hvgotcodes | i just installed xubuntu on an m1530. my wireless isn't working, can someone help me troubleshoot htis? | 00:09 |
thinkmassive | hvgotcodes, have you tried connecting through a shell? | 00:53 |
kooltk3 | hello | 01:37 |
soul_786 | Would i be better with Xubuntu or Ubuntu for an eee pc with a touch screen mod to be installed? | 02:41 |
thinkmassive | I would say xubuntu | 02:45 |
thinkmassive | but then again this is #xubuntu | 02:45 |
thinkmassive | I'm running it on my thinkpad X61 because I like xfce better than the alternatives | 02:45 |
thinkmassive | what kind of touch screen mod are you doing? | 02:46 |
thinkmassive | this tablet has finger touch capability but that's the one thing I haven't gotten working under linux :( | 02:46 |
soul_786 | AH ic well, Its more of a hard-mod you buy on ebay and wire it into a USB line by soldering on the insides. Then you download drivers and calibrate it and you're set. Just want to see if I can make the system faster with Xubuntu than Ubuntu. From what i've heard Ubuntu is more intensive. | 02:51 |
nubuntu | in the last few days i upgraded to hardy, and one thing that has happened is that my videos don't stream properly, like when viewing a youtube, it stops halfway through i guess to reload. anybody have any fix for this? | 03:43 |
zoredache | nubuntu: that sounds unusual. What did you upgrade from? Had you done anything unusual to get faslh working before? | 04:00 |
zoredache | My first guess would be to start by uninstalling flash, and reinstalling | 04:00 |
nubuntu | i think i had trouble with it when i had gutsy, then it was fixed with feisty, and now hardy giving me trouble .... | 04:01 |
nubuntu | hmmmm, whats the easiest way to uninstall/install? | 04:01 |
nubuntu | or, should i say, the BEST way | 04:02 |
zoredache | well how did you install it? If you installed with the package manager, then uninstall it that way.. If you did something more difficult like downloading from adobe's site then you are probably on your own for figuring that out | 04:03 |
nubuntu | ok, i look in synaptic | 04:04 |
akaaka | hello, i wonder why youtube its not woring with xubuntu? | 05:43 |
akaaka | i install adobe flash player, i install swfdec player for arobe macromedia flash and i install gnash swf player | 05:44 |
akaaka | and still i cant make it work:@ | 05:44 |
akaaka | :S | 05:44 |
bassboi | hey is there a limewire type thing for xubuntu? | 05:54 |
akaaka | does | 05:55 |
akaaka | open office does not work with | 05:55 |
akaaka | xfce? | 05:55 |
itai | hi - to install xfce on ubuntu i need to run aptitude install xfce4, correct? | 05:57 |
itai | .. | 05:59 |
akaaka | hi | 06:26 |
akaaka | i need to add a new resolution to xubuntu | 06:26 |
akaaka | anybody know how can i add a 800 x 480 resolution? | 06:26 |
TheSheep | akaaka: try typing 'sudo displayconfig-gtk' in the terminal | 06:27 |
akaaka | thx | 06:29 |
akaaka | the sheep | 06:29 |
akaaka | i will try | 06:29 |
akaaka | hmmm | 06:33 |
akaaka | well the native resolutoin of my screen its 800x480 | 06:33 |
akaaka | but when i test this resolution | 06:33 |
akaaka | i cant see anything | 06:33 |
akaaka | maybe its just a test problem? | 06:33 |
gaurdro | it may be the refresh rate. | 06:33 |
akaaka | maybe its just a test | 06:33 |
akaaka | yeah | 06:33 |
akaaka | i should accept it | 06:33 |
gaurdro | if you can try 60Hz | 06:34 |
akaaka | i should accept it | 06:34 |
akaaka | just to be sure | 06:34 |
akaaka | i only have the 58 option | 06:34 |
akaaka | not 60 | 06:34 |
akaaka | wow | 06:35 |
akaaka | flawless | 06:35 |
akaaka | thanks a lot | 06:35 |
akaaka | im impressed how xubuntu its working on my asus eee | 06:35 |
akaaka | a celeron cpu and 512 ddr ram | 06:36 |
akaaka | lol | 06:36 |
akaaka | at least i already fix my wifi and resolution | 06:36 |
akaaka | now i need to fix my sound and see why youtube is not working lol | 06:36 |
TheSheep | akaaka: make sure you have flashplugin-nonfree installed | 06:48 |
akaaka | its working now | 06:52 |
akaaka | thanks a lot | 06:52 |
akaaka | the sound its also working now | 06:52 |
akaaka | for some weird reason | 06:52 |
akaaka | it seems my xubuntu 8.04 on my eeepc its ready no | 06:52 |
akaaka | now | 06:52 |
akaaka | i didnt have to use the eeexubuntu which is old xubuntu version | 06:53 |
