
Jazzvaoff I go. See you in the morning.00:25
NowaldHi / Hola02:21
gnomefreakasac: are you around or anyone else with python experience?02:32
Volansgnomefreak: I'm here, how much python experience?02:33
gnomefreakVolans: mot too much. i was re reading my python book and it says orange is < 2how is that?02:34
gnomefreakorange < 202:34
gnomefreakits in first chapter in book02:35
Volanswhat book?02:35
Volansand what is the argument of the chapter or the example?02:35
gnomefreaklearn python in 24 hour IIRC02:35
gnomefreakVolans: they were explaining < > <= >= != cant think of names02:36
gnomefreakand they gave examples and they said to compare 2 of the same item than thay said orange < 202:36
gnomefreakim thinking because its alpha < numbers is all i can think of02:37
VolansStrings are compared lexicographically using the numeric equivalents (the result of the built-in function ord()) of their characters.  Unicode and 8-bit strings are fully interoperable in this behavior.02:39
Volanscit. http://docs.python.org/ref/comparisons.html02:40
Volansyou can found useful also the definition of the Dive into python book: http://diveintopython.org/getting_to_know_python/declaring_functions.html#d0e418802:42
gnomefreaki have that book and love it02:48
gnomefreakyeah i bought a book that i have for free in Ubuntu02:48
gnomefreakbut i enjoy reading in bed or chair when waiting somewhere02:49
gnomefreaki have a sleep study on wed. night and i should bring laptop with me ;)02:49
VolansI suggest for reading programming language book to have always a pc to make examples... they are fundamental for me02:50
gnomefreaki have alot to learn with python still but i can write simple programs (im better in bash programming)02:51
gnomefreakVolans: true02:51
Volansmoreover in the past I have learned programming languages always to make some program or to try some idea... the latest one I have learned is python, only a few weeks ago02:51
gnomefreakbut im bringing the python book that im reading it is called python programming for absolute beginners02:52
Volansbut bow I have a little project with about 2-3 thousands of code lines :)02:52
gnomefreakafter 2-3 weeks02:52
gnomefreakthats good02:52
Volansnot so much... the bigger part are inclusion of some text and similar things02:53
Volansand a friend of mine that look at the code tell me that the style can be better...02:53
Volansand seems that for python geeks the style is very important02:53
gnomefreaklast time i tried python there was a banner that i was trying to make and didnt relize i had to have the picture (yes sounds stupid now but than i figured a function or something would have it02:54
Volansmy program is related to firefox extension... if you want to look at just tell me02:54
gnomefreakVolans: that would be nice if you have it handy (doesnt have to be tonight) i have some work to do with firefox bookmarks and friends02:55
gnomefreakoh and filters for thunderbird02:56
gnomefreakmaybe not tonight02:56
gnomefreakoh need to check if tbird 3 worked out02:56
Volansok, if you want, when you want, no problem :) lots of work for this night02:57
gnomefreakfta: i dont mind taking tbird 3 off your hands if you still dont feel like doing it02:57
gnomefreakVolans: you can email it to me and i can look at it in morning02:57
Volansif you want, ok02:57
gnomefreakthis is odd i uploaded xulrunner 2 weeks ago and it still hasnt sttareted building03:00
gnomefreakshit i have to go for about an hour. do you have my email?03:00
Volanssent now03:01
gnomefreakVolans: thanks i will be checking email after burn notice ;) i love that show03:02
Volansthe name is Easy Menu03:02
gnomefreakVolans: thanks03:02
Volansdon't mention it03:02
gnomefreakbe back in ~1hour03:02
Volansnow I go to sleep....03:02
Volanshere is very late03:02
Volansin the night03:02
gnomefreakhave a good night03:02
Volansthanks, and good evening/night03:03
gnomefreakasac: tbird has buffer overload issue in intrepid03:08
gnomefreakasac what did you change from tbird and the official package?03:42
gnomefreakyou can get it from https://launchpad.net/~asac/+archive03:44
gnomefreakor add the repo to your sources.list but i wouldnt if you are testing intrepid because it makes it harder to get support03:45
ubottupinning is an advanced feature that APT can use to prefer particular packages over others. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PinningHowto03:46
gnomefreaksee that link for help with pinning03:46
gnomefreaki will talk to alexander tomorrow while we are working. atleast i got tbird 3 to build ;)03:47
