
=== DanaG1 is now known as DanaG
=== DanaG1 is now known as DanaG
=== DanaG1 is now known as DanaG
=== DanaG1 is now known as DanaG
=== baron1984 is now known as AlmightyCthulhu
=== jtechidna is now known as JontheEchidna
=== DanaG1 is now known as DanaG
DanaGStupid NetworkManager.... if I connect to my home network with wireless, and have another PC connected to mine through a bridge (that also hosts my VMs)... it shows me as "wired network"03:09
DanaGinstead of showing signal strength.03:09
manchickenEverybody digging intrepid?03:37
Martiinihave the intrepid updates been uploaded yet ?? Im not getting any updates03:53
LSD|Ninjaupdates for what?03:54
Martiinialpha 303:54
LSD|NinjaI mean, where in the chain are you03:54
Martiinialpha 3 is supposed to be in repositories but Im not able to upgrade ..03:55
daekdroomI think Alpha 3 is still delayed03:55
daekdroomOr, maybe they uploaded the packages already, but haven't released CD images03:56
LSD|NinjaIt's just a milestone, it's not like you get a "Upgrade to Alpha 3" message popping up or anything03:56
Martiinicd images have been realeased but aptitude does not upgrade03:56
daekdroomMaybe you have all upgrades up to Alpha 3.03:56
LSD|NinjaThat most likely means you're already up to date03:57
RAOFMartiini: "Alpha 3" will never be in the repositories.03:57
daekdroomI think they release the upgrade in repository before releasing CD images.03:57
RAOFMartiini: This is because "Alpha 3" is purely a figment of the communities imagination.03:57
MartiiniI havent been getting any updates to intrepid for a month now .. aptitude works .. synaptic works .. just simply no updates03:57
LSD|NinjaMartiini: then something is wrong03:57
RAOFThen you're not using intrepid :)03:57
Martiinishit .. I modified my preferenced file .. of course .. Im using apt-pinning :)03:59
RAOF!ohmy | Martiini, just in future...03:59
ubottuMartiini, just in future...: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.03:59
Martiiniwhat did I do03:59
RAOFFoul language.04:01
LSD|Ninjaheh, they should allow a lifted amount of swearing given the nature of the software :P04:03
=== baron1984 is now known as AlmightyCthulhu
manchickenSo what are the big issues in Intrepid so far?04:09
wgrantmanchicken: It's liable to explode in your face and burn down your house and eat your hat at any point.04:12
manchickenwgrant: I'm just asking.  If asking questions poses a fire risk, I've got an extinguisher handy.04:13
manchickenwgrant: And I seldom wear my hat... so I'm not concerned with that risk so much.04:13
wgrantDo you have a cat? It could do some non-CoC-compliant things to it.04:14
LSD|Ninjamanchicken: Have a spare machine/partition/VM? That's probably the easiest way to evaluate it04:14
manchickenI'm just asking, not looking to upgrade just yet.04:14
manchickenwgrant: My cat could use to lose some weight... so I'm not sure that'd be such a horrible thing in the end.04:15
manchickenSo is anybody actually interested in answering my question then?04:29
RAOFmanchicken: Probably not, not really.  Apart from the normal development-version breakage, everyone's special breakage tends to be different.04:38
kerncoI am having problems with my video chip on my laptop in Intrepid.  It worked fine in Hardy.  My native resolution is 1280x800, but with Intrepid it only lets me choose 640x480 or 800x600.  I tried manually editing xorg.conf to add 1280x800, and it locked up my computer when gdm was starting.  My video chip is VIA/S3G DeltaChrome IGP.04:38
LSD|Ninjamanchicken: Only way to really gauge it is to use it in a controlled environment in something that resembles your normal usage pattern04:39
manchickenYeah, I'm thinking of just going ahead, backing the crap out of my machine, and then trying the upgrade myself.04:40
RAOFkernco: For X issues the minimum information necessary for help is xorg.conf and Xorg.0.log04:40
daekdroomkernco, Which video driver are you using?04:41
kerncodaekdroom: vesa driver04:42
daekdroomkernco, That's it. It doesn't support 1280x80004:42
kerncoIt used to04:42
daekdroomAs far as I remember it doesn't, but then, heh.04:43
* RAOF is pretty sure that 1280x800 has never been a vesa resolution, but there you go.04:43
