
=== DanaG1 is now known as DanaG
glueralpha-3 out?00:58
baron1984Question, is it possible to use the kernel from Intrepid01:36
baron1984without getting the whole enchilada?01:37
baron1984I'm having some pretty horrible ACPI problems01:37
baron1984and I think 2.6.26 has a good chance of fixing them01:37
DanaGYou can, if you're careful, and also get all the dependencies.01:40
DanaGBy "all" I mean all those that are part of the kernel.01:40
DanaGAnd watch out for the changes in nvidia: it's no longer nvidia-glx{,old,new}; now it's by version.01:41
baron1984I suppose the predigested Nvidia modules are a no?01:41
baron1984like as in Envy01:41
baron1984I'm dealing with a seriously broken BIOS01:41
baron1984even patching it up to the latest version didn't help a whole lot01:42
DanaGThe package names have changed: now they're nvidia-glx-77 nvidia-glx-96 nvidia-glx-173 (or maybe 177).01:43
DanaGAnd it uses dkms to build itself for new kernel versions.01:46
baron1984DanaG: So what all do I need to install nvidia-glx-177 locally?01:49
baron1984jsut that and nvidia-kernel-source?01:50
DanaGI'm not sure, actually.01:51
gluercan i download alpha-3 iso yet?01:53
burnerbaron1984: sudo apt-get install nvidia-glx-177 worked here... then i edited xorg.conf01:59
DanaGbut that also takes being on the Intrepid repos.02:02
gluercan i install the intrepid theme onto hardy?02:05
* burner notes we are in #ubuntu+102:05
* burner likes the new theme... screw the naysayers!02:05
glueri love it too02:05
burneri notice it's smaller and takes up less screen real estate which is nice :)02:06
gluerive got 3 laptops running intrepid and 1 with hardy02:06
gluerwaiting patiently for alpha-302:06
burneri'm waiting till network manager 0.7 hits to take the time to move my laptop02:07
burneruntil rather02:07
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izanbardprinceI would use XFCE02:34
izanbardprinceif it had a nicer wifi management applet02:34
izanbardprinceand easier compositing support02:34
izanbardprinceI really hate the theme in Intrepid02:35
izanbardprinceI hope they don't ditch the old ones02:35
izanbardprincethe Tango icon theme doesn't go well with NewHuman02:35
izanbardprinceeverything else is fine02:35
izanbardprinceis Pulseaudio still screwy in Intrepid?02:38
ethana2Does evolution in intrepid know how to use gmail and such or does it still have to ask the user every little annoying thing?02:54
izanbardprinceethana: still have to configure it02:55
ethana2It'll be nice when we can match mac mail's ease of use03:00
ethana2i'll be joining you folks in a few days when the livecd comes out03:01
ethana2then i send in my ubuntu inspiron to get a new mainboard03:01
ethana2...then i'll be back on intrepid, submitting bugs left and right03:01
ethana2see ya03:01
LSD|Ninjahttp://www.hexellent.com/files/26/Screenshot-Update-Manager.jpg <- any idea wht update manager has started doing that (making the name and description fields 2/3-3/4 smaller than they should be)?03:51
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kfazzoffhand, anybody experience crash and burn with linux-image-2.6.26-3-generic on real hardware?04:39
kfazzcuz i do, it doesn't even panic04:40
kfazzwindows and hardy's kernel are fine, so i don't think it's hardware04:41
kfazzit will boot with nosmp or noacpi though.04:41
kfazzalso happens on linux-image-2.6.26-4-generic04:41
RAOFkfazz: Nope; no problems here.04:42
RAOFKindly File A Bug(tm) :)04:42
kfazzi plan to, i just wanted to know if there are any debug boot options that will let me pinpoint the error a bit more beofre i write one04:43
kfazzi tried "debug" but it didn't add any more boot messages than usual04:44
DanaGyou use it without "quiet", right?04:53
jetsaredimis there a cd download for intrepid at this point?04:56
baron1984but you have to use the text installer04:57
baron1984livecd won't be implemented til Alpha 304:57
baron1984the first thing Alpha 2 does is crash04:57
jetsaredimodd - but that's ok for me04:57
baron1984you have to drop to the terminal and dist-upgrade04:57
baron1984broken package that ships with the Alpha 2 ISO04:58
jetsaredimso use the alt-install?04:58
baron1984drop to the terminal04:58
baron1984sudo apt-get dist-upgrade04:58
