
hggdhhum. Does http://answers.launchpad.net also answer questions on WIndows?00:14
Flannelhggdh: What sort of question?00:16
hggdhon how to update a Windows program -- on Windows00:49
Flannelhggdh: No, that's not what answers.lp is for.  You might try ##windows, or said programs website/support network/whatever00:50
hggdhFlannel, its not for me, I was going thru answers.lp trying to answer questions on Evo. I was just wondering if answers had opened up to any O.S.00:51
hggdhcuz there is a lot -- even being answered -- questions on Windows issues...00:52
stpereI fixed my bug! :D00:54
stperepatch sent on launchpad00:55
hggdhhey, that was fast, stpere ;-)00:55
stpereit surprises me that I'm the only one affected tho00:55
stpereheh, it was a one liner00:56
hggdhperhaps others are, but have not noticed. I ran mvo's test script on my laptop, and found it was stating 0:0 updates -- and I *do* have one that I did not apply00:56
hggdhso I was also affected (but since I do not use update-manager, I did not even noticed00:57
stpereah yes00:57
Flannelhggdh: Well, I suppose it doesn't hurt to ask01:04
hggdhFlannel, I agree, and this is why I asked -- should we answer non-Ubuntu questions, or redirect?01:16
crimsun_Ubuntu questions.01:16
hggdh:-) so answers.lp is up to some cleanup... perhaps we should -- somehow -- make it more clear to both sides (those asking, and those answering)01:18
Flannelhggdh: I think you should ask in #ubuntu-answers01:18
hggdhwill do01:18
hggdhexcept nobody's there01:19
Flannelhggdh: Well, thats always fun01:19
hggdhah well. Not that I am there always, anyways. I will keep on redirecting non-Ubuntu questions until someone shoots me down01:20
Flannelhggdh: maybe info@launchpad.net is your only recourse.  Seems odd at any rate.01:22
Flannelhggdh: I would think answers would be for anything hosted on LP01:22
* Old_Soldier tends to agree with flannel. LP is not ubuntu centric01:23
Old_Soldierit just seems that way because LP and bzr are the tools of choice for Ubuntu devs, since canonical owns them01:24
hggdhok, let me rephrase -- if it is hosted on LP, its OK.. But -- for example -- a SELinux question on Fedora is not01:25
hggdhah, blast it. Whatever.01:26
Old_Soldieroh yeah hggdh in that context i agree with you but then again its only my opinion and I dont have any special say :)01:26
hggdhOld_Soldier, neither do I01:28
Old_Soldierits kind of a double edged sword though. if we blast em then we are jerks and dont give back to the linux community. If we answer them we are wasting our own resources and (possibly?) violating some policy01:29
hggdhdammed if you do, dammed if you don't. Hum. I like it01:34
RobertoGood night.. Someone can help me with a bug on Hardy with Nvidia?02:00
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Jordan_UDo the appropriate people know that many people seem to be currently hit with this recent bug: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/langpack-locales/+bug/249340 ?06:40
ubottuLaunchpad bug 249340 in langpack-locales "Gutsy->Hardy upgrade hangs in localedef" [Undecided,Confirmed]06:40
Rocket2DMnRE bug 250009 - what is the correct package for System->Quit, Shutdown ?07:25
ubottuLaunchpad bug 250009 in gshutdown "shutdown goes to ubuntu password screen " [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/25000907:25
gnomefreakoh good i was gonna file that07:25
gnomefreakubuntu for now07:25
gnomefreakits most likely gnome but ubuntu for now let desktop team decide07:26
Rocket2DMnyou mean ubuntu-meta?07:26
gnomefreakRocket2DMn: it has right package07:26
gnomefreakim looking at it now07:26
Rocket2DMngshutdown is not correct07:26
Rocket2DMni can confirm the problem, but gshutdown is nt installed, it is a package in universe07:27
Rocket2DMngnomefreak, ?07:28
gnomefreakRocket2DMn: hold on07:29
gnomefreakits set to ubuntu i will ping desktop guy this weekend or monfayish07:32
gnomefreakits either gnome-menu or gdm maybe even kernel. i started seeing it after .4 releease07:33
gnomefreaksame with usplash07:33
Rocket2DMnwhy do i still have the .2 kernel07:34
Rocket2DMni will mark that bug as medium importance07:34
