
_2three alarm fire at the corner of chilli and dog00:03
guidohow can I tell if my repos are broken?00:04
_2guido sudo apt-get update00:04
guido_2 and what error would that give?00:04
_2guido if any error then you have reason to be concerned00:05
guidoI get this "W: Duplicate sources.list entry http://security.ubuntu.com hardy-security/restricted Packages (/var/lib/apt/lists/security.ubuntu.com_ubuntu_dists_hardy-security_restricted_binary-i386_Packages)"00:05
_2ok  W is warning   not E error00:05
guidoso I'm ok?00:06
guidoI shouldn't change anything?00:06
_2and it's telling you that you have two listings of the same source.     and yes it's ok.    i would change it, but you don't have too.00:06
guido_2 this is my sources http://paste.ubuntu.com/30424/00:08
_2why did i know he would do that ???00:09
guidoahh, I see now...00:11
guidonevermind, I fixed it :)00:11
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_2guido http://ubuntu.pastebin.us/?show=d11dafeb3  me too00:15
ralphQ:no irc protokoll support for kopete (kde4) yet? planned?00:19
khurramcan any one tell me plugins for wmi00:19
guidois there any way of getting microsoft natural keyboard hotkeys to work on kubuntu?00:20
ralphguido: http://wiki.ubuntuusers.de/Hotkeys?00:23
khurramcan any one tell me how to install java for ma web browser00:27
guidokhurram: what browser do you use?00:28
ralphkhurram: wich browser? FF? konqi?00:29
=== root is now known as Guest76258
histoGuest76258: pleas don't use root00:34
ubottuDo not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo00:34
histoEspecially to log in to IR00:34
histoGuest76258: Are you there?00:36
histo!root > Guest7625800:36
ubottuGuest76258, please see my private message00:37
tony403anyone know which version of kde4 kubuntu alpha 3 has?00:42
miraclemaximwhat's the diff between using a kde backend file or a flat file for compiz fusion00:45
miraclemaximwhen i set kde it doesn't seem to work00:45
=== ctilburg is now known as ctilburg_
genii!kde4 | tony40300:46
ubottutony403: KDE 4.0.5 is the latest major release of the K Desktop Environment. Packages can be found at http://kubuntu.org/announcements/kde-4.0.5.php - Support in #kubuntu-kde400:46
BooVeMan_workgenii: sure about that - isn't there 4.1 RCx ?00:48
geniiBooVeMan_work: I'm not up on latest kde4 versions but i'm sure someone will know something about it in #kubuntu-kde400:48
tony403genii, yes, i'm using kde4.1 RC and really like it. was just thinking about installing new though with the latest kubuntu00:49
BooVeMan_worktony403: intrepid most certainlyt will include 4.100:50
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tony_does anyone use kubuntu anymore? this place used to be busier01:24
crimsun_lots of people use Kubuntu01:25
crimsun_(you could check in #kubuntu-kde4 at some other time, too, if you want KDE4 assistance)01:25
=== Jucato_ is now known as Jucato
MachinTrucChosewhat can I use to make a Remote Desktop connection to a Windows XP computer? I can't install anything on the XP computer, it's remote.01:38
MachinTrucChoseI need to get to it now01:38
miraclemaximthat can connect with rdp01:42
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Looney-Tunesanyone here?01:59
Looney-Tunesanyone here?02:00
guidohi, kde restarts by itself for no aparent reason, how can I tell what's wrong? (newbie here)02:03
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=== Looney_Tunes is now known as Looney-Tunes
jgoldi was wondering if someone could help me with a problem02:10
jgoldi was wondering if someone could help me02:17
guido!anyone | jgold02:17
ubottujgold: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?02:17
jgoldi cannot seem to login as root on my comp, and i am trying to update to the latest version of kubuntu, when it asks me for the password for root02:18
jgoldi guess what i need to do is retrieve the password for root, how do i do that02:18
jgold*can* i do that02:19
Dr_willis_did you set a root password? One normally uses sudo. and the first 'sudoers' user password02:19
jgoldi do not remember setting a root password, maybe that is my problem?02:20
jgoldbut how would i do that?02:20
Jucatojgold: when it asks for administrator password, that  means "your" password02:20
guidojgold: when you first installed kubuntu you created an user, that user had a password02:20
guidojgold: that's the password you should use whenever you "sudo" something02:21
Dr_willis_there is no 'root' user password. :)02:21
guido!root |jgold02:21
ubottujgold: Do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo02:21
jgoldand i cannot use sudo, because i am using a graphical program to update kubuntu, and then it asks for password02:21
guidojgold: use your user's password there02:22
Jucato<jgold> i cannot seem to login as root on my comp, and i am trying to update to the latest version of kubuntu, **when it asks me for the password for root** <--- the program is using sudo/kdesu already02:22
jgoldand i put in my password, for the only user on this system that i know of, and it would not take it02:23
jgoldand i know that is correct, b/c i have to login to that user to do anything02:23
guidojgold: I know this is a dumb question, but did you have caps on at the time?02:23
Dr_willis_try 'sudo -s' and see if you can get a root shell , as a test.02:24
jgoldi know that i put in the password correctly, i put it in several times02:24
jgoldhold on, i have not looked at that thread that u told me too yet02:24
jgoldmaybe that will shed some light on the situation02:25
guidojgold: if all else fails I think "sudo passwd" will let you set a password for root02:25
_2repo Q   is there any such thing as security/ multiverse ???02:26
Jucato_2: nope. not even universe02:27
_2there's not isn't there02:27
Jucatoremember that Ubuntu/Canonical only guarantees security updates and fixes for main and restricted.02:27
_2what about  updates/  multiberse ???02:28
_2or universe ?02:28
greegok i configured privoxy and tor.  i can browse anonymously through the tor network.  but when i turn it off via the firefox tor button. im still using the tor network.02:28
_2Jucato updates/  ?02:28
Jucato_2: same thing. though I'm not 100% sure on that -updates02:29
jgoldhey, thx for helping me guido, i can get it now02:29
guidojgold: sure :)02:29
_2ok.   cause dapper seems to find a package list for updates but not security  on both uni and multi02:29
_2so i was just checking for confirmation02:30
_2hmmm Jucato then why do i also some times see this from apt-get update    Get:6 http://security.ubuntu.com dapper-security/multiverse Packages [8189B]02:33
Jucato_2: why? well there's only one reason I can think of02:33
Jucatonah I couldn't think that :)02:33
Jucatoreason: I could be wrong :P02:34
guidodoes anyone know of an app like ratiomaster but for linux?02:34
_2see that's what confuses me.   most of the time it says  ign.   but some times i get a get on it, and it's one of the bigest files in the update02:34
Jucatowhat's ratiomaster?02:34
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guidoRatioMaster is an application designed for spoofing uploads on BitTorrent trackers. It connects to a tracker and behaves like a normal BitTorrent client, but without actually uploading to / downloading from other peers in the swarm. It reports to the tracker that it's uploading (or downloading or both, it's your choice) at a certain rate, thus making it useful for artificially increasing your ratio on certain sites that track a user's overall ratio (total02:35
guidouploaded/total downloaded).02:35
* _2 is confused02:35
XJmanDoes anyone know how to make my title dissapear in my konsole? I'm trying to just get a totally clear window where I can only see the text on the screen02:36
_2Jucato wrong ?     did the world end without telling me ?02:36
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XJmanAnyone know?02:37
_2XJman wouldn't an embeded terminal be better ?02:39
XJmanWhy yes it woul. I couldn't think of the name of it!02:39
XJmanDo I need to apt-get one?02:40
Dr_willis_cant  konsole and F11 do that?02:40
XJmanIt doesn't when I try Dr_willis02:41
XJmanAnyone else know?02:42
XJmanBasicly this is the effect I'm looking for http://i142.photobucket.com/albums/r99/nilarimogard/33cd3191.jpg02:44
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XJmanAnyone know how to get an embedded terminal in kubuntu?02:48
guidoXJman: check this site http://lifehacker.com/software/linux-tip/embed-a-terminal-in-the-desktop-with-compiz-fusion-294005.php02:49
XJmanThanks guido02:50
jtismeanyone know the irc channel for getting information on HP printers02:50
guidoXJman: sure :)02:50
XJmanNow this sounds stupid, but I've walked through some stuff for gnome and tried it on my kde it broke. Will this work around that?02:51
guidoXJman: what do you mean?02:52
XJmanI don't remember what the walkthrough was for... but it was for gnome, so I tried to work around some of the differences and it just would boot into a screwed up kde02:53
=== gabriel is now known as gabspeck
gabspeckhey there, i've been having some issues regarding audio cds playing on amarok...02:55
guidoXJman: I really couldn't say... I found that site googling.. right now I'm checking for a kubuntu tutorial because I liked the idea02:56
XJmanYeah, thats what I've been looking for. I've come across this one before. I'll try it again hopefully I'll have some luck guido02:57
guidoIf you do succeed, do tell XJman02:57
XJmanIt would be too good to keep to myself, and I get easily excited and want to show off. So, you guys will know03:00
XJmanIs Tilda what I'm looking for?03:06
guidoXJman: that doesn't seem to be as embedded as one would like03:08
XJmanYeah, its not close to embedded.. It keeps jumping on top of everything03:12
=== Trevi is now known as Trevinho
phil66I need Java for Yahoo games should I download from synaptic or from sun03:16
sakthiani want to do audio chat with my gmail account, which software will suite for me in ubuntu03:16
harpreetphil66: sun03:17
phil66harpreet ...Thanks03:17
harpreetphil66:  its a pain o configure it03:17
lokemzhi folks, i can't run skype as it throws the following error: skype: symbol lookup error: /usr/lib/libQtNetwork.so.4: undefined symbol: _ZN14QObjectPrivate15checkWindowRoleEv03:18
lokemzany idea?03:18
guidoXJman: still around?03:18
BluesKajphil66: I disagree, (k)ubuntu-restricted-extras will give you what you need.Just make sure all your repos are uncommented03:18
harpreetlokemz: wat version?03:18
phil66Harpreet..Yes that why I asked03:18
harpreetphil66:  go for sudo apt-get install kubuntu-restricted-extra03:19
harpreetlokemz: when did u install skype/03:19
sakthianhi, i want to do audio chat with my gmail account, which software will suite for me in ubuntu03:19
Dr_willis_gmail does audio?03:20
lokemzharpreet: quite some time ago03:20
lokemzharpreet: was working b4.  desktop-effects-kde4 isn't working as well03:20
harpreetlokemz: is it 64 bit system?03:21
lokemzharpreet: nope.  32 bit.03:21
harpreetphil66: install sun java and with java alternatives make it default and change in konqueror the path to java..for sun03:21
phil66Running Firefox 3.0103:22
harpreetphil66: is it 64 bit?03:23
sakthianin windows i used gtalk for audio chat but in linux i dont no which software??? i tried lot in google search03:23
guidohow can I get a fullscreen konsole?03:23
phil66harpreet..32 bit03:23
harpreetguido: press F703:23
harpreetwith function key03:24
guidoharpreet: nothing happens03:24
harpreetcontol, function, F703:24
harpreetfn, F1 guido03:24
guidothat's for switching between terminals03:25
harpreetBluesKaj: thing is i dont wanna press on mine and check haha03:25
guidoI'm interested in making a konsole that's as big as the whole desktop03:25
yurimxpxmanI'm trying to upgrade a system to 8.04, but it keeps getting stuck at "Generating locales.. en_AU.UTF-8". Any ideas?03:25
BluesKajharpreet:  try ctrl+alt+F1 ,then ctrl+alt+F703:26
harpreetguido:  it will work ctl alt F1,-F703:26
XJmanI'm still not having much luck with a embedded konsole03:26
_2guido konsoles menu allows switching to/form full screen mode03:26
harpreetBluesKaj: it will take me to console and i dont wanna loose Gui yet03:26
Dr_willis_Konsole --> ctrl-shift-F = fullscreen mode03:27
guidothanks :)03:27
harpreetphil66: make sure in browser the java is configured by . .  config:plugins after u hv installed sun03:27
_2harpreet i don't think you and guido are speaking the same lamguage.03:28
phil66harpreet...Will do thanks good night03:28
guidoit was ctrl-shift-F what I was looking for, thanks :)03:28
harpreetphil66: goodnight03:28
_2dr_willis ah is that the default hotkey ?03:28
sakthian in windows i used gtalk for audio chat but in linux i dont no which software??? i tried lot in google search03:29
ubottuTeamspeak is the proprietry VoIP software see: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/TeamSpeak  For a open source alternative consider using Mumble http://mumble.sourceforge.net/03:31
euphgeekis anyone else using the fglrx driver?03:31