TheSheep | akaaka: that's the 9" version? | 06:57 |
TheSheep | akaaka: or the 7"? | 06:57 |
akaaka | 7 | 06:59 |
akaaka | i just discover that im still have resolution problems for example the settings manager, i cant see all the icons | 06:59 |
akaaka | almost all but not all | 06:59 |
akaaka | but overall its ok. for youtube i need to open the full to see it | 07:00 |
akaaka | i need to work more on it, but overall its good | 07:00 |
TheSheep | akaaka: the settings manager is like this, it's a bug | 07:00 |
akaaka | oh really? | 07:00 |
TheSheep | hopefully will be better in next version | 07:01 |
akaaka | hmmm | 07:01 |
akaaka | cool | 07:01 |
akaaka | good to know | 07:01 |
akaaka | oh cool | 07:02 |
akaaka | xubuntu use mousepad | 07:02 |
akaaka | not gedit | 07:02 |
akaaka | i didnt know | 07:02 |
bassboi | yayaya | 07:02 |
TheSheep | you can install getit or geany or any editor you like | 07:03 |
TheSheep | mousepad is kinda basic | 07:03 |
TheSheep | no syntax highlighting | 07:04 |
akaaka | YEAH | 07:04 |
akaaka | yeah | 07:04 |
akaaka | i like mousepad | 07:04 |
akaaka | how does fluxbux work on xfce? | 07:04 |
TheSheep | there is even fluxbuntu, I think | 07:06 |
TheSheep | or flubuntu? | 07:06 |
TheSheep | anyways, works fine | 07:06 |
akaaka | ok | 07:07 |
akaaka | but xfce by its own its fast | 07:07 |
akaaka | i dont think there would be to much difference between fluxbox and xfce | 07:07 |
akaaka | maybe fluxbox just a lil bit faster but well | 07:08 |
akaaka | i will give a try | 07:08 |
TheSheep | there is difference in ram usage | 07:08 |
akaaka | yeah fluxbox save a lot more | 07:08 |
akaaka | i guess | 07:08 |
akaaka | but xfce its running nice | 07:08 |
akaaka | at least better than gnome | 07:09 |
akaaka | on my eeepc | 07:09 |
TheSheep | don't fix what's not broken ;) | 07:09 |
akaaka | lol | 07:09 |
akaaka | oh yeah | 07:12 |
akaaka | external webcam its working | 07:12 |
akaaka | on amsn | 07:12 |
Name141 | Does Xubuntu have the option to install with windows (wubi?) | 07:22 |
Name141 | Like the other two ? | 07:22 |
Name141 | on the original disk | 07:22 |
akaaka | i dont know about wubi but virtualbox sun edition | 07:23 |
akaaka | works flawless | 07:23 |
Name141 | I have the xubuntu alternative install disk.. I don't see that option like on the shipped CDs. | 07:24 |
Name141 | Is why I asked, if it was worth downloading the orginal CD | 07:24 |
Name141 | original | 07:24 |
Name141 | or whatever | 07:24 |
bassboi | SHOW ME WHAT FOR | 08:13 |
bassboi | MAKE ME UNDERSTAND IT | 08:13 |
TheSheep | bassboi: are you feeling alright? | 08:22 |
bassboi | i hope | 08:52 |
TheSheep | bassboi: please don't do such silly things | 08:53 |
bassboi | HEY GUYZ | 11:29 |
wols | !caps | bassboi | 12:02 |
ubottu | bassboi: PLEASE DON'T SHOUT! We can read lowercase too. | 12:02 |
ihab | can I change the location xubuntu used in installation of new applictions | 12:49 |
TheSheep | ihab: you can mount a different partition under /usr, it's easier when done from the beginning, now you would have to move the current content to the new partition, which is a little tricky | 12:54 |
TheSheep | ihab: applications on linux don't live in a single directory like on windows | 12:54 |
jokoon | on xubuntu, each time I start a session, the foreground color of the clock is reset to black... whats wrong ? | 13:03 |
TheSheep | jokoon: maybe it failed to save for some reason... it hosuld be saved in ~/.config/xfce/panel/ somewhere | 13:06 |
TheSheep | jokoon: make sure all files in tehre are writable by you | 13:06 |
jokoon | r&w ok | 13:07 |
jokoon | fg=65535R 65535G 65535B | 13:08 |
jokoon | bg=0R 0G 0B | 13:08 |
jokoon | and some other thing | 13:11 |
jokoon | each time I boot | 13:11 |
jokoon | I have some other partition that doesn't automatically mount | 13:11 |
jokoon | until I start the partition editor | 13:12 |
TheSheep | you could add it to fstab | 13:13 |
TheSheep | !fstab | 13:13 |
ubottu | The /etc/fstab file indicates how drive partitions are to be used or otherwise integrated into the file system. See http://www.tuxfiles.org/linuxhelp/fstab.html and !Partitions | 13:13 |
jokoon | !partitions | 13:14 |
ubottu | Partitioning programs: !GParted or QTParted (also "man mkfs" for formatting) - Mounting partitions in !GNOME under !Dapper: System -> Administration -> Disks - For !Edgy and later, see !fstab and !DiskMounter | 13:14 |
