
slangasekdoko_: since you did the merge of directfb, and deliberately re-enabled the build-dep on libts-dev, does that mean you're approving this as an MIR? :)00:16
slangaseksoren: is bug #196850 fixed in intrepid, or is it still just "Committed" somewhere?00:31
ubottuLaunchpad bug 196850 in virt-manager "vm cannot access cd-rom unless run as root" [Medium,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/19685000:31
slangasekpitti: do you happen to recall why you marked bug #229499 as 'fix committed' for intrepid?00:57
ubottuLaunchpad bug 229499 in linux "Latency regression with real time kernel and dynamic ticks feature" [Medium,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/22949900:57
slangasekjelmer: so, er, is there really no better way to tell the difference between a directory and a file in svn than trying to get a list of files within it?01:34
slangasekjelmer: (I say, having had to nuke my cache of the pkg-samba repo and now watching the wheels spin again while it repopulates)01:34
slangasekmaybe there is a better way, and you're using it in the newer version of bzr-svn, and I'm just annoying you with my questions :)01:35
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slangasekzul: grmbl; there's a new samba 3.2.0-4 that'll need merged, brown-paper bag bug in -302:28
zulslangasek: yep saw the commit Ill do it first thing tomorrow when I get downtown02:29
slangasekzul: ok, cheers02:29
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Awsoonnhi all, I am wondering if there are some helpful souls here that might mentor me in fixing a simple bug04:34
Awsoonnbug 250681 is simple enough, I apt-get source irssi04:35
ubottuLaunchpad bug 250681 in irssi "first run help link outdated" [Undecided,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/25068104:35
Awsoonnfound the string that needs changing04:35
Awsoonnchanged it, but now what should I do? I think I need to make a deb diff or something right?04:36
* Awsoonn wants to learn the ropes04:37
Awsoonnwhen I got the source, it came with a diff.gz; do I need to apply that to the source first? So many questions for you guys04:38
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ograAwsoonn, try #ubuntu-motu, they can point you to the right docs and info04:41
Awsoonnogra: TY04:41
superm1slangasek, god you were right about that debian maintainer for libsmbios05:17
superm1slangasek, would you mind chiming in on debian bug 491795?05:17
slangaseksuperm1: hrm, I thought I was careful to say very little that I could be right about ;)05:18
ubottusuperm1: Error: Could not parse data returned by Debian bugtracker: global name 'ls' is not defined (http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=491795;mbox=yes)05:18
superm1slangasek, well just hard headed about things05:18
superm1along the lines of "its not broke yet in debian because we havent switched to a newer libtool, and this is the way it should be done"05:19
slangaseksuperm1: I think I'm lacking the necessary patience to deal with that tonight; maybe tomorrow...05:31
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sorenslangasek: re bug 196850: It certainly should be fix released. Thanks for the pointer.06:45
ubottuLaunchpad bug 196850 in virt-manager "vm cannot access cd-rom unless run as root" [Medium,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/19685006:45
pittiGood morning07:15
pittislangasek: I thought if the fix was available for hardy, it could be uploaded to intrepid, too; nothing particular beyond that07:16
StevenKpitti: Mind casting your eye over https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/policykit/+bug/250619 ?07:17
ubottuLaunchpad bug 250619 in policykit "[intrepid] policykit pulls in policykit-gnome due to Recommends" [Undecided,In progress]07:17
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pittiStevenK: I totally agree to that07:20
pittiStevenK: please upload if you want, otherwise I'll do it later (I have to leave for a bit)07:22
StevenKpitti: Happy to upload the patch, just wanted you to check it first.07:22
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nxvlpitti: around?08:05
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Wubbbimvo: I have added you as a Subscriber for the bug 249850 ... is that ok? :)08:56
ubottuLaunchpad bug 249850 in synaptic "Synaptic Freez up after installing Packages" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/24985008:56
pittihi nxvl09:26
seb128where is scott when you need him ;-)09:26
fabbionehey guys09:27
fabbionehow is life in Ubuntu land?09:27
* pitti hugs fabbione09:27
* fabbione hugs pitti 09:27
seb128hey fabbione, good!09:27
pittivery intrepid09:27
fabbioneseb128: hey Mr. Gnome :)09:27
fabbionepitti: ehehe09:27
* fabbione grrrrs at linux-libc-dev09:29
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pittisuperm1: does hal need a fix in bug 189814?09:35
ubottuLaunchpad bug 189814 in libsmbios "HAL lockups/crashes on Dell D-series Latitudes w/ BIOS password" [Medium,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/18981409:35
pittibryce, tjaalton: WDYT about http://gitweb.freedesktop.org/?p=xorg/xserver.git;a=commit;h=66fb253082ea42179180303393e48846208987fa ? I think that makes sense, although it was reverted again upstream09:40
tseliotmvo: please ping me when you want to solve the problem with Update Manager and the NVIDIA drivers in Intrepid. There's a Python module ready for this.09:56
mvotseliot: lets do it now, where can I see the python module? do we have a bugnumber or something as a reference?09:59
tseliotmvo: install nvidia-common from this PPA: https://launchpad.net/~lrm-intrepid/+archive10:00
* tseliot looks for the bugreport10:00
tseliotmvo: maybe this one: https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/update-manager/+bug/24932910:03
ubottuLaunchpad bug 249329 in update-manager "Intrepid dist-upgrade fails - 'nvidia-glx' is marked for removal but it's in the removal blacklist" [High,Triaged]10:03
mvotseliot: NvidiaDetector ?10:03
tseliotmvo: yes10:04
tseliotmvo: it detects drivers with an old name scheme (e.g. nvidia-glx, -new, etc.), does hardware detection and returns the name of the driver to install10:05
mvotseliot: ok, so the old names go away complettely?10:06
tseliotmvo: yes, there are only nvidia-glx-177, nvidia-glx-173, nvidia-glx-96, nvidia-glx-7110:06
mvotseliot: ok, excellent10:07
tseliotmvo: you might have to change your blacklist too10:07
mvotseliot: I start with removing the old names from the removal blacklist10:07
mvotseliot: is there any package level (via transitional packages or anything like this) transition going on for the hardy->intrepid upgrade?10:08
pittitseliot: I'll try and adapt the jockey nvidia handler for the new packages today/tomorrow10:08
tseliotpitti: great, let me know if you need help with Jockey10:09
pittitseliot: the -modalias packages have the package names now? If so, then this should be straightforward (takes some programming, though)10:09
tseliotmvo: no, since supported hardware has changed too much. This is why we rely on both the Debconf warning in nvidia-common and on Update Manager to select and install the right driver for the card.10:10
tseliotpitti: yes, they do10:10
tseliotmvo: if you read here: http://albertomilone.com/wordpress/?p=212 where it says "How does nvidia-common work?" you will see how the Debconf check will work if users decide to dist-upgrade from the command line instead of using Update Manager10:13
mvotseliot: ok. when do you think will nvidia-common arrive in the archive? I need to build-dep on it than because the release-upgrader will have to ship a copy of the dection code10:13
tseliotmvo: I don't have upload privileges. I think nvidia-common is ready though10:14
tseliotpitti: thoughts on this?10:14
mvoits a new package so it has to go through pitti review anyway :) (or mathiases)10:15
pittitseliot: last time I looked at it it was fairly ok (see my email response); I didn't test it personlly , though10:15
pittibut since this is blocking both of you now, I'll review/upload/NEW it right now10:15
pittitseliot: lrm-intrepid PPA?10:15