* gnomefreak wonders if xul built03:49
gnomefreakdamn it didnt03:52
gnomefreaki need to find out what package xulrunner-1.9 needs to build it03:55
gnomefreakit seems to be another app causing the buffer overflow with thunderbird since they both works fine this afternoon but now neither the ~qa nor the official package works04:27
gnomefreaktesting hardy atm04:27
gnomefreakasac_: big problem with tbird update if you are here or you auto rejoined do to connection or something04:31
gnomefreaki cant pin what is causing it but even ~qa fails  with buffer overflow where as it was working fine this morning while i was building tbird 304:39
gnomefreakasac_: please ping me in morning when you get here or when i get here04:39
=== asac_ is now known as asac
gnomefreaktesting upstream but i doubt it will fail with buffer error05:29
gnomefreakeh i need to get some sleep its already 00:3005:30
ubottupinning is an advanced feature that APT can use to prefer particular packages over others. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PinningHowto05:30
=== jetsaredim is now known as _jetsaredim
asacgnomefreak: i have no new bug against tbird09:08
asacnot even new bug mail ;)09:14
asacgnomefreak: is your problem gone?09:14
XioNoXhi all09:15
gnomefreakasac: yes you do its 25160209:33
gnomefreakbug 25160209:33
gnomefreakhi XioNoX09:33
gnomefreakasac: i found its not gvfs that caused it09:33
XioNoXhi gnomefreak09:33
gnomefreakit was in last 2 batches of updates09:34
ubottuLaunchpad bug 251602 in thunderbird "[intrepid] mozilla thunderbird buffer owerflow" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/25160209:34
gnomefreaktesting this mornings updates09:35
gnomefreakthan back to downgrade $package until i find the one09:36
gnomefreaki guess someone thought same thing i did09:36
gnomefreakgvfs updates09:36
gnomefreakoh nope that was gvfs that i had downgraded :(09:37
asacgnomefreak: ok got it09:42
asacstrange that its not in my tbird bug mail09:42
gnomefreaklet me know if you figure out what package caused it09:42
gnomefreaki working on topic to #ubuntu+1 than i am back to going through logs to see what updates there were and what ones could have caused it. works they say09:43
gnomefreaki havent tried it09:43
asacgnomefreak: its just a respin that caused this09:43
gnomefreakasac: on what?09:43
gnomefreaki dont remember any depends for tbird being updated yesterday after tbird was updated09:44
asacgnomefreak: its the first spin in intrepid of tbird09:44
asacgcc changed09:44
gnomefreakah ok i missed that one09:45
asacgnomefreak: fixed09:46
asac(i hope ;))09:46
gnomefreaki was just gonna do it for PPA to find out ;) but ill let yours come through. binaries will take me 2+ hours to build09:47
gnomefreakuploaded for archive admins to push09:49
gnomefreaki want coffee :(09:51
gnomefreakwell i have some time. Im gonna get some house work done for now. I have it spinning locally so what ever one hits first ill grab09:58
asacgnomefreak: no i uploaded to intrepid. no need for archive admins10:28
asacits a intrepid only issue10:28
gnomefreakoh i thought they had to push it after you upload it10:28
gnomefreakoh i thougt you push they test and push10:28
asacintrepid is open10:28
asaccurrently building10:28
gnomefreakwhat is key combo to change desktops?10:52
gnomefreakvirtual desktops10:52
asacctrl+alt + arrow-keys10:53
asacjtv: i think we have a call in a few minutes, right?10:56
jtvasac: indeed we do!10:56
asacjtv: ok, let me ping the rest of the mob ;)10:56
asacjtv: do we have any agenda yet?10:57
gnomefreakasac: we only have 2 virtual desktops mow? can it be changed to 4 locally?10:58
jtvasac: not really, but I have a few points and I'm sure others do as well.10:58
asacyes right click on it10:58
asacjtv: good10:59
asacjtv: its cjwatsons line10:59
asaci will be there in a few minutes10:59
asacjtv: are you in?11:01
jtvasac: am now :)11:02
XioNoXasac, can you repeat what do you want that I do exactly ? please11:06
asacon a call right now11:12
gnomefreakasac: damn everyone is11:14
* gnomefreak doesnt get phone calls that are fun anymore11:15
asacjtv: problems?11:21
armin76asac: bumbs11:22
gnomefreakasac: can you push to bzr branches?11:22
* gnomefreak cant :(11:22
gnomefreakhere is what i get http://pastebin.mozilla.org/49973511:22
gnomefreaksorry here is all of it http://pastebin.mozilla.org/49973711:24
XioNoXasac, globally i have to merge the PluginInstallerDatasource.js into hte exensions.js11:31