RAOFYou were probably using the openchrome or via or whatever driver.04:44
daekdroomkernco, i'd suggest you to try gksu displayconfig-gtk, but... It doesn't have an automatic 1280x800 generic conf :x04:44
manchickenI don't think any widescreen resolution has ever been VESA...04:44
daekdroomAs far as I know 1440x900 been.04:44
manchickenBut then again, I'm not always clueful on such things.04:45
daekdroomI used it kinda often here.04:45
kerncoHmmm, I guess I could use a Hardy live CD and see what driver it's using.  I know that successfully detects my 1280x800 resolution04:45
RAOFAgain, pastebinning xorg.conf and Xorg.0.log is pretty much the minimum information necessary to make any sort of informed guess.04:45
AlmightyCthulhuI'm in contact with Foxconn's Chinese headquarters04:47
AlmightyCthulhutrying to help them debug their BIOS04:47
AlmightyCthulhuthey say certain brands of RAM are triggering some of the problems?04:47
AlmightyCthulhubut only with Linux04:47
AlmightyCthulhuthey've booted up Ubuntu 7.04 through 8.10 Alpha 304:48
AlmightyCthulhusame errors04:48
LSD|Ninjalet me know when he stops dribbling. Or not, whatever.04:48
daekdroomI love when we can blame hardware manufactures and not the software developers for flaws and low performance :304:48
kerncoYou need the Xorg log for when it locks up the computer, or a normal start when it fails to detect the correct resolution?04:48
kerncoActually, I'm noticing in the log it says "not using built-in mode 1280x800 (hsync out of range)"04:50
DanaGodd... ssh in gnome-terminal does not change the caption of the gnome-terminal.04:50
kerncoSo I guess I just need to tell it the correct hsync in xorg.conf instead of letting it autodetect04:50
DanaGHow do I make gnome-terminal show the name of the host I'm ssh'd into?04:54
crdlbit doesn't do that already?04:55
DanaGNot for me, for some reason.04:58
DanaGBut then again, the backuppc user on the remote host has no .bashrc.04:58
crimsun_which shell are you using?04:58
DanaGOn client (this PC) and server (other PC)04:58
DanaGwoah, I started typing "man authorized_keys" and got this:05:01
DanaG mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmman aut05:02
DanaGmount: unknown filesystem type 'ext4'05:13
DanaGmount: unknown filesystem type 'ext4dev'05:13
DanaGargh.  no ext4 here.05:13
DanaGAnybody here use backuppc?05:50
DanaGOr happen to know how to set up rsync on a server to rename paths?05:51
DanaGOr am I better off asking in the non-+1 channel?05:54
=== baron1984 is now known as AlmightyCthulhu
G_0091280x800 is supported natively on a mt342206:23
G_009try the 'fix xserver' option from reCovery menu06:37
=== RAOF_ is now known as RAOF
RAOFDanaG: I believe that you can change the title of the gnome-terminal from the shell you're running.07:13
RAOFDunno the details, though.07:13
=== DanaG1 is now known as DanaG
AlmightyCthulhuRAOF: Yes you can07:33
AlmightyCthulhuI've been quite comical with that before07:33
jimqodesorry wrong window07:34
tanathi have a weird issue. my scroll wheel doesn't scroll in apps anymore08:50
tanathit still performs some actions, but not scrolling08:51
tanathsome fairly recent update changed its behaviour08:51
LSD|NinjaCan we *PLEASE* kill the ALSA CP speaker driver entirely? Remove the code from the kernel entirely if you have to. No one needs it and all it does is cause problems.08:52
G_009kill it with your ninja skills08:54
RAOFLSD|Ninja: There should be a pulseaudio upload soon which will make pulse ignore the pcspk by default unless it's the only device; that seems a correct fix.08:54
LSD|Ninjaugh, so more band aid solutions08:55
RAOFNo.  Blacklisting the module would be a bandaid.08:56
RAOFWhat would be a solution you'd be happy with?08:56
G_009i havent had a problem since, though.. pretty sturdy band-aid on mine08:57
RAOFOr, rather, how certain are you that the pcspk driver is not useful under any circumstances :)08:57
LSD|NinjaGetting rid of the pc speaker output entirely - there was absolutely no reason to bring it back in the first place08:57
G_009driver, module..08:58
LSD|NinjaRAOF: using the PC speaker in place of a proepr audio device was crap 15 years ago and its crap now. Only difference 15 years ago was not every computer had a sound card then08:58
