
legend2440is no sound on Shutdown or Reboot a common problem in Hardy?00:00
ChadDoes anyone know why i cannot enable my desktop effects i have the radeon driver already enabled00:00
Flannelndo: Then you didn't successfully add your groups in the recovery console00:00
sorin-mihain-iCe, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HardyUpgrades but i sugest too to install 8.04.1 from scratch.00:00
n-iCeOdd-rationale: my machine won't support it00:00
Odd-rationalen-iCe: your machine won't support 8.04? why not?00:00
Khisanthlegend2440: checked the usual suspects?00:00
chriswranyone know of any free open source rpg's?00:00
IntelliI am trying to use some Optical Character Recognition software. So far having poor results with gORC, and I don't think I've got tesseract to do anything. Can anyone assist me?00:00
n-iCepentium 3, 256 ram 10 hd Odd-rationale :)00:00
Odd-rationalen-iCe: that is fine specs...00:00
Flanneln-iCe: That'll work fine.  Although you might want xubuntu instead.00:01
n-iCeOdd-rationale: nope, I have tries it00:01
Odd-rationalen-iCe: use the alternative cd to install , though...00:01
Flanneln-iCe: You'll need the alternate CD to install.  But once installed, it'll run00:01
* Flannel stops stepping on Odd-rationale's toes.00:01
legend2440Khisanth: well tried changing Autodetect to Alsa in Sounds00:01
Odd-rationaleFlannel: out of my way! :)00:01
cvxi didnt think anyone still ran a p300:01
soundrayIntelli: it's a bit of a weak spot in Linux00:01
Odd-rationalen-iCe: i would even argue that hardy may use less resources than edgy... :)00:02
ndoFlannel: what i did was "usermod -G adm dialout cdrom floppy audio dip video plugdev lpadmin scanner admin -a ndo" is it right?00:02
n-iCei will try00:02
IntelliSo I read from google searching, soundray, but surely I can get better results than what I am currently getting.00:02
DeRoXXCan anyone help me Upgrade pidgin... ?00:02
ndoFlannel:cuz what i noticed that output wasnt really right00:02
unopcvx, i still use one00:03
soundrayIntelli: I've played with tesseract and got reasonable result from it when I fed it a plain text page without fancy stuff like embedded pictures ;)00:03
Jack_SparrowDeRoXX getdeb.net  if you are trying to fix irc00:03
Khisanthlegend2440: I mean making sure you the option to play a sounds is enabled :)00:03
bobertdosChad: Is Visual Effects set to Extra? Do have the compizconfig-settings-manager installed?00:03
AlexJPsoundray im not using the network manager tho im using wicd00:03
Intellisoundray, I am trying to scan a book and use an ORC program to convert the pictures to text.00:03
zach__Can someone help me?00:03
soundrayAlexJP: I see, don't know then00:03
AlexJPsoundray thx anyway00:04
Chadbobertdos: it's set to non because when i try and enable to anything it goes all white for like 20 seconds then when i can finally see desktop it's set at non again00:04
Dediis there a hardy howto how to install from console/chroot ?00:04
legend2440Khisanth: yes when i click Play button they play fine. bit on shutdown or reboot nothing.  Startup sound plays fine00:04
Flannelndo: no, you need commas in between each group.  adm,dialout,cdrom,...00:05
soundrayIntelli: I had to do that once -- gave up and used a trial version of Abbyy Finereader00:05
Don64in Xfce, on the title bar what does the stick button in the upper right do?00:05
sorin-mihaiDeRoXX, echo deb http://ppa.launchpad.net/pidgin-developers/ubuntu hardy main | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list00:05
Chadbobertdos: no i do not have the setting manager installed.00:05
ndoFlannel: ohh, if i knew :)00:05
Flannelsorin-mihai, DeRoXX: don't do that00:05
darkscriptis there an ncurses interface to NetworkManager00:05
Flannelsorin-mihai, DeRoXX: sudo tee -a /etc/apt/sources.list00:05
arcadjosjakis polak mi pomoze00:05
Don64in Xfce, on the title bar what does the stick button in the upper left do?00:06
bobertdosChad: Well, is it the Ubuntu restricted driver you're using?00:06
Odd-rationalelegend2440: iirc, the reason you don't have shutdown sounds is that ubuntu now shutsdown too fast before the sounds gets to play...00:06
hiptobecubic^what's the difference between tee, echo >>, and cat >> ?00:06
Chadbobertdos, no im using the radeon driver00:06
Flannelhiptobecubic^: tee -a is the same as >>, tee is >00:06
Odd-rationalelegend2440: it started since gutsy, i beleive...00:06
ndoFlannel: "usermod -G adm,dialout,cdrom,floppy,audio,dip,video,plugdev,lpadmin,scanner,admin -a ndo" like that?00:06
bobertdosChad: the binary from ATI?00:06
Flannelhiptobecubic^: or "| tee -a" and "| tee" that is.00:06
legend2440Odd-rationale: oh ok thanks00:06
Flannelndo: yes00:06
Chadboertdos: it's the only driver Odd-rationale and I could get to work00:06
hiptobecubic^Flannel, so nothing?00:07
NiMa91ok, i'ma try boot on the non-ACPI computer and see where exactly it stalls00:07
ndoFlannel: ok good brb00:07
NiMa91*where it stalls exactly00:07
Chadbobertdos: how do i do that?00:07
Odd-rationalebobertdos: no. the open source ati drivers...00:07
Flannelhiptobecubic^: Well, "tee" allows you to sudo it00:07
Flannelhiptobecubic^: but other than that, right.  nothing.00:07
hiptobecubic^you can't sudo cat or echo?00:07
bobertdosOdd-rationale: That's what I thought. His card is new enough where the ATI binary may be the only way to go. I don't know if we dare even go there though :p00:08
soundrayhiptobecubic^: you can, but the redirection won't be sudo'd (as the calling shell handles it)00:08
jfschey does ubuntu include dd_rescue00:08
Odd-rationalebobertdos: are you thinking envyng?00:08
soundray!info ddrescue | jfsc00:09
ubottujfsc: ddrescue (source: ddrescue): copies data from one file or block device to another. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.13-3 (hardy), package size 17 kB, installed size 76 kB00:09
Chad*watches the smart people talk*00:09
bobertdosOdd-rationale: either that or follwoing the dkms procedure, but again, I don't know if I'd have the stamina, if you catch my drift.00:09
jfschmmm im looking for dd rescue on the cd, or a dvd download of ubuntu00:09
Odd-rationalebobertdos: me too. i'm too scared/tired to go there...00:09
hiptobecubic^foo | sudo echo >> bar  doesn't do the same thing?00:09
soundrayjfsc: it's in universe -- you'll have to get it from the repos00:10
unophiptobecubic^, no00:10
soundrayhiptobecubic^: no00:10
unophiptobecubic^,  foo | sudo tee -a bar00:10
=== Andorea_ is now known as Andorea
cj_hello ppl, am i in the correct place for a n00b question?00:10
soundrayhiptobecubic^: just try to write to a file in /root/ to see the difference00:10
SebNaitsabesyes you are00:10
SebNaitsabesin the correct place00:10
hiptobecubic^ok i see00:10
ChadBobertdos,Odd-rationale, I have no idea what you guys are talking about but if it even has a slight chance of working I'm up for it.00:11
unophiptobecubic^, or.  sudo sh -c "foo >> bar"00:11
bobertdosChad: Please don't take this the wrong way, but Odd-rationale and I know what needs to be done, but we're not sure we're ready to take you there :D00:11
SebNaitsabescj_:  what's the question?00:11
Chadbobertdos cool, I think :-/00:11
unophiptobecubic^, >> will try to create the file even before sudo is invoked and since that is done by your current user, your command could fail00:11
ndoFlannel: iguess its fixed, God bless you :)00:11
cj_thank you. I've got ubuntu 8.04 installed on my laptop. and i want to connect to my windows pc. To gain access to the shares. But i cannot seam to do it, using the connect to server application00:11
hiptobecubic^unop, ok thank you00:12
unopndo, i guess you had to use commas there00:12
Odd-rationalehey Chad, i gtg mow the lawn... hope you get some help!00:12
ndounop: yes00:12
ChadOdd-rationale: I hope so to00:12
cj_please bare in mind, im a total linux noob and i use a gui00:12
unopndo, cool - does groups list all the right groups now?00:12
bobertdosChad: It is a........delicate procedure, and the older the install of Ubuntu, the less likely it is to work properly.00:12
Ale1If I install Ubuntu 6.06, will it update to the latest version?00:13
SebNaitsabes!samba |  cj_00:13
ubottucj_: Samba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT.00:13
ndounop: ndo adm dialout cdrom floppy audio dip video plugdev scanner lpadmin admin vboxusers00:13
LordMetroidit will update to 7.0400:13
cj_thankyou seb!00:13
unopndo, sounds good :)00:13
Ale1Are there no later versions?00:13
soundrayAle1: yes, you can upgrade from 6.06 to 8.0400:13
Ale1Oh, alright.00:13
SebNaitsabescj_: no problem00:13
soundrayAle1: but it's better to install 8.04 direct00:13
Intellisoundray, in lieu of using an ORC program, what would be the best way to go about creating a readable, small PDF file?00:14
jsheedyhi in trying to install ubuntu 8.04, the dvd boots, says loading kernel, then then keeps rebooting.  I have tried safe mode, and a new dvd-rom, memory check came out good too.00:14
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NiMa91YES, I'm getting somewhere.00:14
Chadbobertdos:  i have the newest install of ubuntu00:14
SebNaitsabesfault DVD maybe00:14
Ale1soundray: Why is it better? ANy problems with updating?00:14
NiMa91Anyone here know how to install GRUB on a MBR, etc, etc from a LiveCD?00:15
MuzikJunkieanyone able to help with new video card? Just installed the nvidia 6200 and I cannot start X.  I have tried the dpkg-reconfigure command and even tried to run xfix in recover mode...nothing seems to make X want to start.00:15
jsheedyok maybe00:15
kyncanijsheedy: tried 8.04.1 or 7.10 ?00:15
ubottugrub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto00:15
kyncanijsheedy: (that's why I would do)00:15
NiMa91oh, thanks00:15
jsheedyI just downloaded the alternate 8.04.100:15
jsheedywill try that00:15
bobertdosChad: Well, I meant, the longer you have Ubuntu on your system and the more you do to it...........but we can try it if you really want to.00:15
SebNaitsabesno problem00:15
kyncanijsheedy: good luck ;)00:16
legend2440Chad: open system>administration>hardware drivers is there a box there for ATI and if so is it checked?00:16
ChadBobertdos: i have had ubuntu installed about 2 days now00:16
IntelliGoing on 2 years for me.00:16
Jack_SparrowMuzikJunkie  NOt the easiest way.. but..  http://pastebin.com/m49654db500:16
Chadbobertdos: and I'm also dual booting so if it does mess up I can always boot into windows00:16
SebNaitsabesBobertdos:  also to get into Ubuntu in the first place he needs to have the Live CD in and to tell that to boot from the hard disk00:16
Chadlegend2440: no because im not using that driver00:17
* sorin-mihai wonderful netsplit \:D/00:18
MuzikJunkieJack_Sparrow:  Think this will work?  Is this risky?00:18
Jack_SparrowMuzikJunkie No, it is just the binary driver for nvidia00:18
legend2440Chad: so there is no box there at all? or its just not enabled?00:18
bobertdosWhat just happened with that mass exodous??00:18
ubottunetsplit is when two IRC servers of the same network (like Freenode) disconnect from each other, so users on one server stop seeing users on the other. If this is happening now, just relax and enjoy the show. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netsplit00:18
MuzikJunkieJack_Sparrow:  Ok so I'll run through those 15 steps00:19
Chadlegend2440: it's not enabled but its fine like that according to Odd00:19
MuzikJunkieJack_Sparrow:  actually, how can i DL the nvidia driver with no way to sign on?  Another cpu?00:19
Jack_SparrowMuzikJunkie I am working on writing a tutorial that will let you wget the driver00:20
MuzikJunkieahh that's what I need...I do have another cpu here, will that work u think?00:21
Jack_SparrowMuzikJunkie which card again..00:21
=== Sad`Panda is now known as sad`panda
MuzikJunkieXFX GeForce 6200 AGP 512MB00:21
Jack_SparrowMuzikJunkie if you have another pc or even livecd will let you get it and save to usb00:22
MuzikJunkieJack_Sparrow:  I have a live cd, and another cpu.  or I can install the old vid card and go that route...in the essence of not wasting yout time, which will be quickest?00:23
MuzikJunkieJack_Sparrow:  Even the live CD does not boot with this card.00:24
hdevalenceso my sound has just died. when I try to run speaker-test I get "ALSA lib pcm_dmix.c:874:(snd_pcm_dmix_open) unable to open slave \n Playback open error: -16,Device or resource busy". Is there a way to reset it?00:24
chicoxlsof|grep snd00:25
Jack_SparrowMuzikJunkie try livecd with noapic acpi=off options.. F6 at frist menu in order to enter those modifiers00:25
friedtofuanyone know what pulseaudio is good for?00:25
grokeni need to confirm my understanding of the /etc/resolv.conf file. if my server is accessible at some.domain.address.com, do i want "domain some.domain.address.com" or "domain address.com"? i presume the first?00:25
NiMa91I just reinstalled grub, and it still fails to boot.00:26
MuzikJunkieJack_Sparrow:  Starting Linux Kernel00:27
NiMa91I wonder if grub has something against my system... is there any easy way to install, like, lilo or something, with no access to the target system's OS?00:27
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kitchegroken: all resolv.conf is used for it name resolition mainly DNS00:27
igorwhey guys, when I make a bridge br0 (, and add 2 interfaces to the bridge tap0 and eth0 (208.x.x.x), I can not use eth0 to connect to internet anymore.. how could I go around that?00:27
legend2440Chad: well its up to you but i'm 99.9% sure that if you enable the ATI proprietary drivers you will be able to use compiz with no problem. you can alway uncheck the box and go back to the open source driver. i noticed in your xorg.conf it says Driver "radeon". i'm pretty sure that should say Driver "ati" but the proprietary   fglrx drivers are very good in my experience. i have Radeon 9600 card00:27
unopgroken, that totally depends on how you want to resolve names that are not fully qualified.   if you are looking up a host named foo, do you want it to be resolved to foo.some.domain.address.com or foo.address.com00:27
Chadlegend2440: except when i enable them i can't boot ubuntu black screen at login00:28
grokenunop: i would want it to be foo.some.domain.address.com00:28
ScuniziI need some advice on VM's.. VMware won't install and function on one of my machines.  I notice that virtualbox is in the repo's. Do I install virtualbox-ose & virt-manager to get it going?  Also is the vm accessible from another machine on the same lan?00:28
unopgroken, right, then "domain some.domain.address.com"00:28
hdevalencechicox: OK, there are 3 programs using it. If I try closing them, could that work?00:28
grokenunop: perfect. thanks! and thanks kitche !00:29
MuzikJunkieJack_Sparrow:  After the loading bar completed, it looked like it was going to try and start X but then I got green and red flashing lines00:29
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MuzikJunkieJack_Sparrow:  The CD is done reading and the lines are still wigging out00:30
dougydecimateSo, my terminal is messing up. When I open one it's blank, allows me to type, but no commands work. I can open a root terminal fine and it works properly.  how can I fix it?00:30
unopigorw, i suspect that it is because you have used a private IP address there  - private IP addresses cannot be used over the internet00:30
hdevalencechicox: nvm, it was okular causing the problem. Thanks for the help!00:30
unopigorw, can you ping hosts on your LAN ok?00:30
Jack_SparrowMuzikJunkie can you get to cli in your regular install00:30
cyphahow do you enable wireless in ubuntu?00:30
Jack_SparrowMuzikJunkie and are you running 32 bit00:31
cyphaubuntu doesn't see my broadcom wireless card00:31
MuzikJunkieJack_Sparrow:  Only in recovery mode (root Shell)00:31
cyphai have network-manager installed00:31
MuzikJunkieJack_Sparrow:  Yes 32 bit00:31
kitchegroken: ah my mistake it's pretty much the same thing as search :)00:31
Jack_SparrowMuzikJunkie get to a shell00:31
legend2440Chad:  if you follow Method 1 here it will work    http://wiki.cchtml.com/index.php/Ubuntu_Hardy_Installation_Guide00:31
Jack_SparrowMuzikJunkie Lets see if we can do this00:31
igorwunop: i have a crazy firewall around me, and ping would not work. but when I try ping -I eth5 google.ca I get Destination Host Unreachable,00:32
MuzikJunkieJack_Sparrow: done00:32
Chadlegend2440: tried that00:32
igorwunop: when i take down the br0 and remove tap0 and eth0 from the bridge, i can ping -I eth0 google.. err previous eth5=eth000:33
legend2440Chad: ok00:33
Chadlegend2440: bobertdos said he would help me out. he knows what the problem is, Thanks alot for your help though00:33
unopigorw, well, is eth5 ever part of br0?00:33
legend2440Chad: ok good luck00:33
unopigorw, sorry sorry, i got ya00:33
MuzikJunkieJack_Sparrow: ready at the shell00:34
igorwunop, ya, when i put eth0 as part of the bridge I can not ping google, if i remove it then it works again00:34
AndoreaCan someone tell me what is the command for "show desktop" [i wanna add it to my AWN launcher]00:35
unopigorw, if you attach an interface to a bridge, it becomes quite unusable by itself  -- and since your bridge uses a private IP address, it is not surprising you cannot ping a host on the internet.00:35
JoelitoHi all, got this question..I installed cairo-clock and I like it, is there any cairo or similar that shows a calendar with the day of today?00:35
MuzikJunkieAndorea: Do you have the latest AWN where you can add the Show Desktop Applet?00:35
bastid_raZorAndorea; doesn't AWN have an applet for that?00:35
unopigorw, what is eth0's address normally? when not part of the bridge?00:35
Andorea<MuzikJunkie> i have the latest versioni believe, didn't know there is applet00:35
igorwit is
Andorea<MuzikJunkie> i will try to find it, thank you~00:36
Jack_SparrowMuzikJunkie one sec00:36
unopigorw, and tap0 ?00:36
bastid_raZorAndorea; i've actually switched to cairo-dock .. i'm enoying it much more00:36
Andorea<bastid_raZor> i will try that one too then :) thanks00:36
igorwhaven't given tap0 Ip, but i plan to give it either or (not sure if .1 will work, since br0 got that ip)00:36
bastid_raZorAndorea; you'll have to add a repo.. google for it. there is a howto.. i could give you a link if you like?00:37
Jack_SparrowMuzikJunkie  lets try this..  wget http://us.download.nvidia.com/XFree86/Linux-x86/173.14.05/NVIDIA-Linux-x86-173.14.05-pkg1.run00:37
MuzikJunkieJack_Sparrow: Ohh that is gonna take a while to type...here goes...00:37
KenBW22sometimes when i connect to this channel it says that KenBW2 is already taken. I set it as kenBW22 but when i log in there's no KenBW2. Why?00:37
Andorea<bastid_raZor> yes please :)00:38
unopigorw, remove any ip addresses from eth0 and tap0, create the bridge and set the ip address of br0 to  (or if this address is not a static one, try updating it via dhcp)00:38
bastid_raZorAndorea; >> https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CairoDock00:38
Jack_SparrowMuzikJunkie  I will try to help but may need to leave soon00:38
Andorea<bastid_raZor> thanks :***00:38
igorwunop: i get ya, and then I can have tap0 with local ip, that can use eth0 as gateway to the net00:38
unopigorw, errm, you'll have to give br0 a secondary IP address - a private one00:39
MuzikJunkieJack_Sparrow: Does it matter if I am logged on as Root@hostname when i run this?00:40
unopigorw, tap0 and eth0 go out of use when part of a bridge, administering them becomes a no-op when they are a part of a bridge00:40
Jack_SparrowMuzikJunkie nope you will sudo if needed anyhow00:40
dethnullwhats a good desktop recording app?  dosnt matter if it has a gui or not00:40
histoMuzikJunkie: why ar eyou logged in as root00:40
dumplesIs there an easy setting to find to switch over to an s video cable?00:41
unop!screencast | dethnull00:41
ubottudethnull: Some programs to capture your screen are recordmydesktop, Istanbul, Wink, Gvidcap, Xvidcap, vnc2swf, demorecorder.  Also see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ScreenCasts.00:41
bastid_raZordethnull; gtk-recordmydesktop00:41
zerogatei didn't have my menu.lst ubgradet during my gutsy to hardy upgrade but i should have, how can i00:41
MuzikJunkieJack_Sparrow: 404 Not Found00:41
zerogatewhat can i do now00:41
histodumples: what kind of video card are you using?00:41
GunniHI haz a problem00:41
MuzikJunkieJack_Sparrow: gotta be a type00:41
dumplesnvidia something, im not sure00:41
histodumples: nvidia-settings00:41
igorwunop: awesome, I was thinking of adding 2nd ip to eth0, but that did not work all too well00:41
dumpleswhere would i get to that?00:42
igorwunop: thanks for the advice00:42
histodumples: in a terminal00:42
marcelodoes anybody hear me?00:42
Jack_SparrowMuzikJunkie  wget http://us.download.nvidia.com/XFree86/Linux-x86/173.14.05/NVIDIA-Linux-x86-173.14.05-pkg1.run                  I just tested it..00:42
unopigorw, i am not sure if a bridge is the answer to your requirements .. but then again i don't fully understand your network setup.00:42
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zerogatei didn't have my menu.lst ubgradet during my gutsy to hardy upgrade but i should have, what can i do now?00:43
unopzerogate, does this command still want to upgrade packages?   sudo aptitude dist-upgrade00:43
Jack_SparrowMuzikJunkie You got build-essential already right00:43
histomarcelo: yes00:43
GunniHok hey00:44
igorwunop: basically I am tryin to set up OpenVpn where remote clients can get their IPs from a our local DHCP server, I read that it requires ethernet bridgin00:44
marceloOh Thanks.00:44
GunniHanyone here who knows a bit about everything ?00:44
GunniHI'm trying to configure my flash drive ready00:44
zerogateunop, yes00:44
marceloI have never used this chat00:44
GunniHDetermine which device your flash drive is on (/dev/sdb, etc)00:44
GunniHok how can I determine where it is ?00:44
MuzikJunkieJack_Sparrow: lemme get that now00:44
unopzerogate, i guess you will have to complete the upgrade then, it seems the upgrade failed.00:45
zerogateoh, okay00:45
histoGunniH: plug it in and lsusb00:45
marcelothis is just a test00:45
GunniHBus 00300:45
GunniHDevice 00400:45
FloodBot1GunniH: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.00:45
unopigorw, hmm, and is the DHCP sever on another machine on the local subnet?00:45
GunniHand the ID00:45
histoGunniH: try lspci00:45
zerogateunop, but during the upgrade i was asked if i want the menu.lst upgraded and i said "no"00:45
MuzikJunkieJack_Sparrow: that is instaling now...for some reason (and I have two sets of eyes) I do not know where the typo is00:45
dumpleshisto: ok, i installed it00:46
histoGunniH: hrm.. you need the dev00:46
zerogateunop, but now i want to say yes but i think it is too late00:46
histodumples: okay open a console and run it.00:46
dumplesok, its up\00:46
histodumples: look for tv out settings.00:46
unopzerogate, hmm, yea.  maybe this does it.  sudo dpkg-reconfigure -plow grub; sudo update-grub00:47
RonBurgundyCan someone help me out through PM. Im trying to get linux on the computer.00:47
MuzikJunkieJack_Sparrow: is that a 1 opn the end of the string or an L00:47
zerogateunop, thx i will try00:47
unopzerogate, do that once aptitude has finished upgrading tho00:47
igorwunop: and dhcp server will give local ips to OpenVPN client,  usually dhcp serves out - to "onsite" connected clients.00:47
MuzikJunkieJack_Sparrow: ahh it was a 100:47
MuzikJunkieJack_Sparrow: package is downloading and build-essential is in place00:48
MuzikJunkieJack_Sparrow: package is done downloading00:48
Jokihello everyone00:48
Jokii am a ubuntu newbie00:48
unopigorw, i see, but how do you route between the 10.10.30/24 and 10.10/16 subnets?00:49
Jokii need help because today my buttons for close minimize etc on windows dissapeared00:49
Jokinow i can only move it using alt00:49
Jack_SparrowMuzikJunkie  http://paste.ubuntu.com/29437/       here is what I have so far00:49
histoJoki: what version of ubuntu are you running?00:49
zerogateunop, hmm it says that it has updated menu.lst but it has not00:49
unopigorw, sorry, that's not 10.10/16 - but 10.10.1-10.10.1000:49
histoJoki: your window decorations disapeared huh.00:49
jimmmymJoki: running compiz?00:49
zerogateunop, there is still the gutsy kernel00:49
Guest68309how can I clean $? variable from a script ?00:49
Jokiyes i am running compiz00:49
igorwunop: we have a linux router box set up, same one I am installing openvpn on00:49
jimmmymJoki: try disabling it00:50
Jokii might have done something in compiz00:50
unopigorw, cool00:50
Jokihow do i disable compiz00:50
Jack_SparrowMuzikJunkie If I understand where you are at now, you should try    sh NVIDIA-Linux-x86-173.14.05-pkg1.run00:50
Jokii am totally new to this00:50
MuzikJunkieJack_Sparrow: trying now...00:50
friedtofu? isnt 173.14.09 the latest?00:50
igorwunop: ye, taking it step by step :-), i ll deal with dhcp/firewalls later00:50
unopGuest68309, $? is just the return status of a script/command.  there isn't much you can do with it00:51
Jack_SparrowMuzikJunkie I appreciate your trust in this..00:51
Jokican you explain how do i disable compiz00:51
jimmmymJoki: System -> prefs -> Appearance00:51
RonBurgundyis it possible to get ubuntu on a computure that has no os??00:51
Jokigot u00:51
histoJoki: go in to system preference > appearence and turn the effects down a bit.00:51
Jack_SparrowRonBurgundy yes00:51
Guest68309unop, it does always take cero result :S !!!00:51
histoJoki: also your problem would prbably be fixed if you log out and back in.00:51
RonBurgundyjack: how do i get that loaded up00:51
histoRonBurgundy: yes00:51
Jokiits back guys00:51
histo!install > RonBurgundy00:51
ubottuRonBurgundy, please see my private message00:51
Jack_SparrowRonBurgundy Boot the livecd00:51
Guest68309unop, and I don't know what to do :(00:51
Jokithank you so much for your help guys00:52
MuzikJunkieJack_Sparrow: I trust ya and I think I have seen you around before...anyways, I am at the menu and i appreciate your help.  i will say yes to the prompts00:52
Jokiits back00:52
unopGuest68309, you mean zero?00:52
Guest68309unop, yes zero00:52
jimmmymJoki: I had the same problem, its a compiz issue...I solved it by installing emerald and using it for window decoration00:52
Jokii just put appereance effects to normal00:52
histoJoki: basically the part that controls window decorations crashed. So you windows still come up but with no buttons.00:52
unopGuest68309, is this your script?00:52
Jack_SparrowMuzikJunkie Yea, I am here quite often00:52
histoJoki: did you get your buttons back now?00:52
Jokii like compiz a lot00:52
JokiHisto, yes my buttons are back00:52
Jokijthank you so much for your help00:52
histoJoki: try putting the settings back up.00:52
Jokii ve put them back up Histo00:53
Jokiits good now00:53
Guest68309unop, I am using xdialog, and when you press ok button come out 0, and when you press cancel button it takes zero value00:53
MuzikJunkieJack_Sparrow: the first prompt is asking me to switch to run level 3...the question is do I want to quit (YES/NO)00:53
Jack_SparrowMuzikJunkie The instructions say to answer yes to all00:53
MuzikJunkieJack_Sparrow: it is warning saing that run level 1 is not really the way to go here...haha ok00:53
JokiYou guys are the best00:53
JokiUbuntu is so much better than Windows00:53
Jokinow that i have switched00:54
JokiI aint going back00:54
Guest68309unop, but my script is into cicle while, and I don't know what happen because it always takes zero value00:54
MuzikJunkieJack_Sparrow: Clicked yes and back to a shell00:54
MuzikJunkieJack_Sparrow: I think it does not want me in recovery mode...00:54
JokiHisto: And the rest of the crew. I appreciate your help once again.00:54
JokiYou have a good night.00:54
jimmmym3 out of 4 times my laptop doesnt come back up from suspend, where are the logs I should check?00:55
Jack_SparrowMuzikJunkie ok.. try booting  again but this time once it boots and you have no screen try this.. ctrl+alt+F200:55
Dedijimmmym: are you shure it does not come back? i need 1-3 min until it comes back :>00:56
unopGuest68309, what does this return?  echo $(xdialog ...)00:56
histojimmmym: /var/log00:56
histoDedi: jimmmym mine comes back in seconds00:56
histojimmmym: look for acpi logs or syslog maybe00:56
Guest68309unop, let me pass you one piece of my script, wait00:57
MuzikJunkieJack_Sparrow: cntl alt F2 brings me to a screen wuith stripes all over the place00:57
histoMuzikJunkie: you have a problem with your framebuffer driver then.00:57
Guest68309unop, it is big jajaj00:57
Jack_SparrowMuzikJunkie Something is really wrong there00:58
jimmmymhisto: should i bother looking now, or wait till it fails00:58
unop!paste | Guest6830900:58
ubottuGuest68309: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)00:58
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Guest68309unop, I know jaja00:58
MuzikJunkieJack_Sparrow: If I run with an old xorg, I may be able to get it to a TTY00:58
histojimmmym: you can look now if it just failed. There should be some old logs in there to00:58
Jack_SparrowMuzikJunkie I need to run, service call to fix windows and I am already late...00:58
histojimmmym: just check around /var/log so you are familiar00:58
MuzikJunkieJack_Sparrow: thanks for the help...I will sit here contemplating00:58
Jack_SparrowMuzikJunkie keep at it..  you have a good idea what we are trying to do..00:58
Jack_Sparrowyou have the driver ..00:59
MuzikJunkieJack_Sparrow: yep....good luck with the service call!00:59
histoJack_Sparrow: why doesn't he just use restricted?00:59
aboughifarles mek00:59
histoMuzikJunkie: aren't you trying to install an nvidia card?00:59
histoMuzikJunkie: what version of ubuntu and what nvidia card?00:59
MuzikJunkiehisto: Hardy, geforce 6200 512MB AGP01:00
histoMuzikJunkie: your just trying to install video drivers? do you have any GUI right now?01:00
Guest68309unop, check 538 line http://paste.ubuntu.com/29440/01:00
MuzikJunkiehisto: no gui, X will not start even after dpkg reconfigure01:00
Guest68309unop, it is really big, jaja I hope you could read it01:01
nabcoreIs it possible to add the GUIness of Desktop to an existing server install using the magic of apt-get ?01:01
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kitchenabcore: yes01:01
histoMuzikJunkie: sudo apt-get install nvidia-glx01:01
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histoMuzikJunkie: remove the nvidia binary driver if you were trying to install that.01:01
histoMuzikJunkie: I don't know how far you got.01:01
histo!nvidia > MuzikJunkie01:02
ubottuMuzikJunkie, please see my private message01:02
nabcorekitche; is it something like apt-get install ubuntu-desktop?01:02
kitchenabcore: if you want gnome yes01:02
histonabcore: yes01:02
unopGuest68309,  $? is only current right after you execute a command. you are testing $? after palabra=`cat /tmp/xdialog.tmp` which is too late01:02
nabcoreok.. I will pass this onto my uncle; thanks01:02
histonabcore: ubuntu-desktop would add a normal gnome ubuntu set up. kubuntu-desktop would add kde ubuntu setup or kubuntu01:02
nabcoreok; thanks histo01:02
histonabcore: and I would use aptitude instead of apt-get01:02
nabcoreok... noted01:02
unopGuest68309, put line 538 just before line 53501:03
AbedI am using ffmpeg to convert from ogg to mp3 but when i set ffmpeg -i test.ogg -acodec mp3 -ab 192k test.mp301:03
Abedit says unsupported codec while mp2 is and when i type ffmpeg -formats mp3 is available at the codecs so?01:03
stripboy0131m make0131ng wank and pen0131s show on my sn webcame 0131f yu want tosee my adress safaktimQhotmail.com01:03
MuzikJunkiehisto: I think I unpacked it.  I ran this command: sh NVIDIA-Linux-x86-173.14.05-pkg1.run01:03
nabcoreThanks again for the help... bye01:03
Guest68309unop, mmmm jaja well let me try, thanks for the advice01:03
histoMuzikJunkie: did it finish installing the drivers?01:03
stripboy0131m make0131ng wank and pen0131s show on my sn webcame 0131f yu want tosee my adress safaktimQhotmail.com01:03
stripboy0131m make0131ng wank and pen0131s show on my sn webcame 0131f yu want tosee my adress safaktimQhotmail.com01:03
MuzikJunkiehisto: it brought me to an on screen menu and then immediately exited01:03
unopAbed, try -acodec lamemp3   or  -acodec mp3lame01:03
ubottuHelp! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, Jack_Sparrow, nickrud, jpds, bazhang, jussi01, or Flannel!01:03
MuzikJunkiehisto: i did not get far01:04
histoMuzikJunkie: okay try sudo sh NVIDIA-blahblahblabh --remove01:04
unopAbed, also make sure you have the latest version of libavcodec01:04
Abedunop, ok01:04
naliothkitche: what's up?01:04
Myrttikitche: a bit too late01:04
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histoMuzikJunkie: replace the blah blah with the real file name.01:05
kitcheMyrtti: was it :) I m getting some text lag a bit from compiling gnome01:05
histoMuzikJunkie: you can hit <tab> to auto complete the name of the file.01:05
MuzikJunkiehisto: I'll need to get back into recover mode and then i'll run the remove01:05
Guest68309unop, it still come out zero :(01:06
histoMuzikJunkie: I don't think you installed it but when its done removing then sudo apt-get install nvidia-glx01:06
histoMuzikJunkie: you should be good to go then.01:06
MuzikJunkiehisto: Didnt know about the tab...neat..  Unrecognized option --remove01:07
kerinI'm trying to get my wireless card working, according to google the card's supported - an intel 2200B/G.  but if i try using ifup or the Network Tools panel to configure the connection, it says "Ignoring unknown interface eth1=eth1"01:07
histoMuzikJunkie: I'm not sure what the nvidia remove switch was hold on one second.01:07
Abedunop, when i try mp3lame or lamemp3 it gives unknown codec but mp3 tells me unsupported codec for output stream #0.001:07
histoMuzikJunkie: its --uninstall01:08
MuzikJunkiehisto: It brought me to the screen about you should not be in runlevel 1...do you want to quit.  This is where I got last time and said Yes to quit01:09
MuzikJunkiehisto: I dont think it installed01:09
histoMuzikJunkie: okay then do sudo aptitude install nvidia-glx01:09
ani1Hello all, wondering if anyone can shead light on my issue. Its a little long so i pastebin'ed it http://paste.ubuntu.com/29442/01:10
fxcmhI have an Ubuntu 8.04 with the 'home' directory on its own partition on the hard drive.  How do I set a storage quota for that partition for all users?01:10
MuzikJunkiehisto: done.  shutdown -r now?01:10
histoMuzikJunkie: yeah01:11
boboanil: try alsaconf?01:12
tovmeodhello, I have a sierra aircard 880e, can I use it with ubuntu?01:12
iratsuif i go guided LVM partitioning in a hardy installer, where does it put /boot?01:12
ani1bobo: alsaconf? no package named that...01:12
tyler_d1I am attempting to run 'dpkg --configure -a' my machine hangs indefinately from term and from gdm on 'Generating locales...' 'en_AU.UTF-8...01:13
MuzikJunkiehisto: after the splash, i go to a black screen with an on screen display floating all around stating that Not Optimum Mode Recommended Mode 1280 X 1024  60hz01:13
tyler_d1any feedback or help to resolve this would be swollen01:13
rockyrockguys, Ubuntu doesn't recognize my Bluetooth!01:13
rockyrockI have Ubuntu 8.0401:13
tovmeodI got the 8.04 cd, does it comes with drivers to it or do I need to download something?01:13
histoMuzikJunkie: did it get in to a GUI?01:13
MuzikJunkiehisto: no01:14
histotovmeod: comes with drivers for a lot of hardware01:14
MuzikJunkiehisto: if I flip the monitor to the digital cable, i see an all grey screen01:14
techsupportcan anyone get me a link to instructions on how to set-up ventrilo server ?01:14
histoMuzikJunkie: hrm.... wth.  Well alright then i would sudo aptitude purge nvidia-glx01:14
tovmeodhow can I check if it has mine?01:14
Guest68309unop, thanks anyways, I think because the variable $? I use it so many times after that line, when it come back takes the zero value, but I don't know how to reset it, or am I wrong ?01:14
histoMuzikJunkie: get to run level 1 and use the nvidia installer01:14
unopGuest68309, hold on a sec01:15
MuzikJunkiehisto: as i was doing earlier you mean?01:15
histoMake sure you have the build-essentials package.01:15
histoMuzikJunkie: yeah nvidia-glx should have worked for you fine.01:15
histoMuzikJunkie: but you can always try the nvidia installer as well.01:15
Guest68309unop, don't try to execute my script because it requires a lot of files as well01:16
tovmeodare drivers the same for 64 bit or running 32 bit would be better?01:16
inocentpcI encountered a problem with not recognizing the USB flash drives. I installed linux Mint and other flavors of linux that came from ubuntu, and no USB. under XP, the laptop worked well, so it's not a hardware problem, I think. if you have suggestion let's talk in private, please. tnx.01:16
ani1any other thoughts on my sound issue http://paste.ubuntu.com/29442/ ?01:16
votanI have a Problem, somehow my Sound-Control stopped working recently after an update. I still hear the sound jsut fine, but I can't controll the volume and (I use a laptop) the internal speakers don't get muted after I plug in external Speakers. Does anyone have an idea what's broken ?01:17
kevinOanyone know how to configure the xserver-xorg-input-elographics driver?01:17
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boboanil: my mistake.  no alsaconf on ubuntu01:17
ani1bobo: alsamixer is all unmuted too01:18
boboanil: maybe this helps? http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=20544901:18
smeebobo: isnt hardy using pulse audio now?01:18
ani1ive done all the troubleshooting from the link that ubottu gives01:18
smeeas a connector type thingy01:18
Abedi can't enable my built in bluetooth toshiba A200-1M501:18
itai-michaelsonMy Nvidia X server settings sees my monitor as CRT while its actually LCD , there are no other options in the drop-down menu ,how do i change that?01:18
ani1bobo: ive been through this guide and it has not fixed my problem :*(01:19
smeeitai-michaelson: same with me but it doesnt affect my peformance01:19
boboanil: sound on linux is still more art than science01:19
histotovmeod: I would run 32bit more support for stuff there.01:19
itai-michaelsonsmee, it does affect mine! the fonts are all smeared , they look much better when i disable nvidia01:20
histotovmeod: but its up to you. Depends on yoru experience etc...01:20
histo!better > tovmeod01:20
ubottutovmeod, please see my private message01:20
yujihey guys, with two x screens, is there a way to move windows between screens? I want a firefox instance on both screens..01:20
histoitai-michaelson: and this is a problem why?01:20
xTheGoat121xI've noticed that with my sound, there is a delay... the mouse will freeze for just a moment before the sound plays, then unfreeze and the sound plays.01:20
histoyuji: ctrl+shft+alt+right arrow01:21
histoyuji: or you jsut drag the window to the other desktop.01:21
yujihisto: two x screens, not workspace01:21
itai-michaelsonhisto, because it makes the fonts look bad01:21
boboanil: i assume you went through the routine of removing all the alsa stuff?  base and utils? and tried reinstalling?01:21
smeeitai-michaelson: i have two screens setup in twinview mode, in the nvidia settings panel it calls my lcd(main) crt-0, and my other screen crt-1..01:21
histoyuji: you have two instances of X running?01:21
histoitai-michaelson: check the font settings.01:21
ani1bobo:  This happens every reboot so im fairly familiar with the purge reinstall01:22
techsupportcan anyone help me install and setup ventrilo server ?01:22
histo!resolution > itai-michaelson01:22
ubottuitai-michaelson, please see my private message01:22
Abed!virtualbox | Abed01:22
ubottuAbed, please see my private message01:22
itai-michaelsonhisto, but when i cancel the nvidia driver the fonts instantly become nicer!01:22
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yujihisto: yeah01:22
histoitai-michaelson: perhaps its something nvidia driver is adding to the xorg.conf01:22
histoyuji: I believe when you start the instance of firefox you have to tell it which display to be on :0 or :1 etc...01:23
ani1techsupport:  http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=41737  but i prefer teamspeak its a super easy setup https://help.ubuntu.com/community/TeamSpeak01:23
itai-michaelsonhisto, how can i check that?01:23
histoitai-michaelson: gedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf01:23
Aletheuois there a way to disable ext fsck checks on bootup?01:24
unopGuest68309, /usr/bin/Xdialog  --yesno "foo" 10 30; if [[ $? == 0 ]]; then echo yes $?; else echo no $?; fi01:24
histo!fstab > Aletheuo01:24
ubottuAletheuo, please see my private message01:24
kerin_Tilda doesn't always grab window focus - in fact it never seems to, I am using Metacity - any ideas?01:24
WatchDragonhmm, i have to know, is ubuntu 8 comparable to visa, as far as stuff not working right?01:24
techsupportani1, the tutorial talks about wine, there is ventrilo for linux01:24
histoAletheuo: you can change the options for when the drive is checked01:24
smeeyujiL if you want to sepcify which screen to start up on gnome has a paramter for it : "--screen = 0" i thinks01:25
Majostis there an easy way to get all the package maintainers gpg pubkeys?01:25
histokerin_: ask the tilda people. Or use devilspie and add a terminal to your desktop01:25
MuzikJunkiehisto: I am going back to the basics...basic xorg and old geforce 2 card...just so that I can see the logs for a bit01:25
yujihist: is it possible to ever move a window from one X to another? I'm torn because having 2 Xs is very useful to have 2 different sets of workspaces.01:25
histoMuzikJunkie: probably a good idea. Might want to double check the card you have. with lspci01:25
smeeWatchDragon: everything works for me, even have wow running same as it does in windows01:25
yujihisto: i mean :)01:25
MuzikJunkiehisto: also need some piece of mind that this system is working :)01:25
kerin_histo: not terrifically helpful on any level, but thanks for playing.01:26
histoyuji: I don't know how but I don't run two different X.01:26
ani1techsupport: check there website they have a how-to http://www.ventrilo.com/setup.php#Server_Installing01:26
WatchDragoncedega or wine?01:26
ColOfNaturecan someone tell me how to remove grub from my windows hd?01:26
histokerin: well they would be the ones that would know the most about it.01:26
MuzikJunkiehisto: Ahhh, my sanity is in tact...everything is still as it was before the new card...but I want this new card working!01:26
xTheGoat121xAnyone familiar with PulseAudio?01:26
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Aletheuohisto: hmm, so set 1 to 0 to disable the check?01:26
smeehisto: if its an nvidia card, then there is  an option to use twinview or spereate x screen01:26
histoMuzikJunkie: ahh you are swapping cards in teh same machine?01:26
MuzikJunkiehisto: yes, i pulled out an old geforce for a new Geforce01:27
histoAletheuo: you would have to follow the directions from ubottu I can't rmeember right now.01:27
smeeWatchDragon: wine as described in the help.ubuntu site01:27
histoMuzikJunkie: The problem is probably the drivers for the old card still being there.01:27
MuzikJunkiehisto: the old card is ok, hust a lil slow01:27
smeeWatchDragon: helps that i have a core duo and a 8800gt01:27
AMDpenguiny did ubuntu fucking nuke my windows partition?01:27
MuzikJunkiehisto: could be...is there a way to purge?01:27
MISIHi all. i have a problem, i just installed Ubuntu 8.04, all was ok, and rebooted PC, now i get "run COMMAND with root directory set to NEWROOT" and can't run it, can someone help?01:28
histoMuzikJunkie: depends what is installed and how you installed them.01:28
ani1!language > AMDpenguin01:28
ubottuAMDpenguin, please see my private message01:28
WatchDragonhmm, does wine not liek ATI cards?01:28
histoMuzikJunkie: dpkg -l | grep nvidia01:28
smeenothing likes ati01:28
smeeati < good01:28
votanincase my problem got scrolled away earlier :) --> somehow my Sound-Control stopped working recently after an update. I still hear the sound just fine, but I can't control the volume and (I use a laptop) the internal speakers don't get muted after I plug in external Speakers. Does anyone have an idea what's broken ?01:29
smeeon my old computer using a ati 9600,  caused me heaps of problems and was restricted to a bare few potions in terms of 3d01:29
MuzikJunkiehisto: glx-legacy and glx nvidia kernel common01:29
unopMISI, can you log on ok? does this message stop you from logging on? if so, where are you seeing it?01:29
histoMuzikJunkie: yeah the glx-legacy drivers hanging around would definately be an issue.01:29
itai-michaelsonhisto can u have a look ? http://paste.ubuntu.com/29447/01:29
histoMuzikJunkie: remove those and the kernel module then put the new card in and install nvidia-glx01:29
histoMuzikJunkie: sudo aptitude purge nvidia-glx-legacy    etc....01:30
robdigvotan: try right clicking on speaker icon by clock, then select preferences. see if PCM is selected. if not, try selecting it01:30
MuzikJunkiehisto: same way, aptitude purge?01:30
histoMuzikJunkie: yeppers01:30
XavuraSo I was just sat here, happily coding away, then all of a sudden all my screen started flashing and stuff. All my windows kind of moved and, well I don't know, it was weird01:30
histoitai-michaelson: is that the proper monitor?01:30
MISIunop, i boot up pc, there is a loading screen and after 3 sec i get this01:31
moshejust completed an update,have compiz enabled but now I cannot resize windows.Can't remember how to fix this one.any ideas?01:31
Xavuraand then all of my programs were moved onto my first virtual desktop thing01:31
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XavuraBut before they were all spread out across the virtual desktops01:31
itai-michaelsonhisto, my monitor says " SyncMaster 943nw" ,however i'm afraid it could a China-only model01:31
smeemoshe: ccsm -> window utils01:31
XavuraLooking at it, I think compiz fusion decided to shut down as my transparency is gone but, it just happened out of nowhere01:31
histoMuzikJunkie: the new card should at least work in vesa mode then you can install the restricted driver01:31
unopMISI, so this is before you enter your username and password?01:31
histoitai-michaelson: and its just a problem with the clarity of fonts?01:32
MISIunop, yes01:32
smeemoshe: ccsm -> window managment -> Resize Window01:32
unopMISI, and that is the exact error message you get?01:32
itai-michaelsonhisto, yes01:32
histoitai-michaelson: I would check the font settings for dpi if not perhaps someone else would know here.01:33
smeemoshe: bindings -> initiate window resize for mouse01:33
MuzikJunkiehisto: check http://paste.ubuntu.com/29449  is this ok to remove?01:33
MuzikJunkiehisto: looks serious01:33
votanrobdig: PCM is selected01:33
MISIunop. yes i see only this01:33
smeeitai-michaelson: i usuall change teh dpi in settings -> appearance -. fonts to 72 instead of 9601:33
histoMuzikJunkie: what are you trying to remove that wanted to remove that?01:33
MuzikJunkiehisto: nvidia kernel common01:34
unopMISI, i would reinstall grub if i were you.01:34
unop!grub | MISI01:34
ubottuMISI: grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto01:34
histoMuzikJunkie: okay leave the kernel common then.01:34
MuzikJunkiehisto: ok01:34
moshesmee,which option?01:34
histoMuzikJunkie: yeah its part of normal ubuntu install forgot about that.01:34
moshesmee,which option?01:34
histoMuzikJunkie: just remove the nivida-glx-legacy stuff.01:34
madfrancisI'm having an issue with my xorg.conf.backup. Specifically, when I try to save a new config it says it cannot remove the old backup. When I went to the actual DIR to do it manually it says I can't because I don't have permission. How do I remedy this?01:35
MISIunop, ok, i will try this, thx01:35
pan034234how do i install firefox32 on amd64?01:35
smeemoshe: you have compiz config settings manager open?01:35
mosheyes I do01:35
MuzikJunkiehisto: legacy is removed...install new card and reboot?01:35
itai-michaelsonhisto, smee playing with the dpi helps - thanks01:35
smeemoshe: you want the resize window section01:35
pan034234done scripts and firefox deb file01:35
histoMuzikJunkie: yeah shut the computer off install new card and boot up.01:35
mosheresize is checked01:36
histoMuzikJunkie: you'll probably get and X error and need ot install nvidia-glx01:36
smeemoshe: then when your in that part, open the bindings tab01:36
robdigvotan: hmm, then you might be running into this bug https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux-source-2.6.20/+bug/10944201:36
ubottuLaunchpad bug 109442 in linux-source-2.6.20 "Volume Control Doesn't Work on Notebook" [Medium,Incomplete]01:36
MuzikJunkiehisto: I would be thrilled to see that error01:36
unopmadfrancis, you need to use sudo or gksudo as needed01:36
overlordpuppyI seem to have sample rate issues recording.01:36
madfrancisI tried using "sudo rm xorg.conf.backup but had no luck.01:36
unopmadfrancis, open up your editor in this way.  gksudo gedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf01:36
madfrancisIt said that no file or directory existed01:36
histoMuzikJunkie: well lets see what happens.01:36
smeemoshe: you will see siz binding options01:36
hoontekequestion: where is the cvs/svn repository for the nm-applet code?01:37
smeemoshe: six*01:37
smeemoshe: disable the top four01:37
histohoonteke: did you try finding their homepage?01:37
unopmadfrancis, well, you can't delete a file that doesn't exist, can you? :)01:37
unopmadfrancis, that's quite pointless01:37
madfrancisperhaps not. But I've seen the file with my own eyeballs01:37
hoontekehisto: yes, but I got lazy after 2 minutes hoping it would be a quick url paste for someone.01:37
unopmadfrancis, does the file exist?  ls -ld /etc/X11/xorg.conf01:37
moshehaving problems seeing the top of the window.it is above the top of screen.cannot see the bindings tab01:37
* hoonteke goes back to google grind01:37
histohoonteke: isn't that part of gnome.01:37
hoontekehisto: I dunno?01:38
histohoonteke: I thought that was now part of gnome now.01:38
hoontekehisto, k, loooking there now01:38
smeemoshe: for me i have set the mouse binding to alt + button1 to initiate a window resize01:38
histohoonteke: try #gnome01:38
hoontekehisto, great thanks01:38
drwelbyHi, I have 4 scripts in cron.hourly. If I run-parts /etc/cron.hourly, all 4 run. However, when cron runs that folder, only 3 run. the scripts all have similar permissions. Where to troubleshoot next?01:38
smeemoshe: if you cant see the top of the window, then try pressing alt + drag to move the window01:38
MuzikJunkiehisto: X started and I have a normal looking login screen01:39
madfrancisunop: yes01:39
smeethis drag behaviour can be changed in System -> Preferences -> Window01:39
unopmadfrancis, what does that return?01:39
moshethat works smee,but I used to be able to drag the window with left mouse btn and no alt01:39
histoMuzikJunkie: okay so its using the vesa driver now you just have to install the nvidia-glx driver it should actually prompt you01:39
histoMuzikJunkie: and tell you that a restricted driver is availible.01:39
jokkaahttp://img99.imageshack.us/my.php?image=screenshffot1ru0.jpg ended up pretty good=)01:39
MuzikJunkiehisto: so far, no prompt but I do have a desktop01:39
smeemoshe: oops i tell l lie, i have it set to super+middle click to start resize01:40
histoMuzikJunkie: yeah you are using the non open gl driver basically now you just have to install nvidia-glx and you will be good to go.01:40
madfrancisunop: -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 2743 2008-07-21 18:49 /etc/X11/xorg.conf01:40
mosheok.just trying to get back to the old method using just left mouse btn and dragging01:40
orgthingyI *need* cmd for linux01:40
orgthingyyes, i know about terminal01:41
orgthingyi LOVE terminal01:41
orgthingybut, there are stuff i want to test in cmd01:41
unopmadfrancis, ok,  what does this do?  sudo mv -v /etc/X11/xorg.conf{,.bkp}01:41
overlordpuppyMy sound is fine, but my recording is picking up a lot of static and is making my voice really deep. http://www.underscorelive.com/Voice.wav <-- Sample saying "Test Test Test"01:41
histoMuzikJunkie: try going to System > Administraiton > Hardware Drivers you should be able to do it from there.01:41
mosheit worked b4 the update.can't remember how I fixed it last time01:41
smeemoshe: maybe have a look through those sections in the ccsm to see which ones would affect window resizing.01:41
smeemoshe: make sure there are no rules preventing winow resizing01:41
kitcheorgthingy: depends what you mean by test but myself I would buy a shell book really to learn everything01:41
MuzikJunkiehisto: enabling now01:41
orgthingykitche: no, i want to do "windows" stuff01:42
histoMuzikJunkie: then you will ahve 3d support.01:42
madfrancisunop:`/etc/X11/xorg.conf' -> `/etc/X11/xorg.conf.bkp'01:42
=== _lifi is now known as lifi
mosheok.smee.will look at it again and may get back on in a few. thx for the assist01:42
MuzikJunkiehisto: it actually installed glx-new01:42
=== mike is now known as Guest98728
histoorgthingy: what sort of stuff are you trying to test?01:42
kitcheorgthingy: well you still didn't really anwser my question since I asked what do you want to test01:42
histoMuzikJunkie: thats fine.01:42
victor_can anyone look at my dmesg output for my TV Tuner Kworld ATSC 120:  http://pastebin.com/m2eb867ba01:42
Guest98728Anyone here able to help me with Thin Client setup? Any help would be awesome, thanks.01:42
histoMuzikJunkie: it should be able to pick okay. If not you can always change it back.01:42
orgthingyhisto: command line programs and some stuff..01:42
unopmadfrancis, great, that indicates you have moved that file and made a backup.  you can go about doing what you were doing now01:42
histoorgthingy: like what?01:42
MuzikJunkiehisto: rebooting01:42
unopmadfrancis, the backup is there incase you need it later.  i.e. /etc/X11/xorg.conf01:43
orgthingyhisto: but.. u forgot my actual question01:43
madfrancisunop: alright. I'll give it a shot. :)01:43
orgthingyis there a way i can get cmd in linux?01:43
lifebughello together!01:43
histoorgthingy: dos now01:43
histoorgthingy: no01:43
histoorgthingy: I'm sure there is an emulator or something.01:43
victor_xtknight: can anyone look at my dmesg output for my TV Tuner Kworld ATSC 120:  http://pastebin.com/m2eb867ba01:43
unoporgthingy, why would you want cmd.exe when you have a number of shells that do everything better?01:43
kitcheorgthingy: yes terminal and ctl+alt+F1 will take you to the shell but if you want dos go get dosbox01:44
histoorgthingy: you could run a virtual machine with dos installed.01:44
smeeorgthingy: cmd? as in windows cmd.exe?01:44
nonewmsgshow do i mount a bin/cue combo01:44
orgthingyunop: because i want to do a windows thing01:44
orgthingyi love terminal, but i *have* to use cmd01:44
unoporgthingy, like what exactly?01:44
madfrancisunop: Crap! Now when I go to save the settings I get this... "Failed to open existing X config file '/etc/X11/xorg.conf'!"01:44
histoorgthingy: then you need dosbox or wine to use windows apps01:44
orgthingyunop: i dunno, ask my school man01:44
buzzsawi am trying to compile a program and i got http://pastebin.com/m60110c02   however apt-get does not like   makeinfo or textinfo for packages01:44
orgthingyi told my teacher i only have linux01:44
histoorgthingy: its kind of hard to answer you questions if you wont' explain.01:45
orgthingyshe told me that sometimes, terminal is fine but not for all classes01:45
histoorgthingy: we've told you that you can use dosbox probably01:45
victor_xtknight: can anyone look at my dmesg output for my TV Tuner Kworld ATSC 120:  http://pastebin.com/m2eb867ba01:45
SUPEROGTGood nite, i want to load some modules at start up so i added to /etc/modules but it don't work. I guess i'm writing something wrong. The commands i use for enable my modules are modprobe ath_pci and modprobe wlan_scan_sta and i added these commands with and without the modprobe but nothing... Anyone have another alternative?01:45
histo!info dosbox > orgthingy01:45
ubottuorgthingy, please see my private message01:45
orgthingyhisto: I need cmd.. because we're taking "cmd courses" in school01:45
unopmadfrancis, what are you using to adjust settings?01:45
histoI give up01:45
MuzikJunkiehisto: x did not start01:45
smeeorgthingy: i would suspect your teacher is not aware of what the terminal in linux is capable of01:45
MuzikJunkiehisto: black screen01:46
histoMuzikJunkie: hrm. okay remove nvidia-glx-new01:46
iptelhi ALL01:46
orgthingysmee: yes yes.. but some commands in cmd are different01:46
histoMuzikJunkie: and install nvidia-glx01:46
bastid_raZororgthingy; have you thought about a virtual machine? i just caught the last of your issues01:46
victor_xtknight: can anyone look at my dmesg output for my TV Tuner Kworld ATSC 120:  http://pastebin.com/m2eb867ba01:46
orgthingyvirtual machine.. nah, it  barely works01:46
iptelнарод плиз01:46
MuzikJunkiehisto: aptitude purge nvidia-glx-new?01:46
ubottuПожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke01:46
smeeorgthingy: but if you need to have ait, best way is to use virtualbox and run windows/dos in there01:46
JFCakeanyone know a good distro based on Ubuntu 8.04 with kernel 2.6.24 or higher?01:46
orgthingymy computer is so old :(01:46
xtknightvices, umm well 2.6.26 added support for kworld 120 btw01:46
iptelпожскажите плеер для Убунту01:46
xtknightvices, sorry wrong nick01:46
xtknightvictor_,  umm well 2.6.26 added support for kworld 120 btw01:46
unoporgthingy, wine cmd.exe01:46
MuzikJunkiehisto: i cannot even get to a TTY01:46
histoorgthingy: use dosbox or virtualbox.01:46
smeeorgthingy: there is also a dos emulator in the repos01:46
JFCakeNice one.01:46
victor_xtknight: did you look at my dmesg output01:46
MuzikJunkiehisto: recovery mode i guess?01:46
histoMuzikJunkie: reboot and at the grub screen hit esc and select recovery mode.01:46
SUPEROGTAnyone has any idea about load modules at startup ?01:47
smeeorgthingy: the dos emulator would be less of an exercise to get up and running too01:47
orgthingywine has cmd :D01:47
spiritwalkerhello does anyone knows why i have sdl libs installed and when i compile something ubuntu says they are not i'm relative new in linux01:47
xtknightvictor_, yes i did.  i dont know what it means01:47
orgthingywine cmd.exe01:47
orgthingythanks a lot01:47
histoMuzikJunkie: yeah atleast we know your card is working we just have to figure out which driver it wants. IT should be nvidia-glx I don' know why it would try -new01:47
WatchDragonvirtualbox = easy stuff01:47
orgthingyand yes, ill try dos emulators01:47
kitchespiritwalker: most likely need -dev01:47
victor_xtknight: i also see this [ 4387.674395] cx88[0]: Calling XC2028/3028 callback01:47
xtknightvictor_, compile a 2.6.26 kernel and try01:47
smeeorgthingy: you want to make sure when dealing with permissions that the wine cmd is representing the situation as per normal windows lunacy01:47
MuzikJunkiehisto: and you want me to run the aptitude purge...is this the same as unchecking the package in synaptic?01:48
histoorgthingy: yeah wine cmd.exe will work for you.01:48
histoorgthingy: just install wine sudo aptitude install wine01:48
xtknightvictor_, p.s. enable CONFIG_SND in the new kernel if you want sound (and the proper module for your card), something most kernel compilation guides neglect to mention01:48
orgthingyi have wine already01:48
histoMuzikJunkie: purge will remove the configuration files01:48
MuzikJunkiehisto: is this what i need to run?01:48
unoporgthingy, wine does not have cmd.exe -- you need to run the cmd.exe that exists in your wine installation with wine01:48
histoMuzikJunkie: but yes aptitude purge just removes the package and its configs01:49
histoMuzikJunkie: sudo aptitude purge nvidia-glx-new01:49
histoMuzikJunkie: then sudo aptitude install nvidia-glx01:49
histoMuzikJunkie: hopefully that should fix it all.01:49
spiritwalker-dev ??? sorry i'm really a small pidgin01:49
orgthingywell, it seems that it has cmd.exe :)01:49
smeeorgthingy: ha, you have to use the "wine cmd" in an existing terminal though...i assumed this wasnt the case..01:50
unoporgthingy, actually wait. wine has it's own cmd.exe but it isn't the fully compatible version with the actual microsoft cmd.exe - you'll need to get cmd.exe off of a windows CD01:50
kitchespiritwalker: libsdl-dev package if your trying to compile a program01:50
orgthingyunop : oh, i see01:50
unoporgthingy, the cmd.exe that comes with wine is wine's implementation of cmd.exe01:50
histowhat is wrong with him just using dosbox01:50
orgthingyi see01:50
MuzikJunkiehisto: installed nvidia=glx...rebooting01:50
orgthingyso, Ill get the real cmd01:50
orgthingyms's cmd :)01:50
SebNaitsabes if I remember correctly  Outlook can just have it's settings imported into Thunderbird  when both are running on Windows.  however what I am wondering is if I can get the settings from Outlook running in Windows into  Thunderbird  running in Ubuntu,  without  having to say  first install Thunderbird  into Windows and then copy the relivant setting files over to the one in Ubuntu01:51
histoMuzikJunkie: cross your fingers if not we'll just remove that and use the regular vesa driver temporarily01:51
histoorgthingy: yes01:51
SebNaitsabesalso like THunderbird, outlook wil have it's own settings per user?01:51
Ultraputzthunderbird works with mapi?01:51
orgthingyok, thanks for your help01:51
smeeorgthingy: depending on which version of dos your class is using for the exercises, dosbox might be your better option01:51
iratsuwhat's a good terminal application to burn DVDs?01:51
unophisto, if his teacher want's him to use cmd.exe and he uses dosbox, he isn't guaranteed to get the same results01:51
histoiratsu: dd01:51
SUPEROGTGood nite, i want to load some modules at start up so i added to /etc/modules but it don't work. I guess i'm writing something wrong. The commands i use for enable my modules are modprobe ath_pci and modprobe wlan_scan_sta and i added these commands with and without the modprobe but nothing... Anyone have another alternative?01:51
iratsuhisto: seriously?01:52
MuzikJunkiehisto: black screen01:52
orgthingysmee: im downloading "freedos" (free DOS )01:52
orgthingyand dos emulator01:52
kindofabuzzwhat school is still teaching DOS???!!??01:52
histo!better > iratsu01:52
ubottuiratsu, please see my private message01:52
MuzikJunkiehisto: recover mode?01:52
kitcheiratsu: growisofs is the only way to burn dvd isos unless you use dd but have not tried using dd on dvd isos01:52
histokindofabuzz: a lot of them unfortunately01:52
orgthingykindofabuzz: theyre teaching us how to use cmd actually01:52
spiritwalkerha ok that one i don't have so for what i understand -dev packages are for when we try compile things and the others are for programs use only right??01:52
smeekindofabuzz: any school that holds history in high regard01:52
unoporgthingy, freedos does not have a cmd.exe .. iirc, it only has a command.com01:52
kindofabuzzthey should teach you linux commands01:52
Ultraputzkindofabuzz - a lot of technical schools mention it because there are still a lot of systems that use it01:52
orgthingyoh :(01:53
iratsukitche: hmm what i want to burn isn't an iso though01:53
unopkindofabuzz, the schools that expect you to work on windows ..01:53
kindofabuzzUltraputz, true01:53
SUPEROGTthey should teach how to read and think01:53
histoiratsu: make it an iso then burn that.01:53
smeekindofabuzz: true, but they are funded and indoctrinated by pay slips that dictate a microsoft world01:53
Ultraputzsuperogt - there'd be no point.01:53
iratsuhisto: ah, ok01:53
kitcheiratsu: then dd is not what you want01:53
JFCakeYo if I compile and update my kernel on hardy, will that bug/slow it a bit?01:53
Ultraputz"now that idiots have critical thinking skills, they can be stupid, critically."01:53
kindofabuzzJFCake, only if you screw it up, which is possible01:53
unopJFCake, depends on what exactly you do01:53
spiritwalker<kitche> any way thank you very very much my monitor and my head just say thanks01:53
yyy_JFCake: only if you do it wrong :P01:54
MuzikJunkiehisto: in recovery...purge nvidia-glx?01:54
lifebugis it possible to get a seperate sound for dropping a file into trash on the desktop? i use hardy with gnome ...01:54
orgthingyDOS aint working :(01:54
SUPEROGTgosh... anyone knows any good ubuntu related forum ?01:54
histoMuzikJunkie: nvidia-glx didn't work either?01:55
the_darkside_986How does one listen to internet radio as *.asx file? Totem keeps saying "Location not found" ???01:55
MuzikJunkiehisto: nope01:55
histoMuzikJunkie: wth01:55
orgthingyDOS emulator****01:55
histoMuzikJunkie: yeah I guess to get back to working X01:55
yyy_the_darkside_986: try vlc or mplayer maybe?01:55
kitchethe_darkside_986: vlc or mplayer but most likely need win32codecs01:55
MuzikJunkiehisto:  i get through the splash and then the last four or so lines from the startup commands blink on the screen about 5 times and then the screen goes black with no access to TTY01:55
JFCakeany how-not-to-fuck-up kernel upgrade method?01:55
kindofabuzzJFCake, good guide here: http://www.howtoforge.com/roll_a_kernel_debian_ubuntu_way01:56
kitche!language | JFCake01:56
ubottuJFCake: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.01:56
kindofabuzzis what i used01:56
* xTheGoat121x is back01:56
JFCakeUbuntu is about love, caring and all that01:57
smeeSUPEROGT: i assume you have tried the obvious ubuntuforums,org01:57
MISIunop, i get a "find: /boot/grub: No such file or directory" when i use ""find /boot/grub/stage1" at grub, any idea?01:57
the_darkside_986I'm using the _LATEST_ moblock in Ubuntu Hardy and I have no idea how to whitelist specific IPs now. They changed the format or something.01:57
Ultraputzgeneral question -- how is everyone's experience with flash under hardy ?01:57
SUPEROGTsmee: not so obvious for me, i'm spanish talker :P tks01:57
unopMISI, where are you now? within the live CD?01:57
Ultraputzafter about 3 youtube flicks, it fails, sometimes restarting the browser helps.01:57
MuzikJunkiehisto: now i still get a black screen01:58
neothecathas anyone have problems with 8.04 where certain apps, like vmware and rhythmbox, where i open upa  preference box, and it just freezes?01:58
histoMuzikJunkie: after removing nvidia-glx?01:58
kindofabuzzUltraputz, try Flash 10 beta, solved alot of crashing for me01:58
MuzikJunkiehisto: yes01:58
smeeSUPEROGT: ah. but english is not a problem to deal with no ?01:58
histoMuzikJunkie: and it worked the first time?01:58
MuzikJunkiehisto: yes01:58
unopMISI, did you mount your linux partitions?01:58
MuzikJunkiehisto: restore an old xorg/01:58
Ultraputzkindof - is it in backports or ?01:58
iloweanybody know about console-kit-daemon taking up 100% of one of my cpus?01:58
generato1OK lets see if I can word this correctly. I get authentication failed when attempting to connect to ftp-server running pure-ftpd over SSH. Any help please.......01:58
smeeSUPEROGT: since im not aure about a spanish ubuntuforums01:58
histoMuzikJunkie: it should have on its own.01:58
kindofabuzzUltraputz, no, you gotta d/l it01:58
kindofabuzzgoogle it01:58
histoMuzikJunkie: edit the xorg.conf and change the driver to vesa from nvidia see what happens.01:58
Ultraputzfrom adoobie?01:58
histoMuzikJunkie: or nv01:58
SUPEROGTthey are mhhhh slow?01:58
histoMuzikJunkie: I would try nv first then vesa01:59
kindofabuzzlol adoobie01:59
MISIunop, i installed in on same partiyion as windows01:59
MuzikJunkiehisto: where do i go from here?01:59
histoMuzikJunkie: you can restart sudo /etc/init.d/gdm restart01:59
SUPEROGTthey don't respond ever... so i tried another option like irc but is useless01:59
unopMISI, eh? you mean you installed linux on an ntfs partition?01:59
MuzikJunkiehisto: no access to TTY...have to pull the power01:59
kindofabuzzimposible ain't it?01:59
SUPEROGTthey don't respond ever... so i tried another option like irc but is useless01:59
histoMuzikJunkie: Are you sure this is an nvidia card?01:59
SUPEROGTtks smee02:00
MuzikJunkiehisto: XFX NVIDIA GEFORCE02:00
histoMuzikJunkie: reboot the recovery mode and sudo nano /etc/X11/xorg.conf02:00
smeeSUPEROGT: most of what i have learnt about linux over that last 4-5 years has been through my own experimentation and friends02:00
MISIunop, yes, its bad?02:00
histoMuzikJunkie: you are going to want ot change the driver section to nv from nvidia02:00
histo!nvidia > MuzikJunkie02:00
ubottuMuzikJunkie, please see my private message02:00
MuzikJunkiehisto: ok never used nano02:00
jimd1hi guys.  I'm trying to add a new user to my ubuntu desktop set up.  When I create the account using System > Administration > Users and Groups, after the account appears to b created it is missing a number of folders such as music, pictures, public, etc. Anyone have any ideas on how these other folders "should" get created?02:01
histoMuzikJunkie: its an editor02:01
unopMISI, yes indeed, grub does not know how to read off of ntfs partitions to get the boot images02:01
smeeSUPEROGT: not being a stagnant project means it always presenting new things to learn02:01
histoMuzikJunkie: the keys ont he bottom are Ctrl then the letter02:01
MuzikJunkiehisto: i know, just not familiar with it02:01
histoMuzikJunkie: well use which ever editor your are familiar with.02:01
smeejimd1: this  behaviour you want is like windows server profiles ?02:01
histoMuzikJunkie: nano will ask you to save any changes on exit.02:01
smeejimd1: it is possible with linux, but i forget how02:01
MISIunop, i jusy used the option that was in the installation, so what can i do now>02:01
MuzikJunkiehisto: nothing in there about nvidia...there is a glx module though02:02
unopjimd1, these directories get created as and when needed by applications that the user runs02:02
MuzikJunkiehist: gedit :-)02:02
unopMISI, the best thing to do is create a new partition with gparted, and install linux on that one02:02
jimd1unop:  when my first account was created by the installer (when I first installed ubuntu) it created these folders for me.02:03
smeejimd1:ahh i think i remember now, there is a folder somewhere with this blank setup that gets used02:03
MuzikJunkiehist: device sectiojn has "Configured video device"  Driver nvidia...there it is02:03
unopjimd1, edit /etc/skel then02:03
unopsmee, ^^02:03
smeejimd1: try searching on ubuntu forums for these words : new user profile home02:03
jimd1unop:  I am supposed to copy those?02:03
generato1does anyone here know how to configure SSH??02:04
smeejimd1: no, this folder is copied by the 'new user' app when you create the user02:04
unopjimd1, no, create all the files and folders that you expect the new user to have in /etc/skel .. whenever you create a new user from then on, those files and folders will be copied to the user's homedir02:04
MISIunop, ok, i will try, i have also a qurstion, how yo uninstall that one from the ntfs partition, the wondows installer cant do it02:04
MuzikJunkiehisto: driver is nvidia and glx module is present02:04
jimd1smee:  i used the System > administration > users and groups to create the new user.  i simply filled in the dialog box and clicked.  those folders are not copied or made at that time02:05
madfrancis I'm trying to set up dual monitors VGA + DVI and no matter what I try I can't get it to work. I'm working with the sudo nvidia-settings and even though it seems to be setup right I'm not seeing anything on my second display. Any ideas?02:05
LostFaythWhile building a kernel (from git, following instructions from https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel/Compile) I got this: http://pastebin.com/d7848ddd1 Any ideas on how to fix?02:05
pale-yafalspci -v shows me this02:05
pale-yafa03:01.1 Multimedia controller: Brooktree Corporation Bt878 Audio Capture (rev 11)02:05
pale-yafaFlags: medium devsel, IRQ 2102:05
pale-yafaMemory at fdfff000 (32-bit, prefetchable) [size=4K]02:05
pale-yafaCapabilities: <access denied>02:05
unopMISI, you'll probably need to boot up into windows and delete all the linux directories from C: (or the drive letter your windows install uses)02:05
smeejimd1: yep follow waht unop said02:05
pale-yafais this <access denied> ok?02:05
Ultraputzkindofabuzz -- the installer hangs on "warning: please enter a valid installation path"02:06
smeejimd1:  "/etc/skel " hold this 'new user's home folder setup' template02:06
unop!paste | pale-yafa02:06
ubottupale-yafa: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)02:06
Ultraputzwhen i give it /usr/lib/mozilla, it just repeats the warning02:06
unoppale-yafa, you might need to use sudo as needed02:06
MISIunop, ok, thanks for your help02:06
kindofabuzzUltraputz, are you using the flash right now from the repos?02:06
pale-yafaunop: I would use paste if it was long, but I think 4 lines are ok02:06
kindofabuzzUltraputz, abort the installer02:07
unoppale-yafa, no, 4 lines is still a disruption -- if it's more than a line, use a pastebin02:07
Ultraputzit's quit02:07
kindofabuzzUltraputz, do you know how to cp command line?02:07
Ultraputzpull it from apt/synpatic?02:07
Ultraputzja, command line proficient02:07
=== carpedie2 is now known as carpediem
rockenrola1hi. anyone knows whay Brasero only burns dvd up to 4.3GB ?02:07
pale-yafaok, any way Iam trying to get tv on my monitor for 5 hours now,02:08
pale-yafaNO RESULT02:08
kevinOanyone know how to configure the xserver-xorg-input-elographics driver?02:08
Windsurfer619because 4.3 GB is the size of a DVD?02:08
kindofabuzzUltraputz, cp that libflashplayer (the new one) into /usr/lib/flashplugin-nonfree02:08
EruditeHermithey, when I play videos on my intel GMA3100 laptop with the intel Xorg driver, the colours seem off. Is there a way to fix it?02:08
kindofabuzzUltraputz, libflashplayer.so02:08
rockenrola1Windsurfer619: no. I forget to say that. the dvd's are 4.702:08
Ultraputzkind - permissions?02:09
kindofabuzzUltraputz, close any browsers open first02:09
Windsurfer619rockenrola1: Oh. My bad. Is there something on the DVD already?02:09
kindofabuzzUltraputz, sudo cp02:09
ambrosyoanyone can help me here?02:09
rmullHello, is it possible to get a "rush delivery" of a large number of Ubuntu CDs to Boston MA before September? I need around 50 and am willing to pay up to $20.02:09
overlordpuppyMy recording sound is picking up a lot of static and is making my voice really deep, but my regular sound is fine. It was suggested yesterday by someone that it's my sampling rate. How can I fix it? If you want to hear the sound, http://www.underscorelive.com/Voice.wav <-- Sample saying "Test Test Test"02:09
rockenrola1Windsurfer619: no. virgin DVD's02:09
Ultraputzfiring up ff. kirie eleyson.02:10
kindofabuzzUltraputz, sudo cp /whereverflash10is/libflashplayer.so /usr/lib/flashplugin-nonfree02:10
Xsss4hellI want to stream my screen how do I do that over amsn?02:10
Windsurfer619rockenrola1: I'm sorry then, I can't help you :(02:10
ambrosyois it ubuntu supported for a webcam?02:10
Xsss4hellHowto setup a fake camera that streams the screen02:10
JFCakeambrosyo, yarly02:10
Ultraputzbuzz - doing the youtube test.02:10
rockenrola1Xsss4hell: vlc ?02:10
ambrosyoenglish pls JFCake02:10
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smeeXsss4hell: i wasnt aware that amsn could even do voice not to mention video02:10
JFCakeambrosyo,  yes really.02:11
kindofabuzzUltraputz, if you read the flash 10 release notes, hardware acceleration in linux does not work with compiz02:11
ambrosyoJFCake can i talk to u in private to help me02:11
unoprockenrola1, 4.3 Gibibytes translates to about 4.7 Gigabytes02:11
Xsss4hellsmee I just talk with a designer who shows me his screen, no He streams his screen. he has windows I have ubuntu ;)02:11
smeekindofabuzz: you mean that compiz + hardware accel does not work with the flash player02:11
rockenrola1unop: that is interesting02:11
smeeXsss4hell: and ?02:11
smeeXsss4hell:amsn is not msn02:12
Xsss4hellrockenrola1, I need a fake hardware device that I can select as v4l2 device02:12
kindofabuzzsmee, no flash hardware accel does not work with compiz on02:12
Xsss4hellsmee, correct02:12
Ultraputzbuzz -- "about flash 10" in the menu, so good so far, except... didn't actually load video02:12
ambrosyoJFCake: im using ubuntu 8.04 LRS how do i install a web camera,02:12
kindofabuzzUltraputz, something else is screw then lol02:12
smeeXsss4hell: and i'm not sure why you want to use a instant messenger to stream video02:12
rockenrola1Xsss4hell: fake? you don't have a camera? then I don't know.02:12
Ultraputzrestarted again, now it's happy,02:12
Ultraputzand fast.02:12
unoprockenrola1, storage vendors count in increments of 10^3 .. while disk usage utilities count in increments of 2^1002:13
Xsss4hellrockenrola1, I have a camera, I don't want to adjust my camera to record my screen02:13
kindofabuzzUltraputz, better?02:13
smeeXsss4hell: because it's possbile to setup vlc as a stream server02:13
Xsss4hellrockenrola1, I want to directly stream my screen02:13
Ultraputzwatching the compiz fusion demo video, wondering what it woudl be like to have a graphics card built during the present decade :-)02:13
Ultraputzrocks so far, thanks a lot man02:13
ani1Hey all, I am having a problem with my sound. After reboots it stops working correctly i have purged the alsa installs and restarted alsa-utils. The only thing that will produce sound, and only in 1 ear, is to `sudo /sbin/alsa force-reload` but if i modify the volume sound stops working. This isn't a hardware issue since it worked before the reboot... My ALSA output is found here http://pastebin.ca/108020502:13
unoprockenrola1, meaning. a gigabyte is 1000 megabytes but a gibibyte is 1024 mebibytes02:13
Xsss4hellsmee, what if he has no vlc ;)02:13
Xsss4hellsmee, just msn02:13
Xsss4hellI know it is possible02:14
smeeXsss4hell: it's a trival matter since vlc is free02:14
rockenrola1Xsss4hell: that is a interesting project. good luck02:14
ambrosyoguy, teach me how to install a web camera in ubuntu?02:14
Guest29957what do you do with web cam02:14
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Ultraputzget paid to take your clothes off.02:14
jimcooncatXsss4hell: I don't remember which package it is, but I used to stream a jpeg image. Any firefox could see the cam02:14
rockenrola1unop: I knew tha,. but didn't remember. It seems that it must be that02:14
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Xsss4hellrockenrola1, it's not a project, that's something that exists I don't know the name of the app02:15
Ultraputzmost people just point them at webs and watch them. it's like the weather channel, but more exciting.02:15
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ambrosyoi want to install my webcam02:15
Guest29957clothes off02:15
=== trucMuche is now known as WalloO
ambrosyobut i dont know how to install it02:15
smeeXsss4hell: have you tried searching in synaptic for screen recording apps?02:15
=== WalloO is now known as trucMuche
jimcooncatambrosyo: I believe camorama is a good package to test it with02:16
filsufI have a lot of problem with firefox02:16
smeeXsss4hell: and searching forums for vlc stream server?02:16
filsufit keeps on crashing02:16
Ultraputzambrosyo -- look for a wiki for video4linux02:16
ambrosyohow about im using yahoo messenger02:16
Ultraputzthey have a list of hardware and drivers, if your equipment is on there, it may save you some trouble02:16
Guest29957any other good chat irc02:16
Xsss4hellsmee, vlc is not my thing. I want to just use a different video device. A fake video device that streams my screen02:16
smeeXsss4hell: which vlc does i believe02:17
ambrosyoim trying to download camorama but they cannot install02:17
=== hym is now known as DarkInside
Ultraputzxsss - does Istanbul do what you need?02:17
DARKGuyhey guys, any way to control mpd through audacious ?02:17
jimcooncatXsss4hell: you could use vnc, but I'm afraid it would be very choppy02:17
Xsss4hellUltraputz, no Istanbul doesn create a virtual webcam02:18
rockenrola1Xsss4hell: in a quick google it seems that vlc also does screencast. if true then the streaming comes along.02:18
Xsss4hellrockenrola1, he streams to me and is surfing and photoshopping very fluid02:18
smeeXsss4hell: but he is using windows02:19
LostFaythWhile building a kernel (from git, following instructions from https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel/Compile) I got this: http://pastebin.com/d7848ddd1 Any ideas?02:19
Xsss4hellsmee, yes I want something like this for linux http://www.fakewebcam.com02:19
smeeXsss4hell: so you see his situation can not be used as a guidline for yours02:19
filsufdoes anybody know that Obama uses Ubuntu?02:20
DARKGuyhey guys, is there any way to control mpd through audacious ?02:20
filsufMcCain is computer illiterate ... Bush uses Mac, Clinton too02:20
filsufObama uses Ubuntu?02:20
smeeXsss4hell: ok i just googled for "stream desktop via vlc" and got this : http://schiralli.wordpress.com/2008/02/05/stream-your-desktop-as-a-video-using-vlc-maclinuxwindows/02:20
=== sCOTTo_ is now known as sCOTTo
ani1Hey all, I am having a problem with my sound. After reboots it stops working correctly i have purged the alsa installs and restarted alsa-utils. The only thing that will produce sound, and only in 1 ear, is to `sudo /sbin/alsa force-reload` but if i modify the volume sound stops working. This isn't a hardware issue since it worked before the reboot... My ALSA output is found here http://pastebin.ca/108020502:20
Xsss4hellsmee, obviously yes ;) but it should be possible maybe it is out there and we don't know the name of the app02:21
Ultraputzyeah, so he doesn't need an MS Office license to write press releases about his capitulation to the right and the militarism. yay ubuntu?02:21
Windsurfer619DARKGuy: I highly doubt it's possible.02:21
Ultraputz"check out! charles manson uses fedora!" :-)02:21
DARKGuyWindsurfer619: there's not a plugin? :(02:22
Xsss4helltoo complex http://allonlinux.free.fr/Projets/AVLD/02:22
Xsss4hellbut it does it02:22
djs Hey guys, the first meeting of #southeastlinuxfest has just started, if you want to come, you are most warmly welcome.02:22
smeeXsss4hell: the other issue is that no IM in linux will stream video02:23
Ultraputzsoutheast what?02:23
djsThink SUPERLUG02:23
Xsss4hellsmee, amsn does!02:23
Xsss4hellX.Org X server -- void input driver02:23
rockenrola1Xsss4hell: what is your ultimate goal?02:23
Ultraputzsoutheast antarctica? southeast ukraine?02:23
kitchedjs: please go to #ubuntu-offtopic to say that02:24
metalpreshow do you get hardware video decoding working in ubuntu?  when using both vlc and mplayer I use the same cpu% playing a video using XVideo, X11, and OpenGL (in mplayer) since opengl wont work at all in vlc02:24
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!02:24
Xsss4hellrockenrola1, to show him my desktop and the project I'm working on with him02:24
metalpresi have the latest nvidia drivers installed and working02:24
Xsss4hellrockenrola1, like vnc but over a webcam session in msn02:24
Scunizianyone know how to enable usb support in virtualbox?  #vbox is dead right now.02:24
Guest29957any interesting irc servers02:25
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rockenrola1Xsss4hell: ok. but why not vnc then? it will do the trick02:25
Xsss4hellrockenrola1, but he need vnc also right?02:25
kdb424Can someone help me? I have a tripple boot system, windows XP, Mac and Ubuntnu, and want to access my music files in Ubuntu. Any ideas?02:25
smeeXsss4hell: if you run vlc screen:// you get what you want02:26
SebNaitsabeskdb424: on  an Apple Mac?02:26
smeeyou then need to redirect vlc output to amsn02:26
rockenrola1Xsss4hell: yes. I see your problem now02:26
tech0007kdb424: where's ur music stored?02:26
DeltsHi all, I was wondering how to build a custom keymap.  Anyone able to help me?02:26
kdb424SebNaitsabes : Yea. I'm official02:26
Guest29957any interesting irc servers02:26
kdb424My music folder in my username's folder02:26
tech0007kdb424: i mean in what partition? ubuntu, mac or xp?02:27
kdb424ohhh. mac02:27
Scunizihow do I enable sharing of folders/directories?02:27
SebNaitsabeskdb424:  how did you get Windows on there boot camp?02:27
Guest29957any interesting irc servers02:27
kdb424When I am in ubuntnu, it won't allow access02:27
SebNaitsabeskdb424: is Windows on a NTFS partition?02:27
tech0007kdb424: 'sudo fdisk -l' and paste the output in paste.ubuntu.com02:27
kdb424SebNaitsabes : Boot camp02:27
bonhoffertrying to decide between freenas and ubuntu for my new file server -- any recommendations either way02:27
overlordpuppyHelp! X( This is the 3rd day in a row I came on here to fix the same problem02:28
kdb424Windows is on Fat 3202:28
Xsss4hellrockenrola1, it is a very simple idea. LOOPBACk from screen to another virtual v4l2 device02:28
bonhofferit looks like freenas might do what i need, but i am not sure about using it as a print server02:28
bonhofferand if i use ubuntu i am not sure if i can do software raid02:28
bonhofferstill confused about how software raid works02:28
kdb424I'm in mac now, Will it still work?02:28
SebNaitsabeskdb424: well on PC's anyway with Ubuntu Hardy Heron.  there is a built in driver for Windows that is on a NTFS.  and  files can as a result easily be moved/copyed into Ubuntu02:28
tech0007bonhoffer: there's lots of soft raid howto's out there02:28
ZoemHi, is there a way to see which process originated a network packet?02:29
bonhoffertech0007, sure, i've been poking at them02:29
SebNaitsabeskdb424: bootcamp hummm do you know about Mac virtualmachine software?02:29
bonhoffercan ubuntu do that?02:29
kdb424I want them to remain where they are, because I can access all mac files, except my username protects them from accessing them02:29
bonhoffersomeone told me i can do different hard-drive sizes on freenas -- with software raid02:29
tech0007kdb424: do u see the xp partition under Places menu?02:29
bonhofferthat doesn't make sense02:29
kdb424SebNaitsabes : Yea, I prefer trippleboot because I can still use them as virtual machines too02:29
Xsss4hellso I redefine the question02:29
bonhofferi guess the drobo does something like that02:29
kdb424Yea. I see the linux and XP02:30
SebNaitsabeskdb424: oh right using a psyical install as a VM?02:30
kdb424SebNaitsabes : yep02:30
smeeXsss4hell: look to see if amsn accepts video in via a pipe command02:30
Xsss4hellHowto loopback the Xservers output to a virtual device02:30
=== astro76 is now known as jtaji
smeeXsss4hell: vlc screen:// --stdout = <amsn pipe in >02:30
tech0007kdb424: you cant access your music when you're in ubuntu?02:31
Xsss4hellsmee it doesn't02:31
kdb424tech0007 : I can see and use all files on every partition in mac and lunix02:31
bonhoffertech0007, not sure if this is the best room for freenas /software raid discussions, any recommendations where i can go?02:31
tmapjhey could someone please explain to me how to get your microphone working in ubuntu?02:31
smeeXsss4hell: then  you need to setup a virtual vidoe device that amsn can see02:31
jimcooncatsupports no commandline options. Everything is done via the GUI.02:31
kdb424No. It's protected. I can see everything but what's in the username folders02:31
kdb424tmapj : Depends on the system02:32
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tmapjkdb424, what do you mean the "system"02:32
tech0007bonhoffer: try #freenas02:32
smeeXsss4hell: once you got that , then you use : vlc screen:// --stdout <virtual video device>02:32
bonhoffertech0007, yeah -- it is dead02:32
anteayai am trying to get skype working in hardy with an usb Edirol UA-25 sound card.  I found skype_dsp_hijacker and am not sure if that is the correct direction, I havn't had any success so far.  Any takers?02:32
tech0007kdb424: so waht do u want to do?02:32
kdb424tmapj : Hardware02:32
tmapjyou mean my microphone?02:32
smallfrywhat is a program that you can use to uncompress .rars?02:32
kdb424tech0007 : I want to leave the music where it is, but be able to play it in ubuntnu also02:32
tech0007smallfry: file-roller in ubuntu02:33
moshe_smallfry,try unrar.it's in the snaptic package manager02:33
SebNaitsabessmallfry:  or 7zip  in the command line or the GUI one under Wine02:33
kdb424tmapj : That and the computer, which I guess determines the mic. My drivers are different than yours, but I had to install some02:33
tech0007kdb424: i use rhythmbox in my dualboot box, my music is in ntfs xp02:33
ZoemI am watching network traffic on wireshark, and see a lot of dns requests originating from my computer to an IP address it can't reach, for locations I've never heard of. Any ideas how to track down what is causing this?02:33
R0b0t1I've just tried to run a windows game, and it tried to go fullscreen and now my screensize is stuck at 800x600 on a 19200x1600 monitor. How can I change it back? Theres no way to access the normal menu, for some reason its overlapped with other stuff and all.02:34
tmapjkdb424,  how do i determine what drivers i need to install and where do i find them02:34
lifebug<tmapj>: rightclick on your volume applet in the bar - or use alsamixer in a shell & try to mute/unmute the mic with key "m"02:34
kdb424tech0007 : I am trying to use rythembox too, but because of me using itunes and an ipod with mac, I don't want to change the location02:34
Mr_Giraffeoh, speaking of sound, it seems that some system update killed sound on my computer02:34
Xsss4hellI found something02:34
Xsss4hellbut need help to understand the package02:34
Mr_Giraffei'm running a vanilla hp tx2000 on 8.04, my system is fully updated, and the sound works on vista02:34
Mr_Giraffeso it's not a hardware problem, but a driver problem02:34
AranelIs using "sudo apt-get autoremove" secure ? Its trying to remove lot of things :)02:35
kdb424tmapj : Sorry to say it, but the only way I can think of it is to look up your computer specs, or maybe try a generic driver. I have a Mac, so drivers are easy to find, because there are so few different types of macs02:35
tech0007kdb424: my music stays in xp, i just changed the folder monitored by rhythmbox02:35
tmapjlifebug how do you run alsa mixer02:35
ZoemI am watching network traffic on wireshark, and see a lot of dns requests originating from my computer to an IP address it can't reach, for locations I've never heard of. Any ideas how to track down what is causing this?02:35
anteayaZoem, i found this link to be an interesting read: http://blog.gnist.org/article.php?story=HollidayCracking02:35
rockenrola1Aranel: yes. I use it all the time02:35
Xsss4hellcan somebody tell me if this can create a virtual device that can stream my desktop ? xserver-xephyr in combination with xoo02:35
Zoemanteaya thanks I'll have a look02:35
Xsss4hellxserver-xephyr & xoo02:35
tech0007Aranel: autoremove is like cleaning up unneeded packges, its safe02:35
kdb424Yea I get that. My mac partition is the big one though. Windows is too small to be used for holding that kind of stuff02:35
anteayaZoem, HTH02:35
Aranelok thanks :)02:35
Kernelhello all. i have a old laptop with a broken cdrom drive and i want to install kubuntu. the only way i can think of is using a usb pendrive to install it..but i have not been sucsessfull02:36
Aranelbut Isnt gnome-bin , xserver-xorg-video-amd etc. packages neccesary ?02:36
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evonhow to I build flash from source?02:36
kdb424tech0007 : Do you know how to make the files in the userfolder be able to use with ubuntnu?02:36
jimcooncatKernel: you have internet connectivity?02:36
evonI have no idea02:36
ubottuIf you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP302:36
Kerneljimcooncat: its only got wireless....02:36
evoni've downloaded the tar file already and unzipped02:36
tech0007kdb424: userfolder is in which OS?02:36
evonjust don' know what to do from there02:37
kdb424tech0007 : mac02:37
captain_Can anyone point me in the direction to lear how to Auto Mount my second hard drive and not have an icon on my desktop02:37
kdb424mine is /userskylebrown/02:37
=== adam_ is now known as Guest15386
ubottuUbuntu can be installed in a lot of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall. Don't want to use a CD? Try http://tinyurl.com/3exghs - See also !automate02:37
kindofabuzzevon, just copy the new libflashplayer.so to  /usr/lib/flashplugin-nonfree02:38
kdb424It keeps other users from going through my files like windows does with my doccuments, my music, ect02:38
tech0007kdb424: paste the output of 'sudo fdisk -l' in paste.ubuntu.com, we need to mount it02:38
kdb424I'm in mac...02:38
kindofabuzzevon, that's if you've installed the one from repos already02:38
kdb424and all of the drives are mounted02:38
lifebug<tmapj>: try "sudo apt-get install alsa-utils" and start with "alsamixer" in shell02:38
tech0007Aranel: im using gnome (ubuntu) and i dont have gnome-bin installed02:38
kdb424and they mount fine in ubuntnu too.02:38
tmapjlifebug: thanks02:38
Mr_Giraffeseems to be an alsa bug02:38
Mr_Giraffewas there a recent alsa update in ubuntu?02:38
Mr_Girafferecent meaning within the last couple days02:38
Araneltech0007: :P Im using kubuntu and i have it. it can be really old package :/02:38
kdb424tech0007 : It says I do not have permission to access the files02:39
kindofabuzzevon,  sudo cp /whereverflash10is/libflashplayer.so /usr/lib/flashplugin-nonfree02:39
kdb424and I can't change them in ubuntu02:39
tech0007Aranel: yup, autoremove is safe (most of the time)02:39
Xsss4hellI FOUND IT02:39
jimcooncatKernel: this may help: http://www.debuntu.org/book/export/html/16002:39
rockenrola1captain_: check this out http://www.howtogeek.com/howto/ubuntu/hide-removable-drive-icons-from-your-ubuntu-desktop/02:39