XioNoXright ?11:31
armin76asac: on hppa/gentoo it segfaults as well11:57
armin76not during build, though11:57
asacXioNoX: yes and no. did you manage to display the results now?12:18
gnomefreakshoot me please12:24
* gnomefreak not even gonna bring up bzr isnt being scanned12:25
gnomefreakits not even 8am yet im going to try to get rid of headache now12:25
* asac lunch12:31
XioNoXasac, ping13:00
asacXioNoX: yup13:06
XioNoXwe spend the full day with gandalf to arrived at hte conclusion thait it is not possible with XUL templates only13:07
XioNoXwe have to use JS13:07
XioNoXeven if we succeded, included that to the extention.js,  to have a nice looking richlistbox is not really easy13:09
XioNoXso, i'm a little bit stuck right now...13:12
XioNoXasac ?13:15
asaccan you get gandalf in?13:16
XioNoXhe is out to lunch13:19
asacthe bad things about JS is that its hardy maintainable13:19
asacso we have to find something in between imo13:20
Jazzvaasac, did you saw the link for the .desktop automake process, or did you miss it? :)13:22
asacXioNoX: which was the latest .rdf file you used?13:23
XioNoXthe one i get from header extension13:24
asacXioNoX: yes. i meant which .rdf did you try in the end?13:24
asacthat was something different iirc13:24
asacwas it http://xionox.info/testmoz/template-guide-ex2.rdf ?13:24
asacXioNoX: thats the last that worked13:25
XioNoXbut the lastest is only on gandalf macbook13:25
asacXioNoX: i want the one you decided on that its impossible to do ;)=13:25
XioNoXthe impossible thing to do is about the update section13:26
asacgive me the file ;)13:26
asacthat one has still parser issues13:27
XioNoXI know13:27
XioNoXit is not the good one13:27
XioNoXI can give you the good one as soon as gandlf come back13:27
XioNoXthe the test2.rdf is the most working that I have13:28
asacyes, thats a trivial rdf13:28
XioNoXgandalf is back13:28
XioNoXhe will join us in 2s13:29
zbranieckibon jour13:35
asaczbraniecki: hi13:36
zbranieckiasac: hi man13:36
zbranieckiwant me to explain that shit about RDF/template?13:36
asaczbraniecki: wanna know whats the problem here ;)13:37
zbranieckiyea, ok13:37
zbranieckiwhat you have in this RDF is a double reference13:38
zbranieckiplugins={'updates1', 'updates2'}13:38
zbranieckiupdates1={'last update'}13:38
zbranieckiupdates2={'last update2'}13:38
zbranieckilast_update={name, id, yada, yada}13:39
zbranieckilast_update2={name, id, yada, yada}13:39
zbranieckithat's more or less13:39
zbranieckiso you have to build a query13:39
zbranieckithat launches action for each and every element in plugins list13:39
zbranieckibut then, takes last element from this item13:39
zbranieckiand get the list which is an element of this latter list13:40
zbranieckiand it's a comnbination of recursive query in RDF template13:40
zbranieckithat I think is simply impossible13:40
zbranieckibecause what I would need13:40
zbranieckiis ability to launch another rule from inside of <action>13:40
zbranieckipassing an ID of element to it13:40
zbranieckiwhich I can't do13:40
zbranieckimaybe it's just lack of experience with RDF, but I spent the last day decrypting it13:41
zbranieckiand came to the conclusion that you can't do this without serious hacks13:41
zbranieckior maybe at all13:41
asaczbraniecki: right. but keep it simple. lets look at: http://xionox.info/testmoz/ori.rdf13:41
asacwhich is still syntactically broken btw ;)13:41
zbranieckiyea, saw that13:41
zbranieckiso single query can launch action on each plugins>li element13:42
asacwe can just filter out the updates/plugins thing in the datasource imo13:42
zbranieckibut if you add getting updates>li to this query13:42
asacso there are no multiple results13:42
zbranieckithen it limits the result to the first li from plugins13:42
asacfor the same plugin13:42
asacwould that help?13:42
zbranieckiI'm not sure if I follow13:42
zbranieckihow do you want to do this?13:43
zbranieckiso, basically, the advantage of doing it in JS, is that you can get a list of results and fire another function with an ID of a result as an argument13:44
zbranieckiso you can get all plugins13:44
zbranieckithen launch another function passing pluginID13:44
zbranieckiget updates13:44
zbranieckiand launch another function passing updateID13:44
zbranieckiyou can't do this in template queries as far as my knowledge goes13:44
asachmm. lets go down the tree from the top13:45
asacon top level we have urn:mozilla:plugin-results:application/x-shockwave-flash13:45
asacthen there we have pfs:plugins -> Seq -> li13:46
