
Raz0Rthanks anyway!00:00
ewomerwhat is the passring keyring or something that trys to manage passwords00:31
Raz0Rif i updated my kernel to -21, then logged into it and ran the system updates, and there wa an error during the updates, could that be the cause of inability to boot into the new kernel now?01:02
Raz0Ris it possible to install the -21 kernel again, and overwrite the existing one?01:09
PsynoKhi0heya, anyone around to discuss a soundcard related issue in Xubuntu hardy?01:38
ubottuA large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?01:39
wols!tell  Raz0R about errors01:39
ubottuRaz0R, please see my private message01:39
PsynoKhi0thing is: I'm not on the computer that has issues right now, I was simply checking if it was worth it to start the xubuntu box :)01:40
Raz0Rthe error was that my internet connection went down during the process, however, i am no longer able to access the -21 kernel as it hangs  at the stage "setting system clock"01:41
wolsthat is no hang01:53
wolsjust wait a bit01:54
wolsand the clock is not set by the kernel either but hwclock, a userspace program01:54
PsynoKhi0ok now on the bothersome xubuntu box02:16
PsynoKhi0here's the deal, I have a sound blaster AWE 32 PnP (ISA) on it, if the appropriate sound module is loaded (snd_sbawe) the computer eventually freezes when running pretty much any app with sound in it02:18
PsynoKhi0that started with hardy, while gutsy and feisty were ok02:20
PsynoKhi0that's my dmesg http://paste.ubuntu.com/29822/02:22
PsynoKhi0looking for a soundcard and/or bus conflict specialist03:40
nubuntui thought by updating my xubuntu to 8.04 would solve some of the probs i'm having... not sure how they started as i just got back from a month in costa rica.  anyways, i can'04:16
nubuntui can't get my gnome panels to come up or stay up on startup... i have to start xterm and type in gnome-panel .. but if i close the xterm, the panels disappear as well .... arrrrggggghhhhhhh....04:18
spasticteapotDoes anyone know where I can find information on battery capacity?04:35
shane__does anyone know of a motion detecting program i can use with my webcam,i am using motion v4l and it doesnt give an app window so i cant turn on and of it just stays runnin04:38
coldhakyou could kill the process to make it stop if you wished04:44
coldhakif you can find the process, "locate <program>" should tell you where it is, so you can restart it04:45
shane__yes i can stop it in terminal im tryin to simplify and get one with a control window so i can turn on and off in a hurry right from desktop04:46
shane__coldhak i run locate motion in terminal and it gives me a whole list of dif apps but doesnt seem to show motion v4l04:55
coldhakwell...i've never used it. one of those is probably it, but i'm not sure what to tell you from here04:58
shane__k no prob iv found its location now but its a config file and it isnt an option to make easy start stops.i will see if i can find an app to work with motion04:59
PsynoKhi0ermm "PnPBIOS: 13 nodes reported by PnP BIOS; 13 recorded by driver" what are those nodes?05:26
PsynoKhi0do you need any special program to extract the gzip archives from the mailing list?06:12
CebrimalIS anybody around?06:34
evilbugam i the only one having issues with the kernel update?06:42
TheSheepevilbug: wait 10 minutes, I'll join you ;)06:51
TheSheepevilbug: seems to work fine06:59
TheSheepevilbug: what are your "issues" exactly?06:59
TheSheepaargh, the IPI rescheduling interrupts bug is back XD06:59
TheSheepdo they really hove to put it into every second kernel?07:00
evilbugmy load bar just hangs at ~97% and the system won't load.07:01
evilbugso i'm just stuck there.07:01
evilbugit worked the first time around though, after the reboot.07:01
TheSheepevilbug: disable the 'quiet' option in boot options07:01
evilbugand the only thing i did after was reconfigure my madwifi.07:01
* TheSheep goes back to the old kernel07:03
evilbugi'm going to go test this out. brb.07:03
squirrelpimpi can't access the release folder of any cdimage source for xubuntu07:09
squirrelpimpi can access http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/xubuntu/releases/8.04.1/ and any subfolder, but not the release-folder linked there07:09
squirrelpimpdoes it try to load some file which times out?07:09
generalsnusCould need some advice here.. I work at a school, where we have been using a mixed enviroment with linux thinclients and winxp/AD.. i now wish to integrate those 2.. make linux clients to authenticate agains AD, and give each user a shared folder on their desktop, as we have in xp.. where they store all there private/work files on a fileserver07:25
evilbugTheSheep- can i uninstall apps using the live cd?07:25
generalsnusHow can i best do this?07:29
Raz0Rhi, i managed to get the -21 kernel to work by removing some files from /etc/rcS.d/07:46
Raz0Rthis means it no longer tries to set the system clock at start up07:47
Raz0R--just in case anyone else has the problem07:47
wols_just in case anyone else has it: it's the wrong approach. hwclock --directisa or such is vastly better07:50
Raz0Rok, how would i do this then?07:51
Raz0Rthis is the only way i could get the system to boot07:52
evilbugTheSheep- i managed to boot into the previous kernel.07:52
Raz0Rwols_ where would i input this hwclock --directisa??07:52
Raz0Rwols_ would the changes be permanent if i did sudo hwclock --isa in a terminal??07:55
wols_Raz0R: no. you need to edit the script which is called on bootup07:56
Raz0Rwols_ ok i see, do you know where that can be found??07:56
wols_at the place you deleted files07:57
Raz0Ri didnt delete them, i just moved them07:58
Raz0Rdo you think i should move them back??07:58
