
JazzvaAwsoonn, no... you have to call it, no matter what patch system you use (I think it applies for every).00:00
Awsoonnhow / when should it be called?00:00
Jazzvawhich patch system you use?00:00
AwsoonnI'm trying to make a change to apt00:01
Awsoonnso, I don't know00:01
Jazzvatake a look at debian/rules. Do they include dpatch.make or quilt.make (I think that's the name of the file) at the beginning?00:02
JazzvaAwsoonn, ^00:02
nhandlerThere is also a 'what-patch' script that you can run to figure out the patch system that is being used00:03
Jazzvanhandler, that's useful :)00:03
Awsoonngreg sees neither00:04
JazzvaAwsoonn, try with nhandler's advice...00:04
Awsoonnnhandler: what package is what-patch part of?00:05
nhandlerAwsoonn: ubuntu-dev-tools00:05
Awsoonn$ what-patch rules00:08
Awsoonnunknown patch system00:08
nhandlerJust type 'what-patch'00:09
AwsoonnI didi00:09
Awsoonnbut it says "unknown patch system"00:09
nhandlerThat is strange.00:10
JazzvaAwsoonn, not sure about this... I noticed that it's maintained in bzr too. It might be that patches are applied directly to the source.00:10
AwsoonnI thought so at first too, but it kinda makes sence00:10
Awsoonnthe patches dir is empty and it is at version ubuntu300:11
Jazzvamaybe you can check with mvo. Seems like he does a lot of maintenance in apt.00:11
Jazzvaof cource, when he gets around...00:11
crimsun_keep in mind that because apt is a native source package, it wouldn't really make sense to have a patch system in place.00:13
persiaslytherin: I think we don't want transition bugs anymore, but I don't think we have a good plan for an alternative yet.00:13
persianorsetto: the problem is not building nvidia-cg-toolkit, it's installing it :)00:13
Awsoonnjazzva: I will to then but now wy curiosity is showing... I know nothing abou bzr really, how does using bzr keep patchs away?00:14
persiasmagoun: I don't sleep much, but you've caught me :)  I presume you've already checked your shlibs and symbols files?00:14
Jazzvapersia, I think norsetto left a while ago...00:15
persiaJazzva: quite possibly :)00:16
JazzvaAwsoonn, you keep at least two branches. One is with clean upstream source. The other branch is then created from that upstream, and changes are applied directly to it.00:16
JazzvaThen you publish a package from that other branch...00:17
JazzvaThat would be basic way...00:17
JazzvaIf there are other contributors to the package, they branch from that other branch with changes (which name usually ends in "ubuntu"), apply their changes, push it to their branch, and then ask for merge with ubuntu branch00:18
JazzvaI hope I wasn't too much confusing :)00:19
JazzvaAwsoonn, take a look at <https://code.edge.launchpad.net/app-install-data-ubuntu> for example. Imagine app-install-data-ubuntu is not a native package. If it wasn't, we would have "upstream" branch there too. Maintainer would apply needed changes to "ubuntu" branch. My contributions are in ubuntu.mozilla-extensions branch, which is branched from ubuntu, and then merged back to it... It's simple, actually :)00:21
AwsoonnI think I get in *slow nod* or at least I'm starting to :)00:23
JazzvaThat's great :)00:24
Jazzvabzr is cool once you get used to it :)00:24
Jazzvaanyway, I'm off now. Good luck with that patch :).00:25
taconeanyone knows which python package provides gksu module ?00:29
bddebianHeya gang02:19
bddebianHi cody-somerville02:29
ScottK-laptopHeya bddebian02:29
bddebianHi ScottK-laptop02:29
cody-somervilleLots of polotiks today02:31
bddebianpolotiks? Where?02:31
LucidFoxNCommander> Congratulations on codeblocks's acceptance!02:46
NCommanderThank you :-)02:47
NCommanderLucidFox, you made it possible ;-)02:47
NCommanderIt feels to finally get that into the archive02:47
NCommander(any reason you gave up trying to package it?)02:47
NCommandersomething wrong cody-somerville?02:48
* cody-somerville clearly invested no time in helping get CodeBlocks into the archive :P02:49
persiacody-somerville: Well, you didn't upload a candidate to REVU, did you?02:49
LucidFoxNCommander> He has a point :)02:49
* NCommander kisses cody's feet and worships him :-P02:49
* cody-somerville struts.02:50
cody-somervilleThank you, thank you.02:50
cody-somervilleNCommander, Good work :)02:50
NCommanderModest, aren't we :-P02:50
NCommanderThank you ;-)02:50
NCommanderI also tackled a great evil02:50
NCommanderCDBS multibuilds02:50
NCommanderAnd this one came with extra evil02:50
NCommanderPython modules built with configure scripts!02:50
NCommanderI scared him off02:51
=== Majost__ is now known as Majost
* NCommander laughs evilly04:23
=== nhandler is now known as nhandler_AFK
Awsoonnwhen pbuilder is done, where does the output go?04:34
NCommanderAwsoonn, /var/cache/pbuilder/results04:34
Hobbseewhere you've set it to go.04:34
NCommanderOr something like that04:34
Hobbseeusually, ^04:34
* NCommander hacks on REVU to remove the requirement of asking an admin to keysync04:35
Awsoonn:D thank04:36
emgentemgent@amnistia:~$ sudo chroot /home/emgent/.chroots/intrepid/ /bin/bash04:42
emgent[sudo] password for emgent:04:42
emgentroot@amnistia:/# apt-get04:42
emgentbash: apt-get: command not found04:42
emgentnice! :-)04:42
StevenKemgent: What about dpkg?04:42
emgentdpkg is in.04:43
=== asac_ is now known as asac
emgentStevenK: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/30187/04:44
AwsoonnBug #22446005:03
ubottuLaunchpad bug 224460 in apt "apt-cache shows misleading dependency information" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/22446005:03
Awsoonnshould apt-cache show conflicts under dependantcies? or is this a new feature being requested?05:04
jmarsdenIs there a "recommended" way to set things up so that when I do apt-get source I get sources from Intrepid, but when I apt-get install I get Hardy binary debs?  Are there any dangers involved in doing this?06:37
Flanneljmarsden: only add intrepid deb-src06:37
jmarsdenThat's what I was thinking about... it's safe to do that?  Cool :-)06:38
FlannelThere aren't inherent dangers of adding the repos, but what you do with it06:38
Flanneljmarsden: If you're looking to backport stuff, see !prevu06:38
jmarsdenNo, I just tend to do apt-get source ready to do a bug fix, and end up creating a debdiff against an "old" source version!06:41
snadgei dont suppose anyone here happens to know how to get ubuntu to output to xen's graphics console when running as a domU?07:01
whitekees: around? Did you get my mail?07:09
StevenKwhite: It's 11pm where kees is.07:11
NCommanderhey StevenK07:16
* StevenK waves07:16
NCommanderStevenK, mind taking a look at a blueprint and weighing in on it?07:16
StevenKNCommander: Maybe later.07:16
NCommanderStevenK, busy I take it?07:17
StevenKDistracted by $WORK and would rather not context switch07:17
* RAOF likes the _distracted_ by work aspect.07:18
NCommanderRAOF, how about you?07:20
RAOFI could be persuaded to stop hitting myself with autofoo and do something else.07:21
* Hobbsee hits RAOF with a brick07:21
NCommanderhttps://blueprints.edge.launchpad.net/revu/+spec/revu2 - my plans for the next revision of REVU ;-)07:22
RAOFHobbsee: Thank you.  Just what I was after :)07:22
* NCommander thanks Hobbsee 07:22
Hobbseeyou're welcome :)07:22
* NCommander is working out how to determine which key generated a signature on an upload 07:23
NCommanderI have the GPG fingerprint, and I have the LP username for every fingerprint, I just need to figure out how to determine the former from the signatures07:23
NCommander(I also have the public keys)07:24
Hobbseeer, what?07:24
NCommanderIf I have a signed changes07:24
NCommanderWhat's the easiest way to see what key, assuming I have the public key, signed the changes?07:24
Hobbseeso, you've got the gpg ID, and the LP username, yet you don't know how to get the ID of whoever signed the changes?07:24
Hobbseegpg --verify <changes file>07:24
NCommanderHobbsee, yeah07:24
NCommanderI just need to abuse that somehow to assiocate each upload with the LP login now07:25
RAOFNCommander: Looks like a substantial revu improvement.  You probably want to add a "run lintian against built packages" thing there, too.07:26
NCommanderRAOF, I was already going to do it07:26
NCommanderOnce I can work out how to abuse gpg --verify in the way Ineed it to, we're in business07:26
snadgeis anyone in here knowledgeable about framebuffer issues?07:28
NCommandersnadge, try ubuntu-devel07:28
snadgeor specifically whether ubuntu's xen kernel.. is able to output to the frame buffer as well as the xen virtual console07:29
* NCommander can't figure out how to get GPG to spit up the fingerprint of the key used to sign the signature07:29
StevenKsteven@liquified:~/canonical/icedtea-gcjwebplugin% gpg --fingerprint $(gpg --verify icedtea-gcjwebplugin_1.0-1ubuntu2_source.changes 2>&1 | head -n 1 | cut -d\  -f14) 2>&1 | grep Key07:30
StevenK      Key fingerprint = DB10 7BC2 1687 426E 7AC8  BB23 09F0 7408 C87F FC2F07:30
StevenKNCommander: ^07:31
NCommanderStevenK, you are in awesome in ways I can't describe :-)07:31
StevenKNCommander: I'd suggest you don't plug that directly into REVU, but parse out the data you need :-)07:32
NCommanderStevenK, Well, yeah, I just need to get the individual fingerprints; the list of fingerprints can simply be generated into a static file everytime the keyrings are updated07:33
NCommanderStevenK, doesn't appear to work for me, but you gave me an idea07:35
StevenKNCommander: How doesn't it work?07:36
NCommandermcasadevall@blacksteel:~/tmp$ gpg --fingerprint $(gpg --verify codeblocks_8.02-0ubuntu1_source.changes 2>&1 | head -n 1 | cut -d\  -f14) 2>&1 | grep Key07:36
StevenKNCommander: Run the bit in the $() first07:36
StevenKNCommander: It should print out the key id07:36
NCommanderID: Command not found07:37
StevenKWhat did you run that time? :-)07:37
NCommanderWell, now I get this07:38
NCommandermcasadevall@blacksteel:~/tmp$ gpg --verify codeblocks_8.02-0ubuntu1_source.changes 2>&1 | head -n 1 | cut -d\  -f1407:38
