
Seeker`Myrtti: What is amazing about english houses?00:14
Myrttitotally different concept than in Finland00:15
Seeker`not the standard 4 walls, roof?00:15
Myrttiwe do have houses built like that next to eachother here too, but not in that extent00:15
Seeker`what are your houses like then?00:15
Myrttisingle family detached houses00:16
Myrttior apartment blocks00:17
Seeker`ah, so you mean the terraced houses here are different00:17
Dave2terraces are annoying00:17
* Dave2 is currently in a semi-f00:18
* Dave2 is currently in a semi-detached00:18
* Seeker` is going to try to be in an end-terrace at least00:18
Seeker`if not a semi detached00:18
nickrudwhat's semi detached? I can visualize attached and detached ..00:19
Seeker`terraced is a big long row00:19
Seeker`semi detached is just two houses00:20
nickrudah, we call that duplex00:20
naliothwe call that house with garage00:20
Seeker`nalioth: people only tend to own one of the two houses :P00:21
* Dave2 is in a semi with a garage.00:21
nickruddummies. Own both, rent the other for the cost of the building mortgage.00:21
Dave2it contains about £50 worth of salt.00:21
Dave2We're not quite sure why.00:21
* Dave2 attempts tosleep00:21
Seeker`Dave2: Whereabours do you live?00:22
* Myrtti goes to bed herself to read some Patricia Cornwell00:22
Dave2You know where I live!00:22
Myrttinini folks00:22
* Myrtti tugs Dave200:22
Seeker`I know you live in reading-ish, cant remember whereabouts exactl00:22
nickrudwhat is with all this forensic entertainment?00:22
Dave2And I don't really want to go into too much detail in a publicly logged channel00:22
Myrttiput the laptop away00:22
Seeker`Dave2: PM?00:22
Dave2no, sleep00:22
* Dave2 nods00:22
Seeker`k, nn00:22
* Dave2 obeys Myrtti, goes.00:22
* Myrtti tucks Dave2 in00:23
Myrttithere you go00:23
* Myrtti closes terminal windows00:23
ubottuSydero called the ops in #kubuntu ()01:15
ubottuHarahu called the ops in #kubuntu-offtopic ()03:10
stdinHobbsee: delt with03:12
Hobbseestdin: cool, thanks03:13
FlannelSo... is it possible with banforwards to actually get them to reocnnect? or is it "if they ever reconnect, they forward"03:17
PiciIf you're hiding some sort of psychic super-weapon, we can get them to reconnect, otherwise, no.03:19
stdinif they are in the channel, you can try kicking rather than removing, as a lot of people have an auto-rejoin setting enabled03:19
Picior kicking vs. removing03:19
ubottuSNuxoll called the ops in #ubuntu-offtopic (PFA)04:08
ubottujtaji called the ops in #ubuntu ()04:09
ubottujtaji called the ops in #ubuntu (dd smit otg)04:10
* Hobbsee thought you people were supposed to be here.04:12
=== tritium_ is now known as tritium
Myrttididn't I ban otg while back?06:20
* Flannel wouldn't know.06:20
Flannelsince, I know you were asking me personally Myrtti06:20
Myrtti06:10 <+FloodBot1> otg_ sent 4 messages while muted06:20
jussi01This is nice to see :) http://www.linux.com/feature/14208306:21
jussi01oh, and good morning all!06:22
MyrttiI did06:22
Hobbseewhen will the people of #ubuntu learn that #ubuntu-devel is *not* the place to get support on how to compile random applications?06:40
HobbseeDevelopment of Ubuntu (not support, not application development on Ubuntu) | #ubuntu for support and general discussion for dapper/feisty/gutsy/hardy, #ubuntu+1 for intrepid06:40
Hobbseethat should be *pretty* obvious06:41
nickrudThe day everyone reads the topic, or even agrees that it 'applies to them' will be the day world peace breaks out06:55
Myrttiit will be a hoot06:55
Myrttiworld hunger ends06:55
tonyyarusso"Ever been here before?  No?  Did someone here suggest you come?  No?  Ah, then you should probably go away.  Here - throw out my banana peel on your way out."06:55
Myrttiall nations hug each other06:55
* nickrud thinks tonyyarusso doesn't believe in world peace ;)06:56
tonyyarussoSomeone might find that topic in conflict with that little thing we call the CoC though - darn.  :P06:56
* tonyyarusso hits nickrud over the head until he just smiles and nods at everything06:56
* nickrud takes the bananna peel and leaves06:56