wols_which ones did you move?08:02
Raz0Rwols_ i dont think adding --directisa would work for me as i am using a modern motherboard08:05
Raz0Rwell, semi modern :P08:05
wols_that's the point08:05
wols_those mobos need just this parameter usually08:05
Raz0Roh, someone in \linux on undernet says it only works with older boards08:06
Raz0Rlike <pIII08:06
Raz0Ri copied this guy as his problem seemed similar: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xen-meta/+bug/16360508:06
ubottuLaunchpad bug 163605 in xen-meta "Boot process don't pass "Setting the system clock" step" [Undecided,New]08:06
wols_Raz0R: they have no clie08:09
wols_I need it and I have a p35 mobo08:09
wols_I asked you something08:19
Raz0Rwols_ ok08:19
nubuntui can't get my gnome panels to come up or stay up on startup... i have to start xterm and type in gnome-panel .. but if i close the xterm, the panels disappear as well .... arrrrggggghhhhhhh....08:34
nubuntui can't get my gnome panels to come up or stay up on startup... i have to start xterm and type in gnome-panel .. but if i close the xterm, the panels disappear as well .... arrrrggggghhhhhhh....08:37
nubuntui can't get my gnome panels to come up or stay up on startup... i have to start xterm and type in gnome-panel .. but if i close the xterm, the panels disappear as well .... arrrrggggghhhhhhh....09:25
nubuntui can't get my gnome panels to come up or stay up on startup... i have to start xterm and type in gnome-panel .. but if i close the xterm, the panels disappear as well .... arrrrggggghhhhhhh....09:25
mr_boohaven't been so much people on xubuntu lately09:33
mr_boohope xubuntu isn't dying09:34
PsynoKhi0lucky sods don't have problems I guess09:34
mr_booPsynoKhi0: do you know about the xfe window manager?09:34
mr_booi've got an issue with my mouse cursor09:34
PsynoKhi0xfe? err i think so so09:35
mr_booi've changed its appearance and size but i can only see it in effect over certain windows09:35
mr_bootry for yourself and you'll see what i mean09:35
PsynoKhi0oh, had the same problem in Enlightenment, the theme's cursors wouldn't work is e.g. Pidgin windows09:36
mr_boomaybe i should use the standard cursor09:37
PsynoKhi0the cursor reverts to the standard white arrow09:37
mr_boobut i'd like to make it bigger09:37
mr_booit's the standard one over this irc client for example09:37
mr_boobut over firefox it gets fancy the way it should09:37
PsynoKhi0sorry can't help you, that bugged me soI just went for the standard flavour heh09:38
mr_boolucky this behaviour is limited to xubuntu and xfe09:39
PsynoKhi0well it's still annoying not to have a homogenous desktop, isn't it?09:40
mr_booPsynoKhi0: certainly09:58
PsynoKhi0doesn't beat a computer that lockups when you have your sound card module loaded in hardy when gutsy was a breeze though :)09:59
nubuntui can't get my gnome panels to come up or stay up on startup... i have to start xterm and type in gnome-panel .. but if i close the xterm, the panels disappear as well .... arrrrggggghhhhhhh....10:07
PsynoKhi0if you add gnome-panel to .xsession in your home folder, does it help?10:14
nubuntuPsynoKhi0: can u clarify and elaborate for me please10:17
PsynoKhi0ok what desktop envireonment are you using?10:18
PsynoKhi0ok so you can't save your sessions, right?10:21
PsynoKhi0I mean, when you log you, do you have the option to save your session?10:23
PsynoKhi0when you log out*10:23
nubuntui don't know ezackly what you mean by that, but if i restart my system i get a desktop without gnome panels, and i have to invoke them with terminal.  if i close the terminal, the panels go too...10:24
PsynoKhi0yes and that's not what I was asking :) when you hit the "Exit3 button, do you have a checkbox asking if you want to save your settings?10:24
PsynoKhi0"Exit" button*10:25
nubuntui just looked, and there is a checked box on the logout panel that says 'save sessions for future logins'10:25
PsynoKhi0ok great, now open your Home folder and make sure you can see hidden files (ctrl + h)10:26
PsynoKhi0then go to .cache (with a dot in front, it's a hidden folder usually)10:28
PsynoKhi0and then to sessions10:28
nubuntunothing happens when i do 'control h'10:28
nubuntuhow do i get there10:29
PsynoKhi0are you in the file manager10:29
PsynoKhi0errr "yes" "no" or "what's the file manager" /P10:32
nubuntulooking for it; you mean the 'filesystem', right10:33
PsynoKhi0no, I mean Thunar if you use XUbuntu's standard file manager10:33
PsynoKhi0i.e; what should launch if you double click on your Home icon on the desktop10:34
PsynoKhi0darkus hi10:34
nubuntuok, i launched thunar10:34
PsynoKhi0ok now press ctrl + h10:35
nubuntuok, done10:35
PsynoKhi0did a folder named .cache appear?10:35
nubuntua bunch of folders appeared, .cache is third one to the right10:36
PsynoKhi0ok get in there10:36
PsynoKhi0then there should be another folder in it called Sessions, go there next10:37
nubuntuok, then sessions, thunar, and xfce appear10:37
PsynoKhi0yeah sessions10:37
nubuntuok, done10:37
PsynoKhi0ok delete all files in there10:37
PsynoKhi0then close Thunar10:38
nubuntuok, you sure? :)10:38
nubuntuk, done10:38
PsynoKhi0ok now log out, and make sure you DO NOT save the session this time10:39
PsynoKhi0i.e; leave the "Save session blablabla" checkbox empty before hitting the log out button10:40
nubuntuok, b back in a while i spose ... thx10:40
nubuntuPsynoKhi0: nope, still no gnome panel... have to call it up with xterm ....10:46
PsynoKhi0ok solution 2: open your Home folder again10:47
nubuntuother things have happened with this box as well... for one thing, errr, ok, opeining10:47
nubuntuok, open10:47