jokoon | !diskmounter | 13:17 |
ubottu | To view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions - For write access, see !NTFS-3g or !FUSE | 13:17 |
jokoon | Hum ! | 14:45 |
jokoon | Why each time I start a session | 14:45 |
jokoon | gnome manages the desktop | 14:45 |
jokoon | I don't want t'at ! | 14:46 |
TheSheep | kill nautilus and save your session on logout | 14:47 |
jokoon | how do I save my session ? | 14:52 |
TheSheep | jokoon: there is a checkbox when you log out | 15:03 |
jokoon | and where can I manage my sessions ? | 15:04 |
TheSheep | jokoon: do what? | 15:05 |
jokoon | I would like to delete some sessions | 15:05 |
jokoon | How can I do that ? | 15:05 |
TheSheep | they are saved in ~/.cache/sessions... | 15:05 |
=== gaurdro_ is now known as MenschenFleisch | ||
jokoon | can't I just set something so that xfce always manages my desktop | 15:16 |
jokoon | ? | 15:16 |
jokoon | sometime I need to use nautilus, only nautilus can browse phones ... | 15:17 |
jokoon | bluetooth I mena | 15:17 |
jokoon | mean | 15:17 |
Aquina | My system crashed twice in a row and on 3rd start the drive test went through sucessfully. Are there any steps (for data integrity) I'm expected to do? | 15:24 |
Aquina | Should I start the system from CD in rescue mode and check the whole FS or is the journaling of ext3 already sufficiant? | 15:25 |
zoredache | you should be fine... | 15:27 |
Aquina | ok, thx. | 15:32 |
hvgotcodes | hey i have a fresh install of xubuntu - does it have compiz by default like ubuntu? | 16:02 |
th0r | hvgotcodes, not according to synaptic | 16:12 |
hvgotcodes | th0r: do you know how to get the git version for xubunut? | 16:13 |
th0r | hvgotcodes, nope...sorry | 16:13 |
Jammet | Hello there ... | 16:21 |
Jammet | For some reason, it seems that I cannot select a mouse cursor theme. It's a real mess because it seems that in every other app is using a different set of mouse cursors by now. | 16:22 |
Jammet | While the cursor is in the Opera window I have theme A, when I have it in miro I have theme B *and* theme A, depending on where the cursor is, in the terminal I have theme B, in Thunar I have themes mixed up, too. | 16:24 |
Jammet | Just what is with this mess and how can that even be? | 16:24 |
Aquina | cu | 17:14 |
kim_ | hi, i installed xubuntu yesterday and i was wanting to know how to work various programs since i am new to linux | 17:22 |
kim_ | mostly i would like to know how to install and run frostwire on linux | 17:23 |
kim_ | is anybody out there that can please help me | 17:30 |
charlie-tca | What do you need help with? | 17:31 |
wols_ | help.ubuntu.com | 17:31 |
kim_ | i am complety new to linex and i need to running and installing software... but mainy running and installing frostwire so i can listen to music | 17:33 |
kim_ | so if you can help me that would be great | 17:34 |
charlie-tca | I'm sorry, I can't help with that issue. | 17:35 |
th0r | kim_, you can download the latest frostwire .deb file from here http://www.frostwire.com/?id=downloads | 17:36 |
kim_ | ok thank you very much | 17:36 |
kim_ | ok i downloaded it and installed it but it wouldnt run should i just try it all again | 17:38 |
th0r | kim_, make sure you have java installed, then open a terminal and type 'frostwire' at the command line. That will if nothing else give you an error message to work witih | 17:39 |
kim_ | ok | 17:40 |
kim_ | i will install java and then open a terminal and let you know what happens | 17:41 |
kim_ | ok, i have java downloaded but i have to choose which application will open it, what should i do now | 17:45 |
th0r | kim_, you should have installed java using synaptic....not download it | 17:46 |
evilbug | i'm having some trouble with a little crackling on audio playback on the left side. what's causing it? | 17:46 |
evilbug_ | back. *power failure* | 17:51 |
kim_ | hello, im back | 19:02 |
kim_ | ok i have java installed, now i have to download and install frostwire. How is this different from windows | 19:03 |
kim_ | can anyone help me with this | 19:07 |
PsynoKhi0 | https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FrostWire have you checked that page first? | 19:09 |
=== gnomefre1k is now known as gnomefreak | ||