* G_009 checks dictionary08:58
RAOFG_009: Equivalent :)08:58
DanaGActually, it may be handy in some cases.09:24
DanaGIf you have a server... you could direct simple error sounds to it, or something.09:24
=== gnomefre1k is now known as gnomefreak
jianfeiq: how do i go from alpha-2 to alpha-3?10:36
RAOFjianfei: If you've been installing any updates, you're already past alpha 310:37
jianfeiRAOF: its working well10:37
jianfeii remember with hardy alpha, i experienced a lot more problems10:38
* DanaG goes off §£∃∃¶ing. (In case you can't see that unicode... it's "SLEEPING" with "section" and "pound (currency)", then "exists" twice, followed by the "paragraph" symbol, and then "ing".)10:43
* laga blinks10:43
DanaGSat Jul 26 02:44:05 PDT 200810:44
=== gnomefre1k is now known as gnomefreak
* DanaG wonders what to use a smartcard reader for.10:55
DanaGMy next laptop I'll be getting will have one.10:55
=== DanaG1 is now known as DanaG
DanaGUgh, my built-in iwl3945 card has much lower throughput than my b43 cardbus card.10:57
=== DanaG1 is now known as DanaG
* DanaG switched back.10:58
DanaGto the broadcom.10:58
DanaGIntel wireless is better for Linux?  Bah.10:58
DanaGWell, maybe better "for" it, but it sure doesn't WORK better.10:58
DanaGPulseAudio from wireless to wired:10:58
[Hardy]TuTUXGdriver, driver, driver...10:59
DanaGintel 3945: play....cut out.... drop back to local.10:59
DanaGbroadcom: play...... skip.... play.... skip..... play... skip.10:59
DanaGIn other words, they both suck, but the Intel is worse.10:59
[Hardy]TuTUXGhey, at least it works under linux10:59
DanaGAnd yet the broadcom claims to be only at 18 megabit connection.11:00
Hobbseeseeing as mine's working fine11:01
[Hardy]TuTUXGmy macbook with leopard couldn't even detect my access point11:03
DanaGI wonder if I should disable "Afterburner" and/or Packet Bursting on my dd-wrt router.11:03
DanaGMy next laptop will have an Intel 5-something card, most likely -- and it'll have two mini-PCIe slots (one for WWAN).11:05
DanaGSo.... I may stick a Broadcom mini-PCIe in the other slot.11:05
DanaGOr perhaps an Atheros?11:05
DanaG(Depends what the BIOS whitelist allows.)11:05
lagathat's going to work well without a second antenna ;)11:05
DanaGI could always try the WWAN antennae.11:05
DanaGAnyway... bedtime now.11:07
DanaGSat Jul 26 03:07:15 PDT 200811:07
* DanaG wonders how many of the extra things here (such as light sensors) will have Linux drivers.11:07
* laga sends DanaG to bed11:08
DanaGI keep reading about a driver for the accelerometer... but it's not actually in the tree yet.11:08
=== Derevko_ is now known as Derevko
=== gnomefre1k is now known as gnomefreak
=== gnomefre1k is now known as gnomefreak
khaije1odd question but does anyone know if intrepid's kvm will support the pci-passthrough, it's in kvm's head currently... ?12:37
RAOFIf it's not in a released kvm version, then not right now.12:39
RAOFDepending on how soon it's in a release, possibly.  You'd be better served by asking the server team that sort of question, though.12:39
=== gnomefre1k is now known as gnomefreak
=== gnomefre1k is now known as gnomefreak
khaije1RAOF: where does the server team hang out?13:01
RAOF#ubuntu-server, I believe.13:02
Wizardis it possible to update some powerpc kubuntu to itrepid ibex?13:17
RAOFWizard: Should be; you're welcome to try.13:18
[diablo]guys, anyone having problems installing alpha3 as a kvm-71 guest?13:39
sbucati have kernel panic with kubuntu alpha3... [diablo]13:43
[diablo]on install?13:45
sbucatwell i have used virtual box13:46
sbucatand voila' xD kernel panic13:46
murlidharshould i file a bug i am not able to install libimlib2-dev since it requires  libltdl3-dev.13:55
* Hobbsee looks13:57
sliptteesidea for 8.10 ;-)13:57
sliptteesGUI :-)13:57
Hobbseemurlidhar: i *think* that's already tracked13:59
Hobbseehm, perhaps not13:59
murlidharHobbsee, can u help me . last week i was trying to compile an application . ./configure worked fine. but after reinstalling intrepid again. i am not able to do the same . i need libimlib2-dev files .14:04
murlidharHobbsee, btw the last installation was a base installation and this time i did a full installation14:04