tseliotpitti: yes, it's there10:15
pittiShow files  nvidia-common - 0.1-0ubuntu12  ?10:16
pittitseliot: hm, I guess I can just check it out of bzr somewhere?10:16
tseliotpitti: you can get the latest (ubuntu12). I haven't set up a bzr branch yet10:17
pittiok, fine10:17
pittitseliot: hm, the diff.gz has patches, how weird :)10:18
pittitseliot: I guess it should be pretty much a native package for now10:18
pittitseliot: can I give you some review comments right here, or do you want an email?10:18
tseliotmvo: it will be sufficient to make an object of the NvidiaDetection class without any parameter. This should return either None (if no compatible driver can be found) or the name of the appropriate package10:18
tseliotpitti: maybe an email would be better. Thanks10:19
mvotseliot: I just looked at it, does it require stuff in /usr/share/jockey/modaliases/ that is not yet in intrepid? for me that dir does not contain a lot (but my intrepid is not fully up-to-date)10:22
tseliotmvo: if you install nvidia-common and its dependencies (which are currently in multiverse in Intrepid) then it will be ok10:22
mvotseliot: basicly I need to ship those files that are required in update-manager as well, because the upgrader can not relie on stuff from intrepid package, it needs to ship the data on its own10:22
jmunrois this the right channel to look for ubuntu packaging advice/support?10:23
tseliotmvo: can't we ship those 3 small packages with the CD (when they are moved to main)?10:23
joaopintojmunro, #ubuntu-moty is probably a better place10:24
joaopintoops, motu10:24
tseliotmvo: nvidia-{177|173|96|71}-modaliases are very small10:24
jmunrothanks joaopinto10:24
mvotseliot: when the upgrader runs, its runs on hardy (ether net or cd) - its fine to have the three files included if they are small, that is no issue.10:24
tseliotmvo: but the modaliases will change every time the drivers are updated10:25
seb128slangasek: hey, could you have a look to bug #235560 and tell me if you think that's a samba issue?10:25
ubottuLaunchpad bug 235560 in nautilus "Connect to smb server by name doesn't work, but by IP address does" [Medium,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/23556010:25
tseliotmvo: furthermore, as pitti said, the lists of the supported hardware may be different on 32 and 64bit10:26
pitti^ I don't know whether this is actually ture10:26
mvotseliot: oh, they are not arch=all ..... hmmm10:27
pittior was just a red herring from our hackish way to extract the vendor/model lists from the X driver binaries10:27
tseliotpitti: we can't control what NVIDIA and AMD do ;)10:27
mvotseliot: could you check if the lists are the same? if they are, then I have a lot less problems, if they are not, than I need to ponder about this problem a bit more10:29
* tseliot checks the modalias files10:29
mvotseliot: thanks10:31
tseliotmvo: for nvidia-glx-173 the files are identical10:33
pittitseliot, mvo: package reviewed, I mailed you10:33
pittiI wouldn't like to upload it right now, but after fixing the list it should be good10:33
pittishould not take more than an hour to fix it up10:34
tseliotpitti: great, I'll have a look at it as soon as it arrives10:34
* pitti hugs tseliot for his outstanding owrk10:34
* tseliot blushes10:34
pittitseliot: I'm just a little more picky about this, since it will go into main10:34
pitti(well, I'd list the bugs for any universe package, too, but for NEWing I mean)10:35
tseliotpitti: feel free to be as picky as you like with me ;)10:35
tseliotpitti: I'll make sure the package is suitable for inclusion in main10:35
* pitti chuckles about the new LP UI -- "bragging rights"10:38
mvotseliot, pitti: will the modaliases packages move to restricted at some point (instead of multiverse)?10:38
tseliotmvo: the modaliases are identical for 177 too. Ok, there is no difference between 64 and 32 bit in the modaliases10:38
pittimvo: yes, absolutely10:38
pittimvo: the drivers themselves, too10:38
pittimvo: I need the modalias lists as jockey Recommends: as well10:39
mvotseliot: excellent, thanks for confirming10:39
mvohow often will the nvidia drivers be updated after the intrepid release (in -updates)? if that is going to happen very infrequently I will just build-dep on the modaliases files in update-manager and copy them into the release-upgrader tarball. if it does happen a lot, then a more flexible aproach is needed10:42
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tseliotmvo: updates will be done as backports from Intrepid+1 to Intrepid therefore there shouldn't be problems with Update Manager10:43
tseliotmvo: we won't do SRUs as we're doing for Hardy in multiverse10:44
mvotseliot: ok, I go with the build-dep approach then10:44
tseliotmvo: ok10:44
pittitseliot: oh, we won't? I thought we'd at least add new driver versions post-release, much similar to what the -envy packages do in hardy right now?10:46
pittimvo: can the upgrader download the files from somewhere else prior to starting the upgrade? doesn't it already download a blob?10:47
tseliotpitti: with -envy there's a certain amount of risk but you still have the packages in the lrm. In intrepid we should still have something stable which doesn't change, I guess.10:47
pittitseliot: I agree, but adding newer versions (e. g. as intrepid+1 -> intrepid backports) should be ok?10:47
tseliotpitti: and maybe the backports will keep happy the ones who want the latest driver10:48
pittilike, nvidia-192 backported to intrepid10:48
tseliotpitti: ah, adding a completely new package, you mean. I wouldn't know10:48
tseliotpitti: if you think that using -updates is better, I'm with you on this10:49
pitti-backports or -updates doesn't matter much, as long as jockey/envy can pick it up10:49
tseliotpitti: they don't matter much to me since I'm going to make the packages anyway ;)10:50
mvopitti: sure, it could do that too, it will just add more waiting and more stress the mirrors. downloading stuff is fragile in release times, the mirrors are all very loaded. if it has no (or hardly none) disadvantages I would rather want to have it included10:50
pittimvo: *nod*10:51
pittiI was just curious10:51
tseliotmvo: another thing. Maybe reinstalling libgl1-mesa-glx and xserver-xorg-core (before doing the dist-upgrade) could help if users made use of the NVIDIA installer from NVIDIA's website. See this problem which I solved: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/nvidia-graphics-drivers-177/+bug/25048610:55
ubottuLaunchpad bug 250486 in nvidia-graphics-drivers-177 "package nvidia-glx-177 None [modified: /var/lib/dpkg/info/nvidia-glx-177.list] failed to install/upgrade: trying to overwrite `/usr/lib/xorg/modules/extensions/libglx.so', which is also in package xserver-xorg-core" [Undecided,Invalid]10:55
mvotseliot: could you please make the nvidia-common stuff available via bzr? I would like to make some (small) modification to it to make it easier for me to embed it10:56
tseliotmvo: sure10:57
mvowhat is the reason that we have 4 modaliases package? would it be possible to have them in a sinle package? or have a meta-package that depends on all available ones so that in the future I don't need to manually update the build-depends on them?11:00
pittimvo, tseliot: what about adding all of them to nvidia-common?11:02
mvosounds good to me11:02
pittithat makes sense anyway, and then you can just b-dep on n-common11:02
pittihm, hang on11:02
pittican we b-dep on them in the first place? they'll be in restricted11:02
pittimain -> restricted dependencies -> evil11:03
tseliotmvo: 4 modaliases packages are made when the 4 drivers are built11:03
* mvo nods11:03
tseliotpitti,mvo: I'm afraid I don't understand your suggestion11:04
pittipackages in main can only depend and b-dep on main packages11:04
mvoits not terrible important, it would just be nice. as long as someone reminds me when new modaliases packages become available to update the build-depends in update-manager11:04
pittimvo: but that doesn't work either way11:05
pittiif we want to do that at all, then the least evil thing (IMHO) we can do is to have the -modalias packages in main and the rest in restricted11:05