ubottuPeer-to-peer filesharing clients are available for several networks/protocols, including !BitTorrent, !Gnutella, !eDonkey, !DirectConnect, !SoulSeek - Multi-protocol engines include !MLDonkey and !giFT - See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/P2PFileSharing for general information03:31
ubottuInstant Messenger Client Kopete (http://kopete.kde.org) is supporting MSN, Jabber, AIM, YIM, Gadu-Gadu, Novell Groupwise, ICQ and IRC. See also !Pidgin03:31
_2i had no idea my lag was that high...    sorry guys.03:32
_2euphgeek on a lappy yeah03:33
sakthianin pidgin i cant do audio chat03:34
euphgeekwhen I try to install it according to the wiki instructions, the insmod instruction gives me an error03:34
_2euphgeek what error ?03:35
euphgeek"Error inserting '/lib/modules/2.6.24-19-generic/volatile/fglrx.ko': -l Operation not permitted"03:35
_2have to use sudo03:35
euphgeekI'm wondering if it's because I'm running the CD version, or if there's something else03:36
euphgeekI am using sudo03:36
_2conflicting module in use ?03:37
euphgeekhow do I tell?03:37
_2lsmod | less    ???03:38
euphgeekI don't see anything conflicting03:39
euphgeekunless maybe ati_agp conflicts?03:40
_2euphgeek ok.  it seems that it's disabled on the live CD    so i'm out of thoughts there.03:44
euphgeekok, I thought it might be because I'm using the live CD...I was just hoping I could test it before installing03:45
_2 [Lag 172]  yuch03:47
goetzci will use amule-daemon, but with a gui, prefereible a kde (qt) gui. Someone knows about one gui for kde?03:52
goetzcexist something like this?03:52
=== ben_ is now known as XJman
XJmanAnyone here run a file server03:52
dr_Willissamba, nfs, and ssh (for sshfs) yes. :)03:53
=== mario is now known as msi
XJmanThe pc that is my file server will hold all of my music, movies, and install files for games, OS's, and various different software. If I'm going to also use this pc as a desktop alongside my laptop would it be bad news to try and stream the media from it?03:55
dr_Willisdepends on the load everything is putting on it. and the network connection/speeds03:56
dr_Willisand the power of the pc. :) cpu/ram/ect.03:56
XJmanI've finally gotten everything with gigabit ethernet at the moment. Its a quad core AMD 4gb ram and will be running Gentoo03:57
soniker89where to install source code?03:57
dr_WillisXJman,  I imagine it will take quite a bit of load then./ :)03:57
dr_Williswhat source code soniker89 ?03:58
XJmanI just want to make sure. I'm getting mixed signals. My brother who is a bit more pc savy than myself says not a chance. I'm looking for more opinions. Thanks03:58
dr_Willisone normally  just has the source someplace, you then compile it..  the location of the source dosent matter much.03:58
nuxilsoniker89, look in ./configure --help look at the prefix03:58
dr_WillisXJman,  You aint streaming like 100000+ streams are you?03:58
dr_Willissoniker89,  you may want to be a bit more verbose and concise.03:59
XJmanThere are 4 pc's including the file server03:59
soniker89Im new en kubuntu03:59
dr_WillisXJman,  so 4 streams at the most? highdef? or just audio ?03:59
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XJmanI do have some hi-def video yes04:00
dr_WillisTry it and see I guess..04:00
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XJmanWorst that happens is a fail04:00
dr_Willisstreaming is a ltitel different then 3 machines all trying to play files over nfs/samba also...04:00
XJmanI mainly want to store the files there, then move them as I need to.04:01
soniker89well, I just compiled VIM In Desktop04:01
soniker89I have no idea how to lunch it?04:02
dr_WillisThe #mythbuntu guys will proberly have a lot more experience in the speeds/limitations. of such setups.04:02
dr_Willissoniker89,  if you just did a 'make' it put the compiled binaries somewhere in  the source directory tree.04:02
XJmanI'll try there, thanks04:02
dr_Willisonce you do a 'make install' it copies binaries and support files to the system  location04:03
soniker89so that mean I can erace the folder in tha Desktop04:04
soniker89and it still working04:04
nuxilyes after you installed it. unless you spesifyed the install location to your desktop04:05
soniker89ok now it is install how to lunch it or make an icon luncher04:05
nuxilhow would you normaly make a shortcut?04:06
soniker89i have no idea how to make shortcuts04:07
nuxildude.. edit your menus or add a shortcut. if you cant do that,, then you should go read a bit04:09
soniker89nuxil where can read about it04:09
nuxilhow about in kde docs04:10
nuxilor wiki..04:10
soniker89good advices!04:10
msihal-storage-fixed-mount refused uid 100004:13
andarei have a problem with my screen resilution, it's @ 640x840 and i would like it to be back @ where it was when i first installed Kubuntu, can anyone help me out???04:30
andare WTF???04:32
soniker89im new too but someting04:32
techdimensionandare :: try using this in konsole : sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg04:33
andare all i would like help with is to get my screen reslution back to where it was install of 640x840 i don't think that's too had to ask for, i think not04:34
andare thedimension: what does that even do???04:34
soniker89or try system setting04:34
techdimensionit walks you though configuring the xserver again, which is where your screen resolutions are set04:35
andare i did & it couldn't even help me out cuz the highest screen reslution that it goes up to is 640x84004:35
techdimensionandare also, this is not a paid support channel. People here volunteer and will help you if they can as they can. Patience is a virtue.04:35
andare techdimension: i know that patience is a virtue but also i don't like it when ppl shit on me for no reason @ all04:36
greegwhat does sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg  do ?04:36
andare techdimension: i'm srry if i'm gett'n some ppl mad but i am a noob when it comes with linux that's why i'm try'n to stay away from windows and go to linux all the way04:37
andare Techdimension:ppl have told me that i have to learn for myself well i don't know much about computer's besides on to use them & i really do like to use linux cuz i know that's it's a hell of alot more scure than windows is any day of the week04:39
techdimensionandare : I was trying to give you a tip. In most cases within the linux community, impatience and hastiness is often ignored04:39
andare Techdimension: i do understand that & i'm srry i'll do whatever i can on NOT piss'n ppl off from now, i promise.04:40
nuxiltechdimension, you could not have said that better ;)04:40
techdimensionthanks nuxil04:40
techdimensionandare : back to the problem at hand...04:41
techdimensionandare : if you use "sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg" it will walk you though configuring your keyboard, monitor, video card, and mouse. When it asks what resolutions to use, select the one that's right for your computer04:42
andare techdimension: ok it's like this when i did start up my computer it went from regualer screen reslution to 640x840 how do i put it back to the same reslution that it was when i frist installed Kubuntu???04:42
nuxilandare, whats regular resolution?04:43
andare i think it was like 1240 someth'n04:44
nuxilandare, if you got nvidia card. you can use nvidia settings, which would be the easyest way.04:44
nuxiland other metodes are to edit your xorg.conf file .. there are prob 10 ways to change the screen resolution,.04:45
andare nuxil: i have tried that but the thing is that my computer was make for win2000 and my graphics card is nvidia tnt204:45
nuxilyou must run it with kdesu .. also check the module you are running. hopefylly its not vesa :p04:46
techdimensionsorry, I have to go04:47
nuxilgood night04:47
andare nuxil: i'm a noob when it come's to linux so srry to say i don't know what ur talk'n about04:47
ubottuhttp://wiki.ubuntu.com - Ubuntu development documentation wiki. If you are looking for system help, please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community - the Ubuntu community documentation.04:47
nuxilgo there04:48
andare which link the first or the second one?04:48
nuxilyou can check our em both,04:48
nuxil*out *out04:48
nuxilerr.. im tierd.04:49
andare nuxil: it's ok, i'm tired too04:49
andare nuxil: i hope this can help u out onto help'n me out it's about my graphics card 01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: nVidia Corporation NV5M64 [RIVA TNT2 Model 64/Model 64 Pro] (rev 15)04:53
asobiusing gutsy, how do i upgrade to firefox 3 full instead of beta 4?04:54
andare nuxil: so do u think that u can help me & get my screen reslution back to here it was or will i be stuck with 640x840???04:54
=== casey is now known as Nitchevo
andare nuxil: hey, i fixed it with the link that u told me to go to, thnx alot  :-)05:16
andare nuxil: i have got my screen reslution back from 640x840 to 1280x96005:16
andare nuxil: :-D05:17
nuxilsee. it was not that hard :)05:18
andare nuxil: yeah i guess it was'n that hard  :-)05:18
andare nuxil: i would like to know how to put avi file to a dvd so i can watch it onto my home dvd player's?05:19
andare nuxil: i know that windows as lot's of programs for that but i do NOT want windows i WANT LINUX from now on  :-D05:20
dleedoes anyone know if bluray players work on kubuntu?05:20
nuxilandare, you mean. convert the files ?05:20
nuxilandare, if you need to convert the files. you can loot into menucoder | tanscoder. if you just want o burn dvd, install k3b05:20
andare nuxil: yes convert files05:21
andare nuxil: i already have k3B05:21
andare nuxil: where can i find menucoder | tanscoder so i can put them to a dvd?05:22
nuxilif you need to enable some repos to fetch (g)transcoder.. look at the wiki again :)05:22
nuxilandare,  multiverse or in universe.. use adept05:23
andare nuxil: got it, aka already there ;-)05:23
nuxilandare, there is also dvdshrink but i dont know if it convert avi's05:25
andare nuxil: yeah i have tried dvdshrink but i never really got it to work on linux05:25
tomahasamootIs there a way to get Dolphin to open a directory in preview mode?  (just one directory... not all of them)05:25
nuxilandare, i just know about it.. never used it.05:26
andare nuxil: it's kool05:26
leohelo everyone!... Is there a way I can get rid of Dolphin in JDE?05:27
nuxiltomahasamoot, hehe you use that crap :p  konqueror forever ;p05:27
leoopps sorry, KDE.05:27
tomahasamootnuxil: does konqueror have split view?05:28
nuxilleo, yes you can use konqueror as default fm05:29
nuxilyes you can have split view in konqeror05:29
nuxilsame as in krusader05:29
leonuxil, where can i configure it., thx :)05:30
nuxilleo, well,, i installed konqueror and uninstalled dolphin..05:31
nuxili uninstalled it bc i hate it.. but if you remove it,, be sure it dosent remove your kde,,05:31
leonuxil.... :0 ok.. got it... thx again.05:32
leoin comparison I like KDE 3.5.9, with KDE4 do you think it's ok to upgrade, does it really have big advantage.05:33
nuxilleo, maybe you can change it in systemsetting.. i never checked there because i wanted it gone forever, its one of the worst things i have had installed on my pc ;p05:33
leonuxil, thx..05:34
BooVeManleo: kde4 as in 4.0.x is a once try and back to kde3 - haven't tried 4.1 though05:44
tomahasamootnuxil: Okay, I've poked around with Konqueror, and I see your point... it'll take awhile to get used to, tho05:46
tomahasamootnuxil: how do I set it to be the default file manager?05:47
nuxiltomahasamoot, i can not say.. first thing i did after installing kubuntu was to remove dolphin,. and installed konqueror instaed,,05:48
nuxiltomahasamoot, look in system settings.05:48
=== mozart is now known as Guest79189
tomahasamootnuxil: I don't see it in System Settings05:50
nuxiltomahasamoot, not sure then.. look in dolphin settings or konqueror settings..05:53
BooVeMantomahasamoot: I think its in update-alternatives --config <something>05:54
Jucato!d3lphin | tomahasamoot05:58
ubottutomahasamoot: Dolphin, or more properly D3lphin, is the new default file manager for Kubuntu 7.10 Gutsy Gibbon. If you would like to make Konqueror your default file manager again, go to Konqueror - Settings menu - Configure Konqueror - File Associations and change the association for inode/directory and inode/system_directory to Konqueror at the top rather than Dolphin.05:58
tomahasamootJucato: thanks06:01
tomahasamootJucato: why was it changed to Dolphin?06:01
Jucatotomahasamoot: in preparation for KDE 4. but the version of Dolphin there is 100 times better than the Dolphin in KDE 306:02
BooVeMantomahasamoot: simpler - more user freindly for beginners06:02
* Jucato is *not* exaggerating that06:02
JucatoBooVeMan: that's the rationale for Dolphin itself. but the reason for using an unmaintained version of Dolphin for KDE 3 (D3lphin) was the one I gave above :)06:03
Jucatoit was supposed to help "prepare" Kubuntu users to a new file manager (but it really doesn't achieve that in the long run...)06:03
tomahasamootJucato: it was set to Dolphin KDE4, but the about says it's 3.5.906:04