PsynoKhi0look for a file called .xsession, if not there, create it (with dot in front, it should be hidden by default)10:47
PsynoKhi0what other things?10:48
nubuntulike the whole viewable area of my screen is set to the left, so that there is a black area about an inche and a half wide up and down the right side... not a huge prob, but goofy looking10:50
nubuntuok, the last file is called .xsessions-errors , is that the one?10:50
nubuntuk, then i guess there is not one; how to i create it?10:51
PsynoKhi0create it then,right click on a blank space in your thunar window, new empty file10:51
PsynoKhi0or from the menu at the top, File, New file yada yada10:52
nubuntuno, i mean HOW do i create it; i don't know10:52
nubuntuk, i go try10:52
PsynoKhi0btw why are you trying to start gnome-panel in xubuntu? xfce ones aren't good enough? hehe10:53
nubuntuam i creating a new folder?  nothing says to create a new 'file' there, only 'folder'10:53
PsynoKhi0no, not folder, Empty document maybe?10:53
nubuntui don't know, i don't have a preference, should i be using a different panel?10:54
PsynoKhi0xfce4-panel is the standard... is that a fresh installation?10:55
nubuntuwhats the xfce panel, and why doesn't it come up if its sposed to?10:55
PsynoKhi0you tell me, I didn't install xubuntu on your comp so I wouldn't know heh10:55
nubuntuno, upgraded last nite.  i wasn't going to upgrade yet, but i was hoping it would bring my computer back to me.  it din't.10:56
nubuntuif the standard is xfce i suppose i should use it, huh10:57
PsynoKhi0upgrades are always tricky... I only succedded once in like 5 attempts10:57
nubuntuya, i know fresh install is always better10:58
PsynoKhi0anyway, do you have your gnome-panel up and running right now?10:58
nubuntuya, its up right now, until i close the xterm and it disappears10:58
PsynoKhi0yes, well do just that and launch a new terminal :)10:59
nubuntuummmm, can't remember if that makes me lose chatzilla ... will see i guess10:59
PsynoKhi0what the....11:00
PsynoKhi0guess I'll have to give the instructions first :)11:02
nubuntuuh, yup; everything went, had to launch firefox throught the filesystem.... where were we?11:02
PsynoKhi0open a terminal and type:11:02
nubuntuis that complete instruction?11:03
PsynoKhi0with the & at the end, that's not a typo (surprisingly enough given I typed that)11:03
nubuntuxterm terminal is ok for this?11:03
PsynoKhi0yes, that will launch xfce4-panel and remove the programs dependency uppon the termail11:04
PsynoKhi0program's dependency upon the terminal* (convinced myself to correct that mess for the sake of the logs...)11:06
bassboigood idea11:07
PsynoKhi0nubuntu: if that works, close everything log out with Save session ticked this time11:08
PsynoKhi0AFK yummy11:08
bassboii had a very simliar problem11:09
bassboimy top panel was screwed11:10
bassboiall icons to the left, next to "Xfce menu"11:10
bassboihad to rename it, and edit the panels a bit11:10
bassboithen xfce wouldn't show a title bar on windows, and i had to use compiz to get title bars11:10
nubuntuummmm, it said xfce panel was already running, so i took another look at the funny looking square in the top left of my screen and determined that it was an unconfigured panel... now i have a top and bottom panel, but nothing in them; how do i make them into standard configuration?11:11
bassboiso one day i logged in, found a way to fix it by running xfwm4 in terminal, and then saving session11:11
bassboiright click, customize11:11
bassboii'll help u the best i can since PsynoKhi0 decided to eat11:13
nubuntui don't know why these humans are always thinking about eating.  on zarnon, we have more important things to do...11:13
bassboii agree11:14
nubuntucarry on, earthling11:14
bassboii'll get a screen shot of my top panel config11:14
PsynoKhi0hmmm looks like your .config folder took a hit then :)11:14
* nubuntu wonders what could have drawn the earthling away from his bowl of worms11:15
nubuntui guess, don't know anything about it11:16
bassboiwell i fail at taking screen shots11:16
bassboimy top panel is set at fixed position11:16
grahamperrinI have eeXubuntu on an Asus Eee PC, neither Cheese nor Skype find a webcam. Is a solution fairly easy? (Is this an FAQ?)11:16
bassboithe top left most button11:16
bassboion where it should be11:17
bassboiand stet to "full width"11:17
PsynoKhi0nubuntu, from your terminal type:11:17
nubuntumine too, and full width11:17
PsynoKhi0cd .config/xfce4/panel11:17
PsynoKhi0then type11:18
PsynoKhi0mv panels.xml panels.xm_11:19
PsynoKhi0killall xfce4-panel11:19
PsynoKhi0in that order11:19
nubuntuok, done11:20
PsynoKhi0grahamperrin, http://forum.eeeuser.com/viewtopic.php?id=12078 maybe11:22
grahamperrinPsynoKhi0: thanks I just brought up that thread, I'll pay close attention11:23
bassboimore elaborately, my top panel config is set to... Appearance... Size: 24 pixels   Transparency: 15%   Position: Fixed Position... and the one in the top left corner of those 12 buttons is selected, and Full Width11:23
bassboiyou may want to try editing a different panel too11:23
bassboiat the top of the panel manager, you can select which you want to edit11:23
bassboimy panels even disappeared once11:24
bassboijust a quick fool around with some settings, it worked11:24
nubuntuummmm, closer to normal now, but everything seems all bunched to the left on the top panel... the bottom panel looks normal now11:24
PsynoKhi0happened a few times to me, cleaning up .cache did the trick11:24
PsynoKhi0oops that was meant to bassboi11:25
bassboilemme try and remember how i got that fixed...11:26
PsynoKhi0nubuntu then some more terminal joy:11:26
bassboii think think i messed with the spacing11:26
nubuntulike can i get my clock and my exit button back over to the right?11:27
