
Bioinforomedwgrant: I've added the -dev team as the driver and subscribed the -dev team to the branch.  Is that what you meant or is there more?00:00
wgrantBioinforomed: You should probably change the ownership of the branch to the team, so the team can upload to it.00:00
wgrantMorning cprov.00:00
wgrantbdrung: I might look at that shortly.00:01
cprovwgrant: morning, how is your Sunday going so far ?00:01
wgrantbdrung: Why did you add dvipng to Depends when it was already in Recommends, when you gave us the new upstream version during Hardy?00:01
wgrantcprov: Very young yet, but so far not bad.00:02
wgrantcprov: Is production's CSS often being missing a sysadmin-calling event?00:02
bdrungwgrant: good question.00:02
wgrantbdrung: That brings in huge amounts of TeX :(00:02
wgrantAnd Debian appears to have since adopted that change.00:03
wgrantEven though they dropped it to Recommends in the first place.00:03
cprovwgrant: uhm, let me check, I'm using edge w/o problems.00:03
wgrantcprov: Right, edge works fine. But production often returns None for the revision, so no CSS.00:03
cprovwgrant: right, just happened :(00:04
wgrantIt's not as bad as it used to be without CSS, fortunately.00:04
Bioinforomedwgrant: I've now associated the -dev team with the project.  Is there a way to do that for the -users?00:04
wgrantBioinforomed: I'm not sure that there's an appropriate field for that.00:04
cody-somervilleBioinforomed, associate -users with the project and add -dev to the -users team00:05
lagenarhow much time takes launchpad to scan a branch for the first time?00:05
wgrantcprov: bdrung and Bioinforomed have reported it so far, and it seems just a few hours old.00:05
wgrantcody-somerville: But there's no appropriate field for a user team.00:05
* cprov hates Sundays 00:05
Bioinforomedcody: I've associated -dev by making it the driver... I'm not sure I want to do that for -users.  Adding -dev to -users makes perfect sense, though.00:06
wgrantlagenar: Normally just minutes, but there appears to be a bug in bzr which is making things very slow. Expect it to be faster within a couple of days.00:06
BioinforomedI was hoping for the -users mailing list to get annoucenments and the like00:06
wgrantlagenar: Scanning just affects what is displayed in the user interface - all functionality is still available.00:06
lagenarok great then00:06
cprovwgrant: no bugs yet, though.00:06
wgrantcprov: Surprising.00:07
cprovI will file one00:07
BioinforomedNext beginner question for LP: Is there some sort of Wiki I can use to provide an overview for my project and the resources or must I host that myself elsewhere?00:09
wgrantBioinforomed: You can add some content to your project's Launchpad home page, but there is no wiki service at this time.00:10
cprovwgrant: https://bugs.launchpad.net/launchpad/+bug/25019000:11
ubottuLaunchpad bug 250190 in launchpad "CSS sometimes is unreachable in production" [Undecided,New]00:11
wgrantcprov: Great, hopefully somebody will notice soon enough...00:12
Bioinforomedwgrant: How do I post files to the project for source and binary releases?  These will be .tar.gz archives and various Python .egg files and Windows installers.00:12
wgrantBioinforomed: You can create a release series and a release, and upload files to that release.00:14
bdrungwgrant: dvipng is needed for building matplotlib, but you can use it without dvipng.00:14
wgrantbdrung: Right, but you made it depend on it.00:14
bdrungwgrant: while matplotlib configures: OPTIONAL USETEX DEPENDENCIES: dvipng, ghostscript, latex, pdftops00:14
wgrantIt should be in Build-Depends, but not Depends.00:15
bdrungwgrant: we should change this back. matplotlib was the first package i worked on. so my knowledge was about zero.00:16
wgrantbdrung: Thanks for clarifying that. Can you fix that in your merge?00:16
bdrungwgrant: should i change it to Recommends or Suggests?00:17
wgrantbdrung: I think Recommends, because otherwise nobody will be able to work out why TeX stuff isn't working.00:18