pitti'source in restricted' and 'one binary of it in main' is against the common practice, too, but less evil than b-depending on restricted packages11:05
pitticjwatson: WDYT?11:05
mvopitti: meh, right11:07
cjwatsonpitti: (I'm off sick today, but happened to be looking) we already do that with linux-meta11:08
mvocjwatson: the plague?11:09
cjwatsonit's not without problems, but can be done with care11:09
cjwatsonmvo: aye11:09
mvocjwatson: get well! it hit me fully with >39°C over the weekend11:09
cjwatsonI think I had the worst of it last night, but will be sleeping the rest off today11:10
Mithrandircanonical has reinstated the distro plague?11:10
pitticjwatson: oh, sorry for bothering; get well soon!11:10
Mithrandiror rather, distro sprint plague.11:10
seb128anybody around having a clue about libtool who could look to the error on http://paste.ubuntu.com/29259?11:11
pittiit hit Pedro, then Michael, then Colin; noone else so far, AFAICS11:11
seb128that's gnome-system-monitor which doesn't want to build using libtool2, not sure what to change though11:12
tseliotmvo: my bazaar branch is here. NOTE: it doesn't contain the correction which pitti suggested and the branch has not been scanned yet11:13
Mithrandirseb128: it's C++ and doesn't have a AC_PROG_CXX before the libtool macros?11:13
tseliotmvo: https://launchpad.net/nvidia-common11:13
seb128Mithrandir: I did add11:14
seb128    AC_PROG_CXX11:14
seb128    AC_PROG_LIBTOOL"11:14
seb128Mithrandir: but that makes no difference11:14
Mithrandirseb128: and reran aclocal and auto*?11:14
seb128libtoolize -c -f && autoconf && aclocal11:14
Mithrandirthat's the wrong order; aclocal; automake; autoconf11:14
seb128is automake required there?11:15
Mithrandirhm, no, it shouldn't be.11:15
pittimaybe just autoreconf -f?11:15
Mithrandiranyway, aclocal before autoconf11:15
seb128it gives http://paste.ubuntu.com/29261/ now11:16
jcristauseb128: missing AC_PROG_CC?11:17
seb128jcristau: is AC_PROG_CC required if I'm already using AC_PROG_CXX?11:17
jcristauseb128: if you want to build c stuff, not just c++, i'd say yes11:18
seb128doesn't seem to make a difference11:19
seb128I hate autotools ;-)11:19
Mithrandirseb128: this is libtool's way of loving you back.11:22
mvotseliot: please check bzr+ssh://bazaar.launchpad.net/%7Emvo/nvidia-common/mvo/ for some smallish additions11:26
cjwatsonorder> use autoreconf11:27
seb128cjwatson: doesn't make a difference, I think the configure.in needs some other changes11:30
seb128where is scott? ;-)11:30
seb128ups, in fact no, autoreconf -v -f works11:31
seb128cjwatson: thanks11:31
tseliotmvo: ok, thanks. It looks good and you also corrected a typo.11:31
cjwatsonseb128: get in the queue, I mailed Scott about a new (different) libtool problem yesterday ;-)11:32
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mvotseliot: how is the interface supposed to be used? I call selectDriver() to get the one that I am supposed to use? and getDriver() to see what is currently installed (and should be removed)?11:34
mvotseliot: thanks for reviewing my changes11:35
AlexCONRADhello, I'm trying to figure out how I can make glxinfo not to display "client glx vendor string: SGI". I'm trying to benefit of Adobe Flash 9 hardware acceleration in full screen.11:35
tseliotmvo: just create an object and see what it returns (without calling any method)11:35
AlexCONRADfrom the Adobe Flash linux team: the Flash Player requires that the client glx vendor string be something besides "SGI". Official drivers from, e.g., ATI and Nvidia hopefully do not have "SGI" in this field (check the 'glxinfo' command, for this string and for the extensions listed above)11:35
lagathese guys must be smoking weird stuff.11:35
Kanopatch mesa ;)11:35
AlexCONRADinstalling propietary drivers from ati (or from the restricted drivers in xubuntu), I still get SGI11:36
tseliotAlexCONRAD: if you file a bugreport on launchpad I'll have a look at it later11:37
AlexCONRADhere's Adobe's blog regarding this issue: http://blogs.adobe.com/penguin.swf/2008/05/flash_uses_the_gpu.html11:37
tseliotmvo: if doing so seems weird to you I can change it11:38
mvotseliot: I would prefer something that I call from within python, maybe a @property like driverpkg or drivername ?11:40
mvotseliot: it looks like "selectDriver()" does that, correct?11:41
tseliotmvo: yes, that's what you need11:41
AlexCONRADtseliot: I'm doing a bug report right now. Should I provide a specific package?11:44
tseliotAlexCONRAD: linux-restricted-modules11:45
lagacan someone recommend a log rotation tool? like logrotate, but less broken (eg runs more then once each day)11:45
mvotseliot: ok, I think then I have all the bits in place now in the code, the outstanding issue is only "main"<->"restirected" barrier11:47
tseliotmvo: ok, I'll apply your corrections (and pitti's) and push them into my branch soon11:49
pittimvo: I think I'll move the -modalias packages to main11:49
pittimvo, tseliot: so I think that nvidia-common should depen: on the modalias packages, and u-m should b-dep on n-common; ok with you?11:50
* pitti cnat tpye toady11:50
mvopitti: that sounds excellent11:50
tseliotpitti: ok11:50
* mvo hugs pitti and tseliot11:52
* pitti bounces11:52
* tseliot hugs pitti and mvo11:52
mvotseliot: I also need a way to figure out if a old nvidia driver was installed before the upgrade (I don't want to transition people without the binary driver to a binary driver on pgrades). I will just use the oldPackages list for this in getDrivers, does that sound reasonable?11:55
tseliotmvo: what do you mean? If a driver with an old scheme was installed, selectDriver() will return None. Maybe I'm missing the point11:57
mvotseliot: oh? maybe I haven't got the interface yet :) on upgrade from hardy->intrepid I want to know a) is a nvidia binary driver installed. if so, then I want to install a new nvidia driver with the new naming schema11:59
mvotseliot: it looks like "printSelection" is doing that, correct?12:00
jcristauit's amazing how much work you guys put into supporting those broken drivers12:01
tseliotmvo: getDrivers() returns True if an old driver was installed12:02
tseliotjcristau: I'm convinced that our users should have the best experience with Ubuntu even though this is not extremely easy with proprietary drivers12:03
tseliotmvo: printSelection() is thought only to interact with bash/debconf12:04
lagaregarding upstart - will upstart be used more widely in intrepid? eg in mysql and other stuff in main?12:04
mvojcristau: true12:06
jcristau(by amazing i mean sad)12:07
Wubbbijcristau: why sad? oO ... lol thats good not sad12:08
Mithrandirjcristau: too many people need them. :-/12:08
mvotseliot: could you please merge again from my tree? this gives me access to oldPackages and then I can check the install status in my code slightly more efficiently12:08
WubbbiMithrandir: like me :D12:08
MithrandirWubbbi: you're happy you need crappy non-free drivers?12:09
jcristauMithrandir: sometimes i wonder if the same amount of work put into improving free drivers wouldn't be a better use of everyone's time12:09
WubbbiI mean if where is a Free Nvidia driver, which can 3D like the Nvidia one, I will use the free. But now The Nvidia Driver is simpy the best ^^12:09
Mithrandirjcristau: long-term I'm fairly sure it'd be, but short term less so.12:10
Mithrandirjcristau: it'd be nice if 8.10 could ship nouveau though..12:10
Mithrandirit's bloody stable for me.12:10
pittiwould anyone have time to try out my first pre-alpha-test version of my guest session script? (http://people.ubuntu.com/~pitti/tmp/guest-session.py, run with sudo)12:10
WubbbiMithrandir: no I'm not happy. But I need it.12:10
tseliotmvo: sorry if it sounds noobish but having always worked by myself I don't know how to merge branches in bzr12:10
WubbbiI also hate OpenOffice, but I need it for work :(12:11
mvotseliot: no problem, just run "bzr merge bzr+ssh://bazaar.launchpad.net/~mvo/nvidia-common/mvo/"12:11
WubbbiI Like Koffice or Goffice more12:11
pittitseliot, mvo: s/bzr+ssh/http/12:11