Rocket2DMncould potentially be marked as high07:35
gnomefreakRocket2DMn: are you on intrepid?07:38
Rocket2DMnthis laptop is not, the one next to me is07:38
Rocket2DMnso yes07:38
gnomefreakRocket2DMn: on intrepid pc if  your kernal isnt lower than than use apt-get dist-upgrade07:39
gnomefreakRocket2DMn: after update07:39
Rocket2DMndoh, i knew that, thanks for refreshing my memory07:39
Rocket2DMndo i need to do that every time a new alpha/beta is released?07:39
* gnomefreak wonders where i gonna find most of these people :(07:39
gnomefreakRocket2DMn: you want to run update than upgrade. running dist-upgrade on devel cycle can be extreamly bad but also very good07:40
gnomefreakexample if dist-upgrade wants to remove all X packages because a package is broken you know you don twant to do that07:41
Rocket2DMnyeah i was running update/upgrade before07:41
gnomefreakor run update than dist-upgrade but watch it for what it wants to do07:41
Rocket2DMni started this testing machine befora alpha1 was released, so its an upgrade from hardy07:42
gnomefreakupgrade wont grab kerneals and some others07:42
Rocket2DMnyeah, it wouldnt install all those xserver pacakges07:42
* gnomefreak always starts the day the repos open or the next day07:42
Rocket2DMnthis is my first full dev cycle, i started testing dev released with hardy alpha 4 or so when i finally got my hands on the second laptop07:43
Jordan_UDo the appropriate people know that many people seem to be currently hit with this recent bug: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/langpack-locales/+bug/249340 ?07:55
ubottuLaunchpad bug 249340 in langpack-locales "Gutsy->Hardy upgrade hangs in localedef" [Undecided,Confirmed]07:55
Jordan_UWould it be reasonable to label it hight priority?07:56
Rocket2DMni think that would be acceptable Jordan_U07:58
Jordan_URocket2DMn, I can't set the priority, can you?07:59
Rocket2DMnim going to request on the report that you add some information07:59
Jordan_URocket2DMn, I am not actually hit by this ( not using Hardy at all right now ), I just saw a lot of activity about it in #ubuntu and ubuntuforums08:00
Rocket2DMnok, well the users posting there need to attach the info that was requested.  I marked as High.  Once the info requested is added, I will mark the bug as Triaged08:01
Jordan_URocket2DMn, That was requested by me and may not be as useful as I originally thought08:02
Rocket2DMnwhat? the /var/log/dist-upgrade/ stuff?08:03
Rocket2DMnthat is what they want for update manager problems08:04
Jordan_URocket2DMn, No, sorry I missed that, I just made the comment about sh -x08:04
joumetalis bug 249724 rejected kindly and informative enough.10:42
ubottuLaunchpad bug 249724 in ubuntu "[needs-packaging] JANE - Just Another Nonlinear (Video) Editor" [Wishlist,Invalid] https://launchpad.net/bugs/24972410:42
mouzstjerm is released 4 days ago in intrepid, yet the status in bug 216603 is not 'Fix Released'. My understanding was that that status would be set automatically. Am I right? If so: what could have gone wrong?11:03
ubottuLaunchpad bug 216603 in ubuntu "[needs-packaging] stjerm" [Wishlist,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/21660311:03
Hobbseemouz: not until it gets through the new queue, i expect.11:04
mouzHobbsee: it is in the archives11:04
Hobbseeah, so it is11:05
Hobbseebetter mark it manually then11:05
mouzHobbsee: ok. Am I right it should have been set automatically?11:05
Hobbseeif you had the correct syntax in the changelog entry, yes11:06
mouzi had :)11:06
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hggdhmouz, ping15:19
snadgehow do i update a kernel on a wubi install?16:15
snadgethe grub setup works differently16:16
charlie-tcasnadge: That would be better asked on #ubuntu if you are using Ubuntu or #xubuntu if you are using Xubuntu16:21
snadgeits a bug? :P16:22
charlie-tcaThis channel is for those working the actual bug reports in launchpad16:22
charlie-tcawhat is the bug number?16:23
charlie-tcaGreat! Still need to ask in the right channel, I think.16:24
snadge#ubuntu gives me nightmares16:24
charlie-tcaYou could also try the forums or user mailing list; ubuntu-users@lists.ubuntu.com16:25
