
sponixhttp://www.timhardy.net/wordpress/bytopic/howto/  --> Can someone give me a hand implementing this work-a-round so I can burn DVD's with k3b ?03:17
wgrantsponix: This isn't a support channel.03:27
sponixI'll just do my best to fine a bug report .. Sorry if I disturbed anyone03:35
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pwnguindo we have any good docs on actually fixing bugs?05:17
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asacpitti: how should a MIR look like if its just for some parts?10:30
asace.g. one binary package10:31
asacpitti: siretart: bug 25024511:03
ubottuLaunchpad bug 250245 in ubuntu "[MIR] - pcsc-lite sources + partially binary promotion to main" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/25024511:03
asaccody-somerville: there?11:11
asaccody-somerville: gnomefreak said he asked you to add our mozillateam meetings to the fridge. you still have that on your radar (or are you actually the right to ask)?11:13
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ograBenC, had a good trip ?15:25
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BenCogra: 13.5 hour drive...but it was nice15:30
BenCogra: how's things in waltham?15:30
ografunny, there was a marriage in the hotel last night15:31
lagadid someone marry their ebox?15:31
ogralots of bikers, burnouts at 1am with an exploding tire etc15:31
BenCkick ass15:32
ograi got the 2.4.26 kernel runing on the cmpc btw15:32
ograand indeed it fixes the prob15:32
BenCyou mean 2.6.26, right? :)15:32
ograbut only applying the r8169 changes for .26 to .24 doesnt help :/15:32
ograyeah, indeed :)15:32
ograi saw there is a lot changed in af_packet as well ... but that doesnt build if i dont lso have all the socket.h changes ... which was the point where i gave up las night15:33
ogranot sure where to go from here  ...15:34
BenCcheck pci quirks15:34
BenCif it isn't the driver itself, that's about the only other place where I can see something getting fixed15:35
BenC(I can't see a bug in af_packet only affecting one device, but I guess it's possible)15:35
ograwell, its an issue of the NIC not replying to dhcp offers, thats why i suspected af_packet15:35
BenCogra: does setting the IP manually make it work otherwise?15:36
ograbut it doesnt work with static IP either ...15:36
BenCok, then definitely not af_packet :)15:36
ograwell, not sure if the hotel network doesnt block here15:36
BenCdirect PC-to-PC ethernet should tell you though15:36
ogramight be that the router only accepts connections the dhcp server gave out before15:37
ogragood idea, i hope one of the cards i have here does autosensing .... i have no crossover cable with me15:37
BenCmost modern PHY's have autosensing now adays15:38
ograbut i have never used my lappies wired interface, so i'm not sure15:38
ogrameh, firs some fiddling ... i dont have a -19 kernel on the cmpc atm ... damned space constraints15:39
ograbtw, we should look that we start generating the initramfs in /tmp instead of boot ... i constantly run into space issues with /boot through that15:40
norsettoasac: I guess you haven't received my last email?15:43
ograBenC, oh, that smells related http://marc.info/?l=linux-netdev&m=121498012600793&w=216:18
ogra(even though i dont see it at all in 2.6.26)16:18
ograhmm, even more ... http://userweb.kernel.org/~romieu/r8169/2.6.26-rc9/20080710-r8169-test.patch16:21
BenCogra: ah, comes from mario too16:26
BenCogra: going to give it a try?16:26
BenCogra: transient may include "works in 2.6.26 and not in 2.6.24"16:26
ograwell, it seems we have it in .2416:28
ograwhat i wonder is if the call:16:29
ogra1441         dprintk("Set MAC Reg C+CR Offset 0x82h = 0x01h\n");16:29
ogra1442         RTL_W8(0x82, 0x01);16:29
ograthat actually happens before the "if (tp->mac_version == RTL_GIGA_MAC_VER_02) {" doesnt trash it for me already16:29
ograit somehow looks like wrongly ordered for me .... but its not different in .26 though16:30
ograif only kernel builds wouldnt take a century :/16:31
BenCogra: hehe, it's easy to just build one driver16:31
BenCogra: mkdir ../build; cp /boot/config-`uname -r` ../build/.config; make O=`pwd`/../build prepare; make O=`pwd`/build drivers/net/8169.ko16:36
BenCogra: or: mkdir tmp; cd tmp; cp ../drivers/net/8169.c .; echo "obj-m = 8169.o" > Makefile; make M=`pwd` -C /usr/src/linux-headers-`uname -r`16:38
* BenC could go on and on16:38
ograah, when i clean out the typos it actually works :)16:49
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ograintresting, dropping the RTL_W8(0x82, 0x01); line makes dmesg look a lot better (i get proper link up/down messages now) but doesnt make it work16:52
ograwell, but that looks like i'm on the right path ...16:53
ograyay, something to fill my bored sunday with ...16:53
lamontwhat's the plugin to have firefox claim to be IE7/Windoze?17:44
highvoltagelamont: user-agent-switcher17:54
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lamonthighvoltage: that did the trick -thanks19:05
ion_benc: Btw, is there an intention to release a new Linux image soonish?19:05
highvoltagelamont: you're welcome.19:06
ograhmpf, seems no matter what i do with the direver  cant get it to work ... even using the complete code from 2.6.26 doesnt help19:19
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BenCion_: probably tomorrow or tue21:04
ion_benc: Great21:06
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alex-weejmdz: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/no-more-source-packages22:32
alex-weejthat's obsolete now right?22:32
alex-weejsomeone mentioned this here a couple weeks back to me but i can't remember what they said had taken over22:32
pwnguinthere cant be that many open blueprints22:43
pwnguinhttps://blueprints.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/distributed-development-importer ?22:44
alex-weejpwnguin: thanks23:15
hmullerIs it safe to assume the uvesafb/v86d problem (x86_64) is a known issue with the current daily-live?  I didn't see a respective bug in Launchpad.23:17
hmullerAnd is it too early to be reporting bugs for missing firmware in Intrepid?23:20

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