , tell us that line03:23
dr_WillisJessiah,  are these sata or ide disks?03:23
nickrudDewente I used it a lot once03:23
Jessiahall sata, 6 total03:24
jprattI know about the settings mangeger jsut Trying to set up my aunts comp03:24
nickrudBam_Bam sudo apt-get install build-essential03:24
arvind_khadriDr4k3n, there are logs in /var/log03:24
justs0mesoldats: wth does compiz have to do with it ?03:24
Dr4k3nok arvind_khadri which one is for the booting?03:24
Dewentenickrud, i hopefully work for me.. because over the internet we found a lot of old tutorials right ?03:24
dr_WillisJessiah,  you could use the live cd, or if you can get to the grub menu, go to its 'shell' and try reinstalling grub that way followign that guide.  You can check to see where it finds the menu.lst and so forth. to be sure you got the proper hd(X,Y)03:25
d3vlabsis anything more advanced then filezilla for ubuntu03:25
djhashhow do you manually update "locate"'s database?03:25
arvind_khadriDr4k3n, there are logs in /var/log/boot03:25
nickrudDewente the basic admin is the same everywhere, since it's based on unix. Each distro has it's quirks at higher levels.03:25
elecis the intrepid kernel that is available via git, 2.6.26 stable?03:25
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soldatsdjhash: updatedb03:25
dr_Willisdjhash,  'sudo updatedb'03:25
djhashsoldats: dr_Willis: thanks03:25
samubuntuanybody knowledgeable with mythtv setup?03:26
dr_Willissamubuntu,  thers the #mythbuntu channel03:26
Dewentenickrud, look,, i got ubuntu server, but i'd like to be a guru at red hat03:26
Jessiahdr_Willis, gonna check on that.. cant get into the menu as i did a grub-update? and the menu was no longer present.. it was only booting into Born again shell after some updates...03:26
samubuntuthanks dr. w03:26
djhashsamubuntu: if I remember correctly.. I recommend you install and configure mysql ahead of time.. might save you some hassle.03:26
Dewentenickrud, for better job03:26
Jack_Sparrowsamubuntu #ubuntu-mythtv03:27
dr_WillisJessiah,  if the menu is totally gone.. sounds like the bios may be booting the wrong hard drive now.03:27
nickrudDewente then you will need to use redhat. The configuration of each system (apache, bind, etc) is fundamentally the same, so your skills will transfer simply, but the do lay out the configs slightly differently03:27
dr_WillisJessiah,  but  somthing seems weird about all this..03:27
Jessiahdr_Willis the menu was gone before i popped in this drive03:27
elikAnyone here have good experience with bridge-utils?03:27
justs0mesoldats: i glances over that site but i dont see why compiz would make me not able to install 'ubuntu-restricted-extras'?03:27
Jessiahdr_Willis checking the guide tho..03:28
Dewentenickrud, i think the same , where can i get a copy of redhat ?03:28
EminXnickrud: how can I check03:28
dr_WillisJessiah,  grub is one of those tools. thats its worth reading that guide.. and the grub manual./docs/homepage a few timnes. :) its got some cool features03:28
nickrudDewente you can get fedora for free, it's sorta the alpha of red hat.03:28
Jack_SparrowDewente I didnt think redhat was free03:28
fwaokdaI found a site that has a script it's telling me to run, I copied the txt and put it in a file.  How do I run the script?03:28
Jack_Sparrowfwaokda HAve you read the script03:29
nickrudEminX  type   lspci | grep VGA  in a terminal, you will get back one line. Put that line here03:29
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fwaokda? like actually read what I copied/pasted into a file?03:29
superbennyhey all03:29
chriswrwhats  milworm?03:29
LSD|NinjaJack_Sparrow: Fedora is basically the replacement for the old "Red Hat Linux" distribution. It's basically a test bed for the Enterprise Linux distro03:29
Jack_Sparrowfwaokda yes03:29
superbennyi ahte to seem like im spamming...but check out http://www.ghmarathon.com03:29
fwaokdaJack_Sparrow, then yes03:30
superbennyguitar hero marathon03:30
nickrudfwaokda rflol03:30
fwaokdanickrud, :(03:30
Jack_SparrowLSD|Ninja Understood, but his question was not how to get a copy of fedora03:30
EminXnickrud: 00:02.0 VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation 82945G/GZ Integrated Graphics Controller (rev 02)03:30
Jack_Sparrowfwaokda How to install anything in Ubuntu: http://monkeyblog.org/ubuntu/installing/03:30
Dewentenickrud, but anyway can i read the rute book ?03:30
nickrudDewente absolutely03:30
GamingXCan I get help with virtualbox here?03:30
dr_Willisfwaokda,  what is this script supposed to do? you could do a 'sh fileyousaved.txt'  - but if you dont know what the script is doing.. it could do anything.03:30
_aCiDGaming: ill hook u up, pvt me03:30
Jack_Sparrowfwaokda or How to run a .sh file?  Run script with the command /.file    , it must be set executable, chmod u+x file03:31
nickrudDewente you will learn a lot about basic stuff, that is the same everywhere03:31
Jack_Sparrowdr_Willis Exactly my point03:31
fwaokdajack-desktop, thanks I think I found what I need off that page03:31
rafaelscj!ask -> GamingX03:31
ubottugamingx, please see my private message03:31
Jack_Sparrowfwaokda Be sure you trust the source of that script03:31
mandyjoin mp3_galaxy03:31
invariablewhen I try to load the ubuntu installer it just hangs03:31
invariable!ask -> invariable03:31
ubottuinvariable, please see my private message03:32
Jessiahnick buhammot03:32
=== Jessiah is now known as buhammot
mandyjoin #mp3_galaxy03:32
invariablewhen I try to load the ubuntu installer it just hangs --> it says "loading" in the cli part03:32
EminXnickrud: 00:02.0 VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation 82945G/GZ Integrated Graphics Controller (rev 02)03:32
Bam_Bamhmm, mouse / kb stopped responding....03:32
nickrudEminX don't know off hand, am looking03:32
EminXnickrud: did you see it03:32
EminXnickrud: ok sorry03:32
Dewentenickrud, I appreciate your help brother03:32
nickrudEminX in a terminal, type compiz --replace03:33
Bam_Bamheres what it threw at me last time... http://rafb.net/p/TICx5t86.html03:33
Dr4k3nwell thanks i'll try to search more info.. bye03:33
Bam_BamI said thanks too soon I think...03:33
nickrudEminX if it fails, http://forlong.blogage.de/article/pages/Compiz-Check03:34
EminXnickrud: yep seems that started, I did it with double click also in the directory of compiz, but can not open the compiz cfg03:34
wubrgamerso guys03:34
wubrgamerhere is my dilemma03:34
wubrgameri want a new laptop, i want a small cheap and fast enough to do basic tasks03:34
nickrudEminX sudo apt-get install compizconfig-settings-manager , you will find advanced desktop settings in system->preferences03:34
wubrgameri am thinking eee pc03:34
Flannelwubrgamer: Best to ask in #ubuntu-offtopic, not here.  Thanks03:35
wubrgamerwhich eee pc should i get?03:35
wubrgamerright, sorry Flannel03:35
EminXnickrud: ok I'll do it03:35
LSD|Ninjawubrgamer: how much are you willing to spend?03:35
Bam_Bamwubrgamer, none?03:35
Jack_Sparrowwubrgamer google up laptop testing linux03:35
nickrudEminX if it succeeded, hit ctl-c in that terminal, and then run alt-f2  compiz --replace03:35
dr_Williswubrgamer,  depending on what you are doing.. there are cheaper 'laptops'/better values then the EEE.03:35
LSD|Ninjawubrgamer: don't get the one with the 800px wide screen whatever you do though03:35
wubrgamerLSD|Ninja:  which one is decent sized screen?03:36
wubrgameri should probably pony up for a thinkpad shouldn't I?03:36
ubottuInformation about installing Ubuntu on an Asus EeePC can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EeePC03:36
wubrgamert series03:36
_aCiDhow du i do system restore on ubuntu?03:36
Bam_BamI haven't used one but it looks like unless your a kid or have smaller hands than (the gigantic ones that are) mine you would need a toothpick to use them03:36
fwaokdahow do i delete a file i created through shell?03:36
Jack_Sparrow_aCiD Did yo make a backup?03:36
wubrgamerdr_Willis:  please don't play with the bot like that...i know about htat03:36
dr_Williswubrgamer,  watch for sales. :) of course it depends on your needs.03:36
_aCiDJack_ of course03:36
wubrgameri'm trying to get people's opinions03:36
nickrudwubrgamer there are a lot of $600-700US machines that run ubuntu extremely well03:36
wubrgamerwoah, i'm thinkin sub 50003:37
Jack_Sparrow!ot > wubrgamer03:37
ubottuwubrgamer, please see my private message03:37
LSD|Ninjawubrgamer: I don't know the model numbers but the newer ones have a 1024x600 screen which, while still not the best, is infinitely better than 800 as most stuff assumes a 1024 wide screen so you'll be forever scrolling horizontally on anything narrower03:37
dr_Williswubrgamer,   i got a kicking hp laptop for $500 range the other day. it was on sale $150 off normal proce.03:37
Bam_Bamdoes anyone know about this one? http://rafb.net/p/TICx5t86.html It says its a make error03:37
Bam_Bamor something like that...03:37
Jack_Sparrowwubrgamer Please take the discussion and opion survey to #ubuntu-offtopic03:37
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Bam_BamI don't completely understand whats going on tbh...03:37
EminXnickrud: bro thanks a lot, now I have to wait couse of my poor internet03:38
wubrgamerJack_Sparrow:  I'm trying03:38
wubrgameranyway, i'm gone03:38
invariablewhen I try to load the ubuntu installer it just hangs --> any idea why ?03:38
nickrudEminX ah, I know that place well.03:38
Jack_Sparrowinvariable Are you booting the livecd and get the first menu?03:38
roothelp me03:38
=== root is now known as Guest68396
JadewolfHey sorry to be a bother could someone help me with a regexp for a vi command in ubuntu? trying to replace the last chararacter with a new file name such as file named "Filname\ 123.jpg" to "newname\ 123.jpg" so far I'm at :g/$/s/\03:39
invariablejack-desktop, I get the language menu-- then it says ubuntu -- then it fails while I still see the loading bar03:39
invariable* Jack_Sparrow03:39
MatthewVGuest68396, you'll have to tell us what the problem is first :)03:39
Jack_SparrowGuest68396 It is a bad idea to surf the net while logged in as root03:39
Guest68396man i messed something up i was seting some wav's to play when i log on and so on and now i am geting so many memory errors the os wont eve load how do i go back to last best known???03:39
Guest68396jack i am looking at the sheel03:40
Guest68396not the internet03:40
Guest68396i want to be on normal but it wont load03:40
Jack_Sparrow!enter > Guest6839603:40
ubottuGuest68396, please see my private message03:40
_aCiDi need help03:40
poonHello, I was just wondering about the virtual host system apache uses to run multiple sites from one IP. And if there was perhaps a way to make it work for hosting IRCd's?03:40
lildonkeyany webside where i can find skin for ubuntu 8.0403:40
invariableJack_Sparrow, ?03:41
Bam_Bamwhat does this mean?03:41
Bam_Bammake: *** [all] Error 203:41
Bam_Bammake: *** [install] Error 203:41
dr_Willislildonkey,  if you mean gnome/metacity themes.  there are many in the package manager - not installed by default.  or theres gnome-look.org03:41
pepe_every time trying open usb media (hard drive) error show Cannot mount volume.or You are not privileged to mount this volume.03:41
Jack_Sparrowinvariable Have you checked the cd for errors and md503:41
JadewolfBam_Bam are you using Sudo?03:41
pepe_any help03:41
zod21Guest68396: eh man you need to hit crtl+alt+f1 at the login screen03:41
invariableJack_Sparrow, md5 is correct; it fails the same way on checking for errors03:41
Guest68396zod21 what will that do?03:42
invariableI did not yet try quiet splash03:42
zod21Guest68396: once you have done that reconfigure the desktop03:42
Bam_BamJadewolf, what is make / what does it do?03:42
Jack_Sparrowinvariable Can you test the cd on a diff computer03:42
lildonkeygnome look doesnot work03:42
invariableJack_Sparrow, sadly not atm03:42
Guest68396zod21 ok will do03:42
chriswrcan anyone tell me what c99 is?03:42
zod21its not too bad, just gimme a sec and ill find the code03:42
bobertdosBam_Bam: If it's not working with sudo, it probably means something didn't build correctly, which implies something is wrong with the code or you're missing a dependency/dependencies.03:42
Flannelchriswr: the 1999 edition of the C standard03:42
Jack_Sparrowinvariable To get live cd to run this often helps..At start or install press F6 and remove Quiet and Splash from the command line. If it still fails.. Repeat and after removing quiet and splash add noapic acpi=off before the "--" if you can get that far03:42
Bam_Bamoh ok...03:42
chriswrflannel: oh ok ......03:43
Jadewolfmake is used for compiling files, it looks at teh file extension and calls the appropriate compiler needed03:43
invariableJack_Sparrow, ok /me restarts for reboot03:43
Bam_Bamthats the whole log...03:43
Bam_Bambut no one seems to want to read it xD03:43
=== gardar is now known as gardar`afk
Kernelhello all. i want to install ubuntu on my desktop. i have just set up lvm on my current distro(mandriva 2008.1) and im wondering how i should go about installing ubuntu....will it auto detect the lvm setup?03:44
Bam_Bamcan't say I blame them... and I guess I also need to include the ALSA package for the creative installer...03:44
zod21Guest68396: use dkpg-reconfigure03:44
zod21do you know what im talkin about03:44
JadewolfBam_bam: looks to me like you need to update your gcc to a new version03:44
nickrudBam_Bam I read it, but I'm getting further and further away from the time when I did any coding, and my eyes cross more and more ;)03:44
kczod21 i was the guest that you told to hit crtl alt f1 at the login screen03:44
zod21ahh cool03:44
lildonkeyother webside03:44
JadewolfSo anyone got a idea on my question?03:45
Jack_Sparrow!install > Kernel03:45
kczod21 well can i ask you if you know how i can change my sound settings from the shell?03:45
ubottuKernel, please see my private message03:45
Bam_Bamnickrud, I know what thats like, and I wasn't mad or anything03:45
zod21hey man join my chat #ubuntu10103:45
Bam_BamI'm really very thankful that all this is free03:45
zod21kc: hey man join my chat #ubuntu10103:45
nickrudBam_Bam should have said something rather than leave you hanging (walked away from the keyboard for a bit also) sorry03:45
Jack_Sparrowzod21 Please use #ubuntu-classroom03:45
JadewolfBam_Bam: did you update gcc recently?03:46
KernelJack_Sparrow: im very familier with linux....will these cover the lvm?....or are these geared toward begginners03:46
JadewolfSo no one here knows or uses regex?03:46
Bam_Bamjadewolf, I need to google gcc to figure out what it even is03:46
Jack_SparrowKernel you can read the wubi site, or the link I sent over03:46
Bam_BamI'm assuming its a compiler... but past that...03:46
Jadewolfat shell prompt type gcc -v03:47
FlannelJadewolf: ask in #ubuntu-offtopic03:47
ubottuWubi is an Ubuntu installer for Windows users that allows you to install and uninstall Ubuntu like a Windows application, in a simple and safe way. http://wubi-installer.org/support.php for troubleshooting. Please file bugs at http://launchpad.net/wubi/+filebug.03:47
Blade_Wizard_Falanyone know what i need (hardware and software) to be able to stream live video?03:48
invariableJack_Sparrow, 46.719503 ata3.0: configured for UDMA/3303:48
soldatsBlade_Wizard_Fal: gstreamer is a start03:48
invariableJack_Sparrow, ?03:49
invariablethats where it freezes at03:49
Bam_BamJadewolf, gcc -v only gives me version info?03:50
Jack_Sparrowinvariable To get live cd to run this often helps..At start or install press F6 and remove Quiet and Splash from the command line. If it still fails.. Repeat and after removing quiet and splash add all_generic_ide before the "--" if you can get that far03:50
Bam_BamWould the Ubuntu updater keep that updated?03:51
Kernelhmm. is any one here familier with lvm? i think im a bit confused03:51
invariableJack_Sparrow, all_generic_ide ok thanks; btw --> where are you copying that from ?03:51
Jack_Sparrowinvariable My personal cheat sheet03:51
invariableJack_Sparrow, heh -> when I get this working I'd like to see it :/03:52
Jack_Sparrowinvariable Personal..03:52
* invariable reboots03:52
jgiorgihey quick question, i am trying to add some free space to my windows partition using gparted, gparted wont even allow resizing and the gparted live disc gives me an unknown error, the windows is xp sp303:52
Kernelbah brb.03:52
jgiorgii have done it b4 but not with sp3, not sure why it wont work now03:52
kczod21 that did not work it said that i do not have xsession intsalled03:53
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kczod21 were you helping me in 101?03:53
Dojijgiorgi: If the gparted live cd isn't working you can try using the Ubuntu one, once in it go to system > administration > partition editor03:53
d3vlabsi need a php editor for ubuntu03:54
d3vlabshow can i make kompozer open up php03:54
zod21well try sudo dkpg-reconfigure and see if you can do03:54
jgiorgidoji : i use the alternative cd, could it do the same thing?03:54
arvind_khadri!php | d3vlabs03:54
ubottud3vlabs: LAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+)03:54
zod21and yes this is the dude from 101 kc03:54
d3vlabsthat dont help03:54
jgiorgiDoji: i use the alternative cd, could it do the same thing?03:54
Dojijgiorgi: I don't believe so, though I've never tried.03:55
jgiorgialright thnx03:55
Flanneljgiorgi: You could, yes.03:55
Dojiehh. too late .03:55
d3vlabsgedit does thou03:55
kczod21 no dice03:55
MatthewVd3vlabs, I use bluefish, if that helps - gedit also works, and i think there is an app called phpedit in the repos03:56
kcand you do mean dpkg not dkpg03:56
sparky01hello everyone03:56
zod21sorry man, well google it, and see what you can come up with ill do the same too03:56
sparky01does anyone know if Sound Juicer is going to be the default ripper in Ubuntu going forward?03:56
zod21and yeah thats what i meant03:56
kczod21 i am in shell i dont really know all the commands quite yet03:56
sparky01I cant find any documentation on it at all. =(03:56
Bam_BamI have the newest GCC 4.3.1 installed, why does gcc -v show 4.2.3?03:57
kczod21 um also all this is for is to set the sounds option back to default03:57
nano_How can I check that my current swap partition is mounted and working?03:57
sparky01and its buggy... ugh... I am going to let the dev know about what i found03:57
arvind_khadriBam_Bam, did you compile that version??03:57
Bam_BamI used the package manager to install 4.3.1...03:57
Bam_Bamactually, reinstall...03:58
FlannelBam_Bam: do you also have 4.2.3 installed?03:58
Bam_BamI believe so03:58
Jack_SparrowBam_Bam what does synaptic show03:58
kczod21 is there a shell path to system>perfrences>sounds? that is all i have to reset03:58
Bam_Bamsynaptic shows both of them installed...03:58
nokheat_i have a proftpd03:58
invariableJack_Sparrow, I get to the bash desktop but the mouse freezes and I see nothing after that03:58
Bam_BamI just checked....03:58
nokheat_that gives me http://paste.ubuntu.com/28178/03:59
MatthewVnano_, system --> administration --> system monitor will tell you how much swap is available03:59
nokheat_why was that?03:59
nano_MatthewV: thnx03:59
mneptoknokheat_: turn off passive mode03:59
sparky01does anyone know if Sound Juicer is going to be the default ripper in Ubuntu going forward?03:59
zod21kc, i have no clue man, ive only had to set the system back to defaults once, and i used dpkg-reconfigure somehow, it was a long time ago, so ill try to check it out some more03:59
Bam_Bamhmmm actually synaptic shows an older but still newer version installed...03:59
Jack_Sparrowinvariable All I can say is try the cd on a different box or research your specific hardware for complications03:59
darthanubiscompiz crashes if I envoke the desktop cube with 3d windows on my hardware04:00
kczod21 okay i will try some stuff here thanks for you help04:00
zod21kc sorry i couldnt do more04:00
zod21i try04:00
invariableJack_Sparrow, I can provide a dmesg output from freeBSD to list all the HW; um there is nothing else I can do to see where ubuntu is having problems ?04:00
zod21but honestly, if all else fail google it till google gets pissed kc04:00
darthanubisvideo[Intel Corporation 82945G/GZ Integrated Graphics Controller] sound[04:01
GlomboolIs there a way to send a message to a remote user on my network and have it pop up in an x-window?04:01
Jack_Sparrowinvariable I suggested how I would do it04:01
shashiAnyone tell me, what is 8.04.1 ? What is the difference between 8.04 and 8.04.1 ? Why another iso image for 8.04.1 ? Down the line 8.04.2, 8.04.3,etc ......... are coming ?04:01
Flannelshashi: Every six months.  The ISOs are the biggest part of it.04:01
invariableJack_Sparrow, annoyingly I don't have another box to test on :\04:01
Flannelshashi: As far as installed systems go, there's nothing important about the point releases.04:01
arvind_khadrishashi, 8.04.1 is the maintanence versions..bugs are killed in those04:02
wala3alabaluhey guys, i have an issue that is driving me crazy04:02
GlomboolI know the write command... I know the user's tty... but they are in an x session.04:02
nokheat_if i want to the ftp to work in passive mode?04:02
sparky01does anyone know if Sound Juicer is going to be the default ripper in Ubuntu going forward?04:02
nokheat_how do i know if the firewall or the server's fault04:02
arvind_khadriwala3alabalu, ask away04:02
wala3alabalui just installed ubuntu server on a VMware esx server, and i checked everything i cant get on the net04:03
wala3alabalui can only ping myself and no hosts or default gateway on the net04:03
arvind_khadri!enter | wala3alabalu04:03
ubottuwala3alabalu: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!04:03
shashiOK. Thanks.04:03
_xyzwhen compiling the kernel, can I take out SCSI support if I dont need it (for faster compile time)? will being without it destabilize anything?04:03
=== Sergeant_Pony is now known as SergeantPony2
arvind_khadri_xyz, ask #kernel04:03
arvind_khadri!kernel | _xyz04:04
ubottu_xyz: The core of the Ubuntu Operating System is the Linux kernel: see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel - You shouldn't have to compile your own, but if you're convinced you do, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel/Compile - See also: /msg ubottu stages04:04
_xyzok thanks. arvind: i have to because I want ALSA for my X-Fi sound card04:05
arvind_khadriwala3alabalu, please paste the output of route04:05
arvind_khadri!paste | wala304:05
jgiorgiim trying to enlarge the windows partition on my disk, gparted live gives me an unknown error, ubuntu alternate disc (live wont work on my vid card) gives me for an unknown reason the partition cannot be resized, the disk doesnt automatically mount in ubuntu like it used too (i have never done this on 8.04 when i switched over i just formatted and started over, any ideas?04:05
ubottuwala3: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)04:05
arvind_khadri!paste | wala3alabalu04:05
ubottuwala3alabalu: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)04:05
makito249Hi, this is my first time on the IRC channel. I need some help with an ACPI issue. Am I in the right place?04:05
sparky01does anyone know if Sound Juicer is going to be the default ripper in Ubuntu going forward?04:06
BubalooshiI need help changing my screen's resolution. I can change it to 1280x1024. It stays at 800x600 and tels me when I boot up Ubuntu that it is running in low graphics mode.04:06
arvind_khadrimakito249, ask away :)04:06
BubalooshiI CANNOT, sorry.04:06
zod21kc you still here04:06
arvind_khadriBubalooshi, which graphics card??04:06
Jack_Sparrowjgiorgi Try the gparted livecd..  note also that you cant edit a mounted partition (or shouldnt)  and if you are trying to resize an extended with logicals in it you will have a problem04:07
wala3alabaluso what do want me to past in here to help me troubleshoot the problem?04:07
Jack_Sparrowsparky01 ask in #ubuntu+104:07
BubalooshiAn Via AGP Pro Unichrome04:07
rustychickenis there a calibration utility for wacom tablets?04:07
sparky01Jack_Sparrow, ok, thanks man! =)04:07
shahhi guys, im unable to automount windows partitions, i hav added this line: mount -t ntfs-3g /dev/sda5 /mnt/windows to /etc/fstab but this should not be done, whats the correct syntax of it?04:08
jgiorgiJack_Sparrow: i have tried gparted live, gives me unknown error and the partition is just simple ntfs nothing funny04:08
Jack_Sparrowwala3alabalu Please dont paste in here.. use the pastebin04:08
Jack_Sparrowjgiorgi what partition are you making smaller so the ntfs can be bigger04:08
ubottupastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)04:08
makito249My laptop is doing wierd things on resume form suspend, it works perfectly as long as you don't close the lid. But if the lid is closed the next time I try to suspend it seems to suspend and immediately wake up to a black screen (no backlight). I haven't found anything to fix this, so I was hoping to be able to disable wakeup on lid switch. But toggling LID in /proc/acpi/wakeup doesn't work. It appears04:08
=== ZeroOP_ is now known as ZeroOP__
makito249to work but doesnt04:08
jgiorgiJack_Sparrow: there is free space in front of the partition that i wish to add to the partition04:09
makito249Oops, this got split up. Does anybody know why /proc/acpi/wakeup isn't working?04:09
shah hi guys, im unable to automount windows partitions, i hav added this line: mount -t ntfs-3g /dev/sda5 /mnt/windows to /etc/fstab but this should not be done, whats the correct syntax of it?04:09
Jack_Sparrowjgiorgi You may be looking at a hidden recovery partition and not free space04:09
Jack_Sparrowjgiorgi either way.. not a question for ubuntu support.. try #windows04:10
veo[test-morph]Hi, I just wondered: Is amarok running well on a gnome ubuntu? (with KDE's lib), and is it eating lot of ressources compared to other player out there? I remember trying it a while ago, was sweet04:10
jgiorgino, when i recently reinstalled ubuntu, when i did i made the partition smaller, thats where the free space came from04:10
will00would there be a good gnome program that would allow me to remotely monitor another system, much like ksysguard lets you do?04:10
arvind_khadriwala3alabalu, the output of route04:10
muroshey all04:11
jgiorgiJack_Sparrow  no, when i recently reinstalled ubuntu, when i did i made the partition smaller, thats where the free space came from, and btw gparted in ubuntu gives me a yellow triangle with a ! in it next to the win partition04:11
muroshey guys, does anyone here have a working external monitor setup on a laptop ?04:12
sparky01anyone have a favorite for ripping cd's other than Sound Juicer?04:12
zod21muros i did for a while04:12
danfgwhen i try running graphical apps as another user, i get gtk errors, how do i get around that? i want to be able to run some apps as another user04:12
zod21why whats up04:12
murosmy problem is that when i start the laptop on the port replicator (docking station) it doesn't turn off the laptop display04:13
ubottuUsually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.04:13
zod21ahh, well i used it as a split and an extended monitor04:13
murosi wish i could04:13
murosit only ever seems to want to clone04:13
murosregardless of what i do04:14
shah hi guys, im unable to automount windows partitions, i hav added this line: mount -t ntfs-3g /dev/sda5 /mnt/windows to /etc/fstab but this should not be done, whats the correct syntax of it?04:14
zod21oh ok muros you want to set up an extended monitor or you want a different main monitor04:14
arvind_khadriwala3alabalu, i asked you to paste the output of route!!!!! type route in the terminal copy paste it there04:15
muroszod, i can live with the screen being on, my biggest issue is my external monitor flashes all the time when using crossover04:15
hellohectorwhat is better? ubuntu or kubuntu?04:15
hellohectori'm confused04:15
zod21huh, thats wierd04:15
Flannelhellohector: Neither.  They're different.  What are you confused about?04:15
IndyGunFreakhellohector: no real better.. its preference.. google for screenshots of both04:15
zod21i swear linux does funky stuff sometimes04:15
veo[test-morph]hellohector, the one you like the best for eyecandy04:15
hellohectori've got both04:15
hellohectori just dont get why there are two? is it two full different versions of ubuntu? all my screen res settings and stuff are gone04:16
IndyGunFreakhellohector: well, which one do you like better?.. from a GUI standpoint?04:16
wala3alabaluanyone looking at my post guys? anyone has an idea for what would be causing this?  http://paste.ubuntu.com/28181/04:16
veo[test-morph]both are quite hungry now :/04:16
__yy__shah: /device/to/mount /dir/for/it  fstype   options   0   004:16
zod21well a friend of mine bought a wireless keyboard and mouse and he plugs his laptop through vga's to a hd tv and uses it like a desktop04:16
veo[test-morph]it's 2 different windows manager04:16
arvind_khadriwala3alabalu, i asked you to paste the output of route!!!!! type route in the terminal copy paste it there04:16
Flannelhellohector: Each one is a totally separate GUI, with their own settings, etc.04:16
zod21its actually a badass setup04:16
fwaokdawhy when I switch between multiple virtual desktops does my mouse goof up where its showing up left of where it actually is?04:16
zod21have you tried closing the monotor muros04:16
murosyeah, im not sure if its wine or something, but its constantly polling the settings of the screen04:17
murosyeah tried it04:17
wala3alabaluk will do04:17
hellohectoris one faster or slower? is kubuntu heavier on the load on the system ?04:17
veo[test-morph]kind of the same if you use every setting to look good now04:17
Flannelhellohector: those two are about the same04:17
veo[test-morph]after there quicker ones if you want04:17
makito249My laptop is doing weird things on resume form suspend, it works perfectly as long as you don't close the lid. But if the lid is closed the next time I try to suspend it seems to suspend and immediately wake up to a black screen (no backlight). I haven't found anything to fix this, so I was hoping to be able to disable wakeup on lid switch. But toggling LID in /proc/acpi/wakeup doesn't work. It appears to toggle, cat says LID is disabled, 04:17
veo[test-morph]try xubuntu is you want more light desktop04:18
=== gardar`afk is now known as gardar
murosevery time i open crossover to use outlook it blacks and then redraws my external monitor, does the same on closing outlook within crossover, im not sure if it's a wine issue or an X issue, but it doesn't do it when im using my laptops screen, only the external monitor.04:18
Flannel!away > gardar04:18
ubottugardar, please see my private message04:18
IndyGunFreaki don't know, i think KDE is heavier than Gnome, but thats strictly opinion.04:18
Light-!away > Light-04:18
ubottuLight-, please see my private message04:18
IndyGunFreak!msgthebot | Light-04:18
ubottuLight-: Please investigate with me only in /msg or in #ubuntu-bots (type also /msg ubottu Bot). Don't use commands in the public channels if you don't know if they really exist. Also avoid adding joke/useless factoids.04:18
zod21its outlook for one, outlook sucks in linux muros, use thunderbird if you can04:19
zod21that what i use,04:19
murosits not outlook04:19
murosbecause it works flawlessly on my laptop screen04:19
IndyGunFreakoutlook has a linux version?04:19
murosno, outlook in crossover04:19
veo[test-morph]btw does somebody know if the governor monitor of the taskbar to set my cpu frequency in XFCE? The one in gnome could, can't manage to the xfce one ~04:19
zod21huh, well outlook 03 didnt work in my system on my main monitor04:20
zod21in crossover04:20
IndyGunFreakhellohector: what are your system specs(CPU/RAM)04:20
murosmy issue is above, something is constantly blacking and redrawing my external monitor, and only my external monitor04:20
d3vlabshow do i use grep04:20
d3vlabsin ubuntu04:20
murosmany ways04:20
d3vlabsis there a pretty  way04:20
Flanneld3vlabs: grep needle haystack...04:20
=== kat is now known as Guest26352
veo[test-morph]go in terminal :D04:20
murosdepends what you want co accomplish04:21
d3vlabsi want to search some php files04:21
d3vlabsfor a string04:21
zod21makito whats up04:21
unavailablegrep: haystack: No such file or directory04:21
d3vlabsthat says mootools04:21
wala3alabaluhere you go , the result of route , http://paste.ubuntu.com/28182/04:21
murosis there any way to determine what is requesting a refresh rate scan from my external monitor ?04:21
unavailablegrep string phpfiles04:21
veo[test-morph]a mean i never had quicker result than with terminal grep, nothing quicker to setup what you look for04:21
Flanneld3vlabs: where are these php files?  all in one directory?04:21
d3vlabsFlannel: :yup04:21
makito249Does anyone know much about ACPI wakeup events? Or where I could go to learn about them?04:21
Flanneld3vlabs: grep mootolls /path/to/directory/*04:22
veo[test-morph]and a find works too for .xxx files :o04:22
veo[test-morph]oh read wrongly sorry, search string inside =D04:22
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veo[test-morph]damn client coming in appartment in 2 hours, and it's such a mess ;_;04:23
unavailableveo[test-morph] d3vlabs find also (under more options) has the ability to search within files04:23
cpk1anyone know what an Oops: 0000 stands for?04:23
veo[test-morph]unavailable, maybe i just got used to use each one for specific use actually04:24
wala3alabaluanyone has experience running ubuntu server on VMware ESX server?04:24
kczod21 any lucky bro04:24
zod21im still lookin, stay here i think i found something kc04:25
kczod21 cool i will wait04:25
jjjmainfirefox/epiphany both extremely slow since 8.04.1 - all other internet apps fine - any thoughts?04:26
veo[test-morph]damn i don't know how azureus could get even worse, their new "vuze" stuff is even more horrible to use04:26
kcis there a way to edit my start up programs?04:26
unavailableveo[test-morph] thats java for you04:26
unavailablekc sessions and services04:26
IndyGunFreakkc: system/pref/sessions.. startup tab04:26
=== crd1b is now known as crdlb
kcindygunfreak is there a way to do that from the shell04:27
IndyGunFreakkc: hm, i'm not really sure, sorry04:27
unavailablepretty dead tonight huh?04:27
IndyGunFreakkc: i tend to stay away from shell... i'll admit im a GUI whore04:27
veo[test-morph]well ktorrent working fine with kde-libs so i'm off with it for now, just looking for more lightweighted one04:27
zod21hey kc, have you tried disabling the startup sounds04:28
IndyGunFreakveo[test-morph]: transmission?.. it works fine for me..04:28
unavailableveo[test-morph] bittornado ??04:28
Flannelveo[test-morph]: btlaunchmanycurses (bittornado)04:28
IndyGunFreakveo[test-morph]: if you're really frisky, uTorrent has a version made to run w/ Wine04:28
veo[test-morph]i was thinking more about a rtorrent with upnp+dht04:28
zod21kc ya there04:28
unavailabletransmission tops out at 150 k on my system, even with 500+ seeds  whereas ktorrent will hit max of 1000 +04:29
IndyGunFreakunavailable: ?.. really?.. i just downloaded the newest ubuntu 8.04 desktop CD... and hit 850k04:29
veo[test-morph]transmission didn't allow me to select which files i wanted inside the torrent04:29
unavailablethats another reason i like ktorrent04:29
IndyGunFreakveo[test-morph]: yes it does04:30
unavailableplus in transmission the peerguardian addin locked up04:30
zod21veo[test-morph] use utorrent in wine its much more efficient04:30
veo[test-morph]than ktorrent?04:30
peepsaloti need to format an sd card.  not sure which device it corresponds to though, can anyone help?04:30
unavailabledoubt it04:30
zod21haha ok04:30
unavailableutorrent is owned by bittorrent now04:30
IndyGunFreakactually, utorrent is nice under Wine.. but i prefer transmission(you can choose which files to download by the way)04:30
unavailableutorrent phones home to bittorrent04:31
zod21i still use it and its fast as ever04:31
wala3alabaluany ubbuntu server network guru's here?04:31
veo[test-morph]maybe i'll give it a try04:31
unavailablei wouldnt04:31
kczod21 i am back total shell for now sorry but i was hoping that user would load but then memory killed over04:32
zod21yeah man, its not bad, just read how to set it up in google, and set it as the default setting for torrents04:32
veo[test-morph]as for audio playing, any good alternative to amarok ?04:32
m_newtonStarnestommy: hey man04:32
IndyGunFreakveo[test-morph]: just normal audio playing?.. or like a full featured player... for just general playing, i like audacious..04:32
veo[test-morph]normal audio04:32
IndyGunFreakfor ipod manager, album art, etc, i use banshee04:32
unavailableveo[test-morph ]if peer guardian blocks bittorrent.com  its for a reason, and if, while starting utorrent, peerguardian goes crazy blocking bittorrent, there's a problem04:32
error404notfoundI know the ip address of a remote printer, I know its model, make and drivers, how can I write a shell script that adds this printer to my Gnome's Admin> Printing so that all I would have to do to add that printer would be double clicking the script04:32
zod21hey kc, have you tried disabling the startup sounds04:32
kcis there a way to create a user from shell?04:32
IndyGunFreakveo[test-morph]: if just a normal, small footprint mp3 player, amarok is over kill, use audacious04:33
=== ndookie is now known as Nigel
IdleOnekc adduser04:33
NigelGood night everyone04:33
kczod21 i cant get the system to load normally so no i cant do that but if i can make another user account from here and then login i think i might be able to edit the account better04:33
kcidleone thanks04:33
veo[test-morph]yeah it's a bit heavy for what i want (but nice though)04:33
muroszod21, found a fix04:34
NigelI have a problem with apache and mysql installations..can anyone help ?04:34
zod21muros awesome04:34
murosproblem lies with crossover on dual screen04:34
murosusing xrandr to turn off the laptop screen fixes the issue04:34
veo[test-morph]the day linux get a good daytrading analysis software it's gonna be perfect for me, no more vbox ;_;04:34
murosthough, if the laptop lid is closed, the screen should not be on04:34
veo[test-morph]too bad qtstalker is so limited :04:35
soldatsmuros: you could also use "xset dpms force off" to turn the screen off04:35
murosso, if the laptop screen was not on when the lid is closed, this issue would not ocour04:35
zod21hey fellas i gotta bounce, be back on in a sec kc04:35
zod21gonna check somethin04:35
Ububegini tried to stop a process using kill 27504 (processid) .. but when i ps -ef . it is still there. any other more potent commands to kill a process04:35
murossoldats, any reason why ubuntu turns the screen on when the lid is closed ?04:36
cpk1Ububegin: -R04:36
muroseg, powered and started from the docking station04:36
__yyUbubegin: kill -9 pid04:36
soldatsmuros: theres a switch on the lid insude the laptop itself that tells the screen to turn off so if something goes backwards it mayreverse the settings04:36
veo[test-morph]also any good alternative for irc client? i really have trouble with xchat, back to mirc with wine ~04:37
Starnestommyveo[test-morph]: regular xchat or xchat-gnome?04:37
BaxtorHey everyone, im setting up my HD4850, got all the drivers to work, got compiz running, i am having troubles with my Xv videoplayback, from the ubuntu guide it says i need to enable TexturedVideo rather than VideoOverlay,  should i also turn off OpenGLOverlay?04:37
humanflash developers for linux should be killed...:|04:37
soldatsveo[test-morph]: irssi is amazing if you like text based04:37
IndyGunFreakveo[test-morph]: ?.. you can't be serious... xchat, xchat-gnome, kvirc, konversation, irssi04:37
unavailableMan i still think yall should look into utorrent/bittorrent.com's business practices and why peerguardian blocks their traffic.04:37
IndyGunFreakwhy in the world would you run an IRC client in wine04:37
veo[test-morph]i use irssi when i run a client with ssh04:37
unavailableim out for now04:37
IndyGunFreakthat would be like running firefox in wine04:37
murosi find it strange, that when the laptop lid is closed the laptop in hardware mode sets the primary display to external because the lid is closed, linux is enabling the screen even though it is closed.04:37
veo[test-morph]IndyGunFreak because i'm used to it, have my scripts, my habits, and it's hard to change after what.. 10years? lol04:38
IndyGunFreakveo[test-morph]: if you are familiar w/ irssi, that would be my choice, second would be xchat04:38
Ububegin__yy: thank god, it can kill now.. cpk1 : the -R doesnt work. I dont think there is a -R for the kill command. Follow __yy answer. thanks all04:38
soldatsmuros: it may just be switching to external to save power but with some laptops you cant fully power save unless you do it manually04:38
Flannelveo[test-morph]: Try xchat proper (not xchat-gnome) there's a surprising difference04:38
veo[test-morph]there's a gui version of irssi or still ol good terminal one04:38
kcmanzod21 okay i am in a gui now but is there a way for me to edit the other user's perfrences?04:38
Flannelveo[test-morph]: terminal is a GUI version ;)04:38
veo[test-morph]well i understand myself :D04:39
IdleOnethe original gui hehe04:39
IndyGunFreakveo[test-morph]: well, you said yourself "mirc in wine doesn't work that well"..lol, so sounsd like you need to adapt and overcome and try xchat or irssi.04:39
=== drnorris is now known as a8ksh4
veo[test-morph]yeah that's why i'm asking, but to go back to client line, or use xchat that left me weird aftertaste :D04:40
IndyGunFreakveo[test-morph]: i personally really like xchat, but as i said earlier, i'm nto a CLI guy04:40
veo[test-morph]i was hoping to find something that i can easily put down to tray and that tell me when i have notice and such04:40
kcmancan anyone tell me if there is a way for me to edit another users preferences?04:40
Flannelveo[test-morph]: as much as I shudder to say it.. have you tried pidgin?04:40
IndyGunFreakveo[test-morph]: xchat has notice in tray..04:40
soldatsveo[test-morph]: pidgin can do it04:40
bazhangCasper12345, you have a question about that?04:41
veo[test-morph]IndyGunFreak that was related tothe irssi proposition04:41
IndyGunFreakveo[test-morph]: oh ok..04:41
Casper12345naa sorry04:41
Casper12345jus being silly04:41
bazhangCasper12345, dont post ads in here04:41
kcmanindeygunfreak do you know if i can edit one user preferences from another user account?04:42
soldatsFlannel: id only conside irssi a GUI if you add a graphical background to it otherwise there s really nothing graphical about it, irssi IMO is a NUI. ncurses user interface04:42
jbroomekcman: with sudo you can04:42
kcmanjbroome how?04:42
a8ksh4What are you trying to change in the other account kcman?04:44
veo[test-morph]i just looked at pidgin, if you got like 8 servers active, it's not that practical at all04:44
Ububegini am currently using chatzilla.. are there other better IRC clients to suggest..04:45
Ububeginfor ubuntu04:45
soldatsveo[test-morph]: stick with xchat or switch to irssi04:45
levanderUbubegin: pidgin is one04:45
levanderUbubegin: I think pidgin is the default ubuntu one, it talks a lot of different chat protocols04:45
levanderlike yahoo04:45
soldatsUbubegin: xchat s great fr beginniners and advanced users04:45
veo[test-morph]yeah, so xchat delivered with ubuntu got less functions than the current one?04:46
kcmana8ksh4 i just set some wav's to play at login and what not then when i tried them out there was so much going on that my gui will not load, so i made another account hoping that i could edit the sounds down to nothing or defaults and reduce some of the apps at that accounts start up...04:47
Ububeginlevander: pidgin doesnt even exist in my snaptic package manager04:47
veo[test-morph]i need to setup font size just for the side menus at least, don't find it in my version04:47
zcxany info to play mp3 on local harddisk with xmm2 ?04:47
soldats!info pidgin04:47
ubottupidgin (source: pidgin): graphical multi-protocol instant messaging client for X. In component main, is optional. Version 1:2.4.1-1ubuntu2.1 (hardy), package size 505 kB, installed size 1856 kB04:48
soldatsUbubegin: ^^^04:48
bazhangzcx, installed the codecs yet?04:48
zcxbaz, i cant add it to playlist, any sugestions ?04:49
bazhangzcx, add mp3 to playlist? have you installed all the codecs yet?04:50
sysop1972Is anyone here able to modify or tell me how to modify my smb.conf so it will do what I need?04:51
zcxbazhang, i already can play and get sound of a song of default playlist04:53
bazhangzcx, never used xmms2; using audacious (xmms replacement) here04:53
zcxaudacious ?, k il try it04:54
fserveAudacious is the best!04:55
=== Casper12345 is now known as casper1234
Llewxamhey all. anyone know where i could find this file? tifm_ms.patch04:56
bazhangLlewxam, what is it for04:56
=== braden_ is now known as zod21
kcmanbazhang i have a good question for you...04:57
Llewxambazhang: to be able to mount sony pro duo memory sticks in my hp dv6000 laptop04:57
bazhangkcman, go ahead04:57
Llewxamjust need that single file that i can't get out of a thread in the forums.04:57
bazhangLlewxam, got a link?04:57
Llewxambazhang: yep one sec04:58
Llewxambazhang: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=5408210#post5408210 that's the thread04:58
pteebanyone recommend a SWEET gnome theme?04:58
kcmanbazhang i set some wav's to play in the sounds options in the preferences and then tried to login and the memory had a fit and not that account wont load, so i am wondering if you know of a way for me to reset the preferences from another account?04:58
lginn02ok im a newbie to all this linux stuff im trying to download k9copy for dvds and i get the error "Wrong architecture hppa" what do i need to do?04:59
jbroomelginn02: you probably want the i386 version of k9copo05:01
nickrudlginn02 try looking for it in add/remove05:01
lginn02ok i guess that the 64bit ver.?05:01
FezzlerHow do I completely remove all nvidia drivers?05:01
nickrudlginn02 no, its for the hppa processor, not intel compatible at all05:02
FezzlerAnd anything they may leave behind.05:02
jbroomelginn02: apt will pull the right version for your machine05:02
nickrudlginn02 you were trying to download it from some website?05:02
lginn02im running amd anyways05:02
lginn02hmm not in add remove05:03
jbroome!info k9copy05:03
ubottuk9copy (source: k9copy): DVD backup tool for KDE. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 1.2.3-0ubuntu1 (hardy), package size 1517 kB, installed size 3056 kB05:03
nickrudlginn02 system->admin->synaptic look there. It lists a lot more stuff05:03
nickrudlginn02 you running kubuntu or ubuntu?05:04
jbroomeshouldn't matter.  i have k9copy running on gnome05:04
nickrudlginn02 then if you don't see it in synaptic, do the following:05:04
lginn02its dwnloading05:05
nickrudnm ;)05:05
lginn02so far05:05
FezzlerIf I use Synaptic to remove nvidia drivers will some files remain in folders than may cause trouble on a re-install?05:05
nickrudFezzler if you mark it for complete removal, no left over stuff05:06
Commie_JebusFezzler: what he sead05:06
lginn02so basically anything that I find on the net that will run in ubuntu i can type in in synaptic and it will download it??05:06
=== Kenshin is now known as bin4y
nickrudlginn02 98%05:06
Commie_Jebuswe need to start making "open-source hardware" made for ubuntu05:06
itsmeI need a program that reads what i type, know any?05:07
nickrudlginn02 somewhere in that range, anyway ;)05:07
lginn02what was the other way you were going to tell me05:07
kristerhi guys05:07
bazhanghttp://openfacts.berlios.de/index-en.phtml?title=TI%20FlashMedia%20xx12%2Fxx21%20driver Llewxam the only thing I could find is this as the other yields 404 not found05:07
kristercould anyone answer a quick vim question05:07
FezzlerIf I use Hardware Drivers to enable nvidia, it uninstall the "legacy" driver and replaces it with "new."  But I need "legacy."  How do I enable without getting drives switched?05:07
nickrudlginn02 I was going to give you some information about adding the additional ubuntu repositories, gives you access to a lot more stuff. You should probably check it anyway. See the next factoid.05:07
Flannel!ask | krister05:08
ubottukrister: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)05:08
nickrud!hardysources | lginn0205:08
kcmanbazhang any thoughts?05:08
ubottulginn02: In System->Admin->Software Sources, enable (main) (universe) (restricted) and (multiverse) and disable the Cdrom on the Ubuntu Software tab. On the Updates tab, enable (hardy-security) and (hardy-updates).05:08
itsmedoes anyone know a program that can read what i write???05:08
kristeroh ok sorry...wasnt sure what the protocol was...didnt want to come in and start shouting05:08
lginn02k brbh05:08
bazhangkcman, the second user does not load properly?05:08
jbroomeitsme: try orca05:08
kristerwhen in insert mode in vim, why do the arrow keys no longer move the cursor but insert a new line with a single capital letter?05:09
nickrudFezzler sudo apt-get install nvidia-glx-legacy , then just ignore hardware drivers05:09
Flannelkevinmcq: Do you have vim-full installed?05:09
Starnestommykrister: try :set nocp05:09
bobertdoslginn02: The other two percent comes from things like miscellaneous deb and archive files. Sometimes, there's stuff you build from source code, but that's pretty much it :)05:09
Llewxambazhang: thanks. i'll try with that.05:09
kristerwhats the cp stand for?05:09
kcmanbazhang there is just to much going on and i dont have enought memory (this is an old machine) and i want to know if i can edit the preferences from a differenct account05:09
buhammotI have a clean installion of hardy, and am trying to compile the drivers for r8169 from the realtek website, i am only getting some error 2's after about 5 lines of code05:09
bin4yhi, how do i make the winkey shortcuts work?05:09
bobertdoskrister: That's the bash command for copying files.05:10
bazhangkcman, you want to get in and remove those wav files? or what; please clarify05:10
kcmanyeah if removeal will help then sure05:10
kcmani know there dir if that will help05:10
kristeri guess i should ask what the technically correct way to navigate while in insert mode in vim is05:10
Flannelkrister: Do you have vim-full installed?05:10
kristerthe arrow keys work just fine when not in insert mode05:10
Flannelkrister: or rather, "vim" itself, instead of just vim-tiny05:10
kristeri dont know - whatever came with ubuntu...didnt know there was a vim full or tiny05:11
bobertdosbin4y: System->Preferences->Keyboard Shortcuts. When you assign them to something, they're denoted as Super L and Super R,05:11
CrocoJetsmbclient use what kind of protocol ?05:11
nickrudbin4y if you want to use the winkeys, you have to use gconf-editor /apps/gnome-settings-daemon/keybindings . you would type something like <Super>t to use the super key with t05:11
bazhangkcman, not sure what all else you have done; you can try removing them and see if that works05:11
Fezzlernickrud: Okay done.  But how is it enabled or recognized?  Do I need to reboot?  Can I run a command line to check it is installed and enabled?05:11
=== braden_ is now known as zod21
Flannelkrister: if its the one that came with it, its just vim-tiny.  you'll want to install the real one to use vim.  Why are you using vim anyway?  just need an editor?  Tried nano?05:11
nickrudFezzler you can do sudo modprobe nvidia, then log out and back in. Then run   glxinfo | grep direct, if it says yes, you're using 3d acceleration05:12
kcmanbazhang there really isnt much else to my understanding other than remaking account in different name and then deleting old05:12
bin4ynickrud, thanks.05:12
kristeri like vim...im not really new to it id just never experienced the funky arrow-keys-dont-navigate-in-insert-mode behavior05:12
flatmanHi!, can you just help me quickly? I'm installing updates and they're stuck on installing evolution.05:12
kristerim installing vim full now05:13
nickrudflatman stuck? What's that mean?05:13
theRealBallhey guys i got a virus on my computer what should i do?05:13
Fezzlernickrud: BRB05:13
lginn02hmm i dont see where to do that stuff in the software sources05:13
bazhangflatman, stuck where? still downloading, or configuring05:13
buhammotAnyone familiar with the r8169 drivers and trying to install them?05:13
theRealBalloh sorry wrong room05:13
kristerim kind of confused as to how the full version of a text editor is 25 mb05:13
nickrud!repositories | lginn02 (the last link has screenshots I think)05:13
bazhangtheRealBall, on your windows partition?05:13
ubottulginn02 (the last link has screenshots I think): The packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecommendedSources for the recommended way to set up your repositories05:13
flatmannickrud: it seems to be doing nothing05:13
theRealBallhaha like how the fack do i get a virus on linux?!!05:13
theRealBallno it's a windows laptop sorry05:13
nickrudflatman but where? What command did you run?05:14
bazhangtheRealBall, then you may want to ask in ##windows05:14
Flannelkrister: "-full" includes gvim05:14
kristerthat would explain it05:14
bobertdosflatman: Expand the details on the updates. Sometimes, when it gets stuck, it's because it's waiting for your input as to whether or not to continue with something.05:14
theRealBallyes i know heh05:14
nickrudand syntax on. Can't believe I have to get all that just for syntax coloring05:14
kristerwhat exactly does the nocp option do in vim05:15
Fezzlernickrud: Xlib:  extension "GLX" missing on display ":0.0".05:15
theRealBalllinux users have changed you guys are so damn nice now05:15
Fezzlernickrud: Result of glxinfo |grep direct05:15
bin4ynickrud, i'm at gconf-editor /apps/gnome-settings-daemon/keybindings , what next? how do i make <super>d show the desktop?05:15
=== nenolod is now known as yamarisu
chriswrCan anyone help with this problem .........?                           VirtualBox kernel driver not installed. The vboxdrv kernel module was either not loaded or /dev/vboxdrv was not created for some reason. Please install the virtualbox-ose-modules package for your kernel, e.g. virtualbox-ose-modules-generic..05:15
chriswrVBox status code: -1908 (VERR_VM_DRIVER_NOT_INSTALLED).05:15
theRealBallunlike 8 years ago where buncha cynics used linux / freebsd05:15
flatmanOh forget my problem, I tinkered with it and it got going again. Thanks for your help anyway.05:15
nickrudFezzler ok, I'm not an nvidia expert, but that should be enough. put a copy of /var/log/Xorg.0.log on a pastebin05:16
bazhangchriswr, then install the modules05:16
theRealBallwhich was why i crossed over to solaris where buncha old unix farts have patience for almost anything05:16
chriswrbazhang: i did05:16
chriswrbazhang:  do i need to install verr?05:16
nickrudbin4y ah, you using compiz or metacity. I forgot the new keybinding dialog includes window manager stuff now05:16
bin4ynickrud, compiz? metacity? i do not understant :/05:17
lginn02ok thanks for the info im new to all this linux codeing and stuff. I tried linux awhile back but whent back to xp. But finally have had enought of there bs i got a virus in one of there updates. and appaently im not the only one getting it.05:17
nickrudbin4y ok, do you have the fancy desktop effects? If so, you're using compiz (that's the application that makes it happen)05:17
m_newtoncan some one help plz, i have a A215 S7428, but the internet does not work! currently i am on windows and have ubuntu 8.04 installed with wine05:18
bin4ynickrud, yeah what ever  comes with a fresh ubuntu hardy install05:18
albechjust recently my computer started booting gnome in 1280x720 instead of 1280x800. It is like it wont save the resolution settings05:18
albechrunning 7.10 btw05:18
nickrudbin4y it could be either way. do this in a terminal:   ps -A | grep metacity &&  ps -A | grep compiz , one of them will be found05:19
Kristopherhai, i downloaded a ubuntu iso image and am not sure if it is the right download...05:19
Kristopherit is "ubuntu-8.04.1-alternate-amd64"05:19
bin4ybinay@binay-desktop:~$ ps -A | grep metacity &&  ps -A | grep compiz05:19
bin4ythat means?05:20
FlannelKristopher: Are you on AMD64?05:20
chriswrcan someone help me install virtualbox?05:20
lginn02is there a way that i can change the way my desktop looks. to maybe something other than the mac theme?05:20
kgroves42Anyone know how to get my panels back05:20
Kristopherdoes it only work on amd 64-bit chips like the turion line?  do i need another version for a pentium 3?05:20
bin4ysorry for the paste :>05:20
nickrudbin4y hm, that worked weird. Run them each separately05:20
FlannelKristopher: pentium 3 isn't 64 bit.  You want the i386 version05:20
nickrudbin4y never mind, you have compiz, since it didn't find metacity05:20
chriswrcan somone help me install , backtrack in virtualbox , im haveing lots of troubles05:21
Fezzlernickrud: http://paste.ubuntu.com/28188/05:21
St-LemurHi. My display settings under gdm are screwed up and I can't figure out how to get them back to a place where they work. Specifically: my monitor, which was working fine in 1280x1024, is now flickering all the time; my mouse cursor has disappeared; and when I replace xorg.conf with any old version I get a huge desktop that scrolls off the screen and no mouse cursor.05:21
bobertdoslginn02: How much do you want to change it? just the wallpaper, desktop effects? icons?05:21
bin4ynickrud, it's compiz05:21
bin4ynickrud, :-)05:21
Kristopher<Flannel>, i have 2 computers i want to run it on05:21
Kristopherone is a turion 62 x205:21
lginn02the bars05:22
nickrudbin4y gconf-editor /apps/compiz/general/allscreens/options , look for show_desktop_key, and change it to <Super>d05:22
bin4ynickrud thanks :>05:22
FlannelKristopher: That's the correct one for a 64bit install, yes.  Although you can also use the 386 version on that system.  So yes, both ISOs are the right ones05:22
lginn02just dont know whats out there to change it to really05:22
nickrudbin4y you can change a lot there05:22
Kristopherok thanks, just seemed odd that there was a version specifically for amd64 ;)05:22
jebbluechriswr http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=59351205:22
nickrudFezzler looking05:23
bin4ynickrud, it worked  :>05:23
Kristophercan i run it without messing up my current win vista installation? or will i need to partition the drive ?05:23
Viking667I've got a quick query. Given that my attempt to upgrade the recommended way, isn't working, would I be able to (say) tinker with sources.list, then do a apt-distupgrade?05:23
Viking667OR would that fall flat on its face?05:23
FlannelViking667: Ubuntu, Kubuntu, what?05:24
jebbluechriswr also http://phorolinux.com/installing-virtualbox-ose-on-ubuntu-710-gutsy-gibbon.html05:24
Viking667Ubuntu, from 7.10 to 8.0405:24
d0wnhow do I list X sessions?05:24
FlannelViking667: sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop ubuntu-standard ubuntu-minimal linux-generic , then change gutsy to hardy in sources.list, then sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade05:25
bazhanghttps://help.ubuntu.com/community/VirtualBox chriswr you read this yet?05:25
nickrudFezzler well, you're getting the vesa driver, not nvidia.  gksu gedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf , look for the   Section "Device" , and add a line  Driver "nvidia" to the section05:25
Viking667I've stripped out quite a few packagesso that I have enough room to download the replacement packages. I've got about 1 GB free on the drive.05:25
Viking667... and could tack on swap space in a crush.05:25
JyrgazudHello all...  looking for info on doing dual video out on ibm t20 using ubuntu.05:25
FlannelViking667: you need those metapackages to make the upgrade pleasant05:25
Viking667which ... metapackages... ?05:26
kgroves42Hello, does any one know how to get my panels back? Alt-F2 does not do anything, so I can't get to the terminal, without rebooting into safe mode05:26
kristerdo you guys know any irc channels with sed gurus hanging around05:26
zoreausudo apt-get install *** <<-- this installsstuff, howto i  RE-install stuff05:26
nickrudkgroves42 applications->accessories->terminal05:26
nickrudkgroves42 heh. No panels05:26
Flannelzoreau: After having removed it? or what?05:26
bob3213243Hey, for some reason my mute button on my laptop stopped working. It pops up and says it muted but it doesn't adjust the volume settings at all. I can go to the mixer and mute it or turn it down.05:26
kgroves42yea no panels05:27
zoreauno its still installed05:27
Fezzlernickrud: It says Driver "nv"05:27
zoreaui mean, i could uninstall, then install....isnt therea reinstall?05:27
Flannelzoreau: zoreau sudo apt-get --reinstall install *05:27
Fezzlernickrud: change to "nividia" anyway?05:27
nickrudkgroves42 hm, there's gotta be a way05:27
lginn02is there a good windows emulator for games other that wine and cedega05:27
nickrudFezzler yes05:27
Flannelkrister: ask in #ubuntu-offtopic05:27
nickrudFezzler then log out and back in05:27
Viking667lginn02: I think those are the only two I know of.05:28
lginn02thats what i was thinkine05:28
jebbluekgroves42 type "gnome-panel &" in a terminal window05:28
kristerok thanks05:28
nickrudkgroves42   ctl-alt-f2, log in,  gconftool --recursive-unset /apps/panel , ctl-alt-f7, log out and back in05:28
axenoryhow can I keylock a folder05:28
bob3213243So I'm thinking there is a disconnect between the volume button software and the actual volume.05:28
lginn02im just hoping that starcraft 2 will work in wine ok05:29
Kristopher"This one assumes you are using the Desktop CD. If you are using the Alternate CD"... what is the difference?05:29
kgroves42well I can't get to a terminal window05:29
Viking667I'm not sure, frankly. It runs using the Bink engine, doesn't it?05:29
bob3213243Hey, for some reason my mute button on my laptop stopped working. It pops up and says it muted but it doesn't adjust the volume settings at all. I can go to the mixer and mute it or turn it down.05:29
chriswrbazhang: im getting a newer error now ,  any ideas?                   The VirtualBox kernel driver is not accessible to the current user. Make sure that the user has write permissions for /dev/vboxdrv by adding them to the vboxusers groups. You will need to logout for the change to take effect..05:29
chriswrVBox status code: -1909 (VERR_VM_DRIVER_NOT_ACCESSIBLE).05:29
bob3213243So I'm thinking there is a disconnect between the volume button software and the actual volume.05:29
FlannelKristopher: alternate CD isn't a liveCD, it uses debinstall.  It's more flexible05:29
nickrudkgroves42 clt-alt-f2 will give you a console, the pre-terminal05:29
bazhangchriswr, the link explains that05:29
FlannelKristopher: "amd64" is 64 bit (intel/amd), i386 isn't just for intel either.  Those are just the standard arch names05:29
chriswrbazhang: oh ok05:30
zoreaucould someone tell me what the Default output plugin for audio in XMMS is? i think it somehow got changed05:30
d3vlabsneed a css editor05:30
d3vlabsfor ubuntu05:30
nickrudzoreau it should be pulse or pulseaudio for hardy05:31
zoreauoh im in gutsy :P05:31
nickrudzoreau set it to esd05:31
Viking667so, any clues as to what "metapackages" I need?05:31
Viking667(to ensure a successful upgrade)05:31
nickrudd3vlabs bluefish05:31
FlannelViking667: I told you.  ubuntu-desktop ubuntu-standard ubuntu-minimal linux-generic05:31
_rafa_hello, can someone help me with VNC?05:32
Viking667sorry, I'd actually missed what you said. Looked for it too.05:32
jcarouthdoes anyone have experience with a logitech usb mic/headset configuration?05:32
nickruddang, I just got ready to paste that flanneloid back in ;)05:32
zoreauhmmits not working. for some reason XMMS cant play audio, but other media/audio players arefine.05:32
buhammotwould anyone know why i cannot perform a "make clean modules"  on a driver? i am just getting error messages that are about 10 lines in05:32
Fezzlernickrud: Xlib:  extension "GLX" missing on display ":0.0".05:32
nickrudFezzler hm. lsmod | grep nvidia05:32
Viking667ahh, right. There it was.05:33
jebbluezoreau on my 7.10 system it is OSS driver 1.2.1005:33
Viking667my apologies for not noticing it earlier. I'll go kick that off - I updated yesterday.05:33
Fezzlernickrud: Resolution is now hi res (yea!) except login is 800x600 (:() and glxinfo produces above still05:33
zoreaudamn cuz OSS isnt workin either05:33
nickrudFezzler  do   lsmod | grep nvidia05:33
Kristopher<Flannel>, well what is a "live cd" ? ;)05:33
zoreaunvm I got it, the ALSA plugin worls05:33
Fezzlernickrud: nvidia               4718832  005:33
Fezzleri2c_core               24832  2 nvidia,i2c_viapro05:33
Fezzleragpgart                34760  2 nvidia,via_agp05:33
Viking667hm. Guess I'd better BOOT the thing first... eh heh heh.05:33
axenoryhow can I keylock a folder?05:34
ZeroOP_i was wondering, which is better KDE or Gnome?05:34
sysop1972I am on a page http://www.reallylinux.com/docs/sambaserver.shtml and they have a GUI program that allows you to modify your samba permission, users, folders..  Anything like that in Ubuntu?05:34
jebbluezoreau cool I"d check into the oss thing on the side tho that should work I think05:34
Viking667ZeroOP_: that's flamewar material05:34
nickrudFezzler now give me the /var/log/Xorg.0.log again05:34
ZeroOP_well, i was thinking about installing KDE to see if i like it05:34
ZeroOP_since ubuntu comes with gnome05:34
ZeroOP_but i don't know.05:34
ZeroOP_if i should put forth the effort.05:34
Viking667ZeroOP_: no reason why you can't.05:35
ZeroOP_i would have no idea on how to install it.05:35
jebbluezoreau lol05:35
ZeroOP_and if it's crap, i don't want to bother.05:35
Viking667I've got Ubuntu on one machine, got Kubuntu on another machine. Wife loves kubuntu05:35
nickrudZeroOP_ sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop, then when you log in, look under options->session on the loging screen05:35
Viking667I like KDE, but still prefer gnome.05:35
Fezzlernickrud: http://paste.ubuntu.com/28193/05:35
khinhi, i have this flash drive and apparently cannot reformat it. i tried "sudo fsck.vfat /dev/sdb1" and get "There are differences between boot sector and its backup", so I select "Copy original to backup". Then I get "FATs differ but appear to be intact. Use which FAT?" I select "Use first FAT". Then I get "Free cluster summary wrong" and select "Correct". Then I get "Leaving file system unchanged" and it does nothing05:35
FlannelViking667: sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop ubuntu-standard ubuntu-minimal linux-generic , then change gutsy to hardy in sources.list, then sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade05:35
ZeroOP_that's all there is to it?05:35
ZeroOP_the apt-get?05:35
Viking667Flannel: yup. Saw that thanks.05:35
Viking667just doing so now.05:35
nickrudFezzler is this a fresh copy? It looks like you're using the nv driver, and we changed that05:36
FlannelKristopher: a Live CD is where you put a CD in, boot from it, and you run off the CD without touching the computer (and the installer is a program you run)05:36
lginn02trying to play a dvd but get an error that says' could not read from resource"05:37
Fezzlernickrud: yes fresh05:37
kgroves42Hi, I am back, and I can't get my panels, to work, Ctr-Alt-F2 worked but I did not get what I should try to get those panels back, also how do I get back to this screen after I hit ctl-Alt-f2?05:37
Kristopher<Flannel> ok, i think i want that one :) can i use the alternate cd as a live cd? i don't want to touch this hardrrive ;)05:37
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ZeroOP_so if i run that apt-get KDE will be installed? or is there somthing else i need to do?05:37
JyrgazudHey, anyone know any resources for getting dual video out working on a T20 in ubuntu or know how to do it?05:37
nickrudFezzler check your /etc/X11/xorg.conf again, make sure it has nvidia. Then log out and back in. Then give me a fresh copy again05:37
nickrudZeroOP_ nope, that's all you need to do05:38
nickrudZeroOP_ except sit back and wait for a large download ;)05:38
m-cQ: Any ideas how to really adjust the buffer size for gstreamer - Totem?  I tried raising the "network-buffer-threshold" in the configuration editor, but Totem still plays for two seconds, then buffers, then another two seconds, and buffers...05:38
jebbluekgroves42 hopefully I'm not butting in with Nickrud's help but I think Ctrl Alt F7 should return you05:38
bin4yhow do i make my ubuntu an ssh server?05:39
FlannelKristopher: No, you'd need the desktop CD instead of the alternate CD05:39
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Flannelbin4y: sudo apt-get install openssh-server05:39
ZeroOP_i'm waiting now05:39
ZeroOP_thanks for the help05:39
FloodBot1ZeroOP_: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.05:39
bin4yFlannel, and then?05:39
nickrudjebblue missed it, thanks. kgroves42 in ctl-atl-f2 , do   gconftool --recursive-unset /apps/panel05:39
Flannelbin4y: then... you're done.05:39
ZeroOP_oh, i can't type like i normally do.05:39
Kristopherok, i guess i will have to download that one :) (live cd)05:39
Viking667I've got this error here:  W: GPG error: http://nz.archive.ubuntu.com hardy-security Release: The following signatures were invalid: BADSIG 40976EAF437D05B5 Ubuntu Archive Automatic Signing Key <ftpmaster@ubuntu.com>05:40
bin4yFlannel, really? no configuration and stuffs?05:40
lginn02what does the error " could not read from resource" mean when im trying to play a dvd???05:40
nickrudZeroOP_ if you mean the password, it doesn't echo your keystrokes back. Type blindly ;)05:40
kgroves42thanks I will try it05:40
ZeroOP_no i ment the flood bod05:40
chriswrhow would i give user permission to this file  /dev/vboxdrv?05:40
Flannelbin4y: Already all set up for what most people want (on most packages, anyway).05:40
jebbluenickrud how do you mentally track so many conversations? I'd go nuts :-)05:40
ZeroOP_i have a tendancy to write many short lines instead of one long one05:40
Flannelbin4y: Only other thing you might need to do is router stuff, but that's just port forwarding, not really something that's Linux specific05:41
FlannelZeroOP_: You'll get used to it.05:41
nickrudjebblue normally I just pick one and stick with it. Tonight I'm working in memory of rob2 (who would run like 20 at once) and trying for 3 ;)05:41
ZeroOP_so this is my 3rd day with Ubuntu and i love it :)05:41
ZeroOP_i'm fresh from Vista/XP05:41
jcarouthwhere should i start trying to debug sound configuration problems? i have a logitech usb headset (headphones/mic) and can hear output from microphone in speakers when testing in System > Preferences > Sounds but will not record in Audacity05:41
m-cZeroOP_: Welcome to the new.  How did you hear about Ubuntu?05:42
jebbluenickrud what happened to rod2?05:42
chriswrwhat is the command to  give user permission to this file  /dev/vboxdrv?05:42