pittiactually, just "lp:~mvo/nvidia-common/mvo" should do12:12
pittibryce, tjaalton: I heard some rumours that the X server sends out a signal of some kind once it's started up and clients can connect to it; do you know details about that?12:13
tseliotmvo: ok, merged. pitti: yes, using http did the trick12:14
pittitseliot: (explanation: bzr+ssh:// is write access, and you can't write to a branch owned by mvo)12:14
tseliotpitti: ah, ok, it makes sense now. Thanks12:15
cjwatsonyou can use bzr+ssh: for read access too nowadays12:16
tseliotcjwatson: doing so gave me this error: Permission denied (publickey).12:16
tseliotbzr: ERROR: Connection closed: please check connectivity and permissions (and try -Dhpss if further diagnosis is required)12:16
cjwatson<cjwatson@sarantium ~>$ bzr get bzr+ssh://bazaar.launchpad.net/~mvo/nvidia-common/mvo/12:16
cjwatsonBranched 4 revision(s).12:16
mvotseliot: great, you bzr pushed  as well? I will do some final testing after lunch and then I think the branch is ready12:16
pitticjwatson: oh, neat12:17
pitticjwatson: so I guess "lp:" is nothing more than a string subst for bzr+ssh://code.launchpad.net/ nowadays12:17
jcristaupitti: the server looks if the sigusr1 handler is set to sig_ign when it starts. if so, it sends sigusr1 to its parent after init12:17
tseliotmvo: pushed now12:18
cjwatsontseliot: that suggests that you don't have ssh configured to use your LP username when sshing to bazaar.launchpad.net. bzr+ssh://albertomilone@bazaar... would have done it12:18
pittijcristau: nice, thanks!12:18
cjwatsontseliot: but it's easier to put this in ~/.ssh/config and then you can forget about it for ever more:12:18
cjwatsonHost bazaar.launchpad.net12:18
cjwatson        User albertomilone12:18
tseliotcjwatson: thanks a lot :-)12:19
mvotseliot: thanks, I have it now12:20
tseliotpitti,mvo: I'm going to have a break for lunch now, therefore, unless you've got something urgent to tell me, I'll go now12:21
* tseliot >> lunch12:25
AlexCONRADtseliot: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux-restricted-modules/+bug/25079212:28
ubottuLaunchpad bug 250792 in linux-restricted-modules "Adobe Flash hardware acceleration support (GPU)" [Undecided,New]12:28
mvotseliot: could you please merge again from my branch when you come back?12:29
* mvo -> lunch12:34
pittiseb128: do you have a minute to give a test to my guest session script?13:49
seb128pitti: yes13:51
pittiseb128: http://people.ubuntu.com/~pitti/tmp/guest-session.py13:51
pittiseb128: just running it from your normal session through sudo should work13:51
pittiit starts the guest session, and as soon as you leave it, it returns back to your's13:52
pittiit doesn't lock screen yet or anything, just barely sets it up13:52
pittiPolicyKit, mounting, network-manager etc. should work already13:52
seb128pitti: is that likely to crash my xsession?13:53
pittiseb128: no, your own should be fine13:53
pittiit's possible that the guest session crashes, though13:53
seb128alright, trying13:53
seb128_I knew it would crash my box :-p13:59
seb128_hum, brb14:00
pittiseb128: ugh, sorry for that; any idea when/how?14:00
seb128I would tend to blame VT switch14:01
pittiseb128: oh, compiz?14:01
pittiwhat did you see so far? it just crashed immediately?14:01
seb128so it loged me in the guest session after some seconds14:02
seb128the session is usable14:02
seb128switching user doesn't work though, can't find Xauthority14:02
seb128the sound card is not available14:03
seb128and it froze when I tried to log out14:03
pittiin the guest session?14:03
pittithe script outputs some debug info, but I guess you didn't see that any more14:04
pittiit also leaves a debug log in /tmp/guest_*14:04
pitti.Xauthority? weird, that file should be there; without it, you can't even start the session14:04
pittiseb128: does a normal gdmflexiserver work for you?14:05
seb128pitti: tried to use the fusa to switch to your normal user?14:05
pittiseb128: no, I didn't try that yet; sec, doing14:05
seb128pitti: "work" in which way? do you mean "does it crash your box on logout too"?14:06
pittiseb128: fusa doesn't work for me either, thanks for pointing out14:08
pittiseb128: well, yes; "work" in the sense of "starts a new session, session runs normally, and you can stop it, and switch"14:09
tseliotmvo: merged and pushed again14:09
seb128pitti: let me switch IRC to my laptop14:11
* tseliot shuts down his computer. A storm is coming14:12
seb128pitti: alright, the box crashes the same way when closing a gdmflexiserver session14:14
Riddellbash question, what does the @ mean at the start of this?  @if [ ! -x "$(DH_SAMEVERSIONDEPS)" ]; then chmod a+x "$(DH_SAMEVERSIONDEPS)"; fi;14:15
pittiRiddell: is that Make?14:15
jcristausounds like a make question14:15
Riddellpitti: yes14:16
StevenKRiddell: That's Make. "Don't echo the line before running it"14:16
Riddelldoesn't sound too important then, thanks.14:16
pittiseb128: I see; maybe you can try disabling compiz?14:17
pitti(did you get compiz in the guest?)14:17
seb128you think it's due to compiz? I'm not sure now but I don't think compiz works out of the first session, xorg limitation14:18
seb128no I didn't anyway, that's intrepid and gnome-session doesn't default to compiz14:19
pittiah, ok14:20
pittihm, no idea then, I'm afraid14:20
pittiif it happens even with gdmflexiserver, it's beyond my current knowledge :(14:21
seb128the syslog has a general protection error in wacom_drv.so and then the restart14:22
seb128and I couldn't ssh to the box after the crash either so it seems linux didn't like it14:22
sistpoty|workhm... current daily gives me read errors from the iso when simulating in faumachine... has anyone observed this on a real box?14:24
tseliotI'm back14:26
tseliotAlexCONRAD: what's the bugreport which you filed?14:28
AlexCONRADtseliot: let me find it again14:28
AlexCONRADtseliot: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux-restricted-modules/+bug/25079214:28
ubottuLaunchpad bug 250792 in linux-restricted-modules "Adobe Flash hardware acceleration support (GPU)" [Undecided,New]14:28
tseliotAlexCONRAD: ok, thanks14:34
superm1pitti, yes it does14:37
superm1both hal and libsmbios14:37
=== mdomsch is now known as mdomsch_YOW
mvotseliot: I finished my changes in a bzr branch of update-manager now, please prod me when the new nvidia-common is available in the archive, I merge the changes into mainline then. thanks for your work on this!14:40
pittiseb128: ok, thanks for testing so far!14:40
* pitti hugs seb128, sorry for the trouble14:41
tseliotmvo: thanks to you ;)14:41
tseliotmvo: I'll ping you as soon as it's done14:41
* seb128 hugs pitti, you're welcome14:42
seb128pitti: I'll try on my laptop a bit later, but I'm building gtk+ now and don't want to crash the box14:42
Riddellgrr, cdbs has gained a new dependency in universe14:43
pittiseb128: right, by any means14:43
pittiRiddell: hm? it didn't change for a long time?14:43
pittiDepends: debhelper (>= 5.0.30), fdupes, intltool14:43
pittilooks fine to me...14:43
Riddellpitti: build dependency14:44
Riddellneeded by texlive-xetex14:44
pittiright, that; there's a MIR for it14:45
hwildeMail In Rebate?14:48
pittiMain Inclusion Request14:48
ograMonk In Rage14:49
mathiazzul: could you merge samba 3.2.0-4 from debian ? It's an important fixe14:51
jcristaumathiaz: you mean like https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/intrepid-changes/2008-July/003931.html?14:51
ogramathiaz, you should really subscribe to intrepid-changes14:51
mathiazwell - I'm just processing my inbox in chronological order14:52
zulmathiaz: already done14:56
mathiazzul: are you subscribed to the pkg-samba-maint mailing list ?14:57
zulmathiaz: yep and slangasek told me last night as well14:58
pittisuperm1: did you send the libsmbios patch upstream somewhere?15:02
superm1pitti, yeah its in upstream git already15:02
superm1i listed the link on the bug report15:02
superm1mebrown will be doing a libsmbios release in the next week to two weeks, so i'll submit the hal patch upstream once there is a new libsmbios "release" for hal to depend on15:03
pittisuperm1: ah, great; I'm uploading it now15:03