Hobbseeuse 7-dev files?14:04
murlidharHobbsee, couldn't get u14:06
Hobbseeuse libltdl7-dev instead?14:06
murlidharHobbsee, no14:07
murlidharHobbsee, perhaps no . i don't remember the last time what i installed14:08
murlidharHobbsee, installating 7-dev to see if it works14:08
Hobbseeoh, my mistake.14:08
Hobbsee(darn names being close)14:08
Hobbseeright.  that's fixed.14:10
Hobbseehm, nice gui idea, too14:12
murlidharyes it is14:13
murlidharHobbsee, err it still doesn't help me installing libimlib2-dev14:16
Hobbseeno, it won't yet.14:16
Hobbseethings take time to build.14:16
Hobbseeand publish, and all of that.14:16
murlidharHobbsee, how come the last time i could install it ?14:17
Hobbseebecause last time was before the libtool update14:17
murlidharso u mean it should get fixed automatically?14:19
murlidhari mean later on14:19
Hobbseeyes, i've uploaded a fixed version.14:19
murlidharso will it take time to get published. how much time ?14:19
murlidharthanks Hobbsee14:20
Hobbseeyou're welcome14:20
Hobbseeit'll probably take an hour to propogate out to all mirrors14:20
Hobbseeer, to the main mirror, i mean.14:20
murlidharHobbsee, can u recommend me a good book for becoming a linux programmer especially for debian systems14:22
murlidharHobbsee, or a good link or online tutorials14:22
Hobbseeas in, packaging, or actually writing programs?14:22
murlidharand the languages i should know . ( i know c++ a bit)14:23
murlidharHobbsee, can u recommend me a good book for becoming a linux programmer especially for debian systems14:24
murlidharand the languages i should know . ( i know c++ a bit)14:24
Hobbsee[23:22] <Hobbsee> as in, packaging, or actually writing programs?14:25
murlidharHobbsee, packaging14:25
LSD|NinjaC and C++ are the biggies, a little perl probably wouldn't go astray and python is starting to become popular too14:25
Hobbseehave a look at14:26
Hobbseehttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU | Want to get involved with the MOTUs? https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU/Contributing14:26
murlidharthanks Hobbsee14:29
Hobbseeyou're welcome14:29
murlidharLSD|Ninja, thanks i think i should refresh my C++ skills14:30
jacobwas there a font update in the past few days or something? they suddenly look awesome15:22
LSD|NinjaI can't say I noticed, they're still the same crappy old Linux fonts to me...15:24
jacobgnome-terminal looks like it has a new monospace font at least15:25
jacobor they way it bolds changed15:25
skyjumperwhere can i get some more detailed info about what's new in Intrepid?16:36
skyjumperfound it16:38
G_009finally X broke on me after updates today.. first time since alpha1, so i dont feel so bad; hopefully it's a good sign16:54
G_009since i dont know how to run two apps in the same tty in text mode, i guess i'll be back later.. gotta tinker with some stuff16:59
td123G_009: you can't in one tty, you can send it to background though using "prog_name &"17:00
G_009oh.. cool, thx17:01
td123G_009: you could just open another tty17:01
G_009that too..17:08
G_009fine.. done tinkering.. going in Recovery mode instead17:08
=== catweazle_ is now known as catweazle
G_009problem solved, and i got nvidia drivers at the ready in restricted hardware drivers.. i had a good feeling about the breakage; however it shows versions 71 and 96 to choose from.. what's the catch17:22
LSD|NinjaThey've managed to get the hardware drivers panel working again?17:23
G_009there is even a Configure diSplay seTtings icon on panel too..17:24
G_009but it's just a link to system>pReferences>scReenrEsolution17:27
LSD|NinjaG_009: oh, lame17:27
LSD|NinjaG_009: having trouble with your shift key there btw?17:27
G_009nah..   -_-17:28
G_009i guess mx4000 will work best with the 9617:32
G_009here we go17:33
LSD|Ninjaxorg is currently broken for the version of nvidia 96 in the repos. I keep hoping for a bump to .07 but it hasn't come yet17:34
G_009i'm on my way to find out how much17:35
G_009yah.. driver version 96 is going, but openGL is a no-go17:47
G_009i had to do a Xserver quick fix too but i got my interface ..17:49
RichWCan I ask intrepid - kde4 stuff in here?18:14
=== Eq|laptop is now known as EqUaTe