nickrudjebblue burnout I think.05:42
Viking667lol. I'm glad I cleaned out the packages.... only 364MB to download, instead of 889 Mb that zoombuggy had for EACH of her two distupgrades05:42
ZeroOP_my friend tried it, liked it, told me to try it. and he trashed it yesterday and went back to XP05:42
m-cjcarouth: Check the mic is not muted05:42
jebbluesorry rob205:42
lginn02what does the error " could not read from resource" mean when im trying to play a dvd???05:42
nickrudjebblue or, moved on to another project. He was special05:42
buhammotany reason from a fresh ubuntu hardy install that it wont perform a make operation on a r8169 driver?05:42
nickrudlginn02 what player?05:43
Viking667lginn02: normally means the program couldn't read fromthe dvd05:43
nickrudlginn02 never liked totem for dvd's. Install vlc, and try playing with that05:43
ZeroOP_but i should never need windows again :)05:43
ZeroOP_i don't really play games these days05:43
Jyrgazudvlc is pretty good:)05:43
ZeroOP_i just blog and work on my book :)05:43
Viking667I can't seem to get ANY player to treat my files properly - Radeon driver, whether I use wxvlc, totem, or whatever.05:44
lginn02i was trying to use k9copy but cant figure it out. it a dvd copy program05:44
nickrudI hated vlc, it used to have this really ugly interface, violated my eyes. I'm glad they changed05:44
Viking667Only one I haven't tried yet is mplayer, and that's 'cos I don't have it05:44
lginn02 i have a player called xine05:45
Fezzlernickrud: Screen look nice but still getting Error: couldn't find RGB GLX visual05:45
FezzlerXlib:  extension "GLX" missing on display ":0.0".05:45
nickrudlginn02 that's another good player. Don't like the interface much, but it plays well05:45
m-cViking667: What kind of files?  Have you tried Ogg media files?05:45
nickrudFezzler gedit /var/log/Xorg.0.log, show me that05:45
Fezzlernickrud: xorg report nvisia05:45
lginn02crap i get the same simalar error05:46
lginn02it cant read it05:46
Viking667m-c: the error isn't with the actual files themselves, as they play fine on a vesa-based machine (K6-II@533, Trident Cyberblade/i7 (non-3D)05:46
nickrudlginn02 install vlc , and run it from the terminal. then try opening the dvd, you'll get some errors if it won't play. Put them on paste.ubuntu.com05:46
lginn02its a new dvd just watched it living rm05:46
rustychickenanybody know of a tool to calibrate wacom tablets?05:47
Fezzlernickrud: http://paste.ubuntu.com/28194/05:47
Viking667my problem is either: colourspace is proper, but the file plays at like 1/10th speed, or it plays quickly enough, but the colourspace is all washed out.05:47
Viking667Doesn't seem to matter what output driver (for video) that I use.05:47
Kristopherthe Desktop cd works as a 'live cd' *and* can install ubuntu onto the harddrive?05:47
sysop1972I keep getting an error when I install packages.  The error always involves mysql-server-5.0 dependency issues05:47
Viking667whether XV or whatever.05:47
nickrudFezzler you're still using the nv driver. You can see it all over the log.05:47
nickrudFezzler put a copy of the xorg.conf up as well05:48
Viking667nickrud: ask him which xorg.conf he is using.05:48
Viking667that's shown in Xorg.0.log05:48
nickrudViking667 that's what I'm wondering :)05:48
Viking667... usually near the top.05:48
FlannelKristopher: correct.05:48
nickrudViking667 ah, good call05:48
Kristopherok :)05:48
Fezzlernickrud: Section "device" #05:48
FezzlerBoardname"NVIDIA GeForce 256 (generic)"05:48
FloodBot1Fezzler: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.05:48
nickrudfailsafe ?05:48
nickrudFezzler you silly wabbit ;)05:49
Fezzlernickrud: sorry05:49
Viking667woo hoo!!! 192kbytes/sec. I LOVE dsl when the damn thing WORKS??!??!!??!05:49
nickrudFezzler I see that. but for some reason you're ending up in failsafe mode.05:49
nickrudthank Viking667 for the good troubleshooting05:49
Fezzlernickrud: Hardy Hardy Hardy!05:50
kgroves42nickrud the gconftool --recursive-unset /apps/panel did not bring my panels back05:50
sysop1972Could someone please look at this error and tell me if they can help?  http://paste.ubuntu.com/28196/05:50
nickrudFezzler heh. bulletproof X, and I don't understand bulletproof X05:50
ZeroOPi like KDE better already!05:51
Viking667lol. yeah, right.05:51
jcarouthwhen i'm in audacity clicking record gives me a "Error while opening sound device. Please check the input device settings and the project sample rate" my Recording device is set to ALSA: Logitech USB Headset: USB Audio(hw:0,1) and in System > Preferences > Sound the working Sound capture is USB Audio. any hints?05:51
Fezzlernickrud: that is why I removed all nvidia and reinstalled drivers05:51
muaddibHey all05:51
Viking667Try it for six months straight, alternating each day with Gnome.05:51
Viking667THAT'LL really twist your whisker05:51
muaddibWhat package do I need to look at to configure the soft buttons on a laptop05:51
nickrudkgroves42 very weird. Somehow gnome-panel must have dropped out of your gnome-session settings05:51
Viking667uhm, I jkust saw that too.05:52
muaddiblike volume control and the DVD button or screen rotation05:52
Viking667search for "hotkeys"05:52
kgroves42that does not sound good05:52
ZeroOPi'm clearly going to pick one :)05:52
Viking667I can't search at the moment, apt 's all locked up doing an upgrade05:52
nickrudkgroves42 it's fixable, let me think a sec05:52
ZeroOPbut i like how much sharper KDE looks.05:52
Viking667ZeroOP: right. Then find out how to do the same thing in Gnome. There's a vidtool in the Control Center to show how fonts look.05:53
Fezzlernickrud: Honest, I'm about to give up on Hardy and go back to Gutsy.05:53
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bin4yhow to i open the task manager?05:53
nickrudFezzler I"ve got some reading on bulletproof X on my list, but haven't got there yert05:54
sps`I have a question about installing a print driver.05:54
nickrudkgroves42 you do get icons on the desktop, right?05:54
kgroves42nickrud- yes05:55
Fezzlernickrud: give me one more wild idea to try before I call it quits tonight05:55
kgroves42and my IM starts05:55
buhammotso.. no one knows a crap about networking here?05:55
nickrudkgroves42 in ctl-alt-f2, run sudo apt-get install nautilus-open-terminal , then when you log in open a file manager window and right click in a blank spot. You'll see open terminal here. That will get a terminal05:56
nickrudFezzler reboot05:56
bin4ythis package-installar is not closing, how do i force close it?05:56
nickrudbin4y which one?05:56
ZeroOPViking667: i was fiddling with fonts, the box that lets you choose "subpixel shading" and all that stuff05:56
ZeroOPViking667: right?05:57
bin4ynickrud, It has Package Installer written on its title05:57
Fezzlernickrud: Why not!  BRB05:57
ZeroOPbut i'll be flipping back and forth between the two for a while05:57
ZeroOPI have a debating process to do05:57
Viking667That's the one05:57
nickrudbin4y hm, how did you open it? (the name doesn't ring any bells for me)05:57
Viking667ZeroOP: sorry, am shuffling three things05:57
Viking667but yes, that's exactly the tool I was thinking of.05:58
rafaelscjhi, how do I to connect to an ad-hoc network?05:58
bin4ynickrud, i clicked a .deb file and it started downloading things. i cancelled the download and it's not closing, it's grayed05:58
nickrudbin4y alt-f2 , killall gdebi05:58
ZeroOPi did fiddle with it :)05:58
nickrudbin4y then, after you do that, open a terminal and type   apt-get -f install05:59
nickrudbin4y sudo apt-get -f install that is05:59
ZeroOPalthough Konkueror has to go05:59
Viking667replace THAT with Dolphin05:59
Viking667(at least for filesurfing)05:59
bin4ynickrud still can't close05:59
ZeroOPi've been using firefox for internet05:59
Viking667I stick with FF under Kubuntu. It's usable.05:59
nickrudbin4y open a terminal, and type sudo killall gdebi06:00
bin4ysudo killall gdebi06:00
nickrudbin4y in the terminal ;)06:00
bin4ysudo killall gdebi06:00
bin4yi tried to copy the output06:00
FloodBot1bin4y: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.06:00
nickrudbeen there, done that ;)06:00
bin4ygdebi: no process killed06:00
nickrudbin4y ps -A | grep gdebi , do you see it in the output?06:01
bin4y9174 ?        00:00:04 gdebi-gtk06:01
nickrudbin4y ah, killall gdebi-gtk06:01
kgroves42nickrud- Hey that worked, I can now get a terminal06:02
bin4ynickrud, it works06:02
rafaelscjhow do I to connect to an ad-hoc network?06:02
bin4ythanks :>06:02
nickrudkgroves42 ok, now in that terminal, type  gnome-panel &06:02
nickrudbin4y yw06:02
ZeroOPit says Konqueror isn't installed o.006:02
nickrud!language | ZeroOP (think disney g rated ;)06:03
ubottuZeroOP (think disney g rated ;): Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.06:03
ZeroOPoh sorry! lol06:03
kgroves42ah-ha it says gnome-panel not installed, I will install it06:03
Viking667ZeroOP: search "konqueror"06:03
Viking667... not Konqueror06:03
rafaelscjHow do I do to connect to an ad-hoc network?06:03
giacom1how can i revert pidgin to 2.3.1?06:04
nickrudFezzler how's it going there?06:04
Fezzlernickrud: upon boot I had to reconfigure as it booted in and stayed in low res06:04
ZeroOPwell it's coming up, but it says it's not installed o.006:04
nickrudFezzler freaking nvidia06:04
_xyzhow do you remove a directory that isnt empty?06:04
Viking667_xyz: remove the files inside it. Look for .files06:05
nickrudFezzler I took your word you needed legacy, what card are you using?06:05
Viking667_xyz: ls -al /your/dir06:05
FezzlerGeForce FX 5500 APG06:05
giacom1you are trying to remove i directory _xyz06:05
kgroves42YEA! I can get to my panel- Thanks alot nickrud06:05
nickrudFezzler doesn't that use nvidia-glx ? (although I've seen other people have problems with 5500)06:05
khinwhy can i not reformat this flash drive06:05
khinis this drive just shot at the hardware level06:06
giacom1rm -r will remove your directory06:06
Fezzlernickrud: I'll try another06:06
am_hello! everybody!06:06
giacom1does anyone know how to revert pidgin to 2.3.1 from 2.4.1?06:06
axscodehi i wanted to ask.. whats the command to check which interface is active...06:06
Fezzlernickrud: shall we remove legacy and try something else?06:06
nickrudFezzler I'm almost certain it's nvidia-glx, not -legacy or new06:06
Madsykhin: fsck is pretty picky about the partitions06:06
axscodelike in BSD, there's a status: Active06:07
Fezzlernickrud:  command line to remove legacy06:07
khinMadsy i just want to wipe out the drive and start over06:07
_xyzViking667, what does 'ls -al /your/dir' do besides list the files?06:07
giacom1does anyone know how to revert pidgin to a version that isn't in the aptitude?06:07
rafaelscjHow Do I do to connect to a wireless network?06:07
Viking667_xyz: uhm,, gee? Show you what files you need to remove?06:07
_xyzviking667, so i need to delete them one by one thru terminal?06:08
Viking667If you want to remove those files too, then giacom1's suggestion holds true06:08
nickrudFezzler sudo apt-get remove --purge nvidia-glx-legacy && sudo modprobe -r nvidia should remove all refs to legacy06:08
Viking667i.e.   rm -r /your/dir06:08
giacom1_xyz: under the command line, do rm -r06:08
_xyzok thanks06:08
giacom1you will remove the whole directory06:08
m_newton__some one say something bout me06:08
Viking667you MUST make sure, deletes are not generally recoverable.06:08
* Viking667 flicks the fly06:08
giacom1true that06:09
_xyzyay - and done! ty06:09
Fezzlernickrud: done06:09
ubottunetsplit is when two IRC servers of the same network (like Freenode) disconnect from each other, so users on one server stop seeing users on the other. If this is happening now, just relax and enjoy the show. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netsplit06:10
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nickrudFezzler lsmod | grep nvidia, make sure there's no output06:10
Fezzlernickrud: just jumps back to prompt06:11
giacom1how can i revert pidgin to 2.3.1 from 2.4.1?06:11
nickrudFezzler good. now, sudo apt-get install nvidia-glx && sudo modprobe nvidia , log out and back in.06:11
frewsxcvhow do i set up a remote terminal for my ubuntu box?06:12
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frewsxcvhow do i set up a remote terminal for my ubuntu box?06:12
nickrudlove these splits06:12
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j400need help install wireless06:12
giacom1or is there a way to upgrade pidgin to 2.4.3 if it was installed through apt-get?06:13
Xsploitcan anyone suggest a svn client?06:14
FlannelXsploit: svn?06:14
Fezzlernickrud: At very end I saw Not loading nvidia module; not used in /etc/X11/xorg.conf06:14
warp_spain't net splits cool?06:14
nickrudFezzler end of what?06:14
sysop1972Bloody garbage...  I can´t install any aps because I keep getting a mysql-5.0 error06:14
Fezzlernickrud: Is that okay? The install command you gave me06:14
bullgard4Can you recommend a Freenode channel that deals with technical networking problems. ##networking is esoteric.06:15
Fezzlernickrud: so I guess modprob produced it06:15
nickrudFezzler ah. That's because we're in that crappy failsafe mode again. You'll have to reboot I guess. I saw that with my ati once06:16
sysop1972how do I get a clean download of mysql becausse synaptic says the package has an error06:16
nickrudFezzler I *think* that's the reason that is06:16
* nickrud notes to himself one more time: stay out of nvidia06:16
Flannelgiacom1: What do you need from 2.4.3?06:17
Fezzlernickrud: can I just issue sudo reboot command?06:17
nickrudFezzler yep06:17
Seven_Six_Twodoes anyone know which command would let me specify a display to launch an app on? Or a media player that can be run on one monitor while the controls are on the other?06:17
FlannelSeven_Six_Two: devilspie06:17
Seven_Six_TwoFlannel, thanks. what is it? an app?06:17
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chriswrwhat are shell scripts?06:18
nickrudgiacom1 2.4.3 is in the backports repository, you can enable it from system->admin->software sources06:18
FlannelSeven_Six_Two: its... uh, a semi-daemon/app thing, yes.06:18
giacom1Flannel: 2.4.1 has been giving me troubles with jabber... so its either revert to 2.3.1 or try the upgrade06:18
bullgard4Seven_Six_Two: devilspie is a Linux utility.06:18
Flannelnickrud: if all he want from .3 is the icq thing, its already in the -updates version06:18
mkquistgiacom1: have you tried just reinstalling it with apt-get?06:18
Seven_Six_TwoFlannel, thanks. I'll read the stuff06:18
giacom1its a known issue that a lot of people are having with 2.4.106:19
nickrudFlannel ah, patchy, wish things were straightforward sometimes06:19
FlannelSeven_Six_Two: http://ubuntu-tutorials.com/2007/07/25/how-to-set-default-workspace-size-and-window-effects-in-gnome/06:19
CakeProphetso... I cannot get music to play. sound checks play in system -preference - sound, but .mp3s and .oggs don't work... not even .wavs work.06:20
CakeProphetI've tried several players as well06:20
Seven_Six_TwoFlannel, I'll take a look at that too. I use KDE though.06:20
Seven_Six_TwoFlannel, and compiz fusion06:20
CakeProphetand I have ubuntu-restricted-extras and all the codecs.06:20
johnny5Anyone around to help with an nginx+light+fcgi question?06:20
FlannelSeven_Six_Two: see also: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Devilspie06:20
m-cCakeProphet: You tried running this in Totem?06:21
m-c!ask | johnny506:21
ubottujohnny5: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)06:21
spantherhow to remove "totem"   (videoplayer in gnome menu) completely?06:21
CakeProphetTotem, Rhythmbox, VLC, and a bunch that I installed for just a little bit to try but are no longer on my system.06:21
CakeProphetspanther:  open up a terminal and type "sudo apt-get remove totem"06:21
khinwell i repartitioned using gparted and apparently the drive is a-ok06:21
jasonagoCakeProphet: try running the hardware tests...maybe your sound device is not working...06:21
chriswrwhat are shell scripts?06:21
CakeProphetspanther:  it will ask for your password... type that in and hit enter06:21
owen1where can i get retune (for sync my ipod)?06:21
spantherCakeProphet, i did that but i still can find an entry for "videoplayer" which opens totem in the menu06:21
m-cCakeProphet: Try running 'aplay <wavefile.wav>' in the command line06:22
cnoei want to start a new session everytime i use xfce4, but i accidently saved one and now even if i start a new session, it goes to another06:22
spantherCakeProphet,  and totem still opens :/06:22
CakeProphetjasonago:  hardware tests as in the ones in system-preferences? already did that... they work.06:22
Fezzlernickrud: Okay.  My login page is 800x600 but my GNOME is 1224x76806:22
CakeProphetspanther:  ....oh wait lawl... I actually have this problem too. I tried to remove totem and it still exists.06:22
spantherCakeProphet,  lool :)06:22
spantherhow to fix it then xD06:22
nickrudFezzler and what about glxinfo?06:22
CakeProphetspanther:  try add-remove programs in applications06:23
jasonagochriswr: they are bunch of commands grouped into a file...somewhat batch file in windows/dos...06:23
CakeProphetI'm going to do that now.06:23
nickrudFezzler 1224x768 sounds ....  odd06:23
m-cwhy would you remove totem... ?06:23
Seven_Six_Twospanther,     which totoem06:23
CakeProphetm-c, because we use a different player?06:23
Fezzlernickrud: Error: couldn't find RGB GLX visual06:23
m-cCakeProphet: not necessary to remove totem for that06:23
Fezzlernickrud: Xlib:  extension "GLX" missing on display ":0.0".06:23
nickrudFezzler I'm at a loss then.06:23
Viking667hehehehehe. There goes the upgrade...06:24
Viking667I'm glad I left space now.06:24
CakeProphetm-c, no use having a player you never use. That's why I got rid of mplayer06:24
Fezzlernickrud: last message is repeated 9 times06:24
m-cbut Totem is part of the default supported system06:24
m-cand it takes no memory when not in use, and little disk space06:24
Fezzlernickrud: thanks for trying06:24
CakeProphetm-c, so is a lot of things that I don't use.06:24
spantherweird Oo when i remove totem and libs of it then it wants to remove deskbar-applet too o.o06:25
nickrudFezzler I'm totally at the end of my guesses. That's about all I've been doing for a while now, sorry06:25
Fezzlernickrud: it all worked in Fiesty and Gutsy06:25
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Viking667yeah. That's one bit I rather hate about the deps.06:25
m-cCakeProphet: But now you are having problems with your sound.06:25
CakeProphetm-c, I was having problems with my sound before I removed totem. Though it could be related.06:25
Viking667I wanted to remove some stuff, but then get told "Oh, I'm removing this and that and this too, do you want me to continue" andI  say, what the HEY?06:25
khinmplayer is the best video player IMO... i never use anything else06:26
jasonagospanther: that's what happende to my old kubuntu install...I removed firefox2 so i can install firefox3...the result? it removed the other programs with the same dependencies as of firefox...so I reinstalled hardy ubuntu...not kubuntu...heheh06:26
m-cCakeProphet: Worst case, you can back up /home and perform a reinstallation06:26
Viking667I prefer mplayer. But it has issues working across a network.06:26
CakeProphetm-c, .wavs don't work either.06:26
Viking667i.e. I can't use anything other than X drivers06:26
m-ckhin: mplayer has codec libraries that may not be legal in some places06:27
CakeProphetm-c, (in regards to aplay)06:27
CakeProphetI don't have a sound card... and my speakers are just external speakers that I've got plugged into the audio out.06:27
m-cCakeProphet: It could be that the default card is not set right in alsa.06:27
m-cCakeProphet: Did aplay give you an error?06:27
khinm-c 90% of my drive is not legal in some places06:27
spantherjasonago, well this happens to hardy too :( apt does not care if these libs are needed for other applications (synaptics doesn't show a warning for it) so thats mean :(06:27
abchirkis there a command which shows the ram usage I mean not like htop in %. I mean how much mb one program is using?06:28
Ahadielabchirk, top?06:28
jasonagoCakeProphet: it looks like that is the problem...maybe try experimenting if oss alsa or others work...06:28
CakeProphetm-c, ah wait... it's working.06:28
abchirkAhadiel top shows only the % or?06:28
CakeProphetI converting one of my .mp3s to wave with lame and aplay is playing it.06:28
m-cGlad to "hear" it.  :)06:29
CakeProphetmy guess is it's a codec problem... but I have gstreamer-ugly-whatever and all that stuff installed.06:29
jasonagospanther: maybe we should report this to ubuntu...this is not a funny thing...if we remove a program, the library and its helper dependencies should not be removed if other programs still depends on it...06:30
bobertdosViking667: haha, that's just the way the Unix environment is. Lots of packages are interrelated. When one package goes, the packages that depend on it go too.06:30
jasonagowhois spanther06:30
Viking667yeah, I get THAT bit... I just don't get why those PARTICULAR dependencies.06:30
nano_when i issue "groups" command, i have a certain output....however when I run the "groups myname" command i have a different output......why is this happening?06:30
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jasonagowhat's the proper fstab option so that I can mount, remount, unmount, and edit all files in a hard disk?06:31
Flannelnano_: with a prefix for the username06:31
bobertdosViking667: haha, I see06:32
nano_Flannel: i don't follow06:32
jasonagowhat's the proper fstab option so that I can mount, remount, unmount, and edit all files in a hard disk? Vfat and ntfs...06:32
Flannelnano_: the "groups username" outputs "username: [groups]"06:32
nano_Flannel: I don't see that difference06:33
Flannelspanther: You said you remove totem and its libs, if you told it to remove the libs, it will remove them, plus anything that depends on them06:33
Flannelnano_: Pastebin your two outputs then06:33
nano_Flannel: okay06:33
spantherFlannel, but why doesn't synaptic warn me if they are used from other parts too :)06:33
spantherso that i can uncheck them from remove list ^^06:33
Flannelspanther: When you mark them for removal, it should pop up saying "these other things will be removed too"06:34
spantherFlannel, yeah but i cant see what's depending on what06:34
nano_Flannel: http://paste.ubuntu.com/28202/06:34
Flannelspanther: If you just un-remove the things that are removed that you dont want, it'll reinstall them.06:34
Flannelspanther: or rather, won't remove them06:34
spantherFlannel, okay :)06:35
Flannelnano_: You "just created" meaning in the same terminal session, right?06:35
nano_Flannel: yes06:35
nano_Flannel: but i get the same results if i open up a new terminal..06:36
Flannelnano_: If you restart your terminal, it'll reload06:36
Flannelnano_: yes.06:36
* midkniht plays fretsonfire06:37
Zombiesi did sudo apt-get install php5 and sudo apt-get install php5-mysql and in my script i don't have access to mysql_connect() function06:39
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ZombiesAm I doing something wrong?06:39
nano_Flannel: i have reloaded and no matter06:40
ZombiesI added: AddType application/x-httpd-php .php to my apache config and PHP seems to be working otherwise06:40
ZombiesI just can't access the mysql functions :(06:40
seddcan someone tell me how to search entire drive for a file at commandline please06:41
jasonagoZombies: could it be the mysql server is not started?06:42
ZombiesI just restarted apache2 and everything works fine :)06:42
Zombiesjasonago: i must've installed php5-mysql after starting apache06:42
jasonagoZombies: ok there you go...06:42
ZombiesSorry i'm a retard :)06:42
jasonagoZombies: you can join the php channel if you have further questions...they might help you on other things...06:43
chipbuddyhow come ubuntu is so sluggish for me? i don't have the proprietary ati drivers installed, but things are REALLY slow. is this normal with out a working graphics card?06:44
midknihtgraphics makes a diff06:44
Zombieswow ubuntu has really come a long way06:44
jasonagochipbuddy: what seems to be slow? the screen graphics or running some programs?06:45
Flannelchipbuddy: If you disable the eyecandy, you'll have better responsivity06:45
sharmaany body there06:45
chipbuddybah. i've had really bad experiences with the restricted drivers. I don't need visual effects, is there any way i can get my graphics card to hobble along?06:45
Zombiesafter a fresh install i got apache/php/mysql installed and working in about 15minutes06:45
chipbuddyi don't have any eye candy on06:45
Flannelchipbuddy: You turned it off?06:45
Zombieswhatever happened to gvim ?06:45
midknihtload slack06:45
chipbuddyswitching between two open windows takes 2 or so seconds06:45
chipbuddyit was never on06:45
Seven_Six_Twosharma, is anybody where?06:45
midknihtmoar proc power06:45
Flannelchipbuddy: It's on by default06:45
Zombieswhen i try apt-get install gvim i get nothing06:45
FlannelZombies: vim-gnome06:46
tleeonlywhat can i do to get videos to run faster in firefox06:46
ZombiesFlannel: thx :)06:46
chipbuddyhm... well maybe i did turn it off at some point. i know i uninstalled compiz. and my restricted drivers aren't being used06:46
chipbuddyFlannel: System->Preferences->Appearance->Visual Effects is set to none06:47
reymon1408anyone here having trouble with hardy heron and Xv ?06:47
tleeonlyanyone have trouble playing videos in firefox06:49
chriswrwhat is SQL?06:49
meeeroi'm using thunderbird and there's a password stored for an email-account which i can't remember any more - is there a way to read the password from thunderbird's config-files or something..?06:49
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Seven_Six_Twochriswr, Structured Query Language06:50
Seven_Six_Twochriswr, database06:50
jasonagomeeero: i think there's some utility out there on the net...or just ask the people from thunderbird...06:50
meeeroyes, i found such programs, but they require windows :/06:51
kaddytleeonly are you talkin about youtube video's etc?06:51
tleeonlythe shows on veoh06:52
owen1anyone using retune (for syncing the ipod)?06:52
Seven_Six_Twotleeonly, I think that requires an exe, or maybe activex06:52
tleeonlywell they will play but a slower rate than windows does06:53
Seven_Six_Twotleeonly, oh that's strange. it stutters? or actually plays slowly?06:54
tleeonlyplays frames one at a time and i have downloaded a video and it plays fine06:55
kaddyim trying it now06:55
muaddibon a laptop how do u configure the buttons... ubunt seemed to detect the volume control but not the others06:56
=== Viking668 is now known as Viking667
Seven_Six_Twotleeonly, does it do it when it's fullscreen?06:56
Flannel!mediakeys | muaddib06:57
ubottumuaddib: Keyboard shortcuts can be set in System -> Preferences -> Keyboard Shortcuts. If your multimedia keys don't work with that, try the 'keytouch' package, explained at http://keytouch.sourceforge.net - See !Keyboard for changing layouts06:57
Seven_Six_Twotleeonly, have you tried right clicking on the video and turning the quality down?06:57
tleeonlyno i havent06:57
iurihi there, in evolution email's client my emails just disapeared from inbox folder06:58
iurihow to get them back06:58
Seven_Six_Twoiuri, it depends on what you did just before your emails disappeared06:58
blimey85I'm getting an error when trying to upgrade to Hardy from Feisty: OSError: [Errno 12] Cannot allocate memory06:59
iuriSeven_Six_Two, they are still there06:59
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iurii can see inbox counter06:59
Viking667blimey85: err, it's SUGGESTED that you go upwards by distro release... i.e. upgrade to Gutsy, THEN to Hardy.06:59
iuriSeven_Six_Two, but they don;t show on the main06:59
blimey85I think it was trying to upgrade to Gutsy... I was using the "do-release-upgrade -d" command07:00
muaddibFlannel: how can i add keyboard shortcuts there doesn't seem to be an option07:00
tleeonlydidnt make a difference07:00
Seven_Six_Twoiuri, can you open them?07:01
m-cmuaddib: System -> Pref -> Keyboard Shortcuts07:01
iuriSeven_Six_Two, nope, it's only the inbox (15) that i see07:01
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kaddykeyboard shortcuts in ubuntu... theres plenty of info if you google it07:01
Seven_Six_Twoiuri, did you enter something into a filter box?07:02
iurino i didn;t07:02
tleeonly762 I have cable internet and it does it on all videos i play07:02
muaddibm-c: i see u can edit what's there but i don't see how you add new shrtcuts from keyboard shortcuts07:02
iuriSeven_Six_Two, no i didn't they are just gone07:02
iurii was typing an email07:03
iurijust that07:03
blimey85question... is it still ok to use "apt-get dist-upgrade" or does that no longer work?07:03
t0ny-p40I just upgraded my kernel and now my sound stopped working what package do I need to reinstall to get the drivers for my nvidia nforce ac97? With alsa?07:03
iuriSeven_Six_Two, when i got back the was no emaila anymore07:03
Flannelblimey85: It is.  But only one release at a time, skipping is a recipe for headaches07:03
Seven_Six_Twoiuri, can you export your inbox and reimport it?07:03
iurii am trying that just now07:04
blimey85ok, since the other way isn't working for me, i'm going to go that route... it's never failed me in the past. First to Gutsy and then to Hardy.07:04
iuriright now07:04
Viking667I'm using dist-upgrade right now, it's working where "Upgrade Release" wasn't working.07:04
kaddyabout the keyboard shortcuts  u need to install xbindkeys07:04
ZeroOPgood night everyone! thank you for all your help this evening :)07:04
stodan___hi, i need help, i have external usb drive, where i have installed system. this morning i shut down system and now in work i started it, but 3 partitions are missing (2x ext3 and swap)07:05
stodan___/dev/sdb1   *           1          65      522081   83  Linux07:05
stodan___/dev/sdb2              66        3981    31455270   83  Linux07:05
stodan___/dev/sdb3            3982       30401   212218650    5  Extended07:05
stodan___/dev/sdb5           22570       30401    62910540    7  HPFS/NTFS07:05
stodan___what should i do? i am afraid to do anything, to not lose all data07:06
jeeves__how can I find out where my IEEE 1394 port is in the /dev/ directory?  I'm trying to capture video from my digital cam07:07
spoo1I have a problem and need some help07:07
Seven_Six_Twospoo1, there are lots of people here07:08
spoo1yeah I can see that07:08
manguyJust ask your question07:08
maxagazis there a game like this http://www.huidabbs.com/play.htm on linux ?07:08
Viking667spoo1: you'd be better off asking something specific, rather than "I need some help"07:09
Seven_Six_Twomaxagaz, look on happypenguin.com07:09
jeeves__manguy, any news on how I can find where my firewire port is in the DEV?07:09
spoo1I had Ubuntu 8.04 and just installed 8.04.1 and now my screen resolution will not go higher than 800x60007:10
spoo1I had it at 1366x76807:10
DistroJockeyjeeves__, do you have  /dev/raw1394  ?07:10
blimey85ok, my sources are updated for Gutsy... do I want to continue? hehe... the moment of truth...07:10
jeeves__DistroJockey, no.07:10
spoo1If I run the live CD it lets me use 1366x76807:11
Seven_Six_Twospoo1, you need to edit your xorg.conf07:11
jeeves__DistroJockey, however, if I look in my PCI listing, it's listed07:11
DistroJockeyjeeves__, check out this thread, may help:  http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=4003907:11
blimey85hi myredsun07:11
myredsunThis is my first visit07:11
jeeves__DistroJockey, thanks.  as well, are you any good with mounting MP3 players?  I can't get my Pilips GoGear to work07:11
blimey85mine too07:11
spoo1how do I this?07:12
silviaHello Folks... using ndiswrapper -a (device number) should force ndiswrapper to recognize it as the hardware and, therefore, make it show up in ndiswrapper -l, right? or not?07:12
DistroJockeyjeeves__, no problem. Not really, don't have one. But you could try using  sudo fdisk -l  to get the  /dev07:12
jeeves__DistroJockey, humm, one sec.  fire wire issue first07:13
Seven_Six_Twospoo1, please type intended recipient's name to enable colour coded clients07:13
DistroJockeyjeeves__, good idea :)07:13
m-csilvia: Not possible to get hardware that supports Ubuntu a little better?07:14
spoo1Seven_Six_Two how do I do this?07:14
silviam-c: laptop... :-P07:14
spoo1timmytron test07:14
Viking667hm. I seem ta have had a system hang, on "updating locales"07:15
Seven_Six_Twospoo1, what kind of vid card do you have?07:15
Viking667uhm, sorry, "Generating locales... "07:15
spoo1Seven_Six_Two all I know is that its ATI07:15
blimey85is it true that Ubuntu has poor hardware support? I keep hearing that people have a hard time getting it to install on some stuff. I'm using it on SliceHost and have had no issues but they probably choose hardware that works really well with it.07:15
joustinanyone know of an irc client that is similar to Mirc with invision?07:15
silviam-c: the forsaken broadcom :-) mine particularly has lots of problems under fwcutter (abysmal speed, dropped connections) so I'm trying to get ndiswrapper to recognize it....07:15
Seven_Six_Twospoo1, do you have ati control center installed?07:16
spoo1Seven_Six_Two ATI 925007:16
jeeves__DistroJockey, ok, it's showing the mods are loaded, but I don't have a /dev/ieee1394/ directory07:16
DistroJockeyViking667, is is really hung? That step can take a while07:16
NoName86blimey not all07:16
NoName86mostly are support in ubuntu07:16
DistroJockeyjeeves__, what about  /dev/raw1394 ?07:16
blimey85Viking667, which version are you on and which are you going to?07:16
Viking667DistroJockey: it's not "hung" as such, but here's the tree:  su---bash---apt-get---dpkg---locales.postins---locale-gen---locale-gen---localedef---gzip07:16
NoName86anyone know how to get rid of high process running???07:17
Viking667that's the line that seems to be stopped, and gzip is a zombie07:17
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spoo1Seven_Six_Two give me sec please07:17
Viking667NoName86: disregard that problem.07:17
jeeves__DistroJockey, nope, no directory07:17
blimey85NoName86, you can use the kill command with the id07:17
Viking667NoName86: I'm assuming you mean a process with an id of say, 342995  ?07:17
NoName86when i was listening music, suddenly got process run quite high07:17
blimey85NoName86 - "kill -9 id" such as "kill -9 2545"07:17
NoName86but it is just a short time07:17
Seven_Six_TwoNoName86, or run top, kit "k", enter pid, enter level07:17
jeeves__DistroJockey, it's not a premissions issue, it's an issue of the device not being there.07:18
NoName86ya but i counldnt find which process07:18
blimey85did you check top?07:18
Viking667NoName86: uhm, what do you mean by A"process  run quite high"?07:18
DistroJockeyjeeves__, check out that post I mentioned if you havn't (especially the part that mentions dmesg07:18
NoName86because thats just very short time07:18
NoName86thats mean when i listening music07:18
NoName86and my music will suddenly hang there07:18
jeeves__DistroJockey, I did, and it shows the cam07:18
NoName86and i see the process monitor, it show some process running07:19
Seven_Six_TwoNoName86, what's it called?07:19
Viking667I've got this for ps on localedef:   23069 pts/1    R+    13:41 localedef --no-archive --magic=20051014 -i en_AU -c -f UTF-8 en_AU.UTF-807:19
blimey85question... after running apt-get dist-upgrade and going from Feisty to Hardy, what's next? Do I need to reboto before going from Gutsy to Hardy?07:19
NoName86system monitor07:19
jeeves__DistroJockey, http://www.pastebin.ca/107518807:19
spoo1Seven_Six_Two I don't know what you mean by control center so I'm gonna say that I don't think I have it07:19
Viking667blimey85: it's probably a good idea, yes07:19
blimey85is there any other commands to run before the reboot or after?07:20
blimey85I mean are there... not is there...07:20
NoName86anyone got idea for my prob?07:20
Seven_Six_Twospoo1, I think you might have to get it from the site. or you could try running      sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg07:20
spoo1Seven_Six_Two what will that do?07:21
Viking667blimey85: it's probably a good idea, yes, as in, reboot, then kick off the next upgrade.07:21
DistroJockeyjeeves__, you could try   sudo modprobe raw139407:21
Seven_Six_Twosystem monitor is the process that uses all the cpu making your music hang?07:21
paolohi *. I have been thinkint to switch from gentoo to ubuntu. In gentoo it is possible to install an unstable package although most of the rest are stable. Is it possible to do something like that in ubuntu? any doc?07:21
DistroJockeyjeeves__, then re-insert the device07:22
blimey85ok, I'll do a reboot... a little nervous about that... worried it won't come back up07:22
Seven_Six_Twospoo1, ask you questions to create a new xorg.conf07:22
blimey85not sure why I'm so nervous this time around... never had an issue with an upgrade in the past07:22
Viking667blimey85: there shouldn't be any reason why it won't.07:22
NoName86no it shows me there is some process running07:22
Seven_Six_Twospoo1, then you restart x with alt-ctrl-bksp07:22
jeeves__DistroJockey, nope, still dosn't like it07:22
DistroJockeyjeeves__, :( Sorry, out of ideas atm07:23
blimey85how long does an upgrade typically take? obviously it dpends on the speed of the machine but I'm just curious... it's been 8 or 9 month since I last upgraded and I don't remember how long that was07:23
jeeves__DistroJockey, ok, stick around.  I'll get annoyed with this and move on to the MP3 player soon07:23
DistroJockeyjeeves__, does dmesg look a bit better now though, or the same?07:23
jeeves__DistroJockey, ARRGGHHH.  if I run Kino as root, it works07:24
DistroJockeyjeeves__, ahh :)07:24
spoo1Seven_Six_Two ok I am running off of my live CD right now give me a min and I will reboot07:25
jeeves__DistroJockey, so, how can I fix that?07:25
Seven_Six_Twopaolo, anything is possible. just not recommended07:25
SeshuanHey all07:25
SeshuanWould xfire work in wine?07:25
DistroJockeyjeeves__, never heard of Kino, but maybe you need to add your user account to audio/video groups if not already07:26
Seven_Six_Twojeeves__, add yourself to the firewire group. or 1394. or video07:26
silviaFolks... using ndiswrapper -a (device number) should force ndiswrapper to recognize it as the hardware and, therefore, make it show up in ndiswrapper -l, right? or not?07:26
jeeves__Seven_Six_Two, how do I do that?07:26
blimey85damn, it's done... that was fast...07:26
paoloSeven_Six_Two: ok... i give you a simple example. I need unison versoin 2.27 (otherwise I can't use it). Does that mean that I need to make the machine unstable?07:26
jeeves__DistroJockey, and it works once I run it as root!!!07:26
Seven_Six_Twojeeves__, users & groups in your admin menu07:26
Viking667hm. Now 23069 pts/1    R+    24:28 localedef --no-archive --magic=20051014 -i en_AU -c -f UTF-8 en_AU.UTF-807:26
Viking667seems pretty stalled to me.07:26
blimey85paolo - yes it's possible. you can list unstable repositories in your sources list and they'll get pulled in... or you can download and install a .deb file manually, or of course install from source07:27
blimey85what's the command to check the current Ubuntu version?07:27
Seven_Six_Twopaolo, it might be. I don't know about that program's dependencies or what it does.07:27
blimey85isn't it lsb -l or something like that07:27
Viking667blimey85: uname -a  or check inside /etc/issue07:27
jeeves__Seven_Six_Two, ok, where in the GUI is it?07:27
blimey85thank you!07:27
SeshuanWould xfire work in wine?07:28
blimey85it's rebooting.07:28
paoloblimey85: thanks for your reply. if I add unstable repositories, how do i chose the version I want? would by default give the most unstable?07:28
NoName86alright i got the same prob just now.....07:28
NoName86.i checked the top07:28
NoName86and i coundnt find any process running in high memory07:28
paoloSeven_Six_Two: it doesn't really matter what it does. My question is, how can I have that particular versoin, without having to download the .deb by hand07:28
blimey85paolo - if you are doing it through apt (using sources list) then you'll get the newest version. You can always download the .deb or source for the program and do it that way too...07:28
NoName86im wondering will it be the musix application cause the problem07:28
blimey85paolo - do you need a particular version or the very latest?07:29
paoloblimey85: the very last would be good07:29
jeeves__Seven_Six_Two, and I don't have a "firewire" group07:29
paoloblimey85: so you are saying that if I try to do it through apt, the whole system would be intrepid right?07:30
energy** ERROR **: Failure while preparing statement, (error=1, table itemsets has no column named parent_node_id) SQL: "INSERT INTO itemsets (item_id,parent_item_id,node_id,parent_node_id,read,comment) VALUES (?,?,?,?,?,?)"07:30
blimey85paolo - find a source for the latest version and add that to your sources list... then when you do "apt-get upgrade" you should pull in the newest version07:30
andycanWhen will be the 2.6.25.xx kernel released under repos?07:30
nano_Flannel: bro, i have tried but I still get different results from running "groups" vs "groups myname"07:31
Seven_Six_Twojeeves__, might just be video group. I don't know because I don't have firewire07:31
ndlovuI'm trying to delete a directory structure over ftp with something like 2000 files using gftp. it's a painfully slow process - any faster ways without shell access?07:31
blimey85paolo - it depends on the source you add... if you have one just for that, then no. If you change one of the major sources in your list then maybe... for example, if you change from Hardy to Intrepid, it's going to pull a lot of new packages07:31
sniffcan i safely update running kernel (2.6.24-19-generic to same version) with adept, without rebooting? i want libs and apps upgraded, but don't want to reboot because current kernel is running nicely07:31
DistroJockeyjeeves__, neither do I. If you click your username and choose properties then User Privileges, you should see ticks in most boxes, you could try ticking the ones that aren't07:31
jeeves__DistroJockey, nm, I'll just run it as root07:31
paoloblimey85: I am still not sure I understand. This is what I want http://packages.ubuntu.com/intrepid/unison . How do I find a source only for that package?07:31
DistroJockeyjeeves__, if everything is unticked, close the Users and Groups thing and reopen it07:31
intravenousserver slashnet07:31
DistroJockeyjeeves__, try and find a way not to if you can07:32
Viking667blach. Top shows this: 23069 root      25   0 54976  52m  824 R 99.5 21.0  29:52.76 localedef07:32
Viking667... with 208k into swap.07:32
pbpIf I don't have a stable internet connection and wants to install packages manually, how can I ensure that the dependencies are taken care of07:32
nano_I get different results when I run "groups" vs "groups myname"...does anybody know what could cause this?07:32
sniffpbp: apt-get first downloads all and _then_ installs07:32
ndlovucan I upload a php script that will do the job easier?07:33
DistroJockeyjeeves__, I noticed a bug when I checked my User Privileges (nothing was ticked, so I closed and reopened and most things were ticked)07:33
jeeves__DistroJockey, everything is ticked here07:33
pbpsniff: but i want to know all the dependencies so tha it can be downloaded separately and installed07:33
shashi__I have created a partition by using GParted in Ubuntu 8.04 . I would like to include that partition in /etc/fstab, and i would like to include by using UUID (like how Ubuntu does) . If i specify UUID in /etc/fstab file, and if issue "mount -a" command, i am getting the error "mount: special device /dev/disk/by-uuid/0fc296ce-6376-4ecc-952d-48e99ae5604d does not exist" .  Anyone tell me what i am missing ?07:34
jeeves__DistroJockey, ok, on to the MP3 player.07:34
blimey85Viking667 - I'm up... it shows 7.10... wouldn't let me ssh immediately for some reason... took a couple minutes and then showed it had been up for 5 minutes... but everything seems to be working07:34
DistroJockeyjeeves__, k. In that post I mention it did mention directory permissions. Might want to look at that sometime07:34
jeeves__DistroJockey, idealy, I'd like to just mount it like a regular drive07:34
Flannelpbp: apt-cache showpkg [package]07:34
sniffpbp: ah yes now i see. but doesn't dpkg command list the dependencies when you try to install a package file?07:34
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DistroJockeyjeeves__, that would probably need an entry in  /etc/fstab07:34
jm2kWhat is the recommended MySQL "long_query_time" time? I know default is 10 secs but isn't 10 secs too long?07:35
jeeves__DistroJockey, I was looking on the forums, and since it's a Philips GoGear, there is some messed up way of attaching to it.07:35
Viking667blimey85: good one. Now time to kick off the next upgrade.07:35
Flanneljm2k: You'll be better off asking in #mysql07:35
Viking667But I guess you know that already07:35
blimey85yea, starting it right now07:35
adredhi my box couldn't read FAT partition, what should i do? my files are stored there :(07:36
jm2kFlannel: i did ask, no response.07:36
pbpflannel, sniff: thanks for that info07:36
DistroJockeyjeeves__, for fstab you need to either get the  /dev/????  from  sudo fdisk -l  or the  UUID  from  sudo blkid07:36
Viking667I'm still awaiting localedef07:37
paoloblimey85: any hint?07:37
sniffbut talking about dependencies, is my system safe without rebooting if i apt-get upgrade running kernel with newer package but which is of same version?07:37
jeeves__DistroJockey, well, fdisk only shows the mounted drives07:37
DistroJockeyjeeves__, it will show connected drives, even if not mounted07:37
adredhi my box couldn't read FAT partition, what should i do? my files are stored there :(07:37
Viking667now, what the heck could be holding up locales? It's been sitting metaphorically twiddling it's thumbs for over 40 minutes.07:38
jeeves__DistroJockey, it dosn't show.  google "gogear" and see what it comes up with07:38
Seven_Six_Twojeeves__, try cfdisk07:39
jat_ /server psybnc.gempakbox.net 10251 arecacatechu07:39
pbpdoes screenlets or awn cause any shutdown issues in hardy ?07:39
DistroJockeyjeeves__, heaps of forum posts, looks like a bugger to get going07:39
jeeves__Seven_Six_Two, ok?  how?  and what do I do?  I'd like this thing to auto mount like it does wth USB drives07:39
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jeeves__DistroJockey, ahhh, here it is.  mtp-detect07:40
Seven_Six_Twojeeves__, oh sorry I forgot it was the philips. what output does dmesg give when you plug it in?07:41
DistroJockeyjeeves__, also saw mention of installing something called  gnomad  that solved the persons problem07:41
Viking667.... huh? Even a "kill -9 <pid> doesn't kill it.07:41
EonooViking667: Error: No closing quotation07:41
Viking667yeah, I know. Sorry. I'll correct it, just to suit your neat bot heart.07:41
jeeves__DistroJockey, gnomad made a mess out of my system, and crashed my player.  I had to reflash it with a proper firmware (through windows), and then move my songs back!  LOL07:42
spoo1Seven_Six_Two all it asked me was stuff about the keyboard07:42
DistroJockeyjeeves__, ouch07:42
jeeves__Seven_Six_Two, one sec. I'll paste bin it07:43
Seven_Six_Twospoo1, it didn't ask for a resolution?07:43
spoo1Seven_Six_Two nope07:43
Viking667I killed the parent process in the end...07:43
DistroJockeyjeeves__, sorry, I better stop suggesting stuff then as I can't test it07:43
Seven_Six_Twospoo1, ouch. looks like you need to start reading07:43
Viking667now it's continuing.07:43
spoo1Seven_Six_Two ??07:43
Viking667(along with the inevitable errors)07:43
jeeves__Seven_Six_Two, http://www.pastebin.ca/107520907:43
jeeves__DistroJockey, http://www.pastebin.ca/107520907:44
Seven_Six_Twospoo1, lol...you may have to fill in your xorg.conf by hand, or install the control center from the ati site.07:44
jeeves__Seven_Six_Two, did you see that pastebin post?07:45
jeeves__DistroJockey, http://www.pastebin.ca/107520907:45
spoo1Seven_Six_Two, why would it work fine on the live CD but not after install?07:45
blimey85Viking667: did you just say you killed something during your upgrade?07:45
Seven_Six_Twojeeves__, yeah. and your device looks unsupported to me...07:45
Viking667yeah. Had to kill a "locale-def"07:45
blimey85sorry I was only half paying attention... trying to do five things at once while keeping an eye on my own upgrade07:45
Viking667but I wouldn't normally have to do that.07:45
jeeves__Seven_Six_Two, once again...  Philips can't play nice.  LOL.07:45
blimey85which version are you currently on?07:46
Viking667me? Currently upgrading TO hardy.07:46
Seven_Six_Twospoo1, I don't know, but It happened to me although I keep a backup of my xorg.conf now07:46
Viking667the packages are downloaded and installed, now it's configuring.07:46
gukkelsHi! Can anyone give me link on something like "STEP-BY-STEP HOWTO - how to tranfer existing ubuntu on new larger drive"? I suspect it is trivial task, but I found nothing on google.07:46
spoo1Seven_Six_Two, that sounds like a good idea....07:46
spoo1Seven_Six_Two, would that help with a RAM issue also?07:47
Seven_Six_Twojeeves__, I had a cheap philips webcam that I never got working either. I took it apart to see what was inside.07:47
DistroJockeyjeeves__, may not fix it, but I found this:  http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=60546107:47
Seven_Six_Twospoo1, you can ask, but I don't know a lot about it07:48
jeeves__Seven_Six_Two, that's too bad.  it's a nice 8gb unit.  I'd REALLY like to make it work.  then my switch from microcrap to Ubuntu will be worth it!07:48
blimey85it's a shame not everything can be upgraded this way.07:48
jeeves__DistroJockey, thanks, one sec, I'll look07:48
mudonirchi all07:48
DistroJockeygukkels, first you will need a live cd with gparted on it07:48
blimey85for example, I'd love to be able to apt-upgrade joomla07:48
spoo1Seven_Six_Two, since I installed Ubuntu it has show that I only have 256 Mib of RAM but in fact  I have 1 GiB installed and my BIOS reads it07:48
DistroJockeygukkels, as you can't copy the partition you are running from07:48
forztldoes anyone have a workaround for using the scroll wheel in the gnome workspace switcher with compiz?07:50
jeeves__DistroJockey, nope, no help07:50
DistroJockeygukkels, then you would use gparted to copy the partition to the new drive (then resize it bigger) and make a swap partition. Then install grub and fix /etc/fstab to set the right UUID's. Maybe not the easyest way looking at that :)07:50
Seven_Six_Twospoo1, dunno sorrry07:50
DistroJockeyjeeves__, *nods*07:51
spoo1Seven_Six_Two, no problem thanks anyway07:53
jeeves__DistroJockey, hold on, we may have something here.07:54
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loz__good morning all07:55
kaiwenlol, the is-a-jerk.com thing07:55
kaiwenany way to kick it out07:56
dav1can I get some help installing an nvidia driver for a geforce 8600m gt on hardy?07:56
kaiwendav1: try envy07:56
ubottuenvyng is an updated version of the *UNSUPPORTED* envy package. It is now part of the ubuntu universe repository (envyng-gtk OR envyng-qt) and has community support. As an early version, its results may vary but this should be used over the unsupported envy package.07:56
kaiwendavy: apt-get install envy07:56
loz__has anyone managed to install sound blaster card with oss v4?07:57
forztlkaiwen, i reported it in #freenode, hopefully something will be done07:57
DistroJockeykaiwen, dav1 : see above07:57
kaiwenok, thanks forztl07:57
spoo1Seven_Six_Two,  how do I fill out the xorg.conf07:58
spoo1Seven_Six_Two, its really hard isn't is07:58
dav1thanks guys!07:58
kaiwenvi /etc/X11/xorg.conf07:59
kaiwenspoo1: sudo gedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf07:59
webbiI just plug my APC UPS to my pc via usb, and I got it in dmesg: hiddev96: USB HID v1.10 Device [American Power Conversion07:59
webbiwhich is my /dev/ for that usb ?07:59
spoo1Seven_Six_Two, is it something that I shouldn't do if I'm not really comfortable with the terminal?08:00
ompaulwebbi, lsusb08:00
webbiompaul, Bus 1, Device 308:01
kaiwenspoo1 what are you trying to do08:01
webbiompaul, how that help?08:01
Ham1979I wanted to install xwindows and did kubunutu instead of ubuntu08:01
kaiwenyour xorg.conf should be in teh directory /etc/X1108:01
Ham1979I thought I had removed it but the kubuntu log in comes up when the system restarts08:01
kaiwenthat has to do with the kdm08:02
webbiompaul, is there anyway to know how that device is called in /dev/ ?08:02
kaiwenyou can switch it with dpkg-reconfigure kdm08:02
kaiwentry that ;)_08:02
kaiwenare you talking about just the login screen?08:02
DistroJockeyHam1979, check what is listed when you click Sessions at the login screen08:03
kaiwenif that's so, you can change it do the gdm login screen doing that08:03
kaiwenif you want to switch to Xwindows session you have to do what DistroJockey suggested08:03
Ham1979it says Gnome(Previous) but nothing happens when I click08:03
kaiwentype it in terminal ham08:03
kaiwensudo dpkg-reconfigure kdm08:03
Ham1979default display kdm or gdm what does that mean?08:03
kaiwenkdm is the kde display manager08:03
webbianybody know how can I know how a usb is called in /dev/ ? I just plugged my UPS and I dont know08:03
kaiwengdm is the gnome displa manager08:04
webbiit's a device like a mouse... not like a mass storage device08:04
kaiwenHam, what are you trying to do though?08:04
spoo1I just installed 8.04.1 hardy and now my screen Resolution will not go any higher than 800x600. The live CD alows me to run at 1366x768 which is what I used on 8.04 hardy08:04
wolsspoo1: videocard? video drivers?08:05
kaiwenspoo1, you'll have to edit yoru xorg.conf08:05
webbiwow very useful help here08:05
spoo1ATI 952008:05
kaiwenspoo1, you have to edit your xorg.conf I don't want to repeat08:06
spoo1kaiwen I just tried that as suggested by Seven_Six_two and all id asked was ?'s about my keyboard08:06
wolsspoo1: answer me08:06
forztldoes anyone here use compiz?08:06
spoo1wols ATI 952008:06
spoo1oh 925008:06
kaiwenspoo1: but if you look before spoo, I gave an alternative but you didn't reply08:07
roxygirlCan anyone recommend a GUI for a database system, that's NOT openoffice??08:07
m-cspoo1 Are you pretty proficient with ubuntu yet?  There are some new open source graphic drivers that work real nice, but require some tinkering to get going.08:07
kaiwenspoo1: have you tried my alternative before?08:07
Flannelroxygirl: MySQL has the admin thing...08:07
spoo1m-c no I am a newB08:07
wolsspoo1: that is not all I asked08:07
DistroJockeyohh, and I just found the answer for webbi. Took bad they were impatient :(08:07
kaiwenspoo1:  then look what i typed before spoo08:07
roxygirlflannel: but it doesn't really have any form design options, does it?08:07
m-cspoo1: http://wiki.x.org/wiki/RadeonFeature ; http://www.phoronix.com/forums/showthread.php?s=844e52238b85865d489a98d68b85e322&t=9951  Might just keep these links around, just in case08:07
spoo1kaiwen sorry I didn't see your alt suggestion08:07
spoo1kaiwen can you repeat it?08:08
kaiwenspoo1: before you keep on asking the same question again08:08
kaiwenspoo1: sudo gedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf08:08
Flannelroxygirl: I'm not really sure.  SQL supports views, you won't get a GUI form-ish thing, no.  You'd have to make one (which isn't too difficult)08:08
kaiwendoes it work spoo1?08:09
nextplacehi gouys does anybody know about the hibernate and standby funktion in Hardy?08:09
kaiwennextplace, yes08:09
roxygirlflannel: through what means would I make forms? (I have probably 15 tables, and would like about 10 different forms for them to support documentation for my new business.08:09
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kaiwennextplace, i personally think it's a bit buggy though, but it may be jsut me, i'm running a laptop08:09
spoo1kaiwen, okay I did that08:10
kaiwennextplace, sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't08:10
kaiwenspoo1 well?08:10
Flannelroxygirl: You could use any programming language to make a variety of types of UIs.  There may be some pre-fam "form" sort of thing, but I'm not aware of one.  You might ask in #mysql or #postgres or something similar if they have any tools08:10
nextplacekaiwen: k, i'll have a look at the Energy Options08:11
wolsroxygirl: an editor (if it's html forms)08:11
spoo1kaiwen a window popped up with a bunch of info on it...08:11
roxygirlflannel: great, thanks! i'll go there08:11
spoo1kaiwen I'm sorry I don't know much about this08:11
roxygirlwols: like bluefish?08:11
kaiwendo you see ? any more?08:11
forztlroxygirl, i've never used it, but have you looked at kexi?08:12
kaiwenwhat kind of info does it show, at least give a line, and please be efficient about it08:12
kaiwendont' want to wait 1 min. for a reply08:12
roxygirlfortzl: started looking, but am leery as it's set up alot like openoffice...which just ended up being a waste of my time because it didn't work very well08:12
wolsroxygirl: like gedit08:12
wolsroxygirl: can you program?08:13
kaiwenspoo1: so what does the info show?08:13
kaiwenspoo1: we shouldn't need to ask, if you really need the help you'll tell us08:14
roxygirlwols: i'm pretty basic, and would rather not have to learn all the programming and have a nice GUI where I can easily build relationships and join tables...don't really have the time to learn everything right now while starting up this business08:14
kaiwenotherwise all the info we knwo about to solve ur problem is that you opened xorg.conf08:14
kaiwenthat doesn't help08:14
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schonehi all08:16
spoo1Kaiwen, I'm sorry if you will be patient with me I'm trying to answer you properly so that all in formation is helpful08:16
kaiwenspoo1 try this first08:16
Viking667Time I headed into a reconfigure of locales, I think.08:16
Ham1979i think i must have 2 gnomes installed as yesterday i added icons on my desktop and now xubuntu is empty08:16
schonei just used GParted to format a drive to ext3. But for some reason I can not seem to find it any more? Any tips to have it showing?08:16
Viking667uh. Install hasn't yet finished. darn.08:16
kaiwengo to terminal and do this: sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg08:17
Viking667gotta wait.08:17
kaiwenand see if that helps, the instruction should be noob friendly08:17
kaiwenbut, there is a catch, make sure the driver is vesa08:17
DistroJockeyschone, sounds like the UUID changed. If you were using fstab to mount it before that is08:17
schoneDistrojockey :  I just looked at the status in GParted it doesn't seem to be mounted anymore08:18
schoneIs there a quick way to mount it?08:18
DistroJockeyschone, did you have to manually mount it before formatting, or was it automatic?08:18
schoneit found it automatically ( well GParted did ) but I couldnt actually mount it or view it (NTFS before)08:19
spoo1Kaiwen, it was the same as what I did earlier08:19
kaiwenok open xorg.conf08:19
DistroJockeyschone, you can  mkdir  a place to mount it, then  mount /dev/xxxx /place/to/mount/to08:19
DistroJockeyschone, sudo mount that is ^08:20
kaiwenspoo1; scroll down until you find something that says "Default Screen"08:20
blimey85how would one install the latest PHP on Hardy? Is there a source for the latest php releases?08:20
DistroJockeyschone, you need to replace  /dev/xxxx  with what the devices name is08:21
kaiwenunder that tell me what is under Modes08:21
kaiwenunder the subsection "Display"08:21
vixy_foxEvening everyone. I'm having an issue with Second Life running poorly in Ubuntu 8.04, and I tried looking up for a solution online but couldn't find any. I was wondering if anyone might know how I can get a better performance out of it? (Sorry if this is not the place to ask)08:21
DistroJockeyschone, or mount it using gparted?08:21
Ham1979kaiwen was this for mesudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg08:21
kaiwenHam,  no08:22
kaiwenHam, tell me what you are trying to do overall08:22
kaiwenHam, are you just trying to change the login screen? or the session type08:22
Ham1979I take it I have gnome and xubuntu installed then08:23
Ham1979which look similar?08:23
kaiwenHam, can you tell me what you are trying to do though?08:23
spoo1Section "Screen"08:23
spoo1Identifier"Default Screen"08:23
spoo1Monitor"Configured Monitor"08:23
spoo1Device"Configured Video Device"08:23
FloodBot2spoo1: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.08:23
kaiwenok it seems to not detect ur monitor08:24
Ham1979I just want xwindows (gnome) to start when the pc reboots. I set up all my desktop icons yesterday but now I have reconfigured kdm xubuntu has started and my desktop is blank and no thunderbird08:24
kaiwenwhat's the main resolution you want spoo1?08:24
kaiwenHam, that makes it easier, go to sessions at the login and choose gnome08:25
blimey85does anyone know the target release timeframe for Intrepid?08:25
kaiwenok spoo1 if that is the resolution do the following:08:25
blimey85and is Ubuntu going to do a cross-promo with Dodge? lol08:25
DistroJockeyblimey85, October08:25
Flannelblimey85: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IntrepidReleaseSchedule  more questions in #ubuntu+108:26
kaiwenAfter the device line08:26
kaiwenHam does it work?08:26
vixy_foxWas wondering if anyone had a solution to Second Life client having poor FPS when running in Ubuntu 8.04?08:27
kaiwenspoo1: press enter and type the follow : SubSection "Display"08:27
DistroJockeyvixy_fox, tried turning off Desktop Effects?08:27
spoo1kaiwen, where at?08:28
kaiwenpress enter then tab, next type in: modes        "1366x768"08:28
spoo1in terminal?08:28
kaiwenread what i typpe08:28
kaiwenno at xorg.conf08:28
vixy_foxDistroJockey: Concidering my system specs I would hope I would not have to08:28
kaiwenat the place where i told you to find08:28
DistroJockeyvixy_fox, heh, try anyway :)08:28
Ham1979kawiwen: very strange it still starts the same session but I can reset that up - just having trouble with thunderbird permission setting up a profile08:28
kaiwenthunderbird permission. have you tried running thunderbird under sudo?08:29
vixy_foxDistroJockey: What's the easiest way to turn it off?08:29
kaiwentell me if that works08:29
kaiwenif that works, i may know the problem08:29
schonedistrojockey it is asking my to specify a filesystem type?08:29
DistroJockeyvixy_fox, System - Preferences - Appearance08:29
DistroJockeyvixy_fox, then Visual Effects08:30
vixy_foxDistroJockey: Believe it or not... that made it worse >.>08:30
DistroJockeyschone, what did you format it as?08:30
DistroJockeyvixy_fox, hmm08:30
vixy_foxDistrojocky: They way it looks right now. It looks as if your running duke nukem 3d, on a very crappy machine.08:31
DistroJockeyvixy_fox, maybe a restart of X now that Visual Effects are disabled?08:31
rhalffhi my upgrade hangs while updating locales, I can't kill -9 localedef either, any suggestions ?08:31
DistroJockeyschone, as ext3 mount shouldn't need to ask that I would have thought08:32
vixy_foxDistroJockey: I'm really going to dislike it if I'm going to have to keep restarting X each time I run Second Life. I've seen videos of it running perfectly fine, on systems with less performance than mine.08:32
vixy_foxDistroJockey: And running Visual Effects at the same time in the videos08:32
DistroJockeyvixy_fox, and you have restricted drivers?08:32
vixy_foxDistroJockey: I'm not to sure how I could tell. I used Envy to install my nVidia drivers.08:33
DistroJockeyschone, can you pastebin what you tried and see please?08:33
DistroJockeyvixy_fox, then yep.08:33
vixy_foxDistroJockey: What I find odd, is when I go and use 3D cube to move between panes, it doesn't lag at all, even when I can still see the Second Life window.08:34
schonethere u go distrojockey08:34
vixy_foxDistroJockey: That is why this is really confusing me.08:34
DistroJockeyvixy_fox, maybe a quick check to see if  glxgears  gives any errors when run in terminal08:34
vixy_foxDistroJockey: What exactly would I type in terminal to test that?08:35
DistroJockeyvixy_fox, glxgears08:35
DistroJockeyschone, so  /media/Backup  exists?08:36
DistroJockeyschone, and the result of?   sudo mount /dev/sdc1 /media/Backup08:36
vixy_foxDistroJockey: I came up with an error. How do I use pastebin?08:37
DistroJockey!pastebin | vixy_fox08:37
ubottuvixy_fox: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)08:37
Viking667yeesh. Locales wouldn't define, and the program stopped, dead.08:37
schonedistrojockey : sudo mount -t ext3 /dev/sdc1 ./Backup worked!08:37
Viking667... though funnily eneugh, still in running state, even as I shut down.08:38
Viking667ah, it's gone.08:38
DistroJockeyvixy_fox, go there, paste and copy the location from the Adress bar08:38
vixy_foxDistroJockey: http://paste.ubuntu.com/28224/08:38
DistroJockeyschone, Cool! And the one I mentioned didn't?08:38
TENDoes anyone know how to make sure that ENABLED=1 in /etc/defaults/vdr is not ignored? (In other words, VDR currently won't autostart on reboot which is kind of nonsensical for a DVR ;) )08:38
schonedistrojockey: it is labelled 250.1 GB Media - is there a way to change this?08:38
schonedistrojockey : no i think the format of the command wasnt write08:39
JosdellHey everyone, I just watched The Dark Knight. It is so epic, sorry just gotta say it :)08:39
GurpartapWhat application to use to add bubble comments to pictures?08:39
DistroJockeyschone, label command maybe (need to unmount)08:39
DistroJockeyvixy_fox, looks like the kernel and the driver don't match. You will need to fix that08:40
vixy_foxDistroJockey: I'm a complete newbie at Ubuntu really. Can you point me in the right direction of how to do that?08:40
nextplacekaiwen: I know now the Problem of my hibernating Problem: It'S the w-lan card (Atheros A5007 PCI-E)08:40
GurpartapI just need to add some notes to a screenshot/mockup08:40
kaiwennextplace: lol, mine was my audio card08:41
kaiwenweird reason, but it was true08:41
DistroJockeyvixy_fox, same issue you get when a new driver is released and you install it manually. Umm, maybe, sec08:41
Ham1979kaiwen - how do i run thunderbird under sudo in xwidnows08:41
kaiwengo to terminal08:41
kaiwensudo thunderbird08:41
nextplacekaiwen: it halts everytime on this line08:41
vixy_foxDistroJockey: KK, what I noticed though, is Envy doesn't have the newest nVidia driver in it. It has 173.14.05 where the newest driver is 173.14.0908:42
kaiwennextplace: that's why i dont' use it08:43
vixy_foxDistroJockey: I had tried to install the .09 driver manually, but it didn't work out right, so I tried using Envy after uninstalling the .09 driver. The kernel I guess didn't change with it.08:43
kaiwennextplace: it always halts, then u don't knwo what happens08:43
DistroJockeyvixy_fox, yeah, I guess that's one reason why envyng is "unsupported"08:43
nextplacekaiwen: now, I don't use it either08:43
nextplacekaiwen: It starts quickly anyways08:43
kaiwennextplace: yeah, to tell you the truth, it's a bit dangerous to use it, i almost wanted to reinstall b/c08:43
kaiweni thought it was the kernel error08:43
vixy_foxDistroJockey: To get the newest driver installed, the .09, what would be the best way to install it?08:43
schonedistrojockey : do you know the command to relabel?08:44
kaiwenthen i took at might laptop batter to reset the memory and it worked fine, and figure out it was the hibernation08:44
DistroJockeyvixy_fox, you might be better following the manual steps08:44
kaiwennextplace: basically it's bugy, dangerous, and you may encounter unexpected errors08:44
nextplacekaiwen: I'm gonna write a bugreport now08:45
kaiwenit does start quickly ;)08:45
kaiwenkaiwen; ok, cool, i have the same problem, but it was b/c of my network card08:45
kaiweni mean audio card08:45
nextplacekaiwen: the developement team has to know to fix this kind of bugs08:45
Ham1979kaiwen: sudo mozilla-thunderbird brings up the profile i setup yesterday which is cool but how do i set it so that i don't have to go into termianl each time i wanna start thunderbird08:45
kaiwenurs is network08:45
kaiwenHam i know ur problem :p08:45
kaiwensee i told u lol08:46
vixy_foxDistroJockey: I tried doing that, but there are different places that tell you different things about manual install.. and I just don't know which one to follow.08:46
kaiweni knew it was permissions08:46
kaiwenwait let me find it so i can explain it08:46
DistroJockeyschone, the following may help (read all of it first) : https://answers.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+question/467008:46
kaiwenHam you'll have to change your user permissions08:46
kaiwenare you under gnome or kde?08:46
DistroJockeyvixy_fox, I thought the script you get and run from the nvidia site does all, and prompts when you don't have what it needs08:47
spoo1kaiwen, you are awesome!!!08:47
kaiwenare u able to go to kde?08:47
kaiweni'm running kde now08:47
vixy_foxI tried following it, but for some reason the xconfig or something wasn't installed right and it freaked out on me relaly >.>08:47
DistroJockeyvixy_fox, not used their drivers for a while (so may not be much help)08:47
kaiwenu can somehow get into user accounts08:48
Viking667Now it works. Had to reboot before a dpkg --configure locales   would work.08:48
kaiwenin gnome08:48
kaiwenspoo1 did it work?08:48
kaiwenthatz good08:49
DistroJockeyvixy_fox, yeah, that happens a bit. You may need to run something like  nvidia-settings  or the reconfigure command listed at the top of  xorg.conf08:49
kaiwenallright spoo1 gl on ur future endeavours with ubuntu08:50
DistroJockeyvixy_fox, I'll stop here in the hopes that someone who knows better will jump in. Good luck.08:50
kaiwenhave class tom.08:50
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vixy_foxDistroJockey: How would I uninstall the current drivers I have currently installed with the kernel?08:51
spoo1now if I could only get all my RAM to show08:51
spoo1and work08:51
jc6hi how to install yahoo messenger08:51
spoo1jc6 why not just use pidgin?08:52
DistroJockeyvixy_fox, either with envyng or the nvidia script (both should have an uninstall/remove option, but not sure)08:52
vixy_foxDistroJockey: Alright, thank you. I'll give it a shot.08:52
DistroJockeyvixy_fox, you're welcome. Good luck08:53
jc6hi  spool thanks for the reply is video chat possible in pidgin?08:53
draco_not in pidgin08:53
spoo1jc6 nope08:53
jc6is there any way i can do video chat?08:53
spoo1you got a point there08:53
draco_try kopete instead08:54
jc6ok thanks for the reply  draco :)08:54
kaiwenHam i'm back08:54
legend2440spoo1: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=21300808:57
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Viking667"Houston, we have arrived"08:58
