
bdmurrayI think my math is wrong00:00
calclooks like not many people are getting 5 a day if not many over 10000:01
sbeattiebdmurray: is the ubuntu-changes-auto list archived somewhere a la ubuntu-bugs?00:02
bdmurraythat list ends in 1/200600:03
sbeattieyeah. Did it actually end or just stopped getting archived?00:04
bdmurrayI've no idea00:04
bdmurraymaybe check gmame or something?00:04
sbeattiegmane and google just seem to find the individual release lists.00:06
sbeattiethanks, just thought you might know.00:06
bdmurraymy thoughts about that list were just notional ramblings ;-)00:07
bdmurraycalc: http://people.ubuntu.com/~brian/reports/mailing-lists/most-active-commenters.txt is correct00:27
=== Igorot is now known as acmeuser
=== acmeuser is now known as Igorot
jacobokay, so lets say some person had submitted a bug report with a patch attached to fix a UI bug, but that patch introduced another bug.02:00
jacobwhat would be the proper thing to do? attach a new patch to the same bug, or file a new bug?02:00
RAOFjacob: Depends.  Has the patch been applied to the package yet?  If not, same bug.  If yes, new bug.02:04
jacobRAOF: it was already applied, a while ago actually. i only now saw that there was a new minor bug from it02:05
jacobRAOF: but thanks, i02:05
RAOFProbably a new bug, then.02:05
jacobi'll file another * :)02:05
snadgeanyone here use ubuntu as a domU in xen?02:27
snadgei cant imagine its a terribly popular thing to do02:28
snadgesince you cant do a vnc graphical install with ubuntu (or debian for that matter)02:28
snadgeok so you decide to debootstrap install it, from the limited advice available02:28
snadgethat works great, but no xen framebuffer device.. at least, the console wont touch it.. output comes up blank02:29
snadgeboth opensuse and centos allow for a paravirtualized install.. and have a working graphic framebuffer with vnc support02:32
RAOFsnadge: I was under the impression that virt-manager supported Xen, and would do all the funkies?02:33
snadgeyes.. i think i may have complicated things by trying to run ubuntu as a domU under opensuse 11 dom002:34
snadgethe virt manager in that supports opensuse 11 / opensuse domU creations.. but i created the ubuntu install using debootstrap, and manually config02:34
snadgewhich worked for centos5 .. was able to turn graphic console on02:36
snadgeso the short of it is.. i cant really work out if its a bug in debian port of xen.. whether ubuntu just borrows from that and does its own thing, and its actually broken in ubuntu and not debian02:37
snadgei'll install sid and try that :) .. i really want more people to choose xen over vmware esx.. it may be tainted by novell etc, but its still free software.. and as much as the kernel guys are in love with vaporware replacements, they dont exist yet02:39
=== fenris_ is now known as e-jat
RAOF"Tainted by Novell"???02:53
RAOFSomeone's been reading too much boycottnovell.net :)02:53
snadgewell.. im trying not to put any personal spin on it from myself02:56
snadgewe use opensuse pretty much exclusively at work.. i dont have a problem with it, i cant really fault it too much apart from minor nit picks02:57
snadgebut redhat is backing away from xen.. ubuntu has made noises about shying away from it too02:57
snadgethe kernel guys seem to be in love with kvm02:57
snadgewhich is not a paravirt solution and requires hardware support.. one of the kernel guys is working on a xen equivalent thing, but its just in the idea phase.. eg.. "we dont like xen, heres a non existant project we think shows more promise"02:59
snadgethat last part requires references which i dont have atm.. would have to dig them up03:03
RAOFOh, fair enough.03:17
RAOFI was under the impression that Xen was likely to finally hit the mainline kernel in 2.6.27 or so.03:18
RAOFEither DomU or Dom0, I forget which.03:18
calcnovell does some good upstream work03:31
calci don't think i would want to use opensuse myself but they help a lot on OOo for example03:31
snadgeRAOF: both.. i've been reading a bit about it04:29
snadgeit seems every dist is forward porting patches from older kernels all the time.. and mostly are sick of it04:29
snadgefor whatever reason, opensuse have managed to forward port it to 2.6.25.. both dom0/domU 32 and 64bit04:30
snadgeand all the installers, graphics etc work04:30
snadgebut they have a commercial product based on SLES10.. and im presuming soon to be SLES1104:30
snadgeZENworks .. they support windows etc as well, have a management client.. just like vmware04:31
snadgeso my question is.. cant we just steal the patches from opensuse for now?04:32
RAOFAssuming they apply to our kernel... and we still have to support them.04:36
=== asac_ is now known as asac
YasumotoHey guys, who's in charge of setting up bug days?04:49
YasumotoAnd are they usually on thursdays? I'm going through the beginning stages of setting up m university's ACM (our computer club) schedule04:51
nelleryYasumoto, bug days are generally set up by various community members and triagers05:33
nelleryand yes, they take place every thursday05:33
=== RAOF_ is now known as RAOF
Yasumotonellery: cool, thank you07:28
nelleryYasumoto, no problem07:28