Bioinforomedwgrant: Thanks again for all of your help.  I have to head off for a bit, but I'm making a lot of progress thanks to you.00:18
wgrantRecommends are now installed by default.00:18
wgrantBioinforomed: np00:18
bdrungfirst time i found a bug in gnome-terminal00:19
bdrungwgrant: there are EXPERIMENTAL CONFIG PACKAGE DEPENDENCIES in the configuration, should i move the listed packages from depends to recommends or suggests?00:28
bdrungbecause they are experimental, i would prefer suggests00:28
wgrantSuggests sounds good.00:28
wgrantJust make sure it works without them installed if it was configured with them.00:29
bdrungnow i can fix my faults :)00:29
wgrantActually, it's probably best to not change them in a merge.00:29
wgrantdvipng should be fixed, because it was moved in a merge in the first place.00:29
wgrantBut we still want to keep the diff minimal.00:29
bdrungdvipng was introduced by me and configobj and enthought.traits too00:30
bdrungand were adopted by debian without checking it.00:30
wgrantHow strange.00:31
bdrungmay be we should ask Morten Kjeldgaard. he mentored the packaging.00:35
wgrantHe's not around at the moment.00:36
bdrungi saw it.00:36
wgrantAnd hmm, we should be in #ubuntu-motu.00:36
Mecha25anybody out there know why my code.launchpad.net page isn't reflecting my bzr push but my bazaar.launchpad.net page is?  it's been an hour since the push, I don't want to e-mail a link to the branch until I'm sure the code's been uploaded01:51
wgrantMecha25: There is apparently a bug making branch scanning very slow, so the code.launchpad.net page might be out of date. If it's on bazaar.launchpad.net, it's fine.01:52
Mecha25alright, thanks, any idea when this bug will be solved?01:52
wgrantI believe they have a fix, and it should be fixed within a couple of days.01:53
Mecha25cool, thanks a ton, 2 solid weeks of dev work can finally pay off01:53
ScottKhttps://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/vte/+bug/89660/comments/33 is spam and needs to be removed.02:52
ubottuLaunchpad bug 89660 in vte "control-cursor-key regression in vim" [Low,Confirmed]02:52
wgrantScottK: But it is  EMERGENCY !03:00
wgrantAnd LP speaks invalid RFC2822 at times, it seems. Bad LP.03:01
Hobbseefile a question.03:21
wgrantHobbsee: It'll just get expired.03:22
Hobbseewgrant: likely true, but then you can jus tkeep reopening it with more terse comments, and email the mailing list again about how woeful this solution is.03:29
HobbseeOTOH, this was discussed reasonably on LP users.03:30
Hobbseeso whether they actually get any better remains to be seen.03:30
wgrantHobbsee: RSN, as usual.03:30
Hobbseeah yes, here we go03:33
HobbseeYes, this is actually on my roadmap to begin when my second triage03:33
Hobbseeresource arrives and is trained up.03:33
HobbseeSo, a few weeks.03:33
ScottKThe Feedback page lists here as one valid way to report spam: https://help.launchpad.net/Feedback04:37
=== asac_ is now known as asac
emetlaunchpad is exploding08:41
wgrants/exploding/dropping CSS often/, I would posit.08:44
emetit still hasn't "scanned" my damn BZR branch08:54
wgrantemet: The branch scanner is running very slowly at the moment. Note that branch scanning does nothing but update the web UI, so it's not important, but should be fixed within a couple of days.08:55
emetBZR is quite nice though08:56
wgrantIndeed, it is very very nice.08:58
thumperemet: you can blame me for the branch scanner10:05
thumperemet: sorry10:05
thumperI find it often helps to have someone to yell at :)10:06
* wgrant wonders who we yell at about one of the appservers forgetting which revision it is running.10:08
=== thumper_laptop is now known as thumper
wgrantthumper: We've had an awful lot of people complain about the branch scanner today.10:16
thumperwgrant: I can only apologise10:17
wgrantEven more than those complaining about the lack of CSS, oddly enough.10:17