asacand from li we could get the individual attributes13:46
asacso as long as we ignore updates we dont have a problem right?13:46
asaccan we get that list to render? if so, I dont think that its a big issue to deal with updates later13:49
zbranieckiasac: yes13:49
zbranieckibut we cannot ignore updates13:49
asaczbraniecki: true. but those are a different use case i guess.13:50
zbranieckiI'm not sure, but I think that they are part of the system. if we ignore them now, and then we'll find out they're important we'l have to rework the whole system because we can't add them to templates13:50
zbranieckianother reason is that only updates store the ID to the attributes13:50
zbranieckiI'm not sure how could you build an ID of attribute list from plugins->li itself13:51
asacdoes ref="*" work?13:52
asacXioNoX: that doesnt work locally for me13:58
asacfor whatever reason13:58
XioNoXit is the lastest working version13:59
asacyes. but if i wget the .rdf and the .xul it doesnt work here ;)13:59
XioNoXi get it from gandalf computer14:00
XioNoXwhy ?14:00
asaci dont know14:00
asaci have both files in the same directory14:00
asacXioNoX: does it work for you locally?14:01
asacso only on webserver?14:02
XioNoXwe have make tryout only with webserver14:03
asacok ... let me fix my webserver then14:05
XioNoXI can give you an ftp acces to mine if you want14:05
asacworks here14:10
Jazzvaoh come on... again bug that firefox is not showing "add exception" in serbian language...14:11
asacXioNoX: http://people.ubuntu.com/~asac/pfs_xionox/test3.xul14:12
Jazzvathe translator for serbian said it was a glitch in his translating program... and now it happened again14:12
asacthats what works here14:12
asaczbraniecki: so whats the problem i dont see atm?14:12
asacwe can have two rules: 1st: with updates and 2nd. if there is no update14:12
asacJazzva: tell him to use launchpad :)14:14
Jazzvahehe :)14:14
zbranieckiasac: yes14:15
asaczbraniecki: so am i right if there is no update then there is no pfs:updates element?14:16
XioNoXanother point is that we can't put something else than a url in : <vbox datasources="test3.rdf"    ref="http://www.xulplanet.com/rdf/myphotos">14:18
zbranieckiasac: dunna14:18
XioNoXthe same for the .rdf14:18
zbranieckiasac: I don't know how the RDF is created14:18
zbranieckiand what it means14:18
XioNoXit think that the rdf is generated by the python script, and he return all the plugin available for 1 mimetype that we send14:25
=== _jetsaredim is now known as jetsaredim
asacXioNoX: yes. i actually wrote the backend. but i didnt really consider the updates use case when doing that14:29
asacXioNoX: ok here is what we need i presume ;)14:33
zbranieckiasac: what's the reason for which you're against switching to JS right now?14:35
XioNoX<asac> the bad things about JS is that its hardy maintainable14:36
asaczbraniecki: because its a mess14:36
asacconstructing xul in JS is a problem14:36
asacXioNoX: ok i found the way14:37
zbranieckiasac: so why can't you use JS to get RDF to JS datasource and tie it to template?14:37
asaczbraniecki: you want to write a "bridge" datasource?14:38
asacin JS?14:38
asaci think as long as we can directly process the datasource we get from net we should go for it.14:38
asaci dont see that its undoable. if it really is I'd be all for building a bridge14:38
zbranieckicreate a JS datastructure out of RDF14:38
asacXioNoX: the problem with the "we can only use URLs" is in  fact "we can only use valid xml namespaces"14:39
asacso we had to define one14:39
asacthat works now14:39
XioNoXi've see14:40
asaczbraniecki: how do we query the js datastructure? if its really clean we can consider to do that right now14:40
asaci thought you want to implement our own RDFDatasource in JS which would map the results in the same format.14:40
zbranieckiyou mean RDF->JS or JS->template?14:43
asaczbraniecki: JS to template (unless JS is a RDFDatasource implementation :))14:44
asaczbraniecki: thats XML not JS ;)14:49
zbranieckiyea, but you can easily create XML from JS14:53
asacwell. you can also transfor RDF to easy-rdf then.14:55
asacbut ok i see what you mean14:55
XioNoXso, what is the best way to get flash/plugins informations ?15:02
XioNoXwe can't jsut use the exactly same system as extentions ?15:03
asacXioNoX: I still would say that you just use rdf template and point it to the proper datasource URI15:05
asacXioNoX: we have sorted out almost all issues from what i can tell15:05
asacso you basically just display the name, title and such information in a richlistboxitem15:05