jussi01ok, I think I just found my funny thing of the day...06:58
jussi01a quote from -ot...06:58
tonyyarussoThe best part is it actually makes perfect sense in context.06:58
* Myrtti yawns07:19
=== Jucato_ is now known as Jucato
* Myrtti yawns11:04
* Mez shoves a sock in Myrtti's mouth11:06
* Myrtti looks around11:06
* Myrtti takes the sock off and blushes11:06
bazhang@banlog dolphin_noel #ubuntu11:11
ubottubazhang: No matches found for dolphin_noel (dolphin_noel!*@*) in #ubuntu11:11
bazhanghttp://paste.ubuntu.com/29927/  wow11:54
bazhangserious contender for top 10 worst sources.list of all time11:55
ikonianot good11:56
Myrtti6.10 _feisty Eft_11:56
ikoniathey are all in there11:56
naliothvariety is the spice of life12:06
bazhangas is breakage12:07
bazhangmissed the debian one12:12
bazhangall that is missing really is automatix12:16
elkbuntubazhang, and envy pre-ng12:16
bazhangelkbuntu, righto :)12:16
elkbuntubtw, there's a new tweak script of the same calibre out there, for the eee, listed on the eeepc/fixes page on help.ubuntu.com :-/12:17
* bazhang is not sure whether to cheer or boo12:17
elkbuntu"sudo apt-get install -y -f build-essential module-assistant eeepc-acpi-source  --force-yes"12:18
bazhanguh, boooo!12:18
* elkbuntu twitches12:18
elkbuntuthe messes with modules without preserving a backup12:18
elkbuntuseems they took it off the help page, good12:21
elkbuntubazhang, http://code.google.com/p/eeescripts/downloads/detail?name=ubuntueeetweak.sh&can=2&q=12:25
bazhangelkbuntu, sweet thanks12:25
elkbuntuit also sets the powersaving to dull the screen after only 10-15 seconds or something12:26
elkbuntusucks when you're reading something12:26
ubottuIn #ubuntu, \|\|raith said: ubottu: why is kvm preferred over the others?12:28
naliothread faster   :P12:28
elkbuntunalioth, read that script though. it's going to turn into another ax12:29
Myrttisomeone should kosherize it12:29
PiciFind a rabbi to bless it?12:29
nalioththankfully, it isn't for mainstream applications12:30
Myrttito check thru the ingredients and make suggestions with what to replace the corn syrup12:30
* Tm_T hugs Myrtti 12:31
elkbuntunalioth, no, just aimed at anyone who has an eeepc12:32
PiciMyrtti: Interesting12:32
MyrttiI thought so too12:33
Myrttioh well12:35
Myrttitoday is the workmate bbq evening12:36
Myrttihave to go get some red wine and straight vodka12:36
naliothjust need beer for a bbq12:36
MyrttiI believe the chef has some plans for the vodka and the red wine12:36
MyrttiI'm just paying12:37
naliothchefs need their lubrication, i guess12:38
MyrttiOOOOHHH regex cheat _SKIRT_12:39
Myrtti"Is the shirt difficult for you to read due to anatomy?"12:39
PiciMy manager is taking my team out to lunch today.12:39
Tm_TMyrtti: ?!12:39
Myrttihe's funny and smart... I bet he's not single12:40
PiciI should buy some tshirts12:41
Myrttinot that it matters that much currently12:41
Tm_TMyrtti: nice skirt, you definately have one12:41
Myrttiyes, I should have one skirt atleast12:42
Tm_Thttp://xkcd.com/385/ <- hrrrr12:47
JucatoTm_T: smells like a troll :)13:23
Tm_TJucato: smell, but haven't shown his tail yet ;)13:23
JucatoTm_T: his first sentence showed a bit of tail :)13:23
Jucatoanyway, your prey :P13:24
Tm_Tonly few hairs ;)13:24
Tm_TJucato: see? ;)13:27
Jucatoright :)13:28
Jucatohey I can't be right all the time... otherwise I'd be god :P13:28
Tm_TJucato: yes, you're only son of a god, son ;)13:28
Jucatothe implications of that sentence are.... :P13:28
* Tm_T hides13:29
Tm_Thmm, AntiMage spamming?14:02
ubottuIn #ubuntu, KenBW2 said: ubottu: this tutorial is aimed at Feisty, will it work for Hardy?14:27
Myrttisplitting headaches \o/ hell yes!14:29
ubottuIn ubottu, korund said: no, i can mount home on separete partition, but if its partition is less than sd*1614:36
Picibazhang: why the ban?15:01
bazhangPici, was he not starting a massive spam15:01
Picibazhang: I'm pretty sure that was it15:01
bazhangokay; will unban15:01
bazhangPici, ^^15:03
naliotha remove is best for inadvertent pastes15:04
Hobbseedid someone deal with smallfoot in -offtopic?16:08