thumperwgrant: it appears that it wasn't tested fully before the last rollout10:17
thumperwgrant: and I should have made sure it was10:17
mwhudsoni found the problem about an hour before the rollout :/10:17
mwhudsonthe fun of performance issues10:17
wgrantIs that what delayed it by a couple of hours?10:18
thumperno, that was something else10:18
wgrant(somebody might have wanted to amend the topic, but it's probably a bit late now)10:18
mwhudsonwell there were two problems10:18
thumperI didn't realise that it was as bad as it was10:18
thumperotherwise I would have pushed harder for an earlier update10:18
mwhudsonthere was a configuration issue that stopped it working at all for a little while10:18
wgrantmwhudson: Something was timing it out?10:19
thumperwhen our admin guy starts AU am, I'll try to get the update out10:19
mwhudsonbut now it's running, but very slowly10:19
mwhudsonwgrant: no, some apache thingummy, really not very interesting10:19
wgrantIs it really really slow, or is it a bit slower than usual but with an enormous queue?10:19
mwhudsonit's really slow10:19
thumperI've noticed a number of bugs and questions about it10:19
mwhudsonreally really slow10:19
thumperon the plus side, people are using LP codehosting :)10:19
mwhudsonthe code is in place to make it a bit faster than it was before, we just need a sysadmin :)10:20
mwhudsonthumper: yeah, indeed, if people complain when we break stuff, that's sort of a good sign10:20
wgrantParticularly as this is normally only noticeable on new branches.10:22
wgrantUnless you look closely.10:22
HattoryHi all... Why the background of favicon is not transparent?10:26
thumperHattory: my guess is because the grey doesn't have a good contrast with many browsers default colour10:40
wgrantThe white background looks awful in the Hardy theme, but not too bad with Intrepid's.10:45
wgrantI preferred the logo as the favicon.10:45
Hattorywgrant: you're right but in many browsers it looks  so bad... IMHO10:48
wgrantIt does.10:48
wgrantWith a bit of tweaking the logo looks fine.10:49
evilissimohmm, I try to use staging.launchpad.net to try it out but it seems like i won't get the registration mail, or does it take remarkably longer than on the mainsite? On the mainsite i'm registered already10:51
evilissimook found the answer10:53
evilissimoalthough having to wait so long is a bit disturbing and could lead to ignore staging at first place and go over and just create a project :S10:55
=== totopalma is now known as totopalm1
thumperevilissimo: staging doesn't send email out11:12
evilissimoyeah I read it11:12
thumperevilissimo: at least not somewhere where you could see it :)11:12
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xFallenhey guys16:33
dashhi. is there a way to delete a blueprint?17:13
megabyte405Has anyone had problems with the PPA not always packaging all the files produced for an arch-independent package/17:31
cprovmegabyte405: do you have an example ?17:32
megabyte405yes - http://launchpad.net/~abiword-stable/+archive - look at the hardy package before the rebuild finishes17:32
megabyte405there should be a ton of files in /usr/share/abiword-2.6 in the abiword-common package17:32
megabyte405but it seems to package them only every other time I build17:33
megabyte405(I test-built that package on my personal PPA, where it worked on the second try, then I copied the source to the AbiWord Stable ppa, where it built wrong)17:33
megabyte405now I am rebuilding in AbiWord Stable to see if I can get it to work again17:33
megabyte405The package is actually the new one from debian, I worked with the maintainer to build i, and he said he's seen that kind of thing happen only a few times when the system was screwed up17:34
cprovmegabyte405: I can't see how the packaging procedure can be different in PPAs17:34
megabyte405Yeah, I have no idea why it's not working, but it's frustrating because it worked when I tested it, then when I pushed the package to many abiword users, it broke17:35