TechnofroodI just tried to upgrade a system for 8.04 to the latest alpha and it seems to have had a problem upgrading gnome (and parts there of) leaving me with a blank screen (same background as the login screen) after login18:18
RichWkdelibs4c2a is broken right now yes?18:18
RichWdepends on a package that isnt there18:18
RichW"The following packages have been kept back"18:19
TechnofroodI'm in a terminal at the moment but Nothing I can do with apt seems to be letting me get gnome back18:19
RichWi got tot reboot18:20
Technofroodapt-get install gnome results in missing dependacies of gnome-office and system-config printer18:20
Technofroodgnome-office isn't going to be installed aparently18:21
Technofroodand system-config-printer is not installable18:21
un2himi cannot run alpha 3 in virtual box under hardy heron.  I get a kernel panic18:27
daekdroomun2him, only kernel -2 is working18:28
jonpackardun2him: see bug 24606718:28
ubottuLaunchpad bug 246067 in linux "Kernel panic during boot in VirtualBox with kernel" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/24606718:28
=== Daviey_ is now known as Daviey
=== catweazle_ is now known as catweazle
dorins#/join #ubuntu-devel20:27
AMDpenguinare there screenshots of kubuntu 8.10?20:28
askandAnyone knows if Ubuntu Brainstorm has an IRC-channel?21:13
daekdroomIs Alpha 3 good enough to be used in a desktop non-production machine?21:25
TheImpdaekdroom: if you know how to fix things - sure21:26
TheImpits an alpha.21:26
daekdroomTheImp, do you believe they'll continue to upload packages even when they are sure they have high risk to break?21:27
TheImpno, but breakage can always happen with alpha software21:27
TheImppackages are not tripple tested like in usual ubuntu21:28
daekdroomI know that but, heh, I'll wait for FeatureFreeze21:28
TheImpits an alpha.21:28
daekdroomhardy-proposed is an eternal alpha. I tried it before..21:29
TheImpproposed is also just for testers, yes21:29
gluer__these alpha's are alot smoother and safer than hardy alpha's - touch wood21:32
lagaif you ignore the fact that they're completely broken in virtualbox21:33
Laney...and KVM/qemu21:47
gluer__q: are there any problems with the alpha 3 cd? ive burnt it twice and its hanging on installation, or should i download it again? i did a checksum verification and all seems fine21:47
gluer__tried it on 2 laptops21:47
LaneyOf course there are problems!21:47
LaneyFind/file bugs for any issues you experience21:48
Laneyand/or try the latest daily image21:48
gluer__do u have the link for that?21:48
gluer__laney: i thought it didnt burn properly..21:49
LaneyWell there's an option to verify the CD in the installer isn't there?21:50
gluer__amazing how much faith i have in alpha software sometimes21:50
gluer__quite similar to my wifes cooking...21:51
* burner isn't down with the mysogyny but is down with alpha 3 21:51
burneri have it on two PCs... though wifi on the eeepc is b0rked21:52
lagaLaney: well, it works better in kvm here than in virtualbox (but kinda works in vbox if you enable the VT-x mode)21:52
Laneylaga: I get mouse problems with -desktop and installation problems (dpkg errors) with -alternate21:52
LaneyBut I know how to get round the mouse ones so maybe it'll be ok besides that21:53
lagawell, i dont have X yet in virtualbox so i can't comment ;)21:53
LaneyThis is in KVM21:53
LaneyIn vbox I don't get anywhere21:53
Laneyand I'm not sure about this VT-x thing, don't know what it is21:53
LaneyOoh, just found a checkbox. Let's try21:54
lagawell, modern cpus have hardware virtualisation support, the kvm stuff basically.21:54
burnerjust upgrade your desktops ;)  don't be scared!21:54
lagaLaney: i had to use safe graphics mode to get the live disk to boot successfully21:54
lagaoddly enough, X worked there.21:54
lagaburner: i don't want to use kde 4 yet21:54
LaneyFunnily enough I actually have to use my desktop :(21:55
burnerkde 4.1 rc is in intrepid :)21:55
Laneylaga: Oh hey, it does get further with vt-x. Good catch21:55
LaneyAnd X seems to work too, joy!21:57
lagai'm jealous.21:57
lagai used to get "dri2 module not found" errors.21:57
lagaLaney: could you pastebin your xorg.conf from virtualbox?21:58
Laneylaga: http://paste.ubuntu.com/30670/21:59