Hobbsee[01:12] <Hobbsee> either way though, it's really not my fault that you decided to flame me, and your persistence in blaming me makes me very inclined to think that you've not learned your lesson about acceptable conduct.16:12
Hobbseeif someone wants to deal with him, and remove it, feel free.16:13
bazhangwhen I get access I will! :)16:14
* Hobbsee can give temp access, no problem :P16:15
Hobbsee[01:16] <smallfoot-> Hobbsee, you banned me, so its your fault, that i cant enter #ubuntu-offtopic, so please unban me16:17
Hobbseethe guy never learns...16:17
smallfoot-Greetings all friendly channel operators. I am unable to join the #ubuntu-offtopic channel because Hobbsee have banned me. I have been banned for many months, ever since May, it is now past due time that the ban gets lifted. I am not able to participate in the Ubuntu community since I have been banned, and now I feel excluded.16:20
* Hobbsee points out hte most recent log at http://rafb.net/p/A73vg718.html16:20
* smallfoot- notes that it is pasted as C++16:24
* smallfoot- requests to get unbanned16:24
* Hobbsee requests that smallfoot- stops blaming her all the time, for being banned, when it was smallfoot-'s choice to misbehave.16:25
smallfoot-wow, you're a she???+++16:25
smallfoot-asl ??16:25
naliothsmallfoot-: #ubuntu-offtopic is not required "ubuntu community"16:25
smallfoot-nalioth, I believe it is a central piece...16:26
naliothsmallfoot-: take your ASL, and be gone16:26
smallfoot-nalioth, since #ubuntu is only for support-related inquires..16:26
nalioththis isn't the place for that16:26
Hobbseesmallfoot-: and if you think that's going to help you....16:26
smallfoot-Hobbsee, I hold no grudges against you for what you did. I just want to get over with it. Do the right thing.16:27
Hobbseesmallfoot-: id' prefer you not to tell me what to do, thanks.  particularly as it was *you* who couldn't behave in the first place.16:27
bazhangsmallfoot-, best to part now16:27
smallfoot-Hobbsee, well, I cant join #ubuntu-offtopic, why? Because YOU banned me!16:27
Hobbseebecause you misbehaved.16:27
Hobbseedon't misbehave, don't get banned.  why is this so complicated?16:28
bazhangsmallfoot-, /part now please.16:28
smallfoot-This is what happens when they give girls op, "Oh, look she has boobs, let give her ops!", then they go and ban people! Unfair!!16:28
Hobbseenalioth: ^16:29
Hobbseeepic fail on the part of that guy.16:29
Hobbseei wonder how he manages to stay in #ubuntu for very long...16:31
bazhanghe knows from two bans and long PMs with me I will brook no guff from him.16:32
naliothwith that attitude, he's very unlikely to reach the solution he's after16:34
bazhangseemed to confuse #ubuntu with #whine16:34
bazhangjpds, poing16:35
Hobbseenalioth: so, when will you grow some boobs?  clearly, you need to have them to get ops.16:36
* bazhang needs some brain bleach16:36
Tm_THobbsee: you should see mine16:36
Tm_Tbazhang: with babyoil and chesthair, want some?16:37
Hobbseeoh dear16:37
Hobbseenow we've got another emma16:37
Hobbseenalioth: nuke that channel, please16:37
Hobbsee[01:36] <smallfoot-> If anyone wants to chat about Ubuntu in a relaxed fashion, then you can join #ubuntu-social the Ubuntu Social Club! Happy times!16:37
bazhangTm_T, zomg16:37
* Hobbsee throws him out of +1 aind #ubuntu16:37
Tm_THobbsee: nice move from him, though false move16:37
naliothyes, from everywhere he said that16:37
Hobbseeit's in our namespace.16:38
Hobbseenice work16:39
Hobbseeguess we've gotten quicker, after she who cannot be named.16:39
smallfoot-this is very unfair16:40
Hobbseeno, you may not advertise in #ubuntu channels.  it's offtopic, for support channels.16:40
Tm_Tsmallfoot-: what is?16:40
smallfoot-i made my own place, and then they took it away from me16:40
naliothsmallfoot-: please tell us what you are telling me in PM16:40
smallfoot-Tm_T, i made an own room on this chat, and i was the boss of it, then they took it away from me :(16:40
Tm_Tsmallfoot-: it's fair16:40
smallfoot-why? if i created the room, its means its mine, so nobody can take it from me?16:41
Tm_Tsmallfoot-: untrue16:41
naliothsmallfoot-: http://freenode.net16:41
naliothnetwork policies are explained16:41