=== evilbug_ is now known as evilbug | ||
thinkmassive | my desktop disappeared when I connected an external display to my laptop, and it hasn't come back since I rebooted with no external display | 21:18 |
thinkmassive | desktop meaning wallpaper and icons | 21:19 |
thinkmassive | I can't remember if it preserved my windows after last time I exited | 21:19 |
thinkmassive | any idea how to get these back? | 21:19 |
thinkmassive | DOH, I just had to check "Let xfce manage desktop" | 21:19 |
thinkmassive | haha I'll stop talking now... | 21:20 |
xaer0 | hello | 21:46 |
xaer0 | i got xubuntu were i want it :L) installed PC-BSD. its been a fun few days. | 21:46 |
xaer0 | If i have to have GNOME installed for xubuntu... i installed Ubuntu Studio | 21:47 |
xaer0 | i have a slight problem with my XFCE Application Menu. if i can get some help | 21:47 |
thinkmassive | xaer0, what is the problem? | 21:49 |
xaer0 | the "other" menu listing :( | 21:50 |
thinkmassive | I'm not sure what you mean | 21:50 |
xaer0 | and i can edit my menu via XFCE Settings Manager.. it just list system and if i uncheck it every app isnt listed | 21:50 |
thinkmassive | you want to manually edit the menu? | 21:51 |
thinkmassive | what about the menu are you trying to modify? | 21:51 |
xaer0 | after i installed OpenGEU then removed it and opted for Ubuntu Studio... a menu entry called Other was added to my XFCE menu. This Other menu entry was added to GNOME but was removable. | 21:54 |
xaer0 | i cant find a way to remove it from XFCE or at least hide it | 21:54 |
xaer0 | so with ubuntu studio i can remove the "Other" menu listing (using Gnome's menu editor) but in XFCE i cant find a way (in XFCE Menu Editor) | 21:56 |
xaer0 | the "other" menu entry is just an entry showing everything that is installed | 21:58 |
xaer0 | so basically duplicate Symlinks | 21:59 |
thinkmassive | hmm you might check in /usr/share/applications to see if there's a .desktop file for it | 22:03 |
thinkmassive | or try "locate .desktop" and that will show you all the entries on your system | 22:04 |
thinkmassive | they could well be in ~/.local/applications | 22:05 |
xaer0 | hr.. | 22:08 |
xaer0 | not the /usr/share/applications folder | 22:08 |
xaer0 | this is what i got a ~/.local/share/applications/menu-xdg folder | 22:12 |
xaer0 | with all the things listed in the "other" menu list | 22:12 |
xaer0 | its just a bunch of symlinks.. i would raither make this "Other" menu listing hidden instead of deleting this folder just incase | 22:13 |
xaer0 | the things listed in this menu-xdg are just ".desktop" files | 22:14 |
xaer0 | ... dont know what to do | 22:21 |
xaer0 | that did it just delete that .desktop files in the menu-xdg folder | 22:27 |
=== gaurdro__ is now known as gaurdro | ||
webdemon | hello all | 23:33 |
Odd-rationale | hi | 23:33 |
webdemon | ? for anyone. I am running Ubuntu atm, but someone said I might want to try Xubuntu since I only have a 2.0ghz machine. I have read on the .org its a lighter version but does it still do all that Ubuntu does? | 23:35 |
webdemon | also if I was to sudo apt-get X-desktop would that erase the Hardy version I am using right now? | 23:36 |
Odd-rationale | you mean xubuntu-desktop ? | 23:36 |
webdemon | yes | 23:36 |
Odd-rationale | no. you will get xubuntu hardy heron along side your ubuntu | 23:37 |
Odd-rationale | just choose which session you watn in the login session menu. | 23:37 |
webdemon | How do you like X? | 23:37 |
webdemon | I have had hardy for a week or so now | 23:38 |
Odd-rationale | xubuntu is cool | 23:38 |
webdemon | I have a 160gig drive that I am about to put into this machine, Should I install HH and then sudo get X or Just download X and install from CD? | 23:39 |
webdemon | without installing Ubuntu | 23:40 |
Odd-rationale | well. depends on whether you wnat gnome or not... | 23:40 |
webdemon | Ive been a windows person for 10+ yrs, its all pretty to me. I understand gnome and kde and know u can run both | 23:41 |
webdemon | guess it doesn't really matter | 23:41 |
webdemon | just looking for a OP in the matter from people who use the flavor | 23:42 |
webdemon | Im going to download x and try a fresh install. Might be back if it all works. lol. Thx for the help. | 23:45 |
webdemon | Bye | 23:45 |
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