NCommandermcasadevall@blacksteel:~/tmp$ gpg --verify codeblocks_8.02-0ubuntu1_source.changes07:38
NCommandergpg: Signature made Thu 24 Jul 2008 05:40:54 AM EDT using DSA key ID 9DA2DA9B07:38
NCommanderSo I know that is a valid signature07:38
StevenKChange that 14 to 1507:38
StevenKYour gpg --verify output is different to mine07:38
NCommanderThat did the trick07:38
NCommanderEw though07:38
NCommanderHaving that be variable going to make scripting it a PITA07:39
StevenKActually, it doesn't.07:39
NCommanderand I doubt I could regex it07:39
StevenKIn Python, split it on whitespace and grab the last field07:39
NCommanderand then run fingerprint07:39
NCommanderYou are awesome StevenK ;-)07:39
* NCommander looks up how to use subprocess to get the stdio07:41
StevenK    pipe = os.popen('%s 2>/dev/null' % command)07:42
StevenK    output = pipe.read()07:42
StevenK    exitstat = pipe.close()07:42
StevenKNCommander: ^07:43
NCommanderI always used subprocess, but that works07:44
sorenOr foo = subprocess.Popen(blahblah, stdin=subprocess.PIPE)07:45
soreninput = foo.stdin.read()07:45
sorensubprocess ftw!07:45
NCommanderDon't I want stdout?07:46
Awsoonnwhat does -sa do wrt debuild -S -sa07:46
NCommanderAwsoonn, includes the original source ball under all conditions07:46
AwsoonnThank you07:47
sorenNCommander: Sorry, yes, of course.07:48
NCommandersoren, obviously its not liking subprocess.PIPE07:49
sorenNCommander: How is that obvious?07:53
NCommandersoren, no, it didn't like it cause I did something stupid, but its still outputting on the console, and not in my pipe07:55
NCommanderUnless ...07:55
NCommanderTHat's lame07:55
NCommanderGPG prints on stderr07:55
sorenIt sends your data to stdout and "the other stuff" to stderr.07:55
* NCommander rolls his eyes07:55
sorenI didn't notice this was for gpg.07:55
NCommanderWish that was documented better07:55
NCommanderWell, now I got the output in a variable07:56
NCommanderI just need an easy way to get the key ID07:56
NCommandersoren, well, thats pretty :-P08:00
\shargl..bug spam08:01
NCommanderbug spam?08:01
sorenNCommander: [line.split(' ')[-1] for line in input.split('\n') if 'using RSA key' in line][0]08:02
\shmany edgy tasks are set to won't fix and this generates a lot of mail at least in my inbox08:02
NCommandersoren, I use DSA keys, so that isn't the best way to grab it08:02
NCommander(I get verified DSA key ID)08:02
sorenNCommander: [line.split(' ')[-1] for line in input.split('\n') if 'gpg: Signature made' in line][0]08:02
sorenYup, that works too :)08:03
* soren <3 python08:03
NCommandersoren, I think my method is a little cleare08:03
NCommanderIts just a single split :-P08:03
sorenSure. It just only works if gpg keeps outputting the lines in that particular order and if it doesn't add extra words to the line :)08:04
NCommanderOk, you win08:05
* NCommander works out how to glue the fingerprint back together08:09
NCommanderI have it in two variables like this08:09
NCommandermcasadevall@blacksteel:~/tmp$ ./test.py08:09
NCommander869F DEB4 91C4 5F60 C76708:09
NCommanderE62E A5B9 5304 9DA2 DA9B08:09
soren''.join(vara.split(' ') + varb.split(' '))08:11
NCommanderThose aren't lists, those are actual strings08:11
sorenEr... Yes.08:12
sorenThat's why I split them.08:12
NCommanderok, just making sure ;-)08:13
soren>>> a = '869F DEB4 91C4 5F60 C767'08:13
soren>>> b = 'E62E A5B9 5304 9DA2 DA9B'08:13
soren>>> ''.join(a.split(' ') + b.split(' '))08:13
NCommanderNice :-)08:15
* NCommander is still somewhat of a python newbie08:15
NCommanderHow do I get the total number of elements in a list, its not ntuples(), which I use for DB queries08:16
jmarsdenSee http://docs.python.org/tut/node5.html#SECTION005140000000000000000  (use the len function)08:17
geserNCommander: why don't you use gpg --with-fingerprint --verify and grabs the "Primary key fingerprint" from the output?08:17
NCommandergeser, cause I didn't know that existed ;-)08:17
jmarsdenNCommander: Did you look at http://py-gnupg.sourceforge.net/ -- might be overkill, might help... a GPG interface module...08:21
NCommanderhttp://paste.ubuntu.com/30221/ - can someone figure out what I'm doing wrong?08:23
NCommander(its likely something very stupid)08:23
sorenNCommander: Heh :)08:27
sorenLast line:08:27
* NCommander is stumped on the join08:27
NCommanderI keep get method not found08:27
NCommandersoren, http://paste.ubuntu.com/30224/ - here's the low fat version08:28
soren-fingerprint.join(fingerprint_part1.split(" ") + fingerprint_part2.split(" "))08:28
soren+fingerprint = fingerprint.join(fingerprint_part1.split(" ") + fingerprint_part2.split(" "))08:28
NCommanderIt works08:29
NCommanderExpect I got a newline at the end08:29
NCommanderNow I got it working08:30
sorenYou split on "Key fingerprint", so each of the parts might contain a linefeed. Linefeeds are not special in that context.08:30
NCommanderhttp://paste.ubuntu.com/30225/ - ;-)08:30
NCommanderI got it08:30
NCommanderThank you soren08:30
sorennp :)08:30
NCommanderI'm amazed at how awesome python is08:31
geserNCommander: a little bit shorter: http://paste.ubuntu.com/30226/08:38
NCommandergeser, awesome08:39
IulianGood morning.08:55
incorrecthello, I am looking to do a few backports for hardy,  i've already backported subversion 1.509:21
incorrectwould it be worth contributing back the builds?09:22
huatsmorning everyone09:24
geserHi huats09:24
huatsmorning geser09:26
slytherinincorrect: File a bug, describe the changes you did, probably add a debdiff.09:28
huatshey murrayc_09:49
huatssorry to bother09:49
slytherinhi geser09:49
huatsI send you an email to have your opinion on the gnome-lirc-properties update :)09:50
huatscan we talk about that a bit ?09:50
geserHi slytherin09:55
slytheringeser: are you free? need sponsorship for two packages. One is fix for FTBFS and other is upstream version update.09:56
geserslytherin: not really, are both in the u-u-s queue? I'll try to look at the queue later today10:02
slytheringeser: yes both of them are10:03
murrayc_huats: I was investigating. I will reply now.10:18
huatsmurrayc_: oh ok :)10:18
huatsmurrayc_: thanks :)10:18
huatsmurrayc_: take your time ... there is no rush...10:19
huatsbut it is true that your feedback will be much appreciated10:19
Sikonslytherin> fop has hit the archive!10:22
SikonThanks for your help in making this possible, I've credited you in my post that should soon appear on planet.ubuntu.com10:22
Sikon(that is, slytherin for fop)10:23
\shemgent: just backported moin 1.7 to hardy...and installed it...following the migration plan it's quite easy to upgrade10:37
directhexis it being planned for official hardy-backports, or are you juest testing?10:46
slytherinSikon: :-D10:50
\shdirecthex: just testing10:50
\shdirecthex: I'll upload to my ppa and then others can test too :)10:50
slytherinSikon: Of course the fix was ridiculously simple. We were just looking at wrong places.10:51
directhex\sh, if it requires manual intervention, IMHO it should not get into hardy-backports. a stable dist shouldn't get sudden breakage from running an update10:52
\shdirecthex: that's what I'm thinking....the upgrade path breaks totally...10:52
\shdirecthex: but for people who like to have 1.7 instead of old school 1.5 I think we should make it available through a ppa10:53
directhex\sh, i agree fully, which is why i run my ppa for mono packages ;)10:53
directhex\sh, not that my packages every fail to be great & justwork, of course...10:53
slytherinnhandler_AFK: ping11:09
slytherinCan anyone comment on bug 223466. I guess archive admin need to be subscribed instead of u-u-s.11:13
ubottuLaunchpad bug 223466 in xmms-openspc "Remove xmms-openspc from repository" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/22346611:13
=== nhandler_AFK is now known as nhandler
nhandlerHi slytherin12:03
slytherinnhandler: added a comment on groovy bug you filed. Let me know if you have any comments/suggestions.12:07
* slytherin will be back12:09
nhandlerslytherin: I understand what you are suggesting, but that would involve significant changes to the source code. I don't think those changes should be made in Ubuntu. Instead, they should probably be made upstream.12:10
huatsmurrayc_: I just look at your bug12:15
huats(I mean at your answer)12:15
huatswould you agree if I update the package to the 0.27 release12:16
huatswaiting the lirc update ?12:16
huatsbecause it might gives a chance to get the 0.27 in hardy... while I am not confident to get the 0.84 lirc in hardy for some time...12:17
murrayc_huats: Sounds good. Thanks.12:35
huatsmurrayc_: ok12:44
huatsI'll do that12:45
huatsthanks for requesting the 0.84 btw12:45
=== nhandler is now known as nhandler_AFK
k0phi all13:05
k0psomeone can review my package? http://revu.tauware.de/details.py?package=umit13:05
=== RainCT_ is now known as RainCT
DRebellionHey guys, could someone review my package? http://revu.ubuntuwire.com/details.py?package=posterazor13:22
DRebellionIt's built in my PPA: https://launchpad.net/~drebellion/+archive13:23
tbutterdoes the revu mailinglist work?13:25
NCommandertbutter, which mailing list?13:28
tbutterNCommander: http://lists.ubuntuwire.com/listinfo/motu-reviewers13:28
tbutterit has no new messages since 12.7., but it seems there are new comments and uploads on revu13:29
NCommanderit appears to work just fine13:29
NCommander(and in my local REVU installation, sending email works)13:29
tbutterthis seems to be the latest post in the archive: http://lists.ubuntuwire.com/pipermail/motu-reviewers/2008-July/000979.html13:30
tbutterhttp://revu.tauware.de/details.py?package=origami  <- that package has comments from today and an upload yesterday13:31
=== ember_ is now known as ember
tbutteri did not receive any mail since 12.7. either13:31
NCommandertbutter, strange, I'll kick to admins to look into it13:32
NCommandertbutter, if you could, please file a bug on LP13:32