smallfoot-well, i think its unfair, if i make a room, it should be mine, and nobody should take it from me16:41
smallfoot-its like if i build a house, you cant go itno my house and kick me out and take it from me16:41
naliothplease note that spamming other channels that do not conform to Ubuntu IRC standards is not welcome in Ubuntu channels16:41
smallfoot-i didnt spam them, i just invited them to the social club16:42
naliothsmallfoot-: go read the policies, please16:42
Tm_Tsmallfoot-: making it simple (dunno why I do but) all #ubuntu* channels belongs to Ubuntu16:42
naliothyou say 'invite', we say "spam"16:42
smallfoot-if you are in the city and walk, then someone can ask you to join their club16:42
Hobbseewe've had this argument with another person.  don't even bother.16:42
Tm_Tsmallfoot-: do what nalioth say, read freenode policies so you understand how this works16:42
Hobbseethey did not win.16:42
smallfoot-nalioth, if i ask in #windows to join my club that is about ubuntu, its spam, or if i ask 100 times to join it, then its spam, but if i ask in the ubuntu channel to join the ubuntu club once, then its invite16:43
Tm_Tsmallfoot-: because, freenode isn't public street, it's "shopping mall" in this analogy16:43
smallfoot-Tm_T, i think its unfair, that you can own all the #ubuntu* channels16:43
naliothsmallfoot-: read the policies, please.  they are quite simple16:43
Tm_Tsmallfoot-: it's not, and we cannot change that, I believe anyway16:43
smallfoot-if i make another channel, that doesnt contain the name *ubuntu* it will be my own, or people will steal it?16:44
naliothsmallfoot-: if you out of line with freenode policy, no.16:44
smallfoot-oh okie16:44
naliothwhich is why i keep advising you to read them16:44
Tm_Tsmallfoot-: really, read them, it's for your own good afterall :)16:44
Tm_Thi StevenK and ejer16:45
smallfoot-well, the thing is i want a channel that caters to ubuntu users, because i use ubuntu, so i want to make a channel where ubuntu users can chat and have fun16:46
smallfoot-but if i use name *ubuntu* then they will steal my channel, but if i dont use it, then ubuntu users dont know the channel is for ubuntu users16:46
naliothsmallfoot-: if you display a better attitude, you can use #ubuntu-offtopic for that purpose16:46
smallfoot-but they banned me from there, for very long time, i waited patiently, since may, and came back many times and requested to get unbanned, but the people were unreasonable and refused to unban me even after pleading serveral times, i had no choice but to make my own room16:47
jpdsbazhang: piong16:47
bazhangjpds, PM?16:47
Hobbseeyou said htat above, and got a response above.  you also said that on monday.16:47
naliothsmallfoot-: your "boobs" comment was meant to be socially accpetable?16:47
jpdsbazhang: Sure, anytime16:47
smallfoot-nalioth, well i get so angry, she is the one who banned me, its her fault i cant join the channel16:48
smallfoot-nalioth, also, in this channel its not, but i want to create a channel where everything is allowed, because it will be "social" and "open" so it will be relaxed, and not strict16:48
naliothit's _your_ fault16:48
Tm_Tsmallfoot-: but son, it's your fault to get banned, right? like, it's your fault if you go into jail not police?16:48
naliothsmallfoot-: freenode doesn't allow "everything is allowed" channels16:48
smallfoot-Tm_T, if i rob a bank or kill someone, the police must take me, but if i walk on red light, the police must not put me in prison16:49
Tm_Tsmallfoot-: even if laws say so?16:49
smallfoot-nalioth, wow that sucks, i dont like channel where i must always act in certain way, because its tense and stressing, i like channel where i can laugh, and joke, and have fun without rules, i want stressfree and relax calm channel16:49
Tm_Tsmallfoot-: there's other irc networks, like quakenet16:50
naliothsmallfoot-: freenode is here to support free and open source software, not provide you with a hookup joint16:50
smallfoot-Tm_T, hmm.. yes, its like if there is law say i cant download mp3, then i must do it anyways, and the police must not take me to jail16:50