Xsss4helldie you who don't believe02:39
Araneltech0007: ok, did autoremove now, thanks :) ("most of the time"  is scary too :)02:39
captain_rockenrola1 thank you02:40
djlenoirHello all! I am having a problem trying to get SlingPlayer installed in WINE 1.0 using this guide -- http://www.cyberpunkcafe.com/page.php?7402:40
Xsss4hellrockenrola1, http://www.makesweet.com/webcam/ucanvcam/02:40
rockenrola1Xsss4hell: good02:40
lifebug<tmapj>: you can navigate to the single in/outputs. use "m" to mute/unmute and try the tab-key02:40
evoni need to build it from source because i have an AMD6402:41
evonflash movies work so far but not games02:41
tmapjlifebug: i found it, thank you02:41
smeeXsss4hell: does that actually take your screen ? or what?02:41
tmapjlifebug what does your name mean02:41
smeeXsss4hell: website doesnt seem clear on this02:41
Xsss4hellsmee, EXACTLY what I need02:41
Kernelhmm ok thanks jimcooncat02:41
tech0007kdb424: is your mac mounted as hfsplus filesystem?02:41
Xsss4hellsmee, I will install and report02:41
Xsss4hellI hope it works02:42
kdb424tech0007 : yep it is, Journaled02:42
c0deb1uebeatrix is a windows user tell her y she should switch02:42
djlenoirWhen I launch wine /home/user/.wine/drive_c/Program\ Files/Sling\ Media/SlingPlayer/SlingPlayer.exe I get these errors:02:42
djlenoirwine: Call from 0x7b844b20 to unimplemented function gdiplus.dll.GdipCreateTexture, aborting wine: Call from 0x7b844b20 to unimplemented function gdiplus.dll.GdipCreateTextureIAI, aborting02:43
lifebugtmapj: nothing in special - just a little world pain ;-)02:43
xtremejuiceim trying to tie two commands together so that i can manage a file that keeps getting downloaded, is there a way to set that up in a script or something02:44
ubuntu_when i try to install kubuntu it doesn shows me the partitions i have made but only shows one partition .. that is the hardisk. now i used qtparted and it gave the following msg. whats wrong any help? ubuntu@ubuntu:~$ sudo qtparted02:44
ubuntu_Error: Can't have overlapping partitions.02:44
evonkindofabuzz:  i need to build it from source because i have an AMD6402:44
bonhofferit is possible to ssh to my ubuntu box over port 443 -- my work has things locked down -- as in all non-web ports -- but i would like to get my files at work02:45
Zoemanteaya that doesn't look quite like what I am seeing. Fun read though ^_^02:46
ZoemI am watching network traffic on wireshark, and see a lot of dns requests originating from my computer to an IP address it can't reach, for locations I've never heard of. Any ideas how to track down what is causing this?02:46
kindofabuzzevon, then you build it just like you'd build anything else, when in doubt, read the README or INSTALL, should be in with the source02:46
ubuntu_when i try to install kubuntu it doesn shows me the partitions i have made but only shows one partition .. that is the hardisk. now i used qtparted and it gave the following msg. whats wrong any help? ubuntu@ubuntu:~$ sudo qtparted    Error: Can't have overlapping partitions.02:46
kdb424tech0007 :  can access most of the mac files. Just not the "Users" files02:46
evonkindofabuzz: i've looked for those files and couldn't find them02:47
kindofabuzzevon, should be in the same folder of the source, did you unpack the source yet?02:47
evonkindofabuzz: i'm very new to linux so i still don't know how to build anything from source02:47
evonkindofabuzz: yes i unpacked it02:48
kindofabuzzevon, send me the link to what you d/l'd02:48
tech0007kdb424: check this https://answers.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnome-terminal/+question/1318802:48
kdb424tech0007 : Checking02:48
evonkindofabuzz: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/flashplugin-nonfree/
troythetechguy I think I found a solution that will allow me to run 8.10.  The VESA video driver appears to work great, but how do I remove the "nv" driver that is installed by default, and install the Vesa driver?02:49
kdb424tech0007 : How do I know what number to put in? Is it always the same?02:50
rafaelscjZoem, is there any "suspicious" running app?02:50
komputeshey everyone, in Hardy, I seem to be sharing a print$ share that I did not set up, does anyone know anything about this? I did not set up any shares or printers on this computer.02:50
Zoemtroythetechguy edit your /etc/X11/xorg.conf file to say Driver "vesa" under the device section02:50
vilemaximtroythetechguy:  sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg02:50
Zoemrafaelscj no, everything looked pretty normal. lots of dups of winbindd, apache2, and samba, though02:50
san_zzztroythetechguy, just edit your /etc/X11/xorg.conf find nv and replace vesa02:50
vilemaximtroythetechguy: I think02:51
djlenoirThe better half needs me... ignore my SlingPlayer question for now please. I will be back later. :P02:51
vilemaximsan_zzz: don't that get overwritten when he upgrades?02:51
Mr_Bad_Newshow do i make awn start up when my window manager loads02:51
tech0007kdb424: check the UID by doing 'ls -lh /directory/path'02:51
kushal_12_27_200hello, I have Ubuntu 8.04 on Wubi on a Toshiba Satellite M55-S135. I have several applications (DeVeDe, Rhythmbox, Update manager, and File manager) open. It seems the computer has frozen up. is there a way [without a hard reboot] to quit all applications except for update manager? thanks02:52
kdb424command not found. Then again, I'm in mac. Can I do that in mac?02:52
troythetechguyThanks all, I'll give it a try!02:52
tech0007kdb424: nope do that in ubuntu02:52
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vilemaximkushal_12_27_200:  can you drop to a terminal  alt + control + F102:53
kdb424I'm never going to get this...02:53
lifebug<Mr_Bad_News>: system / preferences/ session - add "avant-window-navigator" to the startup-files02:53
rafaelscjkushal_12_27_200, xkill02:53
GibbsterI have some weird things going on with my hard drives. So I just installed ubuntu server on an old machine with 1 ide drive, plus 2 sata drives on a promise sata card. Installed ok, but when I rebooted afterwards, it wouldn't boot until I changed the boot type to 'scsi', even though I installed on the ide drive. weird. when I look at mount, the ide drive is described as /dev/sdc. Now I set up raid using the two sata drives (sda and sdb), everything work02:53
kushal_12_27_200no, vilemaxim I seem stuck02:53
uriel_i need help changing my user interface  i know i can do this with a built in customizer but ive seen it done, well better does any1 know where and how i can get a better interface manager?02:53
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vilemaximkushal_12_27_200: if nothing works then no... Control + alt + backspace might restart X, though it's not what you want02:54
ZoemAm I supposed to have 6 instances of getty?02:54
rafaelscjkushal_12_27_200, press Alt+F2, type "xkill"02:54
Xsss4hellsmee, http://ucanvcam.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/doc/linux_tips.html02:54
Mr_Bad_Newswhat does AT stand for lifebug "visual" start the prefered at?02:54
vilemaximkushal_12_27_200: you could see if you could ssh into the machine02:54
vilemaximfrom another02:54
GibbsterOr failing that, at least some words of sympathy ;-)02:55
kushal_12_27_200alt + f2 still does nothing. trying ctrl + alt + backspace ...02:55
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vilemaximkushal_12_27_200: that will restart X... which will kill all apps02:55
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kushal_12_27_200vilemaxim, even that is not working ...02:55
vilemaximkushal_12_27_200: not exactily what you were asking for.02:55
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vilemaximkushal_12_27_200: ssh?02:56
kushal_12_27_200have not tried ssh yet02:56
vilemaximkushal_12_27_200: if that doesn't work... you willl have to hard shutdown... sorry02:56
Zoemrafaelscj my ps -A: http://pastebin.com/m4af2fe5f02:56
tyler_d1errors updating ubuntu -- ran dpkg -configure -a and now its frozen at Generating locales - en_AU.UTF-8...02:57
ubuntu_when i try to install kubuntu it doesn shows me the partitions i have made but only shows one partition .. that is the hardisk. now i used qtparted and it gave the following msg. whats wrong any help? ubuntu@ubuntu:~$ sudo qtparted    Error: Can't have overlapping partitions.02:57
captain_rockenrola1 thanks for the link how to remove icons, do you any resources for automounting my second HD at boot?02:58
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kushal_12_27_200how can I find out what to put in the ip address in ssh username@ipaddress ?02:58
vilemaximubuntu_: I'd try deleting the partion and recreating them.  Sometimes rebooting after messing with the partitions helps02:59
Zoemkushal_12_27_200 to connect to yourself?02:59
uriel_kn thanks for nothing02:59
uriel_jk i know u guys r busy02:59
tech0007kushal_12_27_200: that's the ip of the machine u want to connect to02:59
vilemaximkushal_12_27_200: if you have access to the dhcp server you could look there02:59
evonkindofabuzz: anything yet?02:59
kushal_12_27_200well, i am on a macbook now but it is the ubuntu machine that is frozen02:59
evonkindofabuzz: thanks for the help by the way https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/flashplugin-nonfree/
rockenrola1captain_: do you know your way around the fstab file ?02:59
ubuntu_vilemaxim:  i have data in them02:59
GibbsterIs there any reason that having the sata drives in the system would make ubuntu think the ide drive is a scsi drive?02:59
vilemaximkushal_12_27_200: a lot of the router's web interfaces can show you the dhcp client leases03:00
holyguyverI recently updated my software trough synaptic & there was an update to the nividia stuff & now although the screen resalution on my desktop is alright, my log in screen is very messed up showing me only the upper left hand corner of it, the rest of the log in manager being far too big for my screen & being far beyond the edge of it. could someone please help me?03:00
Zoemkushal_12_27_200 your IP adress is
lifebug<Mr_Bad_News>: sry!? you just have to put the program to the files named under "startup-programs" in your session-preferences.03:00
kdb424I'm off to ubuntu. I'll be back03:00
pan03243how do i get firefox32bit to work on 64bit ubuntu?03:00
captain_rockenrola1 nope, does this look like a solid tutorial? http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=802699&highlight=automount03:00
GibbsterHaving my system unbootable as soon as a drive fails would kind of defeat the point of raid03:00
Zoemkushal_12_27_200 greetings from lakewood ^_^03:00
ubuntu_vilemaxim:  i have data in them. i will get deleted if i recreated them03:00
captain_rockenrola1 just trying to be cautious03:00
Mr_Bad_Newsi already added that lifebug does it matter?03:00
kushal_12_27_200connection refused03:00
ZoemI am watching network traffic on wireshark, and see a lot of dns requests originating from my computer to an IP address it can't reach, for locations I've never heard of. Any ideas how to track down what is causing this?03:01
craigbass1976I'm booted to a livecd on a busted windows box.  Is there ANY way to import the IE bookmarks into the livecd mozilla so that I can then dump them out and restore once I've reinstalled windows?03:01
vilemaximubuntu_:  you were installing ubuntu on a partition you have data on?03:01
vilemaximkushal_12_27_200: did you have ssh installed?03:01
craigbass1976Right now windows partition in is /mnt03:01
holyguyverHow do I resize my login manager?03:01
Zoemkushal_12_27_200 is there an ssh server on the computer you are trying to connect to?03:01
kushal_12_27_200no, vilemaxim, I guess I will have to hard boot.03:01
rockenrola1captain_: always backup before experimenting and you are safe. Worst case scenario use a livecd to restore any files03:01
vilemaximkushal_12_27_200: sorry03:01
kushal_12_27_200thanks a lot for helping03:01
ubuntu_vilemaxim:  i have other partitions on a hd. and i want to install ubuntu on one of them. but the installed or g/qtparted isnot showing any partitions. just the hd.03:02
rockenrola1captain_: yah, you can follow that tutorial03:02
lifebugMr_Bad_News: hmm - then it starts 2 times, when your window-manager starts03:02
vilemaximkushal_12_27_200: no problem... linux gives you more options when you are having these kinds of problems, but there is no magic bullet03:02
captain_rockenrola1 thank you03:02
rafaelscjZoem, if your computer is resquesting, look at /etc/resolv.conf03:02
rockenrola1captain_: what filesystem is your second hardrive ?03:03
vilemaximubuntu_: hmmmm.... sounds like the partition table got messed up.  I would test the harddrive first03:03
Mr_Bad_Newsi didnt add it to xsession lifebug does that matter?03:03
Mr_Bad_Newswhy would it load twice03:03
captain_rockenrola1 it is NTFS03:03
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about resize03:03
kushal_12_27_200I understand, vilemaxim. I am now booting into Windows before rebooting to go back to ubuntu.03:03
ubuntu_vilemaxim:  how03:03
holyguyver!login manager03:03
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about login manager03:03
lifebug<Mr_Bad_News>: no03:03
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about xkill03:04
ubuntu_vilemaxim:  fdisk -l is show partions good.03:04
ubottuHi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://tinyurl.com/5zfb6t - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots03:04
ubuntu_vilemaxim:  how would you check the hd03:04
Zoemrafaelscj /etc/resolve.conf lists the DNS servers my ISP provides me. The requests are going to I am not on a local network03:04
vilemaximubuntu_: I use UBCD http://www.ultimatebootcd.com/ ... Seagate puts out a harddrive diagnostic tool03:04
ubuntu_vilemaxim:  and ya. when runing windows. it got held 2 times.03:04
ubuntu_vilemaxim:  held = no keyboard mouxe usage.03:04
Zoem!login-manager | holyguyver03:04
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about login-manager03:04
Gibbsterhmm... no drive geeks arounnd?03:05
ubottuPlease investigate with me only in /msg or in #ubuntu-bots (type also /msg ubottu Bot). Don't use commands in the public channels if you don't know if they really exist. Also avoid adding joke/useless factoids.03:05
vilemaximubuntu_: hmmm... I might not be able to help you.  I don't believe I ever ran into that situation.... And I work as a repair shop that uses linux a lot.03:06
holyguyverPici how do I resize the login manager?03:06
Piciholyguyver: I dont know, sorry.03:06
chuckhi, when i tried to upgrade my server with apt-get upgrade, it said all the packages under "the following packages have been kept back" how do i upgrade them03:06
vilemaximubuntu_: I would still test the drive03:06
Picichuck: apt-get dist-upgrade03:06
tech0007chuck: sudo apt-get dist-upgrade03:06
holyguyverPici, well we was trying to pick ubottu's brain about it, be ubotu doesn't seem to know either.03:06
Zoemholyguyver System->Administration->Login Window03:07
tech0007how can i get file-roller to support 7z archives?03:07
ubuntu_vilemaxim:  which tool do you sue again?03:07
Zoemholyguyver just didn't know the package name :\03:07
chuckthank you Pici and tech000703:07
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vilemaximubuntu_:  http://www.ultimatebootcd.com/03:07
chuckk i'm downloading the kernel at like 3620B/s lol03:07
Pici!away > MISI`afk03:07
ubottuMISI`afk, please see my private message03:07
lifebug.<Mr_Bad_News>: i hope i understand you in the right way. you can start your window-manager from console by making a file ".xinitrc" with your wm in it (gnome-wm, fvwm2 for instance)03:07
smeetech0007: sudo apt-cache search 7zip03:07
holyguyverZoem, where in that can I resize the resalution for it?03:08
tech0007smee: 7zip or p7zip?03:08
holyguyverseperate from my system rez03:08
Mr_Bad_Newslifebug, i want avant to start when gnome loads03:08
vilemaximubuntu_:  and  http://www.seagate.com/www/en-us/support/downloads/seatools/03:08
Mr_Bad_Newsand conky03:08
hydroponicWhat are the correct permissions for /home/ directories? I don't want other users on the system to be able to see and copy my files03:08
rafaelscjZoem, check your ip settings, with "ifconfig", it is like a gateway's ip03:08
smeetech0007: it shows me only p7zip03:09
FF|h0lusi have one problem :P I have installed Windows and Ubuntu03:09
lifebug<Mr_Bad_News>: yes - ok. than you don't hab03:09
hydroponicMr_Bad_News: Go to System -> Preferences -> Sessions03:09
FF|h0lusIn windows i have Wireless and normally connecting03:09
Gibbsterhydroponic: 600 would work03:09
Zoemholyguyver resolution is set with with the X server, so, change the resolution of your X and it will take the login window with it03:09
hydroponicGibbster: I still want my public_html to work, would it?03:09
ubuntu_vilemaxim:  thx03:09
tech0007smee: i installed p7zip, but it's not extracting an archive i got from torrent03:09
FF|h0lusIn ubuntu i have wireless but I can't connect03:09
lifebug<Mr_Bad_News>: yes - ok. than you don't have to handle the xsession. just add it to startup-progs in sessions03:09
Mr_Bad_Newsis there a way to get nautilus permission preferences like they were in dapper with the check boxes instead of the pull down menus03:10
holyguyverZoem, but my resalution is fine, only on my loginwindow it is different then the rest of my system.03:10
vilemaximGibbster: huh? hydroponic that will not work03:10
smeetech0007: your in gnome?03:10
Mr_Bad_Newsthe menus dont have all the options03:10
Gibbsterhm... probably not03:10
tech0007smee: yup03:10
craigbass1976I'm booted to a livecd on a busted windows box.  Is there ANY way to import the IE bookmarks into the livecd mozilla so that I can then dump them out and restore once I've reinstalled windows?03:10
hydroponicvilemaxim: Any way around that?03:10
smeetech0007: can you try right clicking on the file and using extract?03:10
Zoemrafaelscj I have no gateway, nat, or other device that would use a 192 block address. I have an IP direct from my ISP, with their gateway03:10
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vilemaximhydroponic: Gibbster: oh sorry... I miss read what he was sasking for.  you are right03:11
tech0007smee: "Unsupported Method" Sub items Errors: 103:11
Zoemholyguyver hmmm... I believe there are setting for the login window appearance *in* the login window... but you would need to login again to check. so, maybe thats a long shot03:11
snmpeeWhat is the package for galga??03:11
smeetech0007: and double clicking it opens fileroller?03:11
ColOfNatureokay, so: if i plug in the ide drive which has ubuntu installed, then if i chose my sata drive from the bios boot menu grub loads but returns error 17 if i try to load ubuntu, or err 13 if i choose windows. if, on the other hand, i chose the ide drive with ubuntu installed from the boot menu i don't get grub, i just get "Missing operating system". I've unplugged the ubuntu drive, and win is...03:11
ColOfNature...working fine (or as fine as it usually does). Anyone have any ideas?03:11
FF|h0lusWhy ubuntu can't connect to my internet03:11
tech0007smee: yup, it shows me the contents of the archive, i cant just extract it03:11
vilemaximhydroponic: use chmod -r 0600 /home/username03:12
FF|h0lusWindows connecting without problems03:12
hydroponicvilemaxim, Gibbster: OK thanks03:12
xtrxfrcraigbass1976: I don't think you can get the file to the livecd, but if you have an internet connection, you can email and attached those files to yourself.03:12
holyguyverZoem I cannot mess with my login settings from within the window for the resalution is so badly off that I cannot see anything when I am in my loginwindow.03:12
vilemaximFF|h0lus: ifconfig will tell if you have an ip address03:12
GibbsterSo... any takers on why an ide drive would pretend to be a scsi drive?03:12
ace_suaresGibbster: i think most sata drives do that03:13
gam3r111i neeeeed help03:13
gam3r111rlly bad03:13
holyguyverGibbster, maybe for fun, maybe it thin's it is at a masquerade.03:13
craigbass1976xtrxfr, well, I've got the favorites folder; just have to copy that and hope for the best.  If he was running Ubuntu, this wouldn't have happened.  :P03:13
vilemaximFF|h0lus: that needs to be run in a terminal if you are a new03:13
tyler_d1errors updating ubuntu -- ran dpkg -configure -a and now its frozen at Generating locales - en_AU.UTF-8...03:13
smeetech0007: one sec03:13
vilemaximtyler_d1: frozen?03:14
xtrxfrthere you go :)03:14
thefoolanyone here know much about pulseaudio?03:14
thefoolit is the default in hardy yet I can't actually "use" it as it was meant to be used, I can't figure out how to control individual applications volumes etc. and pavucontrol (the program that does that) seg faults after installing via apt-get03:14
ace_suaresgam3r111: help with what03:14
tyler_d1vilemaxim: stuck frozen - not processing03:14
Gibbsterace_suares: it's a pata. holyguyver: but there's no chamber music...03:14
vilemaximtyler_d1: kill it and see if you have enough disk space  df -h03:14
FF|h0lusvilemaxim ye I write to terminal this03:14
ace_suaresGibbster: maybe your bios emulates pata trough sata ??03:14
FF|h0lusand what is the next step ? ; p03:14
tyler_d1vilemaxim: I did and there is03:14
Gibbsterace_suares: I doubt it... it's a really old system (and bios)03:15
Gibbsterace_suares:think 200003:15
gam3r111i have vista and ubuntu dual booted on a computer and i wasusing bcd in windows to let the vista loader be incharge instead of grub and i cant boot back into ubuntu03:15
tyler_d1vilemaxim: just prior to this there is a message relating to firefox 3.0 - dependency problems - leaving unconigured03:15
tyler_d1vilemaxim: unconfigured03:15
ColOfNatureanyone know how to stop grub from running unless i boot to the drive it is installed on?03:15
holyguyverGibbster 2000 is not old, until this year I was running on a 1998.03:15
Gibbsterace_suares: I do have another sata drive using a sata card, but that's for a different set of drives03:16
ace_suaresGibbster: well then I dont see how an ide drive can become a scsi drive... you mean /dev/sda or something ?03:16
vilemaximtyler_d1: hmmm.. the next think I would do is start modifing the post and pre install scripts to see how far they are getting... but I would be afraid to direct you to do that.03:16
ace_suaresgam3r111: i have no clue about MS products, including the boot laoder.03:16
gam3r111i have vista and ubuntu dual booted on a computer and i wasusing bcd in windows to let the vista loader be incharge instead of grub and i cant boot back into ubuntu03:16
Gibbsterace_suares: I have three drives: a pata drive sdc, and two sata drives running off a sata card: sda and sdb03:16
tyler_d1vilemaxim: care to give me a hint as the system is unusable in teh current state03:16
gam3r111well can someone help me03:17
chh111i got a critical problem trying to upgrade from 8.04.1 to 8.10,can any one help me?03:17
ace_suaresGibbster: well if your pata is connected to the normal ide0 , then it should be /dev/hda03:17
Gibbsterace_suares: the trouble is when I disconnect either of the sata drives, my system doesn't boot03:17
vilemaximtyler_d1: but if you are up for the adventure the scripts are in /var/lib/dpkg/info03:17
Gibbsterace_suares: yeah, that's what I thought03:17
IdleOnechh111, #ubuntu+103:17
tyler_d1vilemaxim: always up for an adventure03:17
ace_suaresGibbster: it's your bios that does that.03:17
vilemaximtyler_d1: I just put echo "here"03:17
gam3r111i have vista and ubuntu dual booted on a computer and i wasusing bcd in windows to let the vista loader be incharge instead of grub and i cant boot back into ubuntu03:17
gam3r111i have vista and ubuntu dual booted on a computer and i wasusing bcd in windows to let the vista loader be incharge instead of grub and i cant boot back into ubuntu03:17
gam3r111i have vista and ubuntu dual booted on a computer and i wasusing bcd in windows to let the vista loader be incharge instead of grub and i cant boot back into ubuntu03:17
FloodBot1gam3r111: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.03:17
Zoemholyguyver hmmm, I think also the startup manager might have something to help you. its in the Add/Remove Programs03:17
vilemaximtyler_d1: you understand bash scripts03:17
smeetech0007: did you "sudo apt-get install 7zip"  or  "sudo apt-get install 7zip-full"03:17
yclianHi guys, I am upgrading one of my server from Gutsy to Hardy, but it seems that the locale is screwed. Am seeing "perl: warning: Setting locale failed." whenever a package is installed.03:18
gam3r111i have vista and ubuntu dual booted on a computer and i wasusing bcd in windows to let the vista loader be incharge instead of grub and i cant boot back into ubuntu03:18
ace_suaresGibbster normally, ide0 goes before the sata drives... and in the bios, in boot order, you must be able to set it03:18
yclianThing thing is hanging there btw: Setting up locales (2.7.9-4) ... Generating locales...   en_AU.UTF-8...03:18
tech0007smee: apt-get install p7zip03:18
tyler_d1vilemaxim: somewhat03:18
smeetech0007: also, is the 7zip a multipart?03:18
Gibbsterace_suares: yeah... that's another thing. I installed on the ide drive, but it wouldn't boot until I set the boot sequence to scsi03:18
troythetechguy_ System/prefrences/screen resolution states my refresh rate is 76 Hz, but my on screen display for my monitor says it's 60 Hz.  Which one is probably correct?03:18
tech0007smee: just 1 file, it has an iso inside it03:19
Gibbsterace_suares: this was before the sata drives were even formatted03:19
uriel_customizing my user interface03:19
Gibbsterace_suares: or partitioned, for that matter03:19
chuckwow why is the kernel downloading at 33kB/s >_>03:19
IdleOneit seems that my browser has been hi-jacked. I have some porn site comming up on firefox startup. anybody seen this happen lately?03:19
uriel_i need help with costomixing my user interface03:19
CarlFKwhere can I import slugify from so I can use it in a view ?03:19
vilemaximtyler_d1: if you messed with them at all you should be able to find the line that it is sticking at.  That might explain what is happening.  Once you find the line you can run it directily and see the error you get.03:19
ace_suaresGibbster: can't be anything else then your bios. Or maybe the ROM of you sata adapter does this ? Can you disable that rom or set it uo (Ctrl-M ?)03:19
ace_suaresuo up03:19
uriel_anybody know somthin bout that?03:19
FF|h0lusvilemaxim plz check the pm ;)03:19
smeetech0007: to eliminate corrupted archive, download an entirely seperate 7zip file and try using that03:19
tech0007IdleOne: recreate your firefox profile03:19
CarlFKwhoops, this isn't #django...03:19
vilemaximtyler_d1: you might have to manually figure out the vars03:20
ace_suaresuriel_: what do you want to customize..03:20
tech0007smee: ok will do03:20
smeetech0007: preferably a 7zip file  not made with the p7zip program03:20
IdleOnetech0007, my question is more how did this happen ?03:20
GibbsterCarlFX: your python talk ain't welcome here ;-)03:20
ndoguys, ive got trouble. when i run virtualbox, my gnome goes broken. system is still working, but i cant use it.. :(03:20
uriel_i meen like the windows and stuff03:20
uriel_ive seen other people download them03:20
tech0007IdleOne: some pages have scripts on them, i have adblock and noscripts extensions03:21
vilemaximFF|h0lus: You do not have an IP.  Are you connecting through a wire or wireless?03:21
uriel_is there a prgram to use these downloads with or a prosses03:21
Sylphidndo, how much memory do you have?03:21
Gibbsterace_suares: I really don't mind that the drive shows up as sdc. my problem is that when I disconnect another sata drive, I can't boot03:21
Shish_what would cause ubuntu to transfer at usb 1.0 speed on usb 2.0 mem stick? (i'm getting 1.2 Mb/sec in nautilus file transfer dialog) / same usb port on xp transfers at 2.0 speed, please help?03:21
FF|h0lusvilemaxim Wireless03:21
ndoSylphid: 1gig03:21
Gibbsterace_suares: grub hard disk error when I disconnect one drive, and nothing at all when I disconnect another03:21
ndoSylphid: why?03:21
vilemaximFF|h0lus: well.... do you know if your card is supported under ubuntu?03:21
FF|h0lusvilemaxim I don't know ;(03:22
SylphidSylphid, you may not have enough to run 2 systems simultaniously03:22
vilemaximFF|h0lus: lspci03:22
Sylphidndp, you may not have enough to run 2 systems simultaniously03:22
vilemaximFF|h0lus: another terminal command03:22
uriel_ace_suares,did ya get that?03:22
ace_suaresGibbster: but that is also done by your bios03:22
Sylphidndo, you may not have enough to run 2 systems simultaniously03:22
Sylphidman i cant type tonight...03:22
Gibbsterace_suares: what is?03:22
vilemaximFF|h0lus: that will tell you all PCI devices03:22
NDPMacBookI run 3 systems!03:22
vilemaximFF|h0lus: we are looking for the wireless card03:23
ace_suaresuriel_: I dont understand you question. Can you rephrase it ?03:23
ace_suaresGibbster: determining what drive can boot03:23
Sylphidndo, what is your load avg?03:23
HappyHaterhow do I switch between channels in irssi?03:23
vilemaximFF|h0lus: not all cards are supported, but it is much better now that it was a few years ago03:23
ndoSylphid: but what have my ram to do with blacking out gnome? oke i understand if i have not enough ram, i can be slow, but not crashing gnome tough, or is it?03:23
ace_suaresGibbster: oh and there is a whole slew of stuff like 'hd0' in grub which changes if you change drives. hd1 will be hd0 etc.03:23
FF|h0lusvilemaxim In PCI I don't have but in Network Controller: Texas Instruments ACX 100 22Mbps wireless interface03:23
chuckis the ubuntu archive server slow or something03:24
uriel_ace suares, how do i change my desktop interface to look well better ive seen downloads in the gnome website but i dont know how to use them is there a program to use them with or a prosses?03:24
Gibbsterace_suares: yeah, that probably explains the 'Grub Hard disk error', but not the blank screen03:24
FF|h0lusthis is PC not notebook and this is extrenal card03:24
Gibbsterace_suares: only the pata drive is marked as bootable\03:24
smeeuriel_: can you please explain yourself more03:24
vilemaximFF|h0lus: now if I was trying to figure this out on my own, I would drop that in google with the word linux and or ubuntu to see if anyone has gotten that card working.03:25
ace_suaresGibbster: well on what drive you have the grub installed... !?03:25
ace_suaresGibbster: marked as bootable in the partition table ? ha ha only for DOS 6.x important03:25
Gibbsterace_suares: the pata drive.03:25
Sylphidndo, what do you mean by 'blacking out'03:25
tech0007chuck: go to software sources and find the fastest mirror03:25
ace_suaresGibbster:  I have NONE marked as bootable in partition table03:25
Gibbsterace_suares: oh really! I had no idea03:25
chucktech0007: too late now >_> it's already downloading03:25
smeeuriel_: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=203093&highlight=gnome+themes+icons+fonts03:26
ace_suaresGibbster: it's a weird concept having a bootable bit ;-)03:26
uriel_ace suares, ok well how to i use the new interfaces i download i mean interfaces like Crux and Human interfaces i have downloaded packages but i dont know ho to use them03:26
uriel_smee, thanks ill take a look03:26
FF|h0lusvilemaxim ok thx for all I trying tomorrow again but I must go03:26
ndoSylphid: when i start vb, after 5 mins or so, screen gets black, i hear that the system is still doing its things, but i cantt use it because of black screen03:26
vilemaximFF|h0lus: I see someone talking about an experimental driver03:26
ace_suaresuriel_: okay.. follow the link smee sent you :-)03:26
Gibbsterace_suares: my bios has the usual options for booting: ide0, ide1, etc. none of those worked after installing. What worked was an option called 'scsi'03:26
ubottuFind your themes at: http://www.gnome-look.org - http://art.gnome.org - http://www.kde-look.org - http://kubuntu-art.org - http://themes.freshmeat.net/browse/58/ - http://www.guistyles.com - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/ - Also see !changethemes and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuEyeCandy03:27
vilemaximFF|h0lus: see ya... good luck03:27
uriel_ace suares, nice03:27
Gibbsterace_suares: but since I have three drives that are interpreted as scsi, I don't see how that will help03:27
FF|h0lusvilemaxim thx :) see ya ... hmmm tomorrow ;D03:27
ace_suaresGibbster: so, your ide drive is reigned by your sata card !03:27
smeeuriel_: but normally, if its a gtk theme package, just open system -> preferences -> appearance and drag+drop the tar.gz on that window03:27
ace_suaresuriel_: the bot is great !03:27
vilemaximFF|h0lus: probably not... sorry03:27
Gibbsterace_suares: seems that way...03:27
vilemaximFF|h0lus: good luck03:27
smeeuriel_: fonts for just yourself can go in ~/.fonts03:27
smeeuriel_: icons in ~/.icons03:28
ace_suaresGibbster: you have an external pci card for sata, yes ?03:28
Gibbsterace_suares: it certainly shows up as /dev/sdc03:28
uriel_smee, gtk wont work on mine03:28
Gibbsterace_suares: yes03:28
uriel_smee, it opes and wont respond03:28
smeeuriel_: wait03:28
smeeuriel_: your using gnome?03:28
jeff__Good evening, does anyone here know something about gnome keyring manager/daemon?03:28
Gibbsterace_suares: old computer03:28
ace_suaresGibbster: during POST it doesnt tell you hit 'ctrl-something' to configure SATA card ???03:28
Gustavowho has ever worked with usb mass storage , please send me a PVT, please, mine is 50KB/s03:28
ace_suaresGibbster: is your pata connected to your ide controller or your stat card ?03:29
smeeuriel_: aka plain vanila ubuntu03:29
Sylphidndo, when running vb what do you get from free -m03:29
smeeuriel_: if you are...it means you are already making use of gtk03:29
GustavoHELP ::: who has ever worked with usb mass storage , please send me a PVT, please, mine is 50KB/s03:29
smeeuriel_: gtk is the thing that displays buttons, scrollbars , input fields etc03:29
Gibbsterace_suares: ide controller03:29
ndoSylphid: euhm, sry, what do u mean agane?03:30
ace_suaresGibbster: okay so you installed grub on the MBA of one of the sata drives; when you choose in bios to use the ide drive, then there is no MBA ?03:30
lixuserplz can sombody give me a good source list?03:30
ace_suaresGibbster: I mean no grub !?03:30
vilemaximjeff__: general irc manners are just to ask the question...  For example I know a little, but still might not be able to help you.03:30
Gibbsterace_suares: no, I installed on teh pata drive03:30
uriel_smee, oops im srry i was confused03:30
Neod192hey guys and gals03:31
Gibbsterace_suares: the sata drives are the biggies for raid storage03:31
Sylphidndo, start a terminal, then start vb, go back to your terminal and type in free -m03:31
ace_suaresGibbster: so if you rip out the sata card what happens ? and I wrote MBA but I meant MBR03:31
jeff__Problem for the gurus:  I can load key-ring manager, and create a key-ring.  But I can't seem to do create an entry. "gnome-keyring-daemon" doesn't do anything03:31
Neod192can anyone help me with some newbie questions about ubuntu ?03:31
jeff__vilemaxim: thanks and my apologies for bad manners03:31
uriel_smee, explain that to me again please and im using ubuntu 8.0403:31
ndoSylphid: oke, sec, brb03:31
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ace_suaresGibbster: what happens when you just say in bios ide0 ?03:31
OneDayOneDayhi, some kind guys help me to register google app engine03:31
Gibbsterace_suares: it doesn't boot03:31
smeeuriel_: well sincey ou are using 8.04 it means that gtk is in action03:31
ace_suares!ot > OneDayOneDay03:32
ubottuOneDayOneDay, please see my private message03:32
squarebracketis there a way to set up a seperate X server for a seperate GPU?03:32
GustavoHELP ::: who has ever worked with usb mass storage , please send me a PVT, please, mine is 50KB/s03:32
GibbsterGibbster: it needs to be set to scsi before it boots03:32
uriel_smee, ok whinch means?03:32
Neod192im trying to load Ubunto to my laptop from the live cd and it keps rebooting03:32
vilemaximjeff__: managers... too strong a word... but you got the picture.  Don't mean to come across as a jerk.03:32
ace_suaresGibbster: did you install while the scsci was in there ? the satas?03:32
smeeuriel_: you dont run it as a normal user level program03:32
jeff__vilemaxim: no offense taken03:33
ace_suaressquarebracket: why do you want to do that ?03:33
uriel_smee, ok then what do i do?03:33
squarebracketis it possible to set up a seperate X server (not just a seperate screen) for a seperate GPU? a yes/no would be a good starting point.03:33
smeeuriel_: to change gtk themes?03:33
uriel_smee, what do i type03:33
squarebracketace_suares, media server like thing03:33
geniisquarebracket: Yes03:33
uriel_smee, yeah03:33
Gibbsterace_suares: i installed ubuntu while the sata card and drives were there, yeah. but I installed to the pata. The sata drives remained unpartitioned and unformatted after the install03:33
Neod192if anyone has time to help me out, please IM me in private03:33
smeeuriel_: goto : system -> preferences -> appearance03:33
squarebracketgenii, thanks03:33
geniisquarebracket: You can have as many X servers going as you have display adapters03:33
ace_suaressquarebracket: i dont really know. I think it's not easy. Or.. well.. you could do in in xorg.conf maybe.03:33
jeff__Am I correct to type "gnome-keyring-daemon" to manage passwords inside a key-ring?03:34
Gustavowho has ever worked with usb mass storage , please send me a PVT, please, mine is 50KB/s03:34
Sylphidsquarebracket, yes you can....are you using an nvidia GPU03:34
smeeuriel_: customise one03:34
jeff__The documentation is poos on this03:34
squarebracketgenii, what about different outputs on one GPU?03:34
uriel_smee, do u men that one that comes with it with themes like Crux?03:34
squarebracketSylphid: yes03:34
smeeuriel_: the sction presented as controls is what gtk is03:34
ace_suaressquarebracket: with different X server you meanr like X :1 ? open  a shell as root and type "X :1" and then alt-ctrl-f8 and f7 to swithc03:34
smeeuriel_: the sction presented as windows, is the realm on metacity03:34
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geniisquarebracket: Yes. Just run it on for instance :1 xterm instead of default :003:34
squarebracketace_suares, ya, like that.03:34
smeeuriel_: realm of*03:34
Sylphidsquarebracket, install nvidia-settings(?) and use it to set up dual X03:34
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squarebracketSylphid: i don't want dual X, that uses same03:35
smeeuriel_: the section that is icons, is just alist of your ~/.icons folder03:35
vilemaximjeff__: I though you managed those through Applications -> accessories -> Password and encryption keys03:35
squarebracketSylphid: i don't want dual X, that uses same X server across multiple screens03:35
ace_suaresGibbster: I am out of answers and I need to go... so sorry... it SHOUDL boot from ide0 but yoru sata card might trouble you ...03:35
uriel_smee, dude im srry you misunderstood me03:35
vilemaximjeff__: though I could be wrong03:35
tech0007smee: solved it! i had to use p7zip-full to decompress a password-protected 7z archive03:35
smeeuriel_: then please explain yourself03:35
uriel_smee./ i know how to do that but i meen downloaded themes lemme send u a link of what i meen03:35
Gibbsterace_suares: if I reinstall without the card, do you think it'll revert to scsi when I put hte card back in?03:35
jeff__vilemaxim: I don't have any such application showing03:36
b2zHi guys, I have a question regarding NIC bonding (round robin). When I do /etc/init.d/networking start, I get errors saying that the eth0 and eth1 are already a slave...03:36
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vilemaximjeff__: really03:36
vilemaximjeff__: just a sec03:36
geniisquarebracket: So long as a dualhead adapter has separate gpu for each output it's do-able03:36
Gibbsterace_suares: thanks for your help anyway. You've given me things to think about03:36
ndo             total       used       free     shared    buffers     cached03:36
ndoMem:           980        969         10          0         32        38403:36
ndo-/+ buffers/cache:        552        42703:36
ndoSwap:          295          0        29503:36
ace_suaressquarebracket: I really dont underatnd. If you want X :0 on screen0 and X :1 on screen1, it should be possible. These are 2 x servers.03:36
FloodBot1ndo: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.03:36
Sylphidsquarebracket, ok i see what you mean.. sorry bout that.... theres xinerama and twinview, cant say ive tried either though03:36
uriel_smee, like these/ http://www.gnome-look.org/03:36
Sylphidndo, yea your low on memory03:37
ace_suaresGibbster: I'd rather give you a solution buyt I can't look into the hardware. Watch your post screen whil bopoting, it might have a setup function for the sata card.03:37
GustavoHELP ::: who has ever worked with usb mass storage , please send me a PVT, please, mine is 50KB/s03:37
smeeuriel_: yeah im using aurora leopard engine and meatcity skin with gtk theme03:37
ace_suaresGustavo: what is a PVT ?03:37
Sylphidndo, you may want to try increasing your swap space03:37
Gustavoace_suares: private chat03:37
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)03:37
Gustavoace_suares... doesnt matter, can you help me?03:37
ace_suaresSylphid: squarebracket xinerama and twinvioe is to make one large screen, so not what square b wants.03:38
rockenrola1what defines my system as 64 or 32 bit? is it the kernel only or more than that?03:38
tech0007rockenrola1: your cpu03:38
squarebracketSylphid, what ace_suares said03:38
ace_suaresGustavo: no... didn't work with mass storage, but if your usb port is USB2.x then it shoudl be faster.03:38
ndoSylphid: dou know maybe, gparted supports HFS?03:38
vilemaximjeff__: sorry that is part of seahorse.03:38
ace_suaressquarebracket: you can make different severlayouts in xorg.conf.. ?03:38
Neod192hey guys, I need some help with ubuntu, can someone help ?03:38
ace_suaresi gotta go now bye bye03:39
uriel_smee, ok well then i am completely lost :) srry03:39
b2zJust repeating my question... When I do /etc/init.d/networking start, I get errors saying that the eth0 and eth1 are already a slave...03:39
Gustavoace_suares: Ubuntu automount my UBS device (that is a 2.0) although it is slooooow03:39
tech0007!ask | Neod19203:39
ubottuNeod192: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)03:39
squarebracketgenii, ok, i think it should be doable. nvidia's auto-X-config utility seems to have different device sections for each screen, so i think that means i can do it .. ?03:39
ace_suares!ask |Neod19203:39
rockenrola1tech0007: yes. but I can install either 32 or 64. and that is software. So where is the difference?03:39
smeeuriel_: search on that site for : Aurora Steel03:39
Gustavoace_suares: on other SO, it is much faster03:39
geniisquarebracket: Make another xorg.conf for the other gpu/adapter. Then run X with wm specified, :1 and alternate xorg.conf   bingo bango03:39
Neod192hey tech, im trying lo load ubuntu from the live CD on my laptop and it keeps rebooting03:39
squarebracketace_suares, i thought you could only have one serverlayout per xorg.conf?03:39
smeeuriel_: normally most of those themes make use of the currently installgtk engine03:39
elhoiri am unable to configure compiz fusion03:39
squarebracketgenii, that's what i was planning03:39
jeff__vilemaxim:  I can load other utilities, but I guess I'd rather use the default if possible.03:39
geniisquarebracket: Needs to be in separate VT/Console of course as well03:39
elhoircould anyone help me?03:40
Neod192as soon as I hit enter to run it, it loads the linux kernel, gets to 100% and reboots03:40
ace_suaresGustavo: ubuntu 8.04 ? 32 or 64 bit ?03:40
squarebracketgenii, of course. thanks!03:40
GustavoHELP ::: who has ever worked with usb mass storage , please tell me, mine is 50KB/s03:40
geniisquarebracket: np03:40
CaptainMorgan!question | elhoir03:40
ubottuelhoir: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)03:40
smeeuriel_: but some like the aurora leopard theme require you to install an engine to support some things that the default gtk engine wont render03:40
Gustavoace_suares: 3203:40
ace_suaressquarebracket: maybe sorry :-)03:40
ndoanyone, does gparted supportsHFS?03:40
Sylphidndo, im pretty sure it does but not positive03:40
squarebracketace_suares, Sylphid, thanks for your help as well. i'm gonna try this out now.03:40
uriel_smee, ok gimme a sec i have to look 1 by 1 they dont have a site search engine03:40
tech0007Neod192: try noacpi03:40
Neod192then I hit F6 and turned off the power management feature and it loaded, but took forever03:40
smeeuriel_: yes it does03:40
ace_suaresGustavo: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/177235 might help ?03:40
ubottuLaunchpad bug 177235 in ubuntu "slow USB 2.0 drive: it's mounted as USB 1.0, not USB 2.0!" [Undecided,Confirmed]03:40
smeeuriel_: http://www.gnome-look.org/content/search.php03:41
ndoSylphid: hfs+ u mean?03:41
Neod192I first tried noacpi and nolicp and it still didn't load03:41
Neod192it didn't reboot, but errored out03:41
Neod192with ACPI off I was able to load it 10 minutes later03:41
tech0007Neod192: did u check your burned disk?03:41
Neod192yeah, it works fine in another PC03:41
* ace_suares leaves03:42
geniisquarebracket: You may want to look into what is called multi-seat system. One guy has a laptop which another user can be using same box with external screen,kb and mouse03:42
uriel_smee, very nice thnx03:42
smeeuriel_: ok so03:42
tech0007Neod192: try the alternate CD03:42
Neod192then , after you got it to load the video drivers were all messed up03:42
=== phantasmik is now known as curlybrace
smeeuriel_: most of them can be recieved from that site as tar.gz files03:42
Neod192what's the difference ?03:42
smeeuriel_: which you jsut drag drog into the appearance panel in system prefences03:42
uriel_smee, found it03:42
tech0007Neod192: alternate is textbased, needs less ram, but not very user friendly03:43
geniisquarebracket: Here for instance http://netpatia.blogspot.com/2006/09/multiseat-computer-with-ubuntu.html   You can dissect his xorg examples03:43
murlidharE: Broken packages03:43
squarebracketgenii, google for "ubuntu multi-seat" or some such thing? that's pretty much exactly what i want, except i don't need another kb and mouse for the other screen, as it will just be running a presentation of sorts.03:43
Neod192ah, I like the user interface :)03:43
murlidharthis is what i get when i try to install obconf03:43
squarebracketgenii, ah, thanks03:43
geniisquarebracket: np03:43
tech0007Neod192: do u have ubuntu before on this laptop?03:43
Neod192no, it's the first time I was trying it03:43
Neod192never actually used ubuntu before03:43
uriel_smee, save the file?03:43
Flannelsquarebracket: You just need a dual head display then.  Or a thinclient/dumb terminal03:43
smeeuriel_: my gtk & emerald  themes go in this folder : ~/.themes03:44
Neod192there might be some compatibility problems too03:44
tech0007Neod192: better google if your hardware will work w/ ubuntu03:44
uriel_smee, so save ok03:44
Flannelsquarebracket: If you have a second computer you want to use, you can just use XDMCP to log in with that, and then show the presentation03:44
b2zHelp please: I'm trying to set up Link Aggregation, and when I start up the networking service, I get 'Illegal Operation: The specified slave interface 'eth0' is already a slave". Any ideas? Thanks...03:44
smeeuriel_: yes save the file to your desktop, and try first to install it via the appearance widget03:44
uriel_smee, ok03:44
=== gaminggeek_ is now known as gaminggeek
Neod192hmm, its an Asus M3N laptop03:44
squarebracketFlannel, i don't want the mouse/keyboard to enter into the other screen03:45
smeeuriel_: it could be easier in future to just unpack these files into ~/.themes03:45
curlybraceis there a program I can use to detect wireless printers something kinda like bonjour03:45
unopcurlybrace, zeroconf perhaps03:45
Flannelsquarebracket: What do you mean?  What are you trying to set up, ultimately?03:45
tech0007Neod192: this might be helpful https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LaptopTestingTeam03:45
uriel_smee, ok well it wont even show up in the desktop through the install button03:45
squarebracketFlannel, i've been debating about doing that as well. i'm going to discuss with the guy i'm doing it for when i see him, and see what he wants to do.03:45
PuPpYAnyone know how to install ubuntu from windows ? Can't remember what the method is called , laptop with broken dvd drive or I'd just burn iso03:46
squarebracketFlannel, it's for an information display in a school.03:46
Odd-rationale!wubi | PuPpY03:46
ubottuPuPpY: Wubi is an Ubuntu installer for Windows users that allows you to install and uninstall Ubuntu like a Windows application, in a simple and safe way. http://wubi-installer.org/support.php for troubleshooting. Please file bugs at http://launchpad.net/wubi/+filebug.03:46
Neod192thanks tech ill check that out03:46
tech0007PuPpY: use the liveCD03:46
smeeuriel_: open the package see wahts inside03:46
geniiGah, wubi03:46
Dr_willisPuPpY,  wubi perhaps? but I wuld perfer to use the other methods to install without using a cd03:46
smeealso give me the link to the one you just downloaded03:46
Juano__is there any ubuntu that i can use to make a live cd that runs an RDP session automatically (in other words make a thin client CD) ?03:46
squarebracketweb server runs all the necessary backend and stuff, puts it together, have firefox running the display part of it.03:46
Dr_willis!install | PuPpY03:46
ubottuPuPpY: Ubuntu can be installed in a lot of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall. Don't want to use a CD? Try http://tinyurl.com/3exghs - See also !automate03:46
Flannelsquarebracket: Ah, yeah.  Just start up a second X server on tty8 or something, set it to autologin with the other user, and set the presentation thing to just start going03:46
geniiJuano__: edubuntu has this sort of feature03:46
squarebracketFlannel, that's what i was planning on doing, i just wasn't sure if i could do a seperate X server...03:47
vilemaximjeff__:  the only thing I know right now is where the keyring is stored03:47
Juano__genii: can it be customized to run automatically at boot time rdesktop?03:47
PuPpYGood stuff, thanks I'd iso if the laptop drive wasn't dead.03:47
uriel_smee, i see frame gap/ menu/others/scrollbars/shadows/tabs/gtkrc/scrollbar.rc03:47
Kernelhello all im trying to install froma usb pendrive but i keep getting this error: error while running modprobe -v yenta_socket and it wont install03:47
uriel_smee, all those hings03:47
Flannelgenii: You're talking about LTSP?03:47
smeeuriel_: give me the link please :)03:47
geniiFlannel: Yes03:47
squarebracketFlannel, i've done it with VNC and stuff, but that's been on a different computer doing remote serssions. wasn't sure if it would work using the same computer/card03:47
smeeuriel_: seems you can move that folder into ~/.themes03:48
uriel_smee, website u meen?03:48
Flannelgenii: Not edubuntu specific anymore, all the *buntus have it (as edubuntu is now just an add on CD)03:48
smeeuriel_: ja the page you clicked download on03:48
geniiJuano__: Flannel seems to be more up on it03:48
uriel_smee, http://www.gnome-look.org/content/show.php/Aurora+Steel?content=7737703:48
Juano__genii: ok thanks03:48
Flannelgenii: No, I just know about the changes re: edubuntu/ubuntu03:48
uriel_sme, there ya go03:48
smeeuriel_: ah right...kek03:48
geniiFlannel: Heh. I don't normally use the Edubuntu so not that up on it03:49
ubottuLaptop support information can be found on http://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportMachinesLaptops - http://www.linux-laptop.net/ - http://wiki.ubuntu.com/LaptopTestingTeam - http://tuxmobil.org03:49
smeeuriel_: ok to get that running will require some extra wwork since the default gtk engine wont support it03:49
geniiI wonder...03:49
ubottuLTSP is the Linux Terminal Server Project, which adds thin-client support to Linux servers. See chapter 3 of the !edubuntuhandbook, http://www.ltsp.org and/or http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Linux_Terminal_Server_Project03:49
Juano__Flannel: what can i use to make this kind of live CD that executes rdesktop automatically? ive tried anywherets but it's to expensive, i know this can be done with a free tool03:49
Kernelwhat are the command to try if your having issues with hardware?... noapic? or something...iirc theres 2 of them03:49
smeeuriel_: try this one as a starter instead03:49
geniiJuano__: See above, the bot seems to have some info on  it and a URL03:49
uriel_smee, ugh lol ok if uve got the patiance to explain it to me im willing to learn03:50
Juano__genii: oh thanks03:50
tech0007Kernel: what issues with the h/w?03:50
smeeuriel_: ok open terminal : alt+f2 : type gnome-terminal03:50
Kerneltech0007: long story...but i think its not seeing my hard drive correct.03:50
uriel_smee, ok03:51
Kerneltech0007: im trying to install from a usb pendrive and its erroring when its looking for the iso file located on the usb03:51
Kernel*so* i came to the conclusion it may be related to that.03:51
uriel_smee, location or folder can not be found03:51
Kernelbut i cannot get this freaking thing to install from the usb...ive tried 3 different ways03:52
Kerneldamn cdrom drive is dead :(03:52
smeeuriel_: ? strage03:52
smeeuriel_: ok try it another way03:52
uriel_smee, ok03:52
smeeuriel_: menubar : applications -> accesories -> terminal03:53
uriel_smee, k03:53
smeeuriel_: all good so far? terminal window up03:54
uriel_smee, yeps03:54
smeeuriel_: type : sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install build-essential libgtk2.0-dev03:54
uriel_smee, can i copy past all that?03:55
IdleOneuriel_, of course03:55
tech0007Kernel: did you try this http://www.ubuntugeek.com/how-to-install-ubuntu-linux-from-usb-stick.html03:55
alraune /msg ubottu etiquette03:56
sliverchairhow I launch a program in Terminal that won't terminate after I close the Terminal?03:56
leftyfbsliverchair: <programname> &03:56
uriel_smee, its done... i think03:56
tech0007sliverchair: add &, ex.. 'command &'03:56
uriel_smee, yeah its done03:56
sliverchairtech0007, I tried that, emerald --replace &03:56
Kerneltech0007: i don think i tried that exact how to. i will try it though. thanks.03:57
smeeuriel_: should be ok to paste and run, now im just finiding the engine for you one sec03:57
sliverchairKernel, Oh it's working now thanks03:57
tech0007sliverchair: alt-f2 then try that command03:57
uriel_smee, thnx03:57
Dr_willissliverchair,  do NOT use the close button... use the 'exit' command after running stuff with &03:57
sliverchairDr_willis, ohh that's why03:58
smeeuriel_: http://www.gnome-look.org/content/show.php/Aurora+Gtk+Engine?content=5643803:58
vilemaximtyler_d1: any luck?03:58
jay__I recently installed ubuntu and youtube videos are not working i think i installed flash correctly03:58
smeeuriel_: download that and pull out the aurora-1.4.tar.gz file and extract that to your desktop03:58
uriel_smee, do i save that?03:59
smeeuriel_: ja03:59
jay__I recently installed ubuntu and youtube videos are not working i think i installed flash correctly, can anyone help?03:59
uriel_smee, saved now what?03:59
IdleOne!flash | jay_03:59
ubottujay_: To install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash (a recent version for !Dapper is available in !backports) - See also !Restricted and !Gnash03:59
shaun-marlinI just thought I would ask in here, but I am using SAMBA to share to a Vista machine.  I want vista to be able to write to a folder, but cannot seem to get the permissions setup properly.  Any suggestions?04:00
smeeuriel_: unpack it to your dekstop04:00
uriel_smee, done04:00
uriel_smee, next04:00
haryantohai ubuntu all04:00
haryantohelp me04:00
edzwith what?04:01
IdleOneharyanto, ask a question04:01
smeeuriel_: one sec04:01
uriel_smee, kk04:01
overlordpuppyI've got a question perhaps someone can help me with. I seem to have sample rate issues recording. Can anyone help me?04:02
smeeuriel_: inside 56438-Aurora-1.4 you should find anotehr ttwo packages04:02
tuxnotehi any body04:02
smeeuriel_: aurora-1.4.tar.gz we want unpacked there04:02
BeepII... what was the command to install something again?04:02
BeepIII have the installer saved to my desktop04:02
IdleOneoverlordpuppy, #ubuntustudio wouyld be a better place to ask.04:02
uriel_smee, to desktop u meen?04:03
smeeuriel_: so you end up with : ~/Desktop/56438-Aurora-1.4/aurora-1.404:03
Dr_willisshaun-marlin,  i normally uncomment/share the users home directory. or manually add an entry for a 'public' share in the samba config. the 'samba-doc' package has several books on the topics with examples. :) worht a read if you are going to use samba a lot.04:03
IdleOneBeepII, install what? and is it a .deb?04:03
overlordpuppyIdleOne: Thanks04:03
smeeuriel_: doesnt matter where really, desktop is fine04:03
smeeuriel_: directly on the desktop would make it easier for you in the terminal infact04:03
uriel_smee, done04:04
IdleOneBeepII, what are you trying to install. it may be in the repositories already04:04
BeepIIidleone:  It's flash player04:04
uriel_smee, i howpe so anywayz04:04
smeeuriel_: so you have ~/Desktop/aurora-1.4 ?04:04
smeeuriel_: or  : ~/Desktop/56438-Aurora-1.4/aurora-1.4 ?04:04
IdleOne!flash | BeepII check out this link04:04
ubottuBeepII check out this link: To install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash (a recent version for !Dapper is available in !backports) - See also !Restricted and !Gnash04:04
bobertdosBeepII: version 10 beta 2?04:04
greg_anyone know where i might acquire a stack of ubuntu hardy desktop ed. cds? I'm a member of a university club called the Free Software Advocacy Group, and we'd like to hand out some copies of the distro to interested folks on campus.04:04
uriel_smee, im not sure where to read that from04:05
smeeuriel_: ctrl + l04:05
greg_the shipit site seems that it only sends one at a time...04:05
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smeeuriel_: in your file browser04:05
IdleOnegreg_, www.ubuntu.com click on the shipit link and you will get more info there04:05
smeeuriel_: ~ is another way of saying /home/UserName04:05
overlordpuppyIdleOne: Is Ubuntu Studio a separate edition of ubuntu?04:05
IdleOnegreg_, it does but they make exceptions for schools and .orgs04:05
ezequielhow can i use my ipod in ubuntu04:06
chuckhi, for some reason, my ubuntu installation keeps using up tons of CPU and Memory with a "kacpid" process, *and* i can't reboot it with shutdown -r now or reboot. any ideas?04:06
chuckcan i force a reboot some other way?04:06
greg_IdleOne, exc. thank you.04:06
baron1984chuck: It's been fixed in the upstream kernel04:06
baron1984for a while now04:06
smeeuriel_: what im asking is dod you pull the aurora-1.4 fodler ou onto the desktop ? or just extract it in the folder it was laready in?04:07
chuckbaron1984: oh good, too bad i can't boot into that kernel without rebooting :P04:07
chucki'll just keep pestering my friend to pull the plug :P04:07
nickrud!find kapcid04:07
BeepIIidleone: I can't click that link . . .04:07
BeepIIubottu: I have ubuntu 8.04... that site doesn't mention anything about that.04:07
ubottuPackage/file kapcid does not exist in hardy04:07
BeepIIbobertdos: maybe?04:07
ubottuBeepII: Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)04:07
nickrud!find kacpid04:07
ubottuPackage/file kacpid does not exist in hardy04:07
HappyHaterhow do I restart gdm?04:07
uriel__smee, r u still there?04:07
nickrudHappyHater sudo /etc/init.d/gdm restart04:07
baron1984just hold in the power button04:07
smeeuriel__: ja04:07
smeeuriel__: what im asking is dod you pull the aurora-1.4 fodler ou onto the desktop ? or just extract it in the folder it was laready in?04:08
bobertdosBeepII: What kind of installer is it and where did you download it?04:08
IdleOneoverlordpuppy, ubuntustudio is more of a front end but not officially supported. they should be able to help you with recording issues04:08
uriel__it sais host/uriel04:08
cchanceGuys there are alot o Control Panels out there but which ones are you guys using?04:08
uriel__smee, it sais host uriel04:09
uriel__smee, host/uriel*04:09
BeepIIbobertdos: I got it from the adobe website. . . http://www.adobe.com/shockwave/download/download.cgi?P1_Prod_Version=ShockwaveFlash04:09
BeepIIIt's the tar.gz version04:09
overlordpuppyIdleOne: I've gotten a little interest there. Thanks.04:09
ezequielhow i ca use ipod in ubuntu04:09
smeeuriel__: ah so its one the desktop?04:09
moraI am trying to run apps through SSH with x forwarding - i'm using -X, but when i run the apps they display their windows on the remote machine instead of the client.04:09
uriel__smee,i think so04:09
cchanceWhats a good Control Panel for hosting04:10
smeeuriel__: ok lets try getting there in terminal then04:10
uriel__smee, ok04:10
tuxnotemay i ask about S-VIDEO Out in Ubuntu 8.0404:10
moraI have "X11Forwarding Yes" set in /etc/ssh/sshd_config, and I've verified that I can do x forwarding fine on a different machine04:10
bobertdosBeepII: I warn you, Flash 9 has problems with PulseAudio, so in most hardy systems, the audio doesn't work.04:10
smeeuriel__: back in terminal window, type : cd ~/Desktop/aurora-1.404:10
normlomanhas anyone had a problem getting brasero to recognize a cd-r? I put one in the drive and brasero says there is no disc04:11
ezequielhow wants help me04:11
uriel__smee, no such file o directory04:11
tuxnotehi anybody04:11
tuxnoteplease help04:11
uriel__smee, i suck at this04:11
tuxnoteS-Video on ubuntu04:11
smeeuriel__: ok its not on the desktop, try this instead04:11
DeadKennedy2880tuxnote: just ask, someone might answer04:11
=== DBLobster is now known as U09526
smeeuriel__: cd ~/Desktop/56438-Aurora-1.4/aurora-1.404:11
BeepIII've had it before, I just reformatted04:12
ezequielcoman mieda estupidos04:12
BeepIIbtw, I found instructions, but is it safe to install as sudo?04:12
uriel__smee, same thing04:12
BeepII*using sudo04:12
tuxnotehi bro04:12
smeeuriel__: if that doesnt owrk then im going to get you to find the path for me04:12
tuxnoteplease help04:12
bobertdos BeepII: yeah, it's safe04:12
tuxnoteto use S-Video Out on ubuntu04:12
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tuxnoteanybody listen to me please04:12
smeeuriel__: ok go back to your file browser and open the last folder we unpacked04:12
smeeuriel__: aurora-1.404:13
uriel__smee, look im no good with computers and im fairly new to linux04:13
uriel__smee, ill try it04:13
BeepIIcool. thanks04:13
tuxnotedid nobody help?04:13
tuxnotehi all04:13
smeeuriel__: this folder we want should have another folder in it called "src"04:13
uriel__smee, ugh command not found04:13
BeepIIDo you know the default installation path for firefox?04:13
smeeuriel__: not in your terminal :)04:13
smeeuriel__: from the desktop folder browser04:14
uriel__smee, where then?04:14
normlomanim trying to burn a cd. When I put a blank cd-r in the drive, should ubuntu do anything? Does it put a cd-r icon on the desktop or anything?04:14
uriel__smee, k04:14
bobertdosBeepII: normally /usr/lib/firefox-3.004:14
tuxnotehi all04:14
cchanceWhats a good Control Panel for hosting04:14
smeeuriel__: can you see a "src" folder in there?04:14
tuxnotei try to connect my laptop to television using S-Video Out on my laptop. But it can't work. Any solutions please.04:14
uriel__smee, no u know what forget it its ok im wasting your time04:15
BeepIIbobertdos: where does that file path start?04:15
kevinOanyone use ubuntu mobile?04:15
smeeuriel__: your almost done04:15
smeeuriel__: dont give up04:15
smeeuriel__: lol04:15
uriel__smee, fine04:15
uriel__smee, ok ok04:15
bobertdosBeepII: that's the whole path04:15
uriel__smee, run me through it again im slow04:16
bobertdosBeepII: Graphically, you find it under Filesystem04:16
smeeuriel__: lets backtrack to the initial file you downloaded04:16
uriel__smee, ok04:16
smeeuriel__: you saved it to the desktop yeah?04:16
uriel__smee, yeah04:16
smeeuriel__: and it's named : 56438-Aurora-1.4.tar.bz204:16
spastic_teapotIs there any way to roll back from an update?04:16
BeepIIoh ok.  Gonna see if it worked now04:16
spastic_teapotThe latest 7.10 update left my computer FUBAR.04:17
uriel__smee, yes04:17
BeepIIyep. looks like it did.04:17
BeepIIThanks bobertdos04:17
smeeuriel__: ok right click it and click 'extract here'04:17
uriel__smee, kk04:17
smeeuriel__: wait04:17
smeeuriel__: woops04:17
uriel__smee, ... wat?04:17
smeeuriel__: is there a folder there with a similiar name?04:17
uriel__smee, what do u meen?04:18
uriel__smee, i dont think so04:18
smeeuriel__: ok then extract it like i just described, using right click menu on the file04:18
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uriel__smee, done04:19
smeeuriel__: ok now there is a folder with a similar name04:19
uriel__smee, yeah04:19
smeeuriel__: open that folder04:19
uriel__smee done04:19
uriel__smee, done04:20
khaije1what is the apt-get command to get the smallest working X server?04:20
timmulvihillcan some one help me out04:21
khaije1i wanna use fluxox04:21
smeeuriel__: woops, sorry back04:21
uriel__smee, k...04:21
smeeuriel__: ok in that folder is yet more archives04:21
smeeuriel__: two morearchives04:21
IndyGunFreakkhaije1: then download fluxbuntu04:21
smeeuriel__: we want the "aurora-1.4.tar.gz"04:21
uriel__smee,the box you meen?04:21
timmulvihillhey guys im a student in some need for a some one to interview for a project can any one help me that is atleast credited in linix systems like ubuntu ? Some one with atleast 2yrs expeience work related on the Operating System and or have a degree.04:21
smeeuriel__: yeah the icon is a box04:21
Dr_willisfluxbox is not a 'x server' its a window manager.04:22
smeeuriel__: right click it and click 'extract here' on aurora-1.4.tar.gz04:22
smeeuriel__: should also make a folder called aurora-1.404:22
AutoMatriXHi folks, I just backed up nest of CD with Pictures .... since I have over 7000, many of them must be double ...; which program should I use to clean and organise that ?04:23
thenecromancerHow do I install qmake04:23
uriel__smee, no luck it never showed up?04:23
smeeuriel__: should do04:23
uriel__smee, no luck maby it wont work on mine]04:23
jlulian38amarok: ERROR: : couldn't create slave : Cannot talk to klauncher04:23
SebNaitsabes!info qmake04:23
smeeuriel__: are you in the folder with the two archives ? gtkrc_themes.tar.bz2 & aurora-1.4.tar.gz04:23
ubottuPackage qmake does not exist in hardy04:23
jlulian38what did I do04:23
normlomanHELP: Can't mount cd in my cdrw drive. Anyone want to help?04:24
yyy_AutoMatriX: there's a findimagedupes package you could use.04:24
ubottuPartitioning programs: !GParted or QTParted (also "man mkfs" for formatting) - Mounting partitions in !GNOME under !Dapper: System -> Administration -> Disks - For !Edgy and later, see !fstab and !DiskMounter04:24
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about cd04:24
uriel__smee, yea i clecked extrac t and everything04:24
sdakakI can't remove a theme. The window borders of mac4lin theme are not going away. I changed the pref in Appearance dialog box. Deleted the theme in /home/de/.themes/mac4lin also.04:24
smeeuriel__: ok try this : double click on the file aurora-1.4.tar.gz04:24
AutoMatriXyyy_, thanks a lot for this start of info ... could you be so kind telling me moree about it ?04:24
SebNaitsabessdakak: mac4lin yeah that's an emulateR?04:24
bobertdostimmulvihill: Hmm, that's certainly a different reason to come here. May I be of assistance? I suggest we go to a quiter channel. If you want to, join me i #ubuntu-classroom04:24
thenecromancerwhat am I looking for with !info qmake?04:24
sdakakSebNaitsabes: It is a simple gtk theme04:25
SebNaitsabesas it says it's not in hardy04:25
SebNaitsabesor it is, but you got the name wrong04:25
uriel__smee \, kk04:25
smeeuriel__: so it opened up a window with a folder in it?04:25
AutoMatriX!info findimagedupes04:25
ubottufindimagedupes (source: findimagedupes): Finds visually similar or duplicate images. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.7-1 (hardy), package size 26 kB, installed size 120 kB04:25
uriel__smee, yeah04:26
yyy_AutoMatriX: it's a tool that finds visually similar pictures from amoung a set, so something like        find . | findimagedupes -        should do what you wantt04:26
alraune normloman: I'm tired, your cd rw ...04:26
thenecromancerHow do I install qmake?04:26
smeeuriel__: right click the folder and then extract04:26
AutoMatriXyyy_, thanks dear, I'm going to try that out ;)04:26
uriel__smee, still nothin04:26
Vereux0How do I know if I have an opengl 2.0 video card?04:26
sdakakHow to remove all traces of a theme from my system?04:27
pabixsdakak, cd ~/.themes04:27
pabixand then remove the directory04:27
smeeuriel__: so it opened up a window with a folder in it? go back to this part04:27
alrauneVereux0; what model is it04:27
smeeuriel__: open the folder04:27
uriel__smee, maby its not even worth it ll wait for a friend to help me he has this to04:27
sdakakpabix: Already cleared it. Still the theme exists. Deleted it from Appearance also.04:27
uriel__smee, wait i see a folder src04:27
sdakakI know it's a freakin' emerald window border. Sorry.04:28
smeeuriel__:  close this window04:28
uriel__smee, thanks for trying tho im just no good at this04:28
smeeuriel__:  and go back to our window of two archives04:28
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Vereux0alraune: I don't know.04:29
kaudiosomebody know a software like calamari that make a report of iptables's log ?04:30
kevinOhow do you set the default desktop?04:30
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Vereux0I think NVIDIA04:30
khaije1kevinO: u mean like gnome, kde, etc?04:30
Ursinhahi all, anybody having issues with Amarok and gnome?04:30
kevinOkhaije1, yeah04:30
kaudiosomebody know a software like calamari that make a report of iptables's log ?04:30
khaije1kevinO: usually people pick the install cd w/ the one they prefer, you can load which ever you like afterwards and set the defaults at the sign-on screen04:31
alrauneVereux0: lshw will tell you what type of chips you're using04:31
smith469i just finished building a computer, and cannot install ubuntu04:32
alrauneVereux0: lshw will tell you what type of chips you're using  (pastebin output...)04:32
khaije1smith469: well then apparently you aren't finished04:32
CaptainMorgansmith469, what problems are you having specifically, or the errors being reported ?04:32
Vereux0What does that mean?04:32
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citizen42aerm, you should run as root.04:32
Odd-rationale!sudo | Vereux004:32
ubottuVereux0: sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. For graphical applications see !gksu (Gnome), or !kdesu (KDE)04:32
ndoSylphid: r u here?04:32
khaije1kevinO: did that answer yr question or was it something else?04:32
smith469it gets the the preparing partitioner page stays at 46% for a while, the progress bar disappears, and the prepare partitions page comes up, but I cannot select any options04:33
Vereux0so, "sudo lshw"?04:33
smith469bad grammar, sorry04:33
Vereux0NV44A [GeForce 6200]04:33
alrauneVereux0: if you talk to me , please use my nick, otherwise your message goes under04:33
CaptainMorgansmith469, did you try more than one copy of ubuntu cd? you might have had a bad burn...04:33
t35t0rlol holding down alt and the left mouse causes the sound to freeze !!!04:33
squarebracketgenii, Flannel, X :1 makes tty7 no longer visible, i have to switch back and forth... is that how it's supposed to be?04:33
Vereux0alraune: kk04:33
Vereux0alraune: NV44A [GeForce 6200]04:34
smith469captainmorgan:  I ran cd check, and everything was ok04:34
smith469i also cannot access the internet, I am using the asus p5q-pro04:34
geniisquarebracket: Yes04:34
zcat[1]gah! stoopid udma/33 bug..04:35
CaptainMorganwhich option did you check at the partition page smith469 ? manual? guided? which?04:35
qweqweqwehere's a dumb one - i've just bought a virtual ubuntu server, but i only have a root login, and ubuntu won't allow them -  what do i do here???04:35
Vereux0alraune: http://paste.ubuntu.com/29487/04:35
squarebracketgenii, ok. maybe i'll give this multi-seat thing a try.04:36
Flannelqweqweqwe: Ubuntu can have a root account.  You'll just set up a normal user, and then use that instead.04:36
CaptainMorgansmith469, did you select anything before the partition page?04:36
smith469let me see04:36
qweqweqweFlannel, but how do i log in for the first time?04:36
Flannelqweqweqwe: Log in with the root user.04:37
smith469this computer is so fast04:37
qweqweqwefrom the console?04:37
CaptainMorgansmith469, if you selected nothing - ie: using its defaults, then it will do "use the largest continuous space" or guided, I believe and will not ask for your input04:37
CaptainMorgansmith469, so.. you must use Manual :)04:37
smith469how do i not use defaults04:37
Flannelqweqweqwe: Are you sitting at it? or you connect through ssh?04:37
CaptainMorgansmith469, if your intention is to use the partitioner04:37
smith469i am at the language page, i click english04:38
CaptainMorgansmith469, to not use defaults, select "Manual"04:38
smith469i click install ubuntu?04:38
qweqweqweFlannel, neither and both, but through an RSA session i'm "sitting" in front of it, ssh just says no as soon as I enter "root"04:38
tmapjcan anyone tell me how to automatically unlock the keys when you login?04:38
qweqweqweFlannel, so I do have console04:38
smith469the orange bar under ubuntu is now moving04:38
Flannelqweqweqwe: you have a terminal prompt? or what?  I'm confused about what you have and whta you don't have.04:39
qweqweqweFlannel, both ssh and console04:39
CaptainMorgansmith469, look here: http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/images/installinghardyplus10.png04:39
Lenaud01I have my webcam working with Ekiga but does not work with any flash apps on the net??04:39
Flannelqweqweqwe: console being... you're logged in already?04:39
tmapjcan anyone tell me how to automatically unlock the keys when you login?04:39
smith469captainmorgan, I have never seen that page04:40
Lenaud01tmapj, System | Administration | Users and Groups04:40
CaptainMorgansmith469, do you get here: http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/images/installinghardyplus09.png ??04:40
garyxI have a problem , when I try to change my picture at Amsn the user session restart04:40
garyxcan anybody help me04:40
qweqweqweFlannel, is cool, i got it, not used to ubuntu (sles and rhel guy) - last time i tried ubuntu on a desktop it told me 'root login not allowed' i thought that might be true for console (ie tty) access too04:40
CaptainMorgan!question | garyx04:40
* qweqweqwe looks forward to trying 8.0404:41
ubottugaryx: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)04:41
smith469captainmorgan, it is loading04:41
Lenaud01I have my webcam working with Ekiga but does not work with any flash apps on the net??04:42
mouser-Is there a way to forcefully kill a runaway process that's more effective than kill?04:42
Lenaud01ps -a04:42
Lenaud01mouser-, then xkill04:42
Lenaud01xkill you might like04:42
smith469captainmorgan, i get to that page, it sticks at 46%, and then it skips the next process04:42
jordanhey guys, quick question04:42
smith469captainmorgan, i think04:42
mouser-Lenaud01: I can't xkill, it's a command line process.04:43
CaptainMorganwhat process is it skipping ? smith46904:43
Ganandorfhelp please my ubuntu won't boot it just goes to the boot screen th emarker moves then stops stays at that point and my keyboard capslock and scroll lights begin to flash on and off04:43
Lenaud01then ps -a04:43
Lenaud01and kill pid#04:43
jordanmy dad's network ip is, how can I connected to a shared folder on that address in terminal?04:43
garyxI have a problem , when I try to change my picture at Amsn the user session restart04:43
tmapjcan anyone tell me how to automatically unlock the keys when you login?04:43
alrauneVereux0: nope , max open GL 1.5, google is a friend :http://www.computerhandlung.de/SUPER_GeForce_6200_31517.htm04:43
ndoguys, anyone, ive just resized my partitions, and now swap is not in use anymore. how can i enables swap agane?04:43
CaptainMorgangaryx, read above04:43
Windsurfer619Ganandorf: Gah! That's a kernel panic. Can you revert to an earlier kernel?04:43
mouser-Lenaud01: I've tried that as well.  Even "kill -9 [pid]"04:43
jordanany help for me?04:43
yyyjordan: what kind of share is it?04:43
CaptainMorgansmith469, ok... so it's setting up partitioner ... ?04:43
bazhangGanandorf, remove quiet and splash from the boot parameters and see the exact errors04:43
smith469captainmorgan, it looks like it puts me in the manual partition04:44
alraunendo: .. pastebin fstab ...04:44
jordanyyy: what do u mean?04:44
smith469captainmorgan, but none of the hard drives are there04:44
jordanits just a shared folder on the network04:44
CaptainMorgangaryx, **ask*** your question04:44
squarebracketis there any way i could find out if the latest xephyr package in the repo includes evdev support?04:44
Flanneljordan: there's a number of methods of sharing.  Is it a windows machine?04:44
Ganandorfbazhang i don't know how to do that04:44
yyyjordan: in what way is the folder shared? From windows? nfs? samba?04:44
jordanyes, his is a windows machine04:44
jordanfrom windows04:44
CaptainMorgansmith469, it does this automatically ?04:44
jordanand id like to access is from my mac terminal04:44
jordani figure the command should be the same04:44
jordanfor ubuntu04:44
Flannel!samba | jordan04:44
ubottujordan: Samba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT.04:45
Ganandorf<Windsurfer619> i tried the kernal that said  at the end and nothing04:45
bazhangGanandorf, get into grub and hit e then edit the kernel you are booting from04:45
Windsurfer619Ganandorf: listen to bazhang04:45
alraunendo :?04:45
jordanand i can do this thru terminal?04:45
garyxhow can I change the picture in amsn , without restart the section ?04:45
smith469captainmorgan, after it gets to 46% and says "scanning discs" I have no control until it puts me at step 4 of 704:45
Ganandorfbazhang how do i get into grub04:45
Flanneljordan: yes.  Read those pages.04:45
ndoalraune: what do i doagane to fstab ? plz:)04:45
CaptainMorgansmith469, ... oh.. check that your hdds are good then if it's not seeing them it could be a connection or a bad hdd04:45
alraunendo: open a terminal, type : gedit /etc/fstab04:46
smith469but the bios on the motherboard say it04:46
bazhangGanandorf, you know the countdown from 3 2 1 after the bios screen?04:46
mouser-Lenaud01: Never mind, I got it.  top was giving me the wrong process.04:46
Ganandorfbazhang yeah i do04:46
ndoalraune:aha, oke, ty04:46
Lenaud01glad hear mouser- sorry I could not be more help04:46
bazhangGanandorf, hit esc when you see that before it reaches one04:46
jordanis there any way i could do it with the ssh command instead?04:46
Ganandorf<bazhang> ok and do what after04:46
Flanneljordan: samba is not ssh, no.04:46
zcat[1]limited to UDMA/33 due to 40-wire cable  --- BUT IT ISN'T!  How do I fix this bug?04:47
garyxhow can I change the picture in amsn , without restart the section ?04:47
jordanand can i use samba on mac osx?04:47
alraunendo: mark the content of fstab-file, copy to clipboard.....04:47
jordanbecause thats rele where i need to do this04:47
bazhangGanandorf, choose the kernel you are booting from and hit e (for edit) and remove those two lines quiet and splash then save and boot04:47
ndoalraune: now ive to figure out what to do with that pastebin thing.. ;)04:47
zcat[1]I just switched to the most recent generic kernel.. the mobo and drive and cable should all be OK with udma10004:47
jordanbecause loginwindow.app corrupted and mac osx terminal wont connect to any of my HDs04:47
alraunendo: open a browser, go to :   http://www.paste.ubuntu.com04:47
ndoalraune:  oke alredy copied04:47
Ganandorfok but it was a fresh install of ubuntu will it happen again04:48
jon_high9000Is there any to find out for certain which Video Card i have? does ubuntu 8.04 do that by that by chance?04:48
alraunendo: open a browser, go to :paste it there,  gimme url...04:48
ChadGot a question, what is the dafult windows fonts, right now web pages look bad and argh id no't know what font to change it to.04:48
bazhangGanandorf, we need to first see what the exact error is to figure it out04:48
garyxbecause when I try to change the picture the sistem restart the session04:48
ndoalraune:  ohh, just that, oke sec04:48
smith469captainmorgan, I am running seatools, hard drive diagnostic, we shall see :)04:48
Windsurfer619Not Ubuntu strictly, but what is it called when a command line program takes over the terminal and makes it "full screen"? I am wondering how to do that in perl.04:48
yyyjon_high9000: sudo lshw -C video | less    <-- that will get you what you want04:48
Ganandorfbazhang o ok cool rebooting brb04:49
jon_high9000yyy: thank you very much.04:49
CaptainMorgansmith469, you say have more than one disc? any chance you got a hardware raid set up?04:49
CaptainMorgansmith469, diags, good ;)04:49
alraunendo: close gedit, in terminal ,type : fdisk -l  , paste the output to     http://www.paste.ubuntu,com, url here...04:50
CaptainMorgansmith469, but if the BIOS sees it, the installer should too.. in theory04:50
ndoalraune:  http://pastebin.com/m398a80f104:50
smith469captainmorgan, plural grammar was a mistake04:50
ciscawyhey ,all04:50
smith469captainmorgan, i only have one04:50
CaptainMorgansmith469, what type of mobo and hdd ?04:50
ciscawyiam new here can any one tell me what rooms about linux adminstrations04:51
smith469asus p5q-pro, seagate 7200.11 500gb 32mb cache 7200rpm04:51
bazhangciscawy, please clarify04:51
ndoalraune:  strange fdisk -l dont show anything04:51
CaptainMorgansmith469, personally, and only in my experience, asus sucks04:51
smith469they were the best deals04:52
smith469im not overclocking or anything04:52
ciscawyiam cocerned with linux/unix adminstrations,, is there any room for linux admin04:52
alraunendo: l <>i,   L04:52
XCHATDUDEtry sudo fdisk -l04:52
CaptainMorgansmith469, maybe a good deal.. but there's an adage; we get what we pay for :)04:52
bazhangciscawy, you mean administering a server?04:52
zcat[1]anybody got an easy fix for my problem..04:52
smith469captainmorgan, i get a 3 year warranty04:52
ciscawyyes bazhang04:52
debianhi all04:52
=== debian is now known as debian_akroyd
Lvl21nerddoes mplayer have a function to raise the maximum volume or go higher than 100%?04:52
CaptainMorgan!question | zcat[1],04:52
ubottuzcat[1],: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)04:52
xuHey, I have a seriously f'ed up problem04:53
alraunendo:  paste out from                         type : blkid04:53
bazhangciscawy, you can ask here, or in #ubuntu-server04:53
xumy friend just opened totem...and now his laptop mouse doesn't work. across restarts.04:53
zcat[1]limited to UDMA/33 due to 40-wire cable  -- It's definately an 80-wire cable, I tried two othrs.. the drive and mobo both should support ata/100 just fine..04:53
CaptainMorgansmith469, I'm running out of ideas though... :( hopefully someone can provide more assistance with your issue04:53
ciscawyok thanks bazhang ,,, iam new here,, tell me description about this room04:53
debian_akroydi wonder why no body shows up when i use tirc?04:53
smith469captainmorgan, i am running drivetest as we speak04:53
unavailableI have a windows question and no one in windows is answering at all...   http://paste.ubuntu.com/29495/04:53
bazhangciscawy, best to just ask your question in as clear a manner as possible04:53
debian_akroydwell uh04:54
zcat[1]and this is on a squid/dansguardian server, the drive speed is crippling the cache performance04:54
Lvl21nerddoes mplayer have a function to raise the maximum volume or go above 100%?04:54
bazhangunavailable, come to #ubuntu-offtopic04:54
ciscawythanks bazhang ... i mean what topics usually discussed here ?04:54
debian_akroydwhy come to a linux room and ask windows questions? thats like going to a windows room and asking linux questions...04:54
NetEchoSebNaitsabes mac4lin is a themeing project to make Linux look like OS X04:54
bazhangciscawy, ubuntu support; folks have questions or problems with their ubuntu systems/installs04:55
Windsurfer619No kidding. Stop bringing us your closed-source woes.04:55
NetEchoif someone asks about that have them go into the theme manager and customize their metacity theme back to the original Human settings04:55
Lvl21nerddoes mplayer have a function to raise the maximum volume or go above 100%?04:55
alraunendo:  paste out from  :                      ( type :)   blkid   , fdisk -l04:55
ciscawythanks bazhang and sorry for my silly questions04:55
Seven_Six_Twocan someone tell me the cpan command for installing perl modules, like cgi::session?04:56
CaptainMorganah.. smith469 I recall having to do this myself months ago... I forget the setting, maybe this will help: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=4848704:56
CaptainMorgansetting in bios04:56
bazhangciscawy, no worries; chat in #ubuntu-offtopic if you have other than support questions :)04:56
NetEchoLvl21nerd I don't think so but VLC does04:56
Lvl21nerdok that brings me to my next question04:56
Lvl21nerdhow to get XviD asd to play in VLC...04:56
Lvl21nerdi keep getting an error04:56
Brollihi all04:56
=== kogepathic is now known as IceWewe
CaptainMorganactually, that page wasn't very detailed, sorry04:56
debian_akroydhi brolly04:56
NetEchonot sure04:56
Brollianyone know where i can find info on the fdisk commands that arent listed in the man?04:57
CaptainMorganbut I did have to change something04:57
debian_akroydlvl >> can you play it back in somehting like totem?04:57
Lvl21nerdim not sure what totem is04:57
alraunendo: :-/04:57
Dr_willisBrolli,  Hmm.. ive never seen any commands or heard of any not mentioned in the man. *you do mean the man pages for 'fdisk'* right?04:57
CaptainMorganBrolli, what are you trying to do ? which switches specifically with fdisk command?04:57
debian_akroydTotem is a movie player for Gnome04:57
debian_akroyddo you use gnome lvl?04:57
Lvl21nerdi do04:57
Brolliwhen i run fdisk04:58
Brollithere are options such as x04:58
debian_akroydlvl >> well they retitled totem to "Movie Player"04:58
debian_akroydlvl >> just FYI04:58
Brollibut those arent listed in my man04:58
brEzHi, anyone know how to remove psyBNC from ubuntu?04:58
ciscawyhey all I have problems with java applet chat in ubuntu 8.0404:58
bullgard4Wikipedia: "Make menuconfig is an alternative to editing the .config file by hand." Is 'the .config file' /.config? (There are several other .config files in Hardy.)04:58
CaptainMorganBrolli, try doing: whereis fdisk to locate proper man pages04:58
geniiBrolli: When you are in fdisk you can just issue m     for the command list04:58
smith469captainmorgan, im going to check the bios04:58
SitUbuntuSitLvl21nerd: they sometimes list things by their description in menus... movie player is the description.04:58
Lvl21nerddebian_akroyd: im getting totem now....i really hope it works04:59
xuhey, speaking of totem/movie player--has anyone heard of the system crashing after totem is opened04:59
xuand then the mouse is disabled afterward?04:59
alraunendo: :-/04:59
smith469captainmorgan, i set it to go under raid not ide04:59
SebNaitsabesNetEcho: Apple logo is not bundled with Mac4lin, but I can get that else where I guess04:59
Lvl21nerdxu: way to make me nervous:-(04:59
smith469captainmorgan, lets hope this works04:59
xuLvl21nerd: hey man, my friend's laptop no longer has mouse functionality =P04:59
debian_akroydlvl >> ok..and if it doesnt, you will need to install one of the gstreamer codecs (Totem will tell you which one.thats the nice thing about the new version of totem..it tells you what you need if you dont have it)05:00
brEzHi, anyone know how to remove psyBNC from ubuntu?05:00
baudthiefAny way to forward an email to another address while preserving the sender address? Ie: an email was sent to the wrong address and needs to be passed on05:00
debian_akroydbrez >> try sudo apt-get remove psybnc?05:00
brEzthe file isn't in the resp05:00
brEzwould that matter, had to get manually05:01
ndoive go agane that problemwith blackuoting gnome05:01
baudthiefbrEz: just remove the directory05:01
Lvl21nerdhmm....totem is not a separate app?....instead sorta a patch of MPlayer?05:01
brEzhow would I do that?05:01
baudthiefrm -rf PsyBNC05:01
brEz2nd day newb to ubuntu :P05:01
phantasmikwelcome brez05:01
phantasmikyoull love it05:01
baudthiefor just shift+delete :P05:01
CaptainMorganbecareful with that command brEz05:01
alraunendo: how much ram do you use ?05:01
debian_akroydlvl >> if you actually used mplayer and compared it to something like XINE, you would notice that totem is nothing like mplayer05:01
brEzthanks, I had it about a year ago, but my machine blew up :D05:01
smith469captainmorgan, now i know why my internet doesnt work, its not supported :(05:02
brEzI ran the program fine, set it up, now even with terminal closed I can still log into the acct ;x05:02
ndoalraune: 1gig and just resized swap to 1.5gig05:02
phantasmiki switch from windows to mac to linux exclusively05:02
CaptainMorgansmith469, eh?05:02
Lvl21nerdum.....but i installed totem and its not showing up....do i need to restart system?05:02
CaptainMorgansmith469, I'm confused... how would you get internet if you can't even install the OS ?05:02
debian_akroydlvl >> what does it tell you when you try to run the command "totem" in the terminal05:02
brEzI don't so much want to 'remove' - just stop it rather ;D05:02
jon_high9000i currently have a GeForce 6150 LE which came with my system. any chance i can do anything with Compiz Fusion on my ubuntu concerning the GeForce 6150 LE ?05:02
ndoalraune: dont tell me i need more then one gig ram to run gnome ^^05:03
baudthiefbrEz: tried hitting shift+escape, and looking for psybnc?05:03
Lvl21nerdhmmm thats odd why is totem not in the app list05:03
baudthief* ctrl + sescape05:03
Lvl21nerdthe totem command opens totem though:)05:03
nickrudLvl21nerd it's called Movie Player in the menus05:03
alraunendo: with a gig missing swap shouldn't crash the sys ;, paste output   blkid     fdisk -l05:03
debian_akroydlvl >> yes thats the one you want05:03
brEzdidn't know I could :D let me vnc to it now05:03
nickrudLvl21nerd 'generic naming'05:03
debian_akroydlvl >> now try playing the file and see what it does05:03
baudthiefbrEz: hopefully vnc doesnt strip out that key combination :p05:03
brEzit did :P05:04
ndoalraune: sec, ill brb in linux, imin mac now :)05:04
smith469captainmorgan:  look http://forum.ncix.com/forums/index.php?mode=showthread&msg_id=1746104&threadid=1746104&forum=101&product_id=30418&msgcount=6&overclockid=005:04
Lvl21nerdok so yeah it works............i need to increase the volume though05:04
Lvl21nerdlike above 100%05:04
debian_akroydlvl >> good :)05:04
alraunendo: c05:04
baudthiefbrez: lol, try "ps -A | grep bnc" in a console05:04
=== gardar is now known as gardar`afk
brEzfound it in system monitor :D05:05
baudthiefhooray ;p05:05
CaptainMorgansmith469, I had to play with the "Try changing the SATA mode in your BIOS to AHCI mode" and "....legacy" modes...05:05
smith469captainmorgan:  do you know if ahci is slower than ide mode?05:05
baudthiefbrez: KILL THAT MOFO!05:05
CaptainMorgansmith469, sorry... no :(05:06
thorny_sunhow do i change the name of my host form the commandline?05:06
Lvl21nerdno way to increase the volume on MPlayer above 100%?...vlc can so i thought maybe mplayer could05:06
brEz<-psyBNC> Wed Jul 23 12:45:04 :User brez got disconnected from server.05:06
brEzHappiest day ever!05:06
yyythorny_sun: edit /etc/hostname05:06
Flannel!hostname | thorny_sun05:06
ubottuthorny_sun: Use hostname <somehostname> to set the hostname, or to do it permanently: edit /etc/hostname  and /etc/hosts . WARNING! Make sure that your current hostname and /etc/hosts match, otherwise sudo may not work properly. Alternatively, use the gui at system>administration>networking on the "General" tab05:06
alraunekernelcheck is running since 6 hours on my athlon 800 /600M Ram Box,  muahrmuahr05:06
baudthiefbrez: yay :P05:06
smith469captainmorgan:  raid doesnt work ;)05:07
thorny_sunyyy, Flannel, ubottu: do i have to reboot after?05:07
brEzso basically, next time I run it, I would just cd psybnc ./psybnc :D?05:07
smith469captainmorgan:  VERY slow05:07
Lvl21nerdno way on mplayer to raise volume above 100%?05:07
baudthiefbrez: yep!05:08
alraunethorny_sun: ubottu is a bot ..05:08
jbroomeLvl21nerd: it doesn't go to 1105:08
K350Where's the startup scritp located?05:08
crashsystems@Lvl21nerd I'd think not. Is your system volume low in general?05:08
Shish_hey  im sorry, im new.. .this must be somethin real basic.. but my volume just stopped working all of a sudden.. its not on mute, lol, and its up and everything.. any ideas?05:08
Lvl21nerdwell darn....i dunno what to do now.....particular video file has quiet audio05:08
thorny_sunalraune: how do i know you're not a bot?05:08
baudthiefShish_: have you tried turning it off an on again :P05:08
CaptainMorgansmith469, last resort: you may want to try a different mobo05:08
SebNaitsabesShish_: try this open a terminal and killall pulseaudio05:08
Lvl21nerdcan usually make it out but sometimes not05:08
smith469shish_:  are your speakers on :)05:08
CaptainMorgansmith469, just to confirm that your hdd is good05:09
