
CIA-12ubiquity: cjwatson * r2721 ubiquity/debian/ (changelog control): merge offline commit00:55
CIA-12oem-config: cjwatson * r487 oem-config/ (debian/changelog debian/control oem-config-prepare): merge offline commit00:56
CIA-12ubiquity: cjwatson * r2722 ubiquity/ (debian/changelog ubiquity/frontend/kde_ui.py):01:48
CIA-12ubiquity: * KDE frontend:01:48
CIA-12ubiquity:  - Fix crash on selecting non-ASCII options in the "Use as:" menu while01:48
CIA-12ubiquity:  creating a partition (LP: #247993).01:48
CIA-12ubiquity: cjwatson * r2723 ubiquity/ (debian/changelog ubiquity/frontend/kde_ui.py): Fix crash when entering a non-ASCII mount point (LP: #128554).02:01
fokacjwatson, Hello!07:46
fokacjwatson, Paul Hardy is finishing up the new unifont package;07:46
fokacjwatson, Is there any special requirement about this unifont package that you wish for generating the font for Gfxboot?07:47
cjwatsonfoka: not especially, no09:36
fokacjwatson, Just for recap: Do you generate 16x16.fnt (?) from unifont.bdf, or unifont.hex, or something else?09:38
xivulonevand, have done a bit of tests, I think that I can stay below 2mb for wubi in python14:03
xivuloncan we have confirmation that is ok before starting negotiations with relevant half?14:03
xivulonmight also be possible to merge umenu inside of wubi to save some more14:05
evandI'm not sure who the ultimate authority on CD size increases is.  Perhaps slangasek?14:18
evandHow'd you manage 2 MB?14:19
xivulonusing venster (python layer on top of ctypes on top of winapi) + py2exe + 7z (for library.zip) + upx (for exes, dlls)14:20
xivulonI get down to 1.5 to be precise, but that does not include the download manager and other python libs14:21
xivulonvenster unfortunately was abandoned a few years back so I am updating the code...14:21
davmor2xivulon: that sounds cool.16:03
ahasenackhi guys, with intrepid alpha 2 i386 I get an error installing grub and lilo, I can provide logs, is this known?17:00
ahasenackthe installer says "grub installation failed", alt-f4 says that dpkg returned an error code, I can open a ticket if this is not yet known17:01
cjwatsonI don't recall a bug so far, would appreciat eone17:01
ahasenackcjwatson: ubuntu project? What's the package?17:04
ahasenackhmm, ubiquity?17:05
ahasenackcjwatson: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ubiquity/+bug/250864 HTH17:10
cjwatsonFYI when you're using the alternate or server CD the correct holding area is debian-installer17:11
ahasenack"holding area" as in the package or the project?17:12
cjwatsonas it happens, this is bug 25084817:12
cjwatsonI thought it was different since you said alpha 2, but as it happens grub is being installed from the network17:13
cjwatsonBenC was fixing that this afternoon17:13
ahasenackble, and I did search for "grub", "failed install", etc17:13
cjwatsonI've shuffled it into the right place17:13
ahasenackok, thanks17:14
CIA-12oem-config: evand * r488 oem-config/ (8 files in 4 dirs):19:11
CIA-12oem-config: * Update the language component to reflect changes to localechooser.19:11
CIA-12oem-config: * Use OVERRIDE_SHOW_ALL_LANGUAGES in the localechooser wrapper19:11
CIA-12oem-config:  (LP: #249795).19:11
xivulonevand can you pls have a look at #234974?19:53
evandxivulon: indeed, I'm planning to set aside time to look at the m-a not functioning with Wubi issue later in the cycle.19:56
tormodhi, what about the broken casper repo? I reported it in #launchpad and https://answers.edge.launchpad.net/launchpad-bazaar/+question/39693 Saturday already.20:10
cjwatsontormod: I've added some information and asked mwhudson for help. Nobody on this channel can do anything about it directly20:26
tormodcjwatson: thanks. indirect action helps too :)20:28
tormodI have a number of small (unrelated) casper patches. Should I make a separate branch for each, or keep them in one, to be cherry-picked if needed?20:31
cjwatsonstrictly speaking the former is better, but we can deal with either20:32
tormodor is bzr so broken I should make debdiffs?`:)20:32
tormodwell, I already did the latter this time, so I leave it that way.20:33
tormodwhat if the patch/branch needs to be refreshed when trunk has changed in $release+1? is it ok to merge and reuse the same branch, or start a new branch?20:35
tormod(like the situation in https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~tormodvolden/casper/no-raid-swap)20:37
cjwatsontormod: please merge rather than starting a new branch20:43
cjwatsonit's never really a good idea to reset/rebase/whatever a published branch20:43
tormodcjwatson: I am unsure about the connection between your two phrases20:45

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