naliothit's for collaboration, not lining up cohabitation16:50
smallfoot-nalioth, hmm.. yeah, but it does provide free open source software support, but i also like to be relax and calm and chillout, to get away from the stress16:50
Tm_Tsmallfoot-: if law says something, police has to act so, or there will be no laws16:51
Tm_Tsmallfoot-: but again, feel free to try other irc networks16:51
smallfoot-nalioth, and that i would like todo with like-minded people, people who are foss enthusiasts16:51
smallfoot-Tm_T, i want be with like-minded people, people who are foss enthusiasts16:51
bazhangsmallfoot-, PM16:51
Tm_Tsmallfoot-: there are those people in other irc networks too16:51
smallfoot-Tm_T, law doesnt know what is right, and if there is law that i should not download mp3, then i must do it anyways, or law i cant wear purple boots, i must do it anyways, in china they told military to kill people in tianamon square, and military shouldnt do that, but they did it16:52
Tm_Tsmallfoot-: then change law, son16:53
smallfoot-Tm_T, its hard to find so many of them at same place, freenode is nice place for meet foss people, just need some fun relax channel16:53
smallfoot-Tm_T, yes, need do that, but im so little16:53
Hobbseesmallfoot-: how is flaming someone being part of a fun and relaxing channel?16:53
Hobbseesmallfoot-: do you think they feel like they're having fun, and relaxing, when you're flaming them?16:53
smallfoot-Hobbsee, i dont remember what i said16:53
Hobbseedo you think they're having fun, if you're attempting to hit on them?16:54
smallfoot-Hobbsee, well they can have ignore button, and i dont think i jump to someone and flame them for no reason, only if tey ban me16:54
smallfoot-yes, it makes them feel special and appreciated16:54
Hobbseedude, you're massively deluded.16:54
HobbseeI don't think you can have anything more to say here16:54
smallfoot-like once someone said i was pretty, and it made my day16:54
smallfoot-i was happy many days after16:55
Tm_Thi Seeker`16:59
bazhangsmallfoot-, there is really nothing left to be said. best to /part now16:59
Tm_Thmm, is StevenK known?16:59
HobbseeTm_T: yes16:59
naliothTm_T: he is16:59
bazhangsmallfoot-, unless you wish to apologize to all and sundry.16:59
smallfoot-but i have talked with the other boss guy16:59
smallfoot-and he said i can make my own room, that nobody can steal, if use 2 ## infront of name instead of 1 #17:00
naliothsmallfoot-: why are you going through all the trouble?  /msg alis list *ubuntu*17:00
jpdsSeeker`: pm?17:01
smallfoot-nalioth, because i cant join the offtopic channel, because im banned, and people refuse to unban me17:01
Seeker`jpds: sure17:01
naliothsmallfoot-: opening a revenge channel is not the way to "get back at them"17:01
smallfoot-nalioth, maybe, but that way i can have my own place, and people can come, and we can chat, and have fun and be happy and without get ban17:02
bazhangsmallfoot-, apologize for the comments you made earlier would be a good start.17:02
smallfoot-hmm ok17:02
smallfoot-Hobbsee, I apologize for saying they gave you ops because you have boobs, and that you abuse it to ban people.17:02
bazhangsmallfoot-, that was not what I had in mind at all.17:03
smallfoot-bazhang, oh, how you mean?17:03
bazhangsmallfoot-, care to PM?17:03
smallfoot-msg me17:05
* Tm_T hugs Hobbsee 17:11
naliothanyone remember the tor factoid with the link to the russians who cracked it?17:35
ubottuMany Ubuntu IRC channels prohibit access from !proxies such as !TOR due to a high level of abuse. You can however obtain a hostmask cloak: see http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#cloaks17:35
Tm_Tit's not there anymore, hmmmmm17:35
naliothno, it's not.17:35
Tm_Tyou mean this? http://origin.arstechnica.com/news.ars/post/20070910-security-expert-used-tor-to-collect-government-e-mail-passwords.html17:38
Tm_Tnalioth: <ubotu> Attention tor users.  You may think you are anonymous, but you are not.  Please visit http://tor.unixgu.ru/ and see for yourself.   Please evaluate your need to use tor here on irc.  If you wish anonymity, Freenode offers cloaks of many different types. http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#cloaks17:42