XioNoXbut how will i included the rdf template into the extensions manager ?15:06
asacand for the action you use an alert for now15:06
asacXioNoX: you have the missingPlugins datastructure now, right?15:06
XioNoXbecause everything that is around is JS15:06
XioNoXand already well integrated15:06
asacXioNoX: i dont understand what you mean by "everything is JS"15:06
asaci didnt expect you to write C++ code ;)15:07
XioNoXmaybe it would be easier :D15:07
asacXioNoX: btw, if you look at the extensions.js most Javascript deals with contructing templates manually15:09
asaci dont think that thats easier15:09
asacwe could do that if we need to15:10
XioNoXin just don"t see how I can integrate this XUL template in the .js file15:10
asacbut as long as we can prevent doing that we should keep our javascript code portion as small as possible15:10
XioNoXor in the xul15:10
asacXioNoX: what do you have now?15:10
asaci think you added code that opens the plugins view15:10
asacthat code currently shows the currente extensions pane15:11
asacwe now want our own pane that just renders the xul template15:11
asacthats easy ... isnt it?15:11
XioNoXand yep15:11
asaci mean you can develop your .xul template outside of all of this15:11
XioNoXsayd like that yes15:11
asacXioNoX: look at where the current code inserts all the difficult stuff for the extensions15:12
asacand replace that with a simple function that inserts our xul template there15:12
XioNoXis start at function showView(aView)15:12
XioNoXso i'll have to remove all the inside of : case "get-plugins":15:14
XioNoXand just put something ton include my XUL ?15:14
asacXioNoX: id suggest that you do your own "createRule" function15:14
asacand use that in updateView instead of the current one15:14
XioNoXthe bigger one15:15
XioNoXi don't get it15:15
asacXioNoX: whats the problem?15:15
XioNoXcreate rule create a part or the XUL template15:15
XioNoXalone it is useless15:15
armin76asac: so the sparc sigbus looks like its a regression, as i'm not able to have it on 1.915:16
asacXioNoX: http://paste.ubuntu.com/30296/15:16
asacXioNoX: updateView creates the comoplete template from that snippet15:16
asacso its not useless ;)15:16
asacyou can write your own "updateViewSpecial" :)15:17
asacif that helps15:17
XioNoX<asac> XioNoX: id suggest that you do your own "createRule" function15:17
XioNoXi was talking about that15:17
asaci just want to give you ideas ;)15:18
asacif i tell you exactly what to do i can do it on my own :)15:18
XioNoXbut now i don't realy understand how i could do it15:19
XioNoXbecause if i create my own updateView, i'll have to use javascript to display the RDF715:19
XioNoX(the RDF)15:20
asacXioNoX: why?15:20
XioNoXupdateView is in JS15:20
asacXioNoX: yeah15:20
asacof course you have to do something in RDF15:20
asacerr in JS15:20
XioNoXi know15:20
XioNoXbut you sayd that JS->template was too complicate ?15:21
XioNoXno ?15:21
asaci think you mixed something up ;)15:22
asacyou dont need to parse the RDF result15:22
asacin JS15:22
asacyou just havge to take care that the proper template gets used when we select the plugins thing15:22
asacwhen i say: RDF -> JS -> template is too complicated i refer to manually parsing RDF in javascript ... then transforming that to something easier to understand15:23
asacXioNoX: only thing you have to do is to update the datasoure= attribute of the richlistbox15:23
asacto point to the URL where the rdf data comes from15:24
asacand take care that the right template is setup in xul at that time15:24
asacthen you run rebuild() once in javascript and the view will be updated15:24
asacXioNoX: so my idea of updateViewSpecial is like:15:25
asac1. remove all children of gExtensionsVi15:25
asac2. add our template there15:25
asac3. set "datasources" attribute to the URL we have for the missingplugin15:25
asacmakes sense?15:26
asaci think its not perfect yet and probably causes followup issues for which we probably need to add a second richlistbox15:27
XioNoXso you don't really know if it will work ?15:27
asacit will. but it will cause issues when you try to switch back to the other panes15:27
asacbut we can resolve that later15:28
asacXioNoX: but its you to decide. the other option is simply:15:28
asacuse javascript to parse the current RDF and build a flatter XML thing out of it15:28
XioNoXwhich one is the easier ?15:29
asaci think both are equal15:30
XioNoXi haven't find a lot of doc about JS parsing :s15:30