superm1pitti, great thanks15:03
superm1you might consider if you can cross pocket copy, i've already got them built on the ppa15:03
superm1i wasnt sure if you could cross pocket copy to proposed from a ppa though15:03
* pitti runs the missing update-maintainer first15:04
pittisuperm1: I'd rather not, component handling sucks with copy-package from a PPA15:05
superm1pitti, ah okay15:05
* soren kicks the useless rc.local prompt on initscripts upgrades15:05
pittisoren: bug 24655015:07
ubottuLaunchpad bug 246550 in sysvinit "Prompts to merge unmodified conffile /etc/rc.local on upgrade to intrepid" [Undecided,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/24655015:07
sorenI know.15:07
* soren is testing a patch for it.15:07
sorenWhuh.... Is apt-get not installed by debootstrap in Intrepid anymore?15:08
pittithat would be weird15:08
sorenIt would, wouldn't it?15:08
sorenMaybe it's my mk-sbuild-chroot script that's misbehaving. :/15:09
superm1soren, try to rerun /finish.sh in the schroot then perhaps15:09
* soren can't spot apt in debootstrap's output..15:10
sorensuperm1: finish.sh installs additional packages /using/ apt-get :)15:10
superm1oh right :)15:10
sorenTask: minimal, minimal15:11
sorenLooks like fun :)15:11
slangasekseb128: hum, that certainly could be a samba issue, but it's not one that I've encountered; that's kind of an opaque error message, in any case15:27
sorenOh, apt is no longer build-essential.15:27
sorenIs that intentional?15:28
slangasekseb128: any chance they're running the aborted hardy-proposed version of gvfs?15:28
seb128slangasek: did you read the current comment on the bug? and they could, but there is a new upstream version available in hardy-proposed for some time now so that's not really likely15:30
seb128grrr new libtool15:31
slangasekseb128: oh.  that's a "wtf, don't do that" bug.15:31
slangasekseb128: hang on, I have a Debian bug # for that somewhere15:31
seb128slangasek: ah, thanks15:31
slangasekseb128: Debian bug #45997215:33
ubottuDebian bug 459972 in winbind "winbind: want to limit libnss_wins checks to WINS (no broadcasting)" [Wishlist,Open] http://bugs.debian.org/45997215:33
seb128slangasek: thanks, will you add a comment on the bug and reassign to the proper place? ;-)15:33
slangasekseb128: summary: a) using wins for hosts is not the common case, b) if you do you have to set up your smb.conf to not cause recursion, c) use DNS already, it's 200815:34
slangasekheh, when I come on shift, yes :)15:34
seb128no hurry ;-)15:34
sorenEr.. how do I in bzr show the contents of a file as per revision X?15:35
sorenOh, bzr cat.15:35
sorencjwatson: apt doesn't get marked as build-essential anymore (see http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/intrepid/main/binary-amd64/Packages.gz).. Germinate bug?15:47
sorenThe seed looks fine: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-core-dev/ubuntu-seeds/platform.intrepid/annotate/1223?file_id=buildessential-20070623200333-d1ogpjgj3twv53i0-215:48
cody-somervilleWhat does reason "none" mean for a reject? :P15:48
sorencody-somerville: I /think/ it means that whoever rejected it didn't bother to state a reason. Usually that means that they've sent you a separate e-mail about it or pung you on IRC.15:49
cjwatsonI don't believe that the tools allow stating a reason right now, at least not the command-line tools15:49
cody-somervilleHow do I find out who rejected codeblocks?15:50
slangasekbrute-forcing the list of possible culprits :)15:51
slangasek(wasn't me!)15:51
cjwatsonsoren: somebody pushed it up to required, and it's listed in http://people.ubuntu.com/~ubuntu-archive/priority-mismatches.txt15:51
ogracjwatson, fyi the discussed changes to apply different partition sizes on the 4G cmpc are in the recent image15:52
cjwatsonbut apparently by adding a dependency somewhere else - oh, possibly by Recommends15:52
pittisuperm1: so, all done (hardy+intrepid libsmbios+hal), bug updated; testing feedback appreciated!15:52
cjwatsonogra: thanks15:52
cjwatsonsoren: germinate recently got upgraded on drescher/mawson, so I expect it's a consequence of newly-handled Recommends there15:52
sorencjwatson: Oh, and then germinate removes it from build-essential so that it'd only get listed once?15:52
cjwatsonright, build-essential inherits from required15:52
sorenOk, got it.15:53
cjwatsonthe fix is either for an archive admin to promote it to required, or for the recommends to be dropped to <=suggests, or for germinate not to consider recommends in the required seed15:53
sorenOk, I'll hand-hold debootstrap --variant=buildd for now..15:53
cjwatsoncan it wait until tomorrow? technically I'm off sick today15:53
sorencjwatson: Oh, sure, sure.15:53
sorengo back to bed. :)15:53
pittisoren: thanks for the sysvinit fix!15:56
pittiRiddell: can you please commit your cdbs changes to lp:~ubuntu-core-dev/cdbs/ubuntu/ ?15:58
tseliotpitti,mvo: I have applied the corrections and pushed them into my main branch15:58
slangasekseb128: are you managing this scrollkeeper->rarian switch?15:59
Riddellpitti: oh right sorry, forgot about that15:59
RiddellBenC: bug 250848 for you15:59
ubottuLaunchpad bug 250848 in grub "grub fails to install" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/25084815:59
slangasekseb128: livefs build failure because rarian-compat conflicts with scrollkeeper; I guess scrollkeeper is still seeded?16:00
BenCRiddell: ok16:00
slangasekhmm, apparently not seeded16:00
slangasekBenC: when you fix grub, please mind to commit to the bzr branch :)16:00
seb128slangasek: I'm not aware of anything to manage for the scrollkeeper to rarian change16:01
slangasekseb128: ok, well, something's breaking the livefs builds :)16:01
seb128do you have details on the error?16:01
slangasekThe following packages have unmet dependencies:16:01
slangasek  rarian-compat: Conflicts: scrollkeeper16:01
slangasekE: Broken packages16:01
slangasekthat's all the log shows; I can't reproduce it in a clean chroot using only 'apt-get install ubuntu-desktop', so the root cause is somewhere deeper16:02
seb128slangasek: maybe something in the CD build script?16:02
sorenpitti: Sure :)16:02
seb128slangasek: note that rarian-compat conflicts,replaces,provides scrollkeeper16:02
slangasekseb128: nothing is left that has a versioned dep on scrollkeeper?16:04
seb128not that I know16:04
seb128and ubuntu-desktop and rarian-compat are installed on my machines16:04
slangasektrying to install 'apt-get install ubuntu-live^' in a chroot, doesn't give me any errors either16:04
slangasekand that's what the livecd does16:05
slangasek(plus bits)16:05
seb128slangasek: when did you run this cd build?16:05
BenCRiddell: in what situation is this bug occuring?16:05
pittiI just checked with grep-dctrl, no versioned dpeendendies to scrollkeeper in main16:06
RiddellBenC: creating the livefs16:06
RiddellBenC: also in my chroot just installing grub16:06
slangasekBenC: I think that kernel-helper -i shouldn't be called in the postinst when [ -z "$2" ]16:06
slangasekbut maybe there are some reasons you'd want to call it on first install16:07
BenCRiddell: That's what I thought....how can I detect this situation...or do you think I can just ignore the fact that it doesn't exist?16:07
seb128slangasek: so, the CD build try was today?16:08
slangasekseb128: yes, and also yesterday16:09
seb128slangasek: yesterday rarian-compat was in universe16:09
slangasekthen perhaps it gave a different error yesterday :)16:09
seb128cjwatson mentionned moving it back to main again16:09
pittibut that was this (late) morning16:10
seb128no idea about today's issue though, works fine for me on my machines16:10
pittilater than the CD cron jobs16:10
slangasekpitti: I just did another buildlive run to check, though16:10
pittiah, ok16:10
pittitseliot: so nvidia-common is in bzr now? or will you upload to ppa again?16:11
tseliotpitti: it's in my bzr. I'll upload it to my PPA now16:14
pittitseliot: I'm happy to pull from your bzr, that's faster, especially for future updates16:15
tseliotpitti: perfect. Let's use bzr then16:15
pittitseliot: lp:what?16:16
cjwatsonseb128: I moved it yesterday IIRC16:17