bazhangfirst voice in a while :)17:46
ikonianot seen ljl for a while17:51
bazhangspeak of the debbil17:51
ikoniawho me ?17:51
bazhangyou? neeeveer!17:52
* bazhang points to l J l17:52
naliothTm_T: yeah, i found it in some old logs17:54
naliothtoo bad the page still isn't active17:54
Tm_TI see17:54
naliothhttp://web.archive.org/web/20070209121336/http://tor.unixgu.ru/  the message is still current, just not the sniffed IPs17:55
bazhang!idle | smallfoot-17:57
ubottusmallfoot-: Please keep in mind that this channel is for operator/abuse questions only, and we ask you to part when you have no further business here, in order to keep track of users with pending inquiries.17:57
smallfoot-sorry, i was eating dinner, i was away from computer18:06
PiciSeeker`: just reading the backlog18:50
mneptoktonyyarusso: oy!19:13
ubottufujin called the ops in #ubuntu ()20:16
Garybeat ya Pici :p20:18
Picimeh indeed20:19
Myrttino, too drunk to read that20:25
Picizwnj: Hello, can we help you?20:25
Myrttiits the first thursday after payday20:26
PiciOh, you had that workmate thing, I forgot.20:28
Picianyway, time to go for a bit20:28
zwnjhi Pici20:29
zwnjPici: i'm getting mail spams from canonical's list server20:30
zwnjbut i wasn't sure how to notice the system admins20:30
Mezzwnj, email mailman@lists.ubuntu.com20:36
zwnjok, thanks Mez20:37
Mezzwnj, please see topic20:59
zwnjthanks and bye :)20:59
PriceChildyay n9521:08
* PriceChild reattatchs lappy to screen21:09
PriceChildmmm keyboard21:10
* Seeker` would apply to be on the council, but isn't an ubuntu member21:15
* jpds doesn't need more responiblity placed on him.21:17
Tm_Thow I add comments to bantracker?21:19
tonyyarusso"@mark user your_comment", if I remember that e-mail right21:19
ubottuSeeker`: I don't recognize you.21:20
ubottuSeeker`: The operation succeeded.21:20
ubottuSeeker`: seeker`21:20
* Seeker` would like to be on the council21:22
mneptoktonyyarusso: oy oy21:22
* mneptok gestures tonyyarusso toward a PM window21:23
Tm_Thmh, I don't know what to do with these "use envyng" guys, should I just let them be or what...22:15
Seeker`i thought envy was "supported" now22:16
Tm_TSeeker`: community support22:16
ompaulrestricted drivers are restricted, just like, long face is long, you get what you get22:16
Seeker`isn't that what #ubuntu is?22:16
ompaulis there an envy community?22:17
Tm_TSeeker`: yes, but, should we promote it over "official" ways?22:17
Seeker`where are they promoting it?22:18
* ompaul hands Seeker` the do keep up card ;-)22:18
ubottuenvyng is an updated version of the *UNSUPPORTED* envy package. It is now part of the ubuntu universe repository (envyng-gtk OR envyng-qt) and has community support. As an early version, its results may vary but this should be used over the unsupported envy package.22:19
Seeker`if it is supported by the community, then I dont think it is right to say "you cant suggest it in #ubuntu", as #ubuntu is community support22:19
Tm_TSeeker`: that's not my point, son :)22:19
Tm_Tit should be said "use envyng if every other (official/supported) method fails" not just "use envyng"22:19
elkbuntuim inclined to agree with Tm_T.22:20
elkbuntunow, time to catch a train22:21
Tm_Telkbuntu: have fun :)22:22
jussi01tack a or if you want the very latest drivers from the manufacturer (at your own risk)22:22
Tm_Tjussi01: yeah, but you should be sleeping now, son22:23
jussi01rofl... true22:23
* Tm_T sings lullaby for jussi01 22:23
* jussi01 goes to bed so he doesnt have to hear that horrble singin...22:24
Tm_Tgood choice, padawan22:24
* ompaul looks on 22:32
ompaulI will edit that methinks22:32
* Myrtti noms gouda22:33
ompaul!envyng is an updated version of the *UNSUPPORTED* envy package. It is now part of the ubuntu universe repository (envyng-gtk OR envyng-qt) we suggest you use envyng if every other (official/supported) method fails! it can have various results from works, to fails!!!  if you want the very latest drivers from the manufacturer you use them at your own risk22:34
ubottuBut envyng already means something else!22:34