gluer__tring to install alpha 3 get I/O error dev src0, sector 147712 any ideas?22:00
lagaLaney: heh. just booted my VM and now it's working magically :)22:01
lagagood stuff.22:01
JontheEchidnagluer__: I think that doesn't mean anything significant22:01
gluer__jontheechidna: well it halts my installation22:02
JontheEchidnaI got a ton of those and it still boots22:02
JontheEchidnaoh, you're in the middle of an install when that happens?22:02
gluer__drops to busybox22:02
gluer__no the beginning22:02
JontheEchidnasounds like x is crashing22:02
gluer__anyway to still install?22:03
JontheEchidnamaybe you could use the alternate installer?22:03
lagatime to try kde 4 ;)22:03
JontheEchidnabtw, Intrepid should be getting 4.1.0 packages sometime soon22:04
lagavirtualbox version 1.6.2 also supports "seamless windowing" for windows guests.. i guess i'll be trying some kde4 apps on my native desktop then :)22:06
burnerlol... blasphemous way to use kde22:10
JontheEchidnathere's a windows installer for kde so you can run the apps natively in windows22:11
lagawhy? mix and match kde 3 and kde 4 ;)22:11
JontheEchidnaeven plasma22:11
lagai wasn't talking about windows22:11
burnerthat said and you're free to do so.  I wish you good luck in trying to find your windows-esque gtk theme ;)22:11
burneri just switched to KDE in intrepid... it's downright usable!22:12
burneryou can actually move stuff on the dock and there are some decent plasmoids22:12
lagaooh. i'm using the garfield widget and i can zoom in22:13
* JontheEchidna just changes it to xkcd or dilber22:14
lagayou can select different comics?22:14
lagaoh my god22:14
JontheEchidnaintrepid should also have packages for plasmoid-quickaccess, plasmoid-weather, and plasmoid-wifi22:14
* laga is in love22:14
swienKDE4 seems to be currently broken22:39
kerncoCan I downgrade back to Hardy without a CD, just using the package manager?22:39
lagai don't think you can downgrade at all22:39
alex_mayorgaanyone know why what used to be the shutdown button now is a log off button? is that the Intrepid way?22:44
daekdroomWell. It's like that in my VM too22:45
daekdroombut I believe they'll change gdm screen if they keep the shutdown thing like that22:45
alex_mayorgajust pointing that, because now shutdown is now a 2 step process, much like in Mac Os X, which I think it's a regression22:46
alex_mayorgadaekdroom, do you agree it's a bug?22:52
daekdroomI don't, but might be because of an update that broke configuration compatibility22:52
DanaGArgh... my other (Hardy) system just broke worse than my Intrepid one ever has, so far.22:54
DanaGLibc6 is broken on the Hardy one.  ldconfig gives "illegal instruction" and aborts.22:54
DanaGAnybody know how to fix the thing?  The system is still running, but I can't use apt because it wants me to dpkg --configure -a.22:54
DanaGAnd the broken libc6 is what it wants to configure.22:55
crimsunhow broken is it?  What are the package versions at play here?22:55
DanaGThe system is still running fine, as in most things still work;  ldconfig may be the only broken thing there.22:55
crimsunremember that you can ar a deb and manually mv if you have a static shell like sash22:55
DanaGIt may be a corrupt file, or something, perhaps.22:55
crimsundpkg -l libc6\*22:56
DanaGHmm, I seem to have a "forbid" on some version....22:57
DanaGI see, there's libc6, and libc6-i686.22:57
DanaGI need to grab the same version of both.22:57
DanaGOdd.. still illegal instruction on trying to "dpkg -i" the deb files for the latest (2.7-10ubuntu3).22:59
alex_mayorgacan any one confirm if the "log off" button is the intrepid way or some sort of breakage?22:59
DanaGHmm, I wonder if I just need to reboot the thing.23:02
gluer__acer extensa 5620z has some serious video issues with alpha 223:04
DanaGAah, rebooting fixed ldconfig.23:06
gluer__alex_mayorge: good question, i want to know the answer as well its damn annoying23:15
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alex_mayorgagluer__: we can hope for an answer in this channel eventually =)23:20
gluer__man i cant stand acer23:26
gluer__ok fixed intel x3100 with updates23:40
=== Synco^ is now known as Kucuk

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