cjwatsonpitti: this morning> I think you're mixed up, I'm sure it was yesterday16:17
cjwatsonslangasek: try 'apt-get install ubuntu-desktop^' rather than ubuntu-desktop16:18
cjwatsonPackage: scrollkeeper16:18
cjwatsonTask: ubuntu-desktop, edubuntu-desktop, edubuntu-desktop-kde, xubuntu-desktop16:18
cjwatsonthat can't be helping16:18
tseliotpitti: lp:nvidia-common16:18
slangasekcjwatson: aha, bingo16:18
slangasekcjwatson: so that needs an ubuntu-meta upload to fix?16:18
slangasek(et al.)16:18
cjwatsonI thought there'd already been one16:19
ograhow does edubuntu-desktop-kde ge in there ?16:19
cjwatsonnever mind that for now :)16:19
cjwatsonslangasek: germinate on drescher claims it's directly seeded16:19
RiddellBenC: moi?  if I knew how to fix it I wouldn't be bugging you :)16:20
slangasekcjwatson: hrm16:20
slangasekcjwatson: not since the 17th16:20
cjwatsonas does http://people.ubuntu.com/~ubuntu-archive/germinate-output/ubuntu.intrepid/desktop16:20
slangasekthings are failing to see the seed updates?16:20
pittinothing in my seed grep any more, hmm16:21
cjwatsonyeah, http://people.ubuntu.com/~ubuntu-archive/seeds/ubuntu.intrepid/ is stuck16:21
cjwatsonstuck on a lock16:21
* BenC is uploading a new grub now16:22
BenCslangasek: last I tried, I couldn't commit to grub bzr...16:23
slangasekBenC: what was the error?  There was a bzr bug shortly before the hardy release that might've prevented it at that time, but it's been working fine for me16:24
slangasek(ever since, I mean)16:24
pittitseliot: please commit back the COPYING file16:25
pittitseliot: it's necessary to have a full copy of the license in the source tarball16:25
pittitseliot: (it was there before)16:25
cjwatsonmoreover, stuck on a nonexistent lock. WTF16:25
lukehasnonameHey slangasek, I you're the maintainer for acpi-support? Is Bug 59695 going to be fixed for intrepid, and how? If you can link me to this question being answered, that's cool, but I haven't seen anything on the wiki.16:26
ubottuLaunchpad bug 59695 in dell "High frequency of load/unload cycles on some hard disks may shorten lifetime" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/5969516:26
slangaseklukehasnoname: Ubuntu doesn't have individual package maintainers; I've touched acpi-support a couple of times for specific reasons, but it's not my area of responsibility16:26
tseliotpitti: ? http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~albertomilone/nvidia-common/main/files16:27
tseliotpitti: it's there16:27
pittitseliot: argh, ignore me; I'm retarted16:27
pittiretarded, even16:27
tseliotpitti: we're all tired, I guess ;)16:27
lukehasnonameslangasek: Ya, I knew you aren't the sole maintainer, but I saw your name on the bug list, so I figured you might have info. I should have stated that better. Do you have info? Does anyone?16:28
slangaseklukehasnoname: but the load/unload cycle one is very hairy - I didn't think acpi-support was currently to blame for anything in that area16:28
ograseb128, if you actually plan to have a SRU for bug 247507, could you note that on the bug ?16:29
ubottuLaunchpad bug 247507 in cmpc "Tool bar malfunctions when it's pulled to the right side." [Medium,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/24750716:29
BenCslangasek: uploaded new grub, but didn't check on bzr yet...IIRC, it was perms (or maybe me just not knowing how)16:29
ograwow, the bugbot isnt the fastest today16:29
slangasekBenC: the official branch is in ~ubuntu-core-dev, you should have access to that AFAIK?16:29
cjwatsonslangasek: I've fixed the stuck lock; should clear through the archive shortly16:29
slangasekcjwatson: great, thanks16:29
slangasekBenC: bzr push bzr+ssh://bazaar.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-core-dev/grub/ubuntu/ - WFM16:30
slangasekBenC: if you were using an http-only url for the pull, you have to change it for the push16:30
cjwatsonogra: the edubuntu-desktop-kde entry is due to edubuntu-docs's Depends16:30
BenCslangasek: I'll try to update the bzr branch16:30
slangasekBenC: thanks16:30
cjwatsonBenC: it's easiest to just do 'bzr checkout bzr+ssh://...', and then commits will autopush16:31
BenCcjwatson: right, that's what I'm used to16:31
seb128ogra: would be nice but there is way too much to do for me right now so I doubt I'll work on this change any time soon, trying to catch up on things after 2 weeks travelling, new GNOME this week, hardy updates and intrepid, etc etc etc16:33
pittitkamppeter: any chance you could upload a recent s-c-p snapshot to intrepid soon? I need it for the new jockey16:33
ograseb128, ok, understood ... i dont really know which function i have to patch, else i would do it16:33
pittitseliot, mvo: nvidia-common uploaded and NEWed to main16:36
tseliotpitti: great :-D16:36
slangaseklukehasnoname: so can you point to something specifically in acpi-support that's doing the wrong thing?  That bug log is horrifically long16:36
* pitti promotes nvidia-graphics-* to restricted16:36
lukehasnonameslangasek: ehh lemme look16:37
pittitseliot, mvo: -modaliases promoted to main, other stuff to restricted16:38
tseliotpitti: fantastic :-)16:38
mvoRiddell: do you know if martin böhm would be interessted in some gdebi-kde work again? I would like to talk about using a konsole-less approach with him there too (just like in update-manager)16:38
mvopitti: great, thanks16:38
pittipackagekit-kde!! (*cough*)16:39
mvopitti: even that will benefit from that16:41
tseliotmvo: if you're referring to a KDE4 port of gdebi-kde you can use a qProcess and display the output in a textview. I don't know how well would it work with Debconf and other things that require user interaction though16:41
seb128ogra: ok, vuntz has a solution for you (you should be on #ubuntu-desktop ;-), they have an opensuse patch that should fix your issue16:42
Riddellmvo: I suspect he doesn't want to work on it any more16:42
Riddellmvo: but there was someone working on a qt 4 port of it which would have to include that16:42
mvotseliot: yeah, for the kde dist-upgrade we did something like this (but with basic terminal emulation)16:43
Riddellmvo: I'm going out now, I'll look it up when i get back16:43
mvoRiddell: if you could make him get in touch with me about this, that would be great, I would love to get the simple solution from update-manager16:43
mvoRiddell: sure, no rush -and thanks16:44
tseliotpitti: does packagekit support debconf already?16:44
pittitseliot: no, it doesn't16:45
pitti(that's why it's not a general replacement yet)16:45
tseliotpitti: too bad16:45
BenCslangasek: $ bzr co bzr+ssh://ben-collins@bazaar.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-core-dev/grub/ubuntu17:03
BenCbzr: ERROR: Repository KnitPackRepository('file:///home/bcollins/ubuntu/.bzr/repository/') is not compatible with repository RemoteRepository(bzr+ssh://ben-collins@bazaar.launchpad.net/%7Eubuntu-core-dev/grub/ubuntu/.bzr/)17:03
slangasekwhat version of bzr is that?17:04
james_wI'm guessing that the grub branch is a bzr-svn import.17:06
BenCslangasek: latest in intrepid17:07
james_wBenC: do you have /home/bcollins/.bzr/repository/ ?17:07
BenCjames_w: I deleted it though17:08
BenCjames_w: actually, no, that doesn't exist17:08
slangasekjames_w: ah, /half/ of it is a bzr-svn import >:)17:08
james_wah yeah, I remember.17:09
james_wBenC: does it work if you try in /tmp/ ?17:09
=== mdomsch is now known as mdomsch_YOW
pittimdomsch_YOW: "Year Of Warcraft"? :)17:09
seb128asac, pitti: around?17:10
mario_limoncielli think YOW is the initials for the airport in ottawa if i'm not mistaken17:10
seb128https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/epiphany-browser/+bug/250763 has been opened today17:10
pittitseliot: that should do: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~jockey-hackers/jockey/trunk/revision/327 ; I'll have a look at the nivida handler now17:10
ubottuLaunchpad bug 250763 in epiphany-browser "Epiphany cannot remember passwords nor certficates after a restart" [Low,Triaged]17:10
pittiseb128: bonsoir17:10
seb128and mpt just had the same issue after upgrading firefox in hardy17:10