tomahasamootJucato: I'm guessing that it will be better than the over hyped Konq. tho.  Guess I'll have to wait to see it.  Any idea when KDE4 will be usable?  The "release" is an alpha06:06
BooVeManJucato: I use both of them alongside - no real preference - mounting and unmounting seems to be more reliable in dolphin06:06
Jucatotomahasamoot: if you were using Dolphin (KDE 4), then there's an option in Settings -> View Modes to "Remember view properties for each folder". It would remember your view settings for that particular folder you want. and it would leave the others as long as you don't touch their view settings06:07
tomahasamootJucato: thanks :-)06:07
BooVeMantomahasamoot: I recon that for intrepid there will be a kde4.1 verson included - before that I wouldn't recommend kde 4 pro productive worrk06:08
* Jucato has been using 4.1 since march or april...06:09
Jucatotomahasamoot: "when KDE will be usable?" <-- that entirely depends on what you consider to be "usable". You'll discover soon enough that "usable" is as subjective as "beautiful"06:10
tomahasamootBooVeMan: thanks :-)  I wish they'd have waited till it was stable before releasing it tho, as they loose crediblity...06:11
Jucatotomahasamoot: KDE doesn't make releases like Windows (single "stable" "complete" release, and just service packs in between)06:12
Jucatothe closest analogy to a release system would be Mac OS X. (10.0 sucked, 10.1 sucked less, 10.2 started getting better, etc etc)06:12
Jucatoyou might want to read http://www.groklaw.net/article.php?story=2008071013144095106:13
Jucato(btw, it *is* "stable"... but strangely enough, people's definition of "stable" seems to be synonymous to "feature complete" or "absolutely finished")06:14
BooVeMantomahasamoot: I don't think it wasn't that unstable - just not finished and polished06:14
* BooVeMan *grumbel* Jucato beat me - again06:14
Jucatoand I typed more than you :P06:14
BooVeManJucato: native english speaker?06:15
JucatoEnglish as Second Language :)06:15
tomahasamootto me, "stable" means that the included features work, not that it has every feature you want ('cause you'll aways want more)06:15
Jucatotomahasamoot: see? that's not the true meaning of "stable". :)06:16
BooVeMantomahasamoot: the features included in kde4.0 worked - there weren't may though06:16
Jucato"stable" means "does what it's supposed or advertised to do with no or little serious bugs or crashes06:16
Jucatoand 4.0 was *never* advertised to have all the promised features of KDE 406:17
BooVeManJucato: ESL - as well - but living in a spanish speaking country (STL)06:17
tomahasamootthey didn't work.  It was a buggy mess.06:17
tomahasamootI couldn't even log in half the time06:20
* Jucato hasn't had stability issues with 4.0.. only feature issues06:20
nuxili feel like a crash test dummy when i run kde406:21
* BooVeMan only tested kde4 in a vm...06:21
Jucatonuxil: I hope you weren't running the pre-release versions of 4.1, because they are, well, pre-release06:22
Jucatooh, and there's a #kubuntu-kde4 channel for KDE 4 help06:22
nuxilJucato, i got time to wait some year(s) on kde4.. i got what i need and want in kde306:23
nuxilwhat i mean,, i can wait for kde4 to become more useble06:25
DarkriftXhow do i install java via apt? i cant figure out the name of the package06:26
Jucato!info sun-java6-bin06:26
DarkriftXNo suitable Java Virtual Machine could be found on your system.06:26
DarkriftXThe version of the JVM must be at least 1.6.06:26
ubottusun-java6-bin (source: sun-java6): Sun Java(TM) Runtime Environment (JRE) 6 (architecture dependent files). In component multiverse, is optional. Version 6-06-0ubuntu1 (hardy), package size 26646 kB, installed size 79996 kB06:26
DarkriftXahhh, ty06:26
DarkriftXalready the newest version :S06:27
DarkriftXi need java vm06:27
* DarkriftX doesnt know hte difference :S06:27
DarkriftX!info java virtual machine06:28
ubottu'virtual' is not a valid distribution06:28
DarkriftX!info java-virtual-machine06:28
ubottuPackage java-virtual-machine does not exist in hardy06:28
Jucatothat's it already. run "sudo update-alternatives ---config java" and choose the sun version06:28
tomahasamootJucato: Okay, I see the point on Groklaw, about it being a Devolper release... but the they should have called it that.  KDE 4.0 SDK *** Not For End Users ***06:29
Jucatotomahasamoot: they did (except the SDK part)06:30
Jucatopeople just don't like to listen...06:30
DarkriftXNo suitable Java Virtual Machine could be found on your system. The version of the JVM must be at least 1.6. Please define INSTALL4J_JAVA_HOME to point to a suitable JVM.06:34
DarkriftXYou can also try to delete the JVM cache file /home/darkrift/.install4j06:34
tomahasamootJucato: you may be right... I was getting it second hand tho Kubuntu, and they may have dropped the ball.  But they've corrected it now.06:34
DarkriftXanyone got any ideas?06:34
DarkriftXive done what 4 ubuntu threads said and installed some other crap, didnt work, tried your idea Jucato, still says same thing06:35
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about java-vm06:35
DarkriftX!info jvm06:35
ubottuPackage jvm does not exist in hardy06:35
=== mike is now known as Guest58398
Guest58398i have a question06:43
Guest58398anyone there?06:44
emilsedgh!ask | Guest5839806:45
ubottuGuest58398: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)06:45
Guest58398sorry, my first time here06:45
Guest58398i am trying to adjust the brightness on kubuntu but i can't seem to do so. I am using a sony vaio vgn-nr110e edition.06:46
emilsedghhm, Guest58398, do you have guidance-power-manager running? the green battery charge monitor in your status bar? try it there06:47
Guest58398there is no option to change the brightness06:48
Guest58398i have suspend, hibernate, and CPU policy06:49
Guest58398and sorry because I am sort of a newbie. Installed Kubuntu today06:49
Guest58398actually, i do have the change brightness option, but it doesn't work06:50
Guest58398hi rudyerazo06:50
emilsedghGuest58398: then i dont know, im sorry :)06:51
emilsedgh!hi rudyerazo06:51
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about hi rudyerazo06:51
emilsedgh!hi | rudyerazo06:51
ubotturudyerazo: Hi! Welcome to #kubuntu!06:51
Guest58398how come i am know as guest?06:51
emilsedghGuest58398: change your nickname with typing /nick newnickname06:52
emilsedghwhile newnickname is the nickname you want :)06:52
=== Guest58398 is now known as KubuntuY
KubuntuYi don't need to register it or anything right?06:52
rudyerazoalguien habla español06:52
KubuntuYun poco06:53
emilsedghKubuntuY: if you want to send private messages, you need to register06:53
emilsedgh!es | rudyerazo06:53
ubotturudyerazo: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.06:53
KubuntuYoh ok. thank you all for helping me06:53
KubuntuYbye bye06:53
emilsedghbye KubuntuY06:53
tomahasamoothow do I take a desktop snapshot in kde3.5?07:04
tomahasamootnever mind, I've got it....07:04
tomahasamootsorry for the stupid question :-P07:05
nuxilpress printscreen|sys rq ?07:05
se7en_sombody know what i have done wrong ... i installed apache2 and configured it ... now i would like to passwd protect the side so i setup the .htaccsess file in /var/www/ and didhtpasswd -c .htpasswd guest ... but i can still get on the site without any passwd07:33
=== travis_ is now known as hiyo
=== trummer is now known as helloween82
icelabhi there08:29
icelabthe question is:08:30
icelabi'm looking for a program or application that let me see if the connection is on?08:30
wordicelab: what kind of connection?08:32
icelabsoory my internet connection is on08:32
wordicelab: knetworkmanager08:32
wordicelab: it has a system tray icon that changes if it's disconnected or connected08:33
icelabthanks a lot08:33
wordicelab: :)08:33
icelab have you tried?08:33
wordicelab: yah, i have it right now08:33
wordit doesn't show if your internet connection is up though :-/08:34
wordbut that's kind of impossible....08:34
wordsorry i kinda misinterpreted what you meant by internet connection..somehow lol ><08:35
wordknetworkmanager tells you if you can connect to your network, not if that network connects to the internet08:35
wordicelab: easiest thing to do for internet is ping google.com :-/08:36
icelabok but i looking for something like "other s.o." you know what i mean08:37
icelabsomething like two little computer on a tray08:39
wordicelab: hmm... gimme a sec to google it..08:39
Jucato!info knemo08:40
ubottuknemo (source: knemo): network interfaces monitor for KDE's systray. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.4.8-1 (hardy), package size 278 kB, installed size 1408 kB08:40
wordicelab: knetstats look EXACTLY like the 2 monitors thing you're talking about08:42
word2 computers*08:42
wordoh, and so does knemo lol ;p08:42
wordicelab: so you'll have to see which does what you want, not sure if they do internet :-/08:43
ifroogI get an error "Bad length in compmap"08:46
ifroogxorg when i startx08:46
wordifroog: does it start anyway? :-/08:50
=== asc is now known as aqua
=== aqua is now known as aquadsfg
icelabsorry word the line died08:59
wordicelab: heh, did one of the programs show it?08:59
icelabwhat kind of program?09:00
tomahasamootwhat's the command to mount an aritrary usb mass storage device?09:01
icelabahhh no...:-)09:01
wordicelab: lol, knemo knetstats are two that might do it :-/09:02
icelabi will hope09:03
icelabsee you09:04
rohanhow do i stop those irritating dolphin "AddAsPodcast" message when browsing html files?09:08
rohani am using kubuntu 8.0409:09
guido_I installed kpersonalizer and now when I click on the kmenu to turn off the computer the only option I get is to close the session. any thoughts on how to fix this?09:14
pagguido_, do you use KDM or something else?09:16
Agent_bobguido_ kcontrol has a section on that but don't ask me what it's called09:22
Agent_bobguido_ i think the short way to get there is to right click K and configure09:22
=== Jucato_ is now known as Jucato
carib909My kubuntu 8.04 server is broken. I cannot browse hard drives, I cannot mount other hard drives, I can use apt-get Please look at  http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/30509/09:23
Agent_bobJucato  you still up ?09:23
guido_Agent_bob: ok, I'll check it out, thanks09:23
JucatoAgent_bob: I am, but on my way out09:23
guido_how do I give myself read/write access to '/dev/net/tun'?09:24
JucatoI can spare a minute09:24
carib909I cannot use apt-get09:24
carib909Jucato can you look at that pastebin and help me solve this issue please?09:25
Agent_bobcarib909 you broke your sudoers     < ummmm ! >    i'm gonna tell.09:25
carib909Thanks bob... how do I fix?09:25
Agent_bobcarib909 do you have a root shell ?09:25
carib909I do09:25
Agent_bobvisudo    and fix it09:26
Agent_bobyou can pastebin the content of /etc/sudoers if you want,  i might be able to see what's awax'd09:26
carib909I am not sure I have vi and not sure how to fix09:26
Agent_bobif you have sudo you have visudo09:27
Agent_bobjust try it in the root shell09:27
* Agent_bob mentions a shortcut at trouble shooting. open visudo and close it. it will tell you where the "first" error is.09:28
carib909Won't let me get root shell09:28
Agent_bobi asked if you had one     !09:28
Agent_bob<Agent_bob> carib909 do you have a root shell ? <<< not can you get....   ><carib909> I do  <<< jyou must not have.09:29
carib909sudo su gives http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/30512/09:29
administrator_wat are you doing ?09:30
carib909Sorry, I thought I had root shell, but I don't09:30
Agent_bobcarib909 you'll have to get into root to fix it.09:30
pagcarib909, yup. of course it does – you are not able to use sudo at all. 'su' would work on most distros, but not on *buntu :(09:30
Agent_bobcarib909 that probably means a reboot.09:30
pagcarib909, boot your computer and login into recovery mode – that'll give you root-acces09:31
carib909What do I do when I reboot?09:31
carib909After I gt root access?09:31
pagcarib909, 'visudo' and look for errors09:31
Agent_bobuse visudo and fix your mistakes...09:31
Agent_bobpag did you catch my HINT ^09:31
* Agent_bob mentions a shortcut at trouble shooting. open visudo and close it. it will tell you where the "first" error is.09:32
Agent_bobthat hint   ^09:32
carib909LOL I don't know what the errors are or what the lines should be. Can you paste yours for me please?09:32
administrator_today just traded winXP09:32
Agent_bobcarib909 no i can't paste mine.  and you wouldn't want it anyeay.09:32
guido_how do I give myself read/write access to '/dev/net/tun'?09:33
administrator_会说中文的 有没09:33
Agent_bobguido_ either own it or mod it.09:33
administrator_请出来报道下 谢谢了09:33
carib909I will try but I am lost here, not sure what to look for.09:33
guido_Agent_bob: how do I mod it?09:34
administrator_you zhong guo de mei?09:34
pagAgent_bob, I read that, but I wasn't paying much attention – sorry :-)09:34
administrator_you zhong guo de mei09:34
Agent_bobguido_   sudo chwon $USER /dev/net/tun   <<<< own...   sudo chmod 666 /dev/net/tun    <<< mod09:34