asaci think the parse RDF in javascript is harder, but has the benefit that it would better integrate with the current extensions.*15:30
asacXioNoX: there is no doc except the XPCOM API15:30
XioNoXso i'll have to write xpcom ?15:30
asacyou have to use it, yes. you dont need to write a XPCOM component for now though.15:31
XioNoXso i'll try the better way15:32
asacfta: so is a2 usable in your opinion?15:32
asacXioNoX: hehe ... better is hard to measure here ;)15:33
XioNoXthe 2nd way15:33
XioNoXbut i'll need a little bit of help15:33
XioNoXat each step i have to learn a full new thing15:33
asacXioNoX: right. thats why i suggested step 115:34
asacerr 1st way15:34
asacit doesnt involve much more than you already know15:34
XioNoXso ok for step 115:34
XioNoXso, to recap15:35
XioNoXto summarize15:35
XioNoXin the function showView(aView)15:36
XioNoXI write only  types = [ [ ["get-plugin", "true", null] ] ];15:38
XioNoXthen the same fuction it call : AddonsViewBuilder.updateView(types, displays, bindingList, null);15:39
XioNoXso I have to modifiy the updateView() to detect the get-plugin tab and redirect to the updateViewSpecial15:39
XioNoXor I should go directly from the  showView(aView) to the  updateViewSpecial ?15:40
asacXioNoX: the latter i think15:40
asacyou wont need bindingList for our approach either ... so do your own function ;)15:41
XioNoXso first I create : updateViewPluginWizard(), to display the content of the RDF into the existing XML richlistbox15:42
XioNoXand then I find a way to show it ?15:42
asacXioNoX: lets do it this way: you add a second richlistbox which is initially hidden=true15:42
asac(you do that in extensions.xul)15:42
NukeadorAre the l10n-packs broken by the 3.0.1 update?15:43
asacthen use that richlistbox to display your RDF15:43
asacNukeador: shouldnt be15:43
asacNukeador: did you do a full upgrade?15:43
Nukeadores-ES and es-AR packages seem to be not compatible with Firefox 3.0.115:43
Nukeadorand in fact the are compatible15:43
asacNukeador: which version of language-pack-es ?15:44
Nukeadorlet me see15:44
asacNukeador: do a dpkg -L language-pack-es | grep install.rdf15:45
asacwhat files does that give you?15:45
Nukeadorno files15:46
Nukeador /usr/lib/firefox-addons/extensions/langpack-es-ES@firefox-3.0.ubuntu.com/install.rdf /usr/lib/firefox-addons/extensions/langpack-es-AR@firefox-3.0.ubuntu.com/install.rdf /usr/lib/xulrunner-addons/extensions/langpack-es-ES@xulrunner-1.9.ubuntu.com/install.rdf /usr/lib/xulrunner-addons/extensions/langpack-es-AR@xulrunner-1.9.ubuntu.com/install.rdf15:46
asacok ... look in all of them15:46
asacwhats there for maxVersion ?15:46
Nukeadorshoudl be wrong, let me see15:47
asacis what we want15:47
Nukeadornuke@nuke-laptop:~$ cat /usr/lib/firefox-addons/extensions/langpack-es-ES@firefox-3.0.ubuntu.com/install.rdf | grep maxVersion15:47
Nukeador        <em:maxVersion>3.0.*</em:maxVersion>15:47
asacthats ok15:47
NukeadorBut Firefox complains about the maxVersion in both of them15:48
asacwhat version do you have in addons -> languages ?15:48
asaccan you "uninstall" them?15:48
asacor just disable?15:48
asacever used firefox-2 ?15:48
Nukeadorlet me see in a clean profile15:49
asacshould work there15:49
asacquestion is why it wasnt updated for you15:49
asacplease backup your .mozilla directory by tarring it up (so no timestamps get changed and so on)15:49
asacthen remove the extensions.* files from your profile15:49
asacnew start should cure you15:49
NukeadorIt's ok in a new profile15:50
Nukeadorlet me see something15:50
asacNukeador: please tar up .mozilla like i said15:50
asacpeople just dont listen15:50
ftaasac, no idea about tb3 a2, as i said earlier, i'm not really using tb15:51
asacfair enough ;)15:51
ftai remember there was something broken in my early tb3 a1 builds regarding extensions, but only gnomefreak complained15:52
asaci would consider that gnomefreak-noise then ;)15:52
ftaand i'm busy with my work those days15:52
Nukeadordeleting extension.cache solve the problem15:53
Nukeadorbut it's strange15:53
asacyeah. did you tar your .mozilla profile up?15:53
Nukeadoryep, but I had only to delete extension.cache file to solve the problem15:54
asacNukeador: yes i know.15:54
asacthats why i said remove extensions.*15:54
NukeadorMaybe it's a problem updating Firefox with Firefox running?15:54
asacusually you end up in that situation if you ran firefox-2 once15:54
asacor upstream build15:55
asacNukeador: could be. most likely its just that the extensions.cache didnt know about the right location anymore or something15:55