* NCommander hacks away on REVU13:33
* ScottK seriously considers stopping work on Ubuntu development for a month and devoting the time to reporting Launchpad bugs.13:33
* NCommander would use that month to create a free LP13:33
NCommanderStevenK, what bugs to you encounter? LP is still loads better then SourceFrak13:34
NCommandertbutter, care to look at this spec https://blueprints.edge.launchpad.net/revu/+spec/revu2 and make suggestions?13:34
ScottKNCommander: Check your tab completion.13:35
NCommanderwhat tab completion?13:35
ScottKNCommander: The problem is its getting worse, not better.13:35
NCommanderOh, whoops >.<;13:35
* NCommander drinks caffiene13:35
NCommanderSorry, I've been dealing with openid braindeadness13:35
NCommanderAnd parsing RDF documents13:35
NCommanderMy mind is more fried then usual13:36
tbutterNCommander: https://bugs.launchpad.net/revu/+bug/25181613:36
ubottuLaunchpad bug 251816 in revu "no mails to motu-reviewers" [Undecided,New]13:36
NCommanderScottK, you work for canonical, you can steal their red stapler and hold it hostage until they fix LP :-P13:37
ScottKNCommander: No, I'm not a Canonical employee.13:37
NCommanderI'm more gone then I realized13:37
NCommanderbrb, super-sized caffiene13:38
ScottKNCommander: My fix would be revert to the U/I they had a year and a half ago.13:38
NCommanderScottK, you mean before the green one?13:38
ScottKNeedless to say, the developers of the current U/I aren't real excited about that kind of feedback.13:38
NCommanderI"m reminded the first time sourceforge changed its scheme13:39
ScottKHowever, when I point out specific aspects of the way the curren U/I sucks, they accept that.13:39
ScottKI keep getting told I'll get used to it and it keeps not happening.13:39
NCommanderfirefox committed suidice13:39
ScottKSo I'm thinking if I dedicate a month or two to nothing but pointing out specific crappage, it might get somewhere.13:40
NCommanderThe last stable update seems to have broken it13:40
NCommanderYup, firefox is broken13:40
NCommanderScottK, I think I like the current UI over the green one13:41
DRebellionNCommander, firefox isn't broken -.-13:42
NCommanderDRebellion, its working now, but I had to restart X on the other machine before it started working13:43
NCommanderhttp://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=869249 - that's not good13:44
DRebellionIt's actually ubuntuforums.org/* that is b0rken13:45
DRebellionmaybe not13:45
NCommanderI think they are on the recieving end of a slashdotting13:46
DRebellionfirefox is screwing me around, maybe it is broken13:46
lagano, i get a database error on the mythbuntu sub forum..13:46
broonieNCommander: the whole thing with borked Linux info is pretty standard for BIOSs.13:46
* ScottK is kidding.13:46
broonieNCommander: The kernel doesn't actually pay a blind bit of notice to it.13:46
* ScottK just quit motu-sru because the job is to hard with Launchpad.13:47
HobbseeScottK: oh, strike!13:47
HobbseeScottK: and where's your resignation mail?13:47
ScottKSent it to the ML.13:48
NCommanderScottK, O_o; how is it fighting you in this respect outside of the bug tracker which doesn't seem to have changed much between releases13:48
Hobbseeah yes, here it is.13:48
* Hobbsee actually *quits* said team.13:48
ScottKNCommander: I find it really confusing to manage stuff and I really can't deal with it.13:49
NCommanderScottK, which list did it go to?13:49
ScottKMOTU ML.13:49
ScottKGotta run.13:49
LaneyIsn't there a MOTU-LP liaison to represent the MOTU voice?13:49
NCommanderI don't think I'm subscribed to that one >.<;13:50
Hobbseeand i think you wnated "I give in"13:50
HobbseeLaney: yeah, but it hasn't been overly successful to date.13:50
NCommanderHobbsee, can you CC that message to sonicmctails@gmail.com? (its not in the archives yet AFAIK)13:50
lagait is13:50
NCommanderWeird, it didn't pop up for me13:50
* laga finds mailman archives unusable13:50
lagaNCommander: you probably needed to scroll down.13:51
* NCommander shrugs13:51
NCommanderI just use google with mailman most of the time13:51
* NCommander is currently working out a UI update for REVU13:51
LaneyHobbsee: Oh, perhaps the position needs to be given some structure then13:51
LaneyAnyway, must dash13:51
NCommandercya Laney13:52
* Laney waves13:52
HobbseeLaney: i'm not sure that was the problem13:52
* NCommander personally won't care if they changed the skin weekly if they gave you an option to set a skin and stay with it13:53
HobbseeNCommander: it's not so much the skin - that could be ignored.  it's that the menu options keep moving around, and information gets obscured or removed, for the good of projects, but with no care about distributions.13:54
NCommanderHobbsee, that's more what I meant13:54
NCommanderI used LP for my personal projects so I'm not badly effected, but I just found out you can change your nickname cause it was hidden, even though I had an LP account for over a year13:55
Hobbseeyou can?13:55
NCommanderHobbsee, Yeah, actually found out about it coding OpenID13:55
NCommanderIt was referenced in a bug reort13:55
NCommanderGo to your home page, then Edit Details13:56
NCommanderSecond entry13:56
broonieIt took me donkeys years to discover that I'd had an autogenerated account created which was why I couldn't nab broonie :(13:56
* NCommander also just found out that Hobbsee is a women13:56
NCommanderI find LP works great for some things13:57
NCommanderLIke merging, and blueprints work great13:57
lagai find blueprints horrible13:57
NCommanderAnd the bug tracker wreaks something fierce13:57
lagamostly it looks like it's fire and forget. stuff is then written out in the wiki13:58
NCommanderlaga, I don't bother with specifications, I just abuse the whiteboard13:58
NCommanderhttps://blueprints.edge.launchpad.net/revu/+spec/revu2 - having a nice dependency tree with branch assiocations just does it for me :-)13:58
lagaokay, that does look nice :)13:59
NCommanderlaga, yeah13:59
NCommanderI've never saw a good planning tool that could do it beside Bugzilla, and Bugzilla's UI wants me to burn my eyes out13:59
HobbseeNCommander: indeed, it's certainly got some nice stuff.14:00
NCommanderBugzilla great for developers, but sucks for average users14:00
NCommanderHobbsee, maybe you can enlighten me, I thought doing an SRU was a bug report, a wiki page, and a lot of talking on the lists; I don't get how Launchpad slowing this down14:01
NCommanderUnless Soyuez is controlled via LP14:01
HobbseeNCommander: subscribing multiple people, waiting for pages to load.14:01
Hobbseesoyuz is controlled via LP, but doesn't usually break14:01
Hobbseewell, not in that area, anyway14:01
NCommanderHobbsee, strange, I find the wiki usually very slow, but LP to zip along in comparsion14:01
Hobbseelucky you :)14:02
NCommanderI do use edge.launchpad.net though14:02
Hobbseeboth are pretty slow here, but launchpad is the slowest website that i ever load here14:02
NCommanderNot the regular LP14:02
NCommanderThere are times when edge crawls, and I have to kick it down to normal LP though14:02
Hobbseei don't see much difference14:02
NCommanderWho knows14:03
* DktrKranz looks at http://packages.debian.org/sid/i386/lib3ds-dev/filelist, is it legal?14:03
NCommanderHobbsee, still, you deal with LP a lot more then most people. Your a buildd and archive admin14:03
DktrKranzshared library provided in -dev packages, weird...14:03
NCommanderHobbsee, although I'm told dak, despite naming commands after its authors ex-girlfriends, might still be worse then Souyz14:04
HobbseeNCommander: this is true.  the queues are often very slow, as very few people actually use them, so no one's really optimised them much14:04
HobbseeNCommander: i've not looked into dak much14:04
NCommanderDktrKranz, if you want to see a magicial packaging, go look at dak14:04
Hobbseeand re buildd admin, buildd.py is very useful.14:04
NCommanderHobbsee, heh. I run five buildds for Debian14:04
NCommanderI know the "fun" they can be14:04
NCommanderEspecially when all five chroots decided to die at once >.<;14:04
broonieNCommander: The dak names are just famous people, not exes (and they died a few years ago anyway).14:05
NCommanderOh, well14:05
NCommanderI removed from my brain most of the braindamage that was caused by dak14:05
* NCommander still has "found" memories of getting Britney just to do something beside segfaulting14:05
DktrKranzNCommander: dak is somehow special ;)14:06
NCommanderdak is somehow painful14:06
NCommanderI told one of the archive admins that Debian is powered by tooth picks, duct tape, and a hell of a lot of luck14:06
NCommanderI was told that was understating it ._.;14:06
brooniebritney is something else, it's not part of dak at all.14:06
NCommanderbroonie, I consider it part of dak just because they go hand in hand if you want to run your own Debian14:07
HobbseeNCommander: i don't have chroot access - i don't work for canonical.14:07
* NCommander looks at his dak folder14:07
broonieWell, only if you want the automated testing propagation stuff (and then it's got hooks into the BTS too).14:07
NCommanderHobbsee, consider yourself fortunate :-)14:07
Hobbseeso i don't get *quite* that much fun14:07
NCommanderHobbsee, then again, I'm building an autobuilder network for REVU14:07
NCommanderThat's just asking for pain14:07
NCommanderOnce you have an apt-get source archive, you really just need wanna-build and quinn-diff14:08
DktrKranzNCommander: autobuilder network using dak? isn't it too much complex for such a task?14:08
NCommanderDktrKranz, no, I'm not going to use dak for REVU :-P14:08
NCommanderDktrKranz, we needed a testing archive for m68k14:08
DktrKranzaaaah ;)14:08
NCommanderSo I meddled with britney, and somehow ended up running dak to generate some of the data files14:09
DktrKranzNCommander: please, *please*, don't use wanna-build :)14:09
NCommanderI just want to kill sbuild14:09