spoo1legend2440, thnks08:58
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schonedistrojockey : i decided to unmount and remount under the ./mnt folder09:00
schonefor some reason the command runs fine but the drives don't appear09:00
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DistroJockeyschone, don't appear where?09:01
schoneanywhere, last time i mounted to ./media it popped up under nautilus09:01
DistroJockeyschone, ./mnt is not = to /mnt09:01
schoneah ok sorry /mnt09:02
colourAggahey all, i have a question concerning dual screen setup on my laptop, should i ask it here or would #ubuntu-effects be better?09:02
schonemaybe leave it under /media/09:02
dmseghello, iam new to ubuntu09:02
ooooooopme 209:02
DistroJockeyschone, it will show on the Desktop if in media but not if in mnt09:02
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jc6hi dmseg welcome09:02
schoneanyway to get it to show up if its under mnt09:03
DistroJockeyschone, but it should still show in nautilus if mounted correctly09:03
doctorgonzogood day, everyone.09:03
schonehmm, is there a standard area you should mount internal hard drives?09:04
DistroJockeyschone, check the   mount   command in termina09:04
spoo1legend2440, that has some great info on it but I'm affraid that my problem is more that a few MB or MiBs off I should have a a full Gb/Gib and Ubuntu is only reading 249.7Mib09:04
vidhuhow to view my computer in ubuntu?09:04
doctorgonzoi'm having some probs with apache and this phpmotion script i'm working with.09:04
DistroJockeyschone, terminal, then browse to that location^09:04
doctorgonzoi'm getting forbidden errors to the cgi-bin directory and i thought the permissions were set correctly on the dir and the files inside...09:05
jc6vidhu-- Places -> Computer->Filesystem09:05
schoneits there09:05
zherlockIn ubuntu Hardy mounting a FreeBSD 6.2 Samba share with smbmount says "CIFS VFS: Send error in SessSetup = -13, CIFS VFS: cifs_mount_failed w/return code = - 13. Status code returend 0x000006d NT_STATUS_LOGON_FAILURE09:05
doctorgonzodrwxr-xr-x 3 root   4096 2008-06-03 05:40 cgi-bin09:05
legend2440spoo1: really? that is a lot   what app is telling you that?  system monitor?09:05
doctorgonzothat look right to be viewable as  http://domain.tld/cgi-bin ?09:06
spoo1legend2440, yup09:06
Viking667oh GAD!!!!09:06
DistroJockeyschone, I tend to mount to /mnt/whatever by default09:06
Viking667not those crazy UUID designators. How the hell am I supposed to know what the heck to call my CD ROM drive now???09:06
legend2440spoo1: type    free   in terminal   does it say same thing?09:06
spoo1legend2440, " free" ?09:07
DistroJockeyViking667, do a  sudo blkid  :)09:07
legend2440spooyes open terminal   and type     free09:07
doctorgonzois there anything i need to do in a conf file to open/unlock/unblock access to the cgi-bin folder from the default package install of apache with ubuntu 8.04?09:07
schonehmm its mounted under the mount command but i cant see it in nautilus09:07
schonemight reboot09:07
DistroJockeyschone, you will need to remount again after reboot. But if you can, may aswell try09:08
xintronI installed the .deb virtualbox package. How do I start virtualbox?09:08
spoo1where do you past things?09:08
schoneah bugger how do i have it mount on start up09:08
ubottupastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)09:08
DistroJockeyschone, need an entry in  /etc/fstab09:09
schoneanything special ?09:09
jc6xintron   try this type virtualbox      in terminal09:09
Viking667's all right. I wandered through /dev using midnight commander09:09
xintronjc6: Already tried. Didn't find anything09:10
DistroJockeyschone, depending on what you have, you may find a close match you can copy and change09:10
xintronjc6: It says virtualbox isn't installed. Although I installed it using their .deb packaged from the website09:10
DistroJockeyschone, try a reboot and manual mount first before trying fstab though09:10
spoo1legend2440, http://paste.ubuntu.com/28230/09:10
zykes-anyone know where i can find ubuntu xen sources ?09:11
schoneah ok will do - is there anything wrong with mounting permanently under /media09:11
jc6xintron try typing   virtualbox-ose in terminal09:11
SmegzorRecently I have lost the option at login to connect to remote pc's via XDMCP and I don't know where its gone?  All the pc's in my lan accept remote logins and they all still have that menu at login.  How do I get it back?09:11
xintronjc6: I'm installing it through aptitude instead09:11
DistroJockeyschone, I would do a manual like this:  sudo mkdir /mnt/sdc1 && sudo mount /dev/sdc1 /mnt/sdc109:12
legend2440spoo1: i don't see anything under    Total09:12
jc6xintron install it using terminal its easy sudo apt-get install virtualbox-ose09:12
spoo1legend2440, nope09:13
spoo1my BIOS reads it just fine09:13
paul_5666hi all, im trying to run fdsk on my 2nd hdd which is a NTFS FS, how do i do so? i already forced the mount09:13
DistroJockeyschone, but then I guess you would need sudo to access it09:14
Viking667hm. Strange. machine just dies09:14
schonewell it worked that time distro09:14
legend2440spoo1: you have   2 x 512 0r  1 stick of 1 gig?09:14
spoo1legend2440, and just like on that forum I have 2x51209:14
schonebut it doesnt appear in nautilus09:14
xintronjc6: How do I intall support for X in Vbox?09:15
Smegzornevermind.  solved it.  I must have unticked the box that tells the login menu to include XDMCP (oops)  Oh well.  fixed now :)09:15
DistroJockeyschone, hmm09:15
jc6xintron:  Do you mean support in xchat09:15
xintronjc6: Nvm09:16
paul_5666hi all, im trying to run fdsk on my 2nd hdd which is a NTFS FS, how do i do so? i already forced the mount09:16
jc6xintron  try    /join  #virtualbox09:16
DistroJockeyschone, I can't understand why it would show09:17
legend2440spoo1: maybe try   switching sticks from 1 bank to another or make sure they are seated correctly.  also if you press ESC as Ubuntu is is starting you can choose memtest to rundiagnostics on memory.09:17
DistroJockeyschone, so you mounted it at  /mnt/sdc1 ?09:17
vixy_foxDistroJockey: So I was able to uninstall, reinstalled with the newest driver. Tried the glxgears test, no errors now, and seems to run okay. When I try to open secondlife up again though... it won't open at all. I tried reinstalling the .deb, but it won't run. Any ideas?09:18
schonedistro: it mounts perfectly under media09:18
schoneumm i was using the name of the drive to mount it09:19
Viking667right. Let's try that again...09:19
DistroJockeyvixy_fox, glad to hear you fixed the driver issue. No idea on Second Life though sorry. Maybe you can redirect it to another X display. (check launch options for the program)09:19
DistroJockeyschone, so it's mounted in /media and you can see it?09:20
vixy_foxdistrojockey: How do I check the launch options?09:20
DistroJockeyschone, cool :)09:21
DistroJockeyvixy_fox, read it's  man  page I guess09:21
DistroJockeyvixy_fox, or README file or documentation09:21
vixy_foxDistroJockey: Alright. Thank you so much for your help. I'm just glad that I have the driver issue fixed ^_^09:21
schoneso i can leave it under /media?09:22
DistroJockeyvixy_fox, you're welcome. Me too, that would have been causing a few issues. Good luck09:22
Viking667I know this is probably a FAQ, but why the hell is this happening?  perl: warning: Setting locale failed.; perl: warning: Please check that your locale settings:   LANGUAGE = (unset),   LC_ALL = (unset),   LANG = "en_NZ" are supported and installed on your system.09:22
Viking667the locales generated were all .UTF-8 locales.09:23
Viking667could this be an issue?09:23
DistroJockeyschone, well, media is generally used for removable media, but it should be fine if you are happy with it being there09:23
schoneyer if its working thats all good09:24
DistroJockeyschone, aye :)09:24
RodrigoVito0r nuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuh09:24
Rodrigomada fucker09:25
Vito0rRodrigo a galera aki nao tem statusssssssssssssss09:25
spoo1I have a RAM problem can someone try to help?09:25
Vito0rnem voice nem op09:25
Vito0rcomédia demais09:25
RodrigoVito0r aqui isso nao é vantagem09:25
switchcatQ: how do I tell which USB kernel modules/features are turned on? I am trying to hook up a USB device to use with a WINE program but it doesnt seem to acknowledge it and I think it might be a kernel/usb problem09:25
ne2k__Does anyone know how I can make cream (editor) support Ctrl-A and Ctrl-E as Home and End?09:25
Vito0rRodrigo nao é09:25
DistroJockeyschone, if you pastebin your  /etc/fstab  , and the output of   mount  , I can see if I can make a new fstab to mount if for you09:25
Vito0rRodrigo pq eles sao pau no cu09:25
Vito0rwhat register my nick????????????09:26
RodrigoVito0r kkkkkk09:26
DistroJockeyschone, better include   sudo fdisk -l   also09:26
Vito0rwhat is register my nick?09:26
Vito0rRodrigo que horas sao nos eua?09:26
DistroJockey!register | Vito0r09:27
ubottuVito0r: Information about registering your nickname: http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#userregistration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname.09:27
RodrigoVito0r - 3 horas09:27
DistroJockey!brasil | Vito0r09:27
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about brasil09:27
Vito0rhora de pico da rede em Rodrigo09:27
DistroJockey!br | Vito0r09:27
ubottuVito0r: Por favor use #ubuntu-br ou #ubuntu-pt para ajuda em português. Obrigado.09:27
error404notfoundwhy does ubuntu show all folders as of 4.0K size instead of the commulative sum of sizes of all files in them?09:27
Vito0rDistroJockey como sabe que sou brasileiro?09:27
RodrigoVito0r vei os canal aqui tudu tem em varias linguas09:28
DistroJockeyVito0r, nope09:28
Likvidyis there a reliable solution for the opengl/video flickering with compiz and ati drivers?09:28
paul_5666hi all, im trying to run fdsk on my 2nd hdd which is a NTFS FS, how do i do so? i already forced the mount09:28
DistroJockeyLikvidy, turning of Visual Effects I believe09:28
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about brasil09:28
ubottuPor favor use #ubuntu-br ou #ubuntu-pt para ajuda em português. Obrigado.09:28
Vito0rok ubottu09:29
_xyzhelp: when attempting to install Nvidia's 64-bit driver for 64-bit Ubuntu 8.04, I get the following message: 'you appear to be running x server. please close s server before installing'09:29
* Viking667 grins.... five separate sound inputs - heh heh heh09:29
AaronHpaul_5666, have you tried gparted?09:29
Vito0r[DistroJockey]: aki No SPEAK PORTUGUESE?09:29
Viking667two CDROM drives, two mics, two PCM09:29
Vito0rRodrigo :X09:29
DistroJockeyVito0r, nope, sorry09:30
paul_5666AaronH: nope...09:30
mudman -k ntfs09:30
RodrigoDistroJockey what channel brasilian ??09:30
paul_5666AaronH: how do i run it?09:30
Vito0rRodrigo #UBUNTU-PT09:31
paul_5666AaronH: its telling me to install first09:31
Arcanisi've got a question that is most likely bound to routing, I got a gateway and two nics, one nic eth0 takes in the internet, the other nick eth1 goes into a switch with multiple computers. What I wanna do is take the net from the eth0 and share it with all on the switch on the eth1 nic. Must I do this via the route command?09:31
RodrigoVito0r ¬¬ fuck you09:31
DistroJockeyRodrigo, or #ubuntu-br maybe09:31
AaronHpaul_5666, do "sudo apt-get install gparted"  then from any terminal in gnome run "sudo gparted"09:31
JC_Denton_Why would xsp report a premission denied error when trying to run it on port 80? Apache is not running..09:31
DistroJockeyRodrigo, language please09:31
AaronHpaul_5666, you dont have ubuntu installed yet?09:31
paul_5666AaronH: i do have ubuntu installed09:32
RodrigoDistroJockey sorry09:32
Arcanisi've got a question that is most likely bound to routing, I got a gateway and two nics, one nic eth0 takes in the internet, the other nick eth1 goes into a switch with multiple computers. What I wanna do is take the net from the eth0 and share it with all on the switch on the eth1 nic. Must I do this via the route command?09:32
butterzArcanis, you are going to do port fowarding using iptables09:32
AaronHpaul_5666, k, just run that commands that I mentioned09:32
Arcanisbutterz: thanks a lot, but does it not suffice that they add my ip as a gateway?09:32
paul_5666AaronH: ok, but its not detecting my partitions, in NTFS09:32
DistroJockeyswitchcat, lsusb  is a start09:33
AaronHwhat exactly did you want to do with your NTFS partition?09:33
RodrigoVito0r pergunta ele cade os op!09:33
paul_5666AaronH: run something equivalent to windows chkdsk09:33
DistroJockeyRodrigo, English only here please09:33
butterzArcanis, that is correct, you would become the gateway09:34
mavsman4457Hey how do I download the source of something through svn?09:34
mavsman4457the address of it is svn://svn.72dpiarmy.com/smw09:34
_xyzhow do I handle 'x server' when trying to install Nvidia's proprietary 64-bit driver?09:34
Vito0rDistroJockey, WHAT IS NO, '@' '+v' nicks??????09:34
Vito0rDistroJockey, WHAT IS NO, '@' '+v' nicks??????????09:34
tckbanbody using avant window manager here??09:34
Vito0rwhat is no @OP e +Voice?09:34
Vito0rRodrigo ae09:35
Arcanisbutterz: I am the gateway, I mean all others have my ip set as a gateway but the inet still does not work09:35
spoo1when I try to verify my registeration of my nickname it says unknown command09:35
Vito0rperguntei mano09:35
mudntfs-3g might be what u need09:35
Vito0rspoo1 /nickserv register email09:35
MatthewVmavsman4457, try "svn co svn://svn.72dpiarmy.com/smw"09:35
AaronHpaul_5666, sorry I don't know how to do with from ubuntu09:35
RodrigoVito0r povo nos eua conhece msn nao ?09:35
MatthewVmavsman4457, the basic command there (svn co) is svn checkout, for checking out a revision of the svn repository09:35
_xyzwhat does the 'makefile' do, anyone? builds apps AFAIK, but how do I run it?09:35
paul_5666hi all, im trying to run fdsk on my 2nd hdd which is a NTFS FS, how do i do so? i already forced the mount. anyone pls?09:35
Vito0rDistroJockey what is MSN MENSSENGER??????09:36
paul_5666*fsck not fdsk09:36
MatthewV!compile | _xyz09:36
Vito0rDistroJockey what is MSN MENSSENGER??????????????09:36
ubottu_xyz: Compiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first)09:36
Vito0rDistroJockey what is MSN MENSSENGER???????????????????????09:36
Vito0rDistroJockey what is MSN MENSSENGER??????????????????????????????09:36
Vito0rDistroJockey what is MSN MENSSENGER??????????????????????????????????????09:36
Vito0rDistroJockey what is MSN MENSSENGER???????????????????????????????????????????09:36
FloodBot2Vito0r: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.09:36
DistroJockeyVito0r, stop please09:36
itaiis there a way to automate the keyring thing so that it doesn't ask me for password every session?09:36
butterzArcanis, sounds like a routing problem - run route to check09:36
spoo1Vito0r, email= my email correct? I did that and its says I'm already loged in09:36
mudmount /dev/sdb(whatever)09:36
mavsman4457MatthweV: thanks that did it, I had forgotten where the build number went and I was putting it in the front :/09:36
tckbanybody ?????09:36
Arcanisbutterz: I ran route  but what should I look for?09:36
MatthewVmavsman4457, no problems :)09:36
spoo1does that mean its done?09:37
Vito0rspoo1 iae. ;)))) channel, /chanserv register #channel description.09:37
Vito0rRodrigo to helpando aki09:37
Vito0rensinei registrar nick já09:37
Vito0ragora canal.09:37
FloodBot2Vito0r: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.09:37
spoo1/chanserv register #ubuntu09:37
tckbis anybody in here free to help me.....09:37
MatthewVtckb, just ask your question and see if anyone knows the answer :)09:38
tckbi asked already09:38
Likvidywhoever said that turning compiz/effects off works, yeah i am aware of that but i was kinda wishing for a better solution09:38
tckbil do it again09:38
Vito0rspoo1 ->>>>>>>>>> /quit eu sou burro09:38
Vito0rspoo1 ->>>>>>>>>> /quit eu sou burro!!!!!!!09:38
Likvidyxorg.conf tweaking didn't seem to do it either09:38
mudanyone got some extra led zepplin and rush mp3's?09:38
DistroJockeyLikvidy, well, it's a start :)09:38
tckbam having prob regarding the avant window manager09:38
spoo1what? :)09:38
itaitckb, mud i got some oggs09:38
FlannelVito0r: Please stop.  Speak english here, and don't spam.09:39
butterzArcanis, it should show your eth1 routing to eth0 - it has been a while since setting up iptables, you might google cus i dont really have any example scripts for you currently09:39
tckbsry english please i dont understand other languages09:39
Vito0rFlannel: im'n no spam. im helper is brazilian ;}09:39
Vito0rim SA09:39
Flannel!br | Vito0r09:39
ubottuVito0r: Por favor use #ubuntu-br ou #ubuntu-pt para ajuda em português. Obrigado.09:39
Vito0rim the king09:39
Arcanisbutterz: thanks, it does not show this, i will look into it :)09:39
AaronHArcanis, have you tried using firestarter to configure and check you iptables?09:39
tckbcanbody tel me how to install the awn-extras???09:40
spoo1Vito0r is under attack :-D09:40
ArcanisAaron: dont have firestarter installed09:40
mavsman4457what are a bunch of dependencies that I need in order to compile stuff?09:40
Flannelmavsman4457: build-essential09:41
AaronHArcanis, "sudo apt-get install firestarter"09:41
paul_5666hi all, im trying to run fsck on my 2nd hdd which is a NTFS FS, how do i do so? i already forced the mount, and when i try to run fsck i get an error.09:41
Likvidyhow do i get my fglrx version?09:41
Vito0rspoo1 heeh09:41
Flannelpaul_5666: You don't fsck mounted harddrives09:41
mudcan satan still be found anywhere on the net?09:41
MatthewVmavsman4457, just install the package build-essential, that will pull in all the stuff you need for basic compiling... (try checking !compile)09:41
paul_5666flannel so ill unmount it and od it?09:42
Flannelpaul_5666: Yes09:42
paul_5666ty Flannel09:42
Gripeymavsman4457, you have build-essential installed ?09:42
AaronHpaul_5666, I don't understand why you want to chkdisk you NTFS from ubuntu? Windows you give you that option09:42
Vito0rRodrigo :DDDDDDDDDDDDDDD09:42
legend2440!ati | Likvidy09:42
ubottuLikvidy: For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto09:42
tckbno one here uses avant manager.........!!!! :?09:43
Gripeytckb, what is your issue09:43
mavsman4457Gripey: yup, I'll post my issue in a pastebin09:43
tckbam not able to install awn-extras09:43
tckbplz hlp me out09:43
_xyzhow come the Nvidia drivers dont show up as an option in the 'restricted proprietary drivers' window?09:43
Gripeytckb, from the repos?09:44
ArcanisAaronH: installed it, it works! thanks :)09:44
MatthewVtckb, have you downloaded http://launchpad.net/awn-extras/0.2/0.2.6/+download/awn-extras-applets-0.2.6.tar.gz ?09:44
paul_5666AaronH: i dont want to use windows.09:44
Flanneltckb: awn-extras isn't in the official repos.  You need to add the PPA09:44
Gripeytckb, what error did you get09:44
tckbyess i did09:44
moDumasshey all, starting my machine up now took 38 mins, something is very very wrong09:44
paul_5666what does this mean? "fsck: fsck.ntfs-3g: not found"09:44
DistroJockeytckb, seen this:  http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=56181009:44
Flanneltckb: I believe it's down currently09:44
mavsman4457Gripey: check this out please, http://paste.ubuntu.com/28232/09:44
taso_http://www.pastebin.ca/1075302 ... It's not return a valid result, however, if I switch the second and first name server it will; shouldn't it search the first name server, then the second?  If not, that's what I want it to do, how could I make this happen?09:44
tckbwen i tried to install it manually i got09:44
AaronHArcanis, np, you should have no problem setting up your iptables with that :)09:44
Flanneltckb: yes, its down currently09:44
moDumasscan someone please help me sort this out09:45
moDumassThere was an error starting the GNOME Settings Daemon.09:45
spoo1how do I find a list of commands?09:45
AaronHpaul_5666, if you dont want to use windows then dont use NTFS09:45
tckbno its giving me errors wen i tried to compile it09:45
cckkhello everyone im trying to install my ati tv wonder hd 650 i cannot find any info on the net about it, thanks in advance for any help09:45
Flannelpaul_5666: ntfs is the fs type, not ntfs-3g09:45
paul_5666Flannel: how do i define that?09:45
DistroJockeyspoo1, list of commands for what?09:45
Flannelpaul_5666: What command are you giving?09:45
AaronHcckk, have you installed a tv viewer program like "tvtime"?09:46
paul_5666fsck -p -f /media/windows_virtual09:46
Gripeytckb, as Flannel said you need to install from ppa repo09:46
Flannelpaul_5666: -t ntfs09:46
cckkAaronH:  yes i have09:46
mavsman4457MatthewV: can you check this crap out and see if you know what's wrong? http://paste.ubuntu.com/28232/09:46
=== likvidy_ is now known as Likvidy
Flannelpaul_5666: If you don't specify a type, it guesses from your fstab, which is ntfs-3g09:46
Gripeymavsman4457, you trying to compile a level editior for zsnes games?09:46
MatthewVtckb, install instructions for ubuntu are at http://wiki.awn-project.org/DistributionGuides#Testing_Package_Archive09:46
tckbisnt der any way to install it by compiling it09:46
hellohectoranyone have gamma issues with ubuntu on samsung lcd ?09:46
philippe__quelqu'un parle le français ici ?09:46
DistroJockeyspoo1, google is probably the best place09:46
Flannel!fr | philippe__09:46
ubottuphilippe__: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr09:46
paul_5666Flannel: same error09:46
spoo1DistroJockey IRC09:46
Gripeytckb, no need; much harder that way.09:47
tckbi downloaded the src of awn-extras09:47
mavsman4457Gripey: naw it's a game called super mario war09:47
DistroJockeyspoo1, http://www.ircbeginner.com/ircinfo/ircc-commands.html09:47
taso_anyone ?09:47
AaronHhellohector, I have a samsung lcd and it works great09:47
taso_http://www.pastebin.ca/1075302 ... It's not return a valid result, however, if I switch the second and first name server it will; shouldn't it search the first name server, then the second?  If not, that's what I want it to do, how could I make this happen?09:47
spoo1DistroJockey thank you very much :)09:47
DistroJockeyspoo1, no problem09:47
Gripeymavsman4457, native linux games or console or other09:47
Flannelpaul_5666: What line are you using now?09:47
MatthewVtckb, you could, but it is generally easier to use packages where available09:47
paul_5666Flannel: fsck -p -f -t ntfs /media/windows_virtual09:47
hellohectorhow do i turn of kubuntu as the default system ?09:48
butterzhellohector, wadoumean gamma issues, what is your lcd problem exactly09:48
mavsman4457Gripey: it's just made for anything, linux, pc, mac, and it's been ported to xbox and psp09:48
hurricaneharrymavsman4457: looks like your sources aren't complete (missing files)09:48
MaximLevitskySmall question, is it safe to turn off remote gnome system using 'shutdown' while gui is running there?09:48
hellohectorwell, the light colours are really really light09:48
Gripeyhellohector, choose in login screen at session09:48
hellohectorand my samsung226bw screen doesnt allow me to change settings from the monitor09:48
mavsman4457alright well I've got the binary files but I'm confused as to how to install it through that09:48
tckbyeah .. but  wen i tried to install it by using the package manager .. its giving me errors09:48
Flannelpaul_5666: without sudo?09:48
hellohectorits usually driver based09:48
butterzhellohector, i just got a samsung monitor, maybe i have gamma issues :P09:48
paul_5666Flannel: im root already09:48
Flanneltckb: Yes, the repository is down at the moment.09:48
tckbits conflivitng09:48
mavsman4457Gripey: it just gives me a two folders: install and usr09:49
tckbno not that.. i install avant manager by off repos...09:49
hellohectorGripey. I installed kubuntu and ever since then its the default ? the login screen and everything is different09:49
hellohectorhow do i revert ?09:49
Flannelpaul_5666: type fsck and hit tab twice, do you see fsck.ntfs?09:49
AaronHhellohector, you should just have to read and possible rearrange the contents of this file /boot/grub/menu.lst09:49
taso_My DNS server is returning "NOT FOUND" , how do I make it check the next DNS server for the results ?09:49
Flannelpaul_5666: I'm not really sure you can fsck an ntfs drive, now that I'm actually thinking.09:49
mavsman4457HurricaneHarry: did you read that comment I just made or should I say it again?09:49
tckbno if i try installing it using the ppa reps it is conflicing09:49
paul_5666Flannel: nope dont see it09:49
Gripeyhellohector, you want to get rid of kde completely?09:50
vpxavierhello all09:50
Flannelpaul_5666: I imagine you can't fsck ntfs, which makes sense.  What are you trying to fix?09:50
mavsman4457HurricaneHarry: I've got the binary files but I don't really know how to install them, it just comes with usr and install folders09:50
schonedistrojockey - im trying to move files between drives and im being told in nautilus that i dont have the permission09:50
butterzhellohector, i dont really have anything to compare it to since i have never used a flatpanel, but sometimes things look kind of bluish green.09:50
Guest34926will apt-get remove kde && apt-get install gnome work?09:50
hellohectorgripey; what is the difference? i'm totally confused about it.. kde ?    I just installed it via terminal and i don't like it. i miss my ubuntu login and stuff09:50
paul_5666Flannel: its just saying the ntfs journal did something09:50
hellohectorbutterz this screen is awesome on everything else..09:50
DistroJockeyhellohector, change Session at login and when asked if you want it as default say yes. As for the startup splash screen, that is changed somewhere09:51
FlannelGuest34926: No.  ubuntu-desktop, but this is easier:09:51
Flannel!puregnome | Guest3492609:51
ubottuGuest34926: If you want to remove all !KDE packages and have a default !Ubuntu system follow the instructions here << http://psychocats.net/ubuntu/puregnome >>09:51
cckkhello everyone im trying to install my ati tv wonder hd 650 i cannot find any info on the net about it, thanks in advance for any help09:51
Flannelpaul_5666: You'll probably wind up needing to boot windows and fix it.09:51
Guest34926Flannel: thats for hellohector09:51
hurricaneharrymavsman3357, I don't know an answer to your problem, it's something you should find out where you got the game i think.09:51
paul_5666ah ok =( thanks anyway Flannel09:51
Flannelpaul_5666: "fix it" probably means clean shutdown.09:51
hellohectorso annoying that you can easily install stuff with one line of command code09:52
hellohectorbut not reverse it easily09:52
paul_5666Flannel: ok09:52
=== Guest34926 is now known as qwerty121
vpxavierI have a server visible from http://server.mydomain.com, which is also the router for my local domain. Locally I can access computer1 from, how to access this machine via http://server.mydomain.com:11000?09:52
Gripeyhellohector, see the puregnome link above09:52
spoo1anyone know a lot about RAM issuess?09:52
DistroJockeyspoo1, define alot ;P09:52
Flannelhellohector: You can remove most stuff easily (same way as installing), and there are ways of removing metapackages easily too, but that's simpler actually.09:52
Polysicshello all09:53
Polysicsi'm going mad on this09:53
spoo1DistroJockey, you may have been reading earlier about my problem with Ubuntu not reading 3/4 of my RAM09:53
lavalabahello people09:53
philippe__is there anyone speaks french09:53
Flannel!fr | philippe__09:53
ubottuphilippe__: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr09:53
AaronHvpxavier, how do you want to access your machine? ssh?09:53
DistroJockeyspoo1, missed alot of it. How much RAM have you got?09:54
Polysicsi'm trying setting up a Samba shere, read/write for all users on the LAN09:54
vpxavierno, https09:54
vpxaviervia a web browser09:54
spoo1DistroJockey, I have (and BIOS reads) 1Gb09:54
Polysicsbut i get a password challenge, and no password works, not the windows nor the linux one09:54
RootRatHello all and thank you for being here ........ I am a newbe to Ubuntu and I am enjoying it and I would like if I may get some help to get my printer going thanx09:54
spoo1Ubuntu reads 249.7Mib09:54
DistroJockeyspoo1, using which command?09:54
AaronHvpxavier, is there a particular reason you need port 11000 instead of 80?09:55
lavalabai would like to know where can i get new theme for linux ubuntu desktop?09:55
DistroJockeyspoo1, try    free    from a terminal09:55
_ZEUS_hi I have a problem with the apc on php409:55
spoo1DistroJockey, just about any09:55
vpxavier@AaronH: yes, because my server is already accessible via http://server.mydomain.com09:55
taso_My DNS server is returning "NOT FOUND" , how do I make it check the next DNS server for the results ?09:55
spoo1can I have the past ling again please :)09:55
Polysicssamba is setup as user auth, allow access to all users, read/write, visible09:55
_ZEUS_the apc.rfc1867 = 1 is in the php.ini09:56
Polysicsshould really work09:56
lavalabataso nslookup09:56
DistroJockey!pastebin | spoo109:56
ubottuspoo1: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)09:56
vpxavierbut 11000 was an example just to say this it must be different from port 8009:56
=== taso_ is now known as taso
lavalabaand then server ........ and then type set type-any09:56
Viking667oh great. 8-(09:56
Viking667Now I can't seem to use xmms09:56
tasoMy DNS server is returning "NOT FOUND" , how do I make it check the next DNS server for the results ?09:56
lavalabataso nslookup09:56
Viking667libalsa doesn't work, liboss doesn't work, libesound doesn't work.09:57
lavalabaand then server ........ and then type set type-any09:57
RodrigoDistroJockey Got a translator of Brazil for Inglês here , but may I speak with & understand your Inglês!09:57
_ZEUS_hi I have a problem with the apc on php4, the apc.rfc1867 = 1 is in the php.ini, but when I display phpinfo the rfc is not appearing09:57
spoo1DistroJockey, http://paste.ubuntu.com/28234/09:57
DistroJockeyRodrigo, nope, sorry, bit busy atm09:57
DistroJockeyspoo1, wow, that's really odd09:58
RootRatWhen ever I try to print a document I get an error message09:58
_ZEUS_hi I have a problem with the apc on php4, the apc.rfc1867 = 1 is in the php.ini, but when I display phpinfo the rfc is not appearing09:58
tasolavalaba, could you please elaborate ?09:58
spoo1DistroJockey, I have had many forums on it and still no solution09:58
DistroJockeyspoo1, you have 4 256MB sticks of RAM?09:58
=== calc_ is now known as calc
taso I have multiple nameserver entires in my resolv.conf09:58
spoo1DistroJockey, nope 2x51209:58
AaronHViking667, I sent you a pm09:58
tasoMy DNS server is returning "NOT FOUND" , how do I make it check the next DNS server for the results ?   I have multiple nameserver entires in my resolv.conf and would like to have this happen automatically when I type in a hostname.09:58
DistroJockeyspoo1, even weirder :(09:59
lavalabataso go to terminal write in nslookup and then u it will bring u next step then type in server ........ and then it will show u dns and u can type in one more time for the next step type-any set server ....... and thats all ifu want u can also write -ls server ......09:59
schoneis there a reason when I mount to the /mnt directory my hard drive doesn't appear in nautilus but when I mount to /media it works perfectly?09:59
lavalabatry it it must work and it will work09:59
DistroJockeyspoo1, what does the following in terminal give:  uname -a09:59
spoo1DistroJockey, I have swapped them around, tried one at a time, every combo possible and nothing there09:59
cckkdistrojockey spool do you have devices that have shared memory? eg video cards, sound processors...09:59
AaronHvpxavier, im assuming your using apache, and im not sure how to allow connect for port 11000 with it09:59
_ZEUS_hi I have a problem with the apc on php4, the apc.rfc1867 = 1 is in the php.ini, but when I display phpinfo the rfc is not appearing10:00
spoo1DistroJockey,   -desktop 2.6.24-19-generic #1 SMP Fri Jul 11 23:41:49 UTC 2008 i686 GNU/Linux10:00
_ZEUS_it seems that nobody knows?10:00
kcmancan anyone help me edit user sound settings?10:00
DistroJockeyspoo1, don't happen to have a video card with 768MB of RAM do you?10:01
=== Brunera is now known as Bruners
=== Bruners is now known as Brunera
spoo1DistroJockey,  lol10:01
lavalabahey people where can i get new theme for ubuntu10:01
spoo1I don't think so but how do I check10:02
Flannel!themes | lavalaba10:02
ubottulavalaba: Find your themes at: http://www.gnome-look.org - http://art.gnome.org - http://www.kde-look.org - http://kubuntu-art.org - http://themes.freshmeat.net/browse/58/ - http://www.guistyles.com - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/ - Also see !changethemes and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuEyeCandy10:02
Gripeylavalaba, gnome-look.org10:02
DistroJockeyspoo1, as cckk mentioned devices do map into main memory, but that should not be an issue with 1GB of RAM (may be wrong)10:02
Flannel_ZEUS_: What version of Ubuntu are you using?10:02
vpxavieraaronH, my local machine is accessible via port 80 in local network. I guess I have to forward port 11000 of the server to port 80 of my local machine10:02
vpxavierbut don't know how10:03
HaXeriunohdin kayttajani salasanan. pystynko mitenkaan vaihtamaan salasanaa10:03
kcmandoes anyone know how to edit user sound settings?10:03
cckkdistrojockey spool , did you build you rig or is it manufactured?10:04
Gripey!fi | HaXeri10:04
Flannel!fi | HaXeri10:04
ubottuHaXeri: Suomenkielinen keskustelu (K)Ubuntusta kanavilla #ubuntu-fi ja #kubuntu-fi10:04
spoo1DistroJockey,  so any ideas?10:04
fwaokdaI created a launcher for qemu on my desktop, but I don't like the icon.  How can I get the icon something custom, such as the windows logo? (granted i find the icon)10:04
spoo1DistroJockey,  I even reported it as a bug.... don't think its Ubuntu's problem though10:04
DistroJockeyspoo1, cckk: only thing I can think to check is kernel boot parameters. Can you pastebin  /boot/grub/menu.lst  please?10:04
Flannelfwaokda: The launcher properties have an icon selection bit10:05
HaXerioh sorry this xchat normally logs to ubuntu fi this doesent work10:05
GripeyHaXeri, np :)10:05
AaronHvpxavier, iptables should allow you to forward 11000 to 8010:05
vpxavierty, I'll have a look at it10:06
fwaokdaFlannel, is there a place where ubuntu stores icons?10:06
AaronHvpxavier, use the GUI for iptables to set it up, makes it easy... it called firestarter, install it with "sudo apt-get install firestarter"10:06
Flannelfwaokda: There is.  Uh... /usr/share/artwork?  No, pixmaps? something like that.10:07
Flannelfwaokda: but you can pick an arbitrary path if you've got your own10:07
fwaokdaok thanks10:08
spoo1DistroJockey, is there any info that I should censor in that?10:08
vpxavier@aaronH, I have only command lines and webmin on my server10:08
DistroJockeyspoo1, not that I can think of. But take a look and do so if you wish. But make it clear you edited it10:09
AaronHvpxavier, oh, when if you know iptables commands shouldn't be hard10:09
kcmani need to undo some sound settings in my user account so i can boot into it, does anyone know how i can do it from a different account10:09
spoo1DistroJockey, I see nothing harmful10:10
DistroJockeyspoo1, that's generally the case10:10
spoo1DistroJockey, http://paste.ubuntu.com/28236/10:10
xnvkcman: If you've set a root password, you can use that. If not, Ctrl+Alt+F1 should give you a terminal where you can log in with your normal user account.10:11
DistroJockeyspoo1, well, nothing wrong there10:11
ndlovuwhat command can I use to check CPU temp? my server keeps switching off for no apparent reason :(10:12
kcmanxnv ok from there then what do i do to fix it i would just like to have that account back10:12
DistroJockeyspoo1, does a live cd have the same issue?10:12
lavalabahow can i get install new theme or pictures for my desktop ? i"ve tried right mouse click on my desktop to add to panel but i dont see nothing about desktop walpapers or some new theme can pls somebody help me10:13
xnvkcman: I don't know what you did, so I don't know how you would fix it.10:13
spoo1DistroJockey, yes, even going from 7.** to 8.04 to 8.04.110:13
AaronHndlovu, http://www.xawk.com/ubuntu-cpu-temperature.html10:13
DistroJockeyspoo1, have you tried that memtest option?10:13
kcmanxnv i set some wav's to play at certian system alerts but i dont know how to set that back to default so the desktop will load10:13
ndlovuthanks AaronH10:13
cckkspool did you happen to run a memtest?10:13
xnvkcman: What happens when you log in now?10:14
cckksorry you got it10:14
kcmanxnv the memory required is to much for the machine so it just freezes10:14
spoo1DistroJockey, I would almost say that I have a hardware problem but if the BIOS reads it then I would think its fine... I did run the memtest86 and it read the same (although I didn't let it finish)10:15
legend2440cckk: is that ati hd 650 the pci version?10:15
cckkspool have you tried lshw10:15
DistroJockeyspoo1, if a memtest has no errors, I suggest reseting BIOS to defaults or getting a new BIOS10:15
xnvkcman: Just a second while I look at how it works10:15
cckklegend2440 no usb10:15
kcmanxnv thanks man10:15
FrostedMouse /msg ubottu etiquette10:16
spoo1DistroJockey, I have reset it before when I first noticed this... I've never changed/updated a BIOS before10:16
spoo1DistroJockey, I've made changes in a BIOS but never getting a new one10:17
DistroJockeyspoo1, try the command cckk mentioned, memory is near the top of the ouput10:17
schoneDistrojockey : I was able to mount my drives perfectly, but now, I can't write to them at all10:18
philippe_if someone knows how to configure my webcam on asus eeepc 900 I'm interested10:19
DistroJockeyschone, that would be a umask issue (permissions)10:19
schoneis that in the fstab file?10:19
spoo1DistroJockey, reports "size: 255Mib"10:20
DistroJockeyschone, root permissions will work, but better to make it so your user account can read/write if that's what you want10:20
DistroJockeyschone, yep10:20
cckkspool term run (lshw -C memory) is to memory bank info10:20
philippe_parlez vous français10:20
kyle_l5ldoes network-manager support WPA2 in ubuntu 8.04?10:20
schoneout of interest how do i do that in my fstab file10:21
schoneit looks like this so far : http://paste.ubuntu.com/28238/10:21
MaximLevitskykyle_l5l, supports it very nice10:21
FrostedMouseGreetings.  If I could get a momment of someones time, I am having a problem in 8.04 with a wired network.10:21
mrtimdogFor some reason I've lost any document viewer from my list of application used to open files? Is there any way of resetting the list?10:21
MaximLevitskykyle_l5l, at least I use now WP2-PSK10:22
DistroJockeyspoo1, and all OS's and Live CD's say you only have 255MiB? Then it must be BIOS or faulty RAM10:22
mrbichelHello i am experiencing a problem logging in this is my .xsession-errors file. I searched around for the error on the forums but didn't find a solution that worked. I trid deleting soem configuration files so that gdm would reset them and i tried deleting .Xauthority but its all the same. The failsafe gnome session works fine. Any ideas?10:22
xnvkcman: Still there?10:22
spoo1cckk, DistroJockey, http://paste.ubuntu.com/28239/10:22
kcmanxnv yes i am10:22
kyle_l5lMaximLevitsky, do I have to do anything besides set the encryption type and passphrase in network-manager?10:22
DistroJockeyspoo1, you have 4 RAM slots and 2 512MB sticks?10:23
MaximLevitskykyle_l5l, no, just enter the passphrase10:23
xnvkcman: Did you just use System > Preferences > Sound to set these?10:23
MaximLevitskykyle_l5l, assuming that your wireless card works properly10:23
kcmanxnv yes i did10:23
chrisleesHi, I have a problem with a friend's computer. Even when there are no extra programs running, the System Monitor still shows data going to or from the network10:24
spoo1DistroJockey, I'm not sure but I think I remember seeing 3 at least10:24
xnvkcman: Was this some sort of prank, or is there another reason you set them to really big files?10:24
chrisleesWhen I look with netstat, there is no process identified for this stuff. It's TCP and it's going to port 80, but the process name is "-"10:24
spoo1DistroJockey, so it was a few months ago last time I opened it10:25
DistroJockeyspoo1, if you have 4 slots, then the sticks should be in slot 0 and slot 310:25
kcmanthey are wavs and i am sure it only has to do with the age of the machine really, this is from circa 2000 xp new age stuff...10:25
AaronHchrislees, use "netstat -t" to see what is connected and sending and receiving data10:25
spoo1DistroJockey, and that could cause this?10:25
ndlovuAaronH, I'm getting the output "No i2c device files found. Use prog/mkdev/mkdev.sh to create them." from  'sudo sensors-detect' any idea what it's saying?10:25
chrisleesAaronH, I have been using sudo netstat -vatnp10:25
DistroJockeyspoo1, not sure, but it is the best way to have them :)10:25
schoneDistrojockey did you get my paste link?10:26
chrisleesAaronH, a typical line from this command when there is network traffic would be:10:26
chrisleestcp        0      0         TIME_WAIT   -10:26
cckkDistroJockey:  spool yeah if you have a dual channel mb10:26
ndlovuAaronH, nm, I think this page explains it: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SensorInstallHowto10:26
kyle_l5lMaximLevitsky, well, I had WPA2 working with another distro...right now, iwlist ath0 shows my wireless network and so on, but iwconfig always shows Encryption Key: off, and sometimes has the link quality at 0, even though iwlist gives different (sane) results.10:26
DistroJockeyschone, yep, sorry, not to good on fstab yet10:26
schoneahhh damn10:27
spoo1DistroJockey, I'll check that out then...10:27
cckkdistrojockey spool the only prob is bios shouldnt show 1Gib if its a dual channel10:27
spoo1cckk, so that could be my problem?10:27
DistroJockeyspoo1, *nods* check MB chipset while you are at it10:27
xnvkcman: Are you able to get to a terminal on that machine?10:27
AaronHchrislees, its running on port 80 which is http related, so more than likely you have a browser open on the system that is loading your network10:27
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about cpanel10:27
kcmanwell i am on it now so it works just fine10:27
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about wordpress10:27
kcmanit is just loading that user is the stoping point for now10:27
chrisleesAaronH, that's the strange thing - no browser open, and only the destination port is port 8010:27
kcmani can su the user account from here and get to the terminal for the user that way10:28
mrtimdogchrislees: Try 'netstat -at | fgrep LISTEN' then use 'lsof -i :1234' where 1234 is the port number of the listening port returned from netstat to show which application is using that port.10:28
chrisleesAnd besides, when I have Firefox open and connecting, it shows Firefox in the list of processes10:28
DistroJockeyschone, I know you can specify a umask in fstab, but not sure on exact syntax or mask you should use10:28
AaronHchrislees, did you check "ps -e" for any browsers?10:28
mrbichelHello i am experiencing a problem logging in this is my .xsession-errors file. I searched around for the error on the forums but didn't find a solution that worked. I trid deleting soem configuration files so that gdm would reset them and i tried deleting .Xauthority but its all the same. The failsafe gnome session works fine. Any ideas? http://paste.ubuntu.com/28237/10:28
xnvkcman: OK, do so, and then rm ~/.gnome2/sound/events/gtk-events-2.soundlist10:28
mrtimdogchrislees: Also take a look at iptraf10:29
cckkspoll distrojockey yeah it possible i agree with distro jockey check mb chipset too /  clr bios via hardware too10:29
kcmanxnv ok one second plz10:29
kyle_l5lMaximLevitsky, and, whenever I  change any settings in network-manager, it always sets wpa-driver to wext in /etc/network/interfaces, even though I have an atheros card (in the other distro, I always passed -Dmadwifi to wpa_supplicant)10:29
AaronHchrislees, "top" might give you a clue too.... if the program is sending and receiving and using processor power the program should be near the top on "top"10:29
macsim`workhow can I remove the gnome addon on firefox ? I remove gnome-firefox support but form input still styled10:30
spoo1cckk, ?? "/  clr bios via hardware" ??10:30
xnvkcman: Let me know if that file doesn't exist for you. It's possible.10:30
chrisleesAaronH: Thanks for the two commands suggested - top shows nada interesting but the other two commands I will try when the traffic goes back up10:30
chrisleesmrtimdog: Will do10:30
kcmanxnv yeah that is what it said no cannot does not blah blah blah10:30
=== sean is now known as Guest36565
ramishello, my  gparted does not output info on my SDA, it only gives the total disk space and 100% free. i tested to find that my sda1 (63-21923999)and sda2 (21912660-43825319) are overlapping partitions. how can i fix the overlap?! thanks in advance10:31
DistroJockeyspoo1, CMOS jumper on MB if available10:31
cckkspool, yeah there a jumper next to the mb battery switch positions if on pin 1,2 to 2,3 momentarily to reset to default factory settings in bios and to clear errors10:31
xnvkcman: gconftool-2 -t bool -s /desktop/gnome/sound/event_sounds false10:31
xnvkcman: Run that in the user's terminal10:32
DistroJockeycckk, sorry :)10:32
spoo1DistroJockey, oh no I don't think I'll mess with jumpers10:32
cckkdistrojockey no worries i still type with 2 fingers lol10:32
kcmanxnv that one took10:32
DistroJockeycckk, me too :)10:32
MaximLevitskykyle_l5l, you use manual settings?10:32
kcmanxnv so i asume i am good to login to that account now?10:32
xnvkcman: Do gconftool-2 -R /desktop/gnome/sound ... read that event_sounds = false, just to be sure10:33
DistroJockeyspoo1, if you try getting that RAM inplace and let us know the MB's model number, we can help further if the RAM move doesn't help10:33
cckkspool while your in the mb check and see if both stick are the same speed and type eg, registered or non registered10:33
xnvkcman: And, if so, yes, try to login10:33
MaximLevitskykyle_l5l, you should enable 'roaming mode' on wlan010:33
DistroJockeycckk, spoo1 : good idea :)10:33
Hardy_FeistyI installed new nvidia drivers and now compiz/emerald is broken10:34
kcmanxnv nope it says true still10:34
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cckkdistrojockey, np,  you wouldnt happen to know how to get an ati tv wonder hd 650 usb working on hardy?10:34
kcmanxnv nevermind i got it now10:35
kcmanit reads false so i wll try to login now10:35
kcmanxnv your the man thanks10:35
DistroJockeycckk, nope, only have PCI ATI radeon 9600pro, sorry10:35
kyle_l5lMaximLevitsky, ahhh...roaming mode...that did it10:35
SmegzorI have a remote user logged in (to my pc) that I want to log out.  How do i log out other users?10:35
DistroJockeycckk, see what I can find while waiting though :)10:35
kyle_l5lMaximLevitsky, I was doing the manual config. in network-manager10:36
cckkdistrojockey thanks10:36
kyle_l5lMaximLevitsky, well what do you know, network-manager is actually nice to use...and I can easily switch between wireless and wired networks now.  Thanks!  I've been fighting with it for days...10:37
bonespurhow do i automount my fat32 partitions on boot in hardy?10:38
spoo1DistroJockey, cckk : I'm going to shut 'er down and take a look under the hood I'll brb (hopefully with all that info)  oh and before I go what is the risk of the jumper idea?10:38
chazcoHi... is there any issue with the repos? Almost invariable i get errors when trying to use them (updates/installs)... occurs on all sorts of packages and has persisted over many, many reinstalls. Some times it can be fixed, other times the entire package system and even the whole system becomes unusable...10:39
MaximLevitskykyle_l5l, I must add that network manager it qute broken in the 'Manual mode', to say correctly if you turn it on, it doesn't manage interface at all, but you need ifup/ifdown to turn it off/on10:39
DistroJockeyspoo1, k, I'll be here. Jumper is fine, unless you have some weird setting in BIOS that you need to enable again10:39
cckkmake sure to ground yourself before touching any componets other than that go to town dont force the jumper either its should be nice and easy10:39
DistroJockeyspoo1, and you don't remember which^10:39
spoo1DistroJockey, nope all in BIOS is defalt10:40
kyle_l5lMaximLevitsky, ahh...yeah, I was noticing that it didn't seem to do much...10:40
DistroJockeyspoo1, but as you said you reset to defaults' it should not be a problem10:40
cckkspooll youre good10:40
MaximLevitskykyle_l5l, and even then it is broken, for example here when I switch to manual mode it sets wireless card to a specific channel behind my back10:40
ndlovuwhy might my computer just switch off for no apparent reason? I've checked the cpu temperature, which seems fine (actually a bit low probably - 20*C). /var/log/messages and /var/log/syslog show up nothing unusual.10:40
zoreaupractice static safety--Hack Naked!!10:40
spoo1DistroJockey, ok I may try that... so its 1,2 to 3,4?10:40
MaximLevitskykyle_l5l so even ifup/ifdown doesn't work properly10:41
cckkspool usually 1,2 to 2,310:41
DistroJockeyspoo1, use slot 0 and 2 or 1st and 3rd10:41
vargadanisguys... can sb pls help me to compile my code under ubuntu?10:41
vargadanisi have little trouble10:41
cckksppol sorry j/k i was talking jumper not ram10:42
ubottuLAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+)10:42
DistroJockeyspoo1, they are usually in pairs (have 1 stick in the first pair and 1 stick in the second)10:42
kyle_l5lMaximLevitsky, ahhh, interesting10:42
DistroJockeyspoo1, cckk : ohh, I may have missread too :)10:42
cckkspool sorry j/k i was talking jumper not ram/ sorry for double post messed up your name10:42
spoo1DistroJockey, cckk : lol ok... I'll look at the jumpers and see if I think I can do it and if not then oh well aye :) brb10:43
cckkram= 1, 3 or 2,4 jumper= 1,2 to 2,3 momentarily10:43
DistroJockeyspoo1, *nods* :)10:43
cckkhello everyone im trying to install my ati tv wonder hd 650 i cannot find any info on the net about it, thanks in advance for any help10:44
chazcoHi... is there any issue with the repos? Almost invariable i get errors when trying to use them (updates/installs)... occurs on all sorts of packages and has persisted over many, many reinstalls. Some times it can be fixed, other times the entire package system and even the whole system becomes unusable...10:44
FrostedMouseAnyone know Why my wired network, which works under 7.10, breakes when I update to or clean install 8.04?10:44
henuxhi, i get this error message from my update manager: E: Could not get lock /var/cache/apt/archives/lock - open (11 Resource temporarily unavailable)10:45
henuxE: Unable to lock the download directory10:45
henuxWhat is it?10:45
Slue_GnifferAnyone able to help me with a CD Burning problem?10:45
chazcohenux - There may be another package manager running10:45
henuxchazco: no there should not be10:46
chazcoCould be checking for updates in the background... maybe try restarting10:46
nexxserver irc.otakubox.de10:46
henuxchazco: the deskbar applets says that it has some updates for me10:46
tripppywhen's 8.10 out?10:46
henuxchazco: i click the icon, then hit the passwd, then errror10:46
Guest47826anyone have any experience with the new GTX 280?10:47
henuxmaybe i try it some time later10:47
chazcoHmm... interesting... could just have gone wrong somewhere (if there was a crash or somthing then the lock may not have been removed)10:47
Slue_GnifferI keep burning mp3s to CDRs and asoon as they're done, they won't play in my CD player or anything like that. I used Serpentine, when I pop the CDR I burned back into my computer and open up the disc it shows a wav file with a lock icon. Why does it do that?10:47
henuxchazco: how to fix that?10:47
macsim`workit's not possible to remove this on hardy http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=44110&highlight=firefox+widgets&page=1 ?10:48
chazcohenux - Try a restart i guess, i think you may be able to delete the lock yourself but i'm not sure its a good idea10:48
henuxchazco: restart x or the whole system? the whole system i guess...10:48
chazcoWhole system if you can10:48
henuxok, see after few mins brb10:48
Slue_GnifferCan anyone help?10:48
kidbuntuwhy do i always get the error 1044 of my sql. access denied10:49
AaronHSlue_Gniffer, use gnomebaker10:49
chazcohenux - I've got to go, good luck :)10:49
Wolf23somebody help please!10:49
AaronHWolf23, just ask your question10:50
Slue_GnifferAaronH, I used Brasero and got the same results, I don't think it has anything to do with what program I'm using.10:50
DistroJockeycckk, only thing that may be worth a look so far:  http://gatos.sourceforge.net/10:50
AaronHSlue_Gniffer, its worth a try,  gnomebaker works fine here10:50
Bogaurddoes anybody know of a repo for UnrealIRCD for ubuntu?10:50
AaronHSlue_Gniffer, for making audio cds from mp3s10:51
cckkdistrojockey been there no love10:51
DistroJockeycckk, :(10:51
Guest47826I'm trying to get graphics (or at least native resolution) on my GTX280 and am stuck... I've tried envyng and the nvidia drivers and no luck... anyone have any ideas of what else to try?10:51
spoo1DistroJockey, hey I was just doing a quick read and seen that you can also remove the battery will that work?10:51
Slue_GnifferAaronH, I thought it might be a codec problem, or something like that.10:51
AaronHSlue_Gniffer, "sudo apt-get install gnomebaker"10:51
=== Guest47826 is now known as J
DistroJockeyspoo1, yeah, but jumper is there so you don't have to10:51
Wolf23AaronH:  thanx, but i open a website and flash player cannot play on it,i am suing firefox10:51
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Slue_GnifferAaronH, I just installed Gnomebaker, I'm going to give it a try.10:52
=== Guest21300 is now known as JLogan
cckkspool may not clear error if not left out for a longer time10:52
AaronHSlue_Gniffer, im sure it will work for you10:52
AaronHWolf23, I can help you on pm10:52
fantomasIs there a tool for Ubuntu for configuring Apache2 - adding vhosts etc10:53
Wolf23AaronH: thanx10:53
DistroJockeyspoo1, if you want to make a new channel (#spoo1 for example) I will join there as this is a bit off topic10:53
spoo1is there much way I can mess up the jumper idea?10:53
henuxits working10:54
DistroJockeyspoo1, not if the board is labeled nicely10:54
JLoganAnyone have any experience with difficulties on getting nvidia drivers to work?10:54
cckkspool not as long as your reasonable with your force its like a jumper on a hard drive,10:54
spoo1DistroJockey, I will creat that channel when I get back if you would like so you cckk and i can talk more10:55
DistroJockeyspoo1, channel created. See you then :)10:55
Aaron_Masonis there a program in the apt repo that will unpack M$ cabinet files?10:55
Slue_GnifferAaronH, I got the same results using Gnomebaker, the CDR won't play in my CDplayer and when I pop it back into my computer and open the Audio Disc folder it shows the file I burned as a locked wav.10:56
cckkdistrojockey #spool ?10:57
cckkhello everyone im trying to install my ati tv wonder hd 650 i cannot find any info on the net about it, thanks in advance for any help10:57
DistroJockeycckk, 1 (as in one)10:57
MaximLevitskyAaron_Mason, there is, I guess it is named cabextract, I check this10:57
MaximLevitskyAaron_Mason, yes this is the program10:57
Slue_GnifferWell, if anyone can help...I keep burning mp3s to CDRs and asoon as they're done, they won't play in my CD player or anything like that. I used Serpentine, when I pop the CDR I burned back into my computer and open up the disc it shows a wav file with a lock icon. Why does it do that?10:59
Le-Chuck_IT1hi all10:59
Slue_GnifferI've used Brasero, Serpentine and Gnomebaker and I keep getting the same results.10:59
henuxhow ya doing?10:59
Le-Chuck_IT1I bought a mp3 player that has bluetooth phone support10:59
Aaron_MasonSlue_Gniffer: looks like Serpentine is just burning the wav file as a file, not an audio track... could very well be a bug in the underlying program they all use11:00
Le-Chuck_IT1and now I want to use it to make coffee with ubuntu ;)11:00
henuxsounds like you have a problem11:00
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henuxyou trying to make coffee with mp3 player11:00
Le-Chuck_IT1I don't understand if it's possible at all to emulate a cellphone on a pc using linux11:00
henuxthats crazy11:00
Le-Chuck_IT1then I will be able to dial a number on the mp3 player, and on the other side I will make coffee via serial port11:00
AaronHok, Slue_Gniffer, then its not the burning part that is giving you the problem its that your computer wont play audio cds?11:01
Aaron_MasonLe-Chuck_IT1: there is apparently a few emulators that are designed to allow you to test Java applications, but beyond that, I don't know11:01
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havocstormsup guys11:02
Le-Chuck_IT1Aaron_Mason: but afayk is it possible at all?11:02
Le-Chuck_IT1or is it something that must be supported by the bluetooth adaptor?11:02
havocstormdoes anyone know if there's a program like limewire on ubuntu11:02
DistroJockeycckk, well, I made both now, but the name ended with the number one :)11:02
Slue_GnifferAaronH, yeah, basically, I just popped in an audioCD and it won't play. But why won't this audioCD I just tried burning not even play in my CD player?11:02
Aaron_Masonhavocstorm: Limewire should run on Ubuntu11:02
Aaron_Masonhavocstorm: you'll have to install Java if it isn't already installed though11:02
havocstormyou sure? I can't find it in the repositories11:03
NewbieMogulHi is anyone runnin the net using a huawei e16911:03
Aaron_Masonhavocstorm: download it from the Limewire website11:03
FlynsarmyDoes apt automatically delete older deb's that its downloaded?11:03
AaronHSlue_Gniffer, your cd player thats not part of your computer?     if so, are you sure your cd player plays burned cds?11:03
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about vchs11:03
Aaron_MasonFlynsarmy: nope, they're stored in /var/cache/apt/packages11:03
linxehargh, whats that log file analysis program, with web interface that lets you search/sort/filter log files, and do semi sensible queries on them ?11:04
cckkDistroJockey: totally confused lol11:04
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about vhcs11:04
DistroJockeycckk, #spoo111:04
FlynsarmyAaron_Mason, I ask because aptoncd only creates about 225MB of updates. I thought there would hvae been alot more than that since hardy was released (even with older versions of new packages being ignored)11:04
havocstormCan anyone help me with my graphics card problem? http://paste.ubuntu.com/27956/11:05
Shainanybody here who uses a dual with boot windows on a laptop??11:05
Aaron_MasonFlynsarmy: yeah, it doesn't delete, but after awhile they will be deleted - I think they might get deleted on boot11:05
Slue_GnifferAaronH, when I say "CD player" I mean like a portable one, not one that's connected to my computer. Also, my computer won't play Audio CDs either, as I'm coming to find out right now, hence why I'm confused over this.11:05
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cckkhello everyone im trying to install my ati tv wonder hd 650 i cannot find any info on the net about it, thanks in advance for any help11:05
Shain*anybody here who uses a dual boot with windows xp on a laptop??11:06
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havocstormCan anyone help with my graphics card? http://paste.ubuntu.com/27956/11:08
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molgrewI want to download ubuntu via bittorrent, on http://torrent.ubuntu.com:6969/ I see 4 hardy-desktop-i386 which one is the one I need?11:08
NewbieMogulHi  ya'll who knows how to configure huawei e169 for 7.10 Gutsy??11:09
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legend2440molgrew:  i would get ubuntu-8.04.1-desktop-i386.iso since there are 89 seeders showing  also .1 is latest version11:12
molgrewah ok11:12
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DistroJockeyon that note, anyone know why the following address only gives DVD images and not CD as the name suggests:  http://cdimages.ubuntu.com/releases/8.04.1/release/11:14
FlynsarmyDoes ubuntu 64-bit support 32-bit applications? Are there so many incompatabilities with the 64-bit that it just isn't worth using at this point?11:15
rahul_kumar_Flannel, no it does not support11:16
DistroJockeyFlynsarmy, have heard java and flash can be a pain11:16
rahul_kumar_Flynsarmy, gcj and gnash are there11:16
cckkdistrojockey goodtimes check sizes lol11:16
FlannelDistroJockey: CDs are on releases.ubuntu.com11:16
FlannelDistroJockey: http://releases.ubuntu.com/8.04.1/11:17
erUSULFlynsarmy: flash works for me (it crashes sometimes but it does in 32 bits too) and java is aviable (althought the firefox plugin for applets is not)11:17
havocstormCan anyone help with my graphics card? http://paste.ubuntu.com/27956/11:17
AaronHdoes flashplayer x86   work on ubuntu 64bit?11:17
erUSULFlynsarmy: for firefox you can intall the icedtea based java plugin11:17
DistroJockeyFlannel, ahh yeah, Cheers. Why not on the other also as it is called cdimages? :)11:18
FlynsarmyDistroJockey, Flash is a pain on 32-bit. it uses up so much cpu just watching hulu vids :S (Dr Horrible anyone?)11:18
erUSULAaronH: yep through ndispluginwrapper. it is a matter of doing 2sudo apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree"11:18
FlannelDistroJockey: cdimage is the "unofficial" one, whether all the... other things (ports, etc) are.  It just happens to be where the DVDs hide as well.  Most of the stuff is a CD, honest ;)11:19
AaronHthanks erUSUL11:19
erUSULAaronH: no problem11:19
DistroJockeyFlannel, ok :)11:19
FlynsarmyIs there a way to disable mouse wheel scrolling on window list applet and all tab form elements in all windows?11:23
ubottuLAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+)11:24
havocstormCan anyone help with a problem I have with my graphics card? http://paste.ubuntu.com/27956/11:27
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havocstormCan anyone help me with a graphic card problem? [http://paste.ubuntu.com/27956/]11:32
egorhi all11:34
havocstormCan anyone help me with a graphic card problem? [http://paste.ubuntu.com/27956/]11:35
pvh_sa|wrkdoes anyone know where to find throughput figures for iSCSI on linux? over gigabit ethernet, for instance11:35
tyler-wylieHey #ubuntu, I'm about to do a fresh install on my laptop and am wondering what the differences are in 32 and 64 bit ubuntu(mainly for Flash, in Fedora you can install nspluginwrapper + pulse support) etc11:35
DistroJockeyhavocstorm, http://forums.nvidia.com/lofiversion/index.php?t47184.html11:36
DistroJockeytyler-wylie, stick with 32bit11:36
havocstormDistroJockey, thanks11:37
tyler-wylieDistroJockey: Not worth the effort or advantage to go 64 bit?11:37
DistroJockeytyler-wylie, exactly11:37
DistroJockeyhavocstorm, you're welcome11:37
tyler-wylieDistroJockey: as far as ubuntu is concerned? (Have a 64 bit gentoo server and fedora desktop, so I kinda know what it takes on those to get certain 64 bit things working)11:38
DistroJockeytyler-wylie, not at this stage atleast11:38
egorhi all11:38
AaronHerUSUL, my friend is reporting that "sudo apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree" is not installing flash for him, any suggestion?11:39
egorstrange problem - nw card is recognised, but not functioning11:39
erUSULAaronH: any meaningfull error mensage ?11:39
DistroJockeytyler-wylie, well, I've heard of difficulties with flash and java on 64bit Ubuntu and if you don't have 4GB of RAM or above it's probably not worth it11:39
tyler-wylieDistroJockey: yea that's why I was contemplating 64 bit (k)ubuntu, I have 4gb of ram and plan to run VMWare workstation11:40
AaronHerUSUL, nope :/11:40
egortoshiba tekra laptop, marvel network card. couldn't connect to dhcp or any other server, no error messages except "connection timeout"-like messages11:40
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DistroJockeytyler-wylie, well, if you can, it's worth a try11:40
erUSULAaronH: :| then i can not help much...11:41
DistroJockeytyler-wylie, given your planned usage11:41
tyler-wylieDistroJockey: Yea the biggest pain for me on Fedora was when installing certain packages I'd have to install 32 and 64 bit crap11:41
tyler-wylieDistroJockey: I'm probably still going to go 32 bit, and use a PAE kernel11:41
AaronHerUSUL, well, thanks again for your help thus far :)11:41
DistroJockeytyler-wylie, I did read today that PAE can slow things down11:41
DistroJockeytyler-wylie, which makes sense11:42
tyler-wylieDistroJockey: well yea it's a hack to get 36 bit memory addressing over 3211:43
tyler-wylieDistroJockey: I wish I knew how much of a performance hit it causes11:43
DistroJockeytyler-wylie, yeah, no idea on that11:43
DistroJockeytyler-wylie, try both, make a blog and report back ;P11:44
DistroJockeytyler-wylie, not got the hardware here to do that myself :(11:45
askandI get the message "Error writing to disc - There was an error writing to the disc:Unhandled error, aborting" when trying to burn a DVD from inside nautilus, not really burn something but when nautilus try to erase the disc before burning. Why is that?11:45
DistroJockeyaskand, I get that too lately11:45
DistroJockeyaskand, using Brasero11:45
tyler-wylieDistroJockey: Well, I had a masochistic stroke and put Gentoo on my laptop, got it running fine minus 2 things which I really need.  Either way I'm just like eh screw it and going to do the lazy kubuntu way11:45
DistroJockeytyler-wylie, heh, from what I read, Gentoo 2008 was bad when released11:46
tyler-wylieDistroJockey: Eh it's fine as a release, it's more thinkpad acpi isn't working, no matter what I pass to modprobe I can't get brightness to change11:47
DistroJockeytyler-wylie, check slashdot, think I saw it there11:47
tyler-wylieDistroJockey: and am going back to a kubuntu setup I think, either that or opensuse with kde 3.5.911:48
dmseghey guys in the ubutu thin client how to they tell me to copy sources.list form server to chroot i dont really get that!11:48
DistroJockeytyler-wylie, I'd go kubuntu, didn't like opensuse :)11:48
jorgenptAny tips on debugging a machine that suddenly stopped booting? I replaced chassis and PSU, and now it hangs during boot. The last kernel message it shows is about recognizing the USB keyboard HID :o11:49
tyler-wylieDistroJockey: I loved opensuse 11, it's very well put together, but I don't know, its package manager is still way behind anything like fedora's or debians11:49
dmsegjorgenpt: use the old keyboard and try11:50
jorgenptdmseg: Stops at the same point w/o keyboard11:50
jorgenptOr, well, uhm. Let me see what the last is without the keyboard.11:50
tyler-wylieDistroJockey: I really enjoy fedora but it pains me to see how much they shot themselves in the foot with fedora 9.  Ubuntu/Kubuntu 8.04 is just beautiful11:50
DistroJockeytyler-wylie, This is a tad offtopic here but I find Ubuntu to be the best11:51
Sivam_is there any UI tool to configure firewall11:51
Sivam_in Ubuntu11:51
dmsegjorgenpt: ok is something wrong with your usb port a full kernel stop will only ouccur in a hardware error11:51
jorgenptThe last thing it stops on without the kb is ata10: PATA max UDMA/133 cmd 0x1f0 ctl 0x3f6 bmdma 0xfc00 irq1411:52
jorgenptata11: PATA max UDMA/133 cmd 0x170 ctl 0x376 bmdma 0xfc00 irq1511:52
jorgenptThose are the last two before it stops in its tracks.11:52
dmsegjorgenpt: dont paste too much in the channel next time beware11:53
dn_Can anyone suggest me a good editor [not console] for e.g. ruby, python and maybe c?11:53
tyler-wyliedn, gvim11:53
AaronHdoesnt gedit have syntax highlighting for those?11:53
dmsegdn_: notepad++11:54
jorgenptdmseg: That was hardly much, 1.5 lines. ;)11:54
tyler-wylieAaronH yup11:54
dn_would be nice with autocomplete and maybe some kind of macros?:)11:54
jorgenptTrying to disconnect the front-panel USB and audio11:54
dn_but ill just try all ot them, thanks11:54
dmsegdn_: notepad ++ has loads of features11:54
DistroJockeyjorgenpt, sounds like something connected to an IDE port to me (bad drive/connection)11:54
jorgenptOnly SATA, no IDE in use11:54
jorgenptAnd it passes those lines if a USB keyboard is connected.11:55
alebocohi guys, i reported a bug that is completely wrong... how can i adjust or close it?11:55
dn_dmseg: screenshots look promising, thanks11:55
jorgenpt(but the only thing it shows in addition is stuff about input and usbcore11:55
dmsegjorgenpt: pm me your full hardware change report11:55
dmsegdn_: your welcome11:55
jorgenptdmseg: As I said, only new chassis and new PSU11:55
jorgenptHardly something that relates to the hw in any way.11:55
jorgenptPower Supply Unit,11:56
DistroJockeyjorgenpt, only suggestion atm is to disable IDE and possible PS/2 in BIOS (just a guess/hunch)11:56
Flannelaleboco: #ubuntu-bugs will be able to help you out11:56
havocstormDistroJockey, the link you sent me, does it apply to the Nvidia 8600GT too?11:56
Operatorhi, i have installed a theme11:56
Operatorit is black11:56
Operatorbut i want to change the font colour to white11:56
Flannelaleboco: If no one is there, you can just post a comment, saying its invalid, etc.  Someone will come by and do the official stuff11:56
alebocoFlannel, thanks11:57
Operatorhow would i do that11:57
dn_dmseg: hmm, any idea what the name of the package is? or is there none?11:57
jorgenptDistroJockey: No way to disable IDE without disabling SATA11:57
dmsegdn_: google is your best firend11:58
MeniShevitzwhat's up all?11:58
DistroJockeyhavocstorm, not sure, didn't read it all. Was just a suggested place to check for info11:58
dn_dmseg: so no offical package and only .exe on the officale site.. I like11:58
Flanneldn_: Notepad++ is windows only.  Try SCiTe, or even gedit.11:58
MeniShevitzi need help installing on a UMPC with 800x480 display11:59
havocstormDistroJockey, k thanks, know any software in ubuntu that can control fan speed?11:59
spoo1DistroJockey, cckk : I'm back11:59
Flanneldn_: N++ uses the same backend for highlighting/etc as SciTE11:59
MeniShevitzjust a 'lil guidance on manually setting x's resolution and preferred display11:59
MeniShevitzbecause the via drivers hate my machine :)11:59
MeniShevitzthanks in advance.11:59
DistroJockeyjorgenpt, that's a bit silly, but you get that sometimes11:59
haichmanhelp how can i remove wine folder?11:59
dn_Flannel: I dislike scite the last time I used it - but I guess scite/gedit is the way to go:(11:59
DistroJockeyspoo1, be right there12:00
dmsegdn_: sorry i like wine a lot12:00
Flannelhaichman: open your homefolder in nautilus, hit ctrl-H to show hidden files12:00
MeniShevitzhaichman: rd -R pathforwinefolder12:00