Shish_baudthief: lol, yea i tried that05:09
crashsystems@Lvl21nerd turn up your system volume, instead of just the volume % in totem05:09
Shish_smith469: yup, laptop speakers05:09
smith469captainmorgan: I ran a test from seagate, everything is good05:09
alraunethorny_sun: may a bot is more intelligent, lol05:09
xuHey, anyone have any tips on re-enabling a disabled mouse? getting desperate here...05:09
khaije1do i need to add something in order to manage virtual networks via virt-manager ?05:09
=== creativex is now known as Creatie
debian_akroydlvl >> are you sure that the volume is at 100 in the sound mixer?05:09
ndoalraune: sry, how was it agane plz?)m05:09
=== Creatie is now known as CreativeX
smith469captainmorgan:  but, I dont have the internet connection05:09
CaptainMorganShish_, you may have another process that is requiring sound useage, find that and turn it off05:09
Shish_SebNaitsabes: what do i type exactly? just what u said there, killall pulseaudio?05:09
Lvl21nerdcrashsystems: everything is at max and im using a headset with its volume maxxed....05:09
smith469captainmorgan:  and my soundcard doesnt work05:09
SebNaitsabesShish_:  yes05:09
alraunendo: with a gig missing swap shouldn't crash the sys ;, paste output   blkid     fdisk -l05:09
Shish_CaptainMorgan: thanks, lemme check05:10
smith469captainmorgan:  and my video card ati hd4850 needs to be update05:10
crashsystemscheck out settings in alsamixer05:10
Lvl21nerdi just need the Xvid asd codec for VLC and i would be set05:10
TorrentialEh, I'm trying to install Ubuntu 8.04 on my new XPS M1530 laptop, but I'm having problems getting the wireless card to work.05:10
ubottuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs05:10
crashsystems@Torrential what wireless card do you have?05:10
joanki123can anyone recommend a program that will crop photos?05:10
xuif not, how do i even access terminal with through the keyboard?05:11
Torrentialcrashsystems: I believe a 489505:11
brEzI love it, installed right onto my laptop, no errors, no problems, dual boot aswell :D05:11
SebNaitsabesjoanki123: yes05:11
xujoankil123: use picnik05:11
xuit's a webapp, and it's quick & easy05:11
Shish_CaptainMorgan: nothin usin the sound05:11
unopjoanki123, gthumb05:11
crashsystems@Torrential what company?05:11
Odd-rationalejoanki123: gimp?05:11
joanki123which one is easier?05:11
alraunexu :alt + F"  : gnome-terminal05:11
Shish_SebNaitsabes: did that on terminal, no sound05:11
joanki123to use05:11
joanki123gthumb or picnik05:11
Lvl21nerdhow to get XviD asd codec for VLC?05:11
joanki123what is gimp05:11
alraunexu :alt + F2  : gnome-terminal05:11
FloodBot1joanki123: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.05:11
SebNaitsabesjoanki123: you can use fotoex have to get from the site though05:11
ndoalraune: if i enter "blkid fdisk -l" i get "The lookup option requires a search type specified using -t"05:12
xualraune: thanks! any tips on the mouse while you're at it? =P05:12
joanki123which one can i use just by using the repositories... like sudo apt-get install xxx?05:12
phantasmikanyone try out auto-ndiswrapper05:12
phantasmikany good?05:12
unopjoanki123, gimp is quite like photoshop05:12
TorrentialWait, crashsystems: Right off my invoice I have a Dell Wireless 1505 Wireless-N Mini-card05:12
Odd-rationalejoanki123: gimp == GNU Image Manipulation Tool05:12
joanki123unop, thanks will check it out05:12
smith469captainmorgan:  my hard drive workS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!05:12
Shish_my speakers seem to work when i hit backspace on the text box here, and there's nothin to delete, gives that annoying beep05:12
alraunendo: with a gig missing swap shouldn't crash the sys ;, paste output     fdisk -l05:12
Ganandorfhi bazhang are you here05:12
CaptainMorgansmith469, ?? what happened?05:12
Lvl21nerdxvid asd codec for vlc? how?05:12
unopjoanki123, if you are looking just to crop photos - gimp might be overkill, though it does do it05:12
Odd-rationalejoanki123: http://gimp.org/tutorials/Lite_Quickies/05:12
TorrentialOther than wireless, everything appears to work fine.05:12
smith469captainmorgan:  in bios I switched it to ahci05:12
alraunendo: with a gig missing swap shouldn't crash the sys ;, paste output   blkid05:12
CaptainMorgansmith469,  ah :)05:12
Ganandorfhi bazhang are on05:13
smith469captainmorgan:  now, to fix the three other things05:13
crashsystems@Torrential lspci | grep Network05:13
CaptainMorgansmith469, so all's good that wasn't before ?05:13
SebNaitsabesjoanki123:  this is a good program :)  easy to use very easy to use indeed  http://kornelix.squarespace.com/fotoxx/05:13
bazhangGanandorf, yes05:13
alraunexu: mouse ?05:13
artagnonMy hard drive doesn't work with either Native IDE/ AHCI settings in BIOS. What's wrong? Is my motherboard broken or is Debian netinst (what I'm trying to use) too minimalistic?05:13
ndoalraune: i get no output if i enter "fdisk -l"05:13
xualraune: my friend tried to update totem to totem-xine05:13
bazhangartagnon, debian?05:13
Torrentialcrashsystems: Broadcom Corp BCM432805:13
CaptainMorganndo,  you need sudo05:13
CaptainMorgan!sudo | ndo05:13
ubottundo: sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. For graphical applications see !gksu (Gnome), or !kdesu (KDE)05:13
xualraune: and then when he opened totem to watch a DVD, his whole system crashed hardcore, and the mouse is disabled even after 2 restarts05:13
artagnonbazhang: yes. But I'm banned from the Debian channel for apparently no reason05:13
debian_akroydman debian is fun when it comes down to hardware issues lol!05:14
crashsystemsah, that makes since. You'll need to use ndiswrapper to use your broadcom chipset, I think.05:14
bazhangartagnon, that is offtopic here05:14
xudefinitely the nastiest ubuntu problem i've ever run into, and i've certainly had my share of silliness05:14
ndoCaptainMorgan: ok, ty05:14
Ganandorfok cool i got panic not syncing vfs:unable to mount root fs on unknown - wn-block(0,0)05:14
* artagnon sighs05:14
alraunexu: paste your  /etc/X11/xorg.conf05:14
crashsystems@Torrential lsmod | grep bcm43xx05:14
smith469captainmorgan:  I selected the guided, use entire disc method, what does that mean05:14
Ganandorfmy install is 64 bit05:14
bazhangartagnon, try unetbootin05:14
CaptainMorganxu not here, use pastebin05:14
Torrentialcrashsystems: Returns nothing05:14
CaptainMorgan!pastebin | xu05:14
ubottuxu: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)05:14
smith469captainmorgan:  I'm not used to linux formats05:14
crashsystems@Torrential lsmod | grep bcm05:15
Torrentialcrashsystems: Nothing still05:15
CaptainMorgansmith469, pretty much it means what it says it's going to do :)05:15
alraunendo: fdisk -l  is the small "L"05:15
artagnonbazhang: No point. Even my installed Debian doesn't start05:15
xualraune: how do i do that from my friend's computer sans-mouse?05:15
CaptainMorgansmith469, use the whole disk? guided with largest *free* space? or manual? etc....etc.05:15
artagnonwith either of the drivers05:15
tonisiusTrying to get IMwheel working with firefox3 on the latest ubuntu 8.0405:15
artagnonAHCI or native IDE05:15
tonisiusany advice or assitance?05:15
debian_akroydart >> then its probably your bios...05:15
xunvm, i'll figure it out05:15
debian_akroydif your system wont boot to debian, then its probably your bios05:16
debian_akroydart >> can you atleast get to grub?05:16
tonisiustrying to find the right resource for it, but imwheel -c -d isn't giving me the title of the firefox3 window05:16
artagnonIt's a new motherbarod05:16
alraunexu: oh yeah....05:16
Ganandorf ok cool i got [191.7539087 kernel panic - unt root fs on unknown - wn-block(0,0)05:16
artagnonyes, I can get to GRUB05:16
pan02342is it ok to mount hdd to desktop?05:16
smith469captainmorgan: it gave me only one choice, most likely since it was brand new and nothing was on it05:16
debian_akroydkk well then its not somethingw ith your bios05:16
xualraune: I can just paste it to firefox and then manually type the link, i guess?05:16
Shish_SebNaitsabes: actually the terminal message says pulseaudio:no process killed05:16
artagnonin fact it boots until it gets to the stage where it tries to mount disks05:16
Neod192hello, I have a problem loading ubuntu from the live cd. when it loads, it goes to a text screen telling me to type help for the built-in comands. anyone know what's going on?05:16
pan02342mount -t ntfs-3g /dev/hda3 ~/Desktop05:16
alraunexu :alt + F2  : gnome-terminal, type : cd /etc/X11/05:16
smith469captainmorgan:  manual was an option, but I didnt know what to do05:16
xuyeah, i have it copied05:16
artagnonthen it drops to the busybee shell and says no hard disks were found05:16
CaptainMorgansmith469, hmm... strange though.. even new disks you partition if you wish05:16
xuand i'm navigating to paste.ubuntu now05:16
ndoalraune: http://pastebin.com/m56620db205:17
SebNaitsabesShish_:  ok so it's not a pulseaudio issue then hummmmmm meaning your sound is not working at all probably05:17
CaptainMorgansmith469, ok, that's good, just go with guided for now until you get the hang of it05:17
bazhangdebian_akroyd, feel free to go to PM or create a channel #artagnon to talk about debian05:17
smith469captainmorgan:  its working, currently at 41% install05:17
crashsystems@Torrential doing some research, brb05:17
tonisiusblarg, this IMWheel configuration helper isn't very helpful05:17
Shish_SebNaitsabes: thats strange... cause i still get the "beep" on this window when there's nothin to delete, and i hit backspace...?05:17
Torrentialcrashsystems: Ok, thank you.05:17
debian_akroydok sry05:17
alraunendo: blkid                    ,pastebin...05:17
SebNaitsabesShish_:  that's not from the speakers though05:17
yujiI'm convinced the new default wallpapers red dot spins when you are not looking05:17
toulousehi there, i was wondering how can i use the unix 'write' command over my wifi network?05:18
Shish_SebNaitsabes: oh..lol, mah bad, sounded like it05:18
Brolliim having trouble finding the descriptions for the fdisk commands05:18
toulouseor wall will work05:18
alraunexu: are in X11 now ?05:18
xualraune: what kind of syntax is it?05:18
ShishireI have a program which crashes occasionally, and leaves a socket open.  It refuses to work with any other port.  Does anyone know a bash command that can close an open socket?05:18
xualraune: i'm at paste.ubuntu05:18
SebNaitsabesShish_: problem with lap tops is some of their hardware is not suppourted by Linux,  their may be a driver some where that can be used though05:18
artagnonbazhang: any suggestions on where I can get some help?05:18
debian_akroydart i just sent you a pm did you get it?05:18
xualraune: can I just use plaintext?05:18
SebNaitsabesShih_:  depending on what sound card you have, but I can't really help you with that, but someone else here probably can05:18
debian_akroydart >> well you could either reply to my pm or go to a debian list05:18
khaije1btw to answer the question i asked before about how to load the minimal X server is 'xorg' - i was thinking xserver-xorg at first but thats wrong05:19
alraunexu: for what ?05:19
Ganandorf<Ganandorf> hi bazhang i got this as the error message [191.7539087 kernal panic - not syncing vfs: unable to mount ro05:19
ndoalraune: http://pastebin.com/m4d6e840a05:19
bazhangartagnon, #linux perhaps or #ubuntu-offtopic not sure really05:19
Shish_SebNaitsabes: ok cool.. i guess i can check around for that.. but this just happened all of a sudden tho... like the sound was fine before... is that supposed to be like that tho? if hardware not supported?05:19
artagnondebian_akroyd: replied to PM05:19
xualraune: for the /etc/X11/xorg.conf05:19
yujiShishire do: lsof | grep yourport, and you will see what process is using it. just kill it?05:19
Brollianyone know where i can find info on the fdisk -x commands?05:19
SebNaitsabesShish_:  I guess it's something else then05:19
SebNaitsabesShish_:  did you re boot since then?05:19
fooolanyone here05:19
bazhangGanandorf, this is vm or wubi? has it ever reached the desktop (ie logged in)?05:19
CaptainMorgan1236 of us05:19
Shish_SebNaitsabes: yea just did before i came on here05:19
bazhangfoool, yes05:19
Odd-rationaleBrolli: man fdisk ?05:19
smith469does anyone know how I can moniter my cpu temp, as well as my ati hd4850 temp?05:19
CaptainMorganShishire, what's the issue ?05:20
=== |Aryn| is now known as aRyn
Ganandorfi am not sure what is wubi or vm05:20
Brollimy man fdisk doesnt have any desc of the -x options05:20
Ganandorfits installed on the hard drive05:20
un_davehey, i have an issue with a computer running 7.10, i installed some updates, and now when i restart it, it loses it's network card driver. I run "modprobe r8169", and it loads the driver and corrects the issue. But how can i get this to happen automatically?05:20
ShishireI'm running uTorrent in wine, and when it closes, it doesn't close cleanly, I have to manually kill it, and it leaves a socket open05:20
crashsystems@Torrential Check out this site (http://linuxwisdom.blogspot.com/2008/07/install-ubuntu-hardy-heron-8041-on.html), and scroll down until you get to the part where the author installs his BCM4328 card, about one third down.05:20
bazhangGanandorf, have you ever successfully logged in?05:20
foooltotally new to ubuntu - how do i make a shortcut to desktop, when i drag n drop it says permission denied, must be root05:20
CaptainMorganShishire, how did you manually kill it?05:20
SebNaitsabesShishire:  utorrent hummmm why not just use ktorrent :)05:20
Ganandorfyes i have been using it for 3 weeks now05:20
Odd-rationaleBrolli: neither does mine... ;)05:20
bazhangfoool, shortcut from where05:20
Torrentialcrashsystems: Ok, thanks. I'll check it out.05:21
Shishiresystem monitor05:21
Brolliis it possible they havent been written yet?05:21
ShishireSebNaitsabes, doesn't matter, I'm currently using utorrent05:21
Ganandorfand the hard drive is brand new05:21
Brollithe man05:21
Shish_SebNaitsabes: wellt hanks for ur time -- appreciate it05:21
xualraune: Okay, Pasted as plaintext: http://paste.ubuntu.com/2949805:21
bazhangfoool, why do that? just right click add application launcher to panel05:21
floweryah, Shishire.. there are plenty of good torrent progs that are not needed to be run in wine05:21
SebNaitsabesShish_:  yeah good luck with that05:21
toulousehow can i use the *nix 'Write' command over my network?05:21
pan02342y is it everytime i save in gedit i get another file that has ~ in the end?05:22
CaptainMorganShishire, agreed, no need to use Wine for this issue05:22
alraunexu: 3 min, brb05:22
Odd-rationalepan02342: for backup05:22
SebNaitsabesShishire: well ktorrent is a native Linux app :)  unlike  utorrent05:22
fooolwhere do i do that? bazhang - sorry for my ignorance05:22
bazhangGanandorf, when did this start messing up? (also type baz and hit <tab> to prepend my nick to message)05:22
Shishireregardless of what application I use, I still have an open port05:22
Shishirehow do I close it?05:22
ndoalraune: so, is there some way to let it be mounted or no?:)05:22
SebNaitsabesCaptainMorgan: I think that might mean like back up file05:22
luzaiHi, I keep getting download error when I want install programs either from Add/Remove or Synaptic "Can not fetch blablabla". Seems that the download link is broken. Is it normal?05:22
anathematichow do i update the time on my ubuntu server to be my correct time zone?05:22
SebNaitsabesCaptainMorgan: or tempory file05:22
bazhangfoool, on top panel right click and add application launcher then choose the ones you want05:22
alraunendo: your corrected fstab : http://pastebin.com/defad9d605:23
Brollifdisk -v gives "(util-linux-ng 2.13.1)"05:23
flowerShishire, what do you mean, like it's holding the port open?05:23
CaptainMorganShishire, http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-167477.html05:23
ndoalraune: hmm05:23
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about utorrent05:23
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about ktorrent05:23
crashsystems@Torrential This might also be useful: https://help.ubuntu.com/8.04/internet/C/ndiswrapper.html05:23
Ganandorfbazhang well it just started doing it just now when i tried to boot and that tab thing seems not to work will type out your name then05:23
toulousehow do i use write over a network05:23
Odd-rationale!info ktorrent05:23
ubottuktorrent (source: ktorrent): BitTorrent client for KDE. In component main, is optional. Version 2.2.5-0ubuntu1 (hardy), package size 2711 kB, installed size 10316 kB05:23
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about write05:23
CaptainMorganSebNaitsabes, what?05:23
alraunendo : know what to  do ?05:24
CaptainMorganoh, sry, nvd05:24
bazhangGanandorf, what changes have you made? new kernel update broke it, third party repo added or other05:24
SebNaitsabesOdd-rationale:  yeah, but the guy was to noob to use Ktorrent :(  utorrent in wine hummmmmm05:24
yujiis there a way to hotkey switching active X screens? Right now, the cursor must be IN the x screen in question, AND a window focused for anything to work (like alt + tab, workspace switching, etc)05:24
ndoalraune: was just thinking about it, replace right?05:24
SebNaitsabesOdd-rationale: I was hoping  ubotut would say something about it05:24
Odd-rationalesebastien: k05:24
Odd-rationaleSebNaitsabes: k05:24
Ganandorfthird party repo i think was added i tried to get the mac look for my desktop and i add some repositries so that i could get avant05:25
alraunendo : quick n dirty :  (terminal ): sudo gedit /etc/fstab05:25
Torrentialcrashsystems: Ok, cool. Thanks, this should work.05:25
Ganandorfbazhang but i did all that like three days ago05:25
ndoalraune: oke :)05:25
crashsystemsyour welcome05:25
bazhangGanandorf, awn is in the repos; were you adding a ppa repo?05:25
Odd-rationaleSebNaitsabes: but you know that transmission is default in ubuntu hardy...05:25
ahornerhow do i change permissions of a folder?05:26
Ganandorfawn was not in my default repos not sure what is a ppa repo05:26
alraunendo : see the line swap  with the wrong uuid, correct  code is UUID= 967140f8-1f52-4481-995f-c76b75fdd34405:26
CaptainMorgan!chmod | ahorner05:26
ubottuahorner: An explanation of how files and directories are organized on Ubuntu, and how they can be manipulated, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LinuxFilesystemTreeOverview05:26
toulousehow do i use the Write command over a network plz05:26
bazhangGanandorf, this is gutsy then?05:26
SebNaitsabesOdd-rationale: sure, but ktorrent :)05:26
ndoalraune: from your pastebin link, do i copy from upper side or from down side, or doesnt matter?:)05:26
crashsystems@ahorner you could ether right-click and hit properties/permissions, or chmod -R xxx my/folder05:26
Ganandorfhardy heron i believe its 8.0405:26
CQmorning... I would like a script to run before sleep or hibernate to unmount truecrypt volumes... do I need to stick something in an init state or do I need to stick it in /etc/acpi?05:26
crashsystems@ahorner where xxx is the octal numbers for your permissions05:27
bazhang!info avant-window-navigator05:27
ubottuavant-window-navigator (source: avant-window-navigator): A MacOS X like panel for GNOME. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.2.1-0ubuntu2 (hardy), package size 215 kB, installed size 1152 kB05:27
bazhangGanandorf, ^^05:27
alraunendo : delete or comment old uuid, paste right uuid, save file, close gedit,  type mount -a05:27
Ganandorfbazhang i used this site to get the look and followed it instruction http://rockmanx.wordpress.com/2008/06/02/make-your-linux-ubuntu-look-like-a-mac-hardy-heron/05:27
alraunendo see yo in 5 min05:28
=== a is now known as siqenm
fooolbazhang it isn't there in custom app launcher /usr/bin/ when I try to make shortcut it says I need to be root05:28
ndoalraune: kk05:28
Ganandorfbazhang i read the above does that mean it can be found in default repo05:28
crashsystems@Ganandorf I wonder when people are going to start talking about "macing your mac look like linux"05:28
eaglejazz_lol nice crashsystem05:29
alraunexu : hmm, mouse is still in xorg.conf05:29
bazhangGanandorf, the ppa repo is there05:29
crashsystemsalready Ubuntu blows mac out of the water, with compiz fusion05:29
xucrashsystems: When Linux starts giving a shit about graphic design, although I agree with your general sentiment05:29
bazhangfoool, which app05:29
xualraune: Yeah, I compared it to my own and so it seemed. But--it is totally unresponsive05:29
Ganandorfwhat is ppa in terms of ppa repo bazhang05:30
ahornercrashsystems: i tried that but it said cannot access 77705:30
alraunexu: just a generic mouse, ps2 ?05:30
Lvl21nerdok new idea05:30
xualraune: it's a laptop touchpad mouse05:30
CaptainMorganahorner, what permissions are you trying to set ?05:30
Lvl21nerdi need an ubuntu video file converter.....05:30
smith469how do i eject usb devices in ubuntu05:30
xuon a hp pavilion dv400005:30
crashsystems@ahorner can you paste the exact output?05:30
ahornercrashsystems: read write and execute for all05:30
bazhangGanandorf, it is a personal repo that people can make available; I would suspect that or the rapidshare themes as the culprits in this case05:30
xusmith469: right-click, eject05:30
ahornerroot@andy-desktop:/# chmod -r 777 dev/vboxdrv05:31
ahornerchmod: cannot access `777': No such file or directory05:31
smith469there is no eject05:31
CaptainMorganahorner, remove -r05:31
Lvl21nerdubuntu compatible video file converter? eh?05:31
crashsystemschmod -R 777 my/directory05:31
Lvl21nerdconvert XviD to AVI eh?05:31
Ganandorfbazhang hmm cause the theme was giving some trouble and it only started working yesterday and i had not turned on the sys till then so it could be the theme05:31
CaptainMorganahorner, man chmod for even more info :)05:31
ahornerchmod 777 dev/vboxdrv05:31
ahorner worked05:31
luzaiHi, I keep getting download error when I want install programs either from Add/Remove or Synaptic "Can not fetch blablabla". Is it just me or it happens to you guys too? I'm using 8.0405:31
Ganandorfbazhang what can be done05:31
bazhangGanandorf, boot in recovery mode05:32
smith469how do i eject usb devices in ubuntu05:32
ahornerok i just got an error in virtualbox, The VirtualBox support driver which is running is from a different version of VirtualBox. You can correct this by stopping all running instances of VirtualBox and reinstalling the software..05:32
ahornerVBox status code: -1912 (VERR_VM_DRIVER_VERSION_MISMATCH).05:32
luzaismith469: right click on the item and click eject05:32
Lvl21nerdis there a program that will work on Ubuntu that can convert video files?05:32
bazhangsmith469, right click safely remove if usb05:32
Ganandorfand do what after that05:32
alraunexu : you have another (mouse-working) lap with the same mouse-section in x-conf ?05:32
crashsystems@smith469 right click the drive on your desktop, and hit unmount/eject05:32
xualraune: my laptop is a lenovo, so it's not quite the same...05:33
deserteaglehello alll05:33
alraunexu: but also a touchpad ...05:33
jezezis there a way to get 2.6.17 kernel image without compiling the whole thing? right now the depositories only have 2.6.15 only05:33
xualraune: yep05:33
crashsystemsit might say ether one, but I'm not sure which05:33
crashsystemsthey mean the same thing05:33
xualraune: want me to pastebin mine?05:33
alraunexu: no05:34
fooolbazhang i want to make a shortcut for /usr/bin/kompozer05:34
alraunexu : did you try to remove (purge) the totem stuff ?05:34
unopjezez, what version of ubuntu are you on at the moment?05:34
Lvl21nerdis there a program that will work with ubuntu for converting video files??05:34
xualraune: what do you mean, purge?05:34
bazhangfoolano, right click add application launcher then navigate to the folder it is in and add kompozer05:34
unopLvl21nerd, ffmpeg or mencoder05:35
tonisiustrying to get firefox3 working with x11/imwheel.  The forward/backward buttons don't work so well, X11 sees it, and firefox just moves left and right. trying to get the resource of the firefox3 and it isn't working with firefox, or firefox-3.0 as the title/resource05:35
debian_akroydok back05:35
tonisiushow can I find the resource for firefox3's window05:35
smith469how do i find drivers05:35
tonyyarussofoool, bazhang:  Applications > Internet > KompoZer in the menus, right-click, "add this launcher to desktop"05:35
toulouseanyone know how to use 'write' or 'wall'?05:35
deserteagledoes anyone know why vlc isnt playing any sounds while audacious and gnome's sound test thing will05:35
jezezunop: i'm on xubuntu.. latest one with kernel
alraunexu: purge is a option , together with (auto)remove that cleans a paketinstallation cpltly05:35
t35t0rhttp://www.101cookbooks.com/archives/spinach-rice-gratin-recipe.html does the header on this website look blurry to people?05:35
bazhangcheers tonyyarusso05:35
unop!version | jezez05:36
ubottujezez: To find out what version of Ubuntu you have, type « lsb_release -a » in a !shell05:36
smith469i need to know the name of my ethernet driver05:36
debian_akroydrofl @
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about wall05:36
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about write05:36
bazhangt35t0r, no05:36
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about talk05:36
xualraune: Okay, how do i do that to totem?05:36
luzait35t0r: looks fine here05:36
ubottuSo, you wanted to lure me into saying I don't know anything about anything? Yeah, that would be funny, of course. Now leave me alone.05:36
jezezunop: 6.06 dapper05:36
bazhangtoulouse, what are you looking for05:36
toulousethe 'write' command05:36
toulouseand how to use it over a network05:36
ahornerlol i love that.05:36
bazhangtoulouse, please clarify05:36
toulousei want to use 'write' to send a message to another user on my wireless network05:37
bazhangahorner, please /msg ubottu in PM for fun if you wish05:37
ahorner*sigh* ok05:37
alraunexu: little time,  checking out the packetnames..05:37
unopjezez, wow, never had the need to upgrade?  i guess you will have to either upgrade or backport the kernel from a newer version of ubuntu (i.e. compile from source package)05:37
toulousebazhang, im trying to send an 'instant message' if you will over the wifi from my mac to my ubuntu machine05:38
ahornerwhat package do i install for virtualbox?05:38
toulousebazhang, or vice-versa05:38
ubottuvirtualbox is a x86 !virtualizer. A !free edition is available from !Gutsy as 'virtualbox-ose'. A non-free edition is available at http://virtualbox.org for most Ubuntu releases (help in #vbox) - Setup details at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VirtualBox05:38
jezezunop: i thought i was on the latest one. i went to the website and downloaded what i thought was latest iso lol05:38
bazhangtoulouse, using what protocol05:38
luzaisomeone please. I'm only a 2 days Ubuntu user. I almost can not download anything from Add/Remove or Synaptic. Looks like all links to those packages are broken. Am I doing something wrong?05:38
crashsystems@ahorner I would recommend that you download it from the virtualbox website05:38
unopjezez, 6.06 is not the latest -- that's over two years old :)05:38
jezezunop: gonna download 8.04 then05:38
Flannelluzai: pastebin /etc/apt/sources.list05:38
toulousebazhang, I guess DHCP? -I dont know much about networking05:38
Flannel!paste | luzai05:38
ubottuluzai: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)05:38
ubottuUbuntu 6.10 (Edgy Eft) was the fifth release of Ubuntu. It is now in end of life, and is unsupported. Please upgrade to a newer release.05:38
smith469lmao, asus didnt add the linux driver on the new ati hd4850!05:39
bazhangluzai, yes; you need to enable the repos in software sources (hardy)05:39
ubottuDNS is an acronym for Domain Name System, and is an internet system used to translate names into IP Address.05:39
ubottuUbuntu 6.06 LTS (Dapper Drake) was the fourth release of Ubuntu. See !lts for more details.05:39
crashsystemsI love ubottu!05:39
debian_akroydhehe me too05:39
ubottudhcp is Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol, a protocol for automatic IP assignment from a router. Ubuntu uses dhclient as a DHCP client but other ones (and DHCP servers too) can be obtained from the !repos. More info at http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/DHCP05:39
bazhangguys, take the ubottu love to PM with /msg05:39
luzaiOK, sorry. I don't know the rules yet05:39
unop!msgthebot > ahorner05:39
ubottuahorner, please see my private message05:39
Flannelluzai: You've nothing to apologize for05:40
ahornerany good games for linux?05:40
luzaibazhang: and how do I enable the repos in software source?05:40
Flannel!games | ahorner05:40
ubottuahorner: Information about games on Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Games and http://www.icculus.org/lgfaq/gamelist.php05:40
debian_akroydquake 405:40
debian_akroydunreal tournament [anything]05:40
nullmin1get drunk and try to run wine :-/05:40
debian_akroydopenarena is good too05:40
fooolbazhang - went to Add to Panel - Custom App Launcher - Browse to /usr/bin/ - doesn't show the app kompozer there, but in the filesystem it is there.05:41
bazhangluzai, system administration software sources set them there05:41
iceninewine is kind of an ironic name, those vb apps get better with age.05:41
crashsystemsI think wine has progressed to the point where most geeks can even use it while drunk. For non-geeks, I'd only recommend wine while sober.05:41
bazhangfoool, navigate to the internet folder and right click on kompozer icon and choose add to panel05:41
deserteagledoes anyone know why vlc isnt playing any sounds while audacious and gnome's sound test thing will?05:42
iceninedeserteagle: audio output driver, check it05:42
rafaelscjI would like to know a good DNS server tu put on /etc/resolv.conf05:42
nullmin1my VLC just recently started hanging and then stopped... seemed to be related to being on a network05:42
fooolok got it. thanxs05:42
nullmin1you may wish to use gstreamer-properties to change the output type05:42
fooolthanks behang05:42
iceninerafaelscj: how about the one your ISP provides you with?05:42
* nullmin1 faedes into code05:42
luzaibazhang: wow! thanks a bunch! it works now05:43
smith469how can i unrar in ubuntu05:43
bazhangluzai, nice going05:43
alraunexu: apt-get autoremove --purge totem totem-xine totem-common totem-gstreamer totem-plugins05:43
taime1smith469: install unrar05:43
deserteagleicenine: o.O? the driver? but it works with audacious05:43
bazhangsmith469, /msg ubottu unrar for info05:43
iceninedeserteagle: go into vlc's preferences05:43
thinman1189how do I format a usb drive? I haven't since dapper, I'm sure it's changed, lol.05:43
xualraune: "Could not open lock file"05:44
luke-jrthinman1189: probably not05:44
iceninedeserteagle: you will see an option to select the output drivers for video and audio, make sure alsa is selected.05:44
xushould i sudo it?05:44
Amunhow do i allow Kino to read/write access to my firewire camcorder? I have to run it as root to get it to access my camcorder. is there a simpler way?05:44
smith469i dont have an internet connection05:44
ahornerhehe im installing vista through vitbox05:44
deserteagleicenine: it is :(05:44
iceninedeserteagle: oh noes05:44
alraunesmith469: google for unp ubuntu (multiple unpacker-util) ,one for almost all05:44
iceninedeserteagle: what is selected in audacious?05:44
bazhangsmith469, how are you on irc then05:44
crashsystems@ahorner may God have mercy on you.05:44
deserteagleicenine: oss05:45
iceninedeserteagle: set up alsa on your system.05:45
ahornercrashsystems: i just switched to ubuntu todat05:45
NetEchoSebNaitsabes as of newer versions that is correct, you can either grab it from the 0.3 version or make your own using images found in different places on the net05:45
rafaelscjicenine, I can't connect when I use dhcp for dns05:45
smith469im not on the ubuntu05:45
diegoHow can I remove a group of files from the /usr directory without removing each file separately using terminal?05:45
crashsystems@ahorner congrats, and welcome!05:45
alraunexu: synaptic open ? no sudo in front ?05:45
iceninerafaelscj: oh noes. call your ISP and let 'em have it.05:45
xualraune: working now w/ sudo, thanks!05:45
SebNaitsabesNetEcho: ok thanks05:45
tonyyarussodiego: define this "group"05:45
rafaelscjluke-jr, what's the name of that server?05:45
ahornerI like it alot, especially because of compiz05:45
xualraune: the uninstall, that is, not the mouse =P05:45
alraunediego: rm -r, carefull !05:45
smith469nothing is working!!!!05:45
Amunhow do i allow Kino to read/write access to my firewire camcorder? I have to run it as root to get it to access my camcorder. is there a simpler way?05:46
luke-jrrafaelscj: the name?05:46
diegotonyyarusso: many files (images)05:46
bazhangsmith469, will the ubuntu box ever have internet?05:46
taime1Amun:  add the device to fstab05:46
* ahorner wonders if i will get banned from irc for telling users to delete usr directory05:46
deserteagleicenine: you mean the sound preferences?05:46
diegotonyyarusso: not a "foulder"05:46
bazhangahorner, yes05:46
tonyyarussodiego: if they have similar naming schemes, then rm with some wildcards will be fine05:46
iceninedeserteagle: no, I mean configure alsa on your box.05:46
ahornernot suprised.05:46
crashsystems@ahorner Yeah, compiz is real nice. Most people ask me to put Ubuntu on their laptops when they see compiz on mine.05:46
diegotonyyarusso: wildcards?05:47
tonyyarussodiego: *, ?, and the like.05:47
alpha255compiz is nice05:47
iceninedeserteagle: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=59556505:47
deserteagleicenine: but if i choose it for audacious, it also works05:47
ahorner@crashsystems i just wish i had another nice sized monitor05:47
iceninedeserteagle: that explains your problem, I think05:47
iceninedeserteagle: because you've seelected OSS05:47
alraunexu: it's hard for me to guess what caused the missbehaviour, but a reconfiguration of any poss should maybe be done when the occur is deleted05:47
thorny_sunif i add an executable to /etc/init.d will it automatically get called when the computer reboots?05:47
diegotonyyarusso: oh!, sorry, I'm a newbie05:47
iceninedeserteagle: no, that link is no good05:47
rafaelscjicenine, My modem don't connect because it's for windows05:47
iceninerafaelscj: winmodem?05:48
deserteagleicenine: i just changed it to alsa and it still works05:48
crashsystems@ahorner Do you have the cube set up? I've found that for me, it is almost as good as having two monitors. Way cooler looking, too.05:48
iceninerafaelscj: you gots 56k?05:48
KattmanCompiz ? how to I get the inside of the cube view ?05:48
diegotonyyarusso: But I don't think they have similar names05:48
ahorneryeah i set all the effects up05:48
rafaelscjicenine, so, i MUST edit /etc/resolv.confg manually05:48
alraunethorny_sun: or /etc/rc.local05:48
ahornercube is nice, havent made use of it yet05:48
Brollidoes fdisk x f change partition UUIDs?05:48
iceninerafaelscj: I know.05:48
rafaelscjicenine, No, it's a cellphone05:48
bazhangKattman, set in ccsm05:49
rafaelscjicenine, USB05:49
iceninerafaelscj: so, they don't provide you with DNS?05:49
crashsystemsThe expo plugin is also rather useful.05:49
kushal_12_27_200hello, I have a bin file and a cue file from DeVeDe. How can I burn it on a cd correctly?05:49
tonyyarussodiego: Ah, np.  I'm trying to come up with a good starter document on the subject, but my mind is blanking atm.  Possibly "man regex".  Alternatively, you can pass each name on the line (eg. 'rm file1 file2 file3'), or put the names in file and pass that as input.05:49
diegotonyyarusso: Is there a way to use the graphic interface (as in KDE) for removing these files as root?05:49
iceninedeserteagle: hm, now that you changed the other apps all to alsa, try using vlc again.05:49
KattmanBazhang: whats the name of the icon05:49
deserteagleicenine: grrr.... i restarted VLC and it works now.... to an extent05:49
iceninedeserteagle: see :D alsa05:49
diegotonyyarusso: Nice!05:50
iceninedeserteagle: it works because you changed the other driver to alsa.05:50
xualraune: it's done, should I restart now?05:50
deserteagleicenine: plays fine on an .mp4 sticks like hell on an avi05:50
rafaelscjicenine, when chose dynamic DNS, the connection don't start05:50
alraunediego : could you specify the directory you want to delete ?05:50
tonyyarussodiego: Yes, although it's not preferred (primarily because if you forget and keep doing other things with that window open as root you can mess other things up)05:50
bazhangKattman, icon? not sure what you mean there05:50
alraunexu : give it a try, though I think we... see then05:50
majortoo1is there something special i have to do to the apache config to have it process .htaccess files?05:50
diegotonyyarusso: How can I make that file? ie what kind of file should be?05:50
ahorneroh crap, i forgot i need to set up apache05:50
iceninerafaelscj:_call_ your _internet_ provider or cell phone company, and ask them for the IP of their dns server? why doesn't this work for you?05:51
tonyyarussodiego: plain text, one filename per line.  Details in #bash (not yet my strongest suit)05:51
diegoalraune: yes05:51
xualraune: can i restart from the command line?05:51
alpha255dns stuff might give you a listing of their dns servers too05:51
diegoalraune: wait05:51
alraunexu: type: reboot05:51
KattmanBazhang: i have the cube with outside view, but want the inside view05:51
alpha255dnsstuff.com I think05:51
benanzoanyone else having trouble with Samba after updates?05:51
rafaelscjicenine, "whose" this dns server is?05:51
taime1sudo reboot*05:51
michael_can someone help me, conky and system monitor show my processor running at 800mhz even when the load is great. how can i get it to run at 1.8ghz like it should?05:51
alpha255it hasn't affected my dancing ;)05:52
iceninerafaelscj: your are connecting to the internet with your cell phone, right?05:52
xualraune: taime1: kthx!05:52
rafaelscjicenine, yes05:52
iceninerafaelscj: your cell phone company, has dns servers. you can call their tech support and ask for the IP05:52
z0x1cmajortoo1: disable any "AllowOverride None" directives (e.g. /etc/apache2/apache2.conf)05:52
un_davei have an issue with a computer running 7.10, i installed some updates, and now when i restart it, it loses it's network card driver. I run "modprobe r8169", and it loads the driver and corrects the issue. But how can i get this to happen automatically?05:52
bonez45is there any utility I can run to see if my system would support compiz?05:52
iceninerafaelscj: then you can put it, in resolv.conf.05:52
diegoalraune: /usr/share/amule/skins/05:52
rafaelscjicenine, I know that, but sometimes that don't work05:52
crashsystems@Kattman Inside cube is in the desktop cube plugin, behavior tab05:52
crashsystems@Kattman first check box05:53
icenineso use that that luke-jr gave you05:53
alraunediego: in the dir skins are the files yo wanna delete ?05:53
nickrudbonez45 ask in #compiz-fusion, I've seen one but don't know the current state of it05:53
xualraune: Nope, mouse still doesn't work =(05:53
rafaelscjicenine, :)05:53
diegoalraune: I accidentally unziped a file there05:54
diegoalraune: yes05:54
diegoalraune: images most of them05:54
bonez45nickrud: thanks..05:54
alraunexu : terminal as root(sudo <command> or sudo -s ((root)) ) = T05:54
kushal_12_27_200hello, I have a bin file and a cue file from DeVeDe. How can I burn it on a cd correctly? I am using Ubuntu 8.04 LTS on a Toshiba Satellite M55-S13505:54
deserteagleicenine: meh, changed everything in the Sound Preferences to OSS and now it works... except on some .iso videos05:55
diegoalraune: images from an incorrectly unziped skin file05:55
xualraune: Uhh...what?05:55
iceninedeserteagle: but they all have to be at the same volume, i bet.05:55
arooni-mobilewhat do you do if you run: sudo grub; find /boot/grub/stage1; root (hd2,0); setup hd2;  then you reboot and you dont see grub?   (ubuntu hardy live cd)05:55
deserteagleicenine: they sound all scratched up even when i press the mute button :S05:55
alrauneT: cp /etc/X11/xorg.conf      /etc/X11/xorg.conf.backup05:56
smith469what does cd mean in terminal talk?05:56
diegoalraune: I should have unziped It in another directory inside /usr/share/amule/skins/05:56
crashsystems@smith469 change directory05:56
michael_smith469: cd means change directory05:56
alraunediego : all files in that dir(skins) shall  be deleted ?05:56
jsheedyI am still getting a kernel fault when trying to install:  I have tried new power supply, 2 dvd-roms, memory, different hard drives.  versions 7.10, 804 and 8.04.1 install cds/dvds05:56
michael_can someone help me, conky and system monitor show my processor running at 800mhz even when the load is great. how can i get it to run at 1.8ghz like it should?05:56
anathematichow do i change the local date on my server?05:57
luke-jrjsheedy: different mobo/CPU?05:57
diegoalraune: no, not all files05:57
=== debian is now known as Guest71352
jsheedyI just went through a whole install of XP with out issue, and my gentoo live cd boots up05:57
Guest71352jsh> what proc are you using?05:57
jsheedywell I don't have an extra motherboard/CPU05:57
luke-jrjsheedy: Ubuntu is known for poor hardware support. Not sure how to help though.05:57
=== Guest71352 is now known as debian_akroyd
alraunek, diego: open a shell..05:57
debian_akroydjsh >> 64bit?05:58
Lenaud01I am trying to use the imageflow in calibre and it says that API v 3.7 anyone??05:58
bazhangjsheedy, did you md5 the iso and do an integrity check on the disks in question; also what speed did you burn the iso to cd at05:58
alraunexu: copied xorg.conf ?05:58
xualraune: It hasn't changed, I don't think, but okay05:58
jsheedywell I burnt the cds at 24x05:58
jsheedyon two different systems05:58
bazhangwhat about md505:59
slashydotif my graphics card reserved part of the hosts system memory how would i know?05:59
diegoalraune: but maybe i colud move the few files I don't want to remove to another directory, remove the entire directory, then mkdir /usr/share/amule/skins and then move the files I saved to that directory05:59
jsheedyI do have an adaptec 29160 scsi adapter05:59
thorny_sunhow do i know when my /etc/init.d/script will run?  i.e. after mountnfs.sh?05:59
diegoalraune: Is that ok?05:59
jsheedyyes md5 check came out good05:59
debian_akroydjsh >> could you get something like ubuntu 6.06 or 6.10 to work?05:59
xualraune: http://paste.ubuntu.com/29515/05:59
jsheedyand I have used the 7.10 cd to install an old laptop without issue.05:59
tonisiuswhere are the login scripts defined so I can run something when I log into my account via GDM?05:59
jsheedyI have not tried, but I guess I could look into it.06:00
alraunediego: or you simply delete em and unzip at the right place again ...06:00
Ahadiel!session | tonisius06:00
ubottutonisius: To add programs to start up when you log into your Gnome session go to System>Preferences>Sessions and use the Startup Programs tab. For more information, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AddingProgramToSessionStartup - See !boot for starting non-interactive programs at boot06:00
bazhangjsheedy, what boot params have you tried, eg acpi=off, remove quiet splash to see errors, all_generic_ide etc06:00
debian_akroydjsh >> sometimes, depending on your chipset and such, ubuntu wont work with certain motherboards or computers. it will give you errors like that06:00
Lenaud01I am trying to use the imageflow in calibre and it says that API v 3.7 anyone??06:00
unop!tab | debian_akroyd06:01
ubottudebian_akroyd: You can use <tab> for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line.06:01
alraunexu: that was just a backup,  (T): dpkg-reconfigure  -phigh  xserver-xorg06:01
xuoh okay06:01
tonisiusAhadiel: thanks06:01
ManacitSo I have a bit of a problem with gcc, every time I try to compile something, it exits with the error "collect2: cannot find 'ld'"06:01
debian_akroydoh ok got it06:01
alraunediego : in a shell now ?06:01
xualraune: done06:01
Manacitand I can't seem to figure out why, I have ld at /usr/bin/ld, and /usr/bin is in my $PATH06:02
slashydotdoes anybody know if TotalMem in /proc/meminfo includes or excludes reserved video memory (when it is not dedicated)06:02
kushal_12_27_200hello, I have a bin file and a cue file from DeVeDe. How can I burn it on a cd correctly? I am using Ubuntu 8.04 LTS on a Toshiba Satellite M55-S13506:02
alraunexu : pastebin out from : lspci06:02
debian_akroydkushal_12_27_200: use gnomebaker06:02
jsheedywell I will try a few more things, if that does not get it I may have to try another version.  thx06:03
debian_akroydi think brasero can do those files to if im not mistaken06:03
kushal_12_27_200do I burn it as a data disc or is bin an image?06:03
debian_akroydjsheedy: no problem06:03
bazhanghttp://www.majorsilence.com/devede/docs/faq.html kushal_12_27_20006:04
ManacitSo I have a bit of a problem with gcc, every time I try to compile something, it exits with the error "collect2: cannot find 'ld'", ld is at /usr/bin/ld, and /usr/bin is in my $PATH :\06:04
xualraune: http://paste.ubuntu.com/29517/06:04
bazhangkushal_12_27_200, answer near the top06:04
unopManacit,    what does your $PATH look like?   echo $PATH06:04
lichenI'll think about it06:04
JensBruyou tell me ;)06:04
kushal_12_27_200thanks bazhang06:04
Manacitnick@manacit:~$ echo $PATH06:05
ManacitIt works as root, just not a normal user06:05
normlomanMy cd-rw drive wont read or burn cds. http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=867520 anyone have any idea what could be the problem?06:05
Lenaud01I am trying to use the imageflow in calibre and it says that API v 3.7 anyone??06:06
Manacitand I know ld works06:06
unopManacit, what does root's $PATH look like?06:06
Manacitnick@manacit:~$ sudo echo $PATH06:06
Manacitsame exact thing06:06
unopManacit, err, that's not displaying root's path .. it's displaying yours06:06
Manacitoh :\06:07
Manacitwell it works when I sudo gcc blah.c06:07
Manacitif you want to know06:07
Manacitroot@manacit:/home/nick# echo $PATH06:07
=== C7543287 is now known as chalcedony
dubbyhey anyone know of a nice alert notification thing for if there are failed ssh logins ?06:08
ManacitI've uninstalled binutils and everything multiple times06:08
dubbyim getting a tun of logs from someone trying to root ssh into my box06:08
Manacitand ld --version works as a normal user06:08
alraunexu: (T) :apt-get install xserver-xorg-input-synaptics             (should be installed already)06:08
xualraune: done06:09
kushal_12_27_200can I use Brasero to burn bin/cue files instead06:09
RazorBeamzDoes anyone have icons that look like the Human icons but are green?06:09
Ahadielkushal_12_27_200, Instead of?06:09
thinman1189for some reason I can't unmount my usb. it keeps saying an app is preventing it from being closed, but I don't have anything running other than firefox and pidgin06:09
bazhangLenaud01, this is emulating the coverflow of OS X?06:09
Lenaud01RazorBeamz, gnome-look06:09
kushal_12_27_200I am not really fond of terminal06:09
Lenaud01coverflow of itunes lol06:09
zoreauthinman: gotta umount it06:09
Ahadielkushal_12_27_200, of course you can use brasero06:09
alraunexu:(T) gedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf06:10
bazhangLenaud01, calibre is in the repos?06:10
arooni-mobile__i'm trying to swap out my old hard drive.  old drive has two partitions: sdc1(/) and sdc2 (/home).   i copied partitions to the new drive sda1 (/) and sda2 (/home).  when i boot, ubuntu has mounted /home from sdc2 NOT sda2.  / is mounted correctly from sda1.  how to fix?06:10
thinman1189zoreau: ?06:10
Lenaud01bazhang, http://calibre.kovidgoyal.net/wiki/Screenshots06:10
kushal_12_27_200but I don't know if bin is a CD image or if I should burn the bin as a data disk06:10
alraunexu : add the section : Section "InputDevice"         Identifier      "Synaptics Touchpad"         Driver          "synaptics" EndSection06:10
bazhang!info calibre06:10
ubottuPackage calibre does not exist in hardy06:10
kushal_12_27_200DeVeDe spit out two files: one is a bin file (which is huge) and another is cue (which is tiny)06:10
normlomanthinman: this may be a shot in the dark, and i am no expert, but have u tried logging as root in terminal then using the umount command?06:10
normlomanits only a guess i dont know what im doing06:10
Lenaud01is how i installed it bazhang06:11
alraunexu: 4 lines06:11
normlomanand i apologize if uve already tried something like that06:11
zoreauagh nvm its not lettin you 'umount' is it? I was thinking it would prevent you from06:11
michael_can anybody help me with a processor scaling problem?06:11
zoreauremoving it06:11
RazorBeamzLenaud01: gnome-look isn't a package06:11
unopManacit, i can't think of anything but maybe to strace your gcc/make command.06:11
kushal_12_27_200DeVeDe spit out two files: one is a bin file (which is huge) and another is cue (which is tiny)  but I am not sure what I should do with them06:11
cpk1kushal_12_27_200: you have a bin and cue and want to burn it to a cd?06:11
kushal_12_27_200cpk1, yes06:11
cpk1kushal_12_27_200: try bchunk06:11
smiti am following this tut, but I dont know what to do at step 4 http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=770173&page=206:12
Lenaud01no its a site RazorBeamz06:12
xualraune: even if there is already a section "InputDevice" with all of that in it?06:12
RazorBeamzThere are no green icons on gnome-look.org that look like the Human icons06:12
debian_akroydmike >> im sure that we would be glad to help..whats up with your cpu scaling?06:12
debian_akroydoh woops06:12
debian_akroydmikearr: ^^06:12
normlomando u mean you dont understand what they are asking you to do in step four?06:12
normlomancd is a command for change directory06:12
smithow do i do that06:13
normlomanin terminal you type cd and then whree u want to go06:13
bazhangLenaud01, you are running gutsy or hardy06:13
debian_akroydmichael_: ^^ not mike06:13
normlomanso try cd ~/linuxdrivers/l1e_lan/etc etc etc06:13
smiti dont know where i want to go06:13
normlomanor wherever you put the files06:13
smitwhere i put the files?06:14
normlomanit depends on where you unpackeed everything06:14
normlomanone thing I noticed to is that06:14
normlomancd /06:14
michael_debian_akroyd: in conky and system monitor it shows it running at 800mhz no matter how big the load. how can i get it to run at the normal 1.8ghz?06:14
smitnow i got it06:14
normlomanif u type the slash before everything thats your file system06:14
normlomancd ~/ starts out in whatever your home directory is06:15
kushal_12_27_200cpk1, searching bchunk produces no result in add remove software06:15
alraunexu: yes06:15
cpk1kushal_12_27_200: its in universe06:15
kushal_12_27_200how do I install it then?06:16
alraunexu : in the section server layout, add a line :     InputDevice     "Synaptics Touchpad"    "SendCoreEvents"06:16
normlomancan anyone help me? When I put a cd in my cdrw drive, filebrowser reports "no medium in drive". I cant mount cds. http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=867520 is where I posted my fstab and lshw06:16
cpk1kushal_12_27_200: activate the universe repository then update apt then install it06:16
arooni-mobile__i'm trying to swap out my old hard drive.  old drive has two partitions: sdc1(/) and sdc2 (/home).   i copied partitions to the new drive sda1 (/) and sda2 (/home).  when i boot, ubuntu has mounted /home from sdc2 NOT sda2.  / is mounted correctly from sda1.  how to fix?06:16
smitnormloman, now im stuck at step 706:17
xualraune: k06:17
smitwhat do i do06:17
normlomanim not sure about that one.06:17
unavailableanyone have any reasons not to use ubuntu on this?   http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E1683422034606:17
normlomani think they mean06:17
livani cant install beryl06:17
dubbylivan try compiz06:17
normlomanwell no ... i dont know06:18
debian_akroydlivan: use compiz it comes preinstalled with ubuntu 8.0406:18
normlomancan someone else read it  http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=770173&page=206:18
debian_akroydlivan: the beryl project has been merged with compiz06:18
swubooDoes fsck need to be run as root or on an unmounted partition?06:18
jbroomeswuboo: yes and yes06:18
Lenaud01bazhang, any luck??06:18
dragonim on a hp nx9420 right now unavailable.. laptops work06:18
swuboojbroome:  Okay on the former; how would I manually run it on the root partition, then?  Unmount it?06:19
cpk1normloman: do you know the dev point of your cd drive?06:19
unavailableyah but i was asking about hardware compat06:19
kev_I've downloaded the new linux kernel .26 how do i now compile it?06:19
normlomancpk1 would that be in fstab?06:19
ubottuCompiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first)06:19
livanthank but06:19
kev_That didn't help :(06:19
cpk1normloman: usually it is06:19
dubbyhey anyone i have a hacker attack problem, i was wondering if there was an application that make an alert on things like someone trying to connect root to sshd06:20
livanwere i find xompiz06:20
debian_akroydlivan: im not sure if beryl is even in hardy's repo06:20
=== dan is now known as dany317
burn_hi guys i have an O2 xda stealth and was wondering whether i can put Ubuntu Mobile on it or not.?06:20
normloman/dev/scd1    /media/cdrom1   udf,iso9660 user,noauto,exec,utf8 0       006:20
dragonlooks like it would work06:20
dany317я где????06:20
lyohaa gde neznaju06:20
smitwhat do i do!06:20
macodubby: um well if you have no root password, they cant do so.  you can use fail2ban to ban their IP after x failed attempts06:20
debian_akroydright click on the desktop -> change Desktop background -> Visual effects -> then click either normal or extra06:20
alraunexu :http://paste.ubuntu.com/29519/06:20
macolivan: beryl is gone06:20
normloman/dev/scd1       /media/cdrom1   udf,iso9660 user,noauto,exec,utf8 0       is hat fstab says about my drive. What would be the mountpoint?06:20
unopdubby, or you can totally hide sshd using knockd06:21
dany317так это млин точно не айсикушный клиент06:21
normlomanwould it be /media/cdrom1 ?06:21
macolivan: compiz is included as part of hardy...it is enabled by default if your hardware supports it06:21
cpk1normloman: so what happens when you try mounting /dev/scd1 yourself?06:21
smitim using this tut, im stuck at step 7  http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=770173&page=206:21
ubottuПожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke06:21
arooni-mobile__are UUIDs specific to DRIVES or PARTITIONSso i even have to use uuids?  cant i just use /dev/sda2 /home?06:21
normlomanwhen I mount it myself? What do you mean? Like in terminal?06:21
xualraune: Yep, I have all of that in my xorg.conf06:21
jduckett2.6.24.X, the mac80211 and iwlwifi modules were built-in to the kernel06:21
jduckettRegardless of kernel version, you have to install the microcode for the card. It should be in the Ubuntu repositories06:21
alraunexu: save, close gedit ...06:22
jduckettanyone have any experience in this area??06:22
bazhangLenaud01, not seen any errors related to that api; did you follow all the steps as in the wiki?06:22
unoparooni-mobile__, they are specific to filesystems not necessarily partitions -- and you can use the old style device names too06:22
macoarooni-mobile__: yes you can do that but UUIDs make it so that if the naming changes (2 releases ago that disk might have been /dev/hda2) it doesn't break06:22
unopmaco, 2 releases ago? what do you mean?06:22
xualraune: ya?06:22
arooni-mobile__macd, how do i get the UUID for a drive06:23
smitim using this tut, im stuck at step 7  http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=770173&page=206:23
unoparooni-mobile__, sudo blkid /dev/blah06:23
macounop: 2 ubuntu releases ago libata changed and IDE stopped being /dev/hda and started being /dev/sda06:23
smitim using this tut, im stuck at step 7  http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=770173&page=206:23
smitim using this tut, im stuck at step 7  http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=770173&page=206:23
alraunearooni-mobile__: uuids are unique descritors: if for example you add a drive or put one out ,the whole hdxx-stuff gets messed, but not the remaining uuids06:23
arooni-mobile__unop, does UUID change if you physically move the drive06:23
normlomancpk1 when I type mount /dev/scd1 it says no medium found06:23
Lenaud01I did bazhang did you get imageflow to go?06:24
debian_akroydmaco: true with some systems, however on one of the systems i had, ubuntu 7.04 onto the current release sees my hard disks as /dev/hda and they are ide disks06:24
bazhangLenaud01, am using hardy here06:24
unopmaco, libata really does not affect how UUIDs are generated or stored on the device .. so i don't see how it would have been different06:24
Lenaud01maybe why06:24
discobeefinter-uterine devices?06:24
unoparooni-mobile__, no, not unless you format the device or recreate the filesystem06:24
l815how do you install icon sets in xubuntu?06:24
dragonZesty Zebra06:24
discobeefbirth control is for pussies06:24
kev_I've downloaded the new linux kernel .26 how do i now compile it?06:24
l815oops wrong channel06:24
smitim using this tut, im stuck at step 7  http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=770173&page=206:25
bazhangdiscobeef, take that elsewhere06:25
alraunexu: (T)  /etc/init.d/gdm restart06:25
discobeefwhat is this channel?06:25
bazhangdiscobeef, not here06:25
alraunexu: log in again..06:25
normlomandiscobeef this is for ubuntu06:25
normlomanthe operating system06:25
discobeefafrican tribalism?06:25
legend2440smit: ok to pm?06:25
cpk1normloman: firstly it would have to be something like mount -o loop /dev/scd1 /media/cdrom06:25
dragon31337 h2x0rz06:25
normlomanlemme type that in06:25
macounop: right, that's why you should use UUIDs, because when libata changed if you used /dev/hda naming, you were screwed06:26
smitlegend2440, yes06:26
cpk1normloman: also if you have more than one cd drive you might be using the wrong cd drive06:26
debian_akroydkev_: if i were me i would just wait until they come out with .26 in the repo. but when i compiled kernels for gentoo, i used genkernel (i think thats its name)06:26
normlomancpk1 i know scd1 is my cdrw drive06:26
normlomani checked in lshw06:26
Lenaud01bazhang, here is what I get during install06:26
Lenaud01WARNING: You need PyQt >= 4.4.2 for the GUI. You have 4.3.306:26
Lenaud01You may experience crashes or other strange behavior.06:26
alraunexu: ?06:26
kev_thanks, debian_akroyd06:26
debian_akroydkev_: then all i had to do was update GRUB and i was good to go06:26
xualraune: it is taking a long ass time06:27
macokev_, debian_akroyd:  .26 is the intrepid kernel.  it will not be in hardy.06:27
legend2440smit: do you see my pm?06:27
unopmaco, well, forget 2 releases ago then .. device names are not consistent even now, especially with removable devices06:27
normlomancpk1 i just typed in the different mount command u gave me06:27
normlomanstill no medium found06:27
debian_akroydmaco: ah ok06:27
alraunexu: did gdm restart ?06:27
xu"Running local boot scrtips"06:27
macounop: of course, but i know that some people swithed their fstab to that and had things like their /home partition go missing06:27
cpk1normloman: is it a blank cd or has data on it?06:27
xualraune: blink blink blink06:27
normlomanit is a data cd06:28
xualraune: should it be taking so long?06:28
normlomanand it works in my other cd drive so its not bad06:28
macounop: a new mount point for a flash drive is one thing...having / and /home be unmountable is completely different06:28
alraunexu: what is taking long ? blink ?06:28
debian_akroydkev_: genkernel is not in the repo. you will have tod wonload it from the web06:28
xualraune: "Running local boot scripts"06:28
macokev_: why do you need .26?06:28
macokev_: some incredibly new hardware?06:29
DethrayIs it a good idea to install ubuntu in a ntfs partition?06:29
macoDethray: no.06:29
macoDethray: it cant handle the permissions necessary for a unix system06:29
kev_i just hear its safe to have the latest software upgrades such as the  kernel.06:29
bazhangDethray, wubi?06:29
macokev_: we have the latest security upgrades06:29
unopmaco, unmountable really means nothing, if you were to create a new partition or even add a new physical disk .. you affect the naming/numbering of devices06:29
macokev_: its not as if .24 is unmaintained06:29
macoDethray: that doesnt really install ubuntu in ntfs06:29
kushalsejwal I wanted to start WordWeb dictionary which I installed via wine to be launched at startup so I added it to the startup list. but when I restated it. instead of lauching in the system tray(which it normally does), it got launched in "Wine system tray". What can I do to make it start at startup in the system tray only. please help06:30
macoDethray: it creates an ext3 disk image that happens to sit on an ntfs partition06:30
kev_thanks maco!06:30
macoDethray: ubuntu is then installed in the ext3 disk image06:30
macokev_: no problem06:30
alraunexu: did you reboot or just logged out ? local boot sripts ?06:30
kushalsejwalGuys anyone have any idea regarding this ??06:31
alraunexu: anyhow, are you running kde or gnome ?06:31
xualraune: I ran that restart thing you told me to06:32
xualraune: and I'm running gnome06:32
DethrayI needed it for a class and I'm borrowing my gf's laptop.  I would install it properly but the hd in the laptop has a few bad sectors in it and I didn't wanna resize the ntfs partition and risk loosing windows.  So I figured this might be a good option06:32
arooni-mobilewould folks recommend using nvidia drivers (currently using restricted) on ubuntu hardy if i have a nvidia geforce 7950 card... and my system has been crashing/hanging recently?06:33
debian_akroydDethray: have you tried wubi?06:33
macoDethray: yeah, that should work06:33
michael_how do i get my processor to run at full speed in ubuntu?06:33
dragonlaptop sata drivers are like $6006:33
alraunexu: if you go to system in the top panel>preferences>mouse...then ?06:33
macodebian_akroyd: thats what he's asking about :)06:33
macodragon: depends on the size06:33
debian_akroydoh lol06:33
dragon80 gb06:33
debian_akroydok i will shut up now06:33
DethrayOk I'll give it a shot...Thanks! :)06:34
alraunexu: can u activate the Touchpad now ?06:34
xualraune: A) Mouse doesn't work, so that doesn't fly, and b) I'm still "Running local boot scripts"06:34
xualraune: should I ctrl-c or try to force restart or what?06:34
khaije1pulseaudio crashes on me more than any other app06:34
itai-michaelsonanybody knows how to play VCDs (.dat files) on Ubuntu?06:34
michael_debian_akroyd: my process will not run any higher than 800mhz according to system monitor but its a 1.8ghz processor06:35
DethrayAre your jumpers set correctly, Michael?06:35
normlomanitai, did you see this http://alternativenayk.wordpress.com/2007/01/20/playing-vcds-on-ubuntu-linux-how-to/ ?06:35
alraunexu: wait a little, lets say 3 minustes, meanwhile : Alt+F2, type gnome-terminal..06:35
Lenaud01im on gusty with newer versions is there a way to downgrade?06:35
Lenaud01On linux you need pyqt4 >= 4.4.2 and sip >= 4.7.6 for it to work06:35
michael_Dethray: its on a laptop and it ran fine with vista06:35
xualraune: screen just went blank...06:35
debian_akroydmichael_: are you monitoring your process while running on the battery?06:35
kushalsejwal I wanted to start WordWeb dictionary which I installed via wine to be launched at startup so I added it to the startup list. but when I restated it. instead of lauching in the system tray(which it normally does), it got launched in "Wine system tray". What can I do to make it start at startup in the system tray only. please help06:36
DethrayMaybe your cpu is stepping.06:36
alraunetype: sudo apt-get install gsynaptics06:36
xualraune: oops, it just blanked from disuse. it's still running local boot scripts...and it's doing so like it's booting up or booting down06:36
debian_akroydmichael_: thats normal if your doing that on the battery according to your bios settings06:36
Lakjinhey guys, how would i write a script or something so that I have to just click on one file to make it run two programs? i.e. warcraft 3 and autorefresher?06:36
debian_akroydim getting 800mhz right now though06:36
debian_akroydfor some reason06:36
debian_akroydand im plugged in06:36
dragonwhy does linux have to hate ATI06:37
michael_i just plugged in and still 800mhz06:37
DethrayAgreed, dragon06:37
normlomanits more like ati hates linux06:37
macomichael_: probably because if it was running much faster other, more important things, might not get done06:37
nogagplzhehe, 800mhz is the speed of my pentium 3 :D06:37
debian_akroydmichael_: yah mine too...06:37
macomichael_: read up on niceness06:37
dragoni been trying to get CSS woking for the last 2 days06:37
debian_akroydive never had this problem before06:37
debian_akroydmichael_: in the system monitor, it reports 2 ghz06:37
debian_akroydon my end06:37
normlomancss like the web code? or the game?06:37
macodragon: what's wrong with your style sheet?06:37
dragonhehe, CS:S06:38
debian_akroydmichael_: does the sytem monitor report the normal speed on your end when plugged in?06:38
normlomanoh ok06:38
normlomandoes that run in wine?06:38
=== asdlfkjasdklfjks is now known as arooni
Lakjinim sorry to ask again but how would i write a script or something so that I have to just click on one file to make it run two programs? i.e. warcraft 3 and autorefresher?06:38
dragonrunetime error: CSS is a reserved word.06:38
debian_akroydmichael_: oh its when the cpu turns on the fan that it scales the speed too06:38
dragonlak, yah06:38
debian_akroydmichael_: when the fan turns off, i get the full 2 ghz06:39
Lakjinyes dragon?06:39
debian_akroydmichael_: but when its on, it reduces to 800 mhz06:39
Lakjindo i write a script? if so how?06:39
Lakjinim newbie to linux06:39
debian_akroydmichael_: i guess its to keep the laptop from over heating or drawing excessive power06:39
dragonyou can write a script or something to run frozen throne and a refresher06:39
swubooHow could I manually get fsck to run on bootup?06:39
Lakjinokay thats good. but do you know how? i dont =(06:39
SaEeDIRHAhi, i have new host which has Ubuntu, and i have remote access to that box, but i dont have X installed, how can i install X remotely so i can use Remote desktop application ?06:40
dragonwe are in the same boat06:40
Lakjinokay well im gunna have to try it out06:40
Lakjinafter i finish installing06:40
Lakjinill let u know06:40
luzaiHi, I've just installed KAddressbook from Add/Remove but it doesn't show in Applications menu. How do I add it to the Application menu list?06:40
michael_debian_akroyd: hmm thats weird. hey i cant find out how to tell how fast my processor is running in system monitor. my friend that was helping me left06:40
dragonpython or something06:40
=== fair is now known as natalia1979
Lakjinif its anything like windows (which i doubt) i will just have to insert the right commands into a txt file06:40
debian_akroydmichael_: the system monitor (system -> administration -> system monitor) doesnt tell you the processor speed06:40
xualraune: I logged in, but now it is in full terminal mode06:41
alrauneswuboo: its best to have fs2chk running from a different drive, e-g- live cd06:41
xualraune: how do I start gnome?06:41
debian_akroydmichael_: cat /proc/cpuinfo will tell you proc speed06:41
alraunexu: gnome&06:41
debian_akroydmichael_: but not what its running at at the moment06:41
xualraune: command not found06:41
SaEeDIRHAanyone can help ? how can i activate remote desktop , remotely?06:42
Shish_hey, my sound just stopped working on my laptop -- running hardy... shutdown and restarted -- still no sound...  any ideas why? help please!06:42
michael_debian_akroyd: ok im using conky to tell me the speed at the moment but it wont change from 800mhz no matter what i do06:43
SaEeDIRHAi have SSH access, how can i activate remote desktop access ?06:43
arooniwhats that cool linux program to: print out how many bad sectors on a drive, how many unmapped good sectors are left etc... low level hard drive stuff?06:43
debian_akroydmichael_: tell me the output of what running cat /proc/cpuinfo is when you run that in the terminal06:43
mkquistxu: sudo /etc/init.d/gdm restart06:43
swubooalraune:  A liveCD would be ideal, except that I don't have one and my burner's shot.06:43
=== SunWuKung|away is now known as SunWuKung|away|a
alraunemkquist: since then we're hanging ...06:44
xualraune: mouse still doesn't work after reboot06:44
debian_akroydmichael_: conky only tells you what the processor is doing speed wise at the moment..it doesnt describe what the processor is capable of doing06:45
alraunexu: but again in usaul desktop ?06:45
mkquistalraune:  ctrl/alt/bachspace does nothing?06:45
xualraune: yep06:45
Odd-rationaleSaEeDIRHA: do you have X forwarding as well?06:45
mkquistor xu ctrl/alt/backspace does nothing?06:45
michael_debian_akroyd: it says that cpu 0 and 1 are 800mhz. i dont know how to use the paste bin yet to post the whole thing06:45
xumkquist: past that problem, thanks06:45
DethrayHmm Kbuntu, unbuntu, kbuntu-kde4 or xubuntu....What would you suggest as a wm?06:45
alraunexu: how to get in gnomes toppanel without mouse ?06:46
xualraune: isn't there a command-line command i can use to access the same?06:46
debian_akroydmichael_: open the terminal, type cat /proc/cpuinfo and _tell me_ what the output of that is06:46
cpk1Dethray: the one you like is usually a good bet06:46
alraunexu: you don't have an usb mouse around ?06:46
DethrayHeh, I dunno what they look like. ;)06:46
xualraune: nope, everyone in the house is on a strict laptop diet06:46
alraunexu: most probably, or function keys, muharr06:47
SaEeDIRHAOdd-rationale: u mean in sshd.conf file?06:47
Odd-rationaleSaEeDIRHA: yes. and the -X option. e.g. ssh -X user@
fooolwhich is the best user friendly FTP proggy to use in Ubuntu?06:48
Dethraycpk, if I don't like one can I change to another?06:48
cpk1Dethray: yes06:48
Dethraysearching for screenshots now.06:48
unop!best | foolano06:48
ubottufoolano: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.06:48
h2ii can´t ssh into root, hoping someone can help ¨PermitRootLogin yes¨ is set in sshd_config06:48
brian_hermanfoool:sudo apt-get install filezilla06:48
unopoops, foool ^^06:48
brian_hermanfoool: or you could just use nautlius06:48
h2ii can ssh into any other user though06:49
SaEeDIRHAOdd-rationale: i cannot see Xforward option in my sshd_config file06:49
coz_foolano,  here is a list and reviews of most onlinux I believe   http://linuxreviews.org/software/ftp-clients/06:49
Odd-rationale!ftp | foool06:49
ubottufoool: FTP clients: !Nautilus, !gFTP (for !GNOME) - !Konqueror, !Kasablanca, !KFTPGrabber (for !KDE) - See also !FTPd06:49
cpk1h2i: ssh and then su?06:49
Mycah_can anyone help me with my sound? it's not working at all :/06:49
michael_debian_akroyd: did u get it?06:49
Shish_hey, my sound just stopped working on my laptop -- running hardy... shutdown and restarted -- still no sound...  any ideas why? help please!06:49
unoph2i, by default ubuntu does not have the root account enabled -- and therefore you cannot log on directly as root .. log in normally and then become root (also a good practise)06:49
DethrayDoes ubuntu come with compwiz?06:49
coz_Mycah_,   open a terminal  tyep  alsamixer   and see if the card is recognized06:49
Mycah_same here, Shish06:50
Odd-rationaleSaEeDIRHA: you must enable Xforwarding on the server machine. and use the -X option on the client...06:50
Odd-rationaleDethray: yes06:50
Shish_Mycah_: any ideas on how to fix that?06:50
SaEeDIRHAi will try06:50
alraunexu: another try06:50
h2iunop: how would you temporarily allow direct access?06:50
Shish_Mycah_: sweet...lol06:50
Odd-rationaleSaEeDIRHA: after that. try starting vino-preferences06:50
alraunexu:  Alt+F2, type gnome-terminal..06:50
OverandI've got a brand-new SATA drive in a somewhat older system, and it's building/syncing a RAID 1 array.  I got an error in dmesg that 'feels like' it might be indicating a probem with the drive.06:50
Mycah_coz_ it has bars on it, master, headphones, pcm...06:50
unoph2i, what do you mean?  log in and then sudo -i06:50
xualraune: uh huh06:51
alraunetype: sudo apt-get install gsynaptics06:51
Overandhttp://pastebin.org/56223 <-- the error06:51
coz_Mycah_,  ok and does it tell you the name of the card there as well?06:51
h2ii´ll just rewrite the program, thanks for your help unop06:51
hardy-flowhola alguien habla castellano?06:51
alraunexu: muharr06:51
ubottuEn la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.06:51
Overandworth noting, It's only occured *once* - and the array is about 85% done building06:51
Mycah_the chip?06:51
Mycah_SigmaTel STAC9250  is the chip06:51
coz_Mycah_, yeah thats would do   ok  is anything muted?06:52
alraunexu: got it ?06:52
xualraune: terminal? yes06:52
Mycah_its all at 10006:52
alraunetype: sudo apt-get install gsynaptics06:52
xualraune: okay06:52
coz_Mycah_,  ok look for one names "pcm" see if the volume is turned down06:52
Mycah_nope its at 10006:52
alraunexu: when finished : gsynaptics06:52
arooniwhats that cool linux program to: print out how many bad sectors on a drive, how many unmapped good sectors are left etc... low level hard drive stuff?06:53
coz_Mycah_,  could you take a screenshot of that    alt+printscree when it is focused and upload to maybe speedyshare.com?06:53
Shish_coz_:  hey my pcm is all the way down.. how do i turn that up?06:53
xualraune: Gsynaptics couldn't initialize. You have to set SHMConfig 'true' in xorg.conf06:53
xualraune: investigating xorg.conf...06:53
coz_Shish_,   arrow buttons should do it06:53
coz_Shish_, up arrow06:54
alraunexu: seen linux before, lol ..06:54
Shish_coz_:  do i turn all of them up all the way? pcm, iec958, capture?06:54
xualraune: what should SHMConfig go under?06:54
centralhello every body :)  i have a little problem with the virtualbox , i am installing XP but how to make the mouse working in to the virtualbox ?06:54
coz_Shish_, you will have to experiment with them but I wouldnt turn them all up to 100% anyway06:55
alraunexu: I have no idea06:55
sravanhow to run manually 'dpkg --configure -a'  ...?06:55
xualraune: k, i'll look under my xorg.conf...06:55
coz_Shish_,  if you type   sh   when the termainl is focused you should get a short keybindins list06:55
alraunexu: its written as on, seems like set to true..06:56
coz_Shish_, sorry that is just     h06:56
Mycah_coz_ sorry for the delay, im having another serious problem with my install that is annoying the heck out of me. randomly programs start freezing and I cant open any new ones and its like GNOME is frozen, too.06:57
alraunexu: it's the second input device block, giv it a try, set it from on to true06:57
coz_Mycah_, ooo that sounds real bad  is this a fresh install?06:57
Mycah_yes, fairly fresh06:57
diegoalraune: thank you, I soved my problem06:58
Mycah_i've had it for about 5 days now06:58
coz_Mycah_,  was this an upgrade from one version to the next?06:58
diegotonyyarusso: thank you too06:58
xualraune: the second Synaptics Touchpad? or the first one?06:58
alraunediego rm ? mv ?06:58
kindofabuzzMycah_, could be failing memory, boot to the livecd and run memory test06:58
xualraune: in other words, the one with all the other options or not?06:58
alraunexu : yep06:58
sravanhow to run manually 'dpkg  --configure  -a' ...  any know about this..?06:58
xualraune: It wasn't set to "on" in either one, btw, it didn't exist at all06:58
Mycah_it seems as though the two problems im having go hand and hand because the sound will stop working then it won't open any new programs06:58
coz_sravan, in terminal ?06:59
kindofabuzzsravan, man dpkg06:59
Mycah_no, coz_06:59
xualraune: do i have to restart gnome?06:59
kindofabuzzxu, ctrl alt bakspace06:59
Mycah_and what do you mean by failing memory, kindofabuzz? how do i run a memory test06:59
kindofabuzzoh nvm06:59
kindofabuzzMycah_, i just told you how06:59
sravanyeah do u know the command06:59
alraunexu : ?? http://paste.ubuntu.com/29519/       | yes restart or reboot06:59
kindofabuzzMycah_, failing memory, as in your memory is failing06:59
Shish_coz_:  wow... WOW... my sound works.. lol06:59
xualraune: k06:59
smitlegend2440 is my hero06:59
coz_Mycah_,   when you put in the live cd  there is a list of options one is memory test06:59
coz_Shish_, :)06:59
sravancoz, do you know the command07:00
mkquistxu u dont have to reboot07:00
mkquistxu:  just restart x server07:00
Shish_coz_: thank you so much man, appreciate that .. i have no idea why that was down tho.. its weird.. but thank you so much07:00
Shish_Mycah_: best of luck dude07:00
coz_stroyan, sudo dpkg-reconfigure -a ?07:00
xumkquist: i know, i was wondering whether i had to restart x at all, thanks =)07:00
Mycah_So i have to download the live cd version?07:00
Mycah_and ty Shish you too07:00
coz_stroyan, what is happening and what gave  you t his?07:00
coz_Mycah_,   how did you install ubuntu?07:00
legend2440!beer | smit07:00
ubottusmit: Beer is always appreciated.07:00
Mycah_i downloaded it and burned it to a disk07:00
xualraune: mouse still dead =(07:00
coz_Mycah_,  ok and that disk   did it boot to the desktop and then you installed from there?07:01
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alraunexu: (T) gsynaptics07:01
Mycah_umm yes i believe so, it looked as if it was on a desktop, yes.07:01
xualraune: it still claims it doesn't work. oh, i bet i should get rid of the other InputDevice that we added in...07:02
coz_Mycah_,  ok then put that cd in the drive and reboot  if it is the live cd the first thing you will see is the ubuntu symbol and a list of options below   one should be memory test07:02
Mycah_ok ill brb then07:02
alraunexu: or the one with all this options...07:02
XazzzaXok ive got a huge problem now07:03
* kushal_12_27_200 does not know why Ubuntu wants to freeze every now and then when I update ... 07:03
Miksag1hey; um, where could i find a list of supported network cards for ubuntu?07:04
zcat[1]If I want to add something to Preferences > Sessions > Startup Programs from the shell, I create a .desktop file somewhere right? Where should I be putting that?07:04
xu# is a comment in *.conf, right?07:04
coz_Miksag1, try here   https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport07:04
XazzzaXeverytime i restart my pc, my screen shows green split pixels and goes into low gfc mode. it asks if i want to reboot my pc shut it down proced it add a driver. if i hit proced and go into ubuntu and try to reinstall the driver it works, but everytime i reboot after activating it. its gone and its the same story,07:04
alraunexu: yes, line doesnt do anything then07:05
Miksag1okay, thanks; because my network cards been playing up under ubuntu..07:05
xualraune: k, i commented out all the other extra options07:05
debian_akroydxu: yes # is a comment in *.conf and so on07:05
xualraune: damn, gsynaptics STILL isn't working...wtf?07:06
XazzzaXOr could someone tell me how i can format my linux drive im on atm so i can reinstall it it?07:06
XazzzaXwhats the terminal command to format the drive?07:06
debian_akroydwell gtg, gnite all07:06
XazzzaXBn mate07:06
Shish_coz_: i got another question for you if u dont mind... vlc freezes my comp every now and then.. is that a compatibility issue or just my computer?07:06
zcat[1]XazzzaX, mke2fs -j /dev/sdxn07:07
alraunexu: Option"SHMConfig" = "True"     (don't forget restarting gdm after saving xorg.conf)07:07
Shish_or anyone for that matter -- relating to the vlc issue07:07
xualraune: ohh capital T, might be it07:07
zcat[1]If I want to add something to Preferences > Sessions > Startup Programs from the shell, I create a .desktop file somewhere? Or what?07:07
alrauneXazzzaX: man fdisk07:08
coz_XazzzaX, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=55472207:08
kushal1help, update problems http://pastebin.com/m2823500607:08
zcat[1].config/autostart...  sheesh you guys are helpful!07:09
alraunequest : how can I access the gnome panel without mouse ?07:09
coz_kushal1, you are trying to install kde-icons-oxygen?07:09
xualraune: nope, still not working07:09
Odd-rationalealraune: alt-f107:09
xuOdd-rationale: wow, thanks!07:09
Odd-rationalexu: huh?07:10
kushal1well, auto update is07:10
coz_kumelk, mm07:10
xuOdd-rationale: alraune was asking for me.07:10
xualraune: now....what? =P07:10
kushal1I don't use kde4 anymore07:10
Odd-rationalexu: oh, i see...07:10
coz_kushal1, what do you use now?07:10
alraunexu: right arrow to sytem>preferences>mouse07:11
XazzzaXThanks for your help all07:11
kushal1I am on gnome stable07:11
xuOdd-rationale: you wouldn't happen to know a magic command that makes a touchpad work again, do you?07:11
xualraune: i'm there, i don't see anything that looks promising...07:11
LSD|NinjaWhere does vino get the settings for stuff like "<username>'s Remote Desktop" for the broadcast name or the account name from?07:11
Shish_well thanks for your time everyone.. and coz_  peace out07:11
coz_kumelk, system/adminstration/sysnaptic pacakge manager07:11
coz_kumelk, sorry07:11
coz_kushal1,  system/adminstration/synaptic pacakge manager07:11
Odd-rationalexu: i suppose you already pastebined your xorg.conf file? can i see it?07:11
coz_kushal1,   it should pop up a dialog telling you broken pacakge or something to that effect07:12
coz_kushal1, you can most likely fix it in synaptic07:12
xuOdd-rationale: http://paste.ubuntu.com/29515/07:12
kushal1it is opening now07:12
[1]ApacheChiefhow do I remove VNC from my ubuntu install?  trying aptitude remove vncserver/tightvnc/xtightvnc/etc.07:12
alrauneodd-rationale: http://paste.ubuntu.com/29519/07:12
LSD|Ninja[1]ApacheChief: vino07:12
[1]ApacheChief0 packages upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 3 not upgraded. :(07:13
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Odd-rationalexu: it worked before? then?07:13
alraunexu: its the first tab n my system bar >preferences>mouse07:14
kushal1strange, synaptic pm did not ask for root password07:14
Lakjinhey again07:14
Lakjincan someone tell me how to turn off compiz07:14
LSD|Ninjakushal1: did you use another admin level program in the last five minutes?07:14
coz_kushal1,  mm were you just using in the last few minutes/07:14
alraunexu: left to r., apps,places,sytem07:14
kushal1yes, terminal07:14
xuOdd-rationale: My friend installed totem-xine to try to get a dvd to work, then the system crashed and the mouse has not worked since (several restarts)07:14
LSD|NinjaLakjin: System -> Prefs -> Appearence -> Desktop Effects07:14
xualraune: I know, i'm IN the mouse thing07:14
alraunexu: can't activate/disable there ?07:15
kushal1and udpate manager ... got it07:15
xuno, can you on yours?07:15
fooolI have a philips cam but it doesn't work, anyone any ideas what I should do? newbie to Umbuntu07:15
xualraune: oh shit, the whole "touchpad" tab is missing07:15
LSD|NinjaOh, lame. All the vino options I want to change appear to be hardcoded >_<07:15
kushal1thanks, LSD|Ninja07:15
alrauneodd-rationale: its a touchpad in a labtop07:15
Odd-rationalexu: system --> pref --> keyboard --> mouse keys :D07:16
frenzy42i have questions about the new mobile ubuntu07:16
xuOdd-rationale: Hahaha....not a good permanent solution, but good suggestion07:16
Odd-rationalexu: does a usb mouse work?07:17
xuOdd-rationale: don't have one in the house07:17
kushal_12_27_200for some strange reason, after a hard boot my usb flash drive is no longer working in Ubuntu.07:17
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kushal1its working now. (please don't kick me for sock puppeting because these two names are on two separate machines)07:18
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alraunexu:serched synaptic (run no notebook), want to install mising items ?07:19
Miksag1hey, um, with those network cards, is there a way to become a tester or get notified when a particular card becomes supported?07:19
=== core0 is now known as fdd
Odd-rationalexu: have you tried to "sudo apt-get reinstall xserver-xorg-input-synaptics"?07:19
Lenaud01what card you need Miksag1 ?07:19
Miksag1sec, gotta find the number again07:20
alrauneMiksag1: google hardwarelist ubuntu07:20
Blaqlightyou just gotta love fluxbox's window tabbing.07:20
Miksag1RTL 8111C07:20
xualraune: I don't follow--what?07:20
Miksag1I've got the list open, it says that it can be auto-detected but it doesn't work07:20
xuOdd-rationale: nope, trying now07:20
alraunexu:searched synaptic (run no notebook), want to install mising items ?07:20
mkquistfoool got mine to work phillips webcam, try camorama07:21
xualraune: Yeah, I read that...I just don't understand what it means. Do you want me to run synaptic package manager?07:21
citizen42ahello chaps07:21
Blaqlightxu: open a teminal and type synaptic07:22
Blaqlightit'll open07:22
alraunexu:(T):synaptic, there search tochpad...07:22
xuBlaqlight: yes, i understand this07:22
xualraune: okay, got it, thanks07:22
xuOdd-rationale: reinstall is an invalid operation07:22
Odd-rationaleumm. hmm. i forgot my apt commands...07:22
alraunexu:toughpadd öhmtuffpad,,arggnn07:22
Ayabarawhat's the keyboard shortcut for tracker search?07:23
FAJALOU!apt | Odd-rationale07:23
ubottuOdd-rationale: APT is the Advanced Package Tool, which together with dpkg forms the basic Ubuntu package management toolkit. Short apt-get manual: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AptGetHowto - Also see !Synaptic (Gnome) or !Adept (KDE)07:23
BlaqlightOdd-rationale: apt-cache, apt-get, aptitude?07:23
Odd-rationalexu: anyways, can you pastebin "cat /proc/bus/input/devices"07:23
SaeidZebardast1How to get memory information (like brand)?07:24
Odd-rationalethanks. i've been using pacman too long... :D07:24
Miksag1Lenaud01: It's the RTL 8111C from realtek07:24
xuOdd-rationale: will do, one sec07:24
Lenaud01works with ndiswrapper? Miksag107:24
=== SaeidZebardast1 is now known as SaeidZebardast
alraunexu(T): apt-get install tpconfig07:25
cpk1aptitude accepts reinstall as a command...07:25
Lakjinanyone know07:25
Lakjinhow i can turn off compiz?07:25
Lakjinits messing with wine/warcraft 307:25
xualraune: just did that, right before you said it =P07:25
Miksag1Lenaud01: what's ndiswrapper?07:25
xuOdd-rationale: http://paste.ubuntu.com/29527/07:25
SaeidZebardastHow to get memory information (like brand)?07:25
Miksag1I'm kinda new to ubuntu; I know the basics like buildin g from source and stuff; but for anything much above that.. well..07:26
alraunexu:alt+F1..  or (T): tpconfig ???07:26
xualraune: installed tpconfig07:26
SupahDavehi everyone07:26
bullgard4intelfb "This is a framebuffer driver for various Intel 8xx/9xx compatible graphics devices." Is this not available for Hardy?07:26
SupahDaveI have a quick question...07:27
alraunexu: (T): tpconfig07:27
Lenaud01it will get that card working Miksag1 it allows you to use windows drivers on network cards in linux07:27
cpk1!ask | SupahDave07:27
xualraune: "Could not open PS/2 Port [/dev/psaux]07:27
ubottuSupahDave: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)07:27
UBestBhi, I need to replace text in files and subdirectories, I need to change <? to <?php, any idea how to do it in terminal?07:27
Miksag1Lenaud01: okay.. so sorta similar to wine?07:28
Lenaud01but for network cards yes Miksag107:28
Odd-rationalexu: backup your xorg.conf file and then try this http://paste.ubuntu.com/29529/07:28
cpk1UBestB: I think sed will do it07:29
Ayabarahow can I find out which key 0xe5 is on my keyboard?07:29
alraunexu:alt+F1, now an item under mouse or keyboard ?07:29
Odd-rationalexu: wait. wrong link...07:29
UBestBdoes sed take regular expressions?07:29
Miksag1hmm.. the latest ubuntu.. that's kernal 2.6.x07:30
Miksag1isn't it?07:30
SupahDaveI am installing ubuntu 8.04, I have 2 scsi drives and 1 pata drive, the scsi drives are listed as sda and sdb properly but the pata is listed as sdc when it should be hda why would this be?07:30
cpk1UBestB: I am guessing since it has an option that lets you "use extended regular expressions in the script." I am going to say yes07:30
Odd-rationalexu: here... http://pastebin.com/m13a35f4707:30
pan03422how do i make ubuntu live cd run on a usb thumb drive?07:30
UBestBI'll give sed a go07:30
xuOdd-rationale: On that second link...what am I changing?07:31
SaeidZebardastHow to get memory information (like brand)07:31
jc6pan03422: try www.pendrivelinux.com07:31
Odd-rationalexu: this line "Option          "Device"                "/dev/input/mouse0""07:31
Odd-rationalexu: from the touchpad section...07:31
Odd-rationalexu: then you'll have to restart X for chages to take effect..07:32
xuOdd-rationale: oh i see, working on it now07:32
cpk1UBestB: "info sed" should give you the whole manual07:32
UBestBanyone know of a command that can extract just a directory inside a tar file to a location?07:32
UBestByea, how do I switch to the other pages in info?07:32
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Odd-rationalexu: all the other lines are the same... so no need to touch then...07:33
xuOdd-rationale: still no worky07:33
xuOdd-rationale: should I try tp-config?07:33
Odd-rationalexu: you restarted X?07:33
xuOdd-rationale: yup07:33
Odd-rationalexu: ok. restore your original back...07:34
xuOdd-rationale: yeah, even now when i try tpconfig it tries to open PS/2 port /dev/psaux07:34
xuOdd-rationale: that means that that's the right port, right?07:34
Odd-rationalexu: the thing is, i don't see your touchpad device in "cat /proc/bus/input/devices"07:35
xuOdd-rationale: the mouse preferences don't see it either07:35
=== Svenstar0 is now known as Svenstaro
alraunexu: to restore original xorg.conf:(T): cp /etc/xX11/xorg.conf.backup     /etc/X11/xorg.conf  (as I might leave..)07:36
xualraune: thanks!07:37
bullgard4intelfb "This is a framebuffer driver for various Intel 8xx/9xx compatible graphics devices." Is this not available for Hardy?07:37
Odd-rationalexu: see, this is yours http://paste.ubuntu.com/29527/ and this is mine http://pastebin.com/m76414ac1 See, i have an entry for my touchpad...07:37
alrauneOdd-rationale,xu : hmm, ervthings through already, port-configuration..07:38
xuOdd-rationale: yeah, i see, i compared my laptop and the problem laptop's already07:38
smiti just followed method 2 of this tut, but i still can use desktop effects07:39
SaeidZebardastHow to get memory information (like brand)07:39
heyman12does anyone know how to fix root errors?07:39
heyman12wait, not errors, ownship07:40
jbroomeSaeidZebardast: usually have to actually look at the stick and see07:40
coz_SaeidZebardast,  try    free -m  in terminal07:40
Odd-rationaleheyman12: like?07:40
heyman12i cant write to anything07:40
smiti just followed method 2 of this tut, but i still can use desktop effects  http://wiki.cchtml.com/index.php/Ubuntu_Hardy_Installation_Guide07:40
alrauneSaeidZebardast :lshw07:40
sherl0ckcan someone tell me how to tell if my kernel has IP CONNMARK target support?07:40
heyman12its all owned by root07:40
smiti just followed method 2 of this tut, but i still CANT use desktop effects  http://wiki.cchtml.com/index.php/Ubuntu_Hardy_Installation_Guide07:40
Odd-rationaleheyman12: how about your home directory?07:41
crdlbsmit: can you be more verbose? what video card model? what error do you get?07:41
Odd-rationalexu: i'm out of ideas...07:41
heyman12the filles im trying to edit arent in the home, they're in etc07:41
powertoo108how do I mount a bin image with mount? sudo mount -o loop /path/to/bin /mnt/ asked for filetype07:41
Odd-rationaleheyman12: then use sudo or gksudo07:41
surfup23Does anyone have trouble with rhythmbox after upgrading?07:41
Odd-rationale!sudo | heyman1207:41
ubottuheyman12: sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. For graphical applications see !gksu (Gnome), or !kdesu (KDE)07:41
smitcrdlb:  i am using an asus ati hd485007:41
xuOdd-rationale: Yeah, me too. no such thing as "system restore" without having to install all the programs over?07:41
smitcrdlb: i just cant use effects07:42
SaeidZebardastalraune: Thanks07:42
heyman12ok, thanks, i really needed a sudo guide07:42
Odd-rationaleheyman12: e.g. gksudo gedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf07:42
jbroomeheyman12: there's one at man sudo.  :)07:42
joanki123does anyone have any problems with the new firefox CONSTANTLY crashing?07:42
SupahDaveI am installing ubuntu 8.04, I have 2 scsi drives (not sata) and 1 pata drive, the scsi drives are listed as sda and sdb properly but the pata is listed as sdc when it should be hda why would this be?07:42
alrauneOdd-rationale,xu : what made me wonder in beginning is that lspci doesnt list any ps2 or  mouse, only an smb port07:42
Ayabaraanyone know the hotkey for the tracker search??07:42
crdlbsmit: glxinfo | grep direct07:42
heyman12cool thanks07:43
surfup23Can anyone help me with my rhythmbox trouble, please07:43
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Odd-rationaleAyabara: if you have the deskbar on the panel, you can use alt+f1207:43
coz_surfup23, let me check mine here hold on07:43
smitit says yes07:43
surfup23thanks coz07:43
xualraune,Odd-rationale : Yeah, but the laptop was working just a few hours ago. What could a totem install possibly have changed?07:43
smitdo i need to download effects?07:43
Odd-rationalexu: i dunno...07:44
AyabaraOdd-rationale, hm. I have it in the panel, but the mentioned combo don't work. It says "0xe5" in the shortcut settings07:44
joanki123does anyone have any problems with the new firefox CONSTANTLY crashing?07:44
jbroomejoanki123: no07:44
xuOdd-rationale: alraune: i literally did the totem-xine install and the decss install...that's it =/07:44