NCommanderThat program is the vein of my existance14:09
NCommanderIf I could get buildd to use pbuilder, life would be MUCH nicer14:09
NCommanderand I don't need to worry about chroots getting managed so easily14:10
NCommanderDktrKranz, I take it you have experience with the Debian autobuilder network?14:10
DktrKranzNCommander: well... if you need a simple automated build server, you can try debomatic (/me mode reclame on)14:10
NCommanderDktrKranz, we need multiarch support. At least amd64/i386/lpia, and a way to signal to autobuilders to abort a build in progress14:11
DktrKranzmultiarch == crossbuild (or similar)   ?14:11
NCommandermultiple architectures14:11
NCommanderI'd like an autobuilder for each Ubuntu arch14:11
DktrKranzso, one builder per arch14:11
NCommanderI got spare hardware for i386, powerpc, and lpia14:11
NCommanderDktrKranz, yeah14:12
NCommanderI might be able to get an AMD64 box beside my laptop, which means I just need some poor sap, er, some brave user to run sparc and hppa14:12
DktrKranzgood luck!14:12
NCommanderWell, once we have apt-get source archives14:13
NCommanderTHe rest is extremely straightforward14:13
* NCommander has done it all for m68k; and even built the entire etch distro on an autobuilder14:13
NCommanderI would just like a good way to make buildd use pbuilder vs. sbuild14:13
DktrKranzNCommander: it's you who manage m68k on Debian?14:13
NCommanderOne of those guys14:13
NCommanderI'm the one that got GCC 4.3 to stop freaking out on gnu99 packages14:14
NCommander(it was an ugly hack which I am NOT proud of, but it does work)14:14
DktrKranzwill it get official for lenny?14:14
NCommanderDktrKranz, doubt it14:14
NCommanderWe're vetoed as a release arch without a more modern glibc14:14
NCommanderFreescale is working to port the necessary kernel and compiler support we need (we need NPTL support)14:15
NCommanderWe're looking at lenny+114:15
directhexisn't a modern libc a reasonable request?14:15
NCommanderWe have 22 autobuilders which is enough to allow us to build sid :-)14:15
DktrKranz22? for m68k? whoa!14:16
broonieNCommander: IIRC there's also pushback on the number of autobuilders...14:16
sorenThat allows you to keep up?14:16
NCommanderBrings new meaning to the words cluster computing14:16
NCommanderbroonie, we have an exception to that14:16
directhexNCommander, it does?14:16
NCommanderdirecthex, we're still sligtly below 90%, but we're keeping up14:16
NCommandereight autobuilders are out at the moment14:16
NCommanderMy four, and Michael's four14:16
directhexNCommander, add a high performance interconnect and we'll talk about clustering >8\/14:17
NCommanderI'm advocate for Ubuntu m68k14:17
directhexi'm peeved about ubuntu ps314:18
NCommanderdirecthex, ?14:18
directhexNCommander, no hardy.14:18
NCommanderdirecthex, if you want Ubuntu PS3 Hardy, we can compile it; we have the techology14:18
directhexNCommander, won't run though14:19
NCommander(I'm quite serious, I have the spare PPC hardware to rebuild the archive in three weeks)14:19
directhexlots of critical issues. mostly kernel related14:19
NCommanderdirecthex, backport the kernel, and make an unoffical release; Ubuntu PPC isn't an offical arch anyway14:19
NCommanderdirecthex, if your seriously interested in creating a Hardy/Intrepid Ubuntu PS3 release, I'll help14:20
NCommander(I don't have a PS3, but I can be talked into buying)14:20
directhexNCommander, i'm... confused by the general state of ps3 linux. it's a big opening for a first-class distro - and the unified hardware testing somewhat easier than it could be14:20
NCommanderdirecthex, are you a PS3 Ubuntu developer?14:20
bddebianHeya gang14:21
NCommanderdirecthex, or know people who ar?14:21
NCommandermorning bddebian14:21
bddebianHello NCommander14:21
NCommanderbddebian, you just missed the m68k autobuilder network ;-)14:22
NCommanderdirecthex, you have a PS3 I take it?14:22
directhexNCommander, no, i'm a highly critical tech reporter14:22
bddebianNCommander: Aw, shucks :)14:22
NCommanderdirecthex, sorry, I meant worked on PS3 dev14:24
* NCommander is running slow this morning14:24
NCommanderdirecthex, yeah, thats a nasty set of bugs14:26
directhexNCommander, i have professional curiosity around the cell as an arch (and ps3 as a cheap entry point to it), and a linux fanboy interest in seeing the ps3 turned into a first-class personal computer through the power of a decent distro (with the usual 'no games on linux' argument killed by the fact that, well, it's a ps3)14:27
NCommanderdirecthex, nice ;-)14:27
* nxvl is starting to think that NCommander is an AI bot14:27
nxvlNCommander: did you sleep sometime?14:28
directhexNCommander, i have no great interest in working on ps3 ubuntu as a project, due to lack of time14:28
NCommandernxvl, what's sleep()?14:28
* NCommander reinflates the air matress14:28
nxvlok confirmed14:28
nxvlhe's a bot14:28
* NCommander slaps nxvl 14:28
norsettonxvl: neah, crack is just cheap in NY14:28
nxvlnorsetto: you don't want to ask how cheap is here14:29
NCommandernorsetto, I live in Rocheser, not NYC14:29
norsettonxvl: I guess you don't beat Colombia though14:29
* NCommander needs some breakfast14:29
NCommanderHobbsee, out of curosity, what it buildd.py?14:30
jpdsNCommander: people.ubuntu.com/~pitt/scripts/buildd.py14:30
brooniedirecthex: PS3 Linux doesn't get access to the nice gaming bits.14:31
NCommanderI think this is one of the few times Debian wins14:31
NCommanderBuildds are managed by email14:31
directhexbroonie, so reboot it, and TADA!14:31
NCommanderbroonie, high definition nethack FTW14:31
broonieNCommander: It's what I feel it's always been missind.14:32
broonieNCommander: Someone did actually do an OpenGL nethack.14:32
directhexbroonie, reboot to "gameos" for games, run linux otherwise. a hell of a lot more pretty for £300 than you'd get with a windows intel machine14:32
* NCommander still hasn't ascended ;.;14:32
NCommanderdirecthex, er, its a PS3, what good games are there?14:33
directhexor as a mythfrontend?14:33
* NCommander dives for cover14:33
directhexNCommander, bah, stop pointing out the flaw in the plan :'(14:33
bddebianThere are about 5,000 variations of nethack aren't there?14:33
* broonie has been considering the Myth front end but the PS3 is *really* noisy.14:33
directhexbroonie, not compared to the xbox it isn't14:33
directhextends to get noisy under load though, that much is true. currently i think the mac mini is the ultimate mythfrontend14:34
brooniedirecthex: "Better than living next to a runway!"14:34
nxvlnorsetto: i won't bet14:34
directhexbroonie, i live close to a train line, and there's major building work going on in my estate ;)14:34
nxvlnorsetto: same jungle, almost same narcos14:34
nxvlgone to work14:36
huatsnorsetto hey14:39
huatshow are you ?14:39
huatsnorsetto !!!14:39
* NCommander wishs though he was an LP buildd admin :-P14:39
norsettohi huats14:39
HobbseeNCommander: good luck...14:40
HobbseeNCommander: try getting a job at canonical.14:40
NCommanderHobbsee, how'd you get the job?14:40
Hobbseemmm....lots of fighting and prodding and poking14:40
NCommanderHobbsee, well, I just like pain, that's how I got roped into running buildds14:40
NCommanderHobbsee, Who'd you torture into submission?14:40
* Hobbsee tries to remember14:41
Hobbseetollef, mark, colin, and a few other people, iirc.14:41
Hobbseemark was the main one14:41
NCommanderwhy'd you want the job?14:41
Hobbseeit was interesting?14:41
NCommanderHobbsee, good reason ;-)14:41
Hobbseeand i was doing various RM stuff at the time anyway14:41
NCommanderSame reason I fixed GCC 4.3 for m68k14:41
NCommanderRelease Management?14:41
Hobbseeso it made sense to have multiple positions of power14:42
=== norsetto is now known as norsetto_limbo
NCommanderHobbsee, ah, more fun. I dunno how Souyz is, but working with dak tells me that job is a pain14:42
Hobbseeheh, yes14:43
NCommanderHobbsee, if there is ever an opening, and if I ever become a core dev, tell me :-P14:43
* NCommander is smacked around14:43
NCommanderHobbsee, Launchpad fascinates me, just because it seems to do things better then the original tools, but then I hear from you that it isn't the case14:45
HobbseeNCommander: i don't see the internals of the code.  i'm just at it's mercy, more or less.14:46
Hobbseei've not really used the original tools, so can't compare.14:46
NCommanderHobbsee, no, I know that, but still, being able to do so much is awesome14:46
Hobbseei can really only compare the way it does work, to the way i wish it worked.14:46
broonieHalf the aggro with LP seems to be moving target thing.14:47
NCommanderHobbsee, well, to put it in perspective. buildds are controlled via email. dak just uses a weird command syntax14:47
NCommanderBut its constant14:47
NCommander(maybe in daks case TOO constant)14:47
broonieAnd very few people ever actually interact with dak directly.14:47
sistpoty|workhi folks14:48
=== sistpoty|work changed the topic of #ubuntu-motu to: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU | Want to get involved with the MOTUs? https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU/Contributing | Intrepid open, go wild! https://merges.ubuntu.com/universe.html | QA targets available from http://qa.ubuntuwire.com | TODAY - Another day!! Keep working. | MOTU Meeting at 20.00 UTC
bddebianHeya sistpoty|work14:50
=== sistpoty|work changed the topic of #ubuntu-motu to: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU | Want to get involved with the MOTUs? https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU/Contributing | Intrepid open, go wild! https://merges.ubuntu.com/universe.html | QA targets available from http://qa.ubuntuwire.com | TODAY - Another day!! Keep working. | MOTU Meeting today at 20.00 UTC
sistpoty|workhi bddebian14:50
NCommanderhey sistpoty|work14:50
sistpoty|workhi NCommander14:50
NCommandersistpoty|work, when you get a moment, my openid changes are looking for merging :-P (I linked uploads to GPG keys vs email, and write the account merger)14:50