jetsaredimyea - no problem04:58
baron1984let it do it's thing, and then sudo reboot now04:58
baron1984you'll also have to configure Pulseaudio by hand04:58
baron1984there's a guide on the forum for that04:58
jetsaredimmaybe i'll come back once i've done the dist-upgrade04:59
gnomefreaktheres a wiki for PA04:59
baron1984well, Pulse will try to use your modem as a speaker04:59
baron1984until you do that04:59
baron1984so don't freak out04:59
* jetsaredim doesn't have a modem04:59
baron1984well, if you hear a screeching, this is why05:00
jetsaredimheh ok05:00
gnomefreakhttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/PulseAudio maybe easier to follow05:00
ubottugnomefreak: gnomefreak05:00
jetsaredimso i need the alt-installer iso or the normal installer05:00
ubottuPulseAudio is a sound server intended as a drop-in replacement for !ESD - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PulseAudio for information and installation instructions05:00
gnomefreakjetsaredim: you have no choice ther eis only a text installer05:01
baron1984Pulseaudio is nuts05:01
baron1984and for me anyway, it caused 10 problems for every one thing it did better05:01
jetsaredimthose were features05:02
jetsaredimno one told you?05:02
baron1984playing sound through my modem, wrecking my Logitech headset05:02
baron1984to me, this is like them polishing the chrome before they see if it even starts05:03
jetsaredim...but its so shiny05:03
jetsaredimok - sad when torrent is slower than straight wget05:04
baron1984I'm in the middle of dist upgrading05:04
baron1984Intel seems to have done a lot of work to get 2.6.26 working with all kinds of crappy ACPI implementations05:05
gnomefreakjetsaredim: that is normal since people seed off you with torrents05:05
baron1984which I am a victim of05:05
baron1984all these motherboard makers just make sure it works with Windows05:06
baron1984which is extremely forgiving of obvious screwups05:06
baron1984so Linux had to implement Vista-like ACPI error handling05:06
baron1984so hopefully at least some stuff that is not working now will when I reboot with the new kernel05:07
baron1984this just disgusts me to no end05:07
baron1984oh well, if the mountain won't come to Mohammad.....05:08
baron1984I can't think of any good reason they'd ship a BIOS this screwed up05:09
baron1984except being well paid by Microsoft05:09
baron1984kickbacks, you know I love em05:09
baron1984"Buy Windows Vista" my tail end05:14
baron1984Makes me want to go to Beijing and kick that guy in the nuts05:14
DanaGbaron1984: pcspkr, not modem.05:18
DanaGat least, that's the issue I heard about.05:18
baron1984all I know is it sounded like a tin can going through the garbage disposal05:18
DanaGI didn't have that issue, though -- my pcspkr doesn't even work at all once hda-intel loads.05:18
baron1984and I thought my hard disk was crashing05:18
baron1984scared the hell out of me05:18
* baron1984 wonders how an obvious bug with an obvious fix lives on05:20
DanaGsnd-pcsp shouldn't load unless no other audio devices exist, I'd say.05:22
DanaGAnd even then, it shouldn't take index 0.05:22
DanaGMore like 99, or something.05:22
jetsaredimok - wait - so if the iso is somewhat broken - how do i get gnome up and running form the install?06:00
jetsaredimor is the install fine once you dist-upgrade?06:01
Hobbseethe latter.  more or less.06:04
Hobbseeboot without splash.06:04
RAOFOr fix uvesafb, I believe.06:05
RAOFHiya Hobbsee06:05
RAOFBacks suck.06:08
jetsaredimbut that all comes back after the dist-upgrade?06:09
* jetsaredim thinks maybe I should shoot for 8.04.106:09
Hobbseeintrepid is not for general use, or mission critical stuff.06:12
Hobbseeif you're thinking about that, or 8.04.1, you should go for the latter.06:12
LSD|Ninjahttp://www.hexellent.com/files/26/Screenshot-Update-Manager.jpg <- any idea why Update Manager is doing that now?06:13
LSD|NinjaI tried resizing the window, didn't help06:15
afallenhopeHow would I disable ping using ufw?06:24
afallenhopethat's the protocol06:25
afallenhopehow would I disable the echo/rquest06:25
DanaGOh hey, I have some third-party themes repo installed, but want to prefer official versions of things.07:25