ompaul!no envyng is <reply>  envyng is an updated version of the *UNSUPPORTED* envy package. It is now part of the ubuntu universe repository (envyng-gtk OR envyng-qt) we suggest you use envyng if every other (official/supported) method fails! it can have various results from works, to fails!!!  if you want the very latest drivers from the manufacturer you use them at your own risk22:34
ubottuI'll remember that ompaul22:34
Myrttithere yo go22:34
ompauljussio1, Tm_T ????22:34
ompaulare ye half happy with that?22:35
ompaul* ChanServ gives channel operator status to ompaul22:36
ompaul* ompaul sets ban on *!*@services.22:36
ompaul* ChanServ removes channel operator status from ompaul22:36
ompauland bouncy castle got banned22:38
* Mez agrees with mjg5922:43
Mez(the ops in here should watch that)22:43
ompaulmjg is right . <<< as some would say22:44
ompaulleave my drinking buddy alone :)22:45
MyrttiI'm not drunk22:45
MyrttiI confess NOTHING½22:45
Seeker`Myrtti: you said in your blog you found something you love in England, what is it?22:47
Mezirregular chips.. houses... canals...22:48
Myrtti... no comments22:48
* tonyyarusso guesses that it's of the walking, talking variety22:49
* Myrtti blinks22:49
Myrttitoo many irregular variables22:49
Myrtticannot process22:49
ompaulMyrtti, mjg cloud berry disposer22:50
* ompaul makes phone calls at 1:26am to person and finds them in a pub and its all good stuff 22:50
Myrttiompaul: didn't give him any cloudberry liqueur22:50
smallfoot-help someone banned me from #ubuntu22:50
ompaulI did22:50
ompaulsmallfoot-, we had a conversation about this yesterday iirc22:51
ompaulor maybe it was not you22:51
smallfoot-but yesterday i was banned from #ubuntu-offtopic22:51
smallfoot-now they ban me more and more and more22:51
smallfoot-i was banned since may22:51
naliothsmallfoot-: spam is off topic in #ubuntu22:51
smallfoot-no, it was smoeone else22:51
smallfoot-its not spam, i was providing the community with a service of a relaxed social chat22:51
naliothg1216913815 10:36 < smallfoot-> If anyone wants to chat about Ubuntu in a relaxed fashion, then you can join #ubuntu-social the Ubuntu Social Club! Happy times!         <<< this was you, 6 odd hours ago22:51
smallfoot-now people didnt want me to have my own room where i was the boss, so they stole my room and banned me22:51
ompaulsmallfoot-, that is spam22:51
smallfoot-its not spam, its a service that invited people22:52
ompaulsmallfoot-, you have no rights to a #ubuntu-* channel22:52
smallfoot-spam is say many times, or invite in unrelated channel22:52
* ompaul disengages cos this is going nowhere22:52
smallfoot-ompaul, well they could have told me that, and renamed it ##ubuntu-social, but instead they stole my room22:52
ompaulsmallfoot-, you have no rights to a #ubuntu-* channel22:52
smallfoot-and banned me22:52
ompaulyou know it now22:52
ompauland a ## channel would not be official so therefore would be spam22:53
smallfoot-yeah, but they should have renamed it ##ubuntu-social, instead of STEAL the room by THIEF it from me, and ban me22:53
naliothsmallfoot-: obviously you've not read the policies of the network22:53
smallfoot-i dont think it would be spam, because it would be related and single invitation to provide a non.profit social service for the benefit of the community22:53
ompaulsmallfoot-, may I suggest you read freenode.net and all the nice web pages there22:54
smallfoot-yeah, i have done so22:54
smallfoot-but sometimes i forget stuff22:54
smallfoot-or didnt think about it22:54
ompaulsmallfoot-, then you should refresh your mind22:54
naliothperhaps you should revisit it22:54
smallfoot-did today22:54
ompauland came in here accusing someone of theft, not really the best way to win friends and influence people, at least in the culture I am in22:54
smallfoot-administrators acted in bad faith by stealing my channel instead of kindly inform me of the policy and rename it to a channel with ##22:55
naliothsmallfoot-: your behaviour has not endeared you to anyone22:55
* ompaul pours a bath of yogurt22:55
smallfoot-ompaul, expensive22:55
smallfoot-well i want get unbanned22:56