NCommandersistpoty|work, and got rid of the need for revu-uploaders and key syncing14:50
sistpoty|workNCommander: how did you get rid of revu-uploaders? (as in, do we have the possibilty then to blacklist s.o.?)14:51
NCommandersistpoty|work, keys are imported on the fly on login14:52
NCommandersistpoty|work, and they're only imported if new keys are needed for importation14:52
* NCommander had a little too much fun with rdflib last night14:52
sistpoty|workNCommander: so you check with revu-uploaders on the fly?14:52
NCommandersistpoty|work, no, it queries the individual account14:53
NCommanderSO its extremely fast, even if its importing keys14:53
sistpoty|workNCommander: does it then check if the account is in revu-uploaders?14:53
NCommandersistpoty|work, no, but it won't be hard to implement that14:54
sistpoty|workNCommander: that would be cool (as I'd like to keep the possibility to easily blacklist s.o., just in case)14:54
sistpoty|workNCommander: I hope it's not too big of a wish, since I guess indirect group memberships might make it more difficult (not too sure what data you get from lp there)14:55
NCommandersistpoty|work, well, we get the LP username, we could just ban them locally in REVU14:55
sistpoty|workNCommander: and sorry, can look at the merge only after I got home14:55
NCommander(add a new permission group: BANNED!)14:55
sistpoty|workNCommander: I guess that would work as well :)14:56
NCommandersistpoty|work, personally, just getting rid of the need to sync keys was worth the effort and braindeadness of rdflib14:57
NCommandersistpoty|work, we also have an account merger, and a blueprint for revu214:59
NCommanderAnd my favorite: a "REVU is ugly" bug :-P14:59
NCommandersistpoty|work, be afraid: https://blueprints.edge.launchpad.net/revu/+spec/revu214:59
DRebellionHey guys, could someone review my package? http://revu.ubuntuwire.com/details.py?package=posterazor15:00
DRebellionIt's built in my PPA: https://launchpad.net/~drebellion/+archive15:00
=== RainCT is now known as RainCT_
joaopintoThe correct version for a new package not available on Debian is upstream_version-0ubuntu1 ?15:58
warp10Hi all!16:00
joaopintoknock knock :P16:00
bddebianjoaopinto: Yes16:01
directhexjoaopinto, spot on16:01
tuxmaniacwarp10: hello16:01
warp10heya tuxmaniac!16:02
tuxmaniacbddebian: hello LTNS again :-)16:02
joaopintoso it is safe to ignore dpkg-source: warning: Version number suggests Ubuntu changes, but there is no XSBC-Original-Maintainer field ?16:02
bddebianHeh, heya tuxmaniac16:02
tuxmaniacjoaopinto: its safe but you would want to include a XSBC-O-M fiel in your control file16:03
tuxmaniacit will contain the packager/maintainer name and email16:03
joaopintook, I assume that should be me :P16:04
joaopintois anyeone familiar with the Free Art License ?16:09
joaopintoI am working on a package for which the art is distributed under the FAL, where could I check if the license is acceptable for an universe package ?16:09
joaopintofails to compile with the newer g++16:12
sistpoty|workjoaopinto: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/license-list.html might give some clue16:12
joaopintogrr, it's GPL incompatible, but the software is distributed under GPL and the art with this FAL16:13
joaopintowhat should I do ? Contact the author ?16:14
sistpoty|workjoaopinto: or ask on #ubuntu-devel for clarification (the gnu list gives only a rough overview, and is not always what archive admins make from it)16:16
joaopintook, anyway I need to be sure it builds first :|16:16
joaopintoany g++ expert to show me what is wrong with "static Sound *fromFile (const std::string &fileName);" ? the newer g++ produces the error pasted above16:18
sistpoty|workjoaopinto: I can find any pasted errors :P16:19
joaopintooh, I didn't paste the error, error: expected unqualified-id before '&' token16:19
joaopintohum, maybe I need some header file for std::string16:19
sistpoty|workjoaopinto: that would be <string>16:20
joaopintolet's try before dpatch it16:20
NCommanderIs there anyone here who can run a few tests for me?16:23
NCommander(I need someone to see if they can log into my local revu installation)16:23
joaopintosistpoty|work, it fixed it, thanks16:23
DRebellionNCommander, sure.16:24
RainCTIf an application has a license in Japanese and includes an English translation, is it enough to copy the English one into debian/copyright?)16:24
NCommanderDRebellion, http://nemesisnetworks.com/revu-openid16:24
NCommanderFirst tell me if that loads16:24
NCommander(if it hasn't by now, that is not a good sign)16:25
NCommanderSo its an apache issue I think16:25
DRebellion"Connecting to nemesisnetworks.com..."16:25
NCommanderAt least its not my code16:25
joaopintolintian complained about old config.sub, config.guess, it is ok to replace those on the orig.tar.gz or should I create a dpatch for those files refresh ?16:26
NCommanderDRebellion, try it now16:26
NCommanderI just restarted apache16:26
DRebellionNCommander, nope.16:27
DRebellionnmap says: 80/tcp filtered http16:27
NCommanderThat's beautiful16:27
RainCTbtw, are there some other docs on how to package a library other than the Debian Library Packaging guide (other=shorter ;))16:27
NCommanderother machines on my network can't access it16:28
NCommanderSo its an apache issue16:28
DRebellionNCommander, perhaps firewall settings? Port 80 should be open, not filtered.16:28
NCommanderDRebellion, I can't even telnet to it from the router16:29
NCommanderOr other machines16:29
NCommanderTHe firewall says its right16:29
NCommanderDRebellion, try
DRebellionIt works!16:29
NCommanderTHe domain moved16:30
NCommanderOr my IP16:30
* NCommander updates his DNS records16:30
NCommanderThat explains the timeouts16:30
DRebellionnemesisnetworks.com points:16:30
NCommanderTHat's it16:30
NCommanderStatic IPs my ass16:30
DRebellionhehe, you using dyndns?16:30
NCommanderGoogle Apps16:31
NCommanderNeeded mail hosting16:31
DRebellionah right16:31
sistpoty|workjoaopinto: you should never mangle the .orig.tar.gz (unless it contains non-free bits)16:31
sistpoty|workjoaopinto: however .diff.gz is a quite good patch system imo ;)16:31
joaopintowell, I always worked with diff.gz, but today I got into the dpatch mood, since it is easy to integrate with cdbs16:32
NCommanderDRebellion, ok, I updated the record16:32
NCommanderWant to try it?16:32
DRebellionnot working i'm afraid16:33
NCommanderNot suprising16:33
NCommanderSomeone new care to try it? (who doesn't have my domain name cached)16:33
=== stdin_ is now known as stdin
NCommanderDRebellion, ok, well, now its fixed so once the DNS resolved16:35
DRebellionNCommander, my router is still giving me the old one -.-16:35
NCommanderIts fine16:36
NCommanderNow that I tracked down the issue16:36
NCommanderI thank you for your contribution to REVU Development ;-)16:36
* NCommander canned line16:36
NCommanderDRebellion, if you actually would like to work on REVU development, I personally want to make it a little less ugly16:37
* RainCT feels ignored :P16:37
* NCommander doesn't hear anything from RainCT 16:37
DRebellionRainCT, now you know how me and my package feels ;)16:37
NCommanderHrm, must have been my imagination16:37
NCommanderRainCT, http://nemesisnetworks.com/revu-openid16:37
NCommanderNow not requiring revu-uploaders16:38
NCommander(or key syncing)16:38
RainCTNCommander: works :)16:38
NCommanderIts so sexy ;-)16:38
NCommanderRainCT, your keys just got synced to revu-openid ;-)16:38
NCommanderIt did it during login16:38
RainCTNCommander: "assiocated" has a typo, twice, in the merge page16:38
NCommanderI thank you for your contribution to REVU Development ;-)16:39
NCommander  10 |    4 | 284E9B2808EDE02D45A41DCC1D3D2D200EADC24516:41
NCommanderThere's your GPG key in the database16:41
DRebellionCome on, there must be someone who can spare a little bit of time to review my package? http://revu.ubuntuwire.com/details.py?package=posterazor16:42
NCommanderRainCT, how do I query the keyring to see all keys16:42
NCommandergpg --keyring ./trustdb.gpg, right?16:42
DRebellionYou don't even have to test build it! https://launchpad.net/~drebellion/+archive16:43
* RainCT has no idea about keys :)16:43
NCommanderI can't figure out if your key actually got imported16:43
RainCTNCommander: perhaps you will find how to do it in some of the scritps16:43
NCommanderyour a great help :-P16:43
RainCTI know :P16:43
* RainCT is looking for a multi-binary package with a lib and using cdbs16:46
bddebianSounds evil16:46
RainCTbddebian: yep, but it's to get a great feature :)16:48
RainCTalthough I'm not sure if it's great enough to be worth packaging two evil applications and writting some scripts..16:48
DRebellionNCommander, what sort of REVU dev work did you have in mind?17:01
NCommanderI'd like to redo the HTML and make the interface more modern17:01
DRebellionhmm, I've never coded html17:02
DRebellionNCommander, looks like my router has finally updated the dns, time to check out the so-called ugly interface17:02
NCommanderDRebellion, its the same as the regular REVU ;-)17:02
DRebellionah right17:03
NCommanderI would like to make more similar to the lists you see on Launchpad17:03
DRebellions'not that bad17:03
NCommanderSMaller fonts17:03
NCommanderLess brown17:03
DRebellionok, now I think about it, the fonts could be a bit smaller17:03
NCommanderWell, THAT's pretty17:05
NCommanderGPG's output is in Apache's error log17:05
NCommander(because GPG prints on stderr)17:05
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RainCTArchive admins won't get angry if I don't list the authors in debian/copyright (the policy says listing the authors is a "should"), or? (I don't feel comfortable listing them as there is no authors list and I can only guess grepping names out from the source files)17:15
=== norsetto_limbo is now known as norsetto
k0phi all17:19