DanaGHow would I set the apt preferences file to prefer, say, gtk-engines-nodoka 0.7.0-1 over 0.7.0-1nano (which is from the third-party repo)?07:26
RAOFTime for apt preferences!07:26
RAOFI believe the answer is to set the priority of that repo to 107:27
DanaGHmm, now how to isolate that repo... it doesn't provide a Release file.07:29
RAOFYou're looking at "man apt_preferences", yes?07:29
DanaGaah, I was looking at stuff online, but I'll pull up the man pages, too.07:30
DanaGheh, turns out they're the same.07:33
LSD|Ninjahttp://www.hexellent.com/files/26/Screenshot-Update-Manager.jpg <- any idea why Update Manager is doing that now?07:34
RAOFBecause EXA's broken?07:34
DanaGer, that didn't work -- there's not a target release set.07:34
DanaGAah, have to also pin origin:"Ubuntu"07:36
RAOFHeh; go the other way :)07:36
RAOFPin everything to a low value, then bump up Ubuntu.07:36
LSD|NinjaRAOF: ?07:36
RAOFLSD|Ninja: That's basically a "dunno", but it's an obvious drawing error.07:37
DanaGI want to pin Ubuntu to whatever makes it the same as setting the target release.07:37
DanaGEeh, I'll go with ... oh, 990.07:38
DanaGpriority 990 to the versions that are not installed and belong to the target release.07:39
DanaGPerhaps I should set it to 900... so I don't get the "what happens if it's not installed yet" thing.07:39
DanaGdag-blast it.... update-manager still offers the upgrade.07:42
mvoDanaG: in hardy you can modify /etc/update-manager/release-upgrades07:43
DanaGI don't want to do something that unsupported, though.  I just want to un-prefer a specific repo for same-real-version packages.07:44
DanaGW: Did not understand pin type version07:48
DanaGthen I don't know what to do.07:49
DanaGaah, pin by origin www.nanolx.org07:54
DanaGand needs to be Pin-Priority, not Pin-priority07:55
DanaGOh yeah, random note: the Ubuntu google start-page still has the old "bleeding" Heron.07:58
RAOFSo long, compiz.  Back to nouveau time.07:59
DanaGSo long, s2ram, then.07:59
* DanaG needs his sleep too much.08:00
DanaGSpeaking of which..... I should go to bed soon.08:00
RAOFI've grown used to not having it.08:00
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about date08:00
DanaGThu Jul 24 00:00:31 PDT 200808:00
RAOFYou can always try nv_bios to get s2ram with nouveau. ;)08:00
RAOFA kernel module by everyone's favourite Matthew Garrett to get s2ram working on nv.08:03
DanaGNow to make synaptic obey apt preferences...08:05
DanaGoh wait... it did.08:06
RAOFYup.  Everything should.08:10
RAOFDanaG: That's because aptitude has more smarts than apt; but apt_preferences works right down by the coalface.08:19
DanaGcoalface?  That's a new one.  "Bare metal" is more familiar.08:20
jianfeiright under the g-string08:21
RAOFThe coalface is there before the metal even exsits!08:21
DanaGYou don't make metal out of coal.08:26
DanaGbed now.08:27
DanaGThu Jul 24 00:27:08 PDT 200808:27
* DanaG goes off §£∃∃¶ing.08:28
DanaGOh, I just love SCIM + altgr-intl keyboard.08:29
DanaGscim-tables-additional for the "LaTex" table, specifically.08:29
Bert_2Hi, I have a question about the icons the upcoming ubuntu intrepid09:50
Bert_2will there finally be an icon for PGP encrypted files in human ?09:51
Bert_2cause I think it's rather silly that seahorse was in hardy by standard but that it's files just look the same as unidentified octet-stream files09:51
gnomefreakBert_2: too early to know artwork is last to get finalized09:54
Bert_2gnomefreak: okey, but do you have any idea why there wasn't such an icon in hardy ?09:54
gnomefreakBert_2: no09:55
Bert_2gnomefreak: okey, thx and sorry for bothering you09:56
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Martiinihas there been alfa 3 yet for intrepid ? My intrepid doesnt upgrade for some reason12:49
Martiinihttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/IntrepidReleaseSchedule says intrepid alpha 3 release date 24 july .. (which is today) but I dont get any upgardes .. anyone ??12:51
gnomefreakMartiini: not yet and there are broken packages is why it wont upgrade12:54
gnomefreakMartiini: today isnt the 24th for everyone12:55
gnomefreakand in my case its not yet 8am on the 24th12:56
gnomefreakMartiini: look for it in 12-24 hours12:56