asacseb128: strange ... i tested passwords here17:11
mdomsch_YOWmario_limonciell, bingo17:11
seb128asac: bookmarks nuked too for mpt apparently17:11
mptI lost bookmarks and history. I don't know whether I would have lost passwords, because I never save passwords.17:11
pittiasac: will epiphany-browser | 2.22.2-0ubuntu0.8.04.2 (previous version) work with the new xulrunner?17:12
pittii. e. if we need to pull epy, do we need to pull xulrunner, too?17:13
asacit should17:13
asaci have it installed here17:13
seb128what did you guys pushed to security or updates today?17:13
pittimpt: if you downgrade to the previous epiphany-browser, do you get them back?17:13
pittiseb128: firefox, xulrunner, epiphany17:13
seb128so the full combo, hum17:13
seb128asac: "ouch"?17:13
asaci didnt specifically verify that17:13
pittihm, you told me I should?17:14
seb128the epiphany change was a one liner to the printing scale code17:14
asacpitti: i said multiple times "just ffox/xul"17:14
seb128no reason to not17:14
asacanyway. lets see17:14
asaci cannot reproduce password not remembered issues17:14
pittiso, we need to test it with the old epy, to see whether it's in epy itself, or in xul17:14
tseliotpitti: yes, that should work17:14
seb128I've several hardy box not upgraded so I can do some testing if you guys want me to test something17:14
pittiasac: not password, bookmark17:15
mptpitti, I'd like to try that. How do I downgrade?17:15
asacbookmarks are remembered for me now17:15
pittils /var/cache/apt/archives/epiphany-browser17:15
pittimpt: ^ if you do that, any hits?17:15
mptNo such file or directory17:16
pittils /var/cache/apt/archives/epiphany-browser*17:16
pittimpt: forgot the *17:16
mptNo such file or directory17:16
pittithat's weird; it should have at least the latest one17:16
seb128mpt: grep installed /var/log/dpkg.log17:16
seb128mpt: what is listed for today?17:16
mptThe only things starting with "e" in that directory are evolution*17:16
tseliotpitti: I'll have another look at it tomorrow, just to be sure17:17
pittitseliot: I'll get ot it later, seems this epy regression needs full attention now17:18
mptseb128, language packs, firefox-2 stuff, libsoundtouch1c2, and libc6.17:18
seb128I don't get why the firefox2 update would impact on xul1.9 applications17:18
seb128asac: ^?17:18
mptIt could have been just a coincidence17:18
pittimpt: dpkg -l epiphany-browser -> which version does it show?17:18
mptii  epiphany-brows 2.22.2-0ubuntu Intuitive web browser - dummy package17:19
pittiargh, silly dpkg17:19
* mpt wonders how on earth something can be intuitive and a dummy at the same time17:19
pittimpt: dpkg -l epiphany-browser |grep ^ii17:19
seb128mpt: 2 persons having a similar issue on the same day when we got nothing like this in ages is weird coincidence, I prefer to triple check that17:19
mptpitti, 2.22.2-0ubuntu0.8.04.217:19
pittiso, that's the old one17:20
pittinot the one which went into -updates today17:20
mptI didn't see any Epiphany updates in update-manager17:20
mptjust Firefox and language packs17:20
seb128firefox being firefox2 which epiphany is not using17:21
pittimpt: dpkg -l xulrunner-1.9|grep ^ii17:21
mptpitti, 1.9+nobinonly-0ubuntu0.8.04.117:21
asacthats still the old one17:21
pittiok, that's also the old one17:21
pittitoday went to -updates17:22
asacgood luck ;)17:22
pittimpt: ok, thanks so far17:22
asacseb128: that thing was more than a week in -proposed. is there really no other bug about something similar?17:22
pittiso apparently it is not related to today's updates at alll17:22
seb128asac: could the firefox2 update impact on running epiphany instances?17:22
asacnot that i can think off. they are unrelated17:22
seb128asac: no, I would have nothing, I read all the incoming bugs mails I receive17:22
seb128maybe just a weird coincidence17:23
asacseb128: yeah. what was the bug filed today?17:23
pittiI asked for the precise versions in the bug now17:23
seb128asac: https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/epiphany-browser/+bug/250763 was filed 6 hours ago17:23
ubottuLaunchpad bug 250763 in epiphany-browser "Epiphany cannot remember passwords nor certficates after a restart" [Low,Triaged]17:23
pittiasac: 6 hours ago17:24
asacok thats not related then17:24
seb128asac: and mpt just mentioned his issue on #epiphany some minutes ago17:24
pittithat was before I moved the new stuff to -updates17:24
asacwould be quick17:24
seb128mpt did update those17:24
seb128but he did get the firefox2 update17:24
seb128s/did/didn't, can't type17:24
mptIt happened shortly after I installed the firefox 2 update17:25
mpt(I have both FF2 and FF3 installed for testing purposes)17:25
pittimaybe these two share the same profile, and something went wrong with profile managemnet?17:25
asacmpt: right. that will only cause pain for firefox (when switching back and forward)17:25
asacpitti: i doubt that. unless mpt uses manually setup profiles of course17:25
mptI do not17:26
mpt(though I'm tempted, because it's mildly irritating that every time I launch FF3 after using FF2 I get the Ubuntu start page)17:26
asacmpt: and what happens if you starte ffx2 after ff3?17:26
mptasac, I get my home page as expected17:26
seb128asac, pitti: just installed the firefox-2 current version on an hardy box, didn't crash epiphany, upgrading to today's xulrunner and firefox update didn't create any issue either17:38
seb128I'll keep an eye for similar issues17:38
pittiI subscribed to the bug, too17:38
seb128but so far it could just be a coincidence17:38
AlexCONRADtseliot: update of bug 25079217:40
* asac hugs seb128 17:40
ubottuLaunchpad bug 250792 in linux-restricted-modules "Adobe Flash hardware acceleration support (GPU)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/25079217:40
asacnow i can sleep better17:40
mptseb128, also, "Web History (Epiphany)" and "Web Bookmarks (Epiphany)" turned themselves off in Deskbar Preferences17:40
mpt(maybe because they couldn't find the necessary data)17:40
seb128mpt: do you still have bookmarks in .gnome2/epiphany/ephy-bookmarks.xml or some backup files in this directory?17:41
tseliotAlexCONRAD: I'll have a look at it ASAP17:42
huatsIs the kind of licence like that one http://revu.ubuntuwire.com/revu1-incoming/tktreectrl-0807181630/tktreectrl-2.2.5/license.terms is allowed in ubuntu?17:43
huats it is the one commonly used in tcl pakage17:43
huats ...17:43
mptseb128, hey, this directory contains a couple of desktop background pictures I'd lost, thanks :-)17:43
huatsit is the same than the one used in the tcl/tk license terms http://www.tcl.tk/software/tcltk/license.html17:43
huatsapparently elmo, you might be the person to ask :)17:43
pittithe last paragraph is a bit hard to interpret17:44
pittifirst, it limits usage by governments, and then the last sentence almost, but not quite, reverts the limitation17:44
pitti(it just says "use and distribute", not "modify")17:44
mptseb128, but yes, it contains a backup that has most of the missing bookmarks17:45
pittitseliot: hmm, now that all four modules are just called 'nvidia', I can only have one handler instead of three; so I wonder which xorg.conf options I should apply to each of those versions...17:46
pittitseliot: I can still tell them apart by looking at the package name, of course17:46
slangasekpitti: the definition of "Restricted Rights" in US law basically means "getting a copy of this on behalf of the government doesn't automatically give you special privileges"17:46
slangasekso I don't think that's a problem17:47
elmohuats: I am not an archive admin, but I think it's fine17:47
huatselmo: pitti told me that you might be a good person to ask :)17:48
pittielmo: thanks for reviewing17:48
huatselmo: thanks for your opinion :)17:48
huatspitti: thanks too :)17:49
tseliotpitti: yes, the module is always "nvidia". There are no specific options for each driver. If Jockey can tell one model from the other then some card-specific options can be applied.17:51
pittitseliot: for now I think I'll just continue to use the few I have in hardy17:52
pittitseliot: (-71: AllowGLXWithComposite, UseEdidFreqs; -96: AddARGBGLXVisuals)17:52