Amarilisto upgrade from 7.04 to 8.04 do i need to upgrade first from 7.04 to 7.10 and then to 8.04 ?12:00
MeniShevitzafter you have removed wine from synaptics12:00
DistroJockeyhavocstorm, nope, sorry, someone else may though12:00
Flanneldn_: What did you dislike about it?  gedit isn't bad.  It does syntax highlighting/etc.  but there are others too.12:00
FlannelAmarilis: you need to go through 7.1012:00
MeniShevitzFlannel - any idea why is that so?12:01
haichmanok thanks12:01
MeniShevitzthe 7.10 thing12:01
FlannelMeniShevitz: Why what is?12:01
dn_Flannel: I disliked scite - but maybe I'm just used to ides to much :) will give both a try agian, thanks12:01
FlannelMeniShevitz: Because the repositories are only set up for that.  Transitional packages/etc are there for 7.04 to 7.10, but not 7.04 to 8.0412:01
Flanneldn_: If you want an IDE, there are IDEs too.12:01
MeniShevitzanybody around with experience dealing with ViA boards?12:02
MeniShevitzvx700 chipset especially12:02
Flannel!code | dn_12:02
ubottudn_: Programming editors/suites: Terminal-based: vi/vim, emacs - KDE: Kate, KDevelop, Quanta+, Umbrello - GNOME: gvim, gedit, anjuta, eclipse, pida12:02
dn_Flannel: Flannel thanks :) anjuta and pida is new for me *time to install*12:02
kharlosshi there. can i find remotely what motherboard i have ?  something like CPU-Z for  win ,  but for command prompt , a script or something ...  ?12:02
Slue_GnifferI'm using 8.04 and for some reason audio CDs won't play on my computer, would anyone know why?12:03
Likvidyhttp://i31.tinypic.com/2a8n9zn.jpg how do you get similar launcher panel like on the bottom in this pic?12:03
MeniShevitz@all: I have downloaded a driver from a hardware manufacturer and now I have a folder with *.ko files - what do I do with 'em?12:03
sameerhi all12:04
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MeniShevitzLikvidy: just look up dock launcher in synaptics!12:05
FlannelLikvidy: that's avant window navigator (AWN). see http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=76236312:05
daedraI have a poweriso .daa image and have no idea how to convert it to .iso12:05
PopolonI have some problems with the xdmcp windows exportation since the 8.04 upgrade12:05
daedraare there any tools to do this?12:05
osloim french12:05
nameless`oslo -> #ubuntu-fr12:05
daedraoslo: !fr12:05
sameerI have three machines A, B and C. There is a IPsec tunnel between A-B and B-C. Is it possible to route packets to Net C from Net A using the existing tunnels12:05
PopolonDid someone had the same problem ? I scp'ed the key (.Xauthority)12:06
Popolonbut I'm still rejected12:06
Popolonthis worked just before the upgrade (as I upgraded using xdmcp export)12:06
daedraPopolon: what's the problem?12:06
MeniShevitzthat Avant window manager looks oddly familiar :)12:06
mic1394is there a hotkey to switch between desktops in ubuntu?12:06
PopolonInvalid XDM-AUTHORIZATION-1 key (failed address comparison)Error: Can't open display:
MeniShevitzmic1394: alt+ctl+arrowkeys12:06
Popolondaedra, I have this error message12:06
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dmsegsameer: hello, a fellow indian how may i haelp you12:07
mic1394MeniShevitz thanks12:07
Popolondoes it searchs at another place for the keys ?12:07
FlannelMeniShevitz: yep, Project Looking Glass12:07
MeniShevitzlol@Flannel - I was thinking project osx86 O:-)12:08
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nomopofomoi'm having a problem with metacity. when i disable alt as the mouse button modifier everything starts acting weird. clicking a window moves it now instead of selecting it... i have to alt-click to get it to do what i want12:08
FlannelMeniShevitz: PLG was earlier, which OSX copied.  But this is offtopic.12:08
chocogoinfrequelqu'un parle français ici ?12:09
nomopofomobasically all i want is for me to be able to play warcraft which requires some alt-clicking12:09
Flannel!fr | chocogoinfre12:09
ubottuchocogoinfre: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr12:09
Popolonchocogoinfre, #ubuntu-fr12:09
MeniShevitzTrue. One last off topic remark - at least microsoft redesign when they steak ;)12:09
dmsegchocogoinfre: french ---> #ubuntu-fr12:10
lenix_how can I update my firefox to 3.01 ?12:10
kidbuntuplease.. how do i use chmod command... i'm still new going to change the permission on /var/www12:12
Flannelkidbuntu: You don't want to do that.  instead add your user to the www-data group (or a number of other methods)12:13
lavalaba hey people i install from terminal kde4 how can i uninstall it from terminal because it wont let me uninstall from add or remove programmanager?12:13
molgrumgetlibs couldn't find any 32-bit libs for libode and libwiiuse, i'm on 64-bit and need them to run a program12:14
bjorn_Hi. I'm trying to upgrade my gutsy system to hardy. The update manager freezes (left it for ca 15 min) when it comes to generating locales. I killed the update process, and tried to run dpkg --configure -a but the same thing happens (nothing after it comes to generating locales. Any help would be appreciated.12:14
RYNIEKlavalaba try with Synaptic12:14
MeniShevitzlavalaba: same way you installed with the uninstall or remove toggle12:14
MeniShevitzdo apt-get --help for the proper syntac12:14
lavalabashould i write in terminal for uninstall sudo apt-uninstall kde4 or what? manishavit?12:15
MeniShevitz(or other package manager of choice)12:15
RYNIEKsudo apt-get remove12:15
MeniShevitzthanks RYNIEK12:15
lavalabaok i did it i uninstall it thNKS people12:16
Arakkenwhats the name of the package in ubuntu with ruby on rails and an IDE for ruby on rails?12:16
kidbuntuFlannel: i just want to edit the config file on the wordpress directory that i just installed.. its located there at the /var/www/wordpress12:16
RYNIEKlavalaba it would be nice if You start to learn finding it in google12:16
kidbuntuFlannel: can you guide me?12:16
Arakkenwhats the name of the package in ubuntu with ruby on rails and an IDE for ruby on rails?12:17
Flannelkidbuntu: go to users and groups, and add yourself to the www-data group.  Then you'll be able to.12:17
kidbuntuFlannel: theres no www-data group12:17
sanhi all12:17
nomopofomoi'm having a problem with metacity. when i disable alt as the mouse button modifier everything starts acting weird. clicking a window moves it now instead of selecting it... i have to alt-click to get it to do what i want12:17
nomopofomobasically all i want is for me to be able to play warcraft which requires some alt-clicking12:18
kidbuntuFlannel: is it "www" or "www-data"12:18
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Flannelkidbuntu: it ought to be www-data, unless its changed in hardy12:18
kidbuntuFlannel: well in hardy how do i take care of this12:18
kidbuntuFlannel: i'm not pretty sure with the other groups12:19
lavalabaryniek why u said like that? that i should learn to find something out in google?12:19
tobagohow can i downscale and print a pdf with kpdf or evince? i tried it in kpdf by setting print property of margins to custom...12:20
Flannelkidbuntu: I don't believe it has changed in hardy.  do this in a terminal: sudo usermod -G www-data -a kidbuntu12:20
lavalabadid i bother you or something? i asked a question like everyone other does too because i didnt know the answer i thnk its ok to ask something here this room is for that or isnt it ?12:20
RYNIEKlavalaba cuz You can find faster than somebody can give U the asnwer12:20
kidbuntuFlannel: i did it now12:20
kidbuntuFlannel: whats next12:20
lavalabaryniek i know but there is a lot of results when i type it in google i dont know which one is the right one so i ask better here is it ok for you master?12:21
RYNIEKlavalaba no it wasn't an attack12:21
susscorfatobago: a programm for editing pdfs with a gui is pdfedit as far a i know kpdf or evince don't support these function12:21
RYNIEKi just said you could find it faster12:21
lavalabaok ryniek peace12:21
lavalabai m not angry12:21
Flannellavalaba: install "ruby" and "rails"  ... actually, just installing rails will install ruby12:21
nomopofomowhy is metacity so ****ing dumb?12:21
lavalabathanks for ur answer12:22
RYNIEKno problem12:22
lavalabaflannel what is ruby and rails?12:22
Flannellavalaba: packages12:22
rrowellnomopofomo, I never understood why they dumped Sawfish...12:22
lavalabaand for what should i install it ?12:22
Flannel!synaptic | lavalaba12:22
ubottulavalaba: synaptic is Ubuntu's Graphical Package Manager. For a good howto see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SynapticHowto12:22
nomopofomorrowell, do you think you could help me solve a stupid problem?12:22
rrowellwith metacity? Doubtfull12:23
nydexiaMy evdo modem gets locked after I disconnect wvdial, how do I unlock it?12:23
lavalabacan i install ruby and rials from terminal ?12:23
lavalabasudo apt-get ruby?12:23
Flannelkidbuntu: You may need to chown /var/www to be owned by www-data:www-data (it may be owned by root:root)12:23
Flannellavalaba: sudo apt-get install rails12:23
santry it12:23
zoreauso on my windows comp i use trillian, and all its windows can minimize to the tray(hidden under trillians tray icon) is there anywya to get Pidgin to minimize windows to the tray, or does anyone know an alternative program that can do this, but also run aim, yahoo, and irc channels?12:23
RYNIEKlavalaba sudo apt-get install12:23
nomopofomohere's what's going on... i need to eliminate alt-clicks... i know that's handled by the window manager, metacity... but whenever i disable the alt-key everything goes crazy12:23
sanif not look in your synaptic12:23
lavalabaryniek sudo apt-get install ruby ?12:23
lavalabais it enough to install it?12:23
Flannellavalaba: that'll just install ruby.  if you want rails too: sudo apt-get install ruby rails12:24
lusule|afkwhat's the command to run a program in the terminal without making the terminal useless for anything else?12:24
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FlannelLusul1: command &12:24
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lavalabaok flannel and ryniek i install it thanks12:24
tobagosusscorfa, i installed it. is there a way to scale it fitting to a4 format?12:24
lavalabaits functions12:24
lusul1flannel - thanks12:25
tyler-wylielusul1: & puts it in the background, and ify ou throw a "nohup" in front of the command it'll keep running if you close the terminal12:25
nydexiaMy evdo modem gets locked after I disconnect wvdial, how do I unlock it?12:25
lavalabaand next time i will try to find my answers in google :P12:25
rrowellnomopofomo, why do you need to disable alt clicks?12:25
tyler-wylielusul1: If the program is already running you can do ctrl-z and then "bg" and it'll do the same thing12:25
nomopofomobecause when i'm playing warcraft i can see the menu pop up and it's making me lose games12:25
Flannellavalaba: when looking for packages, search via synaptic, or apt-cache search [terms]12:25
lavalabaflannel thanks12:26
nomopofomoi alt+right click and that makes a window menu appear12:26
susscorfatobago: tried edit page metrics in the page menu12:26
yao_ziyuani'm in fedora 9 and is downloading ubuntu 8.04.1 alternate install iso. is it possible to use fedora's /boot/grub to boot this iso to start ubuntu installation?12:26
tyler-wylieyao_ziyuan: if you install ubuntu after fedora it'll overwrite the bootloader12:27
kharlossi found it ...   sudo lshw -html > name-of-html.html12:27
kharlossnice one ...12:27
tobagosusscorfa, i only found scaling absolutely.12:27
zoreauanyone know a way to get pidgin windows to minimize to the systray12:27
yao_ziyuantyler-wylie, i don't fear that12:27
tyler-wylieyao_ziyuan: you can copy fedora's boot/grub and use it in ubuntu12:27
tyler-wylieyao_ziyuan: change up the splashimage etc12:27
zoreauor possibly a way to get ANY windows to minimize to the tray, possibly through gnome settings?12:28
yao_ziyuanit seems ubuntu only provides ISO downloads but not individual directories and files therein, such as the vmlinuz, etc. needed by grub12:28
kidbuntuFlannel: and i'm a complete newbie. how do i use chown now?12:28
tobagoand btw. it does not scale it just changes the size.... wtf12:28
rrowellnomopofomo:  Ah, i think wine has an option for that stuff12:29
rrowellmaybe --managed or something?12:29
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susscorfatobago: set page transformation matrix and then the scale tab ?12:29
Flannelkidbuntu: sudo chown www-data:www-data /var/www && sudo chmod g+w -R /var/www12:30
yao_ziyuani used kubuntu from this march to a week ago and fedora 9 for the past week and the conclusion is fedora sucks...12:30
sansomeone know a program to automount hard drives ?12:30
nomopofomorrowell, where would i look?12:30
yao_ziyuanalthough fedora has up-to-date packages12:30
sanat startup12:30
kidbuntuFlannel: nothing changes. still can't edit the file on that directory12:30
rrowellnomopofomo, man wine?12:30
tobagosusscorfa, you mean in page --> set_page_changematrix?12:31
lmosherOK I have a presentation in a few hours, doing FN+F5 didn't work (to enable projector). What's the fastest way to get this to work?12:31
bjorn_Hi. I'm trying to upgrade my gutsy system to hardy. The update manager freezes (left it for ca 15 min) when it comes to generating locales. I killed the update process, and tried to run dpkg --configure -a but the same thing happens (nothing after it comes to generating locales). Any help would be appreciated.12:31
SlartIsn't nvidias cards supposed to underclock automagically when not being used to play games? isn't that the whole point of the Powermizer gizmo?12:31
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rrowellnomopofomo, google shows some promissing hits too12:32
Flannelkidbuntu: what does `ls -l /var | grep www` give you?12:32
susscorfatobago: at my machine it is called set page transformation matrix but i guess it is the same12:32
rrowellgoogle: wine warcraft ALT12:32
tobagosusscorfa, o.k.12:32
susscorfatobago: I'm not really familiar with the program but it always dit what i wanted to do12:32
kidbuntuFlannel: i see the www-data there12:32
tobagoso: page --> set page transformation matrix --> scale page    and there is something sx and sy12:33
Flannelkidbuntu: paste that whole line here please (should just be one line)12:33
tobagobut that resizes the page instead of scaling, or what am i doing wrong?12:33
kidbuntuFlannel: drwxrwxr-x  3 www-data  1001 4096 2008-07-09 18:22 www12:34
shainCan anybody tell me what do noapci and nolapci do??12:34
susscorfawhat do you exactly want to scale only the text or the whole page12:35
Flannelkidbuntu: er... that 1001 shouldn't be there.  Ok, pastebin /etc/apache2/apache2.conf please12:35
Flannel!paste | kidbuntu12:35
ubottukidbuntu: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)12:35
corzahi guys, i've burnt a disc to install and when i reboot it tries to load the disc but just says... isoliknux: disk error 32, AX = 4280, drive 9F12:36
WeDneShello !12:36
corzai have no idea what this means, i've checked the md5sum and it's correct and i've burnt it twice.12:36
WeDneShey !12:36
kidbuntuFlannel: http://paste.ubuntu.com/28250/12:36
Flannelkidbuntu: bah. pastebin /etc/apache2/envvars please12:37
yao_ziyuanwhere can i download a md5 checksum tool?12:38
Flannelyao_ziyuan: you already have one12:38
Flannel!md5 | yao_ziyuan12:38
ubottuyao_ziyuan: To verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/VerifyIsoHowto or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows12:38
kidbuntuFlannel: http://paste.ubuntu.com/28251/12:38
Slue_GnifferI'm using 8.04, for some reason audio CDs won't play, does anyone know what the problem might be?12:38
Flannelkidbuntu: right. www-data.  Alright, so, lets try this again: sudo chown www-data:www-data /var/www12:39
pijuSlue_Gniffer, do u have mplayer ?12:39
Flannelkidbuntu: then paste the output of this (here, since its only one line) ls -l /var | grep www12:39
kidbuntuFlannel: invalid group12:39
HSNewsfind /var/www/cat_img/* -prune -name '*.jpg' -exec  convert '{}' -resize 200x200 /var/www/cat_img_small/'{}'.jpg \;12:40
kidbuntuFlannel: i got this error in terminal chown: invalid group: `www-data:www-data'12:40
HSNewsI've got 'Argument list too long' how to fix that?12:40
mar77ihi, say, can you give me a hand setting sensible-browser back to ff? the preferences option is set to firefox fyi12:40
HSNews(over 14k files)12:40
Flannelkidbuntu: interesting.  Did you tweak anything with this?  removing users/groups or anything like that?12:40
Slue_Gnifferpiju, whenever I pop in an audio CD into my computer, and click into the icon to see the contents, all that shows up are .wmv files that have like a lock icon on them, aswell as all the files tagged as  "Track 1", "Track 2", etc..etc..12:40
sledgeasmy acer aspire 5920 most of the time starts with rf_kill switched on -- how do i switch it off automatically?12:41
pijuSlue_Gniffer, .wmv files ?12:41
kidbuntuFlannel: yes. cause i added the www-data group manually and removed it12:41
pijuhave u installed ubuntu-restricted-extras ?12:41
Slue_Gnifferpiju, yes wmv files.12:41
Flannelkidbuntu: .... why did you add it manually and remove it?12:41
pijuSlue_Gniffer, sudo apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras -y12:42
kidbuntuFlannel: no idea... i tried to take a look at the users manage group. www-data is not present so i tried adding one12:42
Flannelkidbuntu: alright, well, thats where our troubles started.  Ok, so... pastebin /etc/group please, and we'll go from there12:43
kidbuntuFlannel: http://paste.ubuntu.com/28252/12:45
FlannelHSNews: http://www.linuxjournal.com/article/606012:45
mar77iSlue_Gniffer, lame converts everything2mp312:46
Slue_Gniffermar77i, I don't need an mp3 converter.12:46
looongerwow, what a crowd here12:47
Flannelkidbuntu: alright, we'll just go ahead and make a new one.  sudo addgroup --system www-data12:47
mar77iSlue_Gniffer, er... okay. can you repeat your question?12:47
raffybuona sera a tutti12:48
kidbuntuFlannel: done12:48
HSNewshow to create shell script and run it?12:48
santhere are a lot of manual for scripting12:49
sanyou can google it12:49
sanput sheel scripting manual12:49
Flannelkidbuntu: alright, now we have that group, we just need to re-add people to it.  sudo usermod -G www-data -a www-data && sudo usermod -G www-data -a kidbuntu12:50
kidbuntuFlannel: done12:50
zoreauhow do i figure out how large a window in in pixels12:50
TENAnyone using VDR on 8.04 ?12:50
Flannelkidbuntu: Now, we have to reassign everything in /var/www to www-data.  so... sudo chown www-data:www-data -R /var/www12:51
Flannelkidbuntu: and then it should work12:51
kidbuntuFlannel: done. let me check now12:51
AaronHzoreau, xwininfo12:52
kidbuntuFlannel: i've done the command... but when i right click to the file. still couldnt rename it.12:52
Flannelkidbuntu: ls -l /var | grep www12:52
kidbuntuFlannel: drwxrwxr-x  3 www-data www-data 4096 2008-07-09 18:22 www12:53
zoreauthanks Aaron12:53
Flannelkidbuntu: and the output of "groups"?12:53
kidbuntuFlanell: wait thats wrong12:53
AaronHnp zoreau12:53
kidbuntuFlannel: drwxrwxr-x  3 www-data www-data 4096 2008-07-09 18:22 www12:53
kidbuntuFlannel: wait12:54
msandbuanyone know if there is an option in irssi to not show people joining or leaving channels?12:54
kidbuntuFlannel: the www-data group is added now. whats next12:54
Flannelkidbuntu: added to your "groups" output you mean?12:55
Slartmsandbu: yes.. there is.. /ignore with some switches12:55
Pici!quietirssi | msandbu :D12:55
ubottumsandbu :D: To ignore joins, parts, quits in irssi:  /ignore #ubuntu +JOINS +PARTS +QUITS12:55
kidbuntuFlannel: added to the groups12:55
Flannelkidbuntu: You mean added on the end of the "groups" command?12:55
kidbuntuFlannel: i saw the www-data group name at the bottom of the groups. its added already12:56
Flannelkidbuntu: bottom of *what* groups/12:56
lusulehow do i copy and paste in xterminal?12:57
Flannelkidbuntu: /etc/group? or "group" the command?12:57
AaronHlusule, highlight and then middle click with the mouse12:57
mar77ihi, say, can you give me a hand setting sensible-browser back to ff? the debian option is set to firefox fyi12:58
kidbuntuFlannel: i think i'm getting lost.. i tried viewing the manage users account... the www-data is back there again and whats the next step?12:58
Sam101Anyone know how to make Ubuntu recognise my Creative en as a storage volume. As it would for a USB stick?12:58
lusuleAaronH - thanks :)12:58
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arvind_khadrilusule, to paste use Shift+Ins to copy just use the mouse12:58
kidbuntuFlannel: we did do an add command on the terminal12:58
Flannelkidbuntu: no.  Cloes the manage users and groups thing.  type "groups" in a terminal.  do you see www-data there?12:58
mar77iSam101, Creative en? what kind of device?12:58
kidbuntuFlannel: ok i have these  cdrom floppy audio dip video plugdev fuse lpadmin admin12:59
Sam101Its an mp3 player mar77i12:59
Flannelkidbuntu: try this instead: groups kidbuntu12:59
mar77ijust saw so on youtube. thx12:59
kidbuntuFlannel root adm dialout cdrom floppy audio dip video plugdev fuse lpadmin admin kidbuntu www-data12:59
Flannelkidbuntu: perfect.  And you say you still can't change stuff?  You ... may need to log in again to get the groups updated.13:00
SamSamSamWhat if I run Wubi in Wine?13:00
kidbuntuFlannel: ok ill try that13:00
Flannelkidbuntu: that is, the groups you are in as far as nautilus is concerned13:00
FlannelSamSamSam: it won't work.  Wine isn't an emulator/virtual machine thing.13:01
tillux1erm "till@tillux:~$ sudo blubb \ sudo: unable to resolve host tillux \ sudo: blubb: command not found" makes me frightened13:01
jgooI have a  machine setup with SSH enabled - I can access it on port 22 from another computer from the same network, but requests through the mapped port on the router fail13:01
Sam101Anyone know how to make Ubuntu recognise my Creative en as a storage volume. As it would for a USB stick?13:02
mar77iSam101, if your device is related to the creative zen device, you might want to try this http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=19925013:02
msandbujgoo: have you checked that the port is forwarded to your machine from the router?13:02
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illusionHow can i block bruteforce attacks?13:02
Piciillusion: Look into fail2ban13:03
jgoomsandbu, yes, this is my first suspicion, but it looks ok - of course, unelss SSH / iptables has a way of knowing this reqeust came through a router, it must be my router right?13:03
drekkoillusion: or change ssh port13:03
Sam101mar77i I have done that but it when you get it setup etc. The folders in the zen arent listed only the files. SO you cant add new albums etc because they wont go into proper folders. Hence why I need it to show up as a storgage volume13:03
jgooI will run a test, perhaps put tomcat on port 22 on my other machine and see if I can access that with port mapped to its ip13:03
zoreauin the compiz config, under 'Window Rules" i can force windows to be non-resizable, fullscreen, non moveable, etc.  What name doI put in for the window? i have tried "Buddy List" for pidgin's bud list, and also 0x3200058, which is its 'Window ID' as shown by the command 'xwininfo'13:03
drekkoillusion: or switch to public key authentication and disable password authentication13:03
mojohey i have a samba question...  i have used samba3 at home with my desktop and our server/router to make and access shares with the winxp desktops in our house, but in a workgroup (and without wins but i'm thinking of changing that real soon now)...13:04
havocstormdoes anyone know a utility in ubuntu that can control fan speeds13:04
havocstormof the nvidia 8600gt?13:04
Slarthavocstorm: nvclock13:04
havocstormfor ubuntu?13:04
havocstormcan you link me?13:04
Slarthavocstorm: yes13:05
Slart!info nvclock13:05
ubottunvclock (source: nvclock): Allows you to overclock your nVidia card under GNU/Linux. In component universe, is extra. Version 0.8b3-1ubuntu1 (hardy), package size 49 kB, installed size 188 kB13:05
JulousteWhy can't I cut and paste with gpm when using screen?13:05
ubottuCompiz (compositing window manager) and XGL (X server architecture layered on top of OpenGL) - Howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager - help in #compiz-fusion13:05
ubottuLAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+)13:05
mar77iSam101, then the driver is not yet sophisticated enough, and we probably won't be able to help you. you might try a lucky shot with google :)13:05
havocstormslart, how do I enable the component universe13:05
Sam101Hmmm good idea. Thanks dude :)13:05
Slart!univers | havocstorm13:06
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about univers13:06
mojo... at work (contract job) we are updating a bunch of computers, reimaging them..  we use a script to back up the user profiles first, to a windows workstation licenced machine (10 tcp connect limit), and keep running into availability problems with too many machines backing up profiles at once.  can't i make a linux server use samba and wins but not need the ad domain auth stuff?  i mean, add the linux server to the domain as a computer a13:06
mojoccount (so other machines can browse to it via wins), and make a share available to do this w/o windows' sucky 10-connect limit?13:06
Slart!universe | havocstorm13:06
ubottuhavocstorm: The packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecommendedSources for the recommended way to set up your repositories13:06
Slarthavocstorm: basically, in system, software sources13:06
jgoomsandbu, is it at all possible that port 22 could vet connections to 'local network' connections13:06
mar77ihavocstorm, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories/Ubuntu13:06
mojoi mean, can i do this without all the kerberos stuff?13:06
havocstormthanks guys13:06
murlidharhi all , i have installed openbox and i would like to use bmpanel along with it . however i only have the source file and i when i give the command ./configure13:07
LaNCeloT_RWmorning people!13:07
mar77ioh, too late 8|13:07
toanco ai o viet namkhong13:07
murlidharit gives me an error saying checking for imlib2 >= 1.4.0... no13:07
Likvidyjgoo has quit ("I have to return some videotapes")13:07
wolsmurlidhar: hen install it13:07
toanco ai o viet nam khong13:07
wols!tell toan about en13:08
ubottutoan, please see my private message13:08
murlidharand when i install using sudo apt-get install imlib2 it gives me an error saying13:08
murlidharsudo: timestamp too far in the future: Jul 19 03:58:08 200813:08
toani don't understand13:08
Flannelmurlidhar: sudo -k, then try again13:08
havocstormslart, I can't find nvclock in the repositories13:08
Flanneltoan: English only here please13:08
zoreauLikvidy: LOL, patrick bateman13:08
havocstormdo you use the add/remove manager13:08
msandbujgoo: you havent set up host-based auth?13:08
Slarthavocstorm: did you enable the correct repository? update the package list?13:09
Flannelhavocstorm: try using synaptic, add/remove only shows a small subset13:09
murlidharFlannel, thanks now it works . what did go wrong ?13:09
toanhow to install vmware? please13:09
toanwhat your name?13:09
havocstormflannel, slart, there are three versions, nvclock, nvclock-gtk, nvclock-qt which one do I use?13:09
Slarthavocstorm: nvclock is the command line utility.. the other are gui's13:10
Flannelmurlidhar: Nothing.  Your time got changed (backwards) and sudo has protections against that.  sudo -k clears the timestamp, allowing you to do it normally13:10
Slarthavocstorm: the gtk one would work nicely for gnome13:10
HSNews for $f in *.jpg; do   convert $f -resize 200x200 /var/www/cat_img_small/$f.jpg; done13:10
murlidharFlannel, thanks but now imlib2 is not in the repos13:10
havocstormslart, thanks13:10
Slarthavocstorm: you're welcome13:10
HSNewshow to run it? I want to resize all images in directory13:10
Flannelmurlidhar: you're correct13:10
zoreautoan: click applications-->>add remove-->>scrool down to VMWARE and install13:11
murlidharFlannel, so what is the name for it in ubuntu13:11
havocstormslart, I installed the gtk, but I can't find it, how do I run it?13:12
Flannelmurlidhar: I have no idea what it is.  Do you have a filenme?13:12
msandbuhavocstorm: nvclock_gtk13:12
sanalt f213:12
Slarthavocstorm: start it from the command line13:12
Flannelmurlidhar: http://packages.ubuntu.com/hardy/libimlib2  libimlib213:12
havocstormflart, msandbu, sudo nvclock-gtk?13:13
havocstormslart, msandbu, sudo nvclock-gtk?13:13
msandbuforgot the sudo part13:13
Slarthavocstorm: nah.. don't think you need sudo13:13
havocstormit says command not found13:13
Slarthavocstorm: just run nvclock in a terminal13:13
murlidharFlannel, thanks now i got it . will come back again if i have any problems . cya13:14
kidbuntuwhere can i find the PHP.INI file13:14
zoreauis it possible to send a message to someone just by knowin their IP?13:15
havocstormslart, msandbu, what command do I use to have the fan speed on auto13:15
Slarthavocstorm: nvclock -f -F auto13:15
mojozoreau:  if you had the ip, you'd still need an application on the destination box listening (at some port) for the message to come in and do something with it...  a13:16
havocstormslart, msandbu, "Your fan doesn't support fanspeed adjustment"... wtf?13:16
Johnnyi updated yesterday and now when i jump back and forth from firefox windows sometimes my window manager dies13:16
zoreauah i see13:17
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Flannelkidbuntu: /etc/php5/apache2/13:17
kidbuntuFlannel: thanks13:17
Amarilisguys, how do i upgrade from 7.10 to 804 from cd?i tried kdesu "sh /cdrom/cdromupgrade" but nothing happend13:17
erosshave a silly question, is it easy to set up a file server to act as a print server13:17
Johnnysee it just died again13:17
Circus-Killerjohnny: i had a similar problem, which turned out to be an issue with one of my firefox addons13:17
Johnnydoes anyone know how to help13:17
Slarthavocstorm: well. I guess that could happen.. I run a 8800 gtx, I can change my fan speed..13:17
JohnnyCircus-Killer, it happens when i click the firefox icon on avant13:17
Johnnydo you know how to fix it Circus-Killer ?13:17
kidbuntuFlannel: and flannel. another question.. how do i restart my apache13:18
havocstormslart, hmm what do I do now?13:18
msandbuhavocstorm: I have a 8600, cant chance mine.13:18
havocstormslart, msandbu, gah, the fan is on max now and it's freakin annoying13:18
Circus-Killerum, well, by the sounds of it you have different problem. all i did was remove the problematic add-on (downloadhelper), which was causing my crashes13:18
havocstormslart, msandbu, is there anything else I can do?13:18
Slarthavocstorm: are you sure you can change the fan speed? can you change it in windows?13:18
Circus-Killer@ Johnny13:18
Flannelkidbuntu: sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 restart, you really ought to read this page: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP13:18
havocstormslart, msandbu,I never had to change anything in windows13:18
Johnnycan anyone else help me13:19
havocstormslart, msandbu,I but I had the same fan noise problem when I updated to the newest drivers13:19
havocstormslart, msandbu, it was fixed when I used the drivers on the CD13:19
kleop2konsole and gnometerminal  fart  when I use them13:19
kleop2how can I tell them to stfu?13:19
sanAmatalis: what about booting the Cd and installing 8.0413:19
kleop2input bell style none something... what was that commnd13:20
kidbuntuFlannel: theres another problem.. i got an error thats there was a probem of my  "PHP installation appears to be missing the MySQL extension"13:20
havocstormnvclock -c13:20
havocstormwhoops...wrong place13:20
Mark-HHello everyone! I was just wondering if someone could take the time out to help me determine if Ubunto is compatible with my laptop! Please?13:21
Mark-HUbuntu sorry13:21
msandbuMark-H: What laptop do you have?13:21
Johnnymy window manager keeps dying on me13:21
Mark-HCompaq Presario 120013:21
Johnnycan anyone help13:21
Johnnyim using gnome + compiz and awn13:21
Johnnyit usually happens when firefox is open13:22
havocstormmsandbu, what do you do about your 8600? Do you enable accelerate graphics?13:22
erossis a fax server possible, using an all-in-one printer?13:22
Mark-Hmsandbu, i am assuming, with it having an AMD K6, i would download the 64bit version of ubuntu?13:23
SlartMark-H: nope13:23
SlartMark-H: depends on how much memory you've got, if you ask me13:23
SlartMark-H: you *can* run the 64 bit version..13:24
Mark-Hdang, i was half way through the download, ill start the 86 then, hehe13:24
SlartMark-H: you have 188 Mb memory??+13:24
Mark-Hi just want to make sure it is compatible before i FDISK the sucker13:24
Mark-Hthats what windows claims, yes13:25
SlartMark-H: you might want to use the alternate install then.. running a live cd with 188 Mb can be.. a bit slow13:25
ubottuThe Alternate CD is a classical text-mode install CD. It supports a wider range of hardware than the !LiveCD, and can also be used as an upgrade CD.  Look for the alternate checkbox on the Ubuntu download page - See also !minimal - Torrent at http://releases.ubuntu.com/8.04/ubuntu-8.04-alternate-i386.iso.torrent13:25
PiciMark-H: I find it hard to believe that you have a 64bit capable cpu in a computer with only 188mb of ram.13:25
kleop2how to decode EEID info from monitor13:26
Mark-Hthe CPU is AMD K6, i was assuming it was 64bit with it been amd13:26
Mark-Hi guess not13:26
kleop2how can I tell konsole to stfu and stop beeping while I use it?13:26
havocstormDoes anyone know how to use old graphics drivers in ubuntu?13:27
LaNCeloT_RWguys, anyone knows how to fix the font issue on FF3 ? I mean the fonts showed on websites not the fonts on the program menus13:27
Mark-Hso does anyone know if it will be compatible? I will mainly be using it for the internet13:27
Slart Mark-H oh.. k6 is an old processor.. you won't be able to run 64bit ubuntu on it13:27
sanMark-h: http://www.linux-laptop.net/compaq.html13:27
=== nokheat____ is now known as nokheat
LaNCeloT_RWfor example: Yahoo mail, the fonts on the website are really UGLY13:28
PiciMark-H: Its definitely a 32bit processor.13:28
Mark-Hi am now downloading the i386 version13:28
sanMark-h: search yours maybe. they have some troubles. but u think they ran it.13:28
PiciMark-H: AMD64 is just a special way of saying that a processor supports EMT64 because Intel and AMD originally had different methods of doing 64bit processors...13:29
Mark-Hi have an OLD ubuntu live cd, that booted fine13:29
Mark-Hbut no wireless13:29
Mark-Hso i am hoping a newer version will work with wifi13:29
Mark-Hthen i can FDISK my laptop and get linux running13:30
havocstormDoes anyone know how to use old graphics drivers in ubuntu?13:30
LaNCeloT_RWguys, anyone knows how to fix the font issue on FF3 ? I mean the fonts showed on websites not the fonts on the program menus13:31
LaNCeloT_RWfor example: Yahoo mail, the fonts on the website are really UGLY13:31
hiptobecubicI made a small separate partition just for grub but now when i try to do kernal updates it tells me that grub isn't installed. Can i tell ubuntu to look to the new partition for grub or what?13:31
erUSULLaNCeloT_RW: sme people reports that installing mstcorefonts (r maybe liberations fonts) "fix" it for them13:32
Aaron_Masonanybody know if there's a program like iCord for ubuntu? a program that can be used to record what's going on the screen?13:32
Mark-Hwhat i am most woried about is whether it is compatible with my wifi card13:32
LaNCeloT_RWerUSUL, already done that... fixed the interface but not the websites =/13:32
Aaron_MasonMark-H: what kind of card?13:32
cyconhow do you make a domain called www.example2.com point to www.example.com and have the address bar show www.example.com...I suck at DNS! btw, the DNS channel seems to be dead13:33
erUSULLaNCeloT_RW: tweaking Edit>Preferences>Appearance13:33
mar77iAaron_Mason: do you mean something like recordmydesktop13:34
MeniShevitzi need help calibrating screen in xorg.conf13:34
LaNCeloT_RWerUSUL, no.. The interface is OK... like smooth pixel rendering... BUT when I go to a website like Yahoo! Mail or Gmail the fonts are really ugly... like an OLD Mozilla browser13:34
Aaron_Masonmar77i: thanks13:35
erosscan i set up a fax server (attached to my printer server via usb), it's an all-in-one printer and the server has a modem for calling out13:36
sanLaNCeloT_RW: maybe a screenshot would help. u tryed googling that problem. i found lots of thing but dont know what is your exact problem13:36
shahhi guys, i hav installed bittorrent using apt-get install bittorrent, but i could'nt find bittorrent application anywhere, plz help13:36
LaNCeloT_RWsan, i´m googling for 1 hour LOL... I'll post a Screen shot.. :-)13:37
mar77iAaron_Mason, there's just someone quicker googeling than u :D13:37
MeniShevitzshah, you need to install a bittorrent client application with a gui13:37
MeniShevitztransmission is a good one :)13:37
sanshah: you should install a bittorrent clien. like azareus deluge torrent or transmission which is in ubuntu repos13:37
MeniShevitzor azureus13:37
ajzimmermanHello, I need help installing something. I have tried tutorials but nothing is working13:38
sanyou can find torrent files in mininova or "some other places"13:38
sanajzimmerman: what do you need to install ?13:39
MeniShevitzsan: that was not we he asked, nor something we support :)13:39
shahMeniShevitz: azureus is 146 MB of size :(13:39
Lunar_Lamp shah> hi guys, i hav installed bittorrent using apt-get install bittorrent, but i could'nt find bittorrent application anywhere, plz help <== there is a client called Transmission installed by default in recent releases of ubuntu.13:39
LaNCeloT_RWsan, http://img292.imageshack.us/img292/4517/sc01bq5.jpg13:39
ajzimmermanThe installation function is part of the OS, I would hardly believe you don't support it13:39
LaNCeloT_RWsan, on the screenshot it's not SOOO bad13:40
lbo_kenhi all  first  sorry if my english isnt  good im french canadian  but  chat often in english so i may have some mistake in my writing.  thanks for your understanding13:40
ajzimmermanYou're helping someone find torrents but not me.13:40
sanMeniShevitz: oops! :)13:40
MeniShevitzajzimmerman: i was speaking to san :) it's ok san :)13:40
Lunar_Lamp!ask | ajzimmerman13:40
ubottuajzimmerman: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)13:40
* MeniShevitz slaps ajzimmerman around with a large trout13:41
lbo_ken2nd i installed ubuntu to used it as my server (web server, icecast server, mysql server ect) but i dont know how to configure the php in apache2   under a linux server (idid  used to do it with a windows os)13:41
carolynLunar_Lamp: My bit torrent is installed under Applications --> Internet --> Transmission Bit Torrent Client13:41
ajzimmermanMenishevitz. I'm reporting you/13:41
shahLunar_Lamp: but its not verifying data as soon as it is downloading, its starting at the point from where its being verified, so im wasting most downloaded data, im speaking about transmission gui13:41
Slartajzimmerman: this channel is user to user support.. we're all ubuntu users.. just like you..13:42
lbo_kenso if you have any place wehre it explaine  step by step how to confivure apache to work with php  i woudl realy like it (by the way i did installed also webmin13:42
MeniShevitzso is he gonna report me to you?13:42
* MeniShevitz gets back to not being off topic.13:42
SlartMeniShevitz: huh? and what would I do with that report??13:42
flushwhat do you do with a western digital drive that fails smart check on boot and that wont let me boot linux whne its pluggeg, and under windoes it will not list in "my computer"13:43
sanLaNCeloT_RW: on the screen it seems fine. i dont know sorry13:43
hiptobecubicflush throw it away and buy a new drive?13:43
Lunar_Lampshah: I don't understand your point. If you start the client it will verify any already downloaded data, and then it will continue downloading (if it doesn't verify, it doesn't know what it needs to download)13:43
LaNCeloT_RWsan, ok mate.. no problem! :-)13:43
Slartflush: throw it away.. or recycle or something.. get a new one13:43
MeniShevitzi was joking. he said he'd report me, you said it's user to user.13:43
Tr0yNTis there an app i can install to automatically jail users to their home dir?13:43
Popolonflush, backup data if you can, else trashcan is a good place for it13:43
MeniShevitzi need help calibrating the display in xorg.conf13:43
flushya cant read it13:43
SlartMeniShevitz: =)13:43
flushwestern digital diag tool wont let me run scan on it, freezes13:44
hiptobecubicflush, is it clicking?13:44
Slart!res | MeniShevitz13:44
ubottuMeniShevitz: The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto13:44
=== fReAkY[t] is now known as freaky[t]
Popolonflush, there are some tools to find files on failed filesystem13:44
SlartMeniShevitz: don't know if you'll find anything about calibrating there. but it's worth a try13:44
flushits not filesystem13:44
flushits smart test13:44
sanLaNCeloT_RW:maybe some one else can13:44
Popolonyou can try it if there are really important13:44
Popolonthat's a waste of time13:44
MeniShevitzubottu: it's a bit more complex. thanks though, i'll read first :)13:44
ubottuMeniShevitz: Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)13:44
LaNCeloT_RWsan, I´ll try to find some info, thanks! :-)13:45
flushif it was only filesystem i could still boot linux or windows no issue13:45
Popolonit will go back polluate the planet13:45
flushPopolon hell you make my day13:45
flushme too then13:45
MeniShevitzubottu: i'm no better :)13:45
ubottuMeniShevitz: Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)13:45
MeniShevitzthanks slart, will try :)13:46
LaNCeloT_RWsan, actually after installing the msfonts it´s quite nice .. and restarting browser :-)13:46
shahLunar_Lamp: if i had to d/l huge data in GBs then data is not being verified as soon as its downloaded, yellow line represents d/l and blue line overlapping yellow represents verified data.. suppose if i had stopped after 1gb download, at that point if 500mb of data is only verified then when i restart my system its starting from 500 mb.. not 1gb :(13:46
MeniShevitzno go :(13:46
hiptobecubicflush, i had luck one time putting my drive in a ziplock back in the freezer until it was really cold, then plug it in right away and get everything you can before it warms up. I don't really recommend trying it unless you've got nothing to lose13:46
Lunar_Lampshah: I've never had that problem with transmission - it's most likely a problem with your tracker etc.13:46
MeniShevitzshah: are you downloading to a local disk?13:46
LaNCeloT_RWGreat! Posting on my blog LOL13:46
hiptobecubicflush, it was a clicking-drive though, which i'm not sure is the same issue you are having.13:47
MeniShevitzshah: actually it sounds like a bad connection/bad qe on your router.13:47
MeniShevitzshah: try a different torrent client and tell us if it still happens.13:47
shahMeniShevitz: ok which one to try?13:48
sanshah: deluge torrent worked fine with me13:48
MeniShevitzshah: azureus is good.13:48
MeniShevitzit's a matter of tastes.13:48
hiptobecubicI tried to update my kernel just now and it said grub didn't exist because i've moved it to a new partition. How can i tell it to install to the right place?13:48
dkTHello anyone familiar with xforms add-on for FF2?13:49
shahMeniShevitz: im downloading  on a windows partition, which is automounted everytime i restart my system, is that a problem??13:49
ilembitovHi, all. Can anybody tell me, is the "wl" driver an ubuntu actually a bcm43xx module?13:49
MeniShevitzshah: yes!!!!!!13:50
MeniShevitzshah: you're better off downloading to an ext3 partition, or to a remote share.13:50
sandkT: i think no. :(13:50
dkT:( - damn it!13:50
shahMeniShevitz: so what to do now, how to increase my partition size of ext3??13:51
MeniShevitzilembitov: i believe it's ndiswrapper but am probably wrong. wrapper lan=wl.13:51
khamaelis cheese supposed to show a stream right away? I only get a foot with toes13:51
sandkt: what do you need? maybe you can google it13:51
MeniShevitzshah: first boot into windows and in the computer manager (under administrative tools either in accessories or control panel) shrink the windows partition.13:51
spoo1is there a way to pull up a chat history?13:52
MeniShevitzshah: afterwards i can't quite help other then to offer using paragon partition manager :)13:52
carolynHow do you ssh within your local network? I find info only how to outside LAN13:52
MeniShevitzoh, my bad.13:52
sanje pense que tout perssone parlais le anglais13:52
Chousukecarolyn: the same way you do to outside networks13:52
MeniShevitzshah: use gparted after shrinking the windows partition.13:52
xnvcarolyn: ssh username@hostname13:52
Slart!fr | san, chocogoinfre13:52
ubottusan, chocogoinfre: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr13:52
BonezAUHi, I just built a brand new PC today with a NVidia GeForce 9600 GT (512mb) - I can not get any nvidia drivers working, tried envyNG, the restricted drivers built in with Ubuntu and also downloading the linux driver from Nvidia themselves. Is there a trick to getting this to work?13:52
shahMeniShevitz: i hav got enough free space to expand ext3 partition but donno how to do it13:52
Chousukexnv: that might not work o na local network if there's no name server13:52
MeniShevitzshah: gparted is your friend.13:53
Chousukecarolyn: anyway, use the ip address of the machine instead of its hostname13:53
sani tell him/her that we all speak english, sorry13:53
spoo1how do I add a resolution to xord.conf?13:53
shah<MeniShevitz> okey i'll try, thank u13:53
Slartsan: yes.. I understood =) just figured I'd mention the french channel13:53
MeniShevitzshah: np, good luck13:53
dkTsan: I've been googling around for some time now. The problem is that on my ubuntu 8.04, FF2.0.0.15 and XForms 0.8.5 re not working, but the samme versions are working on Mandriva?!13:53
=== EclipseDev is now known as Akimon
Chousukecarolyn: if you don't want to type IP addresses all the time, you can add an entry to /etc/hosts13:54
xnvChousuke: Uhhm, RTFM. A "hostname" is a generic term and usually includes the option to use an IP.13:54
cchanceAnyone know of a Point Of Sale GUI for ubuntu13:54
spoo1how do I add a resolution to xord.conf?13:54
Chousukexnv: meh13:55
Slart!res | spool13:55
ubottuspool: The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto13:55
BonezAUHi, I just built a brand new PC today with a NVidia GeForce 9600 GT (512mb) - I can not get any nvidia drivers working, tried envyNG, the restricted drivers built in with Ubuntu and also downloading the linux driver from Nvidia themselves. Is there a trick to getting this to work?13:55
Chousukexnv: hostname refers to the name of a machine13:55
carolynThanks to all who answered, but I get connect refused when I try ssh ipaddr  However ping ipaddr works13:55
xnvChousuke: So you're saying SSH's documentation is wrong?13:55
linkinxphello i need information in how to see the log of grub?? cause when its loading i see an error but i goes to fast.....13:55
Chousukexnv: perhaps they're using "hostname" confusingly.13:56
sandkT: maybe you can upgrade to ff3. the plug in is available13:56
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about pos13:56
xnvcarolyn: It may be that the machine you are trying to connect to does not have an SSH server installed.13:56
Chousukecarolyn: you need to install an ssh server on the machine.13:56
hiptobecubicit takes gdm several minutes to shutdown/start up. how can i find out what is making it hang?13:56
shah<MeniShevitz>, after installing gparted, i typed gparted in terminal which lead to: (gparted:5583): Gtk-WARNING **: cannot open display:13:56
dkTsan: No the addon is not support by FF3 yet.13:56
carolynOK checking if ssh server installed  (its my machine)13:56
xnvChousuke: Or perhaps I'm right and "hostname" is used generically and just implies the ability to resolve hostnames automatically.13:57
shah<MeniShevitz>, i hav ubuntu 8.04 with xfce as DE13:57
cchanceAnyone know of a Point Of Sale GUI for ubuntu13:57
dkTsan: Ahh I see two days ago a candidate release for the add on is out for FF3. I'll try it out.13:57
Slartcchance: never seen anyone discussing pos gui's or systems in here.. it's not really something the normal user installs =)13:58
carolynChousuke: Can I limit ssh to my LAN?13:58
MeniShevitzshah: i use gnome and am reintroducing myself to ubuntu, sorry man. try to sudo it.13:58
Slartcchance: nothing in the repos?13:58
kdridihi there13:58
cchanceSlart,belive  me ive checked13:58
Chousukexnv: That's not relevant, as an ip address is not a hostname, it may confuse users to say that you need to connect as "user@hostname".13:58
kdridisomebody has build cloop module with module-assistant please ???13:58
cchancethis stupid spacekey is all messed up13:58
erossthis is not spam - just found a webpage with a bunch of wallpaper.  http://www.caedes.net13:58
Chousukexnv: a better form would be user@host  :)13:58
sandkt: you're rigth sorry13:58
cchanceSlart, where wouldyou sugesti check13:59
Slartcchance: I'm looking around at the moment.. I'll let you know if I find anything13:59
cchanceSlart good to know :P13:59
legend2440spoo1: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto13:59
carolynopenssh server or ssh meta package or both or something different? Synaptic gives a long list searching for "ssh server"14:00
Chousukecarolyn: openssh server14:00
Chousukecarolyn: and yes, you can limit it to LAN only.14:00
Chousukecarolyn: I don't remember how though; either sshd can be configured directly or you can use a firewall.14:00
Chousukecarolyn: check sshd's manual after you've installed the server14:01
xnvChousuke: I happen to agree, but this is the way SSH has done it for years. I have no problem if you want to inform the someone that hostname can also be an IP, but you shouldn't jump to the conclusion that it only resolves a hostname and doesn't handle IPs.14:01
carolynChousuke: Thanks. OK How do I name my HOST?14:01
axenoryHow can I keylock a folder14:01
mar77ihow can I get information about my cd burning device from a terminal?14:01
Slartcchance: doesn't seem to be anything good out there..14:02
mar77iaxenory, put it into a pw secured archive file?14:02
carolynDoes a firewall come installed with Ubuntu?14:02
cchanceSlart, what were you searching... ive seen two but they were not what i need14:02
Slartcchance: if you've got the back end you might be able to whip something up..14:02
Slartcchance: google, ubuntu forums and such14:02
axenorymar77i: how do I do that14:03
Slart!firewall | carolyn14:03
ubottucarolyn: Ubuntu, like any other linux distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'iptables' command (see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo), or GUI applications such as Firestarter (Gnome) or Guarddog (KDE).14:03
cchanceSlart, backend?14:03
xnvcarolyn: It's easier to just edit the configuration file, which is /etc/ssh/sshd_config14:03
Slartcchance: the "engine" that does the numbes work.. gets prices etc etc14:03
mar77iaxenory, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File_Roller14:03
sandkt: you can read this: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=73667114:03
Slartcchance: front end is the shiny part you see on the screen.. the back end is what does the all the things you don't see..14:04
cchanceslart, this is for an art show. It looks more professional if i have a check out counter, there for increasing sales14:04
xnvcarolyn: "man sshd_config" will give you lots of information about using it14:04
cchanceSlart, i was thinking about making a web app butitd takeabout a day and id rather find something pre built14:05
pexhi all, i was playing around with bufferoverflows, but my pc is behaving strange, does 8.4 have some kind of stack protektion?14:05
axenorymar77i, no but for that I will have to compress the folder, I dont want to do tat is there another way to just apply th pw to a folder?14:05
Slartcchance: I'm guessing you'll have to build it yourself..14:05
carolynubottu and xnv and others: thanks Time to look and read14:06
ubottucarolyn: Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)14:06
cchanceslart, hecki guess i could sell it as well :D14:06
Slartcchance: unless you want to use openoffice.. calc or something..14:06
dkTsan: thanks14:06
Slartcchance: hehe.. go ahead.. become a millionaire.. you've found a niche =)14:06
cchanceslart,i dont consider it secure14:06
sandkt: no problem! :)14:06
axenoryIs there a way to KEYLOCK a folder without COMPRESSING?14:06
Slartaxenory: not with regular ubuntu, afaik14:07
=== Kopfgeldjaeger2 is now known as Kopfgeldjaeger
axenorySlart, even with chmod?14:07
mar77iaxenory, lol14:07
Slartaxenory: you can deny a user access to a folder.. but it won't popup a password dialog when he tries14:08
axenorymmm, I see14:08
Brandon__In ubuntu server is there a way to get a breakdown or list of where the largest amount of HD is being used?14:08
SlartBrandon__: du14:09
mar77iBrandon__, there's a gui tool to that one14:10
Slartubuntu server.. no gui14:10
carolynChousuke: Thanks - just noticed you told me how to name my HOST14:10
gooodyhow can i do a system restore in hardy?14:11
erossdf -hT  ?14:11
xnvSlart: Ubuntu server doesn't come with a GUI. Doesn't mean you can install one.14:11
Slartxnv: of course not14:11
Slartgooody: system restore? you mean like in windows?14:12
erosswhat fax program is easiest to use with ubuntu?14:12
mar77iI have installed a server bevore ;)14:13
gooodySlart: yes. i want to know if there's a way to backup my system then restore it later.14:13
ubottuThere are many ways to back your system up. Here's a few: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BackupYourSystem , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DuplicityBackupHowto , https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HomeUserBackup , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MondoMindi - See also !sbackup and !cloning14:13
delfickhello, does anyone else have troubles with rhythmbox not playing mp3's in ubuntu hardy ? They used to play just fine, but I'm trying to play them today and it just stays on the zero mark. Totem seems to play them but the visualisation is laggy and there is no sound. vlc plays them but with no sound. and real player plays them fine....14:13
sangooody: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=42363914:13
Slartgooody: ubuntu doesn't have anything by default as in windows.. but there are programs you can use14:13
mar77idelfick, that may happen...14:14
planetxmai1hey whats up ubnuters14:14
gooodySlart: what are those?14:15
mar77iplanetxmail, this is not even a meta question ;) - do you have trouble with anything?14:15
Brandon__Slart, is there a way to have it order from the largest directories to the smallest? I'm trying to figure out where 78% of the HD space is going. There's not much installed on the server.14:15
sangooody: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=423639 the same questions is answer here14:15
delfickmar77i:  anyway to fix it ? or just do a windows and reboot? :)14:15
Slartgooody: check the links ubottu wrote a few lines up14:15
FatJoeHi hunter k gardai baseko ?ma ta tv herdaui chu14:15
planetxmai1<-- master programmer? :) ask your questions14:15
mar77idelfick, probably not14:15
gooodyOK. Thanks for your help14:15
SlartBrandon__: you can always pipe it through sort14:15
mar77itry starting the player from console and pastebin the output14:15
planetxmai1pipes rule14:15
erossi guess hylafax has it's own fax server, which is what i need14:16
sanplanetxmail: how can i make a "hello world", lol14:16
Brandon__Slart, oh cool. Didn't know abotu that one. Only pipes I know are the more and less :P Thanks14:16
planetxmai1which Language? lol14:16
mar77iplanetxmail, san, OT!14:16
planetxmai1echo 'hello world'14:16
sanok thank you14:17
Slartyou're welcome, Brandon__14:17
planetxmai1put that in a file called  hello.sh and run  'bash ./hello.sh'14:17
mar77i...and you forgot the header "#!/bin/sh"14:17
sanyou rocks!14:17
amexdo someone band listen Radiohead? :)14:17
planetxmai1wanna do a C program hello world? :)14:17
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!14:17
erosswhat modem-terminal app can i use to test out my modem and check the settings14:18
Slartgo to the offtopic channel.. shoo.. go on14:18
mar77iOT @planetxmail, asan, amex14:18
sanint main() {printf("hello world"); }14:18
mar77isan you forgot c-library and you are still OFF THE TOPIC14:19
planetxmai1mar77i: you only need '#!/bin/bash'  if you dont use 'bash ./<filename>'  BASH14:19
planetxmai1yes sans...now how do you compile it ? :_14:19
sanok sorry14:19
Chousukemissing return, implicit declaration of printf, ;(14:19
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!14:19
sanwe are out of topic14:19
Picisan: Try ##C14:19
planetxmai1ya you may get warnings or errors without a return 1; at the end14:20
mar77iand planetxmail, I know forgot the +x chmod and stfu14:20
planetxmai1mar77i: your right14:20
Chousukeplanetxmai1: return 0;14:20
Chousukeplanetxmai1: return 1 means there was an error14:20
planetxmai1return 'stfu';14:20
sanlets go to the other room14:21
Chousukethat would fail too :)14:21
Slartthis is turning into efnet.. I'm out of here14:21
mar77i^k them14:21
planetxmai1ok different question14:21
planetxmai1or undernet14:21
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!14:21
PiciJoin #ubuntu-offtopic if you just want to talk about random stuff14:22
tech0007how to upgrade firefox to 3.01?14:22
planetxmai1search for firefox14:22
Brandon__Without human readable what's the unit of size du uses?14:22
Chousukethat's not a recommended upgrade route though.14:23
FatJoemalai chodera na jau na bai14:23
Chousukebest just wait until ubuntu includes it14:23
planetxmai1du -h .    use that14:23
Miltiadis Does anyone knows inno setup program ?14:23
Picitech0007: Wait until the update moves to updates.14:23
mar77i!meta >Miltiadis14:23
ubottuMiltiadis, please see my private message14:23
planetxmai1yes its best to wait for the update....14:23
Brandon__planetxmai1, nah I had to sort it and sort only works it seems on numerical types. It can't decipher memory sizes. Thanks though.14:23
sanyour update manager will tell you14:23
Adysevery time I start firefox/pidgin using PA, when it attempts to play sound I get the message firefox-bin: pcm_pulse.c:115: pulse_stop: Assertion `pcm->stream' failed. - and then it crashes14:23
Adysanyone knows how to fix that?14:24
planetxmai1du returns BYTES14:24
planetxmai1do 'man du'14:24
Chousukedoesn't du return blocks?14:24
planetxmai1or blocks14:24
planetxmai1man du14:24
switchcatQ: how do I tell which USB kernel modules/features are turned on? I am trying to hook up a USB device to use with a WINE program but it doesnt seem to acknowledge it and I think it might be a kernel/usb problem14:24
planetxmai1tells you which modules you have installed in ur kernel14:25
ks3Brandon__: you can use -k to return kilobytes14:25
Brandon__hmm du / | sort -g says I have 46 MB. Are you sure it's bytes by default?14:25
switchcatplanetxmai1 - any idea what I should be looking for? I dont seem to see anything that jumps out as a USB related mod14:26
planetxmai1ya can be tricky... can you successfully detect say a USB memory stick?14:27
Djoxmame vam se kupaju goLe14:27
FatJoeHi Djox k gardai baseko ?ma ta tv herdaui chu14:27
Chousukeswitchcat: lsusb to show all detected USB devices14:27
Pici!en | Djox FatJoe14:28
ubottuDjox FatJoe: The #ubuntu, #kubuntu and #xubuntu channels are english only. For a complete list of channels in other languages, please visit http://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat14:28
Djoxwts up ppl!14:28
switchcatchousuke - lsusb displays nothing14:29
Chousukehmm :/14:29
Chousukeit should.14:29
ChousukeI thik14:29
planetxmai1ya it should14:29
Brandon__Is Boinc installed by default with ubuntu. I'm curious how my server has it running unless someone else installed it.14:29
planetxmai1i tested on my machine and plugged in a usb stick and it showed data on it14:29
switchcati have some usb stuff plugged in, and nothing14:30
Chousukelsusb should show a device even if it's not supported, as long as you have USB support working.14:30
switchcatno usb memory stick, but this device should read like that14:30
PiciBrandon__: I'm quite sure its not installed by default.14:30
switchcatso how do I go about adding a kernel module to ubuntu if I have to do so?14:30
planetxmai1you must not have USB support installed14:31
planetxmai1which is odd14:31
Chousukevery odd.14:31
planetxmai1what DEVICE are you trying to plug in and get working?14:31
switchcatI started with 7.0x ubuntu and went to 8.0x  I was never able to get my printer to work under usb either14:31
planetxmai1webcam? stick? what14:31
tech0007switchcat: 'lsmod | grep usb' ?14:31
switchcatplanetxmai1 - a sony digital voice recorder14:31
Chousukeswitchcat: dmesg | grep hci too14:32
Chousuke(without the too)14:32
planetxmai1goto sony product page... and look for information about linux and drivers for it14:32
Chousukeplanetxmai1: first he needs to get usb working.14:32
switchcatlsmod line doesnt work, dmesg grep hci produces two lines14:33
switchcat[   51.293048] ohci1394: fw-host0: OHCI-1394 1.0 (PCI): IRQ=[10]  MMIO=[d800a000-d800a7ff]  Max Packet=[2048]  IR/IT contexts=[8/8]14:33
switchcat[   53.150470] ohci1394: fw-host1: OHCI-1394 1.1 (PCI): IRQ=[11]  MMIO=[d8009000-d80097ff]  Max Packet=[2048]  IR/IT contexts=[4/8]14:33
Chousukehm, that's firewire14:33
planetxmai1ya firewire14:33
Chousukedoes "dmesg | grep usb" produce anything?14:33
switchcatnope, nothing14:33
DjoxI have pr too..I bought webcam but I am soo ugly on it!!!:(:(14:34
Chousukeswitchcat: very weird.14:34
sanwhat webcam?14:34
planetxmai1you dont have a USB controller driver installed...14:34
switchcatso how do I install one?14:34
Chousukeswitchcat: you must either have a broken USB chipset or some very weird motherboard14:34
planetxmai1what model and make of computer are you running? Does it have any USB ports on your box?14:34
switchcatyes of course it has usb ports, I'm plugged into them14:34
switchcatI dont remember too much data on the mobo it's been a while14:35
ubottuHi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://tinyurl.com/5zfb6t - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots14:35
Chousukenormally you shouldn't even have to care about installing USB drivers14:35
Chousukethey're enabled by default14:35
FatJoehelo ubottu how are you?Long time Where have you been?14:35
ChousukeI can't remember the kernel module names for USB stuff though14:36
switchcatI should try ##Linux for that I guess?14:36
switchcator maybe a kernel channel?14:36
planetxmai1you know after I updated my kernel using the last ubuntu update... my wireless stopped working... did the USB work previously? and they stopped all of a sudden?14:37
ChousukeSquawk: try sudo modproce ehci14:37
switchcatI dont think I've ever gotta a usb device to work on this system14:37
Chousuke(and ochi and ahci)14:37
Chousukeswitchcat: tried in windows?14:37
switchcatI never had windows set up on this box14:37
planetxmai1modprobe  not modproce14:37
Chousukeright, typo14:38
vikram_I'm trying to get the tar --selinux option going on ubuntu, but it doesnt seem to be recognised, which package do i install for it?14:38
hccmbswitchcat , is usb enabled in bios settings?14:38
switchcatuhmm, I would assume so14:38
Chousukegood point.14:38
hccmbbetter check14:38
Chousukeswitchcat: don't assume, go check14:38
planetxmai1never assume14:38
switchcatwell that means I'd have to reboot. :P14:38
Chousukeswitchcat: since Linux *really* should autodetect any USB stuff14:38
hccmbreally ?\14:39
Chousukeswitchcat: I've never heard of USB not being autodetected :P14:39
planetxmai1usb is common enough that it is weird your doesnt14:39
hccmbyou can turn usb off in bios, never heard of that?14:39
Chousukehccmb: of course, but assuming it's enabled14:39
legend2440switchcat: read post #3    http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=28297714:39
switchcatI dont think my bios has an option for that.. but who knows... it's been a while14:40
ChousukeUSB not being autodetected might've happened back in the 2.4 days, but no more14:40
Chousukebut if it's disabled in bios then of course it won't work :P14:40
sanwhat days are we in ?14:40
linxehvikram_: try installing star14:40
vikram_How do you, dpkg-query a package that hasnt been installed yet?14:40
vikram_like, yum info blah, on redhat14:41
tech0007vikram_: apt-cache show [pkg]14:41
Chousukeapt-cache show package14:41
=== nokheat_____ is now known as nokheat
switchcatokay thanks I will have to see whats up when I finally decide to reboot14:42
Swishfatjoe has an onjoin /invite14:42
hccmbswitchcat open gnome terminal and do an lshw14:42
Swish[08:41:23] * FatJoe (n=FatJoe@ invites you to join #smokXXXXX14:42
vikram_tech0007, Chousuke is there a command for showing the files that pkg provides if installed?14:42
hccmbthen you can see whats more on the board etc14:43
IdleOneSwish, that is not an invite it is a /notice14:43
Swishno, that's an invite.14:43
Chousukevikram_: you need apt-file for that I think14:43
cchanceWould anyone deem it required to make a localy hosted webpage that is not to be accessed by anyone but to have ssl security while transfering data to a fro mysql?14:43
Chousukevikram_: it needs to be separately isntalled.14:43
Swishmy client would have formatted it differently had it been a /notice14:43
vikram_Chousuke, ok, thanks14:43
SwishTHIS is a /notice from fatjoe:  [08:41:24] -FatJoe- Welcome to #ubuntu . Enjoy your stay here. Type !help for more options.14:43
IdleOne!ops | FatJoe had a onjoin /notice in here14:43
ubottuFatJoe had a onjoin /notice in here: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, , CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, Jack_Sparrow, nickrud, jpds, bazhang or jussi01!14:43
henuxI have a bunch of OSes in the grub startup list. How can I change the list?14:44
Chousukehenux: edit /boot/grub/menu.lst14:44
ChousukeI think there's a graphical manager too14:44
henuxChousuke: and do i need to run some tool to the changes to take effect after I edit the menu?14:44
ChousukeI don't think so14:44
tech0007vikram_: use gdebi if you have the .deb14:45
hccmbput an # before the one you dont want14:45
planetxmai1ya i dont think there is a good GUI tool front end for editing grub.entries14:45
henuxlet me see14:45
cchanceWould anyone deem it required to make a localy hosted webpage that is not to be accessed by anyone but to have ssl security while transfering data to a fro mysql?14:45
bert[1]hello everyone. i have an ubuntu cd and i am planning on installing it onto my hard drive but my cd drive is spoilt. is there any other way i can install it?14:45
danwagonanyone know how to get a lexmark printer working??14:45
th0rPici, #xubuntu has the same problem14:45
Picith0r: thank you14:45
sanwhat model14:46
planetxmai1that is not REQUIRED14:46
ubottuPrinting in Ubuntu is done with cups. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Printers - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsPrinters - http://linuxprinting.org - Printer sharing: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NetworkPrintingFromWindows14:46
danwagoni read about it but dont get it14:47
planetxmai1lshw  is a kick ass command.. didnt know about that one14:47
bert[1]how do i install ubuntu on a hard drive partition ( i already have an empty partition ready for use) without a working cd drive?14:47
cchanceplanetxmai1 is that tword me14:47
cchancenot required.14:47
sanplanetxmai1: yes i tested to14:47
ubottuHi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://tinyurl.com/5zfb6t - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots14:48
henuxsomething is wrong, when i run "sudo emacs /boot/grub/menu.lst" i get "sudo: unable to resolve host laura" (laura is my host name) i have changed the /etc/hostname recently. idea???14:48
planetxmai1if your webserver is localhost only  then no one can access it from anywhere except from the local box itself14:48
henuxit works otherwise14:48
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legend2440!install | bert[1]14:48
ubottubert[1]: Ubuntu can be installed in a lot of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall. Don't want to use a CD? Try http://tinyurl.com/3exghs - See also !automate14:48
IdleOne!install > bert[1]14:48
ubottubert[1], please see my private message14:48
planetxmai1dont use emacs... its a bit complex... use    'ed' heheh or vim14:49
planetxmai1or nano14:49
bert[1]oh, okay. thanks so much!14:49
legend2440!hostname | henux14:49
ubottuhenux: Use hostname <somehostname> to set the hostname, or to do it permanently: edit /etc/hostname  and /etc/hosts . WARNING! Make sure that your current hostname and /etc/hosts match, otherwise sudo may not work properly. Alternatively, use the gui at system>administration>networking on the "General" tab14:49
sandanwagon: didnt you read this https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HardwareSupportComponentsPrinters/LexmarkMultifuncPrinters14:50
planetxmai1what do you all think about the MONO project?  Think its a Microsoft trap?14:50
nurdglawI've lost all networking since bombing out in the middle of 7.10->8.04 upgrade. Help anyone?14:51
nckwhats ifconfig tell you?14:51
nckor /etc/network/inferfaces14:51
nckfor that matter14:51
planetxmai1the latest kernel 2.6.24-19  broke my wireless... so I reverte back to using 2.6.24-1814:51
nurdglawifconfig doesn't say ,uch; I'll check interfaces14:51
nurdglawnck: /etc/netwrok/interfaces reads: auto lo\niface lo inet loopback14:53
WilDecI'm, installing ubuntu-server.  Where's the installer option for GRUB, rather than LILO, install?  I'd read that GRUB is the default -- but apparently not, as it's insisting on, and only offering, LILO14:53
rafaelscjhow do I do to connect to an ad-hoc wireless network?14:53
nckthats it nurd?14:53
nurdglawnck: yup14:53
planetxmai1nurd or hurd?14:53
nckdo you need this server to be a router or just on the net?14:54
rafaelscjWilDec, GRUB don't work with xfs filesystem14:54
nurdglawjust on the net14:54
styrmanhow do I get out to a tty shell? if its possible, i want to just run a game with its own X14:54
nckwhats your local nets IP subnet14:54
WilDecrafaelscj: I'm not installing XFS. Rather, ext3.14:54
nurdglawhow do I find out?14:54
nckyou use dhcp?14:54
nckthats easier hell14:54
henuxsome kernel boot entries in /boot/grub/menu.lst are listed in "AUTOMAGIC KERNEL LIST" and it says "DO NOT UNCOMMENT". however there are stuff i dont need. what to do?14:55
nurdglawit's a wireless router with lots of m$ boxes and my ubuntu laptop (on a good day)14:55