k0psomeone can review my package? http://revu.tauware.de/details.py?package=umit17:20
DktrKranzk0p: XB-Python-Version: current is already in binary stanza, you can omit from source stanza, you already have XS-Python-Version there17:24
DRebellionCould someone review my package? http://revu.ubuntuwire.com/details.py?package=posterazor Thanks :)17:27
LucidFoxWhy is ACCEPTED so large currently?17:27
DRebellionIt's built in my PPA: https://launchpad.net/~drebellion/+archive17:28
DktrKranzLucidFox: I noticed Soyuz won't move packages from pending to published, that could be the cause17:28
LucidFoxDktrKranz> Seems so17:29
DktrKranzLucidFox: maybe asking to archive admins or cprov might help17:30
k0pDktrKranz, so omit xs-python-version?17:42
k0pdelete this line?17:42
DktrKranzk0p: XB-Python-Version, the one below XS-Python-Version17:43
* sistpoty|work heads home... cya17:43
k0pDktrKranz, done. deleted XB-Python-Version17:45
k0pDktrKranz, what do you think about rest?17:46
DktrKranzk0p: I just gave a very quick look, not a full review, no major errors so far, but I need to check licensing carefully (even if I think it's good)17:47
huatsnorsetto: regarding the example pb17:47
k0pDktrKranz, sure.17:47
huatswould it be acceptable that I install the file using dh_install and not dh_installexamples ?17:47
norsettohuats: good try, but nope :-)17:48
DktrKranzk0p: I won't be at home this eve (maybe only very late), if you ping me tomorrow, I can have a full review :)17:48
huatsnorsetto: 2 things happen17:48
huatsthe first each file of more than 4.5 K is gz by dh_installexamples17:48
k0pDktrKranz, really? :D thanks17:48
k0pDktrKranz, belive me, I'll ping :)17:49
norsettohuats: thats normal and its policy17:49
huatswhich means that in order to use the example (it is 1 single example that fall into say 20 files) you need to gunzip all of them17:50
huatsso the solution might be to use dh_installexamples17:50
huatsto move most of them17:50
huatsand then to compress the one too small to be compressed...17:50
huats(since gz file do not provoques a warning by lintian)17:51
norsettohuats: note that you should not run the examples from /usr/share thats just an holding space, so its fine if they are compressed and only uncompressed when needed17:51
huatswon't it be better to create a tar of the whole example dir17:52
huatsand then to give that tar to dh_installexamples ?17:52
huatsthat would ease the use of the example17:52
norsettohuats: hmmm but why would lintian be complaining?17:52
huatsit is complaing :)17:53
norsettohuats: can you show me your rules and the lintian output ?17:53
DktrKranzk0p: just a quick question: why python, python (>= 2.5) | python-pysqlite2   ?17:53
RainCTDktrKranz: because sqlite is in the standard python libs since version 2.517:54
huatsnorsetto: sure17:54
DktrKranzRainCT: ah, thanks ;(17:55
k0pDktrKranz, hmm17:55
DktrKranzerm.... I mean ";)"17:55
k0pRainCT hi :)17:56
* RainCT greets k0p :)17:56
huatsnorsetto: http://pastebin.org/5703817:57
k0pDktrKranz, I upload little fix that you said me about XB-Python-Versions17:58
norsettohuats: what has this to do with the zipping !?17:59
huatsall the files we you have a lintian warning18:00
huatsare unzipped files18:00
huatsall the others (which are zipped)18:00
huatsdo not provide a warning18:00
norsettohuats: but the warning is about them having the executable bit set and not being executable18:01
norsettohuats: instead of having demos in examples, why not directly all the content of it?18:03
huatsnorsetto: I haven't understood your sentence (the content of it)18:04
norsettohuats: you are installing the whole demos dir in /usr/share/doc/libtktreectrl/examples/18:05
norsettohuats: it would be better to have /usr/share/doc/libtktreectrl/examples/pics etc.18:06
RainCTIf an application comes with some additional binaries and scripts which would be useful to have in /usr/bin, but some of the names are very generic, what do you recommend me to do with them? Prefix them with the name of the package (and if so, all of them or only those with a generic name)?18:06
huatsnorsetto: what would it change ?18:07
huats(well I see the thing to remove the demo dir)18:07
norsettohuats: that having exaples/demos only its silly18:07
huatsbut what would it change for my pb :)18:07
huatsI mean18:08
huatsI'll try rght now...18:08
norsettohuats: its nothing to do with your "problem", is an additional comment18:08
huatsnorsetto: oh ok :)18:09
huatsthanks for the comment :)18:09
norsettohuats: my pleasure :-)18:09
huats(btw I lead 4-3 with today)18:09
RainCThuats: you can fix the problem from the warning with a simple chmod -x, btw18:09
huatsRainCT I was about to do so...18:09
norsettohuats: nope, its 3-4, and thats because you are sleeping ...18:10
huatsthe thing is that I feel a bit unease to have some file named *.tcl and some other *.tcl.gz in the same dir while they were all *.tcl18:10
norsettohuats: get used to it then ...18:11
huatsI am :)18:11
huatsit is just that I was looking for "another" solution18:11
huats(that I haven't found)18:11
norsettohuats: whats the difference with when you install files in /usr/share/package/doc ?18:13
huatsnorsetto: what do you mean ?18:13
RainCThuats: what's about an examples.gz?18:14
norsettohuats: I mean, this is exactly the same behaviour for dh_installdocs, why is that not giving you problems?18:14
huatsi know18:14
huatsit sounds silly...18:14
huatsbut it is OK now18:14
huatsnorsetto: I really need to go now...18:20
huatsbut I'll send you an emailthis WE telling you I have done the new upload :)18:20
norsettohuats: ok :-)18:20
norsettohuats: have a nice WE!18:20
huatsthanks for your help luke and cesare18:20
huatsthanks !18:20
huatsI will (going to géraldine's parents...)18:20
norsettohuats: luke?18:21
norsettohuats: skywalker?18:21
norsettohuats: ok, don't eat too much foie gras then :-)18:21
huatswhy did I think that it was TheMuso who told me for the chmod...18:21
huatsand it was RainCT :)18:21
huatsI won't18:21
huatsremember I am on diet  :)18:22
norsettohuats: ah, I forgot it ;-)18:22
huatsI haven't18:22
joaopintocan someone check if my GPG key is synchronized in REVU ?18:23
RainCTjoaopinto: it is18:32
joaopintook tks18:32
joaopintorevu sends a result email right ?18:33
RainCT(mentors.debian.org does, but REVU not)18:33
IulianIt's .net18:42
directhexsomeone rang?18:44
directhexoh, wait. /me returns to the monocave18:44
joaopintoshould a coverfinder app go into sound&video or graphics ?18:48
slytherinjoaopinto: cover finder for what?18:50
joaopintocd cover finder18:50
joaopintofor audio CDs18:50
slytherinjoaopinto: I guess that should be sound and video18:50
joaopintocan someone review http://revu.ubuntuwire.com/details.py?package=coverfinder ?18:51
RainCTdoes someone know why it may be that I get this?    /usr/bin/install: no s’ha pogut crear el fitxer ordinari «/usr/bin/dfa_determinize»: Permission denied18:52
RainCT(building a cdbs package with autotools.mk)18:53
slytherinRainCT: Can you please translate it?18:53
RainCTslytherin: couldn't create file18:53
tuxmaniacwhats the standard version used? 3.8 ?18:53
RainCTtuxmaniac: yep, 3.8.018:54
slytherintuxmaniac: 3.8.018:54
joaopintoRainCT, the install is attempting to install into the system bin dir instead of the debian/target ?18:54
slytherinRainCT: what joaopinto said18:54
RainCTthat what I think, but I don't see why it should be do that :S18:54
joaopintoprobably the Makefile does not honor DESTDIR18:55
RainCTthat it calls ./configure with --prefix=usr/ is normal (first I thought that's the problem but I've just seen lots of build logs looking like that), or?18:56
slytherinRainCT: paste your rules file somewhere18:56
joaopintoRainCT, that is for the configure, and it is fine, your problem is with the install rule18:56
joaopintoif you are using the defaults, it should call make install DESTDIR=$(CURDIR)/debian/package18:57
RainCTit hasn't got anything special.. http://paste.ubuntu.com/30337/plain (I've tried adding "DEB_MAKE_INSTALL_TARGET  := install DESTDIR=$(CURDIR)/debian/tmp/" but that didn't help)18:58
directhexjoaopinto, what's the source of the data?18:59
slytherinRainCT: Is it a new package, do you have files like debian/install. What does that file contain?18:59
joaopintodirecthex, sorry ? which source of which data ?18:59
RainCTslytherin: no, I haven't any of those yet18:59
directhexjoaopinto, where does coverfinder get covers from?18:59
joaopintodirecthex, amazon18:59
joaopinto"This is a tool to find cover images via the Amazon Web Services API and to"19:00
directhexjoaopinto, check the AWS terms & conditions. iirc there are issues with them19:00
joaopintoops, wasted work :\19:02
joaopintocan someone nuke the package from revu :P ?19:02
slytherindirecthex: but gcstar also retrives artwork from amazon19:04
joaopintowait, i was reading the amazon page conditions of use19:05
joaopintoI can't find any conditions of use for the API19:05
tuxmaniaccan I use dpatch for a package that uses cdbs? I mean the rules file doesnt contain the build-stamp etc19:07
directhex"You may use the data in the Amazon Associates Web Service as long as it's used primarily to drive traffic back to Amazon's web sites or sales of Amazon products and services. "19:07
RainCTtuxmaniac: yes. there's a dpatch.mk19:07
joaopintotuxmaniac, yes you can, is quite easy, you just need to include the dpatch makefile19:07
directhexyes, i know, AWS is lovely, but the license sucks19:08
tuxmaniacand then I do as usual creating the patches directory and 00list etc right?19:08
tuxmaniacno other change required?19:08
RainCTtuxmaniac: right19:08
tuxmaniacin the rules I mean19:08
tuxmaniacRainCT: thanks19:08
slytherintuxmaniac: why not use cdbs simple patchsys?19:11
tuxmaniacslytherin: I am used to dpatch. hence. But I will look into what you are telling19:12
slytherintuxmaniac: simple patch sys is even simpler19:13
RainCTjoaopinto: you were right, "make install" doesn't recognize DESTDIR, but "make install prefix=..." works19:14