pittitseliot: at some point I'd like to merge the much better option mapping you have in envy17:52
pittibut for getting in the initial support for the new packages I'll just use those coarse ones17:53
pittitseliot: do you happen to know if I can set AllowGLXWithComposite in the screen section, too? or just in the Driver section?17:54
tseliotpitti: wise choice. I'll give you a hand with this. I have yet to make EnvyNG work on Intrepid. Maybe disabling the dri2 module would be nice too.17:54
tseliotpitti: we should include X-Kit too17:54
pittitseliot: dri2> for all versions? yes, I can do that easily17:54
pittiremove_modules=['dri', 'GLcore']17:54
pitti^ current code17:54
pittiso I'll add dri2?17:54
tseliotpitti: yes, for all versions17:54
tseliotpitti: removing "dri2" is not enough. You will have to set Disable "dri2"17:55
pittiin which section?17:55
tseliotpitti: you can do that with X-Kit ;)17:55
tseliotin the Module section17:55
pittitseliot: getting there, getting there... but I'd like to push out something working for alpha-3, if possible17:56
seb128mpt: ephy-bookmarks.xml has most of the bookmarks? or do you have a backup which have those? do you get any error if you run epiphany on a command line?17:56
mptseb128, ephy-bookmarks.xml did not, but there were two backup files, one of which contained most of them17:56
seb128ephy-bookmarks.xml was empty?17:57
seb128do you have anything about epiphany in .xsession-errors?17:57
mptephy-bookmarks.xml wasn't empty, it contained the bookmarks that I'd added since I lost them all17:58
tseliotpitti: disabling "dri2" is not extremely important but users will report a driver failure as being caused by "dri2" if you don't disable it. The nvidia driver will still work17:58
mptWhen I run Epiphany from a command line I get "(epiphany-browser:32738): GLib-GObject-WARNING **: value "((GaProtocol) 2)" of type `GaProtocol' is invalid or out of range for property `flags' of type `GaProtocol'" and "(epiphany-browser:32738): GLib-CRITICAL **: g_hash_table_unref: assertion `hash_table != NULL' failed"17:58
mptseb128, and when I close Epiphany with Ctrl W it says "Segmentation fault", though when I close it with the title bar close button it exits properly17:59
mpt(I'm guessing that's a whole different bug)17:59
seb128the other bugs are similar warning, but yes could be a different issue18:00
seb128asac: ^ any idea about those?18:00
mpt/home/mpt/.gnome2/epiphany/ephy-bookmarks.xml:162: parser error : expected '>' <parent id="5"/>18:00
mpt/home/mpt/.gnome2/epiphany/ephy-bookmarks.xml:162: parser error : Opening and en18:01
mptding tag mismatch: property line 0 and unparseable18:01
mptThat explains a lot :-)18:01
tseliotpitti: about AllowGLXWithComposite: http://pastebin.com/d2ce4333718:01
tseliotpitti: are you sure that enabling it is still a good idea?18:01
asacmpt: is that file broken?18:02
pittitseliot: not first hand, I just got it from bug reports18:02
pittitseliot: I can drop it for now and try to find a tester who uses -legacy18:02
pittisorry, -96 in newspeak18:02
mptasac, I guess it was (I've restored it from backup since then)18:02
* mpt looks forward to XML 5 and more tolerant XML parsers18:03
tseliotpitti: currently 71 and 96 don't work at all because of the new Xserver ABI :-/18:03
pittiheh, ok18:03
asacmpt: if it was broken like in "not-complete" then you most likely had a crash while ephy synched bookmarks18:03
pittiwell, I just drop it for now, thne18:03
asacthats the only explanation i have at hand18:03
* ion_ looks forward to S-exps. :-)18:03
mpts/forward to S-exps/backward to S-exps/18:03
* mpt flees18:03
mptAnyway, S-expressions aren't any more fault-tolerant than XML -- they're theoretically less fault-tolerant, precisely because they're more concise18:04
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ompaulTreenaks, mark - pm at this time19:15
=== slangasek changed the topic of #ubuntu-devel to: archive: soft-frozen for intrepid alpha 3 | Development of Ubuntu (not support, not application development on Ubuntu) | #ubuntu for support and general discussion for dapper/feisty/gutsy/hardy, #ubuntu+1 for intrepid | #ubuntu-motu for getting involved in development | http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment | See #ubuntu-bugs for http://wiki.ubuntu.com/HelpingWithBugs
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hwildeso, how do you unset the root password if someobdy set it21:36
ubottuDo not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo21:37
slangasekhwilde: by editing /etc/shadow, but that question seems a bit off-topic here21:38
hwildenobody else knows :(21:38
slangasek(there are other tools that can be used to edit /etc/shadow for you, but I never remember what they are, so I just edit /etc/shadow)21:38
mkrufkyseriously, dont worry about the roor password21:38
hwildepeople are setting the root pw21:38
mkrufkysomebody set it?  who cares?21:38
mkrufkyuse sudo anyway21:39
* hwilde stares at mkrufky 21:39
mkrufkydisable root login in ssh21:39
mkrufky(should be disabled by default anyway, no?)21:39
hwilderoor is cool tho :)21:40
hwildenice typo21:40
slangasekBenC: grub 0.97-29ubuntu29 still fails to install in the livefs build chroots22:01
ion_benc: A wrong value (1 instead of 0) seems to have slipped into fail_exit_val in kernel-helper -i.22:03
asacogra: there? where is the latest hardy cmpc image?22:06
ograasac, usual place :)22:06
asacogra: is that known to work?22:08
ograasac, https://bugs.launchpad.net/cmpc/+bugs the fix commited bugs look for confirmation (even though you might not have the HW for many of them)22:08
ograwell, it works fine here on my 1.5 HW22:08
ograi dont test on 1.0 anymore but would be good to hear if it works there indeed22:09
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BenCslangasek, ion_: whoops22:22
BenCslangasek: I thought I tested it, but I guess I didn't hit the proper situation22:22
ion_benc: It would be nice if it printed something like "$0: No vmlinuz, exiting.", btw.22:25
BenCslangasek: Uploaded fixed one (exit val at 0)22:25
slangasekok, cheers22:25
alex-weejogra: hi22:55
ograalex-weej, hey, i have to relocate (hop in a taxi etc) but will be online later again22:56
ograi was about to suggest we take that off list :) great that you had the same thought22:57
mathiazslangasek: about the slapd cnconfig migration I sent to the pkg-openldap-maintainer list, is there a chance it will get accepted for lenny ?23:05
slangasekmathiaz: I think so, yes23:06
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slangasekmathiaz: currently queued up behind PAM upstream merges in my brain, though :)m23:06
mathiazslangasek: how does the debian freeze work then ?23:06
slangasekmathiaz: well, today a member of the Debian release team who will remain nameless declared that "vorlon can do whatever he wants" ;P23:07
mathiazslangasek: right... I see your point :D23:07
slangasekmathiaz: in the early stages, the Debian freeze is mostly about getting the archive into a consistent state; this takes longer in Debian than in Ubuntu, in part because Debian sets the bar higher23:08
slangasekthings like changing the slapd config setup, while significant, are self-contained and don't bother the release team so much23:09
mathiazslangasek: ok23:09
ograand NMUs are harder than team maintenance23:09
slangasekunless they happen in the last weeks before release, and cause a regression ;)23:09
* ogra twiddles thumbs waiting for the shuttle to arrive 23:09
asacogra: works fine on 1.0 for me. quite nice actually. tbird ;)23:20
ograheh, yeah, i have to drop something big for openoffice23:21
Nafalloogra: you're buying a shuttle? new development box?23:21
ograand evo was the heavyweight that lost23:21
ion_ogra: Light a match afterwards.23:23
nxvlcjwatson: around?23:25
android6011I have a slight problem booting, I get the "starting up" then something abotu GPE Storm Detected, if I press the power button it continues to boot, but if I don't it hangs. I was just wondering if there is a bug report for this23:54

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