guido_Agent_bob: what would be the downside of owning it?09:35
Agent_bobguido_ it's in ram so at reboot it will reset anyway.    if you want a lasting change.     ls -l /dev/net/tun   see what  group it's in and add your self to that group09:36
pagadministrator_, English only, please.09:36
guido_Agent_bob: I'm sorry, but how do I add myself there?09:36
pagguido_, adduser user group09:37
Agent_bob   ^ the gui way09:37
* Agent_bob just edits /etc/group09:37
administrator_you hui zhong wen de pengyou mei09:38
administrator_wo yingyu buhao09:38
Hoorasorry my chinese is bad ;)09:38
Agent_bobheh  but you can end up like carib909.   editing things in /etc   ;/09:39
guido_something's wrong.. when I do alt+F2 I don't get the prompt09:39
Agent_bobguido_ you have compiz running ?09:39
Agent_bobthere ya go09:39
Agent_bobor should i say.  that's what's wrong09:39
guido_I switched back to kwin and still no prompt when I do alt+F209:40
Agent_bobguido_ been messing with khotkeys ?09:41
Agent_bobcrashed kicker ?09:41
Agent_bobkicker is the app that alt+f2 signals    or kicker traps the alt+f2   how ever you say it.09:42
guido_I installed keytouch yesterday afternoon09:42
Agent_bobthat might do it.09:42
Agent_bobok back to updates09:43
administrator_god looked like nobody to be possible to help me:O-O09:43
Agent_bobgood luck to your pinguin.09:43
guido_ahh, there I am then...09:44
guido_fixed that09:44
Agent_bobadministrator_ nobody has understood you    try a channel you can speak the language in.09:44
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about ch09:45
ubottu日本語の場合は #ubuntu-jp または #kubuntu-jp を参照して下さい09:45
ubottuПожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke09:45
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about ti09:45
guido_Agent_bob: what would be /dev/net/tun's group?09:46
Agent_bobadministrator_ no i don't speak it.09:46
nuxiladministrator_, no one can help you unless you tell us your problem09:46
ubottuFor Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw  或者 #ubuntu-hk09:47
Agent_bobthere   ^09:47
Hooraanyone, a sfv checker for kubuntu?10:03
Hoorainstalling cfv, let's see if it will do tha thing...10:05
guido_anyone know how can I give a user permission to shutdown the computer?10:06
nuxilguido_, what you mean? in kdm all users can turn off the pc.10:08
Hooraok, cfv did the thing... having a little monologue here ;)10:08
nuxilguido_, are you talking remote ?10:08
carib909Anyone know how to edit dudoers file from visudo?10:08
guido_nuxil: for some reason my only user has lost that ability10:08
=== administrator_ is now known as administrator__
nuxilcarib909, man sudoers10:09
Agent_bobguido_ normally only root has permission to shut down or reboot    note that [g,k,x]dm run as root10:09
guido_when I try to shutdown from the kmenu I only get the option to close session10:09
carib909I am in root. I don't know vi at all. Type man sudoers?10:10
* Agent_bob has edited the dodoers file a time or two. but thinks it futile to try to explain it. "run the command sudoers and exit. then read the error message it posts, and edit the line it tells you too..."10:10
nuxilcarib909, in konsole . type man sudoers10:10
Agent_boberr  command   visudo10:11
guido_brb, I'm gonna see if it worked10:11
Agent_bobdodoers    :)))    too funny10:12
carib909no access to root shell so I had to reboot into recovery and go to root shell. I typed man sudoers and got a description of what sudoers file contains10:12
nuxilread it10:13
* Agent_bob has edited the dodoers file a time or two. but thinks it futile to try to explain it. "run the command visudo and exit. then read the error message it posts, and edit the line it tells you too..." at the expense of repeting me'self10:14
Agent_bobthe entire purpose of "visudo" is to syntax test the file before it lets you quit...10:15
nuxilAgent_bob, If all you want is . not to type password after sudo all the time,, i think you put something like YourUser ALL = (ALL) ALL10:17
Agent_bobnuxil no.10:19
Agent_bobnuxil you are probably looking for the   NOPASSWD  key word10:19
=== gnomefre1k is now known as gnomefreak
nuxilyes ,, something like that ;)10:20
Agent_bob  ^ makes root jr  out of everyone.10:20
Agent_bobof course that makes a linux box about as secure as a windows box too10:21
nuxilwould %* ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD:ALL be all gouped then ?10:21
Agent_bobnote*  i did say "about"  not "entirely"10:22
Agent_bobnuxil yes   same thing in a different language10:22
Agent_bobALL == ALL == .*10:23
simihi i compiled a kernel using a howto from a book(using debian kernel tools), the problem is that i am missing a initr image , i do not know how to create a corect image for debian systems10:24
nuxilsimi, you dont need it10:24
siminuxil: i need it, thx anyway found answer in 3ubuntu10:25
nuxilsimi, copy you bzImage to /boot/yourlinuz and cp System.map /boot then edit your grub config10:25
Agent_bobsimi if you want to use an initramfs/initrd image   you run the respective command     mkinitr*  <new_imagefile> <version>10:26
nuxilsimi, why do you need it ?10:26
Agent_bobnuxil he may not have drivers builtin to support booting without an initramfs imeag10:26
siminuxil: because i get a kernel panic, can't mount root partition10:27
simisomething like that10:28
carib909Ok agent bob I typed visudo and I get this message http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/30518/  cannot quit. When I type quit , a recording message pops up below.10:28
Agent_bobsimi  note* unless you are building a portable kernel. i fine it faster and easier to build in the needed drivers and not use an initramfs10:28
nuxilsimi, thats cos you forgot some modules or to include some sata or ide drivers10:28
siminuxil:  i tried many configuration that do not worked, and this time i just added things and remove nothing to the standard config, i will create that image with a command10:30
nuxilsimi, also check your grub, if it used uuid, it might have changed. or the grub is trying to use sdX instead of hdX..10:30
Agent_bobgrub doesn't use block addressing nuxil10:32
Agent_bob(hd0) is (hd0)10:32
nuxilsimi, forexample.. kernel          /boot/vmlinuz-2.6.24-16-386 root=UUID=b35f7a5f-c32a-4f63-b2f5-7f7d9599132e ro quiet splash works fine,, but if i use the same uuid on my custom kernel. it wount boot,10:32
Agent_bobcarib909 so you forced an exit of visudo     so rm the tmp file and try again.10:33
carib909how do you exit ?10:33
siminuxil: found this command update-initramfs but i must read more about it, all the other kernels have an initrd image10:33
Agent_bobcarib909 it kinda depends on what editor your default editor is10:34
carib909cntrl z is only cmd that seems to work10:34
carib909I am in visudo10:34
nuxilsimi, you are just making it harder by making a iniramfs.10:34
Agent_bobctrl+z doesnt even exit10:34
Agent_bobcarib909 yes   visudo  no what editor is it ?10:35
carib909u said type visudo and exit, how do I exit?10:35
Agent_bobis it nano vim emacs me -e  ????10:35
Agent_bobpico ?10:35
carib909How do I become aware of what editor it is?10:35
Agent_bobthat bad huh ?10:35
nuxilgood god10:36
Agent_boblook at the bottom line and tell me what you see10:36
siminuxil: but what can i do, i compiled the scsi into kernel and ext310:36
Agent_bobalso look at the top line and see if it gives a clue as to which editor it might be10:36
Agent_bobsimi partition support   "assuming you use partitions"10:37
Agent_bobsimi and also   is it a true scsi interface or are you emulating10:37
carib909Bottom line says # Members of the Admin group may gain root privileges ^M %Admin ALL=(ALL) ALL^M10:38
simiAgent_bob: i have scsi drive on my laptop10:38
simiand the default kernels have initrd images10:39
Agent_bobcarib909 you are looking at the bottom line of the screen and not the bottom line of the file    correct ?10:39
Agent_bobsimi your kernel is not default10:39
simiHow can i get the kernel name , at the compiled kernel, is the name of the deb?10:39
carib909I typed visudo and i got a bunch of text. I cannot exit? I don't know what editor it is. What does visudo do?10:40
Agent_bobsorry that didn't proccess correctly ?     do what simi ?10:40
nuxilsimi, xconfig -> Device Drivers -> ATA | SCSI |Seriel ATA  look in there,, and tell us what modules you have selected10:40
simiAgent_bob:  i have other 2 kernels made by ubuntu and this one i made, in /boot i have only for ubuntu made initrd images, my kernel does not have that image10:40
Agent_bobcarib909 is the bottom line        :10:40
Agent_bob ???10:40
carib909The bottm line is what I just posted10:40
carib909 Bottom line says # Members of the Admin group may gain root privileges ^M %Admin ALL=(ALL) ALL^M10:41
Agent_bobsimi yeah and ?   you don't need an initramfs   "if"  you have all the nesseccary drivers compiled into the kernel  "not as modules"10:41
Agent_bobcarib909 ok.     does the top line say anything useful ?10:42
carib909top line says # /etc/sudoers^M10:42
Agent_bobi have no idea what editor he is using.   it's not vi/vim   it's not nano/pico    the bottom line would reviel those four10:42
Agent_bobcarib909 press   f110:43
Agent_bobdoes it five a help screen ?10:43
carib9092nd line says # This file must be edited with the 'visudo' command as root ^M10:43
ubottuFor Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto10:44
* Jucato suggests posting a screenshot if he can....10:44
Agent_bobthat's inside the file it's self.    so far everything you have mentioned is within the sudoers file.     and i don't recall any editor that displays nothing but what you are editing10:45
carib909after F1   For VIM 6.4 Last change:2004 Aug 2910:45
carib909The Vim help file is not installed on this Debian GNU/Linux System10:45
Agent_bobcarib909 then you must have lied   about the bottom line      "probably not on purpose tho"    anyway   press  the [ins]  key to enter insert mode10:46
JucatoAgent_bob: I think he interpreted your "bottom line" as the "bottom line *of the text*"10:46
Agent_bobyou can then use the dirrectional keys to move and the normal keys to edit10:47
nuxilgive him kate to edit in :p10:47
Agent_bobJucato i was very specific earlier10:47
carib909How do I get out of this Help screen?10:47
Agent_bobnuxil but it wont syntax test and that's what he needs the most10:48
carib909Lied? I told you exactly what you asked me to tell you????10:48
Agent_bobyou press   [esc]   then   :10:48
carib909ok pressed INS10:49
Agent_boband you can edit/ fix your mistake.   then    [esc] :wq!10:50
carib909I have no clue what a mistake is or how to eidt it. What am I looking for?10:51
Agent_bobif there are more mistakes   it will loop  and give you the opertunity to fix them.10:51
Agent_bobcarib909 bad syntax.10:51
Agent_bobcarib909 if you don't know which line     [esc] :wq!10:51
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Agent_boband it will tell you.10:51
carib909I am green at this! I don't know good from bad syntax. I don't see anything to edit.10:52
Agent_bobi know.   just use the command i gave   and read what it says10:52
Agent_bob [esc] :wq!10:52
Agent_bob[esc] means press the escape key10:52
carib909oops sorry for shouting there10:54
Agent_bobshow me the exact command you used to edit the file please10:54
Agent_boband  when you exited it didn't say any syntax error ?10:55
carib909I cannot exit! I can press cntrl Z and it exists...10:55
carib909I don't know another way to exit.10:56
ailingsometimes synaptic hangs at the end of upgrading/installing packages -- have anyone else experienced this?10:56
Agent_bobmy lord.     DON'T BACK GROUND THE EDITOR.10:56
Agent_bob type    fg10:56
Agent_bobto resume.10:56
carib909typing fg causes a beep. nothing types or happens.10:57
nuxilailing, adept  aswell ?10:57
Agent_bobcarib909 listen.   control Z   does NOT exit.   it puts the process in the background   and lets you use the shell    but the editor is still running in the backgroud10:57
ailingnuxil: adept just plain crashes (probably a bad repo package in intrepid), however apt-get in console works fine10:58
carib909whtat iuok I am still at the screen. I did not cntrl z this time... I do not know how to exit. any clues?10:58
Agent_bobcarib909    [esc] :wq!10:58
Agent_bobtype that10:59
carib909does nothing but cause a beep10:59
Agent_bobi'll repete   [esc]  means press the excape key.10:59
carib909ok now I am out with syntax errors10:59
carib909syntax in line 10,11,12,15,17,19,21,22,24,2511:00
Agent_boblook close at what line  and go back in like it sujests11:00
Agent_bobah  bad mark up   most likely11:01
carib909"What now" options are Edit sudoers file again exit W/O saving changes Quit and save changes to sudoers file   (DANGER)11:01
Agent_bobmay i sujest you go to each line end   and delete then hit enter11:01
Agent_bobedit   by all means11:01
carib909Please guide me exactly how to do that.11:02
carib909What now?11:02
Agent_bobare you back in the editor ?11:02
carib909I selected e to edit file again11:02
Agent_bobok   [ins]11:03