ompaulsmallfoot-, not with that attitude you won't22:56
ompaulcalling people thieves22:56
nalioth1216913314 10:28 < smallfoot-> This is what happens when they give girls op, "Oh, look she has boobs, let give her ops!", then they go and ban people! Unfair!         <<< this is seriously wrong22:56
smallfoot-ompaul, look i made a room, i was the boss of it, and they stole it from me, and banned me22:56
smallfoot-nalioth, yeah, that is after she banned me22:57
ompaulsmallfoot-, look, you made a room, you had no authority to make, you then go out of your way to be offensive22:57
naliothit's wrong, no matter what day it is.22:57
ompaulgo away or I will replace you with a ban22:57
smallfoot-honestly, if she wasnt a girl, its highly unlikely she would be an op22:57
* ompaul ahems22:57
* nalioth grits teeth.22:57
naliothcount to 10.22:57
* Gary erm, looks in22:58
MezGary, LD22:58
Mez:D *22:58
Seeker`:O Gary22:58
ompaulGary, I was so disappointed in you on Friday, you let the Saturday party get in the way ;-)22:59
MezGary, http://www.flickr.com/photos/mezzle/2680932563/22:59
ompaulthat is not me not getting gary's number23:00
Garylol, I thought you had my mobile numbr23:00
Garywho did you nick it from?23:00
Garycor Dave2's hair is really pubic23:01
naliothsee #freenode23:01
* Flannel looks in, reads scrollback, has Dejavu.23:01
ompaulhttp://www.flickr.com/photos/mezzle/2680939059/in/set-72157606247206162/  dave2<< being the red eyed monster he really is23:02
* ompaul runs23:02
ompaulDave2, the evil goblin part two, friends with Chuck23:02
ompaulMez, that flash does him no favours23:02
Mezompaul, he needs freebsd devil outfit for that one23:04
ompaulMez, the chuck I was thinking of was the horror story one the one that got banned in lots of places years after its release23:05
ompaulat least I think it was chuck23:05
ompaulchucky maybe23:05
* Myrtti contemplates on pizza23:05
Seeker`ompaul: "childs play"?23:05
ompaulSeeker`, perhaps23:05
ompaulSeeker`, I would rather not remember now - the title I think it reminds me what it was banned23:06
* ompaul switches topic 23:06
ompaulmneptok, ping23:06
ompaulMyrtti, that is a confession23:07
Myrtti'xcuse me23:07
ompaulof sorts23:07
Myrttiis it?23:07
ompaulit is23:07
ompaulI said it is, I don't lie ;-)23:07
Myrttiof what?23:07
Myrttithat I can confess23:07
* Mez gets shoes on and goes and gets pizza23:07
* Mez tries to find the left show23:08
ompaulMez, resist23:08
Mezshoe *23:08
ompaulshow - ....23:08
ompaulshow us the shoe :)23:08
Mezompaul, I is hungry23:08
Mezompaul, you've seen it23:08
Myrttidamned pigses23:08
MyrttiI don't have to do a thing but move23:09
* Mez takes his free oreilly book with him23:09
Myrttiand they squeal23:09
Mez+/me is afk -> pizza23:10
* tomaw steals the +23:10
* Myrtti sighs23:12
Myrttithere we go23:12
Dave2ompaul, scary23:17
ompaulDave2, what the photos?23:17
ompaulor me with the phone?23:17
Dave2the photos23:17
ompaulwar time23:19
ompaulI hate this23:19
tomawsmallfoot- spoke me me briefly23:21
ompaultomaw, that was nice of smallfoot-23:21
* ompaul puts on the hat of most cynical23:22
tomawhe said nothing but "oh ok" when I informed him that #ubuntu-* is controlled by ubuntu group contacts23:22
ompauland he was told that here23:22
ompaulassuming it is ahe23:22
ompauland made sexist comments23:22
ompauland .. I will shut up now23:23
tomawand now he was told that but a non-ubuntu affiliated member of freenode staff.23:23
* ompaul tries to parse23:23
ompaultomaw, pm23:24
ompaulI did a last log on that party and would not be in favour of a short ban but that is me23:33
ompaullastlog here that is and I have not been here often in the last while23:33
ompaulmneptok, morning23:56
* ompaul dances around 23:56
* nickrud thinks that's a very weak mneptokian imitation23:57
ompaulnickrud, I am not imitating23:58
ompaulI am not mneptok, mneptok is unique23:58
ompauland this is so true23:58
nickrudI stand corrected, you are so right23:59
ompaulnickrud, I am not fitting to step in his socks, for one he has smaller feet than I23:59

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