PsynoKhi0nubuntu, are you still in the panel folder in yur terminal?11:27
nubuntui haven't touched the term since the last three lines you gave me to input11:28
PsynoKhi0nubuntu ok: rm *.*11:28
PsynoKhi0killall xfce4-panel11:28
PsynoKhi0we're cleaning up the config files for your panels to get Xubuntu to regenerate the default ones11:29
PsynoKhi0rm *.* should be done in that panel folder11:29
PsynoKhi0that's why I asked you11:29
nubuntui not sure i unnerstand11:30
PsynoKhi0ok let's do it from the beginning11:30
PsynoKhi0to be sure11:30
nubunturm *.*       <---  type that?11:30
PsynoKhi0that should send you back to user@computer:~/11:31
PsynoKhi0NO, just cd11:31
nubuntuk, now i have command prompt11:31
PsynoKhi0ok now:11:32
PsynoKhi0cd .config/xfce4/panel/11:32
nubuntuk, done11:33
PsynoKhi0rm *.*11:33
nubuntuk, done11:34
PsynoKhi0killall xfce4-panel11:34
nubuntuk, done11:35
* PsynoKhi0 runs11:35
PsynoKhi0uh dang, maybe should have checked the files really get busted first... oh well11:36
PsynoKhi0given the silence, I doubt this worked :P11:37
nubuntuoh, wow ... standard config present .... now do i want to 'save sessions' on logouts?11:38
PsynoKhi0nubuntu, yes you prolly want that :)11:39
nubuntuok ...  hmmm, just a question ... on the top panel before, where it now says applications, was a little bit different looking icon that said xfce menu next to it, where did that come from, if you know?11:40
nubuntunot important, tho; thanks for all your help11:41
nubuntuuh, ooops .... just closed the terminal, and the panels DISAPPEARED11:42
Myrttialt-f2 "xfce4-panel"11:45
PsynoKhi0np, log out without svaing the session11:45
nubuntuwith or without?11:45
PsynoKhi0if you want to get the panel back, without saving for now11:46
nubuntui don't have a logout/exit button of course, so first i need to xterm the panel back right?11:46
nubuntuk, i have panels back11:47
nubuntunow what?11:47
nubuntuif i logout, i lose you, so just want to be sure i know where i'm going here11:48
PsynoKhi0exit without saving11:49
nubuntuis this just a 'logout', or a shutdown, or a restart?11:49
PsynoKhi0logout is enough11:49
nubuntuk, and then .. ?11:50
PsynoKhi0then back in11:50
* PsynoKhi0 feels the urge to get his hands on white portions11:51
nubuntuk, panels persisted to login this time11:53
PsynoKhi0great, now you want to save your session11:54
nubuntuthanks for all your help again11:54
nubuntuwill deal with screan probs another day i guess11:54
nubuntuok, you mean on the next shutdown?11:55
nubuntuis it necessary?11:55
PsynoKhi0not necessary but handy11:56
generalsnusHey guys, at our school we have previously used "skolelinux" for our thinclient servers.: 3 ltsp servers and 1 ldap server with users /home folders.   now i wish to replace the thinclient servers with a new distro, Xubuntu. but how do make it xubuntu authenticate and mount the /home folders from our ldap server?11:56
generalsnuswhat config files do i need to copy from our skolelinux install?11:57
PsynoKhi0a bit too advanced for me... /etc/fstab would be one though I guess11:58
generalsnushow about authenticating?11:59
PsynoKhi0then user info... not sure sorry11:59
PsynoKhi0the config file for iptables if any...12:00
PsynoKhi0ok I won't start with wild guesses :)12:00
bassboihow would i remove compiz and emerald12:06
bassboiand go back to xfce without logging out12:07
JammetHello there...12:08
bassboihi hi12:09
JammetI have trouble setting up X11 the way I'd like it to behave and I need a little help with that.12:09
nubuntuok, kiddoes ... bedtime for bonzo ... nite12:10
bassboii guess u can say i just started sippin my 2nd cup12:10
JammetSometimes I even wonder if /etc/X11/xorg.conf is the actual location of the configuration file, because some of the changes I've made seem to be ignored.12:10
JammetI need a virtual desktop. As in, a viewport. I've put in the line "Virtual 1600 1200" in Subsection Display, but I still get the normal layout.12:11
JammetHope somebody can help me.12:12
bassboidid you restart X?12:12
bassboisippin my 2nd cup of ubuntu, that is12:13
JammetYeah, multiple times. In the log X11 writes it even says that it is doing what I want it to.12:13
Jammet(II) RADEON(0): Max desktop size set to 1600x120012:13
Jammet(II) RADEON(0): For a larger or smaller max desktop size, add a Virtual line to your xorg.conf12:13
bassboiwhats the res of your monitor12:14
Jammet... Max?12:15
Jammet1280x1024 is the absolute maximum the monitor can handle.12:16
JammetHowever, it's set to a somewhat lower res right now. One that the monitor can display in 75Hz mode.12:17
JammetIt seems that for some reason, xubuntu is ignoring the "Virtual" line entirely. I just found http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=343462 and it looks like nothing has changed since that posting was made.12:18
bassboihm, i'm not 100% on this subject quite yet12:19
JammetIt's quite simple. Think of a pan & scan movie, except that you direct the camera with the mouse, and the box you set with the Virtual line is the actual desktop. You only see a portion of that on the monitor.12:20
JammetI have been using that since ... gosh, I've even used that back on Windows 3.11 and way way older Linux desktops, in the past decade.12:20
zizou03HEllo, is there anyone here familiar with vnc4server? I got it installed all right and I can connect (from an other computer) to it but when I connect I get the weird screen "grey"  screen with a cross...12:21
JammetI just plain need it. There is just no way I can go without Virtual desktops.12:21
zizou03Also, when I start vncserver with sudo I get that screen but without the sudo I get a connection refused error :/12:21