carib909 press enter or type a command to continue11:03
carib909What command edits the file?11:03
nuxilailing, my adept is slow as a turtle sometimes. does it complain about some paks ? you can try running sudo dpkg --configure -a to see if it fixes issues,, also try a apt-get update and apt-get upgrade to see if it helps.11:04
engineercarib909 nano?11:04
carib909I hit INS11:04
engineernuxil sudo aptitude install synaptic11:04
Agent_bobengineer  vim11:04
engineersorry, i hate vim11:04
Agent_bobcarib909 move down to line 1011:05
Agent_bobthe dirrectional arrows keys11:05
Agent_bobhit  [end]11:05
carib909Del key not deleting. There are some blank lines I suppose I need to delete?11:06
engineerin nano, ctrl+k11:06
Agent_bobthen hit  [del]         #note if it removes the last char from the line type it back and hit  [enter]11:06
engineerto delete lines11:06
Agent_bobyou need to remove the linux markup from the file     i wonder if i couldn't do that externally.....11:07
ailingnuxil: tried all that -- adept crashes on launch actually, so i won´t know if it´s slow11:07
engineerjuse use: kdesu kate <filename>11:08
Agent_bobto delete a whole line you can  use command mode   [esc] :d[enter]11:08
engineernuxil consider using synaptic11:08
engineerailing same to you11:08
Agent_bobengineer who was that for ?11:08
nuxilengineer, no not really. i manage with apt and adept11:08
Agent_bob" <engineer> juse use: kdesu kate <filename> "  ???11:09
engineerto edit the file?11:09
engineermuch easier11:09
Agent_bobengeneer what file ?11:09
engineer(11:03:58) (carib909) What command edits the file?11:09
ailingengineer: actually i was just talking about a possible bug in synaptic, where at the end of installing/upgrading a package, it just hangs11:10
Agent_bobengineer so you are advising him to use kdesu which cant work    and kate on the sudoers file ?11:10
engineernever experienced that11:10
engineerthats the way you can edit a root file graphically11:10
engineerfor me synaptic has always been more stable than adept11:11
carib909I deleted the ^M at the end and cannot seem to add it back11:11
Agent_bobengineer  if you can walk him through that.  i will most gladly be silent and learn something.11:11
Jucatoengineer: the sudoers file should not be edited manually unless you really really know what you're doing11:11
engineerin fact, the thing you just said happened to me in adept11:11
ailingengineer: i wish i knew why :)11:11
Jucatoby "manually" I mean "editor <file>"11:11
Agent_bobcarib909 good.  you don't want it back.11:11
simiI created the initrd image and the kernel boot up, but the network card is not working inspite i do not remove any module11:11
Agent_bobcarib909 that is the problem to begin with.11:12
Jucatovisudo is the recommended way to edit the sudoers file11:12
engineeri didn't know it was that file, sorry :)11:12
carib909I did what you said, del and if it removes it add it back. I cannot add back THAT ^M11:12
Agent_bobJucato any clue why it is using vim tho ?11:13
Agent_bobJucato isn't nano still default ?11:13
JucatoAgent_bob: it should be afaik11:13
simiwhere i can find the text that scroles up when booting? the /var/log/boot is empty? i must enable liging? i want to see what is started and what i can remove, time stamp would be nice11:13
Agent_bobcarib909 the   ^M   is the carrage return from ms dos   you don't want them in that file at all.   get rid of every one of them11:14
nuxilsimi dmesg11:15
Agent_bobi mentioned that that many lines with syntax errors was provavly "bad markup"11:15
Agent_bobmarkup is a referance to the line end chars of a given operating system11:16
Agent_bobor other intrepted chars within a text file11:16
carib909Ok I deleted all carriage returns. I have some blank lines I cannot delte. How do I delete blank lines and then how to exit to save changes?11:16
Agent_bobcarib909   [esc] :wq!11:17
Agent_bobcarib909 any more errors ?\11:18
carib909ok done but blank lines still there no errors showing11:18
ailingbrb - testing if the ati binary driver works...11:18
Agent_bobcarib909   sudo echo boo11:18
Agent_bobcarib909   issue that command     "assuming you have cleanly exited from vim now.11:19
carib909it typed boo11:19
Agent_bobcarib909 you have fixed it.  reboot11:19
carib909WOW! Whew! here we go Thanks a million. I hope it works11:19
Agent_bobnow.  back to what i was doing.      if he has more problems "other that that one."  someone else jump in.11:20
=== trdfromtuxfamily is now known as TRD
carib909Agt bob you have taught me alot Thanks. Apt-get is working agin11:24
carib909Can anyone tell me how to stop keys from pepeating when typing in konsole or anywhere for that matter..11:25
carib909repeating keys in konsole11:25
Agent_bobcarib909 welcome.11:25
carib909Soot package managers won't start11:27
Agent_bobcarib909 if you mean key bounce,  i don't know oc anything.   if you mean the delay timing   kcontrol should let you set that.11:28
Agent_bobcarib909 only one instance of any package management system at a time can run    that's a safty thing.11:29
Agent_bob!adeptcrash | carib90911:29
ubottucarib909: If an APT front-end crashed and your database is locked, try this in a !terminal: « sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a »11:29
Agent_bobcarib909 also if you had paid attention.  i did tell you how to delete empty lines  when you asked.   but don't bother now.  they wont hurt anything   :)11:32
carib909ok thanks11:32
carib909I tried to delete empty lines but they would not go way. Like DOS editors, when you hit del they go away and the line drops down, but that would not work for me. It seems all is ok. Adept would not start but synaptic did.11:33
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Agent_boband like i said at the time.    [esc] :d11:35
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ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about phonon11:53
engineerit's the arts of kde411:54
ailingengineer: i´m aware of that -- i´m trying to find out how to get the log messages of phonon11:55
ailingengineer: because it isn working on this machine, but it used to work11:56
PhilRodailing: try system settings -> notifications. In there you can set phonon to log things to files, etc11:56
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=== Guest70061 is now known as skabet
ailingPhilRod: you know where the actual debug log of phonon is stored (if any)? the system settings log is too generic, i.e. it only tells you it fails, but doesn´t say when and where11:59
PhilRodailing: not specifically. I suspect it may be switched off, actually12:00
ailingPhilRod: the debug logging? hmm, are there any command line scripts/tools for phonon?12:01
PhilRodno idea, sorry. My kde 4 knowledge is pretty lacking. You could tr #kubuntu-kde412:02
ailingPhilRod: ok thanks12:03
Taggnostris there a way to increase the volume of the audio device? even if it's 100% it's kinda low12:26
Agent_bobTaggnostr turn off "external apmlifier"  in alsamixer some times works.12:29
Agent_bobkinda depends on the hardware tho12:29
Taggnostrwhere can I find alsamixer?12:29
ubunturosTaggnostr: if you use VLC, you could do it using [Ctrl] + "up arrow key"12:30
Taggnostrbtw I'm on a notebook and I'm using its speaker but iirc with windows it was louder12:30
Agent_bobTaggnostr it's installed.   run it in a konsole12:30
Wizardis there any channel dedicated to intrepid ibex?12:30
Agent_bobubunturos ???    are you high ?12:31
Taggnostrnice gui12:31
Agent_bobWizard *buntu+112:31
Agent_bobWizard i.e.  #ubnntu+1   is the main development channel12:32
Taggnostrif I set the master to 80 I can't hear nothing12:32
WizardAgent_bob: thanks12:33
simii tried to enable boot login editing /etc/defaults/bootloged but the /var/log/boot remains empty, i need to read tALL the messages printed at boot time(in dmesg are not all, only the first part)12:33
Agent_bobmaster is only one of many controls12:33
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Agent_bobsimi what ?12:35
Agent_bobdmesg is what ?12:35
Taggnostrthe pcm was at 39, now it's better12:35
simiAgent_bob: /var/log/dmesg is a log file12:35
Agent_bobsimi and ?12:35
simiAgent_bob:  there i can read the first part of the boot mesages , the part that has that time stamp but there are more after12:36
Agent_bobsimi  and dmesg is also a command.12:37
=== gnomefre1k is now known as gnomefreak
Agent_bobyou may want to look at the command dmesg12:37
Agent_bobyou can alter the system and the command dmesg will show it.   "even now"   not just at boot time.       i'm not sure what info you are after...12:38
Agent_bobwell i just did   apt-get dist-upgrade   it installed a new kernel of the same version   so i'm expecting trouble.....12:42
Agent_bobyep just like i expected it to...  http://ubuntu.pastebin.us/?show=db086b5f12:44
Agent_bobwell i'll fix that late,   i'm out.12:44
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=== gnomefre1k is now known as gnomefreak
paolo_i can't see the usbdevfs under /proc/usb . what should I do?13:02
adz21chi, i just installed an Asus Xonar D2, at first I had some sound (just the sound of alert box when u launched kaffeine or amarok saying it can't load xine) but now i have nothing and arts keeps dieing with a message box ("cpu overload"). Anyone have any ideas what i can do? [Kubuntu 8.04 KDE4.0.98]13:23
pascal_I need some help13:30
pascal_is someone here who could help me with a problem?13:33
pascal_german or english13:33
adz21cpascal_: just explain your problem and if anyone can help they will chime in13:36
pascal_I'm runnig dapper and every time, the kernel is updated menu.lst takes /dev/hda1 as root directory13:38
pascal_but it's /dev/hdb113:38
pascal_therefor I have to change this by hand13:38
pascal_how can I tell kubintu to take /dev/hdb1 as root even after an update13:39
pascal_noone who can help me?13:46
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emonshi guys how do i make the websites i visualize with firefox having their own fonts? with windows it was happening automatically, with kubuntu here i cant, someone can help?13:50
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simi_emons:  maybe you need to install some fonts, try searching  medibuntu13:54
pascal_some here who knows how to configure grub?13:55
emonssimi_ u mean kubuntu doesn't have all the fonts from the websites and so automatically it makes them coming out with a default font?13:56
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corpsicleim new to kde, when i install a application with the "add/remove programs" thing, they dont end up in the menu until i restart kde14:29
corpsicleis that how it is or am i doing something wrong14:30
PhilTrunkthey should really get added. You can manually force it by running "kbuildsycoca" though14:33
PhilTrunksaves you restarting the session14:33
corpsiclePhilTrunk : ok thanks14:34
Taggnostrdoes someone know where I can find the files of the kate sessions or if is there a way to export/import them?14:39
simi_emons:  there are some Microsoft fonts that are not installed and you must install them yourself(legal issues in some countries) try medibuntu i belive you can find the fonts there14:46
emonsi did download the medibuntu list14:47
emonsand from repository ive installed microsoft core fonts14:47
emonsbut i dont understand how do i do now?14:47
simi_emons:  if that was the problem and now you have the fonts restart firefox, maybe it will fix the problem14:48
emonstried but nuttin happened14:49
emonssame fonts14:49
NiksoniHello,i am still inexperienced in Linux and Ubuntu Releases,i am wondering,are there developing tools installed in Kubuntu for Developing it?14:49
simi_emons: ask in #ubuntu,  i am using konqueror and opera14:50
emonsalright thanks14:50
simi_Niksoni:  hi14:53
NiksoniI just don't get one thing,there are many people here,and no one i asking a question or something14:55
NiksoniCould it be that no one is having a bug or a problem?14:55
simi_Niksoni:   i answered you but it was an error14:58
nonewmsgssorry niksoni i am not having any problems14:59
=== ding__ is now known as viezerd_
frozty_sa|laptophopefully less noise here than I'd have in #ubuntu. I'm having an issue on my desktop box at the moment. after an update which obviously updated my xorg nvidia driver (the issue pertains to both proprietary and open), my desktop keeps on sizing down to something which seems to 640x480. the login screen is at the maximum resolution my monitor can handle (1440x900), but as soon as I log in it sizes down15:12
nonewmsgsdoes it happen with both k and gnome?15:12
frozty_sa|laptopcan anyone maybe advise me as to what I can do to get X into a "fresh" state so it'll autodetect the values correctly?15:12
nonewmsgsalso try to see if it happens with a new user15:13
frozty_sa|laptophaven't tested, not going to waste 400mb of bandwidth and 7 hours of downloading to install gnome15:13
frozty_sa|laptopit does, nonewmsgs15:13
frozty_sa|laptopwith a new user, I mean15:13
NiksoniI have a question,where and how can i get someone to be my mentor?15:13
engineermentor wtf15:13