asacwhich can be caused by switchign back to firefox-2 ... or using upstream builds i guess15:55
asacbut i still have to find the issue for that15:55
asaci tried plenty of times to upgrade langpacks while running and firefox while running15:56
asacno luck to reproduce15:56
asacif you find a way to reproduce let me know15:56
asacNukeador: good sign is that you were the first to complain about that. so probably its just you15:57
NukeadorI hope so15:57
* asac too15:57
asacNukeador: can you try if you get back to this state if you unpack the tarball again?15:58
asacif so, please also try to touch .autoreg in /usr/lib/firefox-3.0 and /usr/lib/xulrunner-1.915:58
asacand see if that helps15:58
Nukeadorlet me see15:58
asacif that doesnt let me know15:58
asacfta: do you see anything obvious here: http://paste.ubuntu.com/30311/16:14
asacget-orig-source failing16:14
asacmaybe this guy has a bad patches/ link in the top level dir?16:15
asacas bz386904_config_rules_install_dist_files.patch16:15
asacis probably something from our debian/patches directory16:15
ftawhich quilt is that ?16:16
asacfta: hardy16:18
ftaif quilt no longer cares about $(CURDIR)/patches, m-d must be patched16:18
ftahm, hardy should work16:18
asacfta: quilte still cares for $PWD_OR_ANCESTOR/patches here in intrepid. i think its just cdbs that doesnt create that link aynmore?16:19
ftamaybe it's ~/.quiltrc16:19
asacmaybe. or even QUILT_PATCHES. but i doubt that16:19
asacill ask him when it doesnt succeed for him the other time16:19
ftaask him : cat ~/.quiltrc ; env | grep QUILT16:21
asacwill do16:21
ftawell, obviously, just env as i used quilt --quiltrc /dev/null16:21
asacmaybe we should use: QUILT_PATCHES= quilt --quiltrc /dev/null16:22
ftaI should have used QUILT_PATCHES=$(CURDIR)/patches quilt --quiltrc /dev/null instead16:22
asacor even set QUILT_PATCHES to /usr/share/mozilla-devscripts/...16:22
ftathe builders should never have that issue anyway16:23
asaci think we should just spit out warnings if either QUILT_PATCHES is set or we cannot create the patches/ link (because a patches/ link exists)16:24
ftait's inside a temp dir, so it should never happen16:25
asacfta: ok the problem was custom QUILT_PATCHES17:06
ftacool. i'll patch m-d next time i touch it17:06
armin76asac: looks like you aren't applying the hppa patch18:31
asacarmin76: where?18:32
asacand from where ;)18:32
armin76on hardy, it seems18:32
armin76because it fails on the same spot it did18:32
asacarmin76: i have no idea which patch you are referring to18:32
asacgive it to me and i can at least push it to intrepid branch ;)18:33
armin76asac: on intrepid it builds18:33
asacok. so included it already?18:34
armin76on intrepid its included, on hardy you forgot to add it18:35
asacarmin76: ok. what about sparc?18:36
asacyou ahve a fix for that two?18:36
asacif so i would do a SRU i guess to fix all builds ;)18:36
armin76nope i don't18:37
armin76thing is that it sigbuses on but not on 1.918:37
armin76so they've changed something18:38
armin76affects me as well, but during runtime instead of compiling18:38
* armin76 blames [reed] 18:38
armin76asac: but thats rather weird, because hardy built but intrepid didn't18:39
armin76sorry, the other way18:39
armin76hardy failed and intrepid built, on sparc18:39
armin76so...that could mean that something in hardy/gentoo stable doesn't like it, or you added a patch that fixes it on intrepid18:44
armin76need to check gentoo unstable18:44
armin76its been a lot of time since i don't check alpha...18:48
asacdarn. now that i want something from cwong he just quit19:34
gnomefre1kthats why19:34
gnomefre1kanyway asac no tbird update here19:35
armin76!info thunderbird intrepid19:36
ubottuthunderbird (source: thunderbird): mail/news client with RSS and integrated spam filter support. In component main, is optional. Version (intrepid), package size 10792 kB, installed size 32376 kB19:37
gnomefre1kasac: thunderbird isnt fixed not sure wher eyour update is but not here yet. is the latest.19:37
gnomefre1kno need to check that as its the same but it looks like i was offline during last check but as you see same version19:38
gnomefre1khmmmm thats odd19:38
asacgnomefre1k: apt-get update19:38
gnomefre1ki have tbird update19:38
gnomefre1kasac: its because i was offline19:39
gnomefre1kfor some damn reason19:39
gnomefre1kshouldnt they be different versions?19:39
asacthats the latest19:40
gnomefre1kbot and i have same version ;) but 2 seems to be downloading19:40
asacthat will cure you19:40
gnomefre1kgood :) hope i can check tomorrow :(19:40