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Martiinianyone know what distributions does Linus Torvalds use12:59
gnomefreakMartiini: please move to #ubuntu-offtopic for that13:00
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=== TheInfinity is now known as TheImp
=== TheImp is now known as TheInfinity
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plagerismIs the nvidia driver fixed in intrepid yet?14:38
gnomefreakplagerism: define fixed14:54
gnomefreakplagerism: it works some people have issues setting it up since the name change14:55
gnomefreakplagerism: most likely you will run into issues if you dont know what you are doing14:55
alexotthello all15:02
alexottis anybody have problem with fresh Xorg & Nvidia in fresh Interpid? For it crashed every hour15:03
gnomefreakalexott: nope what card is it?15:09
alexottnVidia Corporation NV43GL [Quadro FX 540] (rev a2)15:10
alexotti use nvidia-glx-17315:11
gnomefreakalexott: thats what i have nad no issues with crashing15:14
alexottgnomefreak: i had reported it to launchpad - bug number 25143015:16
gnomefreakalexott: than one of the X guys will get to it15:17
G_009bug 25143015:43
ubottuLaunchpad bug 251430 in xorg "X server crash very often on interpid + Nvidia" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/25143015:43
smallfoot-alhpa3 is come today???15:52
smallfoot-when is alpha3 come?16:06
smallfoot-http://www.ubuntu.com/testing/intrepid/alpha3 <-- 40416:06
smallfoot-http://www.ubuntu.com/testing/intrepid/alpha2 <-- this exist16:06
Hobbseenever, impatient one.16:06
smallfoot-hey Hobbsee you are the one that did banned me from #ubuntu-offtopic16:08
smallfoot-plz unban me16:08
Hobbseewow, that was the end of may.16:09
smallfoot-yes, long time ago16:10
G_009anybody got a link for server edition16:11
Hobbseeeither way though, it's really not my fault that you decided to flame me, and your persistence in blaming me makes me very inclined to think that you've not learned your lesson about acceptable conduct.16:12
* Hobbsee does, in fact, read -ops16:12
G_009smallfoot-: your application has been rejected, you must bring penguin to altar next time16:13
HobbseeG_009: *grin*16:14
smallfoot-Hobbsee, you banned me, so its your fault, that i cant enter #ubuntu-offtopic, so please unban me16:16
smallfoot-G_009, :(16:16
Hobbseesmallfoot-: if you'd behaved, you would never have been banned.16:17
Hobbseehowever, this is not the place.16:17
Hobbseeand you've been told that before16:17
smallfoot-its not too late to correct your fault, you can still unban me16:17
G_009your wording is not pleasing the penguins16:18
G_009you need a little more finesse16:20
smallfoot-alpha2 has many problems? its unstable? video, audio, graphics, works?16:20
ubottuUbuntu Server Edition is a release of Ubuntu designed especially for server environments, including a server-specific !kernel and no !GUI. The install CD contains many server applications. Current !LTS version is 8.04. For more info see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ServerFaq/ - The #ubuntu-server channel provides specific support16:20
plagerismgnomefreak, I installed it a few weeks, and it was when they were splitting apart the packages, if there is a package, I will find it, just as long as it is there, dont mind if the restricted driver manager doesnt handle it16:24
gnomefreakit doesnt AFAIK16:25
=== mvo__ is now known as mvo
gnomefreakplagerism: as i said it works for me but people have issues with them only because they dont know how to recover from broken xorg.conf16:25
gnomefreakbroken == needs to be re made in alot of cases16:26
* G_009 is waiting 'til RDM can16:26
G_009there were a few interesting updates to that effect today16:27
* DanaG likes the new Nautilus16:35
plagerismgnomefreak, cool thanks downloading now16:36
smallfoot-If anyone wants to chat about Ubuntu in a relaxed fashion, then you can join #ubuntu-social the Ubuntu Social Club! Happy times!16:36
DanaGProbably not an official ubuntu channel anyway, right?16:39
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Hobbseedidn't survive for long, either16:40
DanaGNot in /list, either.16:40
Hobbseewell, it doens't help when the guy did that after trying to do the whole "asl" thing.16:41