frozty_sa|laptopI had the issue once previously. managed to solve it by removing the nvidia proprietary driver, restarting X, deleting the config file (after backing it up, obviously) and then restarting X again15:14
frozty_sa|laptopdoesn't work this time though, nor does the backup config which I saved from after I fixed it work to get it into the proper size15:14
nonewmsgscan you make ti to the display manager?15:14
frozty_sa|laptopyup. and by default it seems to autodetect my monitor wrong (although I have no clue as to what the hell happens then, since the login screen is fine). so I choose a correct model/mode appropriate to my monitor in admin mode, then set up the res, then restart X, back to 640x48015:15
nonewmsgsdoes manually adjusting the xorg.conf file help15:17
engineerset the default settings to the resolution you want15:17
frozty_sa|laptop                Depth   2415:19
frozty_sa|laptop                Modes           "1024x768@60"   "800x600@60"    "800x600@56"    "640x480@60"15:19
frozty_sa|laptopshould pick the first one, right?15:19
frozty_sa|laptopI haven't fiddled with X config files since they invented hal+udev+X15:19
nonewmsgsno chnge the first one to 1440x90015:19
* frozty_sa|laptop repo-ifies /etc15:21
frozty_sa|laptopnonewmsgs: still odd that it jumps to 640x480 even when the first one is 1440x90015:21
engineerremove 640x48015:22
frozty_sa|laptopssh-ing in to my desktop now, X just completely punked itself15:22
engineer!hi | gd51515:22
ubottugd515: Hi! Welcome to #kubuntu!15:22
gd515thanks .... this is my first time on kubuntu ... was previously a window user15:23
engineerjust get straight to the point15:23
gd515are there any more rooms on this IRC15:25
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about channels15:25
gd515oh cool thanks15:26
gd515how often is the terminal used in kubuntu ? Is it neccessary to use ?15:26
nonewmsgsit is good to use for some things15:26
engineersome actions are faster done by command line15:27
gd515ok i just wasnt sure if its someting i really needed to start learning to get the full effect of the OS15:27
engineeryou might need it to tweak the OS into your needs and experience the full power of it15:27
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gd515so far it seems better then windows ... it dont have all that extra  crap that microsoft throws at ya15:28
engineerwell, you can install stuff you need15:29
frozty_sa|laptopextra crap like win32?15:29
gd515is virus protection needed or spyware stuff for linux ?15:29
engineerunless you want to prevent viruses from spreading to other computers15:30
frozty_sa|laptoprighto. engineer, I have now managed to get it into a 1440x900 desktop during login only. logout causes loss of this15:30
engineergd515 in linux you can delete files while you're using them15:30
frozty_sa|laptopor more specifically, logout causes total X use failure15:31
Wizardfrozty_sa|laptop: i had the same on my powerbook15:31
Wizardfound solution on gentoo forums15:31
gd515ah thats cool lets the files dont get tied up ...15:31
engineerno more "file is being used" dailogs15:32
frozty_sa|laptopWizard: got a link I could check out?15:32
Wizardthey had search field, very useful :)15:32
gd515i havent actually moved into kubuntu yet ... i used this programed called wubi and it install it using 15 gigs of my drive and it just give me the option to boot up with linux or my windows.15:32
engineerlike the live cd15:33
frozty_sa|laptopWizard: got a specific set of terms I could search for so as to bypass all the noise?15:33
gd515ya ... is there any down falls doing it that way or should i consider moving it in on my second hard drive ?15:33
engineeri have to go now15:33
Wizardfrozty_sa|laptop: i'm not sure15:34
frozty_sa|laptopgd515: your main issue will be inability to play some windows-bases games on linux, even though it is possible15:34
Wizardit was few months ago15:34
frozty_sa|laptopk, np15:34
* frozty_sa|laptop cries15:35
gd515i see ... oh one more question if you dont mind .  How about music ... is there a radio i can install or what type of music files do i download ? Is it still Mp315:35
dadI'm going through all the IRC clients that are available in Ubuntu's Applications area and they all suck big time so far.. What is your favourite IRC client to use in Ubuntu..15:35
dadget the fluendo plug in to play mp3s15:36
frozty_sa|laptopgd515: music files is the same as any. there are a variety of formats to choose from, and all of the common ones you would have on windows is usable in ubuntu15:37
frozty_sa|laptopwhat dad said about the mp3 plugin is a good idea, some legal reasons (which I'm not intimately familiar with since I don't stay in the US)15:37
gd515legal reasons ?15:38
frozty_sa|laptoplike I said, I don't know15:38
frozty_sa|laptopnor do I care too much, since I don't like mp315:39
gd515cool and thats done by using the synaptic manager15:39
gd515thanks for the help guys .15:40
=== sysadmin is now known as TemplePrime
dadI'm going through all the IRC clients that are available in Ubuntu's Applications area and they all suck big time so far.. What is your favourite IRC client to use in Ubuntu..15:41
dadthis one I'm using now, Konversation, isnt' too bad15:41
dadbut I'm really used to mIRC15:41
dadand I like my pop up messages..15:42
frozty_sa|laptopyou can activate that in konversation15:42
dadhow ?15:42
dadand what other IRC clients have pop ups15:43
frozty_sa|laptopsettings -> configure notifications15:43
frozty_sa|laptopI'm not sure on what other ones have popups in that sense, though I am aware you can do some cool things with kvirc + avant15:43
dadno , that allows a set message to appear on a triggering event.. but that's not a pop up  message in mIRC.15:44
Taladandad - have you tried xchat?15:45
dadThese are the channel/chat messages you can store and then right click to insert into the message queue15:45
dadNot yet15:45
daddoes it have pop ups ?15:45
TaladanPop ups?15:45
frozty_sa|laptopwhat are popups then, dad?15:45
dadYou store a little message , like your physical description, that you need to type all the time, and then you can right click in the panel window15:45
dadand you get a list of all these pre made messages and you can select one and it displays to the active window15:46
TaladanUm...I dunno about that, but it supports python scripting, so I'm sure you could probably do all of that via a script.15:46
Taladansomething like /message115:46
frozty_sa|laptopI have no idea about whether konversation can do that, as I've never had to put it into a menu15:46
frozty_sa|laptopthe command alias can do what you want in text, though15:47
dadwhen you program them you store them     Descript say:/ Funny Looking dwarf15:48
dadand then in the list you would pick descript and everyone you were talking to would see the phrase  Funny Looking dwarf15:49
dadI've seen alias commands in mIRC15:50
frozty_sa|laptopI've already answered your question, it is now up to you to see that15:50
dadanyway.. I don't want a client that makes me have to learn python scripting.. I want a client that supports this feature directly15:51
dadThank you for your answer frozty_sa|laptop15:51
frozty_sa|laptopI didn't say you should learn python15:51
dadbut you may not be the only person in the room who has an opinion,15:51
frozty_sa|laptopnor did I say I was15:52
dadnope, apparently not. no one else in the room has an opinion ! ha ha15:54
amerigo! samba15:58
ubottuSamba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT.15:58
amerigo! swat15:58
XJmanHas anyone heard of that new motorola phone thats running linux?16:02
frozty_sa|laptopfscking internet16:05
XJmanYeah frozty_sa|laptop, its a pain16:10
frozty_sa|laptophuh? disconnecting internet, or my resolution woes?16:11
XJmanAre you running wireless?16:12
XJmanSo it drops you internet if you are hardwired or wireless?16:13
frozty_sa|laptopyou're confusing two issues16:14
frozty_sa|laptopthe desktop box is the one with resolution issues16:14
XJmanI was trying to help you with one at a time16:14
frozty_sa|laptopoverall I just plain have shitty internet sometimes, comes with the geographical territory16:14
XJmanAhh ok16:15
frozty_sa|laptopthanks for the interest in both though :-)16:15
frozty_sa|laptophave any idea as to the X problem?16:15
XJmanHave you tried to update your video card drivers?16:15
frozty_sa|laptopthey are at the latest version. it is actually an update itself which caused this16:16
XJmanI know some of the ATI cards can make your rez go crazy. I had to totally change my card in my desktop due to that16:16
frozty_sa|laptopnvidia card in my box16:16
XJmancan you undo the updates from adept?16:18
XJmanI've never really tried that.16:18
frozty_sa|laptoppffft, adept :-p16:18
* frozty_sa|laptop hugs his terminal16:19
frozty_sa|laptopthe issue will be finding the previous version of the repo files, though16:19
XJmanSorry man, I'm at a loss honestly. I'm not great at problem solving yet as I've been lucky this year and have not had many issues16:21
frozty_sa|laptopduring this I find myself actually wishing for the older XFree86 again..16:22
frozty_sa|laptopwhere the autoconfig didn't try to overrule you at every corner16:22
XJmanProblem is more and more programmers are comming to the ideal that computers are smarter than us.16:24
XJmanI know how I wan't my computer, I know what I want on my computer. I don't want it to do it for me16:25
NiksoniI am a programme16:28
gd515Can someone help me to install i program ?16:28
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NiksoniSure,what is the problem?16:28
gd515im trying to install kderadiostation-0.6  i have it downloaded on the desktop and i extrated it so not its a folder and i dont know what to do next16:29
NiksoniCan you explain a little better the last part?16:30
NiksoniWhen you have extracted it you need to find the folder16:30
NiksoniIf it's the ordinary program (not source code) you can find the .exe or whatever extension in the folder16:31
NiksoniAlso,install the Wine.package16:31
gd515after i extracted it .. it open with Dolphin and it have alot of files but i dont see a exe or a wine file ..16:32
dotancohenHi all, I am having a hard time building exiv2 from source. Is there anyone experienced in such manners present?16:33
NiksoniI don't have my computer near me to see how i installed opera,it has got the same trick as yer file16:33
NiksoniLet me think for a second16:33
gd515let me see if wine is insalled16:33
NiksoniInstall Wine16:33
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NiksoniIt opens .exe files16:33
gd515ok wine is installed but there isnt no exe file ... i dont think its even a windows app i think its a linux app16:36
gd515i dont know im new so it could be me thata making this harder then it should be16:36
NiksoniIm new too,trust me...16:37
gd515alot to learn huh16:37
NiksoniIm a BASIC programmer16:37
Niksoniand a Java too...16:37
NiksoniOk,try searching in those upper menu's16:37
gd515im just trying to get a radio or something on here .just boring without sound16:38
NiksoniFile then application or something16:38
frozty_sa|laptopgd515: wine enables you to click on an .exe in linux and then it can open the windows application in linux (if all goes well)16:38
NiksoniI think he allready knows that...16:38
NiksoniSearch the File menu16:38
Niksoniin the upper left corner of the screen16:38
Niksonigd515: have you found it?16:40
gd515ya but no luck16:41
NiksoniYou found it in meny?16:41
NiksoniMenu i mean16:41
NiksoniSo it won't run?16:42
gd515no its still not working16:42
NiksoniYou clicked on it and what happens then?16:42
gd515when i click on the wine thing in the start menu?16:43
NiksoniNo,not wine16:43
NiksoniI meant the shortcut for the program you installed16:43
gd515oh no its not in the menu .. i havent even got it installed yet thats what im trying to do16:44
NiksoniIf anyone else can take over,feel free16:45
NiksoniI need time to think16:45
xeno99Anyone using Amarok with a Sony Walkman (MTP question)?16:45
gd515well do you know another radio thing to download ... maybe its just this file16:46
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NiksoniMythTV is a TV type though...16:47
NiksoniSo i don't think it can do it well16:47
dotancohengd515, please run ls in the folder for the program, and post it's contents16:47
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NiksoniTry Real Player16:47
NiksoniIt has got a good Radio,i use it myself16:47
xeno99Anyone using Amarok with a Sony Walkman (MTP question)?16:48
xeno99No wonder. It doesn't work properly16:49
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hemanathanhi anyone help me ..how to install vlc using terminal16:56
hemanathanhi anyone help me ..how to install vlc using terminal16:57
hemanathanhelp me ya16:58
hemanathananyone help me ya16:58
axelhemanathan: "sudo apt-get install vlc" should do it.16:59
hemanathanaxel:no it is not getting installed17:00