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RainCTjoaopinto: do you know how I can get cdbs to use prefix instead of DESTDIR or how to fix the makefile?19:15
joaopintoso you just need to override the DEB_*INSTALL* var19:15
RainCTah ok19:15
joaopintoor you fix the makefile and provide the patch upstream19:15
RainCTDEB_MAKE_INSTALL_TARGET  := install prefix=$(CURDIR)/debian/tmp/    -  like this?19:15
joaopintoyes, that should work19:15
RainCT(yep, worked now)19:29
DRebellionCould someone review my package? http://revu.ubuntuwire.com/details.py?package=posterazor Thanks :)19:32
DRebellionIt's built in my PPA: https://launchpad.net/~drebellion/+archive19:32
slytherinDRebellion: There is no use asking for review everyday19:34
DRebellionslytherin, how comes?19:34
slytherinDRebellion: people get annoyed by this.19:34
DRebellionslytherin, that's fair.19:35
DRebellionslytherin, how do any of the packages get reviewed anyway?19:35
nhandlerDRebellion, They get reviewed when a MOTU finds time to review them19:35
slytherinDRebellion: You mean on revu. The MOTU team members do it. Of course anyone is now allowed to review a package. But only MOTU members can advocate a package.19:36
DRebellionhmm... okay, i'll lay off the spamming for a while19:38
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tuxmaniachow long does it take normally for a revu upload to reflect on the website? Has it got increased of late?19:57
joaopintomine took 5 minutes19:58
tuxmaniacits up now. :-)19:58
tuxmaniacif someone can review and pass on http://revu.tauware.de/details.py?package=gresistor it will be nice. A very small package it is19:59
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nhandlerCould someone here help me add a patch system to a package? Or could someone at least point me to some documentation about adding a patch system?20:12
tuxmaniacnhandler: dpatch? http://www.tuxmaniac.com/blog/2008/01/25/dpatch-just-superb-a-short-how-to/20:16
jpdsnhandler: If you are using CDBS, I suggest using simple-patchsys.mk20:19
slytherinnhandler: are you working on groovy?20:20
tuxmaniacslytherin: did you assign the electric bug to Universe sponsors?20:21
tuxmaniacor is it not required?20:21
slytherintuxmaniac: I subscribed them. No need to assign. I talked with geser and persia yesterday but no one was free for a review.20:22
tuxmaniacslytherin: and I have packaged gresistor for bug 251919. I update the bug report with the diff and subscribe them?20:23
ubottuLaunchpad bug 251919 in ubuntu "[needs packaging] gResistor - Resistor Colour code calculator" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/25191920:23
slytherintuxmaniac: Is it a new package? If yes the add link to revu page of the package in the bug.20:24
nhandlerNo slytherin, I'm working on a different patch. It doesn't matter what patch system I use20:24
tuxmaniacyes doing it.20:24
slytherinnhandler: Ok. Do you have any concerns about the comment I added on groovy bug?20:25
nhandlerslytherin: I don't think your suggested changes should be applied in Ubuntu. I think it would be better if they were applied upstream.20:26
slytherinnhandler: are including libs in upstream tarball? Then I guess they should either be stripped in .orig.tar.gz or be cleaned in clean target. If they are getting copied in build process then patch the build.xml to not do it.20:27
nhandlerjpds: Do you by any chance have a guide on how to add a cdbs patch system to a package?20:29
nhandlerslytherin: I'll have to take a closer look at the package. Chances are I won't get to it until after the weekend. If you want to prepare a patch before then, feel free.20:29
jpdsnhandler: Add: "include /usr/share/cdbs/1/rules/simple-patchsys.mk" to debian/rules.20:30
nhandlerIs that it?20:30
jpdsnhandler: And place the patches in debian/patches/20:30
slytherinnhandler: will see20:30
jpdsnhandler: Yes. Simple huh? :-)20:30
nhandlerWow, it really is easy jpds :)20:30
joaopintodoes patchsys provides some helper script like dpatch-edit ?20:32
slytherinnhandler: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PackagingGuide/PatchSystems20:32
slytherinjoaopinto: it is part of cdbs, try command cdbs-edit-patch20:32
slytherinof course with a patch name20:32
nhandlerslytherin, I've seen that. But it doesn't show you how to add a patch system. It only shows you how to add patches20:32
slytherinnhandler: you are right, time to edit the page20:33
slytherinnhandler: we both overlooked. For simple-patchsys the page has instructions.20:34
nhandlerYou are correct slytherin. ;)20:36
norsetto_treat cdbs-edit-patch with veneration20:36
=== norsetto_ is now known as norsetto
SWATis it possible to get the REVU keyring synced? I just uploaded my (new) gpg-key and want to upload 3 packages for review20:37
jpdsSWAT: Sec.20:38
jpdsSWAT: revu-key scripts running. I shall tell you when it's done.20:39
nhandlerWhat are the "include /usr/share/cdbs/1/rules/debhelper.mk" and "include /usr/share/cdbs/1/class/makefile.mk" lines for in debian/rules?20:40
jpdsnhandler: They add commands from CDBS to build the packages.20:41
nhandlerjpds: Do I need to include them in the rules file?20:42
slytherinnhandler: you get a set of predefined commands and variables in those files.20:42
SWATjpds: thanks20:42
cody-somervilleMeeting in 18-20 minutes :)20:42
slytherinnhandler: debhelper.mk you will need always. Not sure about makefile.mk20:43
norsettonhandler: those are makefiles that will be included in your rules, check them out, its quite informative to see whats in there20:43
jpdsSWAT: All done. Upload at will.20:46
joaopintocan someone review http://revu.ubuntuwire.com/details.py?package=amoebax  (game) ? Thanks20:48
joaopintoand one question about revu, once the package is accepted, does the comments get archived but available for future reference ?20:49
SWATjpds: merci!20:49
jpdsSWAT: De rien!20:49
nhandlerI'm getting this error when I try to use cdbs-edit-patch to create a patch with the new patch system: "debian/rules:43: *** target file `clean' has both : and :: entries.  Stop."20:51
jpdsnhandler: I think you have to change the "clean:" rule in rules so it has two "::".20:52
slytherinnhandler: or the reverse of what jpds said20:52
nhandlerThat did it jpds. Hopefully, I will be able to get the patch added now ;)20:53
norsettodevfil_: can you use a more customary name for the patch in bug 251925 ?20:54
ubottuLaunchpad bug 251925 in opencascade "FTBFS in Intrepid" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/25192520:54
devfil_norsetto: ubuntu_toolchain_FTBFS is ok?20:55
norsettodevfil_: but the patch is just adding flags for the O_CREAT20:55
devfil_norsetto: yes, but the FTBFS is caused by D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 flag enabled in intrepid20:56
norsettodevfil_: btw, S_IWUSR is repeated twice and I'm not sure we need S_IRGRP|S_IROTH20:57
devfil_norsetto: I've take it from the same code20:57
devfil_norsetto: ok, I'm going to fix it properly20:57
nhandlerJust out of curiosity, is anyone working on finishing this wiki page: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/README.sourceHowTo20:58
persiaMOTU Meeting in 2 minutes in #ubuntu-meeting20:58
devfil_norsetto: I've also done another patch to fix a FTBFS, can you take a look at it?20:59
norsettodevfil_: not now, but don't worry, it will come under the radar ;-)20:59
devfil_norsetto: ok :)20:59
=== sistpoty changed the topic of #ubuntu-motu to: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU | Want to get involved with the MOTUs? https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU/Contributing | Intrepid open, go wild! https://merges.ubuntu.com/universe.html | QA targets available from http://qa.ubuntuwire.com | TODAY - Another day!! Keep working. | MOTU Meeting *NOW*
slytherinnhandler: FYI ... groovy is not actually bundling jars. It is just adding symlinks to them.21:03
nhandlerThanks for the information slytherin21:03
RainCTwhat's wrong with this (watch file)?  http://sourceforge.jp/projects/julius/files/ http://sourceforge.jp/projects/julius/downloads/(?:[0-9]+)/julius-(.*)\.tar\.gz21:07
slytherinRainCT: have you tried running uscan?21:09
devfil_norsetto: can you unsubscribe u-u-s from the bug? I need at least 2 hours to build it again21:09
norsettodevfil_: I can't21:09
RainCTslytherin: yep, uscan --verbose. it doesn't find anything21:09
joaopintodo we get an email when someone posts a comment on REVU ?21:09
nhandlerI don't think so joaopinto21:09
slytherinRainCT: A simpler patter would be this - http://sf.net/medit/mooedit-(.*)\.tar\.bz221:10
RainCTjoaopinto: right now not (it may be implemented in the near future, though)21:10
joaopintouff, it is kind of frustrating to work with REVU21:10
RainCTslytherin: that doesn't seem to work with sourceforge.jp21:10
geserslytherin: re your question about bug 223466: just like sync requests, requests for removal need to be ACKed by a motu too.21:10
joaopintocan the review be performed on LP instead of REVU ? since we need a bug nr in the first place ?21:10
ubottuLaunchpad bug 223466 in xmms-openspc "Remove xmms-openspc from repository" [Wishlist,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/22346621:10
RainCTjoaopinto: NCommander is doing some great work which should make it better (like switching to OpenID with Launchpad for login, obsoleting the revu-uploaders group, import from PPA, etc.)21:11
nhandlerjoaopinto, You are meant to open a needs-packaging bug at the very beginning. But once the package gets uploaded to revu, all discussion is meant to occur there21:11
slytheringeser: hmm, I have one removal request up my sleeve. :-)21:11
joaopintowhy not moving the entire process to LP instead ?21:12
slytherinHow do I calculate rdepends?21:12
geserapt-cache rdepends21:12
joaopintowhat is the advantage of using REVU over LP ?21:13
