
=== Igorot is now known as acmeuser
=== acmeuser is now known as Igorot
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=== ScottK2 is now known as ScottK
Martiinihave the intrepid updates been uploaded yet ?? Im not getting any updates03:53
wgrantMartiini: Um, Intrepid has been open for uploads for some months now...03:55
Martiiniaah, ok .. I was just told that Alpha 3 is still delayed03:56
wgrantI'm not sure what that has to do with "the intrepid updates".03:57
wgrantAnd Alpha 3 has been released.03:57
MartiiniI havent been getting any updates to intrepid for a month now .. aptitude works .. synaptic works .. just simply no updates03:58
wgrantThen your sources.list is very probably worng.03:59
Martiinishit .. I modified my preferenced file .. of course .. Im using apt-pinning :)03:59
cody-somervilleMartiini, You can find support for Intrepid in #ubuntu+104:00
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=== RAOF_ is now known as RAOF
RAOFAha.  Conduit is uninstallable because of differences with our gnome-python-extras.  Debian build a couple of extra binary packages from g-p-e (python-eggtrayicon and -gtkmozembed, specifically).08:52
RAOFIs the correct fix here to adapt conduit to our gnome-python-extras, or to bring gnome-python-extras inline with Debian?08:53
zorglu_i got a quite technical question. i would like to add stuff in the /etc/hosts kindof file but in a directory..?. something like /etc/hosts.d/mypackage.conf10:08
zorglu_does this exists ?10:08
geserwhy do you need to add something to /etc/hosts?10:09
zorglu_to add hostnames...10:11
zorglu_i dont understand10:11
zorglu_is there a way to get this conf.d or anything cleaner than a parse of /etc/hosts or echo myip myhost >>/etc/hosts ?10:11
geserWhy do you need to add a hostname?10:12
geserafaik there is no mechanism to update /etc/hosts, besides the admin could use a dns server to configure host names10:13
zorglu_geser: ok thanks.... too bad. i will stick to echo >> and parse with sed then...10:13
geserzorglu_: it's against the debian policy to change configurations files from other packages10:14
geserI still don't understand why you need to add a hostname there during package installation10:14
zorglu_it is ultra long to explain. but dont worry me too i would prefere to avoid it if i could10:16
=== RainCT_ is now known as RainCT
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james_wHi all. Is this a correct bug? https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/avahi/+bug/21858611:31
ubottuLaunchpad bug 218586 in sysvinit "Upgrade of avahi-daemon restarts it although it's desactivated" [Undecided,New]11:31
james_wthere is a bug there, as the user deactivated a service, but gets it restarted on upgrade. However, I'm not sure if the bug is in the correct place.11:32
=== gnomefre1k is now known as gnomefreak
emgenttseliot: o/11:57
tseliotemgent: hey ;)12:00
=== gnomefre1k is now known as gnomefreak
=== gnomefre1k is now known as gnomefreak
=== gnomefre1k is now known as gnomefreak
* Hobbsee tries to remember.14:07
Hobbseewhat was the important thing about uploading imlib2?14:07
malpheusdoes anyone know of any platforms to write applications in so they can easily have their 'actions' modified?14:09
malpheusoops im looking for app development channel14:12
malpheusbye bye, keep up the good works14:14
=== StooJ is now known as StooJ_
=== ogra_ is now known as ogra
ograbryce, around ?16:01
Fjodorfabbione: Hi my man! You wouldn't happen to be in Aarhus now, would you?17:46
theclawwhat is /lib/modules/$kernelver/volatile?18:04
wasabimodules which are built on your machine18:09
wasabiI believe.18:09
cjwatsonmodules which are linked on your machine18:18
theclawwhere do those modules come from?18:27
theclawthey aren't included in any package18:27
cjwatsontheclaw: /lib/linux-restricted-modules/18:28
theclawcjwatson: thanks18:32
theclawso these modules are copied from there upon boot-up?18:32
theclaw(I heard this volatile directory gets emptied upon boot-up)18:33
theclawhmm, why?18:34
theclawwhy not put them /lib/modules directly?18:34
cjwatsonbecause we can't legally distribute them that way18:35
theclawcjwatson: why? What's the difference between putting them directly in /lib/modules, and putting them in /lib/restricted... ?18:37
cjwatsontheclaw: if you look closely you'll see that there's more of a difference than just the location.18:38
cjwatsonthey don't get linked with the kernel until boot18:38
theclawthey get compiled on the fly?18:38
cjwatsonlinked, not compiled18:38
theclawI'm confused, why is that a problem? Why do the have to be linked on each boot-up?18:39
theclawdebian for example also offers nvidia-kernel packages in non-free18:39
theclawwhich I have to compile with module-assistant, but not on each boot-up18:40
cjwatsontherefore Debian is not distributing them pre-compiled and pre-linked18:40
theclawwhat's with http://packages.debian.org/etch/nvidia-kernel-2.6.18-6-686 for example?18:43
theclawthis package includes 'nvidia.ko'18:43
cjwatsonif they're distributing them, that's up to them, but note that Debian has considerably less money than Canonical and is not a significant lawsuit target18:43
theclawsorry, I guess I'm a bit annoying by now, but why don't just link them *once*?18:44
theclawUpon installing the package, for example18:45
theclawwouldn't this be okay, legally?18:45
cjwatsonI have no idea and am not particularly keen to investigate18:45
theclawthanks for your answers18:45
cjwatsonI don't think we should be putting significantly more effort into the organisation of the restricted modules than we do18:45
=== Daviey_ is now known as Daviey
theclawI have a another completely concern; (#ubuntu couldn't help me on that, I think developers have more clue about this issue):18:53
theclawI just moved from debian to ubuntu, I made a backup of my home-dir beforehand, and restored it; Now, gnome has "visual effects" (not compiz, in fact the compiz process isn't running at all)18:53
theclawWhen I create a new user with a "clean homedirectory", there aren't any such effects by default18:54
theclawit looks like those "composite"-effects18:54
theclaw(the window border is "shadowed", for example)18:54
theclaw(-for example, it's the only effect I notice)18:54
alex-weejupdated intrepid today for the first time since last weekend18:56
alex-weejand my .gtk-bookmarks file seemed to have reset.18:56
diogohi.... I need help from developers... I know that a part of Xorg has a problem with abnt2 br layout... how did ubuntu fixed it?18:56
alex-weejanyone know anything about this?18:56
alex-weejdiogo: try #ubuntu-x18:56
theclaw(got it; there's a gconf-option for using metacity as a composite manager; don't know how that ever got enabled)19:03
=== StooJ_ is now known as StooJ
* slangasek claims a 4-digit bug number, whee :)19:29
ion_slangasek: Had they used base-36 bug-IDs from the beginning, we’d be using 4-digit bug numbers up to the 1 679 615th bug. :-) https://blueprints.launchpad.net/malone/+spec/base-36-bug-ids19:33
* slangasek blinks19:35
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LaneyCan someone give me any advice as to the next step for getting security fixes uploaded after producing debdiffs? I'm referring to bug #23591521:27
ubottuLaunchpad bug 235915 in imlib2 "[CVE-2008-2426] imlib2 PNM and XPM buffer overflows" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/23591521:27
crimsunLaney: it's fine; the appropriate team is subscribed and will deal with it.21:45
Laneycrimsun: OK that's great. I wasn't sure of the procedure with sponsorship21:45
LaneyTghanks for the information21:45
ion_benc: Yay :-)22:35
=== evalles_ is now known as keffie_jayx

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