
pepnewz2000: did you know the shipit theme existed as a drupal theme already?02:50
pepubuntu;ec uses it02:51
hubuntuis the ubuntu07-nj theme03:01
hubuntuI had totally forgotten. SOrry newz2000.. I noticed just now (what was I thinking all this time?)03:01
pepgood night03:36
newz2000no sweat on the time... I don't think that's the shipit theme though04:47
newz2000(no blueprint css file)04:47
pepVolans: hello11:52
VolansHi p11:52
pepI have very good news!11:53
pepthe new jersey team already transformed the shipit theme into a drupal theme11:53
pepdo you have an idea if this is a drupal 5 or 6 theme? http://nj.ubuntu-us.org/themes/ubuntu07-nj/11:53
pepin all cases it is the right one11:53
* Volans looks11:53
Volansvery good! newz2000 will appreciate much I think11:53
pepand if it is drupal 5 theme, we are going to transform it to drupal 6, I'm currently at a dev sprint for the new ubuntu-be site (desperately needed)11:54
pepbut I don't know how to determine which type it is.... can you help me?11:54
Volanspep: you know the site where they use it?11:55
pepVolans: http://ubuntu.ec and http://nj.ubuntu-us.org11:57
pepI don't know if it is drupal 5 or 611:57
pepnewz2000: can we re-use the text from http://www.ubuntu.com/products/whatisubuntu to describe ubuntu on our home page you think?11:57
Volanspep: I don't found any reference to drupal in the source of the page... probably the quickest way is to ask them11:59
pepah it is for 511:59
pepit is for 5 because otherwise there would be a theme.info page11:59
pepVolans: do you think we can re-use the text from http://www.ubuntu.com/products/whatisubuntu ?12:00
pepor the complete page... I don't know12:00
Volansas I know for search engine found a duplicate content in different page is not good and they tend to give a lower ranking for those pages12:01
Volansso in general duplicate is not good12:01
Volansfor policy/license stuff you should ask newz2000... I don't know about12:01
pepthank you12:01
pepgood point12:01
* Volans goes... come back later bye12:16
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