=== zerwas_ is now known as zerwas [21:28] is it okay to attach files to the ML? [21:36] Hi. Despite all the criticisms, I loved the dark Intrepid theme, and use it on Hardy. Are there any previews for what the final artwork will be like? I've looked at the ones on the wiki, but has one been decided as a base to develop upon? [21:54] anon245: the mailing list and wiki are the resources you should look at [21:56] kwwii: i have a suggestion for the channel topic [21:56] #ubuntu-artwork ART WORKS! Wiki: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork | Mailing list: https://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/ubuntu-art [21:58] * DanaG uses Thunderbird for his mailing lists. [21:59] Thanks for your help pwnguin, I'll have a look. [22:01] DanaG what's that mean? (sorry about the /msg) [22:01] Thunderbird can view newsgroups in the tree view, which I like better than using e-mail subscription. [22:04] DanaG: is there a diferrent URL we should use then? [22:05] I just think the current topic is not at all helpful ;) [22:06] argh... these links from pidgin are opening in links2. [22:06] hhehe [22:06] wtf... I have Firefox set as default browser. [22:08] i was only born in 81; so please forgive me for not knowing much about newsgroups [22:08] http://gmane.org/about.php [22:08] I was born in 86, actually. [22:08] i understand how they work, but from what I see, they're an anachronism [22:10] I haven't used usenet at all... gmane is just a thing that turns mailing lists like ubuntu-artwork into a newsgroup. http://gmane.org/find.php [22:12] they dont appear to index ubuntu-artwork [22:19] I think it's just ubuntu-art [22:19] aa [22:19] aah: gmane.linux.ubuntu.art [22:19] er, artwork. after the '.' [22:20] i see. [22:20] well, then their stats thing is busted =( [22:20] http://gmane.org/charts.php [22:47] wtf links2? [22:47] Somehow it took over /etc/alternatives/x-www-browser. === kwwii changed the topic of #ubuntu-artwork to: ART WORKS! Wiki: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork | Mailing list: http://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/ubuntu-art [23:37] pwnguin: good idea :-) [23:37] * kwwii just returned from London, a very long week indeed [23:38] about 40 some emails on the list to read - what fun! [23:59] <__mikem> Does anyone have a screenshot of the current default desktop for intrepid