nckshould do the dhcp14:55
nckauto eth014:56
planetxmai1your playing with FIRE if you are editing grub and you dont know Exactly what your doing14:56
mar77ihenux, do something if you know what you are doing and willing to risk it, or stop asking this kinda questions :D14:56
Chousukehenux: delete them14:56
nckiface eth0 inet dhcp14:56
Chousukehenux: make a backup :)14:56
ncketh0 = your network adapter14:56
mar77is/and/and\/or/ - Chousuke, right.14:57
henuxmar77i: you are silly14:57
Chousukehenux: it says "do not uncomment" because it uses the comment marks for its automagicks14:57
nurdglawOK, so I add that to the end of /etc/network/interfaces ?14:57
nckunder the loopback14:57
Chousukehenux: but you can still delete unnecessary entries14:57
nurdglawand then reboot?14:57
Chousukehenux: though I think to redo the automagick you need to run some tool :/14:57
mar77ihenux, now even I have learned something ;)14:57
ncktheres a command to use, hold on i forgot14:58
Chousukehenux: make sure your menu.lst has at least one kernel you can boot though.14:58
henuxChousuke: yes14:59
Chousukehenux: grub itself ignores everything that's commented, so there must be at least one autogenerated (or manual) kernel entry.14:59
henuxdo you know what is the difference of "Ubuntu 8.04.1, kernel 2.6.24-19-generic (recovery mode)" and the one that is not recovery?14:59
ncktry /etc/init.d/networking restart14:59
ncki think thats it14:59
Chousukehenux: recovery mode is single user mode14:59
killunhi to all.. someone knows how to disable powermizer feature of the nvidia graphic card? or send me a link with a solution that work?14:59
nurdglawhere goes...15:00
nckboom crash!15:00
styrmanis ctrl + alt f1,f2,f3.. suppose to give me shells? i see nothing15:00
Chousukehenux: the easiest way to remove excess grub entries however, is to remove packages for old kernel versions15:00
henuxChousuke: and the memtest, do i need it?15:00
Chousukewell it's useful.15:00
sanyes ctrl + altgr + f1... to f715:01
henuxi have now ubuntu kernel 2.6.24-19, and that of the recovery mode, memtest and windows xp on my grub menu15:01
henuxthat should be enought15:01
Nigelgood morning15:01
ncknurd whats the word?15:01
NigelI have a problem with installing postfix15:01
henuxneed to reboot and check it works15:01
Nigelcan anyone help ?15:01
Chousukehenux: to keep it clean, just remove old kernel packages.15:02
nckdunno migel15:02
henuxChousuke: how?15:02
nckdepends on how serious it is15:02
sanstyrman: you dont see any text ??15:02
=== svolpe_gerrath is now known as svolpe
Chousukehenux: apt-get remove linux-image-old-kernel-version15:02
moDumasshey all, booting up takes 20 mins and gnome fails to load any ideas how this machine got uber messed up?15:02
Chousukehenux: or use synaptice15:02
styrmansan: no, think im suffering from a ati bug ;P15:02
styrmansan: gona try something15:02
henuxChousuke: got it15:02
henuxi use apt-get always15:02
nurdglawnck: OK that hasn't killed anything, but I don't think all is well15:02
Chousukehenux: just don't remove the current kernel and you're fine .)15:02
sanstyrman: but it jumps to the terminal, right ? Or it do nothing15:03
Chousukehenux: also, make sure you remove teh actual packages and not just metapackages.15:03
ncknurd, hit ifconfig again15:03
henuxChousuke: i hope so15:03
styrmansan: i see black screen, it jumps out but no output15:03
henuxtime to reboot and hope the best15:03
Chousukehenux: well, it may take some trial and error15:03
henuxChousuke: what happens if i removed something wrong?15:03
styrmanrebootin brb15:03
ncknurd is your network adapater eth0?15:04
Chousukehenux: as long as you don't remove the running kernel all is fine :P15:04
nckor is it a wireless card?15:04
henuxwhat happens if i did?15:04
Chousukethen... you can't boot :P15:04
henuxnah nonsense lets reboot and see15:04
nurdglawnck: ifconfig not much change - a few more packets, it's a wireless card15:04
spoo1where do I find a command list?15:05
nckdid you put "eth0" in /etc/network/interfaces?15:05
nckthats the prob15:05
nckuh try "wlan0"15:05
tyler_1how do I completely remove a broken package using term please?15:05
murlidhari am trying to compile the source program called bmpanel  and i get an error . the pastebin might help you understand the problem  http://paste.ubuntu.com/28279/15:05
sanspool: http://www.ss64.com/bash/15:06
planetxmai1ethX  are for wired carded... wlanX are for wireless cards15:06
nurdglawdid that, re-ran networking restart - no significant change in ifconfig15:06
henuxChousuke: ok it works15:06
rafaelscjhow do I to create a ad-hoc network?15:06
Chousukegood :)15:06
nckdid you put a zero?15:06
henuxtell me whats that memtest for?15:06
ATA2greetings is there somewhere an equivalent to gentoos env-update in a packet for hardy?15:06
ncktest your memeory15:06
henuxwhy do i need to test that?15:07
murlidhari even tried installing from root but it says it can't find the directory .15:07
nckhenux, sometimes memeory goes bad15:07
henuxaha k15:07
nckand is the cause of alot of hardware issues15:07
nckor server problems15:07
henuxokay then its useful15:07
murlidharshouldn't it make automatically if it is compiling ?15:07
Chousukemurlidhar: don't run make install before you've run just make15:07
nurdglawnck: yes - "wlan0" (no quotes)15:07
henuxokay i need to run to the shop and get some chicken to eat15:07
murlidharChousuke, tried that . same error15:07
Chousukemurlidhar: hm? :/15:08
henuxmaybe i buy some cheese too15:08
murlidharChousuke, wait i will pastebin it15:08
Chousukeyou tried ./configure --prefix=/usr/local && make && sudo make install15:08
henuxwho knows everything can happen15:08
sanhenus lol15:08
nckhey nurd15:08
nckyou up for some reading?15:08
ncktype "iwconfig15:09
ubottuHi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://tinyurl.com/5zfb6t - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots15:09
nurdglawok - l0 no wireless extensions; eth0 no wireless extensions; eth1 some stuff15:09
nckso no wireless connections15:09
nurdglaw...including Access Point not associated - I guess not15:10
nckyour wireless card needs a driver or something15:10
veryhappy1988how are you?15:10
nurdglawso you reckon it got zapped when I bombed out of the upgrade?15:10
NicksteI've recently set up a server with postfix & courier for a new domain name, and finding that my emails are landing up in the spam box in gmail. What is the best way to start getting my domain onto a "white list"?15:11
unstableperl: warning: Setting locale failed., language is unset, LC_ALL is unset, I get these messages whenever I do stuff with apt-get. How can I fix this?15:11
switchcathccmb - I've just seen your suggestion to do lshw15:11
ncknurd, type lspci15:11
veryhappy1988well ... i guess im right here because i have also a problem with my ubuntu ...15:11
ncklook for your network card in that15:11
nurdglawok lots of stuff, what am I looking for?15:11
veryhappy1988im a german if you dont understand something ask please15:11
nckwireless card15:11
sanwhat problem?15:11
nurdglawethernet controller and network controller15:12
nckdo you need the wireless?15:12
nckdo you see the wireless?15:12
veryhappy1988my problem is i have a intel pro wireless 2200bg and this works only on windows xp15:12
veryhappy1988this wlan card has a hardware kill switch15:12
nurdglawnetwork controller - Intel Corp PRO/Wireless 3945ABG Network Controller (rev 02)15:12
veryhappy1988i need a solution to switch on these wlan card15:13
fantomasHi. I have problem with PulseAudio on gnome. I selected 'PulseAudio' for all sounds in gnome Sound settings and PulseAudio as adjusting target for Gnome applet. The problem is that after restarting X session the sound is it to MAX volumen and nothing saves. Where could be the problem? Ubuntu/9.0415:13
veryhappy1988i tried fsam-7400 but i dont know how to setup this15:13
veryhappy1988i have a fujitsu siemens amilo M740015:13
fantomass/the sound is it/the sound is reset/15:13
veryhappy1988for more details please see the screenshot on
veryhappy1988there are all informations collected on my wlan15:14
pepanyone got a torrent to download the last eeebuntu netbook remix? their ftp server limits to 10 users... :/15:14
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Picipep: Perhaps you should be asking them.15:15
veryhappy1988please contact me private or write just veryhappy1988: and your text ... thank you15:15
=== sumitc|AFK is now known as sumitc
DasPhi @ all15:16
DasPveryhappy1988 huhu15:16
pepPici: i'm trying :)15:17
nurdglawnck - thx I'll read the page follow the steps and come back if it's not all working15:17
DasPveryhappy1988: huhu15:17
nckgood luck nurd15:17
nurdglawassuming that fixes things, thank you VERY much15:17
veryhappy1988hello dasp15:17
nckheh i hope so15:17
rvtcadminhi, i'm new to ubuntu and the command line.  i'd like to try ffmeg, and i've heard the version i'd get via synaptic may be old.  how hard is it to compile it from source?  should i attempt such a thing, as a, you know, wholesome learning experience?  or is it out of newbie league?15:17
Carpe|DiemHas anyone played native quake III on ubuntu? If so, how can I fix the mouse sensitivity problem15:18
kristjan_eerikrvtcadmin, it's not that hard, get the dependencies (sudo apt get build-dep ffmpeg), ./configure, make and sudo make install. now if you get errors, it gets a bit more difficult ;)15:19
veryhappy1988has anyone yet an answer for my problem15:19
kristjan_eerikthat's apt-get *15:19
kristjan_eerikrvtcadmin, also see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware15:20
HelionWhat is the package name for flash player in the repositories?15:22
giuseppe__hi got some problems with my monitor, can someone help me?15:22
rvtcadminkristjan_eerik, thanks, i'll check out the link there..15:22
PiciHelion: flashplugin-nonfree15:22
Paddy_EIRE!ask | giuseppe__15:22
ubottugiuseppe__: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)15:22
giuseppe__ops, im a newbie15:23
giuseppe__so sorry15:23
ilembito1Guys, anyone, please explain to me, what is "wl" driver? Is it ndiswapper?15:24
giuseppe__then , when i turn on my pc, a window come in my monitor 'NO SUPPORT' , then the screen is on the left side and i do not see all the window15:24
giuseppe__previously i just hit the 'auto' button on the monitor and the screen fits to the monitor15:25
giuseppe__now nothng appens15:25
snifferÊÇÑÊ´Õ ¤ÃѺ15:26
Helioncan someone give me a little tip? I`m trying to find documentation for that apt-get system, what is the tool called?15:26
kristjan_eerikgiuseppe__, have you recently changed the X configuration? did this problem just appear?15:26
Mark_vHhelion: you mean 'man'?15:26
kristjan_eerikHelion, do you mean man? try man apt-get in a terminal15:26
giuseppe__think i 'touch' something in order to install the compiz-fusion15:26
Helionno no, I know man, i was talking about the installer tool15:27
giuseppe__but do not tell me what, i really don' know15:27
giuseppe__i just go in the compiz-fusion chan and get some help15:27
=== nokheat______ is now known as nokheat
giuseppe__kristjan_eerik the problem is 'born' with the installation of linux, but previously i just hit the 'auto' button that is on my monitor and things goes right15:28
kristjan_eerikHelion, synaptic? dpkg?15:29
Helionkristjan_eerik, yes thank you15:30
Helionit was synaptic15:30
ShishireI accidentally pulled my iPod out of the cable when it was already mounted, and the icons remained on the desktop.  When I plugged it back in, it created new icons and new mount points.  Restarting the computer does fix this problem for me, but I need to know if there is a simpler way.15:31
amenadogiuseppe__-> try pressing  ctrl+alt+   - or + on the numkeypad several times pausing for each press to see the effect15:32
bazhangShishire, you mean when removing it unsafely? not sure what you mean here.15:32
Shishirethe wire came out15:32
HelionHow was I to search the repositories for needed packages15:32
Shishireit wasn't being used, but it was still mounted15:33
amenadoShishire-> a mount point is just a directory, so you can remove that directory anytime after you unmount15:33
giuseppe__amenado nothing appens15:33
bazhangHelion, apt-cache search related name or via packages.ubuntu.com or in synaptic15:33
Shishireamenado, not the problem, I can remove the mount point, but the desktop icons are still present15:33
amenadogiuseppe__-> try several times..just pause everytime you pressed those combo15:33
Helionbazhang thanks15:33
amenadoShishire-> is the icon a mount point?15:34
Shishireno, its one of the gnome virtual device logos15:34
fantomasHi all. Is there a manager for installing/configuring gnome applets?15:34
giuseppe__sorry, amenado nothing appens15:34
Shishirewhen you plug something in, it appears as an icon on the desktop15:34
maekis it a good idea to re-install the NVIDIA drivers after you swapped your graphics card ?? ( I went from a 6600GT to a 8800GS)15:34
LaNCeloT_RWGuys, anyone remember the name of an application called "Cross..Something" to run WindoUs applications on Linux!?15:35
kristjan_eerikgiuseppe__, touch-ing a file wouldn't change it but try to see if you have a back-up of the xorg.conf file and then use that.15:35
maekbecause the GUI feels a bit slow15:35
veryhappy1988well perhaps anyone could give a look about this how i must install it and how i must use it: fsam7400-0.5.115:35
bazhangLaNCeloT_RW, crossover office15:35
amenadoShishire-> then perhaps launch  gconf-editor and dig through desktop to find the icon display and disable it from there15:35
LaNCeloT_RWbazhang, CrossOver... great! :-)15:35
amenadogiuseppe__-> i dont know then, your xorg.conf does not have the resolution your monitor supports?15:35
Shishireamenado, i'm not trying to make it disable icon, just to not draw and mount duplicates15:36
LaNCeloT_RWbazhang, this can only run office or other applications as well? I can´t remember LOL15:36
giuseppe__amenado emmm where i can see that?15:36
amenadoShishire-> again, look for entries there that may be duplicates..you have to try and see15:36
giuseppe__remember i installed linux 3 ays ago15:36
bazhangLaNCeloT_RW, not sure about that; seems wine would be for games more so and that would be for office type apps15:37
babois it possible for another system to purge their dns cache for one domain only ?15:37
kristjan_eerikgiuseppe__,  /etc/X11/xorg.conf15:37
amenadogiuseppe__-> it is in /etc/X11/xorg.conf  , perhaps you need to go google for ubuntu +resolution+xorg.conf  tutorials to get you more explanations15:37
LaNCeloT_RWbazhang, Ok! I´ll try anyway.. I remember I used CrossOver on Ubuntu 6.10 with great success15:37
LaNCeloT_RWThanks Again15:37
giuseppe__amenado thanks15:37
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giuseppe__kristjan_eerik thanks15:38
IndyGunFreakLaNCeloT_RW: Crossover Office will run tons of windows apps, not just office apps..15:38
veryhappy1988i tried already to install these tool fsam-0.5.1 on openSUSE 10.3 successful15:38
kristjan_eerikno problem15:38
veryhappy1988but on ubuntu i dont know15:38
veryhappy1988perhaps you can help me15:38
LaNCeloT_RWIndyGunFreak, Thanks buddy.. I need to run Meta Trader 4.015:39
gotgenesFIrefox 3 is using GCJ as the Java engine, but I want to use Sun Java 6 plugin. What can I do to change to the Sun plugin?15:39
veryhappy1988howto install and use it: fsam-0.5.115:39
IndyGunFreakLaNCeloT_RW: look at crossover's site(codeweavers.com i think), and they should have an application database, you can see if it will work15:39
LaNCeloT_RWIndyGunFreak, Great.. thanks man!!15:39
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anniwas isn das hier?15:40
veryhappy1988anni englisch bitte / english please15:41
anniim dont checking whats this hier is!15:41
ubottuDeutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de15:42
ATA2greetings, how to start nfs server from console?15:44
amenadoATA2-> see if you have /etc/init.d/nfs-kernel  and use sudo to start it15:45
saculATA2: sudo /etc/init.d/nfs-kernel-server restart15:45
giuseppe__can someone take a look at my xorg?15:46
amenadoATA2 sacul had better memory than i do :)15:46
ATA2i was still in chroot, thats y i didnt find that lol, thanks though15:46
saculamendo Sacul have quick google fingers15:46
nckdid it work nurd?15:47
buhammotI am having trouble building the module for r8169, and have a clean install of ubuntu. getting some error 2's.. any ideas?15:48
BonezAUI have just got a new PC with a Gigabyte motherboard with Audio Realtek ALC889A chipset. My sound is all crackly and jittery. Anyone experienced this before?15:49
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draco_Hello everybody15:49
planetxmai1Bonez: what kinda pc? a laptop or HP?15:49
Carpe|DiemHas anyone played native quake III on ubuntu? If so, how can I fix the mouse sensitivity problem15:50
draco_Does everyone knows how to install Japanese language support?15:50
dunasMy GNOME panels and I believe most of ubuntu keeps crashing at random intervals.15:50
Popolondraco_, in the languages preferences15:50
Popolonsystem => linguistic support (or something like that)15:50
planetxmai1system->administration->Language SUpporrt15:50
kristjan_eerikgiuseppe__, maybe try running sudo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg ?15:50
draco_ooo....thks guys15:51
Popolonthen choose complex input support and japanese language15:51
giuseppe__kristjan_eerik many thanks!15:51
kristjan_eerikgiuseppe__, I don't know if it helps, but I hope it does :)15:51
giuseppe__kristjan_eerik should i restart after done that?15:51
saculkristjan_eerik: what does the -phigh flag do?15:51
orgthingywhen flash works, music (played with various music players, such as mplayer, audacious..etc) doesnt work, but when music works, flash doesnt work15:52
orgthingyman :15:52
orgthingythat sucks15:52
FloodBot2orgthingy: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.15:52
Popolondraco_, I actually use chinese langage on a french system15:52
Popolonand have got some problems with chinese input15:52
kristjan_eerikgiuseppe__, ctrl+alt+backspace should do. sacul, it's from the xorg.conf but tbh I don't know15:52
buhammotis anyone able to help me with network issues?15:52
PopolonI can't input chinese in firefox15:52
orgthingyFloodBot2: you are in my ignore list now15:52
nckdid you try editing the config files in quake3?15:53
Popolonthis works only if I switch in chinese session15:53
raf_I have a crash with Firefox and Epiphany : Segmentation fault, there is a solution for this please ?15:53
iasiois XFS a safe and trustworthy filesystem? would you use it for your precious data?15:53
Popolonbut I mostly use french/english session15:53
saculkristjan_eerik: :) I see15:53
orgthingywhy doesnt anybody help me xD15:53
bazhangPopolon, get quick locale switcher plugin for firefox15:53
nurdglawHi nck, me again; you there?15:53
saculorgthingy: thats a known bug.15:53
orgthingysacul: whats the known issue ?15:53
nckya nurd15:53
bazhangPopolon, you have scim installed?15:54
nurdglawI've gone through the stuff you pointed me at, and the wirelss looks healthyish, but still no network15:54
orgthingysacul: because now, I cant listen to music unless I restart my PC15:54
nckdoes iwconfig show it?15:54
NinaveHello, a quick question.. Im about to formate a drive to try to install ubuntu on it as a filesharing server with windows... question.. filesystem.. ntfs or FAt32?15:54
fantomasDoes anybody know why sound volume settings of Gnome volume control are not saved and reset to MAX VOLUME values when starting X session?15:55
nurdglawping - w/less router - comes back connect: network is unreachable15:55
saculorgthingy: you shouldn't need to do that..  Just making sure that firefox exits and there are no flash processes running should free your soundcard15:55
planetxmai1xfs? use ext3 it is MUCH more widely used and tested15:55
nurdglawiwconfig shows lo, eth0 wmaster0 and wlan015:55
orgthingysacul: i did15:55
orgthingyI closed all of youtube tabs15:55
nckwhats it show under wlan0?15:55
Popolonavoid reiserfs on important and hardware raid storage15:55
bazhangnurdglaw, is this an open network?15:55
Popolonext3 works better15:55
nurdglawlots, including Access Point: Not-Associated15:56
kristjan_eerikhow to confirm that my laptop is dying from heat death? I have this old laptop that keeps restarting. I've run memtest86+ and it found no errors (tests didn't complete because it crashed). I placed a block of ice on the cpu (avoided condensation of course ;)) and that made the computer last longer. I've ruled out the HDD as it kept restarting even when booting from a liveCD15:56
bazhangPopolon, you see my suggestion?15:56
Popolonno, 2s I look at15:56
planetxmai1reiserFS is just fine... its only real advantage is for if you have loads of small files ( like email files ) it reads and writes very fast  .... other than that ext3 is just as fast15:56
NinaveCant pick that when formating it under windows... is it better to burn out the ubuntu cd and formate it from there?15:56
Popolonbazhang : sure15:56
PopolonI use it a lot15:56
nckdo you have wlan0 in /etc/network/interfaces?15:56
Popolonbut this doesn't works on firefox15:56
veryhappy1988who can say anything about fsam-0.5.1?15:56
bazhangPopolon, I mean the ff plugin15:56
Popolonif I'm in french15:56
iasioplanetxmai1, sure, it is, I am using ext3 currently. I was thinking to make a partition in XFS format for my files15:56
Popolonoh there is a ff plugin ??15:57
nurdglawbazhang - limited by MAC address, used to include this laptop before I tried to upgrade to 8.04 LTS15:57
Popolonbecause I use it without a plugin on my linux from scratch box15:57
bazhangPopolon, quick locale switcher15:57
Popolonbazhang, is this on synaptic or on firefox website ?15:57
planetxmai1i only use ext3 and resierFS, i cnat testify about the others15:57
bazhangPopolon, mozilla15:57
nurdglawnck: yes iface wlan0 inet dhcp15:57
Popolonok, thanks a lot and more :)15:57
GrackleWhere is the OEM install mode?15:58
bazhangnurdglaw, what does sudo dhclient wlan0 in the terminal return15:58
GrackleIt is not listed on my alternate install cd.15:58
planetxmai1Im sure when ext4 is stable... it will become defacto linux FS standard to replace ext3 ( Im sure it will encorperate reiserFS features ) and since resierFS will soon die as a 'brand' since the coder is a convicted murderer... ext4 will be it's viable replacement...then they may just dump reiserFS altogether... maybe not tho15:59
NinaveOkey.. running ext3 on the system.. but what about the harddrive I want to share in the network with windows machines.. can windows read ext3 or ntfs?15:59
planetxmai1linux can read fat and ntfs16:00
planetxmai1but windows can only read fat and ntfs16:00
planetxmai1look at samba16:00
nurdglawbazhang - starts with wmaster0: unknown hardware address type 801, couple of Permission denied, receive_packet failed sned_packet: network is donw - looks bad16:00
nckifconfig doesn't show it?16:00
nurdglawifconfig only shows lo16:01
Ninavealright... so it dosent realy matter then what filesystem those drives have as long as they are formated in windows16:01
NinaveSamba? okey.. doing that.. thanks16:01
veryhappy1988there again16:01
buhammotGrackle, unless you are part of some clique, these people wont help you. but with the latest distro, it should be available by hitting F4 during the menu, for alternate methods16:01
nckdid you restart the network?16:01
nckor reboot16:01
slaytondoes anybody know how I can get timestamps to show up on every message in pidgin?16:01
nurdglawrestarted network16:01
geniinurdglaw: wmaster0 is not to be worried over. The subdevice of wlan0 is the one which is the actual adapter16:01
bazhangnurdglaw, could you pastebin that error? to paste.ubuntu.com16:01
nurdglawI don't think that's going to be possible16:02
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ncktype ifup <wlan0>16:02
nurdglawCan't use sudo - get "sudo unable to resolve host gwyn"16:03
planetxmai1Options->Show Timestamps ( in pidgin )16:03
nckifup wlan016:03
ncksudo ifup wlan016:03
bazhangnurdglaw, you cant sudo?16:03
nurdglawi can't sudo but I have a root window16:04
nurdglawwhat shuld I see with ifup ?16:04
nurdglawAh it's finished16:04
bazhangnurdglaw, you logged in as root?16:04
nurdglaw"No working leases" "NO DHCPOFFERS received"16:04
nurdglawyes, logged in as root16:04
planetxmai1if you are at a root terminal  sudo is not needed16:04
nurdglawI know but I can't cut-and-paste from this window16:04
bazhangnurdglaw, on this box on irc?16:05
planetxmai1you need a DHCP server16:05
planetxmai1you running a linksys router?16:05
nurdglawI'm on another box on irc16:05
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nckyou could check the ip of the computer you are on16:05
planetxmai1or your cable modem ISP will provide a DHCP IP address16:05
nckand manually set an ip16:05
nurdglawhow check ip? how set manually?16:06
nckyou in windows?16:06
nurdglawThis is a home-based wireless network, so no cable ISP involved16:06
planetxmai1then you have a wireless router16:06
nurdglawI'm running IRC on a 'doze box16:06
planetxmai1you need to properly set that up before linux16:06
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planetxmai1wireless NAT router16:07
nckgoto your network connections and properties, see what IP you have now16:07
orgthingyI solved the problem!!16:07
nurdglawwireless router fine Wednesday. Fine today for windows boxes. Change is failed attempt to upgrade Ubuntu16:07
orgthingyI  "end priccess" evolution alarm thingy16:07
nurdglawnck - is that on windows?16:07
orgthingyso, ff wasnt the problem :D16:07
nckget your windows box IP address16:07
alephantHey all... is there either an official package or a git project which has a kernel >= 2.6.26?16:08
planetxmai1ya I had the same wirless problem... I reverted to using the previous kernel ( 2.6.26-18 )16:08
nophisThere is a way to create an Ubuntu mirror to update packages in an offline machine using an USB HDD? I wanna put all the Hardy repository inside the USB HDD.16:08
orgthingyalephant: kernel.org16:08
buhammotGrackle, that work for ya?16:08
planetxmai1then I went back to kernel 2.6.26-19 ( the upgrade ) and wireless was working for some reason16:08
Popolonbazhang, this doesn't works on my xubuntu16:08
alephantorgthingy: I mean an Ubuntu git project16:08
nckhold on nurd16:08
PopolonI can see the chinese zh-CN logo16:08
alephantI could of course build from k.o source16:08
Popolonbut this doesn't give me the scim interface16:09
orgthingyalephant: hmm, then sorry, cant help you16:09
bonespurhow do i get info abt my ip address, dns address etc. on ubuntu?16:09
alephantThe Intrepid git project doesn't seem to build properly today..16:09
newzsiyHello, during updating from the update-manager of the latest kernel, I get a Menu which allow me to choose which option to deal with the new updated kernel, which one to choose any advice thanks!!?16:09
PopolonI believe this works well if I switch the whole session to chinese16:09
planetxmai1you have to edit /etc/apt/sources.list   and yes you can point to a repos that is on a HD or CD or network16:09
alephantplanetxmail: what dist are you talking about with your 2.6.26-19 kernel?16:09
PopolonI have to trick the session files on french to have scim everywhere by default, I suppose16:09
bazhangPopolon, install the ff plugin, set locale to chinese (requires ff restart), set scim to pinyin (or other input) then type away.16:09
Popolonthat's what I done16:10
bazhangthat's odd then.16:10
bonespurnewbyx86: choose the latest kernel and you could include the previous version just for keepsake16:10
bazhangon gnome here though Popolon16:10
nckscroll down to the wlan0 entry16:11
nckedit that to match your network.  make the IP
nurdglawsection 4.4.2?16:11
newzsiybazhang: you mean the 1st option which mention "the vendor"16:11
nckthat goes in your interfaces16:12
nurdglawOK, but I didn't use to have to do that16:12
nckwell we're testing16:12
nurdglawOK fine. Hang on16:12
ncklike planet said, you might have to go back a kernel16:12
nckthe shit i had you do before was suppose to be a fix for the newest kernel16:12
Pici!language | nck16:13
ubottunck: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.16:13
bazhangnck, no cursing please16:13
bonespurhow do i run ubuntu hardy as a server?16:13
nckah k16:13
godzirraHey folks.  I've got a CUPS printer setup on my linux desktop, and my wife is trying to print from it with her linux laptop.  What do I need to do to set this up?  My windows machines can already print from the linux printer.16:14
amenadobonespur-> you have services to serve?16:14
bonespuramenado: im developing a facebook app..and need a callback URL...16:14
amenadobonespur-> you run server services on your hardy...like an apache or tomcat or any webapp16:15
bonespuramenado: is there a command to view all netwrok related info?16:16
amenadobonespur-> if you were using eclipse, those have embedded webapp server..so its just a matter of running eclipse16:16
amenadobonespur-> perhaps a meshmash of commands, not all in one command16:17
alephantplanetxmail: What release of Ubuntu has this 2.6.26 kernel? Hardy or Intrepid?16:17
PopolonI use xubuntu => xfce not gnome16:17
newzsiyhello, anyone know what option to choose if I want to update the kernel from the update-manager? I want to replace the existing kernel with the new one. which Option to choose, I get 4 options..16:18
nurdglawnck: I've added that stuff to interfaces and restarted network, ping still fails. What should wireless-essid be? I've changed it to NETGEAR as on my router - is this right?16:18
nurdglawAny way I can check the MAC address on ubuntu box?16:18
Gneagodzirra: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=16142416:19
nckifconfig should show it if it worked16:19
Gneanurdglaw: ip l16:19
nurdglawstill only lo on ifconfig16:19
bazhang!fr | chocogoinfre16:19
ubottuchocogoinfre: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr16:19
nurdglawthx Gnea16:19
Gneanurdglaw: ifconfig is the old command, ip (iproute2) is the new command16:19
xflscan someone tell me how to view ram frequency on ubuntu?16:19
lenny__wow i've never tried this app before. What are you lot talking about?16:20
nurdglawthx again - I'll stuggle on with ifconfig for now. Read up on ip later16:20
Popolonwhat's a pitty than firefox is so badly integrated in X11 environnement16:20
godzirraGnea: thanks16:20
sumitcCan anyone suggest how I could change the MAC address of my ethernet card16:21
Popolonsumitc, You can't change it16:21
Gneasumitc: why?16:21
Popolonthis is the constructor number16:21
amenadosumitc you can use the iproute2 tools like ip,  man ip16:21
sumitcgnea, just like that. :)16:21
sumitcamenado, alright I'm trying them out.16:21
xflssymitc, http://www.howtogeek.com/howto/ubuntu/change-your-network-card-mac-address-on-ubuntu/16:22
amenadosumitc-> look around for a command thats like  ip link set xxxxx16:22
sumitcPopolon, I meant how I could make it appear different to my ISP16:22
sumitcxfls, tried that out, didnt work...16:22
godzirraGnea: I've already got all that setup16:22
Sinnermanhi. im looking for something that would grab URLs from the clipboard for me and append those into a file, does such an application exist in linux. or alternately, how do i go about accomplishing that?16:22
newzsiyGuys duing updating the kernel thru the "update-manager" it gives me a menu with options to choose! what option to choose inorder to Update the existing one??16:22
threexkUbuntu is too slow to release the Firefox 3.0.1 update16:22
godzirraI need to know how to setup a cups -client-16:22
lenny__how do i get to different rooms?16:22
lenny__i am new to this iru lark16:23
alp34Enter text here...16:23
mon^rchlenny_ /join #(room)16:23
samrosehmmm running Ubuntu 8.04- the Hardy Heron all of a sudden nautilus file browser runs amazingly slow, and if I force quit, it re-launches itself everytime.16:24
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j400can someone helpme install wireless ubuntu16:25
j400bash: mkdir/opt/ndis: No such file or directory what does that mean?16:25
samroseguojing hey16:26
Picij400: it means you didnt put a space between mkdir and /opt/ndis16:26
fiXXXerMetWhen my server starts, I want it to automatically run "clamd", "clamsmtpd" and "dspam --daemon &".  All 3 of these can be executed by typing what I just did.  Could I simply enter these commands (either with && or ;) into a file in /etc/init.d?16:26
guojingI con''t see clear16:27
Pici!boot | fiXXXerMet heres a few options16:27
ubottufiXXXerMet heres a few options: Boot options: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions - To add/remove startup services, you can use the package 'bum', or update-rc.d - To add your own startup scripts, use /etc/rc.local - See also !grub and !dualboot - Making a boot floppy: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto/BootFloppy - Also see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SmartBootManagerHowto16:27
fiXXXerMetThanks pici16:28
samroseanyone have a clue about nautilus file browser in Hardy Heron?16:29
xflscan someone tell me how to view ram frequency?16:31
GibbaTheHuttSam101, ask a more specific question maybe16:31
_Brun0_samrose: nautilus is the default file manager in hardy heron... at least in (U)buntu.16:32
mon^rchcan I install ff2 themes on ff3?16:32
_Brun0_mon^rch: try /join #firefox16:33
=== sumitc_ is now known as sumitc
mon^rchtr _Brun0_16:33
samroseI am having a problem with the Nautilus file browser crashing in Hardy Heron. Ubuntu asks me if I want to force quit. When I tell ubuntu "force quit" Ubuntu simply relaucnhes the file browser and it crashes again. Happens even if I restart computer16:33
mecis there any way to access the non user files in nautilus?16:33
samrosethis is the problem I am looking for help of advice with. Google searches are not turning up any similar problems16:33
Zorocketry running it from the console and see if anything turns up.16:33
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Zorockejust type "nautilus" in the console, sometimes applications ran in the console provide more error data.16:34
Jack_Sparrowsamrose What release/distro are you using and what have you installed or done recently?  Is this FF3 from our repos or something else16:35
Jack_Sparrowsamrose Have you made any changes to your sources list?16:35
Jack_Sparrowmec gksudo nautilus.. but be careful, that command is not forgiving16:36
newzsiyxfls: try "lshw"16:37
lxrootwhich type of encrypt in /etc/shadow??16:37
samroseJack_Sparrow Yes FF3 from  Ubuntu repos, I have added some sources, I have installed nothing but updates recently to existing code (many updates)16:37
samroseJack_Sparrow: all updates via update manager16:37
lxrootwhich type of encrypt in /etc/shadow??16:37
Jack_Sparrowsamrose What changes to sources16:37
=== Gabriel_Padoan__ is now known as GabrielPadoan
xflsnewzsiy, i'm just trying it now, 10x anyway16:38
nagyvhello! I ahve a T61 lenovo thinkpad, but my thinkvantage button doesn't generate any keycodes with xev. I've checked acpi events, and it should generate a acpi_fakekey 148, but still no xev. Any ideas how could I solve this?16:38
Jack_Sparrowsamrose sudo apt-get install pastebinit  && cat /etc/apt/sources.list | pastebinit                   (Provide Pastebin link in channel)16:38
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lxrootwhich type of encrypt in /etc/shadow??16:39
Jack_Sparrowsamrose Updates via the manager can still mess you up if you have changed the sources list it uses to update16:39
samroseJack_Sparrow: that makes sense16:39
Jack_Sparrowlxroot Please hold down the repeats16:39
samroseJack_Sparrow: doing the install pastebin...16:39
remuHey guys, I keep getting an error when trying to burn a DVD16:40
remuError while burning:16:40
Jack_Sparrowsamrose paste the whole command and provide link to your pastebin16:40
remuAn unknown error occured. Check your disc.16:40
m-cQuestion :)  ...  If I wanted to run a command from one of the service consoles (ctrl-alt-f1) to be displayed on the Gnome GUI, how would I execute the command?16:40
remuI keep getting that error, I've tried burning it with 5 different blank DVDs, different companies and stuff, yet I keep getting the error16:40
remusince I'm trying to burn a DataDisc, I tried it with Brasero and Nautilus16:41
remuSame problem16:41
m-cremu: Could it be that your drive has finally kicked the bucket?16:42
bazhangnagyv, you've seen thinkwiki site yet?16:42
kristjan_eerikremu, start the program you use from a console and see if you get any reasonable error messages. have you tried another dvd? maybe you have an dvd - writer but a dvd + dvd? just a theory16:42
nagyvyes, they have no solution. I think I've just found the relevant bug report on launchpad.16:42
remukristjan_eerik, these discs have all worked with my system before16:42
Gnearemu: can you read DVDs and CDs with the drive still?16:43
remuYea I can16:43
samroseJack_Sparrow: http://pastebin.com/f729a1ffd  although I now also recall that I recently installed C Libraries for image processing too (tiff, png jpeg libs)16:43
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remuGnea, I can16:44
mecJack_Sparrow: how do you mean it's not forgiving?16:44
lgfishanyone here have much experience with ffmpeg? i just tried using it to convert a .ogg file to .mov, and got an I/O error.  not sure where to start16:44
klekkuscan anybody help me edit the xorg.conf file+16:45
abchirkklekkus what is the problem?16:45
annie_gIs there something I can use in Hardy that will play " Monkey's Audio Lossless Audio Compression Format " ? ?16:45
remuI'm running Brasero through gnome-terminal this time, let's see what errors the terminal spits out if anything16:46
Jack_Sparrowmec If you make a mistake, it will be permenant16:46
klekkusabchirk: i dont know how the commands work. I have to change the keyboard setup16:46
annie_gExtension is : .APE16:46
Jack_Sparrowsamrose I need to run..  But it would be my guess that your problems started there16:46
mecJack_Sparrow: I'm trying to install some library for python, its what the instructions say, i dont know that there's another way16:46
Gnearemu: have you tried using k3b?16:47
abchirkklekkus you mean to open it and write in in= just use vim.. #vim /etc/X11/xorg.conf16:47
samroseJack_Sparrow: thanks for your help never the less16:47
abchirkor what?16:47
=== GabrielPadoan is now known as Gabriel_Padoan
xflscan someone tell me how to view ram frequency? (sudo lshw doesn't work.. )16:47
Jack_Sparrowmec Careful what instructions you are following..  Anyone can write just about anything on the forums16:47
remuGnea: no I haven't I've been using Brasero since Gutsy, I tried k3b once but didn't like how it felt out of place on my system16:48
remubut I'll try k3b, just in case16:48
Gnearemu: :)16:48
mecwell that's a pleasant thought16:48
annie_gExtension is : .APE - Monkey's Audio Lossless Audio Compression Format - Can play or convert in Ubuntu ? ?16:48
klekkusabchirk: i know how to edit a file. lol, i just had scrool down16:49
renzo_hello anyone around that can help me with my wireless issues?16:49
remubrasero gave me the same error as last time, no error showed up in my terminal....I saved my log though, I'll put that on pastebin, I can't make heads or tails of it16:49
abchirkeh sorry klekkus than I didn't get your point :(16:49
=== renzo_ is now known as Renzo
Renzodoes anyone know how to fix the drivers for wireless16:50
klekkusabchirk: i had alreadt opened the file with nano but though it only was like 10 lines16:50
Zorockewhat is the problem with the wireless drivers?16:50
GneaRenzo: they're broken?16:50
remutheres the log I saved from brasero after the problem16:51
remuRenzo: which wireless card?16:51
abchirkhehe ok. :)16:51
Renzoi am pretty new to linux16:51
Renzomy network adapter is a  WG11116:51
remuRenzo: Is it a built in wireless card, or usb, pcmcia or what?16:51
remuoh okay16:51
demonsporkDoes anyone in here even know where to start in performing a network boot over a wireless card?16:51
Gnearemu: sorry, g2g16:52
Renzoi had a linksys as well16:52
Renzothey both work horrible16:52
mercutio22My wi-fi card also quit working and I can't make them work again. I had it going with the latest madwifi drivers16:52
remuGnea: thanks anyways16:52
Renzoits prolly going to disconnect in about 5 mins16:52
Renzoim pretty sure i need new drivers16:52
Renzoim just not sure on how to install and such16:52
mercutio22it is an Atheros card: 02:00.0 Ethernet controller: Atheros Communications Inc. AR242x 802.11abg Wireless PCI Express Adapter (rev 01)16:52
Zorockehave you checked this page, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/WirelessCardsSupported16:53
Malgaurwhat is a good piece of software to monitor the websites people are visiting on my network?16:53
TheJtotheKgood day peoplez, i really want to install Exact Audio Copy and it's gonna ask me if i have LAME and where it is. Do I have that (is gstreamer-lame the same) or something like that, that equals lame), can EAC use that and how to add it. Finally, if i have to download the lame.exe, where to install it. Next to the EAC.exe? I did some searching, didnt found the lame part, but that could be me. And take yr time with yr answer16:54
TheJtotheK (or perfect link)i see its busy here, im patient16:54
godzirraOkay, if I run "nmap localhost" it will show me that my port 631 is open on my linux box...  but if I run it remotely, it doesn't show up.  I'm just trying to get internet printing working correctly.  It has also been setup in my router to connect any requests on 631 to my linux box.16:55
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mercutio22Renzo, whats the output of lspci | grep Wireless?]16:55
Guest82487hi im using ubuntu hardy and ive set fstab to mount a windows partition using ntfs-3g using a umask=022 so none root users can only read and execute however when testing this i do still appear to be able to write to the disk16:56
Guest82487when i should only be able to read/execute16:56
Guest82487could it be because i am a sudoer even the i never specified to use sudo writes etc when i tried to write a file16:56
humanhi, why the latest flash release is so slow?16:57
geniiProbably because it's bloated16:58
demonspork!hello karyokujurin16:58
ubottudemonspork: Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)16:58
fantomasDoes anybody know, Weather screenlet shows wheather in US only?16:58
demonspork!hi karyokujurin16:58
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about hi karyokujurin16:58
demonspork!hi |karyokujurin16:58
ubottukaryokujurin: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!16:58
demonsporkI forgot how to use ubottu16:58
mercutio22fantomas: I am pretty sure it shows weather in Brazil as well16:58
aaronbCan anyone help with bacula?16:58
karyokujurini'm having weird wifi issues with a linksys usb dongle and the last ubuntu, is this the right place to whine ?16:59
mercutio22karyokujurin: I suppose so.]16:59
karyokujurinah cool16:59
karyokujurinokay it's really silly :17:00
BonezAUHi, can anyone help with my audio problem? Sound is very choppy and crackling a lot. Brand new PC, fresh Hardy install - Audio chip is ALC889A17:00
mercutio22BonezAU: they have a diagnostic script in #ALSA17:00
karyokujurini configured the wifi (wpa) without any trouble in the network manager, it works just fine. then i reboot, and the wifi doesnt work anymore. all i have to do to make it work again is to unplug/plug the dongle, then tadaa it's online again17:01
godzirraOkay, if I run "nmap localhost" it will show me that my port 631 is open on my linux box...  but if I run it remotely, it doesn't show up.  I'm just trying to get internet printing working correctly.  It has also been setup in my router to connect any requests on 631 to my linux box.17:01
humangenii: :(. And how's gnash?17:01
karyokujurini don't understand why i have to unplug/plug the wifi dongle after each reboot. Which is a sort of a pain17:01
m-cIf you ever get a chance to get an old Turtle Beach card... sometimes you can get them for $20 used.  They have an onboard hardware mixer and work great in Ubuntu17:01
m-ckaryokujurin: Using an open source wifi driver?17:02
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mecis there a way to open a terminal from nautilus that is already in the current directory?17:02
mercutio22karyokujurin: that happens with my external ieee 1394 external harddrive as well. Seems ubuntu doesn't properly refresh kernel modules at startup.17:02
karyokujurinmc : yes, it worked perfectly out of the box. lsmod shows rt73usb,rt2x00usb17:03
mercutio22I have to remove and reload the module in order for my disks to be mounted]17:03
karyokujurinso basically what u are saying is that i should script something in the initrd, say 30sec after boot to unload/reload the modules ?17:04
kristjan_eerikmec, install nautilus-open-terminal17:04
m-ckaryokujurin: so, being open source, there should be very good support for this online17:04
gh0sthello, i have ubuntu on my first hd. I want to install windows xp on my second harddisk. the problem is that xp setup does  not accept it and does not want to install unless i create some 'xp compatible partition' on the first drive. i can't do that since the maximum number of partition already is reached. any ideas?17:05
m-cyou have not seen anyone else having this same problem after searching Ubuntu Forums?17:05
cbanfrancisHello, some what new to Ubuntu, would like to know if any one might be able to offer a name of a program to search for that can convert a UTorrent downloaded by Transmission, into a Divixx file and then burn it onto a DVD?17:05
mercutio22karyokujurin: I am saying that you should remove and reload the wi-fi module (are u using ndiswrapper?) after gnome startup17:05
karyokujurinm-c : i googled a bit and i couldnt find anything, really17:05
mercutio22karyokujurin: that might work, dunno17:05
karyokujurinm-c : thus my presence in your premises :)17:05
mr_danielevery time I try to login on my ubuntu-machine remotely, I get a "...ssh:exited: Error connecting: CONNECTION REFUSED.."17:06
m-cgh0st: need to install Ubuntu after installing a Microsoft operating system, or your boot sector will get corrupted.  Or repair GRUB after a Windows OS corrupts it.17:06
mr_danielhow can I configure my ubuntu-machine to accept remote-logins from my local-network at home ???17:06
Gneam-c: that's rather akin to saying that "i should be able to pay a certain amount of money and get exactly what i need for windows, without any errors."17:06
m-c karyokujurin: Did you search in the Ubuntu Forums?17:06
TheJtotheKanyone saw my question?17:07
karyokujurinm-c : i am doin it at this very moment :)17:07
legend2440cbanfrancis: package in synaptic called     devede17:07
karyokujurinm-c : hopefully i'll find something. i mean that could be worse, at least the drivers are native17:08
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m-ckaryokujurin: Which driver are you using?  the rt73 ?17:08
mercutio22TheJtotheK: I didn't receive it17:08
Malgaurit seems that my web server is only acccessible if I allow icmp through my router, what gives?17:08
karyokujurinm-c : i think i'm using usbcore               169904  5 rt73usb,rt2x00usb,ehci_hcd,uhci_hcd17:08
m-cTheJtotheK: You want to install LAME ?17:09
karyokujurinmc : mean there's this rt73usb,rt2x00usb and i didnt have to use ndiswrapper  at all17:09
m-cTheJtotheK: It is in Synaptic17:09
TheJtotheKand EAC wil find it?17:10
karyokujurinm-c : anyway, thank you for the pointers; i'll try to unload/load the modules if nothing else works17:10
karyokujurinbye !17:10
m-cGood luck.17:10
sanhi, my problem that i have no sound in any native game like open arena or urban terror.17:10
albechi have created an image in virtualbox.. how do i install XP to that image?17:11
molgrumhi. i got a kernel panic + log, where to paste?17:11
Pici!paste | molgrum17:11
ubottumolgrum: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)17:11
geniihuman: Unfortunately (at least in my opinion, other may have differing views) gnash is not ready yet for a replacement to the adobe product17:11
m-csan You might need to set your default card in ALSA17:12
sanbut i have pulseaudio also17:12
molgrumPici: http://paste.ubuntu.com/28301/17:12
humangenii: Ok. But linux flash developers should be killed.17:13
Picihuman: excuse me?17:13
m-cmolgrum: Run a memory check yet?17:13
geniihuman: I agree17:13
molgrumm-c: not yet17:13
m-cLooks like an error swapping memory pages17:13
m-cMight be something you ignore, too, unless it happens frequently17:14
askandHow do I know if I have an "opengl 2.0 video card"? =-O17:14
molgrumhow do you mean, ignore?17:14
humanPici: Sorry, too much coffee. :|17:15
molgrumi'll try a memcheck then17:15
mad_max02what would be the easiest way to install and compile new kernel ???17:16
Slart!pl | hubert_17:17
ubottuhubert_: Mozesz uzyskac pomoc w jezyku polskim na #ubuntu-pl17:17
m-cmad_max02: Install Ubuntu  :)17:17
Taime1i cannot boot the live cd on some machines.. it just says"ready" what gives?17:18
mad_max02m-c, wow thanks for answer. I didnt know that17:18
PiciTaime1: The live CD is not compatible with all hardware, which is why we have an alternate cd for installing.17:18
daikeehow can i speed up openoffice17:19
demonsporkif I am using an NFS mount of my home directory, is there a way I could keep a local copy of the remote home directory for use when I cannot access the nfs drive?17:19
MXIIAdaikee, try abiword, for a fast word processor17:19
daikeek thanks17:19
daikeeanybody ever try this? http://news.softpedia.com/news/Optimize-Ubuntu-8-04-for-Speed-86405.shtml17:20
m-cPici - Really?  I know of an old computer that is choking on booting the LiveCD.  You think the alternative CD might help?17:20
Picim-c: yes.  The alternate CD is not a live cd though, its just for installing,17:20
albechim having a problem with vbox: http://nopaste.com/p/av1c2b3dR17:20
m-cdaikee: You night also try the online productivity services17:20
legend2440daikee: http://www.zolved.com/synapse/view_content/28209/How_to_make_OpenOffice_run_faster_in_Ubuntu17:20
albechon ubuntu 7.1017:20
mib_aj9fbiQUESTION>>> How do I set the pin state of /dev/usblp0 (a usb printer port)?  I don't think virtual ports have io addresses (ex 0x378) - am I wrong?  The drivers are installed and I can [echo "blah" > /dev/usblp0] and data0 voltage drops from 5v to 0v, but I can't get anything else to happen until I unplug/replug the usb. X_x17:20
m-cPici: Nice, thank you17:20
daikeethanks legend17:21
frostburnalbech, you need to install that kernel17:21
psyloverHi there17:21
albechfrostburn: its just a module, right?17:21
frostburnalbech, yes, it's in synaptic, search for virtualbox17:22
albechfrostburn: according to the package manager that is already installed17:22
albechfrostburn: searched for it in synaptic and there are 2 different ones.. generic and server.. the generic is already installed17:22
frostburngrab the server one17:22
albechby for some reason the module isnt loaded??17:23
frostburnyou need to run /etc/init.d/vboxdrv start17:23
albechfrostburn: ill try that17:23
_xyzhelp: Ubuntu is in low-graphics mode because I tried to disable Xserver to install Nvidia 64-bit drivers. Show me the light, someone!17:23
albechyes but running that tells me the kernel module doesnt exists, which could be solved with the server version17:23
sysop1972genii : how are ya doing?17:25
santhank you! i have another problem when i exits games it crashes. i have to open another terminal and kill the procces. any ideas ??17:25
frostburnalbech, actually the only two packages i ahve installed are virtualbox-ose and virtualbox-se-modules-2.6.24-19-generic17:25
m-c_xyz: considered getting one of the amd video cards with the open source drivers?17:26
=== Exteris is now known as meg2
albechfrostburn: hmm are you running on an image?17:26
frostburnalbech, do you see /lib/modules/2.6.24-19-generic/misc/vboxdrv.ko ?17:27
m-cfrostburn: considered using the open source qemu built into the ubuntu kernel?17:27
_xyzm-c: that isn't a practical solution, considering that I had the 32-bit Nvidia drivers working perfectly yesterday. Then I reformatted to 64-bit17:27
=== valarie is now known as Kitsune
_xyzi'm just missing something..17:27
m-c_xyz: just offering it for your consideration, not a solution17:27
sysop1972Has anyone else had a problem with mysql-server-5 ?17:27
_xyzm-c: do open source drivers offer any bit better performance and stability (besides being in accordance to open source idealogy)?17:28
frostburnm-c, i'm just running windows for a webex server and vic, and desktop integration17:28
KitsuneHi guys. Running Ubuntu Hardy Heron and I think it may be due to an update, but everytime I try sudo nautilus I get "Segmentation Fault"17:28
Kitsunethe same applies to when I try to configure the gdm17:28
m-c_xyz: I recently switched from ubuntu because I very much wanted hardware that used open source drivers, so I thought you might be interested17:28
m-c*from nvidia17:28
=== Spec is now known as meg42
_xyzwell i'll keep that in mind for the future17:29
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about realteck!17:29
ubottusome help for recent Realtek chipsets can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Device/RealtekRTL8187b17:29
KitsuneAnyone else having this issue?17:29
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legend2440Kitsune: one thing to check. open /etc/hosts and /etc/hostname and make sure the hosts file matches what is in the hostname file17:31
legend2440!hostname | Kitsune17:31
ubottuKitsune: Use hostname <somehostname> to set the hostname, or to do it permanently: edit /etc/hostname  and /etc/hosts . WARNING! Make sure that your current hostname and /etc/hosts match, otherwise sudo may not work properly. Alternatively, use the gui at system>administration>networking on the "General" tab17:31
legend2440Kitsune: also if you are opening a GUI like nautilus you should use   gksudo not  sudo17:33
poolltoget firefox 3.017:33
poolltoSalut, juste un essai de mon IRC17:34
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cookieshey guys how do you stop tor from starting up?17:35
haichman_help i find a version of gfi languard scanner for ubuntu17:35
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Hamicopy files and dir(s) from a server to a laptop using terminal I cannot get the last part to work, on server cp -r data "what next? hami@data?17:36
billeniumIs there a way to bulk rename 497 files to like... 1.txt, 2.txt, 3.txt..., 497.txt??17:36
Picihaichman_: I don't believe that exists, it maybe able to run in Wine though.17:36
haichman_an alternative solution?17:37
SNuxollbeef: yes, there is17:38
SNuxollbah, billenium ^^17:38
SNuxollbillenium: do you know anything about regex's?17:38
jdahlinhi, where I can get help to install a 32-bit xen guest on a 64-bit xen host ? (both ubuntu hardy)17:38
lgfishi have a question about make install vs. checkinstall17:38
lgfishis checkinstall always preferable?17:39
unimatrix9hello again you all17:39
m-cjdahlin: Have you looked at the qemu instead?  Might be easier to get going.17:39
jdahlinm-c, not an option17:39
m-cjdahlin: You might look at Suse for Xen17:39
billeniumI dont know anything about regex17:39
skonei recently changed my static ip in ubuntu and now my networking is not working17:40
unimatrix9before i sent an e-mail to ship it ( ubuntu cdroms ) does any one know wich version ships ? is it 8.04.1 ? with updates?17:40
SNuxollbillenium: well, what files do you have, and what do you want them renamed too, there's a package called 'rename' in the repo's, install it17:40
skoneI can run an ifconfig and see my ip, but if I ping anything I get destination host unreachable17:40
m-cunimatrix9: not possible to say17:40
m-cunimatrix9: it will either be 8.04 or 8.04.117:41
billeniumi have a bunch of files with text in them... and i want all ~500 of them to be named 1.txt 2.txt... It doesnt matter WHICH are named that, as long as all of them have (number).txt17:41
skoneif I do a networking restart I get a SIOCDELRT: No such process error17:41
ubottushipit is a service that sends free Ubuntu, Kubuntu and Edubuntu CDs. See http://shipit.ubuntu.com/ and http://shipit.kubuntu.org and http://shipit.edubuntu.org - Shipit will send Hardy (8.04) CDs17:41
legend2440billenium: try   krename   in synaptic17:41
unimatrix9does not say if its 8.0.117:41
skonewhat log file would store any issues with networking?17:41
kooldudedoes anyone know how to fix the sliders in ekiga softphone when they wont move?17:42
unimatrix9ok , in better mail17:42
kooldudedoes anyone know how to fix the sliders in ekiga softphone when they wont move?17:42
unimatrix9thanks you all17:42
unimatrix9bye bye17:42
kooldudedoes anyone know how to fix the sliders in ekiga softphone when they wont move?17:42
kooldudedoes anyone know how to fix the sliders in ekiga softphone when they wont move?17:42
SNuxoll!repeat | kooldude17:43
ubottukooldude: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience17:43
jbroomekooldude: i think the magic number is 10 times a minute to ask a question before someone will answer17:43
skoneanyone know what would case my system to not be able to ping anything after an ip address change?17:43
skoneerr cause17:43
MXIIA!patience | MXIIA17:43
ubottuMXIIA, please see my private message17:43
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skoneI can't even ping local hosts on the switch17:43
=== Exteris^99 is now known as Exteris
justs0mei installed SELinux but cant find it do i need "setools" installed?17:43
remoteCTRLhi all! with what can i open a .db file so that i can read that?17:44
PiciremoteCTRL: what does file yourfile.db report?17:44
Hamicopy files and dir(s) from a server to a laptop using terminal I cannot get the last part to work, on the server I am doing  cp -r data "what next? hami@data?17:45
cookiesQuestion: how do you stop tor from starting on login?17:45
remoteCTRLPici: i am building a kolab server and for some reason that i understand it keeps writing back a misconfiguration that i did a few days ago and as that configuration is nowhere to find there are only the .db files left where it could be in...17:46
billeniumif i use ### as a prefix and .txt as the suffix, they will look like ###.txt where ### = 001, etc... correct ( krename )17:46
remoteCTRLPici: like access.db17:46
remoteCTRLrestrictions.db, and so on17:46
remoteCTRLPici: its in /kolab/etc/postfix17:46
PiciremoteCTRL: 'file' is a tool, it should tell you what filetype a given file is.  I'm guessing those are sqlite files, but they could be anything.17:47
paoloHi *. How do I change the dpi on X? any doc? I couldn't find anything that would work17:47
remoteCTRLPici: sqlite was also my suspicion but i will check, just a sec pls17:48
remoteCTRLPici:  access.db: Berkeley DB (Hash, version 8, native byte-order)17:49
karyokujurinm-c : hey thanks, i just updated the rc levels with a ugly script and it seems to work alright :)17:49
albechhmm the vboxdrv.ko isnt present in the current module directory17:49
PiciremoteCTRL: yuck.17:49
m-ckaryokujurin: Really glad to hear it.  Thanks for coming back and letting us know.17:49
ubuntu_greetings, how can i change the dpi size in livemode _17:50
albechi think something much have fooked up when they upgraded from 2.6.22-14 to 2.6.22-15 :(17:50
remoteCTRLPici:  does yuck mean something like gulp or is that a tool? :D17:50
ubuntu_greetings, how can i change the dpi size in livemode ?17:52
ubuntu_there is fontsiye 30017:52
remoteCTRLpici ah ok me looves my dictionary...17:52
geniisysop1972: Back. Doing alright although horribly busy here, had to work through lunch.17:53
casaalways I start up ubuntu it asks me the password to unblock the keyring. How can I avoid it ?17:53
HamiHelp pls thx - copying files and dir(s) from a server to a laptop using terminal I cannot get the last part to work, on the server I am doing  cp -r data "what next? hami@data?17:54
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albechany idea why im getting these errors in dmesg? http://nopaste.com/p/a9trO7ly317:54
geniisysop1972: Still need assistance on the sharing setups?17:54
albechappears to be related to the problem im having with my monitor changing resolution17:54
remoteCTRLanyone got an idea with what to open a berkeley db?17:55
m-calbech: What kind of video card?17:55
kooldudedoes anyone know how to fix the sliders in ekiga softphone when they wont stay?17:55
zamnaHami: man scp17:55
albechm-c GeForce Go 740017:55
m-calbech: Did you reinstall the drivers after the kernel upgrade?17:56
m-cOh, did you use the restricted drivers, or the NVIDIA website drivers?17:56
m-cthe website drivers need to be reapplied after every kernel upgrade17:56
albechm-c restricted17:56
sysop1972genii: Yeah but not if you are busy.  I was trying to install some sysem-config-samba app but for some reason when I try t install stuff I get a dependency error in mysql-server-5.017:57
albechm-c: my screen should be running 1280x800 instead its running 1280x72017:57
paoloHi *. How do I change the dpi on X? any doc? I couldn't find anything that would work17:58
m-cpaolo: System -> Pref -> Appearance -> Fonts17:59
d0wnIs there a command line program that will create a new user account?17:59
albechi should probably upgrade to 8.04, but then there are problems with the intel wifi :(17:59
m-calbech: Did you try 8.04.1 yet?18:00
cookieshow do i stop tor from starting on boot? D:18:00
albechm-c: yes.. i have it on another partition.. i cant make the intel wifi drivers work18:00
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=== Dude_ is now known as TheDude
failureive used a couple of different FTP clients but they all seem to keep crashing.18:01
failureim downloading over 70,000 files.18:01
m-calbech: What driver are you trying to use for the wifi?18:01
albechthe PRO/Wireless 3945ABG drivers have been broken in 8.04 since beta 2 or 418:01
Haci1hi,I'm on a system that is shared by multiple local users.when some one inserts any sort of external storage device while i'm logged in but currently switched users, a window will pop-up saying I don't have permisions to view the file.How do I disable nautilus from automatically trying to display the drive when it is connected?18:02
paolom-c: that is for gnome only right?18:02
paolom-c: I am looking for a solution that would work more in general18:02
kyncanifailure: you could always use wget, from command line, if you're comfortable enough with the command line.18:02
failurei am, wget will allow me to download entire directories?18:02
legend2440paolo:   http://xubuntulinux.blogspot.com/2006/07/ubuntu-set-correct-dpi-for-x-server.html18:03
Picifailure: if not, curl might18:03
kyncanifailure: yep, with -r -l something (man wget)18:03
jsnWhat's a good channel for audio quesitons?18:04
Gman99999hey there is a critical security flaw, somehow my browser was hijacked in ubuntu and visited all of these pron links18:04
paololegend2440: the second hack didn't really work for me18:04
paololegend2440: let me try the first one18:04
Gman99999is there a known backdoor hack for ubuntu?18:05
Gman99999cause i got hacked18:05
Gman99999there's all of these sites in my history that I didnt visit18:05
kyncaniGman99999: you should keep your system up-to-date. If you do, there should not be any known exploit.18:05
rrowellfailure: I'd probably use wget18:05
geniisysop1972: At any rate, from what I can recall of progress. We had share definitions in smb.conf for sales and others but when username map moved to Global section then logins for windows names did not work. There can be two ways for this. One is make usernames on linux that match windows names. Other is to make in smb.conf change from Security = user      to security = share18:05
Gman99999kyncani Ive dont that its fully up to date18:05
rrowellfailure, or better yet rsync18:05
d0wnI just added a user account via command lind, how do I have it give that account a /home folder?18:05
yapp1Hi I need a MS SQL Client any Hints?18:06
Gman99999is there a way to find out if you've been backdoor hacked?18:06
rrowellyappl: sqsh works18:06
cookieshelp, how do i stop a program from starting on login?18:06
kyncaniGman99999: well, then you should look around you.18:06
Gman99999those rootkit scanners?18:06
rrowellyappl: SqirrelSQL is Ooey GUI18:06
kyncaniGman99999: short answer : no.18:06
d0wnGman99999: sniff packets of suspicious ip addresses18:06
yapp1k is ther one for winXP + Linux?18:06
inikGman99999: rkhunter may help18:06
bobertdoscookies: System->Preferences->Sessions18:06
rrowellyappl: Squirrel SQL is java so it runs anywhere18:07
cookiesthis program isn't under it.18:07
remoteCTRLanyone got an idea with what to open a berkeley db?18:07
Haci1d0wn: try 'usermod -d <home_dir> <username>18:07
kyncaniremoteCTRL: I open them with anydbm in python.18:07
MalvinDoes anyone know if there is a minimum disc read speed required to install ubuntu?18:07
Commie_Jebushow do you recompile ubuntu?18:07
paololegend2440: it looks like it is a bug... but I wonder why it has not been fixed yet18:08
kyncaniMalvin: there is none.18:08
Commie_JebusMalvin: none.18:08
legend2440paolo: what is it set to   96?18:08
yapp1Know any one a good config tool for MS SQL Server winXP or Linux?18:08
Starnestommycookies: sudo update-rc.d -f tor remove18:08
Commie_Jebusyapp1: first, NEVER ask about windows here...18:09
geniiMalvin: I've had bad failures on older 4x and 8x CD drives when tryig to install from them, but on 32x and up everything else identical everything worked18:09
Commie_Jebusyapp1: second, google is your friend18:09
remoteCTRLkyncani: humm.. k, thanks, any other recommendations? *g*18:09
paololegend2440:   resolution:    129x127 dots per inch18:09
Malvinkyncani: Hmm. It keeps failing at the same percentage and I scanned the hard drive for bad sectors and reburned the image on another dvd to make sure the dvd wasnt the problem.18:09
paololegend2440: fonts are too small18:09
Malvingenii: Yes this is a very old laptop with 8x read speed.18:09
Mycah_is there a difference between the account i made when installing Ubuntu and Root?18:10
legend2440paolo: how do you find out   129 x 127?18:10
Mycah_or is the account I made a root user, as well?18:10
marlunHow safe is the ubuntu-proposed repository?18:10
paololegend2440: xdpyinfo|grep resolution18:10
geniiMalvin: Also some cd makes are very bad for trying to read discs that are tightly crammed. Mitsumi for instance are horrible18:10
sysop1972genii : Will security = share still allow me to restrict access to certain folders?18:11
kyncaniMalvin: must be a bug somewhere. You could open a terminal; type "dmesg" and look for error messages18:11
inikMycah_:  use sudo18:11
Malvingenii: Well this is a 4gb dvd and a 800mb image.18:11
LaNCeloT_RWWine + Meta Trader 4 = Up and Running ! :-)18:11
LaNCeloT_RWThanks guys!18:11
legend2440paolo:   mine says     resolution:    77x76 dots per inch18:11
Mycah_ok. But I just looked at the users on my computer and one was root, just wondering if that was another user i could actually go on or if they was jsut here18:11
legend2440paolo: and my fonts are 9618:12
=== Ubunub1 is now known as ubunobi
=== ubunobi is now known as ubunub1
paololegend2440: yes, that is surely much more readable than mine18:12
geniisysop1972: There are numerous ways to accomplish same goal. It can be done in user or shares mode and then using different critria to decid who gets wher on system. I am trying to have it not have native linux accounts for your windows usernames unless theres no other option.18:12
paololegend2440: I wonder how I can change it18:12
inikMycah_: try who or w18:13
=== ubunub1 is now known as Ubunub1
awperatorHelp: how do I get out of low-graphics mode!18:13
legend2440paolo: fonts can be changed in System>Pref>appearance18:13
paololegend2440: that is only for gnome18:13
geniisysop1972: I would suggest to use Security = share      and restart samba again, see if logins are valid from windows box18:14
paololegend2440: I want to change the dpi settings18:14
Malvingenii: Did you ever find a way around it? I don't want to upgrade the dvd-rom on a machine this old. Should I get a slimmer distro that will fit on a cd maybe?18:14
paololegend2440: for X18:14
legend2440paolo: oh ok yes i'm using gnome18:14
adac2how can I read out on terminal if the current os is ubuntu?18:14
geniisysop1972: when security = share     then the share definitions in smb.conf should hold the specifics of who can do what, etc etc.18:14
paololegend2440: I am not..18:15
d0wnWhen I log in to a newly created user account via ssh, I get a -sh: [[: not found error. any way of fixing this?18:15
Ubunub1currently if I SSH into my machine with X forwarding I can only see windows from programs I launch during the SSH session -- anyway i can connect to my actual desktop and see windows of currently running apps through SSH?18:15
kyncaniMalvin: ubuntu does fit on a cd ...18:15
geniiMalvin: Maybe use external USB cdrom rive18:15
legend2440paolo: what are you using?18:16
kyncaniadac2: lsb_releass -a18:16
kyncaniadac2: lsb_release -a18:16
sysop1972genii trying to login no18:16
paololegend2440: kde at the moment. But that is not the point. I don't want it to work only for kde stuff...18:16
bombshelter13Hey, quick question: I have a system with two ethener interfaces, eth0 and eth1, and am setting up DHCPD. I would like to exclude one of these interfaces, such that dhcpd only responds to requests on eth0. Where do I make this change in ubuntu?18:17
bombshelter13ethener=ethernet, sorry18:17
sysop1972genii : still cannot write to the folder18:17
lazertek_someone explain this to me... my irc is working but i can't browse anything on any computer... i tried resetting the connection but no luck18:18
geniisysop1972: OK, no write priveleges . But login valid now?18:18
kyncanibombshelter13: dpkg -L yourdhcpserverpackagename | grep /etc/   -> this will list your dhcp server config files18:18
inikbombshelter13: you need to edit /etc/network/interfaces18:19
iurihi there18:19
sysop1972genii: I can access the folder18:19
iuriwhat the name of tovid pkg on ubntu18:19
lazertek_anybody know why this is happening... my irc connects but i can't use the internet to browse any websites... i tried on different computers and tried resetting the connection18:19
bombshelter13inik: ahhh, that's probably where I need to look, thanks18:19
CutMeOwnThroatlazertek_: perhaps dns stopped working - try to ping and IP and a name... look in /etc/resolv.conf18:20
bombshelter13inik: know where I can learn about the format of these files?18:20
inikbombshelter13: good luk. you can do it in graphic mode also18:20
ghostlinesi can't change file permissions even when i'm root, can someone help me?18:20
inikghostlines: maybe18:20
bombshelter13inik: no graphics mode on this router :D18:20