geserand for rbuilddepends you can use the reverse-build-depends script from ubuntu-dev-tools21:13
slytheringeser: yes, that I am already using21:13
slytherinjoaopinto: I don't think the way our reviews work, LP can handle that.21:13
NCommanderslytherin, no, its a known problem that while PPAs are awesome, Soyuz isn't really suited for handling reviewing and such21:14
slytherinNCommander: yes that is what I meant21:14
joaopintowhat is so specific with the review process ? the advocates count ?21:15
* NCommander sighs21:16
LaneyPackages go through multiple iterations of reviewing21:16
joaopintoyou mean multiple comments ? I don't see any specific iteration status on REVU21:17
NCommanderjoaopinto, go look at a package, then see each version is listed in chronological order21:17
Laney(with comments to a particular version)21:17
joaopintohow does that differ from LP with comments with diffs attachments ?21:18
joaopintois it acceptable to send a review request to the MOTU ML or those should be kept on IRC ?21:23
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slytherinjoaopinto: it should acceptable but I do not recommend it. We will suddenly get flooded with revu requests.21:26
RainCTslytherin: (about the watch file.... the links doesn't start with "http://source.." (but directly "/projects/julius"), thats why it failed -.-)21:28
mochahello, any motu's here that can talk about Alsa?21:29
mochaI wanted to know if Alsa 1.0.17 can get backported to Hardy21:29
joaopintowell, it's my second time trying to upload a package into Ubuntu, I will try with the ML, I noticed you don't like to see repeated requests here (neither I like to repeat)21:30
mochathe reason I bring this up is because Alsa 1.0.17 fixes a lot of bugs with Intel HDA such as mixer settings and low volume issues21:31
mochaI will probably install it manually but don't really like to do that with critical system files, modules, etc21:32
lagamocha: try #ubuntu-devel21:32
lagamocha: motu isn't really responsible for kernel stuff21:32
mochaI was just there, they told me to come here!21:32
jpdslaga: Err, I told him to come here ;-)21:32
jpdslaga: Due to backports being more motu stuff.21:33
lagathere is a linux-backports-modules packages.21:33
mochashould I just file a bug report then?21:33
slytheringeser: if you got time for an ack, bug 25197321:33
ubottuLaunchpad bug 251973 in libjaxp1.2-java "Please remove the package from repositories" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/25197321:33
lagalinux-backports-modules-hardy - like this package. but i never used them21:33
jpdsmocha: at bugs.launchpad.net/hardy-backports .21:33
mochaokay, I think I'll do that then, thanks21:34
slytherinjpds: backports is not motu stuff. there is separate team for backports21:34
mochaslytherin: whom?21:35
jpdsslytherin: I know. But I think -motu would be a better place for it than -devel.21:35
slytherinjpds: still no. alsa is core package. May be the bug fixes he is specifying will land in -updates. So -devel is right channel for discussion.21:36
slytherinmocha: I don't know the members. Better discuss this first in -devel if it is possible to get these fixes in -updates21:36
mochawell I could go back there then and see if anyone has any pointers21:36
nhandlerThe include lines that I added to debian/rules for cdbs are preventing me from building the package. I get this error "cp: cannot stat `./usr/include/skstream-0.3/skstream/sasproto.h': No such file or directory         dh_install: command returned error code 256"21:45
jpdsnhandler: http://paste.ubuntu.com/30384/21:50
* NCommander bitches about how some women hit my car21:52
* slytherin leaves for some sleep21:59
nhandlerjpds: The package I am adding the cdbs patch system to is skstream. It contains the libskstream-0.3-dev package (It also has the sasproto.h file). So I am a little unclear why adding the include lines to debian/rules would stop it from building.22:04
RainCTdebian/rules:13: *** missing separator.  Stop.    what does that mean?22:13
NCommanderRainCT, means you got spaces instead of tabs usually22:14
RainCTNCommander: no, I've tabs (but tried with 4 and with 1 spaces, too)22:14
RainCTok, yea it were spaces, now it works22:16
RainCTbut it should have had tabs on the first try.. strange22:17
RainCTNCommander: thanks22:17
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=== sistpoty changed the topic of #ubuntu-motu to: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU | Want to get involved with the MOTUs? https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU/Contributing | Intrepid open, go wild! https://merges.ubuntu.com/universe.html | QA targets available from http://qa.ubuntuwire.com | TODAY - Another day!! Keep working. | next MOTU meeting: fr, august 8th, 4:00UTC
nellerywarp10, ping23:10
warp10nellery: pong23:11
nellerywarp10, hi, you commented on the reports I submitted patches for23:12
nelleryand told me to report them to Debian23:12
nellerydo I keep the maintainer as ubuntu-motu?23:12
warp10nellery: please, no: that's an ubuntu-specific change23:12
Laneynellery: You generally just submit parts of your ubuntu debdiff.23:13
warp10nellery: they just need the patch itself, without changelog modifcations too23:13
nellerywarp10, I see23:13
LaneyThere's a submittodebian tool in (I believe) ubuntu-dev-tools which helps when reporting changes to Debian.23:13
nelleryWill you able able to review it to make sure it's all good?23:14
warp10nellery: remember to regularly check the bug status on debian: if they are not fixed in a reasonable time, feel free to resubscribe u-u-s. :)23:15
nellerywarp10, alright... I submit this to launchpad.net/debian?23:15
warp10nellery: no: bugs.debian.org23:16
nellerywarp10, ah, ok23:16
warp10nellery: Debian BTS is very different from launchpad and uses emails to manage bugs.23:17
warp10nellery:  you may want to check https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Bugs/ReportingToDebian and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Bugs/Debian/Usertagging too23:17
directhexwhich isn't neccessarily evil, it's just different23:17
directhexcontrol@bugs is a nice interface if you're used to dealling with a lot of mail23:18
nelleryso once I've made the changes to the debian/control file23:18
nelleryhow do I make the patch?23:18
warp10nellery: diff -ur file.old file.new > patch23:20
directhexyay for diff23:21
nellerywarp10, what should file.old/new be replaced with?23:21
nellerythe directory?23:22
warp10nellery: the directory, or just the control file, depending on what you need to diff. In this case, comparing debian/control should be enough23:23
warp10nellery: sorry, I have to go. If you have more question, please ask, someone will help you. :)23:25
nellerywarp10, alright, thanks very much for your help!23:26
warp10nellery: my pleasure, and thank you for your contribution!23:26
warp10'night all!23:26
nelleryLaney, here's the patch23:37
nhandlerI am trying to add a cdbs patch system to the skstream package. I added the required include lines to debian/rules. But now, when I go to build the package, I get this error "cp: cannot stat `./usr/include/skstream-0.3/skstream/sasproto.h': No such file or directory         dh_install: command returned error code 256" Does anyone know how to fix this?23:37
Laneynellery: I think you might need to make it from one directory up23:39
Laney(so that the file name in the patch is debian/control instead of just control)23:39
nelleryLaney, I see23:39
Laneybut other than that, looks good23:40
nellerydo I need to create a second control file to compare it with?23:40
LaneyJust do what you did to make the first patch23:41
Laney(of course, the submittodebian script would do this for you ;)23:41
Laneynhandler: That package doesn't seem to use cdbs. I'm not sure you can use simple-patchsys in this case23:41
nhandlerLaney: The package currently has no patch system. I am attempting to add one23:42
Laneynhandler: Yes, but I think that simple-patchsys requires the package to use cdbs in the first place, which this one doesn't23:42
LaneySo I'd try another one (my preference is quilt)23:43
nhandlerWhen I asked about adding a patch system earlier, jpds said I could just add the include lines to debian/rules, and I would be fine23:44
nhandlerLaney: I have no preference about what patch system I use. I just need some docs about _how_ to add it23:44
Laneynhandler: http://pkg-perl.alioth.debian.org/howto/quilt.html#3__integrating_within_package_build_process23:45
LaneyThis is a good page on quilt23:45
LaneyMake sure to build-dep on quilt23:45
nhandlerI still wish I knew why the other patch system wouldn't work23:47
LaneyI already told you23:48
Laneyand so did jpds earlier23:48
Laney25/07 20:19:09 <jpds> nhandler: If you are using CDBS, I suggest using simple-patchsys.mk23:49
* nhandler is tired23:49
* jpds hugs nhandler and Laney.23:51
jpdsnhandler: Got it to work?23:52
* RainCT wonders if there's a "how to request package removal" document on the wiki23:52
nhandlerjpds: Not yet. I'm going to try quilt23:53
jpdsRainCT: File a bug on LP and subscribe the ubuntu-archive team, giving a reason why the package should be removed.23:53
RainCTjpds: I know :)23:53
RainCTah yes, it's on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment/PackageArchive23:54
jpdsnhandler: What was the problem with simple-patchsys?23:54
RainCTI was just wondering because I reminded of the guy who got angry on the mailing list because his app was synced from Debian :P23:55
jpdsnhandler: Can you pastebin your debian/rules file?23:56
LaneyI'm a bit concerned that his first thought was to use licensing to stop us from using it23:56
nhandlerjpds: Give me one second. I want to try one thing first23:57
nhandlerIt worked! I had to remove this line "include /usr/share/cdbs/1/rules/debhelper.mk"23:58
jpdsDoes the binary still build?23:59
nhandlerYes. The binary builds.23:59

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