charlie-tcasnadge: here's the real place to join the mailing list: https://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/ubuntu-users16:32
charlie-tcaA little help, please. I'm wanting to confirm Bug 220987 since it in Xfce Bugzilla as Bug #350216:47
ubottuLaunchpad bug 220987 in thunar "(xubuntu 8.04rc amd64) When I insert my removable usb flash pen thunar doubly opens automatically the unit with two windows instead of one." [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/22098716:47
ubottuLaunchpad bug 3502 in anewt "Logging module" [Wishlist,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/350216:47
charlie-tcaI don't know if it been fixed or not. I can't tell from reading the report on Xfce's website.16:47
charlie-tcaHow do I tell?16:47
gnomefreakcharlie-tca: it says fix released is that not enough for you?16:52
charlie-tcaYes, it is enough. How do _I_ find that?16:52
mouzhggdh pong. saw your posting17:02
mouzthanks btw :)17:03
charlie-tcagnomefreak: you weren't by chance looking at the 3502 that ubottu printed, I hope. The one I wanted to know17:04
charlie-tcaabout is on the Xfce website. I found the status, though. Thanks17:04
hggdhmouz, thank you for bringing this up. Good catch17:06
mouzhggdh y/w17:09
mouzhggdh: are there 'products' in the list of distributions?17:11
mouzis there a distinction to make?17:11
hggdhwell, yes17:12
hggdhthere are variants of Ubuntu, for example17:12
hggdhand other linux distros17:13
hggdhthen there are the projects that are based in LP17:13
hggdhbut here we only deal with Ubuntu-related bugs17:14
hggdhif you go to https://code.launchpad.net/ you will have an idea. Most of them are related to Ubuntu, but not all17:15
gnomefreakcharlie-tca: nope i wasnt looking at any bug today other than what was in my email17:19
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nickelleryBug 25000021:08
ubottuLaunchpad bug 250000 in gnome-terminal "gnome-terminal not started as an "interactive shell"" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/25000021:08
nickelleryheh, 250 000 bugs reported in Launchpad!21:08
norsettonickellery: make it invalid! make it invalid!21:12
Fallenouis that good news nickellery ? :p21:34
bdrung_bug #100000021:48
bdrung_we didn't reach 1M :D21:48
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porthoseI found a bug I can work on, is this how the work flow should go: set status to confirmed (which I have done), assign the bug to myself, fix the bug, attache debdiff to the bug and subscribe universe sponsors?22:01
greg-gI'm sure of all the steps except which team to subscribe, but that sounds right22:04
porthosegreg-g: cool thx:)22:05
greg-gporthose: yep, you are correct, see this for more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU/Sponsorship/SponsorsQueue22:06
porthosegreg-g: ooh yea that helped thx for the link22:07
norsettoporthose: bug #?22:09
LimCoreis it really so hard to provide 1 good media player?  or perhaps we can help to do so?22:20
LimCoreVLC is riddled with bugs (i.e. fullscreen,  and lesser bug - rewind)22:20
LimCorebtw, new website skin? :)22:22
LimCoresome pages look like CSS is missing...?22:24
porthosenorsetto: #24986222:42
norsettobug 24986222:42
ubottuLaunchpad bug 249862 in denemo "Error on string "Display notataion toolbar"" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/24986222:42
norsettoporthose: have you checked that the string is indeed wrong?22:43
porthoseyes it is22:43
norsettoporthose: also in later version?22:44
porthosenot sure22:44
norsettoporthose: ok, please check it, if you have a debdiff you have to subscribe u-m-s for this, the package is in main22:44
porthoseok will do22:45
porthosenorsetto: would you like to look at it when I'm done?22:46
norsettoporthose: sure, but I can't sponsor it; a little tip, when you are working on a bug, please set it to in-progress, thats the best status22:47
porthosenorsetto: I read that after I had already set it oops22:47
norsettoporthose: sure, no problem :-)22:48
* porthose goes to work22:48
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