smitcedlb:  it says yes07:45
AyabaraOdd-rationale, oh well. just changed it to alt-f12 :-)07:45
coz_surfup23, well I put in a cd of music and it opened rhythmbox07:45
coz_surfup23,  and it is playing07:45
brian_malicehello someone know where go the video of youtube when you dowload with youtube-dl?07:45
Odd-rationaleAyabara: ok...07:45
surfup23it works for a while07:45
smitnow its working07:45
surfup23but it freezes after say 30 mins of playing normally07:45
coz_surfup23, and then does what stop?07:45
fooolmkquist which rpm should I use?07:45
smiti dont know why it wasnt07:45
coz_surfup23, ok let me try again hold on07:45
surfup23i think i found a bug report somewhere about it07:46
surfup23but it was outdated with no solution07:46
coz_surfup23, ah ok hold on its opening the cd now07:46
jbroomeSupahDave: http://linux.derkeiler.com/Mailing-Lists/Ubuntu/2008-02/msg00608.html07:47
xuOdd-rationale: alraune: So this is way weird...his laptop doesn't even have "Hardware Information" on it under preferences07:47
coz_surfup23, it is still playing here did you try another cd  to test t his out ?07:47
surfup23i don't ve trouble with cds07:47
coz_surfup23, ah ok  what do you have trouble with07:48
surfup23when i first turn on, it works well for about 30 mins07:48
Sephrhow do I get desktop effects to work on ubuntu through virtualbox?07:48
SupahDavejbroome: thanks man07:48
coz_surfup23, right but what media are you playing07:48
surfup23then when i pause it or close it and open again, it won't start07:48
surfup23its on my harddrive07:48
surfup23its not just rhythmbox, its all music players07:49
xuOdd-rationale: do you think i should try messing with xf86config?07:49
surfup23vlc, media player07:49
coz_surfup23,   do you have xmms or audacitous installed  to test the mp3 on them07:49
bullgard4intelfb "This is a framebuffer driver for various Intel 8xx/9xx compatible graphics devices." Is this not available for Hardy?07:49
surfup23i have audacity07:49
Odd-rationalexu: no...07:49
coz_surfup23, let me find an mp3 and test it on this hold on07:50
xuOdd-rationale: yeah, just read that ubuntu doesn't have that. *scratches head*07:50
alraunexu: reinstalling takes max 2 h for core system, an usb mouse is an invetment of.. no, /dev/mice, /dev/mouse, /dev/psaux07:50
xualraune: i've already spent 2 hours trying to fix this thing, so reinstalling sounds like a good option.07:51
alraunexu: but where keeps the honour, lol07:52
xualraune: mouse is not an option, it's a laptop and that's annoying.07:52
xualraune: probably for my friend, windows is an option if ubuntu keeps f'ing up =P mine works just fine...07:53
robf_hrm,   firefox's flash plugin crashed or something07:53
robf_and all flash opbjects are like this peachy color07:53
robf_any idea how to get flash back to working?  ,  cos restarting the browser has no effect07:53
brEzdoes anyone know how to use ipv6 as my vhost?07:54
alraunexu:I've got old cheap or worthless hardware, works fine, all of them....07:54
arooni-mobiledoes anyone know the cool linux program/utility to: output how many good unmapped sectors remain on a hard drive, and get other good info about the drive?  i did this once but forgot how to do it07:55
surfup23coz, this is the one i was talking about07:55
ubottuLaunchpad bug 219848 in pulseaudio "rhythmbox freezes after playing for an hour or more and locks all sound until reboot" [Medium,New]07:55
alraunexu:(T) hwinfo ?07:55
arooni-mobilerunning eclipse: i see this on the command line:  using specified vm: /usr/lib/jvm/java-6-sun- ... and then i seethis output:  The custom VM you have chosen is not a valid executable.  how do i fix?07:57
coz_surfup23, and did you take the suggestion listed on that bug report?07:57
surfup23there is none07:57
surfup23aside from degrading07:57
coz_surfup23,  no the part about making sure alsa is used only07:57
coz_surfup23, you are on gnome?07:58
xualraune: Odd-rationale: http://paste.ubuntu.com/2953407:58
surfup23no hardy heron07:58
surfup23err, yes?07:58
coz_surfup23,  and you went to system/preferences/sound and checked the devices being used?07:58
=== sourcode_ is now known as sourcode[0]
surfup23its in alsa advanced linux ....07:59
brian_malicehow i can convert a .flv to a mp4?07:59
coz_surfup23, try setting it to autodetect first07:59
Odd-rationalexu: i gtg. hope you find a solution!07:59
coz_surfup23,  all three08:00
=== avg is now known as avrg
Socrat_erhi people :-)08:01
surfup23hey scrate_er08:01
brian_malicehow i can convert a .flv to a mp4?08:02
Socrat_erI have a litle trouble with my ubuntu 8.04 :) Can't ping local network between ubuntu & XP pro08:02
coz_brian_malice,   http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=60085508:03
Socrat_erI turned off IPv6 but still don't work )08:03
coz_brian_malice, sorry that is not informative hold on08:03
Socrat_ersurfup23: morning08:03
xualraune: I give up. thanks for all your help! g'night08:04
brian_maliceno reply XD08:04
xazzzaxOk, so my old linux drve is formated a drive of 57gig is free, but i cant install linux to it keeps saying no root systems is chosen08:04
xazzzaxit just wants to make a nother drive on my 500gig store drive08:05
xazzzaxany ideas?08:05
IcemanV9Socrat_er: check your file(s): /etc/hosts & /etc/resolv.conf08:05
alraunexu: tomorrow:psmouse  PS/2  , its there somewhere, n808:05
xazzzaxsays no roofilesystem can be found, fix it thu the partition menu. i dont get what to do08:06
Socrat_erIcemanV9, and what's looking for?08:06
xazzzaxi cant even install it now>.< nor start my windows part08:06
kushal_12_27_200I am burning the cue file using gnome baker08:06
IcemanV9Socrat_er: see if your router's ip is in /etc/resolv.conf08:07
mkquistfoool: sry just got back, i used this one  camorama_0.16-1_i386.deb08:07
unopxazzzax, what's on the olf linux drive? apart from this 57G space?08:07
Socrat_erIcemanV9: ok, thanks08:07
xazzzaxnothing, clean space08:08
coz_brian_malice, I am not finding a quality how to on tha t  sory08:08
victor_does anybody know if can I find out if my PC does not have temperature sensors?, I tried sensors-detect loaded the modules it told me to, and sensors is still not working, Im using a vaio PCG-GRZ61008:08
brian_malice:S but thx08:08
unopxazzzax, so why not use the whole disk?08:08
xazzzaxThats what im trying mate08:08
HymnToLifevictor_: which were the modules ?08:08
xazzzaxit just keeps telling me no roofilesystem found fix it thru the partiton manger, i cant do shit from there08:09
unoplanguage dude08:09
xazzzaxSorry mate, im foulmouthed by nature08:09
victor_HymnToLife, i2c-i801 and eeprom08:09
xazzzaxMy main problem is that i cant get around it and jump back into windows either now08:10
unopxazzzax, open up a terminal. and issue this command.  sudo fdisk -l  # see if your partition is listed there08:10
xazzzaxYes i can see it there08:10
xazzzax   Device Boot      Start         End      Blocks   Id  System08:11
xazzzax/dev/sda1   *           1        7296    58605088+   7  HPFS/NTFS08:11
xazzzax/dev/sda2            7297       14593    58613152+   5  Extended08:11
xazzzax/dev/sda5            7297       14289    56171241   83  Linux08:11
xazzzax/dev/sda6           14290       14593     2441848+  82  Linux swap / Solaris08:11
FloodBot1xazzzax: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.08:11
unopdon't paste in here08:11
HymnToLifevictor_: didn't sensors-detect tell you that eeprom is not actually a monitoring chip ?08:11
xazzzaxok, soz08:11
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unopxazzzax, how about this?  sudo file -s /dev/sda508:11
victor_HymnToLife, yep, I dont know what i2c is though, or if it does have temp sensor but its not supported in linux08:11
xazzzaxsays it needs a journal recovery08:12
HymnToLifevictor_: so in short, you either don't have one, or it's disabled somehow08:12
victor_ok, HymnToLife thx08:12
HymnToLifethe one on my Asus laptop is disabled too, I need to patch my kernel to enable it08:12
HymnToLifeyou can ask the lm-sensors mailing lists08:13
kaudiocan i used "cat ejemplo.sh | grep "mal" | rm" ?08:13
kaudioi need find some line in script and deleted08:14
unopkaudio, not really.  grep "mal" ejemplo.sh | xargs rm -v08:14
HymnToLifehold on08:14
HymnToLifekaudio: what exactly do you want to do ?08:14
unopkaudio, you want to delete a line in a file or delete a file named from a line in a file?08:14
Oprtzhello there, any body knows how to unlock Apple iPhone in ubuntu?08:14
xazzzaxHmm now how do i do a journal recovery then >.<?08:14
kaudiodelete a line in a file08:15
kaudioor just a work08:15
HymnToLifeuse sed then08:15
unopkaudio, sed '/mal/d' ejemplo.sh # deletes the line08:16
HymnToLifesed -i*08:16
Socrat_erIcemanV9, I opened file resolve.conf and it's epty :)08:17
unopxazzzax, i guess you could recreate the filesystem from scratch.  sudo mkfs.ext3 /dev/sda508:17
HymnToLifeSocrat_er: you want to open resolv.conf08:18
xazzzaxsays : /dev/sda5 is mounted; will not make a filesystem here! does that mean its fixed or?08:18
IcemanV9Socrat_er: well, that explains why you couldn't ping08:19
kaudiounop that deleted and show. but when i do cat ejemplo.sh the line mal continue there08:19
kaudiounop that deleted and show. but when i do cat ejemplo.sh the line "mal" continue there08:20
HymnToLifekaudio: you must use sed -i to process the file inline08:20
unopkaudio, if you are happy as to how it's removed the line.  sed -i '/mal/d' filename08:20
HymnToLifeotherwise, it will just output to stdout08:20
Socrat_erIcemanV9, I gogled id and have no idea how to righ configure it ))08:20
IcemanV9Socrat_er: enter info into /etc/resolv.conf: nameserver (wired router) OR nameserver (wireless router)08:21
unopxazzzax, hmm, mount it this way.  sudo mkdir /mnt/sda5; sudo mount /dev/sda5 /mnt/sda508:21
HymnToLifeSocrat_er: I repeat, you want to open resolv.conf, NOT resolve.conf08:21
kaudiounop. Done thax08:21
Socrat_erHymnToLife: the second!08:23
HELPMEI NEED TO MOVE a file from 1 profile 2 another how do i do that08:24
FibonacciGoldHELPME: You can copy it to a shared folder, or use your sudo account to copy.08:25
dragonsudo mv something something?08:25
Jenny338I have this HD video in mpeg4 format and I want to throw a watermark on it. Is there an app for ubuntu you'd recommend to do this?08:26
AgentHeXwould it be better to have 3 active drives in RAID-1 or 2 active drives and 1 spare?  what is the difference?  can ubuntu spin down spare SCSI drives?08:26
HELPMEhow do i sudo like that08:26
=== KennethP_ is now known as KennethP
IcemanV9HELPME: cp <oldfile> <newfile> OR mv <oldfile> <newfile>08:26
IcemanV9HELPME: just use ur password as you would with ur userid08:27
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HELPMEno what do i type in the termenal08:27
HELPMEwhere is a shared folder08:28
eth01AgentHeX: 2 active and 1 spare08:28
WalliskiHi... Could anyone be nice to me and tell me what i should do when the upgrade to 8.04 has gotten stuck..? I tried to look at FAQs but didnt find anything... :S...08:29
AgentHeXeth01: is there a benefit to running 1 spare?  does ubuntu spin down the disk until another one fails?08:29
eth01ubuntu is crap at upgrades btw especially when it comes to the OS08:29
unopWalliski, can you boot up into the install now?08:29
HELPMEwhere is a shared folder08:29
unopWalliski, does the computer start up alright?08:30
Walliskiuhh... i havent kinda rebooted it yet...08:30
unopWalliski, so how do you know the upgrade got stuck?08:31
Walliskii started upgrading... then fall asleep..08:31
AgentHeXeth01: i suppose it's relevant to mention that i'm using ubuntu server.08:31
Walliskiit has been at "About 3 minutes remaining" for about 10 min now?08:31
unopWalliski, i suggest you wait another 10, if it doesn't complete by then come back08:31
WalliskiIt was 2 hours ago i started upgrading...08:32
Walliskilast upgrade took about 40.... (7.04-7.10 or whatever it was...)08:32
Scott_JohnstoneHey, I have a question.. Every drive I've mounted shows up on my desktop. If I try to delete the shortcut from the dekstop it gives me an error. Is there a way to set Ubuntu to not show the icons for mounted drives on the desktop?08:32
unopWalliski, 2 hours could be kind of reasonable. it depends on your setup, how much you have installed, etc.08:33
FibonacciGoldScott_Johnstone: Sure, press alt-F2 and then enter gconf-editor08:33
=== SoulSlayer is now known as anewbie
unopWalliski, anyway, you've waited 2 hours, another 10 minutes isn't going to kill08:33
Walliskiyes yes... I guess ill be back in 10 min xD08:34
Blaqlightanyone here ever used conky?08:34
AgentHeXunop: how do you know?  he could have been dismantling a nuke and had 2 hours 9 minutes :-D08:34
BlaqlightAgentHeX: don't tell everyone what Im doing right now sheesh!08:35
FibonacciGoldScott_Johnstone: And then you expand the nodes: app - nautilus - desktop08:35
AgentHeXBlaqlight: i wasn't talking about you.  it's cool.  nobody knows about the 40kg of yellowcake in your garage.08:35
unopcat | man | du08:35
BlaqlightAgentHeX: geez, they do now. just don't tell them about the agent orange next to it.08:36
Scott_JohnstoneFibonacciGold: Aha! Many thanks! :)08:36
AgentHeXBlaqlight: just don't tell anyone in your local vicinity.  you don't want to cause the military to intervene due to a colonol panic.  :-P08:36
FibonacciGoldScott_Johnstone: No worries !08:36
BlaqlightIm so screwed now.08:36
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AgentHeXoh come on!  no comments about my horrible, horrible pun?08:37
Blaqlightback to topic though AgentHeX08:37
=== knoppix is now known as mjnbrn
AgentHeXso if i have to specify a manual IP for a machine in the install procedure for ubuntu server, how can i get it back to dhcp once the machine is installed?  the box has two Intel NIC ports on the mobo, but neither detect my network :(08:38
Blaqlightso nobody here has ever used conky?08:38
Flannel!anyone | Blaqlight08:39
ubottuBlaqlight: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?08:39
mjnbrnif changes I write w/ fdisk don't stay does it indicate a bad disk?08:40
BlaqlightFlannel: the reason I asked was purel because its not really about ubuntu per se.08:40
Socrat_erIcemanV9, I tried do like you say, but it still the same )08:40
FlannelBlaqlight: Well, ask anyway, or ask in #conky08:40
bazhanghttp://ge.ubuntuforums.com/showthread.php?t=205865&page=63 Blaqlight there is a very long thread here08:41
BlaqlightI didn't know there was a application specific channel here on this network... Ill ask there.08:42
Flannel!hi | Mycah_08:44
gorode312Hi ubuntu08:44
ubottuMycah_: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!08:45
coz_Mycah_,  yes08:45
Mycah_Hello. I did the memory test08:45
Mycah_No errors found08:45
BlaqlightMycah_: consider that a Good thing :-P08:45
coz_Mycah_,  ok thats cool  I didnt expect it was a memory problem although it wasnt a bad idea to test it08:45
kcmanhello i can not start frostwire says jave exec not found anyone help me?08:45
Mycah_and my sound is working right now. dunno why.08:45
Mycah_ok so what else could it be? :o08:45
coz_Mycah_,   mm08:45
coz_Mycah_,  it could be a bad install08:46
coz_Mycah_,  I am not sure without knowing everything you did right after the initial install to this point08:46
Blaqlightyikes I have 178 processes running, this can't be good.08:46
Mycah_ok. also did you still want to see this? http://www.speedyshare.com/904217297.html08:46
WalliskiI'm stilll kinda stuck at same place..08:46
coz_Mycah_,  let me look yes08:46
IcemanV9Socrat_er: same what? cannot ping your another local pc?08:46
kcmancan anyone tell me the get-app for the java needed to run frostwire08:47
Flannel!java | kcman08:47
ubottukcman: To install a Java runtime/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java - For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java6-jre from the !Multiverse repository08:47
unopBlaqlight, it's somewhat normal08:47
DistroJockeyWalliski, does that place happen to be the generating locales bit?08:47
Walliski(upgrading from 7.10 -> 8.04, upgrading stuck at "installing the upgrades"... What should i do?"08:47
Blaqlightunop: isn't that a bit high?08:47
Walliskistarted upgrading 2 hours and 10 minutes ago...08:48
unopBlaqlight, no, your computer has a log going for it to give you a usable desktop08:48
BlaqlightI realize the tty's and other things take up processes but 178...?08:48
Smegzorwhen my pc has been up for days (like now) my internet access seems to slow down and fail a lot.  A reboot fixes it, but I'd like to be able to fix it without rebooting.  Whats the best way to fix this without rebooting?  What daemon needs to be restarted?08:48
coz_Mycah_,  that looks fine although the volumes are up high :)  and also if you use the right arrow in that window it should scroll to the right and if you type     h   with alsamixer open it will bring up a short help menu08:48
Jenny338I have this HD video in mpeg4 format and I want to throw a watermark on it. Is there an app for ubuntu you'd recommend to do this?08:49
bullgard4[Hardy] "~$ man ddcprobe; No manual entry for ddcprobe" but the DEB program package xresprobe is installed. Does the same appear in your Hardy computer?08:50
unopBlaqlight, I get 50 when i do this. and i am running on fluxbox, not even gnome.  ps -u user | wc -l08:50
coz_Jenny338, you can try gimp although I dont know how to do that you might want to google     gimp  watermark08:50
SmegzorI logged out which has helped fix a few things.  The pc has been running (logged in) 5 days straight.08:50
DistroJockeyWalliski, yes/no/don't know is fine08:50
Blaqlightboth networking and the transparent background don't work in conky I'd like to know if anyone else uses it and/or how I might fix it.08:50
Jenny338coz_ - Video, not pictures08:50
WalliskiDistroJockey: Huh?08:50
DistroJockeyWalliski, I asked you a question08:51
coz_Jenny338, oh!!!!  ah let me see08:51
Mycah_ok, coz_ they're up high because it's really low :[ sound isnt very high. is there a driver i need to install?08:51
Blaqlightbtw Ive asked in the correct channel it seems nobody is home.08:51
Walliskidont know.08:51
mOrO^Any advice on the purchase of a web cam that will work with MSN??08:51
Walliskiand i specified what my problem was..08:51
DistroJockeyWalliski, do you have a Details button?08:51
coz_Mycah_,  no  you dont have a volume control on the speakers?08:51
Jenny338coz_ - it's an HD video that I want to stay the same, but just with a watermark08:51
Jenny338It's in mpeg4 format08:51
WalliskiDistroJockey: What details?08:51
Mycah_i do. but it's still very low08:51
coz_Jenny338, ok then   google   linux   video applications   watermark08:51
DistroJockeyWalliski, further info about what part of "installing the upgrades" it's at08:52
=== gorode312 is now known as Izbranniy
Jenny338If I wanted Googles opinion I'd ask it08:52
coz_Mycah_,  mm  that is odd but I dont  know  what set up you have you can go to   #alsa   channel and they have a script that you can run that tells them whats going on08:52
Jenny338I thought some people here might have experience with Kino or avidemux08:52
Mycah_also, Coz_, you think it's a bad install of ubuntu or a bad install of a program?08:53
coz_Jenny338, I dont sorry  there is also  "lives" but i know nothing about that as well sorry08:53
Jenny338I'll check that out08:53
Jenny338Thanks coz_08:53
coz_Jenny338, yeah check out  linux lives video application or ubuntu lives video etc08:53
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WalliskiDistroJockey: Its at..:08:54
WalliskiInstalling new version of config file /etc/belocs/iso-639.def ...08:54
WalliskiGenerating locales...08:54
FloodBot1Walliski: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.08:54
DistroJockey_Walliski, sorry bout that, router died08:54
mjnbrnNone of the changes I am making in fdisk are saving when I select write.08:54
mOrO^no one has an idea on a good web cam for use with MSN??08:54
DistroJockey_Walliski, see this bug:  https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/langpack-locales/+bug/24934008:54
ubottuLaunchpad bug 249340 in langpack-locales "Gutsy->Hardy upgrade hangs in localedef" [High,Triaged]08:54
newbhi i'm getting this issue with kacpid on my motherboard. :( it keeps eating CPU cycles endlessly08:54
newbi can't even kill it :(08:55
newbit's on hardy08:55
Blaqlightunop: Im running fluxbox now.08:56
WalliskiDistroJockey: Ty.... Ill try what it says there... :)08:57
Smegzorgrr!  the internet is still running very slowly for me and I am going to have to restart it (the internet).  Sorry if you were using it at the time :D08:57
DistroJockey_Walliski, you're welcome. Should to the job08:57
anewbiehey dudes somebody here got voodoo 3 ?08:58
anewbiewith hardy ?08:58
Blaqlightunop: when I run that command I get 20?08:58
Scott_JohnstoneHowdy - 'nother question...08:59
Blaqlightso the rest of the processes are system/root?08:59
newbhelp :(08:59
Scott_JohnstoneI'd like to have a directory in my home dir that acts as a container for links and scripts, so that I can just hit ALT+F2 and type (name of link) then hit enter to launch the app that link points to09:00
WalliskiDistroJockey: Few errors popped up... else the install is working... :)09:00
AaronHjust ask your question newb09:00
Scott_Johnstone(so I can type pg instead of pidgin, for example)09:00
DistroJockey_Walliski, yeah, probably to be expected those errors. Good to hear :)09:00
andjonsScott_Johnstone, most people use aliases09:00
Scott_Johnstonewhere would I look to add that path to the environment variables?09:00
BlaqlightScott_Johnstone: so you want to set up a directory of aliases?09:00
newbAaronH: kacpid is eating all my cpu cycles :(09:00
Scott_JohnstoneBlaqlight: precisely09:01
unopBlaqlight, yea, though I have a few more apps running with fluxbox at startup .. the rest are either running as root or someother system user09:01
Scott_JohnstoneBlaqlight: the dir is ~/.link/09:01
bullgard4":~$ sudo ddcprobe; ...; screensize: 33 21; ..." What do the numbers 33 and 21 mean?09:01
Blaqlightunop: if 179 processes were running in windoze it would be quite a freaky and slow experience.09:02
Scott_JohnstoneBlaqlight: but I'm not sure where the equivalent of the PATH="" would be located in Ubuntu09:02
Scott_Johnstone(PATH="" being the windows equivalent of what I'm looking for in Ubu)09:02
newbAaronH: why?09:02
unopBlaqlight, don't do that - you can't compare windows with Gnu/Linux - they're two different workhorses09:02
Blaqlightunop: I know.09:03
unopScott_Johnstone, echo "export PATH=$PATH:~/.link" >> ~/.bashrc  # and logout and log back in09:03
bullgard4intelfb "This is a framebuffer driver for various Intel 8xx/9xx compatible graphics devices." Is this not available for Hardy?09:03
jeeves__is it possible to use the CPU scale app to pull your CPU freq WAY down?09:03
Scott_Johnstoneunop: many thanks, I'll try that on for size. :)09:03
jeeves__anyone?  CPU freq?09:04
unopBlaqlight,  ps -u root | wc -l # gives me 9709:04
doseryderI have a MSI usb TV tuner, are there projects out there that provides TV Tuner support?09:04
FibonacciGoldjeeves__:  You can only scale the processor to set steps. Type powernowd in terminal for more info09:05
jeeves__FibonacciGold, ok, thanks.  I'd REALLY like it if I could force the CPU way down when I'm just reading web pages, etc09:06
DistroJockey_doseryder, http://www.linuxtv.org/v4lwiki/index.php/Main_Page   Is one09:06
newbhi i'm getting this issue with kacpid on my motherboard. :( it keeps eating CPU cycles endlessly09:06
newbi can't even kill it :(09:06
FibonacciGoldjeeves__: Well, if you type powernowd -v then you will see the lowest possible hz.09:06
jeeves__DistroJockey, hey man, how's the "good fight" going tonight?09:06
newbhelp :(09:07
jeeves__FibonacciGold, thanks09:07
DistroJockey_jeeves__, pretty good thanks except my router reset itself and I now have a _ after my name :) How's things your way?09:07
jeeves__FibonacciGold, this sucks, I can't scale to anything less than 1Ghz09:07
Le-Chuck_ITAHi all, I am a bit lost: is there a way to set a different gtk theme for root?09:08
jeeves__DistroJockey, meh, moving along on the sites.  I need to find a good php programer who'd like to make some $$09:08
FibonacciGoldjeeves__: Well, that's low enough. You probably don't want to go lower when browsing anyway.09:08
DistroJockey_jeeves__, ahh :)09:08
jeeves__FibonacciGold, this is only a dual 1.83Ghz CPU and it's a laptop, so it runs VERY hot09:09
jeeves__DistroJockey, woulden't happen to know any?09:09
FibonacciGoldjeeves__: I guess they are all different, but I have dual processors á 1.8 and I can scale to 80009:09
DistroJockey_jeeves__, nope, sorry09:09
jeeves__FibonacciGold, ok, thanks.09:09
jeeves__DistroJockey, damn.09:09
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=== DistroJockey_ is now known as DistroJockey
Dethrayhow the heck do I get rid of the "Restricted driver" icon on my taskbar? :)09:11
DistroJockeyDethray, log out and back in maybe09:12
FibonacciGoldDethray: System -> Preferences -> Session09:13
DethrayUpdate Manager is pretty sweet :P09:13
DethrayThanx FibonacciGold09:15
FibonacciGoldDethray: np09:15
bullgard4Where is available a user manual of the  ddcprobe command?09:18
kindofabuzzman ddcprobe09:18
AgentHeXis there a way to resize my root ext3 partition without destroying the data?09:19
AndoreaCan someone give me download link for ShowDesktop AWN applet, becouse i cannot find it anywhere09:20
zvacetAgentHeX : http://gparted.sourceforge.net/09:20
FlannelAndorea: the AWN in the PPA has it.09:20
AgentHeXzvacet: oh the irony!  i have 0 bytes free to install a program to resize the partition to give me more space to install the program to resize it.09:21
ferhergonalguien m lee?09:21
AgentHeXzvacet: but thanks for the link09:21
FibonacciGoldAgentHeX: Use a live cd to boot and resize.09:21
Andorea<Flannel>how do i install that? XD09:21
DistroJockeyAgentHeX, you will need a live cd with it on anyway09:21
FlannelAndorea: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=76236309:22
AgentHeX*sigh* gunna have to landfill another blank if i can't find the one i've got burned somewhere around here09:22
Andorea<Flannel> thanks09:22
zvacetAgentHeX : sudo apt-get clean  and sido apt-get autoclean should give you some space09:22
AgentHeXooo...  good call09:22
zvacet* sudo apt-get autoclean09:23
AgentHeXyeah.  thanks.09:23
jeeves__DistroJockey, have you set up a server as a LADP server before with VPN?09:24
DistroJockeyjeeves__, nope, sorry09:24
DistroJockeyjeeves__, I assume you mean LDAP and not LAMP09:25
jeeves__DistroJockey, well, I was thinking that if I start adding servers to my "network", I'm going to need VNP access to move and update things.  And it would be nice to get it set up properly09:25
jeeves__DistroJockey, yes, I have LAMP set up allready, and I'm looking for LDAP09:26
DistroJockeyjeeves__, *nods* not done one of those09:26
jeeves__DistroJockey, ok, cool09:26
jeeves__DistroJockey, well, let's see if I can make it work on this mess of a little server that I have09:26
lekevHi all, anyone know a commad-line tool where i can read the Tags of a .wma-File?09:27
DistroJockeyjeeves__, heh. Good luck :)09:27
sakrhassHey Guys, I heard about virtual Linux Server I would like to get more info about it any suggestions09:28
sakrhasscan I use ubuntu09:29
Lusulehalf the icon sets in my 'appearance > customise' thingy seem to be broken, any ideas?09:29
jeeves__DistroJockey, ok, the server is installed, now time to configure09:30
DistroJockeyjeeves__, fun stuff ;)09:30
wiigeehey all09:30
Andoreais there a way to add ShowDesktop AWN applet without installing that PPA thing?09:31
ikoniasakrhass: ubuntu has many virtualization options, it's fine to use. There is also docs on https://wiki.ubuntu.com09:31
jeeves__who in here is good with LDAP?09:32
ikoniajeeves__: ask the question09:33
jeeves__ikonia, I'm trying to create the tree, and I'm getting09:33
jeeves__ikonia, The Perl module Net::LDAP needed to connect to the LDAP server is not installed.09:33
arcadjosjakis polak jest??09:34
ikoniajeeves__: how are you trying to create a tree - what tools09:34
ikonia!pl | Acksaw09:34
ubottuAcksaw: Mozesz uzyskac pomoc w jezyku polskim na #ubuntu-pl09:34
ikonia!pl | arcadjos09:34
ubottuarcadjos: Mozesz uzyskac pomoc w jezyku polskim na #ubuntu-pl09:34
jeeves__ikonia, through the webmin interface09:34
newbhi i'm getting this issue with kacpid on my motherboard. :( it keeps eating CPU cycles endlessly09:34
newbi can't even kill it :(09:34
newbhelp :(09:34
ikonianewb: what motherboard is it ?09:34
newbikonia: Intel 945GCNL09:35
ikonianewb: first thing to do, have you tried the init script shutdown to stop it09:35
newbikonia: no. i don't know how to do that. can u direct me please?09:36
ikonianewb: one moment09:36
ikonianewb: I've not got a kde box so I can't see the correct init script that launches it09:38
arcadjostylko jak tam wejsc ;/09:38
arcadjosziwlony jestem09:38
jeeves__ikonia, ok, now I'm getting an error of cn=Manager,dc=your-domain,dc=com from webmin09:40
newbikonia: oh :(09:40
ikoniajeeves__: webmin is not supported, and it's not in the ubuntu repo's so it looks like when you've set it up yourself you've not linked the correct perl modules into your ldap root server09:40
newbikonia: u think this is a DUAL boot issue? some ppl claim it is09:40
jeeves__ikonia, ok, thanks09:40
ikonianewb: I can't see how it is a dual boot issue, as nothing windows does can effect ubuntu and vice/versa09:41
arcadjoskurde nikt tam nie odpowiada ;/09:41
newbikonia: weird. i just rebooted the machine and this disappears! :(09:42
ikonianewb: something worth doing is "grep -i kacpid /etc/init.d/*"09:42
ikonianewb: it's bascilly a hardware/power saving daemon. I've just read a varity of bugs with it09:42
ikonianewb: not bugs, sorry shouldn't say that, but configuration specific issues for hardware09:43
newbikonia: works perfectly fine on my Dell laptop and my really old P4 desktop09:43
ikonianewb: as I said "hardware specific"09:43
newbikonia: weird i am facing issues only with intel mother boards09:44
ikonianewb: as I said "hardware specific"09:44
ikonianewb: am I not making it clear that issues with this daemon or normally related to specific hardwre configuration09:44
newbikonia: it just hangs my entire system!09:45
ikonianewb: am I not making it clear that issues with this daemon or normally related to specific hardwre configuration09:45
newbikonia: i got it... so i need to figure out how to disable it basically09:45
newbikonia: u think i will have issues without it?09:45
ikonianewb: which is why I've told you to check through the init scripts09:45
ikonianewb: it's a power managment daemon, I can't see any issues09:45
newbikonia: the processor won't burn up right? the entire speed control of the fan etc is done by the BIOS i hope09:46
ikonianewb: the processor won't burn up, as your basiclly disabling the OS's ability to interact with the power saving features on the bios09:46
zetherooI have an idea for an application I would like to make for Ubuntu and Linux users ... but I kinda needs a heads up on where to start ....09:47
sawyer_anyone know if there's a plugin or addon for Audacious that allows the player to be controlled remotely through internet?09:47
newbikonia: ok... will see how i can disable it....09:47
ikonianewb: use the command I gave you to find the correct init script09:47
ikoniazetheroo: what sort of area of "where to start"09:47
newbikonia: ok09:47
ikoniazetheroo: what sort of area of "where to start"09:49
zetherooikonia: the app I want to make would be a frontend with a library behind it .... and the user can access the files in a tree-like format .... and open the text files therein09:49
ikoniazetheroo: yes but where are you stuck ?09:50
zetherooikonia: well... someone was telling me that for Windows there are programs for this which are already "made" but just have to be customised for your particulars09:51
zetherooikonia: is there such a thing for Linux?09:51
ikoniazetheroo: thats not how writing an application works09:51
ikoniazetheroo: there are specific libraries to use and link against (like windows and MFC and STL for example)09:51
Lux01Hi, I'm running Ubuntu 8.04 64bit and installed VLC from the repos. Whenever I try to play a video or DVD the colours are all wrong, what's white is green, what's blue is red etc... I tried the other players and they're doing the same09:51
ikoniazetheroo: what languages can you program in09:51
simihi i have kubuntu hardy and i made a bootchart capture http://img70.imageshack.us/img70/3983/hardy200807231yw8.png    , any ideea how can i improve boot performance at the 50s it seams i have a period of silence?09:52
zetherooikonia: ok .. well I do not know any program languages ... which is why this sounded very possible for me to do .... since it required little to no coding09:52
ikoniazetheroo: no - thats not possible, you can't make an application then.09:53
jeeves__can anyone recomend a good howto for setting up LDAP through webmin?09:53
ikoniajeeves__: I exaplined to you earlier webmin is not supported or packaged through ubuntu09:53
jeeves__ikonia, you're right, you've told me that allready, now that you have, I'm not asking oyu09:53
ikoniajeeves__: so please don't ask ubuntu support resources.09:54
ikoniayacc_: hi09:54
ikoniasimi: there doesn't appear to be a pause at 50s - lots seems to be going on09:54
simiikonia: is not a pause but CPU is low and disk IO sems zero, and i am nort expert in reading bootchart charts09:56
ikoniasimi: me neither, just looking through the chart though looking for anythinb obvious, 50 seconds seems a reasonably long boot time09:57
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ikoniasimi: your vbox install seems to be doing a bit of work - unusual to have a "find"09:59
alrex021Can anyone point me in the right direction to get the audio cd to play on my ubuntu 8.04?09:59
alrex021Rhythmbox shows the songs but no sound....I confirm that my sound works as I can play counter strike for example :)10:00
ikoniasimi: read ahead also seems to take a reasonable legnth of time and take up some cpu - be interesting to disable that init scrpt and see how much that makes a difference10:01
Peace_KeeperAlrex, what format is the music in? Just a normal audio CD?10:01
alrex021yes...just normal audi cd10:02
alrex021oops..audio :)10:02
krupa^hello all! hey, i got a tape and i need to backup files on local pc and also in other ubuntu machines over network, anyone knows a program that can handle backups on network and tape and do a scheduled tasks? ... thanks!10:02
simiikonia: so i have to find the scripts that loads the vbox module? how can i find it?10:02
DTOPS1Hello All, Does anyone know how to install qdvdauthor10:03
Peace_KeeperAlrex: Hmmm, That's unusual, have you tried Totem instead of Rhythmbox/10:03
Lux01sudo apt-get install qdvdauthor10:04
DTOPS1Thank you10:04
technicali have a  probblem in installation of ph printer P1006 in my     ubuntu Opperating  System10:06
alrex021Peace_Keeper: "play audio disk" is grayed out in totem10:06
jimcooncatis there a good drafting package that will help lay out my garage?10:07
DTOPS1Can qdvd convert avi to dvd then burn?10:07
ikoniasimi: its in /etc/init.d10:08
Peace_KeeperAlrex: When you try to play it in Rhythmbox, on the left hand side under 'libraries' does an "Errors" item appear?10:09
DTOPS1Anyone can qdvdauthor convert avi to dvd then burn?10:10
alrex021Peace_Keeper: no errors...not even in console where I ran the command from to launch the gui10:14
alrex021Peace_Keeper: hily shit....its working now....when I closed my firefox!!!10:14
ikoniaalrex021: please moderator your language10:15
ikoniamoderate even10:15
DTOPS1Peace_keeper could you pleae tell me how to convert avi to dvd?10:15
alrex021Peace_Keeper: I've actually hear of this bug10:15
anewbiehey dudes10:15
ikoniaDTOPS1: mencoder can re-encode files, most of the DVD burning packages such as gnomebaker can then burn media files onto DBD10:15
alrex021ikonia: ok10:15
dougskoDTOPS1: http://pastebin.ca/108054110:15
ikoniaalrex021: thanks10:16
cj_could somebody help me out with a question please? I have a test machine which i use for messing about with various different os's. I would like to install windows and '2' linux operating systems. I currently have 1 windows and also 1 Ubuntu linux on the machine. But i wish to install another linux os onto the same machine. What is the easiest way to do this?10:16
anewbiecan you tell me where canifidn the busid of my video card10:16
anewbie ?10:16
jussi01!info devede| DTOPS110:16
ubottudtops1: devede (source: devede): program to create video DVDs. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 3.6-0.0ubuntu1 (hardy), package size 1128 kB, installed size 2592 kB10:16
Peace_KeeperAlrex: I haven't, nice work, though.10:16
ikoniacj_: the easy way to mangage multiple linux installs is to a.) have a seperate shared /boot partition b.) only allow the FIRST linux install to install grub - don't let the subsiquent installs install grub10:16
nibbler_cj_, just install to a free partition, use same boot partition if you use one. make a copy of this before10:16
DTOPS1kk its installin :)10:16
lekevHi all, anyone know a commad-line tool where i can read the Tags of a .wma-File?10:17
nibbler_cj_, and remember, for /boot ubuntu sort of ignores the option "dont format - keep data"10:17
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cj_how would i actually manage the seperate boot partition? like add and take away os's in the future. Would i use ubuntu to do this, or windows?10:18
ikoniacj_: there is "tool" to do this10:18
nibbler_cj_, use grub, and edit /boot/grub/menu.lst manually10:18
ikoniacj_: when you install a linux OS it asks you how to partition and mount your disk10:18
ikoniacj_: do you understand that part of it ?10:19
DTOPS1which one do i select " only convert film files to complimant mpeg- files" or create disk structure or create and iso or bin/cue image ready to burn to a disk10:19
cj_im a total noob on linux. Ive always used windows lol. Ill research grub :D10:19
alrex021Peace_Keeper: strange, but hey....I just have to open my music player first and then firefox, then all works. No big deal :)10:19
ikoniacj_: I didn't say research grub, do you understand the section in linux installs where it asks you to partition your disks ?10:19
cj_i was replying to nibbler10:20
nibbler_ah ok.10:20
Peace_KeeperAlrex: Unless an Audio playing flash applet etc. is opened in firefox, it won't activate the sound, so they will play nice some of the time.10:20
cj_and im not sure ikonia10:20
DTOPS1which one do i select " only convert film files to complimant mpeg- files" or create disk structure or create and iso or bin/cue image ready to burn to a disk.10:20
cj_ill have a look :), im presuming it will be on the install screen?10:20
ikoniacj_: ok - well thats the key, the file systems on linux are very different in layout to windows. /boot is normally a directory off the / file system, however for your install and subsiquent installs you want /boot to be a partition that is shared between all your linux installs so that it holdss a single menu.lst as nibbler_ has suggested and all your boot data for all the linux installs10:21
bex_does anyone know how i can password protect a data cd i am burnign with k3b?10:22
bex_*data dvd10:22
cj_so basically, the /boot partition can be for all os's?10:22
ikoniacj_: all linux OS's10:22
anewbiehow can i check BusId10:22
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anewbielspci -vv10:22
anewbiebut i dont know where to see it10:22
anewbieis that BusID10:22
anewbie ?10:22
FloodBot1anewbie: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.10:22
DTOPS1Can someone plase answer my question10:23
cj_ok, i also need to be able to boot to windows aswell?10:23
mgolischtheres a switch to X which shows scans the busids of the found cards10:23
cj_im not actually using windows much on my laptop anymore, BUT i need it just incase10:23
nibbler_cj_, the first linux install, if you chose ubuntu at least, will detect your windows and keep it bootable10:24
cj_yes, that is the case that i have now. Ive got windows as my first install, and then ubuntu as my second install. Its worked ok, i can boot to windows and also linux. For the third linux, would i not install the grub?10:24
cj_and just add it to the grub using ubtunu?10:25
Flannelcj_: Thats probably easiest, yes.10:25
nibbler_cj_, just intsall it without installing grub, so it wont at least fuck your system10:25
cj_thanks guys, really appreciate the help!10:25
cj_have a good un10:25
bex_anyone know if i can password protect a data dvd?10:26
NeoSanity[Linux]couldn't you just encrypt the data on disc using the encrypter utility that comes with Ubuntu?10:27
pabixbex_, is it already engraved?10:27
NET||abusewe're working on a server setup at the moment, want ot resize, shrink down, an LVM and setup a few new ones to run some virtual machines on. tried booting with 7.10 live cd, no devicemapper modules in that kernel,, does 8.04.1 have it?10:27
pabixbex_, otherwise, you could use truecrypt10:27
NET||abuseor what livecd should i use?10:27
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neggeNET||abuse: it's always best to try the most recent live CD version10:28
ActionParsniphey all10:28
bex_what is the encrypter that comes with ubuntu and how do i find it?10:28
NET||abuseanyone know if the livecd comes with device-mapper10:28
ActionParsnipNET||abuse: please expand10:29
ActionParsnipbex_: encrypter for what?10:29
NET||abuseActionParsnip: have a debian install for xen server, We are looking to shrink down the lvm, went and did 1 full disk size lvm, so we have to boot into livecd to shrink the file system and the lvm.10:30
bex_NeoSanity[Linux] mentioned it\10:30
NeoSanity[Linux]dw its a decrypter10:30
NeoSanity[Linux]I thought it was an encrypter too, my mistake10:30
NET||abuseActionParsnip: just tried with a 7.10 livecd, just what i had to hand, doesn't seem to have device-mapper module in the livecd kernel, so just wondering if anyone knew when if at all, it was added to a livecd kernel?10:31
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ActionParsnipNeoSanity[Linux]: depends what you're encrypting. is it network packets / folders or what10:31
Vezirwhy is it that ubuntu messes up every time i use it?10:31
Veziri had it running great10:31
ActionParsnipNET||abuse: you can apt-get it just like an installed system10:31
Vezirthen i enable desktop effects and it screws up, even though it was fine when i did that on livecd10:31
sebrockI use Hardy, but I need a kernel from Gutsy. Is it safe to download the .deb and just install it on Hardy??10:31
ActionParsnipVezir: are you logging on as root?10:31
ActionParsnipVezir: good, in what way does it screw up?10:32
bex_ActionParsnip, i want to encrypt files that i am burning to a dvd10:32
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about encryptfs10:32
Vezirit doesnt detect my pci ATi Radeon 925010:32
Vezirit did before, then it tried to use my onboard nvidia graphics10:32
ActionParsnipbex_: http://encryptionhowto.sourceforge.net/Encryption-HOWTO-4.html10:33
ActionParsnipVezir: do you have 2 graphics cards in your system now?10:33
sebrockI use Hardy, but I need a kernel from Gutsy. Is it safe to download the .deb and just install it on Hardy??10:33
Vezirjust the pci (not pci-e) radeon 925010:33
ActionParsnipVezir: ok, have you disabled the onboard in your bios?10:34
coulixhi where do we pass boot option parameter already ?10:34
Veziri can't, really. it's either onboard or agp.10:34
Veziri'll be back in a bit, i'm gonna try choosing agp10:34
ActionParsnipVezir: ok well as long as its disabled in some way thats cool10:34
ZeroSilverwingck Vezir10:35
=== ZeroSilverwing is now known as Vezir
ActionParsnipcoulix: its usually managed by grub.conf10:35
Vezirgah old settings from a different server10:35
coulixActionParsnip thanks10:35
Vezirnevermind, it seems i'm updating10:35
Vezirwhat did you say to me before i left, ActionParsnip?10:35
FlannelActionParsnip, coulix, menu.lst, not grub.conf10:35
ActionParsnipVezir: cool, that may help, always fully update before asking :D10:35
ActionParsnipFlannel: bah :D10:36
Veziryeah, although you'd expect a 3-5 year old pci graphics card to work on 8.0410:36
ActionParsnipVezir: as long as your system doesnt see the onboard its fine, 1 less complication10:36
ActionParsnipVezir: should be fine, depends on your needs10:36
ActionParsnipVezir: i run an onboard gefore 6150 and it does me fine10:37
ActionParsnippulls 50fps in urban terror10:37
Vezirwell yeah bt that isnt as horrid as whatever this is.10:37
BlinkizI have a audio book on CD that I want to have in my Nokia N95 mobile phone instead. My mobile supports MP3/AAC/AAC+/eAAC+/WMA/M4A. Any recommendation how I can rip to any of these formats?10:37
Veziri dualboot in to windows as well10:37
ActionParsnipBlinkiz: grip10:38
Veziri'll be back in a bit10:38
ActionParsnip!grip | Blinkiz10:38
ubottuBlinkiz: grip is a ripping player and has a minor bug which can be solved by doing this "sudo ln -s /dev/hdX /dev/cdromN" where X is your hard drive and N a number10:38
sebrockanyone, is it safe to install a Gutsy kernel on Hardy???10:38
sebrockfrom .deb10:38
neggeBlinkiz: you can use Ubuntu's built-in ripper10:38
ActionParsnipBlinkiz: k3b does it too10:38
ActionParsnip!k3b | sebrock10:39
ubottusebrock: k3b is a feature-rich and user-friendly burning application for KDE (and, as all KDE applications, works fine on GNOME). For a guide, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/K3BHowto10:39
Blinkiznegge: Can't get it to rip to MP3/AAC/AAC+/eAAC+/WMA/M4A. What setting should that be?10:39
neggeBlinkiz: you need to install LAME to convert ti MP310:39
ActionParsnipBlinkiz: you'll need to install lame encoder10:39
neggeI've used it a couple of times, it's a good app10:39
sebrockActionParsnip, what??10:39
BlinkizActionParsnip: negge: aha10:39
ActionParsnipsebrock: you should be able to yes10:39
sebrockok thanks10:40
ActionParsnipsebrock: you can always uninstall if its no good10:40
sebrockIVTV driver is broken in Hardy it seems10:42
Blinkiznegge: Okay, lame is installed. So how do I use this with "Sound Juicer"?10:42
ReeeeeemyBonjour tous10:42
neggeBlinkiz: I'm not on Ubuntu right now so I can't check10:43
neggeit shouldn't be that hard, it should be in the options or something10:43
Blinkiznegge: I don't. Maybe I installed the wrong package? "lame"?10:43
ActionParsnipBlinkiz: http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-957.html10:43
neggeBlinkiz: sounds like the right one10:43
neggeI'm gonna fire up Debian and see how it's done10:43
ActionParsnipBlinkiz: if you web search a little there is a tonne of documentation for everything you can concieve10:44
Peace_Keeper\ignore public10:45
Peace_Keeperheh, whoops. BTW, anybody know how to ignore all those ruddy join/exit notifications?10:45
pan032423not a clue10:46
neggePeace_Keeper: I was just thinking about the same thing10:47
neggeunfortunately I have no clue either10:47
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neggeBlinkiz: what is listed under Output Format: in Sound juicers preferences?10:48
jo_ehi, i am trying to reinstall ubuntu 8.04. i have 2 disks in my computer, an ide one and a sata one. i want to install it on the sata one, but the installer doesn't detect it, only the ide disk. i unplugged the ide disk and now it finds no disks. ubuntu boots ok off the sata disk now.10:48
Vezirsetting it to agp made nothing work10:48
XChathi I have a quick question: is it possible in ubuntu to have more than 2 desktops?10:49
jcmaxhey yo ?10:49
BlinkizActionParsnip: Thank you for the link about how to get mp3 encoding support. grip is now making me a nice little mp3 file. Also, Sound Juicer seems to be able to rip to mp3 now. Thanks!10:49
grillsthi does anybody has experience with Canon MF 4120 in ubuntu? I have some troubles with it?10:49
jcmaxim just install linux on my mashine10:49
ActionParsnipXChat: like dual monitor?10:49
neggeXChat: there workspace switcher is in the lower right corner, you can switch using ctrl + alt + arrows10:50
Guillaum3greets gents. a crontab with these params will run how often:     00 */8 * * *10:50
ActionParsnip!dualhead | XChat10:50
ubottuXChat: Information about dual-head on linux can be found on http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/DualHead - See also !Xinerama10:50
Vezirafter cleaning it, the spacebar on my model m doesnt click!10:50
unopGuillaum3, every eight hours10:51
neggeXChat: I thought you meant workspaces10:51
Guillaum3thank you unop.10:51
XChatgot it thx guys10:51
Vezirthere we go10:52
VezirActionParsnip: setting the bios setting to agp made neither the onboard video nor the pci card work10:53
ActionParsnipVezir: ok get a display and boot as normal, run lspci and make sure you only have 1 graphics card10:54
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Vezircan someone help me fix this?10:55
ActionParsnipget back into bios and change your setting back so you use the graphics card of your choice10:56
ActionParsnipthen boot back into Ubuntu10:56
jo_eno-one knows if there is an issue with booting sata disks or something?10:57
jo_ein 8.0410:57
neggejo_e: there shouldn't be10:57
neggejo_e: does your bios recognize the disc?10:58
jo_eyes, i am booting ubuntu off it now10:58
jo_enegge: but I want to reinstall since the update messed things up10:58
prymaljo_e: no issues bud... i'm booting from sata10:58
neggejo_e: how have you managed to install ubuntu on it now if you can't do it again?10:58
jo_enegge: i installed the last version and updated to the latest, but it messed things up and now i can't update my kernel so i want to reinstall, but it doesn't see my disk10:59
Veziroh perfect11:00
Veziraccording to what i'm reading11:00
Vezirubuntu DOES NOT SUPPORT THE RADEON 9250.11:00
ActionParsnipthen take it back11:00
neggejo_e: a friend once had the same problem. it turned out he had a SATA cable to SATA1 which wasn't connected to any disc and the actual disc on the SATA2 port. Removing the unused cable and putting the disc on the first sata port sovled the problem11:00
ActionParsnipif ati made drivers itd work11:00
ActionParsnipbut ati sucks11:01
Guillaum3yeah, get a nvidia11:01
Guillaum3all the way11:01
VezirActionParsnip: it was a gift used computer from a friend11:01
neggeati drivers suck indeed11:01
Veziri hate ati11:01
Vezirbut i can't afford anything better at the moment11:01
neggeall companies starting with the letter A suck on making linux-drivers11:01
xnvVezir: Where are you reading that it's not supported?11:01
wols_Vezir: you are wrong. ubuntu supports the 9250 out of the box11:01
neggeAti, Atheros, Adobe etc.11:01
jo_enegge: i only have one sata cable in there and it's attached to the disk. do you think it would help to try to plug it into another sata port?11:02
wols_Vezir: ans wherever you read that is very badly informed11:02
Veziri dunno11:02
wols_Vezir: the driver for your card is ati/radeon. not fglrx11:02
neggejo_e: you can always try, it won't hurt11:02
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Vezira bunch of people on the official forums doesnt sound too shady to me11:02
wols_Vezir: they are morons11:02
Vezirwols_: it's a pci, does that still apply?11:02
jo_enegge: thanks, i'll try that and i guess i'll be back if it doesn't work.11:03
Vezirwhere do i select which driver to yuse then?11:03
linuxnb_okany other channels on this server?11:03
wols_it works automatically11:03
neggelinuxnb_ok: there are endless11:03
Vezirwols_: then why is it sticking me in 800x600?11:03
linuxnb_okhow to search with "xchat-gnome"11:03
linuxnb_ok...i'm used to mIRC11:04
linuxnb_ok(windows, sadly)11:04
milliganWhat's the name of the application that lets you configure compiz ?11:04
koshariVezir what video card have you got11:04
wols_!tell milligan about ccsm11:04
linuxnb_oknegge: how to list channels?11:04
ubottumilligan, please see my private message11:04
wols_Vezir: pastebin your Xorg.0.log11:04
milliganwols_, thanks11:04
VezirATi Radeon 9250 PCI11:04
Vezirwols_: where do i find that?11:04
linuxnb_ok::woops! silly me, got it. thanks11:04
wols_Vezir: man locate11:05
koshariVezir oh i hate that card, tey dont play well with linux, are you using theopen source drivers?11:05
wols_koshari: they play very well with linux11:05
Vezirremember i have only used linux once or twice before so i know almost nothing11:05
wols_!cli | Vezir11:05
ubottuVezir: The linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE).  Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal11:05
chuy_maxVezir, thats a common problem in hardy11:05
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about epson11:05
Veziri know about the terminal11:06
wols_Vezir: https://help.ubuntu.com/11:06
honeyanyone know how to get the scanner working and correct print outs for a epson stylus cx550011:06
koshariwols_ try geting 3d working in any usable mode, even an Nmx2 card will run rings round it on 3d performance11:06
ubottuScanning software: XSane, the GIMP (GNOME), Kooka (KDE). For instructions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ScanningHowTo and to see supported hardware: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsScanners - See also !OCR11:06
Vezircan you jsut tell me real quick what to type to get the xorg thing?11:06
wols_koshari: 9250 can do 3D out of the box in ubuntu11:06
neggeVezir: sudo gedit /etc/X11/xorg.0.log11:07
chuy_maxVezir, I had an nVidia 8600GT, I just had to do nvidia-config or something like that, and also I had that problem with a Unichrome integrated card, I had to adjust xorg.conf manually11:07
neggethen copy paste that11:07
wols_negge: huh?11:07
* wols_ would be very pissed if there were any logs there11:07
ActionParsni1negge never sudo gedit11:07
neggemaybe I missed something now...11:07
ActionParsni1negge: its gksudo gedit11:07
chuy_maxActionParsni1, why not?11:07
neggeActionParsni1: yeah I know, it came there by mistake11:08
neggeyou don't need to use sudo nor gksudo to read af ile11:08
Vezirthere's nothing in this file11:08
wols_negge: sudo gedit won't work either11:08
ActionParsni1chuy_max: it doesnt set the environment up properly for gui apps and can destroy ownership rigts etc11:08
koshariwols_ it may do 3d but its hopeless with compiz11:08
neggewols_: okay11:08
wols_koshari: that's the fault of the card since it's too slow11:08
chuy_maxoh, you are right, thanks for remembering me ActionParsni111:08
ActionParsni1chuy_max: you can technically se gksudo for them all11:09
ActionParsni1chuy_max: makes it easier11:09
koshariwols_ thats my point i can get an nV mx2 card to work with compiz and its about 2 years older...11:09
san_how can i search a package from terminal, i mean with apt-get (n00b)11:10
ActionParsni1san_: you can tab complete11:10
simNIXapt-get on Ubuntu ?11:10
bazhangsan_, apt-cache search11:11
Vezirwols_: there isnt anything in that file11:11
simNIXasumes Ubuntu's apt-get works like on Debian ?11:11
wols_Vezir: I never told you to open that file. take it up with negge11:12
bazhangsimNIX, ubuntu is based on debian11:12
Veziroh sorry wols_11:12
san_ok, thanks. but for wxample i want to search all package starting with wireless that solve my problem11:12
simNIXthen for apt-get I can point to http://www.debian.org/doc/manuals/apt-howto/ch1.en.html11:12
Vezirwell which file do i pastebin? xorg.conf?11:12
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bazhangsan_, likely will not have the name wireless11:12
bazhangsimNIX, ubuntu has its own set of docs :)11:13
san_<bazhang> thanks11:13
Vezirwols_: you mean this xorg.0.log?11:13
smaug42_is there a way to use dpkg to remove multiple packages?  as in something like dpkg -r foo* to remove all packages starting with foo...11:14
wols_there is no xorg.0.log on your system11:14
bazhangsan_, if you want to find out wireless do lspci in the terminal and tell us the chipset (the one line) and we can tell what to install11:14
Veziryeah there is11:14
wols_Vezir: that file is the Xorg.0.log11:14
ActionParsni1smaug42_: should be sudo dpkg -r foo bar app prog11:14
Veziroh right, case sensitive11:14
Veziryou did tell me to find that one11:15
wols_you load vesa and not the ati drivers11:15
wols_wrong drive11:15
LowenHeartellow guys11:15
LowenHeartim new11:15
bazhanghi LowenHeart11:15
Vezirhow do i load ati drivers then?11:15
ActionParsni1sup LowenHeart11:15
ActionParsni1!ati | LowenHeart11:15
ubottuLowenHeart: For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto11:15
san_<bazhang> it was an example. i wanted to remove some package (wireshark) i didnt know how to spell it. so i wanted to seach it via the terminal. thanks again11:15
bazhangsan_, no worries :)11:16
smaug42_ActionParsni1:  right, but that removes one package... i have multiple packages... say.. 30 or 40 all with a common prefix I want to remove.  i know I could do it using the GUI, but I need/want to do it from CLI11:16
san_I have no problem with wirelees, luckily :D11:16
LowenHeartim having problems installing my lexmark printer driver on my laptops11:16
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ActionParsni1LowenHeart: which lexmark do you have11:17
LowenHeartum... Z132011:17
chuy_maxVezir, set it in xorg.conf, Section Device, where it says Driver "whatever"11:17
Vezirdamn this is complicated11:17
chuy_maxVezir, usually you dont need to11:18
Veziroh well, if i want a tech job i gotta learn linux11:18
neggesmaug42_: you can use apt-get remove package11:18
neggesmaug42_: packages*11:18
neggeto remove all of them11:18
LowenHeartim a new user... so im having problems using this new OS11:18
ActionParsni1LowenHeart: tried lexmarks site?11:18
ActionParsni1LowenHeart: you'll learn :)11:19
smaug42_negge: is it safe to assume apt-get is available on all Debian based distros (ie not just Ubuntu flavors)?11:19
chuy_maxLowenHeart, is it usb?11:19
Veziri don't have permission to save this file?11:19
LowenHearti just did11:19
neggesmaug42_: apt comes from Debian so it's quite safe to assume11:19
neggealthough not absolutely necessary I think11:19
LowenHeartbut they didnt have drivers for ubuntu11:19
chuy_maxVezir, you need root permission11:19
linxuz3rsmaug42_: try #debian11:19
LowenHeartits a usb11:19
ActionParsni1LowenHeart: http://lists.slug.org.au/archives/slug/2008/02/msg00022.html11:20
Vezirchuy_max: how do i do that?11:20
Veziri never set a root password11:20
chuy_maxLowenHeart, do lsusb and paste the line where it lists your printer11:20
Veziri can sayt one thing about this at least. at least it isnt slackware.11:20
chuy_maxVezir, you can use gksudo gedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf11:21
ActionParsni1LowenHeart: http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/linux-hardware-18/printer-lexmark-z1320-doesnt-work-fedora-7-588028/11:21
LowenHeartthe problem is that my laptop can detect my printer... it just wont print11:21
ActionParsni1chuy_max: you can open the files as user you know, just not edit11:22
chuy_maxActionParsni1, Vezir wants to save a file he has not permissions to ..11:22
ActionParsni1chuy_max: oh, i thought you justwanted a pastebin11:22
smaug42_thanks, I'll give it a try in #debian  I need to nail this down for some admin procedures... and it's a mixed Ubuntu/Debian server environment that it'll eventually be applied to11:23
|Dreams|ok i want to do a fresh install, but there is 70gb worht of files i want to keep is there anyway i can keep them without using dvds11:23
LowenHeartso hard11:23
gordonjcp|Dreams|: are they on a separate partition?11:23
bazhang|Dreams|, you have a separate /home?11:23
|Dreams|they are in my home partition11:23
san_Dreams: do tou have another partition?11:23
ActionParsni1|Dreams|: just restore from backup11:24
gordonjcp|Dreams|: incidentally, why the pipe characters?  Is it to make it hard to tab-complete your nick?11:24
san_Upload them to internet! :D11:24
|Dreams|it just looked good11:24
gordonjcp|Dreams|: hm, probably the easiest way is to get another hard disk ;-)11:24
|Dreams|or redownload them all again11:24
nubuntuneed help changing resolution on xubuntu11:24
nubuntuits stuck at 800x60011:25
gordonjcp|Dreams|: seriously, a 300GB hard disk is insanely cheap these days11:25
|Dreams|reason i wanted to do a fresh was going to install ubuntu instead of kubuntu11:25
ActionParsni1|Dreams|: get a usb hdd and copy it all across, this wil be your backup. then do a wipe and install then copy back if you want11:25
|Dreams|okie dokie11:25
ActionParsni1|Dreams|: you dont have to reinstall for that11:25
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bazhang|Dreams|, no need for that11:25
|Dreams|i know i can install gnome11:25
ActionParsni1|Dreams|: sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop11:25
bazhanginstall ubuntu-desktop |Dreams|11:25
|Dreams|but just like keeping things fresh and clean thats all11:26
bazhang|Dreams|, then !puregnome11:26
nubuntuhow do i change monitor resolution in xubuntu11:26
|Dreams|what does that do11:26
ActionParsni1|Dreams|: id strongly suggest a backup. if your hard drive fails you've lost 70Gb11:26
nubuntuit only shows 800x60011:26
unop|DAMAGE|, you've got too much spare time on your hands :)11:26
bazhang!puregnome | |Dreams|11:26
ubottu|Dreams|: If you want to remove all !KDE packages and have a default !Ubuntu system follow the instructions here << http://psychocats.net/ubuntu/puregnome >>11:26
|Dreams|ok thanks will take a look11:27
ActionParsni1nubuntu: have you installed your graphics drivers?11:27
Finirashow do i ssh to another computer from console? not graphical tool11:27
san_nubuntu: do you have a grphic accelarator ?11:27
nubuntuits a toshiba techra m111:27
neggeFiniras: ssh <hostname>11:27
ActionParsni1nubuntu: can we see your /etc/X11/xorg.conf11:27
gaviasif it auto joins me to the ubuntu server :/11:27
ActionParsni1!paste | nubuntu11:27
ubottunubuntu: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)11:27
|Dreams|or is there anyway to split a 9gb file to fit onto a 4.7gb dvd or would winrar be the best program to do so11:27
nubuntui triend editing /etc/X11/xorg.conf but it reverts back11:27
ActionParsni1|Dreams|: man tar ;)11:28
|Dreams|okie dokie11:28
ActionParsni1nubuntu: thats because you need to use gksudo11:28
san_nubuntu : do you change it as sudo ?11:28
chuy_maxFiniras, I suggest you to read the manual, ssh domain's-ip-or-DNS -l user11:28
jo_enegge: switching between sata ports did not work11:28
nubuntuSection "Device"11:28
nubuntuIdentifier"Configured Video Device"11:28
nubuntuSection "Monitor"11:28
nubuntuIdentifier"Configured Monitor"11:28
FloodBot1nubuntu: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.11:28
ActionParsni1oh boy11:28
ActionParsni1here we go kids11:29
ActionParsni1see you on the other side11:29
ActionParsni1nubuntu: dont do that ever again11:29
bazhangnubuntu, not here! paste.ubuntu.com11:29
nubuntuoops sorry11:29
san_he is nub11:29
ActionParsni1nubuntu: could you see what was going to happen?11:29
bazhanghe was told where to paste11:30
nubuntui was told to paste after the fact11:30
nubuntui'm not here to argue11:30
|Dreams|man it will be quicker just to download the files again lol11:30
nubuntui appologized11:30
ActionParsni1i just want you to see wy=hy its bad, please use paste in11:30
ActionParsni1yeah its cool man, no worries11:30
bazhangstill need the paste nubuntu11:30
IndyGunFreakwhat is it to purge a package install, is it apt-get remove packagename -p11:31
ActionParsni1IndyGunFreak: sudo apt-get --purge packagename11:31
IndyGunFreakActionParsni1: thank you11:31
|Dreams|so does everyone here prefer ubuntu to kubuntu hence the #ubuntu11:31
ActionParsni1--purge remove packagename sorry11:31
ActionParsni1|Dreams|: i run fluxbox on top of kubuntu11:32
Vezircan someone help me in pm?11:32
Veziri'm really getting confused.11:32
|Dreams|ah right11:32
ActionParsni1|Dreams|: all the great kde stuff with a lightweight frontend11:32
anewbie01:00.0 VGA compatible controller:11:32
|Dreams|you see i can never make up my mind11:33
bazhangnubuntu, need the url11:33
anewbieis that BusID11:33
anewbie ?11:33
|Dreams|i love features of each11:33
anewbieanybody knows ?11:33
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|Dreams|whats the commnd for disk space again lf?11:33
nubuntudf -h11:33
|Dreams|oh yer11:34
ActionParsni1nubuntu: you arent loading your driver11:34
anewbieno body want to help i see11:34
ActionParsni1nubuntu: Identifier"Configured Video Device"11:34
exothello, I have installed ubuntu on my siemens laptop, but gnome appears in a small square , not using the full screen, any help ?11:34
ActionParsni1anewbie: wassup11:34
anewbie :)11:35
bazhanganewbie, state your question on one line11:35
anewbiei want to find the BusID of my voodoo311:35
anewbiewhen i type11:35
ActionParsni1the 01:00.0 is the bus11:35
anewbielspci -vv11:35
anewbiebut why it end with .011:35
anewbiein the xorg exeple11:35
anewbieis with :011:35
bazhanganewbie, dont use enter key as punctuation11:36
ActionParsni1:0 mans display zero afaik11:36
Blazrhey everyone,im running xubuntu on my eeepc and as i have only 4 gb space i removed some packages ididnt need.immediately after i got a popup manager saying that dependencies for network monitor were missing and nowi cannot switch routers on my wifi,anonehelpme here?11:36
Blazroops typos in there11:36
bazhangBlazr, you followed the wiki at www.eeeuser.com ?11:36
Blazrmanager = message :)11:37
Blazryes im running eeexubuntu and i was stripping more packages out11:37
ActionParsni1Blazr: if you get eeeXUbuntu it will all work out of the box11:37
bazhangBlazr, just randomly?11:37
exotany help guys ?11:37
ActionParsni1!ask | exot11:38
ubottuexot: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)11:38
bazhangexot, need a question11:38
nubuntuToshiba Techra M1 laptop -11:38
Blazrwell,i was removing packages for printers and cd burners11:38
Peace_KeeperBlazr: if you have synaptic, can you reinstall network manager, won't it reestablish dependencies?11:38
Blazri knew what they were doing11:38
exothello, I have installed ubuntu on my siemens laptop, but gnome appears in a small square , not using the full screen, any help ?11:38
nubuntutrident graphics11:38
Blazryes eeexubuntu does work out of the box,with 40% memory left tho11:38
Finirashow do i edit the sudoers file? (with visudo) because i cant type anything in there.... i also dont have a insert key on this interface?11:39
Blazryes but i cant find the exact package11:39
Blazrit was the network manager included with xfce11:39
ariqswhat do I need if I want to uncompress .7z?11:39
bazhang7zip ariqs11:40
euxidiahaving trouble with timidity package11:40
Blazrso nobody knows what package i need to reinstall?11:40
san_Blazr: reinstall what?11:41
bazhangBlazr, you kept a list of what you removed?11:41
Blazrnetwork manager included with xfce11:41
ariqsthere are too many dang compression types. Why do people have to use .7z when there are a million of already supported compressions11:41
Blazrthats the thing i didnt lol11:41
achadwickariqs: file-roller (the regular GNOME archive opener) will do that for you if you install p7zip-full11:41
koshariBlazr if you used synaptic to remove the packages, go back and check the history and see if there are any networking packages fo may reinstall.11:42
MyrttiI'd take a wild guess and reinstall network-manager (and perhaps network-manager-gnome)11:42
|Dreams|if i create a seperate homepartition how big should they both be?11:42
Blazrhow do i check the history? i waspraying there was ahistory#11:42
ActionParsni1nubuntu: http://ubuntunya-y3dips.blogspot.com/2006/11/edgy-toshiba-tecra-m1-xp4m32-trident.html11:42
bazhang|Dreams|, depends on your needs11:42
* achadwick appends a "... hopefully" to that assertion to ariqs. I've not tried this, but it is listed on the Recommends line in the package details.11:42
san_ariqs: because we use what we like11:42
|Dreams|i have a 230gb hard drive11:43
Blazrhow do i check the history in synaptic?11:43
kosharisynaptic > file > history > date11:43
drenzim using old ubuntu 6. where i can get mp3 codecs?11:43
bazhang|Dreams|, all ubuntu?11:43
|Dreams|no windows i hate it lol yer just ubuntu11:43
drenzim using old ubuntu 6. where i can get mp3 codecs??11:43
bazhang!mp3 | drenz11:43
ubottudrenz: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats11:44
cha0n1xHi all - How would I go about extracting all files from a partition of a dd raw image of an entire physical hard-disk?11:44
kosharidrenz which ones? there are a few, most are available in multiverse and a few in medibuntu11:44
ariqssan: so tell me, what does .7z do that a more common compression type doesn't?11:44
san_drenz: you need universe repos, and search for restricted codecs11:44
Blazrif you install vlc fromsynaptic mp3 codecs are installed11:44
honeytrying to get a scanner for a: EPSON Stylus CX5500 printer(All in one) working. any tips or idea's stuff on google isnt helping at all11:44
drenzsan_:  koshari i need only for mp3 codecs11:44
kosharidrenz: gstreamer mp3? xine mp3? lame?11:45
|Dreams|how big should the ubuntu partition be?11:45
hillwolf大家有谁手动在8。04下面安装JDK6了吗 ,有没推荐教程11:45
drenzkoshari:  how to get?11:45
bazhang!cn | hillwolf11:45
ubottuhillwolf: For Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw  或者 #ubuntu-hk11:45
koshari|Dreams| depends what packages/flavour you want11:45
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san_ariqs: i really dont know, but the compresion algorith change.11:46
Lusuleanyone able to help, i can't get half my icon themes to display, maybe some sort of dependency problem?11:46
usuario_kien hay por alli11:46
bazhang!java | hillwolf11:46
ubottuhillwolf: To install a Java runtime/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java - For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java6-jre from the !Multiverse repository11:46
kosharidrenz: for mp3 playback in amarok you need xineextracodecs, in totem you need gstreamer ugly or bad, in vlc the packages should be default.11:46
ariqssan: clearly it can't be a lossy compression :P11:46
drenzkoshari:  on movie player ?11:46
|Dreams|ok then how do i know what flavour i  want11:47
koshari|Dreams| to begin with what prorgame /purpose you will be using ubuntu for would help.11:47
bazhang|Dreams|, loaded question; many here will say gnome11:48
ibrahim_hello , I am using hardy , everytime when I am restarting GDM with ctrl+alt+backspace , I cannot get a desktop again.Nothing displayed.  I should complete OS reboot to get that again. What could be the problem?11:48
koshari|Dreams| at minimum for a vanilla install of ubuntu i would be using at very minimum 4 gigi11:48
bazhangmore like 20 if you have the space11:49
DJCMayhi everybody11:49
|Dreams|i want gnome not kde but i use alot of programs and i have a 250gb hard drive11:49
hillwolfthank you11:49
v3nd3ttaI'm having problems saving my emails to a truecrypt volume on a usb, anyone tried this?11:49
kosharidrenz just open synaptic and search for mp3 and see if any gstreamer ones come up,11:49
v3nd3ttaI've tried with Evolution and Thunderbird11:50
koshari|Dreams|: if you have that much room take 20 gig, it will give you plenty of room to groe into, and also store a lot of data11:50
bazhang|Dreams|, easiest would be to install ubuntu-desktop then !puregnome it, and add back any kde apps you wish like amarok etc11:50
DJCMayi've got a problem. after installing ubuntu and grub on the computer, windows stops with error 0x000000ed (unmountable boot volume). i believe, there is a problem the the mbr, but i don't wanna fix it via windows, because i don't know how to start ubuntu afterwards11:51
|Dreams|that would be all clean and bug free yes?11:51
drenzok thanx11:51
bazhang|Dreams|, kde free :)11:51
drenznow can anyone tell me how to install counter strike HLDS server non steam ? on ubuntu 611:51
|Dreams|ok will try that11:51
|Dreams|thanks byeee11:51
ibrahim_hello , I am using hardy , everytime when I am restarting GDM with ctrl+alt+backspace , I cannot get a desktop again.Nothing displayed.  I should complete OS reboot to get that again. What could be the problem?11:51
drenzkoshari:  thanx11:51
bazhangdrenz, via wine?11:51
cj_hey guys, does anyone know anythin about sharing files with linux and windows?11:52
drenzbazhang:  no11:52
bazhangcj_, using samba?11:52
drenzbazhang:  HLDS server          via terminal non steam but11:52
san_cj_ samba11:52
cj_bazhang, yes :)11:52
san_cj_ so complicated11:52
bazhangcj_, you seen the bot factoid yet?11:52
DJCMaycan anybody help me?11:53
cj_well, actually, anything lol. I dont mind what i use11:53
bazhang!samba | cj_11:53
cj_i just need to transfer files backwards and forwards from this linux machine to a windows machine11:53
ubottucj_: Samba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT.11:53
uguHello. I really need xserver-xorg-video-ati-6.9.0 for Hardy. Is it possible to use a deb-src package from intrepid and somehow compile it myself?11:53
drenzcan anyone help me to install hlds non steam :S11:53
cj_i cant get samba to work :(11:53
cha0n1xHow do I extract files from a dd raw image of a hard-drive?11:53
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cj_i get sum not auth error when i open a file from my windows machine11:54
bazhangcj_, what about scp11:54
cj_bazhang, what is scp?11:54
cj_same kinda thing/11:54
bazhangiirc there is a winscp as well11:54
Smegzor1I just found a src folder in usr which has 3.6Gb in it.  Can I delete it without breaking anything?  Its full of linux-headers files some nvidia stuff and virtualbox stuff.11:54
bmharshaI have to execute command "pppoeconf" everytime if I want to connect to Internet, can I avoid this and connect to Internet directly when my Modem is switched on?11:54
bazhangSmegzor1, doubt it11:55
lakis1982are there any antivirus  for ubuntu ?? should we use antivirus , or antispyware in ubuntu ???11:55
infornographyI use hardy. Until recently, I could play videos just fine. Now after some recent update, all videos flicker unless they are full screen. In both vlc and totem-xine11:55
ibrahim_ANYBODY HELP? hello , I am using hardy , everytime when I am restarting GDM with ctrl+alt+backspace , I cannot get a desktop again.Nothing displayed.  I should complete OS reboot to get that again. What could be the problem?11:55
DJCMaynobody can help me? :(11:55
Smegzor1a while ago i built a kernel, but I didn't keep it.  these look like they were part of that to me.11:55
bazhangSmegzor1, randomly deleting things is never a good idea11:55
infornographyanybody know why that would happen?11:55
bazhanginfornography, with or without compiz11:56
infornographywith compiz11:56
Smegzor1bazhang: but these are clearly source files11:56
bazhanginfornography, try disabling with one click (fusion-icon) and try again11:56
bmharshaI have to execute command "pppoeconf" everytime if I want to connect to Internet, can I avoid this and connect to Internet directly when my Modem is switched on?11:57
infornographyyep, works fine without compiz11:57
bazhangSmegzor1, you are free to do what you wish; too many come in here after randomly deleting things and usually no easy fixes to come back from that11:57
infornographyany work around so I can have both compiz and play movies?11:57
bazhanginfornography, best ask in #compiz-fusion ; there are some known bugs with a certain driver11:58
lakis1982are there any antivirus  for ubuntu ?? should we use antivirus , or antispyware in ubuntu ???11:58
infornographyok, thanks11:58
cdyou could run a script bmharsha to execute the command "pppoeconf" and add that to your sessions11:58
bazhanglakis1982, clamav; no need for spyware stuff though a firewall is wise11:58
bazhanglakis1982, is this behind a router?11:59
bmharshacd: Thanks for reply but how do I do that?11:59
lakis1982i have kubuntu11:59
lakis1982and a router11:59
lakis1982but routers firewall is disabled11:59
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bazhanglakis1982, the kde part makes no difference; the router does :)12:00
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nubuntuhow do i restart x?12:00
cha0n1xnubuntu: /etc/init.d/xdm restart12:00
cha0n1xnubuntu: as root or using sudo12:00
lakis1982but how should i configure a firewwall of a router?12:01
bazhanglakis1982, enable router firewall and check firestarter (iptables) for gnome or guarddog for kde12:01
lakis1982which ports should i leave open?12:01
JC_Denton_I can't get the nvidia driver to run even after running nvidia-xconfig12:01
nubuntui dont have xdm in /etc/init.d12:01
cdbmharsh try going to system >> preferences >> sessions and add to there bash /home/*/Desktop/bash.sh12:01
bazhanglakis1982, check www.portforward.com for router setup12:01
cha0n1xnubuntu: type "sudo /etc/init.d/gdm restart" (without the " quotes) from a terminal12:01
cdthen create a script called bash.sh with the following in it12:01
jo_eis it possible that the driver for my sata controller has been taken out of the linux kernel? i can't update my kernel and i can't install the new ubuntu from the cd.12:01
cdsleep 15;12:02
jo_eor would my problem be that i downloaded the amd64 cd? i thought that would be the correct one; i have an intel core 2 duo12:03
kosharinubuntu cont alt backspace12:03
b33rHello is there a way to check nvia gpu temperature on ubuntu?12:03
kosharib33r install sensors12:03
bazhangjo_e, the 32bit works great on my core2duo; depends on if you have a massive amount of ram or not12:04
ariqsinteresting question, b33r. I'd like to do that too12:04
cdAnybody here use "specto"?12:04
kosharib33r lmsensors to be more precise12:04
ariqsI'm really surprised 64 bit isn't being adopted faster. the 4 gig limit for 32bit is so obviously in the way of 32 bit's future12:04
sirlarkHi, I need to track down which computer in the netwrok behind my ubuntu server firewall machine is using up all my bandwidth12:04
kosharib33r and if your chipset-gpu is supported to will be able to interigate the temperature12:04
sirlarkany suggestions on some software to log traffic going through the machine12:05
gordonjcpsirlark: maybe wireshark?12:05
erUSUL!info ntop | sirlark12:05
bazhang!info wireshark12:05
ubottusirlark: ntop (source: ntop): display network usage in top-like format. In component universe, is optional. Version 3:3.2-10.1 (hardy), package size 2707 kB, installed size 11172 kB12:05
ubottuwireshark (source: wireshark): network traffic analyzer. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.0.0-1 (hardy), package size 603 kB, installed size 1504 kB12:05
sirlarkgordonjcp: non interactive, i.e some form of logging system12:05
ariqsE: Couldn't find package lmsensors12:05
gordonjcpsirlark: what I tend to do is just unplug things one at a time from the switch until the noise stops12:05
[newb]MIkiCan linx read FAT usb sticks?12:05
sirlarkit doesn't appear to be virus/malware, it's seems to be a user doinf something specific12:05
gordonjcp[newb]MIki: yes12:05
Myrtti[newb]MIki: well, yes.12:06
bazhangariqs, think there is a - in there12:06
NeoSanity[Linux]they can read NTFS but not FAT3212:06
kosharib33r otherwise nvidia settings will show it undet gpu > thermal monitor tab12:06
bazhangNeoSanity[Linux], not so12:06
sirlarkgordonjcp: also I'm on this part time :( I need something looking whilst I'm not there12:06
MyrttiNeoSanity[Linux]: lol... get the facts straight12:06
Lusulei'm getting this feedback from console when i start gnome appearance properties: http://pastebin.com/d5d45e3312:06
gordonjcpsirlark: yes - and what you need to do is unplug one cable at a time until the network traffic drops to sensible levels, and then find the user that's humping the connection with bittorrent and break their fingers12:06
Lusulethe result is that half my icon themes are broken, anyone able to help?12:06
NeoSanity[Linux]I've tried using my USB which is formatted FAT and it doesn't work12:06
ToznoshioQ: How do I make Firefox relinquish the audio device without closing it?12:06
gordonjcpNeoSanity[Linux]: "lol yor doin it wrong"12:07
jo_ebazhang: thanks, i guess i'll try that then, i have 2gb of ram so it should be ok12:07
[newb]MIkiits the PSP format12:07
MyrttiNeoSanity[Linux]: it's not FAT issue12:07
[newb]MIkiso i don't know what it is, i tought it was fat12:07
[newb]MIkitrough i can wireless copy files12:07
[newb]MIkiso its fine :)12:07
koshariToznoshio if your using pulse audio it shouldnt matter12:07
Myrttigordonjcp: _o/12:07
gordonjcpMyrtti: hello12:07
erUSULsirlark: http://www.ntop.org/overview.html12:07
Smegzor1bazhang: Well I haven't deleted them and I'm not now.  I rang the local linux guru who explained why they are there :)12:07
bazhangSmegzor1, :)12:07
Smegzor1i need to move to a bigger drive soon.  my root partition has <3Gigs free (going down slowly)12:08
Toznoshiokoshari, I can't use Audacious because FF keeps the audio device locked12:08
cha0n1xHow would I extract the contents of a dd raw image from a certain sector?12:08
howardchuehstill only get 640x480 and 800x60012:08
cha0n1xHow would I extract the contents of a dd raw image from a certain sector to a partition on my hard-drive?*12:09
FlynsarmyIs there a program for linux that lets me change the meta tags on an iso? like the publisher ID, volume id etc?12:09
JC_Denton_I've installed the nvidia driver but it doesn't seem to be run... even after running nvidia-xconfig12:09
tdoggetteMy Firefox 3.0 is graying out while trying to render an SVG. Is there a way to speed up SVG handling? I've got a machine with a C2d processor and 2 gigs of RAM.12:09
erUSULcha0n1x: with dd and skip=whatever and count=whatever12:09
ToznoshioFlynsarmy, ISOmaster12:09
jeffrey_luo_cnwhat a large community..12:10
erUSULFlynsarmy: isomaster ??12:10
gluersmegzor1: was there a question in that?12:10
cha0n1xerUSUL: Would that extract the individual files? I've got the image but I couldn't work out how to get the specific files instead of just another raw image12:10
nubuntustill only get 640x480 and 800x60012:11
nubuntuhow do i modify xorg.conf12:11
shafirevim xorg.conf12:11
erUSULcha0n1x: nope that would do what you asked for it will give you the raw sectors you want12:11
ToznoshioQ: How do I make Firefox relinquish the audio device without closing it? I can't use Audacious because FF keeps the audio device locked12:11
nubuntuafter saving it revers back12:11
ariqshow do I use lm-sensors? typing lm-sensors in terminal doesn't work, and it didn't put anything in my applications list12:11
gluernubuntu: sudo gedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf12:11
nubuntureverts back12:11
erUSUL!sensors | ariqs12:11
ubottuariqs: You might find something useful at: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SensorInstallHowto12:11
cha0n1xerUSUL: So how would I go about getting the individual files themselves from the image?12:11
nubuntui installed trident video driver and i'm still limited on screen resolution to 800x60012:12
cj_could someone possibly give me a hand with sharing files across windows and ubuntu? ive tried using samba, but when i goto smb://PCNAME i get all of the shares up, but i cannot access them12:12
erUSULcha0n1x: it depends on the filesystem and the type of image you are handling ... you may be able to mount it12:12
luiz_delphihow install Kylix ???12:12
Xecuterhi! Is there any way to set my audiocards in order without .asoundrc?12:12
cha0n1xerUSUL: I tried mounting it from an offset but it returns a "NTFS invalid signature" error (I can use fls to list the files on it, so I know they're there. I just need to get them off that image hehe :( )12:13
erUSULXecuter: with module parameters12:13
erUSULXecuter: ?12:13
DJCMayi've got a problem. after installing ubuntu and grub on the computer, windows stops with error 0x000000ed (unmountable boot volume). i believe, there is a problem the the mbr, but i don't wanna fix it via windows, because i don't know how to start ubuntu afterwards12:13
ToznoshioDJCMay, look into a piece of software called supergrubdisk12:14
drenzhow to remove directory on ubntu?12:14
drenzin terminal12:14
cddrenz: rmdir12:14
XecutererUSUL, i dunno ^^, thats why i'm asking :P12:14
cddrenx it has to be empty first12:14
bazhanggluer, best to use gksudo for gui apps12:14
DJCMayToznoshio: thx12:15
gluerbahang: why?12:15
ubottuIf you need to run graphical applications as root, use « gksudo », as it will set up the environment more appropriately. Never just use "sudo"! (See http://psychocats.net/ubuntu/graphicalsudo to know why)12:15
drenzcd i try to remove something and say rmdir: cstrike: Directory not empty12:15
FlynsarmySometimes when i drag-drop files in nautilus it lags for a while then greyes out and a dialog pops up asking me if i want to retry, skip or cancel. Is this common? I think it has to do with the file being dragged over the locations in the left side of nautilus before it reaches the main window12:15
IndyGunFreakDJCMay: i woudl delete grub, then use either super grub disk, or the live CD to reinstall grub..12:15
IndyGunFreak!grub | DJCMay follow the instructions for losing grub..12:15
ubottuDJCMay follow the instructions for losing grub..: grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto12:15
erUSULXecuter: sound drivers accept an index=n parameter try that editting /etc/modprobe.d/alsa-base (adding lines for your cards)12:16
ariqsyou know, this is a lot of messing around just to see a few sensor readings12:16
cddrenz the directory needs to be empty first12:16
drenzbut how to delete all12:17
cdjust use the command rm -rf instead of rmdir if you want to remove the directory and its contents12:17
gluerbazhang: cheers, the other way has worked fine for me until now though..lol12:17
cha0n1xerUSUL: The dd image is of an ntfs hard-drive, and I can view the files using fls, but I need to be able to extract the contents within that drive :( )12:17
* Vezir sighs12:18
pwetsalut, truc tout bete: je fais chmod 777 sur un repertoire qui contient un repertoire. Comment faire pour que le repertoire contenu voit aussi ces droit d acces modifies?12:18
Vezirreinstalling 8.0412:18
erUSULcha0n1x: of the entire hard drive or of the partition only? maybe the offse you used with mount is wrong becouse of the difference12:18
cdthat work ok drenz?12:18
bazhangpwet, /j #ubuntu-fr12:18
ariqsif I ever write something for linux that's useful, i'm going to pay back all the other devs for their junk and make it annoying to use as well :p12:18
gluerbazhang: so running gksudo is the correct way?12:18
bazhanggluer, for gui stuff yes :)12:19
cha0n1xerUSUL: The image is of the entire hard-drive - how would I find out the correct offset? as I said I've used fls and the offset of 63 was correct. What would be different in mount?12:19
gluerbazhang: oh12:19
nubuntuif i edit xorg.conf and then run sudo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg  it reverts back12:19
Lusuleanyone able to help with some gtk problems i'm having?  i get the following messages when starting 'appearances' - http://pastebin.com/d5d45e3312:20
dmacnutterUSUL: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=71177312:20
nubuntuhow do i edit xorg.conf12:21
nubuntuif i run sudo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg  it losses my changes12:21
newbany one using Ubuntu Hardy on a Dell Vostro Laptop over here?12:22
dmacnuttnubuntu: because dpkg-reconfigure re-writes xorg.conf12:22
nubuntuso how do i keep my changes?12:22
erUSULcha0n1x: http://www.nabble.com/%22loopback-mount%22-hard-drive-image-created-with-dd--td14945355.html (the third post)12:23
dmacnuttdon't dpkg-reconfigure12:23
nubuntuwhere should i be editing ?12:23
XecutererUSUL, just add "options snd_mia index=1"? or is it it index=0?12:23
anisfarhana i have problem with ftp (proftpd) , i cannot login into ftp ( error log is : Unable to open file /etc/passwd , permission denied) , does anyone know how to solve this ?12:23
grimsqueaker13hi, can anyone give me some pointers on how to track down what is causing a segfault? i have some mp3s that crash any graphical program that accesses them (Gnome), but I can touch and ls them.12:23
erUSULcha0n1x: dmacnutt link give correct instructions as well http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=71177312:24
koshariDJCMay you dont even need to delete grub, just reinstall over the top12:24
erUSULXecuter: something like index 0 for the second card and index=1 for the first one12:24
XecutererUSUL, that sounds strange....12:25
kosharinubuntu open the xorg.conf file in a editor as root ( or sudo)12:26
gluerxecuter: i had to set mine to index=-1 for some reason12:26
xanax`How come it's not possible to name a Drawer Applet on Gnome ?12:26
Xecutergluer, mine is set to -212:27
cha0n1xerUSUL: I tried that it won't let me mount the device :(12:27
erUSULcha0n1x: :| i'm afraid that's how far i can get ...12:27
cha0n1xerUSUL: Thanks anyway :)12:28
gluerq: can i use my n95 5mp camera as a web camera via usb or bluetooth in ubuntu?12:28
drenzHow i can remove Files at /usr/ ??12:29
drenzcan help me anyone12:29
GastHello, can anybody help me please to install my wireless card ? [3945abg]12:29
Xecuterdrenz, why would you want to?12:29
drenzXecuter:  what? i want to remove one folder HLDS on cd/usr/12:29
JC_Denton_My update manager is unable to download the restricted packages meaning I can't enable my nvidia driver..12:29
dmacnuttdrenz: did you add it yourself?12:30
Xecuterdrenz, sudo rm -r /usr/HLDS12:30
mole112JC_D have you enabled to restricted tag in the repository12:30
Xecuterdrenz, but you REALLY shouldn't start deleting things that aren't in you home-folder12:30
drenzXecuter:  thanx much12:30
jindalHi, my 5.1 surround sound is working .. internal speakers as front speakers, with rear/center/LFE of sound system ... but as i plugin (the previously unplugged) front speakers jack .. only the front ones work .. rest 4 go mute .. any ideas? (am on hardy heron on Dell XPS 1330)12:32
amews_ajAm I totally wrong, or is ubuntu still very time demanding in installing a lot of stuff? Take a look at this guide (6 pages!! for a "simple" theme). http://www.howtoforge.com/mac4lin_make_linux_look_like_a_mac12:33
mole112Anywho anyone knows a way to run a script after the resuming from suspend after the user has logged on12:33
chriswrhow do i install a .bin file?12:33
jindalmole112: probably /etc/acpi/resume.d/12:34
mole112this will do it prior to the gnome run12:34
chriswrhow do i install a .bin file?12:35
mole112I need to run it after the user have logged on in gnome12:35
jindalohh .. don't know about gnome .. kde has a .Autostart12:35
mole112chriswr it depends on the bin  file12:35
dmacnuttamews_aj: doesn't seem all that "simple"12:36
mole112jindal gnome has .autosart as well but gnome doesn't run the autostart script after resuming from suspend12:36
amews_ajdmacnutt: You can get themes for windows which includes just as many changes, in a simple .exe installation file12:36
amews_ajWhy so complicated to do on ubuntu12:36
jindalwhere are the experts? :)12:37
mole112I can mostly help12:37
shahari installed ubuntu 8.0412:38
gluerits not complicated, it just requires intelligence!12:38
jindalmy sound problem? (above)12:38
mole112What is the problem12:38
koshariamews_aj thats a little more than a theme, its a theme, custom panel and  window decorator . the equiv in windows would be running a new shell.12:38
hiptobecubici just tried to install VisualBoyAdvance-gtk but i can't find the gui anywhere and i can't find the command to start it from the terminal. Is there a way to know exactly what/where aptitude installed files?12:38
jindalHi, my 5.1 surround sound is working .. internal speakers as front speakers, with rear/center/LFE of sound system ... but as i plugin (the previously unplugged) front speakers jack .. only the front ones work .. rest 4 go mute .. any ideas? (am on hardy heron on Dell XPS 1330)12:38
dmacnuttamews_aj: to weed out the complainers :)   someone could probably build a package of some sort, but the differences between the linux distros would make such a thing big and unwieldy12:38
w_jaki problem?12:38
mole112jindal do you know the sound card12:39
dmacnuttjust buy a mac :) they are decent enough and you can change themes easy12:39
amews_ajBut this is the case with a lot of stuff on ubuntu, cmds, cmds, cmds, cmds12:39
mole112I think its intel hda12:39
amews_ajdmacnutt: I'd like to try a mac before buying it, unfortunately, that is not possible12:40
Piciamews_aj: Themes are very easy to install, the particular url you linked to is not just a theme, it replaces a lot of 'core' gnome things.12:40
Pici!changethemes | amews_aj12:40
ubottuamews_aj: To change gnome themes: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuEyeCandy.  Kubuntu themes: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CustomizeKubuntu. Xubuntu users should /msg ubottu xfce-themes12:40
dmacnuttamews_aj: it seems you want an "Easy Button" linux doesn't have many12:40
jindalmole112: yes its intel_hda12:40
amews_ajPici: Yes, but what this theme does,you can get the same in windows much easier12:40
anisfarhana i have problem with ftp (proftpd) , i cannot login into ftp ( error log is : Unable to open file /etc/passwd , permission denied) , does anyone know how to solve this ?12:40
glueramews_aj: just go to an apple store12:40
dmacnuttamews_aj: linux is not windows12:40
Piciamews_aj: Then use windows.12:40
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!12:40
mole112jindal : ok so the front jack is SPDIF12:40
jindalmole112: oki then12:41
mole112You can plug 5.1 system through that12:41
koshariamews_aj how do you ping or get your ipconfig on windows?12:41