ubottuAudio (Ogg, MP3...) players: Audacious, Banshee, Beep Media Player, Listen, Quod Libet, Rhythmbox, Exaile, XMMS (GTK/Gnome based) and Amarok, JuK (Qt/KDE based).  Video players: Totem, Xine, MPlayer, VLC, Kaffeine - See also !codecs17:00
BluesKajhemanathan:  Open adept package manager, On the menu of that screen you will want to click on Adept -> Manage Repositories, click the kubuntu software tab, check all the boxes "X",same goes for the third party software tab. Close,and then in the terminal "sudo apt-get update".Now you have more sources for applications other than the defaults that came with Kubuntu17:01
hemanathanaxel:no it is not getting installed tell me some other things17:02
hemanathani tried that it says break install and getting quitted17:02
axelhemanathan: what does apt-get say when you try this?17:03
NiksoniMaybe bug17:03
hemanathanaxel;it depends on some packages and it lists the same17:03
axelhemanathan: strange. These packages should be installed automatically.17:04
BluesKajuniverse and multiverse need to be enabled17:06
hemanathanok tell me some packages for downloading and getting installed17:07
hemanathancould you tell me where apt-get file exists17:08
axelhemanathan: Can you speak German? I found a site about it.17:11
axelhemanathan: http://wiki.ubuntuusers.de/sources.list17:12
axelemons: someone.17:13
emonsim trying to rename some .mp4a files with the taggers from the repositories, i tried 4 different taggers but the problem is always the same:17:13
emonsivegot load of files (mp3, wave, mp4a) and it doesnt let me drag and drop ONLY the files i want to tag edit, but everytime i have to open the all folder and it takes ages17:14
emonsplus i wont rename em all but just the ones i selected17:15
emonsdu no how to help? or du no a professional tag renamer that works good?17:15
axelemons: Sorry. I've got no Idea. Anyone else?17:16
hemanathanno only english or tamil17:16
axelhemanathan: OK. The file to edit to enable additional repositories is /etc/apt/sources.list17:18
axelhemanathan: But before you start editing make a copy of it, e.g. "sudo cp /etc/apt/sources.list /etc/apt/sources.list.bak"17:19
amerigo# software17:19
amerigo# games17:20
amerigoohhh sorry17:20
amerigo! games17:20
ubottuInformation about games on Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Games and http://www.icculus.org/lgfaq/gamelist.php17:20
amerigo! sofware17:20
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about sofware17:20
amerigo! software17:20
ubottuA general introduction to the ways software can be installed, removed and managed in Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoftwareManagement - See also !Packages, !Equivalents17:20
lil-romeohey all17:21
lil-romeocan someone help me17:21
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lil-romeoi have big problems17:21
lil-romeoi want to enable widgets but i aint see menu of widgets17:22
lil-romeoi downloaded 8.04.117:22
lil-romeohow to get the widgets17:22
axellil-romeo: KDE3.5.X or 4.X?17:22
lil-romeoKDE 4X17:22
lil-romeoim desperate i not even have black design17:23
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lil-romeoplease say me you can help me17:23
axellil-romeo: what do you see in the upper right corner of the desktop?17:23
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lil-romeoall egal17:23
lil-romeono button or anything17:23
axellil-romeo: actually there should be a menu to add widgets.17:24
lil-romeobut theire isnt17:24
lil-romeou got a link for me that does have17:24
lil-romeoor how to get17:24
lil-romeoupgrade cmd?17:24
axellil-romeo: I'm sorry. I don't have much experience with KDE4. I Wait until 4.1 or 4.2.17:25
lil-romeodont have to wait17:26
lil-romeoit just have to work17:27
lil-romeoi want that gadgets17:27
ActionParsniphey all17:28
axellil-romeo: Sorry. I can't help you.17:28
ActionParsnipI got a problem with kmix, I cant get the slider to move between 100% and 0% volume17:28
DarthFroglil-romeo: Do an "apt-cache search plasmoids" to get your widgets.17:31
DarthFrogThat'll tell you what's available.17:31
DarthFrogI think you need to be running KDE 4.1RC though.17:32
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lil-romeoapt-cache search plasmoids17:35
moope1Hello, I just tried to rip a cd with k3b and tried to save the output to a folder didn't exist. I got a "cannot connect to /dev/hda/" error and now k3b cant see the cd drive17:35
DarthFrogDidn't you say you wanted desktop widgets?17:35
lil-romeobut still17:36
lil-romeoit isnt theire my mates17:36
DarthFrogWell, they're in those plasmoid debs.17:36
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lil-romeobut if i want to redownload17:36
lil-romeowich version i need to download17:37
lil-romeoto gett all work17:37
Niksonilil-romeo are you a little bit of spamming...?17:37
lil-romeojust listen to what i tell17:37
DarthFrogGo to www.kubuntu.org and follow the instructions there to install KDE4.1RC1.17:37
lil-romeok my mate17:38
Jucato#kubuntu-kde4 also for Kubuntu KDE 4 support17:38
lil-romeokde remix17:38
lil-romeois that it ?17:38
DarthFrogmoope1: Sounds like it might be a hardware problem.  Maybe the drive cable or power plug came loose?17:38
Sp0twhat's up people17:39
Sp0tIs this channel also for Ubuntu 8.04?17:40
DarthFrogSp0t: Not really.17:41
DarthFrogIt's for the KDE version.17:41
Sp0tok have to change channel17:41
Sp0tI'm new to linux, but it rocks17:41
DarthFrogWelcome aboard!17:42
Sp0tbut installed Ubuntu 8.0417:42
lil-romeoYES it does only if things workf for 10017:42
Sp0tthank you17:42
newtralis there a system monitor in kde, like gnome-system-monitor?17:42
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lil-romeoKDE4.1 RC download if i want widgets and the black skinned i need to download  KDE4.1 RC download?17:42
alucardromeronewtral: Yes, there is... Gimme a moment to remember it.17:43
DarthFroglil-romeo: You should go to #kubuntu-kde4 for support on KDE4.17:43
alucardromeronewtral: You're gonna have to google it.17:43
newtralk thx17:43
alucardromeroI can't remember anything right now.17:43
alucardromeroI just woke up.17:44
alucardromeroBut yes, one does exist.17:44
newtralhehe ok17:44
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moope1Hi, k3b is having problems ripping stuff from cds, when I first boot and start it it sees the CD and gets all the track listings then when I set the rip process going it says  "cannot access \dev\hdb" (cd drive)17:50
moope1now it cant see the cd drive at all!17:50
DarthFrogmoope1:  You know you can open an audio CD in the Audio Device section of Konqueror, then drag 'n drop the OGG or MP3 files from that window to another window?  The tracks will be ripped automatically as they transfer.17:52
corpsiclewhats that mp3 player for kde that im looking for ? =P17:53
ActionParsniptheres loads17:54
moope1DarthFrog, I think its something more system level17:56
moope1Unknown error. If you have a cd in the drive try running cdparanoia -vsQ as yourself (not root).17:56
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corpsicleDarkriftX : thats the one, thanks =)18:01
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corpsicleack, what was that command that reloads the kde menu ?18:04
corpsicleso i dont have to restart kde to get the newly installed apps in the menu18:04
corpsiclehrm, kbuildsycoca18:05
corpsiclebut it didnt help18:05
DarthFrogcorpsicle:  Well, if all else fails, you could try pressing CTL-ALT-Backspace.  Note: that's a last-ditch resort.18:05
corpsiclethats what i dont want to do =)18:06
lil-romeomates any know how to get and were to download kde418:06
corpsiclelooks like im doing some sort of restart of kde18:06
lil-romeoso i got the black linux and the desktop widgets18:06
ubottuKDE 4.0.5 is the latest major release of the K Desktop Environment. Packages can be found at http://kubuntu.org/announcements/kde-4.0.5.php - Support in #kubuntu-kde418:06
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lil-romeowich 1 i need:D?18:07
DarthFroglil-romeo: You don't want KDE 4.0.5 as the bot suggests, you want KDE 4.1RC1 and I've already told you how to get it.18:07
lil-romeokubuntu.org u said18:08
lil-romeothan the rc18:08
lil-romeoat downloads18:08
frozty_sa|laptopuhhm...where does KDE store its resolution settings, if any?18:08
lil-romeois it correct frog:D?18:09
DarthFrogAnd that specifically addresses your issue with Plasma.18:09
nafionhi all. has anyone had any luck installing fuppes? documentation seems to be a little scarce out there...18:11
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jm87please redirect me @italian chat18:22
ubottuVai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie!18:24
jussi01jm87: ^^18:25
jm87ciao ragazzi ho un piccolo problema18:25
hoernerfranzanyone using kontact from kde4rc1 packages here ?18:27
sourcemakerhoernerfranz: yes... is working well18:29
hoernerfranzhm, I have a bit trouble with it, e.g. when I choose 'configure' kmail (or other component) I always get the global kontact configuration dialog18:30
hoernerfranzotherwise, akregator often crashes when I hit CTRL-R (mark messages as read)18:31
sourcemakerhoernerfranz: I do not have this problems :-)18:32
sjovanihi all18:32
sjovaniI'm using Huawei 3G Modem to connect Internet. I can browse with Firefox, but KDE apps does not detect connection...18:33
hoernerfranzok, sourcemaker, good for you :)18:33
sjovaniI can't browse with konqueror18:33
sourcemakerhoernerfranz:  I have only the problem... that there are a lot of icons in kde... which are not visible for me...18:34
hoernerfranzsourecmaker: you mean desktop icons ?18:35
sourcemakerhoernerfranz: icons in kickoff and konqueror... so I only see a "?" icon18:35
hoernerfranzah, kickof, yes - I do have those also in kickoff 'programs' menu, otherwise, all ok.18:37
anttionko suomalaisia?18:41
anttianybody here?18:44
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)18:44
hoernerfranzsure, but not understanding 'onko suomalaisia' :)18:45
anttiohh ok sorry18:45
anttiit was finnish and i thought there are some fiinish people here.18:46
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corpsiclewhen i use dolphin to connect to a samba share it works fine, but i cant use that to build a collection in amarok can i ? and when i try to mount it i get permission error18:47
ubottuSuomenkielinen keskustelu (K)Ubuntusta kanavilla #ubuntu-fi ja #kubuntu-fi18:47
corpsiclecan i somehow supply a username with the mount command ?18:47
corpsiclei dont have to do that with dolphin18:47
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DarthFrogcorpsicle:   mount -o uid=<uid>,gid=<gid>18:52
lesliehellor roomies18:56
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leslielooks like everyone is busy18:57
* DarthFrog is eating breakfast.18:57
sourcemakerhow can I use strigi in kde4?19:01
jm87_condo me e per unascgheda un po piu recente della mia19:02
jm87_c ho la tastiera che non risponde ai comandi19:04
jm87_per esempio quando so scrive19:04
ubottuVai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie!19:04
lesliehey any gals here?19:05
corpsicleDarthFrog : yea i mean if the user doesnt exist on this system, i want to pass it as an argument for authentication on the remote system19:10
lesliecan anyone tell me wats this room all abt?19:11
ubottuKubuntu is Ubuntu with KDE, the K Desktop Environment, instead of Gnome. See http://kubuntu.org for more information - For support: #kubuntu - See also !KDE19:11
DarthFrogcorpsicle: Yeah, you can do that.  "man mount" for details how.19:12
bobJRive got a question im only running kubuntu i have to put windows on pc for my school whats the best way to do it and keep grub working19:34
bobJRi know how to partition with gparted19:34
hoernerfranzbobJR, just be sure to have a big enough partition for kubuntu, then install it there alongside windoze, grub will be configured for dual-boot automatically19:37
bobJRive done it before and it screwed it up franz19:37
bobJRkubuntu had more than enough  space19:38
hoernerfranzstrange - I've done this several times and it always worked19:38
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bobJRbut grub would load and then it would go strait to windows xp19:38
bobJRi couldnt even select linux19:38
bobJRso should i partition with windows19:38
bobJRor gparted19:38
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bobJRgparted could be my problem19:39
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hoernerfranzhm, the ubuntu installer can also do partinioning for you19:40
bobJRwhat program do i use in ubuntu well im using kubuntu ?19:41
hoernerfranzthe installer for kubuntu works the same way as that for ubuntu19:42
bobJRill use gparted then and try my luck i know its gonna screw up ive done it before19:42
bobJRand partition one partition ntfs19:43
hoernerfranzyou may need to edit /boot/grub/menu.lst to select what is booted by default, as well as the timeout for selection19:43
bobJRand leave the rest19:43
bobJRhow do you do that once its installed19:43
hoernerfranzyou can use any text editor for that19:44
bobJRok how do i get into it is what im asking19:44
bobJRonce windows is installed19:45