Jammetzizou03: Sorry, I have no clue about those myself. Maybe someone else here can help you.12:21
zizou03That's what I hoped.. I think it has something to do with permission but I'm not sure..12:22
zizou03I also have no idea what the correct permissions would be anyway.12:22
JammetChances are you need to be in a certain group/12:22
zizou03I'll have to figure out what group, lol.12:23
JammetThere is a group for remote desktop stuff specifically, methinks.12:23
JammetPerhaps that would be the one.12:23
zizou03any idae what it'd be called?12:23
JammetI'll try to find it.12:23
JammetPerhaps you can find out what group you need when you 'ls -l binary-of-vncserver' ...12:26
JammetChances are the wrapper or the binary are set to that group.12:27
JammetCannot find it in the user management tool, sorry.12:27
zizou03it's ok, I'll just keep googling.12:28
Jammetzizou03: You don't happen to know your way around Virtual desktops in Xubuntu, perhaps?12:34
zizou03sort of12:34
zizou03not with linux I'm afraid :(12:34
zizou03I run XP on my mac.. through paralles12:34
JammetBummer. =(12:34
zizou03and, well, it just works :p12:34
zizou03but I can try12:34
zizou03using VMware I assume?12:35
JammetI've setup xorg though xorg.conf properly - to have a functioning Virtual desktop. I tested it and know it works elsewhere using the exact same xorg.conf. Just not in Xubuntu right now.12:35
JammetNo, I'm not on an virtual machine.12:35
zizou03In that case, I have no idea I'm afraid :(12:36
zizou03I've been using xubuntu since yesterday for the record, same goes for linux :p12:36
JammetWith Virtual desktop I mean a virtual resolution that is much bigger than the resolution the monitor is showing. You only see part of the desktop and you move that viewport with the mouse.12:36
JammetOkay. Thanks anyway.12:37
zizou03can't you set a bootflag forcing it to go in a certain res?12:37
zizou03I don't know how that works for xubuntu, grub or whatever12:37
JammetIt's already setup to start with the maximum res the screen can handle at 75Hz. I just need me a bigger desktop.12:37
zizou03Sorry :(12:38
JammetYou see, I'm not a big fan of taskbars. I'd rather move the mouse an inch.12:38
Twinkletoes|WI foolishly deleted the contents of /var/cache, but now apt-get is refusing to run because of missing directories and files etc.  Is there a way of telling apt-get to re-init?12:46
gnomefreakTwinkletoes|W: try sudo apt-get install --reinstall apt13:02
gnomefreakhopefully it will re-generate them13:02
gnomefreakbtw just fyi sudo apt-get autoclean will clean up cache13:03
Twinkletoes|Wgnomefreak: Thanks, I'll try that.  As for the cache, it was /var/cache in general I Was thinking about, and my actions were as a result of reading this: http://www.pathname.com/fhs/2.2/fhs-5.5.html13:09
Twinkletoes|Wgnomefreak: That seems to be a dangerous page13:09
gnomefreakTwinkletoes|W: thats why we have wiki.ubuntu.com13:10
* Twinkletoes|W lives and learns...13:10
Twinkletoes|Wgnomefreak: I got the "unable to initialize HAL" error after deleintg /var/cache/* too... that's my next port of call to fix13:11
darkusi don't have sound13:11
gnomefreakTwinkletoes|W: that might be a bit harder to fix13:11
darkuslike yesterday13:11
Twinkletoes|Wgnomefreak: I'll reinstall13:11
gnomefreakTwinkletoes|W: not htat hard13:11
gnomefreakbut do what you need to ;) reboot might help but im working atm13:12
Twinkletoes|Wgnomefreak: What I *should* of done was create a snapshot first! (yes - I'm using VMware and didn't even create a snapshot - I deserve what I get)13:12
darkuscan you help meh?13:12
gnomefreakTwinkletoes|W: always back up (first rule in windows mac linuz bsd ect...13:13
Twinkletoes|Wgnomefreak: Yeah ;)13:13
gnomefreak!sound | darkus13:13
ubottudarkus: If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP313:13
Twinkletoes|Wdarkus: Start by giving some background to your problem... when did it start, when did it last work, what you might have changed, and what you've already tried etc. - otherwise the first piece of advice you'll get is "turn up the volume" ;)13:14
darkuswhere can i find alsa13:16
darkusi have alsa-base13:17
TheSheepdarkus: they have a page at alsa-project.org13:17
darkusinstalled in the synaptic13:17
darkusand i have GStreamer plugin for ALSA13:18
darkusthat's all13:18
TheSheepand what would you like more?13:18
darkusi don't have sound13:18
TheSheepis your sound card displayed in lspci?13:19
darkusit's enabled13:20
TheSheephow did you test for sound?13:20
darkuswhen xubuntu starts13:20
darkusi have a bip13:21
darkusand when i played a cd13:21
darkusof music13:21
darkusi doesn't work13:21
TheSheepis your cdrom connected with your sound card?13:21
TheSheepaudio cd needs an additional cable for that13:21
bassboiso, linux uses that audio cable?!13:22
TheSheepbassboi: no, it's not specific to linux13:22
bassboiah ok13:22
darkusfirst time i hear that13:22
bassboicuz i was gonna say... i never used one of those since the 90s13:22
darkusi tried with mp13:22
TheSheepbassboi: older drives even had a 'play' button, you could play cds without any computer13:23
bassboiya, i had a drive like that13:23
TheSheepbassboi: it's still ike that, just the button is removed13:23
darkusi have the botton13:23
bassboii see i see13:23
bassboia 4x creative labs cd-rom i think it was13:24
TheSheepdarkus: to play mp3s you need to install additional codecs13:24
zizou03(Anyone by any chance here familiar with vnc4server on xubuntu? I have this beautfil grey screen.. )13:24
TheSheepdarkus: that !mp3 factoid had a link that explained this13:24
darkusyeah done TheSheep13:24
TheSheepdarkus: still doesn't work?13:24