amews_ajPici: I will, but it just annoys me, I like to try out new stuff, but ubuntu is like annoying me every time. Every time I boot it up to do something, I spend hours following guides to make something work, then it never really worked, and I shutdown the pc.12:41
jindalmole112: any link or reason?12:41
amews_ajkoshari: cmd yes, but I never use commandline to install stuff12:41
dmacnuttamews_aj: you are expecting it to be like windows, and it never will be12:41
vierranetamews_aj how do you ping or get your ipconfig on windows? USE IFCONFIG12:41
mole112jindal : The thing that happens is that externall speakers override the system ones12:42
mole112jindal : so when you plug the ex speakers the internal ones stop working12:42
koshariamews_aj you doont have to, ever heard of synaptic, its just a lot of the time its easier to press alt f and paste a command in12:42
Piciamews_aj: If you want to discuss this, the best place would be #ubuntu-offtopic, however, if you have a specific support question, go ahead and ask here.12:42
amews_ajPlease copy a file from there to there on ubuntu, sorry permission denied, you have to use sudo cp commands. Windows would ask you for verification, and so will mac.12:43
mole112jindal : you can plug an SPDIF compatible speakers12:43
ariqsI noticed that my cpu runs hotter in ubuntu than it does in windows xp. Any ideas why that would be?12:43
amews_ajkoshari: Yes, but certainly not everything is there!12:43
koshariariqs summer?12:43
ariqsi just compared them with same environment temp, koshari12:43
jindalmole112: am using a 2 to 6 channel connector otherwise .. but can't i configure to not-mute anyhow? (as the card is already splitting the 6 channels)12:44
Marcowhat is better ? Mac or Linux ?12:44
koshariariqs  check the cpu load on each programm, you may have scrollkeeper or some other service doing something in the background,12:44
PiciMarco: #ubuntu-offtopic12:44
xanax`Linux > Mac12:45
koshariamews_aj try copying a file from another users dir in windows and see how far you get without logging in with an administrative privelidge12:45
amews_ajCompatibility Win>Mac>Linux,      Look and feel Mac>Win>Linux12:45
dmacnuttwrong place for this discussion12:45
amews_ajkoshari: Vista would simply ask you to enter password, linux want you to use commands12:45
NeoSanity[Linux]because Linux isn't developed for the computing idiot12:46
jindalmole112: this mute in SPDIF imposed by hardware or kernel driver? (snd_hda_intel mod)12:46
PiciThis is not the Windows channel, this is not the Mac channel.  This is not the linux channel, this is the Ubuntu Support channel.  Move the discussion to ##linux, ##windows, ##mac or #ubuntu-offtopic.  Last warning.12:46
NeoSanity[Linux]it's developed for someone that knows a bit about the computer12:46
mole112Jindal : its in the hardware abstract layer12:46
koshariamews_aj well i cant see that vista is to fun when its users would prefer to be flaming on a linux forum12:46
amews_ajWhy spend 10 secs doing something instead of using 1 sec, and the rest 9 to do something more productive12:47
gluervista molests your computer12:47
NeoSanity[Linux]Vista loves your hard disc12:47
mole112jindal: Basicly the problem is that you need SPDIF speaker system12:47
NeoSanity[Linux]installing all those uneccisary language files12:47
shahari installed ubuntu 8.04 and i several times a day i've got an issue with the X that sometimes i can't run new programs in X not even gnome-terminal and i must reboot X for it to work. any ideas ?12:47
amews_ajkoshari: I actually just asked the question to see if someone immediatly said, you can just do this and that. But someone said, then use windows, and then I have to explain why and why not. I did not came here to flame on you.12:47
dmacnuttI used vista once, it asked for my password every 10 seconds12:48
ubottuFor discussion on Microsoft Windows, or help with same, please visit ##windows. See http://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+bug/1 http://linux.oneandoneis2.org/LNW.htm and /msg ubottu equivalents12:48
Xecuteri apparently have 3 audiocards; echo mia (snd_mia), HDA ATI SB (snd_hda_intel?), and HDA ATI HDMI (??). How can i figure out the last module?12:48
mole112shahar : can you please describe the problem a bit more12:48
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amews_ajdmacnutt: 1. You can disable, 2. Linux does the same, well no, you have to do it manually AFTER it says PERMISSION DENIED!    Pici, sorry, but had to answer to those statements. EOD.12:49
mole112shahar: what happens . is the screen goes black, does X crashes12:49
burn_hi guys, was wondering if i could install Ubuntu Mobile on my O2 xda stealth12:49
Piciburn_: I don't believe that Ubuntu Mobile is in a release form yet.  You'd be better off asking for more info in #ubuntu-mobile though.12:51
mole112This damn intel hda controler is a pain12:51
hwilde!mobile | Pici12:51
ubottuPici: Learn more about Ubuntu Mobile at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MobileAndEmbedded12:51
burn_Pici: thanks man12:51
mole112the suspend problem is really annoying12:51
Picihwilde: I'm there now.12:51
hwilde!mobile | burn_12:52
ubottuburn_: Learn more about Ubuntu Mobile at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MobileAndEmbedded12:52
hwildesry wrong person12:52
ubottuThe core of the Ubuntu Operating System is the Linux kernel: see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel - You shouldn't have to compile your own, but if you're convinced you do, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel/Compile - See also: /msg ubottu stages12:52
sirlarkokay, I'm still stuck here... banging my head against a wall kinda stuck ... what I want to do is log the total traffic count in bytes per internal ip/host that crosses my nat box12:53
shaharthanks for your support. X does not crash at all. i still taking to you from X, i have eclipse opened and several other applications, but i can't open anything else12:53
ariqswhat's a good program in linux to use for testing hardware stability? Like prime95 in windows..12:54
shahari can click ctrl+alt+f1 and go back to console and to work properly, but in X i cannot start new applications. as a workaround i can restart X, but i prefer.. to resolve it12:54
ariqswhat's a good program in linux to use for testing CPU stability? Like prime95 in windows..12:56
gluerim still trying to figure out why you would want to make ubuntu look like a mac?12:57
econobeingvote time. what's everybody's favorite type of 40?12:58
glueris it supposed to look cool??12:58
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Vezirwhy cant ubuntu mount my drive suddenly?12:58
koshariariqs mprime12:59
nbkrVezir, What kind of drive?12:59
Vezirit's NTFS12:59
Vezirit was working before the reinstall12:59
ariqskosahri: that's not a ubuntu package though. Compile it?12:59
pbnHi, just installed munin-node on Ubuntu 8.04 LTS, and I've set up the IP address of my munin server in /etc/munin/munin-node.conf. However, I can't access the client from the server. Even nmap says all ports are closed ! Any idea ?13:00
econobeingIIRC, NTFS doesn't have very good support with linux13:00
Vezirwhen i installed windows on this machine i didnt epxect a dualboot\13:00
econobeingif you're fortunate enough to have an external, back everything up with it. i never had any read problems with it13:01
Veziri have every drive i own hooked up13:01
Vezirbesides my 125 gb or so in laptop hdds13:01
econobeing>_> wat13:01
econobeingsorry...kinda drunk13:01
mahidhar_any site 2 listen music i m not able 2 play in www.ragalahari.com ..........y so13:02
econobeingwell, if you're trying to dual boot13:02
econobeingdunno if you are13:02
econobeingbut if you are. it's best to have your linux in a ext2/3 partition, windows in NTFS, then share files between a FAT3213:03
Vezirdefinitely am13:03
Rocky_IVI just installed Ubuntu ,,, I got sick and tired of living in a Proprietary Microsoft World13:03
Veziri pirate everything13:04
Vezirkeeps it nice and free13:04
econobeingwhen i dual booted, i had all my music/videos/etc on the FAT32. i kept my OS dedicated (NTFS/ext3) to a minimum size13:04
econobeingmaybe it's cause i'm drunk...but i pirate a lot of stuff too <_<13:04
db92whats a good sound editing program?13:04
Rocky_IVWell we don't need to be pirates with linux, since its open source13:04
Vezirnah, smart people pirate13:04
db92something equivalent to nero wave editor for example :P13:04
Luke7711hi guys I can't figure out this thing: I added a new HDD partitioned as one big partition, ubuntu 8.04 x86 recognizes it as sdc1 and it works fine. The only problem is that I don't know how to generate an UID for it so I can add it to /etc/fstab without rpoblems (hoipefully). Adding it as /dev/sdc1 gives me problems at bootup13:04
Toznoshiodb92, audacity13:04
econobeingbut generally people frown upon saying as such13:05
Rocky_IVwhich is nice13:05
Vezirthe stupid ones shell out $800 for a glorified ms paint13:05
gluereconobeing: pls join #drunk13:05
db92Toznoshio, kk13:05
ubottupiracy discussion and other questionably legal practices are not welcome in the Ubuntu channels. Please take this discussion elsewhere or abstain from it altogether. This includes linking to pirated software, music and video. Also see !guidelines and !o4o13:05
Rocky_IVI was running Vista Ultimate with the lastest beta software apps13:05
ToznoshioLuke7711, look under /dev/disk/by-uuid13:05
ariqsVezir: that depends, the people that pirate and then end up being sued for thousands probably don't feel so smart13:05
Rocky_IVBut i got sick and tired of nagging Windowz updates13:06
kosharidb92 audacity13:06
ariqsVezir: there is also the moral issue. Pirating isn't exactly a "smart" thing13:06
db92how can i config recording with oss? <> both through microphone and recording sound from stuff i find on the internet etc.13:06
lesergihow can I set xgd-open command?? i want to use firefox instead konqueror13:06
econobeinggluer: empty. aim?13:06
Vezirariqs, it's in my blood, what can i say. i was raised to be a rulebreaker.13:06
gluereconobeing: that was my point13:06
Raz0Rif i just deleted a load of stuff as root, where will it have gone?13:07
Raz0Rin the trash?13:07
econobeingD: not fair to mess with a drunk person13:07
Rocky_IVI feel much more free using Linux13:07
ariqsvezir: I pirate too, but I'm not deluded enough to think it has anything to do with intelligence.13:07
kosharidb92 use pulseaudio13:07
Vezirsomeone's high and mighty13:07
gluereconobeing: well im an alcoholic, not fair to mention drinking to me either13:07
Veziri guess you could say gthat what i said was too though13:07
Rocky_IVplux no more antivirus software is required.........and all the maintenance time it takes13:07
db92koshari, if pulseaudio is compatible with all the hardware oss is, then that could work13:07
econobeinggluer: why? wanna drink?13:08
db92koshari, else, im stuck with oss :PP13:08
gordonjcpdb92: uhm, oss is dead13:08
db92gordonjcp, hy nice to let me know13:08
kosharidb92: pulseaudio is a layer , so you could use the oss utput and route it through pulseaudio13:08
gordonjcpdb92: it was superseded about a decade ago13:08
db92gordonjcp, if you are in the mood for further oss vs alsa debating you can try adding x-fi support to it and then we'll compare :P13:08
Rocky_IVI can do everything in Ubuntu I did in microsoft13:08
gordonjcpdb92: bleah, x-fi, get a real sound card13:08
Rocky_IVNo product keys required13:09
db92gordonjcp, my card is none of your business :Pp13:09
econobeingi was able to do everything i was able to in MS13:09
koshariRocky_IV i cant ....yet13:09
econobeingbut i'll be damned if it was a pain in the ass13:09
db92koshari, sounds like tech jargon to the unexperienced13:09
Rocky_IVNo addware dedirecting my Browser13:09
Rocky_IVits great13:09
econobeingenjoying me some ubuntu right now13:09
gordonjcpdb92: seriously, the x-fi cards are very very badly supported in Linux, and aren't that good anyway13:09
kosharidb92 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/PulseAudio13:09
Rocky_IVI installed skype in Ubuntu13:10
db92good to let me know, now i need some practical solutions to the problem at hand :/13:10
econobeingthat was one of my major problems, skype13:10
cwillukoshari, he's referring to actual oss for hardware support, not the need to support legacy apps that only support oss13:10
econobeingwifi was #1 though13:10
Rocky_IVso this really helps with communications for Team Leaders of my personal web site13:10
Luke7711Toznoshio:  got it, thx13:11
econobeingi've been having a hell of a time with wifi on my other laptop13:11
Rocky_IVI'll give you the Skype version13:11
econobeingit can detect the wifi card i have on linux and windows. but it can't use it...13:11
gordonjcpdb92: practical solution?  go to the nearest computer shop, spend a fiver on the first soundcard that comes to hand, take it home, fit it, and enjoy working sound13:11
econobeingbeen trying to get my friend to do that... he hasn't had sound in like 2 years13:12
JC_Denton_when starting my ubuntu machine I'm getting a 'ata drdy' errors. has my hard disk crashed??13:12
Rocky_IVvideo conferencing in Skype for Ubuntu13:13
cwillueconobeing, what wireless chipset?13:14
cwillu("lspci | grep -i net" should tell you)13:14
econobeingcwilu: broadcom13:15
econobeingthat's for my dell, which i actually got working. my toshiba i never got working13:15
Rocky_IVI had one major problem.........The integrated video card in my PC crashed Ubuntu Hardy 8.10 as soon as I logged on13:15
Rocky_IVSo to simplify things.......... I installed Ubuntu Gutsy13:16
cwilluRockj, 8.10?13:16
cwillueconobeing, which broadcom?13:16
Rocky_IVOpps sorry its onboard integrated video13:16
cwillurun that command, and tell me bcm****13:16
cspacematrixhey folks13:16
econobeinguhh <_< how do i check? (sorry drunk)13:16
Rocky_IVATI crap13:16
cwillu<cwillu> ("lspci | grep -i net" should tell you)13:17
cwilluRocky_IV, you meant 8.10, or 8.04?13:17
cwilluyou deserve no sympathy if you had problems with 8.10 :p13:17
econobeingbmc4311 airforce 54g13:17
Rocky_IVYea I guess its 8.0413:17
cwillueconobeing, install b43-fwcutter via synaptic13:18
econobeingi dunno what i did13:18
Rocky_IVI'm using Using 7.1013:18
econobeingi installed ubuntu a few months ago, the newest one, and it works13:18
drtorresHey. anybody who knows to configure wifi of acer laptop13:18
econobeingi think it came with a functionality for "restricted drivers" or something13:18
econobeingi gave it the drivers and it worked13:19
=== adi_smg is now known as Ica_cute
cwillueconobeing, okay.  b43-fwcutter will get nearly any broadcom device working properly13:19
cspacematrixi saw something which amazed me alittle, my system is AMD 64 turion 1.9GHz but i installed a 32bit gutsy and when i looked at cat /proc/cpuinfo, it's says my cpu speed is 80013:19
cspacematrixis that normal?13:19
cwilluwithout ndiswrapper13:19
Rocky_IVWell the stupid ATI Xpress integrated onboard chip crashes Hardy 8.0413:19
econobeingit may have used ndiswrapper13:19
econobeingi'm used to using ndiswrapper13:19
drtorresI used ubuntu 8.04. my wifi doesn't work13:20
econobeingbut i did it with some sort of point+click interface13:20
Rocky_IVI didn't bother with a work-around due to time restrictions13:20
cwilludrtorres, open a terminal, type "lspci|grep -i net", and tell me what chipset the wireless is13:20
econobeing7.10 i had to do a bunch of cmd stuf to get it to work. that's actually what i was used to. but i got it going on 8.0413:20
econobeingi think it used fwcutter instead of ndiswrapper? i dunno13:21
cwilluRocky_IV, wasn't just the livecd that crashed under 8.04 was it?13:21
GOJU1siema xD13:21
cwillueconobeing, b43-fwcutter is what you'd want to use, but ya13:21
Rocky_IVI even tried the 64 bit version of Hardy.....Still crashes video instantly taking me back to login window13:21
cspacematrixhello? people, anyone?13:21
cspacematrixwhy the ubuntu shows my system's cpu speed very low?13:22
Picicspacematrix: It depends whether the CPU was under load or not.13:22
Rocky_IVhello spacemetrix13:22
econobeingIIRC pre 7.10 people were whining about fwcutter cause it only allowed a/b speeds on a g connection13:22
cspacematrixno it was free of load13:22
cspacematrixi installed a 64bit debian and speed was correct, 1.9GHz13:22
cspacematrixbut this ubuntu shows 800Mhz13:22
drtorresAtheros Communications Inc. AR242x 802.11abg Wireless PCI Express Adapter (rev 01)13:22
Rocky_IVI find my network download is 33% faster in Linux13:22
cspacematrixcould it be the 32 os13:23
Rocky_IV>> goodbye Microsoft13:23
garotooo0a alguem fala brasileiro ai13:23
Picicspacematrix: Run something that requires cpu usage, and then try again.13:23
Pici!br | garotooo013:23
ubottugarotooo0: Por favor use #ubuntu-br ou #ubuntu-pt para ajuda em português. Obrigado.13:23
garotooo0!br | garotooo013:24
ubottugarotooo0, please see my private message13:24
Picicspacematrix: I installed and ran 'pi 500000 ; cat /proc/cpuinfo'13:24
Rocky_IVI'll have 30% more time to be productive.......cause network download speed is much better in UNIX13:24
cwillucspacematrix, iirc, the speed is load sensitive13:24
cspacematrixok, but still says 800MHz13:25
=== robert__ is now known as Guest87188
jinda1how to find the board model, of my snd_hda_intel card ?13:25
cspacematrixbut my debian shows it correct13:25
sebastianhow do i add more desktops?13:25
=== Guest87188 is now known as robert_klein
econobeingright click13:25
db92i have a sweex wc040 that cant get recognized by any applications of mine and easycam2 wont support it, lsusb gives ID 2770:930b NHJ, Ltd CCD Webcam(PC370R). any clues?13:25
Rocky_IVI know Microsoft degraded network speed by 25% for their Windows updates crap13:25
Rocky_IVHappy on Ubuntu13:25
sebastianand how can i do so i have a desktop cube and not arrows when changing desktop?13:26
=== joel_ is now known as Soopa
Pici!cube | sebastian13:26
ubottusebastian: Compiz-Fusion (and the older Compiz and Beryl) are window managers that employ the "composite" extension of X to draw windows using graphics cards' 3D hardware. They can additionally provide "desktop special effects" (such as the "cube") by means of plug-ins. Join #compiz-fusion for help and support with advanced features. See also « /msg ubotu compiz » and « /msg ubotu effects »13:26
econobeinggod i hope i'm not hungover tomorrow... i don't know how much that e dehydratd me, now i'm drinking alcohol, more dehydration13:26
Rocky_IVDoes anyone know here if the desktop icon size can be changed?13:27
andy_js_where do I modify the services that start when my computer boots?13:27
ToznoshioRockj, yes, in Nautilus preferences13:27
econobeingright click the icon13:27
Rocky_IVThanks tonoshio13:27
cdandy_js_ this can be found in system >> preferences >> sessions13:27
Soopahey all, is there a virtual CD app for linux that will mount an iso?13:27
Soopalike Alcohol 120% does in windows13:28
prymalwhere's the best place to get support on wine?!13:28
ToznoshioSoopa, I think AcetoneISO does that13:28
Raz0Rcan anyone tell me how i can view the conents of /root/.Trash?13:28
Soopaprymal: Have you tried http://www.winehq.org?13:28
skyfirehi, anyone knows how I can update by gpg key for hardy? I can't update cause of a gpg error.13:28
SoopaToznoshio: thanks :-)13:28
cwilluSoopa, if you just need to browse the files, just right click it and hit browse with archive manager13:29
skyfireRazoR: have you tried sudo /root/.Trash?13:29
Soopacwillu: I want to mount an iso so I can use a windows installer with wine13:29
=== co-PiloT is now known as PERSING
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about ubuntubots13:29
econobeingsudo ls /root/.Trash13:30
Raz0Rits ok i had to do ls -a13:30
praetIs there an irc bot that monitors topic changes and updates a wiki?13:30
ToznoshioSoopa, also if you are comfortable using the command line, there is a quicker option13:30
Rocky_IVHurray ....... No more Vista crashes13:30
cwilluSoopa, could just extract the files, otherwise, "sudo mount /path/to/file.iso /location/to/mount/it iso9660 -o loop" will do it13:30
SoopaToznoshio: yeah, command line would be better actually13:30
skyfireanyone knows how I can update the gpg key for hardy? I can't update cause of a gpg error?13:31
Soopacwillu: oh nice!  I didn't know you could just mount it :-)13:31
Xecuteri only have audio from amarok, not totem or firefox (youtube)... how come?13:31
Piciskyfire: What is the exact error?13:31
B|ackPantherIs there a book that can help me learn the my linux System ?13:31
skyfirePici: I actually deleted the key cause it refused to update. Key was invalid.. now I can't find out how to re import the key.13:32
Rocky_IVSince Windows XP has ended XP availibility of licenses..........I can see a lot of people installing Ubuntu13:32
Rocky_IVsince most people hate Vista13:32
Piciskyfire: Which repository is the key bor?13:32
PiciRocky_IV: If you just want to chat, #ubuntu-offtopic awaits :)13:32
Piciskyfire: s/bor/for/13:33
skyfirePici: you know the one needed for updates?13:33
ToznoshioSoopa, http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-463972.html13:33
Rocky_IVSorry brand new here........I'm turning into a Ubuntu lover13:33
Pici!gpgerr | skyfire ah, found it13:34
ubottuskyfire ah, found it: Getting GPG errors after adding custom repositories? Find the GPG keyword for the repository (it's 437D05B5 for the standard ones) and run « gpg --keyserver hkp://subkeys.pgp.net --recv-keys <key> ; gpg --export --armor <key> | sudo apt-key add - »13:34
Soopathanks Toznoshio13:34
skyfirewow, erm, how did you find it? I was searching for the past 15 minutes and couldn't find anything bout it. Thanks Pici and ubottu!13:34
Rocky_IVWhats the main difference between Gnome and KDE desktop13:34
Rocky_IVI'm a newbie13:35
econobeingKDE is bleh13:36
econobeingand gnome is awwwwright13:36
Rocky_IVSome KDE software apps seem to work with gnome13:37
Raz0Rive managed to cd to root in terminal13:37
Rocky_IVI guess they both use the same base engine in UNIX13:37
Raz0Rand ive got to .local13:37
skyfireRocky: they will as long as the libraries need are installed.13:37
PiciRocky_IV: They're different. Some people like KDE, others like Gnome.  They use different graphics toolkits to draw UI elements.  Nearly all programs can be used in either DE (Desktop Environment)13:37
Raz0Rbut i cant cd into shared its permission denied13:37
SaEeDIRHAhi, i have created new user in ubuntu 7.10, and when i login through ssh it shows me this message: "To run a command as administrator (user "root"), use "sudo <command>"." i have modifed motd and issus.net and issus file13:37
XecuterRocky_IV, all KDE works with Gnome and vice verca13:37
TuniX12Rocky_IV:  kde uses Qt GNOME uses GTK13:37
SaEeDIRHAbut i still receive this message, how can i disable it ?13:37
Rocky_IVSonds great Pici13:38
Xecuteris there a way to completely remove pulseaudio?13:38
Rocky_IVopps Sounds great Pici13:38
Rocky_IVmore variety than MS13:38
irenoi suci mana kmu?????????????????????????????13:38
db92synaptic is not accepting my password :/13:38
SaEeDIRHAany suggestion would be appricated13:38
TuniX12db92: wrong one13:39
Pici!id | iren13:39
ubottuiren: join ke #ubuntu-id untuk membahas ubuntu dalam bahasa Indonesia13:39
db92TuniX12, def. the right one13:39
Rocky_IVI still have to figure out how to dual-boot computer between Windows OS and Ubuntu13:39
Bert_2Hi, does anyone here know which channel I have to go to get information about cryptmount or encryption algorithms ?13:39
SaEeDIRHAhi, i have created new user in ubuntu 7.10, and when i login through ssh it shows me this message: "To run a command as administrator (user "root"), use "sudo <command>"." i have modifed motd and issus.net and issus file13:40
SaEeDIRHAbut i still receive this message, how can i disable it ?13:40
czbirdFloodBot1 ÄãÃÇÊÇÄĹúÈË13:40
skyfirehi ubottu: sorry, but where did you find the info on the repos key again?13:40
Raz0Ranyone know why i cant get into my /root/.local/shared folder?13:40
Rocky_IVI know I have change some grub commands in Terminal13:40
Piciskyfire: ubottu is a bot.  I triggered its response before.13:40
Pici!gpgerr > skyfire13:40
ubottuskyfire, please see my private message13:40
PiciRaz0R: run 'sudo -i' and then you should be able to access it.  type '13:40
PiciRaz0R: er type 'exit' when you're finished using sudo's privleges.13:40
czbirdPici HI13:41
czbirdPici which country do u come from13:41
skyfirePici: =.=" oops, erm, okay... but I still got the error back: W: Failed to fetch http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/hardy-updates/Release13:41
SaEeDIRHAnoone can help ?13:41
Raz0Rok thanks13:41
Piciczbird: United States, if you want to chat, #ubuntu-offtopic is the place to be, not #ubuntu13:41
Angel_of_Doomju kolko  vas je13:42
skyfireSaEeDIRHA: I think its a default message that you can't change...13:42
Angel_of_Doomima li neko iz srbije?13:42
ljdoes frostwire need java to install on ubuntu?13:42
SaEeDIRHAskyfire: there must be someway to change it13:43
Piciskyfire: Can you access any other websites on that computer?13:43
Raz0Rif i do rm xxx.abc as root in terminal, does it go to trash folder?13:43
czbirdPici but ,what are u doing now? not chat?13:43
Rocky_IVLotts of Channel in IRC13:43
Piciczbird: This is the Official Ubuntu Support channel, it is for helping people with Ubuntu, not for random chatting.13:43
Xecuteris there a way to completely remove pulseaudio? or disable or something...13:44
czbirdPici OK13:44
Rocky_IVScroll to the very bottom of applications........Add Reove Applications13:45
Rocky_IVopps Remove13:46
skyfireSaeedirha: sudo vim /etc/motd that's the default ubuntu message file.. see if you find your message and edit / delete it there?13:46
Raz0Rhow can i remove a directory while it is full?13:46
skyfirerazor: rm -rf /<directory>13:46
SaEeDIRHAread carefully please!13:46
SaEeDIRHAhi, i have created new user in ubuntu 7.10, and when i login through ssh it shows me this message: "To run a command as administrator (user "root"), use "sudo <command>"." i have modifed motd and issus.net and issus file13:46
Raz0RsKy\_ thanks :)13:46
voidHello all! How do I change OOo's toolbar from text to icons?13:46
SaEeDIRHAi have changed the motd and issus.* files13:47
skyfirerazor: watch it, it forces a delete of all files in there.13:47
SaEeDIRHAbut still get this fucking message13:47
FF|h0lusI have problem , I'm new and I have wireless card PCI and I have the drivers ACX-20080210 and I can't install ... ;(13:47
PiciSaEeDIRHA: Have you looked at /etc/motd.tail and the manpage to motd.tail? And please watch your language in here.13:47
Raz0Rskyfire thats ok its all trash :)13:47
mohkohnIs there a separate channel for ubuntu on macintel?13:47
FF|h0lushelp me :<13:47
Jack_SparrowSaEeDIRHA Please read carefully.. no profanity..13:47
SaEeDIRHAPici, yes, i am sorry, this is becoming pain in the ***13:48
Rocky_IVOn Java-coffee not beer13:48
XecuterSaEeDIRHA, but why do you want to remove it?13:48
Jack_SparrowSaEeDIRHA Obfuscated swearing is still swearing. we dont accept it of our users.. Please keep the room family friendly.13:48
db92is there a non holier-than-thou'ist with the language chan? :/13:48
SaEeDIRHAXecuter: just want to see i can or not :-)13:48
db92for ubuntu? :/13:48
FF|h0lusI have problem , I'm new and I have wireless card PCI and I have the drivers ACX-20080210 and I can't install ... ;(13:48
SaEeDIRHAJack_Sparrow: sure13:49
stdinSaEeDIRHA: either run a command with sudo or run "touch ~/.sudo_as_admin_successful" to stop that message13:49
voidHow do I change openoffice's toolbar from text to icons?13:49
Picidb92: You won't find an official Ubuntu channel like that.13:49
Rocky_IVThanks Jack - Kepping it clean its keeping it nice13:49
Jack_Sparrowdb92 PLease go there if you cant stay on topic and keep it civil13:49
PCessnaHello! New ubuntu user here ^^13:49
SaEeDIRHAstdin: that file does not exist13:50
binnhi, i'm running a fresh install of 8.04.1 and when i try to update using update manager i get a hash sum mismatch error.. does anyone have any idea why this could happen?13:50
Jack_SparrowWelcome PCessna13:50
FF|h0lusI have problem , I'm new and I have wireless card PCI and I have the drivers ACX-20080210 and I can't install ... ;(13:50
stdinSaEeDIRHA: yes, touch will make it13:50
Xecuteris there a way to completely remove pulseaudio? or disable or something...13:50
Rocky_IVsorry....my spelling is terrible13:50
PCessnaAnyone know a good site for programs for ubuntu?13:50
Rocky_IVits just i miss keystrokes13:50
PCessnaI just updated to latest version ^13:50
skyfireFF|h0lus: hi, have you tried installing ndiswrapper?13:50
PiciPCessna: Most Ubuntu software can be installed through the package repositories.13:50
Jack_SparrowPCessna Have you checked everything in synaptic13:50
Pici!software > PCessna13:50
ubottuPCessna, please see my private message13:50
FF|h0luswhat ?:D13:50
MyrttiPCessna: what do you exactly mean?13:50
JimmeyWhere is the deleted items folder? I've checked for .Trash on every partition and in /home/username and /root, it's not there - But there are still files in the wastebasket that can't be deleted because I don't have the permissions on the files, but I can't change them because I don't know where they are!13:50
Raz0RPCessna http://www.linuxsoft.cz/en/13:50
skyfireThe following signatures were invalid: BADSIG 40976EAF437D05B5 Ubuntu Archive Automatic Signing Key <ftpmaster@ubuntu.com>.... can anyone help with this?13:51
Pici!trash | Jimmey13:51
ubottuJimmey: The location of Trash has changed in 8.04, it is now located in ~/.local/share/Trash | Looking for the trash in previous versions: ~/.Trash13:51
SaEeDIRHAstdin: thankx alot13:51
PCessnaOk, I'll check it out Raz0R13:51
Rocky_IVWell I'm using Skype .deb version13:51
SaEeDIRHAstdin: why was it like this ?13:51
TuniX12_hello how to kill my ghost TuniX1213:51
opt1kis there any video editing program like sony vegas for linux?13:51
SaEeDIRHAstdin: because i never used sudo yet?13:51
praetXecuter: sudo apt-get remove pulseaudio*13:51
MyrttiPCessna: be careful with that site13:51
MyrttiPCessna: what kind of software are you searching13:51
Raz0RPCessna Iits not specifically for ubuntu but hteres some good stuff13:51
Xecuterpraet, that removes ubuntustudio-desktop as well13:51
tristanI have just installed 8.04 and I'd like to know how can I control the compiz settings?13:51
stdinSaEeDIRHA: yeah, once the user uses sudo for the first time that file is created and the message stops13:51
JimmeyPici, thanks.13:51
Rocky_IVSkype is great for communications with voice and computer to computer communications13:51
voidHow can I get back openoffice's toolbar with icons?13:52
FF|h0lusskyfire Ok I try install the ndiswrapper13:52
Jack_Sparrow!ccsm > tristan13:52
ubottutristan, please see my private message13:52
isakeywhat is wrong with backports? i mean i dont see FF 3.01, or nvidia 173.14.05 driver, or anything else there. some pidgin update, and thats all!13:52
SaEeDIRHAstdin: nice m813:52
SaEeDIRHAstdin: thankx alot13:52
PCessnaI am looking for some progams, not really searching for anything specific..13:52
MyrttiPCessna: in that case, check out your synaptic package manager or Add/Remove in your menu13:52
opt1kis there any video editing program like sony vegas for ubuntu?13:52
Jack_SparrowPCessna Just wanted to verify you checked and understand official sources/repos13:52
MyrttiPCessna: Applications - Add/Remove13:53
Xecuteror, how can i  change where totem and firefox should play audio?13:53
PiciPCessna: I agree, Add/Remove is pretty good for finding useful random pieces of software... I've wasted a lot of time in there.13:53
skyfire!badsig | skyfire13:53
ubottuskyfire, please see my private message13:53
void15:51 < void> How can I get back openoffice's toolbar with icons?13:53
void15:51 < void> How can I get back openoffice's toolbar with icons?13:53
=== TuniX12_ is now known as TuniX12
Rocky_IVHere Pcessna      http://www.stumbleupon.com/demo/?review=1#url=http://whdb.com/2008/the-top-50-proprietary-programs-that-drive-you-crazy-and-their-open-source-alternatives/13:53
PCessnaAnyways, Yeah brainfart, remember someone telling me that when I tried kubuntu (hated KDE, Had to go with ubuntu)13:53
PCessnaty, Rocky_IV13:53
skyfire!invalidsig | skyfire13:54
ubottuskyfire, please see my private message13:54
gordonjcpopt1k: not really - video editing is a bit of a gap in Linux13:54
skyfireThe following signatures were invalid: BADSIG 40976EAF437D05B5 Ubuntu Archive Automatic Signing Key <ftpmaster@ubuntu.com>.... can anyone help with this?13:54
Rocky_IVLotts of great programs for linux at that site PCessna13:54
tristanI installed simple-ccsm but it says No module named glade. So I did sudo apt-get install glade but ti didn't change anything13:54
gordonjcpopt1k: you might try kdenlive or pitivi13:55
ubottuCompiz (compositing window manager) and XGL (X server architecture layered on top of OpenGL) - Howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager - help in #compiz-fusion13:55
TuniX12is ccsm using Python?13:55
jabba_every time a file-open dialogue pops up in my gnome (or whatever) it freezes (windows get grey) and stay like this for about 20 secs or so... any suggestion what this could be?13:55
WillLuongoHello, I have ubuntu running on my Averatec 3270, but the video only goes up to 800x600. Does anyone have any suggestions or links, I tried googling.13:55
praetTuniX12: yes13:55
Xecuterhow can i set totem to NOT use pulseaudio?13:56
Piciskyfire: Try this: Open Synaptic, go to Settings>Repositories. Go to the authentication tab and select restore defaults.13:56
dns53i'm trying to mount a file system image that i too from a device, ie dd if=/dev/sdb  how do i then get the partition that i want if i try and mount it with something like: mount -o loop img /mnt13:56
PCessnaafk for a few min :P13:56
dns53Xecuter totem uses the gnome settings, so system, preferences sound13:57
praetXecuter: try System > Preferences > Sound13:57
skyfirePici: I have tried that... I did add links to get a software called moblock in /etc/apt/sources.list, before this problem started. I'll try commenting it out.13:57
praetdns53: :D13:57
Xecuter^^, thanks dns53 praet13:57
mohkohnCan you boot Ubuntu from external usb DVD Drive with REFIT on an intel mac?13:58
opt1kgordonjcp: tx, ill try that out13:58
PCessnamohkohn, Have you tried VirtualBox, to me that seems a lot easier.13:58
PCessnafor a Mac13:58
isakeywhat is wrong with backports? i mean i dont see FF 3.01, or nvidia 173.14.05 driver, or anything else there. some pidgin update, and thats all!13:59
DonnieDarkohi is there a way to sync egroupware and evolution via syncml? i tried it to work with syncevolution on hardy13:59
db92is there an equivalent for what were keystrokes in windows? like alt+numbers to get a specific letter?14:00
gfather1hello guys14:00
mohkohnthanks PCessna but I am keen to find a way if it is even possible14:00
gfather1iv downloaded the desktop version14:01
gfather1can i install that on a usb ?14:01
gfather1or a sewcound hardisk should be a better option14:01
mohkohnThe internal dvd-rw failed so I bought an external dvd-rw for a third of the price14:01
SklaskoUSB what?14:01
WillLuongo Hello, I have ubuntu running on my Averatec 3270, but the video only goes up to 800x600. Does anyone have any suggestions or links, I tried googling.14:01
dns53db92 you can change the input method to re map keys but there is not the keybord combination to insert a generic character (i may be wrong)14:01
gfather1usb flash14:01
SklaskoIt could work14:01
gfather1<Sklasko> does it preform good ?14:02
mohkohnI am discovering the hard way that mac's are expensive to fix14:02
SklaskoI've never used a setup like that14:02
dns53gfather1 yes you can, check the ubuntu wiki14:02
gfather1<WillLuongo> i had rthis problem before, there is another place where u can choose the resolution from14:02
gfather1<dns53> ok ., ill go chek the wiki upo14:02
SkyrailDoes an extended partition with logical partitions inside it have much of a performance hit in comparison with a normal partition stored in the MBR?14:03
blizzkidlo all. Does anyone know of a way/guide/howto about how to get a notification in Gnome when a bluetooth phone receives an sms?14:04
dns53Skyrail a cpu instruction, ie nothing14:04
ubuntu_what does this means and how do i check all. this isnt checking........ ubuntu@ubuntu:~$ sudo fsck -A -V -a sda14:04
ubuntu_fsck 1.40.8 (13-Mar-2008)14:04
ubuntu_Checking all file systems.14:04
WillLuongogfather1: I tried the sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg command to no avail14:04
FloodBot1ubuntu_: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.14:05
gfather1<WillLuongo> ur not using graphic gui ?14:05
Skyraildns53: ah okay, thank you, I just want to put two linux distros on my PC therefore each can only have two partitions stored in the MBR, and I was wondering whether swap or /boot should have a main partition (the other can go into the extended partition)14:05
bmharshaCan I keep Opendns IP address as my permanent DNS address because, whenever I start my Modem, my DNS address changes back to its default.14:06
db92anyone knows where i can get drivers for sweex webcams? :/ anything ive found doesnt help :\\\14:06
soneilSkyrail, mapping that against "this partition starts here and ends here" happens once, at boot, and after that there's no difference between them14:06
WillLuongogfather1: I am, but I was just adding information that hopefully is helpful. I am very comfortable with CLI though. :)14:06
ubuntu_what does this means and how do i check all. this isnt checking........ ubuntu@ubuntu:~$ sudo fsck -A -V -a sda14:06
Skyrailsoneil: okay so it really doesn't matter, thanks :)14:06
ubuntu_fsck 1.40.8 (13-Mar-2008)     Checking all file systems.14:06
gfather1<WillLuongo> where are u trying to change the resolution from ?14:06
WillLuongogfather1: What is weird is that no video devices even show up when I run the dpkg-reconfigure14:07
PCessnaone of my favorite parts of ubuntu probably is the GNOME desktop. hmm...14:07
binndoes anyone know why this would happen with a fresh 8.04.1 install: GPG error: http://archive.ubuntu.com hardy Release: The following signatures were invalid: BADSIG 40976EAF437D05B514:07
dns53Skyrail if you want more than 1 distro install grub on a partition and grub on your mbr, get the distro to chainload the grub on the second14:07
gfather1<WillLuongo> did u install the video driver14:08
WillLuongogfather1: I've tried dpkg-reconfigure as well as system >> preferences >> screen resolution14:08
ubuntu_what does this means and how do i check all. this isnt checking........ ubuntu@ubuntu:~$ sudo fsck -A -V -a sda14:08
ubuntu_fsck 1.40.8 (13-Mar-2008)     Checking all file systems.14:08
bmharshaCan I keep Opendns IP address as my permanent DNS address? Because, whenever I start my Modem, my DNS address changes back to its default.14:08
WillLuongogfather1: I wasn't able to find one for my card in this laptop14:08
gfather1<WillLuongo> new laptop ?14:08
=== czbird is now known as girl18
umarzukibmharsha: set it as default dns IN your modem14:09
voxubuntu_: try /dev/sda1 instead of 'sda'14:09
WillLuongogfather1: No, actually it's reasonably old... Averatec 327014:09
gfather1<WillLuongo> send me the model and ill try to search14:09
Skyraildns53: that's just confusing things, I'm not too good with linux, I'm just learning as I go14:09
muntrueWillLuongo, gfather1 Video options dont show up in the new ubuntu version on reconfigure command..14:09
Piciubuntu_: fyi, you can't fsck a mounted partition.14:09
WillLuongomuntrue: Well that explains it then. lol what do I do instead?14:09
gfather1<muntrue> i see14:10
muntrueWillLuongo, Yea i had that same problem, What card do you have and whats the problem ?14:10
gfather1there are 2 places u can change the resolution from in the gui14:10
dns53Skyrail install the first distro, set it to mount on the mbr, install your second, get it to install on your partition ie /dev/sda1, in your first add an entry to "chainload +1"14:10
dmacnuttPici: well you can, it's just a bad idea :)14:10
=== sacul_away is now known as sacul
WillLuongomuntrue: it is an Averatec 3270, whatever video card comes in that... information is a bit lacking but what i've found is Viachrome14:11
bmharshaumarzuki: Thanks for the reply, I don't know how to set opendns IP address as my default address in my Modem, is thier any alternative so that we resolve this issue in Ubuntu itself.14:11
Frogging101How does one increase the size of their Ubuntu partition? I used Wubi to install and I selected 5GB install size, does this mean that I only get 5GB of free space for Ubuntu?14:11
Skyraildns53: okay, I'll give it a try, I've messed this up enough times, once more isn't so bad :P14:11
muntrueWillLuongo, And what issues do you have with it14:11
dmacnuttFrogging101: you can use gparted to slice out another section of free space and then mount that in linux14:12
WillLuongomuntrue: It doesn't detect the video card, just uses vga, max resolution is 800x600 which unfortunately doesn't seem compatible with even most of the default apps14:12
Frogging101What is Gparted?14:12
dmacnuttFrogging101: but as it stand now, yes you only have 5 gigs14:12
jpds!cn > zhicheng14:12
ubottuzhicheng, please see my private message14:12
ressler76hello all14:12
muntrueWillLuongo, allright. do you know how to copy your xorg.conf ?14:12
jpds!info gparted > Frogging10114:12
ubottufrogging101, please see my private message14:12
dmacnuttgparted is similar to partition magic14:12
WillLuongomuntrue: ya, want me to put it in pastebin?14:13
gfather1<WillLuongo> help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto14:13
Frogging101thank you14:13
muntrueWillLuongo, Please :)14:13
gfather1this should have all the fix'es u need14:13
drenzhi all can anyone help me how can i find root password on ubuntu 6??14:13
Frogging101Do I install it using Synaptic Package Manager?14:13
Picidrenz: There is no root password14:13
dmacnuttdrenz: check /etc/passwdd :)14:13
Pici!root | drenz14:13
ubottudrenz: Do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo14:13
ay^Frogging101: its already installed in most cases14:14
drenzPici:  how can i login as root? so14:14
pm2I'm having some trouble with Kubuntu - latest version, fully up-to-date, kernel 2.6.24-19-386.  Basically, all of the programs running in my laptop will freeze, one-by-one.  That is, one program will freeze, but I'll be able to switch to another program that will work for a few seconds before it freezes, etc.  After about 20 seconds, everything "unfreezes" and goes back to working like normal.  This process repeats approx every 5-8 minutes or so.  The comp14:14
pm2uter never completely freezes (ie, I can still move the mouse, some buttons still respond, etc.)  Output from dmesg is here: http://dpaste.com/66911/14:14
Frogging101drenz: And if you change the root password you can't login using it at the login screen14:14
dmacnuttso if your ldap server fails, and you have no root. how do you login ?14:14
Picidrenz: Read the link ubottu gave you, sudo -i should sort you out.14:14
jpdsbmharsha: Did you follow the instructions on the OpenDNS site?14:14
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ay^Frogging101: go to System - Administration - Partition editor14:14
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Frogging101drenz:That will give you a command line interface14:15
ganesh_hello my mozilla firefox is not opening14:15
VictorEhi, how can i start manually pptp vpn ? i'm using network-manager-pptp package.14:15
drenzi try to get in on14:15
Picidmacnutt: root exists, it just has no password.  The recovery mode autologins as root.14:15
drenzCd usr hlds14:15
skyfireBinn: Hey, try another mirror! I solved my problem when I used my local mirror instead of the US main server.. at least its a temp fix... a wild guess here, but maybe there's something wrong with the main server's gpg key.14:15
drenzwith sudo14:15
drenzand on display14:15
FloodBot1drenz: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.14:15
pm2Also, depending on which kernel I'm using, the problem can happen more or less frequently.  It also did not start happening until I upgraded to a certain kernel version (sorry, I can't remember which one, but it was probably about 6 months ago)14:15
drenzbut i cant14:15
ganesh_it encountered some error14:15
ganesh_can someone help14:15
ay^Frogging101: but you need to be able to unmount the partition(s) you wish to fiddle with14:15
WillLuongomuntrue: willluongo.pastebin.com14:15
Frogging101There is no System - Administration - Partition editor14:15
ay^Frogging101: which ubuntu you on?14:16
muntrueWillLuongo, in the meantime i found out your video card is a VIA/S3 Unichrome Pro IGP14:16
Frogging101Ubuntu 8.04 Hardy Heron LTS14:16
zedmachineHi Yall14:16
SklaskoThe Partition Editor isn't installed by default.14:16
skyfireFrogging101: You'll need to install it... sudo apt-get install gparted.14:17
ay^Frogging101: that is wierd.. I have one both in my installation and on my live-USB14:17
WillLuongomuntrue: Sweet, thanks!14:17
zedmachineCan I ubgrade and change Hardware in the ubuntu system just like plug and play?14:17
Frogging101Okay, I'll do that14:17
ay^but otherwise do what skyfire  said Frogging10114:17
skyfireay: 8.04 only has gparted on the liveCD14:17
drenzand one question how can i delete one folder on cd/usr/hlds?14:17
muntrueWillLuongo, Ill look around for a solution hold on14:17
WillLuongomuntrue: Thanks so much for your help14:17
drenzand one question how can i delete one folder on cd/usr/hlds?  i try rmdir dont work and i try rm dont work14:18
WillLuongogfather1: Also, thank you for the link and your help, I am reading the link you sent me now14:18
Frogging101drenz: Be careful with this but it will allow you to browse the filesystem as root: sudo nautilus14:18
ay^skyfire: how wicked, I was so certain it had always been there in my install, my bad :)14:18
jpds!gksudo | Frogging101, drenz14:18
ubottuFrogging101, drenz: If you need to run graphical applications as root, use « gksudo », as it will set up the environment more appropriately. Never just use "sudo"! (See http://psychocats.net/ubuntu/graphicalsudo to know why)14:18
drenzjpds:  dont work gksudo14:19
ay^drenz sudo rm -r /usr/hlds14:19
Frogging101Okay ill check that out14:19
gfather1<WillLuongo> cool :)14:19
muntrueWillLuongo, Just to be sure, there is no restricted driver available right ?14:19
drenzthanx ay^14:19
skyfireay: haha, I guess the folks at ubuntu assumed that we'll be doing our best not to mess around with our HDDs after installation..14:19
WillLuongomuntrue: Not that I have been able to find... admittedly I am not very good with synaptic, as most of my experience is apt-get and Adept...14:20
skyfireWillLuongo: press CTRL + F when in synaptic and search for whatever you need....14:20
WillLuongoskyfire: Thank you14:20
muntrueWillLuongo, Check here : System->Administrator->Restricted drivers manager14:20
muntrueWillLuongo, I also possible found a forum post that will fix your problems14:20
Frogging101jdps: I don't get the reason, what is that page trying to say?14:20
* KiPSeRoN returns ((Unknown reason) [10s]) (total away time: 10s)14:21
Pici!away > KiPSeRoN14:21
ubottuKiPSeRoN, please see my private message14:21
Frogging101WHAT IS THIS???14:23
Frogging101sorry for the random outburst...14:24
muntrueWillLuongo, did you try this : sudo-apt get install xserver-xorg-driver-via14:24
Frogging101!What is kde14:24
ubottuKDE (http://kde.org) is the !desktop environment used natively in !Kubuntu. To install from Ubuntu: « sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop », or see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/InstallingKDE . See http://kubuntu.org for more information. For more information on KDE 4, see !kde414:24
WillLuongomuntrue: I sure did not, but I am going to now! :D14:24
microwaverAnyone experience installing openoffice in xubuntu?14:25
notwistHey, how do i check the entire hard disk in Ubuntu for errors? Not just the file system :)14:25
muntrueWillLuongo, Will have to restart X after that ( just do a complete restart just to be sure ya know )14:25
notwistmicrowaver: apt-get install openoffice? :)14:25
muntrueWillLuongo, Let me know how that worked ou14:25
WillLuongomuntrue: I will, brb14:25
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microwavernotwist, does'nt work :p. Can't find package14:25
zedmachineCan I upgrade and change hardware in the ubuntu system just like plug and play in win systems or do I have to reinstall the OS?14:26
=== muntrue is now known as Muntrue
SklaskoNo need to reinstall for a hardware change :\14:26
=== poor_prince is now known as mezaaaaaa
notwistmicrowaver: you could try searching for it14:27
microwaveri've downloaded it from the openoffice.org website14:27
notwistmicrowaver: try typing openoffice and then tab or something14:27
microwaverbut then it gives me following error 'Error: Failed to extract the Java Runtime Environment (JRE) files. (exit code 7)14:27
WillLuongoMuntrue: It says it is already installed...14:27
notwistmicrowaver: its better if you use the .deb repositories14:27
Pelomorning folks14:27
MuntrueWillLuongo, hmmm. I will put up a xorg.conf from someone else using the same video card as you14:27
WillLuongoMuntrue: Thanks so muc14:28
MuntrueWillLuongo, It is from an older ubuntu version but maybe it will work. Do make sure to back up your xorg.conf tho ..14:28
WillLuongoMuntrue: ok. Thanks14:28
Peloworking on my neibourg's computer , setup two account one for the mother one for the daughter,  daughter has no admin access , this is not so good as she's the most likely to play with the comp but mom wants more control,  is there a way to give the daughter access to install/remove apps , without giving her other admin priviledges ?14:29
MuntrueWillLuongo, muntrue.pastebin.com14:29
WillLuongoMuntrue: Thanks, I am on it now14:29
notwistPelo: not really.. installing programs need admin rights14:29
notwistPelo: why give control to the person who is most inexperienced?14:30
MuntrueWillLuongo, Forum post discussing this topic: http://tinyurl.com/56g8jk14:30
darthmarth37|WkIs Ubuntu's BIND package compiled with support for LDAP?14:30
niadhI have a problem with a wireless card that uses the ralink driver it can see but cannot connect to a wpa_spk wireless network can someone tell me if it WILL work and if so where to go to make it work?14:30
Baron1984notwist: Peter Principle14:30
Baron1984look it up14:30
ubottuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs14:30
Pelonotwist, 14 yr old daughter who got caught displaying herself on a porn site 2 years ago ,  mom wants control mom gets control , no mather wath14:31
=== cr0w is now known as cr0w_
darthmarth37|WkBaron1984: Peter Principle is the one where someone is promoted to the point of incompetence, not necessarily least experience.14:31
Baron1984same effect14:31
darthmarth37|WkRight, right.14:31
Baron1984the difference is, when you get promoted and lack experience needed to do the job14:32
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about spm14:32
Baron1984they often weed you out14:32
notwistPelo: um.. not giving her admin rights isn't going to stop her from displaying herself in a webcam.14:32
Pelonotwist, the idea would be to give the daughter access to install games and app but not to access mom's account and to keep mom on top of things if mom needs to cut daughter off the internet14:32
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!14:32
Baron1984but when you're incompetent, it's up up up14:32
yoyonedPelo: you can fine tune sudo to do that, but I'm not sure how14:32
erUSULPelo: tweak /etc/sudoers to let her run synaptic (or apt-get)14:32
cr0w_exists a version of imvu on linux? I have ubuntu14:32
cr0w_exists a version of imvu on linux? I have ubuntu14:33
=== mezaaaaaa is now known as setevenuss
Picicr0w_: what is that?14:33
Baron1984you can tweak sudo to do anything, but you're really working around the problem14:33
notwistPelo: she can cut her daughter off the internet even if her daughter is admin14:33
cr0w_is a 3D avatar chat14:33
Muntruecr0w_,  IMVU meight work in wine14:33
PeloerUSUL, sounds like a plan,  I'll investigate in that direction14:33
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Muntrue!wine > cr0w_14:33
ubottucr0w_, please see my private message14:33
Pelonotwist, but the daughter is wise and if she is admin she can figure out how to get internet back14:34
Baron1984is it just me, or is ShipIt getting stingy?14:34
Muntrue!wine > Muntrue14:34
ubottuMuntrue, please see my private message14:34
notwistPelo: her mother could just delete her user. simple as that14:34
unavailablethe wonders of synaptic PM14:34
notwistPelo: then she doesnt have access to the computer at all14:34
Baron1984Synaptic is getting killed off14:34
Baron1984thank god14:34
Pelonotwist, homework ?14:34
DRebellionPelo, just get her to confiscate the etherenet wire/wireless adapter/router power supply/etc14:35
notwistBaron1984: huh?14:35
dmacnuttPelo: if they daughter is wise, it's only a matter of time14:35
PiciPlease keep the offtopic chat in #ubuntu-offtopic.  Ubuntu Support *only* in here.14:35
Baron1984they're replacing Synaptic with Package Kit14:35
darthmarth37|WkThey are?  Nice.14:35
PiciNot Ubuntu discussion, Ubuntu Support.  Thanks.14:35
Muntruecr0w_, Did you download the imvu installer ?14:35
notwistPelo: I don't see how you think this is going to work. If she has access to the computer physically she CAN access the internet if shes "wise" as you say14:35
PeloBaron1984,  but apt will still be there right ?14:35
cr0w_muntrue yes14:35
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about packagekit14:35
Baron1984Pelo: Package Kit works with Apt or Yum14:36
Muntruecr0w_,  oke open a terminal window and type sudo apt-get install wine14:36
niadhOh, well, packagekit is just a front end14:36
niadhit connects to apt, rpm, conary etc14:36
notwistPelo: If she needs homework done she could write it on a goddamn paper or use her mothers account under her supervision. The problem isn't how to configure linux, the problem is how this child needs to be raised14:36
db92Pelo, just teach the daughter to use the interwebs for "wiser" purposes than whatever you dont want her to do and keep internet on >>14:36
Baron1984yes, now when DEB can do Deltas, I'll be happy14:36
cr0w_ok Muntrue..i install wine ..now ?14:36
Muntruecr0w_, yes14:36
PiciPelo, notwist: This is not Ubuntu related, please keep the chatter in #ubuntu-offtopic14:36
Pelonotwist, we'Re getting off track I think14:36
Muntruecr0w_, tell me when that is done14:36
MuntrueWillLuongo, are you getting any further with your issue ?14:37
notwistPelo: what im trying to say is that there is NO way you can config the computer to let her use it to do homework or whatever and be sure she cant access the internet. Physical access means easy hack14:37
Baron1984I've wondered why you can't do "Delta Deb's", like a Delta RPM14:37
ShadowofShinobiyou should just let her do whatever she wants. she'll figure it out anyway, she could download a live-cd, then instant admin...14:37
Baron1984that would be nice14:37
niadhDoes anyone know about the ralink driver and wpa_spk as I am wresting with getting the two to play together and could do with help or a simple 'it's futile give it up' will do.14:37
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=== itreba is now known as itrebal
WillLuongoMuntrue: I am working on it right now (copying in the xorg.conf)14:37
notwistPelo: especially not if you want it to be flexible like she can have internet one week and one not14:37
MuntrueWillLuongo, :)14:37
gfather1guys how much space do i need to install ubuntu on a usb flash , 1 gb ?14:38
unavailablei heard 414:38
notwistgfather1: that sounds like a lot14:38
WillLuongoMuntrue: It is going slowly... is there a way to get rid of the line numbers?14:38
cr0w_Muntrue ok :D14:38
gfather1<notwist> allot ?14:38
cr0w_I have made14:38
notwistgfather1: depends on how much packages you put in, like open office etc14:39
MuntrueWillLuongo, scroll down to the text editor on the bottom ;)14:39
ShadowofShinobiand btw, I was able to get around various OS restrictions/net filter/router issues etc when i was 14. so i don't see why she can't ;)14:39
notwistgfather1: linux can be everything from tiny to huge14:39
gfather1i have like 1 gb flash , and the livecd is like 700 + mb ,14:39
DRebelliongfather1, imo, 1gb is really pushing it. At least 2gb.14:39
dns53gfather1 install is a strange thing, you could get a minimal for around 300mb but you will not get a gui14:39
gfather1yes i know that , i want default stuff14:39
Muntruecr0w_,  now in the terminal go to the path that you have the invu installer14:39
WillLuongoMuntrue: Unfortunately I just noticed that after I sent... I then proceeded to slap my forhead14:39
lothar__Hi   i have big problem with my E Mail evulation  transferiewrte Mail i can not see in the Postbox14:39
gfather1<DRebellion> i thought so14:39
Pelonotwist, currently the daughter only has basic "user" access, with the mother as the admin,  I just wanted to see if there was a simple way to give the daughter a bit more rope so she can install games and apps herself without having to have her mother log into her account every 10 mintues to do it14:39
MuntrueWillLuongo, Hehe yea took me awhile to figure that one out too14:40
Muntruecr0w_,  tell me when you done that14:40
gfather1<dns53> it seems i need more for the gui and other stuff :)14:40
notwistPelo: what im trying to say is, what is stopping her right now from using the internet in a way that her mother doesnt want?14:40
Muntrue!usb > gfather114:40
ubottugfather1, please see my private message14:40
gfather1i dont want to install it on the same hd i have that have windows14:40
unavailablegfather1 this page says 1 g http://www.debuntu.org/how-to-install-ubuntu-linux-on-usb-bar14:40
DRebellionPelo, put an entry in /etc/sudoers that says something along the lines of, this user can have admin privelages only when runing the commands aptitude, apt-get, synaptic.14:40
timmbobHi, i am having same trouble with Evolution and the Google Calendar plugin. It seems that i can't manage to get neither read nor write access to my calendars stored at google.14:40
arthurmacielhow can I change the whole appeareance of hardy? (themes, gdm login screen, background, etc.?)14:40
cr0w_Muntrue i download the installer now14:40
timmbobAnyone knows something about this14:40
cr0w_please wait14:40
ShadowofShinobiPelo: she can get root access from a live-cd. you know that, right?14:40
Muntruecr0w_, oke :)14:41
PeloDRebellion, I'm investigating that14:41
notwistarthurmaciel: google for "gnome looks" :)14:41
gfather1<unavailable> im cheking it14:41
iratikHow can I tell which device in "/dev/" is the dvd burner ?14:41
Muntruecr0w_, when the installer is downloaded you can also right click on it and click : Open with wine14:41
ShadowofShinobiOS level restrictions don't make any difference for a local user.14:41
inikPelo: you need to read about /etc/sudoers file14:41
notwistShadowofShinobi Pelo my point exactly. physical access = easy to crack14:41
unavailablearthurmaciel compiz-fusion, emerald, and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuEyeCandy14:41
timmbobAlso if a create a Google calendar via the Evo's interface and i check the properties after the creation, it will not even know the username i typed in while creating the calendar14:41
cr0w_i can close the terminal ?14:41
Muntruecr0w_, sure14:41
notwistanyway, does anyone know how i can check my entire harddrive without having to boot from a live cd? like fsck14:42
notwistthe laptop im on is acting weird and id like to check the entire disc, but i cant unmount it while im using it14:42
gfather1guys would u recomend i get another hd and install on it ubuntu , the same mashine that has windows ?14:42
DRebellionnotwist, you can't check a disk that is mounted. You have to boot off a different drive.14:42
notwistgfather1: you could install with wubi?14:42
=== chaky_ is now known as chaky
arthurmacielsorry. I asked about changing ubuntu theme (gdm screen, wallpaper, windows borders, etc.). Is there a GUI program to do that?14:42
Muntruegfather1, You can also use VMware14:42
wolsquestion about wubi: does it write grub to the MBR or does it boot via boot.ini?14:42
unavailablegfather1 you can dual boot install without wubi14:42
ShadowofShinobigfather1: you could just repartition your current disk, if you have some free space. in my experience qtparted works wonderfully on NTFS :)14:43
unavailablegfather1 how big is your hdd?14:43
cr0w_ok now install imVu :D14:43
gfather180 gb14:43
Muntruecr0w_, so it is working ?14:43
unavailablehow much free?14:43
iniknotwist: you can do init 1 or boot single14:43
notwistDRebellion: ok ill get a live cd then14:43
niadharthurmaciel: Use apperence in the gnome system->preferences menu14:43
PeloShadowofShinobi, I know, but options are limited rigth now and we are getting off track14:43
notwistinik: meaning?14:43
cr0w_wine is an emulation of windows ?14:43
Muntruecr0w_, Wine is a windows simulation. check www.winehq.org for applications that work with wine14:43
gfather1like 10 , but i change the space allot , downlaod and delete stuff14:43
DRebelliongfather1, split it in half, 40gb for ubuntu and 40 gb for windows. that's plenty. Or, you could do 20gb for ubuntu and 20gb for windows and 40gb formatted in FAT or someting for shared storage.14:44
unavailablecr0w_ wine    (wine is not an emulator)14:44
arthurmacielniadh: thanks14:44
lunarissomeone free for a few minutes?14:44
Muntruecr0w_, not everything works on it but alot does..14:44
cr0w_i go away now14:44
gfather1i dont want virtualization , becouse im gonna use it for developing , and i hate virtualization14:44
unavailablegfather1   remember  SCANDISK DEFRAG SCANDISK14:44
FloodBot1cr0w_: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.14:44
Muntruecr0w_, no problem14:44
Muntruecr0w_, bye14:44
DRebellionnotwist, get a tiny livecd that is specifically for checking/formatting disks.14:44
ShadowofShinobiPelo: well anyway, good luck with your efforts. hopefully it will give the mother a false sense of security and so she'll ease up on her daughter. ;)14:44
Pelogot some reading to do , later folks14:44
lunarisMuntrue are you free to help me?14:45
unavailablegfather1  if you are going to split your partitions up, DEFRAG DEFRAG DEFRAG          its the most important part14:45
Muntruelunaris, I can always try14:45
gfather1<DRebellion> i have some media stuff on windows wich takes allot of space , its gonna be a troubles to partetion that thing14:45
FarajamoAnyone think they can lend me a hand? I partitioned my disk (which had XP on it), and installed Ubuntu.... but now I can't load up XP...14:45
DRebelliongfather1, fair enough, then getting another hard drive is a good suggestion.14:45
gfather1<unavailable> i dont think im gonna partetion14:45
lunarisMuntrue : I have problem with my sata hdd...It wont auto mount14:45
lothar__Hallo ich brauche mal eure HILFE habe mit evulozion Mail ein kleines aber blödes problem. d Die Mailserver nehmen mein Passwort  nicht an habe schon die POP einstellungen und meine Zugangsdaten geprüft   alles OK  wenn er das Passwort annoimt werden dioe Mails angeblich runtergeladen, sind aber nicht im Posteingangsfach zu sehen. tritt erst seit einpaar tagen auf. was muss ich machen?? Danke14:45
dmacnuttShadowofShinobi: should have ask on which porn website14:45
lunarisMuntrue : maybe I've made a mistake somewhere14:45
wols!de | lothar__14:45
ubottulothar__: Deutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de14:45
unavailablegfather1 well if you defrag your disk before partitioning there will be no problems14:45
Muntruelunaris, Ouch, hate to say I dont really know alot about that. can you manually mount it ?14:46
cleus!tr | cleus14:46
ubottucleus, please see my private message14:46
lunarisMuntrue : Yeas,I can do that from terminal14:46
gfather1<unavailable> yes its seems the most speed and clean way to get ubuntu on my mashin14:46
Muntruelunaris, But you want it to auto mount every reboot right ?14:46
lunarisMuntrue, yes14:46
WillLuongoMuntrue: It looks like we are in business14:46
Muntruelunaris, You can add that terminal line to the boot file. that would be the fastest fix i know of14:47
lunarisMuntrue, Can you give the command?14:47
MuntrueWillLuongo, So glad to hear that..14:47
Muntruelunaris, I sure can, but hold on for a second i will be back in a few minutes14:47
WillLuongoMuntrue: Thanks for all of your help, I really appreciate it14:47
lunarisMuntrue, Ok14:48
WillLuongogfather1: Thankk you as well, I appreciate your time14:48
MuntrueWillLuongo, No problem at all.14:48
gfather1<WillLuongo> hay , its cool m814:48
gfather1did u fix it ?14:48
WillLuongogfather1: Yeah, muntrue found an xorg.conf for someone with the same video card, and now I am all set. :D14:48
WillLuongoOn to breaking the next thing! ;)14:48
gfather1<WillLuongo> nice14:49
Daisuke_Laptoplunaris: make sure it's in your fstab14:50
lunarisMuntrue, I'm in fstab14:50
Daisuke_Laptopg'morning nickrud14:50
Daisuke_Laptoplunaris: is that drive listed in there?14:51
_gAri-hello people. I'm totally new to ubuntu, I'M using debian since a long while. I just installed it, and compiled a kernel. after booting my ps/2 keyboard doenst work, and I have no clue, can you please help me out?14:51
nickrudDaisuke_Ido good guess :)14:51
Daisuke_Laptoplunaris: mount point's correct, options correct?14:51
Daisuke_Laptop(ie. it doesn't say "noauto")14:51
lunarisDaisuke_Laptop, I have entered this in fstab                   /dev/sdb1       /media/sdb1     auto    rw,user,noauto,exec,utf8 0       014:51
NeoSanity[Linux]how can I execute terminal commands automatically on start-up14:52
dmacnutt_gAri-: use the original kernel14:52
wh0Dathow do i start a window manager from an x windows shell manually?14:52
NeoSanity[Linux]sort of like a btach file on WIndows?14:52
wh0Datxfce4 or gnome14:52
lunarisDaisuke_Laptop, Am I wrong somewhere14:52
Daisuke_Laptopget rid of noauto.  that tells it NOT to automatically mount14:52
Daisuke_Laptopyou're probably safe with defaults14:52
nickrudwh0Dat for gnome (assuming you're running no other wm)  gnome-session &14:52
Daisuke_Laptopnickrud: i figure "g'morning" is always appropriate, as it's always morning somewhere14:53
WillLuongoUh oh... now my wifi stopped working? lol14:53
lunarisDaisuke_Laptop, Ok I have deleted that14:53
lunarisDaisuke_Laptop, I will try with restart now14:53
unavailablemethinks bad_image is a troll?14:53
_gAri-dmacnutt> _gAri-: use the original kernel -> I just managed not to use it :)14:53
bad_imageunavailable, nope, the site is just funny, so I share it14:53
unavailableyah i thought a laugh14:53
hiptobecubici'm trying to make a symlink to a binary but when i run it, it runs as if the binary were in the directory of the symlink and not the other way around, which causes the program not to find all of the correct files etc. how can i creating a working link?14:54
wolsI need some more technical info about wubi, how it works what it does. any suggestions where to get it?14:54
Daisuke_Laptopi didn't get here in time to tell him he didn't need to actually reboot14:54
white_eagleI downloaded netbeans 6.1 full and when I try to install it after: "configuring the installer", "searching for JVM on the system" "extracting installion data" "running the installer wizard" I get these 2 errors: "No protocol specified" and "Can't connect to X11 window server using ':0.0' as the value of the DISPLAY variable.14:54
wolsor there is a ubuntu derived distro whihc installs on windows partitions IIRC but can't remember the name. any hint about it?14:54
white_eaglehelp ! :)14:54
Daisuke_Laptopwols: wubi.org14:54
wolsDaisuke_Laptop: wrong url14:55
Daisuke_Laptopwols: but what it does is creates a disk image in a windows partition and mounts it as a loopback device at boot14:55
WillLuongowols: If you put your regular ubuntu disk in it will let you do it14:55
=== gonzalo is now known as gg
cjohnsonIs there a way to use wubi to install gutsy14:56
unavailablebad_image: by the looks of that website, are you looking for linux promotional sites?14:56
Daisuke_Laptopwols: http://www.wubi-installer.org14:56
wolsWillLuongo Daisuke_Laptop  I said technical info. that's not technical14:56
bad_imageunavailable, yes, do you know some ?14:56
Daisuke_Laptopwols: how technical do you want it?14:56
wols!ot | bad_image14:56
ubottubad_image: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!14:56
mgreenhiptobecubic: make a simple script14:56
unavailablebad_image: not offhand14:56
wolsDaisuke_Laptop: how the boot process exactly works for starters. boot.ini or grub in mbr14:56
dns53cjohnson wubi will install any distro, you just put an iso in the same directory as wubi14:56
nickrudwols http://wubi-installer.org/support.php , I'd try asking on the forum link for some info14:57
cjohnsondns53, oh14:57
WillLuongowols: Ah, sorry missed that post... only saw (09:54:38) wols: or there is a ubuntu derived distro whihc installs on windows partitions IIRC but can't remember the name. any hint about it?14:57
mgreenhiptobecubic: 'cd /path/to/working/directory; ./the-binary'14:57
wolsnickrud: do you happen to know the ubuntu spin off which also deals with ntfs partitions IIRC?14:57
bad_imageunavailable, How about "Do you need an OS? Compile it yourself ! http://kernel.org" ?14:57
wolsnickrud: can't remember its name14:57
nickrudwols neither can I14:57
unavailablebad_image: been there done that14:57
wolsWillLuongo: wubi is not a ubuntu derived distro14:57
nickrudwols actually, I'm not sure what you're asking about14:57
WillLuongowols: I never said it was?14:57
Daisuke_Laptopwols: you're not exactly being clear about what you want.14:58
lunarisDaisuke_Laptop, everything is ok now,thanks14:58
wolsnickrud: there is a livecd or such baded on ubuntu which you can install too. andlinux or such14:58
WillLuongowols: Ubuntu is arguably an ubuntu derived distro though?14:58
Daisuke_Laptoplunaris: you're welcome14:58
wolsWillLuongo: ubuntu IS ubuntu14:58
nickrud!ot | bad_image (funny but we're not into funny, #ubuntu-offtopic is)14:58
ubottubad_image (funny but we're not into funny, #ubuntu-offtopic is): #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!14:58
unavailablebad_image: http://digg.com/linux_unix/Help_Promote_Ubuntu_Share_Your_Linux_Story14:58
lunarisDaisuke_Laptop, Can I ask you on pvt one question?IT's not related to ubuntu14:58
hiptobecubicmgreen, thanks, i just arrived at that conclusion myself. i was forgetting ./ and just putting binary... resulting in an endless loop system crash lol14:58
wols yes! andlinux it is.14:58
simonss• Ciao A Tutti Di #ubuntu •14:59
mgreenhiptobecubic: nice :)14:59
wolsnickrud: andlinux is a colinux ubuntu install14:59
jetscreameromg wols wtf14:59
mgreenhiptobecubic: _system_ crash?14:59
hiptobecubicmgreen, well no, everything was still running14:59
nickrudwols yes, looking at the page now14:59
Muntruelunaris, im back , do you still need help ?14:59
hiptobecubicbut so slowly that you couldn't do anything14:59
hiptobecubicnot even capslock14:59
wolsjetscreamer: ubuntu question belong here, debian questions belong over there. nothing wrong with that14:59
mgreenhiptobecubic: hehe :)14:59
MaximB is anyone familiar with the "autoexpect" program ?15:00
MuntrueWillLuongo, Everything still good ?15:00
jetscreamerthat's not what i meant and you know it :)  (but was j/k)15:00
mgreenhiptobecubic: capslock for when you just want to _scream_ at yourself for not thinking :)15:00
lunarisMuntrue, No,Daisuke_Laptop helped me.It was just command15:00
WillLuongoMuntrue: Now my wifi isn't connecting... I'm not sure what is up15:00
Muntruelunaris, Oke good :) just to see if i was right, what was the solution ?15:00
MuntrueWillLuongo, I think i do :) you seem to have the same issues as me haha. are you using onboard or usb dongle ?15:01
lunarisMuntrue, in fstab I have typed noauto in command line for automount15:01
snmpee_Muntrue: an onboard or usb what?15:01
unavailablewhy is the name of the room (ubuntu-unregged 2.5) ?15:01
jpdsunavailable: It's an emergency channel in case of a bot network attack.15:02
hyphenatedunavailable: it's not. that's just part of the channel's mode15:02
cjohnsonHow can I uninstall wubi without using add/remove programs? For some reason, add/remove programs isn't working for me...is there another way?15:02
Muntruesnmpee_, wifi15:02
MuntrueWillLuongo, I think i do :) you seem to have the same issues as me haha. are you using onboard or usb dongle ?15:02
hyphenatedunavailable: it's part of the +tncLfJ stuff15:02
xidryckhi all15:03
axenoryCan I reinstall Ubuntu and keep all the folders?15:03
axenoryI mean15:03
unavailable"unmount the windows disk Hal"15:03
snmpee_Muntrue: which is a better dongle? onboard or usb? and by that i mean what kind of dongle do you prefer?15:03
unavailableim sorry michael i cannot do that15:03
Odd-rationaleaxenory: if you created a separate /home partition, you can reinstall and keep all folders in /home15:03
nickrudaxenory you can keep your home stuff if you have it on a separate partition easily, there's another way as well (with the alternate cd installer)15:03
wolshow would one defrag a windows ntfs partiition before resizing with gparted so I have room for ubuntu?15:04
wolsdes the livecd defrag work satisfactorily?15:04
Odd-rationalewols: use windows?15:04
geppywols: Go into Windows, use the degragment tool there (if you still have it)15:04
nickrudwols it's really really slow iirc15:04
unavailablewols go into windows and do a defrag15:04
wolsOdd-rationale: dunno where you defrag in windows actually :)15:04
WillLuongoMuntrue: I am using onboard15:04
Odd-rationalewols: vista?15:04
wolsnever used that stuff15:04
WillLuongoMuntrue: I suspect it may have to do with the update15:04
lunarisMuntrue, Do you know some program for watching TV and listening FM on ubuntu?I have Asus TV/FM card,and cannot use it on ubuntu15:04
geniiwols: You likely want to run chkdsk as well15:05
* wols goes looking15:05
Odd-rationalewols: start --> access --> system tools --> defrag...15:05
wolsthat I already did :)15:05
unavailablewols right click your drive, go to tools and hit defrag15:05
* nickrud spent 10 minutes looking for defrag in windows last time15:05
WillLuongoMuntrue: it just spins and spins and asks for encryption, never connects15:05
axenorynickrud: But I didnt do anything the last time I reinstall and all my folders were there even though my programs werent... how does it happen?15:05
wolsthanks folkx15:05
geppyHoy, mates, I'm using 'testdisk', and the website claims that it finds 'odt', but I don't actually see 'odt' in the file format list when running the app.15:05
bad_imagenickrud, http://www.promotinglinux.com/linux/dealing-with-ubuntu-users/15:05
unavailablenickrud wols you could also try start > run > defrag x:     where x = disk to be defragged15:05
wolsI know how to defrag my xfs partitions but not my ntfs one :P15:05
nickrudaxenory you most likely had those folders on a separate partition from the one you actually installed ubuntu onto15:06
bad_imageunavailable, thx15:06
Daisuke_Laptop!ot | bad_image will you quit spamming offtopic links already?15:06
ubottubad_image will you quit spamming offtopic links already?: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!15:06
nickrudaxenory or told the installer not to format the partition you installed to, and got lucky that it worked cleanly ;)15:06
unavailablenickrud wols bad_image http://www.monkeydoit.com/defrag-hard-disk-xp.php15:07
=== matthew_ is now known as Talcite
MuntrueWillLuongo, Yea i know wifi sucks with ubuntu15:07
Talcitehey guys, Are there any tools to check mdraid partitions in the repos?15:08
MuntrueWillLuongo, We can use ndiswrapper15:08
Muntrue!ndiswrapper | WillLuongo15:08
ubottuWillLuongo: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs15:08
nickrudunavailable thanks, but unfortunately I'm becoming windows competent through work ;(15:08
MuntrueWillLuongo, What was your laptop model again ?15:08
WillLuongoMuntrue: It was just working though... :(15:08
WillLuongoMuntrue: Averatec 327015:08
unavailablenickrud you may also like this page http://www.ss64.com/nt/15:08
MuntrueWillLuongo, Thats weird that it was just working. hold on15:09
nickrudunavailable now that is very useful. Emailing that to myself at work. Thanks15:09
MuntrueWillLuongo, Xorg.conf doesnt seem to have anything to do with our wireless lol15:10
axenorynickrud: mmm okay.... hey nick I have this compaq laptop.... I am experiencing some wireless problems with it. At the beggining it worked fine the first couple days. Now It looks like the wireless card is not getting into the internet, eventhough it reads that there is a wireless conection somewhere. (you also need to know that the drivers were obtained by the "Hardware drivers" apps, I dont know if that matters) plz help15:10
WillLuongoMuntrue: I know, that is why I think it was the updates that just ran15:10
MuntrueWillLuongo, can you run lspci and see if your wifi is in there ?15:11
axenoryI have this compaq laptop.... I am experiencing some wireless problems with it. At the beggining it worked fine the first couple days. Now It looks like the wireless card is not getting into the internet, eventhough it reads that there is a wireless conection somewhere. (you also need to know that the drivers were obtained by the "Hardware drivers" apps, I dont know if that matters) plz help15:11
nickrudaxenory I've had experience with exactly one wireless card, Broadcom Corporation BCM94311MCG wlan mini-PCI (rev 01) , and it's just worked15:11
WillLuongoMuntrue: the card is there, it can't connect now... maybe because of SSL or something?15:12
Miksag1um, I've managed to find drivers for my network card (an R111C by realtek), and the readme says i need binutils, I've checked synaptic, and see that i have binutils, would i need the -dev one if the driver's supplied as source?15:12
axenorynickrud: but how did you manage with the problem?15:12
LogicalDashMiksag1, yes15:12
WillLuongoMuntrue: It just keeps asking me for the WEP key over and over again15:13
MuntrueWillLuongo, the icon in the top right showing wireless location doesnt always mean the card is active. if i remove my usb dongle the wireless locations stlls tay even though i reboot or whatever15:13
Miksag1I thought i'd check, i've only been on ubuntu (full time) for about 2 weeks, and I'm not looking to stuff anything up15:13
nickrudaxenory usually what I do with wireless dying is  sudo killall NetworkManager && sudo NetworkManager , my problems have been with that software15:13
WillLuongoMuntrue: I meant it was in lspci15:13
MuntrueWillLuongo, Oke. It did taht exact same thing for me15:13
MuntrueWillLuongo, it kept asking for a WEP key while I used WPA15:13
lunarisMuntrue, Do you know some program for watching TV and listening FM on ubuntu?I have Asus TV/FM card,and cannot use it on ubuntu15:13
codazodaHi.  I have an RT2500 wifi card.  I'd like to set it to use 802.11b instead of 802.11g mode (for better distance).  How might I go about setting that in Ubuntu?15:14
oldenglis1Im trying to boot in persistent mode off a thumb drive and during boot it kicks me to a Busy Box Built-in shell, and doesn't boot into Ubuntu. Any ideas?15:14
Muntruelunaris, Im affraid i dont know. you could check around on google for ASUS TV/FM ubuntu15:14
axenoryso it reads again internet (wireless)15:14
WillLuongoMuntrue: I actually am on a WEP key atm15:14
nickrudaxenory it restarts the wireless software stack from scratch.15:14
bazhang!info tvtime15:15
ubottutvtime (source: tvtime): A high quality television application. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.0.2-0.3ubuntu2 (hardy), package size 676 kB, installed size 1928 kB15:15
MuntrueWillLuongo, do you have a switch on your laptop to turn the wireless off ?15:15
axenorynickrud:  can you describe me what was your problem just to make sure we are on the same page, no offense, plz15:15
MuntrueWillLuongo, yes ? :)15:16
WillLuongoMuntrue: Yes... I may have pressed it... but the light came on lol15:16
nickrudaxenory nothing at the kernel level. My problems have never been iwconfig not showing the card. Just the actual connection being made.15:16
MuntrueWillLuongo, easy fix right there eh ;)15:16
WillLuongoMuntrue: Don't know yet, the little networking app disappeared... rebooting15:17
bazhanghttp://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=571188 codazoda you might find this useful15:17
ubuntulessI'm trying to install Dapper Drake from the emc2.2 live CD, and the installation hangs at about 62%-70% each time.  I noticed in top that install.py quits.  There are so few options in the installer -- is there anythign I can do?15:17
MuntrueWillLuongo, Allright , tell me how that worked out.. you can also sudo apt-get install wirelessassistant15:17
bazhangubuntuless, what is emc2.215:17
ubuntulessCNC control software15:17
WillLuongoMuntrue: Thanks, I'll keep you posted. :)15:17
MuntrueWillLuongo, its a bit more advanced wireless client15:17
axenorynickrud: the thing is that I dont really undeerstand what your issue was, but let me tell you again..... the wireless card worked, Now it just recognize the wireless network but when I try to connect it tryes and always fails...15:18
bazhangubuntuless, any reason to install such an ancient version?15:18
nickrudaxenory so you can see the applet in the panel attempting, but failing/15:18
nickrudaxenory failing to connect, that is15:18
ubuntulessThat's the version that the emc2 people say is most stable with emc2, plus I only have 384 MB of RAM15:18
db92when i use wine i always get err:mixer:MIX_Open ioctl(/dev/mixer, SOUND_MIXER_DEVMASK) failed (Invalid argument) and i remember someone in the wine channel told me a while ago that for this to pop up there must be something wrong with my kernel. anyone knows anything about this? :||||15:18
Muntruenickrud, axenory I could recommend wirelessassistant (sudo apt-get install wirelessassistant) sometimes that works wonders for wireless15:19
nickrudaxenory I've got to get ready for work shortly, so don't have a lot of time15:19
bazhangubuntuless, you should contact the emc2 people then; no idea who they are15:19
nickrudaxenory my first troubleshooting step would be    tail -f /var/log/messages   in a terminal, then try the connection again. You will see some messages about the connection attempt, you may see some clues15:20
ubuntulessok, but at this point all I'm doing is a standard Ubuntu install.  Should Drake not work on a P4 Dell?15:20
Dediis there a repo for the newest nvidia drivers?15:21
bazhangubuntuless, from a standard dapper drake livecd?15:21
axenorynickrud: thanks! both of you then go to work! hehehe thanks very much15:21
nickrudaxenory but it seems that Muntrue knows more about wireless than I do. Like I said, I have minimal experience with one card15:21
ubuntulessfrom the startup screen and desktop, that's what it looks like, but I know it has the emc2 software added15:21
WillLuongoMuntrue: I can't apt-get anything on that computer without wifi... lol15:21
Angel_of_Doomdoes enyone have kubuntu?15:21
SUSLiK_Sorry, i dont know which channel to choise.So sorry for oftopic question.I cant choise between to video cards GF 8800 and GF 9600...they have same params, and same price15:21
bazhang#kubuntu Angel_of_Doom15:21
nickrud!envyng | Dedi15:22
ubottuDedi: envyng is an updated version of the *UNSUPPORTED* envy package. It is now part of the ubuntu universe repository (envyng-gtk OR envyng-qt) and has community support. As an early version, its results may vary but this should be used over the unsupported envy package.15:22
MuntrueWillLuongo, hehe ofcourse. it is still not working ?15:22
WillLuongoIt isn't yet15:22
onatswhat's the best ftp server that i can use?15:22
orange_How to make model field case insensitive?15:22
Angel_of_Doom<bazhang> thanx madafaka15:22
MuntrueWillLuongo, You meight want to hook up a utp cable to that machine.15:22
=== ariel is now known as Muff_divr
axenoryMuntrue: so how is that this wireless assistant is going to help me? sorry that I Just dont install it and find out my self. but I dont have the other laptop so I just want to make sure its gonna work15:23
ubottuFTP clients: !Nautilus, !gFTP (for !GNOME) - !Konqueror, !Kasablanca, !KFTPGrabber (for !KDE) - See also !FTPd15:24
ubottuFTP servers: ftpd, proftpd, pure-ftpd, twoftpd, vsftpd, MuddleFTPd, wzdftpd - Graphical front-ends: PureAdmin, GProftpd (for GNOME), KcmPureftpd (for !KDE) - See also !FTP15:24
Muntrueaxenory, Its hit and miss with wireless assistant. On my machine i have to run it everytime i reboot atleast once for some reason in order for wireless to work15:24
Muff_divranyone here on a thinkpad?15:24
WillLuongoMuntrue: I can't atm... no access to wired connection on that machine15:24
MuntrueWillLuongo, i think i found a fix15:24
Muff_divri'm trying to get my center scrolling button to work15:24
Muff_divrfound a few tutorials but i can't seem to edit the file15:25
gfather1guys the ubuntu download from the official site is the (Hardy Heron) release , right ?15:25
LogicalDashgfather1, yes15:25
MuntrueWillLuongo, command:  lspci -v grep -i Network15:25
LogicalDashgfather1, actually it is 8.04.1, thus the *second* Hardy Heron release15:25
MuntrueWillLuongo, tell me what the card model is :)15:25
a5an0Heron point release if you will15:25
MuntrueWillLuongo, ignore the other command i made a typo15:25
WillLuongoI can get it for you just a sec15:26
gfather1<LogicalDash> cool . so it already has the Wubi and other stuff to install with windows ,15:26
MuntrueWillLuongo, lspci -v | grep -i Network15:26
gfather1man the setup is very easy :)15:26
LogicalDashgfather1, yes, it is basically awesome15:26
gfather1someone said , ( its linux prime time ) ;)15:26
WillLuongoMuntrue: RaLink RT2500 802.11g15:26
axenoryMuntrue: But do I have to go through steps?15:27
Miksag1how do you get the Kernal header files?15:27
MuntrueWillLuongo try lsmod | grep ralink15:27
axenoryMuntrue: or it just reset the wireless card so it can work?15:27
Nikolas|How do I change the system's language?15:27
snmpee_Miksag1: what are you trying to do, compile a program?15:27
ubottuTo set up and configure your locales, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LocaleConf15:27
WillLuongoMuntrue: nothing15:28
Muntrueaxenory, It is just a wireless assistant application. but alot of people report that it fixed their wireless problem so its a good way to start and easy fix if it works15:28
MuntrueWillLuongo, oke hang on15:28
wolsMiksag1: apt-get the appropriate linux-header* package15:28
Miksag1get my network card to work15:28
wolsMiksag1: what card?15:28
axenoryMuntrue:  great! thanks very much15:28
Miksag1Realtek R111C15:28
Muff_divri'm trying to follow what i saw in here15:28
Muff_divri just dont know how to edit that file and save15:29
mole112oh I think I've seen those15:29
wolsMiksag1: is this wired or wlan?15:29
Muff_divri found the file but when i try to save it it wont let me15:29
GleepGlopAny suggestions for color calibration for Ubuntu?15:29
Miksag1my bad15:29
FloodBot1Miksag1: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.15:29
wolsMiksag1: pastebin the lspci output please15:29
MuntrueWillLuongo, run the command lspci -v | grep -i Network15:29
MuntrueWillLuongo, Tell me if the card is Prism , Aironet or wichever15:29
wolsMiksag1: wired are all supported15:29
Miksag1lspci | grep Ethernet?15:29
axenoryMuntrue:  By the way.... Just in case nothing work.. I have this USB wireless adapter TRENDNET tew-444ub can you tell me how to put it work, because its not working plug n play15:29
FF|h0lusHi i have problem I must install openssh-server15:30
blameCan you anyone suggest relatively easy solution for shaping and controling trafic on a SOHO-like network?15:30
WillLuongoMuntrue: how could I tell? It doesn't say15:30
FF|h0lusand I write command in terminal15:30
MuntrueWillLuongo, ow yea darn lol15:30
wolsMiksag1: sure15:30
mickruHi, I struggle to enable core dump files in ubuntu 8.04.115:30
FF|h0lussudo apt-get openssh-server and error E: Packet openssh-server don't have candidat to install15:30
Muntrueaxenory, You want to check out ndiswrapper15:30
Miksag1well, i believe it's a driver issue, as, sometimes the network card just doesn't work on boot; but after a few reboots, it works fine15:30
Muntrue!ndiswrapper | axenory15:30
wolsFF|h0lus: pastebin your sources.lis15:30
ubottuaxenory: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs15:30
mickruI read about /etc/security/limits.conf but those settings doesn't seem to work15:30
MuntrueWillLuongo, let me check some documentation ill report back15:31
Miksag1http://pastie.org/private/v0qktgvaxr41f94krkagq wols15:31
GleepGlopFF|h0lus: try just apt-get install ssh-server15:31
mickruat least they are not what i set them to when a user types ulimit -c15:31
mickruany idea?15:31
axenoryMuntrue: I already installed it but i dont know how to use it15:31
WillLuongoMuntrue: thanks, I appreciate it15:31
DediMiksag1: for my wireless, i mostly have to do a sudo /etc/init.d/network restart after booting up15:31
wolsDedi: why?15:32
Miksag1yay; i somehow don't really want todo that15:32
wolsDedi: then  you ahven't configured it correctly15:32
Muntrueaxenory, ndiswrapper installs the windows driver for your wireless card so you will need that15:32
cdavisis there a way to determine if my proc supports hvm throug /sys or anything like that?15:32
FF|h0lusGleepGlop E: Don't find the packet ssh-server15:32
mole112Miksagl : have you looked at this15:32
axenoryMuntrue:  WifiDocs/NdiswrapperOnAMD64 I am not using AMD15:32
Nikolas|wols: E: Invalid operation localeconf15:32
wolsMiksag1: that one doesn't need any compilation under ubuntu. what ubuntu version is this?15:32
axenoryMuntrue:  WifiDocs/NdiswrapperOnAMD64 I am not using AMD does it  work anyway?15:32
Muntrueaxenory, You will first have to figure out wich window driver you need. you can check the official ndiswrapper list for your card/usb device and go from there15:33
Miksag1um.. not quite, i've got open a site linking to it; but being a new user; I'm sorta cautious of sources15:33
GleepGlopFF|h0lus: ok, does apt-cache search ssh-server result in anything?15:33
wolsMiksag1: ifconfig -a. it IS supported15:33
Odd-rationaleFF|h0lus: do a "sudo apt-get update" first...15:33
britsunHow do I open a login program on an empty virtual terminal ?15:33
axenoryoh ok15:33
axenorylet me chek15:33
Odd-rationalebritsun: sudo /etc/init.d/gdm start15:33
wolsMiksag1: either the driver is automatically loaded or it's modprobe r816915:34
MuntrueWillLuongo, I took the information from this forum but maybe im missing something so please check it out: http://tinyurl.com/5e8twz15:34
Miksag1wols: when i installed ubuntu at the start of the year, it wouldn't even pickup the network card.. so, I';ve gotten an improvement15:34
Odd-rationaleFF|h0lus: then "sudo apt-get install openssh-server"15:34
MuntrueWillLuongo, Ill try to find more information in the meantime15:34
Miksag1"modprobe r8169" is that a command to run?15:34
wolsMiksag1: r8169 has been in the vanilla kernel for a long time. I have the same NIC btw15:35
Miksag1wait.. i read on the realtek site that it's r816815:35
=== Muntrue is now known as Mutnrue
mole112Miksagl : http://www.realtek.com.tw/downloads/downloadsView.aspx?Langid=1&PNid=13&PFid=5&Level=5&Conn=4&DownTypeID=3&GetDown=false15:35
=== Mutnrue is now known as Muntrue
mole112this is the source15:35
Miksag1they don't compile15:35
mole112Realtek site15:35
mole112can you pastebin the log15:35
Miksag1yeah, I download the linux ones, first in the table15:35
wolsmole112: not needed15:35
wolsMiksag1: don't15:35
venkyHi can any one tell me why i am getting this error ? Nautilus cannot handle computer: locations.15:36
mole112is it included in hardy15:36
mole112never checked?15:36
wolsMiksag1: sudo modprobe r8169;ifconfig15:36
wolsmole112: it is15:36
wolsmole112: grep R8169 /boot/config*15:36
Miksag1It just says that the aren't rulesin the make file15:36
axenoryMuntrue: it is not listed will it be compatible with others? same brand?15:36
wolsMiksag1: do not compile this kernel15:36
wolserm, this module15:36
venkyany one please?15:37
mole112I don't see the module15:37
wolsmole112: what do you see then?15:37
Miksag1I'm getting confused..15:37
mole112other rtl15:37
mole112but not 816915:37
Odd-rationale!pm > FF|h0lus15:37
ubottuFF|h0lus, please see my private message15:37
wolsmole112, Miksag1 http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?searchon=contents&keywords=r8169.ko&mode=exactfilename&suite=hardy&arch=any15:37
wolssee this? ubuntu has this driver by default15:38
warddrhow do I install google earth on ubuntu 8.04?15:38
mole112yeah it has15:38
GleepGlopFF|h0lus: here is my /etc/apt/sources.list in case you need it.  http://paste.ubuntu.com/29610/15:38
Odd-rationalewarddr: you can install it from the !medibuntu repo15:38
ubottumedibuntu is a repository of packages that cannot be included into the Ubuntu distribution for legal reasons - See http://www.medibuntu.org15:38
FF|h0lusOk openssh-server installed15:39
GleepGlopFF|h0lus: cool15:39
FF|h0lusI write ssh localhost and I have this information15:39
petersaintsguys... I have a TOSHIBA Laptop with a Intel Core 2 Duo T7500 processor (2.2GHz) + 2GB of RAM (DDR2-667MHz)15:39
petersaintsat the current date15:39