hoernerfranzoh, well, you need to boot into linux, first, as windoze won't recognize an ext2 /boot partition :)19:45
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hoernerfranzalternatively, you can use the live cd (kubuntu) and do it from there19:46
bobJRok i might be in here once its done19:46
bobJRlater and thanks19:46
hoernerfranzyou'r welcome - good luck !19:47
corpsicleDarthFrog : i was trying -o user "User Name" but it wouldnt accept that20:01
pitmeis it possible to get help in here20:07
hoernerfranzpitme: depends :)20:08
janhallo wie funktioniert das hier20:10
BluesKaj!de | jan20:11
ubottujan: Deutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de20:11
pitmeI have installed kubuntu 8.04 and im a first time linux user. I have experimented with the "user manegement" and i have a great problem now. Now I have only a "ordinary" user in kubunti named pitme, with no admin rights. So now i cannot accces for exempel "add/remove prgrams" and i cannot make any changes on the  "user manegement" page. When i insert my password it says "Your username is unknown to sudo!". How can i make my username known to20:15
janhi, ich versuche gerade den chillispot ans laufen zu bekommen, leider habe ich keine ahnung wie ich diese config datei befuellen muss20:16
BluesKajjan: Deutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de20:17
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Koordinhi everyone. how can i remove the Qt 4.3 development package ?20:26
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hoernerfranzpitme: try to edit /etc/sudoers from a live cd boot20:30
pitmeany guide on how to do this? I have found the following but don't think it will work:20:31
pitmeadduser username admin20:31
pitmeshutdown -r now20:31
pitmei should insert that in the GRUB recovery menu!20:31
hoernerfranzpartly ok, yes: you have to make sure your user is in group 'admin'20:32
hoernerfranzin effect, all what has to be done is add user 'pitme' to group 'admin'20:33
pitmei have tried that from the terminel but it says im about to be reported or something.. :-(20:33
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hoernerfranzsure that's why i said: do it from a live cd, as your current account doesn't have admin privilegues :)20:34
pitmeah i see. Will be right back.. Thanks for the help :-)20:35
hoernerfranzyou're welcome, good luck :)20:36
Taggnostrwhat is the KDE wallet?20:40
Taggnostrit's asking me for a password20:40
TaladanIt's a utility that stores your password locally on your system for various things so that you don't have to keep retyping it over and over and over.20:42
pitmeThanks hoernerfranz. It worked out nice.. Just one last question. Im I supposed to have "admin" as my secondery gruop on a default user?20:42
pitmeis it safe and so? And by the way. When i installed kubuntu for the first time i don't recall i had to insert my password every time i would add/remove programs!20:44
hoernerfranzpitme: glad to read it worked :)20:46
hoernerfranzpitme: admin as secondary group is ok20:47
TaggnostrTaladan, do I have to set a master password?20:47
hoernerfranzadditional note: it is normal you have to provide your pwd on admin tasks20:48
hoernerfranzbecause normal account doesn't have root privilegues20:48
pitmehoernerfranz: okay. Do you know if the default user when I installed kubuntu had admin rights as secondery?20:49
pitmeis there a difference between root and admin?20:49
hoernerfranzroot is in group admin automatically, so ok20:49
pitmethank you very much for your help..20:50
pitmehoernerfranz: have a nice day20:50
hoernerfranzyou're welcome, same for you :)20:50
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h2ii need to ssh into root20:53
h2iis there a config file somewhere i can edit?20:53
h2iSLADinstaller requires it20:54
not-aloneмонтирую удаленную виндовс папку командой sudo mount //$ /home/not-alone/test -o username=Xpassword=X,iocharset=utf8. Чтение запись есть, но некоторые программы работают очень и очень криво. или вообще не работают. ПРи этом эти же программы работают замечтально если20:57
not-aloneзапускать из через kdesudo20:57
not-aloneв чем может быть проблема20:57
nonewmsgs!ru |not-alone20:57
ubottunot-alone: Пожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke20:57
nonewmsgsno problems mate :)20:57
maduserMy sound just went out20:59
maduserany fixes?20:59
stmillermaduser: exit all apps that use audio and try your app again21:00
maduseri got to wait i reset the auto suspend and it says restarting sound systm21:01
shaffycan anyone tell me why 1 of my 2 500gb external hds (formatted in ext3) shows up in windows (using an ext2/ext3 linux driver) and the other does not?  both were formatted using mkfs.ext321:03
brad__I just have a quick question21:06
BluesKajmaduser ,you have to make sure you've chosen which audio device you want to use ,usually alsa will work ..if you have it on auto , the auto suspend restart will just keep going in circles21:06
brad__is firefox 3.01 extraordinarily broken for everyone on 64bit?21:06
brad__because I waited a bit to install because I wasnt sure if I would have to redo the flash fix or not, and it doesn't work at all21:07
brad__which is sad because its a stability update and it worked well before and now doesn't work even a little bit21:07
TaladanTaggnostr: Yeah, iirc21:08
stmillerbrad__ flash crashes firefox a lot21:09
brad__no but I mean it worked perfectly before, I updated routinely, and now it wont do anything21:10
brad__it shows a blank page, and an x where the icon would be21:10
brad__and you cant enter anything in the address line21:10
brad__its completely, absolutely broken and does not function in any way21:10
stmillerbrad__ ah crap no I don't have that problem. using 64bit kubuntu21:11
brad__well thats really frustrating because it worked just fine before the upgrade21:11
brad__and I tried uninstalling and reinstalling it and have no other ideas21:12
brad__sorry apparently I just had to force kill it21:13
paul__hi can a newbie who has just installed kbuntu21:15
paul__can anyone help i meant to say lol21:15
paul__i am having trouble with the styles21:17
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stmillerpaul__ try kcontrol21:18
paul__ok st, do i download it?21:18
stmillerk control center. It's in the K menu, or just do Alt-F2 and type kcontrol21:19
paul__mm, dont seem to have it21:19
stmillerpaul__ is it part of kde. That is where you make all style settings, etc. It's there. :) Good luck,21:21
paul__i cannot get the menu to be translucent, all styles do not seem to be compatible21:21
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elo_the internet is a bunch of tubes, it's not a big truck21:35
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ilkinI have a file in trash but i can not delete it21:55
ilkin"access denied" is written each time i try to remove it permanently21:56
icelabi think you have to became like root22:00
jhutchins!kdesu | icelab22:01
ubottuicelab: In KDE, use « kdesudo <program> » (Gutsy) or « kdesu <program> » (Feisty and earlier) to run graphical applications with root privileges when you have to. Never just use "sudo"! (See http://psychocats.net/ubuntu/graphicalsudo to know why)22:01
jhutchinsilkin: Usually you have to "empty" the trash rather than try to delete a file within the trash.22:01
ilkinI am trying no results22:03
icelabi've make some mistake?22:04
HighHoicelab:  open a konsole window type "cd" to ensure your in your home folder then "cd .local/share/Trash/files" then "sudo rm * -R"22:07
HighHothat should remove everything in your trash22:08
icelabsorry for my english but the problem is not mine bat of ilkin22:09
jhutchinsilkin: Ok, so try emptying the trash.22:09
icelabilkin have you got it?22:09
jhutchinsilkin: Right-click on the trash icon.22:09
HighHosorry for ilkin then22:10
ilkinI know22:10
ilkinit still appears22:10
ilkini mean message22:10
HighHoilkin: did you try my suggestion?22:11
icelabcan i use brasero in kubuntu?22:11
icelabor exist other apllication?22:11
HighHoicelab: k3b is kde's cd burning software22:12
ilkinsudo rm * -R --this command helped22:12
ilkinthanks you22:12
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HighHoilkin: Glad to hear its resolved.22:12
ilkinwhat does -R doing in this command?22:14
HighHoilkin:  -R will remove folders as well if the exist instead of just files.22:14
icelabthanks a lot higtho22:15
icelabis there in somewhere a italian manual of shell command?22:18
icelabsorry pheraps is better if i use google...:-))22:19
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ubottuVai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie!22:20
HighHomight get better help there22:20
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=== Buben is now known as not-alone
adz21chey, I have a Asus Xonar D2 Sound card, I have spdif audio out working and I have Line IN capturing working, however I can't hear the line in playback. I can record it then play it then play the audio file but not play the audio captured live, any ideas how I might solve this?22:29
BluesKajadz21c:  look in kmix and crank the line input up22:34
adz21cthere is none22:34
adz21cits just a mute or unmute, which i found odd22:34
BluesKajin kmix?22:34
adz21coh no, capture tickbox, not even a mute mox22:35
BluesKajnot alsa kmix22:35
ogzyhi, i am trying to set my kubuntu at a corporate network, i couldnt set my apt work behind the proxy because the user name is as domainname\username, i wrote it this wat to my bashrc file reqiere password and export http_proxy but it didnt work22:46
ogzyi tried domainname\\username also22:46
BluesKajtry domainname/user22:47
ogzyBluesKaj: i did it also22:47
ogzyBluesKaj: i tried domainame\/username also22:48
ogzyBluesKaj: can it be related with, i am not using NTLMAPS22:49
guidoI'm getting a "Got BadMatch when trying to restack windows. This is most likely caused by a broken window manager (commonly KWin)" How can I fix Kwin=23:04
guido'm getting a "Got BadMatch when trying to restack windows. This is most likely caused by a broken window manager (commonly KWin)" How can I fix Kwin?23:10
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about kwin23:10
maduser!the window that is K23:11
ubottumaduser: Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)23:11
ubottuesd is the enlightened sound deamon. It's deprecated, use !alsa instead23:12
ubottuIf you're having problems with sound, first ensure ARTS is running, by going to K Menu -> System Settings -> Sound System and making sure "Enable the sound system" is checked. If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP323:12
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BluesKajmaduser: k-menu/system settings/sound system/enable sound system,then choose hardware tab/select the audio device/Advanced Linux Sound Architecture, click apply23:14
maduseri got it fixed23:14
maduseri disabled the auto suspend and that seems to be working23:14
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guidohey, guys, I've just removed compiz and now I'm getting a KWin BadMatch error, any thoughts?23:18
gkffjcsIf i install a documentation package with apt, how do I access and read it?23:19
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BluesKajguido , try reinstalling kubuntu-desktop23:20
guidoBluesKaj: Would that delete any of my settings?23:21
BluesKajsettings ?23:21
guidoconfigurations and stuff23:21
HighHogkffjcs: Not sure, check /usr/doc23:21
maduserfor gnome no23:21
BluesKajnot that i know of23:21
BluesKajreinstall , not remove and install ...there's adiff23:22
guidoI see23:23
guidohow do I reinstall it then?23:23
guidoapt-get reinstall kubuntu-desktop?23:23
gkffjcsI figured that out, I mean in a documentation viewer.23:23
BluesKajguido, yes23:24
guidoI've checked the man... it's actualy --reinstall23:25
guidoI'm going to try that out.. thanks a bunch BluesKaj23:25
guidoquick question though... would that reinstall compiz?23:26
guidocan I do this from a konsole or do I have to close KDE?23:27
ZmAYhello, can someone tell me how to establish/configure wireless?23:28
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cyph3ris there a way to not display my IP info on irc?23:42
crimsuncyph3r: ask for a cloak on freenode.23:45
crimsuncyph3r: freenode's web pages have instructions.23:45
crimsuncyph3r: for IRC generally, you'd have to use a shell or some type of proxy if "cloaks" are unavailable.23:45
crimsune.g., tor23:46
cyph3rthanks for the reply23:46
cyph3rI'm new to IRC23:46
cyph3rI do have an odd problem with kubuntu 8.04 on my laptop as well23:47
leba_I need to kick my old nick which is blocking my identification process, could someone tell me how to do that please ?23:47
cyph3rwhenever I close the lid, the screen constantly cuts out23:48
cyph3rI tried disabling powersaving options, but it hasn't helped23:48
sledgeI have a weird problem, folks. Every time a type a letter on my keyboard, my mouse pointer stops.23:53
sledge... stops for a second.23:53

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