TheSheepdarkus: can you right-click on the panel, select 'add item', select volume control and then click on the whistle icon that appears?13:25
TheSheepdisplays any sliders?13:25
darkusi have in devices #0: Intel 82801BA-ICH2 defaut13:26
darkusthere are many sliders13:26
darkusi putted them all in max13:26
TheSheepany of them are muted?13:26
TheSheeptry raising them13:26
bassboii have no sliders, but sound works :|13:27
TheSheepopen terminal and type 'alsamixer', look for any muted channels there13:28
bassboito get my audigy to work when i used it, there was a slider named front, and it helped13:28
TheSheepselect them with arrows, mute/unmute with the 'm' key13:28
TheSheepesc to exit13:29
darkus3D Contr13:32
darkusis in the min13:32
darkushow to rise it?13:33
darkusCard: Intel 82801BA-ICH2                                                                                    │13:33
darkus│ Chip: Realtek ALC101                                                                                        │13:33
darkus│ View: [Playback] Capture  All                                                                               │13:33
darkus│ Item: 3D Control - Switch13:33
TheSheepwith the up arrow13:33
darkusdon't work13:34
darkusbut all the others are in the max13:34
shadebughello, I'm installing xubuntu on my uncle's computer and I can't get flash working. Firefox 3 is installed, the adobe flash plugin is installed and when that didn't work I even got about:config to search for nsplugins, not sure what that does. Either way, there seem to be a million ways to get flash working in ubuntu and I was hoping somebody here might be able to recommend the best one13:35
akaakai just install xubuntu 8.04 on my asus eee13:37
darkusTheSheep: have an other suggestion?13:37
akaakaand i cant found openoffice13:37
akaakajust abiword or something like that, its a very bad program13:37
shadebugakaaka: openoffice doesn't install by default13:37
shadebugI assume you're connected to the internet, so just go into synaptic and find the openoffice metapackage13:38
shadebugyou'll have to update your repositories first13:38
akaakai see13:38
akaakaabiword does not even correct grammar13:38
akaakaand i have limited space on my asus13:39
shadebuglimited space is one of the reasons that xubuntu doesn't install openoffice13:39
shadebugit's a bit of a beast13:39
akaakahow can i desintall applications that im not using13:39
akaakain order to free more space13:39
shadebuggo into the synaptic package manager13:39
shadebugfind the program you want to get rid of and right click on it13:40
shadebugthere shoudl be an uninstall option13:40
akaakai see13:40
akaakaif i want just word from openoffice13:40
akaakacan i get just that one13:40
shadebugI think so13:40
akaakaor i need to get all openoffice together13:40
akaakahow can i check my hd space13:41
TheSheepakaaka: abiword does correct grammar and spelling, you just need teh language packs installed13:41
akaakai remember there is a command but i cant rememer13:41
akaakaany gui?13:41
TheSheepakaaka: system monitor displays fee space13:41
darkuscan the problem be due to the bios?13:42
darkusa friend told me that13:42
shadebugakaaka: yeah, my suggestion would be to install the various language packs for abiword because it's a decent word processor. but by the looks of it you can just get openoffice.org-writer though you'll need to install the language packs for that too13:43
darkusunder winblows the sound works13:43
darkusit's perfect13:43
darkusand now i banned microzift from my pc13:43
akaakai see13:43
akaakawhere can i install13:44
darkusi replced it by xubuntu13:44
akaakathe language packages for abiword13:44
akaakasynaptic also?13:44
shadebugsynaptic should have everything you need13:44
shadebugas long as you've refreshed the servers13:44
akaakatheres only13:46
akaakaone application for finnish language13:46
akaakabut thats it13:46
akaakaoh god13:47
shadebugI have a feeling abiword uses common dictionaries like aspell or something, but I'm not sure13:47
akaakai really need this thing to function13:47
akaakai need to finish an essay13:47
akaakai see13:47
shadebugfinnish an essay?13:47
akaakaim good at writing but my grammars its a shame13:48
akaakai need spell checker and im just using my asus for now13:48
akaakacause my laptop broke13:48
akaakai will google it more13:49
TheSheepspellchecker won't help you with things like finihs/finnish :)13:50
shadebugabiword either uses aspell ispell or myspell13:50
shadebugno idea which13:50
shadebugaspell definitely has a finnish pack13:51
shadebugispell has 313:52
shadebugand myspell has one13:52
TheSheepshadebug: it uses Enchant13:53
shadebugthere's another spellchecker program?13:53
shadebugis there really a need for 4 spellchecking programs?13:53
TheSheepshadebug: no, enchant is a library that lets programs use many dictionaries: aspell, ispell, myspell, etc.13:54
shadebugahh, clever13:54
TheSheepshadebug: http://www.abisource.com/projects/enchant/13:54
shadebugso installing any of the ispell, aspell or myspell dictionaries should just work for akaaka13:54
TheSheepjust installing the language pack should fix any problems13:55
TheSheepyou can do it in system->languages13:55
shadebugnow... back to figuring ou how to get flash working before this laptop bakes my leg meats13:56
shadebugoops, time to go harvest fruit13:57
Twinkletoes|WI reinstalled Xubuntu, and now I have duplicate filenames in /boot14:09
Twinkletoes|WThey have different inode numbers, but how do I know whuich ones I am deleting?14:09
Twinkletoes|WForget it, I Was being silly - sorry :(14:10
shane_goodmorning all15:00