lazertek_CutMeOwnThroat: let me try ping-in google18:20
LaNCeloT_RWis there a way to make TouchPad of my laptop more sensitive to the touches? Like, sometimes i have to click stronger than I was used to18:20
kyncanibombshelter13, inik : I'd say that's probably not where you need to look if you're setting up a server and not a client18:21
CutMeOwnThroatlazertek_: ping would work, ping google.com would not18:21
Ubunub1currently if I SSH into my machine with X forwarding I can only see windows from programs I launch during the SSH session -- anyway i can connect to my actual desktop and see windows of apps that were running before I connected via SSH?18:21
sysop1972genii: here is the file if you need to see it http://pastebin.com/d6b177add18:21
bombshelter13kyncani: i'm starting to think that, yeah... but I couldn't find anything relevant to it on examining dhcpd.conf18:21
cobal2hi ppl i have a problem, ubuntu 8.04 crashes sometimes and a black screen comes18:21
inikghostlines: did you try chmod  664  filename18:21
d0wnlazertek_: I think CutMeOwnThroat was right. it sounds like a dns outage18:22
d0wnOh, oops18:22
bombshelter13it complains that I haven't defined a scope covering the interface I'm trying not to respond to requests on.18:22
d0wnThat's what CutMeOwnThroat said, sorry18:22
cobal2anyone help me?18:22
lazertek_d0wn: CutMeOwnThroat it only replies once when i ping the ip tho18:22
geniisysop1972: OK. Looks like we will require in this case linux names corresponding with the windows logon names. But to create them with invalid shell and home directory but valid login password (which is same as on the windows machines and also same as we previously made for them with smbpasswd program).18:22
kyncanibombshelter13: so, dpkg -L told you dhcpd.conf, then *I* would take that config filename and google for it, that should quickly lead to good documentation18:23
cobal2hey ppl i need some help18:23
cobal2any advanced ubuntu users here?18:23
itaiis there a way to automate the keyring so i never have to enter a password when starting evolution?18:23
Algyz!ask | cobal218:23
ubottucobal2: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)18:23
CutMeOwnThroatlazertek_: "once"?18:24
Ayabaraany good applications for editing video on linux?18:24
lazertek_d0wn: CutMeOwnThroat when i cancelled it resulted saying 100% packets lost...  how do i fix this... if it is even from my side or is it the isp18:24
cobal2i use ubuntu 8.0418:24
AlgyzAyabara:  yes, cinelerra, avidemux18:24
AlgyzAyabara:  cinelerra is very profi ;)18:24
lazertek_CutMeOwnThroat: yea... it gave me this reply and then hung " ping"18:24
geniisysop1972: So you can make the users like: sudo adduser --home /dev/null --shell /bin/false theirusername18:24
bombshelter13kyncani: documentation, yes... good... not so sure about that so far. :/18:24
cobal2sometimes gnome crashes AND a black screen appears18:24
albechwhen trying to so: /etc/init.d/vboxdrv start it tells me 'No suitable module for running kernel found'??18:25
ShinjinAkag1I downloaded quite a few files all named the same except for a number in the filename. Is there a BASH script that can go through and make sure I have them all?18:25
lazertek_CutMeOwnThroat: "PING ( 56(84) bytes of data.18:25
Algyzalbech:  install kernel modules18:25
AyabaraAlgyz, thanks. can I use cinelerra to xfer from my cam to my pc as well?18:25
AlgyzAyabara:  use kino18:25
CutMeOwnThroatlazertek_: aha... I cannot ping that IP anymore either - seems google took that server out (?)18:25
CutMeOwnThroatperhaps google is too much of a moving target, to pick an IP18:26
rockyrockhi guys, how can i prevent a user from deleting other users' files?18:26
AyabaraAlgyz, thanks18:26
ShinjinAkag1Whats the terminal move command?18:26
cobal2algyz i explained my promblem twice but no one saw18:26
Haci1cobal2: can u give us some more info?Have notice any pattern to when it crashes, such as which programs u have running?18:26
geniisysop1972: This is similar to how previously we made the smbuser name. So that if someone logs onto the linux box as one of these names directly, they will have no usuable shell to make commands, also it will not put them anywhere they could destroy things if they do su to name either18:26
d0wnlazertek_: try pinging, it's another google server18:26
rockyrockdeleting the "w" permission didn't work for me!18:26
cobal2mozilla firefox 3.018:26
inikrockyrock: change umask 20018:27
GleepGlopI mucked up my sources.list  can someone point me to an original for hardy i can use?18:27
CutMeOwnThroatfunny, aint it - it worked when I wrote it... and a minute later it's gone... just my kind of luck, I guess18:27
Algyzcobal2:  look into your home folder, there's hidden file xsession-errors18:27
rockyrockinik, what is umask 200?18:27
sysop1972genii: I still need the samba sers setup the same way, correct?18:27
lazertek_d0wn: ha that works18:27
lazertek_d0wn: so how do i fix this18:27
inikmask for file permissions18:27
bastid_raZorcobal2; .xsession-errors if you're using terminal18:27
inikman umask18:27
Algyzcobal2:  look into this file, maybe you'll see some errors18:27
tj13820how do you get CGI:IRC to be usable in an APACHE environment?18:27
geniisysop1972: After all the appropriate names are created, change the Security = share     int he smb.conf file   back to Security = user   once more. All else can remain the same18:28
LaNCeloT_RWGuys, I was looking on google and found something called gsynaptcs, alright, installed that BUT it says to enable an option called SHMConfig on xorg.conf , but I couldnt find on xorg.conf, any ideas?18:28
cobal2ok looking for it18:28
rockyrockinik, the terminal says "No manual for umask"18:28
bastid_raZorGleepGlop; what did you do to your sources.list18:28
GleepGlopdont ask, too stupid to mention :)18:28
d0wnlazertek_: do you have any processes running that have high network use? like p2p or anything?18:28
inikrockyrock: you can also remove group permission or add stiky bit to files18:28
lmosherI really impressed my friends showing them "neverball", does anyone know of any simple/fun 3d games for linux?18:29
lazertek_d0wn: i close it all... right now nothing is running except ric..18:29
tj13820lmosher: BZFlag18:29
inikrockyrock: but command present. just google it18:29
d0wnlazertek_: did you connect to irc via ip instead of domain name?18:29
albechi just installed the generic vbox module and im still getting the message.. no suitable module for running kernel found18:29
cobal2*** NSPlugin Wrapper *** ERROR: NPP_Destroy() invoke: Connection closed18:29
cobal2*** NSPlugin Wrapper *** ERROR: NPClass::Invalidate() invoke: Connection closed18:29
cobal2*** NSPlugin Wrapper *** ERROR: NP_Shutdown() invoke: Connection closed18:29
lazertek_d0wn: no i connected using domain name18:29
cobal2last tree lines18:30
bastid_raZorGleepGlop; i'm still using 7.10 but possibly you could get into synaptic and change what server you're using.. that may change some of it back.18:30
GleepGlopbastid_raZor:  i was making bash script to install from my own personal repo and wiped out my sources.list in the process18:30
rockyrockinik, i tried with a file. I changed the owner of the file and also the group to be "root" and i deleted it and it worked!18:30
CutMeOwnThroatlazertek_: look at /etc/resolv.conf and see what nameserver is configured, if any18:30
lazertek_d0wn: i tried going to google with the ip using firefox and it worked18:30
d0wnlazertek_: did you connect to irc before, or after this started happening? if it was before, it sounds like your DNS servers have gone out18:30
tj13820how do you get CGI:IRC to be usable in an APACHE environment?18:30
lazertek_d0wn: before and after18:30
CutMeOwnThroatlazertek_: on most home setups with dhcp, the router also acts as dns server - you can see the ip of the router with /sbin/route -n18:31
albechdoes vbox require a certain arch?18:31
AyabaraAlgyz, cinelerra isn't in the repos for ubuntu?18:31
GleepGlopwait, there is another hardy machine on my subnet. ill ssh and copy that one18:31
cobal2algyz have seen my msg?18:31
inikrockyrock: it's because you are owner of directory18:31
Hamicopy files and dir(s) from a server to a laptop using terminal I cannot get the last part to work, on the server I am doing  cp -r data "what next"? hami@data?18:31
tj13820how do you get CGI:IRC to be usable in an APACHE environment?18:31
rudolf_wer hilft beim installieren link http://clipgrab.de/download_de.html ?18:31
inikso you can change it and its content - files18:31
AyabaraAlgyz, nevermind18:32
* Ayabara managed to google18:32
lazertek_CutMeOwnThroat: that ip is wierd... its showing
geniisysop1972: AFK 5-6  minutes. Any issues keep writing to me and I'll check through scroll when I return, checking pastebins, etc etc18:32
visfhi does anybody know how do i edit my fstab to auto mount my new hard drive18:32
lazertek_CutMeOwnThroat: and under that
d0wnlazertek_: that's a local network ip18:32
bastid_raZorHami; scp files files user@host:directory-to-save18:32
d0wnwell, the first ip18:32
CutMeOwnThroatlazertek_: not the Destination one, the one on "Gateway"18:32
shwanvisf: search ubunru wiki18:32
lazertek_CutMeOwnThroat: ah yea... i see it18:32
lazertek_CutMeOwnThroat: i see the ip but how do i fix the dns outage18:33
Hami<bastid_raZor> thx18:33
skomaraHey hello guys am just going trough the basics in computer and linux,i  shall definitely need your assisstance,right guys?18:33
rockyrockinik, so any file inside my directory can be removed, right???18:33
=== elyk is now known as telyk
CutMeOwnThroatlazertek_: well, is any nameserver set in /etc/resolve.conf?18:33
lazertek_CutMeOwnThroat: let me check18:34
rhiltonHey folks.  Whenever I try to install apache2-prefork-dev in synaptic, I get: " Depends: libaprutil1-dev but it is not going to be installed"  Any ideas?18:34
hiptobecubicI just downloaded stepmania and it's precompiled. The whole game is in a safe-contained folder. It runs if you jsut open the folder and run "stepmania" but i'd like it to install properly, whatever that means. Why doesn't it need to be in /usr/bin etc? I'm not sure i understand how this works18:34
bastid_raZorHami; and yes you'll need the -r in there..18:34
jcarouthhowdy all. what software is available for recording screencasts? i've been tinkering with ffmpeg the patched version, but having a lot of troubles with it18:34
kyncanibombshelter13: dpkg -L dhcp3-server | grep /etc/   should have given you two files i think, one would be dhcpd.conf, the other /etc/default/dhcp3-server. The latter is the one where listening interfaces are specified i would think.18:34
rockyrockinik, so i can't delete others files if the files are in their directories. Even if other people have "w" permission?18:34
CutMeOwnThroatlazertek_: if there is none at all, edit the file as root and add "nameserver ip_of_router" and you're all set (until it gets messed up again by an irate dhcp client on your machine or whatever messed it up in the 1st place)18:34
brahmanaWhich was the last ubuntu release to ship a 2.4 kernel?18:34
inikby owner of file or directory18:34
inikyou can ln them18:35
rudolf_wer hilft beim installieren link http://clipgrab.de/download_de.html ?18:35
* kyncani does not think ubuntu ever released with a 2.4 kernel18:35
rockyrockinik, aha thnx so much18:35
Xamuskis there any way to use one of those flawed openvpn certificates in Ubuntu? (those that are flagged in the blacklist)18:35
lazertek_CutMeOwnThroat: what would be the nameserver?18:35
rudolf_Leche kannst du bitte helfen?18:35
CutMeOwnThroatlazertek_: and I'm guessing at the setup - the router need not be the dns-server also - it's just that in many setups using dhcp, it is (so... it's not a requirement, just something you find often)18:36
CutMeOwnThroatlazertek_: well, is there one?18:36
LaNCeloT_RWGuys!? Any ideas?18:36
LaNCeloT_RWGuys, I was looking on google and found something called gsynaptcs, alright, installed that BUT it says to enable an option called SHMConfig on xorg.conf , but I couldnt find on xorg.conf, any ideas?18:36
hiptobecubic!de > rudolf_18:36
ubotturudolf_, please see my private message18:36
rockyrockinik, wait you said by owner of file or directory! But the file i tried it was root's ownership!18:36
XamuskLaNCeloT_RW, you have to create the option18:36
inikwhat's about directory owner?18:37
lazertek_CutMeOwnThroat: you mean like www.google.com18:37
rudolf_ich kann kein english18:37
rockyrockinik, yes it was my ownership!18:37
LaNCeloT_RWXamusk, just add the line 'SHMConfig' 'true' ?18:37
rudolf_wer hilft beim installieren link http://clipgrab.de/download_de.html ?18:37
hiptobecubic!de | rudolf_18:37
shwanCutMeOwnThroat: having the router at least as first dns server will result in ability of adding internal host names inside you lan18:37
ubotturudolf_: Deutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de18:37
rockyrockinik, but anyway logically should have no permission to delete the file cuz it's not mine!18:38
d0wnlazertek_ check your PMs18:38
brahmanaok at least what was kernel version shipped with feisty?18:38
CutMeOwnThroatlazertek_: I mean - is there an entry starting with "namesserver" in your /etc/resolv.conf at all?18:38
XamuskLaNCeloT_RW, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SynapticsTouchpad18:38
bastid_raZorHami; feel free to ask in here, that way if i don't know the answer someone else may.18:38
lazertek_CutMeOwnThroat: its empty18:38
=== kvik is now known as kvik_ferie
CutMeOwnThroatlazertek_: then try what I said above...18:39
bastid_raZorHami; and yes you can use su with scp18:39
CutMeOwnThroatlazertek_: -----> if there is none at all, edit the file as root and add "nameserver ip_of_router" and you're all set (until it gets messed up again by an irate dhcp client on your machine or whatever messed it up in the 1st place)18:39
kyncanibrahmana: 2.6.20 i think18:39
lazertek_CutMeOwnThroat: when i did cat /etc/resolve.config it said no such directory exist... but when i did it with gedit it opened an empty file18:39
Legendariocan anyone help me with a hardware issue? I wanna know if ram chip i've bought is compatible with my motherboard. I bought a DDR400 memory chip and the manual says it is compatible with PC2100/PC160018:39
lazertek_CutMeOwnThroat: you mean the word nameserver18:39
brahmanakyncani, ok. so dapper was the last one to ship 2.4?18:39
indarknesshello legendario18:40
CutMeOwnThroatlazertek_: resolv.conf, not resolve.config18:40
LaNCeloT_RWXamusk, thanks mate18:40
CutMeOwnThroatlazertek_: mind speling18:40
indarknessuse pc320018:40
Legendariohello indarkness!18:40
kyncanibrahmana: dapper -> 2.6.1518:40
cobal2pc2100 is equals to ddr26618:40
inikrockyrock: you make file in directory what belongs to another user18:41
brahmanakyncani, Ok. Thank yoy very much.18:41
LaNCeloT_RWXamusk, it's not sensitive yet like I'd like to but at least gsynaptics works now18:41
brahmanakyncani, BTW, where did you find that info?18:41
justs0mewill a B43 wireless driver for broadcom work with a BCM4312 [14e4:4312] (rev 01)18:41
Legendarioindarkness, what is pc320018:41
indarknesspc 3200 is 400, 2700 - 33318:41
inikso that user have full permissions to change directory content18:41
XamuskLaNCeloT_RW, you can tweak the settings though18:41
lazertek_CutMeOwnThroat: cat /etc/resolve.conf says it doesnt exist either18:41
brahmanakyncani, my search attempts were futile..18:41
th0rindarkness, but they are backward compatible18:41
CutMeOwnThroatlazertek_: btw, it's good solid practice (and saves typing) to use the autocomplete function of bash - you write /etc/res[TAB] and bash completes the name18:42
inikand can mv rm  ANY file18:42
LaNCeloT_RWXamusk, still not good... sometime seems I have to PRESS the touchpad to click =/18:42
kyncanibrahmana: you would find it on packages.ubuntu.com. I keep this info with a script of mine :)18:42
CViruswhat is 8.04.1 ?18:42
LaNCeloT_RWXamusk, already set everything on Sensitve: High18:42
CutMeOwnThroatlazertek_: and it is NOT resolvE.conf, but resolv.conf18:42
lazertek_CutMeOwnThroat: sorry about that...18:42
XamuskLaNCeloT_RW, you also have to change acceleration18:42
brahmanakyncani, Where on packages page? I am searching for packages there for sometime now.. but do not see a kernel version..18:43
adac2How to set on terminal that a service like /etc/init.d/servicename starts at boot time?18:43
Xamuskmakes a huge difference18:43
itaihey - can anyone see this page and tell me if they can see the embedded video? (http://www.ynet.co.il/home/0,7340,L-8,00.html) the page is in hebrew , you need to scroll down to see the video18:43
lazertek_CutMeOwnThroat: there are two nameservers... they are basically the dns server ip's18:43
indarknesslegendario ... you is brazilian18:43
LaNCeloT_RWXamusk, let me see18:43
justs0meCVirus: 8.04 is hardy and the 8.04.1 is hardy with sp1; what i was told18:43
kyncanibrahmana: entire list (which is quite long), then look for packages named linux*18:43
Legendarioindarkness, yes i am. Why?18:43
CVirussp1 ?18:43
th0radac2, use update-rc.d18:43
indarknesssim ... assim fica melhor conversa com vc18:43
brahmanakyncani, oh.. thats the trick.. ll try that now..18:43
Xamuskeita, cheio de brasileiro aqui :)18:43
cdcI was watching a movie online with Firefox, firefox crashed due to bad data on a tab I had open. I try to launch the movie again and I receive no sound. I killed firefox in the system monitor and tried to relaunch the video which was a no go. I have even tried launching media player to play an mp3 but no sound. The only fix I have found is restarting the computer. Any advice/resolution would be much appreciated.18:44
CVirusjusts0me: what is sp1 ?18:44
indarknessqual a frenquencia da placa mae18:44
adac2th0r: so once i have copied the init file to /etc/init.d/ i just start update-rc.d is this right?18:44
justs0meCVirus: service pack 1, like windows, its just a updated hardy18:44
indarknesso que veio marcado nela18:44
th0radac2, check 'man update-rc.d'18:44
indarknesspior de td achei que era so eu18:44
indarknessde br aqui18:44
m-ccdc restart alsa18:44
gronneMy mic won't work... my audio does however. I've tried edit more settings but I can't get it to work18:44
LaNCeloT_RWXamusk, but I don't mean about being sensitive on "moving" the cursor.. I mean sometimes seems the click is a little bit "retarded" you know? The tap/click answer18:44
m-cgronne: The mic is probably muted18:45
brahmanakyncani, That was what I have been looking for.. Thank you.. :-)18:45
Legendarioindarkness, não tem muito brasileiro aqui18:45
Xamuskcdc, usually when that happens it's because some program locked access to /dev/dsp, you have to kill that proccess and also check volume settings18:45
gronnem-c: I've edited many settings, but could I have missed one?18:45
Legendariose importa de ir para a sala?18:45
cdcm-c: I looked for the alsa under processed and it is not there.18:45
indarknesseh ke outro disse que ta cheio..mais ta bom18:45
Xamuskindarkness, normalmente os brasileiros preferem o #ubuntu-br18:45
indarknessmais tem exessoes18:46
cdcXamusk: volume is full blast: already checked. I will check that directory though.18:46
=== Pici` is now known as Pici
Legendarioos gringos as vezes respondem a questões que os brazucas não sabem18:46
indarknessvio o legendario solucionou a duvida18:46
ubottuPor favor use #ubuntu-br ou #ubuntu-pt para ajuda em português. Obrigado.18:46
kyncanibrahmana: np :) btw, the last debian to package 2.4 was sarge i think18:46
* zuperz is back (gone 00:02:30)18:46
Legendarioe ai, 2100, o que é?18:46
* zuperz is away: I een know!18:47
brahmanakyncani, oh ok.. that is helpful..18:47
rockyrockinik, thnx man i tried it again and i got it :)18:47
Pici!away > zuperz18:47
ubottuzuperz, please see my private message18:47
Xamuskcdc, try fuser -m /dev/dsp and see if there's any app there that should already have been closed18:47
inikrockyrock: ?18:47
Legendarioentão cara, o canal é em inglês, vamos para o reservado...18:47
inikrockyrock: delete again?18:47
rockyrockinik, NO18:47
=== azarian_ is now known as Baal
inikchange directory?18:48
CutMeOwnThroatlazertek_: ok - that is as it should be - but if there are entries, probably one or more of them are not working - you can use the program "host" to check on them (call it without arguments to get its help, or read man host) - for me, dns often also failed, when just the 1st of the nameservers does not work - so you could also try to just reverse the order, or you could try to add the ip of your router as an additional nameserver en18:48
CutMeOwnThroattry before the two that are there18:48
indarknessmais pode usar legendario pc 333 ... so for so ela mais lembrando que vai funcionar 26618:48
cdcXamusk: A lot of grouped numbered pairs came up when i ran that command.18:48
hiptobecubicwhen i try to run a program it works fine, but when i put a link to the executable in /usr/bin and try to run it frmo there, it doesn't find the necessary files? how can i accomplish this?18:48
Pici!en | indarkness18:48
ubottuindarkness: The #ubuntu, #kubuntu and #xubuntu channels are english only. For a complete list of channels in other languages, please visit http://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat18:48
zuperzok Pici18:48
indarknessela trabalha na frequencia de 26618:48
zuperzi think that is sorted18:48
Xamuskcdc, sorry, forgot the v: fuser -vm /dev/dsp18:49
lazertek_CutMeOwnThroat: i'm setting up opendns.. seems interesting18:49
hiptobecubic!pt | indarkness18:49
ubottuindarkness: Por favor use #ubuntu-br ou #ubuntu-pt para ajuda em português. Obrigado.18:49
LaNCeloT_RWXamusk, nothing yet... still don't clicking like it should be.. (ps.: like it was on WindoUs18:49
GleepGlopok, I really screwed aptitude up18:49
Xamuskcdc, after you close firefox you should check for firefox, totem, xine, etc there18:49
gronnem-c: I fixed it.. It wasn't muted though18:49
CutMeOwnThroatlazertek_: what on earth for?18:49
Legendarioindarkness, meu vc tá vendo o administrador chamar a sua atenção por usar português no canal?18:49
XamuskLaNCeloT_RW, does the problem also happen when double-clicking? or only in single-clicking?18:50
LaNCeloT_RWXamusk, both of them18:50
GleepGlopcan someone look at the output from apt-get update? http://paste.ubuntu.com/28316/18:50
lazertek_CutMeOwnThroat: i was told its works faster better and more secure18:50
PiciLegendario: I I removed him from this channel.  If he is having issues joining #ubuntu-br because he is banned, please ask him to ask about it in #ubuntu-irc18:50
sysop1972genii: still cant write. Here is the smb.conf. Here is the file http://pastebin.com/d6300b20018:50
LaNCeloT_RWXamusk, tried to find some different sections to put on my xorg.conf put none solved the problem18:51
hiptobecubicwhen i try to run a program it works fine, but when i put a link to the executable in /usr/bin and try to run it frmo there, it doesn't find the necessary files. As if it's not looking where the real executable is. how can i accomplish this?18:51
XamuskLaNCeloT_RW, strange, I've never seen that... if the issue were only with single clicking, the gnome mouse settings app should fix it, but if you say they're both with problems then I don't know18:52
LegendarioPici, i was telling him to talk to me in private, but he wasn't getting it...18:52
LaNCeloT_RWXamusk, I will check the Gnome mouse app18:52
CutMeOwnThroatlazertek_: er... what's it supposed to do anyways... and how can it be "more secure" dns is dns - and I doub't it can be "faster and better" than every other server... oh well - but what's there to "set up"?18:52
cdcXamusk: it worked. I found the program that had it locked up.18:52
kyncaniGleepGlop: I had this once, the fix involved setting up APT::Cache-Limit in apt.conf  (google with that)18:52
LaNCeloT_RWXamusk, already checked and modfied but let me see it again18:52
cdcXamusk: thats a nifty tool, thanks.18:52
inikhiptobecubic: you need update PATH18:52
GleepGlopkyncani: ok, ill try, thanks18:53
LaNCeloT_RWGreat! Found something to have a right-click on touchpad LOL18:53
LaNCeloT_RWtwo fingers = Right-CLick18:53
lazertek_CutMeOwnThroat: put it another dns18:53
Xamuskcdc, indeed, though even I sometimes can't find the right app then I have to restart too18:53
hiptobecubicinik, well i put a link to the real executable into /usr/bin which is already in path. It finds the executable when i type "stepmania" at the terminal but then it doesn't find the rest of the files18:53
CutMeOwnThroatlazertek_: well, I was suggesting you use a root dns server... perhaps this is more polite and appropriate, though :)18:53
lazertek_CutMeOwnThroat: root dns server?18:54
CutMeOwnThroatlazertek_: well, wikipedia sais about it (opendns): While OpenDNS is currently a free service, people have complained about how the service handles failed requests. If a domain cannot be found, the service redirects you to a search page with search results and advertising provided by Yahoo.18:54
inikhiptobecubic: export PATH=$PATH:/<your app executebles>18:54
XamuskLaNCeloT_RW, actually, usually three fingers=right click, two fingers=middle click18:54
hiptobecubicinik, so export PATH=$PATH:/usr/share/Stepmania-3.9/   ?18:55
lazertek_CutMeOwnThroat: ah... so the dns i have is my isp's dns server?18:55
gronnedoes anyone of you have rosetta stone?18:55
geniisysop1972: Line 49 for instance should not have a ; at start, this denotes a commented line. Also if memeory serves we made the username map =/etc/smbusers     previously, and not in /etc/samba/smbusers         so you may want to adjust one in either smb.conf to fit, or move the one in /etc to /etc/samba directory18:55
CutMeOwnThroatlazertek_: yeah, you can read about it here http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Root_server after you fixed your dns :-P - you're not really supposed to use them directly, though :)18:55
inik hiptobecubic: try it18:55
GleepGlopkyncani: worked like a charm, thanks! ;)18:56
gronneDoes anyone know how to fix mic input in rosetta stone?18:56
inik hiptobecubic:it is easiest. but not best way to resolve18:56
hiptobecubicinik, didn't work18:56
CutMeOwnThroatlazertek_: well, your modem gets an ip of a nameserver together with its own IP - so whatever your provider sends it, you have - normally they have their own dns running18:56
hiptobecubicinik, what's the best way to resolve18:56
geniisysop1972: Line 240 should have /home/smbuser         and not homes/smbuser         also18:56
MaximanderAny iPhone users here?18:57
lazertek_CutMeOwnThroat: so you suggest i just reorder them?18:57
Xamuskis there any way to stablish an openvpn connection with a certificate that is flagged as flawed in the blacklist?18:57
PiciMaximander: perhaps ##iphone18:57
inikhiptobecubic: maybe you make hard link. give me output  of ls -la /bin/<your link>18:57
rafalhi on ubuntu how to use firefox fully TORified, also with DNS queries via tor etc18:57
CutMeOwnThroatlazertek_: well, add the opendns IP and see if you like it... anything that works for you, eh?18:58
threexkwhy hasn't Ubuntu updated to Firefox 3.0.1 yet?  it's like 3 days old18:58
Picithreexk: Because the package is undergoing testing first.18:59
CutMeOwnThroatlazertek_: sorry, I'm just sometimes a bit suspicious about stuff I've not heared about :) specially, if I hear claims like "more secure", which are...18:59
CutMeOwnThroatoh, gtg18:59
hiptobecubiclrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 34 2008-07-18 19:59 /usr/bin/stepmania -> /usr/share/StepMania-3.9/stepmania18:59
threexkPici: makes sense.  faster testing needed!18:59
Viper1432If you want 3.0.1 you have to enable the PPA repositories.  (which isn't recommended if you want a stable environment.)19:00
threexkPici: automated tests, or something.  Firefox is a critical app19:00
threexkRedhat released 3.0.1 on day 119:00
LaNCeloT_RWXamusk, can you check PLEASE this options that I just found on google to put on my xorg.conf and tell me if one of them can make my single-clicking more sensitive?19:00
LaNCeloT_RWXamusk, http://paste.ubuntu.com/28320/19:00
Viper1432er, I should say "pre-released repos's.19:00
geniisysop1972: Don't forget to issue:   sudo /etc/init.d/samba restart       after making any changes in the smb.conf, so that the new config and not cached one is used19:01
lazertek_CutMeOwnThroat: adding those ip worked19:01
lazertek_CutMeOwnThroat: maybe not more secure but how about faster19:01
IntrepidDoes someone know where I can find the repository that contains programs like googleearth?19:01
gronneanyone using rosetta?19:01
MaximanderPici: well, it's more of a udev question than an iphone question per se19:01
luboszhow can i change disklabels on ext3 volumes?19:02
CutMeOwnThroatlazertek_: well, it wouldn't be faster than a well-working dns from your provider - but I've seen some pretty horribly-working ones, too - so it would be faster than that19:02
XamuskLaNCeloT_RW, I'm not sure, but maxtaptime looks like it...19:02
LaNCeloT_RWXamusk, it was 110 i changed to 50 ... i will try 500 LOL19:02
Maximanderbasically, iphone is detected by udev as a camera, not a mass storage device, so it doesn't create nodes in /dev19:02
XamuskLaNCeloT_RW, I have also found a page that describes options to use it with windows-like behavior19:02
XamuskLaNCeloT_RW, http://gentoo-wiki.com/HARDWARE_Synaptics_Touchpad19:03
LaNCeloT_RWXamusk, great .. I will check that19:03
CutMeOwnThroatlazertek_: I really wouldn't like to be redirected "somewhere" on a failed dns search, though - one isp I used did that, and its... well, abominable19:04
=== maco_ is now known as maco
lazertek_CutMeOwnThroat: i agree with you on that... its pretty annoying19:04
sysop1972genii: What should the smbusers file have in it?  I have smbusers = james    (a list of all the users)19:04
lazertek_CutMeOwnThroat: but if my isp's don't work then i guess for the moment the opendns is my only choice19:05
kyncanilubosz: tune2fs i think19:05
luboszkyncani: thx, i try that19:05
lazertek_CutMeOwnThroat: the order of the address get the priority right?19:06
inikhiptobecubic: maybe you need to start it from directory. i prefere to use script , and put script into bin19:06
MaximanderiTunes can write to iPhone under windows, so there must be a way to see it as a storage device, but I can't seem to figure it out under linux. It advertises 3 profiles in lsusb, but none are mass storage19:06
hiptobecubicinik ok thanks19:06
hot2trotcan someboy tell me why I can only get 1024x768 on my monitor, I do have the ability with the card and monitor to go higher?19:06
inikhiptobecubic: better to place script into /usr/bin19:07
inikor /opt19:07
SeveredCrosshot2trot: Bad driver?19:07
hot2trotit was automatically d/ld19:08
lusulewhat's the channel for support if you have an ati graphics card?19:08
=== macd_ is now known as macd
=== doodle is now known as Guest56051
Algyzlusule:  try here19:08
dfriisoh my, glad I've found you guys. I have a quick question if you have the time and patience19:09
CutMeOwnThroatlazertek_: yes - and they should actually all be tried in that order - but I often found that having a not-working one for the 1st one would make stuff fail quite often19:09
lusulei'm trying to find out for a friend who wants to know how to get multiple displays working for ati - i have nvidia so i can't help him19:09
ubottudfriss: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)19:09
dfriisok, I'll just...19:10
lazertek_CutMeOwnThroat: mine isn't failing but its working but it working slower... is that because it trying out my isp's dns first?19:10
dfriisok, thanks :)19:10
hot2trotlusule: oes your nvidia go higher than 1024x768?19:10
the_darkside_986What on earth is a "news://" link and how do I open one in Ubuntu? e.g. news://news.digitalmars.com/D.gnu19:10
Fructoselusule: What do you mean by "multiple displays"? Two monitors?19:10
justs0meon my laptop, i have stock external wireless switch. when i have the switch at the off postion my Knetworkmanager was able to scan networks, is somthing wrong?   also should i have the switch in the on postion when i installed the driver /19:11
speedbaronPlease i need help with connecting my bluetooth Navman GPS.  I get this error 'Nautilus cannot handle obex: location' when trying to pair with linux19:11
lusulefructose - exactly19:11
lusulehot2trot - yes19:11
Maximanderalso, does anyone know how to get HDMI output with intel GM965?19:11
joaopintothe_darkside_986, you need a newsgroup client19:11
Fructoselusule: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=22117419:11
=== antg is now known as anthonyg
CutMeOwnThroatlazertek_: you said it's not working at all... but yes, "all of the above" is possible19:11
hot2trotlusule: how did you manage to get it to go higher?19:12
=== anthonyg is now known as anthg
lazertek_CutMeOwnThroat: it wasn't unitll i added the opendns ips19:12
lusule... i installed the drivers and voila19:12
lazertek_CutMeOwnThroat: but now it works but working too slow19:12
cybermax-m1help config VIA Technologies, Inc. UniChrome Pro IGP (rev 01) ?19:12
hot2trotoh I opened the drivers and got stuck at low res !!19:12
Fructosethe_darkside_986: Newsgroup. Thunderbird handles them, for one.19:12
the_darkside_986ok thanks19:12
jorgiaGreetings...will someone please help me? i am suddenly unable to boot into Kubuntu 8.04.19:13
inikjorgia: some errors?19:14
geniisysop1972: Yes, that is correct19:14
jorgiainik It goes straight to memory check...19:14
dfriisHaha, how long can a message be here? Mine will be like a novel19:14
albechhmm my screen is only running 800x600 now :(19:14
albechand in the resolution conf i can only choose 640x480 and 800x60019:15
inikjorgia: memory check on POST before linux boot?19:15
legend2440hiptobecubic: there are .deb files for stepmania.  may be easier   http://www.getdeb.net/search.php?search_distro_id=7&keywords=stepmania19:15
jorgiano...it's a linux memory check i think19:16
lazertek_CutMeOwnThroat: so is there a way speed the internet... somehow getting my isp dns to work again... why does the dns outage happen anyways19:16
hiptobecubiclegend2440, thank you!19:16
Dave-Xnned help with wifi.... it connects to open networks but fails for encryption19:16
dfriisWell, I've got my hands on a nice computer that I'd like to use as a home file server/ftp server/web server. You know, for storing music, movies and one or two simple web sites. I just want a simple setup, no dns/firewall stuff. I'd like lvm...I think...cause I'd like the storage to be _one_ volume and I think that the ftp storage will be the same as my home file storage. I also want the system to be on one volume and all the files on19:16
CutMeOwnThroatlazertek_: the opendns ones could just be slow... if you added that one on top, it's the one that will be tried 1st - and having non-functional ones lateron doesnt/wouldnt matter19:16
inikjorgia: after grub screen or before?19:16
andresjanybody know of terminal type problems when connecting to a FreeBSD server? Home key or End key don't work properly under remote nano.19:16
legend2440hiptobecubic: you have to download both debs and install the data one first19:16
speedbaronPlease i need help with connecting my bluetooth Navman GPS.  I get this error 'Nautilus cannot handle obex: location' when trying to pair with linux19:17
lazertek_CutMeOwnThroat: they are at the bottom... i'll try putting them first if that would make it faster... and switch back when my isp dns works again19:17
jorgiainik: it says grub is starting (1.5)...then gives a couple seconds to choose options...then goes straight to the memory check19:17
Dave-Xneed help with wifi.... it connects to open networks but fails for encryption19:17
LaNCeloT_RWXamusk, nothing man.. tried lots of alternatives like described on the website you showed me, but the single or double click sometimes doesn't work =/19:17
inikok . you can boot to single mode?19:18
Picithreexk: Its in the -proposed repos, but those might have buggy19:18
XamuskLaNCeloT_RW, are you really restarting X?19:18
LaNCeloT_RWXamusk, yes.. logged out after all changes19:18
Xamusklike described in the first page I sent you?19:18
jorgiainik: no, i cannot boot at all...and it's not a dual-boot installation...only Kubuntu19:18
LaNCeloT_RWXamusk, in one of them the mouse was REALLY sensitive.. but the click was the same19:18
XamuskLaNCeloT_RW, only loggin out won't work, you have to restart with Ctrl+alt+backspace19:19
LaNCeloT_RWXamusk, ok, let me see then19:19
inikjorgia: let us talk in separate chat19:19
speedbaronhas anyone gotten bluetooth GPS to work with ubuntu?19:20
lazertek_CutMeOwnThroat: any idea why dns outage happens?19:20
LaNCeloT_RWXamusk, I'll try this one: File: xorg.conf - Defaults similar to MS Windows's behavior - Example 119:21
Neulingghi guys i bought a new mp3 player able to read ogg files but i cannot mount it anybody could help me?19:21
dfriisOk, guys and gals, here we go again. Hope I'm not spamming. Short version: Can you give me a tip on making a home file server with an external ftp access on the same files on an lvm volume? System has to be (maybe) on another partition to make it easy to replace.19:21
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CutMeOwnThroatlazertek_: yes. Gremlins.19:21
lazertek_CutMeOwnThroat: gremlins?19:22
jcarouthscreencasting in ubuntu? is ffmpeg the only option?19:22
Pici!screencast | jcarouth19:22
Neulinggwith lsusb i get the following: Bus 001 Device 003: ID 04e8:507d Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd19:22
* Pici pokes ubottu 19:22
ubottujcarouth: Some programs to capture your screen are recordmydesktop, Istanbul, Wink, Gvidcap, Xvidcap, vnc2swf, demorecorder.  Also see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ScreenCasts.19:22
Neulingghi guys i bought a new mp3 player able to read ogg files but i cannot mount it anybody could help me?19:23
Neulinggwith lsusb i get the following: Bus 001 Device 003: ID 04e8:507d Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd19:23
EminXPDF to WordProcessor, I need a converter (software)19:23
jcarouthman how are these results not in google. i must suck at keywords19:23
LaNCeloT_RWXamusk, same XXit19:23
LaNCeloT_RWXamusk, seems sometimes the touchpad doens't answer to the click command =/19:23
XamuskLaNCeloT_RW, that's pretty strange19:24
m-cNeulingg: What is the name of the device?19:24
LaNCeloT_RWXamusk, yes.. pretty strange...19:24
hwildewhat would a crontab of   */35  do?19:24
m-c!hi |rafal19:24
ubotturafal: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!19:24
rafalubuntu  fails to encrypt my drive19:24
Dave-Xneed help with wifi.... it connects to open networks but fails for encryption19:24
Dave-Xneed help with wifi.... it connects to open networks but fails for encryption19:24
Dave-Xneed help with wifi.... it connects to open networks but fails for encryption19:24
FloodBot1Dave-X: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.19:24
XamuskLaNCeloT_RW, I don't know what could be causing it then19:24
dfriisyou must understand that I _have_ tried to google this, but even if I get hits on everything i don't get hits on my particular choice of setup19:24
rafalUnable to obtain sector size for /dev/hdb7Failed to setup dm-crypt key mapping.19:24
rafalCheck kernel for support for the aes-cbc-plain cipher spec and verify19:24
rafalhow to fix this19:25
LaNCeloT_RWXamusk, don't worry mate19:25
rafalI use cryptsetup19:25
LaNCeloT_RWXamusk, thanks!19:25
FloodBot1rafal: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.19:25
hwildeDave-X, man iwconfig19:25
EminXPDF to WordProcessor, I need a converter (software), can u help me19:25
hwilde!pdf | EminX19:25
ubottuEminX: pdf is the Portable Document Format created by Adobe; viewable in GNU/Linux with xpdf/kpdf/evince, and also adobe reader (free download, but closed source)19:25
lazertek_CutMeOwnThroat: getting horrible download speed too19:25
LaNCeloT_RWXamusk, sometimes it seems to be too sensitive to the click sometimes don't19:25
jlewiscould someone walk me through changing my DNS so it will not revert back to the default?19:26
=== Shadow_X|sleep is now known as Shadow_X
XamuskLaNCeloT_RW, maybe it's a driver issue, but I wouldn't know19:26
Picijlewis: You mean it reverts after you get a new address from your router?19:26
Neulinggm-c: Samsung YP-U3J19:26
rafalwhy this stupid thing doesnt work19:26
LaNCeloT_RWXamusk, thanks anyway.. :-) I can get used to this hehehe everything to be away from Vista and Xp or 9819:26
* rafal whips LUKS developers19:26
Hasonehey, I'm having problems with X (and maybe others) and I think it's a corrupted or missing library19:27
Ghost-Ram running Gutsy but while installing "flashplugin-nonfree " it says md5sum mismatch so its not installed ?19:27
Hasonewhere should I go to find the appropriate expert?19:27
mercutio22Hello. I am having wifi trouble again. This used to work: http://ph.ubuntuforums.com/showthread.php?s=8c940dfabc0feb5dc2f60dfd780771ad&t=81678019:27
hwildejlewis, put the right dns servers in /etc/resolv.conf     then if you don't wnat it to overwrite edit /etc/dhcp3/dhclient.conf and tell it not to request domain-name-servers19:27
ubottuTo install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash (a recent version for !Dapper is available in !backports) - See also !Restricted and !Gnash19:27
mercutio22The latest kernel update broke wireless19:27
hwildeHasone, do you have an error message or something19:27
Picijlewis: I suspect you need to add a line to your /etc/dhcp3/dhclient.conf that contains something like: prepend domain-name-servers,;19:27
m-cneulingg: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=531337319:27
Picijlewis: Those are mine for OpenDNS19:27
rafalmercutio22: heh....19:27
jlewisPici: I'm trying to set the OpenDNS DNS on my laptop, but every time I do, it reverts back to the old settings.19:27
mercutio22rafal: any idea?19:28
HasoneI have a few error messages, and I have a backtrace, hwilde. is there somewhere I can post it?19:28
rafalmercutio22: use better distro>19:28
Neulinggm-c: ok thanks will have a look19:28
Pici!attitude | rafal19:28
ubotturafal: The people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines19:28
EminXubottu: Can I oppen a pdf with OpenOffice app and convert it as wordProcessor doc19:28
ubottuEminX: Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)19:28
hwildemercutio22, just follow those instructions and rebuild the package for the new kernel19:28
dfriisok, nice talking to you. I'll google some more and get back to you all. hopefully I'll ask better questions then...19:28
hwildeHasone, pastebin  check the link from the bot19:28
hwilde!pastebin | HAso19:28
ubottuHAso: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)19:28
hwilde!pastebin | Hasone19:28
ubottuHasone: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)19:28
jlewisPici: I have done that, and saved it, yet it still reverts back after I close the Network tool. Thoughts?19:28
roshanhey can anyone tell me how 2 get my sound working in hardy heron..i have installed alsa...nd all related wid alsa... but still i cant hear anything19:28
rafalwell dear voluneer, how to make damn LUKS work on my 7.1019:28
m-cHasone: This is just community support.  If you need professional support, then I heartily encourage you to purchase a support agreement from the many, many organizations that sell linux support.19:28
hwildejlewis, Pici,  put the right dns servers in /etc/resolv.conf     then if you don't wnat it to overwrite edit /etc/dhcp3/dhclient.conf and tell it not to request domain-name-servers19:28
mercutio22hwilde: done that already. For some reason it doesn't work anylonger19:28
hwildemercutio22, you have to rebuild it for the new kernel19:29
jlewisPici: Ok, I'll give that a try and get backto you.19:29
mercutio22hwilde: exactly. I tried that. By doind "sudo make clean" and "sudo make install" from the installation files directory19:30
hwildemercutio22, you need new headers and stuff to go with the new kernel....19:30
mercutio22hwilde: what exactly do I have to do to get new headers and stuff?19:31
snittyi have e8400, ati hd4850, and 4gb of ram.  Should i use 32-bit or 64-bit19:32
mercutio22hwilde: don't you think re-following the thread's recipe would do?19:32
gord_hello, I cant change the brightness of my laptop screen. It changes when I plug in/unplug my power, but I see no dialogue in power management for my screen brightness19:32
snittyi have e8400, ati hd4850, and 4gb of ram.  Should i use 32-bit or 64-bit19:33
hwildemercutio22, I have a feeling you're still using the older kernel headers tho.   what doesn't work about it exactly, do you have an error message?19:33
m-csnitty: Why not set up two partitions on your hard drive and try out both types.  I use 64-bit, but there are some proprietary programs that some people run that run only in 32-bit19:33
Hasonehwilde: the bt and the errors have been pasted under my name19:33
doug_any have issues installing firefox 3.19:33
EminXPDF to WordProcessor, I need a converter (software), can u help me19:33
doug_i cant get past firefox 3 beta 519:33
snittym-c its for the family, and I dont want it to become a mess19:33
mercutio22hwilde: not really... Everything seemed to compile flawlessly19:33
gord_you'll need 64 bit to address all your memory, but some apps might not run in 64 (wine in particular)19:34
snittyi need everything to work, what is more stable and compatible?19:34
Hasoneif anyone else wants to take a look at it, I'd be grateful. I kinda need my X working properly :)19:34
doug_eminx search google is your friend19:34
paoloDoes anyone know why in "keyboard shortcuts" in gnome there is only workspace 1 and 2?19:34
snittygord_:  thanks, I need wine for games, I guess it's decided19:34
hwildemercutio22, so what is the error19:34
gord_you can run wine, but it requires a lot more work19:34
snittybtw, whats with cedega19:34
hwildeHasone, copy and paste the url to me ok19:34
doug_my wine works fine i have 64 bit19:34
=== conflict is now known as Conflict
doug_i had to do no extra work for 64bit wine19:34
gord_snitty, what do you mean?19:34
snittygord_:  cedega, or wine for current games19:35
gord_!tell snitty about cedega19:35
ubottusnitty, please see my private message19:35
doug_btw anyone with firefox issues or advice i need help19:35
mercutio22hwilde: There just are no wireless interfaces available even though I compiled madwifi without errors19:35
Hasonedid you get that, hwilde?19:35
Fructosedoug_: What's the issue you're having?19:35
porncakehey guys im trying to upgrade my kernel to get my iwl4965 to upgrade19:35
porncakewhere is my current kernel config (my how-to says i should save it)19:36
porncakebut i dont know where it is :)19:36
doug_i cant upgrade past firefox beta519:36
dbrewer_rjri seem to have missplaced phpmyadmin on my hardy lamp server. It was working fine, and now 'cannot find server'. anyone seen this??19:36
Fructosedoug_: Why not?19:36
albechI'm having some nvidia problems: http://nopaste.com/p/aO37mK5Eu19:36
porncake'cp your .config from your old kernel or /boot/ to new kernel source directory (/usr/src/linux-' <-- can someone tell me the location of the config files i need?19:37
doug_when i install firefox-3.0 it installs firefox beta 519:37
snittyi dont understand, what is cedega cvs and why is it free19:37
albechit appears to be a general module problem.. i dont know what has happened to my modules19:37
Fructosedoug_: What's "it"?19:38
Hasonehas anybody heard of a file called FreeEData.c?19:38
roshanplz tell me how 2 get my sound working in hardy heron19:38
=== eragon77 is now known as eragon`afk
unlinkmy computer crashes when i try to switch resolutions19:38
Viper1432snitty cvs cedega is ancient and isn't really supported.  you're better off getting wine or crossover's stuff tbh19:38
=== Exteris_ is now known as Exteris
doug_im sorryu19:38
unlinkwell, it doesn't actually crash, the display just flickers and i have no visual feedback19:38
justs0mewhy when trying to install compiz throguh the menu of desktop effects it says "there was an error commiting chages.  Possibly there was a problem downloading some packages or the commit would break packages"?  i have the nvidia driver installed19:38
Fructosesnitty: Cedega is more-or-less commercial software that relies on open source software. To get around this, they release their software in an inconvenient way in the hopes that you'll pay for it instead.19:38
doug_ubuntu 7.10 64bit gusty using synap, apt-get, aptitude and add removee19:38
doug_they all install 3.0 beta 519:39
snittyah i see.  What is best for playing games like crysis, bioshock, etc.19:39
Viper1432snitty, paid for cedega or crossover games are the best bets.19:40
Viper1432straight wine works as well, but you are on your own configuring stuff.19:40
MeniShevitzanybody here able to help on setting up ubuntu on a via umpc?19:41
Fructosesnitty: Sadly, best is still Windows for most games. There are only a few that work well in Linux.19:41
m-cBuy some games that support Ubuntu19:41
roshanplz tell me how 2 get my sound working in hardy heron19:41
unlinkremove pa, heh19:41
snittywow cedega has a monthly fee.... i'll stick to xbox 36019:41
Viper1432Fructose,  I have to slightly disagree.  about 90% of the games I've tried do WORK under wine.  Some not perfect but its getting a helluva lot better.19:41
rafaelscj!ask -> roshan19:41
ubotturoshan, please see my private message19:41
MeniShevitzroshan: is that you Omer?19:41
tuxianerhi, does anybody have an idea for linux cluster systems, i will use to machines for vm´s and they should in a cluster19:42
MeniShevitzanyway, we need to know what's your sound card first19:42
roshanno i m not omer19:42
MeniShevitzdo "sudo apt-get install pcitools"19:42
FructoseViper1432: So where is the disagreement? I said "work well" not "work".19:42
MeniShevitzfigured, Omer's too lazy to go on irc to ask :P19:42
legend2440porncake: its in the   /boot   folder  and is called  something like   config-2.6.24-19-generic   depending on which kernel you are using19:42
MeniShevitzwas hoping for a second though19:42
Viper1432Fructose,  work = work decently.  work well is a matter of degree at that point.19:42
LaNCeloT_RWanyone here with Keyboard EN_GB who uses Cedilha , C with a sign under it??19:42
SaGeHi, I booted up my external drive and it did not mount because of not being root. I want any drives automatically mounted, is there a way to do this?19:42
* piip has stupid question want ask.19:43
Deus_Gearhey guys when I right click in ubuntu the bluetooth manager i see my wireless blue tooth mouse19:43
amikropIs there some GAME BOY (ADVANCED or COLOUR, or better) emulator?19:43
MeniShevitzpiip - just ask :)19:43
Deus_Gearbut how do i actually connect it?19:43
GrackleWhy is the OEM install not listed on the ubuntu 8.04 alternate disc?19:43
piipright, is there an idiot's guide to ubuntu?19:43
piipMy dad just got me started on it, and I'm a bit lost.19:43
SaGepiip- yea sorta19:43
Stormx2piip: What do you need to do?19:43
GrackleDeus_Gear, in preferences, perhaps19:43
SaGepiip there is official documentation, gives you the basic stuff19:43
fyrestrtrpiip: help.ubuntu.com19:43
Stormx2piip: No guide can cover all usage situations.19:43
snittywhat popular games work well with wine?19:43
GrackleDeus_Gear, you can bond the device there.19:44
Fructosesnitty: World of Warcraft19:44
fyrestrtrsnitty: winehq.org19:44
SaGesnitty- steam games, like tf2, counter strike etc19:44
MeniShevitzhehe... i think there's a "ubuntu for dummies" and sure there's linux for dummies19:44
piipjust basic setup things, I've managed to instal codecs and whatnot, but I'm not sure what I'm doing most of the time.19:44
MeniShevitzthey're not free though19:44
piipthat's alright.19:44
snittywhat is steam?19:44
piipit just sort of hit me that I'm not even sure what a repository is19:44
SaGesnitty the developer valve uses it, it just manages a bunch of games19:44
fyrestrtrpiip: the starting place is help.ubuntu.com -- then there is the ubuntu wiki as well, and built in documentation for gnome that you can access from the system.19:44
Deus_Geargrackle: i right click it, then browse device. i select the mouse hit connect19:44
Stormx2!packages | piip19:44
ubottupiip: You can browse and search for Ubuntu packages using !Synaptic, !Adept, "apt-cache search <keywords or regex>", the "apt:/" URL in KDE, or online at http://packages.ubuntu.com - Ubuntu has about 20000 packages available, so please *search* for an official package before installing things in awkward ways!19:44
snittysage:  ok19:45
MeniShevitzpiip: steam is valve software's online game authentication/store service19:45
henri Is there any program for Ubuntu for cutting videos?19:45
Deus_Gearand then i get: error: host down19:45
L0stm4nanyone know why they release kernel updates without updating the kernel modules to go with it? Kind of annoying letting updates go off and breaking virtualbox19:45
lazertek_can anyone tell me why dns outage happens?19:45
piipokay, well, thanks guys19:45
ubottuFor information about the Sound Juicer ripping application see: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CDRipping. To rip an Audio CD in KDE, put it in and then put audiocd:// in the Konqueror URL bar19:45
Stormx2piip: A repository is just a store of installable programs. You can use a program like Synaptic to download and install programs from a repo for you.19:45
fyrestrtrlazertek_: when servers go down :)19:45
MeniShevitzit's for developers l0stm4n19:45
Fructosehenri: Do you meaning "cutting" as in "editing"?19:45
snittyi see buying games does not work.  With steam, do i buy the game at a store, than run it in steam in wine?19:45
L0stm4nvirtualbox is for developers?19:45
MindVirusIs anyone having issues installing some nspr thing?19:46
henriFructose: Yes19:46
MeniShevitzsnitty: i don't know if steam runs under wine, and if it does how well does it run.19:46
MeniShevitzi haven't been into wine for a while.19:46
snittyit runs perfect under wine19:46
Fructosehenri: Yes, there are. Did you try searching with Synaptic?19:46
fyrestrtrno, virtualbox is for virtualization.19:46
L0stm4nI use virtualbox all the time for running windows apps that don't work with wine19:46
Stormx2snitty, appdb.winehq.org19:46
GrackleDeus_Gear, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=227057 You can do it this way. Perhaps the gui tools don't support it.19:46
SaGeI have a simple question. I have a harddrive I want to mount but I do not know the device name (e.g. hda etc.), how can I find this out quickly?19:46
lazertek_fyrestrtr: so that mean anybody using that dns wouldn't be having those problems too right19:46
MeniShevitzyou can buy the games through steam, or feed steam the serials.19:46
snittyah i see.19:47
Stormx2SaGe: sudo fdisk -l ?19:47
snittyso if i use a keygen, i get games for free?19:47
henri Fructose: is it the same as "Add/Remove" in Applications?19:47
Fructosehenri: No19:47
MeniShevitzlol no snitty. most keygen serials are blacklisted.19:47
SaGeStormx2: thanks :D19:47
lazertek_fyrestrtr: i mean anybody using that dns has those problems right19:47
snittydang it19:47
MeniShevitzit's worth a try though, if you like being a jerk :P19:47
MeniShevitzi know i do :D19:47
fyrestrtrlazertek_: depends on what the problem is? Are you unable to lookup a zone? Is your local DNS forwarder down? Is the domain suspended?19:47
snittyi like keeping my money :)19:47
Fructosehenri: System > Administration > Synaptic Package Manager19:47
=== Exteris- is now known as Exteris
Stormx2SaGe, just do you know, a device like "/dev/hda" represents the entire disk drive, while "/dev/hda1" represents a partition on said drive.19:48
MeniShevitzwell, you should enjoy not reaping the harvest of other peoples work then as well :P19:48
MeniShevitzbeing two faced is fun :)19:48
fyrestrtrlazertek_: a resolver is just a forwarding agent for requests, which it passes on the chain till it reaches a computer that is authoritative for that domain -- and then you get the response.19:48
paincakesHi. I have installed Hasty, and i cant seem to get it to work with my GFX-card. Running Radeon X155019:48
henriFructose: I do not understand what is the difference between this synaptic thing and the "Add/remove" in Applications.19:48
snittyBIO SHOCK WORKS IN STEAMM!!!!!!19:48
SaGeStormx2: yea i know that, I've had to do quite a few things to get my system working. I just forgot the command, the alternative was booting up gparted and looking that way19:48
tylereHow can I disable Ubuntu's video driver voodoo? Due to some weirdness I installed the latest driver off nvidia.com, and I had it working great. Had to reboot due to alsa issues, and now X is using VESA again, despire xorg.conf specifying nvidia driver19:48
SaGehenri: basically no difference. Which is funny19:49
lazertek_fyrestrtr: i can't browse any website with my isp's dns but i can when i manually browse with the ip addresses...19:49
MeniShevitzsnitty: i really don't think anything that works through steam will work in wine.19:49
paincakesI mean Hardy19:49
Viper1432henri, for basic 'virtualdub' editing in linux, the BEST application is:  avidemux19:49
MeniShevitzsnitty: steam is a online store/service, not a game service.19:49
Stormx2SaGe: You can always install gparted, you know ;)19:49
SaGeSnitty, MeniShevits: alot if not all steam games work.19:49
fyrestrtrlazertek_: this means your ISP's DNS is not working correctly. Change your DNS to and or
SaGeSnitty, MeniShevits: I play tf2 myself19:49
MeniShevitzsnitty, SaGe: it depends on directx 9.1 support.19:49
SaGeSnitty, MeniShevits: not realy.19:50
Gracklehenri, synaptic shows you everything and gives you all the options. It is more powerful than add/remove./19:50
SaGeSnitty, MeniShevits: you can force direct x 8 or 719:50
lazertek_fyrestrtr: i already have the last two from opendns... whats the from?19:50
roshanplz tell me how 2 get my sound working in hardy heron19:50
paincakesI'm running Ubuntu Hardy with Ati Radeon X1550. I've tried a lot of guides, but can't seem to find any that works. I either end up with black screen, or a totally blank screen when i loin to my useraccount.19:50
SebNaitsabesYesterday I  was successful doing a VNC -listen with someone after following this and making sure it was listening on port 5500.  http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=299489  however today it did not work.  also by the sounds of it what we did there was not very secure.  what's the correct and secure way to do a vnc -listen?  also todays errors on the other persons end is:  http://pastebin.com/m7f12423719:50
SaGeSnitty, MeniShevits: you do take a performance hit though so, you have to be careful19:50
fyrestrtrlazertek_: its a Tier 1 dns service.19:50
joaopintoMeniShevitz, snitty , snake can you move the wine related talk to #winehq or to #ubuntu-offtopic ? thanks19:50
MeniShevitzSaGe: the whatchamacall it half life 2 engine is extremely scalable.19:50
joaopintoops, snake=sage19:50
Stormx2!sound | roshan19:50
ubotturoshan: If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP319:50
=== Squawk_ is now known as Squawk
MeniShevitzSaGe: it probably runs on directx 7.0/8.0 routines19:50
lazertek_fyrestrtr: i'll try that because the opendns is working too slow19:50
paincakes!ati paincakes19:50
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about ati paincakes19:50
snittyi didnt know of wine hq, thanks19:51
Fructosehenri: Figure it out?19:51
snittythanks for the help people19:51
SaGeMeniShevitz: It can run dx9/8/7 for sure.19:51
Stormx2!msgthebot | paincakes19:51
ubottupaincakes: Please investigate with me only in /msg or in #ubuntu-bots (type also /msg ubottu Bot). Don't use commands in the public channels if you don't know if they really exist. Also avoid adding joke/useless factoids.19:51
fyrestrtrlazertek_: from Level 319:51
MeniShevitzjoaopinto: i'm there, thanks19:51
fyrestrtrlazertek_: opendns has been having problems lately.19:51
duo_Anybody know how how to fix  the annoying problem of the tool tips for icons deciding that they randomly want to open and stay on screen for a long ass time till another decides to take it's place?19:51
paincakesSoo... anyone else running X1550 Gfx-card?19:51
roshanplzz tell me wer can i find this file---> change device??19:51
sotec_prodDon't crucify me for this question. It's an honest question and I need an honest answer being as how my new boss wants 5 monitors on one computer. The OS doesn't really matter at this point, I just need to know is it possible on slightly older hardware?19:51
lazertek_fyrestrtr: what do you mean when you said level 3?19:51
fyrestrtrduo_: don't have that problem so don't know the cure.19:52
henriFructose: I will! Thanks :]19:52
sotec_prodlike P4's19:52
fyrestrtrlazertek_: Level 3 is a ISP for ISPs ;)19:52
Fructoseroshan: What makes you think that's a file you should be looking for?19:52
SaGesotec_prod: Yes, its not really the cpu that matters. You can either buy an expensive adapter which supports 4 or 6 natively, or you can get a few graphics cards in your machien19:52
SebNaitsabesYesterday I  was successful doing a VNC -listen with someone after following this and making sure it was listening on port 5500.  http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=299489  however today it did not work.  also by the sounds of it what we did there was not very secure.  what's the correct and secure way to do a vnc -listen?  also todays errors on the other persons end is:  http://pastebin.com/m7f12423719:52
SebNaitsabes[19:50] <SaGe> Snitty, MeniShevits: you do take a performance hit though so, you have to be careful19:53
roshani m actually wanting 2 see a movie... nd i get the movie running but no sound19:53
SaGesotec_prod: it just comes down to how many plugs you have on the back :P19:53
sotec_prodSaGe: Can I throw 2 or 3 PCI cards in the regular PCI slots?19:53
_xyzhelp: I'm having a hard time installing Torcs, following this: http://pastebin.ca/1075811 . /usr/local/share/games/torcs installed successfully, /usr/local/lib/torcs doesnt exist and /usr/local/bin contains no executables19:53
lazertek_fyrestrtr: ah... i am in congo tho currently so that won't give me slow responses right?19:53
fyrestrtrsotec_prod: one slot = one card19:53
SaGesotec_prod: what kind of hardware are you running off of?19:53
fyrestrtrlazertek_: no, it should be very fast.19:53
Fructoseroshan: A lot of people recommend using VLC for video. What are you using?19:53
sotec_prodor does the video card have to go into the special PCI video card slots19:53
lazertek_fyrestrtr: so i have them all except i put the first... that would be the same as having only that since it would try that first right?19:54
jordan_cbr/etc/ldap/schema/samba.schema: line 193 attributetype: Duplicate attributeType: ""19:54
sotec_prodwell, it will most likely be a P4, like the Dell optiplex systems (as an example). Business based computers mostly, but I will be building it from scratch since he's got about 500 computers for the taking.19:54
jordan_cbrcan someone helpme?19:54
SaGesotec_prod: yes a video card goes in the video card slot :P19:54
fyrestrtrlazertek_: yes, but generally request are cached.19:54
roshanFructose: i m just using MPEG player19:54
amikropHello. I have a Game Boy Advance game (in an actuall Game Boy disquette). Is there any way I can play it in my pc?19:55
fyrestrtrlazertek_: which means that it won't try it for a request you have already made -- you'll have to restart your networking to clear the DNS cache and then it will request from the first listed nameserver in /etc/resolv.conf19:55
SaGesotec_prod: you have two options. Get an adapter card for around 400$ and that will do it, or you can get two Pci-e video cards, most have 2 dvi slots on them, thats 4 monitors for about half the price19:55
Daisuke_Laptopamikrop: no.19:55
sotec_prodSaGe, I know that. But there is the video card pci slot and the other pci slots. The video card pci slot is set offset.19:55
amikropDaisuke_Ido: Not even with some emulator?19:55
phexAnyonw know howto make apt-get recreate databases automatically for an application if you reinstall it?19:55
Daisuke_Laptopamikrop: those are rom catridges with built-in sram for game saves19:55
sotec_prodSaGe: so I am going to need a motherboard with 2 video card slots.19:56
SaGesotec_prod: Yes.19:56
Fructoseroshan: I usually just use VLC and don't have any problems. I don't know much about the other media players.19:56
Daisuke_Laptopamikrop: the best you could do is download the rom and play with an emulator19:56
amikropDaisuke_Laptop: Can't I use such a thing?19:56
amikropDaisuke_Laptop: Where can I download the ROM, from?19:56
roshanFructose: kk i''lll try using it19:56
SaGesotec_prod: a lot of modern motherboards come with multiple slots.19:56
SaGesotec_prod: an nVidia one has 3 pci-e slots all running at 16X19:56
lazertek_fyrestrtr: hmm... so i have to restart my network... but once the dns is resolved my download speed won't make a difference because of the dns would it?19:56
Daisuke_Laptopthat would be piracy, and i will not discuss that here19:56
Daisuke_Laptopuse google19:56
SaGesotec_prod: so its not un common or anything19:57
sotec_prodyea, but he's looking to spend no money at all since he's got a warehouse full19:57
fyrestrtrlazertek_: download speed has nothing to do with DNS19:57
sotec_prodSaGe, yea, I know. I'm talking limited or no budget here.19:57
SaGesotec_prod: OH!19:57
lazertek_fyrestrtr: that's what i thought... thanks.. i appreciate it19:57
SaGesotec_prod: I was under the impression you had money, thats why you were building it yourself19:57
sotec_prodI'm just trying to find out what my options are with what he has.19:57
sotec_prodyes :D19:57
SaGesotec_prod: you may be able to emulate it, though I am not sure19:57
SaGesotec_prod: how recent of parts do you have?19:57
lazertek_fyrestrtr: also if i use a different dns than the routers will that admin be able to monitor what sites i am browsing?19:57
fyrestrtrphex: try dpkg-reconfigure nameofapp19:57
fyrestrtrlazertek_: of course.19:58
amikropDaisuke_Laptop: Piracy? But I own the game.19:58
fyrestrtrlazertek_: a DNS is not a proxy.19:58
Daisuke_Laptopdoesn't matter, use google.19:58
sotec_prodSaGe: I know that I can get 3 working over a network using some software, no problem. But I'm looking at 5 because that's what he asked for.19:58
Daisuke_Laptopif you can't google for it, that isn't my issue, we don't discuss that here.19:58
SaGesotec_prod: how recent is the hardware you have availible?19:58
lazertek_fyrestrtr: is there anyway to hide that.. not that i need to but just curious19:58
fyrestrtrlazertek_: use a proxy service19:59
sysop1972genii: as soon as I enable that usermap I can no longer access the folder.  Is it possible that it cant find the file?  When I create the file with scite I am just saving it without an extension.19:59
sotec_prodSaGe: like I said, it's mostly bulk business and municipal computers, so the P4 era mostly19:59
lazertek_fyrestrtr: but what if i am connecting to a open connection for example... i can't use a proxy there19:59
SaGesotec_prod: I am not sure your options, are we talking AGP?19:59
sotec_produnfortunately most are Dell or Compaq19:59
fyrestrtrlazertek_: depends on the proxy and what ports it allows. You can have a web proxy, a ssl proxy, a ftp proxy, etc.20:00
shadfcim having problems with my system getting really choppy every few minutes.  It usually lasts around 5 seconds and then everything is back to normal.   Any ideas?  Its a fresh hardy install20:00
sotec_prodSaGe: I'm taking AGP and PCI into account, although most of the Dells he has are Optiplex, newer, slimmer form factor20:00
sotec_prodso pci20:00
meoblast001im using dgen and sdl is reporting no audio device available20:00
SaGesotec_prod: You may be able to find a PCI display adapter that is made for multiple monitors20:00
meoblast001i've been getting strang audio problems lately where only 1 program can create audio at a time20:00
lazertek_fyrestrtr: so if i connect to a college network for example... how can i setup a proxy there?20:01
sysop1972genii : Should there be anything else inn the smbusers file other than that line?\20:01
sotec_prodSaGe: there is no limit to the amount of parts, the only thing is, will the parts limit this project.20:01
SaGesotec_prod: That is how you got multiple monitors in the first place way back when20:01
sotec_prodpci display adapter. I'll try that20:01
lazertek_fyrestrtr: well i would have to set it up on my computer right... so how would i do that20:01
fyrestrtrlazertek_: you connect to a proxy, then you connect to the network you want. The proxy should already be setup beforehand.20:01
Fructoseshadfc: Have you tried looking at the System Monitor or top to see what happens during that 5 seconds?20:01
lazertek_fyrestrtr: but the proxy server would be my own computer right?20:01
fyrestrtrlazertek_: its no use to set it up on your computer because you won't be hiding anything. The proxy should be outside your network for it to be useful.20:01
sotec_prodSaGe: but this is of course extending the desktop, not cloning the desktop. He wants an array, not a bunch of copies.20:01
SaGesotec_prod: display adapter is the same as video card, so you'll have to scower google, probably for something like old posts on how to setup a dual monitor rig or something like that.20:01
SaGesotec_prod: yea20:02
lazertek_fyrestrtr: any outside proxy's i can connect to?20:02
SaGesotec_prod: I am not sure if you will be able to get 5 out of it this way though, but you may be able to.20:02
sotec_prodi've tried that search already, but I'll give it another go. All I found was desktop broadcasting boxes20:02
phexfyrestrtr - thanx, that worked like a charm :)20:02
sotec_prodI'll try it SaGe, thanks20:02
fyrestrtrlazertek_: google is your friend :)20:02
SaGesotec_prod: I can take a quick look now :)20:02
lazertek_fyrestrtr: that's exactly what i'm doing except my connection is too slow for some reason20:03
shadfcFructose: i tried running top but nothing jumps when it happens even with a low refresh delay (.1 - .5 seconds).  Seems like it happens too suddenly and bogs the system down too much to reflect in it before its done20:03
SaGesotec_prod: I can get you a link to the new adapter stuff, give me a minute20:04
sotec_prodok thanks20:04
markqvistHi there everyone. I'm having a problem, and if anyone has some pointers, I would be very happy. I'm currently installing Ubuntu JeOS on a laptop for use in a project i'm doing, but when i connect a slim apple usb keyboard, it simply doesn't respond at all. Why is this? Do i need to enable it somehow? I'm not running any graphical interface at all right now, only text console.20:04
fyrestrtrlazertek_: probably because your proxy is overloaded.20:04
lazertek_fyrestrtr: i don't have a proxy setup... i have dhcp setup on my router20:04
lazertek_fyrestrtr: and a different dns on my computer20:05