gnomefre1kasac: fta btw im assuming you didnt get my post before but tb3a1 didnt install extensions at all. fta had said it was the difference between shared and static builds but i havent tested my latest yet maybe this weekend19:42
asacnot sure19:42
gnomefre1ki will test this weekend and see if it works if not ill try to get atlesat cli output19:43
=== gnomefre1k is now known as gnomefreak
jseluihello, i have a problem with java and firefox, in the moment that i load a applet this not is loaded , i dont know what make, thanks,21:08
asacjselui: which java package do you have installed? are you running amd64?21:10
jseluii have installed  the java packages: sun-java6-bin, sun-java6-jre and sun-java6-plugin, i hava ubuntu 7.1  running in a intel p4 32 bits21:12
asacbetter upgrade to hardy ;)21:14
asacjselui: if java plugin is visible in about:plugins all should be fine21:14
jseluiyou understand better with a image,21:18
jseluithis have the following plugins  installed21:20
jseluiGCJ Web Browser Plugin 0.92   File name: libgcjwebplugin.so   The GCJ Web Browser Plugin executes Java applets21:20
jseluiJava(TM) Plug-in 1.6.0_03-b05   File name: libjavaplugin_oji.so    Java(TM) Plug-in 1.6.0_0321:22
saivannasac : Where should I post a bug for network-manager-applet 0.7.0 in current network-manager team PPA?21:25
asacsaivann: tell me ;)21:42
asacjselui: you then have two plugins installed21:42
asacremove the gcj thing21:42
saivannasac : It's impossible to save manual IPV4 settings of a wireless WPA2 connexion. When all values are correctly set, the "OK" button stays grey so you can't save the settings you've just configured.21:44
asacsaivann: most likely you are missing some flag ;)21:45
saivannasac : I'll show you a screenshot, I doubt that some parts are missing since all boxes contains data21:45
asacsaivann: for me it works ;)21:46
asacjust tested21:46
asacthe button gets enabled as soon as psk secret is long enough21:46
saivannasac : Well.. All boxes contains correct data, in all tabs..21:48
saivannasac : No boxes are empty21:48
saivannasac : I can configure a new wireless network with static IP settings without problems, it works flawlessly, but I can't configure a existing network that already uses DHCP21:51
asacsaivann: is that true only for those "auto" created?21:51
saivannasac : Let me look..21:52
asacso if you create a dhcp connnection manually ... can you then change it properly?21:52
saivannasac : No, If I set a WPA2 DHCP wireless network manually and then close the configuration utility, the networks connect successfully, but I can't edit the network anymore. When I click on the "edit" button, the "OK" stays grey, whatever I do21:55
asacsaivann: ok, but yu need a connect in between?21:56
saivannasac : Forget what I've just said, I can edit a manually created wireless network21:56
asacsaivann: i can do that for auto connections as well21:57
saivannasac : Weird, A few minutes ago, I was not able and the wireless key was correctly entered, all IPs settings too but the OK button didn't want to turn green. Actually, I try to remove the manually configured network but it always come back..21:59
saivannasac : I will try to reproduce the problem again, but I need first to reboot because I can't kill nm-applet :)22:00
saivannasac : Even after a reboot, I have "nm-applet <defunct>" in ps aux, does that means that nm-applet is not working properly?22:02
asacsaivann: strange22:02
asacsaivann: that means it has crashed22:03
asacthe apple is running though?22:03
saivannasac : Yes, and still not able to remove the wireless network from the list when I start it manually..22:03
saivannasac : Mmh, I'll try to give you more comprehensible informations about these problems later, because I finally seem to hit more than one bug :P22:06
* saivann away for the next hour22:10
saivannasac : I'm not able to reproduce the first bug. However, I had to remove my current ~/.gconf folder in order to get nm-applet to work again. Now nm-applet manages the wireless networks correctly, but it does not manage my wired network at all23:55
saivannasac : My wired network appears in the list of the wired networks of nm-applet and all values are correct, including the MAC address. My ethernet card works correctly with netbase if I configure /etc/network/interfaces, but I can't connect to wired network through nm-applet. Wired network does not even appears in the list of networks I can connect to23:57

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