shane_i have a slight prob and need help,i am using motion v4l and the tmp/motion folder stores all the snapshots.it is owned by motion and i cant change or delete any of the pics any advice on how to change this15:01
TheSheep'gksu thunar' in terminal15:02
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=== gaurdro_ is now known as MenschenFleisch
whyking_my screens do not go into power save mode when xscreensaver comes on.. any way I could change that?15:58
TheSheepwhyking_: xubuntu uses gnome-screensaver, not xscreensaver...15:59
whyking_my screens do not go into power save mode when gnome-screensaver comes on.. any way I could change that?15:59
TheSheepwhyking_: I think there is an option for that in gnome-power-manager16:00
TheSheep'put display to sleep when inactive for ... seconds'16:00
skephi, will alpha3 be released today or will there be a delay?16:14
whyking_TheSheep, hm.. that command has no effect.. e.g. no window popping up or anything16:25
TheSheepwhyking_: gnome-power-properties16:44
whyking_sudo: gnome-power-properties: command not found16:47
whyking_ah.. preferences16:52
whyking_I saw that it was set to 30 mins16:56
whyking_but even after 30 mins my monitors did not shut off16:57
whyking_ah, do I have to run acpid?16:59
TheSheepit should run by default17:00
whyking_I think I turned that off17:15
ihabI'm usin xubuntu 8.04 I have arbic folder names "originally created in windows" but in xubuntu they apear like "?????"17:30
ihab^I have arabic in language support and I can read and write arabic but can't read folder names17:31
TheSheepihab: I think you need to set proper code page when mounting the windows partition17:35
TheSheepihab: no idea what encoding windows uses for arabic languages though17:35
ubottuTo view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions - For write access, see !NTFS-3g or !FUSE17:36
TheSheepthis should give summary of some options17:36
ubottuFUSE (Filesystem in Userspace) is a !kernel driver that allows non-root users to create their own filesystems. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Filesystem_in_Userspace for more on FUSE.  Some examples of filesystems that use FUSE are !ntfs-3g, sshfs and isofs. A full list of Filesystems that use FUSE is here:  http://fuse.sourceforge.net/wiki/index.php/FileSystems17:48
Angel_of_Doomdeste drugari18:13
Angel_of_Doomjel ima neko ko prica moj jezik?18:13
Angel_of_Dooma picke ziljave?18:16
ubottuČeské uživatele žádáme, aby mluvili v kanále #ubuntu anglicky. Česky je možno se domluvit v #ubuntu-cz. Děkujeme.18:18
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about sr18:20
evilbugTheSheep- are you active?18:20
ubottuMolimo udjite u #ubuntu-rs za pomoc u vezi sa Ubuntuom na srpskom jeziku.18:20
TheSheepah, sorry :018:20
TheSheepevilbug: seems so18:21
Raz0Ranyone know anything about the new -21 kernel??18:21
evilbugTheSheep- hey. i installed the kernel upgrade on my pc also and this time it doesn't even get to the load bar, it freezes right after grub.18:21
TheSheephmm? last time I checked it was -2018:21
Raz0R the newest one18:22
evilbugyeah, it's -20.18:22
Raz0Rprobably not official18:22
Raz0Ri donno, i have -21 installed18:22
Raz0Rits causing me some problems18:22
Raz0Rualex@desktop:~$ uname -a18:22
Raz0RLinux desktop 2.6.24-21-generic #1 SMP Tue Jul 22 18:51:41 UTC 2008 i686 GNU/Linux18:22
PsynoKhi0jul 22?18:24
Raz0Rthats when i installed it yeah?18:24
Raz0Rwhats weird?18:25
PsynoKhi0got it from proposed or homebrewed?18:25
Raz0Ri installed it via apt-get18:26
Raz0Rthats all i can say :)18:26
Raz0Rim a n00b18:26
evilbug:) NUB!!!18:26
Raz0Ryou mean i should spell it NUB not N00B??18:27
Raz0Ror you just calling me names?18:27
evilbugcalling you names.18:28
evilbughaven't called anyone a nub online since i stopped playing games about a month ago.18:28
Raz0Rdont suppose any of you guys have some idea why wicd would freeze as soon as i try and connect to my wireless network? i can click connect on my ethernet connection and its ok, but if i click the wifi connection it freezes up about 2 seconds after i click connect18:30
evilbugwhat i can tell you is that -20 doesn't work for me, so i use -19 instead.18:32
evilbugif you get what i'm saying.18:32
newbie123Hello, is  anyone here?18:41
Raz0Rcheck this out http://pastebin.com/mfda2f1019:23
Raz0Rwhat an asshole19:23
Raz0Rdont suppose any of you guys have some idea why wicd would freeze as soon as i try and connect to my wireless network? i can click connect on my ethernet connection and its ok, but if i click the wifi connection it freezes up about 2 seconds after i click connect19:24
thinkmassivehaha, why would you censor his name? :-p19:27
thinkmassivei've never used wicd, have you tried the default network-manager?19:28
Raz0Rthinkmassive lol no reason <_>19:32
Raz0Rthinkmassive i have had some problem with network manager, i cannot understand how to select connect? is it just automatic?19:33
thinkmassiveI usually leave mine on "roaming mode" but if that doesn't work then you should be able to use "manual configuration"19:35
thinkmassivewhat problem did you have?19:37
stevenwhello all19:39
thinkmassivehi there19:42
stevenwanything going on?19:42
stevenwwhen's the new release? october?19:42
TheSheepstevenw: a lot of revolutionary changes done by gsoc students19:45
TheSheepgoogle summer of code19:47
stevenwanything a layman would get excited about?19:48
TheSheepstevenw: different storage backends: database, revision control system19:48
Raz0Rthinkmassive it just wouldnt connect19:50
thinkmassiveRaz0R, have you tried using the command line?19:51
thinkmassiveI know it's not ideal, but that might give you a better idea of where the problem begins19:51
Raz0Rthinkyeah, its something to do with dhcp19:52
Raz0Rthinkmassive i get no dhcp offers19:52