megabyte405and it works on my own system17:35
megabyte405it just fails half the time in the PPA, and it just started doing this17:35
cprovmegabyte405: it needs further investigation, file a bug17:35
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=== nycerino is now known as nycerine
megabyte405cprov: ok, downloading some of those packages to attach and will file a bug17:37
cprovmegabyte405: good, then we can find out why it's happening.17:38
ubottuLaunchpad bug 250293 in launchpad "PPA fails to package common files half the time" [Undecided,New]17:45
=== Ekushey_ is now known as Ekushey
bbyeverusually how long does it take for a branch tu be updated on the website after its been pushed to?18:51
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beunobbyever, usually, a few minutes18:58
beunobut the code scanner is a bit delayed18:58
beunoso it may take a day or two18:59
beunowhat's the URL?18:59
bbyeverbeuno: https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-mx-marketing/ubuntu-mx-podcast/dev18:59
beunobbyever, http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-mx-marketing/ubuntu-mx-podcast/dev/changes19:00
beunobranch is fine, just need to give code scanner a while to catch up19:00
beunoyou can use it normally, pull/push/branch19:00
bbyeverbeuno: ah ok. thanks!19:00
* beuno wonders if any admin can add to the topic that code scanner is delayed19:06
Peng_Um, actually, i don't think the channel is +t, so anyone can do it.19:07
=== beuno changed the topic of #launchpad to: https://launchpad.net/ | Next meeting, all welcome: Thu 17 July 2008, 1800UTC #launchpad-meeting | Help: https://help.launchpad.net | Questions and spam reports: https://answers.launchpad.net/launchpad | Channel logs: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com | Code Scanner for branches is a bit delayed, admins working on it. Doesn't affect using bzr at all
beunoPeng_, you're right, thanks  :)19:07
Peng_The next meeting is 3 days and 8 minutes ago?19:08
beunouhm, yeah. Time travel is the latest and greatest in Ubuntu  :p19:08
Peng_Darn, I really need to upgrade to Hardy.19:09
beunoit's much easier if you have meetings when you already know what's going to happen19:09
Peng_Like in the Doctor Who episode "Blink"? :)19:19
* beuno never saw Doctor Who19:20
nycerinerosetta need better navigation imo22:57
devfilhi to all22:57
devfilwhy piemontese, franco-provencal etc... are languages for translation?22:58
thumperdevfil: no idea23:02
thumperbut then I don't have anything to do with translations :)23:02
devfilit is really bizzarre23:02
devfilhowever, I'm the admin of a project on lp, but I cannot set googlecode as bug tracker, how I can set it?23:04
thumperI don't think googlecode is a bugtracker option (from what I looked at)23:08
thumper(in "Change details" of the project)23:09
devfilthumper: but I should23:09
thumperI didn't realise that googlecode had a bug tracker23:09
devfilthumper: for example http://code.google.com/p/msn-pecan/issues/list is a bug tracker23:10
mwhudsonpretty sure there is a bug or two on launchpad for this23:10
ubottuLaunchpad bug 78395 in malone "Support Google Code's issue tracker" [Undecided,Confirmed]23:12
emetthe scanner is still the brokens23:12
mwhudsonemet: in progress23:13
devfilthe new lp on edge is finished?23:17
Peng_mwhudson: Has it changed from "waiting for an admin"?23:17
mwhudsonPeng_: yes23:17
Peng_Oh, good.23:17
devfilthe new lp is finished?23:28
mwhudsondevfil: when is software ever finished?23:28
devfilmwhudson: when it works23:29
emetwhen is spawns a computer god which takes over the universe23:29
devfilmwhudson: I don't like the grey bar for edge on header23:30
devfilI prefer it attacked to the border of the window23:31
mwhudsondevfil: i don't think the current round of ui tweaks is finished yet, no23:31
mwhudsondevfil: i am totally not the right person to talk to about it23:31

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