petersaintsshould I go for 32-bit or 64-bit?15:39
FF|h0lusthe authenticity of host "localhost" can't be estabished15:39
venkyHi can any one tell me why i am getting this error ? Nautilus cannot handle computer: locations.15:39
wolspetersaints: 32bit15:39
Odd-rationaleFF|h0lus: replace "localhost" with th ip address of the server machine...15:40
petersaintsyeah wols... I have tested it in a past and noticed no real performance increase between 32-bit and 64-bit (besides some heavy CPU tasks such as enconding)15:40
thunder85hi all15:41
PiciFF|h0lus: Thats a normal warning, you will always get that the first time you connect.15:41
Odd-rationaleOdd-rationale: and do "ssh <username_on_server>@(sever_ip_address) from the client machine...15:41
petersaintswhat I feel abour 64-bit (on any OS) is that for a common user the only real advantage is to support 4GB of RAM or more15:41
petersaintsam I right?15:41
npope32bit with PAE15:41
npopeoops thats Fedora as far as I know Ubuntu doesnt have any PAE kernels15:42
Picinpope: Only the -server kernel does, not the -generic one.15:42
cedxYou can address up to 64gb of Ram in a 32bit system using PAE15:42
Miksag1i think i worked it out; after more googling i found a forum thread15:42
WillLuongoMuntrue: I am not seeing anything there, unforunately...15:43
wolspetersaints: yes you're mostly right15:43
npopePici: thanks15:43
Miksag1I got the same error as the original author there.15:43
Miksag1thanks for your helps anyway :)15:43
MuntrueWillLuongo, Oke i will try to find more information15:43
petersaintsYes but currently I only have 2GB. All I want to know is that if I should go for 64-bit right now!! When I used 64-bit for a few days (some weeks ago) the only problem I've found with it was running some proprietary 32-bit compiled software15:44
=== betim is now known as b_
petersaintssometimes the compatibility layer offered by default on Ubuntu is not enough :P15:44
wolspetersaints: this is still the main problem15:44
smit1what is my name'15:44
smit1i can not get my soundblaster audigy se to work15:45
=== Granada is now known as izmeh
MuntrueWillLuongo, can you try ; sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart15:45
WillLuongoMuntrue: Sure, one minute please15:45
petersaintshowever I use 99% of software with 64-bit binaries available (from the repository or 3rd party)... The problema is if someday I need to install something that is 32-bit only and I'll have a lot of trouble making it work! :P15:46
WillLuongoMuntrue: It completed, I'll see if it helps15:46
Muntrueaxenory, How is it working out ?15:46
smit1i can not get my soundblaster audigy se to work15:46
hiptobecubici'm trying to build Desmume and it's giving the following error on make.  http://pastebin.com/m7f52a1ff15:46
hiptobecubicwhat does that mean?15:46
venkyHi . Is there any alternative for gksudo nautilus command ? i mean changing file permissions ?15:47
petersaintsof course if I had 4GB or more I would undoubtfully sacrifice myself and use 64-bit... But with 2GB is there really no point??15:47
axenoryMuntrue: I dont know it is not listed on the webpage.....15:47
wolspetersaints: why do you still ask. I told you long ago15:47
WillLuongoMuntrue: Doesn't look like it15:48
_THEGODanyone knows a tts engine ?15:48
axenoryMuntrue: I dunno where to get the drivers? should I look for the windoes *.inf ?15:48
_THEGODfor reading sourcecodes15:48
dngri can't get synaptic to downgrade firefox from 3.0.1 to 3.0 .. it wants to uninstall a lot of stuff and the version numbering jumps back automatically to 3.0.1 when i try to force it to 3.0...15:48
Muntrueaxenory, you can get the windows installer .exe and extract that with an app. wich i cant recall the name but i will look that up. then the .inf will be there15:48
MuntrueWillLuongo, oke im getting closer to some solid information.15:48
MuntrueWillLuongo, just to be sure, you are now connected to that same wireless with a different computer right ?15:49
smit1my soundblaster audigy se wont work15:49
WillLuongoMuntrue: Yes, two actually (well, an iphone and a coworker's laptop)15:49
wols!doesn't work | smit115:49
ubottusmit1: Doesn't work is a strong statement. Does it sit on the couch all day? Does it want more money? Is it on IRC all the time? Please be specific! Examples of what doesn't work tend to help too.15:49
petersaintsOk wols ;) I'll just keep 32-bit until I get 4GB or more of RAM (on a future laptop and/or desktop)!! I see development 64-bit for desktop computers like an assurance that when needed (because you have more RAM, etc) you'll be able to use it ;)15:50
MuntrueWillLuongo, iPhone, lucky ;)15:50
smit1i get no sound from my soundblaster audigy se15:50
WillLuongoMuntrue: :) That depends on your perspective, it is the more expensive first gen... :/15:50
MuntrueWillLuongo, run this; sudo gedit /etc/network/interfaces tell me whats there :)15:50
WillLuongoMuntrue: But I love it15:50
WillLuongoMuntrue: ok15:50
lsahi people, Im intro trouble, I cant uninstall kio-umountwrappe package after uninstalling kde.... I did it with synaptic, how can i uninstall that?15:51
SAngeligreetings, I am moving some data from linux to an external hd with NTFS. First I must change permission to allow all rights. --> Is it chown -R 777 *.*   <--15:51
MuntrueWillLuongo, we are only getting the iphone over here in holland, and even then im to poor to afford one haha15:51
petersaintsBTW have anyone tried KDE 4.1 RC1?? Is is stable for everyday use ??15:51
Sylphid|workSAngeli, chmod -R 777 *15:52
SAngeliSylphid|work: thanks.15:52
* krlos_ is away: Estoy ocupado15:52
geniipetersaints: Ask in #kubuntu-kde4 please15:52
petersaintsOk genii15:53
axenoryMuntrue: so Ndiswrapper works for any windows driver I want to install?15:53
WillLuongoMuntrue: Should I use gksu instead of sudo?15:53
Muntrueaxenory, No only wireless. And it is really picky about versions. you will also need to run a few more commands but i really advice you to read the ndiswrapper documentation15:53
axenoryMuntrue: ok I downloaded the windows installer.exe how do I extract it now?15:53
MuntrueWillLuongo, nah sudo will do fine15:53
bazhangsmit1, caps15:54
lsahttp://paste.ubuntu.com/29620/   can someone take a look and see if can find a solution?15:54
smit1how can i change the number of sides are on the cube, i only have two so it doesnt work15:54
blameCan you anyone suggest relatively easy solution for shaping and controling trafic on a SOHO-like network?15:54
WillLuongoMuntrue: It has the following two lines:15:54
Muntrueaxenory, I really have to direct you to the ndiswrapper documentation. i will look up the URL for you. It is really informative and helped me alot on setting things up.15:54
WillLuongoauto lo15:54
Muntrueaxenory, It has all the info you need15:54
WillLuongoiface lo inet loopback15:54
bazhangsmit1, go into ccsm and under general choose virtual horizontal desktops and switch to 415:54
venkyHi . Is there any alternative for gksudo nautilus command ? i mean changing file permissions ?15:54
lsasmit1, change the horizontal number of desktops15:54
WillLuongovenky: aside from chmod?15:55
axenoryMuntrue: Yea but you said that I have to extract the exe file... how do I do that in UBUNTU?15:55
venkyWillLungo : how to change with chmod ?15:55
bazhang!info cabextract15:55
ubottucabextract (source: cabextract): a program to extract Microsoft Cabinet files. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.2-2 (hardy), package size 52 kB, installed size 184 kB15:55
Muntrueaxenory, That part is also explained in the documentation. I really want to help you but ndiswrapper is complicated to explain over IRC.15:55
venkyWillLuongo : how to change with chmod ?15:55
ndoguys, i get this error what do i do? "Could not load the Host USB Proxy Service"15:55
WillLuongovenky: chmod 755 filename15:55
Muntrueaxenory, http://tinyurl.com/yc9t3a <- ndiswrapper documentation15:56
WillLuongovenky: where 755 is the permissions octet15:56
axenorymm ok thanks man!15:56
MuntrueWillLuongo, After reading some more forum posts i think you too will have to use ndiswrapper15:56
venkyWillLuongo : Is that octet to get write permission in a file?15:56
WillLuongovenky: you can also use chmod --h for more info15:56
smit1 how do i move the cube around15:56
WillLuongovenky: that will give your user read write execute, and I believe group and world read and write15:57
WillLuongoMuntrue: That is not good news at all. I've never gotten ndis to work for anything...15:57
bazhang!cube | smit115:57
ubottusmit1: Compiz-Fusion (and the older Compiz and Beryl) are window managers that employ the "composite" extension of X to draw windows using graphics cards' 3D hardware. They can additionally provide "desktop special effects" (such as the "cube") by means of plug-ins. Join #compiz-fusion for help and support with advanced features. See also « /msg ubotu compiz » and « /msg ubotu effects »15:57
venkyWillLuongo : Do you have any idea why gksudo nautilus is showing error ?15:57
WillLuongovenky: You will probably need to preface the command with sudo15:57
WillLuongovenky: do you have an example of the error?15:57
MuntrueWillLuongo, I got mine to work after some trial/error reading other peoples setup with the same card15:58
smit1what buttons do i press to rotate cube15:58
SAngeliSecond question: I have some files with latin accents, like à è à .. I do not know but I get errors when finding files like this "Register�.doc»:" saying that " Carattere multibyte o esteso non valido o incompleto"  --> what to do <-- how to avoid this?15:58
RickXdoes anyone know how to get a playlist from rhythm box printed to a cd cover?15:58
bazhangsmit1, /join #compiz-fusion15:58
venkyWillLuongo : Nautilus cannot handle computer: locations15:58
geniivenky: No, DON'T run Nautilus with sudo only as WillLuongo suggests. This will definitely mess it up for regular user. Use instead gksu nautilus15:58
MuntrueWillLuongo, I can give you this url of a forum post http://tinyurl.com/yrlafo It is for an older ubuntu version but it has some ideas15:59
WillLuongogenii: I suggested no such thing, I was telling him to use chmod15:59
MuntrueWillLuongo, Im sorry but except for ndiswrapper im out of ideas.15:59
fwaokdaI'm trying to figure out which parts I'm wanting to put together for a new computer, but I wanna make sure they work really well with Ubuntu.  Is there a list of preferred parts somwhere?  I would like it to all be recognized fairly easy and not have problems like I've had with my laptop installing so many extras to get stuff to work.15:59
WillLuongoMuntrue: Thanks for all of your time and help15:59
Muntruevenky, Whats wrong with running sudo nautilus.. i use that all the time15:59
geniiWillLuongo: "[10:57:46] <venky> WillLuongo : Do you have any idea why gksudo nautilus is showing error ?" "[10:57:50] <WillLuongo> venky: You will probably need to preface the command with sudo"15:59
oldenglis1I am trying to boot ubuntu off a thumb drive and keep getting dropped to a intramfs prompt, can someone please help me troubleshoot this??16:00
bazhang!info glabels16:00
ubottuglabels (source: glabels): label, business card and media cover creation program for GNOME. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.1.3-3 (hardy), package size 334 kB, installed size 1024 kB16:00
venkyWillLuongo : "Nautilus cannot handle computer: locations " . This is the error .16:00
WillLuongogenii: That wasn't a response to his line, I hadn't seen it yet... nor do I type quite that fast. :)16:00
smit1got it16:00
bazhangRickX, see above glabels16:00
WillLuongovenky: I don't know, did it work with chmod16:00
geniiWillLuongo: Ah, OK misunderstanding then16:00
venkygenii :  "Nautilus cannot handle computer: locations " . This is the error .16:00
stareuxexcuse me how can I write in the channel IRC "strong"16:00
RickXbazhang, does glabels import playlists?16:00
venkygenii : have any idea ?16:01
WillLuongogenii: It is better that you caught it though! :)16:01
baron1984Shipit is getting stingy, you used to not be able to make it out of there without 3 discs for PC, 3 for x86-64, and 3 for the Mac16:01
oldenglis1I am trying to boot ubuntu off a thumb drive and keep getting dropped to a intramfs prompt, can someone please help me troubleshoot this??16:01
baron1984I went back and asked for a PC disc and got declined cause I already have an x86-6416:01
bazhangRickX, thought you wanted to print cover art16:01
geniivenky: Not offhand, I haven't seen that one yet.16:01
hello_hello everybody16:01
MuntrueWillLuongo, i just remembered something16:01
RickXbazhang, I want to not have to type the playlist to a cd cover16:01
WillLuongoMuntrue: Good news I hope? :)16:01
geniiWillLuongo: Thanks for understanding16:02
venkygenii : it was working fine yesterday but today i have this error . I have not performed any updates and stuff16:02
WillLuongogenii: I hadn't seen those two lines next to each other, so I was a little taken aback! lol16:02
xifHi. Can I configure auto-update to update automatically in the background, without waiting for my confirmation?16:02
MuntrueWillLuongo, I know there is a list of linux drivers made by some guy in hes spare time16:02
MuntrueWillLuongo, that covers 90% of all wireless devices16:02
FF|h0lusI try install the sbnc and i must write command ./configure --enable-ssl , I write this and I have error : checking for g++ and more ALL "NO" checking for C++ compiler default output file name... configure: error: c++ compiler cannot create executbles , before I install apache2 and ssl certificate16:02
axenoryMuntrue: The  wireless adapter is USB not PCI, It says to use lspci.... consequently I tried to use lsusb but .... it doesnt say any relevant information16:02
* baron1984 thinks it's not long til Shipit gets shut down totally16:02
izmehis there an ctrl+alt+del equivelent?16:03
axenoryMuntrue:  I know this is The ADAPTER Bus 005 Device 005: ID 157e:300716:03
smit1how can i get extra effects in compiz, the chat is empty16:03
lsahow do i uninstall kio-umountwrapper16:03
stareuxbaron1984 how do you write in this form please?16:03
oldenglis1I am trying to boot ubuntu off a thumb drive and keep getting dropped to a intramfs prompt, can someone please help me troubleshoot this??16:03
Xecuterhey! anyone now a good way to tweak the ubuntu boot-process?16:03
KnomeDEi just installed a new wireless card in my laptop, can someone run me through how to set it up?16:03
Picibaron1984: We are not ShipIt support, so we really can't help you with this.16:03
axenorysmit1: what do you mean?16:03
smit1i want snow, etc16:03
kuntehey need some solutions to fedora pls concerning yum16:03
The-CompilerFF|h0lus: try "sudo apt-get install build-essential"16:03
kuntei cant get yum to work16:04
bazhangkunte, #fedora16:04
smit1axenory, i need more effects16:04
Muntrueaxenory, you can look for the ID in the ndiswrapper list16:04
Picikunte: You're in #ubuntu16:04
izmehlsa try sudo apt-get remove kio...16:04
kuntei have the cElement. error16:04
axenorysmit1:  you can always add morecompiz effects in the URL gnome-look.org16:04
MuntrueWillLuongo, Luckely for you there is an entire ubuntu document about your wireless device lol16:04
bazhangkunte, not here16:04
stareuxme pense16:04
smit1axenory:  thanks16:04
axenorysmit1: there is a link named COMPIZ16:04
stareuxme/ penses16:04
lsaizmeh, i get an error16:04
Ahadiel!ccsm | smit116:04
ubottusmit1: ccsm is To enable advanced customization of desktop effects in Ubuntu 8.04 (Hardy), install 'compizconfig-settings-manager' or 'simple-ccsm'. If you install the latter, a new option will appear in your appearance properties - See also !compiz - Help in #compiz-fusion16:04
FF|h0lusThe-Compiler Downloading...:)16:04
* stareux pense16:04
nhoultI am trying to install Ubuntu in a KVM using ubuntu-vm-builder and I am getting this problem in 8.04 host: http://paste.ubuntu.com/29623/ ideas why the losetup is displaying the help?16:04
WillLuongoMuntrue: !16:05
axenorysmit1: you can also visit art-gnome.org and never forget google.com lolz16:05
MuntrueWillLuongo, http://tinyurl.com/kwnr7 this meight be of some help16:05
MuntrueWillLuongo, Also, since this has happened after an update. i think somehow you installed a duplicate driver of the device16:05
MuntrueWillLuongo, so you could try and see wich driver it uses and reinstall that. and try to reinstall it again16:06
pr0ggieDoes anyone know if linux-header files are included in the default Ubuntu Hardy installation ?16:06
Xecuterhow can i tweak the boot process?16:06
WillLuongoMuntrue: I will keep trying with this information. Thanks!16:06
MuntrueWillLuongo, No problem i hope it works out. glad to be of some help16:06
CollapZquestion: whats the difference between the CD and the DVD image of ubuntu 8.0416:07
Muntrueaxenory, can you give me that ID again ?16:07
oldenglis1I am trying to boot ubuntu off a thumb drive and keep getting dropped to a intramfs prompt, can someone please help me troubleshoot this??16:07
Raz0Rhey ive been runing my wireless adapter with an ndiswrapper driver, but ive just found a linux driver for my chipset, how would i replace the ndiswrapper one?16:08
KnomeDEhow do i set up anew wireless card?16:08
mickruany idea how to globally enable core dumps? ulimit -c should do the job, but I read that one should use /etc/security/limits.conf. But those settings are not picked up...16:09
Muntrueaxenory, What card did you have again ?16:09
CollapZa lot of questions but no answers =/16:09
Muntrueaxenory, I have to leave in a few minutes but i have found this out16:10
The-CompilerFF|h0lus: did it work?16:10
hiptobecubichttp://pastebin.com/m7f52a1ff      What happened here? i was 'make'-ing and it failed but i don't recognize the problem.16:10
FF|h0lusThe-Compiler Yes big thx !:*16:10
Muntrueaxenory, Your usb device has the 157e:3007 ID wich uses the net5523 driver16:11
The-CompilerFF|h0lus: okay, np ;)16:11
PiciCollapZ: The DVD includes portions of the Universe repository.16:11
Raz0Rcan anyone tell me if i need to remove ndiswrapper?16:11
th0rMuntrue, is there a cross-reference somewhere you are getting that info from?16:11
bazhanghttp://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=412162 CollapZ16:11
Muntrueth0r, there is. There is a list from ndiswrapper that shows different card IDs and gives you their drivers16:12
nhoultAnyone tried setting up a KVM guest install using ubuntu-vm-builder?16:12
biebI have a fresh install of 8.04, Firefox 3 randomly shuts down. What/How do I determine the cause of this?16:12
Muntrueth0r, however i got this by doing a google search on that ID wich clearly states the driver to be used ;)16:12
bazhangKnomeDE, usb or pci (external or internal)16:12
bazhangbieb, how many extensions16:12
Xecuterdoes anyone know how i can tweak the boot process?16:13
th0rMuntrue, the one I was searching for wasn't in google....if I install ndiswrapper will the list come with it?16:13
bieblet me check that Bazhang16:13
bebrawdoes anyone know a program/script that can be used to print images of given directory in thumbnail form (printed page contains thumbs with name)?16:13
Muntrueth0r, no its on the internet. let me see if i can find it again16:13
biebbazhang: the only extension is the "Ubuntu Firefox Modifications 0.5"16:14
Muntrueth0r, http://tinyurl.com/ytevat16:14
MalgaurIs there a free weblog application for linux?  Basically I want to see a list of websites are being visted and by what IP.16:14
th0rMuntrue, thanks16:14
bazhangbieb, how much ram, what other special effects (ie compiz) running, how many flash tabs open etc16:14
venkyHI . sudo chmod g+wx filename  . Does this command give write permissions to a file ?16:15
Muntrueth0r, No problem16:15
netcrashMalgaur: awstats16:15
jpdsvenky: To the group, yes.16:15
mickruanyone tried to enable core dumps?16:15
ndoguys, i cant modify user and groups, iven if i run it "sudo users-admin". why?16:16
=== daubers_ is now known as daubers
MuntrueWillLuongo, axenory I have to go now. i hope to catch you guys on here again see if you found any solutions16:16
rambo3ndo you mean gksudo16:16
venkyjpds : but when i am saving a file then it is not allowing.16:16
WillLuongoMuntrue: Thanks again for all your help!16:16
Malgaurnetcrash, thanks16:16
jpdsvenky: Can't you use: "gksudo gedit" the file?16:16
biebbazhang: 2gb RAM, no special effects.. currently 3 tabs with flash (it is the side ads on howtoforge.org)16:16
bazhanghttp://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=512084 mickru16:17
venkyjpds : how to use that commad ?16:17
venkycommand **16:17
ndorambo3:systel/administration/usersand groups  i try to change some group, but i cant change there anything, and even if i run in terminal as sudo, even so i cant edit anything16:17
biebbazhang is that link for me??16:17
ndorambo3: what gksudomeans?16:18
jpdsvenky: Press: Alt+F216:18
bazhangbieb, imo get adblockplus, limit open flash tabs for starters16:18
jpds!gksudo | ndo16:18
ubottundo: If you need to run graphical applications as root, use « gksudo », as it will set up the environment more appropriately. Never just use "sudo"! (See http://psychocats.net/ubuntu/graphicalsudo to know why)16:18
mickrubazhang, thanks I will try that16:18
ndojpds: ty:)16:18
biebbazhang: adblockplus is an extension?16:19
venkyjpds : after pressing alt+f2 should i use gksudo nautilus ?16:19
bazhangbieb, yes16:19
ndostill cant change anything in the "manage groups" menu16:19
biebthanks bazhang I will grab it now16:19
bazhanghttps://addons.mozilla.org/firefox/addon/1865 bieb16:20
eadali be16:20
Picieada: stop16:20
bazhangeada, english16:20
bazhangbieb, I would also check if you have any fancy themes going; some are not that well done and could conflict with ff16:21
rageWhich plugin compiz plugin is responsible for drawing unfocused window titles half transparent?16:21
ndoohh, dint saw unlock button..16:22
biebbazhang: I am boring, I use the standard theme that installs by default with Ubuntu16:22
Picirage: #compiz-fusion would be a best place to ask that16:22
ragePici: Yeah, :-/ there now, thought it might be worth a shot16:22
ReadNASGood morning16:23
xifCan I configure auto-update to update automatically in the background, without waiting for my confirmation?16:24
SAngeliSecond question: I have some files with latin accents, like à è à .. I do not know but I get errors when finding files like this "Register�.doc»:" saying that " Carattere multibyte o esteso non valido o incompleto"  --> what to do <-- how to avoid this?16:24
Shish_hey, how do i close my "existing firefox process"?16:24
baron1984hmmm, experiencing the same ACPI funkyness on hardy that I did on several other distributions, it was worth a shot16:24
XecuterShish_, you press the x up in the right corner :P16:25
baron1984the only thing that fixes it is kernel 2.6.26 and it's new ACPI disassembler16:25
Malgaurnetcrash, it appears that awstats logs traffic to a particular webpage...  I want to see what traffic is leaving my network to the internet to see where which websites the computers on my network are visiting.  Do you know of software to do this?16:25
baron1984how would I build a 2.6.26 kernel package for Ubuntu?16:25
Shish_Xecuter: lol, yea yea.. lol... i force quit firefox, and now i cant open another firefox windwo -- its askign me to close the existing process16:26
SeveredCrosskillall firefox-bin16:26
XecuterShish_, hehe killall firefox16:26
Shish_Xecuter: i can just type that word for word in terminal?16:27
smit1i dont want a password to login, how do i get rid of it16:27
mickru(core dumps) that didn't help. The ulimit -c does however report the desired size, but no core dump file has been created16:27
XecuterShish_, yes, except the hehe16:27
XecuterShish_, think its "killall firefox-bin" actually16:28
Shish_Xecuter: hahaha, thanks man, it totally worked, much appreciated!16:28
XecuterShish_, np ;)16:28
=== J-_ is now known as J_-
smit1how do i moniter temps with lm sensors16:29
Mr_Bad_Newscan anyone help me with a wireless problem , after a couple of minutes my card just stops working16:29
henriHow to add "Applications", "Places" and "System"-buttons back to my bar?16:30
Nilehello everybody16:31
Nileare there any italians?16:31
ubottuVai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie!16:31
HorizonXPhey, is there a way to make Pidgin flash or something when I'm messaged, like MSN does?16:31
IrishPunk<----Italian herritage :)16:31
=== gub is now known as aaa
leftyfbHorizonXP: the im window pops up and the taskbar item flashes already16:32
legend2440henri: right click panel>add to panel>menu bar16:32
fwaokdaanyone here good at putting together a good ubuntu desktop that could later be upgraded with video cards for gaming?16:32
KiPSeRoN/echo returns (television  [1s]) (total away time: 1s)16:32
HorizonXPleftyfb: my IM windows pop up behind other windows, and I don't see the taskbar flashing; i have mine on autohide16:32
Raz0Rcan anyone help me install my wifi drivers?16:33
netcrashMalgaur: ntop16:33
henrilegend2440: thanks!16:33
baron1984Ubuntu should point and drool your wireless for you16:33
baron1984if it doesn't work already16:33
Raz0Rbaron1984 i need to set up the driver for it16:33
johnnyHow do I get network working with win xp as a guest os in kvm on a ubuntu 8.04 machine?16:33
KiPSeRoNreturns (s [1s]) (total away time: 1s)16:34
Raz0Rbaron1984 its not recognising my device16:34
baron1984Raz0R: lspci, see what chipset it uses16:35
baron1984I'm guessing not Intel, Ralink, or Broadcom16:35
baron1984if it uses Atheros, I think you need madwifi16:36
=== matthew_ is now known as bash3ll
swirvok.. big problem with Evolution .. no the program.. it crashes every time I try to reply or create email.. I can type a few chars then my world goes grey...:(16:36
baron1984and a copy of the Windows driver16:36
Raz0Rbaron i looked at the chip and the chipset is a realtek 8185L. i have the native linux drivers from the realtek site16:36
swirvooh the 8185l ...like in the MSI Wind.16:36
Raz0Rswirv well this is a belkin f5d700016:37
Raz0Rbut i think this chip is used in a lot of cards16:37
Raz0Rbaron1984 any ideas how i set up the drivers?16:37
swirvI have a Wind and getting wireless to work in Ubuntu is a pain.16:37
Raz0Rswirv correct :)16:38
baron1984Raz0R: http://locoteam.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=70885016:38
Raz0Ri had it working with ndiswrapper and windows driver16:38
Raz0Rbut no encryption :(16:38
baron1984looks like it's probably loading the wrong driver16:38
baron1984blacklist them and reboot til you find the right one16:38
swirvI got the latest driver from their site working ..but I have to sudo a script to bring up the wlan every time...16:38
swirvI had to compile the driver ...16:39
Raz0Rbaron1984 its not loading any driver as far as i can tell16:39
joker2048_does anyone knows how to install openvz on a ubuntu hardy (64bit) my installation produces only 32bit openvz...16:41
Harakirihello there16:41
diegohi ppl, just a question, i have an Ati video card, (i was using it) but i reinstalled ubuntu and now when i try to "Enable Efects" i can't and when i see the xorg log i its giving me this:16:42
diego(II) RADEONHD(0): Query for AtomBIOS Get Panel EDID: failed16:42
diego(WW) RADEONHD(0): DACBSenseCRT: connector type 4 is not supported.16:42
Lusulehi, i'd really appreciate some help with a problem i'm having with gtk+ displaying themes, as per this screenshot:  http://imagebin.ca/view/7ocfm5.html   - the output when i start the appearance window is here:  http://pastebin.com/d5d45e3316:42
ATA_Dark_Shadowgreetings, how do i set a keymap via commandline?16:42
guruzCan anyone tell me the state of the ubuntu mobile netbook remix?16:45
swirvdiego did you install the ati drivers and the xorg-ati ?16:45
swirvguruz .. I can.. it works very well on the MSI Wind16:46
=== bazhang is now known as jokey
jpdsguruz: Try #ubuntu-mobile16:47
swirvThe only hang up with Ubuntu netbook on the Wind is the pos wireless card.. problem solved with replaceing the card with an intel abgn card.16:47
=== jokey is now known as bazhang
guruzjpds: thx16:47
Sylphid|workATA_Dark_Shadow, https://help.ubuntu.com/xubuntu/desktopguide/C/switch-keyboard-layout.html16:47
amfwrkI have both tk8.4/8.5 installed on 8.04, I want to use 8.5 by default how do I switch without removing 8.4?16:47
guruzswirv: hum...16:47
Mr_DuckHi, I'm trying to install ubuntu to my laptop as a dual boot. When I try to partition the drive using the partitioner on the Ubuntu disk, I get an error that says "Resize operation failure. An error occurred while writing the changes to the storage devices. The resize operation has been aborted."16:47
guruzswirv: i have an acer aspire one16:47
Mr_DuckDoes anyone know how to fix this?16:48
=== imagandi is now known as anewbie
Sylphid|workATA_Dark_Shadow, also try sudo dpkg-reconfigure console-setup16:48
Sylphid|workATA_Dark_Shadow, http://www.howtoforge.com/changing-language-and-keyboard-layout-on-various-linux-distributions16:49
legend2440Raz0R: have you seen this?   https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Device/F5D700016:50
Abedi am trying to convert ogg files to mp3 using ffmpeg but when i use acodec mp3 it tells me unsupported stream#016:50
pale-yafahi, I have ubuntu installed on the whole hard drive, and I need to install xp because I need to test some stuff, can I install xp inside ubuntu?16:50
drenzhi all anyone know about HLDS? on linux i cant start it16:50
bazhang!vm | pale-yafa16:50
ubottupale-yafa: There are several solutions for running other operating systems (or their programs) inside Ubuntu, while using the native CPU as much as possible: !QEmu (with !KQemu), !VirtualBox, !VMWare, as well as !WINE and !Cedega for Windows applications16:51
SoopaI have my conky update_interval set to 1.0, but it only seems to refresh every 5 seconds.. anyone know a reason for this?16:51
drenzhi all anyone know about HLDS? on linux i cant start it16:51
wishiei cant for the life of me, get xine/kaffeine to play mkv files properly. The video shows, but no audio (the audio is using ogg vorbis i believe)16:51
bazhangwishie, use vlc16:51
jpds!info mplayer | wishie16:51
ubottuwishie: mplayer (source: mplayer): The Ultimate Movie Player For Linux. In component multiverse, is extra. Version 2:1.0~rc2-0ubuntu13 (hardy), package size 4244 kB, installed size 9892 kB16:51
wishiemy god16:51
jpdswishie: No, that's no tme.16:52
Sylphid|workIm looking to get a replacement minipci wireless device as I am having range issues with my current broadcom and atheros cards... can anyone tell me if an intel 2915 is a good buy and if not any reccommendations?16:52
wishieif i wanted to know about vlc (yuk) or mplayer (i have installed already) i would have asked about those things.16:52
bazhangwishie, is compiz enabled16:52
ShinjinAkageCan you use the alt+num combinations on linux?16:53
drenzhi all anyone know about HLDS? on linux i cant start it ?16:53
wishieat the moment, yes. cant see why that would stop xine (and not mplayer) from playing ogg audio16:53
Abedi am trying to convert ogg files to mp3 using ffmpeg but when i use acodec mp3 it tells me unsupported stream#016:53
pale-yafabazhang: so is it possible or not? wine is not that good, I need the whole thing16:53
Sklaskodrenz, what's the issue?16:53
* Abed help16:54
ShinjinAkageHow do you do alt key combinations on linux?16:54
* Abed help16:54
drenzSklasko:  i try to start with this command16:54
drenz./hlds_run -game cstrike +ip ip.de.internet +sv_lan 1 -nomaster +maxplayers 18 +map de_dust216:54
drenzand sayin16:54
bazhangpale-yafa, check out virtualbox16:54
jpds!ask | Abed16:54
ubottuAbed: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)16:54
drenzSklasko:  and sayin16:54
drenzNING: UDP_OpenSocket: port: 27015  bind: Address already in use16:54
drenzFATAL ERROR (shutting down): Couldn't allocate dedicated server IP port 2716:54
drenzNING: UDP_OpenSocket: port: 27015  bind: Address already in use16:55
drenzFATAL ERROR (shutting down): Couldn't allocate dedicated server IP port 2716:55
jpds!pastebin | drenz16:55
drenzTue Sep 24 21:54:13 CEST 2002: Server Quit16:55
ubottudrenz: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)16:55
Trumpfany one can help me with bmc43xx firmware to ubuntu?16:55
bazhangwishie, you need a solution? try one click disabling compiz (fusion-icon) and see; there is a known bug with a video driver and compiz16:55
Abedi am trying to convert ogg files to mp3 using ffmpeg but when i use acodec mp3 it tells me unsupported stream#016:55
legend2440Abed: in synaptic  package named  soundconverter  (GNOME application to convert audio files into other formats)  may work better16:55
Abedlegend2440, thnx16:55
Abed i will try it16:55
Raz0Rlegend2440 i want to use the linux drivers16:55
Raz0Rlegend2440 do you know how i would do this?16:56
tech404I have a file called .suspended in my root directory owned by root... I want to know what it is and why it is there.... could it be from a failed attempt to suspend the computer? Can I delete it?16:56
Raz0Rlegend2440 i have the drivers16:56
Raz0Ri just dont know how to specify them for the card16:56
Abedlegend2440, i would like to use command line exactly ffmpeg16:56
wishiebazhang: video works fine. its the audio im having trouble with.16:56
Trumpfany one can help me with bmc43xx firmware to ubuntu?16:57
Raz0Rcan anyone tell me how to install a driver for my wireless adapter. its not a windows driver.16:57
venkyHi can any one tell me why i am getting this error ? Nautilus cannot handle computer: locations.16:57
bazhangwishie, try setting sound to alsa instead of autodetect16:57
legend2440Raz0R: read post #97   http://egypt.ubuntuforums.com/showthread.php?t=571046&page=1016:57
Mr_DuckHi, I'm trying to install ubuntu to my laptop as a dual boot. When I try to partition the drive using the partitioner on the Ubuntu disk, I get an error that says "Resize operation failure. An error occurred while writing the changes to the storage devices. The resize operation has been aborted."16:57
Mr_DuckDoes anyone know how to fix this?16:58
wishiebazhang: it is. all audio works, EXCEPT ogg audio16:58
bert1is there a way i can make my root password simple, like 4 letters? ubuntu disallows this, forcing me to use a 7-word/2-number password (because mine is "too simple". while this isn't a huge deal, its annoying and unnecessary and wasn't there in previous versions. does anyone know a work-around this nannying?16:58
wishiebazhang: kaffeine/xine/codecs are all up to date16:58
tech404Mr_Duck: Have you checked to make sure you have space and defragmented the drive?16:58
=== KiPSeRoN is now known as KiPSeRoN`away
Mr_DuckI have space16:58
Mr_Duckbut I haven't defragmented16:58
reconbert1: Well, first off, you shouldn't really have a root password.16:59
Mr_Duckah okl16:59
bazhangwishie,  you may wish to /join #kaffeine16:59
reconbert1: ideally, you should be using sudo and the like.16:59
Mr_DuckI can do that through windows can't i?16:59
reconbert1: if you really want a root password, use "sudo passwd root".16:59
tech404Mr_Duck: I would try that as a first step.... yes, there is a defragmenting tool16:59
bert1recon: perhaps i'm confusing my terms. i want to change whatever the password is that i have to enter whenever i login, enter into keyring manager, or install updates or access synaptic and whatnot. thats what i would like to simplify16:59
KattmanMr_Duck: drefag in save mode17:00
reconbert1: then that would be _your_ password, not the root password. Simply use "sudo passwd [insertyourusernamehere]".17:00
Mr_Ducksafe mode?17:00
dmacnuttwhy are you defraggina a linux filesystem17:00
bert1recon, like, "sudo passwd bert new-password-here" ??17:00
Mr_Duckits a dualboot17:00
jbroomedmacnutt: why aren't you comprehending what is written17:01
Mr_Duckim having trouble partitioning dmacnutt17:01
tech404dmacnutt: he is not... hes defragmenting a NTFS fs so he can squish it17:01
reconbert1: no, just "sudo passwd bert" and then follow the prompts.17:01
jbroomebert1: you don't need sudo to change your password17:01
Raz0Rlegend: i have done the unpacking of the driver with ./makedrv, but when i try to ./wlan0up i get unknown device. do i need to reboot?17:01
dmacnuttget rid of the windows and you'll be fine17:01
jay_I recently installed Ubuntu and installed both macromedia flash and have gnash installed and cant load youtube videos or any video online , any ideas?17:01
bert1Hh - recon, jbroome - i think i've got it. thanks!17:01
tech404Mr_Duck: you may want to use jkdefrag it is free and is better at moving the data to the front of the partition.. safe mode would be a good idea17:02
Abedi am trying to convert ogg files to mp3 using ffmpeg but when i use acodec mp3 it tells me unsupported stream#017:02
IdleOnejay_, are you using the NoScript addon for firefox?17:02
Mr_Duckwhere do i get this17:02
jay_i dont think so let me check17:02
tech404google it17:02
WillLuongoHello, after i ran the last batch of updates, my wifi stopped working. Any ideas?17:02
tech404its the first one17:02
amenadobert1-> if you really want to...look indepth into PAM  modules specifically common-password17:02
Raz0RJay  try removing gnash it worked for me17:03
jay_will try , i dont think i am running no scripts though on firefox17:03
jay_going to uninstall gnash17:03
Raz0Rjay_  you may also want to try installing the beta 10 of flash17:04
amenadoWillLuongo-> what happened? were you using wireless at the time you were updating? did you reboot? tell the whole story17:04
Raz0Rjay_ if uninstalling gnash doesnt work anyway17:04
Mr_Ducktech left :<17:05
=== rgreg is now known as Anscombe
jay_to remove gnash, thats sudo apt-get remove gnash?17:05
=== Raven is now known as Ravenn
Trumpfany one can help me with bmc43xx firmware to ubuntu? If you can send me a PM17:05
AnscombeHi. Ive just installed ubuntu and the screen res is huge. There's no option for 1280x1024, what do I do?17:05
WillLuongoamenado: I was using wireless. I reset my computer after updating. It came back up, and is present in ifconfig etc. However, now it won't connect, it just keeps cycling and asking me for the key17:05
=== Ravenn is now known as Raven9144
jbroome!resolution | Anscombe17:05
ubottuAnscombe: The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto17:05
RaheemTrumpf, what exactly is the issue ? & which version rev. 1 or rev. 2 ?17:05
swirvDoes anyone know if there is an evolution(the email client) channel17:06
Raven9144my bluetooth adapter has stopped being recognized by ubuntu any idea on what to do next?17:06
bert1my firefox freezes alot on flash-based websites and crashes with the error "segmentation fault". it happens frequently but not in any discernible pattern. i'll browse youtube (or a similar flash site) and randomly one video will cause seg-fault and bam -  instant crash. any suggestions?17:06
amenadoWillLuongo-> try to re setup your AP without encryption and test it again..i dislike wpa/wpa2 myself but its your systems..so troubleshoot away17:07
WillLuongoamenado: Unfortunately it isn't my system, that is not an option I have17:07
sekilI keep getting apps crashing when opening/saving files17:08
sekilsegfault occurs17:08
amenadoWillLuongo-> it is not your system but you are updating the system?17:08
WillLuongoamenado: I am sorry, I didn't say that clearly. It isn't my access point17:08
WillLuongoWillLuongo: It is WEP anyway17:09
WillLuongoamenado: It is WEP anyway, sorry17:09
amenadoWillLuongo-> well, you have to have your wifi first detect the AP, then associate, but with encryption keys on the way..good luck17:09
zizou03Hello.. I was wondering if anyone could help me out setting up my kubuntu home server <_<17:09
WillLuongoIt does detect17:10
WillLuongoamenado: It does detect, and says this network needs a key17:10
WillLuongoamenado: I put in the key, it cycles a bit, then asks me again17:10
bazhangWillLuongo, you are trying to use a neighbors ap?17:10
WillLuongobazhang: LOL no, I am at work17:10
ice_creamhmm.. ubuntu server is 558mb?!17:10
ice_creami think i'm getting the wrong one, iirc17:11
amenadoWillLuongo-> perhaps you have to call your IT support so they allow you to get in :P17:11
ice_creamshouldnt it be like 300mb at most17:11
WillLuongoamenado: I was on the network, I have other devices on the network still17:11
jay_ok i got flash video on you tube to work by: uninstalling gnash, then had to goto firefox and i had 2 flash versions 8 and 9 in the plugins tabs, i disabled version 8 then enabled it again and it works great now!17:12
amenadoWillLuongo-> as i have stated, i dislike encryption (in the wireless level)..can't help you much there17:12
ahornerI just woke up and my pc said "Failed to sleep" and "Failed to Hibernate" when I turned it on. Now, there's multicolored garbage under my windows where the shadows should be.17:12
WillLuongoamenado: Thank you anyway for your time17:12
zvacetice_cream : it is 558MB17:13
ice_creamoh, i think i was looking at the wrong page..  by default "get ubuntu" brings you to the wrong, bulky server files17:13
joks/sbin/iptables -A acctboth -s -p all -i << whats that exactly ?17:13
legend2440Raz0R: i think the realtek driver you have is for older kernel. try this looks promising.     http://willdaniels.co.uk/articles/howto-guides/10-howto/12-r8180-hardy17:13
ice_creamperhaps i should just get minimal..17:13
ice_creambasically the same thing17:13
chupyi have a problem i compile gtksee but when i open it it closes alone this is what i got http://paste.ubuntu.com/29640/ what can i do?17:13
ice_creamzvacet, e.g. Ubuntu 8.04 "Hardy Heron" Minimal CD 9.5MB*17:14
nirutohttp://veronlinepeliculas.blogspot.com who can see videos from vreel under ubuntu ?17:14
* ice_cream is on the right page now17:14
chupy i have a problem i compile gtksee but when i open it it closes alone this is what i got http://paste.ubuntu.com/29640/ what can i do?17:14
zvacet    ice_cream : you asked for server not minimal17:15
Luhtais anyone knowledgeable enough to help me diagnose an nvidia driver that appears to be working but isn't scoring near where it should on glxgears17:15
ahornerI just woke up and my PC said "Failed to sleep" and "Failed to Hibernate" when I turned it on. Now, there's multicolored garbage under my windows where the shadows should be.17:15
ice_creamserver should be minimal in size by definition.17:15
chupy i have a problem i compile gtksee but when i open it it closes alone this is what i got http://paste.ubuntu.com/29640/ what can i do?17:15
bazhangniruto, it crashes firefox17:16
chupy i have a problem i compile gtksee but when i open it it closes alone this is what i got http://paste.ubuntu.com/29640/ what can i do?17:16
bazhang!info gtksee17:16
ubottuPackage gtksee does not exist in hardy17:16
nirutobazhang : you can see some videos ?17:16
ice_creamnow that i think about it, if i want updated server, isnt server edition completely pointless (why not minimal, then dl latest versions of everything ...)17:16
chupyi konw i compile it17:16
bazhangniruto, no it crashes firefox17:16
Picichupy: What is it?17:16
nirutobazhang:one solucion ?17:17
tmccraryIs there a way to get wacom devices working in hardy?17:17
zvacetice_cream : we can discuss later what should or should not be but you can look http://psychocats.s465.sureserver.com/ubuntu/minimal17:17
tmccraryIt used to work but upgrading to hardy fubared it17:17
bazhangniruto, avoid that web page17:17
chupyi cmpile gtkse sucsesfuly but when i open it i got this http://paste.ubuntu.com/29640/17:17
bazhangchupy, what is GTKsee17:17
chupyis a program of images17:17
ice_creamzvacet, why would i need that17:17
chupyis to see images17:18
chupywhat can i do?? it crashes?17:18
Picichupy: That software has not been developed for nearly 4 years.  It is likely not compatible with the libraries that we currently use.  I suggest you find a more recent program, there are many image viewers in the repositories.17:19
zvacetice_cream : it has lin for minimal but you find it allerady so never mind17:19
=== _lifi is now known as lifi
chupybut i need something like acdsee17:19
simooHi, where can I download the source code for the netbook-remix launcher?17:19
chupywell tanhk you bye17:20
Raven9144anyone know a decent bluetooth manager?17:20
bazhanghttp://linuxmini.blogspot.com/2007/10/acdsee-alternative-in-linux-eye-of.html chupy17:21
bazhangoh he left17:21
Picisimoo: apt-get source packagename17:21
simooI am not using Ubuntu myself at the moment, can I download it without apt?17:21
simooPici: thanksI am not using Ubuntu myself at the moment, can I download it without apt?17:22
drenzhi all anyone know how to run HLDS server when linux started up automatic?17:22
Picisimoo: If you know the package name, you should be able to find it on packages.ubuntu.com17:22
ekontsevoywhen I am on OSX, man command has a nice syntax highlight: command switches and other keywords are green, whereas on Ubuntu/Linux man only uses bold font for certain keywords. HOWEVER, when I ssh into Ubuntu from a Mac, I still get green keywords in man output, i.e. it's a terminal thing. How can I configure Gnome's terminal app to do the same?17:22
simooPici: ok I'll have a look, cheers17:22
drenzhi all anyone know how to run HLDS server when linux started up automatic?17:23
ldiamondI want to install Ubuntu on my server, however, I need drivers to support my RAID card (Highpoint rocketraid 1640)17:23
lonejackhi, I would like to install subversion but it requires berkeley db. what packet have I to install from synaptic?17:24
pale-yafawhich package in the synaptic is this qt 3.3.517:24
ldiamondIs there a way to add the drivers to the installation or something?17:24
=== Granada is now known as izmeh
drenzwhy i cant paste on /usr/ ??17:24
drenzwhy i cant paste on /usr/ ?? i use ubuntu 617:24
ldiamonddo you have write access?17:25
tazzguys any free dns resolution service ip at hand?17:25
jbroomedrenz: need to use sudo to write to /usr/17:25
Trumpfany one can help me with bmc43xx firmware to ubuntu? If you can send me a PM17:25
drenzjbroome:  how to do that17:25
ubottuHelp with Broadcom bcm43xx can be found at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WifiDocs/Driver/Broadcom43xx17:25
ldiamondtazz, you might want to rephrase that17:25
tazzldiamond, my dns servers are not working17:25
PiciTrumpf: sorry, wrong person.17:25
Odd-rationaletazz: you mean like openDNS ?17:25
tazzOdd-rationale, yup17:26
jbroometazz: OpenDNS home17:26
FloodBot1jbroome: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.17:26
tazzjbroome,  thanks :)17:26
jbroomesilly paste17:26
bXiis there a way to bring ubuntu back to the state it was installed?17:26
Odd-rationaletazz: yeah. http://opendns.com/17:26
bXieg remove all packages that arent on a standard install17:26
rambo3bXi: no17:26
tazzlol Odd-rationale that wont help i needed the ip, i cant resolve domains ;)17:26
bXihmmm smells like i need to reinstall then17:26
tazzyay!! dns working again17:28
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ahornerI restarted my machine and now the sound doesnt work. I changed all the drivers around and still nothing17:28
TonKiahorner:  checked mixer settings?17:29
ahornertonki: yes17:30
TonKiok ;)17:30
ahornerand its still not working DX17:30
Ravenmy bluetooth adapter is not working right how can i troubleshoot it?17:31
jimdbhi guys.  have a question.  i have a linux box set to share files.  I created user accounts on the linux box corresponding to users that will be connecting to it from Windows xp and vista.  These users have access to existing files that will be edited and where new files and folders will be created.  The problem I'm having is that when new files and folders are created that person that created them is the only one allowed to edit/delete. 17:31
Trumpfany one can help me with bmc43xx firmware to ubuntu? If you can send me a PM17:32
TonKicables? ;) , what chip is it, have you updated you system before rebooting?17:32
=== ne2k__ is now known as qq{ne2k__}
geniijimdb: in smb.conf put something like create mode = 77517:32
TrumpfThe link someone sendt i dont get it17:32
Trumpftonki wash it to me17:33
TonKino ahorner17:33
Anscombei just edited my X11/xorg.conf file and now get "Cannot display this video mode, change computer display input to 1280x1024 @ 60hz" and cant view the screen now17:33
TonKiAnscombe:  restart in safe-mode and fix the graphic settings17:33
Luukje<-- eten enzo17:34
dasormhi i got a question concerning jikes-sun package, seems it's not working with the new jdk, #debian says for legal reaons but other distros seem to have no problem, what will ubuntu do about it?17:34
piko_waterany body using tiscali?17:34
JC_Denton_I added my laptop hd using a ide adapter like this:  http://www.laptoprepair101.com/laptop/2006/02/16/connect-laptop-hard-drive-to-desktop-computer/ but fdisk says it cannot read the disk :s its showing up as a scsi drive in computer: too17:35
o2intakehello i had a question17:35
piko_wateri want forward port on tg585  router thomson gateway?17:35
zvacet!ask | o2intake17:36
ubottuo2intake: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)17:36
bazhangpiko_water, you read www.portforward.com yet?17:36
logankoesterI just switched from Fedora to Ubuntu and installed Flash for Firefox, but flash can't play audio while totem is running, how is this issue resolved?17:36
piko_waterbazhang, i know how to forward port but couldnt be able to find any place on router web-interface17:37
Ravenwhats the ubuntu forum url17:37
OponiumHi all!17:37
logankoesterAlso, totem can't play audio while Firefox is running if flash has previously used sound17:37
PiciRaven: http://www.ubuntuforums.org17:37
OponiumHow would I go about getting my Guitar Hero Xbox 360 controller to work in Ubuntu 8.04?17:37
o2intakei'm running the ubuntu live and when i try to check then harddrive it says cannot mount volume..."error reading bootsector: input/output error Filed to mount '/dev/sda1':input/output error NTFS is either inconsistent or you have harware faults........"17:37
OponiumHow would I go about getting my Guitar Hero Xbox 360 controller to work in Ubuntu 8.04? I mainly want to use it with Frets on Fire.17:37
Oponiumo2intake, did you do a hard reboot in Windows?17:38
o2intakewell my windows wouldnt load up. so i did a livecd that boots ubuntu from the cd17:39
chaquii want to add the mp3 extension to all files in a  folder, how can i do this?17:39
legend2440Oponium: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Xbox360Controller17:39
Oponiumlegend2440, looking. thanks.17:39
Oponiumo2intake, is your hard drive working ok?17:39
Oponiumo2intake, also.. did you have a power outage or do a hard reboot in windows lately?17:40
Raz0Rhow do i specify what driver i want to use for some piece of hardware?17:40
Raz0Rie to specify the correct driver for my wifi card?17:40
o2intakethats what i want to know...if that error is the sign of a harddrive failure or not, becuase i tested on another computer and it worked fine17:40
legend2440Raz0R: i think the realtek driver you have is for older kernel. try this. looks very promising.     http://willdaniels.co.uk/articles/howto-guides/10-howto/12-r8180-hardy17:41
o2intakepower outage? you think my harddrive got fried?17:41
killemalli have a winamp plugin that shows 'current track playing' on my website.  do you know of an ubuntu media player that might do this?17:41
logankoesterDoes anyone have an answer to my question, or know where I might find one?17:41
Raz0Rlegend2440 thankyou :) what is currentkernel ?17:41
db92how can i increase/decrease the number of workspaces?17:41
legend2440Raz0R: type  uname -a in terminal to see what kernel you are using17:41
TonKidb92:  right klick on the workspace switcher applet and change them17:42
=== niki77 is now known as nikola77
legend2440Raz0R: i think driver you downloaded was for 2 5 2217:42
legend24402 6 2217:42
killemalllogan check your sound settings are using alsa17:42
Trumpfany one can help me with bmc43xx firmware to ubuntu? If you can send me a PM17:43
Lusulei would really really appreciate some help, i'm a very sad bunny :(  GTK isn't displaying .svg icons, and it's making a mess of my desktop.17:44
AnscombeHi. Im having issues with my screen resolution, recently messed up and went into safe mode to put it all back, but now ubuntu is crashing alot17:44
Lusulei've actually reinstalled Ubuntu and I still have the same problem17:44
aib_i am experiencing a 3 year old "High Priority" kernel panic bug https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/2148117:44
aib_this bug has never been fixed because canonical has never had a system to troubleshoot it on17:44
ubottuLaunchpad bug 21481 in initramfs-tools "Kernel panic 2.6.12-8-amd64-k8" [High,Confirmed]17:44
aib_how do I contact them?17:44
soldats!broadcom | Trumpf17:44
ubottuTrumpf: Help with Broadcom bcm43xx can be found at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WifiDocs/Driver/Broadcom43xx17:44
=== qq{ne2k__} is now known as ne2k__
mole112I have a weird problem Seemingly something in my premissions changed and I can't automount CD anymore17:44
mole112gives me : mount:must be superuser to use mount error17:45
Trumpfjep it is a broadcom17:45
thebishopi'm having trouble getting an external monitor to display the correct resolution along with my laptop monitor17:45
Trumpfubottu i dont understand the page17:45
ubottuTrumpf: Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)17:45
aib_i contacted the owner of bug 21481 but i have not received a reply.17:45
ubottuLaunchpad bug 21481 in initramfs-tools "Kernel panic 2.6.12-8-amd64-k8" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/2148117:45
BlazeBoy:-DI wanna ask if there is patches To enhance the using of my processor ?17:46
o2intakeis it possible to play games warcraft3  counterstrike teamfortress on ubuntu???17:46
logankoesterkillemall: check that flash is using alsa? check that totem is using alsa? what do you mean17:46
soldatsTrumpf: the page gives you directions to install the firmware, id help more but i have to go to work17:46
thebishopo2intake, winehq.com17:46
killemallsound - preferences17:46
Anscombeive completely wrecked ubuntu within the space of 30 seconds. Well, for me :P17:46
aib_TonKi, hi17:46
Lusulereally desperate for help sorting out my .svg problem, I've tried everything else I can think of, gtk appearance window, and all my themes, are messed up :(17:46
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o2intakewinehk is free?17:46
TonKiaib:  I think lauchnpad is the right place17:46
Trumpfsoldats the page is some shit, i can no do what it want me to do17:47
=== Duality is now known as SBDuality
bXidoes someone know a bit about wubi?17:47
bazhangTrumpf, no cursing17:47
bXican i tell it to install to ext3?17:47
aib_TonKi, this is a very low level bug in initramfs-tools that renders my *work*station unusable. they aren't replying to me on launchpad :/17:48
noodlesgcdoes anyone know how hot my cpu and HD's should get before I start worrying?17:48
TonKinot even a day has passed..17:48
BlazeBoy:-DI wanna ask if there is patches To enhance the using of my processor ? , Any one answer me ?17:48
soldatsTrumpf: read the page slowly, it tells you what to do in order to see what style of installing you eed to do, good luck see yah17:48
aib_i'm not being conceited, but I am doing them a favor by not wiping my workstation17:48
SBDualityif anyone fancies helping me with getting Reltek HD audio working in Ubuntu 8.04, it would be greatly appreciated. Tried reinstalling, and the Intel-HDA guide, but still no joy. :(17:48
Raz0Rlegend2440 are you there17:48
aib_i don't have days17:49
legend2440Raz0R: yes17:49
XecuterSBDuality, try #alsa17:49
SBDualitycheers :)17:49
chaquii guess i need help using the $ rename command?17:50
Raz0Rlegend2440 i tried what is written in that guide but when i do the sudo ./wlan0up i get this: http://pastebin.com/m35fbbaa317:50
chaquibecause music brainz wont read anything that doesnt show the .mp3 extension17:50
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Raz0Rlegend2440 any clue as to why?17:50
legend2440Raz0R:  1 sec17:51
cr0w_how I open the emerald file? ..beryl17:51
jimdbgenii:  thanks for the help that helped somewhat.  but when I login to the server from another linux box all created/modified files/folders don't follow the create mask and directory mode settings in the /etc/samba/smb.conf file.17:51
Raz0Rlegend2440 sure, thanks for helping :)17:52
cr0w_how I open the emerald file? ..beryl17:52
legend2440Raz0R: can i pm?17:52
Raz0Rlegend2440 good idea :)17:52
cr0w_how I open the emerald file? ..beryl17:53
britsunj debian17:54
laroninstalling emerald themes on Ubuntu Hardy >> http://hacktivision.com/index.php/2008/06/07/how-to-enhance-ubuntu-8-04-hardy-heron-e?blog=217:54
bullgard4/usr/share/xresprobe/lcdsize.sh includes the line: "# usage: lcdsize.sh driver logfile [stdout]." I do not understand the contents of this line. Could you please explain it in a sentence?17:55
cr0w_how I open the emerald file? ..beryl17:57
cr0w_sudo apt-get install emerald17:57
Xecutercr0w_, <laron> installing emerald themes on Ubuntu Hardy >> http://hacktivision.com/index.php/2008/06/07/how-to-enhance-ubuntu-8-04-hardy-heron-e?blog=217:57
hiptobecubici'm having trouble with ssh -X forwarding. i've tried a few different things but i always get 'unable to initialize gtk'17:57
etherealityMy Windows partition, located at /media/sda1, doesn't seem to be mounting properly: The folder /media/sda1 is blank. How do I fix this? What went wrong?17:57
simardis there keys to switch between desktop in the Workspace Switcher ?17:58
hiptobecubicsimard, ctrl + alt + arrows17:58
simardhiptobecubic, thank youu17:58
hiptobecubicsimard, np17:58
Jenny338I have this HD video in mpeg4 format. I want to put a watermark on the top right. Is there an application for ubuntu that can add this watermark?17:58
* delcoyote hi17:59
etherealityis there a shortcut to move windows to other workspaces?17:59
etherealityJenny338, gimp, maybe?17:59
NickGarveyethereality: ctrl shift alt left/right17:59
Piciethereality: ctrl-alt-shift+ left/right17:59
Jenny338ethereality - gimp does video?17:59
etherealityoh ... uh ... maybe not18:00
Jenny338think before to type18:00
ethereality(thanks, NickGarvey, Pici -- i don't think i have that shortcut set up)18:00
geniijimdb: For that you can also use umask18:00
etherealityJenny338, yeah, the mpeg4 didn't register18:00
FlannelJenny338: Kino, cinelerra18:00
Piciethereality: Its there by default, unless you've changed something18:00
NickGarveyethereality: using gnome?18:00
Jenny338Ahh cinelerra18:00
Jenny338I'll check that18:00
etherealityyeah, probably ... and yes, NickGarvey ...18:00
geniijimdb: A decent primer on the subject http://www.cyberciti.biz/tips/understanding-linux-unix-umask-value-usage.html18:01
etherealityMy Windows partition, located at /media/sda1, doesn't seem to be mounting properly: The folder /media/sda1 is blank. How do I fix this? What went wrong?18:01
chaquii really need help18:02
CShadowRunAnyone know a linux IRC client that supports window tiling, and has a GUI?18:02
chaquiwith renaming18:02
jbroomechaqui: files?  mv old new18:02
chaquii just need to add .mp3 to each of them18:02
EvilDennisRchaqui: for x in *; do mv $x $x.mp3; done18:03
reenignEesreveR-any recommendation for a web admin console application for ubuntu based production server?18:04
reenignEesreveR-(e.g. webmin etc)18:04
scottywzreenignEsreveR-:  What's wrong with Webmin?18:04
chaquiok so its "do mv $x $x.mp3"18:04
chaquiin the directory of course18:04
EvilDennisRchaqui: for x in *; do mv $x $x.mp3; done18:05
sys2How to change keyring password?  (I don't understand keyring very well)18:05
Justin93Hi guys, I am having a problem with Ubuntu... I cannot get Gimp to launch.18:06
QueenOfHeartsWhy does running 'mount' require you to be root?18:06
EvilDennisRQueenOfHearts: thats just the way it works..18:07
osmosisis there anyone to make a users home dir be a chroot, so they cant see anything else on the system ?18:07
QueenOfHeartsBut then, how does Nautilus mount devices??18:07
osmosisI want to allow a user to  use  sftp (ssh)  to upload files, but I dont want them to see the rest of my file system. Not sure how to do this.18:07
albec1im looking for a good mp3 player that can play files from smb mounts18:08
linuxguymarshallHey. My sound card is not working. It showed up when I ran aplay -l but no audio18:08
EvilDennisRosmosis: Why don't you want them to see any other files? Thats what chmod is for18:08
chaquiEvilDennisR: that didn't work18:08
EvilDennisRchaqui: Why not18:09
chaquiit ran18:09
chaquibut nothing changed18:09
zch051383471952just use kmplay18:09
EvilDennisRYou didn't run it correctly then18:09
EvilDennisRyou copied and pasted the entire line that I said, right?18:09
chaquii copy and pasted it18:09
osmosisEvilDennisR: i dont know how to do that with chmod.  There is no  'allow everyone but john'  to view the files.18:10
chaquifor x in *; do mv $x $x.mp3; done18:10
linuxguymarshallWhere do I get sound card help?18:10
reenignEesreveR-scottywz: I dunno if webmin is good enough ... do you think its worth using on server?18:10
th0rosmosis, actually...groups will let you do that18:10
QueenOfHeartsHow can nautilus mount CDs if you aren't root?18:10
drwelbyI have 4 scripts in cron.hourly but only 3 run. "run-parts /etc/cron.hourly" runs all 4 though. all are owned by "root" and are 777. why wouldn't one of them run when cron.hourly gets run?18:10
scottywzreenignEesreveR-: I use it on my home machine18:11
scottywzreenignEesreveR-: and my web host uses it18:11
osmosisth0r: but I would practically have to change the permissions of every world readable file on my system.18:11
th0rosmosis, only the ones you don't want john to read18:11
EvilDennisRosmosis: ..again, why don't you want person X to not view anything on your system?18:11
reenignEesreveR-shud i use it on my dedicated server?18:11
EvilDennisRosmosis: The correct thing to do is to chmod files that you DON'T want them to see18:11
swamywhen i'm minimizing any window, i not able to see the corressponding tab button in the bottom panel18:12
scottywzreenignEesreveR-: What does it do:18:12
EvilDennisRchaqui: That will rename each file in a directory to be that file name.mp318:12
muntrueHey anyone know how to improve the quality of flash video' s (like youtube's)18:12
linuxguymarshallmuntrue: You cant18:12
osmosisEvilDennisR: thats a horrible suggestion.  Everything should be off by default, and you should only enable files that you DO want them to see.18:12
muntruelinuxguymarshall, And why is that18:12
QueenOfHeartsHow can nautilus mount CDs if you aren't root?18:13
swamywhenever a window is open the bottom panel is showing the corressponding tab button, please suggest me some technique how to resolve this probleme18:13
EvilDennisRosmosis: Then chmod 700 your home directory18:13
linuxguymarshallmuntrue: Because youtube compresses them for storage reasons. You get the best quality possible18:13
th0rEvilDennisR, chmod -R 70018:13
EvilDennisRth0r: NO18:13
swamyplease anyone tell me how to view the tab button in the bottom panel18:13
gfatherguys one small qustion before i start the instllation18:14
muntruelinuxguymarshall, Yea maybe i gave a bad example. Even tho youtube quality is bad. It is even worse in ubuntu. like it does not update as fast as it is supossed to.18:14
gfathercan i change the language after choosing it in the installation18:14
osmosisEvilDennisR: I might as well setup an FTP server that has a config option to make the user directory look like the root directory.  Only problem is, I dont want to use FTP because its an insecure protocol.18:14
GreyscaleDoes the stock 8.04 kernel support more than one CPU?18:14
swamyplease help me, the tab button of any open window is not visible in the bottom panel18:14
jbroomeGreyscale: yes18:14
linuxguymarshallmuntrue- did you install gnash or flashplayer-nonfree?18:14
GreyscaleGood, no kernel-replacing for me then18:14
gfathercan i change the language after choosing it in the installation?18:14
swamyswamy requires help please help me18:15
th0rEvilDennisR, if you only chmod the one directory, I *think* they will still be able to read individual files if they know the whole path18:15
Odd-rationaleswamy: are you talking about the application switcher?18:15
coz_swamy, you mean the window list on the panel?18:15
muntruelinuxguymarshall, Flashplayer-nonfree i heard gnash is really bad18:15
Bestolo4_join #ubuntu-ru18:15
EvilDennisRosmosis: I still don't understand why you want person X to not view anything else18:15
QueenOfHeartsswarmy: right click on the panel, and click add to panel18:15
th0rEvilDennisR, but I admit to being unsure of that one18:15
EvilDennisRth0r: You're an idiot. If he does chmod 700 ~/ then NOBODY except him can view files in ~/18:15
QueenOfHeartsHow can nautilus mount CDs if you aren't root?18:15
swamyOdd-rationale: yes18:15
Abedi have a problem with enabling my bluetooth radio18:15
regeyac'mon, no name-calling please18:15
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linuxguymarshallmuntrue:  When you say it is not "update" as fast as it should do you mean buffering?18:15
th0rEvilDennisR, that is exactly what he wants, isn't it?18:15
wolsEvilDennisR: better not call others idiot18:15
coz_swamy, yeah just right click panel > add to panel>  window list18:15
EvilDennisRth0r: Its chmod 711 that you can still access files if you know the path18:16
Odd-rationaleswamy: right-click the bottom pannel. and add the apllication window list...18:16
th0rEvilDennisR, well...close for an idiot18:16
muntruelinuxguymarshall, no not the buffering. Its the video. hard to explain but it looks like the output is lagging18:16
osmosisEvilDennisR: Because I am setting up a  SFTP account for client to be able to upload image files to me. But I dont want them to have access to see the rest of my file system.18:16
swamyOdd-rationale: when i am trying to open any window, the tab should appear in the bottom panel. but it is not appearing there18:16
EvilDennisRosmosis: _WHY_18:16
linuxguymarshallCan you capture a video of it? I dont quite understand18:16
wolsosmosis: chroot18:17
th0rosmosis, you can jail the ftp to one directory18:17
EvilDennisRosmosis: What do you have on your system that is so important that you can't possibly chmod to deny access18:17
QueenOfHeartsdoes any1 know?18:17
muntruelinuxguymarshall, ill see if i can..18:17
swamyOdd-rationale: if you want i can send the priview of my desktop18:17
Odd-rationaleswamy: right-click the bottom panel and select add to panel. then add the Window List18:17
osmosisth0r: wols: yes, thank you. I want to chroot or jail to one directory. Is there a way to do this with  sftp  (ssh)  though?18:17
QueenOfHeartsHow can nautilus mount CDs if you aren't root?18:17
Odd-rationaleQueenOfHearts: i believe it does it via hal...18:18
XecuterQueenOfHearts, you don't need to be root to mount CDs, they're mounted with hal18:18
lazy1Anyone know why my gnome-terminal clears the clipboard when it starts?18:18
QueenOfHeartshow can I set it so all CDs are mounted at /media/something18:18
QueenOfHeartsInstead of crazy cdda://18:19
linuxguymarshallmuntrue: run ' sudo apt-get install istanbul '   It is a screen recording utility18:19
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muntruelinuxguymarshall, im using recordmydesktop. Im recording right now.. ill upload it in a sec hold on18:19
Abedjurgen, how can we help u?18:19
SERENITciao a tutti18:19
linuxguymarshallmuntrue : ok18:20
mikereAre there any problems dual booting Ubuntu with Vista or does it work about the same as with XP?18:20
SERENITparlo in english?18:20
swamyOdd-rationale: i am not asking about the window list, if any window is open the corressponding tab should appear in the bottom panel. this is a default feature it has suddenly disappeared18:20
th0rosmosis, http://www.brandonhutchinson.com/chroot_ssh.html18:20
chaquiEvilDennisR: can you break down the code for me, mv is rename18:20
chaquiwhat does $x mean?18:21
Odd-rationaleswamy: hmm. send me a screen shot of what you are talking about... you can use http://imagebin.ca18:21
osmosisth0r: interesting. will check out. thanks.18:21
th0rosmosis, not bad for an idiot18:21
wbmjswamy: the feature you are asking about is window list18:21
d0m1n0ezIs there a way to have the du command tell you how much data is left? Rather than just how much is used?18:21
d0m1n0ezlike free space?18:21
lazy1d0m1n0ez: Use "df"18:21
amatson97hey dudes18:22
amatson97i need help18:22
d0m1n0ezlazy1: thanks18:22
finalbetaif I ping the netbios name of a lan machine my ubuntu pings a remote ip (208.***). What's up with resolving?18:22
Abedamatson97, go ahead18:22
hiptobecubicd0m1n0ez, df -h is a bit more readable18:22
amatson97i am having major problems with me trash can18:22
hiptobecubicis anyone in here knowledgeable in ssh and X forwarding? i'm stumped. I can only get it to work in one direction18:22
wbmjamatson97: what is the exact problem18:23
EvilDennisRchaqui: for x in *; do mv $x $x.mp3; done -- Will rename * files in the current directory to be that file name.mp3. So if you have a file called foobar, it will be renamed to foobar.mp318:23
QueenOfHeartshow can I set it so all CDs are mounted at /media/something18:23
amatson97A) it is missing from the panel tried adding it the panel refeshs yet nothin appears18:23
hiptobecubicEvilDennisR, won't that also leave the old file extension? like foobar.aac.mp3?18:23
osmosisth0r: this looks like the right tool,  apt-cache show rssh18:23
EvilDennisRhiptobecubic: Yes.18:23
hobanhey all - I'm looking for help understanding why my wired connection's bandwidth fluctuates so much. see pic: http://www.easyscreens.info/?v=3827 (ubuntu 8.04 amd64, fully up-to-date, e1000 driver)18:23
amatson97B) if i click just past me workspaces (4 of them) it sometimes opens18:24
EvilDennisRhiptobecubic: He didn't ask me to solve that issue for him, he only asked how do I rename all of these files to have .mp3 on them18:24
QueenOfHeartshow can I set it so all CDs are mounted at /media/something18:24
amatson97that is problem number one i have more haha18:24
scottywzchaqui:  It takes the names of all the files in the directory, and calls them "x".  $x represents that name18:24
wbmjamatson97: have you upgraded....this happen for awhile for me until I did a system update18:24
hiptobecubicI'm not saying you didn't solve his question, i'm just verifying for my own wellbeing :D18:24
amatson97i am uptodate it has happend since i have18:25
chaquiEvilDennisR: the output is "filename is not a directory"18:25
Odd-rationaleQueenOfHearts: if you are using nautilus and hal, is should mount to /media/cdrom18:25
EvilDennisRhiptobecubic: Yes, it will append .mp3 to any file to answer your question ;)18:25
QueenOfHeartsOdd-rationale: No, some CDs mount to cdda and this is really annoying me18:25
amatson97plus nautilus aint workin i can not enter "computer"18:25
finalbetawhy can't I access windows host using there hostname? How do I fix it?18:26
EvilDennisRchaqui: What? Pastebin what you're doing18:26
EvilDennisR!pastebin > chaqui18:26
ubottuchaqui, please see my private message18:26
amatson97since i have updated all has gone belly up lol18:26
EvilDennisRchaqui: You're doing something wrong..18:26
Abedi can't enable my bluetooth18:26
amatson97feel free to PM chaps18:27
scottywzEvilDennisR: You're doing something wrong.18:27
Deinweird synaptic problem - when i apply changes it starts downloading, but only for a few seconds, and then slows to a crawl... i can stop it and apply again, and it downloads some more of the file, but stops again18:27
EvilDennisRchaqui: Argh.. You have file names with spaces..18:27
scottywzI just ran that and it renamed everything to .mp318:27
joksPHP has encountered an Access Violation at 01CCBCC6 << what does that mean ?18:27
swamyOdd: please check this link http://imagebin.ca/view/XsA14PI.html18:28
Odd-rationaleQueenOfHearts: i dunno, then. mine mounts to /media/cdrom...18:28
EvilDennisRscottywz: Then you did something wrong ;)18:28
linuxer2008is there proteus circuit simulator in ubuntu ?18:28
scottywzWait, I ran that in my home dir instead of where I meant to do it18:28
QueenOfHeartsIt has to do with some fishy Audio CDs18:28
Greyscalehoban, Thats pretty sweet18:28
Greyscalealmost a sinewave18:28
swamyOdd-rationale: http://imagebin.ca/view/XsA14PI.html18:28
wbmjDein: sounds like the server you are using has a high load18:28
EvilDennisRscottywz: http://paste.ubuntu.com/29658/18:28
chaquii dont care what it renames it to.18:28
wigrenim having trouble with the remote desktop viewer application. when i use it at work it connects just fine, but when i try it at home nothing i do works.18:28
Deinwbmj: can i check it somehow? to be sure it's not me?18:28
Greyscalemaybe the logger is busted?18:28
chaquii just want music brainz to pick it up.18:28
Odd-rationalequaal: oh, audio cd... you don't mount audio cd...18:28
hobanGreyscale: haha, yeah. and I've no idea why it looks that way. It's actually always behaved in that way on this laptop but I dunno why18:28
EvilDennisRchaqui: for x in *; do mv "$x" "${x}.mp3"; done18:29
hobanGreyscale: and my wireless connection doesn't behave in the same way18:29
Greyscalemight be the network itself. Buffer charge/discharge18:29
Odd-rationaleQueenOfHearts:  you don't mount audio cd...18:29
Abedi can't enable my bluetoth18:29
Odd-rationaleQueenOfHearts: it you do use cdda:/// to access audio cd's...18:29
amatson97wbmj, can i PM you dude pls?18:29
chaquiok that worked18:29
swamyOdd-rationale: please check the link http://imagebin.ca/view/XsA14PI.html18:30
EvilDennisR..stupid file names with spaces, breaking everything...18:30
Odd-rationaleswamy: k. hold on...18:30
Deini lost all desktop effects after setting up two displays, any ideas why?18:30
QueenOfHeartsOdd-rationale: But how can you access that in the terminal???18:30
AbedEvilDennisR, wut about spacing18:30
the_makhow to zip a folder is it right?   zip folder.zip foldername18:30
linuxer2008can i use compiz in non 3d supported graphic card ?18:30
EvilDennisRDein: You prolly don't have 3d acceleration anymore.. do glxinfo18:30
Odd-rationaleQueenOfHearts: you can't access an audio cd like a data disc...18:30
Greyscalehoban, what application is providing the traffic?18:31
crashsystems@linuxer2008 no, you cannot18:31
EvilDennisRDein: It should say "direct rendering: yes/no"18:31
wbmjDein: System > Administration > Software Sources......choose Download from and pick other...you'll get an option to search for a faster mirror18:31
GreyscaleIf its video it may be buffer fill, buffer empty, buffer fill, empty, fill, empty.18:31
Odd-rationaleswamy: there is no picture in there...18:31
DeinEvilDennisR: i do have 3d acceleration18:31
DeinEvilDennisR: it's a yes18:31
chaquiEvilDennisR: i need a menosynce file to help me learn linux :-)18:31
QueenOfHeartsOdd-rationale: But how CAN you access it???? I mean, like 'cd /blah/blah/blah'18:31
Greyscaleor it might be buffering on the sending end.18:31
swamyOdd-rationale: no i have uploaded the screenshot18:31
Greyscalehoban, or it might be buffering on the sending end.18:31
Odd-rationaleQueenOfHearts: you want to play the cd from a terminal?18:31
EvilDennisRDein: *shrug* What happens when you try and enable effects ?18:31
swamyOdd-rationale: http://imagebin.ca/view/XsA14PI.html18:32
crashsystems@linuxer2008 yw18:32
Odd-rationaleswamy: i know, i dont' see any picture in there...18:32
swamyOdd-rationale: i can view the screenshot18:32
DeinEvilDennisR: Window: The Composite extension is not available. OK18:32
QueenOfHeartsOdd-rationale: YES! At the least, where do I find out about this freaky cdda business?18:32
EvilDennisRDein: I don't know then18:33
swamyOdd-rationale: you can see that the bottom panel should show two tab buttons for two open windows18:33
swamyOdd-rationale: but those buttons are not visible18:33
wigrenCan anyone help with Remote Desktop Viewer?18:33
joe_how can i find areally good rpg game for ubuntu?18:33
crashsystems@wigren sure, what do you need?18:33
Abedwut;s wrong wigren18:33
swamyOdd-rationale: http://imagebin.ca/view/XsA14PI.html18:34
wbmjjoe_: personally I like Openarena18:34
the_makhow to zip a folder is it right?   zip folder.zip foldername18:34
Odd-rationaleswamy: right-click the bottom panel. then select "add to panel..." then scroll down to the window list. and select add. I am quite sure that you are missing the window list...18:34
joe_what's Openarena?18:34
wigrencrashsystems: when i use it at work it connects just fine, but when i try it at home nothing i do works. i think it's my router because my firewall is set up correctly, but im not sure what options to change or how18:35
EvilDennisRjoe_: Its quake 3 arena, but with like different characters and such18:35
joe_cuz the rpg game that i would like to get has to work with my computer, it was make for win200018:35
EvilDennisRjoe_: its literally quake3 arena, just hacked up18:35
crashsystems@wigren are you trying to connect to a work computer from home?18:35
joe_oh ok, kool18:35
swamyOdd-rationale: anyway i have added the window list. still default behaviour is to show two tab buttons in bottom panel, suddenly they have disappeared please tell me how to enable them18:35
Odd-rationaleQueenOfHearts: you have to understand that an audio disc cannot be treated like a data disc... you need a special program to play audio disc. you cannot just mount the audio disc and expect to see audio files or something.... i thing moc (music on console) can play cd's...18:36
wigrencrashsystems: no, im trying to connect to my desktop from my laptop18:36
wigrencrashsystems: i can connect to my work desktop from the same laptop18:36
linuxer2008what defrag program to use with ubuntu ?18:37
jbroomeyou don't18:37
swamyOdd-rationale: if any number of windows are open the bottom panel should display corresponding buttons18:37
crashsystems@wigren when you click on connect, then find, does your desktop show up in the list?18:37
joe_my graphics card is nvidia tnt2 model 64/model 64 pro and i'm look'n for a really good rpg game that will work will my graphics card, anyone know of any???18:37
Picilinuxer2008: none. Theres no need.18:37
jbroomejoe_: nethack maybe18:37
wbmjlinuxuser2008: Linux doesn't really need to be defragged18:37
joe_i don't know what nethack is, srry18:38
jbroomejoe_: you asked a question, i provided a suggestion18:38
joe_oh ok18:38
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EvilDennisRjoe_: google has the answer..18:38
joe_got it will do, thnkx18:38
Pici!games | joe_18:38
ubottujoe_: Information about games on Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Games and http://www.icculus.org/lgfaq/gamelist.php18:38
wigrencrashsystems: no. when i brows for a connection on my domain (localdm) i get this error: Browsing for service type _rfb._tcp in domain localdm failed: Timeout reached18:38
Mr_Ducki was having this problem:18:39
Mr_DuckHi, I'm trying to install ubuntu to my laptop as a dual boot. When I try to partition the drive using the partitioner on the Ubuntu disk, I get an error that says "Resize operation failure. An error occurred while writing the changes to the storage devices. The resize operation has been aborted."18:39
Odd-rationaleswamy: ok. try this. "cp ~/.gconf/apps/panel ~/.panel.bak" then logout and back in...18:39
Mr_Ducktech404 told me to defragment18:39
Odd-rationaleswamptin: whoops that's wrong..18:39
Mr_Ducki did that, and i get the same error18:39
TornadoChas3rHey i need help getting my Post Fix SMTP Server Running18:39
Odd-rationaledont do that...18:39
TornadoChas3rI am using Webmin also to config it18:39
Mr_Duckhe told me to do it since it was running windows too18:39
jbroome!webmin > TornadoChas3r18:40
ubottuTornadoChas3r, please see my private message18:40
Mr_Duckdoes anyone know how to fix this?18:40
crashsystems@wigren If this question is below your level, please do not take offense, as I've found that such questions can sometimes be worth asking: You have enabled VNC on the desktop, correct?18:40
huhhelp me plz18:40
TornadoChas3rWell can someone still help me Setup the congigs18:40
huhi want to know how to install browser safari in ubuntu18:40
EvilDennisRMr_Duck: If you have a dual boot setup with ubuntu and windows, you want to defrag your drive in windows18:40
jbroomehuh: can maybe do it with wine.  there isn't a linux port of safari18:41
Mr_DuckEvilDennisR i did18:41
EvilDennisRMr_Duck: There is no defrag for ext3 filesystems..18:41
EvilDennisRMr_Duck: Then you're all set..18:41
TiredWolfEvilDennisR: yes there is18:41
Mr_DuckI get the same error =/18:41
Odd-rationaleswamy: this. "rm -rf ~/.gconf/apps/panel" then logout and back in...18:41
jbroomeTornadoChas3r: probably outside the scope of #ubuntu, try #postfix or google "ubuntu postfix howto"18:41
EvilDennisRMr_Duck: ..and that error is?18:41
TornadoChas3rkk Thnkas18:41
EvilDennisRTiredWolf: *shrug* Why would you ever need to defrag an ext3 partition?18:41
Odd-rationaleoh he left...18:41
Mr_Duck"Resize operation failure"18:42
TiredWolfEvilDennisR: i guess for the same reason that you'd defrag an ext2 partition?18:42
EvilDennisRTiredWolf: ..and that reason would be ... ?18:42
Mr_Duck"an error occurred while writing the changes to storage devices. The resize operation has been aborted"18:42
Odd-rationale!pm > Anscombe18:42
ubottuAnscombe, please see my private message18:42
EvilDennisRMr_Duck: are you trying to resize a partition that you're currently using?18:42
TiredWolfEvilDennisR: because after it gets fragmented enough, it's slow? :P18:43
Odd-rationaleswamy: you there18:43
Mr_DuckI have never partitioned before18:43
Mr_Duckso no?18:43
EvilDennisRMr_Duck: ie. you're booted into linux right now, and you're trying to resize your linux partition?18:43
Mr_DuckI'm kind of new to this, sorry18:43
tomihi i have problem, i can`t see other computers on my workgroup, i see only my comp18:43
Mr_Duckyeah EvilDennisR18:43
fwaokdaI tried editing my grub menu and screwed it up :( can someone correct it for me?  I'm trying to get the windows installation under "other os" and the ubuntu above that. -- http://pastebin.com/m2fc6db6a18:43
swamyOdd-rationale: yes18:43
crashsystems@wigren I'm gonna go refill my coffee. Feel free to send me a personal message, so I don't miss it.18:43
EvilDennisRTiredWolf: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ext3#Defragmentation18:43
Mr_DuckNo EvilDennisR18:44
EvilDennisRMr_Duck: You can't resize a filesystem you're using.18:44
Mr_DuckI'm trying to create one18:44
TiredWolfEvilDennisR: there's nothing magical in ext2 or 3 that makes them "non-fragmentable". they're just smart enough to minimize both the phenomenon and the effects it has when it does happen, but it still happens18:44
Mr_Duckthis is the problem,18:44
Odd-rationaleswamy: you there?18:44
Mr_DuckHi, I'm trying to install ubuntu to my laptop as a dual boot. When I try to partition the drive using the partitioner on the Ubuntu disk, I get an error that says "Resize operation failure. An error occurred while writing the changes to the storage devices. The resize operation has been aborted."18:44
EvilDennisRTiredWolf: There is no defrag for ext3 filesystems18:44
TiredWolfEvilDennisR: yes there is.18:44
=== kamikashi is now known as kappaccino
wolsEvilDennisR: there is18:44
TiredWolfEvilDennisR: wikipedia ain't always right18:44
wolsMr_Duck: defrag your ntfs under windows18:45
Mr_Duckwols I just did18:45
ZeroOP_can i turn of X temporarily? (I have a vid card driver i need to install...)18:45
Mr_Duckbut when I try it again, i get the same error18:45
wolsMr_Duck: then check that it actually did.18:45
TiredWolfEvilDennisR: that tool was written (as a modified version of "defrag") by an Ubuntu member, who came here many months ago to ask for testing. it's now included in Ubuntu, has been for a long time now.18:45
Mr_Duckwhat do you mean?18:45
swamyplease anyone help me, the bottom panel does not show the tab buttons of open windows18:45
wolsMr_Duck: not defrag in ubuntu. defrag in windows!18:45
Mr_DuckI did!18:45
EvilDennisRTiredWolf: great18:45
wolsMr_Duck: then use a better defrag program. E:g. get perfect disk trial and use that. it clears the free space18:46
Mr_Ducktech404 told me to defrag in windows, using JKdefrag, which I did. I get the same error.18:46
ZeroOP_swamy: right click add to panel "Window List"18:46
EvilDennisRMr_Duck: ...so you're trying to resize /just/ your windows partition18:46
wigrencrashsystems: no problem. i have no issues starting from scratch, it usually helps. to answer your question, yes its enabled via the Remote Desktop client in Preferences18:46
EvilDennisRMr_Duck: Are you trying to make it bigger or smaller? if smaller, what are you going to do with the free'd space18:46
Mr_DuckThere's only one partition on my hard drive right now, becuase I only have windows installed18:47
swamyZeroOP: you are right , i have installed that in the bottom panel18:47
Mr_DuckRight? Sorry, I'm new to this18:47
Mastereduehm a question : what is bether Virtual Box or VMWare ???18:47
Pici!best | Masteredu18:47
ubottuMasteredu: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.18:47
EvilDennisRMr_Duck: So you got the ubuntu install cd and you're using that to try and resize the partition18:47
Odd-rationaleswamy: ok try this "rm -rf ~/.gconf/apps/panel" then log out and back in...18:47
Mr_Duckyes EvilDennisR18:47
crashsystems@wigren ok, next I would recommend checking to see if the port is open on your desktop. Do you know how to use nmap?18:47
Mastereduwhat is bether vmware or virtual box ???18:48
ZeroOP_swamy: then your list of boxes should be there, if not try loggin out and loggin on again18:48
Odd-rationale!best | math_b18:48
ubottumath_b: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.18:48
wbmjMAsteredu: each has their own good points... however vbox is a repo download in UBuntu18:48
TiredWolfEvilDennisR: note that i don't necessarily advocate using it (ext3 IS good at keeping fragmentation to a minimum, generally), but it's there. and if you thrash your partition by filling it up and keeping it filled for a long time, it does get fragmented an awful lot18:48
=== luukje|Going|To| is now known as Luukje
Odd-rationale!best | Masteredu18:48
ubottuMasteredu: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.18:48
wigrencrashsystems: no ive never tried it18:48
PiciOdd-rationale: I just gave him that factoid.18:48
Odd-rationalePici: oh, sorry...18:48
crashsystems@wigren ok, first you are going to need to do: sudo apt-get install nmap18:48
Masteredu<wbmj> what you mean18:49
mikereMr_Duck, you might be better off resizing the partition from within windows to create the blank space for new partitions.18:49
swamyZeroOP_: ok , but by default any desktop manager should display the buttons in the bottom panel18:49
Mr_Duckmikere, how do I go about doing this?18:49
crashsystems@wigren then the following, but replace the IP for the IP of your desktop: nmap
swamyZeroOP_: but i has suddenly disappeared18:49
Odd-rationaleswamy: did you try my suggestion? did it not work?18:49
crashsystems@wigren this will run for a few moments, and then will tell you what ports are open on that box18:49
crashsystems@wigren you are looking for port 5900, which is what VNC uses by default18:50
mikereMr_Duck, what version of windows?18:50
Mr_Duckxp service pack 218:50
Mr_Duckmikere xp service pack 218:50
ILPI ran apt-get dist-upgrade on an ubuntu server, and now I can't access mysql.  I get this error from my BB software: "Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock' (13) [2002]"       Can someone give me some direction?18:51
Mastereduwhat you use , what you find bether from the performance ??? VMWARE OR VIRTUAL BOX ???18:51
mbrigdananyone know the name of the program that acts as a "three strikes" firewall for ssh? I'm pretty sure I have it installed, but I can't find it, and can't remember what its called.18:51
MastereduI use Virtual Box becouse it is free , but i heared that it is easier in VMWARE to switch folders from one os to a other18:51
swamyOdd-rationale: i tried that command but no improvement18:51
mikereMr_Duck, you'd go to control panel and then I think computer management and disk management and do it from there.18:51
wigrencrashsystems: ok, do i just run nmap or do i need to add some options?18:51
Mr_DuckOk, thanks mikere18:51
Odd-rationaleswamy: hmm. then we can try something more drastic...18:52
EvilDennisRILP: ..is mysqld running ?18:52
mikereMr_Duck, of course I'm saying that straight from memory - google might give you a more reliable answer =)18:52
tomihi, my samba work  only in half, i can` see comps in my work group in nautilus18:52
crashsystems@wigren normally just running that should show you open ports18:52
ScuniziHow do I ls hidden directories in ~18:52
EvilDennisRScunizi: ls -a18:52
ScuniziEvilDennisR: thanks18:52
PiciMasteredu: #vmware would be the proper place to dicuss it, since it really has nothing to do with Ubuntu.18:52
ILPps -e | grep mysql    doesn't return anything.18:52
mikereMr_Duck, and the advice about defragging that windows partition before resizing is a VERY GOOD idea18:52
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diegohello ppl, i have a little question, i reinstalled ubuntu on my laptop and i have an ati card, i was using the drivers without problem, but now that i reinstalled ubuntu and i try to "enable effects" i got this in the xorg log18:53
diego(WW) RADEONHD(0): DACBSenseCRT: connector type 4 is not supported.18:53
diego(II) RADEONHD(0): Query for AtomBIOS Get Panel EDID: failed18:53
EvilDennisRILP: /etc/init.d/mysql start18:53
EvilDennisRILP: or restart actually..18:53
Mr_Duckmikere yeah, I've already defragged, but should I defrag again after I've partitioned?18:53
ILPWhen I try that, it thinks for a while and then tells me:  [failed]18:53
Odd-rationaleswamy: are you using evolution mail?18:53
swamyOdd-rationale: tell me what to do18:53
EvilDennisRILP: /etc/init.d/mysql restart ?18:53
mikereMr_Duck, nope - and I think I might be wrong about xp being able to downsize a partition - I'm just looking it up right now18:53
swamyOdd-rationale: tell me what to do18:54
Odd-rationaleswamy: ok. are you using evolution mail?18:54
wigrencrashsystems: here is the output: http://pastebin.com/d2561cd8218:54
Mr_Duckok mikere, thanks18:54
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Odd-rationaleswamy: Bcause what we're going to do might erase your evolution settings...18:55
wigrencrashsystems: if it helps. in firestarter i have both inbound and outbound connections set up as
ILPrestart went through alright, but ps -e | grep mysql still doesn't return anything.18:55
daedracan I ask something?18:55
EvilDennisRILP: ..make sure you're root when you run that, if not then add sudo infront of it18:55
crashsystems@wigren you must specify the ip address to scan when you run it. So if your ip for the desktop is, then run "nmap"18:55
crashsystems@wigren Also, try closing firestarter and see if you can connect18:56
ed0n0nhi there, I can't connect to my LAMP server from my LAN, something has gone wrong. Can you help?18:56
mikereMr_Duck, you could give it a try - but it might not be capable of shrinking.18:56
Picidaedra: don't ask to ask, just ask.18:56
crashsystems@wigren if you can use VNC when firestarter is down, then we have just isolated the problem.18:56
Mr_Duckmikere, are you talking about defragmenting?18:57
ILPStill nothing.18:57
Mr_Duckor partitioning18:57
EvilDennisRILP: Any output that would help us diagnose an issue?18:57
Mr_Duckbecuase I don't see anything in the control panel about partitiong(in windows) mikere18:57
daedraah that felt good18:57
Mr_Duckand it's telling me that there is no need to defragment, because it wouldn't do anything.18:58
wigrencrashsystems: both 5900 and 5901 are open, and unfortunately i have the same issue with or with out firestarter open. is there a command to actually kill the service? or should i try the "stop firewall" option in the firestarter GUI?18:58
ILP$ sudo /etc/init.d/mysql restart      * Stopping MySQL database server mysqld        * Starting MySQL database server mysqld         $ sudo ps -e | grep mysql       $18:59
ILPJut like that.18:59
daedrawigren: pkill -9 NAMEOFSERVICE18:59
ILPThere is no output from ps -e | grep mysql18:59
crashsystemsI would think that stop firewall would work. firestarter is just a gui for setting up iptables rules, so the stop button should unload them.18:59
EvilDennisRILP: Check the logs in /var/log/18:59
Odd-rationalewigren: you can try "firestarter -p" in terminal18:59
Ryuhodoes anyone have steam installed on 8.04 with nvidia card? hows the performance?18:59
Odd-rationalewigren: makd that "sudo firestarter -p"19:00
bronzewallacan any help me set up my flash so i get sound in hardy? right now i can watch youtube....just can´t get any sound19:00
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ILPThe only error in the log is:    . . . apache2: PHP Warning:  mysql_connect(). . .       Followed by the socket name.19:01
Mr_DuckI've tried using other programs to partition the drive to mikere19:01
wigrenok i ran firestarer -p on both the desktop and laptop, but still the same problem19:01
Mr_Duckthey all get some sort of error19:01
muntrueHey can anyone tell me if something odd is required to upgrade to firefox 3.0 (in gutsy)19:01
Sylphid|workbronzewalla, if you are using pulseaudio try switch to ALSA IIRC flash and pulseaudio have some conflict19:01
Odd-rationalemuntrue: the backport repos19:02
bob3213243Is there a way to copy my install of ubuntu then format my hard drive and move it back with all of my settings and installs in place?19:02