paincakesI tried to run: sudo apt-get install linux-restricted-modules-generic restricted-manager20:05
paincakesi get : You should explicitly select one to install.20:05
paincakesE: Package restricted-manager has no installation candidate20:05
daedramarkqvist: can you unplug it and then type?20:05
daedramarkqvist: if so, type dmesg20:06
fyrestrtrlazertek_: again -- the DNS is not a proxy. DNS will just help you in the initial request to find the IP address of a host. DHCP is assigning you a private IP from your router.  Your *public* IP is what the router is getting from your ISP. So, anything you access is linked to your public IP. To access something not allowed, you need to connect to the proxy from your public IP, then have the proxy connect to the restricted site, and th20:06
fyrestrtren send you the information. This way, the connect logs from the router only show access to the proxy machine's IP.20:06
Fructoseshadfc: What version are you using?20:06
markqvistdaedra, i tried unpluggin, pluggin it in again, and rebooting with it both plugged in and out... doesn't respond at all.20:06
fyrestrtrlazertek_: I cannot be more verbose than that :)20:06
_xyzif i used the sudo make, make install and make datainstall routine, what's the reverse of it (how do I uninstall it)?20:06
daedramarkqvist: ok, try this20:06
markqvistthe caps lock key isn't responding either20:06
shadfcFructose: hardy heron20:07
daedramarkqvist: run `watch lsusb >> errorlog.txt`20:07
daedraand then plug it in20:07
markqvistokay.. one moment...20:07
lazertek_fyrestrtr: what you just said gave me a better understanding... so you are saying that i have to setup the proxy on my router to a public proxy right20:08
fyrestrtrlazertek_: yes, the proxy needs to be outside your network -- it needs to be a computer on the Internet.20:08
fyrestrtrlazertek_: for example, a public web proxy is hidemyass.com20:09
fyrestrtrlazertek_: go there, and type any website you want to visit.20:09
Rewt`ok, somehow or another, FireFox now starts "on top" of everything, including the system bars20:09
lazertek_fyrestrtr: I get it now... just another quick question... there wouldn't be a way to get a faster speed than what the isp is limiting your speed to right..20:09
Fructoseshadfc: I don't know of any recent issues like that. You might examine your running programs to see if any might perform some processor-intensive operations every few minutes. I've heard of Apache doing that.20:09
fyrestrtrlazertek_: upgrade your connection, get another ISP.20:09
shadfcFructose: it almost seems like its still the firefox fsync problem, but im using a recent version direct from mozilla and i thought they addressed that20:10
SaGesotec_prod: still with me?20:10
markqvistdaedra: okay... the textfile displays four entries, one of them recognized as "Apple Computer, Inc". The other as "Apple Computer Inc. Hub in Apple Aluminium Keyboard"20:10
lazertek_fyrestrtr: i'm in congo paying 200 dollars for a 100kpbs connection...20:10
sotec_prodSaGe, I20:10
lazertek_fyrestrtr: one of the best deals around here20:10
sotec_prodam here20:10
xTheGoat121xAfternoon everyone20:10
Fructoseshadfc: Well, does it happen when Firefox is closed?20:10
SaGesotec_prod: I have found what you want :)20:10
fyrestrtrlazertek_: I'd say you have bigger problems than your internet speed if you are in the congo.20:10
daedramarkqvist: ok I've thought of a more useful output20:10
=== Kopfgeldjaeger is now known as kgj2
cleatonhow can i change wich audio card alsa should use?20:10
shadfcFructose: well, its not predictable, but i closed firefox a few minutes ago and it hasn't happened yet20:10
lazertek_fyrestrtr: that's true but i got my security too20:11
markqvistdaedra: and then there's one for my usb disk, working fine. And a last one with ID 0000:000 which i guess is just some root hub or something...20:11
cleatonfrom the terminal20:11
daedramarkqvist: try this:  watch eval 'dmesg | tail' >> errorlog2.txt20:11
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daedraso your keyboard is recognised...20:11
SaGesotec_prod: I am not sure how old the technology is, you may be able to find one lying around. If you can, try and find one that isn't usb, though I am not sure how much of an impact that will have20:11
SaGesotec_prod: I am also not sure how much stress it will put on the videocard, but try and get the best you can find20:11
SaGesotec_prod: you want something like that, but obviously doesn't have to be that one :)20:12
soulchildHi all,... is there the mplayer plugin for ff3 ?20:12
Fructoseshadfc: I'm not much help here, then. There is a #firefox channel here and one on the official Mozilla IRC network.20:12
lazertek_fyrestrtr: 1 last thing... my wireless card stopped working after i upgraded my kernel and my ubuntu from 8.04 to 8.04.1.. so i would have to re-install my card right?20:12
lazertek_fyrestrtr: or do i just need to reactivate?20:12
sotec_prodYes, I did see this yesterday when I was researching. It's a great idea, though, they're quite expensive.20:13
shadfcFructose: ahh, its not firefox. it just happened again with firefox closed20:13
SaGesotec_prod: yea, this one only supports 3 monitors, then 3 mirror. So you'll have to see what you can find20:13
fyrestrtrlazertek_: I don't know about it, but seems you might need to reinstall it if its a kernel module. My wireless is supported without such headaches so I have no experience with it.20:13
soulchildMplayer-plugin for firefox 3 ???20:13
sotec_prodthat supports 3? *looks again*20:13
SaGesotec_prod: the other kind is a newer video adapter, its basically just the same as a graphics card only less power but more monitor output, I can't seem to find it though.20:14
lazertek_fyrestrtr: yea i had to use madwifi... guess i'll reinstall and sees how it goes...20:14
thaniusHi there, I need help with mounting permissions. EVerytime I mount a remote space, my users can't write to it in the mountpoint20:14
SaGesotec_prod: yea, you have to be careful, it supports up to 6, but further down it says 1 primary, 2 extened, 3 mirror20:14
Deus_Gearhey guys can someone help me with 945GME. i cant get compiz to turn on20:14
ubottuPartitioning programs: !GParted or QTParted (also "man mkfs" for formatting) - Mounting partitions in !GNOME under !Dapper: System -> Administration -> Disks - For !Edgy and later, see !fstab and !DiskMounter20:14
thaniusI want it to be automounted via fstab during boot20:14
ubottuCompiz (compositing window manager) and XGL (X server architecture layered on top of OpenGL) - Howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager - help in #compiz-fusion20:14
lazertek_fyrestrtr: you mind if ask you about getting my screen to be expanded... i got it setup so i can mirror it on my external display but i want it to be extended desktop instead of mirror20:14
ubottumplayer is a media player. It resides in the mutiverse repository and can easily be installed via applications -> add/remove. For codecs try !codecs20:15
cleatonhow can i change default audio card from the terminal?20:15
sotec_prodah. in the first paragraph it states that you can expand a spreadsheet over 6 monitors.20:15
thaniusHow do I put permissions in fstab?20:15
fyrestrtr!xinerama | lazertek_20:15
ubottulazertek_: xinerama is an extension to !X to use two or more physical displays as one large virtual display. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/XineramaHowTo - See also !DualHead20:15
thaniusGoogle gives me nothing20:15
SaGesotec_prod: this particular company is pretty shoddy, thats why I dont recommend them20:15
ubottuInformation about dual-head on linux can be found on http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/DualHead - See also !Xinerama20:15
fuhgawzhi all20:16
ubottuxinerama is an extension to !X to use two or more physical displays as one large virtual display. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/XineramaHowTo - See also !DualHead20:16
sotec_prodSaGe: That's fine. I saw a few different companies that produce these. I'll delve into those and see what I can come up with. Thanks a lot SaGe!20:16
froldhowto let totem show subtitles in .srt format?20:16
SaGesotec_prod no problem :D20:16
lazertek_can i use xinerama on ati... i heard it doesn't work as well on ati cards20:16
fuhgawzhi i need to view a hardware raid from ubuntu, the server its conected to a dell powervault20:16
fyrestrtrlazertek_: its vendor agnostic.20:17
fuhgawzwhen i do a sudo fdisk -l it only shows my internal scsi disk20:17
fyrestrtrlazertek_: but nvidia has twinview which makes life easy.20:17
lazertek_fyrestrtr: cool... thanks man... i appreciate it a lot... i owe u 120:17
fyrestrtrfuhgawz: sudo fdisk -l /dev/yourotherdevice20:17
fyrestrtrlazertek_: no problem.20:17
c_kornI have a NVIDIA NVS 140 in my laptop. I want to add more resolutions than 1280x800 to make playing older games using wine in a lower resolution possible. nvidia-settings is only showing 1280x800 resolution (ubuntu 8.04)20:18
fuhgawzlazertek_ i cant find my other device20:18
thaniusBump, how do I put writing permissions in fstab?20:18
=== Kopfgeldjaeger is now known as Kopfgeldjaeger2
madohi guys ... i'd like to switch off the screen-saver completly ... how do i go about it?20:18
lazertek_fuhgawz: what other device?20:18
fuhgawzthe powervault20:19
=== Kopfgeldjaeger2 is now known as Kopfgeldjaeger
lazertek_fuhgawz: i think you meant that for fyrestrtr20:19
Deus_Gearso can someone help me with 945GME20:19
Deus_Geari cant enable compiz20:19
SaGeIs there a way to change mounting permissions? When i start up my external drive it says 'failed to mount do not have permission' I want permission to always be given so I dont have to manually mount it20:19
lazertek_Deus_Gear: make sure your video card is isntalled20:19
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fuhgawzoh yes sorry20:20
Deus_Gearlazertek: haha20:20
madohas anybody an idea??20:20
Deus_Gearits an eeepc90120:20
fyrestrtr!mount | SaGe20:20
ubottuSaGe: Partitioning programs: !GParted or QTParted (also "man mkfs" for formatting) - Mounting partitions in !GNOME under !Dapper: System -> Administration -> Disks - For !Edgy and later, see !fstab and !DiskMounter20:20
=== mado is now known as mado-ka
mado-kahas anybody an idea??20:20
lazertek_Deus_Gear: ah... what error does it give you20:20
geniisysop1972: Back. The file called smbusers   is in either /etc or in /etc/samba  and the    username map = /etc/one-of -those-places in smb.conf.   The smbusers file syntax is as you have.eg: unixname = sambaname1 sambaname2            and so on. There should also be a blank line below this, or at least to put a carriage return after last sambaname.20:21
Deus_Geari ran the compiz check app20:21
fuhgawzfyrestrtr im using xfe420:21
Deus_Gearand it gave me ok for everyone20:21
SaGefyrestrtr: I know how to mount, I just want to know how to allow any mounting, so I dont have to do it manually20:21
Deus_Gearbut if i run compiz --replace20:21
fyrestrtrSaGe: add it to /etc/fstab20:21
Slartmado-ka: system, preferences, uncheck "Activate screensaver when... bla bla bla"20:21
Deus_Gearchecking for nvidia: not present, checking for fbconfig: not present, checking for xgl, not present. fatal: no glxfbconfig for default depth, thhi isnt going to work20:22
lazertek_Deus_Gear: i am not sure then you should ask around... maybe someone else can help you on that.. if video card is installed and working properly i can't tell you what's wrong20:22
fyrestrtrSaGe: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions20:22
fuhgawzim sorry fyrestrtr but i cant find the powervault20:22
lazertek_Deus_Gear: but what does it say when you go to enable compiz20:22
Anuragtell me that how can i connect Internet in ubuntu20:22
fyrestrtrfuhgawz: I have no idea what you are talking about lol start from the top. What is the powervault?20:22
lazertek_Deus_Gear: go to System --> Preference --> Appearances and enable desktop affects there20:23
Deus_Gearit just says "desktop effects could not be enabled"20:23
SlartAnurag: insert network cable, start ubuntu.. done20:23
Slart!fr | chocogoinfre20:23
ubottuchocogoinfre: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr20:23
lazertek_Deus_Gear: then i'm not sure... you'll have to ask around20:23
geniisysop1972: Also in definition of share called for instnce [sales]   writeable = yes    needs to be set20:23
geniisysop1972: All shares are default read-only20:23
SlartAnurag: there's nothing special you have to do... everything is already prepared for internet connectivity20:24
blummany1 know a tool to change bitrate of mp3s? (to reduce size)20:24
SaGefyrestrtr: on that same page,could I use pysdm package for the storage device manager?20:24
fyrestrtrSaGe: TIAS :)20:24
phantom784does anyone know if it's possible to automatically run a command (as root) as soon as i connect to a certain wifi network?20:24
fuhgawzfyrestrtr i have a dell powervault storage connected to a dell poweredge server20:24
Shaba1 wpomder20:25
mindphluxHello. I updated to hardy, and am running kernel 2.6.24-19-i386 from the distribution. My sound is not working, I have a /dev/dsp there, but mplayer will not play sound20:25
Shaba1I wonder is what I mean to say20:25
fuhgawzi need to use the storage under ubuntu20:25
sysop1972genii: so the unixname is to match the account name where the shared folders are located and the samba names are the user names who need to access it, corret?20:25
Slartphantom784: I think you put scripts in if.up and if.down folders.. somewhere in /etc. it might not be exclusive to wi-fi connection but take a look at it.. see what you find20:25
erwin_Hi, I just received my FreeRunner and after boot, I don't get Today page but juste the wallpaper. Is it normal ?20:25
fyrestrtrfuhgawz: oh. How do you connect to the storage? NFS? FTP?20:25
fuhgawzpci card20:26
fyrestrtrfuhgawz: I mean, how do you connect to it at the FS level.20:26
Anuragi have configure  the Ethernet drivers but the net is not working20:26
Slarterwin_: freerunner the phone?.. does it run ubuntu?20:26
blummany1 know a tool to change bitrate of mp3s? (to reduce size)20:26
phantom784slart: i can't find those folders in /etc.  would they be in some subdiretory?20:27
fyrestrtrblumm: LAME should do it.20:27
fyrestrtrfuhgawz: is the device detected? check dmesg20:27
blummfyrestrtr: in combination with which program ?20:27
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fuhgawzin dmesg says something20:27
fuhgawzcan i paste it here?20:27
Slartphantom784: look in /etc/network20:27
fuhgawz3 lines20:27
erwin_Slart: not at all, i have the phone, the real one !20:28
mado-kahi Slart ... i unchecked it but still the screen-saver turns on after a while20:28
Slartphantom784: you might be able to use the same kind of stuff under /etc/dhcp320:28
fyrestrtrfuhgawz: no, use a pastebin.20:28
fyrestrtrblumm: the terminal :)20:28
phantom784slart: thanks.  i'll just write a script that'll see if it's on wifi and which ssid it's connected to20:28
Slarterwin_: ok.. but why are you asking this channel about it? this is ubuntu support20:29
mado-ka*waiting Slart*20:29
blummfyrestrtr: oh boy =)20:29
Anuragwaiting Slart20:29
Slartmado-ka: are you sure it's the screen saver? and not some power management stuff?20:30
XxSniperGodxXi fukin hate how people dont say hi these days  :020:30
Made_Manhello all20:30
Slartok.. that waiting, Slart stuff gets really annoying..20:30
zod21hey snipergof=d20:30
Made_ManI am interested in making the switch from MS to ubuntu20:30
zod21hey snipergod*20:30
XxSniperGodxXHi :)20:30
Made_Manhaha read that after I typed it20:30
mado-kathe screens darkens after two hours20:30
zod21halo alias XxSniperGodxX20:30
XxSniperGodxXSo what games do you guys play?20:30
Made_ManIs there something that runs a check through my hardware to check if everything is compatable?20:30
blummfyrestrtr: is there any tutorial about this?20:30
mado-kaSlart: the screen darkens after two hours20:30
Made_ManI also have some specific software I use for work that I would need.  Is there someway I can temporarily run some kind of enulator to enable the program to run?20:30
zod21games in ubuntu are kinda difficult20:30
fyrestrtrblumm: not sure tbh.20:31
SlartAnurag: if you write something to me, write my nick at the beginning of the line.. otherwise I will miss it20:31
XxSniperGodxXlol wtf?20:31
geniisysop1972: Yes, that scenario is correct.20:31
chocogoinfredo you know how to configure webcam with asus eeepc 900 ?20:31
erwin_Slart: Haha you're write ! I just came here after typing joine #openmoko sorry I hope I made you laugh20:31
fyrestrtrXxSniperGodxX: ubuntu-offtopic20:31
XxSniperGodxXlol fyrestrtr20:31
XxSniperGodxXwhat is the topic lol20:31
H__Made_Man try a linux live-dvd20:31
Slarterwin_: no worries.. enjoy your phone =)20:31
bastid_raZorMade_Man; vmware might be an idea if you're needing windows for some applications.20:31
fyrestrtrXxSniperGodxX: type /topic in your client20:31
Made_Mandoes it emulate windows or something?20:31
geniisysop1972: Apologies on lag. Work is requiring me to travel to different floors in the building than where my office is at the moment20:31
XxSniperGodxXThere is no topic20:32
Made_Manbastid_raZor: does it emulate windows or something? I'll look into that20:32
erwin_Slart: thanks have a nice day20:32
Slartmado-ka: I think it's something the screen does of its own.. shutting down after a while... I don't think it's the screensaver20:32
cleatonhow can i change default audio card from the terminal?20:32
H__Made_Man vmware is a complete virtual machine. you can run windows inside it20:32
H__Made_Man or linux, or ... etc.20:33
XxSniperGodxXredirect me 2 a halo channel plz20:33
fuhgawzfyrestrtr: its under the name of fuhgawz in pastebin20:33
Slartcleaton: there's supposed to be a asoundconf utility for setting the default alsa card.. I've been able to make it work.. but you might be luckier20:33
mado-kathe screen itself? ... hmm ... then the option "never darken the screen" from something called energy-managment is useless Slart?20:33
bastid_raZorMade_Man; it does not emulate windows no,.. you can run windows via vmware inside ubuntu . a virtual machine. i have windows 2000 via vmware so my wife can use wordperfect20:33
fyrestrtrfuhgawz: paste the link to it here.20:33
widespreadPanichey guys20:33
Made_Manno joke - that sounds great.. I'd only need to use this software on occasion, so I suppose I could just run vmware with windows when I need it20:33
bastid_raZorMade_Man; exactly.20:33
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about ubuntu-fr20:33
ubottuCe canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr20:34
Slartmado-ka: well, those two settings (screensaver and power management) are the only two places I know that could do that20:34
Slartchocogoinfre: write /join #ubuntu-fr20:34
Made_Manmy next big question - I have a 64bit processor and I have downloaded the 64 bit ubuntu - is there sill limited support for the 64bit VS x86?20:34
mado-kahmm Slart ... is there probably a config-file i can edit so that the screen-saver turns on after more than two hours?20:34
Slartmado-ka: perhaps.. I don't know20:34
Made_Manam I going to run into more issues with the 64bit20:35
bastid_raZorMade_Man; from what i've seen 64bit is a headache..20:35
SlartMade_Man: 64 bit has some issues.. such as flash and some special utilities20:35
yao_ziyuani just used net-boot to install ubuntu gutsy (because there is a problem installing hardy via net-boot) with just the base system. then i typed "sudo apt-get dist-upgrade" in the console but it didn't upgrade to hardy. then i installed ubuntu-desktop and am now upgrading to hardy in gnome. i wonder if there is a way to upgrade to hardy from a gutsy base system?20:35
Made_Man<bastid_raZor>: Thanks for the heads up - I'm not one for headaches20:35
ImaginalHi. I have been ripping my cds using FLAC. How do I have rhythmbox transcode them when trying to move them to my ipod?20:35
SlartMade_Man: but I wouldn't say I run into those a lot any more.. I run 64 bit20:35
lusulehow do i change my bash prompt to only show my current directory, not my sysname?20:36
fyrestrtrfuhgawz: did you say its connected via PCI?20:36
SlartMade_Man: flash works (firefox uses 32 bit flash with some kind of ndiswrapper), java works, wine works (you run 32 bit wine)20:36
SlartMade_Man: the one thing that still annoys me are those Electronic Id plugins for connecting to the bank, doing your taxes and such.. I've never seen a 64 bit plugin for those20:37
iniklusule: you need to change PS1  variable in env20:37
MeniShevitzi need a touch of help with syslinux20:37
Made_Manas an ubuntu newb, I think I'll stick with what's better known/supported20:37
Slartlusule: I think there is an enviroment variable called "prompt".. run "env" to see all variables.. it's in there somewhere20:37
SlartMade_Man: wise descision20:37
MeniShevitzwhat's the parameter for forcing ubuntu 7.10 to load in vesa mode?20:37
fyrestrtrMeniShevitz: vga=vesa20:38
MeniShevitzin syslinux.cfg right? :)20:38
lusuleinik - how do i do that?20:38
WallgodHi All... any views on Flex on Linux?20:38
inikecho $PS120:38
MeniShevitzfyrestrtr: in syslinux.cfg right?20:38
fyrestrtrMeniShevitz: when you boot just edit the grub line.20:38
polmWhy can I not select "Important Security Updates (hardy-security)" from the Ubuntu Updates tab in the Software Sources application? The radio button is not selectable.20:39
dp_I'd like to use my left windows key for both 3rd level access, as well as global keys (think Amarok).  is there any way to do this?20:39
sysop1972genii: I think i am going to have a nervous breakdown!!!  As soon as that usermap is enabled I can no longer access the folder20:39
MeniShevitzcool, thanks fyre20:39
notwistHey, I just fucked up my NTFS partition. gparted crashed in the middle of expanding it, now it shows up as "non formatted". how do i rescue it? :(20:39
Slartdp_: system, preferences, keyboard.. I think there's a button in there.. layout options20:39
gwardonehow do i get to the restricted-manager to enable ATI drivers?20:40
dp_Slart: that'll let me do one or the other it seems20:40
Lokzmuch help appreciate20:40
dp_as soon as I enable the win key for 3rd level, it stops being usable with global keys20:40
Slartdp_: ah.. ok.. now I understand.. yes you might be right there.. I think you can only have it one way or the other.. I have no idea how to do something like that, sorry20:41
MeniShevitzfyrestrtr: it won't do grub. used unetbootin to install. am working on it though, thanks :)20:41
geniisysop1972: Can you please pastebin your current smb.conf20:41
ubottuFor upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes20:42
ubottuFor Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto20:42
fuhgawzfyrestrtr: yes, its connected via PCI20:42
Imaginalsidenote, anyone use ipodlinux?20:43
widespreadPanicsudo passwd root20:43
* genii smacks widespreadPanic20:43
fyrestrtrfuhgawz: sudo lspci -vv20:43
fyrestrtrfuhgawz: pastebin the output of that.20:43
gwardonehello... i want to use fglrx drivers... how do i enable ATI in XFCE?20:43
geniiImaginal: You mean Rockbox?20:44
shadfcFructose: it doesnt seem to be anything that i have running myself.  I closed all of the programs and it still happens20:44
Imaginalgenii: i suppose so20:44
sysop1972genii: http://pastebin.com/d6984b1da20:44
dennis_hello all, I can't seem to get FF3 to display flash/shockwave correctly and gnash is a pain20:45
fuhgawzfyrestrtr: http://pastebin.com/m2b60eba020:46
ubottusudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. For graphical applications see !gksu (Gnome), or !kdesu (KDE)20:46
ubottuVitya: Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)20:47
Vityahey guys20:47
zoreauso I have XMMS installed, but under synaptic I see XMMS2--i installed almost every package for it, including xmms2-client-cli.  there doesnt seem to be a gui for it though, is that supposed to be?20:47
paincakesCould someone help me with the ATI-driver installation? Tried every single guide. I end up with BSOD. I'm running Ubuntu hardy with Ati Radeon X1550.20:47
sysop1972genii: I am trying to get the user james to access the sales folder btw20:47
Vityawho knows how can I look info.linux.driver through terminal?20:47
MeniShevitz#ubuntu-il is so lonely :(20:47
coz_paincakes, you may want to go to #compiz-fusion and talk with adamk  are you going to use compiz fusion?20:48
fyrestrtrfuhgawz: iirc, you need the megaraid2 kernel module to access the device.20:48
DarkmindTheGreatpaincakes, BSOD in Linux?20:48
Vityawho knows how can I look info.linux.driver through terminal?20:48
paincakeswell, first i wanna get my 3d-accelration to work coz_20:48
geniisysop1972: When username map is commented out, you can login and browse there but not write currently?20:48
coz_paincakes, then go to #compiz-fusion and speak with adamk and get both done :)20:48
geniisysop1972: (as user james)20:48
fuhgawzfyrestrtr: so i need to recompile the kernel?20:49
sysop1972genii: correct20:49
=== dennis_ is now known as m1dlg
m1dlghello all, I can't seem to get FF3 to display flash/shockwave correctly and gnash is a pain20:49
tehquicknessDoes anyone know why i cant get the Properties window to open? I always get stuck with a "Creating Prperties Window" box that says i can stop the operation by hitting cancel... Any thoughts?20:49
fyrestrtrfuhgawz: probably -- or find the module and install it.20:50
zoreau!info XMMS220:50
ubottuxmms2 (source: xmms2): Client/server based media player system. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.2DrJekyll-4ubuntu4 (hardy), package size 10 kB, installed size 56 kB20:50
DarkmindTheGreat!info gentoo20:50
ubottugentoo (source: gentoo): a fully GUI-configurable, two-pane X file manager. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.11.55-1.1build1 (hardy), package size 767 kB, installed size 2436 kB20:50
ubottuOther !Linux distributions besides !Ubuntu include: Debian, Mepis (using !APT); RedHat, Fedora, SUSE, Mandriva (using !RPM); Gentoo, Slackware (using other packaging systems)20:51
zoreaudoes anyone know if there is a gui for xmms2, and why does it call itself a "client/server based media player"20:51
daedraDarkmindTheGreat: can't you use apt to find out about packages?!20:51
daedraDarkmindTheGreat: if not, do it in a /msg ubottu20:51
Slartzoreau: because it is a client server based music player.. check the website20:51
DarkmindTheGreatdaedra, Sry, just checking out the bot20:52
notwistHey, I just fucked up my NTFS partition. gparted crashed in the middle of expanding it, now it shows up as "non formatted". how do i rescue it? :(20:52
=== tolecnal_ is now known as tolecnal
mado-kaoy guys ... does anybody know more about this issue? -> http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=69540420:52
mado-kait's about phonic helix 24mkII mixer with firewire20:52
Slartnotwist: testdisk can recover some stuff20:52
fyrestrtrnotwist: mind your language.20:52
notwistSlart: can it fix the formatting?20:52
notwistfyrestrtr: is that your personal opinion or a rule?20:53
CheesyWeaseli just found out something simple yet amazing about ubuntu. if you have a window open and up on the desktop, even if its hidden by other windows, it appears normal down in the bottom. but if its minimized it has [brackets]. epic.20:53
tehquicknessDoes anyone know why i cant get the Properties window to open? I always get stuck with a "Creating Prperties Window" box that says i can stop the operation by hitting cancel... Any thoughts?20:53
shing`How do I get pdf viewing working in firefox in Ubuntu hardy20:53
fyrestrtrnotwist: its a rule.20:53
Slartnotwist: it can perhaps rescue your file.. perhaps fix the partition.. with a big "perhaps"20:53
notwistSlart: ok thanks, ill try it out20:53
Avatar_notwist: testdisk won't help you because you're not losing the partition location, you've lost the allocation table20:53
notwistAvatar_: im not sure what I lost20:53
notwistAvatar_: do you think theres any way to save it?20:53
geniisysop1972: OK. So we can take now another approach since now we have these windows usernames as also linux names. So add the linux user james to the group of smbuser like:  sudo usermod -G -a smbuser james          And then in the [sales] share to put:  create mask = 077520:53
Lokzhard networking question! Have a look please : http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=86137220:54
Avatar_notwist: I'd say your best bet now is to try to salvage individual files using ntfs undelete tools20:54
notwistAvatar_: the disk is 650 gb so that would be a pretty tedious task, right?20:54
geniisysop1972: The other entries there in [sales] share remain unchanged20:54
Avatar_notwist: very tedious :(20:54
leafwany special package for VLC to play .mpg ?20:54
notwistAvatar_: perhaps the best bet is just formatting all of it and start redownloading, but an option would be pretty nice20:54
leafwcan't see the blender.org galery movies ...20:54
Slartleafw: nope.. vlc is pretty sel sustained20:55
daedranotwist: hmm, I'd do it like this: 1) dd copy the partition to another drive to work on it20:55
Avatar_notwist: in fact I believe gparted is still buggy, it screwed up my partitions more than once20:55
notwistdaedra: well it's 650 gb and i dont really have that much extra space anywhere :(20:55
leafwSlart : well, VLC used to be able to play these movies in previous ubuntu releases20:55
leafwSlart : but not anymore20:55
notwistAvatar_: last time im using it thats for sure20:56
sysop1972genii: it says unknown group -a20:56
Slartleafw: are there any error messages?20:56
daedranotwist: you don't have to copy the whole drive20:56
leafwSlart : yes20:56
daedrajust up to however many blocks you want20:56
notwistdaedra: but how am i supposed to copy anything if i cant mount it20:56
daedranotwist: using dd20:56
tehquicknessDoes anyone know why i cant get the Properties window to open? I always get stuck with a "Creating Prperties Window" box that says i can stop the operation by hitting cancel... Any thoughts?20:56
Avatar_dd works on raw file , e.g /dev/sda120:56
notwistok I could use my external usb drive then20:57
leafwSlart : [00000361] pulse audio output error: Failed to connect to server: Connection refused  \n [00000361] pulse audio output error: Pulse initialization failed \n X Error of failed request:  BadValue (integer parameter out of range for operation)20:57
notwistits 200 gb20:57
notwistbut what do i do after ive copied raw data to the backup disk?20:57
=== Avatar_ is now known as DrAvatar
Slartleafw: ok, seems it's having sound problems.. try this "pkill -9 pulseaudio; pulseaudio -D"20:57
notwistI mean the best option feels like finding a program that would just look at the partition and say "allright this can't be salvaged but atleast here's this"20:57
Slartleafw: then try the movie again20:57
Vityawho knows how can I look info.linux.driver through terminal?20:57
DrAvatarnotwist: the whole point of dd is so that you still have a backup if your recovery mess it up further20:58
yao_ziyuanrunning Update System from ubuntu 7.10 leads me to 8.04 or 8.04.1?20:58
SlartVitya: I've never heard of info.linux.driver .. what are you trying to do?20:58
leafwSlart : so restart the daemon ... ok. Done that: same result.20:58
Slartyao_ziyuan: should go to 8.04.1, afaik20:58
notwistDrAvatar: is there no way to just fix the NTFS formatting?20:58
DrAvatarnotwist: well for a cheap undelete program I have good exp with DRW (data recovery wizard)20:58
Slartleafw: does sound work with other movies?20:58
VityaSlart: well I need to turn off my network card with "modprobe -r"20:58
VityaSlart: it needs info.linux.driver20:59
widespreadPanic /quit20:59
oniscienteanyone know how to kill gdm while in tty1? i want to look for error  info in my xorg.20:59
leafwSlart : good question. I don't have other movies that are not mpg (or have no sound)20:59
fuhgawzfyrestrtr: i did a modprobe megaraid, is that ok?20:59
SlartVitya: hmm.. I have no idea what that means.. sorry20:59
daedrathis is really bugging me, I had an issue of linux magazine about analysing busted partitions20:59
DrAvatarnotwist: doubtful20:59
rambo3onisciente, stop it from init.d20:59
Slartleafw: I think there are some movies in the /home/yourname/examples folder21:00
fyrestrtrfuhgawz: that won't do anything if the module doesn't exist. Check with lsmod21:00
notwistDrAvatar: couldn't i boot a windows disc and run chkdsk?21:00
rambo3onisciente, /etc/init.d/gdm stop21:00
leafwSlart : I removed the symlink long time ago. Is it under /usr/share somewhere?21:00
oniscienterambo3: hmm, i thought that was off or close, and neither works... thank you21:00
Slartleafw: yes.. hang on.. let me check21:00
leafwSlart : found it21:01
Slartleafw: /usr/share/example-content21:01
fuhgawzi think im getting lost with this21:01
leafwSlart : thanks21:01
DrAvatarnotwist: you can try but take note that this can further mess up your files so you'd end up with fewer recovered file when/if you do undelete21:01
rambo3onisciente, stop start restart , same work for most scripts21:01
Ace2016Hi all21:01
Ace2016anyone here use reiser4 as their filesystem?21:01
oniscienterambo3: ok! =)21:01
leafwSlart : sound works with VLC on .ogg files21:01
notwistDrAvatar: a little marginal doesn't really matter21:02
DrAvatarnotwist: try Slart's recommendation; try "testdisk"21:02
notwistDrAvatar: say I lose 10-20 % of my files its no big deal, i just dont want to redownload all the legal demos of games and movie trailers i got on there21:02
Slartleafw: hmm.. but not with mpg's.. that's odd21:02
leafwSlart : yeah21:02
notwistDrAvatar: i tried "testdisk /dev/sdb1" but im not sure thats right21:02
Slartleafw: were these mpg's available on the net?21:02
leafwSlart : this laptop has been dist-upgraded since 6.0621:03
chazcoHi... is there any issue with the repos? Almost invariable i get errors when trying to use them (updates/installs)... occurs on all sorts of packages and has persisted over many, many reinstalls. Some times it can be fixed, other times the entire package system and even the whole system becomes unusable...21:03
leafwSlart : yes, at http://www.blender.org/features-gallery/movies/   --> try "The trap"21:03
tehquicknessDoes anyone know why i cant get the Properties window to open? I always get stuck with a "Creating Prperties Window" box that says i can stop the operation by hitting cancel... Any thoughts?21:03
AnuragSlart,i have installed ubuntu on win xp and now ubuntu is unable to connect the Internet ,but it has found the Ethernet drivers21:03
leafwSlart : and mplayer plays the sound, but not the movie itself. VLC just crashes.21:03
Slartleafw: ok.. downloading..21:04
sysop1972genii: Through the gnome user account manager I added james to the smbuser group.  Now I can not access the folder again.21:04
DrAvatarnotwist: you just type "testdisk", it has interactive mode21:04
sysop1972genii: I also added the mask create mask = 077521:04
SlartAnurag: ok, all cables are connected?.. pastebin the output from "ifconfig" and "cat /etc/network/interfaces"21:05
Slart!pastebin | Anurag21:05
ubottuAnurag: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)21:05
notwistDrAvatar: ooh21:05
bastid_raZorchazco; change which repo mirror you are getting them from. you can do so in synaptic21:05
Slartleafw: ok.. works nicely here.. audio/video21:05
chazcobastid_raZor - I've tried that, but i get really slow speeds from anything except the GB and US mirrors21:06
leafwI wonder which gstreamer package I am missing21:06
chazcoAs in 5-10KB/s max21:06
gcarrillohey peoples21:06
XavuraMy err desktop switcher stopped working21:06
notwistDrAvatar: allright it's analyzing now21:06
bastid_raZorchazco; i recently changed mine. i was getting slows speeds. it fixed my issues.21:06
XavuraThe thing in the bottom right corner, when I click on it nothing happens21:06
Slartleafw: in vlc.. preferences, audio, output modules.. what output module are you using?.. (you might have to check the Avanced options checkbox)21:06
sysop1972genii: It was not the file mask causing the problem.  It is when I added james to the smbuser group.21:06
geniisysop1972: Hmm. Try:  sudo usermod -U smbuser      and then no other change and see now21:06
chazcobastid_raZor - Well, will try a few more repos... trouble is that the only way to test is to reinstall and see if it works21:07
ubuntu_hey guys/girls! Anybody here can help me to install Ubuntu in Raid1????21:07
bastid_raZorchazco; reinstall what?21:07
ubuntu_Ubuntu Hardy21:07
ubuntu_#nick fachex21:07
chazcobastid_raZor - Ubuntu... when a package goes wrong it usually screws up the system and package system so badly its eaiser to reinstall (especially since its not worked for a while, so have nothing to lose)21:07
leafwSlart : VLC outputs to default, which I assume is whatever gnome desktop sets through gnome-sound-properties21:08
Slartleafw: try setting it to pulseaudio21:08
bastid_raZorchazco; as of now you have a borked system due to this?21:08
aaronbSup brahs21:08
sysop1972genii: still the same.  Do I need to create a samba account for smbuser?21:08
amenadoubuntu_-> you have linux on your other normal partitions?21:08
Slartleafw: I don't know if it will make a difference though21:08
chazcobastid_raZor - Nope, done a reinstall from the new 8.04.1 release21:08
leafwSlart : crashes ..21:08
ubuntu_I just deleted everything21:08
DrAvatarsysop1972: smbpasswd21:08
Slartleafw: have you installed the pulseaudio tools? paman, pavucontrol, padevchooser21:09
geniisysop1972: No, it should not need a samba accountname.21:09
Slartleafw: does it work if you try using alsa instead of pulseaudio?21:09
bastid_raZorchazco; if things are working fine now.. no need to reinstall. sudo apt-get update will tell you fairly quickly if things are working correctly.21:09
ubuntu_I have both drives clean21:09
=== Kirov is now known as R3Ce
leafwSlart : paman etc not installed. Will try ALSA ..21:09
=== gardar`afk is now known as gardar
m1dlghypno u relied and I didn't see it, accidently killed that window21:09
chazcobastid_raZor - Well, no need to reinstall this time, but when it goes wrong again... apt-get update usually works (but sometimes times-out) its when i do an upgrade/install it goes bad21:09
mluser-workDoes anyone know if there has been an nvidia drivers update recently?21:09
amenadoubuntu_-> then just use your liveCD to install, make sure you have  a separate /boot just to put the kernel and initrd separate from raid021:10
sysop1972genii: what would you like me to do with smbpasswd?21:10
=== maco_ is now known as maco
ubuntu_*amenado, please help me, I am trying to follow some website direction21:10
bastid_raZorchazco; most the time a failed upgrade can be fixed without reinstalling. normally apt-get tells you what commands you need to run to fix them.21:10
=== rambo3 is now known as joomla_user
m1dlgI can't seem to get FF3 to display flash/shockwave correctly and gnash is a pain21:10
leafwSlart : with ALSA, there is no sound error printing to stdout, but still: X Error of failed request:  BadValue (integer parameter out of range for operation)21:10
ubuntu_but I don't see the option in HH that the website indicates21:10
amenadoubuntu_-> the website you are following should be good eh?21:10
m1dlgpages like youtube dont work21:11
=== chinku[x] is now known as xxx
ubuntu_it says,21:11
m1dlgor is it the java?21:11
amenado!who | ubuntu_21:11
ubottuubuntu_: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)21:11
leafwSlart : something is wrong with the windowmanager perhaps.21:11
chazcobastid_raZor - Sometimes it can be fixed, but usually if a couple of packages go wrong they end up 'stuck'... and since i've nothing to lose i just reinstall rather than try to manually pick it apart21:11
=== xxx is now known as Guest11287
=== alexunder is now known as php_n00b
m-cm1dlg: Use the Download Helper in Firefox to download the Flash Player Video file to your hard drive and play it there.21:11
Slartleafw: I wonder which parameter is out of range.. would have been nice of vlc to include that in the error21:11
geniisysop1972: smpasswd?21:11
leafwSlart : will change wm, brb21:11
bastid_raZorchazco; that is your choice :) i hope changing repo's helps out21:11
Slartleafw: ko21:12
m1dlgta mc21:12
chazcobastid_raZor - It hasnt so far, but will try a few more. Thanks for the help :)21:12
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about amenado21:12
ubuntu_are you there?21:12
sysop1972genii: Thgouht that wwas you.  Someone type smbpasswd to me for some reason21:13
amenadoubuntu_-> am here, but you have to follow directions21:13
bastid_raZorchazco; what type of connection do you have?21:13
chazcobastid_raZor - Broadband via a router21:13
ubuntu_!amenado..Yes Sr!21:13
ubottuubuntu_: Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)21:13
ubuntu_what every you say21:13
chazcobastid_raZor - Usually... same occurs on public wifi etc21:13
ubuntu_!ubottu,  anybody knows more than me here21:14
ubottuubuntu_: Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)21:14
ubuntu_I am sure21:14
bastid_raZorchazco; this happens regularly too?21:14
amenadoubuntu_-> look, you seem to be a nice person, please put the nick in all your responses..otherwise it will get lost21:14
ubuntu_ok, I click on the Install icon21:14
chazcobastid_raZor - Quite often yes... sometimes it runs fine for a while, then it goes bad again21:14
=== erichammond1 is now known as erichammond
Shaba1Hello anyone know a program that will sit in the background and allow you to use a keystroke combination to make screen caps21:15
=== Anurag is now known as linra
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about amenado21:15
tehquicknessDoes anyone know why i cant get the Properties window to open? I always get stuck with a "Creating Prperties Window" box that says i can stop the operation by hitting cancel... Any thoughts?21:15
Fructosetehquickness: What properties window do you mean?21:15
bastid_raZorchazco; that is rather odd that you have constant issues with the repo's. for over a year now i've had only 1 time  an issues and switching mirror's fixed it .21:16
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about screencap21:16
markqvistHi there! Does anybody have time to help a somewhat nooby user with a kernel question?21:16
Klavieri use rdesktop program for remote desktop connections.. how can i exit full screen mode?21:16
jc6how to create backup  and upload it ftp server21:16
ubottuSome programs to capture your screen are recordmydesktop, Istanbul, Wink, Gvidcap, Xvidcap, vnc2swf, demorecorder.  Also see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ScreenCasts.21:16
ubuntu_amenado! Are you there?21:16
m-c!ask |markqvist21:16
ubottumarkqvist: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)21:16
amenadoubuntu_-> yes am here21:16
markqvistKlavier, pressing ctrl-alt usually frees the keyboard/mouse capture. Did you try that?21:16
bastid_raZorchazco; that being said, my experience tells me it isn't the repo's .. something with your connection dropping or locally to your area?21:16
chazcobastid_raZor - I thought maybe it was the connection, but ive tried several... so maybe the computer, but it seems fine and has been reinstalled (many times)... maybe the NICs but i've tried both wired and wifi (separate tech)... HDD and RAM are fine... at a loss21:17
dpodGnome/GEDIT Issue: anybody know how to stop gedit from opening all desktop launchers? it is trying to open media and web links and not giving me the "open with..." option when I right click or choose properties21:17
ubuntu_amenado! Would you help me to install raid?21:17
markqvistklavier, and then maybe F11?21:17
dedi_my wlan from t61 does not run with a custom ubuntu kernel, also tried installing ubuntu modules21:17
amenadoubuntu_-> you have a website you are already following correct? what is wrong with it? provide the link please21:18
bastid_raZorchazco; do you have high ping times to say google.com? possibly it your ISP that is dropping packets along the way?21:18
chazcobastid_raZor - It happens on other connections that are from other ISPs21:18
dedi_markqvist: i can try :)21:18
=== linra is now known as Anurag
ubuntu_amenado! It says " Select physical volume for RAID" and I don't see that option!21:18
markqvistdedi_: Thanks! I downloaded and installed JeOS (unvirtualized) because i needed a gui-less ubuntu to install Ubuntu Mobile onto, but now i realize that was stupid, since the kernel is slimmed down. Can you give me some pointers on how to install a full-featured kernel instead?21:18
ubuntu_amenado! that's during the partition use21:19
zoreauso is there a point to xmms-client-cli. its a command line interface, for a program that already gets controlled thru the terminal21:19
bastid_raZorchazco; at a  loss here too.. good luck in the future. possibly someone else in the channel will be more helpful.21:19
markqvistdedi_: Or should i just go with installing everything over again on a full kernel from the beginning?21:19
amenadoubuntu_-> the link? provide link to the tutorial21:19
zoreauit sounds retardedly redundant and unneccessary to me21:19
yengamatichi there21:19
Wicky656could anyone give me the ssh command to copy the contents of a file form one server to the other with root access required on both servers?21:20
fuhgawzwhere can i find the megaraid2 kernel module for hardy?21:20
AnuragSlart:paste.ubuntu.com/28344/ this is my Pastebin url kindly help me out21:20
yengamaticWicky656: you may use scp21:20
ubuntu_amenado! here it goes http://www.howtoforge.com/how-to-install-ubuntu8.04-with-software-raid121:20
dpodWicky656: you need some set up first...21:20
dedi_markqvist: just try it with the dekstop kernel from the repos (i asume you use server kernel?)21:20
dpoda) both machines need to have root access enabled.21:20
amenadoubuntu_-> okay, so which part are you stuckeD?21:20
SlartAnurag: ok, looking21:20
Wicky656yengamatic: sudo is the issue root does not have a password in ubunut21:20
ubuntu_amenado! the fifth point21:21
Wicky656yengamatic: if root had a passsword it would be easy21:21
amenadoubuntu_-> give me a chance to read that..21:21
ubuntu_amenado! Just at the beginning21:21
SlartAnurag: oh.. you're using some kind of modem.. I can't help you with that.. I've never used one of those21:21
_xyzwhats a good app for testing microphone recording besides the default 'sound-recorder'?21:21
yengamatici have left synaptic open in the server at work, now i'm at home and i only have ssh access to it, can i somehow close remotely synaptic??21:21
vipacaWhen I run vncserver my windows manager fails to start21:21
dpodthen its pretty straightforward. If you don't need it to be automatic it is basically just sudo localhost_directory/* remote_host/directory/21:21
markqvistdedi_: yeah, i do. How can i install it from command-line? i only have the Mobile GUI frontend, and that doesn't include synaptic or the like. What is the package name?21:21
yengamatici need to install some packages by apt-get but i cant21:21
ubuntu_amenado! For “How to use this partition” select “physical volume for RAID“, not the default “Ext3 journaling file system”.21:22
b0llandHi #ubuntu, I just upgraded to 8.04 from 7.10, and realize that I got version 2.02 of ruby on rails which isn't backwards compatible with the things I'm working on. I'd like to downgrade rails to the version used in 7.10, is there any smart way of doing this? thanks21:22
blummanyone experience with soundconverter?21:22
yengamatici thought redirecting the X through ssh, but it doesn't get the logged user's session21:22
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Wicky656dpod: but i need to sudo on both sides to read the file21:22
notwistb0lland: i have no idea but maybe backing up what you need, uninstall, download old version, install it?21:22
ubuntu_amenado! I  don't have the option for  "physical volume for RAID"21:22
yengamaticcan i enable a remote desktop to access the current logged session remotely?21:22
leafwSlart : turns out it was the wm. Thanks for the help.21:22
dpodAnybody have an answer on my gedit problem: it is the only choice I have for opening any desktop link, whether http, MMS, or anything else, and I don';t have a "open with" option when I right click.21:22
markqvistdedi_: actually the kernel is 2.6.24-19-virtual21:23
SitheraeI have a 5 button mouse. Is there anyway to bind the other 2 buttons?21:23
vipacaWhat should I put int xstartup to get this to work21:23
m-cyengamatic: just killthe process anddelete the lock file21:23
Wicky656i seem to run into this issue a lot is enabling root the only answer here?21:23
amenadoubuntu_-> hang on, am reading through21:23
b0llandnotwist, thanks, I'd rather not have to go that way though21:23
ubuntu_amenado! ok21:23
Slartleafw: you're welcome21:23
tehquicknessFructose: Like when I right click on the file and choose properties21:23
jc6how to install logitech cam drivers21:23
zoreaujc6 get the drivers and then use ndiswrapper21:24
jc6thank you21:24
Anurag i am having some problem with my internet the Pastebin url is :paste.ubuntu.com/28344/ kindly help me out21:24
SitheraeI have a 5 button mouse. Is there anyway to bind the other 2 buttons?21:24
amenadoubuntu_-> and you have done the first 4 steps above it?21:24
ubuntu_ameando! yes21:24
dpodWicky 656: if you want to copy directly to root, then yes: you need to enable root log on. If  you don't mind intervening on the local remote computer after scping, then you could do something like this: sudo scp local_directory/* non-root-user@remote_machine:/some_directory/  and then login to the remote machine as non-root-user, change to sudo, and move the files to the real target.21:25
Fructosetehquickness: Sounds like an issue with GNOME then. You might have more luck asking in #gnome21:25
m-cSitherae: www.linuxforums.org/forum/peripherals-hardware/43542-5-button-mouse.html21:25
ubuntu_amenado! That option is not there. I wonder if the writer is confused with another version of Ubuntu21:25
dedi_markqvist: sudo apt-get install linux-generic linux-headers-generic21:25
Sitheraem-c: Thank you very much!21:26
m-cWicky656: What problem?  Anyway, enabling root is not the answer21:26
amenadoubuntu_-> did you do the steps above it?21:26
blummwhy is ubuntu taking 30gb of space (getting more every day through updates)21:26
markqvistthank you dedi_!21:26
ubuntu_amenado! yes21:26
vipacaI guess no one uses vncserver on ubuntu21:26
Wicky656dpod:  thanks that what I have been doing. Seems like a bug or something. not having a root account should have a work around to this issue or at least a tool to get arround it21:26
klacoHallo und guten abend21:26
ubuntu_amenado! Not really much to do21:26
yengamaticm-c: but i cannot ensure that the synaptic process that is running has finished21:26
markqvistdedi_: is that all i have to do, or is more actions required?21:26
blumm!de | klaco21:26
ubottuklaco: Deutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de21:26
Fructoseblumm: Checked with the Disk Usage Analyzer?21:26
yengamaticbecause i left it downloading updates21:27
m-cyengamatic: Very true.21:27
blummFructose: not yet21:27
yengamaticmaybe one of those needs reconfigure some package (sshd maybe, hehe)21:27
amenadoubuntu_-> yes, but did you follow the procedures from the beginning?21:27
blummFructose: is it installed by default?21:27
Fructoseblumm: On Hardy Heron, for one, yes. Applications > Accessories.21:27
troythetechguyI'm having some problems with fresh 8.04 install.  Fonts appear blurry, and while refresh rate states correct rate, it hurts my eyes (LCD monitor @60mHz) I'm using Nvidia GeForce 6100 video card, and installed proprietary drivers.  Suggestions?21:27
vipacaklaco: halo21:27
dedi_markqvist: a reboot after that ;)21:27
Narlzac85_I use my ubuntu computer as a samba server, but transferring files on my replacement motherboard causes the network adapter to stop working mid-transfer. Any suggestions? I might just throw my 10/100 card in if its the easiest solution21:27
yengamatici thought that if i could enable from the terminal the desktop sharing, maybe i could view its desktop with vncviewer or vinagre21:28
m-cyengamatic: You cannot both be sure it finished and force it to shut down.  Sorry.21:28
markqvistCool, thank you much!21:28
what_the_deuceHi all21:28
ubuntu_amenado! Yes, I believe.. Click on Install, when I get to prepare disk space, I chose manual and then Sda1 and21:28
blummFructose: thanks, its showing wrong disk size - weird21:28
what_the_deuceCan anyone here help me flip the image on my inbuilt webcam?21:28
ubuntu_amenado! then I can't find the option he says there.21:28
antonskykennt ihr das simpad?21:28
zoreauanurag: get the drivers for your ethernet card.  loook for them based on what your motherboard is.  you will need the .ini and oher files extraced from the .exe(it usually comes in an exe)  then use ndiswrapper to first load the driver, and then ndiswrapper to tell your 'ethernet hardware' to use the drivers it has just loaded21:28
antonskytaugt das was?21:28
saculAnyone in here know of a good OSS project for an intermediate python coder to get involved in with a good community that will help me get started?21:29
amenadoubuntu_-> it says you should create a new empty partition on this device?21:29
blumm!de | antonsky21:29
ubottuantonsky: Deutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de21:29
vipacayengamatic: Do you use vncserver?21:29
tehquicknessFructose: any idea on why the property window of a file ( when I right click a file and choose properties) will not open up?21:29
yengamaticnot sure if it's installed21:29
antonskysry wrong channel, wanted to go to linux.de21:29
antonskyon quakenet21:29
ubuntu_amenado! that's right, I don't have that option either21:29
Amerikanerhey guys, need help, when i try to install ubuntu after the splash screen it goes straight to busybox21:29
markqvistI have another question also. I am using the Ubuntu Mobile frontend, and even though i add "Modes 640x480" to the screen section of my xorg.conf, the resolution just stays at 1024x768 when i start X21:29
vipacasacul: apart of being an intermediate python programmer would be knowing good projects to be involved in no?21:29
what_the_deuceCan anyone help me correct the image flip on my Asus inbuilt webcam?21:29
ubuntu_amenado! I created manually with gparted21:30
markqvistWhat am i doing wrong?21:30
amenadoubuntu_-> so your steps are not the same as what that tutorial is about?21:30
yengamaticbut if you can enable from System menu, it should be installed21:30
amenadoubuntu_-> you have to follow what it says..otherwise we maybe be skipping something21:30
dpodWicky656: I'm not sure how it could be a bug. It's really a binary choice: either an account can remote log in or it can't. If you want to scp to an account, then you have to be able to log in. Otherwise it would be a huge security flaw: people could put things on your computer as root without demonstrating that they know the password. Remote root login is a greater security flaw than no remote root login, but it is less a security flaw than allowing people to pu21:30
troythetechguyIs it worth installing the drivers from Nvidia's site, rather than using the proprietary drives that com with Ubuntu?21:30
Fructosetehquickness: It depends on the file, I guess. It could be a problem with the device it's stored on. There could be some unique property of the file that screws GNOME up. Can't say for sure.21:30
Amerikanerhey guys, need help, when i try to install ubuntu after the splash screen it goes straight to busybox21:31
tehquicknessFructose: Thanks I guess I will keep looking, and drop a post in the forums21:31
ownercan soneone plese help me with ubuntu installtion I have tried all I can can I need Help Please21:31
ubuntu_amenado! May be I will do it from the CD not from the live version21:31
ethana2Where is the system log file?21:31
ubuntu_I don't know21:31
vipacayengamatic: When I install it my windows manager does not start just X with single terminal21:31
Fructosetehquickness: Good luck21:31
dpodWicky656. BTW did you mean "can I do this without having to enter the password each time?" Then there is a different answer: you can use ssh-keygen to allow automatic remote log in. You still need to set a root password, and you are still using it. But the public/private key pair mean that you don't have to actually type the password.21:31
amenadoubuntu_-> i dont think the livecd supports raid0 installs, you have to use alternative i believe21:31
Wicky656dpod:  you dont understand. there should be a way to use sudo to change into priveledge on both sides21:31
markqvistowner: i can try to help21:31
what_the_deuceIs no-one going to help me flip the image my webcam is giving me?21:31
markqvistowner: i've pm'ed you21:31
ownerok thanks21:31
m-cAmerikaner: You might try the Alternative CD for better compatibility.21:32
ubuntu_amenado, ok, let me try that21:32
saculvipaca: Well I've got a lot of non "real world" experience and spent 5 years in school for computer science without ever graduating due to personal circumstances.  Coding has turned into more of a hobby and I'm tired of the typical tutorial non useful programs that books and websites provide and want to do some real world coding21:32
ubuntu_amenado! it appears to be that's the problem21:32
ownerhere my situation i have thi laptop Iam doing it on21:32
Amerikanerm-c, whats the alternative cd21:32
ubuntu_amenado! I'd be back :)21:32
Wicky656dpod:  basically i have a fileon one server that is readonly to root and i need it to be identicalon two servers both in content and permisions21:32
m-cAmerikaner: It is another downloadable ubuntu edition.21:32
ownerit has no cd rom21:32
dpod3rd call for help with gedit trying to open everything. Anybody know anything?21:32
ownerso i will be using floppy21:32
Wicky656dpod:  and I have to do it from a command line21:32
biatcheI wish to replace all occurences of AA BB CC with DD EE FF in *.html . How do I do this? I'm green to regex.. and im notquite sure what i should use to run through the files.. I've came up with sed 's/AA BB CC/DD EE FF/' .... but I do not know how to make the appropirate change to each file with the occurance... and oh, is my sed format correct?21:33
zoreauowner: you can fit ubuntu on a floppy21:33
yengamaticwell, i think i'll have to wait till tomorrow to get it working21:33
yengamaticthanks m-c21:33
FloodBot1yengamatic: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.21:33
Wicky656dpod:  there "should" be a way to do that without having to enable remote logins for root21:33
Fructosebiatche: You might try asking in #linux21:33
zoreautalkin to air, FloodBot, good job21:33
__opps__hi, i have a problem with the las version of xubuntu.21:33
Wicky656dpod: if I wanted to batch it i would set up key pairs for root21:33
dpodWicky656: we're assuming command line. And it seems to me that allowing people to put stuff on your drive without a password is the same as not having a password.21:34
jcarouthubuntu sound on a dell precision m6300 is killing me21:34
__opps__in the proccess of the boot i get this mistake: "ata1.01: revalidation failed (errno=5)" and it never ends to turn on...21:34
vipacam-c: n e idea why after installing vncserver I and connecting to a session I only have X and not window manager?21:34
Wicky656dpod:  no you still dont understand21:34
Wicky656dpod: I don't mind typpeing a password21:34
vipacasacul: you sound very motivated at the moment21:34
geniisysop1972: OK. No, the smbuser      should not need to have a samba name. Your writing error is very strange. What result does: ls -l /home/smbuser/sales              give?21:35
Amerikanerm-c, hmm well i already installed it but couldnt get past a Grub 21 error due to my Raid setup, once i found out Raid wasnt supported, i disabled Raid and deleted all the partitions w/ my vista install disc, when i put the ubuntu version back in it goes to busybox, u think the alternate will help if i could already get past it previously?21:35
m-cvipaca: Sorry, I do not.  Never used VNC with ubuntu.21:35
dpodWicky656: you know what you might be able to do: set up a root user not called root but with the same permissions and group? I'm brainstorming here.21:35
ethana2ok, i've found the logfiles21:35
Wicky656dpod: I want to do something like cat file| ssh user@server sudo cat |echo .. other file21:35
ethana2could someone here help me pin down a full system crash?21:35
m-cAmerikaner: no, I think you need to reinstall ubuntu with the right raid set up21:35
ethana2i don't know if it's hardware, kernel, x, or what21:35
ethana2but it's serious21:36
Fallenouhi, i just generated a RSA key with gpg , i want to upload it to a key server now, i am told to do "gpg --send-key key-id" but what is the key-id ? where can i find it ?21:36
Wicky656dpod:  no I want to use sudo just via ssh on a single line21:36
saculvipaca: I enjoy programming and want something useful out of it even if I'm not getting paid as I once had hoped. (no one hires without a degree anymore)21:36
RandocalI'm using Xchat-gnome .18 as my IRC client. Does anyone know if there is a way to configure it so it shows me a list of users in an IRC room?21:36
=== heather is now known as ironfroggy2
Amerikaneri have no raid anymore, i deleted the previous raid array and put my bios setting to IDE, why cant i just install on a single HD now? i thought no raids worked w/ the stock install cd21:37
m-cRandocal: The version of xchat-gnome in Synaptic shows the users just fine.21:37
m-cAmerikaner: If you cannot boot, then reinstall Ubuntu21:37
saculvipaca: I prefer python as it is my language of choice right now but I can learn just about any language within a few days.  The basics are all the same.21:37
Randocalm-c when you click on the list yes, but id like it to be always visible.... is there a way to turn that feature on? I couldn't see it anywhere.21:37
Amerikanerthats the problem, i cant reinstall because after the splash it goes straight to busybox21:38
Amerikanerafter the install splash i mean, i never succesfully ran ubuntu21:38
zoreauamerikaner--redownload and re-burn ubuntu, its probablysome stupid burning problem21:38
tabularasa_hi, i have to override my wap key at reboot to connect to the internet. is this a bug? the saved key seems to be incorrect21:39
dpodWicky656: you might be beyond me. Are you thinking of using ssh as a kind of inter-machine pipe?21:39
Amerikaneri cleared out both hd's which previously ran Vista in a RAID 0, now i want ubuntu on no raid setup21:39
Wicky656dpod: exactly21:39
Amerikanerzoreau, i thought that might be it but i got the same problem w/ my 32bit ubuntu cd21:39
=== gardar is now known as gardar`afk
Amerikanerin contrast w/ the 64bit dvd im using now21:39
FloodBot1etahax0r: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.21:39
tabularasa_go die etahax0r21:39
Wicky656dpod: you can cat the contents into ssh and create or replace fiels on the other side. what you can't seem to do is use sudo with that21:40
zoreauoh god we dont have an ops do we21:40
Slartare the floodbots a bit slow today?21:40
Wicky656dpod: at leat on the remote sie21:40
ubottuHelp! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, , CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, Jack_Sparrow, nickrud, jpds, bazhang or jussi01!21:40
FructoseThat was the crappiest flooder I've ever seen. Funny.21:40
Slartah.. thanks21:40
tabularasa_hi, i have to override my wap key at reboot to connect to the internet. is this a bug? the saved key seems to be incorrect21:40
DrAvatarWicky656: because sudo requires console input21:40
mariecpucan anyone help me sort out this bluez-utils compile error? http://paste.ubuntu.com/27889/21:40
zoreauwhat does ! ops do21:40
DrAvatarWicky656: there are wicked ways around it (using "expect")21:40
dpodWicky656: I think you're above my skills, then. Rsynch might work for you if you run that as root, but I think I really am just not following what you're up to. Sorry!21:41
Starnestommyzoreau: it alerts all ops that something bad is happening and that their help is needed immediately21:41
Amerikanersomeone give me some help, i wanna get this over w/ and see the dark night in imax21:41
Wicky656DrAvatar: that might be an option21:41
vipacaremote desktop would have helped guys21:41
SlartDrAvatar, Wicky656: sudo can be made to accept input from a file instead of a keyboard.. that way you can put your password in a file and feed it to sudo.. it's not a good solution but if you really have to use sudo in a script it's one way of doing it.21:41
zoreauah, all ops on freenode? cuz the only op in this chan is FLoodBot1 :P21:41
DrAvatarWicky656: if you MUST use sudo I believe expect is the best option21:41
sysop1972genii: comes up as 0 in the terminal21:41
timboyhey how can i tell if ubuntu has my modem set up properly?21:42
notwistFructose: I was expecting "shitting dicknipples" actually21:42
DrAvatarSlart: ah cool21:42
RevEggplantafternoon all. Looking to find a solution to a problem, trying to upgrade kernel.21:42
PriceChildzoreau: ubuntu ops don't stay opped.21:42
Wicky656dpod: I am documenting how to build a mysql cluster :) the file is the debian.cnf in this particualr case21:42
timboytrying to set up dialup21:42
mariecpucan anyone help me sort out this bluez-utils compile error? http://paste.ubuntu.com/27889/21:42
RevEggplantrunning 64 bit 8.0421:42
zoreauoh wierd21:42
Slartzoreau: there are many ops in here.. people aren't usually opped all the time.. only when needed21:42
Starnestommyzoreau: Most ops here do not stay opped and ask chanserv for +o when they need it21:42
zoreauninja ops lol21:42
notwistsneaky sneaky21:43
Wicky656DrAvatar: I just need it to be a line or two that can be cut and pasted into a terminal window21:43
geniisysop1972: The command: ls -l /home/smbuser/sales      produces a result of 0 ??21:43
zoreauhide in the shadows and kill the asses before they know who to defend against!21:43
Amerikanerthe alternate cd isnt command line prompt text right?  just not a flashy GUI?21:43
DrAvatarWicky656: I just saw sudo has a "-S" option to read password from stdin21:43
codeshah... hey guys, anyone experience firefox to be pretty slow on UBUNTU compared to Windows? Particularly sites like bloglines or ajax stuff seem to be very lagging .21:43
AlexJPhey anyone know of any issues with youtube?21:43
FlannelAmerikaner: It's not command line, its text menus, yes.21:44
Wicky656DrAvatar: going to give that try21:44
RevEggplantanyone got thoughts on this:21:44
RevEggplantrm -f /var/cache/apt/archives/linux-image-2.6.24-19-generic_2.6.24-19.36_i386.deb21:44
mariecpucan anyone help me sort out this bluez-utils compile error? http://paste.ubuntu.com/27889/21:44
RevEggplantno, that's not what I meant to paste!21:44
RevEggplantdpkg: error processing /var/cache/apt/archives/linux-image-2.6.24-19-generic_2.6.24-19.36_amd64.deb (--unpack):21:44
RevEggplant unable to install new version of `./lib/modules/2.6.24-19-generic/kernel/drivers/media/video/usbvideo': No such file or directory21:44
Fructosemariecpu: It says it's a permission problem. Do you know how to change them?21:45
Slartcodeshah: try using sun's java and adobe's flash.. see if that makes it better21:45
sysop1972genii: It says total:021:45
timboyhey how can i tell if ubuntu has my modem set up properly?21:45
timboyis there a command I can run21:45
dedi_how can i find out what driver my "Intel Corporation PRO/Wireless 4965 AG" is using?21:45
zoreau"sudo nautilus" to run the file manager with root access21:45
Fructosemariecpu: Do the instructions say anything about building as root?21:45
Flannelzoreau: no, gksu nautilus.  don't use sudo with GUI programs21:46
geniisysop1972: Ah, apologies, instead:   ls -ld /home/smbuser/sales                  Will list dir itself properties not contents (I need caffeine today)21:46
zoreauwhat is the difference21:46
Malgaur_I have a server with an public IP.  When I bring up the NIC interface, it works for about 5 minutes, and then it stops responding.  I find that bringing down the other NIC (internal network) causes the external NIC to start working again (at least temporarily).  Any ideas on why this is?21:46
kotsuDo a tail -f /var/log/messages21:46
kotsuSee what it's complaining about.21:46
Slartzoreau: gksu(do) sets the enviroment up better.. apparently the world might just end if you use sudo with gui apps.. =)21:46
Flannelzoreau: It won't cause problems with permissions of dotfiles files in your homedir.  And just remember, be extremely careful, and close nautilus as soon as you're done.21:47
mariecpuhow do I change permissions?21:47
lat_Several hours ago, I filed a bug report, but have since discovered the solution. How do I report this?21:47
RevEggplantfrom commandline, do a man chmod21:47
kotsuYou see that Malguar?21:47
Flannellat_: Post a comment on your bug report21:47
Slartlat_: can't you put it in the bug report?21:47
AlexJPhello, sory i did mention this before but: when i go on youtube i can navigate the site perfectly, but videos wont play, the video area just stays blank, no errors or anything. anyone got any ideas?21:47
sysop1972genii: Comes back with this  drwxr-xr-x 2 smbuser smbuser 4096 2008-07-16 15:33 /home/smbuser/sales21:47
RevEggplantinstall flash, alexjp21:47
zoreauAlexJP: do you ahve flash installed21:48
Malgaur_kotsu, looking no9w21:48
sysop1972genii: hope that means something to you!  8o)21:48
mariecpusudo chmod .deps/security.Tpo: 777 = readable/writable?21:48
soul_786What's the difference between ext2 and ext3?21:48
kotsu= read,write.execute21:48
RevEggplantthat's world-writeable, mariecpu21:48
Flannelmariecpu: you shouldn't need to chmod anything in your homedir21:48
RevEggplantreadable and writeable21:49
Slartsoul_786: ext3 has a journal.. it's basically ext2 + journal21:49
ubottuext3 is the default filesystem on Ubuntu, and the most popular on Linux. You can read/write from Windows to ext3 via http://www.fs-driver.org21:49
RevEggplantchange it to 0644, i.e., chmod 0644 filename21:49
Malgaur_kotsu, all I see is where the NIC went down and back up... I dont really see it complaining about anything in particular21:49
Slartsoul_786: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ext321:49
lat_Flannel, here is the page: http://bugs.scribus.net/view.php?id=7148.  I don21:49
Malgaur_kotsu.. actually... I do see something21:49
soul_786Slart, what is the journal needed for? would i find that information on those links?21:49
RevEggplantanyone got any ideas on pursuing solution on this:  dpkg: error processing /var/cache/apt/archives/linux-image-2.6.24-19-generic_2.6.24-19.36_amd64.deb (--unpack):21:49
RevEggplant unable to install new version of `./lib/modules/2.6.24-19-generic/kernel/drivers/media/video/usbvideo': No such file or directory21:49
lat_'t see any place to comment.21:49
geniisysop1972: Yes. The r=read w=write x=executable        . So no w in two spots means dir contents are not writeable to other than that user AND group21:49