thinkmassiveRaz0R, are you connecting to a wireless AP at home?19:52
TheSheepstevenw: ahh, sorry, I confused channels :)19:54
TheSheepstevenw: I thought it was #moin19:54
stevenwno prob19:54
Raz0Rthinkmassive sorry dog pulled ethernet cable out20:01
Raz0Rdo you want me to pastebin what happens when i do sudo ifup wlan0?20:02
Raz0Rwell, here it is, just in case you have time to look20:04
RandyboYWhat could be wrong? Im having lots of errors trying to copy folders and files around on both local and network locatons...20:15
Raz0Ranyone help with this: http://pastebin.com/m6d133dc320:23
Raz0Rhello, whenever i use wicd to connect to my wireless network the whole system freezes forcing a hard reset. i can use wicd to connect to my ethernet network just no wireless. if i do sudo ifup wlan0 in term, i get no dhcp offers. can anyone tell me whats wrong?21:12
RandyboYWhat could be wrong? Im having lots of errors trying to copy folders and files around on both local and network locatons...21:29
PsynoKhi0depends on the kind of errors =)21:34
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Raz0Rthinkmassive hey man u busy21:49
thinkmassivekinda busy, what's up?21:52
Raz0Rwell i t=did what u said21:53
Raz0Rdid you look at my pastebin?21:53
thinkmassiveno, where is it?22:01
jan____Raz0R: did you trying establ. a connection from the shell?22:04
jan____do you use WEP or WPA encryption?22:04
=== jan____ is now known as jweck
thinkmassivehey Raz0R, where is your pastebin22:25
jweckwb Raz0R22:26
Raz0Rjweck thanks22:26
Raz0Rthinkmassive i cant find it now :-(22:26
Raz0Rsorry about disconnects but my ethernet connection keeps droipping out22:27
Raz0Rthinkmassive ill make another one what do you want in it?22:27
hvgotcodeshey i just tried installing xubuntu on an m1530 and the touchpad isnt working...22:30
thinkmassiveRaz0R, I dunno, whatever you wanted to show us before22:31
thinkmassiveI would try using the shell first, that way you'll narrow down the source of the problem22:32
jweckRaz0R: do you use WEP Or WPA Encryption?22:40
hansengelhi, not sure if this belongs in here or in gEdit's channel... but it seems that whenever I open gEdit, it is displayed on all workspaces.22:58
hansengellike, I'll open it, then middle-click on the desktop to see all windows, and it's shown on all of the workspaces22:58
hansengelor if I switch to workspace 2 after opening it on workspace 1, it's on there too22:58
thinkmassiveif you right-click on the title bar, is there an "Unstick" option?23:00
thinkmassivetry that23:00
hansengeloh, that worked :)23:00
hansengeldo I have to do that every time?23:00
hansengelokay, woot - now that I got that settled, is there any way to view all workspaces at once?23:01
hansengelkind of like the feature for Spaces on Mac?23:01
ValsumI think there is, in compiz, but not sure because I havent tried it (kinda remember seeing it in a youtube video)23:02
hansengelyeah, I used to do it with Compiz - but I'm not using it anymore as my graphics card (nVidia) is a bit finicky with effects23:02
* Valsum nods23:03
hansengelI guess I'll try installing Compiz again... although it always slows down my computer23:03
Raz0Rin network manager is the reference to bssids meaning essid??23:04
Valsummaybe there's some small app for it, hansengel, but I don't know about it :/23:05
hansengelValsum: yeah, that's what I meant - well, I'll keep looking23:05
Valsumgood luck!23:05
hansengelthanks :)23:06
ValsumRaZ0R, bssdis is an alphanumeric series like 09:A8:29:01:B2:C023:06
hansengelyikes - just installed/ran compiz and lost the window manager :P23:06
hansengelI don't feel like going back into xorg.conf... gah..23:06
Raz0RValsum the mac address?23:07
hansengelit was bad enough setting up multi-monitors :P23:07
hansengelalthough not as bad as a year ago23:07
ValsumRaZ0R: no idea, I just looked at the bssids field of my connection23:07
hansengelI just reinstalled Xubuntu and had to set up WiFi (aaaaaaaah!) and multi-monitors with nVidia (eeeeeek!)23:08
Raz0Rvalsum: lol. ok23:08
Valsummaybe wikipedia has the answer?23:08
hansengellol, this is a little too technical for wikipedia23:08
Valsumsometimes it has technical articles :)23:10
hansengeloh, and another thing - I'm not sure if this is Xubuntu's fault, but it wasn't happening before I reinstalled Xubuntu - about four times a week update-notifier starts using 100% CPU and adds a really wide space to the system tray23:11
hansengellike it can't figure out how to add its icon or something, I don't know :S23:11
hansengelafter about 3 minutes it calms down and tells me I need to update my system23:12
hansengelI know the CPU usage isn't just from updating the package list, because if I run 'apt-get update' my system doesn't turn on its high-speed fan like it does when update-notifier starts :D23:12
hansengeloh, and yet another - panel transparency doesn't seem to be working for me. I've turned compositing on with xfwm4 but it still remains 100% opaque23:14
Valsumthat's why upgrading from console is better than using update-manager :)23:16
Valsumand panel transparency works here well23:16
hansengelmaybe it's nvidia again? :/23:17
returncodedoes anybody know as configure multiple monitor?23:39
hansengelhi, where are icons for most applications stored? I looked in /usr/share/icons but I couldn't find them anywhere. I'm looking for basic app icons like Firefox, XChat, Thunderbird, etc.23:46
hansengelme again :P how can I change the color of labels on my desktop? I'm talking about the background behind 'File System' in this screenshot: http://www.grabup.com/uploads/d853ce8a037cebeaed39584dd89657f9.jpg23:57

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