bronzewallai haven´t installed pulseaudio, this is all on a fresh install of hardy server19:02
tomican anybody help me?19:02
muntrueOdd-rationale, Im thinking just downloading the package from getfirefox.com that would work aswel right ?19:02
bob3213243_Is there a way to copy my install of ubuntu then format my hard drive and move it back with all of my settings and installs in place?19:03
Mr_DuckI have to go, if your going to contact me mikere please do it through a pm so that I can read it later19:03
Odd-rationalemuntrue: umm. it is better to use the repos. rather than install from source...19:03
d0wnhow can I show file permissions with ls19:03
PuPpYI don't see build-essential in 8.04 has it been replaced or in a different repo?19:03
Odd-rationaled0wn: ls -l19:03
muntrueOdd-rationale, but wont the backport repo come with alot of unwanted stuff19:03
takamarouHi, I'm having some trouble with my nvidia drivers.  I had to manually edit my xorg.conf to get my computer to recognize them, but now when I try to use the Nvidia X Server Settings Dialog, it says I am not using the Nvidia X drivers.  When I run the command it tells me to, I get sent back to low graphics mode.  someone please help, if I can't get into the X Server Settings dialog I can't use OpenGL :/19:03
Odd-rationalemuntrue: and wanted stuff ;)19:03
d0wnOdd-rationale: I love you.19:03
wigrencrashsystems: ok i ran sudo firestarer -p on both the desktop and laptop, but i still have the same problem19:03
muntrueOdd-rationale, haha true... oke let me try this..19:03
muntrueOdd-rationale, hey look at that, i have backport enabled already19:04
bronzewallacan any help me set up my flash so i get sound in hardy?19:04
jarjarsphyn1why does when i get on youtube using firefox, it will play the video for liek 10 secs then stop playing and i cant restart it, and its has buffered all the way also, what is the deal19:04
gamerpro2000Hey guys, I've got a gdm problem that I was wondering someone might have experience with19:04
crashsystems@wigren that is quite strange. Are you able to ping the desktop from the laptop? Also, are both boxes using dhcp, or do they have static IPs?19:04
bob3213243_Is there a way to copy my install of ubuntu then format my hard drive and move it back with all of my settings and installs in place?19:04
muntrueOdd-rationale, Oke newb question. the updates are not in the update manager so... now what19:04
gamerpro2000Anyone got a minute to help me?19:04
Odd-rationalemuntrue: you sure? then "sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade"19:05
muntrueOdd-rationale, what does dist-upgrade do19:05
thinman1189I'm on hardy 64bit (intel) and all of a sudden the net icon started saying connecting to network and doing the spinning icon, but I could still access the internet like I'm connected. But some things don't work, like I could visit new pages but I couldn't do anything on digg. I restarted and it works now but don't want it to happen again. I had taken a ufw update just before it happened, but I don't have it enabled.19:05
Odd-rationalemuntrue: man apt-get19:05
snmpeegamerpro2000, ask the question do not ask to ask19:05
jarjarsphyn1why does when i get on youtube using firefox, it will play the video for liek 10 secs then stop playing and i cant restart it, and its has buffered all the way also, what is the deal19:05
steed2008hello all19:05
Matthew12I'm only running Hardy on my computer. I'd like to dual boot with XP again (I'm sorry, I don't want to explain why). Can someone point me to a source that details how to safely accomplish this?19:06
muntrueOdd-rationale, I got disconnected but what does dist-upgrade do19:06
takamarouanyone here good with nvidia drivers?  Mine are giving me trouble.19:06
Odd-rationalemuntrue:  man apt-get19:06
wigrencrashsystems: yes, i can ping and both have static ips on the same domain. i'm thankful for your help. luckily i just shaved my head, or i would have pulled my hair out by now :)19:06
muntrueOdd-rationale, Ah good, looked like it would upgrade my distro lol19:07
crashsystems@wigren lol, I know what that feels like.19:07
steed2008how replace all lower words to upper words in vi ?not vim19:07
squidlydoes anyone know of a way to install ubuntu over a gentoo system?19:07
gamerpro2000Alright.  I'm trying to put ubuntu 8.04 on my Toshiba A105 with an Intel 945GMA card in it.  When I start up the live disc, all of the text is HUGE, including the text in the log in field and when I finally get to the desktop, I can't see anything because there is a gigantic window covering everything with font, like, 90.  Anyone got an idea how to fix it?  I've already tried Ctrl+Alt+Backspace hoping it was a glitch I could fix 19:07
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crashsystems@wigren can you give me that error message again, the one you get when you try to browse for computers inside Remote Desktop Viewer?19:07
snmpeesteed2008, ask in #bash19:08
steed2008join #bash19:08
petersaintsBTW how is the Ubuntu 64-bit market share nowadays?? I mean is there any statistics on how many people use each version?19:08
snmpeei use ubuntu 64 bit19:09
* EvilDennisR too19:09
gamerpro2000Anyone got an idea about my problem?19:09
sliggyHey everyone19:09
EvilDennisRgamerpro2000: whats your problem19:10
gamerpro2000I typed it above19:10
muntruegamerpro2000, You can adjust the fonts right ?19:10
Odd-rationalegamerpro2000: hmm. try using ctrl+alt+"+" or ctrl+alt+"-" to change resolutions...19:10
ed0n0nI need help to connect to a web server in a LAN, help please19:10
muntrueed0n0n, what is not working ?19:10
ed0n0nthe connection itself19:10
ed0n0nserver is Ok19:10
ejerinstalling 32bit ubuntu in vbox running on 64bit host - possible?19:11
snmpeegamerpro2000, had you googled for a moment you would have found www.linux-laptop.net/toshiba.html19:11
gamerpro2000ok.  I noticed it was a bug in the ubuntu bugs section, but there was no solution19:11
muntrueed0n0n, how is it setup ?19:11
mylogichow to I install mysql so that it has innodb and berkdb support?19:11
sliggyDoes anybody know a good alternative for iTunes and Coda on Ubuntu, I really need video podcasting support in iTunes and for Coda I need the built in FTP functionality19:11
takamarouwith an nvidia card, is there anyway to enable OpenGL from the command line, instead of using the nvidia X server settings?19:11
dartelindoes anyone know how to connect to multiple vpn connections at the same time using kvpnc ?19:11
ed0n0nmuntrue: wich server or host?19:11
muntrueed0n0n, server19:11
muntrueed0n0n, im guessing apache is enabled ?19:11
Picipetersaints: http://popcon.ubuntu.com/ has a nice graph19:12
muntrueed0n0n, oke good. So when you go to http://IP.of.server what do you get ?19:12
justinjusHey everyone.  I'm just switching from gentoo to ubuntu, and would like to know if ubuntu has an equivalent to gentoo's USE feature for emerge.  is there something akin to the USE flag on ubuntu's apt-get (taken from debian)19:12
gamerpro2000snmpee, my A105 model isn't there19:12
snmpeegamerpro2000, according to the site which i found instantly on google, had you only tried looking there, you would have found the driver is an ATI and you will need to follow the link on that site19:12
snmpeegamerpro2000, the're very similar19:12
ed0n0nmuntrue: all is enabled and accesible via localhost19:12
ejerjustinjus: nope, you get everything19:12
TiredWolfjustinjus: short answer, nope19:12
gamerpro2000Yes, but I don't have an ATI card19:12
muntrueed0n0n, and you are in the same network ?19:12
ed0n0nmuntrue: yes19:12
justinjusejer and tiredwolf.  thank you for your quick reply.19:12
sliggyDoes anybody know a good alternative for iTunes and Coda on Ubuntu, I really need video podcasting support in iTunes and for Coda I need the built in FTP functionality19:12
muntrueed0n0n, sorry if im asking stupid questions but just making sure19:12
SSDF how do I install a GDm theme or w/e19:12
gamerpro2000I have an Intel 945GMA19:13
muntrueed0n0n, how are you trying to connect to the server ?19:13
popeysliggy: banshee does video podcasts19:13
SSDFor rather enable the gnome display manager instead of the emerald19:13
TiredWolfjustinjus: that doesn't mean you can't build source packages on your own, though (although the priority systems makes it annoying, as the system always tends to prefer official packages over the ones you built)19:13
ed0n0nMunrue: Firefox type: http://$IP19:13
sliggyPopey: Thank you! But does it have iPod support, more importantly, the damned iPod touch19:13
snmpeegamerpro2000, what happened when you typed ubuntu intel 945gma in google?19:13
muntrueed0n0n, and you get a 404 ?19:13
popeysliggy: it has ipod support, yes, you want banshee-119:13
snmpeegamerpro2000, that is, imagine that you had typed it because you didn't19:14
sliggyPopey: Great, fuck OS X! I'm going UBUNTU19:14
wigrencrashsystems: guess what? it shows up in the "find" menu now. however, it still will not allow me to connect with the password i set up.19:14
popeysliggy: language19:14
ed0n0nmuntrue: I get Time Out error19:14
sliggypopey: sorry :(19:14
muntrueOdd-rationale, hey i ran those commands but still no firefox ^^19:14
popeysliggy: this is a familing friendly channel19:14
crashsystems@wigren strange19:14
popeyer, - typos19:14
Odd-rationale!changethemes | SSDF19:14
ubottuSSDF: To change gnome themes: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuEyeCandy.  Kubuntu themes: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CustomizeKubuntu. Xubuntu users should /msg ubottu xfce-themes19:14
sliggypopey: Sorry!19:14
ed0n0nmuntrue: Conection is out of time19:14
muntrueed0n0n, can you do sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 ( or apache wichever it is) restart19:14
sliggyPopey: Thanks again for your help though!19:14
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about ufw19:14
crashsystems@wigren what about when you disable the password?19:14
ed0n0nmuntrue: yes, done it and nothing happens, all stays the same19:15
AnscombeIs it possible someone could message me and help me step by step installing my graphic card for my desktop please? :/19:15
muntrueed0n0n, oke let me look up some documentation. ill get back to you19:15
gamerpro2000Look snmpee, I came on here for a bit of help.  I didn't come here to be bashed.  I DID Google it before I came here, and as I SAID I got a bug report saying that other people have the same problem but no one had a complete fix for it.  I was wondering if there was a way to triage it19:15
modocIf I have a workstation that was setup some time ago, is it possible (without a full reformat/rebuild) to strip the system down to ubuntu-minimal?19:15
Odd-rationalegamerpro2000: hmm. try using ctrl+alt+"+" or ctrl+alt+"-" to change resolutions...19:16
snmpeegamerpro2000, sudo apt-get install xserver-xorg-video-intel , ctrl+alt+f2, log in, sudo /etc/init.d/gdm stop , sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg , /etc/init.d/gdm start19:16
takamarouHi all, I'm having some trouble with my nvidia drivers.  I had to manually edit my xorg.conf to get my computer to recognize them, and now when i go into the nvidia X Server Settings Dialog it says I am not using the Nvidia X drivers..  when I run the command it tells me to, I get sent back to low graphics mode.  Can someone help me with fixing this, or at least help me to enable OpenGL without going into the nvidia X Server Settings Dial19:16
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ed0n0nmuntrue: cheers, if you post the url, we can read twice as fast ;)19:16
snmpeegamerpro2000, the ctrl + alt + f2 will drop ou out of windows so write it down19:16
muntrueed0n0n, will do19:16
wigrencrashsystems: Aha. it works19:16
gamerpro2000Thank you19:16
gamerpro2000I'll give it a shot and let you know19:16
snmpeegamerpro2000, i found that in 30 second on google19:17
muntrueed0n0n, btw can you check the access.log to see if it says anything there19:17
crashsystems@wigren sweet! now we just need to figure out why it dose not like your password.19:17
Sylphid|workAnscombe, nvidia?19:17
lunarisHow can I enable compiz on xubuntu?19:17
AnscombeNa :/ SIS19:17
muntruesnmpee, Do you really have to point out 50 times you found it fast in google ? arent we here to help not point people to google.. seeing as everything can be found there..19:17
ed0n0nmuntrue: whe I get the timeout it says: (internal dummy connection)19:17
wigrencrashsystems: i tried another way to do it yesterday: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=122402&highlight=tightvncserver19:18
wigrencrashsystems: could that be causing a conflict?19:18
crashsystemsjust a moment19:18
snmpeemuntrue, thank you for your opinion. continue in #ubuntu-offtopic thanks19:18
muntrueed0n0n, anything else ?19:18
muntruesnmpee, haha if you are pissed off about something you shouldnt take it out on a chatroom ^^19:19
ed0n0nmuntrue: full line: - - [23/Jul/2008:19:25:39 +0200] "GET / HTTP/1.0" 200 6809 "-" "Apache/2.2.4 (Ubuntu) PHP/5.2.3-1ubuntu6.3 (internal dummy connection)"19:19
snmpeemuntrue, Please stop now.19:19
ed0n0nmuntrue: shouldn't that HTTP/1.0" 200 be HTTP/1.0" 80 ?19:20
crashsystems@wigren so do you have both vnc4server installed as well as Ubuntu's default? If so, I think that could certainly cause problems.19:20
muntrueed0n0n, not really19:20
Kyle__ed0n0n: why 80?19:20
Kyle__the 200 is a response code19:20
Kyle__200 OK19:20
ed0n0nmuntrue: sorry, the good lines also have 200, thought it was the por number19:20
wigrencrashsystems: should i sudo apt-get remove vnc4server xinetd and restart?19:21
Kyle__ed0n0n: 200 OK, 404 pr0n not found19:21
wigrencrashsystems: to answer your question: yes19:21
muntrueed0n0n, no need to apologize. Its a good question19:21
crashsystems@wigren go ahead and do that, but I do not think the reboot will be nessisary19:21
Sylphid|workAnscombe, http://www.winischhofer.eu/linuxsispart1.shtml19:21
muntrueed0n0n, http://www.linuxforums.org/forum/linux-networking/4666-internal-lan-cannot-connect-apache-server.html19:22
muntrueed0n0n, not sure if that is of any help but take a look anyway19:22
AnscombeSylphid|work, I read that, but didn't understand it :/19:23
ed0n0nand if 200 is Ok what is (internal dummy connection) ? Gonna read that topic first, thanx :)19:23
takamaroucan anyone help me to get OpenGL enabled on my computer?19:23
wigrencrashsystems: this was in the output: * Stopping internet superserver xinetd should i try it with ubuntu's default program and a password again?19:23
muntrueed0n0n, also : http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/linux-newbie-8/apache2-lan-machines-cannot-access-website-372540/19:23
crashsystems@wigren sounds good19:23
muntrueed0n0n, Internal dummy connection is nothing to be worried about. it seems to be an auto process. There are many topics on how to reduce these and stop them from logging so much if you want to do that19:24
wigrencrashsystems: success! now what about firestarter?19:25
rohanhi. why is firefox 3.0.1 not in the repos yet? it's been released from a long time19:25
Redjoin / #gnu_xiitas19:25
ed0n0nmuntrue: the first link is too complicated for me, I have rad the second and realised I read it before19:26
crashsystems@wigren well, it seems to me that something in your settings was blocking access to the vnc ports. Go ahead and try vnc again with it running, just to double check. If it still doesn't work, then you'll get to snarf those settings to see where the problem is ;)19:26
geniirohan: It's not available for ubuntu versions before 8.0419:26
muntrueed0n0n, hehe19:26
TiredWolfrohan, stuff doesn't get put in the repositories unless it's a critical security fix or very important bugfix19:26
muntrueed0n0n, is there a firewall on your server going on ? or maybe one installed on your router/modem that limits LAN access19:26
Odd-rationalerohan: i beleive you can get it from the gutsy backport repos...19:26
ed0n0nmuntrue: there is firewall/router but it blocks WAN acces not LAN19:27
TiredWolfOdd-rationale: backports are another matter, yeah. but you have to request a backport to get a backport (and there's no guarantee)19:27
muntrueed0n0n, you could try shutting that down for a moment to see if that fixes it. just to be sure and to know where to look if it is that19:27
eyemeanhi slight problem, once i install propriety drivers tvtime does not work19:27
eyemeancan anyone help please?19:27
ed0n0nmuntru: tried before, its not the firewall19:28
muntrueed0n0n, can you telnet the server ?19:28
lunarismuntrue are you free for a few min19:29
muntrueed0n0n, Really strange19:29
wigrencrashsystems: i get the timeout error again, but firestarter doesn't alert me of any thing like it usually does. should i add all the inbound and outbound ports and see what happens? any other ideas?19:29
muntruelunaris, whats up19:29
Odd-rationaleTiredWolf: http://packages.ubuntu.com/gutsy-backports/firefox-3.0 looks like FF3 is in gutsy backports though...19:29
norman_xhi out there! Anybody could tell me, how to change the 60hz refreshrate to 75hz at a TFT wich runs via DVI on a Nvidia 7300GT?19:29
ed0n0nit stucks at trying IP .....19:29
muntrueed0n0n, I have to say im not sure what this could be. You should post your problem on the ubuntu forums. see if someone there can help19:29
lunarismuntrue how are you19:29
jduckettI need to install firmware-iwlwifi package and it sounds like it is in the "non-free", however, I don't know what line to add to /etc/apt/sources.list for the non-free to get firmware-iwlwifi19:29
muntruelunaris, Im fine :) home from work19:29
lunarismuntrue how can I enable compiz on xubuntu19:29
crashsystems@wigren yeah, I'd add explicit rules for allowing VNC traffic coming from your laptop. Hopefully that will work.19:30
muntruelunaris, ouch xubuntu. let me check that19:30
Caesican anyone help me with alsa and oss?19:30
lunarismuntrue I have downloaded all compiz files from synaptic19:30
lunarismuntrue and from upgrade manager,but it's not showing compiz anywhere19:30
muntruelunaris, xubuntu does not have the desktop-effects toggle in the properties ?19:31
ed0n0nmuntrue: I have been touching the system too much I guess19:31
lunarismuntrue not that I can see19:31
Odd-rationalelunaris: sudo apt-get install compiz emerald19:31
Odd-rationalelunaris: then alt+f2 and type in "compiz --replace"19:31
ed0n0nmuntrue: What if I uninstall Apache I install it again?19:31
muntrueed0n0n, You could try that wich distrobution are you running ?19:32
ed0n0nUbuntu 7.1019:32
lunarisOld-rationale I'm on that19:32
muntrueed0n0n, can always remove apache and try installing it again19:32
Odd-rationalelunaris: actaully, make that "sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install compiz emerald compizconfig-settings-manager"19:32
EvilDennisRed0n0n: Whats your issue with apache ?19:33
muntrueEvilDennisR, He can not connect to the lamp server in hes LAN. getting a timeout19:33
ed0n0nEvilDennisR: it is not connectable from the LAN19:33
muntrueEvilDennisR, works with localhost tho19:33
lunarisOld-rationale what should I type in terminal?19:33
Odd-rationalelunaris: also, my nick is ODD-rationale, not OLD-rationale... don't try to be funny...19:33
ed0n0nI have triggered port 80 in case19:33
muntrueOdd-rationale, hehe classic ;)19:34
Odd-rationalelunaris: type this in terminal "sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install compiz emerald compizconfig-settings-manager"19:34
Odd-rationalewithout the quotes..19:34
lunarisOdd-rationale sorry,I don't wanted to do that,just my glasses are not on:)19:34
EvilDennisRed0n0n: So, you're hosting foobar.com on your machine, and when you type in foobar.com it doesn't resolve locally ?19:34
Odd-rationalelunaris: ok. i forgive you.... :)19:34
ed0n0nEvilDennisR: no domain just LAN19:35
lunarisOdd-retionale : Ok,I'm waiting for execution19:35
wigrencrashsystems: ok, i added inbound and outbound rules for both 5900 and 5901 on the desktop and laptop. but i get the same timeout issue. interestingly, i have full function of the find list now for the first time with firestarter on. im going to step out for a smoke, brb19:35
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BrandonSHello all should I completely uninstall windows and go with ubuntu?19:35
Odd-rationalelunaris: let me know when that is down...19:35
EvilDennisRed0n0n: So you type in and it doesn't resolv, but localhost does ?19:35
lunarisOdd-retionale : It's done19:35
lunarisOdd-rationale : It's done19:35
HarakiriHi people19:35
lunarisOdd-rationale : Sorry again19:35
ed0n0nEvilDennisR: yes, right19:35
IdleOneBrandonS, should I by a ford or a mercedes?19:36
Harakirii need to install the latest aMSN version19:36
BrandonSA ford because its Cheaper?19:36
evilbugi'm having some trouble installing vmware workstation in hardy. the point it stops at is "cannt build vmmon module". i have g++ installed and all but it won't work :| any clues?19:36
Odd-rationalelunaris: now try alt+f2 and type in "compiz --replace" again with out the quotes...19:36
muntrueBrandonS, If you are not really familiar with ubuntu you should keep windows around in case you mess up19:36
Harakirii lack the knowledge to work with tcl packages19:36
IdleOneBrandonS, so is Ubuntu :). but the decision is your to make not ours19:36
BrandonSHow can I mess up?19:36
lunarisOdd-rationale : Done..I will check now19:36
BrandonSI got you all behind my back19:36
muntrueBrandonS, In many ways trust me :)19:37
buzzsawthis might sound a bit odd but is there a way to apt-get and older version of a program than the latest?19:37
Harakirithere are plenty of tutorials explaining on how to create a partition to install ubuntu19:37
evilbugBrandonS- trust muntrue. i've been there.19:37
ay^_BrandonS: go for it, I did!19:37
muntrueBrandonS, You can use wubi and try it out. get comfertable with ubuntu and then make a complete switch19:37
BrandonSI'm just going to install it peace all19:37
EvilDennisRed0n0n: So did this work and then magically broke ?19:37
IdleOneBrandonS, if you need to ask that quesation then you should probably try dual-booting for a while until you are certain ubuntu is what you want19:37
EvilDennisRed0n0n: Or are you just setting it up19:37
Odd-rationaleBrandonS: have fun! good luck!19:37
jduckettneed help with sources.list19:37
BrandonSI've had Ubuntu before but I didn't like the fact I couldn't play a few games but I don't play those games anymore19:37
hiptobecubicwhen i try to ssh use     ssh -p 58405 hostname   i get Read from socket failed: Connection reset by peer19:38
takamarouBrandonS, ever try wine?19:38
BrandonSYes they didn't support them19:38
lunarisOdd-rationale : What next do I have to do to enable compiz?Or that is all?19:38
muntrueBrandonS, or virtualbox19:38
ed0n0nEvilDennisR: it was working, I modified Samba conf, installed firestarter, it blew up19:38
evilbugBrandonS- like people said, try dual booting for a while until you're sure ubuntu is the os for you.19:38
BrandonSI've dual-booted before19:38
Odd-rationalelunaris: did you do alt+f2 and type in "compiz --replace" ?19:38
Harakirii have dual boot here19:38
BrandonSbut I'm just going to install it19:38
muntrueBrandonS, Why ask advice if you are just going to completely ignore it ? lol19:38
BrandonSIm sick of windows19:38
Harakiriand i'm starting to love linux19:39
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lunarisOdd-rationale : yes19:39
IdleOneBrandonS, then go for it :) and if you need any help come back and ask19:39
Odd-rationalelunaris: what happened after that?19:39
EvilDennisRed0n0n: I dunno, I've never used firestarter.. Maybe you blocked port 80 ?19:39
evilbugBrandonS- i always had os x to fall on since it's my main os, but i wouldn't throw myself into a new world right off the bat.19:39
osmosishow do I do a chroot ?19:39
wbmjHas anyone notice that the security repos are listed under Third Party in the graphical Software Sources?19:39
BrandonSBecause it's not the advice I was hoping to hear :P I was expecting you all to be biased and say HELL YEA!19:39
Harakiribtw, i have this aMSN package that i can't install19:39
Harakiridue to lack of knowledge19:39
Harakirican anyone tip me with this one please :)19:39
lunarisOdd-rationale : Well I see that like compiz is running,but I do not have additional settings19:39
muntrueBrandonS, were not all blind fanboys here lol19:39
EvilDennisRosmosis: You still trying to deny people access via ssh ?19:39
evilbugBrandonS- then... HELL YEAH! just make sure you have everything backed up.19:39
ed0n0nEvilDennisR: then removed firestarter, and tried again, now it timeouts, seems to connect, ping is ok, but server time outs19:39
osmosisEvilDennisR: yes.  apt-cache show rssh19:40
wigrencrashsystems: *back*19:40
Odd-rationalelunaris: ok great! you can adjust all the settings in appliacations --> settings --> advance settigns manager19:40
IdleOneBrandonS, we are not here to change the world. least not yet hehe but in the mean time we need to make sure people are comfortable with the decision they think they want to make.19:40
ay^_BrandonS: we would, if we knew you knew what to do with it, and what to expect, but take the leap it can be a fun and bumpy ride!19:40
arooniim having trouble picking the right keyboard profile for the microsoft natural keyboard 4000 (for ubuntu hardy).  the alt key doesnt work :(.  im currently using the keyboard layout: microsoft natural keyboard elite ... because i coudnt find a profile with the same name19:40
BrandonSDon't need to I only used 20gigs so far on windows and 60% of that is Flight Simulator19:40
crashsystems@wigren ok19:40
iurihi there, what is a good DVD creator on ubuntu19:40
lunarisOdd-rationale : Just saw them!:) Thank mate!19:40
phillipedison189do both alt keys not work or just one?19:41
BrandonSWell thanks for the help people Im going to go install ubuntu19:41
wigrencrashsystems: shoud i try other rules, or another firewall?19:41
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evilbugBrandonS- in that case go go go!19:41
petersaintswhat's the amount of extra RAM used by x64 software? Imagine that my computers idles at 130MB of RAM (on x86) how much would it use on x64?19:41
wbmjiuri: DVDAuthor is pretty straight forward19:41
WrightI tried to boot from the ubuntu live cd from xp and nothing happened when i rebooted it just loaded XP like normal19:41
BrandonSI'm going I'm going! bb in like 30mins19:41
iuriwbmj, thanks a lot19:42
IdleOneWright, did you change the bios to boot from cd first?19:42
takamarouI'm having some trouble with my nvidia drivers, can anyone help me out?19:42
wbmjWright: do you have your cd drive set to first boot19:42
crashsystems@wigren I think your packet rejecting policy is set to drop instead of reject, which means that the desktop is not informing the laptop of the packets being dropped, hence the timeout19:42
amenadoWright-> make sure your bios is set to boot on cdrom as 1st priority19:42
troopertakamarou: if you give some more detail what the problem is19:42
wbmjiuri: np19:42
IdleOneWright, not all systems are set to boot from cd by default. you probably just need to change that and then reboot with the cd in tray19:42
Odd-rationalelunaris: if you want compiz to start everytime you log in, go to autostarted applications and create an entry fo rht command "compiz --replace"19:43
takamaroutrooper, I had to manually edit my xorg.conf to get my computer to recognize the drivers, and now when I go to Nvidia X Server Settings Dialog it says I am not using the Nvidia X Drivers.  When I run the suggested command I get sent back to low graphics mode.  I need to get into the settings dialog, or else I cannot enable OpenGL19:43
crashsystems@wigren with stuff as complex as firewall rules, I think it is often good to start over when having these kind of problems. Firestarter is just as good as any other frontend, because iptables is always what will be used underneath.19:43
troopertakamarou: did you try nvidia-xconfig?19:43
lunarisOdd-rationale : I will now:)19:44
takamaroutrooper, that is the command that sends me back to low graphics mode19:44
trooperthat is supposed to create the proper entries in xorg.conf19:44
takamaroutrooper, unfortunately it doesn't.  It makes my driver nvidia, but it needs to be nv.19:44
crashsystems@wigren start with a default allow on outgoing, and a default reject on incoming. Then add accept incoming rules for each port you have stuff running on.19:44
wigrencrashsystems: ok19:45
Odd-rationalelunaris: and to switch back to the normal window manager, do alt+f2 and enter "xfwm4 --replace"19:45
JoeFoolyo, I try to start up my computer, which runs hardy heron satanic edition, but it gets stuck loading soon after the loading logo shows up, goes to a bunch of text that has stuff about "fsck" and things19:45
ed0n0ngonna reboot both machines just in case, I'll be back :D19:45
troopertakamarou: when you set driver to nv it breaks down to low graphics?19:45
crashsystems@wigren meanwhile, though i would love to stay and help you out some more, I have errands I must run.19:45
hiptobecubicis this an appropriate channel to ask about problems with ssh? i'm trying to make the sshd listen on port 58405 and i'm getting connection reset by peer everytime i try to access       http://pastebin.com/f7c9c77a019:45
takamaroutrooper, no, when I set it to nv it works.  nvidia-xconfig sets my driver as nvidia, and then I get sent down to low graphics mode.19:45
hiptobecubictry to access the box*19:45
wigrencrashsystems: thanks so much for your help. seriously, days of frustration nearing an end i think19:46
wbmjtakamarou: what video card please19:46
crashsystems@wigren you are quite welcome, and I'm glad I was able to help.19:46
bob3213243_Is there a way to copy a ubuntu install image and format a harddrive and then use the copy of ubuntu so I don't have to do all of my setups and installs again?19:46
takamarouwbmj, e-GeForce 5200 FX19:46
troopertakamarou: i believe nv is the open source driver for nvidia cards which may explain why nvidia-settings doesnt like it19:46
IdleOne!ask | JoeFool19:46
ubottuJoeFool: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)19:46
prince_jammys!clone | bob3213243_19:47
ubottubob3213243_: To replicate your packages selection on another machine (or restore it if re-installing), you can type « dpkg --get-selections > ~/my-packages », move the file "my-packages" to the other machine, and there type « sudo dpkg --set-selections < my-packages && sudo apt-get dselect-upgrade » - See also !automate19:47
takamaroutrooper, I had it working with nv as the driver setting before.. but after a reboot everything stopped working.19:47
JoeFoolI asked it, "yo, I try to start up my computer, which runs hardy heron satanic edition, but it gets stuck loading soon after the loading logo shows up, goes to a bunch of text that has stuff about "fsck" and things"19:47
lunarisOdd-rationale : when I typed "xfwn4 --replace" I got Failed to execute child process "xfwn4" (No such file or directory)19:47
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IdleOneJoeFool, we don't support the HHSE. look for help on the apprioate forums19:47
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troopertakamarou: does /var/log/Xorg.0.log give any hints?19:48
bastid_raZorJoeFool; when you get that on boot is it checking your drives? that is normal after you've rebooted 35 times. it automatically runs fsck on the disk to verify integrity19:48
Pici!language | JoeFool19:48
ubottuJoeFool: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.19:48
IdleOneJoeFool, was to lazy to type hardy heron satanic edition19:48
takamaroutrooper, no idea.. I can't interpret that.  want me to paste it for you?19:48
bob3213243prince_jammys could you help me alittle more with this?19:48
prince_jammysbob3213243_: that will clone the installed packages. to save your personal settings, perhaps you can save all your dot files19:48
wbmjlunaris: xfcm4 --replace19:48
th0rlunaris, that should be xfwm4, not xfwn419:48
troopertakamarou: in query please, the last 10 lines or sth should be sufficient19:48
bob3213243prince_jammys so it would save all of my ssh and ftp bookmarks?19:49
lunariswbmj and thor : Thanks,now it's ok19:49
takamarouin query?19:49
jduckettneed help with sources.list19:49
troopertakamarou: double click my nick in the list19:49
JoeFoolbastid_raZor: I am familiar with the disk checking, but this is different. it starts up, shows the loading thing, shows a bunch of text, and I never get to the login window19:49
takamaroutrooper, oh, ok19:49
zumoHi there. I finally decided to upgrade to 8.04 but now it seems that some kind of error occured since nothing has changed in at least fifteen minutes. The last thing that happend is, that belocs-locales-bin has been installed ("Generating locales...\n  de_AT.UTF-8..."). Can anybody please give me some advice what to do about that?19:49
prince_jammysbob3213243_: saving the dot files (files that begin with a dot) in your homedir would do that.19:49
bastid_raZorJoeFool; 'a bunch of text' doesn't really help in figuring out what the problem is19:50
bob3213243prince_jammys I'm confused.lol19:50
trooperwhile were at the topic when running two screens with twinview the dialogs open with delay. any ideas?419:50
prince_jammysbob3213243_: do you know what a 'hidden' file (or a dot file) is?19:50
troopertakamarou: that are the first lines arent they?19:50
takamaroutrooper, nope.  the last19:50
zumoI'd google for it, but firefox is currently out of order because of the dist update...19:50
bob3213243prince_jammys no19:50
JoeFoolbastid_razor: yeah, I understand that, all I know is it tells me about several errors (in the file system, I think) and I never get to the login window19:51
kesrutndiswrapper uses more cpu then native drivers ?19:51
prince_jammysbob3213243_: you can see them in your file browser if you 'show hidden files', or see them from a terminal with 'ls -a'19:51
kesrutabout power managment i talking ?19:51
ubottupastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)19:51
prince_jammysbob3213243_: those files contain your user's application settings.19:51
Bizzehhow secure is a default ubuntu server install?19:51
troopertakamarou: okay, that doenst help indeed19:51
ed0n0nF*CK! have rebooted and it is working!19:52
takamaroutrooper, would seeing the whole thing help?  or not?19:52
exploCould someone give me a hand with SANE config? I'm configuring a scanner and it fails. See output: http://paste.ubuntu.com/29686/ (it hangs at the last line and does not continue)19:52
bastid_raZorBizzeh; as secure as the user is. the user is what makes insecurities.19:52
troopertakamarou: give it a try19:52
prebenis there something special with the users group and permissins in ubuntu? I added in /etc/group users:x:900:user1,user2 etc... but all folders where the group is set to users i get permission denied to create files even if I have put read and write and execute rights for owner and group and all users I have tested with are members of the users group19:52
JoeFool"bastid_razor: yeah, I understand that, all I know is it tells me about several errors (in the file system, I think) and I never get to the login window"19:52
prince_jammysbob3213243_: usually, you can just copy those to the home directory of your user in the other machine, and then when you open firefox, for example, all your bookmarks and settings will be there.19:52
prebenif i change to the adm group it works19:52
takamaroutrooper, http://paste.ubuntu.com/29687/19:52
goetzchi, I have a quiestion, there are many dictionaries, hunspell, aspell, myspell, wich one is the best?19:53
bastid_raZorJoeFool; i heard you the first time. i don't know what to help you  with. i have nothing to troubleshoot19:53
JoeFoolthanks anyway19:53
Flannelpreben: Don't manually edit /etc/group, use the command line tools to do it.  if you do 'groups user1' does it show 'users'?  if not, you haven't successfully added them to the group19:53
prince_jammysbob3213243_: so use the command from the bot to install all the same software in the other machine, and copy those files i'm talking about to get personal settings.19:53
Odd-rationalelunaris: it is xfwm4 --replace19:53
Odd-rationalelunaris: m not n19:53
lunarisOdd-rationale : I have done it19:54
arooniim having trouble picking the right keyboard profile for the microsoft natural keyboard 4000 (for ubuntu hardy).  the alt key doesnt work :(.  im currently using the keyboard layout: microsoft natural keyboard elite ... because i coudnt find a profile with the same name19:54
ed0n0nEvilDennisR: I have rebooted, and now it works!19:54
bigjeff5Hey guys, can anybody help me out with wireless? I have an atheros card, and it was working a few weeks ago but I think an update killed it.  the Network manager can't detect the card any more19:54
prebenFlannel: yes19:54
EvilDennisRed0n0n: nice19:54
lunarisOdd-rationale : And why now I cannot have 4 desktops on the cube?I have just two...19:54
EvilDennisRed0n0n: firestarter prolly set up some bogus route19:54
ed0n0nEvilDennisR: nice, but I think I will never know the answer19:54
Odd-rationalelunaris: you have to go to advance settngs manager --> general options -- desktop size. and change the hor to 4, ver to 1 and No od desk. to 1.19:55
ed0n0nEvilDennisR: probably firestarter did something on boot and needed to reboot, you right I think19:55
duiuI'm configuring my iptables firewall, does anyone know if IPP/CUPS uses udp or tcp?19:56
prebenFlannel: what is the gshadow file?19:56
exploCould someone give me a hand with SANE config? I'm configuring a scanner and it fails. See output: http://paste.ubuntu.com/29686/ (it hangs at the last line and does not continue)19:56
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Siph0nis it possible to turn flash off for a specific web page?19:56
goetzcWhich one is the best dictionary: hunspell, aspell, myspell, etc.?19:56
lunarisOdd-rationale : I have done that,and I have 4 desktops...19:56
evilbugi'm having some trouble installing vmware workstation in hardy. the point it stops at is "cannt build vmmon module". i have g++ installed and all but it won't work :| any clues?19:56
iuriwbmj, the name you gave is to DVD videos19:56
iurii need a DVD backup  data aplication19:56
Odd-rationalelunaris: so you have a four-faced cube now?19:56
iuriwbmj, tat's why it's hard to find19:56
lunarisOdd-rationale : Still no:)19:57
bastid_raZorevilbug; #vmware would be more help if you don't find it here. i had that issue when trying to compile my own. their great help over there19:57
Odd-rationalelunaris: also enable the desktop cube and rotate cube plugin19:57
lunarisOdd-rationale : I have done that before for cube effects19:58
lunarisOdd-rationale : I can rotate it,but just two desktops19:58
jeffwheelerYes, Ubuntu. Please do randomly disconnect my keyboard, then stop all programs from responding, and then do force me to shut down my computer again at the same time. Again, today.19:58
evilbugbastid_raZor- i've asked in there but no one's active.19:58
bastid_raZorevilbug; yeah, i just noticed :) hang in there19:58
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Odd-rationalelunaris: go to general options, and under the desktop size tab.19:58
Caesican anyone help me with OSS and ALSA? :)19:59
bigjeff5lunaris: did you set up at least 4 desktops?19:59
bigjeff5lunaris: I know I had to do that with my default config19:59
Bizzehim creating a business, building servers to install within company offices, and i need a secure os to connect directly to their internet connection, to use as their dns server, localhost and mysql server for a customer relations system, plus a virtual localhost for web companys testing. and act as a mail server for the company. so i need whatever OS i choose to be secure and stable. and be able to do those things19:59
lunarisOdd-rationale : I don't have desktop size tab there.I have windows and margines19:59
Odd-rationaleyou are in the wrong place then.19:59
lunarisbigjeff5 : I have put 4 desktops19:59
=== LinkinPARK is now known as myerdinc
Odd-rationalelunaris: go to applications --> settings --> compizconfig settings manager20:00
exploCould someone give me a hand with SANE config? I'm configuring a scanner and it fails.20:00
osmosisEvilDennisR: I got it working. Thanks. Thanks for nothing!20:00
Odd-rationalelunaris: the same place where the dekstop cube and rotate cube plugins are...20:00
lunarisOdd-rationale : You think on advanced desktop settings?20:00
myerdinci need help20:00
hiptobecubici'm trying to ssh on a port other than 22 but i get connection reset by peer despite having changed the config http://pastebin.com/f7c9c77a020:00
myerdincwill someone help me20:00
Odd-rationalelunaris: do you find general options there?20:01
EvilDennisRosmosis: took you long enough20:01
lunarisOdd-rationale : Yes20:01
Flannel!ask | myerdinc20:01
ubottumyerdinc: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)20:01
myerdinci want to20:01
Odd-rationalelunaris: go to the desktop size tab.20:01
myerdincplay fifa 200720:01
myerdincon ubuntu20:01
lunarisOdd-rationale : I'm there20:01
Flannel!enter | myerdinc20:01
ubottumyerdinc: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!20:01
Odd-rationalelunaris: set the Horizontal = 4. Vertical = 1. and No. of Desktops = 120:01
ScuniziWhat's the command to clear any download packages from apt that might be just sitting around?20:02
lunarisOdd-rationale : Done that now20:02
FlannelScunizi: sudo apt-get clean or autoclean20:02
Odd-rationaleScunizi: sudo apt-get clean20:02
myerdincshortly i need to install fifa 2007 on ubuntu i just downloaded wmware-server to use that20:02
lunarisOdd-rationale : Everything is ok now20:02
exploCould someone give me a hand with SANE config? I'm configuring a scanner and it fails.20:02
Odd-rationalelunaris: cool20:02
bastid_raZorhiptobecubic; when you ssh out you have to tell it which port if it isn't 22 ssh -P1234 (i think a P and not p)20:02
myerdincbut i cannot do anything... i don't know how to install windows appz on ubuntu20:02
Odd-rationalelunaris: well i gtg.. see you later...20:02
lunarisOdd-rationale : THank you very much20:02
hiptobecubicbastid_raZor, i'm using the command ssh -p 58405 hostname20:03
normlomanCan anyone help me diagnose a problem with my cd drive? It wont mount any cds. It just says no medium found, but I know there is a cd in it and its a working cd20:03
Scuniziand deleting any temp files? /tmp dir?20:03
normlomanI put the output of my fstab and lshw here20:04
lunarisOdd-rationale : see you20:04
ed0n0nnormloman: sudo mount /dev/cdrom /media/dcrom20:04
bastid_raZorhiptobecubic; try it with ssh -p58405 host20:04
normlomanyeah thats what i did20:04
normlomanit says no medium found20:04
ed0n0nnormloman: tryed with another CD20:04
duiuI'm configuring my iptables firewall, does anyone know if IPP/CUPS uses udp or tcp packets?20:04
normlomanit doesnt do any cd20:04
hiptobecubicbastid_raZor, connection reset by peer20:04
normlomanI have a 2nd drive that works20:05
Scunizican I delete everything in /tmp without worrying?20:05
normlomanand the cd works in the second drive20:05
normlomanbut nothing mounts in this cd drive20:05
F1l1p3which software i can download to my webcam that use v4l220:05
normlomani even booted a knoppix cd in the working drive and knoppix kept saying no medium found as well20:05
bastid_raZorhiptobecubic; are you connecting in network or some other location? the way i have mine set up is i forward port 2222 in my router to 22 and ssh to port 2222 which is redirected20:06
normlomani have a spare drive i could plug in... could it be a broken cd drive? it was working before i installed ubuntu20:06
FlannelF1l1p3: There's lots.  Ekiga can do it (if you want to check the webcam is working), there's... well, probably a dozen in the repos, depending on what you want to do.  Search for "webcam" and you'll get a list.20:06
hiptobecubici'm doing it on a lan20:06
myerdincwill someone tell me how to install vmware-server?20:06
hiptobecubicbastid_raZor, i'm doing it on a lan20:06
ed0n0nnormloman: god knows :)20:06
normlomanwell if anyone knows anything i should look for20:07
normlomanmaybe some setting i should check, let me know20:07
F1l1p3Flannel i can fidn in synaptics ??20:07
bastid_raZorhiptobecubic; so the box you're connecting to has the listening port changed as well?20:07
FlannelF1l1p3: yep, just search for webcam20:07
F1l1p3ok thanks20:07
ed0n0nnormloman: this wiki might help you: http://sernaonubuntu.wikidot.com/working-with-cd-rom-drives20:08
normlomanthanks :)20:08
hiptobecubicbastid_raZor, yes i've changed the config file ( http://pastebin.com/f7c9c77a0 ) on the host and im using ssh -p 58405 hostname on the client20:08
hiptobecubicand i've restarted sshd on the host20:09
myerdincdoes anybody knows how to install vmware-server_20:09
hiptobecubicbastid_raZor, i've made a tiny bit of progress. instead of saying connection refused as it normally would for any random port, it says connection reset by peer20:09
takamaroucan anyone help me with my nvidia drivers?  I had to manually edit my xorg.conf to get my computer to recognize them, and now I can't use Nvidia X Server Settings.. it says I am not using the Nvidia X drivers20:10
ScuniziError while running Synaptic Pkg Mgr = Unable to copy the user's Xauthorization file. ... How do I fix this? Could it be a disk space problem?20:11
ed0n0nnormloman: I think it might be something about CD formats, maybe your CD drive doesn't read all kind of CD formats20:11
vargadanishi folks... i installed pygtk on 8.04 but when trying to import pygtk.glade in a python file I get an error, that hey you are studid there is no such thing20:11
cdavisWhat package do I install to get web based management of my xen server?20:11
vargadaniscdavis: i don't know that but i can help u with linux-vserver on 8.0420:11
normlomani think this cd is a regular data disc. I dont think its an odd format20:11
Caesihow can I find out what processor I have in the terminal?20:11
normlomanbut let me put in some other ones20:11
vargadanisCaesi: cat /proc/cpuinfo20:12
bahadunnwhat is that?20:12
vargadanisbahadunn: it is like an advanced chrooted env... does not emulates any harware, runs on a single kernel but isolates the vms20:12
vargadanisCaesi: np m8... :)20:13
bahadunnvargadanis: ah so it is another virtualization sort of thing?20:13
preben[SOLVED] users group permission problem. There actually exists a users group with id 100 but it wasn't in my group file so I made a new users group as I thought ubuntu didn't have it with id 900. Problem is that the folders set tu users group had id 100 and the user belong to the id 900, so permission problems. Found the users group using the GUI system tools.20:13
vargadanisbahadunn: yes, but from a different perspective.. doesn't slows the server down. I prefer it over Xen20:13
bahadunnvargadanis: have you played around with kvm at all?20:13
bastid_raZorhiptobecubic; i'm assuming you have the same username on both boxes?20:14
hiptobecubicbastid_raZor, yes20:14
Ferchaulthow do I make lp print two images in _one_ job using duplex? I tried " lp -o sides=two-sided-long-edge -o nofilebreak file1 file2" but it doesn't work...20:14
normlomaned0n0n - yeah I put in a few different cds now. none of them mounted20:14
hiptobecubicit works on port 22 if i add Port 22 to the config file but adding Port 58405 doesn't function the same way for some reason20:15
vargadanisbahadunn: nope.. never heard of it20:15
normlomani tried a videogame, a burnt cd with some back up stuff, a copy of knoppix, and an audio cd20:15
normlomanalso its a cd-rw drive, and when i put a blank cd in there, brasero disc burner says there is no cd in the drive20:15
bahadunnvargadanis: if you have a cpu with virtualization instructions you can use kvm which is a linux kernel module20:15
bahadunnvargadanis: you can run virtual guest OS at hardware speed20:15
vargadanisbahadunn: that I have.... Opteron 1xx series :)20:16
bahadunnvargadanis: its pretty nice20:16
afief_there seems to be no mentioning of anything other than loopback in my /etc/network/interfaces, where is the configuration for the rest of the stuff?20:16
vargadanisbahadunn: i will chk it out, thx for the info20:16
bahadunnvargadanis: they have some pretty nice kvm tools for management of vms too20:16
bahadunnvargadanis: no problem20:16
ZeroA4I have a computer with 2 video card with 2 video out each. I need to maximize windows across the 4 conected monitors... i manage to get xinerama working but the gnome panels stays in just one monitor and the windows maximize to just one monitor too...20:16
bahadunnvargadanis: its nice for testing out things like ubuntu intrepid or development20:16
dmacnuttpower nazi!20:17
bahadunnvargadanis: you can install on a virtual guest and play around with it without affecting your normal system20:17
bastid_raZorhiptobecubic; possibly try a different port than 58405. 2222 perhaps20:17
eth01ompaul fail.20:17
xfceif i wanted to change my motd, wht file should i edit...20:18
hiptobecubicbastid_raZor, can't hurt...20:18
eth01xfce: /etc/motd20:18
vargadanisbahadunn: I will do that for sure... :) btw... have u playd with linux-vserver so far?20:18
xfce/etc/motd seems to be edited?20:18
Picieth01: /etc/motd.tail20:18
eth01xfce: did you reboot?20:18
xfceeth01: yes..20:18
shroomyHello ubuntu!20:18
shroomyHow do I activate swap?20:19
joaopintoanyone experienced with wireless troubleshooting ? My atheros wifi card is supposed to be supported, but I don't get an IP address on the wifi interface20:19
xfceeth01: it seems that it has the current time, ect...20:19
eth01xfce: according to Pici i'm wrong. that's probably because i use debian.20:19
jducketti need help with wireless too!20:19
xfceeth01: hehe20:19
xfcePici: what should I edit for my motd?20:20
bigjeff5joaopinto: does Network Monitor give you an error if you try to configure it?20:20
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xfceis it motd.tail?20:20
meoblast001where does Ubuntu put crystalspace-dev at?20:20
jduckettanyone experienced with the iwlwifi project??20:20
bastid_raZorxfce; /etc/motd20:20
eth01xfce: apparently20:20
xfceah, just found that20:20
Picixfce: /etc/motd.tail yes20:20
eth01xfce: nano /etc/motd*20:20
xfcePici: ah, thanks :)20:20
normlomanthanks for all your help ed0n0n i think ill try installing a different cd-rw drive and see what happens. Thanks :)20:21
magicBonsoir tous le monde20:21
vargadanisbahadunn: just chked the benchmarks on KVM... it is not very promising and XEN's are not either20:21
l815is gnome ever going to fix their volume manager? My sound at highest is low compared to kde/xfce :/20:21
magicJe cherche à changé la couleur du terminal mais je ne sais plus comment faire ...20:22
NoorulIslaam1409 people20:22
xfceheh that could be a problem... xfce is a GUI... just realized that hehe...20:22
joaopintobiggahed, meanhilw did some research on a tutorial for my laptop model, Lenovo T60, doing an "iwpriv ath0 mode 2" resolved20:22
joaopintoops, was bigjeff520:22
bigjeff5hehe, np20:22
joaopintonow I need to figure if this needs to be setup int some net config script20:22
Krazy-HHi there20:23
joaopintooh wait, got an IP, but am still unable to ping the router :\20:23
home_someone know how find acess point?20:23
joaopintooh, forget it, wrong ip :P20:23
bastid_raZorhiptobecubic; i'm hoping a different port worked?20:23
DARKUSi have installed xubuntu on my p3 and after installing the driverof acceleration of nvidia the resolution of the screen became too big20:24
hiptobecubicyes actually, but i don't understand why, just yet20:24
bigjeff5joaopinto: : / that's as far as I get too, I'm getting a 169.*.*.* address20:24
bastid_raZorhiptobecubic; i was thinking that port may not support that type of information transfer.20:24
unophome_, sudo iwlist scan20:24
DARKUSand now i unistalled it coz i can't work with this big resolution20:24
DARKUSwhat can i do?20:24
DARKUSplz help me20:24
home_wlan0     No scan results20:25
bastid_raZorhiptobecubic; google for ports it will give you which blocks can be used for what20:25
jduckettI am running Ubuntu 8.04 Hardy on a laptop.  The install was barebones install using debootstrap.  I need to get the wireless working.  I am using kernel 2.6.24-18 and my understanding is that support for wireless (iwlwifi) is built into the kernel.  How do I get it configured, up, and running??20:26
Scunizijduckett: not sure if this will help but you might "sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade".. that should do lots of upgrades including the kernel to vs. -19 which might make a difference.20:27
DARKUSno one can help?20:28
jduckettdid that20:28
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jduckettit looks like the driver is not installed20:28
regeyaooga chaka.20:28
lsantosim search for a good vpn server that uses ldap for authentication. anyone?20:28
swamptinOdd-rationale: what were you trying to help me with? Or did you mean someone else?20:29
AxXxellHello im lookin for some support about wirless configuration anyone have a hint?20:29
freqkHello everyone.20:30
Qixxhi, I'm having a very tough time trying to get my nvidia 9600 GT card running on ubuntu if anyone can help20:30
freqkI was wondering if anyone knew how I would install Ubuntu on my new iMac.20:30
Qixxi'm going for a dual screen setup, but for now even getting it running on my one would be awesome20:30
freqkI was a two year linux user but recently switched to Mac.20:30
freqkHow do I get the Live CD to boot up?20:31
swamptinfreqk: will it not boot as a live cd should?20:31
jduckettwhen documentation states that something is part of the kernel, then, how can you verify the something really exists as part of your kernel??20:31
freqkI havn't tried, I cant imagine it really doing that.20:31
QixxI've managed to get it running normally, and the nvidia-new drivers seem to work, except I still get a [extension "GLX" missing on display ":0.0".] error trying to run glxgears20:31
freqkShould t?20:31
bastid_raZorfreqk; i'm fairly sure you need the ppc version of ubuntu for a mac.20:32
freqkNo, it's Intel.20:32
DARKUSthank you for you help20:32
swamptinfreqk: you may have to reset the boot permisions on the Mac and add a CD to it, but I would have thought a Mac would boot off CD without any issues20:32
anto9usQixx, try typing sudo nvidia-xconfig and then restart your computer20:32
Qixxanto9us: I have... many times20:32
jduckettwhen documentation states that something is part of the kernel, then, how can you verify the something really exists as part of your kernel??20:33
Qixxanto9us: it fails to load the display, looks all funny then i have to quit20:33
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Qixxit seems to be working now, I checked the log files20:33
Qixxits loading the card20:33
Qixxbut for some reason I still get the [extension "GLX" missing on display ":0.0".] error -- what could cause that ?20:33
Sionide21freqk: Hold do C while booting to boot from a cd20:33
freqkHold C? Is that the key that shows the bootable drives?20:34
Sionide21It should cause the computer to try to boot from cd20:34
anto9usQixx, it's not loading the nvidia driver, try  cat /etc/X11/xorg.conf | grep Driver, it should show nvidia and not nv20:35
Qixxanto9us: ah, found the line "(EE) Failed to initialize GLX extension (Compatible NVIDIA X driver not found)20:35
ImaginalWhen I plug my ipod into the usb port, rhythmbox automatically loads. How can I stop this from happening?20:35
QixxI tried installing the manual one20:35
Qixxcould that have been a problem ?20:35
D3JAVUwho can help me20:35
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)20:36
Qixxheh - i'll try reboot once more20:36
levanderIs there any way to edit a bug report on Launchpad?20:36
Qixxi made some more changes, hopefully it will work20:36
D3JAVUi lost my gnome panel how can i replace it20:36
CrocoJetsome can tell who is command "/usr/sbin/alternatives --display java"  for ubuntu hardy ?20:36
CrocoJetsome = someone20:36
CrocoJetsomeone can tell me how is command "/usr/sbin/alternatives --display java"  for ubuntu hardy ?20:36
anto9usQixx, D3JAVU just type gnome-panel in a terminal20:36
TiredWolf!resetpanel | D3JAVU20:37
ubottuD3JAVU: To reset the panel to defaults, type this in a !terminal: « gconftool --recursive-unset /apps/panel && killall gnome-panel »20:37
anto9usoops, sorry Qixx20:37
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linuxguymarshallI need help removing a ghost file20:37
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mercury^Hello. I have some weird mouse input problem in (SDL only?) games since the upgrade to Hardy. When I move the mouse very fast, all input is being delayed by up to several seconds (exact time depends on how much further mouse input I issue after the problem sets in), and there are sporadic mouse updates received during that time.20:37
legend2440!fixres > me20:37
ubottulegend2440, please see my private message20:37
mercury^I have tried downgrading SDL, but that did not help.20:37
D3JAVUthenks a looooooooooot20:38
AnscombeI'm following this documentation on how to fix my screen resolution http://www.winischhofer.eu/linuxsispart4.shtml and it says i need to type "sudo apt-src build sisctrl" and when i do i get sudo: apt-src: command not found20:38
D3JAVUubottu  THENKs20:38
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about thenks20:38
D3JAVUbay all20:38
mercury^I suspect the problem lies somewhere in xorg or its configuration (removing the CorePointer from the mouse makes the effect a lot stronger).20:38
linuxguymarshallI have a folder on my desktop that will not go away20:38
WrightOk, I was able to get Ubuntu to boot from the live CD, I am now trying to make a partition so that I can have XP still but run ubuntu also. With gnome (on the live cd), what type of file system should I use for ubuntu20:38
mercury^I do not know how to further proceed in trying to solve this however, some help is appreciated.20:39
dave11that's weird, kubuntu chat isnt working for me20:39
JoeFoo1yo. I start computer, it stops at bootup image, eventually gives me this message:20:40
JoeFoo1checking drive /dev/sda1: 44% (stage 1/5, 279/439) over and over20:40
JoeFoo1/dev/sda1: Inodes that were part of a corrupted orphan linked list found20:40
JoeFoo1              (i.e., without -a or -p options)20:40
FloodBot1JoeFoo1: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.20:40
JoeFoo1fsck died with exit status 420:40
CrocoJeteveryone that has notebook .. attencion because some harddisks are making lot "Load Cycle Count" and this reduce lifetime20:40
CrocoJetmine was making with ubuntu more 10 cycle per min, I can hear tic tic tic20:40
CrocoJetwith windows vista ... not happen20:41
CrocoJetnotebook came with win vista home premium20:41
D3JAVUhow can install the gadjets  ???20:41
D3JAVUlike clock20:41
danfgwhen my puter comes back from hibernation, my sound stops working20:42
danfgeverything else seems ok20:42
D3JAVUi download but i cant install :(20:42
dave11how do i adjust my log-in screen resolution?20:42
CrocoJetyou can check if has this problem installing "sudo apt-get install smartmontools"20:42
CrocoJetand checking with command: "sudo smartctl -A /dev/sda | grep Load_Cycle_Count"20:42
linuxguymarshallDoes anyone know how to deal with a ghost folder?20:42
CrocoJetif value up in few secs .. you has a problem20:42
CrocoJetyou has = you have20:43
danfglinuxguymarshall: what's a ghost folder? one that starts with a dot?20:43
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edjuUbuntu installed on an external drive.  Everything was fine until I repartitioned and, using qtparted, copied the OS from one partition to another.  Now, boot goes fine, but cannot log in at the kdm screen.  If this is a familiar problem, anyone w/ a fix for the simple-minded?20:43
linuxguymarshalldanfg: no. I have a folder on my desktop that somehow has two names and leads to nowhere20:43
danfglinuxguymarshall: it has two names? is it a symbolic link?20:43
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JoeFoo1yo, this is message I get after bootup logo freezes: http://paste.ubuntu.com/29699/plain/20:44
rivitingoneomg people!20:44
CrocoJetmy conclusion is not good idea install ubuntu in notebook with harddisks with problems Load Cycle Count excessive20:44
linuxguymarshalldanfg: No. On my desktop it appears to be named 'l' but if you click it or view properties then it thinks it is names 'songbird' which was the original name20:44
CrocoJetubuntu or other linux distro .. happen also20:45
rivitingoneok, before I start asking questions, am I in the Ubuntu help channel?20:45
jimmmymsup guys, my youtube was working fine untila  couple of days ago...now it still works fine on youtube.com pages...but if a website or a blog has embedded video, the sound doesnt play20:45
geniirivitingone: Debatably, yes20:45
Guest98029rivitingone: yes20:45
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jimmmymanyone else experiencing this?20:45
danfglinuxguymarshall: are you sure it's not a link? sounds like one, what do u get when, in a terminal window, you type ls l -al (or ls songbird -al)?20:45
petersaintshow safe is currently ntfs write support on Ubuntu?20:46
rivitingoneI just tried to use Pidgin to join irc and that didn't work. It said #Ubuntu wasn't a valid channel20:46
AnscombeIs it possible someone couldn't pm me regarding my screen resolution and graphics card. I'm having trouble setting my resolution to the correcto ne I need.20:46
petersaintsI use an NTFS partition to store Music, Photos, etc20:46
linuxguymarshalldanfg:Yes. I tried cutting the folder to my home dir then it said it was already present. I told it to merge and replace all. It did that just fine and now this20:46
petersaintsand I'm afraid of corrupting it20:46
becker_11rivitingone: maybe a capitalisation problem20:46
rivitingoneAnscomebe, I'm having issues as well20:46
rivitingoneI tried both ways20:47
rivitingoneand I copypsted it from the help page too20:47
linuxguymarshallrivitingone:What are you having problems with20:47
ewomeris ndiswrapper and the windows atheros drivers still needed for the wireless atheros cards20:47
jimmmymis sound in embedded youtube videos working for anyone here? e.g try http://cgi.fark.com/cgi/fark/vidplayer.pl?IDLink=374963920:47
danfglinuxguymarshall: if there isn't anything valuable in that folder, i suggest you go to terminal, type rm -rf l (or whatever the folder is called). use rm -rf carefully, it permanently deletes folders and files in them20:47
becker_11rivitingone: ok don't know I'm using chatzilla and got in first time20:47
linuxguymarshalldanfg: already tried rm -rf20:48
danfglinuxguymarshall: how about sudo rm -rf ?20:49
petersaintshow safe is currently ntfs write support on Ubuntu?  I use an NTFS partition to store Music, Photos, Documents, etc that I want to use with Ubuntu too! So I want to know if my data is safe :) ????20:49
D3JAVUhow i can install any Screenlet20:49
becker_11When I do the command zcat boot.img.gz > /dev/sdb1 at a terminal I get bash: /dev/sdb1: Permission denied it's a usb key can anyone help?20:49
danfglinuxguymarshall: dude if that folder is still there then you need to call ghostbusters20:49
BrandonSAnd I have ubuntu installed20:49
rivitingonelinuxguymarshall: I am having trouble getting pidgen to wrok20:50
RandyboYCan i/how can i open a .uif image? (Not by burning on cd)20:50
jimmmymD3JAVU: http://screenlets.org/index.php/FAQ20:50
linuxguymarshalldanfg: I know. Also when I right click it it does not give the option to copy or paste20:50
JoeFoo1I boot up my computer, and at loading screen, this shows up: http://paste.ubuntu.com/29699/plain/20:50
danfgpetersaints: i use a ntfs partition (outside my main windows partition for safety) to share info between windows and linux on a dual boot config20:50
linuxguymarshallrivitingone: What is the problem with it20:50
D3JAVUthanks JimmMy20:50
Operatormy iPod absolutely REFUSES to mount, why could this be20:50
anto9usbecker_11, I think you should output that to a file rather than a device20:50
jimmmymD3JAVU: np, are you on hardy ? firefox 3?20:51
teddyhi. I'm having some trouble with qt4. I want to learn to program with qt4 so i installed the libqt4-dev package and the qt4-dev-tools too. I tried the hello world example that i found on the trolltech website and it won't compile. It says it cannot find the header files. After doing a seach i found them in /usr/include/qt4/QtGui/ however if i try to include them with qt4/QtGui/headernamehere i get other errors for missing headers20:51
danfgpetersaints: make sure you're using ntfs-3g for ntfs access20:51
anto9usOperator, you may get a clue if you type dmesg | tail20:52
jimmmymcan anyone try http://cgi.fark.com/cgi/fark/vidplayer.pl?IDLink=3750020 and tell me if theres sound?20:52
geniiRandyboY: Install MagicISO (which is what creates uif files) inside of WINE to view them20:52
ekowi'm new to ubuntu and i don't know where to start to get the wireless internet working, i've tried some forum tutorials but i think some live help would be way better if anyone is willing =P20:52
jimmmymI get sound when I watch it on youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G89IcZ3PluE20:52
harmental80hey guys...a friend of mine have accidentaly "unformated" his usb drive while using Windows....now I have the opportunity of bringing Linux up to the rescue....how can i recover the files? any ideas?20:52
teddyjimmmym:  i got sound there20:52
Sionide21jimmmym: Definetly sound20:53
RandyboYgenii, ok, thanks, ill try that.20:53
jimmmymteddy: thanks, dont know why it started doing that20:53
rivitingonelinuxguymarshall: in pidgen, when I try to join #ubuntu by clicking on "Buddies" then "Join a chat" and typeing #ubuntu a popup comes up saying could not join chat room Invalid chat room name20:53
geniiharmental80: Did he partition it but not yet format it or something?20:53
teddyanyone know how i can get started programming qt4? installing the qt4-dev packages didnt do it. Since it has trouble finding headers which seem to be installed but in the wrong location20:53
becker_11anto9us: I'm following the info @ http://www.debian.org/releases/stable/i386/ch04s04.html.en20:53
xidryckis it possible to install fluxbox in ubuntu?20:53
ekowi'm new to ubuntu and i don't know where to start to get the wireless internet working, i've tried some forum tutorials but i think some live help would be way better if anyone is willing =P20:54
amenadoteddy-> can you paste your command when compiling including all the options?20:54
D3JAVUyes in I AM IN Hardy with Firefox 3 ??? but way you ask me20:54
prince_jammysxidryck: that's what i'm running right now20:54
harmental80genii: he doesnt know how...but a perfectly healthy drive became useless in the morning....20:54
jimmmymekow: ekow: type lspci in a terminal and search for the line saying Network controller20:54
xidryckprince_jammys> how to do it?20:54
teddyi was just using a simple g++ helloworld.cpp -o helloworld20:54
harmental80windows says it need formatting and linux shows it also as unformatted20:54
teddyi would expect linking errors but it didnt get that far20:54
amenadoharmental80-> what did your friend do with the drive?20:55
xidryckprince_jammys: can you teach me? or give some terminal commands20:55
linuxguymarshallrivitingone:Talk to me in PM20:55
prince_jammysxidryck: install the fluxbox package, log out of X, and log back in, changing to 'fluxbox' in the sessions menu20:55
jimmmymD3JAVU: no its cool i wanted you to try something for me...but others did ...thanks anyway20:55
echzDoes anyone have any recommendations to help me fix compiz?  I've got an nvidia 8200 with the drivers all installed correctly, however when compiz effects are enabled on a fresh x86_64 8.04.1 install every time i scroll the screen the display corrupts and doubles.  If i turn the effects off, the screen scrolls normally ... anyone have any idea or is it a compiz bug?  i upgraded the default 0.7.4 to 0.7.6 thinking that would help, however it didn't20:55
prince_jammysxidryck: sudo apt-get install fluxbox, or sudo aptitude install fluxbox.20:55
geniiharmental80: Hmm. That sounds more like just drive failure than some software issue20:55
xidryckprince_jammys: thanks i will try20:55
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teddythink i solved my problem20:56
anto9usbecker_11, try it with sudo in front20:56
prince_jammysxidryck: (or do it from synaptic)20:56
AnscombeIs it possible someone couldn't pm me regarding my screen resolution and graphics card. I'm having trouble setting my resolution to the correct one I need?20:56
teddyg++ helloworld.cpp -o helloworld -I /usr/include/qt4 -lqt420:56
jimmmymechz: when i was having compiz trouble the guys at #compiz-fusion provided excellent help20:56
teddythat seems to have worked20:56
becker_11anto9us: yeah tried that got same message20:56
ekowok gimme a sec jimmmym i'm booting up20:56
prince_jammysxidryck: do you have a desktop manager or is your ubuntu stricly command-line?20:56
becker_11anto9us:  whjen i type mount it shows up at /dev/sdb120:57
anto9usbecker_11, unmount the device's partitions?20:57
Operatorthis is what it says from dmesg | tail20:57
xidryckprince_jammys: its easier in the terminal. ill just copy/paste20:57
fwaokdaI have a windows partition on my disk how can I delete it and merge the extra space to my ubuntu partition?20:57
echzjimmym:  thanks i'll check that out!20:57
becker_11anto9us:  how would that work?20:57
xidryckprince_jammys: by the way its downloading now20:57
ldiamondfwaokda use gparted20:57
becker_11anto9us:  its fat formatted does that affect things20:58
teddydamn its not -lqt4 .. what am i supposed to link too? :/20:58
tghyhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=44g9CLY6OSc who is playing here (music)20:58
ldiamondDoes any1 know how I can install drivers for my RAID controller in order to install linux on a partition on this controller?20:58
simihi, i have this 2 entryes in my /etc/modules : fuse lp and i do not know if i need them, (i do not found anything about lp and about fuse it seams not critical_20:58
xidryckprince_jammys: its done. thanks20:58
anto9usbecker_11, it will erase that partition and should create a new one by the looks of it, I think you need to umount the device's partitions20:58
prince_jammysxidryck: i like it. getting everything set up once you're running it involves some effort, though. it's all done in text files. once you're in there, do 'man fluxbox' and read away.20:58
becker_11anto9us:  ok just so I get it right how should I do it? umount ??20:59
D3JAVUtoday i install hardy  4 times with all file systems now i install hardy all partitions on riserfs who can help my which partishn is best20:59
danfgi just came back from hibernation and everything is ok, but sound is not working. how do i reset my sound settings or whatever?20:59
ekowJimmmym: i don't see "Network controller" anywhere, but i see ethernet controller, etc.21:00
fwaokdaldiamond, I just delete the partition now how to i merge it with my ubuntu?21:00
anto9usbecker_11, type mount and look see what mount point(s) are listed against that device, then umount the mount points e.g. umount /media/disk121:00
Anscombeif i do sudo apt-get install gparted where does it go to21:00
jimmmymekow: lspci | grep Network21:00
anto9usAnscombe, system | administration menu21:01
becker_11anto9us:  yeah it's /dev/sdb121:01
ldiamondfwaokda, in gparted (gui) you can simply resize your partition to use the remaining space by dragging the end or begining of the partition21:01
xidryckprince_jammys: how long nave you been using fluxbox?21:01
jimmmymekow:  what computer is it laptop/desktop ?21:01
prince_jammysxidryck: not that long.21:01
fwaokdaldiamond, oh ok thanks21:01
anto9usbecker_11, you need to match up what's mounted on that device and umount it21:01
ekowlaptop, Gateway MT672321:01
ldiamondDoes any1 know how I can install drivers for my RAID controller in order to install linux on a partition on this controller?21:01
xidryckprince_jammys: what about linux?21:02
Operatorso nobodys gona help me21:02
xidryckprince_jammys: im new to linux. only a month21:02
tghyhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=44g9CLY6OSc who is playing here (music)21:02
engineerhow do i cd into a directory named "-"21:03
becker_11anto9us:  ok I did umount /media/IMATION\ USB/ and then checked mount and it is unmounted21:03
jimmmymekow : did  " lspci | grep Network " return anything21:03
Operatorcd \-21:03
prince_jammysxidryck: fluxbox might be a bit of a pain then. i've been on linux for two years or so.21:03
anto9usldiamond, linux has most raid drivers already in it, your /boot partition will need to be outside your raid container21:03
TaoTeShaunhey all, this may be a simple fix but i'm not seein it... i am having an issue where no usb dev will automount.21:03
ekowone sec21:03
engineerOperator it doesn't work21:04
glassresistorwhats your fstab21:04
Operatorhmm sorry then21:04
anto9usbecker_11, now try your command again21:04
newbiehereI am looking for suggestions for getting rid of duplicates in multiple directories while maintaining the older timestamp (when they differ.21:04
prince_jammysxidryck: it is pretty cool, though. there's also 'enlightenment', if you want to check out other desktops. that one's easier to set up, and pretty original.21:04
engineerit moves me back21:04
xidryckprince_jammys: i want to try all desktop21:04
becker_11anto9us:  same response21:04
prince_jammysxidryck: installing and logging into enlightenment is done the same way as above21:04
glassresistorenlightenment is very nice i run it on my laptop21:04
becker_11anto9us:  bash: /dev/sdb1: Permission denied21:04
anto9usbecker_11, check now more mounts on that device and use sudo21:05
ekowJimmmym, it said "bash: lspc: command not found"21:05
xidryckprince_jammys: whats the terminal command for enlightenment?21:05
ekowmaybe i didn't type it right?21:05
jimmmymekow there should be an i ...lspci21:05
TaoTeShaunmy fstab has my 4 partitions, cdrom, and floppy21:06
ekowwoops crap my bad21:06
Raz0Rhi ive just installed the newest kernel (-21) and am having a few problems, can anyone help me?21:06
becker_11anto9us:  it doesn't even ask for my sudo password just straight to /dev/sdb1 permission denied21:06
anto9usbecker_11, sudo remembers for about 5 mins or something, needs to be /dev/sdb without the 121:07
glassresistoranyone with a clue on how to get an external to mount and allow my guest account to read?21:07
ekowdidn't return anything21:07
becker_11anto9us:  sorry same respone permission denied21:07
ekowjust made a new line21:07
anto9usbecker_11, with sudo?21:08
wols!ask | Raz0R21:08
ubottuRaz0R: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)21:08
jimmmymekow: what about " lshw -C network"21:08
becker_11anto9us: yeah21:08
ArmyChickenwhats up?21:08
wolsekow: lspci | grep Ether21:08
fwaokdaldiamond, it wont allow me to click and drag :(  currently I have it as 'unallocated' do i need to format it as something before I can resize my ubuntu to take it over?21:08
ahornerI turned on my pc today and for some reason i have no sound. can anybody help21:09
=== Klanticus_ is now known as Klanticus
wols!alsa | ahorner21:09
ubottuahorner: If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP321:09
JasnationHello. I have downloaded the latest ubuntu release (8.04), burned the image to disk, etc., but this live cd fails to start. I have re-downloaded, done md5 checks, burned new cd's, but the problem continues. When the linux kernel begins to load, it gets to some percent and then just freezes.  I have tried this on multiple computers, all of which have run ubuntu 7.10 perfectly. Any suggestions?21:09
ekowjimmmym: "WARNING: You should run this program as super-user."21:09
Operatorcan anyone help me, my ipod will not mount, it keeps messing up21:09
glassresistorahorner:sudo /etc/init.d/service [start | stop]21:09
wolsekow: lspci |grep Ether21:10
jimmmymekow: yeah dont worry about that, but did it show the results?21:10
Raz0Ri have just installed the ne kernel (2.6.24-21) however when i choose this in grub, it begins to load fine and then hangs with status bar about 1/4 full. if i select the recover mode from grub it loads fine.21:10
=== kalmah is now known as arsis
bdossJasnation: can you go to a terminal screen while it's loading?21:10
ekowjust that21:10
wolsRaz0R: don't use "quiet" as a kernel parameter in grub21:10
glassresistorRazoR:remove slash and tell me what it hangs on21:10
anto9usbecker_11, unplug the stick and plug it back in, check what device is allocated to it, unmount all partitions and try again, remember to sudo zcat to the device without a number at the end21:10
Jasnationbdoss: how can I try that?21:11
mbrigdanis there anyway I can _force_ my disk drive to open? I'm installing something in wine, at ubuntu complains that the drive is in use when I try to unmount it.21:11
ekowwols: it returned "Realtek Semiconductor Co. ..."21:11
bdossJasnation: i'm guessing it's freezing for you when the progress bar is going on the ubuntu loading screen?21:11
wolsekow: lspci -nn |grep Ether   and pastebin the FULL EXACT line21:11
bdossJasnation: or is it dying before then?21:11
Raz0Rglassresistor how do i remove the slash?21:12
Operatormy ipod wont mount, can anyone help?21:12
Raz0Rglassresistor press c ??21:12
Jasnationbdoss: it says "loading linux kernel" and the progress bar for that freezes.21:12
anto9usmbamford, check you have no folders open or terminals with pwd being on that drive21:12
wols!ask | Operator21:12
ubottuOperator: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)21:12
bdossJasnation: ah, sorry I was thinking of something else21:12
melterhow long will updates be available for any given, non-LTS version of ubuntu?21:12
Dekkardany reports of kernel upgrade probs with 2.24.20?21:13
glassresistor razor:sudo nano /etc/boot/grub/menu.lst remove *splash or quite from boot options21:13
bdossJasnation: there may be some options that you can pass before you load the linux kernel though21:13
becker_11anto9us:  the line in mount is /dev/sdb1 on /media/IMATION USB type vfat (rw,nosuid,nodev,uhelper=hal,uid=1000)21:13
=== erichammond1 is now known as erichammond
Operatormy ipod wont mount, it doesnt even come up in computer, can anyone help21:13
Raz0Rglassresistor thanks brb21:13
glassresistorrazor:remove etc from that directory21:13
Jasnationbdoss: what options should I enable?21:14
jimmmymOperator: when you used it with a different OS it would come up as a usb harddrive?21:14
Raz0Rglassresistor i do not have that file21:14
ahornerI still cant get my sound working.21:14
Raz0Rglassresistor sorry didnt see last message ;)21:14
bdossJasnation: not sure -- i'm doing a quick google search to see if anything pops out21:14
ekow1Sorry my internet disconnected, i'm back21:14
glassresistorits ok21:14
fwaokdacan someone help me with gparted before i restart? I think I just messed it up but I'm still in ubuntu so maybe I can still fix it?21:14
wols!vague | ahorner21:14
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about vague21:14
becker_11anto9us:  sudo zcat boot.img.gz > /dev/sdb21:14
anto9usbecker_11, unmount the partition then try your command again, with sudo and without a number21:14
wols!doesn't work | ahorner21:14
Operatorjimmym, mass storage i think, but it just said apple ipod mass storage device i think21:14
ubottuahorner: Doesn't work is a strong statement. Does it sit on the couch all day? Does it want more money? Is it on IRC all the time? Please be specific! Examples of what doesn't work tend to help too.21:14
becker_11bash: /dev/sdb: Permission denied21:14
Dekkardmake that problems with
=== martyn is now known as Guest22051
ldiamondWhats the package for linux source files?21:15
ahornerit just doesnt play any sound.21:15
wolsbecker_11: close all files on the partition you want to unmount (see "lsof") then try again21:15
mbrigdanis there anyway I can _force_ my disk drive to open? I'm installing something in wine, at ubuntu complains that the drive is in use when I try to open the drive.21:15
jimmmymOperator: so now you plug it into ubuntu and nothing shows up ?21:15
anto9usbecker_11, your don't have a terminal open on  /media/IMATION USB do you?21:15
wolsahorner: if you continue with these vague useless descriptions you will never get help21:15
ahornerbut thats all i can say.21:15
becker_11wols:  partition is a usb key and its empty I formatted it in windoze to fat filesystem21:15
wolsmbrigdan: open how?21:15
TelnetMantaCan anyone tell me an easy way to find what file/folders are using all of the space on my system?21:16
Operatorjimmmym, its hit and miss really, sometimes it does, most of the time it doesn't21:16
becker_11anto9us:  no21:16
wolsbecker_11: doesn't mean anything21:16
TelnetMantaIm out of space suddenly21:16
mbrigdanwols: physically open the drive21:16
c_lisp /server # irc.mintirc.net21:16
ubottuThe linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE).  Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal21:16
wolsbecker_11: its main directory is still a file that can be open21:16
c_lisp /server irc.mintirc.net21:16
wolsmbrigdan: close all file accesing that drive. man lsof21:16
jimmmymOperator: so it has worked before? and now it doesnt at all?21:16
anto9usTelnetManta, sudo apt-get install baobab21:17
wolsekow: can you answer?21:17
Operatorcome to think of it, hardly any usb devices are working21:17
jimmmymOperator: something that happened recently?21:18
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Operatornot that i can think of21:18
bdossJasnation: i can't find anything, sorry :(21:18
xidrycki cant open my synaptic package manager.. anyone please help21:18
Operatori am thinking either: linux has ruined my ipod, or my ipod has broken21:18
ahornerapple fail21:18
xidrycki cant open my synaptic package manager.. anyone please help21:18
Jasnationbdoss: do you think this is a problem with the linux kernel or the ubuntu cd?21:18
mbrigdanwols, that man page has me lost, how would I make it close all the files?21:19
Operatorxidryck, reboot computer21:19
jimmmymOperator: but if you are saying other USB devices also dont work...maybe it isnt the ipod21:19
becker_11wols:  anto9us  it still says permission denied and when I use sudo it doesn't even ask for my password which is weird.21:19
anto9usxidryck, do you have another package manager open? like update manager?21:19
OperatorJimmym, good point, what could be up21:19
xidryckanto9us: no21:19
anto9usbecker_11, no, not weird, sudo remembers you for a time21:19
becker_11wols:  anto9us  I'm using sudo zcat boot.img.gz > /dev/sdb21:19
ahorner@becker_11 try sudo su21:19
bdossJasnation: my guess is that its a problem with the kernel if you've burnt multiple cds21:19
Operatorjimmym, in windows it wouldnt copy my videos to the ipod though21:19
bdossJasnation: and have checked the md5s21:19
becker_11I exited the terminal and reopened21:19
newbiehereSuggestions for getting rid of duplicates in multiple directories while maintaining the older timestamp (when they differ.)21:19
anto9usbecker_11, that should work21:19
xidryckoperator: okay ill try21:20
Sladeim trying to run something via wine, and im getting this error: Unknown Subsystem name [ LDAPClient ] - Discarded21:20
ekow1i typed in "lshw -C network" if gave results, is there something specific i'm looking for?21:20
jimmmymOperator: Sorry, I had an Ipod a year ago and it worked fine...havent used one recently so cant remember everything21:20
Sladealong with: err:module:import_dll Library NDIS.SYS (which is needed by L"C:\\windows\\system32\\drivers\\spcd.sys") not found21:21
Sladeerr:winedevice:ServiceMain driver L"SPCD" failed to load21:21
CartoonCatI need some help setting up java for firefox3. The howto i found said to go to ~/firefox/plugins however I do not have one for my standard user. Has this path been changed in FF3 or is the howto in error?21:21
bdossJasnation: i remember a while ago i had a machine that refused to load the kernel, and it worked by passing a --no-acpi flag21:21
Operatorjimmym, thans21:21
wolsekow1: lspci -nn |grep Eth21:21
jimmmymOperator: however i used floola on both windows and linux to manage the ipod21:21
Operatorwhats that21:21
Dr_willisCartoonCat,  i normally just install the proper java package and it works. No need to mess wth the plugins directory at all21:21
Guest22051I need a quick bit of help, I've just install ubuntu 8.04 and i need to download a research program, the options of types it gives me are: 1) Apple mac universal binaries 2) Linux CentOS4 32-bit (CentOS4-32, FC4-32, FC5-32, OpenSuSE10.1-32) 3)Linux CentOS5 32-bit (CentOS5-32, FC6-32, FC7-32) 4) Linux Debian 5) Uncompiled sourses only   Which should I choose?21:21
wols!java | CartoonCat21:21
ubottuCartoonCat: To install a Java runtime/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java - For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java6-jre from the !Multiverse repository21:21
familyHey guys. Ran into a bit of a snag when trying to use a TASCAM Portastudio DP-01FX21:21
jimmmymOperator: its a small software to manage the music  files on your ipod21:21
familyIt's supposed to show up as a mass usb storage device21:21
bdossJasnation: but it's pretty unlikely that it would be the same fix for you21:21
Operatornot video?21:22
CartoonCatDr_willis, What package would that be? I installed the sun jre21:22
majortoolcan anyone tell me how to get java working in firefox for 64 bit linux?21:22
wolsmajortool: via nspluginwrapper21:22
zyx386_can any one tell me how can is disable gnome default keyring or remove enter a password every time ? libpam-keyring worked no more with ubuntu worked fine under debian. libpam-gnome-keyring is already installed but i must type the default keyring by ubuntu startup, he make me crazy, any help? or idea?21:22
majortoolwols: thats it .. thanks man21:22
familydemsg gives me a bunch of this: http://pastebin.com/m9e48bc321:22
bastid_raZorGuest22051; you may have to compile it yourself.. option 4 is the closest to what you have although that may not work.21:23
ldiamondhow do you extract a tar to a folder? tried tar -xf tarname.tar folder21:23
Dr_willisCartoonCat,  check the url the bot gave. I was thinking it was just sun-java6-jre21:23
Cha1Hey guys, I just installed gdesklets and set them up, and i do not know how to hide their tabs from the task bar21:23
xidryckoperator: E: dpkg was interrupted, you must manually run 'dpkg --configure -a' to correct the problem.21:23
xidryckE: _cache->open() failed, please report.21:23
becker_11anto9us:  wols  this is from dsmeg | tail [435206.053571] FAT: bogus number of reserved sectors21:23
jimmmymekow1: http://pastebin.com/ go there and paste all the output, then send, copy  the link and send it here21:23
becker_11[435206.053577] VFS: Can't find a valid FAT filesystem on dev sdb1.21:23
xidryckoperator: do you know that error?21:23
Operatorperhaps try running dpkg --configure -a21:24
anto9usfamily, looks like the partition may be damaged, do you have important files on it?21:24
xidryckoperator: i tried21:24
SealedWithAKissSince somebody told me to add a line to a configuration file on my computer a while ago, Synaptic has stopped working; proving this error message. E: Dynamic MMap ran out of room21:24
SealedWithAKissE: Dynamic MMap ran out of room21:24
SealedWithAKissE: Error occurred while processing sdic-gene95 (NewVersion1)21:24
SealedWithAKissE: Problem with MergeList /var/lib/apt/lists/archive.ubuntu.com_ubuntu_dists_dapper_multiverse_binary-i386_Packages21:24
SealedWithAKissE: The package lists or status file could not be parsed or opened.21:24
FloodBot1SealedWithAKiss: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.21:24
SealedWithAKiss Does anybody know what has gone wrong?21:24
wolsbecker_11: sudo file -s /dev/sdb121:24
becker_11anto9us:  no it's a fresh format from an win xp box21:24
ekow1wols: "Ethernet controller [0200}: Realtek Semiconductor Co., Ltd. RTL8101E PCI Express Fast Ethernet Controller [10ec:8136] (rev 01)21:24
familyanto9us: Extremely important. It's a mixer machine (for audio recording)21:24
wolsekow1: and what is the problem with it?21:24
bastid_raZorSealedWithAKiss; remove the line you added would be the first guess21:24
rogue780_anyone know of a web dev IDE that includes a ftp client?21:24
amonkeycan i remount my / as ro so that I can safely run down my laptop battery without worrying an abrupt shutoff will corrupt the fs?21:24
familyanto9us: aka formatting is not an option21:24
anto9usfamily, if you can read it elsewhere do that and backup your files21:25
glassresistorhow do I define my fstab to give permissions on my external to another user besides my account21:25
wolsamonkey: no21:25
Dr_willisamonkey,  mount has a remount option.. so yes thats possible.21:25
zyx386_any idea about my problem?21:25
becker_11wols:  that returns /dev/sdb1: data21:25
TelnetMantaanto9us: baobab not found21:25
Dr_willisamonkey,  i would suggest using a LIVE CD however to do such a task.21:25
SealedWithAKissbastid_raZor,  great answer lol The thing is, I don't remember the name of the file or what directory it was in.21:25
becker_11how 'bout just formatting it again in linux as vfat??21:25
wolsbecker_11: not formatted21:25
familyanto9us: I can play back the files when the machine is running as a stand-alone. It's just when I attempt to plug it in, hal doesn't want to mount it.21:25
amonkeyDr_willis, that was what I was thinking, just thought i'd jump on irc and check21:25
Dr_willisamonkey,  or boot to the bios., and just let the thing sit till its out of juice21:25
ekow1wols: uh i'm trying to get wireless to work, it doesn't give me a wireless option in the Network Settings21:25
xidryckhi dr_willis21:26
familyanto9us: I could try it on another computer21:26
Dr_willisamonkey,  i was thinking letting the battery totally drain was a 'bad' thing. :) but these days who can tell.21:26
wolsekow1: that ethernet contrlls is not a wireless adapter21:26
rustemда уж21:26
newbiehererecommended terminal/bash/scripting channel for my question?21:26
xidryckdr_willis: can you help me? my synaptic manager stops working21:26
wolsekow1: lspci -nn    pastebin the output of that21:26
Myrtti!ru | rustem21:26
ubotturustem: Пожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke21:26
unopnewbiehere, what scripting lanaguage? bash?21:26
Dr_willisxidryck,  totally depends on the errors you get when you run synaptic from a terminal21:27
anto9usTelnetManta, sorry, sudo apt-get install gnome-utils21:27
xidryckE: dpkg was interrupted, you must manually run 'dpkg --configure -a' to correct the problem.  E: _cache->open() failed, please report.21:27
amonkeyDr_willis, its not reporting charge appropriatly, i want to reset it's charge meter which means running it all the way down and then all the way up21:27
xidryckdr_willis: E: dpkg was interrupted, you must manually run 'dpkg --configure -a' to correct the problem. E: _cache->open() failed, please report.21:27
Fenris_anyone know how to use wine?21:27
newbiehereunop: bash I guess, I want to gett rid of duplicates in multiple directories while maintaining the older timestamp (when they differ.)21:27
xidryckdr_willis: thats the error. can you understand that?21:27
anto9usfamily, I suspect that you may need to repair the partition but I'd retrieve what I could off it first21:28
Fenris_yes, im a bit of a linux n00b21:28
Dr_willisxidryck,  well fromr eading the error message.. DID you do as it suggested?  run 'sudo dpkg --configure -a' ?21:28
xidryckdr_willis: yes21:28
DashkalContext: I just installed a new video card (an nvidia to replace the onboard intel POS).  When I first booted, ubuntu showed me a tool to configure the system-wide display settings.  I did it wrong and I now have (at the login screen) a virtual desktop far larger than my screen resolution.  How do I fix this? (Once logged in, it works fine since I set the correct one in the screen resolution...21:28
dave11what do yellow triangles with a exclamation point's mean?21:28
xidryckdr_willis: i also reboot my system21:28
unopnewbiehere, #bash then -- but you should do your research before going in there, they don't like spoon feeding .. fdupes detects duplicate files, so read about it a bit21:28
anto9usbecker_11, delete the device's partitions using gparted21:28
Dr_willisxidryck,  not sure what to try then.  May want to check the forums.  Its possible theres a bad cache file that needs to be deleted.21:29
Anscombehow do i delete ubuntu using live CD?21:29
xidryckdr_willis: okay21:29
AnscombeIt cant run on my desktop :<21:29
wolsAnscombe: remove the partition21:29
Anscombetheres no option on start up for it21:29
gelhey guys, anybody using ubuntu with geforce mx 440 or such?21:29
wols!anyone | gel21:29
ubottugel: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?21:29
unopnewbiehere, you could also detect duplicates with md5sum or sha1sum, find out dates with stat21:29
Dr_willisxidryck,  like the files in /var/cache/apt archives/  pkgcache.bin  srcpkgcache.bin21:30
becker_11anto9us:  okay I just did mkdosfs /dev/sdb1 it worked, then I created a folder and a file on the key and that worked21:30
Dr_willisgel,  yes  i have in the past .. and that old a card i belive the docs say need the nvidia-glx-legacy driver21:30
familyanto9us: I'm going to try it under Arch first, then Windows21:30
fbcIS transfering my account to another computer as easy as copying my home directory to it?21:30
anto9usbecker_11, cool21:30
ethana2my new ubuntu dell keeps crashing violently21:30
ethana2how do i find out why?21:30