Luckrider_I got a new external hdd, and I want to find out what the location is, I do fdisk -l, and nothing comes up16:56
Luckrider_it goes straight to a new lin16:56
plagerismLuckrider_: dmesg, if you just plugged it in, should give you some information at the bottom as to what the drive was named16:57
Luckrider_it is a NTFS formatted drive, I am trying to reformat it16:57
Luckrider_btw, thanks in advanced for the help16:58
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AnAntHello, is beta3 out yet ?17:06
AnAntalpha3 sorry17:06
AnAntwhen is alpha3 supposed to get out ?17:08
AnAntah, today !17:09
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orangepeelbeefthis isn't an intrepid question, but it's about git kernel source from hardy18:34
orangepeelbeefguys how do i build the git linux-modules in hardy it keeps saying it needs the source for 2.6.24-21 but the latest package in the repo is 2.6.24-1918:34
ethana2Hopefully I can try intrepid out before I have to send my inspiron 1420n back to dell for a new mainboard18:44
ethana2i think i'll lurk around here 'till alpha 3 is out18:45
simihi, how is the boot speed in 8.10 compare to 8.04 have they improved the boot time?20:20
ethana2simi: www.phoronix.com20:24
ethana2simi: when alpha 3 is released, you'll see all those comparisons on that site i'm sure20:25
baron1984I have had it with this board :P21:05
baron1984it sends the kernel a bogus ACPI table21:05
baron1984Intrepid deals with it better than Hardy, but it's still pretty bad21:05
baron1984what kernel release is the 2.6.26-4 kernel in Intrepid using?21:17
phaverkampIbex in a Virtualbox kernel panics after a partial upgrade21:31
tanatha recent update has screwed up my mouse22:23
tanathnow the scroll wheel acts as back and forward, as opposed to scrolling22:24
tanathexcept in certain apps, when it's directly over the scroll bar22:25
lieterhello :)22:26
Compiler|mobilehi lieter22:28
lieterI have a strange issue with II and want to know if you have experienced the same: On my laptop i've installed II next to HH, Grub from II is on the II partition itself and is chainloaded by the HH grub from the MBR22:28
lieterbut now the strange part:22:28
lieterwhen i boot my HH there is no splash screen XD22:28
lieterand after the second boot to II there is also no splash there22:29
lieterthere is no 15 second timeout22:29
lieterand the vga line is ok22:29
lieterI can see the FB initialize but then falling back to a quiet boot22:30
tanathi have no splash at boot either22:32
tanathi also get a corrupt display when switching to a virtual terminal22:33
lietertanath, but i HAD it in Hardy Heron until i installed Intrepid22:33
lieterwhich makes no sense at all22:33
lietersince its on a different partitions22:33
lieterunless the drivers alters some GPU settings on the GPU flash22:33
tanathcould be grub22:34
tanathcould have altered kernel params22:34
lieterbut grub or the menu hasnt changed22:34
lieteri chainload to the II grub from the normal grub22:34
tanathdid you check the kernel params? gotta press e22:35
lieteryes i have, vga=792 ro quiet splash22:35
tanathso maybe it doesn't like vga=792 anymore22:36
lieterwell, i can see FB starting(some corrupt lines on the top of the screens, happens normally also) but then it disappears and i get *reading files needed to boot  [OK] and all that22:37
tanathi don't get that22:38
tanathi had no video output at all when i first upgraded to 8.1022:38
tanathnow i get output, but a blank screen22:38
lieteri did a clean install22:38
lieterno upgrade..22:38
tanathi upgraded22:38
tanathand now i can't switch to a vt either22:38
tanathget corrupt display22:38
lieterVT's work fine for me with the nvidia proprietary driver22:39
tanathjust tried now to fix my mouse issue before logging in... that didn't work :-/22:39
lieterwhat mouse issue?22:39
tanathnot using proprietary22:39
tanathrecent update made it so my scroll wheel acts as back & forward in some apps22:39
tanathand can't scroll in others unless my mouse is right over the scroll bar22:39
lieterwhat mouse?22:40
tanathlogitech mx50022:40
tanathupgrading to 8.10 at first made it work better, but the recent update botched it22:41
arsenal_how are u22:51
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