Malgaur_kotsu, ADDRCONF(NETDEV_UP)21:49
Slartsoul_786: check the wikipedia link21:50
R3Ceext3 is actually the journalised version of ext221:50
soul_786Alright thank you I'll read up on it21:50
lat_Flannel, never mind. I found it.21:50
Malgaur_kotsu, is it possible that its seeing itself?  maybe some sort of route loop?21:50
smookini need help regarding Zyxel`s wireless card21:50
dedi_anyone successfully using ubuntu modules on a custom compiled ubuntu kernel?21:50
wee-ugood evening21:51
geniisysop1972: The permissions currently are 755, we need them to be changed to 775. So: sudo chmod -R 775 /home/smbuser/*          this will do all the dirs you already made their21:51
dubbyhey anyone is there a gui type thing in ubuntu for making and viewing mounts instead of editing the /etc/fstab directly ?21:51
mariecpuchmod: cannot access `.deps/security.Tpo': No such file or directory21:51
AlexJPzoreau, i think it is installed, how can i check to be sure?21:51
ethana2Jul 18 15:17:20 home gdm[5656]: WARNING: gdm_slave_xioerror_handler: Fatal X error - Restarting :021:52
ethana2I think I may have found my problem21:52
blueberry4528does someone know a network monitoring tool,21:52
ethana2anyone want to help me see what caused this?21:52
blueberry4528a logger tool for linux,21:52
abchirkblueberry4528 wireshark21:52
blueberry4528to log http access21:52
geniisysop1972: I require logging off in order to leave work soon. I will be back online in about 45 minutes however.21:52
smookincan any 1 help me i have bought up a new zyxel wireless for my pc but ubuntu did not detect it any pointers21:52
Slartdubby: I haven't seen anything like that.. doesn't mean it isn't out there..21:52
abchirkah http21:52
blueberry4528i want to log the http traffic of my machine21:52
wee-ui need help with the NAt error i get when searching a listening port. in azureus21:52
RevEggplantdubby:  should be open ubuntu menu, System, Administration, Partition Editor21:52
sysop1972genii : ok thx21:52
Flannelblueberry4528: You mean log who views your website?21:52
bobertdosAlexJP: You can be sure by typing about:plugins into firefox.21:53
geniiblueberry4528: apache2 keeps logs, incidentally21:53
blueberry4528@flannel not for a server,21:53
Slartblueberry4528: you mean something other than the apache logs? (if you're using apache that is)21:53
abchirkblueberry4528 If I remember it right you can set up in iptraffic ports.21:53
blueberry4528i mean a logger for a normal host machine21:53
AlexJPbobertdos, thanks mate21:53
Flannelblueberry4528: Do you have apache set up on that machine?21:53
lozhas anybody ever installed sound blaster card before?21:53
blueberry4528something like iptables -j LOG option21:53
wee-ui need help with the NAt error i get when searching a listening port. in azureus21:53
wee-ui need help with the NAt error i get when searching a listening port. in azureus21:53
mariecpucan anyone help me sort out this bluez-utils compile error? http://paste.ubuntu.com/27889/21:53
blueberry4528only to see wich sites were surfed21:53
Slartblueberry4528: ah.. a log of what pages users on the machine access?21:53
blueberry4528like www.21:53
blueberry4528only the "GET" packets21:53
blueberry4528GET Headers21:54
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DrAvatarblueberry4528: dsniff21:54
kooldudemy sliders in ekiga arn't staying in place... resulting in none can hear me! please help!21:54
AlexJPi see this so assume yes: application/x-shockwave-flash21:54
AlexJPstatus = enabled btw21:54
blueberry4528to have a history over the surfed sites21:54
e-zakhello folks, anybody having problems with banshee?21:54
Slartblueberry4528: well.. I guess you could setup a sniffer.. or a invisible proxy.. or some kind of firefox thingy21:54
bobertdosAlexJP: and what version is it?21:54
smookincan any 1 help me i have bought up a new zyxel wireless card for my pc but ubuntu did not detect it can any 1 give me pointers on how to install it21:54
kooldudemy sliders in ekiga arn't staying in place... resulting in none can hear me! please help!21:54
AlexJP8.0 r9921:55
dubbyblueberry4528: you can have iptables log everything like that21:55
kooldudesmookin: it means that the card has gone out of date with the system21:55
Slartblueberry4528: what kind of situation are we talking about here.. making sure the kids doesn't go to any "bad sites" or keeping an employee from reading slashdot during working hours?21:55
kushalsejwalI have 5.1 speaker but only 2 of the 4 speakers play ?? What can I do??21:55
lozdoes anybody know how to configure oss mixer?21:55
bobertdosAlexJP: That's gnash. Youtube hates that :p21:56
kooldudesmookin: so it is not compatible anymore or it's to new for the system21:56
kooldudesmookin: how new is it?21:56
AlexJPbobertdos, is it possible to remove gash?21:56
AlexJPor replacei t21:56
AlexJPreplace it*21:56
bobertdosAlexJP: Indeed, I would first go into Synaptic and see if you can uninstall gnash from there.21:57
kushalsejwalAnybody here used 5.1 speakers?? pls help21:57
dubbyRevEggplant: im actually looking for a mount editor, not a partition editor, like what mounts are saved in fstab and something easy to create them21:57
smookini bought it like two days back21:58
soul_786Okay i read up on ext3 vs ext2 and is there a distinguishable difference in performance? I'm planing on installing ubuntu fresh onto an eeepc 900 so which option would i be better with?21:58
Flanneldubby: Its super easy to edit the fstab.  There isn't a whole lot that a GUI would make easier21:58
AlexJPbobertdos, ok hang on il do that21:58
AlexJPbobertdos, thanks for the help btw21:58
Slartsoul_786: I would go with ext3.. it's the standard fs in ubuntu21:58
rizkhanwireless on ubuntu keeps on disconnecting after some time ..21:58
bobertdosAlexJP: that's why I'm here :)21:58
kooldudeloz: go to file->devices->curris logic blahblahblah rev. 4 (oss mixer)21:58
rizkhanneed to restart it all again21:58
Slartsoul_786: I haven't noticed a performance hit.. I run ext3 on my small laptop without any problems21:58
dubbyFlannel: I know, but my fstab is pretty big from a lot of different places a manager tool would be nice21:58
smookinKooldude: i bought it like 2 days back21:59
dubbyFlannel: a lot of them are noauto21:59
kooldudesmookin: when was it made?21:59
soul_786Alright, i was just concerned with how much space it would take up on the SSD. Hopefully it'll still rub smooth.21:59
Amerikanerif anyones interested, i fixed the problem by setting the hard drive back to raid even though theres no raid volume21:59
e-zakfirefox, anybody using? Mine started to crash X after the last update21:59
smookinKooldude:Jan 0821:59
rizkhanusing a linksys usb wireless, it was ok a while ago, but now again it disconnects all the time.21:59
DrAvatarsoul_786: ext2 perf is worse coz if you lose power, next time boot up a fsck is involved :-)22:00
lozkooldude: i have compiled the oss driver correctly, and it appears to recognize the sound, but does not have any sound coming out of the green jack22:00
rizkhanchanged the channel on the router, it dint work either22:00
Wicky656DrAvatar: it looks like it can be done by a pull but I don't think it can with a push CODE: ssh youruser@yourserver "sudo cat /something/secure" >local_copy22:00
Slartsoul_786: if you want to I can format a smallish partition with ext2 and ext3 just to see if there is a difference in available space.. I don't think it will be though22:00
Flanneldubby: Those are removable ones.  You just want "defaults" as your options22:00
bobertdose-zak, Are you running Hardy Heron?22:00
Wicky656DrAvatar: assuming you are in sudo -i22:00
AlexJPbobertdos, its just removing22:00
kooldudesmookin: it means it is to new... or the company dosen't like ubuntu22:00
Flannelsoul_786: /lastlog -clear22:00
smookinKooldude: hmmm... what about NDSWRAPPER22:01
kooldudeloz: check the output22:01
v1k1ng0I've a question22:01
e-zakbobertdos: yes22:01
SHAMOxf86config  file ...O_O) i dont have that one is that a problem ??22:01
lozkooldude: which command?22:01
soul_786I'm not too worried to be honest, it was just the small HDs getting filled so I'll just try it out and if its not working how i'd like it then ill  just reformat and do it again =)22:01
AlexJPbob: its gone now, shall i use synaptic to search for flash?22:01
kooldudesmookin: comes preinstalled22:01
newbie_guywhat's the differnce between ReiserFS and ext3 ?:D22:01
v1k1ng0I have a dell xps laptop, and I want configure the hdmi audio output for tv22:01
v1k1ng0someone can help me?22:01
Fructosenewbie_guy: ReiserFS is a muder's file system. Use ext322:02
smookinKooldude: in the 8.04 version of ubuntu22:02
Slartnewbie_guy: reiserfs uses some kind of weird data structure for storing files.. it's supposed to be faster if you've got many small files22:02
v1k1ng0how can I configure that my audio output was digital output?22:02
kooldudeloz: it should have it in volume control-> prefrences22:02
kooldudesmookin: yes22:02
bobertdosAlexJP: good, now I will tell you you have two options here. The first option is to use Synaptic to install flashplugin-nonfree. That's the latest version of flash 9, BUT I have found that it seems to have audio issues in Hardy.22:02
Slartnewbie_guy: but it takes a bit longer to mount when you boot up22:02
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about moo22:02
newbie_guyohh... glas that i took ext3 :D22:02
joomla_user!alsa | v1k1ng022:02
ubottuv1k1ng0: If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP322:02
AlexJPbobertdos, i will go for option 2 then22:03
kooldudesmookin: eversince i started using it (6.04lts)22:03
Stormx2bobertdos, what's the other option?22:03
bobertdosAlexJP: *flashplayer-nonfree22:03
AlexJPbobertdos, well, i think i will...22:03
Fructosenewbie_guy: Besides the author murdering his wife, it can also be damaged if your computer shuts down unexpectedly. ext3 is a better bet for typical users22:03
fuhgawzi need help to make ubuntu read a perc4 raid controller22:03
AlexJPbobertdos, in synaptic right?22:03
v1k1ng0ubottu: thanks, I have debian (no ubuntu)22:03
ubottuv1k1ng0: Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)22:03
bobertdosAlexJP,Stormx2: The other option is to install the beta of Flash 10. For me, this solved my audio issues.22:04
lozkooldude: i get this when i type ossinfo -e 11: HD Audio play front (VMIX0) (device file /dev/oss/hdaudio0/pcm0)22:04
loz12: Sound Blaster X-Fi (SB073x) output (device file /dev/oss/sbxfi0/pcm0)22:04
loz13: Sound Blaster X-Fi (SB073x) input (device file /dev/oss/sbxfi0/pcmin0)22:04
v1k1ng0ups xD22:04
AngryPunkHello everyone, I've got a strange problem.  There is a blank disc icon on my desktop, my drive is empty, it works in windows, but i cant get it to even open up in Ubuntu because it thinks theres a blank disc in it when there is not22:04
FlannelFructose: Please stop that, it's not relevant.22:04
Stormx2bobertdos, okay, cause I'm having audio issues with flash 9 too.22:04
SlartFructose: what does the author's personal life has to do with the product.. there is a team behind reiserfs..22:04
smookinKooldude: the thing i was browseing ubuntu forums a wile back in search of the drivers and i came across a topic which said use NDSWRAPPER to make ur hardware work on ubuntu22:04
Stormx2bobertdos, do you have any install tips for flash 10?22:04
kooldudesmookin: it should come preinstalled if you have the shipit version for shure22:05
AlexJPbobertdos,  how would i install it22:05
FructoseSlart: Was a team. Development came to a halt due to trial.22:05
Slartnewbie_guy: the wikipedia has some good info on reiserfs http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ReiserFS22:05
bobertdosAlexJP,Stormx2: The main tip for 10 is to make absolutely certain you have no other active versions of Flash or Gnash anywhere in the system.22:05
kooldudeloz: what is your cards name22:05
lozkooldude: i think the program is working fine; but still no sound , there is no preferences22:05
chriswrhow do i switch my cube spin from ctrl + alt + left click to just middle click?22:05
smookinKooldude: i tried reinstalling ubuntu and still the samething22:05
XzeriousHey guys.22:06
bobertdosAlexJP,Stormx2: By active, of course I mean, installed22:06
lozkooldude: it is a sound blaster x fi xtreme gamer22:06
XzeriousAny help for a newbie?22:06
Stormx2bobertdos: okay, cheers22:06
stefg!ask | Xzerious22:06
AlexJPbobertdos, where do i find this beta22:06
ubottuXzerious: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)22:06
chriswrxzerious: you needing help?22:06
kooldudeloz: srry edit-> prefrinces22:06
FructoseXzerious: It's probably a hardware problem. I told you in #linux.22:06
XzeriousI am using a live cd for ubuntu, but whenever I try to install it it will come up "Permission Denied"22:06
XzeriousLike 20 times or something.22:06
bobertdosAlexJP,Stormx2: Here is the link to the tar: http://download.macromedia.com/pub/labs/flashplayer10/flashplayer10_install_linux_070208.tar.gz22:07
XzeriousIt will load up quite well for a couple of mins then it will come up "Permission denied".22:07
chriswrXzerious:  probably have it set to root permision22:07
e-zakbobertodos, I'm running Hardy Heron, why you asked?22:07
smookinKooldude: thanks any way for your help realy appreciated22:07
Fructosechriswr: It's a LiveCD22:07
kooldudesmookin: just to let you know... from what i know is that ndswrapper is a network card muti driver22:07
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bobertdose-zak: Well, I wanted to be sure you weren't still running the old Beta or anything like that.22:08
FructoseXzerious: You've tried mutliple liveCDs and both have given you rather cryptic problems on this 5-year-old machine of yours. There's a very good chance it's a hardware problem.22:08
chriswrFructose: Xzerious do you not have permisions on live cd?22:08
bobertdose-zak: You have installed all the updates, right?22:08
smookinKooldude: Ok thanks22:08
e-zakbobertdos: yes, I did.22:08
lozkooldude: the GUI is of very poor quality, there is no edit or preferences, i hope you do mean in OSS22:08
Fructosechriswr: They should be handled automatically. He can't even boot.22:08
kooldudesmookin: hmmm22:08
chriswrFructose: so when he boots it comes up with access denied?22:09
kooldudeloz: hmm22:09
AlexJPbobertdos, it wont run22:09
Stormx2bobertdos: not working with amd64...22:09
XzeriousWell, I can boot, it comes up with the menu and stuff and when I click on "Install Ubuntu" but then it will come up with that.22:09
kooldudeloz: no in the volume control22:09
e-zakbobertdos: it was working before... i was without net for two weeks and when I updated it, it started to crash.. mainly on youtube22:09
AlexJPbobertdos, im clicking execute on the install file, its just sitting there22:09
bobertdosStormx2: Oh yes, for you it's going to be harder :p22:09
chriswrxzerious: so your trying to install it?22:09
lozkooldude: no, i am afraid not...22:10
kooldudeloz: it is in my os22:10
chriswrXzerious: i just installed in windows so i could dual boot22:10
FructoseXzerious: Sounded like a hard drive issue when you gave your Gentoo error message. If you can boot up with the LiveCD, the rest of your hardware is probably fine.22:10
kooldudewhich version are you carrying22:10
den_des!ubuntu | den_des22:10
ubottuden_des, please see my private message22:10
bobertdosStormx2: Actually, quite tricky unfortunately. Are you familiar with ndispluginwrapper at all?22:10
B4lightWhat do I do to change my screen resolution manually?22:10
FructoseXzerious: So, if it's an option, I'd try swapping out your hard drive.22:10
bobertdosAlexJP: You have to run the installer from the terminal.22:10
chriswrxzerious: can you private message me the proplem error?22:11
stefg!fixres | B4light22:11
ubottuB4light: The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto22:11
lozkooldude: i am using v422:11
XzeriousYeh sure chris22:11
kooldudeloz: which version are you carrying of ubuntu?22:11
lozkooldude: 8.0422:11
AlexJPbobertdos, cheers22:11
Stormx2bobertdos: Nope, I'm not.22:11
XzeriousWell swapping out my harddrive is a problem.22:11
XzeriousSeeing as that is my only harddrive22:12
kooldudeprivate chat loz22:12
Stormx2But I think there's a section in the wiki22:12
lozkooldude:I think i see what you mean, you mean on the top pannel22:12
crazy6how might I mount a drive such that all files are masked to to be owner, group, and others readable? I am just setting up reading on my Mac drive....22:12
kooldudeloz: yes22:12
testdisck2guys I typed in these numbers in console "4 8 15 16 23 42" and my entire system rebooted, how come?22:13
lozkooldude/ i am on private22:13
soul_786On a clean install of ubuntu, how much disk space is usually used up?22:13
tyler_my comp wont let me install codecs22:14
bobertdosStormx2: Would you be comfortable following this: http://www.myscienceisbetter.info/2008/05/install-adobe-flash-player-10-on-ubuntu-using-nspluginwrapper.html22:14
Slarttestdisck2: google had some weird ideas about those numbers..22:14
tyler_for vidios22:14
Slarttestdisck2: you typed them in a terminal?22:14
AlexJPbobertdos, how do i get it to start?22:14
testdisck2Slart nvm sir :) it kinda fixed it self the error22:14
AlexJPdo i type sudo start filename here?22:14
testdisck2Slart: thanks for the assitance though22:14
Slarttestdisck2: no worries22:14
KruzenAnyone know where I can find information on configuring pam_mount for an AD Ldap home folder path22:15
stefgtestdisck2: i think it's just coincidence. Unless you can't replicate that i'd rather suspect either a hardware problem22:15
bobertdosAlexJP: sudo ./<installer file name here>22:15
stefgor a seriously gamaged system22:15
AlexJPbobertdos, ta22:15
tyler_my comp wont let me install codecs for videos or plug-ins for video it says sudo wont let me how do i sudo it22:16
soul_786A clean install of ubuntu will take up how much space on the HD?22:16
stefg!sudo | tyler_22:16
ubottutyler_: sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. For graphical applications see !gksu (Gnome), or !kdesu (KDE)22:16
tyler_what do i put in after sudo 122:17
zabecki-techI am having a problem with sharing files I have done everything that the web sites say, the shares-admin and everything.  All anyone can do is see the folders but when they try to enter the folders from windows they get a permission denied message, from ubuntu they get cannot mount.22:17
stefg!cli | tyler_22:17
ubottutyler_: The linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE).  Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal22:17
Flannelsoul_786: 2 to 3ish G?22:17
|ZippO|somebody is using getdeb's repositories? which one is working?22:17
soul_786Ah okai thank you | Flannel22:18
Stormx2bobertdos, followed. Still found issues.22:18
Flannelsoul_786: "minimum" requirements are 4G, but that includes swap space (and a bit for your home, I imagine)22:18
bobertdosStormx2: like?22:18
fuhgawzcan somebody help me out to set up a powervault over perc422:18
tyler_i know sudo / (what do i put here)22:18
Stormx2bobertdos, video stops playing after 2 seconds if I have mpd running22:18
Stormx2After I play a video, mpd won't play22:18
Stormx2I'll work on it myself a bit22:19
zabecki-techCan someone help me with the file shares22:19
kc0dxfsudo apt-get update and I get:22:19
kc0dxfW: GPG error: http://security.ubuntu.com hardy-security Release: Couldn't access keyring: 'Value too large for defined data type'22:19
kc0dxfAny ideas on how to fix?22:19
soul_786Flannel: I'm planning on installing ubuntu on an Asus eeepc 900 with about 20G of HD i beleive. would i be okay in terms of space? There's also a 12G version of the eeepc but i won't go lower to the 700series with only 4G space i assume22:19
kontagiousi downloaded a bunch of hd tv shows and they're in mkv.. the quality is too good for my computer to play. i would like to convert them to avi.. could someone help me find the right command to use with mencode22:20
bobertdosStormx2: fair enough, I myself don't use a 64-bit system, so I don't know if I'd be of much more help anyway :p22:20
Flannelsoul_786: Yeah.  "recommended" is 8G.  If you're worried, you can always use Xubuntu. Minimum for Xubuntu is 1.5G22:20
bobertdosAlexJP: How goes it?22:20
AlexJPbobertdos, trying to tell it my mozilla directory22:20
zabecki-techI really could use help on the file shares22:20
stefgtyler_: you haven't grasped the concept yet. 'sudo' is put in front of a command if it requires superuser privileges to work, so the question 'what do i but behind sudo' is silly...22:20
c0ld_Fuzi0nsoul_786, plenty of space there. a full installation of 8.04 64bit only takes up 4 or 5 gigs22:20
AlexJPbobertdos, i cant get it to be outside of desktop22:21
metalpresdoes anyone know where to set the default web browser in Thunderbird?  ever since I upgraded to FF3 when I click links in thunderbird they do nothing instead of opening up firefox22:21
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soul_786Ah okay. The difference between the two is substantial? Xubuntu and Ubuntu?22:21
Flannelsoul_786: One uses Gnome, the other XFCE22:21
kooldudemy sliders in ekiga arn't staying in place... resulting in none can hear me! please help!22:21
bobertdosAlexJP: I think you need a little terminal crash course :D22:21
AlexJPbobertdos, lol yeah im a n00b22:21
aoupiis there any commandline utility that outputs in a specified character encoding, something like you'd expect 'echo --encoding=iso8859-1 "abcåäö"' to do22:21
ubottuXubuntu is Ubuntu with Xfce instead of !GNOME. More info at http://www.xubuntu.org and http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Xubuntu/ - To install from Ubuntu: « sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop » - Join #xubuntu for support - See also: !Ubuntu and !Xubuntu-Channels22:21
AlexJPbobertdos, been on with linux approx 5 days22:21
joomla_useraoupi, php-cli ?22:22
bobertdosAlexJP: I know, I understand. Are you alright talking out here or do you want to go to a channel with less noise?22:22
AlexJPok letsa do that22:22
aoupijoomla_user: preferebly normal-cli :)22:22
tyler_fine how do i install plug-ins and codecs22:23
dubbytyler_ you mean libs :-p22:23
Mycah_Does anyone one know of any software that publishes E-Books (Not pdfs) that can be sold (Doesnt allow copying of material) for linux22:23
stefg!codecs | tyler_22:23
ubottutyler_: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats22:23
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Stormx2bobertdos: my god. all this time, it was mpd locking the sound card. oh well. at least i have flash 10 now.22:24
kontagiousi cant seem to find the command to convert a mkv to avi with mencoder22:24
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kdavidHi I lost Cairo dock in my synaptic repository how do I get it back?22:25
Jack_Sparrow!patience > Mycah_22:26
ubottuMycah_, please see my private message22:26
Mycah_oh ok22:26
bobertdosStormx2: hahaha, don'cha just hate it when stuff like that happens?? :D Oh  well, have fun! cheers22:26
Stormx2bobertdos: Thanks for all the help22:26
Jack_Sparrowkdavid I got the debs of cairo from the developer22:26
soul_786Just read up a bit on Xubuntu but why do people choose Ubuntu over it? What differences make ubuntu more popular?22:26
bobertdosStormx2: My pleasure22:27
Deus_Gearanyone here ever use 945gme gpu?22:27
DarkAuditis there a different #ubuntu- channel to ask about build errors using apt-build?22:27
kdavidJack do you mean you download it from the site?22:27
Jack_Sparrowkdavid I got the debs of cairo from the developer             https://developer.berlios.de/project/showfiles.php?group_id=8724&release_id=1410822:27
ubottuXubuntu is Ubuntu with Xfce instead of !GNOME. More info at http://www.xubuntu.org and http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Xubuntu/ - To install from Ubuntu: « sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop » - Join #xubuntu for support - See also: !Ubuntu and !Xubuntu-Channels22:27
^AzerthothMycah_ if there is, it would likely be a proprietary app. as closing things is contradictory to the GPL22:27
mneptoksoul_786: that topic is more suited to #ubuntu-offtopic22:28
Mycah_i see22:28
soul_786Alright ill head there. Thanks22:28
kdavidJack do you know how to install it.. I have been trying but it is driving me crazy22:28
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Mycah_well is there one you suggest to compile it in PDF?22:28
Stormx2soul_786: /msg ubottu next time please. Some people simply prefer it, others use it because it's lighter weight than GNOME or KDE22:28
^AzerthothMycah_ openoffice22:28
Mycah_Ok :)22:28
thethirdmoosei am having problems with sound, can someone please help me?22:29
Jack_Sparrowkdavid  I prefer 1.5.6  get both debs then double click them22:29
Deus_Gearanyone here ever use 945gme gpu?22:29
Flannel^Azerthoth: That wouldn't be a GPL issue at all22:29
glitsj16kontagious: if you want to play the .mkv with mplayer at a lower resolution use the "-lavdopts lowres=1:fast:skiploopfilter=all" switches .. for mkv2avi conversion there's a nice script at http://www.howforge.com/how-to-convert-mkv-to-avi-using-mencoder22:29
^AzerthothFlannel I didnt say it was or would be, just contradictory to the spirit and intent22:29
pretender_Can any one tell me how to install MAC Like Dock for Ubuntu 7.1022:29
Mycah_Azerthoth, isn't that intended for software?22:30
Jack_Sparrowpretender_             https://developer.berlios.de/project/showfiles.php?group_id=8724&release_id=1410822:30
thethirdmooseis anyone using an ALC885 sound chip who has gotten sound working?22:30
mneptok!awn > pretender_22:30
ubottupretender_, please see my private message22:30
Jack_Sparrowpretender_   I prefer 1.5.6  get both debs then double click them22:30
stefg!awn | pretender_22:30
ubottupretender_: Avant Window Navigator is a dock-like navigation bar for the Linux desktop that positions itself at the bottom of the screen. Homepage http://wiki.awn-project.org/ Awn-Manager can be found the Gutsy !backports repository and in Universe in Hardy22:30
^AzerthothMycah_ it is, however Linux apps that close things are not likely to be found under the GPL due to the very nature of the belief in open exchange of ALL information22:31
kontagiousglitsj16:  i would prefer to convert them so i can play them on my xbox..22:31
thethirdmoosecan someone please help me with my sound. I have an ALC 885 chip, I have tried pulseaudio and ALSA, every guide I could find, and 2 weeks later, they still aren't working. How broken is sound?22:31
glitsj16kontagious: in that case use the script at that link, it works great to convert mkv to avi using mencoder22:32
Mycah_i see22:32
crimsun_thethirdmoose: sound isn't necessarily "broken".  Please run the alsa-info.sh script.22:32
emorrishi, i can't get my head around chmod! i want to remove all execute permissions, remove group's write permissions and add other's read permissions. How? Thanks!22:32
thethirdmoosethanks, crimsun_22:32
kontagiousglitsj16: im really new to command line things.. do you think you could help me out..22:32
Flannelemorris: so, you want them to be rw-r--r--?22:32
emorrisFlannel: yes22:33
Mycah_kontagious what do you need help with22:33
glitsj16kontagious: sure, are you looking at that page ?22:33
crimsun_thethirdmoose: let me know what url that script generates22:33
Flannelemorris: That'd be 644, or you could do it non-numerically22:33
stefg!permissions | emorris22:33
ubottuemorris: An explanation of what file permissions are and how they can be manipulated can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FilePermissions22:33
kontagiousglitsj16: yes.. i could do it but switching audio for video files gets kinda confusing22:33
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Deus_Gearcould someone help me with an 945gme gpu chipset? I've been reading ubuntu forums and it should be wroking but it seems that the intel driver cant associate the chipset under it22:33
=== maco_ is now known as maco
emorrisFlannel, thanks, just out of interest, how would I do it non-numerically?22:34
Flannelemorris: each group of three (user, group, others) is an octal digit, 421, so rw- is 4+2 = 6, r-- is 422:34
kontagiousglitsj16: i have 720p video files and id like to convert them to divx quality22:34
glitsj16kontagious: that's the explanation, the script will do it automatically for you that's the whole point22:34
thethirdmoosecrimsun_, that file is only in the source folder from where I installed ALSA, and it won't run from there22:34
kontagiousglitsj16: where do  i put the script22:34
crimsun_thethirdmoose: it's a bash script.  Make sure you run it via bash.22:35
thethirdmooseah, there we go22:35
glitsj16kontagious: i would put it in your /home/<usrname>/bin folder, because that's in your system path22:35
thethirdmoosecrimsun_, http://pastebin.ca/107595322:35
Bizzehhey, can someone do me a huge favour and pastebin their grub.conf/menu.lst please? (unmodded config from 8.04 possibly)22:36
emorrisFlannel: OK, thanks. What's the equivalent with o's and g's and +'s and -'s22:36
Flannelemorris: a-x,go-w+r,u+rw ?  there's other permutations as well.  And dependin on what they are currently, that may be simplfied.  Or just u=rw,go=r22:36
emorrisFlannel: woah, that was quick22:36
crimsun_thethirdmoose: sec.22:37
kontagiousCouldn't find "/home/joel/bin"22:37
Flannelemorris: when you're doing absolute settings, its usually easier to use the octal format.  The others are just nice when you want to give specific people certain privledges (like group can write)22:37
glitsj16kontagious: make sure to make it executable .. either via GUI (right-click in nautilus > properties> permissions and tick the bottom box) or via terminal (chmod +x <script name>)22:38
p221072I have a problem with the modem bluetooth22:40
testdisck2how do I list my audio card specs in cli?22:40
p221072anyone can help?22:40
glitsj16kontagious: if you want to keep the original 720p, take out the "-sws 2 -vf scale=352:-3 \ " part in that script as well ..22:40
Flannel!ru | tema22:41
ubottutema: Пожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke22:41
Fallenouhow can i change my openPGP passphrase ?22:42
Zero|Byteis gord around?22:43
kontagiousglitsj16: so this is going to be divx quality?22:43
testdisck2what a good way to find out your audio card harwdare specs in linux+22:44
glitsj16kontagious: ues, that's the resut of the command switch used (-ffourcc divx)22:44
Fallenougot it22:44
testdisck2whats a good way to find out your audio card harwdare specs in linux? *edited*22:44
crimsun_thethirdmoose: looking now22:45
crimsun_testdisck2: look at /proc/asound/**22:45
stefgtestdisck2: aply -l22:45
stefgtestdisck2: aplay -l22:45
testdisck2thanks crimsun_ and stefg22:46
kontagiousglitsj16: thank you it is chugging away at something.. how do i know how far it is done converting22:46
p221072anyone familiar with rfcomm_tty_ioctl: TIOCGSERIAL is not supported22:46
dudetardmy sound stopped working after last update can anybody help?22:46
MalgaurIt appears that my 2 NICs are conflicting... how would I go about troubleshooting the problem?22:47
thethirdmoosecrimsun_, I should also tell you, when I try to run alsamixer, it says alsamixer: function snd_ctl_open failed for default: No such file or directory22:47
temadudetard: use previous version kernel22:47
glitsj16kontagious: that i don't know, isn't mencoder outputting any progress indicator in terminal ?22:47
dudetardtema: and wait for new kernel to work properly?22:47
fluvvellI'm looking for an opinion on the best route to upgrading an 80G Raid1 array (mounted on /home) to 360G.  They're PATA drives.22:47
zagibuhow come my mplayer cannot find avisynth.dll, when I just installed w32codecs?22:47
temadudetard: yep22:48
jlewissome help please. When I type " sudo network-admin" id get back, "  Gtk-WARNING **: Unknown property: GtkComboBox.items** (network-admin:9702): CRITICAL **: Unable to lookup session information for process '9702'" Thoughts?22:48
bolla85hi all22:48
Flanneljlewis: Its a warning, don't worry about it.  Also, use gksu instead of sudo for gui apps22:48
dudetardtema: feels like the lame way out but you're not the first to tell me, so thanks22:49
bolla85can someone help me?22:49
kontagiousglitsj16: http://img300.imageshack.us/img300/6084/screenshotrootbeerhomejsf1.png22:49
Flanneldudetard: Make sure you file a bug re: the regression22:49
stefgfluvvell: prepare the new array, mount to som temp mountpoint (/mnt would be good) , copy everything over, mount to /home22:49
=== Mohammed is now known as Guest25310
bolla85when i run apt-get install compiz-dev i have this message http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/28355/22:49
jlewisFlannel: But the "Network Setting" stuff is all greyed out. Thoughts?22:50
kontagiousthe bottom numbers are going wild22:50
dudetardflannel: you you explain?22:50
crimsun_thethirdmoose: you need at least alsa-driver 1.0.1722:50
Flannel!bugs | dudetard22:50
ubottududetard: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug report at: http://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu  -  Bugs in/wishes for the bots can be filed at http://launchpad.net/ubuntu-bots22:50
thethirdmooseI'm pretty sure I have it22:50
=== Guest25310 is now known as Infonix
Flanneldudetard: Make sure someone knows its a bug, or else "wait for it to be fixed" might not be ever (because no one knows)22:50
thethirdmoosecrimsun_: that's the one I compiled and installed22:50
dudetardah yes thanks22:50
crimsun_thethirdmoose: no it's not.  Look at your pastebin, which clearly reports
glitsj16kontagious: that looks like the output of your original playback trouble no ?22:51
thethirdmooseI see22:51
thethirdmooseso sudo apt-get update alsa should do it?22:51
kontagiousits making a audio.wav file in the folder im converting it but no .avi22:52
bolla85can someone help me?22:52
thethirdmoosecrimsun_: when I try to upgrade alsa or install alsa, apt-get says it's already the newest version22:52
jlewisFlannel: How can I get my DNS to change? Every time I try and get the OpenDNS DNS to stay, it reverts back to my previous DNS? Thoughts?22:52
CyberBirddoes anyone know how I reinstall nvidia drivers?22:52
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fluvvellstefg: any tools newer or better than mdadm?22:53
kontagiousoh it does the audio first :S22:53
crimsun_thethirdmoose: no, this is outside of the linux-ubuntu-modules-$(uname -r) and alsa-source packages22:53
glitsj16kontagious: yes indeed, let it run a bit22:53
crimsun_thethirdmoose: i.e., you need to use the upstream version or one of Takashi's snapshots22:53
=== RoAk is now known as RoAkSoAx
Flannelbolla85: Those packages exist, make sure you have all your normal repositories enabled, and have your package cache up to date22:53
kontagiousglitsj16: at 2.2 gigs each and 10 episodes this could take a while22:54
weswh-i have a drive, sdd...USB drive that is formatted with mac fs. desperately need to format this thing ext2...is there an easy way to do that through the cli?22:54
FarmCretinwould it be bad to have openssh listening on port 80 or 443?22:54
thethirdmoosecrimsun_: is it the first link on this page?22:54
stefgfluvvell: don't mix things up. mdadm is /the/ tool for making (soft-)raid arrays. this is on the filesystem level. once you have a filesystem on a md-device you can proceed with it as if it were a standard partition22:54
thethirdmoosecrimsun_: here:http://git.alsa-project.org/?p=alsa-kernel.git;a=shortlog;h=for-linus22:55
CheironTitle: git.alsa-project.org Git - alsa-kernel.git/shortlog, http://tinyurl.com/5bv79j22:55
crimsun_thethirdmoose: no.22:55
glitsj16kontagious: it will take time transcoding large files yes, no way around that (besides riiculously expensive professional hardware) :)22:55
jlewiscan someone help me set my DNS to,; ? Each time i enter it into my Network Settings it reverts back to a previous DNS. Help!22:55
CyberBirdhow can I reinstall nvidia drivers?22:55
thethirdmoosecrimsun_: where can I get the driver?22:55
mneptokCyberBird: sudo apt-get reinstall nvidia-glx22:55
crimsun_thethirdmoose: from upstream's web site, http://www.alsa-project.org22:56
kontagiousglitsj16: might as well go pay for the dvd if thats the case.. haha.. i can wait a couple extra minutes :P22:56
CheironTitle: Main Page - AlsaProject22:56
timboyi need to have my modem autostart with ubuntu. the command is /home/tim/.modem/martian_modem /dev/modem1 how do I make this happen upon boot?22:56
CyberBirdand then how I configure xorg.conf?22:56
weswh-FarmCretin: no..many people change the default ssh port. security by obscurity22:56
Milos_SDQ: Can someone tell me what packages are needed to install nvidia driver from envyng, I want to put that on APTOnCD?22:56
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about razer22:57
thethirdmoosecrimsun_: Ok, I found it here: ftp://ftp.alsa-project.org/pub/driver/22:57
kontagiousglitsj16: well thank you for your help.. ill come back when its done and tell you all about it :)22:57
fuhgawzcan somebody help me out to set up a powervault over perc4????22:57
ubottuenvyng is an updated version of the *UNSUPPORTED* envy package. It is now part of the ubuntu universe repository (envyng-gtk OR envyng-qt) and has community support. As an early version, its results may vary but this should be used over the unsupported envy package.22:57
abchi guys22:57
jlewisHow can I change my DNS permanently?22:57
gregohas anyone here ever done this how-to?  http://research.edm.uhasselt.be/~jori/page/uploads/Misc/howto.txt22:57
crimsun_jlewis: you need to uncomment the #prepend domain-name-servers;  line in /etc/dhcp3/dhclient.conf and change it22:57
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about envy-ng22:57
abcsomebody can help me with a fuckin' ati graphcard on unbuntu 8.0422:58
glitsj16kontagious: very welcome .. it seems that ffmpeg can do the same thing, that has a GUI called winFF if you'd prefer that .. take a look at http://www.dslreports.com/forum/r19571065-SOLVED-ffmpeg-mkv-to-xvidac322:58
FloodBot1abc: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.22:58
CheironTitle: [SOLVED] ffmpeg mkv to xvid/ac3 - dslreports.com, http://tinyurl.com/39mgyk22:58
Flannel!language | abc22:58
ubottuabc: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.22:58
stefgfluvvell: sou you prepare a raid array with e.g. mdadm --create /dev/md0 -l 1 -n2 /dev/[device1] /dev/[device2]. once that is done you make a filesystem on it with mkfs and put your data on it. find out its UUID with 'sudo blkid' and enter that into /etc/fstab for being mounted on the /home mountpoint22:58
abcok i dont flod again22:58
bolla85Flannel: thank you22:58
CyberBirdhow I reconfigure xorg.conf after reinstalling the nvidia driver?22:58
evilbugabc- what do you need?22:58
gregohas anyone here ever done this how-to to multiseat a computer with OpenGL support?  http://research.edm.uhasselt.be/~jori/page/uploads/Misc/howto.txt22:59
abcmy card wendor is ati it is a ati radeon mobility x110022:59
AhadielCyberBird, sudo nvidia-xconfig22:59
evilbugand you need to set it up?22:59
abcevilbug oh realy.... and how23:00
fluvvellstefg: blkid is new to me, that may be a useful magic bullet!23:00
stefg!uuid | fluvvell23:00
ubottufluvvell: To see a list of your devices/partitions and their corresponding UUID's, run this command in a !shell: « sudo blkid » (see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LibAtaForAtaDisks for the rationale behind the transition to UUID)23:00
FarmCretinweswh-: ok, im going to some college getaway thing and im pretty sure they block ports. i have 1 http application listening on port 7351. since its going though http, will it still work? (http://xx.xxx.xxx.xx:7351/sa)bnzbd/23:00
evilbugabc- i was asking: do you need to set it up, or is it something else you need to do?23:00
abcevilbug u can guide me23:00
fuhgawzits the nvidia driver going to finally work someday? i kept reinstalling it and then it goes back to low graphic mode23:00
codyzappabc, system > administration > hardware drivers23:00
jlewiscrimsun_; how do I  uncomment the #prepend domain-name-servers? Im very new to Ubuntu.23:00
fuhgawzim getting tired, i have to reinstall it/configure it almost every day23:01
abcoh ok codyzapp .. nice i try23:01
Jordan_UFarmCretin, Why not have it just listen on 80 ?23:01
evilbugabc- did you install the restricted driver for it?23:01
gregohas anyone here ever done this how-to to multiseat a computer with OpenGL support?  http://research.edm.uhasselt.be/~jori/page/uploads/Misc/howto.txt23:01
Malgaurmy external NIC (to the internet) stops responding after a while... when I disable my other NIC (internal network) the other starts responding fine again. Any ideas?23:01
gregoanyone have anything to say?23:01
crimsun_jlewis: remove the leading hash ('#') from the line23:01
evilbugabc- then try reconfiguring xorg and re-installing the restricted driver.23:02
FarmCretinJordan_U: im not sure it will work. in the end i'd like FTP,ssh, and that application to all work behind whatever firewall/router they have.23:02
=== fuhgawz is now known as beexwax
gregodoes anyone here know about how-to to multiseat a computer with OpenGL support?  http://research.edm.uhasselt.be/~jori/page/uploads/Misc/howto.txt23:02
saculhaving an issue with compiling gnome-do from source... ./autogen.sh craps out on 'notify-sharp' package.. any suggestions?23:02
=== |roue| is now known as lymeca
abcevilbug codyzapp >>>>>>>>. my window with hardware drivers are empty ? and what for  restricted driver u mean ? that stuff from the ATI website or waht ?23:03
noorHi, I'm wondering how browse my camera storage via usb.  I can see and import pictures in F-spot, but I want to see the files and download a video.23:03
Slartnoor: it doesn't show up as a removable drive in nautilus?23:04
bolla85Flannel: which are the right repository for ubuntu 8.04 and where can I find them?23:04
jussi01noor: it should be mounted in /media23:04
jlewiscrimsun_: when I go to change my DNS in the Network Settings, I delete the 3 that are there, add the two from OpenDNS, and close it. Then I go back to it and the 3 original DNS's are there again. Why?23:05
tat_hello, had anyone experience with the Atheros AR242x wifi card ?23:05
Flannelbolla85: If you go to software sources, you'll be able to enable/disable.  It'd be hardy, hardy-updates, and hardy-security23:05
thethirdmoosecrimsun_: When I comalsa-driver-1.0.17/soc/../alsa-kernel/soc/soc-dapm.c:834: error: implicit declaration of function ‘strict_strtoul’pile the driver, I get this:23:05
beexwaxits the nvidia driver going to finally work someday? i kept reinstalling it and then it goes back to low graphic mode23:05
gregodoes anyone here know about how-to to multiseat a computer with OpenGL support?  http://research.edm.uhasselt.be/~jori/page/uploads/Misc/howto.txt23:05
crimsun_jlewis: because you're supposed to add them in /etc/dhcp3/dhclient.conf.  network-manager overwrites whatever changes you make to /etc/resolv.conf (unless you use resolvconf, which is another bag of bones).23:06
Jordan_UFarmCretin, I would suggest installing something like webshell that will almost certainly work if you set it to listen on port 433 that way you can fix the other stuff once you are behind the firewall and know what they do and don't block23:06
Jordan_UFarmCretin, http://www-personal.umich.edu/~mressl/webshell/23:06
askandHello! I want to be able to hear flash playing sounds in firefox even if I have another program playings sounds, this was solved with libflashsupport. Now firefox crashes when using flash? How to solve please!23:06
thethirdmoosecrimsun_: sorry, I get alsa-driver-1.0.17/soc/../alsa-kernel/soc/soc-dapm.c:834: error: implicit declaration of function ‘strict_strtoul’23:06
noorSlart, jussi01 It didn't show up in the "Computer" window with my other drives.  In media I see several folders with "usb" in the name, but none of them have anything in them23:06
ihmSelbstwho can i change my java to 'sun java'? Sun java is allready installed, but it dosent start when i type 'java' .. can anybody help?23:06
Slartnoor: but you could still import the photos using f-spot? that's odd23:06
crimsun_askand: remove libflashsupport.  install intrepid's libasound2-plugins, flashplugin-nonfree, and libasound2.23:06
AlexJPanyone help? im using xchat and everyime i pres a key my intenal speaker beeps23:06
crimsun_askand: you'll then need to run `asoundconf set-pulseaudio'23:06
abcevilbug can i PM u23:07
nickrudihmSelbst,   sudo update-alternatives --config java23:07
gregodoes anyone here know about how-to to multiseat a computer with OpenGL support?  http://research.edm.uhasselt.be/~jori/page/uploads/Misc/howto.txt23:07
crimsun_askand: and if you have an amd64 (or are running 64-bit), you'll need to reinstall nspluginwrapper and intrepid's lib32asound223:07
FarmCretinJordan_U: great idea, thanks. hopefully that wont kill my server (P2 256RAM23:07
beexwaxcan somebody help me out to set up a powervault over perc4????23:07
abccodyzapp and then ? pls help...23:08
askandcrimsun_: thanks Ill try that!23:08
gregodoes anyone here know about how-to to multiseat a computer with OpenGL support?  http://research.edm.uhasselt.be/~jori/page/uploads/Misc/howto.txt23:08
codyzappabc, it should have asked you to install the restricted driver. i dont know why it didnt23:08
Jordan_UFarmCretin, Actually you probably want the original http://antony.lesuisse.org/qweb/trac/wiki/AjaxTerm unless you need iphone compatibility :)23:08
jlewiscrimsun_: I did what you said to do in the /etc/dhcp3/dhclient.conf. and it still that the original 3 DNS settings there. IS there something I am missing?23:08
* nickrud had much fun with configuring pulseaudio yesterday. Had it to the point that sound lagged about a second, and while typing in xchat if his channel message alert sound went off, key repeat was forced on23:08
abccodyzapp the window is empty .........system > administration > hardware drivers23:08
codyzappyes you told me i know. it should have asked you tho.23:09
markqvistCan anyone help me with configurin xorg? I'm having trouble getting the correct resolution on and external 8" tft screen. It seems, that no matter how i change xorg.conf, i just get the same 1024x768 resolution23:09
gregodoes anyone here know about how-to to multiseat a computer with OpenGL support?  http://research.edm.uhasselt.be/~jori/page/uploads/Misc/howto.txt23:10
codyzappabc, run all your updates?23:10
nickrud!repeat | grego23:10
ubottugrego: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience23:10
crimsun_jlewis: pastebin that file23:10
glitsj16grego: just read it, what is your question ?23:10
FarmCretinJordan_U: you're right. btw, this thing is beautiful! ive been looking for something like this for a while23:10
jlewiscrimsun_ how do i do that?23:10
codyzappabc, system > administration > update manager23:10
abccodyzapp ati resrict drivers .. what i can see with apt-cache search23:11
codyzappabc, yeah compile that23:11
crimsun_jlewis: apt-get install pastebinit23:11
thethirdmoosecrimsun_: The compile doesn't work. Here's how it ends (my name replaced with myname, can't be too safe on the internet): make[1]: Entering directory `/usr/src/linux-headers-2.6.24-19-generic'23:11
thethirdmoose  CC [M]  /home/myname/goodalsa/alsa-driver-1.0.17/soc/soc-dapm.o23:11
thethirdmooseIn file included from /home/myname/goodalsa/alsa-driver-1.0.17/soc/soc-dapm.c:2:23:11
thethirdmoose/home/myname/goodalsa/alsa-driver-1.0.17/soc/../alsa-kernel/soc/soc-dapm.c: In function ‘dapm_pop_time_store’:23:11
thethirdmoose/home/myname/goodalsa/alsa-driver-1.0.17/soc/../alsa-kernel/soc/soc-dapm.c:834: error: implicit declaration of function ‘strict_strtoul’23:11
FloodBot1thethirdmoose: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.23:11
thethirdmoosemake[3]: *** [/home/myname/goodalsa/alsa-driver-1.0.17/soc/soc-dapm.o] Error 123:12
chriswrfructose: lol , i solved xzerious's problem , he was useing a defective version for his system specs23:12
crimsun_thethirdmoose: already fixed; you need a newer snapshot23:13
jlewiscrimsun_: O.K, doing it now. What is this doing?23:13
=== puff` is now known as puff
abccodyzapp i find only kernel modules23:13
kdavidjack, I installed Cairo but I get this message in terminal: cairo-dock: error while loading shared libraries: libglitz-glx.so.1: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory23:13
crimsun_jlewis: downloading and installing a packaeg23:13
abccodyzapp  fglrx kernel source .... that u mean23:13
jlewiscrimsun_: O.K, it is done. Now what?23:14
crimsun_jlewis: use it to paste that file23:14
abccodyzapp  can u tell me the packagename23:14
jlewiscrimsun_: How do i get at tit to past it? Which program do I use?23:14
codyzappabc, do sudo apt-get install xserver-xorg-video-ati23:14
zabecki-techI need help with file sharing23:14
riaalAnyone have a smart idea on how to check in build-essential is installed by apt-get?23:15
askandcrimsun_:  seems to work so far :) what did I do?23:15
markqvisti think i am having problems configuring my monitor, because i don't know it's specifications... Is there anyway that i can figure these out, without actually having a them beforehand... Some program that will test it maybe? Any help will be much appreciated!23:15
crimsun_jlewis: terminal23:15
gregoglitsjl6:  using that how-to, can I play games on both screens?23:15
lumpycamriaal: in a term type dpkg -s build-essential23:15
bolla85Flannel: thank you so much I resolved my problem23:15
crimsun_askand: you did what we do in intrepid.23:15
thethirdmoosecrimsun_: I'm downloading the latest version from alsa-project.org23:16
zabecki-techCan I get some help with file sharing please23:16
kdavidCan some one help me please?   I installed Cairo but I get this message in terminal: cairo-dock: error while loading shared libraries: libglitz-glx.so.1: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory23:16
=== warriorf1rgod is now known as warriorforgod
crimsun_thethirdmoose: no, use the 0718 snapshot from http://kernel.org/pub/linux/kernel/people/tiwai/snapshot/23:16
CheironTitle: Index of /pub/linux/kernel/people/tiwai/snapshot23:16
fluvvellstefg: I'm getting a slightly garbled response from sudo blkid, it requires me to reset my shell, is it shell sensitive?23:16
codyzappkdavid, looks like you need libglitz23:16
thethirdmoosecrimsun_: Thanks23:16
d0wnI need some help. When I try to run the network-admin utility, I can't edit anything. I get a "** (network-admin:12439): CRITICAL **: Unable to find session for cookie23:16
PriceChildkdavid: sudo apt-get install libglitz-glx123:16
rafaelscjmarkqvist, programs like Everest (for windows)23:17
abccodyzapp   apt-get install xserver-xorg-video-ati >>>>>> i have the newest version23:17
jlewiscrimsun_: All I get is pastebinit v0.9, with a bunch of opptimal arguments. Am I missing a step?23:17
abccodyzapp   and then23:17
markqvistrhanks rafaelscj, but i don't have windows... Can i use some not totally exact values, and still have luck configuring xorg.conf with that, or do they need to be exactly right?23:17
crimsun_jlewis: well, are you passing the correct filename to the program?23:17
kdavidPriceChild: I just tried to install it but it says I already have the newest version23:18
Joelitozabecki-tech: just ask23:18
sgodsellsorry zabecki-tech I didn't hear that could you YELL a little louder please23:18
jlewiscrimsun_; Guess not. How do I pass it?23:18
rafaelscj!ask > zabecki-tech23:18
ubottuzabecki-tech, please see my private message23:18
codyzappabc, i have no idea then.. might try #ati or somethin23:18
crimsun_jlewis: pastebinit /etc/dhcp3/dhclient.conf23:18
markqvistrafaelscj, i'm trying to configure an external 8" monitor to run at it's native 800x480, but no matter what i put in xorg.conf, it seems it just goes to 1024x768 automatically23:18
zabecki-techI have installed samba and I have installed the shares-admin, I have created shares and connected myself to the windows workgroup, but all machines cannot access the shares, they can see the folders but they cannot enter them.23:19
zabecki-techWhat do I do23:19
jlewiscrimsun_ http://pastebin.com/f67a5095923:19
riaallumpycam: thanks a lot23:19
lumpycamriaal: welcome :)23:20
kdavidPriceChild: Is there a possibility that something else is already running that is using that file I have Compix-fusion23:20
crimsun_jlewis: you'd need to go single-user then multi-user, or down and up the interface, or reboot23:20
jlewiscrimsun_, so If I reboot it should work?23:21
moshe/nick crik23:21
crimsun_jlewis: or init 1, then init 223:21
crimsun_jlewis: (yes)23:21
jlewiscrimsun, ok, thx, BRB.23:21
sgodsellzabecki-tech, did you check the permissions?23:22
gregois fedora 9 good?23:22
NemesisDanyone know if anyone has gotten around to packaging webkit for ubuntu?23:22
gregobetter than ubuntu?23:22
zabecki-techYes I have they are set to 777 like it causes them to.23:22
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markqvistHow can i configure xorg, so that i only displays on my external monitor?23:22
Jordan_U!best | grego23:22
ubottugrego: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.23:22
chriswris there a program that will tell me all my system specs or a screenlet maybe?23:22
gregoanyone here use fedora?23:23
bubblegumtatedoes anyone have a good guess as to why it takes 10s to ls my home directory23:23
bubblegumtatebut all others  are normal23:24
bobertdosgrego: Fedora has its own channels, you know :p23:24
askandWhat is needede for a package to be backported and what IRC channel is right for that kind of discussions?23:24
chriswrif not can somone tell me where to get conky's screenlet , i cant find it anywere?????????????23:24
bobertdoschriswr: Do you mean like a screenshot?23:26
zabecki-techLike I said I have followed every instruction on the web for the file shares but, I cannot seem to get them to work.23:26
Jordan_Ugrego, Fedora is a very nice distro, they usually have very new innovations in certain areas, for instance if you have an intel card with fedora 9 you can use DRI 2 and kernel  mode context switching, but at the same time their kernel version is too new to work with ATI's proprietary drivers which leaves many users SOL when it comes to 3D support. There are many trade offs23:26
abcsomebody can help me with a fuckin' ati graphcard ati radeon mobility x1100 on unbuntu 8.0423:26
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thethirdmoosecrimsun_: Ok, I got the new alsa, and it's installed. Alsamixer works now, but when I go to the sound prefpane and hit test (the selector is on alsa), i get: audiotestsrc wave=sine freq=512 ! audioconvert ! audioresample ! gconfaudiosink: Could not open audio device for playback.23:26
chriswrbobertdos: no , like the actual download to get it23:26
zabecki-techI have read that Hardy has problems on shares.23:26
bobertdoschriswr: Well, there is Sysinfo........If it's not already installed, it'll be in the repos.23:27
leeping2008Hi there, can anyone help me log into my Ubuntu box with VNC? :)23:27
glitsj16chriswr: do you need a view of your hardware specs ? if so, try "sudo lshw -html > /path/to/where/you/want/myHWSpecs.html" .. if not i completely misunderstood the question :)23:27
abcsomebody can help me with a fuckin' ati graphcard ati radeon mobility x1100 on unbuntu 8.04 please23:28
chriswrbobertdos ok thnx23:28
chriswrglitsj16 i just like the looks of it being on my desktop   :)23:28
bobertdoszabecki-tech: What sorts of shares are you trying to set up?23:28
glitsj16chriswr: ah, conky it is in that case23:28
ajhtiredwolfHey , i installed screenlets. So now when screenlets starts it starts with two screenlets i dont want, and none of the ones i do want, i tried turning it off all together as in removing it from session, but it wont go away when starting up23:28
zabecki-techI am trying to share some of the folders in my home directory like my music directory and videos23:29
abcrichard hello23:29
chriswrglitsj16: is it  in repos?23:29
djalexText hier eingeben...hallop23:29
K350what's the name where of the application from where I cahnge themes in ubuntu?23:29
abci need help23:29
bobertdoszabecki-tech: Share them with Windows?23:29
crimsun_thethirdmoose: so close pulseaudio, or change which [virtual] device it grabs.23:29
chriswrglitsj16: and yes it is , thnx23:30
glitsj16chriswr: yes, sudo apt-get install conky .. takes some config tweaking though, but google has loads on that23:30
SeveasK350, gnome-appearance-properties23:30
chriswrglitsj16:  allreddy got it installed now , thnx23:30
klerfaytwhich filesystem should I choose for usb memory stick if I want to access it in windows xp? fat?23:30
bobertdoszabecki-tech: Well, once you've installed all the Samba packages, you need to follow this: http://www.howtogeek.com/howto/ubuntu/share-ubuntu-home-directories-using-samba/23:30
Seveasklerfayt, yes23:30
K350Seveas: thanks a lot!:)23:31
glitsj16chriswr: yw :)23:31
=== Herbert is now known as AMDpenguin
thethirdmoosecrimsun_: How do I change which virtual device it grabs? Pulseaudio gives me audiotestsrc wave=sine freq=512 ! audioconvert ! audioresample ! gconfaudiosink profile=music: Failed to connect: Connection refused in the sound preference pane23:31
bob39wcan some expert type guy pm me and help me with my graphics?23:31
klerfaytSeveas: ext2 is not so good choice?23:31
AMDpenguinnot really23:31
Seveasklerfayt, windows can't read that natively, needs drivers23:31
btfxHey guys, I have a computer with a wireless card that's not showing up on ifconfig. I'm not sure what the model is, I think it's a realtek chipset (I was hoping to get the model via ifconfig)23:31
chriswrglitsj16: one more thing , were would i find it after install ....... its not in screenlets , maybe a comand to open it?23:31
klerfaytSeveas: thnx23:31
bob39wwho cann help me?23:32
bob39wi have intel 845 issue.23:32
bob39wi triyed to fix.. but messed it all up23:32
zabecki-techany thoughts23:32
Seveasbob39w, maybe someone can help if you actually say what your issue is23:32
bobertdosbtfx: Use lspci instead23:32
glitsj16chriswr: it's just "conky" yes23:32
btfxbobertdos: One sec, lemme try23:32
bob39wi did manage to get it at like 1280xsomthing now. so i could work on it..23:32
chriswrglitsj16: i know that but how do i open it?23:33
btfxbobertdos: Thanks!23:33
bogeymanwhats the command to search for a package u just installed?23:33
chriswrglitsj16: oh nvm , you mean just type conky23:33
bobertdoszabecki-tech: Have you installed the Samba packages??23:33
Seveasbogeyman, dpkg -l23:33
bob39wOMGS! im willing to use vnc even just someone! help23:34
Seveasbob39w, you still haven't explained your problem...23:34
bob39wchat it moving to fast!23:34
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bogeymanhmm i dont see where it says it23:34
glitsj16chriswr: yes, sorry wasn't clear on that .. take a look at ~/.conkyrc to configure it to your liking23:34
bob39wSeveas:  okay. well i have an intel 845g and i need to pull like 1600x1200  out of it somehow..23:35
solexious[Q] How can I control the pins on my paralell port?23:35
Seveasbob39w, check /var/log/Xorg.0.log to see if both the card and the monitor support it23:35
bogeymanso i just installed uudeview for torrentflux and need to point it to the install dir how do i find that?23:35
Seveassolexious, with a hammer.23:35
solexiousseveas, right...23:36
chriswrglitsj16: i tried typing in what you said to configure it , but that doesnt exist it says23:36
bob39wSeveas:  can i PM you dude? this is moving fast!23:36
Seveasbob39w, no23:36
gaurioHi, I'm trying to install some program but have been unsuccesful in so far. The thing is that i want to remove the files that have been copyed in the hard drive, but I get the message "permision denied" or something like that (the original message is in spanish).23:36
Seveassolexious, (maybe be a bit more specific about what you want)23:36
glitsj16chriswr: did you get it started ?23:36
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kdorfIs it possible to run more than one OpenGL app at a time? They'd be in different X servers. I'm trying to do it now -- problem is that the once the second app is loaded on display 2, display 1 just goes completely black.23:37
solexious[Q] How can I control the data pins on my paralell port?23:37
glitsj16chriswr: you will need to edit that ~/.conkyrc file with a text editor23:37
zabecki-techI still get the same message cannot access23:37
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aroonihow do i search within a gnome-terminal?23:37
Seveaskdorf, iirc no. Only one X can use DRI23:37
gaurioOh, I forgot, the files are in /usr/local/23:37
chriswrglitsj16: i got conky up and running , but theres no dirrectory called that (and i did unhide the files in the folder)23:37
caveman26I have a laptop with a trackpoint and a touchpad, how do I disable that @#$#!! touchpad but not the trackpoint, I hate how the touchpad alwase screws up my work cuz its in the frigon way... sorry about the attitude, but this is one annoying problem23:37
kdorfSeveas: Fair enough. Is it at least possible to change which X is using DRI?23:38
Seveasgaurio, if you're sure you don't remove too much: sudo rm /usr/local/whateveryouwanttoremove23:38
caveman26I use KdE btw23:38
Seveaskdorf, no idea23:38
bogeymanso Seveas i do dpkg -l uudeview? like that?23:38
gaurioSeveras: Thank you!23:38
Seveasbogeyman, if you're looking for package info, yes. For package contents, use dpkg -L uudeview23:38
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glitsj16chriswr: ~ is a shortcut for your /home/<your-username/ dir, it should be there (check with "ls -a" from terminal or use nautilus, whatever you prefer)23:39
kdorfSeveas: well, thanks for at least verifying I can't get 3D on both of them at the same time so I don't waste time trying to make it work23:39
bob39wSeveas:  it says like: mode 4b is 1600x1200  in xorg.log23:39
digitaltaohey guys, i just got a new netgear wireless n USB adapter how to I install and configure it in Ubuntu?23:39
Seveasbob39w, pastebin the entire logfile and give me the url. Need to see the entire lo23:39
chriswrglitsj16: i know how to edit but the file you are telling me to edit doesnt exist23:40
Seveasdigitaltao, make sure you have the latest version of ubuntu and all updates. Then plug it in and it should work. If not, run lsusb after plugging it in and pastebin the output23:40
bogeymanty Seveas23:40
bobertdoszabecki-tech: How did you go about changing the Samba file?23:40
=== OXfn is now known as oxav
SkyrailErm, I'm having a number of problems installing ubuntu, firstly my resolution is stuck at 800x600 (I usually have it at around 1280x1024) but then even worse neither of my HDD's are being recognised at the partitioning step :/23:41
digitaltaoSeveas: allright I will try that.23:41
zabecki-techI used gedit23:41
zabecki-techthen I reloaded samba23:41
gaurioOk, here I am again. The thing I forgot to say is I want to remove a directory. How can I do this?23:41
zabecki-techI get the cannot access message23:41
glitsj16chriswr; okay .. did you try find or locate to check if you have it somewhere else ? (if you just installed it, run "sudo updatedb" , let that finish and check with "locate conky" to see where it is on HD)23:41
bobertdoszabecki-tech: What's your Windows workgroup name?23:42
SeveasSkyrail, the video problem could be a missing driver (how new is the card?) Haven't heard of unrecognized disks in a looooooong time though. Is the cd ok?23:42
Seveasgaurio, sudo rm -r /usr/local/whateveryouinstalled23:42
zabecki-techLike I said they can see me and the folders in windows but the cannot open the folders.23:42
bob39wSeveas:  http://pastebin.com/m582ddfc8 thats all of it.23:42
gaurioSeveas: Thank you again!23:42
AlexJPhello is it possible to chat on multiple servers simultaneously using xchat23:42
StarnestommyAlexJP: yes23:43
SkyrailSeveas: the card is an nVidia 7900GS so it's 'quite' new so to speak. I always have video card problems. Always, no matter what the card it's a complete pain as I can never seem to remember how to fix it properly, and if I do It never works more then once.23:43
bolla85bye bye and good nigght23:44
SeveasSkyrail, ubuntu devs are still improving nvidia driver integration. After installing hardy (when that finally succeeds) try using the envy tool for the videocard23:44
glitsj16chriswr: there should be a system-wide /etc/conky/conky.conf .. you can always copy that to your user dir as a base and edit that after renaming it to .conkyrc23:44
SeveasSkyrail, still puzzled about the disks though... what kind of disks? does 'sudo fdisk -l' see them?23:44
SkyrailAs for the disc, I'm sure it's okay, I downloaded it using DownloadThemAll (or whatever the addon is called) and used the MD5 sum and it seemed okay with it, I burnt it onto disc in Windows using nero and got the problem, so I tried taking it over onto linux and burning it using that23:44
digitaltao_Allright here is my pastebin for lsusb http://www.pastebin.org/5246623:44
MaxHeadroomHello, does anyone here use Toonel proxy? am trying to find info about their rep23:44
bobertdoszabecki-tech: and you changed all the attributes? browseable, valid users, writable?23:45
SkyrailSeveas: two different ones, both 250Gb SATA :/ fdisk sees...nothing 0_o23:45
zabecki-techI want anyone to be able to access them.23:45
bobertdoshmm............Perhaps you should try making a new directory in Home with maximum permissions to all.23:46
AlexJPStarfleetNDP, any tips?23:46
bob39wSeveas:  did you get my pastebin? and thanks..23:46
zabecki-techI have tried that.23:46
chriswrlocate conky23:46
lazertekanybody know how i can make posts under a different page other than home in wordpress?23:47
Seveasbob39w, saw it and am reading it, the driver is quite unhelpful as it doesn't say why attempts to use higher resolutions fail, which seems to indicate that they don't fail23:47
Seveasbob39w, which resolution do you get?23:47
Seveaslazertek, try #wordpress :)23:47
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askandWhat does it take to have a package backported?23:48
lazertekSeveas: i did but nobody is active on there... and since I am putting up info on ubuntu i thought maybe someone could help me out here23:48
arooni-mobileubuntu has been freezing up a bit often;  how can i figure out why that happened (twice today)23:48
Seveasaskand, someone who backports it :)23:48
notwistwow, i wish somebody told me about "envy" before i tried installing nvidia drivers manually...23:48
lazertekSeveas: didn't get you23:49
bob39wok i used the 915 res hack or what ever and i got it to get me to liike 1280x1024 with the choice of 1600x1200 but i click it and it all goes WILD. like black screen and like 5 diff screens.23:49
Jack_Sparrowlazertek You need to ask in Wordpress and be patient23:49
Seveasbob39w, try using 'intel' instead of 'i810' in /etc/X11/xorg.conf23:49
glitsj16chriswr: there's a howto at http://sudosys.be/?q=conky you might find instructive23:49
digitaltao_So I Just bought a new netgear wireless usb adapter WN121T. Ubuntu is not recongnizeing it even though it shows up in lsusb. Here is my pastebin for LSUSB http://www.pastebin.org/52466 any ideas guys?23:50
Seveasthat doesn't need the 915 hack23:50
zabecki-techany ideas23:50
lazertekJack_Sparrow: i know but there is no one active there so if someone here knows it would be great help23:50
bob39wso do i set my xorg.conf to defult?23:50
Seveaslazertek, apparently noone in here knows, sorry :)23:50
Jack_Sparrowlazertek We are politely telling you that asking here is offtopic23:50
MonkeysUncleya offtopic bitch23:51
Jack_SparrowMonkeysUncle Please dont do that23:51
lazertekJack_Sparrow: i know... sorry about that... guess i'll ask in ubuntu offtopic23:51
lazertekMonkeysUncle: go suck yo ***** you *** ** * ***** figure it out...23:51
bobertdoszabecki-tech: I admit, I'm running out23:51
lazertekMonkeysUncle: you can't help then keep shut23:51
zabecki-techI just don't understand it.23:52
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Seveasdigitaltao_, you'll need to use ndiswrapper with that thing23:52
Seveashttps://answers.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+question/23148 should help you along23:52
MonkeysUnclelazertek: sorry, but I dont speak idiot23:52
SkyrailSeveas: does the not-finding-harddisks problem sound like a corrupt download?23:52
lazertekMonkeysUncle: well learn to show some respect then23:52
SeveasSkyrail, not necessarily23:53
digitaltao_Seveas, ok what is ndiswrapper?23:53
lazertekJack_Sparrow: i didnt mean to be rude23:53
Jack_Sparrowlazertek Stop23:53
lazertekJack_Sparrow: ok... lol .. i was just apologizing...23:53
Seveasdigitaltao_, read that page I linked you to :)23:53
MonkeysUncleoh god... I got kicked cause I told him i dont speak his language23:54
MonkeysUnclewhat next23:54
digitaltao_oh thanks sevas I didnt see that23:54
zabecki-techWell I will try a few things will be back.23:54
MonkeysUnclemay be I should go the MS support chan23:54
Jack_SparrowMonkeysUncle Stop this.. now23:54
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SkyrailSeveas: if it's nothing terribly obvious or a problem with ubuntu/my hardware then maybe I should try and see if other distros recognise them...I need to get some up-to-date distros really haha23:54
SeveasSkyrail, try fedora, their latest version is a bit newer than ubuntu's latest. Could just be the difference. I suspect a missing driver for your sata controller23:55
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SkyrailSeveas: that's a shame, maybe i can try next release, or if anyone creates the drivers for the next update for 8.04. I'll scout around for other distros, I just picked ubuntu as it was the first distro I picked a while ago to get into linux =]23:57
Yud_Zrochow do i use a windows xp recover cd (oem) to restore windows...23:58
Yud_Zrocgrub wont let me23:58
Jack_SparrowSkyrail did you try booting the cd with all_generic_ide23:58
SeveasSkyrail, the 2nd alpha version of the next ubuntu release is also out already. You could try that to see if the driver is there. It's not recommended for daily use yet though23:58
SeveasYud_Zroc, find a windows support channel. This is ubuntu support23:58
Yud_ZrocSeveas: its an ubuntu problem....it wont let me can it... (its for a friend)23:59
SeveasYud_Zroc, and grub doesn't boot cd's. If you want to boot from cd, change that in your bios23:59
MonkeysUnclebut I thought Ubuntu loves23:59
Jack_SparrowSkyrail To get live cd to run this often helps..At start or install press F6 and remove Quiet and Splash from the command line. If it still fails.. Repeat and after removing quiet and splash add all_generic_ide before the "--"23:59
Jack_SparrowMonkeysUncle Again, please stop..  Try and stay on topic23:59

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