gelDr_willis: do you know which legacy driver version is the best?21:31
Dr_willisgel,  not a clue. I normally use whatever one is in the reopos21:31
wols!best | gel21:31
ethana2everything freezes and the last half second of sound just keeps repeating21:31
ubottugel: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.21:31
K-nuxdo you know what's mean "fry"21:31
newbiehereunop: Fdupes does md5 compares but does not address the timestamp dilemma for me which is where I need help. Stat will give me timestamps but this will be thousands of files...21:31
familyanto9us: To see if anythign is really wrong with it21:31
anto9usfamily, yeah, backup your data first, I find windows indexing and consequent premature removal to be a big culprit for trashing removable device filesystems21:32
ldiamondCan any1 here help me out with installing RAID drivers in ubuntu? I cant get to compile the drivers (missing files in the linux source...)21:32
gelthe new driver in repos doesn't work well with the mx -> i returned to the older one but I still have glitches and some weird problems21:33
fbcwols, IS transfering my account to another computer as easy as copying my home directory to it?21:33
K-nuxfuck your ass21:33
Cha1How do i make the window tabs of my desktop widgets not show up on the task bar21:33
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familyanto9us: Yeah, I'm not the biggest windows fan, but I'd much much rather it work under that OS than have to reformat it... my father put a decent amount of time into the track creation21:33
gfatherguys im getting could not access the cd , pleas make sure other applications are not using it21:34
anto9usfamily, you should always make backups of important stuff anyway and remember a backup is only ever as good as a proven restore :)21:34
familyanto9us: Well, heh, the only way to really make a backup is to connect it to an external device21:35
ethana2ok, i just enabled join/part hiding to make this channel sane--    can anyone help me pin down why my machine is crashing?21:35
familyanto9us: http://midiguy.com/zcart/images/Tascam/DP-01FX_Top.jpg21:35
familythat's what it is21:35
ethana2if i wanted it to crash i would have ordered it with windows21:35
unopnewbiehere, i've just sent you a pm - let me know if you get it21:35
familyanto9us: I just reopened the connection. That appeared to do the trick21:36
familyThanks for the input though21:37
anto9usfamily, see if it will mount and show it's files by other means and then back them up, prove their integrity then repair the partition21:37
ekow1wols: this is what it returned when i typed lspci -nn: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/29715/21:37
anto9usfamily, cool, now is the time to backup I would suggest21:37
becker_11anto9us: The zcat worked the files are on the usb key and it now mounts as /dev/sdb on /media/Ubuntu Inst type vfat21:38
familyanto9us: lol no kidding21:38
anto9usbecker_11, you should be able to continue on your howto now then, got there eventually :)21:38
QuickGoldhow do I install GD for php5?21:38
becker_11anto9us:  thx to you21:39
SaladinCan anyone help me - I just had to reinstall Ubuntu Hardy after an uber crash out last night; now, if I have Rhythmbox playing, my XChat won't beep at me.21:39
jbroomeQuickGold:  apt-cache search php | grep -i gd21:39
jbroomephp5-gd - GD module for php521:39
SaladinNeither does Skype for that matter21:39
SaladinHowever, Pidgin does21:39
CartoonCatDr_willis, That did not work.21:40
wolsekow1: lsusb   pastebin the output21:40
gfatherguys any help pleas21:40
danfgwhy have gnome's drawers been so buggy for so long and nobody's done anything about it?21:40
ownerhow do i listen to wma it says i have to install restricted software21:40
TaoTeShaunhey, i hope this is an easy fix, my system will see my flash drives but will not mount the file systems. I can mount them manually, but that is becoming a pain. any ideas would be helpful :)21:40
jbroome!wma > owner21:40
gfatherim getting could not access the cd , pleas make sure other applications are not using it21:40
ubottuowner, please see my private message21:40
Saladinowner: Try sudo apt-get install w32codecs21:41
edjuUbuntu installed on an external drive.  Everything was fine until I repartitioned and, using qtparted, copied the OS from one partition to another.  Now, boot goes fine, but cannot log in at the kdm screen.  If this is a familiar problem, anyone w/ a fix for the simple-minded?21:41
gelgfather: did you try to reboot? ;021:41
anto9usSaladin, I think rhythmbox is locking up the /dev/dsp device, I think it's configurable to use pulseaudio and pulseaudio is configurable to share it's device, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PulseAudio21:41
xidryckdr_willis: i have it figured out. i just have to type sudo before the command. and i figured out what cause this. i interrupted an installation. thanks anyway.21:42
SaladinI am using Alsa, according to my sound settings?21:42
Dr_willisCartoonCat,   You really need to be more vervbose and concise as to what dident work. :) others in the channel will read your messages and may know the proper fix.21:42
anto9usSaladin, yeah, that will lock up /dev/dsp I do believe21:42
Jarrhedsup people21:42
Jarrhedu guys know if theres a program like nLite for ubuntu21:43
Dr_willisxidryck,  err.. i pasted the command with sudo in front of it as an example. :) of COURSE it needs sudo. heh heh..  I had to train the guys at work 'System tasks need Sudo' :) User tasks do not.21:43
TuniX12anyone knows debian packgae maker?21:43
Dr_willisxidryck,  I had to work hard teaching that class :)21:43
familyanto9us: Hmmm, it only seems to currently work under windows for some reason.21:43
CartoonCatDr_willis, true, my bad. Following the link from the bot about isntalling java did not work. I uninstalled java 5 and installed 6, followed the rest (no selection needed, there is only one java installed it said) but FF still does not work21:43
familyanto9us: aka it's not working under my ubuntu install21:43
xidryckdr_willis: sorry i didnt noticed21:44
Yud_Zrocwhy would an updater need u to run under suo21:44
CartoonCatalso inline, checking the FF config, it wants java at /usr/java /usr/j2se, but i do not have those paths21:44
gfather<gel> ill try now21:44
uriel_How do i change a MP3 file to a wav file? please help!21:44
JadewolfYou guys think Ubuntu is okay to use for a server to do mail/webhosting on a single website with medium to low volume?21:44
mbrigdanhow can I use lsof to close all open files on a cdrom drive?21:44
Dr_willisxidryck,  :) yep. the ubuntu sudo way.. is not taken into account in the error messages.. of course it sayingyouneeded sudo whenyou diddent would be just as wrong i guess.21:44
anto9usfamily, yeah, my guess is a partition problem, retrieve your files and attempt repair, always unmount safely from windows21:44
uriel_Can any1 help me with this issue?21:45
xidryckdr_willis: what does sudo really means? is it superuser?21:45
Dr_willisuriel_,  theres several sound tools that can convert.21:45
Odd-rationaleuriel_: try http://www.zamzar.com/21:45
familyanto9us: Hmmm. It also seems the my usb thumb drive doesnt' seem to be picking up either under 'buntu21:45
SaladinJadewolf: Certainly.21:45
Dr_willisxidryck,  'super user do' I think. :)21:45
Dr_willisxidryck,  'System Uber command Do'21:46
SaladinJadewolf: A lot of hosting places use Linux/Ubuntu for their hosting21:46
xidryckdr_willis: ahh21:46
rivitingoneLinuxguymarshal: I'm back21:46
Dr_willisxidryck,  sudo has some reallyneat features and tricks. its worth reading up on someday21:46
ubottuPowerPC.  Formerly used by Apple for the Macintosh line of computers. Variants are now used in popular gaming consoles. PPC was a fully supported Ubuntu architecture up to and including edgy. It is now a community port, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PowerPCFAQ21:46
SaladinJadewolf: It does, of course depend on what mail server you are wanting to use? If you are wanting an Exchange server, you'll need Windows21:46
familyDr_willis: It's not super user?21:46
xidryckdr_willis: yes i will21:46
Yud_Zrocwhen running a game updater why would it need you to run as a superuser (sudo)21:47
Dr_willisHmm. Theres no Ubuntu PPC channel eh?21:47
anto9usfamily, I've used many usb devices on ubuntu, fat and ntfs, only problems I've had is when they've been connected to windows and unsafely removed21:47
l3dxI had to disks in raid1 before a reinstall of ubuntu. What's the "correct" way to get the raid up and going again?21:47
norman_xhi out there. anybody knows how to change the refreshrate of an tft from 60 to 75 hz in ubuntu linux? I run a nvidia 7300gt graphics card, and the tft is connected via dvi.21:47
xidryckfamily: system uber command do21:47
Dr_willisYud_Zroc,  if the game is isntalled system wide..it needs to be updated system wide.. if installed by/as a single user.. the user should be able to update it.21:47
familyanto9us: Perhaps it's a problem with this install of ubuntu. perhaps a recent update caused hal to break or something. I've done 2 full system upgrades since its last fresh install.21:48
Yud_ZrocDr_willis: tyvm21:48
mbrigdanhow can I use lsof to close all open files on a cdrom drive?21:48
fwaokdaI'm trying to resize my ubuntu ext3 partition to take over my newly acquired unallocated space, but it wont let me expand it into that space... why is this?21:49
Qixxhey, I'm still struggling to get my NVidia 9600 GT working with Ubuntu (Hardy), I tried the manu linstall - is there an easy way to remove the files that created ?21:49
ay^_fwaokda: is it mounted?21:49
fwaokdaay^, it is right now but a second ago it wasn't I was using the live cd21:49
ekowwols: lsusb returned http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/29720/21:50
fwaokdaay^,  I had to come back into the actual installation because I cannot use my internet on the live cd.21:50
Dr_willisfwaokda,   also seen where if using primary partitions and trying to expand/resize logicals/extended. I thinki had to do that in steps. But the system i had to do this on was weird in other ways. May of been a quirk that one time21:51
ay^_fwaokda: okay, you cannot change the size of a mounted media21:51
anto9usfamily, I'd recommend to backup and repair or repartition the thumb drive to prove that21:51
kiyikoreccomend filesystem for full install?21:51
lazarus_lupineext3 generally21:51
anto9uskiyiko, ext321:51
fwaokdaay^, i know that but when i have the live cd in it isn't right?21:51
ay^_fwaokda: correct21:52
JadewolfOkay good, so I didn't want to expect this to work on ubuntu if it wasn't able to.  Thanks for the info. By chance do you guys know a website or forum thread before I hit google that will talk about doing all the necessary steps to make this work? I don't have my static IP yet but its within 24 to 72hours away21:52
lazarus_lupinereiserfs is probably a bad idea right now21:52
fwaokdaay^, well its not letting me there either thats my question how do i get it to let me resize it there21:52
sk33t0rhey all21:52
kiyikodo we have someone who knows alot about disk recovery, or should i check a different room?21:53
xidrycksk33t0r: hey21:53
mindframe-reiserfs might kill your wife :(21:53
manitoba98Hey everyone – I just tried to install the server version of Ubuntu 8.04.1 in VirtualBox and got a lovely error telling me that the kernel required CPU feature which were not present. 7.10 (desktop) worked fine. Any ideas?21:53
sk33t0rI was wondering if anyone has had problems with firefox recently in ubuntu 8.0421:53
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Anscombewhen removing ubuntu is it the linux-swap and ext3 partition?21:54
sk33t0rall of a sudden my bookmarks are gone and my history doesnt work or anything21:54
Jadewolfsk33t0r: not me, seems to be working fine21:54
SaladinJadewolf: I would recommend getting someone to set it up for you if that is what you want to do, and not fully conversant. It is a lot of work in terms of changing DNS settings, and you also need a web server for your website. Other than that, I have no idea where to go for assistance21:54
Dr_willisAnscombe,  normally yes. Linux has at least 2 partitions, a swap and one or more ext2/3 partitions. dependong on how you isntalled it21:54
anto9uskiyiko, ddrescue is quite a useful tool to start with21:54
sk33t0rI can still visit webpages but nothing else works21:54
Anscombeok thanks21:54
Anscombeits my stupid desktop :P just have to use ub on laptop21:55
SaladinAnto9us: Thank you, that fixed the problem as far as I can tell21:55
RampouBonjouuur ubuntu ! \o:21:55
sk33t0rIve been using konqueror and it sucks compared to firefox21:55
Rampouplutôt bonsoir :)21:55
sk33t0ranyone experienced similar problems with firefox?? Im trying to figure out how to fix it21:55
Rampouis it an english chan? :o21:55
SaladinYes, an English channel.21:56
SaladinAnd sk33tor: what problems have you been having?21:56
rivitingoneIf I install a program with add/remove or synaptic and it doesn't go into my applications bar, where did it install? What folder is the ubuntu equivalent to the programs folder in windows?21:56
RampouOk thank you Saladin21:56
ldiamondI need /user/src/linux/includes/linux/config.h but this file does not exist. Where is the file (or equivalent like autoconf.h) ?21:56
ay^_rivitingone: you could try typing its name in a terminal21:56
RemsSsRampou: tu es sur un chan anglais fait donc /join #ubuntu-fr21:56
sk33t0rthe history wont work and all my bookmarks are gone.. and it doesnt remember my homepage or anything21:56
sk33t0rits quite a strange problem21:57
RampouRemsSs, lol merci, =)21:57
SaladinNothing I've had problems with21:57
Yud_Zrocguess what i think i solved a bug :)21:57
kiyikoanto9us: my issue is, a computer had xp, it had a major crash, and was wecovered to me, with fat32 pilesystem. and i need to be able to recoverthis data with ubuntu...i dont know if its possable with switch of filesystem, from ntfs to fat3221:57
sk33t0rany page I go to it says this website does not supply identity information21:57
RampouSee you all21:57
sk33t0rI dont understand21:57
Saladinsk33tor: Do you not use FEBE? And the supply of ID info is site dependant. Most sites DON'T supply that data21:58
anto9uskiyiko, no, don't switch filesystem, just see if it mounts first and gives access to its files21:58
xidryckskeet0r: have you tried reporting to firefox?21:58
sk33t0rno not yet that was my next course of action21:58
jduckettwhat does it mean when documention states that a wireless driver has been included in a kernel????21:58
sk33t0rI was wondering if anyone has had similar problems and could help me fix it21:58
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Lynetldiamond: For your current running kernel, it should be /usr/src/linux-headers-`uname -r`/include/linux/autoconf.h21:59
anto9usjduckett, it means support is built in, though you may still need firmware files for it21:59
Lynetjduckett: It means that you have exhausted your quota of question marks. Or more specifically, that the driver is now part of the regular kernel so you don't have to install it separately anmy more.21:59
ekowwols: lsusb returned: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/29720/21:59
jduckettjust add the firmware files to the /lib/firmware dir?22:00
danfgwhen i plug in my htc wizard on the usb, my network stops working in ubuntu, wtf22:01
anto9usjduckett, that sounds right, you should consult the ubuntu help/wiki pages for your device though22:01
JC_Denton_Running dual monitors (configured using nvidia-settings) but the one window keeps scrolling down to match the other when I want both to have custom resolutions. this is a 17" tft connected to a 15" laptop22:02
ekowk i'm back to square one, anybody want to guide me through getting my wireless internet to work on my laptop?22:02
rotzakweird problem -- I leave in the evening after work, come back to my workstation in the morning and, after being "asleep" all night my computer's sound doesn't work until I restart. Anyone ever encounter anything like this?22:02
jduckettsupport for Intel wireless 4965 is built into kernel >= 2.6.24, however, lshw -C network shows the device is UNCLAIMED22:03
SaladinAs a question to satiate my curiosity, what would cause xserver to break, and tell me that I need to do something with tcp/ip, and concurrently a near constant error along the same lines for Nautilus?22:03
filthpigHi, my GF bought a Linksys WPC54G pcmcia wlan card yesterday (without my "permission"), and now we're having trouble making it work. It is detected and it finds the wireless network, but she can't connect to it, the connection just stalls. She lives very far away from me, so the only way I can help her is by phone etc (gonna try to get vnc to work today while she's wired up), but do you guys know something I might have forgotten? The card is22:03
filthpig using some broadcom driver from the restricted drivers manager..22:03
ay^_ekow: what didn't work?22:03
danfgrotzak: yeah i have that problem too22:03
gfatherguys if tried to restart , and i dont know whats the damn problem22:03
anto9usdanfg, I'm guessing that's a mobile phone, I think it's detecting a new network device and breaking, maybe you can disable usb networking on it?22:03
danfgrotzak: i googled a lot and found this, hope it helps: http://www.uluga.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=209740&highlight=hibernation+sound&page=222:03
rotzakthanks danfg, i'll check it out22:03
=== mark_ is now known as compu73rg33k
ekoway: i recently installed ubuntu, the wireless doesn't work right away and i'm very new to linux so i don't know where to start to get it working22:04
danfganto9us: yes it detects a new network device, i wish it wouldn't try to use the new device for internet access or whatever, which i guess is what makes networking stop22:04
zippytechon hardy is there a way to find waht program is holding the audio22:04
anto9usdanfg, happens on my sony erricsson k800i, I disable usb internet on the k800i's menu22:05
QixxI'm trying to set up my nvidia 9600 GT with Ubuntu Hardy (Followed all instructions, searched google for hours now) -- still getting the error that "Compatible NVidia X driver not found!" in Xorg.0.log22:05
QixxI'm using the manual install, and have run the nvidia-xconfig22:05
danfganto9us: oh, i so it's an option in your phone that tries to use the internet thru usb?22:05
anto9usdanfg, it didn't work properly anyway, don't know if it's my phone company not supporting it, I had to configure dialup22:06
nogagplzQixx: 173.14.09? or there abouts for driver version22:06
danfganto9us: well, i'd still like to do that, but on windows. on linux i just don't want my desktop's network to stop working22:06
anto9usdanfg, no, I think it's an option to provide internet through usb22:06
Reabysimple question: doest fstab make needed subdirectories on boot, or do i need to mkdir /media/mounpoint ?22:07
Qixx]installed ubuntu yesterday with 'ubuntu-8.04.1-dvd-amd64.iso'22:07
danfgReaby: yeah it does afaik22:07
anto9usdanfg, specifically, you connect your phone and it becomes a networking device for you computer to use, ifconfig should list all your network devices22:07
Reabydanfg: ok thanks22:08
filthpigrotzak, I have exactly the same problem. I remember reading a howto explaining the fix, but it's a long time ago22:08
QixxI did get the weird "error" : WARNING: Unable to perform the runtime configuration check for library 'libGL.so.1' ('/usr/lib32/libGL.so.173.14.05'); assuming successful installation.22:08
ay^_ekow: sorry I got lost in some documentation.. but you could always try dmesg and look for anything that has to do with you wireless22:08
mortal1dell's vista insprion comes with some really good hardware for the $$$ vs ubuntu insp.  You guys think i'd be any worse installing ubuntu myself?22:09
JC_Denton_what can I do about the smaller monitor that keeps sizing windows too large when running dual monitors?22:09
ekowok, np22:09
danfganto9us: ah ok, makes sense. i'd still like ubuntu to prioritize the network devices, so a new network device shouldn't be used instead of the current one that is still working, dunno22:09
ay^_mortal1: I did that on a 152522:09
jduckettsupport for Intel wireless 4965 is built into kernel >= 2.6.24, however, lshw -C network shows the device is UNCLAIMED22:09
thinman1189what's the command for viewing the progress when you boot up? it hangs sometimes and I wanna see why.22:09
lesthinman1189: dmesg22:10
anto9usdanfg, yeah, network manager is still a bit hit and miss though it does make configuration a lot easier for most people22:10
b4I just interrupted an rm process that was working on an 8GB .tar.bz2 file with Ctrl+C22:10
hiptobecubicare there any little utilities like pastebinit that do a better job than pastebinit does?22:10
hiptobecubicb4, and?22:11
s3ayo sum1 plz help im talkin to my dad long distance and i need to no how to make my mic work!22:11
b4my question is: what state are whatever is left of the file and the hard drive now in? and should I worry?22:11
Saladins3a: What version of Ubuntu are you on? And what software are you using for the call?22:11
b4considering that if I leave, say, 4GB of my harddrive unusable if I don't run some sort of check program, I would be worried.22:11
thinman1189les: thanks22:12
danfganyone know how to get mousewheel acceleration in ubuntu?22:12
anto9usb4, check if the file is there and test its contents with bzip2 -t22:13
mortal1ay^_ did you delete the recovery partitions?22:13
b4the entry in the directory is gone22:13
ay^_mortal1: no I still have the vista as a dual-boot22:14
ay^_mortal1: and thus I felt the recovery stuff could come in handy :)22:14
s3aSaladin: ubuntu 8.04.1, Skype
SaladinS3a: Have you tried playing with your sound and volume settings?22:16
hiptobecubics3a, what exactly is wrong? is it just that your microphone is not being picked up in skype? have you tested it with other programs?22:17
co0lingFir3hello, how do i open a .001 file in ubuntu?22:17
SaladinS3a: Right click your little volume icon, and select Volume Control. There are a couple of channels for mic and mic boost. Try adjusting those.22:17
ekoway: i typed dmesg but what am i looking for?22:17
SaladinS3a: I had the same problem when I first installed Ubuntu, and all it took was some readjusting - took a while, but once you get it sorted, it's sorted.22:18
hiptobecubics3a, try running     pavumeter --record   and see if you get any input at all from your mic22:18
niuqhi there's a channel for emerald issues?22:18
GuitarGuest6restricted drivrs for nvidia card, does ubuntu come with them, or are they downloaded through updates?22:19
ay^_ekow you could pastebin it and I could look through it for ya, it's kind of hard to tell, but wlan-stuff :)22:19
l3dxmdadm: /dev/sdb1 appears to be part of a raid array:22:19
ay^_ekow: also you could try the command "ifconfig" and look for wlan in that22:20
ay^_or "iwconfig"22:20
Grejaosomeone can help-me?22:20
l3dxmdadm: /dev/sdb1 appears to be part of a raid array <- is this something I should just ignore, or is there a chance of data loss if continuing?22:20
WhoNeedszzzHey all. I installed oss and now my laptop's media buttons don't work because they are configured for alsa. Anyone know how to reconfigure them for OSS?22:20
Grejaoi install ubuntu22:20
evilbugGrejao- state your problem.22:21
miguelnecospikin spanis22:21
ay^_ekow: it's just to check if it has registered the wlan at all, mos tlikely you will need to force som edrivers for it. What computer is it and it you know so, what wlan card?22:21
Grejaoi make 3 partitions.... sda1 - /boot, sda2 - ubuntu, sda3 - centos22:21
evilbugjoin #ubuntu-sp22:21
WhoNeedszzz!es | miguelneco22:21
ubottumiguelneco: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.22:21
Grejaoafter install centos i overwrite /boot and lost ubuntu boot :(22:21
evilbugmiguelneco- join #ubuntu-es22:22
Yud_ZrocGrejao: then u need to reinstall grub22:22
miguelnecook very good22:22
ekowit's a Gateway MT6723 laptop, it has integrated wireless22:22
evilbugGrejao- just boot from a live cd and install grub again.22:22
Dr_willisGrejao,  yep.. that can happen.. if it formated  /boot and you had ubutnu using the same partition for /boot - you may of lost all the ubuntu kernels also22:22
ConstyXIVis there any way to have a webcam snap a picture on invalid logins?22:22
henri_How to read a binary file in ubuntu?22:22
GrejaoYud_Zroc, but grub are installed with centos, i lost all files from ubunt that ubuntu copy to /boot.22:22
hiptobecubicGrejao, you had a partition just for grub?22:23
Grejaohiptobecubic, i make /boot with a separeted partition22:23
gfatherguys iv Wubi and the iso , where i want to install ubuntu22:23
gfatherit completed very fast22:23
Grejaothis partition are the same for ubuntu and centos22:23
gfatherbut when i want to boot , my windows boot is on floopy22:24
Grejaohow do i can fix it?22:24
hiptobecubicGrejao, yes i understand your problem. i know what you need to do i think, but i don't remember the commands. .... searching22:24
gfatherand the boot maneger didnt show up , how can i fix that ?22:24
Mortellohey folks, any way to put ubuntu and os x on bootable (for both) 8gb usb stick?22:24
Yud_ZrocMortello: my co-student did that using bootcamp and a alt cd22:25
ConstyXIVMortello: it's possible, though it can't be that easy.22:25
TaoTeShauni'm getting ready to give up here... usb drive will not automount in gnome. they appear as "USB Drive" but are not actually mounted. i can mount them from command line. how can I get them to automount again?22:25
=== Exposure` is now known as Exposure
Grejaohiptobecubic, ok... thanks :)22:26
ay^_ekow: I need a bit more than that to help you, I cant find what sort of wlan is integrated, do you happen to have any spec lying around?22:26
gfatherguys i really need help22:26
anto9usMortello, I've no experience of OSX but if I were to try it I'd install OSX then install ubuntu, making very sure to select the USB device for the grub boot loader in the ubuntu install process22:26
filthpigwill lspcmcia tell which rev a card is?22:26
eyemeanhi, pls help, one new update happened and now wen i use propriety driver ubuntu wont recongnise it, so i have to uninstall it to work properly22:26
Yud_Zrocgfather: plz just state ur question22:26
Specay^_: yes, i'm lying around.22:26
kerberossi have an usb hard disk with 5 partitions on it. One of the partition is empty. However when i check the free space with df it show that i am using half of the partition. I have empty my tras en anbled hidden folder view. My partition is still half used. Can anyone determine whats has happend with the used half ?22:26
eyemeanim new to linux22:26
Mortellocan ubuntu installer play with hfs+ ?22:26
ay^_Spec: haha I KNEW it!22:27
hiptobecubicGrejao, are you in centos or ubuntu right now?22:27
Yud_ZrocMortello: use bootcamp and install it on the usb using the alternative cd from the site22:27
anto9usMortello, I don't know, I'd leave room on the device just in case22:27
Grejaohiptobecubic, centos22:27
hiptobecubiccan you mount the ubuntu file system?22:28
grizlo42hello, i have openSUSE 11 installed, and i want to switch to ubuntu, without losing my data, is there a way to do that?22:28
Mortellothanks folks22:28
ekoway: does this help? http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E1683410113822:28
histogrizlo42: is you /home directory on its own partition?22:28
bmungerdoes anyone know of a utility available in the repo that can monitor a list of ip addresses using ping.. a qt/gtk utility that can quickly check.. nothing like a full blown network monitoring tool22:28
Grejaohiptobecubic, yeap22:28
grizlo42no, unfortunately not22:28
histobmunger: nmap22:28
histobmunger: nmap -sP
grizlo42is there a way to put it on its own?22:29
bmungernmap will sit there and report when an ip address goes down?22:29
histogrizlo42: yes22:29
grizlo42*move it to its own*22:29
histogrizlo42: then you jsut point ubuntu to use that home parittion. all yoru data would be saved.22:29
histogrizlo42: you can switch to any distro you want as long as you point it at that partition.22:29
hiptobecubicGrejao, browse to /boot/grub on the ubuntu fs and see if you have an old menu.lst in there22:29
bmungerhisto: i dont think it will sit there and alert when an address goes down and up.. thats what im looking for22:29
s3ahiptobecubic: deniz@deniz-desktop:~$ pavumeter --record22:30
s3a** Message: Starting in record mode.22:30
s3a** Message: Using sample format: float32le 2ch 44100Hz22:30
s3a** Message: Using channel map: front-left,front-right22:30
FloodBot1s3a: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.22:30
ay^_ekow: iw WOULD unless their links were all broken to me :(22:30
JC_Denton_can I use nvidia settings to set the display to show the menu and application trays?22:30
grizlo42no i mean it is currently in the / partition, is there a way to move it to its own, without losing the data thats currently in the /home folder22:30
histogrizlo42: http://ubuntu.wordpress.com/2006/01/29/move-home-to-its-own-partition/22:30
ay^_ekow: but as I said, try pastebin you dmesg and send me a link22:30
bXiis there a way of checking if there are useless packages installed?22:30
Grejaohiptobecubic, i think that you don't understand... /boot on ubuntu are the same /boot on centos,,, this is an alone partition,,, and when i install centos they format /boot22:30
histogrizlo42: i'm sure you can find one for your distro as well.22:30
histogrizlo42: directions will be basically the same.22:30
histobmunger: nah it won't you would have to re issue the command.22:31
Grejaoi dont have any /boot partiton at ubuntu22:31
hiptobecubics3a, did that show you a little window with vu meters in it (bars that move when your microphone picks up sound)22:31
histobmunger: let me see what I can find22:31
looongerdoes icedtea6 work with opera?22:31
tovellaJC_Denton_: do you mean that the desktop size seems to go beyond the confines of your monitor?22:31
s3ahiptobecubic: ya but the coloring or wtv is but very low22:32
grizlo42sigh, that skips the hardest part - partitioning22:32
bonez45I just d/ld the .iso for intel pentium.. I tried installing and got a kernel panic.. VFS.. something or other.. This all despite the write verification.. I am writing the .iso again to a new disc.. is this common or just a glitch on my system?22:32
histobmunger: maybe someone else would know of something. But i'm sure you could make some sort of script with nmap22:33
hiptobecubicGrejao, my mistake. So when you turn on your computer, it boots straight to centos?22:33
yappHello I want to kill both double entries in a .txt file. Any hints? I want to clean a white.txt list from entries of a black.txt list. any hints?22:33
ekoway: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/29737/22:33
JC_Denton_tovella, yes but I've solved that one22:33
ikthey guys, I'm using xp atm, was fine watching a video till the network cable went off, now I can't see my file server via windows networking, samba is the same, everything is the same, I can ping, I can access my website, I can do everything else except browse via windows networking, any ideas? (already restarted everything)22:33
iktnetwork cable fell out of my ubuntu server22:33
JC_Denton_tovella , now the primary monitor seems to be switched though22:33
Grejaohiptobecubic, at ubuntu boot partition at ubuntu, but they are clean, its because ubuntu mount /dev/sda1 over /boot  when at startup ...22:33
anto9usyapp, see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Diff22:34
tovellaJC_Denton_: ahh, dual headed configuration...  are they the same model of monitor?22:34
Grejaoi think that if i copy ubuntu /boot/* files to boot folder over ubuntu and change /etc/fstab it will work ... or not?22:34
hiptobecubicGrejao, does grub of any kind load when you turn on the computer?22:34
mylfuhttp://img65.imageshack.us/my.php?image=zrzutekranutvtimegiveyoqc4.png how fix this poblem ;)22:35
hiptobecubicGrejao, as i understand it, grub doesn't do things the same was as fstab. fstab is read later on in the boot process i think22:35
hiptobecubicthe same way*22:35
Grejaohumm ok...22:35
TaoTeShaunhow can i fix the automounting of my usb drives without reinstalling?22:35
JC_Denton_tovella: no, its a 17" tft connected to a 15" laptop22:36
kerberossi have an usb hard disk with 5 partitions on it. One of the partition is empty. However when i check the free space with df it show that i am using half of the partition. I have empty my tras en anbled hidden folder view. My partition is still half used. Can anyone determine whats has happend with the used half ?22:36
tovellaJC_Denton_: nvidia-settings should be able to change that (which is primary & which is secondary)...  drag & drop the displays.22:36
hiptobecubicGrejao, so when you boot, it doesn't read /boot/ it reads from somewhere else? Do you have a choice of OS when you boot?22:36
Grejaohiptobecubic, under grub i can boot only centos,,, at /dev/sda1 i have only centos files(kernel and other files)22:36
djlenoirHello all. I have a question related to installing SlingPlayer in WINE. Anyone that might be able to assist me? Or is there a better channel to ask in?22:36
include_pr<TaoTeShaun> Edit /etc/fstab22:36
hiptobecubicGrejao, ooooook i understand what you're saying.22:36
kerberossTaoTeShaun : system > preferences > removable drives and media22:37
kerberosscheck your setting22:37
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JC_Denton_tovella: heh, there is actually a check box.. guess I've been playing with it for too long to notice anymore22:37
hiptobecubicGrejao, so /boot/ wasn't formatted, it was re-written when you installed centos and they didn't include ubuntu22:37
kerberosslog in and out just to be sure, turn off your drive and back on22:37
JC_Denton_tovella: thanks22:37
tovellaJC_Denton_: no problem.22:37
TaoTeShauninclude_pr: its a removable device... and each drive shows up as a different device22:37
TaoTeShauninclude_pr: they are not plugged into the system at boot anyways22:37
ay^_ekow: okay heres what I could find, I think you chipset is r8169, so now we can try to find out if there is some sort of problem with the driver for this chipset22:38
Grejaohiptobecubic, they are formated,,, i do this stupid choice when i install centos :(22:38
ekowok great22:38
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JC_Denton_tovella: funny how nvidia-settings can screw up your xorg.conf - in the end the 1280*800 resolution for the 15" monitor was totally wiped22:38
include_prSan Francisco MPLS rules22:38
hiptobecubicGrejao, and if you browse the ubuntu filesystem and look in /boot/grub on the ubuntu partition (NOT the separate grub partition) it's empty?22:38
Grejaohiptobecubic, i have /dev/sda2/boot folder empty ...22:39
hiptobecubicGrejao, /dev/sda2 is where ubuntu is installed?22:39
Raz0Rcan anyone explain to me how to stop the splash screen coming up when booting? i know i asked earlier but i think i done something wrong??22:39
TaoTeShaunkerbeross: check mu settings?22:39
Grejaohiptobecubic, yeap22:39
DRebellion!info startupmanager | Raz0R22:40
ubotturaz0r: startupmanager (source: startupmanager): Grub and Splash screen configuration. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.9.10-2 (hardy), package size 87 kB, installed size 1012 kB22:40
DRebellionRaz0R, this is a really easy gui to configure that sort of stuff ^^^22:40
bbarto1can someone help me set up a SSH and eggy???22:41
ay^_ekow: also we could try the command iwconfig, tell me if it finds anything that doesnt say "no wireless extensions"22:41
histo!ssh > bbarto122:41
ubottubbarto1, please see my private message22:41
DRebellionbbarto1, what's the ssh problem?22:41
dolphin_noelif i want to use the sources of the tcl and tk ... someone knows if the last releases came allready whith security paths apply or i need to put it all manually?!22:41
bbarto1thanks histo22:41
TaoTeShaunkerbeross: removable drives and media has 4 tabs.. cameras, PDAs, Printers, and input devices22:41
Daisuke_Idobbarto1: see #eggdrop22:41
dolphin_noelbecause the tcltk the new in ubuntu is not owrking well here22:41
dolphin_noelwhith ubuntu22:41
bbarto1there is nickserv on this server right?22:42
DRebellionbbarto1, there is a nickserv on freenode22:42
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ompaul!register | bbarto1 yes there is22:42
ubottubbarto1 yes there is: Information about registering your nickname: http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#userregistration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname.22:42
SamonoskeWhere can I purchase a ubuntu MID device?22:42
Mr_Fixityea yea ty22:42
Grejaohiptobecubic, some idea?? :s :(22:42
Raz0RDRebellion thanks mate perfect22:42
kerberossTaoTeShaun : you do not have tab called storage ?22:42
TaoTeShaunkerbeross: no22:42
newuserhey everyone, how can i remove all kde stuff from terminal with apt-get??22:42
DRebellion!puregnome | newuser22:43
ubottunewuser: If you want to remove all !KDE packages and have a default !Ubuntu system follow the instructions here << http://psychocats.net/ubuntu/puregnome >>22:43
hiptobecubicGrejao, yeah i think so, i'm googling22:43
ay^_newuser: why not aptitude?22:43
kerberossTaoTeShaun : wich ubuntu version are you using ?22:43
ekoway: it did say that, lo: no wireless connections, eth0: no wireless connections22:43
carstenHi! I would like to use all speakers on my pc for mp3-stero playback, i am able to do that under XP. is there a way to achieve that with ubunut 8-0422:43
newuseray^, how do i do that? DRebellion i dont get it22:43
lesSamonoske: ubuntu mid was just released i don't think any oem's are shipping anything with it yet22:43
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Mr_Fixit!ssh Mr_Fixit22:43
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about ssh mr_fixit22:43
Mr_Fixityou did when they asked you...22:44
TaoTeShaunkerbeross: 8.04 hardy22:44
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about openssh22:44
ubottuSSH is the Secure SHell protocol. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SSHHowto for usage. Putty is a nice SSH client for Windows; it can be found at http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/22:44
ay^_ekow: do you know the wlan works at all, and what does ifconfig say?22:44
Mr_Fixit!ssh > Mr_Fixit22:44
ubottuMr_Fixit, please see my private message22:44
histoMr_Fixit: theres nothing in ubotu about ssh22:45
kerberossTaoTeShaun ok we use different versions...did the disk mount automaticly on this version22:45
histoMr_Fixit: what are you trying to do.22:45
histothere it is.22:45
henuxWhat are those various -dbg packagef of development libraries for?22:45
TaoTeShaunkerbeross: worked just fine for a couple weeks22:45
tofi search virtualisation but with > 3600 Mo ram22:45
tovellaTaoTeShaun: does the automount work when logged in as a different user?22:45
henuxWhat are those various -dbg packages of development libraries for?22:45
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TaoTeShaunhmm.. I'm the only user.. i suppose i could make a new one22:46
kerberossTaoTeShaun : maybey this thread helps as well https://answers.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+question/3050122:46
leshenux: They add back in the debugging symbols that are stripped out of the libs22:46
tovellaTaoTeShaun: that's what I would do (create a test user).22:46
leshenux: So if something crashes you get meaningful output rather than a bunch of <unknown function stripped> stuff22:46
henuxah ok thanks22:47
ekoway: brb i can go hook up my laptop to the internet with a ethernet cable now22:47
djlenoirHello all. I have a question related to installing SlingPlayer in WINE. Anyone that might be able to assist me? Or is there a better channel to ask in?22:47
kerberossTaoTeShaun : and this link https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Mount/USB22:47
histodjlenoir: wine has their own channel22:47
histodjlenoir: #winehq22:48
dolphin_noelif i want to use the sources of the tcl and tk ... someone knows if the last releases came allready whith security paths apply or i need to put it all manually?!  because the tcltk the new in ubuntu is not working well here ... and i cant see anything about the path if they are included in the new source version or no ... like it happens whith mplayer they say to compile all every websites they just dont say that we need toput the patchs firts to i22:48
dolphin_noelf we want to use the source ...22:48
djlenoirhisto: thank you22:48
histodjlenoir: I w]ould check their app db on their website might have direcitons22:48
hiptobecubicGrejao, well what we need to make happen, is have the menu.lst entries from ubuntu be regenerated. that's what i'm trying to find anyway22:48
enn10hi! does anyone know how can i reach the italian channel for #ubuntu? thanks!22:48
ubottuVai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie!22:48
ay^_ekow do that, because I cannot find anything thats says anything about wlan in your dmesg, and thats where I usually find them with my own hardware :)22:48
connyosisgot a question, for some reason X sets the resolution to 1280x768 when I boot my computer even though I change it to 1280x800 every time in screen and graphics preferences. How can I get to remember this setting so I don't have to manually change it every time I start?22:48
d0m1n0ezI have installed ubuntu after windows (partitions: [Windows][linux]) can I delete windows partition and resize linux partition to use the entire disk (partition: [Linux      ])?22:49
TriploidTreeHello, can anyone help a noob to get online?  Have a new lappy dual booting vista and ubuntu 8.04 but can't get it online over wireless or ethernet cable. Thanks22:49
mgreenconnyosis: there may be an error in your X log that you might want to check22:49
[GuS]hi guys... since today i have this problem with amavisd-new service and happens when i try to restart. So, my postfix server is not running cause o this: http://pastebin.com/m7d20573a22:49
Grejaohiptobecubic, i can make it from menu.lst over centos, but i need kernel images from ubuntu under /boot ,,, and i didn't have it anymore22:49
mgreenconnyosis: there are other ways to 'force' a resolution, though22:50
kint[o]is there a seperate chan for Intrepid?22:50
connyosismgreen: such as?22:50
tovellaTriploidTree: what model of lappy?22:50
Redemption2021Anyone know how to stop my laser printer from printing duplex style?22:50
kushal1I am not sure if it is a hardware issue or not but I was wondering if Gnome can also [technically, patent issues aside] implement two finger swipe in the trackpad in generic laptops like my toshiba satellite M55.22:50
mgreenconnyosis: let's check the error first22:50
TriploidTreetovella: dell inspiron 152522:50
bonez45what does Invalid Compressed Format mean? I get this, just before I get  KERNEL PANIC.. and halt to installing ubuntu on my machine...22:50
ekoway: i'm back22:50
hiptobecubicGrejao, yeah i understand. what i'm not sure how to do is get grub to detect the kernels on the ubuntu partition if you are currently in centos22:50
ay^_ekow: great :) now type lspci on your laptop and pastebin that22:51
nukemso im trying to install Ubuntu 8.04.1 amd64 the install goes fine until the end where it says it failed to install grub. When I try 2 install grub manually grub gives me a segfault22:51
mgreenconnyosis: grep "(EE)" /var/log/Xorg.0.log22:51
olleoramaHow can I see which wlan-card I have? Is it present in dmesg?22:51
nukemolleorama, lspci22:52
Grejaohiptobecubic, its simple, i create a new zone to boot with new title, root, kernel and initrd   images config at this zone22:52
olleoramathx nukem22:52
mgreenconnyosis: please use pasebin if there is lots of output22:52
newuserolleorama, install sysinfo22:52
mgreenconnyosis: pastebin*, sorry22:52
carstenolleorama: you can dmesg -c22:52
Grejaogrub identify all changes over menu.lst from grub22:52
hiptobecubicGrejao, do you know the kernels/options you need ? if so then you certainly can do it manually22:52
carstenolleorama: then turn off wlan, turn it on again , and dmesg -c22:52
ekoway: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/29745/22:52
tovellaTriploidTree: what did Dell say about it?22:52
connyosismgreen: (II) Loading extension MIT-SCREEN-SAVER22:53
connyosismgreen: thats all22:53
mgreenconnyosis: did you run the command that i gave you?22:53
TriploidTreehavent tried them yet22:53
TriploidTreeill go bother them and come back in a bit sure.22:53
purplestarhello sinners22:54
Grejaohiptobecubic, yes, i know,,, but and the files??? :/22:54
mgreenconnyosis: ok, maybe it grepped on MIT-SCREEN-SAVER, sorry.22:54
purplestarwhen does Ubuntu 9.0 come out?22:54
ay^_ekow: okay well, heres the deal, it doesnt seem that your wireless is at all found. Are you sure it works? in for example windows.22:54
connyosismgreen: Yeah, I grepped for EE instead of (EE) though, sorry22:54
purplestaray^: no deal!22:54
edzim a noobie how do i find a specific directory on my machine22:54
tovellaTriploidTree: they have some experience with Ubuntu Linux on some of their machines, and unfortunately, I don't with this particular model.22:54
hiptobecubicGrejao, i'm afraid i didn't understand. what do you mean "but and the files" ?22:54
mgreenconnyosis: there seems to be no problems in your xorg startup then... good22:54
edzis it find all -name steam22:54
TriploidTreecheers tovella22:54
ay^_purplestar: thats a deal then!22:54
purplestaredz: we are all noobies here.  not one single person here knows it all22:54
ekowyes i have vista on my laptop as well and it works fine22:54
purplestarekow: I dual boot Vista and Ubuntu22:55
Grejaohiptobecubic, kernel image files22:55
mgreenconnyosis: you could disable the other resolutions so that it won't use one that you don't want.22:55
newuserhow do i repair broken packages?22:55
hiptobecubicedz i'd try sudo find / -name foo22:55
Grejaoinitrd files22:55
ay^_ekow: perhaps you could go in to vista and check what the wireless card is called?22:55
mgreenconnyosis: use pastebin to show us your xorg.conf22:55
Coolguy64537question, is there a way to restore all the settings to factory in ubuntu22:55
connyosismgreen: ok, hang on22:55
ekowpurplestar: me too but i can't stand vista and would like to get the internet working on ubuntu22:55
purplestarnewuser: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=49469922:55
olleoramacarsten, can't get this demsg -c to work22:56
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ekoway: ok do you know where i would look?22:56
Coolguy64537question, is there a way to restore all the settings to factory in ubuntu22:56
olleoramaalso where do I find it in sysinfo?22:56
purplestarekow: ethernet works for me.  but I had to turn ON NAPT in my modem, or Ubuntu didnt work22:56
mgreen!repeat | Coolguy6453722:56
ubottuCoolguy64537: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience22:56
edzthank you hiptobecubic22:56
edzyour the man!!!!22:56
purplestaredz: no, he is not the man, he is actually a shemale/ladyboy22:56
hiptobecubicGrejao, if you're trying to explain that you formatted over your kernels then i'm not sure if there's anything you can do other than reinstall.   I thought you mean just grub was improperly configured22:56
edzhes a tomboy!22:57
hiptobecubicpurplestar, i prefer "doublelover"22:57
connyosismgreen: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/29747/22:57
purplestarekow: is NAPT on in your modem? and you using Ethernet?22:57
purplestarhiptobecubic: lol22:57
ay^_ekow: I think the best place would be in the Device manager22:57
ekowpurplestar: yeah i'm on ethernet right now22:57
ay^_purplestar: he got ethernet, wants wlan :)22:57
purplestaredz: how did you know his lovers name is Tom? :)22:57
ekoway: alright thanks, i'll check it out22:57
purplestarekow: is NAPT on?22:57
hiptobecubicGrejao, before you nuke your system, i'd try to find someone else that can perhaps help you more than I.22:57
connyosismgreen: oh...maybe 1280x800 should be first on the Modes line in the Screen section?22:57
ay^_ekow: do that, I hope I'll still be up when you return :22:58
Coolguy64537ekow what wireless cad do you have22:58
ekowok brb one sec22:58
ay^_Coolguy64537: he doesn't know22:58
fr500i want to move all my settings to another computer22:58
fr500is it enough to move my home?22:58
mgreenconnyosis: good work. you seen line 105? remove the ones you don't need there... but _make sure_ you backup your xorg.conf before doing this. tell me if you need help with that.22:58
Coolguy64537ay: OH22:58
connyosismgreen: Alrighty...22:58
ay^_Coolguy64537: he's got some integrated card on a gateway MT672322:59
Grejaohiptobecubic, i won't format my ubuntu partition,,, i think only that i need to put /boot files from ubuntu under /dev/sda1 and configure grub to read this file and boot ubuntu22:59
linuxguymarshallDoes anyone know the status of GoBuntu or is it just dead?22:59
mauriciohow can i configure my ubuntu to play internet information services services?22:59
tovellaTriploidTree: perhaps this will help http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=75083622:59
mauriciobecause i have asp files23:00
connyosismgreen: and now restart X?23:00
hiptobecubicGrejao, did you not just say that you formatted over /boot?23:00
AMDpenguinis the linux kernel more efficent than the nt kernel?23:00
LiraNunawhat is the name of nvidia hda kernel module?23:00
Coolguy64537i had the nvidia-glx-new restricted driver, but then it dissapeared and my screen is screwed up, anyone know how to get that driver back23:00
LiraNunaall I got is snd-hda-intel.ko23:00
mgreenconnyosis: do you know how to restore your xorg.conf in console mode if we messed up?23:00
linuxguymarshallAMDpenguin:Linux is more efficent than everything23:00
virtualdAMDpenguin: you'd have to try to know23:00
AMDpenguinumm i use ubuntu23:01
mauricioid like to play asp files inside ubuntu23:01
connyosismgreen: just copy my backup to /etc/X11/xorg.conf ?23:01
AMDpenguinthe kernels not the distro23:01
linuxguymarshallmauricio:What is your problem?23:01
mauriciowho can help me?23:01
purplestar where can I get some nice landscape wallpapers?23:01
arooniwhats the best way to wipe my seagate 300gb hard drive (/dev/sdc) before i send it back to be RMAd?23:01
purplestarmauricio: i will help you my son23:01
hiptobecubicpurplestar, google23:01
linuxguymarshallpurplestar:Google GNOME Look23:01
purplestarhiptobecubic: no google doesnt have any23:01
mgreenconnyosis: correct. if this doesn't work, i would suggest you comment out lines 114-117 too, since those also specify resolutions.23:01
linuxguymarshallGNOME Look does23:02
hiptobecubicgoogle doesn't have landscape  pictures?23:02
legend2440Raz0R:  any change?23:02
mgreenconnyosis: good luck, and let us know :)23:02
Coolguy64537arooni: you can use killdisk23:02
connyosismgreen: Thank, I'll ba back shortly23:02
purplestarlinuxguymarshall: cheers big ears23:02
arooniCoolguy64537, i dont see the ability to install it23:02
mauricioid like to play asp files inside ubuntu23:02
Coolguy64537anyone know how to get a restricted driver back into use23:02
Coolguy64537arooni: its an iso that you burn to disk and use it like dos23:03
Coolguy64537arooni: google it23:03
Popolonis there any project to divide the 'multimedia' menu in several menues (video, audio...)23:03
Popolonbecause the list is really toooooo long23:03
hiptobecubicPopolon, right click ---> edit menu23:03
Popolonhiptobecubic, thank you23:03
yowshianyone know a python tutorial that explain stuff in plain english?23:04
Popolonshould'n't this be a default behavior23:04
hiptobecubicPopolon, what?23:04
mgreenyowshi: there is a great starter that i followed a while ago. hold on.23:04
aroonihow do i start a task & disown it so it will continue to run even if i accidentally close the gnome-terminal?23:04
hiptobecubicyowshi, ask in #python23:04
ekowhello i'm back23:04
ekowstill on vista though23:04
mauriciowho can help me to play asp files into ubuntu23:04
yowshicant need to sign in to go to #python and i forgot my pass23:04
Dr_willisarooni,  use nohup. or the 'exit' command, do not use the close button.23:04
mgreenyowshi: http://www.diveintopython.org/ is great if you've got prior programming experience. good luck :)23:04
ekoway: device manager said "Realtek RTL8187B Wireless 802.11g 54Mbps USB 2.0 Network Adapter"23:04
AMDpenguin1how big should i make / on my new 500GB?23:05
linuxguymarshallmauricio:As in a .NET application?23:05
gsrHoping someone can help me out here, havn't been able to find a solution on the web.  Under the "hardware drivers", there are no listed non-free drivers.  I have installed nvidia-glx-new using apt-get.23:05
Popolonon xubuntu23:05
=== RandomCake__ is now known as RandomCake
gsrlinuxguymarshall: its not using the driver.23:05
Popolonon xubuntu I've only a green 'system' submenu23:05
connyosismgreen: no go, resolution is still 1280x768 on boot23:05
X3SO I get a notice to update to latest kernel and it wont boot23:06
linuxguymarshallgsr:Did you restart?23:06
mgreensplit :(23:06
linuxguymarshallWTF happened?23:06
mauriciono only asp23:06
ay^_ekow: great! lets google for some info on RTL8187B and ubuntu 8.0423:06
mgreennet split23:06
=== tshine_ is now known as tshine
legend2440Raz0R:  any change?23:07
mauriciolinuxguymarchall are you there?23:07
AMDpenguin1is 20GB enough for /?23:07
gsrlinuxguymarshall: yeah.  restarted twice23:07
mgreenconnyosis: i think i know what's wrong :)23:07
Raz0Ranyone here help me with DHCP???23:07
connyosismgreen: go ahead...23:07
PopolonDo you noticed than K3B is reaaally slower on 8.04 than on 7.23:07
PopolonDo you noticed than K3B is reaaally slower on 8.04 than on 7.1023:07
mauricioonly asp files not ,net23:07
X3SO I get a notice by the update manager to update to the 2.6.24-20 so I did and it wont boot into it23:07
gsrits just strange that it isn't listed, at all, under proprietary drivers.  Shouldn't it say 'enabled or disabled' for nvidia?23:07
Popolonand brasero miss any options :(23:07
legend2440Raz0R: did you get resolution sorted out?23:07
mgreenconnyosis: sudo apt-get install 915resolution23:07
Raz0Ranyone here help me with DHCP???23:08
Myrtti!repeat | Raz0R23:08
ubottuRaz0R: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience23:08
Popolondo someone know a burning cd software that support zisofs and other options and is usable on 8.04 ?23:08
ay^_ekow: http://mycirilo.com/?p=24 This might work23:09
X3RAZOR DXCP Isautomatic destribution of IP's set client to auto23:09
connyosismgreen: well that wont work since this laptop has a radeon chipset in it23:09
Raz0Rlegend2440 yeah i had to set my monitor as a different model23:09
X3SO I get a notice by the update manager to update to the 2.6.24-20 so I did and it wont boot into it23:09
Raz0Rlegend2440 now i cant boot into the new kernel23:09
edzhow do you copy files and directorys to a diff directory23:10
edzcp doesnt work23:10
Popolonx3 verfify you have not the virtual system boot by default23:10
mgreenconnyosis: darn... so you still get a list of resolutions in Screen Resolution, and the only problem is that you don't get the right when you reboot?23:10
legend2440Raz0R: grub error?23:10
ay^_ekow: or this http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=76567123:10
Raz0Rlegend2440 no it boots into it but just hangs about 1/4 way across the status bar23:10
dorinsHi...Anyone knows how can I find out what uri from sources.list a package is installed from?23:10
connyosismgreen: yes23:10
X3popolon How do I do that23:10
Popolonwhich application do you use to burn your cd/dvd for backuping your data ?23:10
Raz0RX3 huh?23:11
PopolonX3, at grub boot time23:11
ay^_ekow: I have to go to bed now, the wife is a grumpy such.. ;) But good luck to you and I hope you can get it to work, or I'll probably be here some time tomorrow23:11
Popolonchoose another kernel23:11
Coolguy64537my nvidia restricted driver dissapeared, what do i do23:11
X3at grub it prompmts for that kernel23:11
Popolonx3 for several kernels I suppose23:11
mgreenconnyosis: you've got multiple screens?23:11
ubottuInformation about registering your nickname: http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#userregistration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname.23:11
legend2440Raz0R: maybe you need to do the updates that go along with new kernel. are you back to old kernel now?23:11
connyosismgreen: nope23:11
X3yes I have -19 and now -2023:11
Popolonx3 test another version until one works23:12
X3-20 is at the top23:12
Raz0Rlegend2440 i done the updates, now im back in -19 yeah23:12
mgreenconnyosis: post your new xorg.conf to pastebin23:12
Popolonand make this the default one23:12
connyosismgreen: I did connect it to a projector a while ago, could that have messed something up?23:12
X3-19 works henxcce why Im here trying to fix tyhe -2023:12
mgreenconnyosis: you've got some odd stuff in there... i'll try to post a fix for you23:12
orgthingyhi, how can I "stop" tor?23:12
orgthingybecause, according to my firewall, tor is still working :S23:12
edzanyone know the cp -flag to copy directories to diff directories w/ all the files23:12
X3hate thoses wise answerss23:12
orgthingyplease highlight me, with the answer23:13
mgreenconnyosis: as usual, keep track of your revisions so that you can roll back23:13
connyosismgreen: yup, thanks23:13
X3how dI fix the to boot23:13
X3whenit already shows at grub as main23:13
Raz0Rlegend2440 i got into the new kernel a few times, but now it just hangs23:13
Raz0Rlegbrb ill just reboot and see if i can see why23:13
Popolonx3 edit your /boot/grub/menu.lst23:14
Popolonsudo bash23:14
Popolonvi /boot/grub/menu.lst23:14
bob3213243__Is there a way to open up a UIF in ubuntu?23:14
dubbyhey anyone who knows iptables i have a little problem im getting brute force attacks on my sshd here is my auth.log www.dice14u.com/auth.txt (i changed the name to auth.txt for browsers23:14
yowshiwhy the hell do all these tutorials like to start with functions23:14
Daisuke_Idohas even been released yet?  i've seen it in no updates23:14
yowshiwhat evee happened to hello world and move on from there to explain print if then else and input commands first23:15
yowshiand also for23:15
dubbyis there a way to block traffic with an iptables thing after like 8 failed attempts i also use firewall builder but couldn't figure it out23:15
Daisuke_Idoyowshi: because this isn't BASIC23:15
MrKennieDaisuke_Ido: I think it's in proposed23:15
Popolonbob3213243, what is UIF ?23:15
mgreenyowshi: please address with nickname first. i missed your messages.23:15
mgreenyowshi: and watch your language ;)23:16
edzcp: omitting directory23:16
yowshiDaisuke_Ido: yes but the hello world has been the opener for every language i have ever seen23:16
edzanyone know the -flag to copy directorys23:16
connyosisedz: -t23:16
Popolonedz, -a23:16
Popolon-a = archive23:16
connyosisedz: -r23:16
Popolon-r = recursive23:16
glitsj16dubby: you can use a frontend like firestarter (gnome) or guarddog (kde) to ease making manual iptables rules23:16
Popolonwith -a you will keep the date23:16
Popolonand it's also recursive23:16
yowshiDaisuke_Ido: and functions is a fairly advanced thing to most users to use as the first thing to be explained23:16
bob3213243__universal image format it is used by magic iso.23:17
connyosisPopolon: I did not know that. Thanks for the tip23:17
Daisuke_Idoyowshi: a lot of tutorials these days assume at least a passing familiarity with the really simple stuff23:17
mgreenyowshi: as i said, that guide is for people with prior programming experience, which you seem to have. it's a different and, imo, excellent introduction to python23:17
bob3213243popolon universal image format it is used by magic iso.23:17
Popolontry a converter from uif to iso ?23:17
Daisuke_Idoand yeah, that kernel update's in proposed...23:17
Popolonlook at fuse iso supported file formats23:17
yowshimgreen i have programming experience. all the way up to visdual basic and delphi. i havent dsone anything for over 10 years though and am looking to get back into it23:18
Lenin-chanhello everyone, i have big problem23:18
Dr_willisuniversal image format - thats only used by magiciso.. :)23:18
Lenin-chani installed ubuntu today23:18
Peloevening folks23:18
Daisuke_IdoLenin-chan: welcome to the cult ;)23:18
* Pelo feels like a noob tonight 23:18
Lenin-chanand everything is fine, but my 80 gb fat32 disk is seen as 2,7 gb23:18
mgreenyowshi: that's great :) i gave you that link since i was in the same position some years ago. don't you like it?23:18
Lenin-chananyone know the reason?23:19
Lenin-chani tried remounting, fstab editing23:19
joseph__that's from the df output?23:19
yowshimgreen: i do i just am new to python and i was commenting on the fact that a nice ease into things approach from a tutorial would be nicer23:19
PeloI just got my new board with a bran spanking new agp Nvidia Geforce 6800 (512m),  installed the restreicted driver,  installed nvidia-settings,  I can change my rez to 1280x1024 but when I restart it doesn'T stick23:19
Popolonbob3213243, http://fuse.sourceforge.net/wiki/index.php/FuseIso23:19
Popolonno uif23:20
Ryuhowhat's a good chan to ask about networking?23:20
Popolonyou have to convert it to a supported file format first23:20
mgreenyowshi: there are lots of those too. i started with diveintopython, and i really liked it.23:20
PeloRyuho, #networking23:20
PhantomFreakI have a Freecom Network Drive and I'm having trouble with mounting it on command line... GUI works fine, but want to build non-gui machine and need this... Tried smbmount // /home/james/nas..... Also tried editing fstab! Anyone got any ideas!23:20
Popolondaemontools + wine could help23:20
yowshimgreen: i havent seen a single python tutorial that does23:20
RyuhoPelo: thank you23:20
freexeHi, In gtkpod I renamed the ipod mount name, and now when I plug in the ipod a get an error and it doesn't mount. I'm a bit lost, any one know how to fix this?23:20
PhantomFreak*keeps coming up with CIFS stuff despite me using samba!23:20
joseph__the mount point for the ipod has prob changed. check /media after the ipod is mounted23:20
mgreenyowshi: http://www.sthurlow.com/python/lesson02/ there's your hello world :)23:20
iurihi there, does anyone know a good data DVD creator that accepts 8gb DVD?23:21
Pelofreexe, check in gconf-editor under storage , toward the bottom delete the mountpoint of your ipod if you see it in there23:21
maniak-bhey there. anyone using any good alternative to netmanager ? :)23:21
Peloiuri, brassero does I beleive23:21
mgreenyowshi: FYI, 'python tutorial' on google23:21
Lenin-chanmaniak-b: wicd23:21
maniak-bLenin-chan: thanks!23:21
ryan____is 8GB enough for a / partition?23:21
Dr_willisryan____,  not for me.. but it maybe for you23:22
yowshimgreen heh i forgot i already found this one. was practically useless since it doesnt cover halfg the commands23:22
Peloryan____, I barely use 4 gig23:22
Lenin-channow someone please help me retrieve my drive ;/23:22
yowshimgreen couldnt find how to get input from a user anywhere in it23:22
PeloLenin-chan,  more details23:22
jon_high9000I was on last night and realize you folks are extremely busy. not a problem at all. anyway, what i was chatting about was regarding my video card Nvidia GeForce 6150 LE. My question was this; will i be able to utilize Compiz-Fusion or no? is there a driver that might increase my chances as far as productivity?23:22
ryan____i plan on using gnome and/or fluxbox, firefox, abiword, some games maybe totalling 2GB space max. some other various programs. should i go bigger? like 12 GB?23:22
Lenin-chanPelo: 80 GB IDE disk, FAT32 , seen and mounted as 2,7 GB23:22
edzcompiz-fusion is awesome!!23:23
bastid_raZorPelo; i have almost 7G in mine.. where do you put your apps/stuff on /home?23:23
nogagplzjon_high9000: So long as you have the correct driver installed, I don't see why you couldn't use it23:23
Pelojon_high9000, if your card is supported by the restricted drive and gyou have glx enabled you'll probably be ok23:23
Lenin-chanfdisk shows it has 80gb though23:23
nogagplzConsidering it runs fine on my Geforce 2 :P23:23
Pelobastid_raZor, basic setup I don'T mess around with the folder  I just have a 10 gig / partition but I only use about 4 of it23:24
teqhi! i recently installed firefox 3 on my system but i cant get the shortcuts to work, even if i type "firefox" in terminal it executes the old version, how can i fix this? thanks!23:24
mgreenyowshi: have you tried to use google? i found it with 'python user input'23:24
ryan____is 16GB overkill?23:24
ryan____for /23:24
ryan____i will only have / and /home23:24
ryan____and home i want huge. i have a 320GB disk23:24
PeloLenin-chan,  install gparted, see what your drive is seen as , my guess you have a drive with only a 2.7 gig partition on it and the rest is unallocated23:25
yowshimgreen: i was busy usiing google with python tutorial or python online classes since i dont just want to find out how to get input23:25
glitsj16jon_high9000: http://forlong.blogage.de/article/pages/Compiz-Check23:25
jon_high9000pelo: is there a way to check if a am using glx or no?23:25
bastid_raZorryan____; if i ever have to reinstall i'm going to make a 20G / and the rest /home.. 16G imo is fine23:25
Peloryan____, what kind of user are you  ?  basic home or insane hacker gamer ?23:25
ryan____ok, thanks23:25
Lenin-chanbut i had it used in 7.10 (before today's reinstall) and it worked fine23:25
ryan____um...from a scale of 1 to 10, 1 being the former...7.523:25
legend2440if hardy hangs on boot up which log file is best to look at to get clues as to why?  dmesg?23:25
Pelojon_high9000, just try intalling and starting compiz see what happens23:25
mgreenyowshi: run this: python -c "a = raw_input('?: '); print a"23:26
PhantomFreakwhy is Hardy confusing my samba drive with CIFS?23:26
freexePelo: It still wont mount, I get the error, "Unable to mount media, There is probably no media in the drive" When I click on the Apple iPod Music Player nameon the filesystem23:26
mgreenPhantomFreak: see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Server_Message_Block23:26
yowshimgreen yes i found the raw_input thing by accident from another tutorial and i wasnt explained when it was used23:26
teqfreexe: what are you trying to do?23:26
ryan____Pelo:um...from a scale of 1 to 10, 1 being the former...7.523:26
freexeaccess my ipod23:26
unopPhantomFreak, CIFS (or SMB) is the protocol that samba uses23:27
Pelofreexe, that's the best I can do for you , you need an ipod user to help you out , I'M not that wealthy23:27
teqfreexe: type lsusb in a terminal23:27
* bastid_raZor laughs23:27
mgreenyowshi: this isn't really a python support forum, though. i'm sure that you'll manage with the help of our friend google :)23:27
PhantomFreak#mgreen looked at a lot of similar but trying to mount a NAS in smb and it just gives CIFS errors!23:27
ryan____Pelo: I think 16GB will be good...23:27
Peloryan____, 10 to 16 sounds good then ,  if you have to muich you cna always reduce it later,23:27
freexeteq:  I get "Bus 005 Device 005: ID 05ac:1262 Apple Computer, Inc."23:27
maniak-bLenin-chan: have you tried the previous version livecd ? maybe it has something to do with the new kernel/libraries.23:27
evilbugPelo- there you are :)23:27
Lenin-chanalso, my system doesnt detect my 250gb ntfs hdd- it is only in hardware manager, but i cant mount it in any way23:28
mgreenPhantomFreak: do you have a specific error message?23:28
yowshimgreen yeah. thanks for the link, i didnt mean to have the convo continue23:28
Coolguy64537hey, is there something i can put in terminal to reset to factory settings23:28
Pelohello evilbug , been away for a while23:28
mrynitis there a security update for the DNS issue in ubuntu?23:28
Lenin-chanmaniak-b: ther is no way to do it with this system like that?23:28
teqfreexe: ok now type sudo mount -t /dev/sda1/ /media/usb0/23:28
bastid_raZorLenin-chan; why can't you mount it?23:28
mgreenyowshi: no problem. good luck exploring python :) it's a great tool23:28
* Pelo wishes there was a Pelo for him to help him out with this nvidia issue 23:28
Lenin-changparted shows me "invalid argument23:29
erUSULPelo: what is the issue??23:29
freexeteg should I use sda2 as that is the location of the ipod23:29
BrandonSAnyone here ever had problems after installing google earth and the earth won't show?23:29
teqfreexe: yes23:29
evilbugPelo- how come you're not on icv?23:29
PeloerUSUL, nvidia-settings ,  resolution reverts to 1024x768 after a reboot23:29
Peloevilbug,  icv ?23:29
rockenrola1BrandonS: I saw someone with that problem in ubuntu forums23:29
glitsj16mrynit: yes, look at http://www.ubuntu.com/usn/usn-627-123:29
mgreenBrandonS: starting applications in console is a good way to get hold of error messages23:29
maniak-bLenin-chan: you may install a previous kernel and boot it, but the livecd is not that heavy. I'd try a business card debian netboot just to make sure the data is still there. :)23:30
PhantomFreakmgreen Something about negotiating unix capabilities of server... But it's not CIFS compatable and used -t smbfs and smbmount on seperate occasions!23:30
evilbugPelo- nevermind.23:30
PeloBrandonS, google earth is unstable in linux23:30
MuzikJunkie2hi all, I am at a last resort here with this geforce 6200 and Ubuntu.  I have tried all that I can think of from installing the binary package, to using Ubuntu's restricted driver installation and nothing seems to get this card running with the nvidia driver.  I can only use this card in 2D with the vesa driver.  Is it time to return the card or can someone offer insight?23:30
erUSULPelo: even if you launch nvidia-settings with gksu and press save changes to xorg.conf button?¿?23:30
bastid_raZorLenin-chan; do a sudo fdisk -l (l is a lowercase L) is the drive listed?23:30
PeloerUSUL, yes23:30
MuzikJunkie2Correction...the only thing that I can think of that I have not tried is Envy23:30
teqMuzikJunkie2: have u tried the glx drivers?23:30
mgreenPhantomFreak: tell us about your setup. you're trying to do what?23:30
BrandonSPelo, It worked when I had Linux before23:31
PeloerUSUL, I think my boot bypasses xorg.conf for some reason ,23:31
evilbugBrandonS- and google earth didn't work too well for me in ubuntu.23:31
MuzikJunkie2teq: the restricted driver manager tries to install nvidia-glx-new and that does not work23:31
erUSULPelo: have you inspected the xorg.conf file?23:31
teqMuzikJunkie2: have u tried installing it via terminal?23:31
PeloerUSUL, want a copy ?23:31
=== yowshi is now known as Yoshi1
rockenrola1BrandonS: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=85540823:31
MuzikJunkie2teq: I have also removed that and installed nvidia-glx in its place but same results23:31
freexeteq: What filesystem type should I use?23:31
erUSULPelo: wouldnt' hurt23:31
PeloerUSUL, hold on23:31
Lenin-chanbastid_raZor: 80 gb one is (fat32 one) but 250 gb ntfs isnt23:31
mgreenconnyosis: status?23:31
MuzikJunkie2teq: what do you mean....I feel like I have been looking at nothing but a terminal for days, HAHA23:31
Tobathis has always worked fine on my other linux machines23:31
PhantomFreakmgreen I've got one of those Freecom Network Drives which basically works as a Windows share on the network...23:31
BrandonSrockenrola1,  I'll check that thread23:32
teqfreexe: what do you mean with filesystem-?23:32
vaylenceTrying to install, but keep getting hung up on the partitioner, I get no root file system is defined snag, but I have no options to choose a root system, ideas?23:32
PhantomFreakmgreen no passwords or anything... But we have hardware firewall so all's good!23:32
freexeteq, I get the error "mount: you must specify the filesystem type"23:32
PeloerUSUL, http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/29767/23:32
bastid_raZorLenin-chan; i'm assuming you have windows on that drive.. did you shutdown windows incorrectly before getting into ubuntu?23:32
teqMuzikJunkie2: open a terminal and type sudo apt-get install nvidia-glx-new23:32
teqfreexe: ok, wait.23:32
PeloerUSUL, I say I think it bypasses the xorg file because in the file there is a no logo and I actualy do get a logo when I boot23:32
TobaI put a host in /etc/hosts but typing 'host host_i_put' in the terninal only comes up with what DNS says, not /etc/hosts23:32
mgreenPhantomFreak: have you tried smbclient?23:33
TobaI used the ip\thost syntax23:33
mgreen!info smbclient | PhantomFreak23:33
ubottuphantomfreak: smbclient (source: samba): a LanManager-like simple client for Unix. In component main, is optional. Version 3.0.28a-1ubuntu4.4 (hardy), package size 4748 kB, installed size 12208 kB23:33
PhantomFreakmgreen yes23:33
Tobado I need to do anything extra on ubuntu?23:33
Lenin-chanbastid_raZor: no windows on any drive. only files23:33
MuzikJunkie2teq: done...wnat me to shutdown -r now?23:33
bastid_raZorLenin-chan; in your bios is the drive found?23:33
erUSULPelo: well i use the nvidia driver and it does not bypass my conf ... (althought i use custom kernel-driver)23:33
vaylenceTrying to install, but keep getting hung up on the partitioner, I get no root file system is defined snag, but I have no options to choose a root system, ideas?23:33
=== Mez is now known as random
connyosismgreen: well, still wrong res on boot23:34
teqMuzikJunkie2: try using compiz now..23:34
Peloer I'm useing glx-new-nvidia or some such ,  straight from the restricted driver manager , it is enabled23:34
PhantomFreakHave tried everything... smbclient smbmount23:34
Lenin-chanbastid_raZor: yes23:34
MuzikJunkie2teq: how so? cntl alt f7?23:34
teqfreexe: what kind of filesystem does the ipod uses?23:34
erUSULPelo: i think that you didnt past the whole file...23:34
=== random is now known as Mez
orzo_I've just created a new partition using cfdisk on an internal drive with no partitions moounted from it23:34
Dr_willisToba,  it dosent work that way here... google.com   makes google.com go to localhost. :)23:34
orzo_I can't get the partition to show up23:34
orzo_i want to format this new partition23:35
orzo_do i need to reboot?23:35
MuzikJunkie2teq: actually i am in a recover console so there is no cnt alt f723:35
erUSULorzo_: under dev ??23:35
bastid_raZorLenin-chan; i have no clue then. fdisk -l should show all drives connected.23:35
teqMuzikJunkie2: no, right click on desktop->change desktop background->visual effects23:35
mgreenconnyosis: i asked you to post your current xorg.conf to pastebin so that i could fix it for you. you never wrote back23:35
orzo_it shows in the partition editors but not in /proc/partitions and not under /dev/23:35
PeloerUSUL, http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/29769/ , sorry23:35
freexeteq: I#ve tried vfat and usbfs/ usbfs mounts but the files don't look right.23:35
orzo_erUSUL: yes23:35
connyosismgreen: oh sorry, I totally missed that23:35
connyosismgreen: give me a sec23:35
mgreenPhantomFreak: could you get a hold of that error message?23:35
MuzikJunkie2teq: I'll have to boot. Hang on , i will remove glx, sign in with vesa and then reinstall glx23:36
jzsmithWill a Sound Blaster Audigy SE work with Ubuntu?23:36
teqfreexe: how do the look, can u access them?23:36
mgreenconnyosis: no problem. i just got confused, since i thought i was waiting :)23:36
Dr_willisToba,  oh wait.. the 'host' command aparently skips the hosts file... My mistake, must be somthing to do witht he hosts command.. Ping goes to localhost for my example23:36
freexeteq, just numbers 001, 002 003 etc23:36
Dr_willisToba,  oh wait.. the 'host' command aparently skips the hosts file... My mistake, must be somthing to do witht he hosts command.. Ping goes to localhost for my example23:36
bastid_raZorLenin-chan; i have my bios set to auto-detect drives on boot .. when i add a new drive it tells me in the boot process that is has found a new one.23:36
=== dubb1 is now known as dubby
teqMuzikJunkie2: remove vesa and glx, and then make a fresh nvidia-glx-new install23:36
vaylenceTrying to install, but keep getting hung up on the partitioner, I get no root file system is defined snag, but I have no options to choose a root system, ideas?23:36
teqfreexe: try to access the,m23:37
samtwon814is anyone there?23:37
samtwon814is anyone there?!23:37
MuzikJunkie2teq: how do i remove vesa23:37
bastid_raZorvaylence; are you selecting to manually select partitions?23:37
bastid_raZori killed him :\23:37
samtwon814i need help building computer23:37
MuzikJunkie2teq: right now i am running with a pcritical xorg file so it is bare bones23:38
samtwon814can anyone in here help a beginner out?23:38
MuzikJunkie2teq: that will get me to a desktop23:38
MISIHi, i have installed TCL8.5 usng Synaptic, and now i dont know where it is installed :/23:38
holyhellalright guys, i need a huge favour, i finally got time to install ubuntu on my macbook, but i am in the woods with dialup on another computer, i canT google all the specific tutorials. can anyone tell me what i need to read exactly, i want to put ubuntu on a partition of lets say 6 gigs max. pls help :)23:38
dubbyhey anyone i have firewall issue and just installed firestarter to help manage it, anyways i need sshd but i want it to drop people after 8 failed attempts, can i do that through iptables ?23:38
marko_guys how do i load subtitles in totem ?23:38
teqMuzikJunkie2: restart after uninstalling vesa and installing the new driver23:38
nickrudMISI, the executable is in /usr/bin23:38
MuzikJunkie2teq: does it matter if i am using DVI or VGA on the card?23:38
freexeteq: they appear empty even though they have size. I've tried to format it to start over, but gparted crashes out with the message "*** stack smashing detected ***: gparted terminated"23:38
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MuzikJunkie2teq: How do you uninstall vesa?23:39
Peloholyhell, just use gparted from the system > admin menu,  make some free space by resizing a partition , then when doing the install tell ubuntu to use the unallocated space23:39
teqfreexe: what happens if you just plug your ipod?23:39
marko_does noone know ?23:39
teqMuzikJunkie2: mhh let me look for the cmd23:39
holyhell@ Pelo what do u mean by gparted from the system23:39
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holyhelli want to use bootcamp23:39
PhantomFreakmgreen was just copying them... CIFS VFS: Send error in SETFSUnixInfo=-5.... CIFS VFS: Negotiating Unix Capabilities with the server failed.... Consider mounting with Unix Extensions... Malformed FILE_UNIX_BASIC_INFO... Mount error 2023:40
MISInickrud, but the other files of tcl wher ecan i find? :/23:40
nickrudMISI,  dpkg -L <packagename> lists all the files from the package23:40
teqMuzikJunkie2: try sudo apt-get remove vesa23:40
freexeteq, nothing at the moment. Before it with giving me a really weird error about mount points not have \n chars23:40
ekowi have my ubuntu laptop hooked up to the internet via ethernet cable, how do i install ndiswrapper?23:40
mgreenPhantomFreak: i guess you've googled this?23:40
Peloholyhell, from the live desktop , top bar, menu > system> administration > gnome parttion editor23:40
PhantomFreakyeh... But pretty useless!23:41
bastid_raZormarko_; you'll need to have a subtitle file in the same directory as the movie .. under view>subtitle  ... you will be able to select it23:41
erUSULPelo: try this http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/29772/23:41
=== Yoshi11 is now known as Yoshi1
mgreenPhantomFreak: perhaps there is a firmware upgrade? is it an old piece of hardware?23:41
MISInickrud, god bless you :-)23:41
zvacetholyhell : https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DialupModemHowto I hope it will help you23:41
PhantomFreakmgreen no only about 9 months!23:41
bastid_raZorekow; sudo aptitude instal ndiswrapper23:41
MuzikJunkie2teq: pkg not found23:41
Vamkiirwhy is #ubuntu-java always so innactive >_<23:41
PhantomFreakmgreen looked for firmware before but not come accross anything useful!23:41
BrandonSrockenrola1,  It worked thanks very much23:42
holyhell@ pelo are you talking mac os x, cause thats what i am starting off with23:42
AMDpenguinhow do i make symbolic links?23:42
holyhellthx @ zvacet its loading ;)23:42
mgreenPhantomFreak: i've never heard of this problem, and since you've googled for this already, i don't know what to do next23:42
MuzikJunkie2teq: are you sure removing vesa will help?23:42
marko_bastid_raZor, thanks23:42
mgreenPhantomFreak: it sounds like there is a problem with the SMB/CIFS implementation of your appliance23:43
Peloholyhell, I was talking about the live desktop from the ubuntu instal cd23:43
holyhellah okay23:43
teqMuzikJunkie2: well it doesnt work23:43
holyhellso i gotta create the partition first!23:43
nickrudAMDpenguin,   ln -s <target> <destination>23:43
teqMuzikJunkie2: try switching drivers then23:43
bastid_raZorAMDpenguin; ln -s location/of/fileordirectory what/the/name/is23:43
holyhellhow much is the recommendation for allocating room?23:43
powertoo108Is truecrypt not in the repo's anymore? Building tag database... Done23:43
powertoo108No candidate version found for truecrypt23:43
ekowbastid: Thanks!23:43
connyosismgreen: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/29770/23:43
PhantomFreakmgreen Oh well, thanks for help!23:43
nickrudpowertoo108, nope it isn't23:43
MuzikJunkie2teq: what do you think about envy?23:44
holyhelland do i just need one partition, because i remember with suse linux a couple years ago u needed an extra parition or something23:44
mgreenconnyosis: i'll post you one back in a second23:44
bastid_raZorekow; nickrud is correct too :)23:44
teqMuzikJunkie2: what card do u have?23:44
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powertoo108nickrud: was it replaced by something better?23:44
connyosismgreen: thanks23:44
vicesi am trying to rar a file into multiple volumes, but I cannot figure out how to read this:  v<size>[k,b]  Create volumes with size=<size>*1000 [*1024, *1]23:44
zvacetholyhell : how much free space do you have and how much you want to dedicate to Ubuntu23:44
MuzikJunkie2teq: nvidia geforce 6200 AGP23:44
jon_high9000pelo: I took it upon myself to check if compiz was installed or no.23:44
teqhey freexe try this http://www.ubuntux.org/how-to-use-an-ipod-with-ubuntu23:44
blario6how do install radeon drivers?23:44
holyhelli have quite a bit23:44
holyhelli am thinking between 6-10 gigs23:44
holyhellif thats enough23:45
nickrudpowertoo108, not that I found when I was setting up an encrypted partition a few days ago. Ended up doing it all manually23:45
teqMuzikJunkie2: it should work, wait a sec23:45
Pelojon_high9000, sudo apt-get install compiz23:45
holyhellis it space intensive? " zvacet23:45
Raz0Rcan anyone tell me why im hanging at boot? its hanging at the part where it says "setting the system clock"? thanks.23:45
StuckMojowhat's the easiest way to enable compvis in Hardy?23:45
jon_high9000pelo already installed.23:45
awmcclainWhat's the apt command to update a single package?23:46
teqMuzikJunkie2: try sudo nvidia-glx-config enable23:46
MuzikJunkie2StuckMojo: Do you have the compiz config manager installed?23:46
StuckMojoMuzikJunkie2: not unless it comes by default23:46
Raz0Rawmcclain compiz --replace23:46
Pelojon_high9000,  enable it from menu > system> prefs > apperance , last tab23:46
Peloneed to reboot , brb23:46
Raz0Rawmcclain sorry, alt + f2 then compiz --replace23:46
zvacetholyhell : just a sec23:47
holyhellsure thx23:47
thorny_sunanyone recommend a decent css/html wysiwyg editor?23:47
MuzikJunkie2teq: command nto found23:47
awmcclainRaz0R: I'm not using compiz. And I'm running on a command line.23:47
teqMuzikJunkie2: mhh ok wait23:47
StuckMojooh, and will it run with openbox?23:47
StuckMojoor do you have to run crap ass metacity23:48
Mr_Fixitok so i went through the forums and the #eggdrop room... not much help there..23:48
Vamkiir@thorny_sun I think bluefish editor is ok...23:48
zvacetholyhell :  http://psychocats.s465.sureserver.com/ubuntu/installing#partitioning   see first option23:48
Mr_Fixitcan someone help me configure an eggdrop?23:48
MuzikJunkie2StuckMojo: its not default.  install the compiz-settings-manager using synaptic...or you can right click on the desktop -> change background -> visual effects23:48
vicesi am trying to rar a file into multiple volumes, but I cannot figure out how to read this:  v<size>[k,b]  Create volumes with size=<size>*1000 [*1024, *1]23:48
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AMDpenguinI love how ubuntu can detect my 2 cpu cores where windows cant it only sees one core =D23:48
legend2440Raz0R: right click the time date icon on top right panel then select adjust time and date and see if  it say Keep synchronized with servers. if it does change it to manual and see if that speeds things up23:48
freexeteq, yeah I can't seem to mount it at all. It's pretty messed up23:49
antisenseCan someone remind me which environment variable I need to change when I need to add a path to look for (.so) libraries (without using ldconfig)?23:49
zvacetholyhell : or you can do manual way23:49
binskipy2uhey guys, any REAL advantage of 64bit over 32bit besides seeing all your ram if you have over 3.5 gigs?23:49
binskipy2uperformance wise?23:49
teqfreexe: what about the link i just gave u? didnt work?23:49
GnuyenIs there an 2.6.24-18-generic virtual box module in your packages list?23:49
ProwLMr_Fixit: I really recommend http://egghelp.org for setting up an eggdrop.23:49
freexeteq, nope :(23:49
AMDpenguinbinskipy- not really23:49
ryan____so, i'm an idiot and installed a cli barebones ubuntu. then i install xserver-xorg-core, fluxbox, and gdm. then i rebooted.23:49
ryan____now i have no terminal?23:50
Mr_Fixitok i'll try it..23:50
holyhellyo zvacet i only have mac os x currently23:50
teqMuzikJunkie2: how did u install vesa driver?23:50
ryan____and i can't run any commands23:50
mgreenconnyosis: http://paste.ubuntu.com/29777/ - backup as usual23:50
Mr_Fixiti think i was there...23:50
AMDpenguini think you will get 30% boost in encoding23:50
freexeteq, the weird thing is that gparted is crashing if I try and format it as well23:50
MuzikJunkie2teq: i didnt it comes stock23:50
connyosismgreen: thanks, I'll try it out23:50
* StuckMojo prepares to crash his box...23:50
holyhellbut i wanna have a triple boot eventually, so ubutunu and maybe win xp, because i might need it for uni or so23:50
Raz0Rlegend2440 its not synched to server23:50
ProwLMr_Fixit: it has explanations of most every setting and will walk you through it.23:50
binskipy2uwill 32bit see 3 cores? i have a triple core computer23:50
mgreenconnyosis: i couldn't test this, naturally. i slaughtered your config ;) if this doesn't work, there are other ways23:50
zvacetholyhell : it is about making partitions so it should be the same I have to say that I never used Mac but still...23:51
windmillhi, since I upgraded to Hardy my wireless card is really slow, it's rt2500 based and there is a post on the forums from 2006. the wiki says it should work out of the box23:51
teqfreexe: lemme see what we can do23:51
ryan____how can i get to a terminal if i have fluxbox installed, and no terminal emulators installed? can i bypass or shutdown X without it going back to GDM automatically?23:51
vicesi am trying to rar a file into multiple volumes, but I cannot figure out how to read this:  v<size>[k,b]  Create volumes with size=<size>*1000 [*1024, *1]23:51
AMDpenguinWill i see a speed boost going quad core from dual core?23:51
freexeteq, It all started when I tried to change the Label, can I reset that somewhere?23:51
playyawhy are the libicalss*.h headers included in the libical*.h header but not included in libecal1.2-dev23:51
lesAMDpenguin: for most things no. for some things a great deal of speed increase23:51
holyhellallright so the one empty partition should be fat32 or ntfs?23:52
binskipy2uim just having issues w/multimedia on sites etc w/64bit23:52
binskipy2unot enough codecs23:52
connyosismgreen: well it's worth a try. back in a bit23:52
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ryan____how can i kill X completely without going back to GDM23:52
AMDpenguindoes the app have to be written to take advantage of muticore cpus?23:52
binskipy2uso besides losing 500mb of ram.. will there be any negative effects using 32 bit on a triple core amd 8450 computer?23:52
zvacetholyhell : ext3 is Ubuntu file format23:52
SeveredCrossryan____: C-A-F1, sudo /etc/init.d/gdm stop23:52
antisenseAnyone? Environment variable which I can create to make the system search for .so's in a certain path? :)23:52
ryan____SeverdCross: thanks23:52
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bastid_raZorryan____; ctrl alt backspace should kill it but it automatically reloads the defualt back23:52
Ionstorm66I have an hp laptop with lightscribe. Ive got the drivers and the simple labeler installed. It detects my drive and says that the burn is successful, but the disk is still blank.23:52
legend2440Raz0R: did you read that message about setting time on screen as it was booting? or in log file?23:53
petersaintswhat's the best way to get Java plugin working on 64-bit Hardy??23:53
teqfreexe: try unpulggin it wait 5mins and plug it again, it should be recognized23:53
holyhellkk thx @ zvacet i shall let u know how it goes :D23:53
teqMuzikJunkie2: how did u install the vesa driver?23:53
MuzikJunkie2teq: i did not specifically install it23:53
holyhelli am just gonna f* around and see what happens23:53
MuzikJunkie2teq: its standard23:53
AMDpenguinis the 8450 a phenom?23:53
zvacetholyhell :O.K.23:53
madenci38turk yokmu23:53
freexeteq, if I plug in my other usb storage it picks it up23:53
Deinany way to stop mouse from leaving display 1 when near right border of the screen while playing games? i mean, is there a way to lock the mouse to the display 1?23:54
binskipy2uok , will 32bit see all 3 cores just like 64bit ubuntu? i know it will "miss" 500mb of ram.. thats' ok as long as i dont have to worry bout "force" installing some of my favorite things23:54
madenci38turk yokmu23:54
Mr_Fixitok so how do i access telnet?23:54
binskipy2uwont it use the same restricted video drivers whether its 32 or 64bit23:54
MuzikJunkie2teq: this card is driving me crazy23:54
nickrudpetersaints, using a 32bit version of firefox23:54
freexeteq, thanks for the help. I'll take it home with me and try it on another computer23:55
tmc_hey all23:55
tmc_can somebody help me with how to share a folder at my ubuntu desktop ?23:55
Ionstorm66I have an hp laptop with lightscribe. Ive got the drivers and the simple labeler installed. It detects my drive and says that the burn is successful, but the disk is still blank.23:55
nickrudbinskipy2u, it should, if you boot the live cd and do cat /proc/cpuinfo , you should see all three processors23:55
tmc_i want to let people dll files off my shared folder could some help me out?23:56
Raz0Rlegend2440 as it was booting23:56
binskipy2uso besides missing 500mb ram, it should be damn near the same23:56
teqfreexe: k23:56
binskipy2ui have a nice setup, but printer, scanner wont work23:56
binskipy2uwhen i know they work in 32bit23:56
amenadotmc_-> you can run an sftp server23:56
teqMuzikJunkie2: then after installing nvidia-glx-new restart, and try to use compiz23:56
Mr_Fixitanyone give me a hint on how to access telnet??23:56
binskipy2ucause the forums said so.. but in 64bit you force install, and it doesnt work even though the forc einstall went thru23:56
tmc_i want it from my pc23:56
nickrudbinskipy2u, if you use the -server version of the kernel, it should also see the lost memory23:57
tmc_amenado could u help me a little bit:D?23:57
binskipy2unickrud, even on 32bit?23:57
amenadotmc_-> id like you to read up a little bit about serving services..google for ubuntu and vsftp please23:57
nickrudbinskipy2u, if you have pae hardware that is23:57
tmc_ ubuntu and vsftp that i have to search :D?23:57
connyosismgreen: it worked great. thanks23:58
tmc_ok i will look if i cant get out i can ask here again :D?23:58
amenadotmc_ http://www.cyberciti.biz/faq/ubuntu-vsftpd-ftp-service-server/23:58
mgreenconnyosis: nice! what i did was to clean up your configuration. please look a the difference23:58
tmc_cool mate23:58
tmc_really thank u23:58
teqhi! i recently installed firefox 3 on my system but i cant get the shortcuts to work, even if i type "firefox" in terminal it executes the old version, how can i fix this? thanks!23:58
nickrudbinskipy2u, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Physical_Address_Extension23:58
david_Hi everyone! I'm new to Linux. Can anyone help me with a very simple question for he experts!!! I have a Nero for Linux file in "downloads" How can I install it?23:58
connyosismgreen: i will. nice worl23:58
amenadotmc_-> read up on in a little bit and come back to discuss if you're stuck23:59
tmc_can people of my msn reach it to if i give them permition23:59
david_Is there a general rule for installing new downloads23:59
tmc_yeah thnx23:59
connyosisnow, time for bed23:59
tmc_thanks amenado23:59
nickrudteq, how did you install firefox 3, on what version?23:59
amenadotmc_-> you're welcome.23:59
mgreenconnyosis: i removed the last parts of your configuration (which seemed auto generated). please read up on xorg configuration if run into similar problems in the future. happy camping :)23:59
zvacetdavid_ : if it is bin file just double click on it23:59
Mr_Fixit!telnet > Mr_Fixit23:59
glitsj16teq: thet start commanf for firefox 3 is "firefox-3.0"23:59
ubottuMr_Fixit, please see my private message23:59
unopdavid_, the nero site should have instructions23:59

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