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=== gnomefre1k is now known as gnomefreak
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copyofjohanhi, im using a swapfile on my hardy. When activating the swapfile the hibernatebutton in gnome vanishes. Even when giving the resume= resume_offset= kernel options. Anyone knows what the problem is. Btw I dont understand why there is a hibernatebutton without an activated swapspace. Is that a bug?15:24
=== ogra_ is now known as ogra
askandHello, I recently filed a bug but I am not sure what package to file against, can someone please take a look? bug 25214116:18
ubottuLaunchpad bug 252141 in evolution "Wrong adress when rightclicking something and sending with evolution" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/25214116:18
copyofjohanBug 25214316:24
ubottuLaunchpad bug 252143 in ubuntu "cant hibernate to swapfile" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/25214316:24
calcanyone used istanbul before? the resulting video flickers A LOT and is basically useless, is there something i need to do to make it record decently?16:47
popeycalc: turn on 3d mode16:48
popeyor use gtk-recordmydesktop16:48
calceven when i have compiz disabled it needs 3d mode on?16:48
calcyea 3d mode fixed it for some reason16:51
charlie-tcabdmurray: could you take a look at Bug 251690 please. Is this a new policy to invalidate duplicates?17:35
ubottuLaunchpad bug 251690 in gedit "Does not Focus where necessary" [Low,Invalid] https://launchpad.net/bugs/25169017:35
james_wcharlie-tca: it's just tracking down the duplicate number can be time-consuming. The person that closed it knows that it is already reported, so it is being tracked, they just don't have the number to hand.17:47
james_wand the people that deal with huge numbers of bugs would be significantly slowed by always finding the duplicate bug, so sometimes they don't17:47
charlie-tcaThe problem is trying to find that duplicate. How does the reporter find it if we can't?17:48
james_wit's unfortunate, and requires more work for the submitter, but I think making it easier on those that deal with huge numbers of reports.17:48
james_wit's not so much can't, as it would take 5 minutes. Multiply that by the hundreds of reports and it's a huge amount of time for that one person.17:49
charlie-tcaIt makes it look like any report can be marked invalid because someone _thinks_ it is a duplicate.17:49
james_wwell, that isn't the case.17:50
AwsoonnThe kernel in proposed was not happy on my machine, is there a special place to post the bug report?17:52
charlie-tcaAs a bugsquad member, I confirmed that bug because I couldn't find a duplicate17:52
mouzI've been linking succesfully to upstream bugs in the past. Now I get an error message in launchpad: "There is 1 error in the data you entered. Please fix it and try again.". I can't find anything wrong. More people experiencing this? Bug 6087.18:05
ubottuLaunchpad bug 6087 in findutils "example in man page doesn't work (due to user making assumption...)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/608718:05
james_whi mouz18:06
james_wwhat's the bug you are trying to link it to?18:06
mouzjames_w: https://savannah.gnu.org/bugs/index.php?2392018:06
james_wyeah, I've not seen that before.18:08
james_wmaybe #launchpad can tell you why18:08
mouzjames_w: did you try it and got the same?18:08
james_wit may be that launchpad can't talk to savannah yet18:08
james_wmouz: yep18:09
mouzjames_w: thanks. i'll figure it out18:09
james_wapparently you can set them, it just can't get the status from savannah yet18:09
mouzjames_w: found it: savanna bugtracker is in launchpad, but 'index.php' shouldn't be in the URL.18:15
* marnanel grins. I tell a bug reporter that there is currently no good way to do what is wanted, and he says "sounds conclusive to me. let's see what shuttleworth's people will come up with-- i'm optimistic about the matter."19:25
marnanelthat's the spirit, I say.19:25
pwnguinshuttleworths people dont fix bugs, they report them upstream19:52
marnanelwell, sometimes they *are* upstream too.  but in this case what's needed is a common convention.  then we can fix the bug easily.19:53
=== doko_ is now known as doko
dorinsX freezes on when I disable and reenable compositing, I can still log in through ssh. Running top shows it uses 100% cpu. How can I gather more info about the process to attach to the bug report?20:04
dorinsapport seems to help with crashes, but not with freezes :)20:05
nellerywhat package does this bug fit in21:07
ubottuLaunchpad bug 252029 in ubuntu "installation problem" [Undecided,New]21:07
nelleryubiquity? casper?21:07
nelleryor perhaps usplash?21:07
crimsunnellery: it's not immediately obvious.  Ask him to boot without usplash.21:47
crimsunalso, it would be nice if the symptom can be confirmed on 8.04.1 image(s).21:48
=== mcas is now known as mcas_away
jibelnellery: Hi, you've marked bug #252195 "Fix commited" but the typo still exists in 0.92 and bzr23:30
ubottuLaunchpad bug 252195 in update-manager "Typo "until the changes become availabble"" [Low,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/25219523:30
bdrungjibel: i have changed the status back23:46

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